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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03627 An exposition vpon the .23. psalme of Dauid full of frutefull and comfortable doctrin, written to the citye of London by Iohn Hooper, bushop [sic] of Gloceter and Worceter, and holye martyr of God for the testimonye of hys truth. Wherunto is annexed an apology of his, agaynst such as reported that he cursed Quene Mary, wyth certaine godlye and comfortable letters in the ende. Hooper, John, d. 1555.; Bull, Henry, d. 1575?; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Apologye. aut 1562 (1562) STC 13752; ESTC S113071 47,811 140

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And although the bishops in the time of Constantine y ● great obtayned that emonges bishps t●ere should be some that shoulde be called Archebishops metropolitanes yet all they wer not instituted to be heads generally of the church but too the ende they shoulde take more paynes to see the church well ordered and instructed and yet this pre-emenence was at the liberty and discretion of princes and not alwayes bounde vnto one place and one sorte of prelates as the wickednes of our tyme beleueth as ye maye see in the councelles of Calcedon and Aphrike So that it is manifest this superiour preeminence is not of Gods lawes but of mannes instituted for a ciuil policye and so was the churche of Constantynople equall wyth the church of Rome And in our dates Erasmus Roterodame wrytethe and sayeth this name to be highe bishop of the world● was not knowe too the olde churche but thys was vsed that bishops were all called hyghe pryestes and that name gaue Urbane the fyrst vnto al bishops as it is written in Distinct 59 cap. Si officia anno Do. 226. But as for one to be headde of all it was not admitted And the Greeke churche dyd neuer agree too thys wycked supremacye nor obeyd it vntyll the yeare of our Lord. 1202 compelled thereunto by one Baldewyne that brought the French men by the helpe of the venetyans vntoo Constātinople to restore one Alexius vnto the Empire vpon this cond●ciō that he shuld subdue the greke church to y e church of Rome But this came to passe that the pope neuer after he hadde gotten by almes and healpe of princes to be ouer them passed one fote for the Emperoure of Constantinople farther then hee serued his turne So that ye maye see both his beginnynge and procedinges to be of the deuil which if ye kil not with the staffe of Gods worde and beate him frome your conscience he wyll double kill youre soules Now within 150 yeares after Phocas had made the bishoppe of Rome heade of the churche the bishoppe of Rome centemned the Emperour of Constantinople deuised to bringe the Empire in to Fraunce and too geue the kinge of Fraunce the same autoritye ouer the bishop of Rome y ● before the Emperour had as it apeareth in Charles the great and his successours a longe time and yet was y e bishop of Rome vnder the princes not as he is now an idoll exempt frō all order and obedience For princes made the bishops of Rome al other bishops within theyr realmes and s● con●inued the makyng of the pope in y e Emperours autority vntyl it was aboute the yeare of oure Lorde 1110. After that Henrye the fyfte beinge sore molested by sedytion moued agaynste him by the pope Paschalys the second was constrained at length to surrender hys autority vnto him who turned y ● face of his bishoprik into manfest warres What folowed when the pope was thus free and lined withoute obedience too the Christian magistrates I wyll not in this treatise make mencion but put you in remembraunce that for certaynty there folowed such trouble emonges christian princes as neuer was before as it is to be sene bi the doing of the wicked man Gregorye the. vii who toke then vpon him to haue aurity to vse two swordes the spiritual and the temporall in so muche that Henrye the fourthe was compelled 62. tymes to make warre in his lyfe by the meanes of the byshoppe of Rome And as it is wrytten thys wycked byshoppe styrred vppe the Emperoures owne brother in lawe Radalphus the Duke of Sw●upa to ware agaynste him and sent him a crown of gold with this verse graved in it Petra dedit p●tro petrus diadem● Radulpho That is to say Christ gaue the Empire too Peter Peter geueth it to Radulphe meaning that Christ had geuen the Empire worldlye too the bishop of Rome and he gaue it to Radulphe Ye maye see what a rodde the Emperours made for their owne tayle For after they had made the bishoppe of Rome headde of the church the bishops made