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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18764 A scourge for rebels wherin are many notable seruices truly set out, and thorowly discoursed of, with euerie particular point touching the troubles of Ireland, as farre as the painfull and dutiful seruice of the Earle of Ormound in sundrie sortes is manifestfestly [sic] knowen. Written by Thomas Churchyard Gentleman. Churchyard, Thomas, 1520?-1604. 1584 (1584) STC 5255; ESTC S105092 11,611 24

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enemies at aduantage but howsoeuer he chaunced to finde them he fortunately suppressed their pride and followed the faithful course and forme of a most noble captaine And because it shalbe seene to the worlde orderly what heedid herein shal bee set downe the matter place and time of a part of his honourable seruices to the intent it shall not dwell in forgetfulnesse and to encourage other noble personages in doing their countrey good to treade the steppes of the noble Earle of Ormound I remembring his forwardnes in the young king Edwards dayes with whom he was brought vp and the charge he had of some horsemen in Queene Maries raigne against Rebels in England haue called in like manner to minde the seruice hee did against the Omoores and the Oconnors in their rebellion of Ireland also the ouerthrowing of Dunloghe Oswilleuane Moores chiefest house is woorthie note for it was in time of Rebellion with other ordinary seruices that alwaies did testifie that this Earle was a sharpe scourge to Rebels And to proue that his daily desire thirsted after noble enterprises for the punishment of malefactors he serued chargeably and in no little daunger on his owne proper coste and expence with two hundred footemen and fiftie horsemen in Ulster the North parte of Irelande against Iohn Oneale who was in open action of rebellion manie and sundrie seasons In the like manner all on his own charge he serued against the scot called Iames Maconell in Ulster whose force he ouerthrewe to the number of two thousand men and in the ende droue the scot to flye away Then hauing charge of Thomounde by vertue of the Queenes highnes commission hee tooke all the Castles and ho●●es thereof in spite of the Earle of Thomounde who was in rebellion slue diuers of his men and brought others of them to submission compelling the Earle himselfe for safegarde of his life to flie into Fraunce where hee remayned vntill her Maiestie on her meere clemencie pardoned his life and restored his landes The Earle of Thomoundes mother notwithstanding was Aunt to the Earle of Ormounde which shewes that neither respect of blood nor friendship could hinder any peece of dutiful seruice In another greate seruice the Earle of Ormound hearing that Desmound went about to annoy Syr Maurice fitz Gerralt late vicount of the Desies he raised a power and mette Desmounde in the fielde gaue him battaile at Athmanie slue fiue hundred of his men tooke himselfe captiue and sente him into England where he remayned till the Queenes highnesse vouchesafed to remit his offence and returned him home to his countrey Nowe in processe of time my Lord of Ormounde by the Queenes appointment became gouernor of Mounster in the beginning of Desmondes last reuolt when hee had of Rebels about him two thousand able men but he was folowed so fast and so hardly beset by suche as were appointed for that purpose that he was driuen to manie extremities partely by the ayde and aduice of the L. Iustice Syr William Pelham and partly by the policie and power of the Lord Gouernour who chiefly was general in the field that of two thousand men the Desmound was left but one bare hundred and as it seemed and may be prooued the Earle of Ormounde was cause of the weakening of the enemies force as hereafter you maye reade when it comes to that point But the L. Gouernour being remoued from that charge came into England from whence after some time spent there about necessarie causes he was sent againe to his former gouernement of Mounster with most noble authoritie and commission and being arriued in Irelande he made heade against the Desmound with whom was a thousand tall souldiers that were gathered together in the absence of the Earle of Ormound He comming to scourge these Rebels and finding the enemies force strong tooke order both by watch spial disciplyne of Warre and warlike deuises to supplante Desmoundes determination and marchinge in marshall manner towardes the enemyes his verye countenaunce daunted so muche Desmoundes companye that they fell to their woonted feare where they thoughte them in moste safetye but beeynge painefullye followed and pursued moste fiercelye as Rebelles shoulde bee they fell from flyinge and fightinge to yeeldinge and crauinge of mercye so euen as the matter fell out in the pursuite yee shall reade as followes the names of some fewe of the chiefest that were slayne beeyng Leaders of companies and menne of accounte amongest the traytours Henry fitz Gerralt base brother to Syr Iames fitz Gerralt of the Desies Kennedy mac Bryen mac Brien Ogonaghs sonne Gibbon Roe Lord of the great wood The Deane of Brohils sonnes the Earle of Desmoundes receiuer Connoghore O Multean Daniel Mantagh foster brother to Sir Iohn of Desmond Rowrie Moel mac Conoghane Mac Thomas thiefe of his name Mauryce Uale Iames Uale Brownes of the Earle of Desmoundes foster Brothers William Graueye sonne to mac Bryen Ogonagh with manye more too tedious to be recited besides two hundred fortie sixe of their menne and confederates that were put to the sworde and executed in such manner as diuers other Rebelles beeyng greatlye terrifled therewith were fayne to submit themselues to the Queenes Highnesse mercie And further the Lord Gouernour caused al the Cattle of the Countrie to bee brought out of Desmoundes reache into places of strength whereby Desmounde and suche of his companye as remained with him were brought to most miserable state driuen for want of other relief to feed vpon horse-fleshe and carrion in suche sort as with very harde shifte they saued them selues from being sterued And thus was the Earle of Desmound of al his force consumed and lefte accompanyed onelie with seuen menne and his Priest who from the tenthe of the laste Iulie hidde them in a glinne within Sleaueloghra hauing no other foode the space of seuen Weekes there but sixe Plowegarrans whereon they fedde without eyther breade drinke or other sustenaunce About the twentieth of September laste Desmounde beyng hardly followed by certaine Kearnes appoynted by the L. General to serue against that traytour his priest was taken from him with another of his men and brought to the Earle of Ormound Since whiche time the Earle of Desmounde was relieued by a Captaine of Galloglas called Gohorra mac Donnagha mac Sweenye whereof the Earle of Ormounde hauing aduertisement by suche as hee imployed to doe that seruice pursued hym into Olearies Countrie where hee tooke the moste parte of his goodes and lefte no reliefe for him nor Desmounde insomuche as the first of the laste Nouember the sayde Gohorra was enforced to repayre to Iniskiue mac Carthy Reoghs Countreye in the Countye of Corcke and there tooke thyrteene Cowes and eyght Garrans from one Donogho mac Teig of Iniskiue aforesaide Gentleman whiche Donnogho with tenne more in his companye made pursuite after the sayde Gohorra rescued his Cowes and garrans slewe the saide Rebell and sent his head to the Earle of Ormound The eleuenth of