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A02621 The apology of Iohan Bale agaynste a ranke papyst anuswering both hym and hys doctours, that neyther their vowes nor yet their priesthode areof the Gospell, but of Antichrist. Anno Do. M.CCCCC.L. A brefe exposycyon also upo[n] the .xxx chaptre of Numerii, which was the first occasion of thys present varyaunce. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1550 (1550) STC 1275; ESTC S100596 145,229 320

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other wayes of pleasynge God but hys owne ydel inuēciōs The father of mercy and God of cōsolacion delyuer hys church from thys wycked blyndenes and reduce it againe into the way of right knowledge So be it ¶ Thus endeth the brefe exposicion vpon the. xxx chaptre of Numeri wyhch was the fyrst occasyon of thys present varyaunce Anno do M. D. L. ¶ The Table for thys boke ABbot of ● A ▪ bons begate a pope 126. Age of voweyng after Paule xl yeares Fol. 41. 87. 113. Albertus patryarke of Hierusalem Fo. 19. All the Apostles had wi●es 120. Ambrose teacheth hipocresy 74. Ambrose is a depe lyar 75. 120. Anantas and Saphtra no vowers 113. Angels of darkenesse are vowers 134. 147. Anna the w●fe of Helcana 29. Antichrist knowen hy hys fr●te● 46. 76. 86. 127. 134. 144. Apostles had wy●es 75. 119. 120 123. 148. Apostles what they were 122. Aristotles m●nde for dyffynyr●ons 26. A scoffer wyth hys pyllowe ●ere 122. Augustine had iii. conc●bines 13. Augustine refuseth author●●e 42 Augustine was not supersticious 85. B Basiliꝰ the eldar was a prest 114 Basil●us the yongar taught no vowes 115. Bedas agaynst vowes 46. 58. Begetters of childrō after presthode 124. 126. Bokes of Moyses fyue 16. Boke de bono ●iduitatis 38. Boyes praysed for vowes makynge 24. C Chaplayne confoundeth hymselfe 10● Chastyte vowed prospereth not Fol. 78. Chastyte in marriage 68. 99. 119. Chastyte is good and god●y and why 133. Christes spowsage declared 40. 85. Christ is our peace 61. Christ Ma●y H●e●emy and Iohan 94. Christe made no prestes 109. Church prymatyue had marryed mynysters 127. Circumducere ●ororem falsely interpreted 130. Cyrillus the Greke herem●te 19 Concordan̄ces of the Byb e. 18. Consecracions more than one 117. D Dam●nacion what it sygnyfyeth 87. 95. 137. Dauid b●ake hys vowe 47. 58. 107. Dauid was a vower and no preste 48. Dauids faith declared in vowes 149. Dauy the welche man voweth a candell 51. Deacons and prestes not all one 72. Dyfference of vowes and marryage 144. Dyffynycions of vowes 21. Dyssymulacyon taken for a vowe 113. Dystynccion of vowes 23 44 46 77 111 Dystyncciō of vowes and presthode 3. 8. 70. Dyuersyte of prestes 76 Doctours maynteynyng vowes fol. 12. Doctour Cole at Oxforde 124. E Epiphanius agaynste vowers Fol. 35. Erasmus iudgeth of Augustine 38. 135. Erasmus deceyued by H●erome Fol. 131. Errour in nombre 93. 95. 104. 113. 146. Errour most shamefull 103 Errours of a doccour 136. 138. Esseanes not allowed for vyrgyny●e 101. 146. Etheldrede and Edwarde vyrgynes 95. Example of a bower 11. Examples of Chastyte 34. Examples of them that marryed a●ter presthode 125. Exposycion of the. xxx chaptre of Numera 149. F Fable of a nunne by S. Augustyne 79. Face of the serpent 59. 98. Falshede of thys papy●● 39. 54. 82. 83. 115. 117. 126. Fea●e of trompet blowynge 54. 79. Fea●es of the Iewes dyuerse Fol. 55. Fryndes Plato Socrates 1● Frances made equall wyth God 22. Fryers monkes and prestes sor cerers 20. Fryer Mansuetus dyspenseth wyth vowes 143. G Glose preferred to the texte 73. Glottons preache o● abssynence Fol. 119. God abhorreth vowe makers Fol. 112. God only maketh thinges good Fol. 133. Gospell and lawe what they wurke 90. Gospels b●asp hemouse●y vsed Fol. 98. Gregory Hierome and Ambrose 12. Gregory is proued a lyar 116. Gro●nde in ioynynge scryptures 55. H Hebrues vowed and offered Fol. 8. 60. Heretykes agaynste marryage Fol. 101. 139. Hierome Ambrose and Gregory 12. Hierome taunteth marryage Fol. 128. Hierome blasphemeth the scriptures 129. H●●bebrand instituted vowers 5. 124. 133. 144. Honorable and holy is marryage 35. 