them selues shortelye after the headees of Emperoures and kinges A iuste plague of God for all them that wyll exalte such to rule as God sayde should be ruled These bishops be not onely proude but also vnthanckfull For where as all the worlde knowethe the bishops autoritye to come frome the Emperoure in worldelye thinges and not frome God but agaynste God this monster Gregorye the seuenth sayed that Christ gaue hym the Empire of Rome and he geeveth it to the Duke of Sweuia Radulphe too kyll hys good brother Henrye the fourth He that wyll knowe more of thys wycked man of his brethren bishops of Rome let him reade Bēno the cardinall that writeth in his history of the popes that he saw of Iohn 20. benedict 9. Siluester 3. Gregory 6. Leo. 9. Alexander 2. But in his olde dayes he saw and writeth horrible execrable thinges of Gregorye the. vii Yet was England free from this beast of Rome then in respect of that it was before the idoll was expulsed in king Henry the viii time But Alexander the third neuer rested to moue men to sedition untyll suche tyme as kinge Henrye the seuenth was c●ntented to be vnder him as other were And all thys suffered England for Thomas Becket the popes martyr When they were crepte vp into this high autoritye all theyr owne creatures bishops of their secte Cardinalles pricstes monkes and friers could neuer be contented too be ●nder the obedience of the princes and to saye the truthe princes dur●●● not in maner require it ●or the● wer in daunger of goodes life And the Emperoure Henry the seuenth was poysoned by a monke that poysoned the idol of the masse both a god and minister meet● to poyson menne and both of the popes making And what conscyence dyd they make of thys thinke ye ▪ Doubtlesse none at all for the pope sayeth and so doeth all hys children that he canne dyspence and absolue them selues and all menne frome what othes so euer they haue made to God or manne Thys enemye wyth his false doctirine is to be resisted and ouercome by the woorde of God or els he wyll destroye both bodye and soule Therefore against all hys craftes and abh●minations we muste haue the rodde the staffe the table the oyle and the cuppe that Dauid speaketh of in a readines to defende our selues wyth all Now foloweth the laste parte of thys holy hymne ¶ The .7 parte of the psalme What the ende of Goddes troubled-people shall be The texte ¶ Thy louinge kindnes shall folowe we all the dayes of my life and I wyll dwel in the house of the Lorde foreuer The explanation I Wyl in the myddes of all troubles be stronge of good chere for I am assured that thy merc● and goodnes wyll neuer forsake me but wyll continuallye preserue me in al daungers of this life and when I
ignorancye As S. Paul saith god befor● tyme spake vnto oure fathers by the prophetes and in these later dayes ●nto vs by his sonne and after the ascention of his sonne by his Apostles and euangelis●es in so muche that non of the prophetes euer spake of Gods word that mayntayned the lyfe of the soule other wyse then they receaued it of the ●ighe shepehearde almyghty god as S. Peter sayeth prophecy came not by the wyl of mā but the holy mē of God spake as they wer taught vs the holy ghost So that God is the onelye authour and fountayn of his true word the foode of all mens soules In like maner he is the only geuer of the same as he is the geuer of it and none but him selfe So none can eate it but such as haue the same deliuered vnto them by the ●●●ye ghost So oure sauioure Christ likewise in the gospell of saint Iohn telleth Nicodemus that it was not possible to vnderstand and to knowe the grace of redemption excepte ●e were borne frome aboue And when saynt Iohn preached the word of God at Philippos amongs the women by the water side the lorde opened the hart of Lid●a to vnders●ād the things spoken of by Paul And when Christ preached among the Iewes wrought wonderful miracles yet they vnderstode nothing nether wer thei any thing the better And Christ sheweth the cause Proptere●uos non ●uditis quia ex deo nō estis that is to say therfore ye heare not because ye he not of god But the faute was not in god but in the obstynacy frowardnes of theyr own harts as ye maye see in S. Mathew Christ offered him self but yet the malice of mā rebelled at al time● S. Paul to the Corinthians wonderfully setteth forth mans vnablenes saith y ● natural man is not able to cōprehēd the things y ● be of god And in S. Iohn Christ saith no man cā come vnto him excepte the heauenlye father drawe him for they must be all taughte of God Now as