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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22523 Charles, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c., to all to whom these presents shall come greeting whereas wee by our commission vnder our great seale of England ... haue giuen power and authoritie vnto our commissioners therein named ... England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1630 (1630) STC 8949; ESTC S3771 3,725 1

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C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE CHARLES by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To all to whom these presents shall come greeting Whereas wee by our Commission vnder our great Seals of England bearing date with these presents haue giuen power and authoritie vnto our Commissioners therein named or mentioned or any two or more of them amongst other things to grant Licence and Licences to such fit person and persons as shall haue occasion to trauell beyond the Seas and which shall be desirous to goe forth of this Kingdome at our Port of our Citie of Br●stoll or at any other Port Hauen or Creeke betweene our said Citie of Bristoll and Bewmawrice or at the Port of Bewmaurice or at any other Port Hauen or Creeke between Bewmawrice and our Citie of Chester or at the Port of Chester or at any other Port Hauen or Creeke betweene our Citie of Chester and Leuerpool● or at our Port of Leuerpoole or at any other Port Hauen or Creeke betweene Leuerpoole and Workington and before their going forth to examine them of their names and surnames and the place of their birth and abode their state degrée vocation trade mystery or occupation and the true cause or causes of their going ouer together with the place or places wither they intend or are to goe and the time that they intend or are like to stay and tarry before their returne and all other questions that in the discretions of our said Commissioners according to the occasions they should thinke fit of All which persons and their answeres in the poynts afore-said or what else in the discretions of our said Commissioners should be thought fit to be demanded of them and of the time of their passage Our will was that our Commissioners should cause an orderly and per●●ct entry to bee made into a booke by such Clerke or Clerks as wee had nominated or appointed or should nominate and appoint thereunto vnder our Great Seals of ●●gland or his or their deputie or deputies which booke might be extant vpon all occasions as by our said Commission amongst diuers other things therein contained more at large it doth and may appeare Now know yée that wée to the end this our pleasure may be the better executed we doe hereby authorize and of Our e●●eciall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion haue willed ordayned constituted and granted and by these presents for vs our Heires and Successors doe will ord●●● constitute and grant that for euer hereafter there shall be one certaine Office to be called and termed as hereafter in these presents is in that behalfe mentioned and expressed And we doe hereby for vs our Heires and Successors erect create and make an Office to be and be called the Office of Clerke of vs our Heyres and Successors for writing and entring of Licences and passes to bee granted by any Commissioners to any persons going out of this Realme from the Port of B●●●●●●l B●wm●●r●c● Chester and Leuerpoole And that for euer hereafter there be and shall be one or more officer or officers by vs our Heyres and Successors from time to time nominated constituted and appointed which shall be and shall be called the Clerke or Clerkes of vs our Heyres and Successors for writing and entring of Licences and passes to be granted by any Commissioners to any persons going out of this Realme from the Ports of Bristoll Bewmawrice Che●ter and Leuerpoole And our further will and pleasure is and we doe hereby for vs our Heyres and Successors ordaine and appoint that the said officer and officers do from time to time by vs our Heyres and Successors to be named and appointed and none other person and persons whatsoeuer by himselfe or themselues or his or their sufficient Deputy or Deputies shall haue the writing Registring and entring into seuerall bookes firmely bound and made vp of the names and surnames place of birth and abode state degree vocation trade mystery and occupation of all and euery persons or persons which by vertue of our Commission aforesaid or any other Commission or Commissions hereafter to bee made or granted to the same or like purpose shall be licensed or permitted to passe out of this Realme at the aforesaid Port of Bristoll or at any other Port Hauen or Creeke betweene B●istoll and Bewmawrice or at the Port of Bewmawrice or at any other Port Hauen or Creeke betweene Bewmawrice and Chester or at the Port of Chester or at any other Port Hauen or Creeke between our Cities of Chester and Leuerpoole or at the Port of Leuerpoole or at any other Port Hauen or Creeke betweene Leuerpoole and Workington aforesaid and the causes of their going ouer together with the place or places whither they intend to goe and the time that they intend and are like to stay and tarry before their returne and other their answeres in the premises together with the passes themselues And because it is requisite that the said Officer or Officers their Deputie and Deputies should haue some conuenient recompence for their labour care and paines to be bestowed and taken in the execution of the said Office wherein our Princely care so farre extendeth it selfe as that we will not any of our Subjects bee vnduely exacted vpon Wee doe therefore hereby for vs our Heyres and Successors ordaine constitute and grant that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Officer and Officers and his and their Deputie and Deputies to demand take and receiue for the execution of the said Office and for his and their paines and labour to be taken in the premises of euery person who shall p●sse beyond the Seas as aforesaid the fee reward or somme of sixe pence and hath heretofore v●ually beene taken for the like and not in any sort to exceed the same K●ow yee also further that we for the better execution of this our will and pleasure reposing trust and confidence in the fidelity diligence vnderstanding and discretion of our wel-beloued Subjects Patricke Craford and Mathew Birkenhead Gentlemen Of our especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion haue giuen and gran●ed and by these presents for vs our Heyres and Successors do giue and grant vnto the said Patricke Craford and Mathew Bi●kenhead the said Office of Clerks of vs our Heyres and Successors for writing and entring of Licences and Passes to be granted by any Commissioners to any persons going out of this Realme from the Por● of B●●stoll Bewmaw●●ce Chester and Leuerpoole And them the said Patricke Craford and Mathew Birkenhead the first and present Clerke and Clerkes of vs our Heyres and Successors for writing and entring of Licences and passes to be granted by any Commissioners to any persons going out of this Realme from the Ports of B●●st●●l Bewmaw●●ce Chester Leuerpoole and Workington to do and execute all things in manner aforesaid to the said Office belonging or appertaning