145. Howe God compasseth and is not compassed 89. I Ignatius a byshop had a wyfe Fol. 123. 132. Ignoraunce of this papist 52. 72. 92. 120. 146. Impossyby●yte in vowes 4. 11. 33. Inchauntment or charme wenches 109. Iohā Baptist b●uldeth on Christ. 90. Iohan the Euangelist married 121. Iohan proued no vyrg●ne 121. Iohan Chrisostome maynteyneth no vowes 147. Iohan kynge of England 83. 142. Iohā Compson a doctour 101. Iohau Carton a chronicler 67. Iohā Sk●ysh a chronicler 143. Ione Swepestak at the bel 68 Isidorus against vowes 24. 46 Iulianus byshoppe of Tolete 85. 101. 146. K Kynges earnest in matters of relygyon 2. Kynge Iohans vowe broken 83. 142. Kynge of Englande dy scharged vowes 25. Kynges whych were ydell pylgrymes 141. L Lawe and Gospell what they wurke 90. Lawes of father husband 90 Leuites filthy vowers 35. Lothes wyfe for example 81. Lukes descripcion in storye 80. M Maniches are the papistes 104 Marryed after presthode 125. Marryage an ordre of chastite 64. 99. Marryage and virginite 12. 64 ▪ 99. 133. Marryage byspraised of Hierō 128. Marryage of Apostles and pro phetes 148. Markes dysciples were no vowers 117. Massing presthode what it is 4 Mentiri spiritui sancto what it is 116. Monkery whan and by whom it sprange 18. Monkery is a wythered plant 116. Monkysh rhetoryckes smelled out 15. 34. 58. 116. Moyses what he was 149 N Name of a prest to be abhorred 6. Names concernynge Christen ministers 6. 70. Nature of good and euyl 144 Nature of a promyse 10. Nazarei or abstayners 31. Nicolaus Gallus a wryrer 20. Numeri a boke of Moyses 17. 51. Nūnes marryages alowed 84. Nūnes marriages none aduoutiy 146. O Orders of monkery and presthode 23. Ordre of the scriptures cousonaunt 55. Ordre of chastite is marryage 64. 99. Ordres of presthode 3. 70. Ordre stucke mainteined 71. Orygynall of vowes 8. P Paphuutius dyffynyg chastyte 34. Popysh prest of Thornedō 68. Paule and Christ vnderstanded 65. 85. Paule led not hys wyfe abou● and why 130. Paulus terrius laye wyth hys doughter 68. Pelagyane an enemy to sayth 93. Peters vowe to be marked 12. Peter Paule and Philiyp had wyues 120. Philo describeth the church 118 Presbyter is an eldar and no preste 71. Preste of Melchisedech onelye Christ. 7. 71. 76. Prestes and women 38. 74. 81. 83. 113. Prestes borne are whoremongers 68. Prestes were no vowers 83. Presthode vowes what they are nowe 4. Presthode mockyng both Aarō and Christ. 8. Presthode now is only of Antichrist 109. Priapus of Rome knowen 113 Prima fides what it is 44. 87. 95. 137. Protession of friers 22. 28. Profession of prestes 28. Promyse of what nature it is 10. Q Questions resolued 9. 14. 51. 87. 95. 931. 133. R Remelius a monke was marryed 325. Rewarde for vowes keping 111 Ricardus de Media villa 22. 28. Robert Peche and Robert of Wynchestre gendryng prelates 126. Robries of this papist 42 Romysh prestes are know● 108 S Samuel was a prest 67. Shamfull shyftes of thys papyst 80. Syxe partes played at ones 4. Systre Christine sore vered 20. Swea●ynge and vowynge not all one 92. T Theodorus an aduoutrouse monke 147. Thomas of Aquine dyffyneth vowes 22. 33. Thomas Cantipratēsis a writer 20. Tratery proued in thys chaplayne 135. 140. Translation of the Byble 130. Truth
scriptures of the newe testamente The Apostles were no prestes but preachers no masmōgers but ministers of the Lordes communiō They made no newe sacrifyces but put the people in a perfyght remembraunce of one perfight sacrifice ones made for all They stode not at aulters wyth theyr backes to the multitude but out of the pulpet they turned theyr faces vnto them and syncerly taught them the doctrine of the Lord. The record which he taketh of Ignatius epistle to y ● Philadelphianes is a most shamefull lye as he doth handle it As that Timotheus Titus Clemens and such other Euodius is lefte out had neuer wyues bicause they were made prestes in virginite Ignatius speaketh not one wurd ther of a presthode but after the rehearsall of theyr names thys is his conclusion qui in castitate de vita exierunt which departed this life in chastite Wher is than y e cause why they had no wyues O