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A77067 The labyrinth the kingdom's in: with a golden threed to bring it forth into light, liberty, and peace agen. Being a brief but impartial history of the good and evil of the former, later, and present power of the nation, as it relates to God and the people. The result is a plea for the restauration of all in Christ (the kingdoms rest,) who is expected to appear more in the present, then in any former power of the nation. / By R. Bacon, a lover of mankinde. Bacon, Robert, M.A. 1649 (1649) Wing B369; Thomason E541_26; ESTC R204342 33,585 52

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they sink again into it This their way is their folly which too is made manifest sooner or later yet their posterity they that come after them in power and place approve their sayings see a delight in their mouth as it is in the margin they have as it were one mouth and are in effect the same in a new and another seeming better disguise the same Spirit appearing in another form one evil generation and power of men opposing another Sect. 9 The Lord therefore rebuke the evil Spirit that seeks to undoe deceive and misguide the Army into those courses that may any way tend to shut up the way of men to Christ their Savior who is pretended to be among them more then among other people and those that went before them that it may be said of this King I mean not either King Charls whose person yet I loved and prayed for or as the Country people speak King Fairfax or Cromwell but King Jesus a King that is a Saviour and in that he is a Saviour a King for every one worthy of the name honor and title of a King is a Saviour a Saviour not only of his friends but his very Enemies King Charls would indeed have saved his friends so but corruptly called but he being corrupt and ignorant of the true pattern Christ would fain have destroyed his indeed but supposed Enemies let not the present Kingly power of the Nation in the Army for there it is interpretatively and by way of Execution let not them dance after his pipe and do the thing he did and have since condemned him for that is to say Let not them be the Saviours of their friends only or men of one side this is not the true Spirit of Christ or of Government but let them even be Saviours to and of those yea even of those that would in their ignorance and unbelief have destroyed them This is truly noble Christian and worthy of men of high place and power let them be a Sanctuary of rest to all even the persons of all Roundheads and Cavaliers yet withall standing as a Cherubin of light right truth life peace and glory to keep the way of that tree of Life a true Christian Magistracy form'd according to the pattern in the Mount whereby may be opened unto men that long expected and looked for paradise of Truth and Peace meeting together and giving rest to the Nation and that no thing or person may be admitted that may bring any evil into it for the defilement and disturbance of it Sect. 9 This this is the business the present power have to doe being reserved and kept as in the secret of God to such a time and purpose as this that they might evidence to all both friends and foes that there is indeed such a presence of Christ and the true anointing among them they have all this while held the world in hand with that it may be said of this Presence even of this Anointing among you this King in the Army to the whole Nation on the one side and on the other none excluded from the grace and benediction of it behold a King God himself in Spirit shall reign in righteousnesse and Princes for such are the children of the true Church in all lands shall rule in Judgment that is to say not ignorantly and in the dark not knowing what they doe as the manner of the Rulers of the earth is being drunk with Error they stumble in Judgment then shall a man that is to say every one that lives in the heavenly MAN be for an hiding place what to one sort of men only that 's Jewish a course that hath undone us all this while but to every man though to the evil or lust of no man a hiding place I say from the wind and a covert from the Tempest as the rivers of water in a dry place such is for certain the state of the Royall party and in the next place the Presbyters and many others that are bitter and grieved in Spirit in one word as the shadow of a great rock in a weary Land which how welcom it is in a Land of drought as this Nation is in respect of peace and rest they know that have been by experience sensible of the one and other By this it would appear to all the world that you have skill not onely to kill and to destroy which hath been your work for the most part hitherto but that you have heard and learned of the Father of mercies how to save which is that one and onely thing the whole Kingdom is in expectation of from you that it may be said of you Saviours not destroyers are come up upon Moun Sion the true seat and place of Government to judge the Mount of Esau that is to say the evill of all men by the spirit of judgement and by the spirit of burning Let the Kingdom and all in it first taste of your good that is to say your mercy meeknesse forbearance seeking not your own but others profit even the profit of your very opposers whereby you wli lindeed appear to be of the onely true Royall bloud even of the seed Royall of God and Christ himself say yea you have much more cause to say of your selves then Saul had to say of himself in the first day of his power when the people came and clamoured in the ears of Samuel as the people of England so call'd have of late in the ears of the Army immoderately and to excesse to have justice not divine justice for they know not most of them what that means upon the person of the King saying Who is he of the King or Parliament's side that said or shall say Shall Saul reigne over us Shall the Army power prevail over all sorts of men in the Land as you know there is much murmuring Bring the men that we may put them to death Let Saul's Answer be yours I confesse you pretend to a conformity to a better pattern David who though he were annointed to succeed Saul against whom there is no question but David might have had as much to say as you have had against Charles Stuart late in title King of England yet David your pattern abhorred the thought of taking away his life as you also according to the grounds of true Christian Religion ought the forenamed and late King And Saul said There shall not a man be put to death this day for to day the Lord hath wrought salvation in Israel Let not your morning glory the glory you seek be stained with the blood of any especially the blood of war in the time of peace be not so hasty hot and violent in condemning the Powers went before you before your right●ousnesse integrity innocency honesty ability impart●●l●●y and bowels of mercy pity and compassio● toward the p●● and f●the●●ss be justified on all hands to be of a nature exceeding the pretence of others Let the