the prophet sawe theese thinges for him selfe and his saluation in Gods worde Euen so must euery Christian manne take hede that he learne the same doctrin or els it wer no comodity to haue the scripture of god deliuered and taught vnto vs. And euery reader hear●r must learne of this psalme y ● there is none other foode nor meate for the soul● but Gods worde And who so euer do refuse it when it is offered or pr●ached or when they knowe the truth thereof do yet of malyce feare lucre and gayne of the world or any other waye repugne it they be vnworthy of al mercy and forgeuenes let euery man and woman therefore examyne theyr own conscience with out flatteringe of them selues and they shall fynde that the moost parte of th●s realme of Englande in the tyme of oure holy and blessed kynge Edwarde the syxt were fedde wyth thys holy foode of Gods word or els myght haue bene fedde wyth it For it was offerd and sent vnto them as well by most godly statutes lawes of parlament as by many noble mē and vertuous learned preachers If they fedde not vppo● it accordingely or nowe theyr teeth stande on edge and theyr stomacks be closed with it to theyr peryll be it Thus Christ sayth they haue nothinge whereby iustly to excuse them selues of theyr synne And lykewyse he sayeth that who so euer hatethe hym hateth also hys father By whyche words it appeareteth manyfestlye that no man can hate Christes doctrine but he must hate Christ him selfe and no man can hate Christ but he must also hate the father of heauē Wherefore it is expediente for euery manne to marke such places For it was not Christes name nor Christes personne that the Iewas hated so mo●tall●e Christe for but they hated hym to death for hys doctrines sake and it was Christes doctryne that condemned the worlde and shewed the life learninge of the world to be euyll and coulde not abide the lighte of gods worde and therfore in no case they coulde abyde to heare of it As ye see the like in his poore preachers For his wordes sake they be lesse passed of then dogges or brute beastes For they be hated to death and more fauour doeth Barabas the murtherer fynd then Peter the preacher of Christ that wold lead the flock redemed w t Christes precious bloud in to the pastures of gods word with the prophet Dauid yet in thys hatred of Gods worde the foode of gods sheepe they would ●e seene and non but they to loue and honour god but it is not so in theyr hartes For they haue a contempte of God as theyr frutes well declare And Christ sayth they hate bothe him and his father yea that withoute cause But thou Christian reader see thou fede thysoule with no other meat thē w t the holsome pastures of gods word whatsoeuer the world shal say or do Looke vpon this texte of saint Iohn when the comforter shall come whō I shal send from my father euen the spirit of truth whiche doth proceede from the father he shall testifye and heare recorde of me W●y that place and thincke wherefore the sonne of man referred him selfe to the witnes of the holye ghost and ye shall know that it was for no vntruth that was in the authour beinge Christ or in the doctrin that he preached but only to make the disciples to be of good comforte and that they shoulde not esteeme the gospell he preached vnto them any thinge the lesse althoughe it had manye aduersaries enemies and was spoken against in maner euerye where for against the fury and false iudgemente o● the worlde that cōtemn●d the gospel they shuld haue the testimonye of the holy ghost to alowe and warante the Gospell Let vs therefore praye to the heauenlye shepehearde that he wyll geue vs his holy spirits to testifye for the woorde of God the onely foode of our soules that it is true that God sayeth and onelye good that he appointeth too feede vs. And this we may be assured of that in this heauy and sorowfull t●me ther is nothing cā testify for the truthe of Gods word and kepe vs in the pleasaunte pasture thereof but the verye spirite of God whiche we must set against al the tumultes and daungers of the worlde For if we make thys veri●ye of Gode subiecte to the iudgemente of the worlde our fayeth shall quayle and faynte euery houre as mens iudgementes varye Wherefore let vs praye to haue alwayes in vs the spirite of adoption wherby whē our faith shalbe assaulted we may cry father father and the same helpe for the mayntenaunce of the truth God promysed by his holy prophet Esay sayingd Thys is my couenaunt with them saith the lord my spirit whiche is in thee and my wordes whyche I haue put in thy mouth shall not departe