beastly babler and prodigiouse lyar The clause whych foloweth next consoundeth hys whole practyse in thys matter and taketh clerely awaye the abatemēt of hys case Non detraho autem ceteris beatis qui nuptiis copulati fuerunt quorum nunc memini I hyndre not herein sayth he the other blessed mē whych were marryed and had wyues of whom I now ●ade mencion These were the Apostles elders deacōs alitle afore specified Opto enim Deo dignus ad vestigia eorum in regno ipsius inueniri sicut Abraham Isaac et Iacob sicut Ioseph et Esaias et ceteri prophete sicut Petrus et Paulus et reliqui Apostoli qui nuptiis fuerūt sociati Qui non libidinis causa sed posteritatis subrogande gratia coninges habuerunt My despre is sayth good Ignatius that I also as the feruaunt of God may be foūde in hys kyngdome worthely to folow their fotesteppes as ded Abraham Isaac and Iacob as ded Iosephe Esaias and the other prophets as ded also Peter Paule and the residue of y ● Apostles which were vndre yoke of marryage Whych all had wyues not for fleshly pleasure but for the continuaunce of succession Loo here doth thys holy martyr Ignatius beynge y t bysshop of Antioche nombre himselfe amōge them that had wyues as a marryed man and reporteth the blessed prophetes and Apostles to be marryed men This might not be touched of this proctour of Sodome and chaplayne of the deuyll For though it were a true christē doctryne and grounded vpon both the testamētes of God yet was it not for his gostly purpose Though holy Hierusalem ded alwayes allowe it for her godly citiezens yet coulde bawdy Babylon that cage of vnclēnesse synke of all synnefulnesse for her wycked shorlynges sorcerouse souldyours neuer abide it The craftes are not small nor the conueia●nces fewe that this enemy on euery side seketh out to driue his generacion from it and to make them abhorre it for the fylthy feates of Gomorra Now resteth he all vpon thys whan nothynge els wyll serue hys crafty inggelinnes That though the Apostles had wiues and though the byshops and ministers after them had wyues also yet married they not sayth he after they had receiued presthode Thys is a buyldynge wythoute a grounde and a very quarellynge of the temptyng serpent Wherunto I answere that thys is no good argument They ded not marry ergo they might not marri For why marryage was than fret for all kyndes of men by S. Paules doctryne Pro vitanda inquit scortatione suam quisque vxorem habeat Et qui se non continent nubant Melius est autem nubere quam vri For auoydynge fornicaciō sayeth he lete euery man haue hys wyfe And they that can not refrayne lete thē marry For better it is to marry than to burne i. Corin. vii Thys freedome is generall no kynde of men secluded Oportet episcopū irreprehensibilem esse vnius vxoris maritum A byshop muste be vnrebukable the husbande of one wyfe i. Timo. iii. Honorabile est inter ōnes con●●giū ac torus immaculatus Wedlocke is honorable amōg all sortes of men and the chambre vndefyled Hebre. xiii The worde of God hath sequestred noman from this lyberte neither yet mannys ordynaunce tyll the yeare of our Lorde a. M. lxxiiii Wherin Gregory the. vii otherwise called pope hyldebrand a fylthy sodometrouse mōke of ●lunyake made a wycked constituciō in the generall synode at Rome that none shuld frō thēce fourth be admytted to presthode vnlesse he were sworue neuer after to marrye And thus entred that execrable poysō and most dampnable mischefe by layser into all the christen nacions to make of our christianite a very Sodome This witlesse chaplaine dwelleth not alone in this most folish opiniō but he hath more fellowes For the last tyme I was at Oxforde it was tolde me of dyuerse learned men that one doctour Cole warden of the newe college ther shuld openly speake it that he neuer yet could read that ani mā after presthode married In thys he sheweth a great ignoraūce or els y t he hath bene vnwyllynge to fynde it For he that seketh shall easely finde I haue by my finall readynge found of that matter a great heape of examples and of them that begate children after theyr presthode an innumerable swarme but y t is