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A05310 The abbreuyacyon of all generall councellys holden in Grecia, Germania, Italia, and Gallia, compyled by Joh[a]n le maire de belges, most excellent hystoryograffer to kynge Lowys the. xii. of late french kynge dedycated to the sayd kyng Lowys. Ann d[omi]ni. 1519. Translated by Joh[an] gowgh the prynter herof, by the kynges gracyous priuilege, for. vii. yeres ensewynge, dwellynge in Lumbarstrete agaynst the stockys market.; Traicté intitulé de la difference des schismes et des concilles de l'eglise. English Lemaire de Belges, Jean, b. 1473.; Gough, John, fl. 1528-1556. 1539 (1539) STC 15453; ESTC S104745 44,904 146

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was a venecyan borne as Platina historial wryteth of his lyfe which propryete is very straūge among meke good bisshops for in his warres he syted the Dolphyne of Fraunce whiche afterwarde was lowys the eleuenth kynge of Fraunce of that name that he shulde come w t a great company of men of armys to rayse and trouble the counceyl of Basyle agaynst Felix his aduersary y ● was chosen by the sayd counceyll whose name was Ame duke of Sauoy somtyme an holye heremyte and thus shortly to conclude this .xxiii. sysme that which was bytwene Felix eugenie whiche contynued .xvi. yeres tyll the deth of of eugenius whome succeded N●colas the .v. borne in the towne of sarasanne in y ● lordshyp of luke sone to a physytien who was chosē Anno .1447 and at this tyme the church was in diuysion in thre partyes for the one alowed Eugenius and the other Felix and some neyther of both and were not content with the one nor with the other and inconclusyon it was determyned by themperour Fredericus the .iii. that felix of sauoy shulde be constrayned to gyue his dignyte profyte to the sayd Nicolas and this felyx was content to be come Cardynall and Lega● appostolyke ouer al countryes to se peace and vnyte vnyuersall and thus endeth the .xxiii. sysme and yet notwithstandynge al decrees and actes whiche the sayd Felix dyd in his papalyte was confyrmed to be good so dyed in good estymacyon and holynesse c. ¶ Of the .xxiiii. sysme which contyneweth to this day as we haue had and haue experyence of ANd so brefly to procede and conclude the .xxiiii. sysme began in calixtus dayes wherof I make no mencyon bycause myne auctoure leueth there at the xxiii ●●sme as he then hauynge no delyte nor pleasure to wryte therof bycause the abuses and abhomynable vyces enormytes be to tedius to wryt specyally of the arrogaūt abhomynacyons sysm●s bataylles blode sheddes luxury symony buggerys treasons poysons with in numerable vyces to moch abhorryng all Cyuyll lyuynge and vrbanyte what shal I say there is so many now lyu●ng that which haue experyence of the ly●e actes of some of these antecristyans bisshops of Rome folowynge specyal●y Iulius the seconde that I can wryt no more of pope holy lyuynge ypocrytall deceyt and dissymylacyon and extorsi●n and so to procede ¶ After Nycolas rayned Calixtus the thyrde who rayned .iii. yeres Anno dn̄i .1455 then rayned in england Henry the syxth crowned in Fraunce ¶ After hym rayned Pius the seconde Anno dn̄i .1458 in Henry the .vi. tyme. ¶ After Pius rayned Paulus the seconde who rayned .vii. yeres Anno dn̄i .1464 in whose tyme rained in Fraunce Lowys the eleuenth afore wrytten and kyng Edward the fourth in Englande ¶ After Pius rayned sixtus the fourth thurtyne yeres then rayned Edward y ● fourth in Englande Anno dn̄i .1471 ¶ After Pius rayned Innocentius the eyght who rayned .viii. yeres Anno dn̄i 1435. then rayned Rychard the thyrde in Englande ī whose tyme was great waters in Rome great famyne through al out eutopa great pestelēce folowed ¶ After Innocentius Alexander the .vi who rayned .xii. yeres Anno dn̄i ●492 Then rayned kynge henry the .vii. of Englande ¶ After Alexander rayned Pius the dayes and Iulius the seconde succeded hym whiche was a great warryar and ī al his tyme was no peace through all crystendome but through his malycyous mynde was all Crystendome in warre batayl and stryffe w t shedynge of Crysten mennes blode to pytefull and lyued an excecrable lyfe both afore god man he rayned .x. yeres Anno dn̄i 1543. then rayned kyng Henry y ● seuēth ¶ After this Iulius rayned Leo the .x. he rayned .ix. yeres Anno dn̄i .1513 in the v. yere of kynge henry the .viii. in his tyme began Luter to wryt Anno 1517. ¶ After leo rayned Adrianꝰ de traiecto who rayned one yere and .1522 the .xiiii. yere of kynge Henry the