THE LABYRINTH the KINGDOM 's in With a golden threed to bring it forth into Light Liberty and Peace agen BEING A brief but impartial History OF THE Good and Evil of the former later and present Power of the Nation as it relates to GOD and the PEOPLE The Result is a Plea for the Restauration of all in Christ the Kingdoms Rest who is expected to appear more in the present then in any former Power of the Nation By R. BACON a Lover of Mankinde Obsequium amicos veritas odium parit Terent. 1 Pet. 4.6 For this cause the Gospel is preached to them that are dead that they might be judged according to men in the flesh but saved according to God in the spirit Gal. 2. If I build again the things I have destroyed I make my self a transgressor LONDON Printed in the Year M.DC.XLIX TO THE High Court of Iustice so called Light and Truth Mercy and Peace Right honorable YOu are in your present proceedings a shadow and but a shadow of good things to come not the very things themselves not he that should come we are yet to look for another even Christ himself the true anointing that shall not as you judg according to the seeing of the Eye and hearing of the Ear but he shall do righteous Judgment upon you as well as others I mean not upon King Charles for All but King Lucifer in All King Parliament Army All. This is and hath been the King of the bottomless pit who hath let in all manner of devils into the Nation to be the torment and trouble of it his name is therefore in the Hebrew tongue ABADDON but in the Greek tongue hath his name APOLLYON and is indeed the great Destroyer of all Good in You and the whole Kingdom I give my vote to the slaughter of this King I have but two things more to say to You and say it I may I hope without offence for I intend none neither do I say it after or to serve or please men but God as they said to Christ By whose Authority do you do these things or who gave you this Authority or as Christ said to them of John Is it from heaven or of men If You say it is of men then you your selves are witnesses against your selves that you tread in the steps i. e. are living in the same principle of those that went before you and do as they did judg that evil in others which you have not yet overcome in the principle of it in your selves Let therefore he that is among you without this fault throw the first stone But if you say it is from Heaven let it appear by your doing the works of your father which is in heaven This we will beleeve when we shall see you do that which none others did before you that is to say when you shall do good for evil not only love those that love you but those too not their evil that hate you and despitefully use you Let your rain of goodness descend and your Sun of righteousness shine upon the Just for their Justification and the unjust for their Clarification and Restoration Then shall we set to our seal that you are that you expect to be * As Cyrus was said to be The Christ of God the anointed of the Lord for the saving healing and restoring of the Land to which God and all good men say Amen The aberrations from and the walking after the light of this star this anointing by King Parliament Army is the subject of this Discourse with all Christian submission put into your hands By R. BACON Who in his sphere seeks the good of all The Labyrinth the Kingdom is in With a golden Threed to bring it forth into LIGHT LIBERTY and PEACE agen Being an impartial History of the Good and Evil of the former later and present Power of the Nation as it relates to God and the People CHAP. I. Of the height and fall of the King and his Party together with the cause and manner how THe King of England Scotland France and Ireland so is his title at least so it was in times past being through Flattery Oppression Superstition Ignorance and the like lifted up in himself and over the Nation and all orders and estates of men and consciences therein yea above all that was or is truly called God among men so that he said in his heart and all that were heightned by and took up their rest in this great and tall Cedar as some●ime the King of Assyria did I will ascend above the heights of the cloude I will be like the most high that is as wise as strong as great as he Or as did that other great and mighty Poter●ate we read of in Daniel reflecting upon his own glory and the works of his own hands boasted himself before God and men saying interpretatively and in the account of both Is not this great Babel which I have built for the honor of my Majesty for the spreading of my glory and for a lasting rest and tabernacle to me and mine to all future ages § 2. No sooner was this thus in his ignorance of God gone forth of the mouth of him and his but there apeared written upon the wall of this his and their so great but carnal Confidence by the invisible and irresistible hand of God which only then and now the Daniels of the Kingdom were able to read and interpret MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN This is now not only Prophetically but that which is come to pass easily to be interpreted by every one that passeth by or goeth in and out this Kingdom so that every man may see and understand this to be the interpretation of the thing or hand writing Mene God hath numbred thy Kingdom taken a note of all the particular vanities follies cruelties therein and finished it in respect of the glory pride and vanity it now is and hath been in Tekel Thou art weigh●d in the ballances of God and man and art found too light Peres divisit God hath divided it from thee and thee from it or divided it into several peeces and smaller parts and parcels so that one hath one part and another hath another First the Irish take one peece then the Scots take another and the English take the last or rather the first and best and they too divide it among themselves and strive who shall have the better part or the whole of it Sect. 3. Thus the King in this way and confidence of his and those that had stretched themselves with him upon this bed of rest which they have now found by woful experience is too short for them I say he and they have found that come upon them at the Call and Command of God which sometime the Land of Judah did yea that very voyce of God hath thundered in their ears houses and among their friends and estates as sometime did among that people and that in these