not wayed of these gnatstraynynge and spyder weauing papistes Onely is it marryage that troubleth theyr whorysh orders for that maketh y ● blinde people not to recken them so holy as they haue done Lambertus Shafuaburgensis wryteth in his chronicle that Burchardus the prouoste of Tryere in Germany was marryed to the prince of the Russianes sister after hys presthode by dyspensacyon of pope helhounde Hildebrande I shulde say anon after prestes marriages were for bydden Loo se what moneye was able to do whan Gods lawes were ones put a backe Uolateranus in iiii libro Geographie reporteth y t Nicolaus Iustinianus a monke married Anne the daughter of Uitalis Duke of Uenys after his presthode by dispensaciō of Adrian the. iiii An Englyshe man The byshoppe of Siracusa had also a wyfe Huttenus sayth Gaguinus in libro iii. de gestis francorum sayth that one Daniel a prest was constitute kynge of fraunce and marryed by dyspensacion lyke as one Constans a monke of Wynchestre ded here in Englande amonge the Brytaynes and Ethelnolphus amonge the Englyshe kynges whych had bene byshoppe of Winchestre Roger Houeden sayth and had iiii sonnes by hys wyfe Osburga whych all were kynges after hym Iacobus Mayer in Chronicis flādrie sheweth that Petrus Elsatius the byshop of Cameryck marryed Leonor the countesse of Niuerne by dispensacion Robertus de monte Michaelis in opere chronicorum sayth that Remelius a monke was made kynge of Arogone and marryed a wyfe called Mawde after hys presthode by difpensacion Achilles Gossarus wytnesseth in hys Epitome of Chronicles that Colomānus the
byshop of Uaradyue was by dyspensacion made kynge of Hungary of purpose to haue issue Iacobus Guisianus testifieth in annalibus Hannome that Bochardus Auenēsis a great beneficed prest marryed Margarete Baldwynes daughter that emperour of Coustantinople Polidorus Uergilius in libro xx Angliee historie telleth that Iohan the bastarde sonne of kynge Ferdinandus beynge a Cistrane monke married Philip Iohan of Gaūtes daughter that was than duke of Lancastre after hys presthode and was made kinge of Portingale Albertus Crantus in sua Dania sheweth that Canutus a mōke of the ordre of Clunyake had by dispensacion a wyfe for moneye so had the good abbot of Readyng here in England Aldewyn had a daughter beynge byshoppe of Durham whom Utred the Earle of Northumberlande dysdayned not afterwarde to marry Ex chro Dunelmēsis monachi Hieronymus Squarzaphicus reporteth in vita Petrarch that Franciscus Petrarcha a cannon of Padua archedeacon of Parma had one Laureta to wyfe by the graunte of Benedict the. xii Henricus Agrippa in hys declamacion aduersus Louanienses maketh menciō of a Cardinall whom the byshop of Rome permitted to take a wyfe in marryage that he myghte haue children to possesse his inherytaunce Iohānes Bertandus in iii. libro de cognatione S. Iohannis Baptiste declareth the ordre for Cardynalles and byshoppes wiues by the rules of Pa●ormitanus and of Iohannes Andreas whych was a prestes sonne I can not thynke that Alwynus the byshop of Wynchestre had any dyspensacion whan he laye wyth Emma S. Edwardes mother bycause she ded penaunce Lete these examples suffyse tyll more come And as touchinge those which abhorred matrymony yetin theyr presthode had store of chyldren besydes these ix adulterouse byshoppes and abbotes that Gregorius Turonensis maketh mencion of in the. x. bokes of hys storyes and a greate nombre more in other authours Our Englyshe chronicles telleth that an abbot of S. Albo●s begate pope Adriane y t fourth Robert the abbot of Winchestre begate byshop Herbert of Norwyche and Robert Peche the bishopp of Chestre and Lychefelde begate Rychard Peche archedeacon of Couentre and afterwarde bysshop of the same dyocese Bycause the nōbre is vnreasonably greate of thys sorte of prestes begettyng chyldren in theyr presthode wythout marryage therfor Iompt them for length tyll suche tyme as the seconde and thyrde part of my Englysh votaries come foreward which wyll be god wyllynge out of hande Neuer sawe I this chaplaine yet allege hys doctours without falsehede craft and lyes as