eyght ¶ And after hym rayned Clemēt the .7 Anno M. ccccc.xxii who rayned .xiii. yeres in the tyme of kynge Henry the .viii. ¶ And after hym Paulus y ● thyrde Anno M. ccccc.xxxv this Paulus was the .cc.xxi. bysshop of Rome in whose tyme now largly appereth the .xxiiii. sysme which longe hath endured and yet more largely shall appere to the hye honor of God and to the great tranquilite of all crysten regyons for the which let vs all gyue laudes and prayer to god that antechryst may be knowen apparently in his owne nature and kynde in the ●yes hartes of all crysten people and that he may be vtterly confounded with all his assystence and adherentes tradycyons sectes thus fynysheth this lytell abbreuyatyon foloweth the conclusyon of the auctor ¶ Here foloweth the cōclusyon of this boke IT is to be vnderstonde that thynges concernynge prophesyes and thynges to come we haue no certayne determynatyons nor yet iust iudgementes of as cōcernynge the veryte and trewth yet it is wryten y ● the world accordynge to scryptures shall fynysshe by fyre elymentall Also it is wrytten in scripture as the appocalypsis wytnesseth that afore that tyme Antechryst shall apere afore al people and shall be knowen after the antechryst openly knowen shall the great and horryble sysme appere the twenty four y t which so lōge hath ben hyddyn afore the people for the whiche crystyen kynges and prynces shal be in enforsed and constrayned to set to theyr power to resyst to s●t reformacyon in the church catholyke vnyuersall as it hath ben reuelated by inspyracyons reuelacyons dyuyne as appereth by the appostles prophetes sybylles sayntes auncyent astronomyers metamatisians whose inspyracions hath set furth a great part of the cōmynge of such lyke thynges ¶ Yet notwithstandyng al such prophesyes and pronostycations as hath ben wryten yet remayneth storyes and wrytynges of dyuerse and of many other holy persons dyuyne which had reuelacyons as these auctours folowynge boccase saynt vincent de valentia abbat Ioachym of calabre raymundus lulliꝰ reuelacyons of saynt Brigit besyde certayne pagans which I make no mention of yet notwithstandynge I wolde y e no person shulde obstynatly stande fa●te in ony lyke proph●syes and sayenges as an ar●icle of scripture nor to gyue fayth there vnto none otherwyse then the catholyke churche wyll it admit and so a● all such sentēsyes wryten and set forthe in la●yne to the intent y ● all people may perceyue of whense they be of whome and so foloweth now the hole substaūce of all thynges that is afore wryten penned and declared by the most noble oratour mayster Alayn charter whiche wrytcth this sentensyes worde ●or worde in the end of his boke called L●xil wherof I do translate but a parte which is expedyent and serueth for this tyme. ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ❧ ❧ ¶ In olde tymes past was decreed in y e latyne church now called Rome as concernyng
vprorers among the Romayns y e oftentymes many were slayne in the stretes both Preestes and men of lawe in somoch y e one Faustus a great man of power set a dyreccion amonge the senatours or els had folowed greater ruyne thus maye ye se what vertue or debatꝭ arose by y e possessiō giftꝭ that Constantine gaue to y ● church of Rome ¶ The .vii. sysme of the churche of Rome IN this tyme raygned Emperour of Constantynople Iustyniane the seconde of that name in whose tyme was Seresinus borne in Surrey Anno xp̄i .706 Agaynst the whiche arose an Antypape whiche helde byforse the dygnyte of Rome whose name was Diascorus thus began the .vii. sisme in the churche of Rome with great persecucyon trybulacyon in Rome whiche continewed a great season vnto the tyme of Gregory the seconde of that name borne in Rome w t another named Sygysmond thorowe whose enormytes the fayth of Chryst began sore to decay in the oryent partes and through this horlay burlay the bysshops of Rome toke corage and lyfted vp theyr hornes y ● is theyr power agaynst the Emperours more then euer was sene for this Gregorye Anastase were the second abhominable bisshops that raygned in Rome after Anastase whiche was so bold to excōmunycat his Emperour Leon y ● .iii. of his name y ● whiche cause was y ● he wolde a put downe the worshippyng of ymages through al crystendome sayeng it was ydolatry hated of god the pope w tstonde it beforse wherthrough arose great bandes of cōpanyes of persyalytes bytwene Emperours bisshops wherthrough oftimes sysmes hath ben renewed thus during this sysme discorde arose out of Afrique a