that it may be said to them by those that were in the pit before them as it was by those that were in the like case to Babylon and the King thereof Isa 14.10 when he came into the like condition with them Art thou also become weak as we are art thou become like unto us thy pomp is brought down to the grave and the noise of thy viols is ceased the worm Jacob is spread under thee and the worms such as thou hast despised cover thee that thou hast no glory left Thus this party and being but a party and for themselves seeking the possession of all lost all the bed of rest intended by them proving too short not onely for others but themselves so that they are now as well as others cast out to the loathing of their person and shaking of the head of all against them the very by-word of the people and so cast into the furnace out of which many of them may come forth pure and refined gold which I beseech God to grant and bring to passe Sect. 6 The third part this City the old Parliament was broken and fallen into would be Independent at least in respect of the two former and therefore though they would not come into the bed of rest made ready or at least preparing and endeavoured by the other two as protesting against the defilement of both yet many of them had in their hearts according to their pattern in New England though it was not policy for the present to professe it to make themselves the onely Sarah or Mistris and to cast out al others as Agar and not at all as the Wife and Spouse of God yea in effect they openly declare it though afterwards they saw a necessity of being of another minde for they look'd upon the Presbyterian Church as an adulterous woman and were loth to have any society with her or almost any of her Assemblies as accounting them not in a capacity to be communicated with Yet in many their opposition against them was but to break open a way whereby the Serpents head in them might have more certain hope of rest then in the former being now much more transformed into an Angel of light then before And therefore lest the tail of Anabaptists and Sectaries so in their own account should prejudice their acceptance with their elder sister they to please and sooth the one openly and before the Sun disavowed the other in their Apologeticall Narration These neither being but a party and mostly for themselves were rather the vexation of the former then the expectation of the meek and quiet in the Land to receive rest and freedom by them Sect. 7 Thus we see of all the children the Kingdom hath yet brought forth whether Royall and Episcopall Parliamentary Presbyters or Independents as such none have been able to take her by the hand as Joshuah to lead her into the land of expected rest and freedom they all though English men going into remote parts as sometimes King Ahaz did to take the pattern of the Altar they intended to worship God by The Royallists seek for as being enamoured with the old and new Hierarchy of Rome and England The Presbyterians were no lesse taken with that of Scotland And the Jndependents as much as either with that of Holland and New-England So that no side having seen the pattern in the Mount which is Christ in the spirit as Moses did they all not knowing what was become of him since ascended make together a murmuring in the camp or chief Assembly in our English Israel the Parliament crying out to their severall Aaronical Priests among them Come mak● us gods to go before us for as for this Moses Christ since ascended upon high we know not what is become of him But he is now come upon them as a thief in the night of their blinde zeal and ignorance and there shall not a man of them escape the sword of his justice So that there is none of the old Parliament as such whether Episcopal Presbyterian or Independent but as they have all drank of and been drunk with Babylons golden cup so they have and do and will yet more taste of her plagues yea their torment shall be to be tormented day and night in the presence of the holy Angels that are sent in truth from God and in the presence of the Lamb the meek King of the holy meek and quiet in the Land The light that shines now in the evening of the late Parliamentary glory so that in this darknesse there shines forth this light unto them to lead them forth of the wildernesse they are in to the Land flowing with milk and honey that is to say the true Mount Sion where is the Lamb and all those with his Fathers name on their fore-heads harping with their harps and singing that new song which none but those that are redeemed from among men could learn even those and onely those in whose mouth there is found no guile for they are without fault before the throne of God To this rest shew them O Lord the way CHAP. X. Where of the Armie 's hopefull but difficult rise their successefull victorious progresse the cloud of reproach they lay and acted under their breaking forth in open light and glory their sinking again into the Earth their rising again with cautions reprehensions directions given them Sect. 1 IN the last place I shall set down the state of the top power of the Nation as it is for the time present I mean the Army for a power above them there is not visible in the Land Concerning which I shall observe first the day of their small mean and low beginning and how they came to this height of power and regiment over the whole Land The Parliament in all their former power policy Armies grew weak and withered as a dry tree and were indeed in respect of good like the dry parched ground yet because God had not forgotten to be gracious or left off his merci●● which were of old he causeth the earth to bring forth truth whiles righteousnesse looks down from heaven both which meeting and kissing each other in a company of honest and plain-hearted Christian men many of them having much of the true annoynting upon them they are modelled by a divine hand into another new and distinct Army from all the rest and are indeed as it is said of the Branch of righteousnesse men wondred at by all yea feared and suspected as well of friends as foes not onely their enemies abroad but even their very friends and fautors at home insomuch that this Hercules was very like to have been strangled in the womb or cradle at their very first setting forth and contriving but that there was of the seed and strength of God among them that there could be no divination against them nor inchantment against this new supplanter for J●cob is their name These come forth into an Army