thoughe the name of the doctoure were able to authoryse a lye Nowe bryngeth he fourth S. Hierome agaynst Iouynian and reporteth hym to say that in the necessyte of the primatiue churche marryed mē beyng sober learned were exalted come downe I say to presthode But prestes he sayth beynge called in virginite neuer descended downe to marriage neyther any man after the seconde marryage was euer called to presthode And all thys he reporteth hym to speake very playnely The sayenge of Hierome is thys in hys fyrst boke against Iouinyan Eliguntur mariti in sacerdotium non nego quia nō sunt tanti virgines quanti necessarij sunt sacerdotes Num quid quia in exercitu fortissimus eligendus est idcirco non assumētur et infirmiores cum omnes fortes esse non possint Marryed men are chosen to presthode I deny it not for ther are not so many maiden men as nede requyreth prestes Bicause that the stronger mē are to be chosen into an hoste shall not the weaker therfor be taken seynge all can not be of lyke strength And thys is all pertainynge to that purpose Now conferre the one wyth the other and see the beastlynesse of thys bragger Here is no exaltynge or prankynge vp aloft named neyther yet any seconde marryage condemned I woulde that both he and hys Hierome shuld well know it that the church was neuer stronger better nor perfyghter than whā it had sober discret and learned marryed men for mynysters The primatiue churche was in moch lesse necessyte hauynge them than was the churche in Hieromes tyme wyth her prestes in vyrgynyte For that church knewe neuer of so many superstycyons and lecheryes These lofty vyrgines were neuer lyke Mary whyche threwe her vyrgynite to the grounde Luke i. Christ wylled hys dyscyples to be lowly and not hygh Math. xi to be seruauntes and no lordes to be ministers and no maisters Luke xxii Be not as lordes in the cōgregacion sayth S. Peter but shewe an example of lowlynes and meekenesse to the flocke i. Pet. v. Thys hawty speaking of your Hierom and yow sauereth of that Antichrist which exalteth hym selfe aboue all that is called God ii Thessa. ii As for your presthode ye maye both wype your tayles therwyth for any good grounde it hath of the scryptures Here is it praysed for so holy and hygh a degre as maye not come downe and be dystayned wyth marryage as thoughe marryage were but a vyle iakes in comparyson therof Yet as touchynge the seconde and thyrde marryage the said Hierome saith in y t same boke Duotiescunque vxor moritur toties ducēda est alia ne fornicemur Dui secundas tertiasque nuptias cōcessit in domino primas cum ethnico prohibet As often as one wyfe dyeth so oft may an other be marryed that we fall not to lechery For he that graunteth the seconde and thyrde marryages in the Lorde forbyddeth the fyrst wyth an vnfaythfull mā for it is wythout the Lorde Also in hys Apology to Panmachius agaynst the sayed Iouinian Aperiant queso aures obtrectatores mei vt videant me secundas et tertias unptias concessisse in domino Qui secundas et tertias nō damnaui primū potui damnare matrimonium Concedit Apostolus secundas nuptias sed volentibus et his que se continere non possunt I desyre that my deprauers maye open theyr eares wyde and that they maye well perceyue me to graunt the seconde and thyrd marriages in the Lorde Coulde I than whych haue admytted the seconde and thyrd condempne the fyrst marryage The Apostle frely graunteth thē to those that wyll and that can not otherwyse refrayne In an other place also Erubescat calūniator meus dicēs me prima damnare matrimonia quādo legit Non damno digamos immo nec trigamos ei si dici potest octogamos Habeat cui libet octa●●m maritum et esse desinat prostituta Lete him which wrongfully accuseth me be ashamed in reporting me to condempne the fyrst marryages I condempne not them that hath bene twyse marryed neyther yet thē whych hath bene thrise maried nor if it might be said y ● hath bene viii tymes marryed Lete her that liketh it haue the viii husband hardely and not make her selfe commen to euery man Now wyll I saye my mynde and conscience concerninge this Hierome I haue ouerloked hys ii