great army of Sarazyns entred into spayne wone the Realme of Granado and so kept it by force ●yl w t great polecy and forse of Prynces Kynges wane it agayne also in this tyme was a great armye of Sarazyns in Fraunce which were reculed byforse of armes by Charles Prynce and Martyre in this tyme of Gregory began the Lent of forty dayes to be fasted y ● which Lent Melchiades predecessour of saynt Siluester strongly withstode defended bycause therby myght engender great corrupcion and infexion vnyuersally among crysten people As wytnessed then the counceyll of Physycions expert ¶ And in this tyme of contynuaūce of malyce in the Churche one Constantyne bysshop of Rome vsurped the see of the papasy by force by money whose eyes were perforce put out so put ī pryson in a monasterye by the whiche he is named the .v. abhomynable bysshop of Rome And in this tyme began the nacyon of Turkys that came out of Tartary who enuayed sore the partꝭ oryentall And so mynysshed sore chrystendome And this heresyes dyd encrease more more where through they were enforsed to assemble the .vii. counceyll at Constātynople for the 〈…〉 and worshyppynge of Images in the Churche whiche many sayd it was Idolatrye and for certayne other Articles that the Greke churche had agaynst the holy ghost ❧ ❧ ¶ Here foloweth the seconde parte of this boke whiche treateth of the .v. fyrste counceylles holden by the churche Gallicane at Orlyaunce And the thyrde was cōmaunded by kyng Clowys the fyrste crysten kyng in Fraunce THe noble 〈◊〉 maketh mension that Clowys the fyrste crysten kyng of Fraunce whiche was bytwene the .iiii. y e .v. sysme then reygned And this kyng was y e fyrst crysten that assembled a general coūcel ī Orliaūce Anno. dn̄i .486 Raynyng y t tyme at Cōstātinople y ● emꝑour zeneme And at y ● tyme sat in y ● apostolyk see 〈◊〉 y ● .iii. of y ● name And about 〈◊〉 tyme rayned kīg Artur of Englande and he sent a presydent to that coūcell at orliaūce one named Mellanius which he sent for a good purpose for the welth of the churche ¶ Of the councell Germanik holden in the tyme of Charlemayn the great This Charlemain rayned emperour o●er Almayne Fraūce and Ytaly which assembled this counceyll in a cyte in Germanya called Herbypolys in the tyme of Adryan the fyrst bisshop of that name as Platyne wryteth y ● which coūceyll the Grekes called the great Sinoda and there was condempned the opynyon of the Felycyans the whiche sayd that no Ymages ought to be in the churche and shortly after Pope Leo y ● thyrd of y ● name came into Fraunce to Charle mayne complaynynge of thre Preestes which had done hym great vltrage and dyspleasure y ● one named Pasculis the other Pri●isserius y ● thyrde called Cāpulus y e which with many of theyr opynyon droue out of Rome the sayd Adryan w t all his affynyte for goyng on precessyon and syngyng the Lateny which Gregory instytuted and ordayned afore for the which Charlemayn was sore displeased and so at the sayd Adryans request Charlemayn raysed a great army and went to Rome to set Adryan bysshop in his see agayne wherthrough he had the name of the Empyre of Rome which he gaue to the see of rome great possessyons rychesse as his father Pepyn dyd afore hym as dyuerse such successours hath syas contynued and augmented ¶ Of a great coūceyll holden at Aquis Granū in y ● tyme of Emꝑour Lowys de bōnere sone to Charlemayn whiche lyeth buryed in Aquis granū OF this coūceyll wryteth Platyne historyograffer y t there were assembled al the Prynces and counceylles vnder y ● power and domynyon of Lowys de bōnere the which Lowys at this connceyll gaue Lotere his sone parte of his Empyre and crowned hym kyng of Ytaly and Pepyn his seconde sone he named hym kynge of Acquitayne and Lowys his thyrde sone he named kynge of Bauarye and at this counceyll y ● Infydelles and Sarasyns laboured for Peace whiche was graūted and at the whiche coūceyll was compyled a great Boke of Lawes and cōstytucyons for ecclesiasticall ceremonies and orders which were straytly kept which boke was made and compyled by Amalarius a man florysshynge in Learnynge in that tyme at this tyme of Lowys y ● good Kynge and Emperour he perceyuynge the abhominable pryde that exceded in bysshops of Rome and other prelates of y e Churche as amonge Preestes and other meane sorte such Pompe and Rayment so presyous rych and superfluous withall and to moch gasynge and glysterynge set with Gēmys perle stone lyke Kynges and Prynces on theyr Fyngers ryche Rynges and so this good Kynge cōmaūded this pryde glory to be fordone and caused a more sadder and a sympler facyon and maner of rayment vsed and worne and thrusted downe al theyr pryde pompe and caused y t no bisshop nor prelate shuld were but one Ryng of Golde which shuld serue for his singne and seal and so they were cōtented and agreed also as Platyne wryteth the bisshop of Rome Steuen y ● fourth of that name borne in Rome and successour of Leo the thyrde beynge at the sayd counceyll fled
