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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72210 The race celestiall, or, A direct path to heauen by Henry Greenvvood, maister of arts and preacher of the word of God. Greenwood, Henry, b. 1544 or 5. 1609 (1609) STC 12335.3; ESTC S5239 32,701 98

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of Gods permission and by beléeuing most assuredly his promises concerning our deliuerance Hope is exercised in affliction by assuring our selues of the rewards promised to all those that suffer patiently Loue is exercised in affliction by considering the loue of Christ in suffering for vs and thereby we are prouoked to suffer for him againe Obedience is exercised in affliction by conforming our wils to the will of Christ saying with Christ Not as we will but as thou wilt ô Lord God of hosts Patience is exercised in affliction by suffering quietly willingly and chéerefully and by welcomming them sent of God for our good Humility is exercised in affliction by abasing our selues in the sight of God acknowledging that they are but as flea-bitings in respect of the torments of hell which by our lewd liues for euermore we haue deserued Fiftly the Lord suffereth vs to be afflicted in this world that the greatnesse of his power and the in●initenes of his mercy might be shewne in the deliuery of vs. We reade in the Gospell of Iohn that the Apostles hauing asked our Sauiour the reason why the man was borne blind he answereth them Not for his fathers nor for his owne sinne but that the workes of God should be shewne on him From which we may truly gather thus much namely that the man was borne blind especially to this end that our Sauiour might haue occasion to shew the greatnesse of his power in curing him Againe in the same gospel we reade that Lazarus died to this end that God might be glorified in raising him from death The wonderfull power of the Lord was shewne in the deliuery of the thrée children from fire of Ionas from drowning by the Whale of Susanna from death by Daniel of Daniel from the Lyons by his owne immediate power of Eliah from staruing by the rauens and of our most gratious souereigne Lord King Iames from the sword in Scotland and from the powder-treason in England by his extraordinary fauour and wonderfull loue which he had to this his gratious seruant which the Lord in mercy vouchsafe vnto him and his royall progeny for euermore Thus the Lord bringeth men into déepe afflictions that his power might be shewne in bringing them out againe Dominus deducit ad inferos reducit i. The Lord bringeth to hell and bringeth backe againe to great afflictions and out of them againe Vna eademque manus vulnus opemque tulit The same hand that woundeth the same hand cureth Vulnerat medetur percutit sanum reddit i. He maketh the wound and bindeth it vp he smiteth his hand maketh whole So that howsoeuer many are the troubles of the righteous in their iourney to heauen yet the Lord powerfully in his good time deliuereth them out of all if he séeth it best for their good otherwise suffering for the testimony of the truth and the glory of his name they shall change this life for a better Thus haue I somwhat largely spoken of afflictions both in regard of their necessity as they cannot be shifted of any that runne in the way of godlinesse as also in regard of their conueniency being more helpe then hinderance in this spirituall iourney that so we may make good vse of them when it shall please the Lord to send them And thus much shall suffice for this third point namely for perseuerance in this course of godlinesse beséeching the Lord of his goodnesse to giue vs grace that we may not shrinke backe for feare of afflictions but wade through with patience holding out in this race to the end of our race So runne that ye may obtaine The third thing in order to be spoken of is praemium promissum i. the promised reward but before I enter into the handling thereof one thing necessarily must be obserued and that worthy of annotation The Apostle saith not here Seeme so to runne that ye may obteine or make an outward shew of running but. So runne that ye may obteine In which spéech he excludeth all hypocrisie and banisheth all counterfeit godlinesse from this Christian race For in this visible Church there are many that outwardly professe Christ but inwardly serue Belial Christians in name but reprobates in déede Saints in shew but diuels in conuersation Many hypocrites there are like painted sepulchres dissembling pharisées faire without but foule within lambes in apparition but wolues in condition Ones habitu as saith S. Bernard vulpe● actu crudeli●ate lupi i. Shéepe in shew foxes in déed and wolues in cruelty Mente sub agnina latitat mens saepè lupina i They haue lambes skins but wolues harts Yea howsoeuer they séeme to be members of Christs body courteous and kind to the stocke of Iesus zealous louers and earnest embracers of the sincere milke of the word running in the path of true godlinesse yet neuerthelesse they are a generation of vipers of whom the Euangelist speaketh ready to sucke out the very heart-blood of the saints of God and rend them in péeces like rauening wolues they haue mel in ore fel in corde i. Hony in their mouths but gall in their hearts sugred words to intrap but poysoned hearts to torment carying themselues like Iudas who saluted his maister with a kisse hauing the poyson of Aspes lying vnder his lips For Quando bonum ore faris mala corde tamen meditaris oscula quae Domino Iudas dedit haec mihi tu das i. When men speake well and thinke ill their kindnesse is treason as was the kisse of Iudas And of all other enmities in the world this is the greatest as saith Cassiodorus Grauissimum inimicitiae est genus corde aduersarios linguae simulare deuotos i. This is a most grieuous kind of enmity when men pretend much loue in tongue and beare much more malice in heart These cursed hypocrites these dissembling helhounds and these venemous vipers are the very pictures of the diuell and liuely representations of the old serpent for as the diuell lyeth coggeth counterfeiteth and dissembleth so do these The subtil serpent pretended great kindnesse to our first parents counselling them to eate of the forbidden fruit that so they might sée and be as gods but he intended their euerlasting destruction so these crafty foxes séeme to be charitable Christians and to giue good counsell wheresoeuer they become but yet they denoure widows houses and that vnder colour of long prayers The subtill serpent séemeth to be an Angell of light but yet he is a diuell of darknesse fettered with the chaines of euerlasting darknesse So these apes of the diuell do beare an outward shew of holinesse and purity yet they are wels without water and cloudes caried about with euery tempest to whom the blacke darknes is reserued for euer These hypocriticall mocke-gods may fitly be compared to Idols for as an Idoll hath an outward shape of a