stode vacant the space of two yeres thre monethes .xvii. dayes For bycause y ● cardynalles coulde not agree at that elexcion and counceyl of carpentras in so moche that they fell togyther and fought in the whiche arroure was slayne two of the chefyste Cardynalles and this hurle burley in shorte tyme after they gathered a coūceyll at lyon and they held theyr cōclaue within the black freres called our lady of conforte where as they cōcluded to haue Iohn̄ the .xxii. of y ● name borne in Cauors Anno dn̄i 131● and some wryters say that he was chosen by kynge Lowys and Phyllyp his brother kynges of Fraunce and his brother countye of poyeters ¶ After the coronacyon of y ● sayd Iohn̄ the .xxii. of y ● name he kept his resydence in Auynyon and for his fyrst acte he exercysed a marueylous iustyce agaynst Hewe bysshop of caours the which bisshop was taken w t a cōspyrasy agaynst the bysshop of Rome Iohn̄ .xxii. for the which he was degraded and delyuered to the hangman and cruelly put to deth so in this meane season Lowys de bauaria kynge of romayns ouer came in batayl duke Frederyke of Ostrich whiche toke vpon hym bycause he had y ● corone of myllan he wolde vsurpe thempyre of Rome without auctoryte agaynst the whiche Iohn̄ bysshop aforesayd withstode with great indignation with dyuerse censurys curses agaynst y ● sayd kynge of bauaria which was called nycolas the .v. which caused the .xxi. sysme which seassed not vnto y ● boniface counte de Pisa toke prysoner this sayde antipape the which raysed a great decyme thorowe al the church of Fraunce vnder colour to goo agaynst the sarasyns w t a hole crosse for the which was money gathered he dyd pretend nothyng lesse in this .xxi. sysme amonge the valdays and y ● comons of Lyon arose and engendred many great heresyes ¶ Of the two and twenty sisme longest incontynuaunce and most sclaunderous amonge all other for throughe it the lande of Boheme became full of heresyes ❧ ❧ ☞ ☞ ❧ ❧ THis .xxii. sisme contynued forty yeres in the which season was many bisshops of rome one agaynst another whiche was so obscure and crafty that al y ● clargy in crystendome were troubled therwith to iudge to whome partayned the ryght and iust tytle who shuld possesse the iust patrimony of saynt peter called these appostolyke some sayd the one some opynyon of the other by the which dyuysion the bohemes fel in great decay and heresyes as then it was taken and called bicause partly it pretēdid agaynst y ● vsurped maiesti of y ● bisshops of rome and agaynst theyr fylthy deceytfull c●uy●ousnesse inuented for theyr owne lucre for money and pylled and robbed al the worlde many yeres clene agaynst all goddes lawe and holy scrypture as nowe it is euydently perceyued that the lyght is at his lybertye and not darkened as it was then and these be the here syes y ● the Bohemes helde as then was that y ● bysshop of Rome was a bisshope of no hyer preeminence then other bysshops be eche for his perticuler dyoses also they held that there was no purgatory to be remitted by theyr power also that it was vayne and vnprofytable to pray for soules ons passed this lyfe but helde opynyon that it was a profyte inuented by the couetousnesse of Preestes onely for lucre also y ● ymages of Chryst and of sayntes were not to be worshypped nor to stande in syght for it was Ydolatry and also that all the orders of F●eres beggers was not of God but inuented by the deuyllys crafte also that no preest nor bysshop shulde possesse no temporalytes nother in auctoryte nor in iurisdiccion these were great heresyes as y ● tyme required as nowe many may haue experyence ¶ And so to procede come to our purpose of the .xxii. sysme it began the yere of our Lorde a .1378 y ● was anone after the court of Rome was remoued from auynion to Rome agayne by the meane of bysshop Gregorye y ● eleuenth of that name borne in Limogis as I haue wryten more playnly in the seconde parte of this boke where as I wrote of two coūcellys holden at Parys in the tyme of kynge Charles the syxt ¶ Thus that I may come directly and folowe the courses of these sysmes Ye shall vnderstand that in the yere aboue wryten the .xxii. sisme began in the tyme of Gregorie the .xi. the which remoued y ● ●ee appostolyke from Auynion vnto rome then at y ● tyme the cardynallys were deuyded in two bandys or partys so the cardynallys of Italy set vp Urban the .vi. borne in naples and the French cardynalles set vp Robert of Geneua who was called Clement the .vii. and he kept his see in auignion bycause of this sysme thus al cristendome was deuided in two partys by the wilfulnesse of these two monstruous Antypapes beynge a straūg syght as it were a man to haue two heddes and so this sysme infected the oryent partes of Italy Almayne Hungory which gaue obedyēce to Urbā the .vi. on the other part Fraūce spayne Englande helde with Clement the .vii. whiche was the occydent parte ¶ In the tyme of this great dyuysyon Lowys duke de aungeoy which fauoured bisshop Clement the .vii. which held his auc●orite in auynyon and so entred into Italy w t .xxxi. thousande horse men of armys party for the Realme of Naples and also to socoure quene Ione agaynst kynge Charles of Hungry as well as for the dyfference that was bytwene the two bysshops aforesayd antypapes to thend to gyue clemēt the hole auctoryte but in conclusyon this sayd duke of aungeoy sōne of kynge Iohn̄ y ● was prysoner in England fel sycke and died within the space of two yeres in the land of polonya afore he had fynysshed his sayd warres for the which this sayd french men departed thense into fraūce agayne this forsayd bysshop Urban yet coulde not lyue in peace with Charles kyng of Hungry and of naples but was constraynt to flee out of Rome to Gennes by see where as in y ● passage he caused to be drowned .v. Cardynallys whiche were great frendes of this sayd clement in auynyon dyd fauoure hym greatly thus this forsayd quene Ione sold auinion the coūty of venyse vnto Clement the .vii. but some stories wryt y ● they chaūged for y ● tribuit which y ● realme of naples ought to y ● church of rome ¶ For to retorne wryte yet further of bysshop Urban the .vi. of the .xxii. sysme ye shall vnderstande that this sayde bysshop as storyes do wryt was a very peruerse man the which toke great pleasure to sowe disce●tions and debatys amonge crysten prynces soner raither then to set peace vnite and concorde the which dyscordys and debaytes were not apeased longe after his death and thus longe endured this sysme and so in his place was
chosen Boniface the .ix borne in Naples y ● whiche was not aboue .30 yeres of ●ege and this bisshop boniface was he that vsurped and toke the auctoryte from y ● Romayns so transported it brought it to the set of the bysshops of Rome and so fortefyed the castel aungel agaynst the Romayns also this boniface began to rayse y ● exactions vpon the 〈◊〉 for al benefycys thorowe all chrystendome onely except y ● realme of Englande and in his tyme was the gerat Iubelee vnyuersall ¶ So on the other part after the death of ●lement the .vii. was chosen another bysshop Antypape at Auynyon by the consent of the Cardynallys of Fraunce called the bysshop of the mone after named benedictus the .xiii. against whome was holden a counceyl in Fraunce as it is wryten in the seconde part of this the which enforsed and enlarged this sysme the which perceuered and contynued vnto the counceyl of Constaunce duryng the whiche tyme this sayd benedictus of the mone supported his obstynat pleasure and so cōtynued in his wylfulnesse vnto the ende of his lyfe ¶ Thus whē Boniface the .ix. was deed in Rome afore wryten the cardynallys of Italy chose another bssshop of Rome called Cosmian of Perouse who was named in the see of Rome Innocent the vii and after hym succedyd gregory the xii a venecian somtyme called Angelus be corario thus worse and worse was the sisme for yet al this whyle rayned in auynyon Benedictus of the mone whiche held his ful auctorite as an antipape vnto whome came as enbassatoure the duke of burgonye and of berry and orly●unce from kynge Charles the .vi. the which kynge desyred this bysshop of the mone to be perswaded from certayne poyntes the which he vsurped and that he myght be set in his ryght iust auctorite also y ● the bisshop Gregory the .xii. his felowe shulde do in lykewyse vnto the whiche this bysshop of y ● mone wold make no auswere but fled secretly into spayne for fere of losynge of his dignite and so y ● barons retourned with displeasure without answere there this Bysshop held a counceyl at perpignan and there held hym sure in a stronge castell called Paniscolle ¶ Thus when the crysten prynces and cardynallys sawe that none accorde nor appoyntement coulde come to passe bytwene these two papystes bysshops of the see of Rome but contention stryfe and that none wolde come to the ryght thoughe they had promysed it afore so then was there gathered and assembled another generall counceyll at Pysa in Italy y ● yere of grace of our lorde .1408 ¶ In the which coūceyl was a syted personally to appere both the papystes bisshops solemply according to theyr estate yet for all this they lytle regarded this apperaunce but held it as a scorne indyrysion the one as wel as y ● other for the whiche they were both depriued and deposed in theyr places chosen Alexsander the .vi. borne in the yle of Candye a frere minor the whiche lyued not after full .v. monethes and dyed in bollone le grasse and after his tyme gregorye the xii whiche held hym in Austrych yet notwithstandinge he thought not hymselfe there not in suretye but he retourned agayne into Italye there helde hym in the cytie of Armyne vnder y ● proteccion of a baron named charles y ● euyl hedyd ¶ In this tyme all y ● possessours of the church of Rome were redy in an vprore and in armyes towards batayl for this Alexsaunder the .v. whiche had frendys as y ● kynge of Naples w t dyuerse other so this alexsaunder lyued not longe but after hym was chosē bysshop a cardinal of naples named Balthasar ●ossa whiche was afterward intytuled Iohn̄ the xxiii and so in this tyme was in crystendome .iii. antipapes the one at Bollon●● grasse the other in Armyne the .iii. in the castell of Panyscole in Spayne yet notwithstandynge for the deposition of these two bysshops at the counceyl that is to say of Gregorye the .xii. y ● forsayd Bene●ict of y ● mone all crysten nacions consented vnto except some of Spayne and the ●ynge of Skottes the which fa●oured the sayd Benedictus of y ● mone ¶ And thus after this forsayd counceyl whiche was gathered agaynst Gregory the .xii. whiche came not personally to this counceyl but sent his debytes duke les euyll heddyd lorde of Armyne with other procuratours and so contented to resygne the ryght and iust tytle that he helde from themperour yelded vp his dignyte papall in Rome and put it into the handes of the counceyl and so fynably he was there created legat and marquys de Ancona where he dyed not lōge after for sorowe ¶ Thus was these two stoborne antypapes consumed so yet resteth the thyrd ydoll and antypape that is to wyte Benedictus the .xiii. surnamed the bysshop of the Mone the whiche put this sayde good emperour Sigismundus to moch vnquyetnes and payne for after the forsayd ydolles antypapes were deposed and y ● this of the mone wold not come to no appoyntement nor concorde by no perswasyon then this sayd Sigismundus themperour went personally to the Kynge of Englande and so retourned by the kynge of Fraunce all this was to set vnite in the crysten churche concorde wherof he had good answeres from thens went to Narbone to Fardinandus kynge of Aragon for the same cause al this was to perswade the styffe obstynacye of the bysshop antypape of the moone the which fury coulde not be ouercome by no maner of wayes thus this sayd emperoure retourned agayne to the counceyl of constance wher as he depryued and deposed the sayd euyl bisshop of the mone and so was there chosen by the consent of all Chrystendome bysshop Martyne the fyfth of the noble house of collonyois a man estemed of synguler vertue and prudent moderat iuste Anno domini M. cccc and .xvi and thus came peace in to the churche and so ended this .xxii. cursed sysme ¶ This bysshoppe of the mone incontynente after he was deposed by a hole generall councey●● and depryued of his papalyte And so seynge that all his frendes were constrayned to forsake hym thus in conclusyon he dyed in his obstynacye in the castell of panyscoll And in his restament charged his Cardynalles to chose an other ydoll antypape in that place to succede hym named clemēt the .viii. borne in barfylonne and as the storye sayth he lyted reioysed of his dygnyte for the forsayd bysshop Martyne the fyfth helde and kept the see auctoryte papall honorably for al crysten pr●nces and dukes held w t hym as they had chosen hym at Constau●ce and so fynably this Clement the eyght gaue vp his dignyte and became bisshop of Maior● ¶ Of the thre and twenty sysme Bytwene Felix the fyth and Eugenius the fourth folowed the thre and twenty sysme and this sayd Eugeniꝭ had great pleasures in warres he