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A41979 Memento's to the vvorld, or, An historical collection of divers wonderful comets and prodigious signs in heaven, that have been seen, some long before the birth of Christ, and many since that time in divers countries, with their wonderful and dreadful effects together, with ample discourses, and profitable observations, upon that admirable star which appeared at the birth of Christ, to the eastern magi : as also upon that comet which appeared in the constellation of Cassiopea, after the horrid massacre of the French-Protestants, Anno 1572, and several other comets, with their effects to this present time / by W.G., minister of the gospel ; likewise, Stella nova, or, The new star, or, An account of the natural signification of the comet, or blazing-star, that hath so long been visible in England, and other countreys, and is yet hanging over our heads, by William Knight ... Greene, William.; Knight, William, fl. 1680-1699. Stella nova. 1681 (1681) Wing G1813; ESTC R13426 22,692 36

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appeared in the Heavens in the Year 1263 rising from the East above three Months with great brightness and did send forth his rays to the midst of Heaven setting towards the West When he first appeared Pope Vrban IV began to be Sick but in the same Night that Vrban Dyed he began to disappear Soon after the Corronation of Edward I. King of England there hapned such an Earth-quake with Lightning and Thunder and therewithal the appearing of a Burning-Drake and a Blazing-Star or Comet that the people were filled with great fear and astonishment In the time of Wenceslaus the Third King of Bohemia there Appeared in the Heaven a large Comet which did presage the great Destruction which followed in which Year upon Saint Andrew's Day there hapned a great Earth-quake which lasting divers Days by Intervals overthrew many Buildings In the Year 1314 Three Moons Appeared together in the Heaven and a Comet was seen in the North which lasted Three Months It vanishing in the same Year in the Month of November Phillip King of France dyed a Boar breaking the Legs of his Horse as he was Hunting he fell from his Horse of which fall he dyed shortly after In the Ninth Year of King Edward the Second before Christmas a blazing-Star or Comet Appeared in the North part of the Firmament for the space of a Month together After it followed a woful Famine for Victuals was so scant and dear and other Grain raised to so high a price that the poor people were constrained through Famine to eat the Flesh of Horses Dogs and other wild Beasts and many starved having nothing to feed upon throughout the Land After this Dearth and scarcity of Victuals ensued a great Mortality of people so that what with the War with the Scots and with the Famine and Pestilence the people of England were wonderfully wasted and consumed In the Year 1337 in the Tenth Year of the Reign of King Edward III. a Comet or Blazing-Star Appeared with long and terrible Streams passing from it which continued thirty Days Soon after the French burnt South-hampton which they almost wholly consumed to Ashes and did many other mischiefs with their Ships on the Coasts of England In the Year 1351 in the North there Appeared a Comet in the Month of December which being extinct violent Winds followed and a Coelestial Beam was seen to glide along the Heavens the former part of it burning And they write that before the Death of Pope Innocent VI. there was so great a refection of the Sun as the like had not been before seen In the Month of March in the Year of our Lord 1402 and third Year of Henry IV. King of England there Appeared a Blazing-Star first between the Eastern part of the Firmament and the North flashing forth Fire and flames round about and lastly shooting forth Fiery streams towards the North foreshewing as was thought the great effusion of Blood which followed about the parts of Wales and Northumberland In the Year 1438 there was a great Eclipse of the Sun and divers Wars and Dissentions followed A Comet also Appeared and there followed a slaughter of Men in Liege In the Three and Thirtieth Year of the Reign of Henry VI. King of England during the Civil Wars between the Houses of Lancaster and York a Comet Appeared in the Month of June the Beams whereof extended it self into the South of which King Henry and his Son felt the sad effects In the Year 1456 a Comet was seen in the East in the month of June in the Fifteenth degree of Cancer a very great Earthquake followed on the 5th Day of December at Eleven a Clock at Night And another on the Thirtieth Day of the same Month such as in the memory of Man there had not any where been seen the like for vehemency especially in Apulia Naples Beneventum and many other Cities and Towns round about many Temples and Pallaces and other Houses were overwhelmed with the Destruction of many Men and Cattel The like hapned at Cajeta Capua Aversa and the rest of the Cities of old Campania In the Year 1457. another followed which they called a black Comet in the Month of June in the 20 degree of Pisces which was seen for the space of a month and did variously affect the minds of Men. A great Comet Appeared throughout the month of January in the beginning of the Year 1472 in a Fiery colour with long and black hairs bending towards the West whose body was about the entrance of Libra afterwards it bended it self onely in the North that it might be judged that it went out without the Zodiack and it continued Fourscore days But this Comet being scarce dissolved another Appeared of a fiery hair which seemed to be seated in the Sign of Aries and its Tayl stretched out it self towards the East A grievous Drought followed and a Pestilence and most cruel and bloody Wars in many places There were Two Comets seen before the Battel of Crescy in France where though the English got a great Victory over the French by the Sword so it seemeth as our Chronicles do relate that the Sword of the Destroying Angel slew a multitude of the English at home Phillip the first King of Spain and Father to the Emperour Charles V. being at Tudele of Duero there Appeared a strange Comet in the Firmament foreshewing as they said afterward the Approaching Death of King Phillip which happened soon after in the City of Burgos to the general grief of all his Subjects the Comet still Appearing whereunto he did Attribute his Death saying often in his pains and agonies Ha Cometa ha Cometa He dyed in the Year of our Lord 1506 haveing Reigned one Year and Ten Months His Body was laid many Years after by his Son Charles in the Royal Chappel of Granado having remained in divers places In Queen Maries Reign in the Year of our Lord 1556 a Blazing-Star was seen at all times of the Night on the Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth and Tenth of March a little before the Burning of Thomas Cranmer Arch-Bishop of Canterbury The Horrid Massacre of the Protestants in France being Acted August 24 c. 1572 a Grave Writer relates That about a quarter of a Year after Viz. November 17. there Appeared a Star in the Constellation of Cassiopea Mirae magnitudinis perspicua luce praefulgida of Wonderful bigness and very resplendent with a perspicuous light He saith That many Men passed their Judgments upon it Eruditorumque hac dere jactati versus Beza hath divers Verses upon it I take it the last was this Tuvero Herodes Sangui notente cave And thou bloody Herod beware Pointing I suppose to the French King Charles the IX and others Authors of and Actors in that Barbarous and Bloody Tragedy He addeth Illa totos novem menses in coeto Emicait That Star shined clearly for the space of nine whole Months in the Heaven The King himself Dyed May 30. 1574. about one
to be made to the end therewith to have deceived his Enemy In the dayes of Sigebert Chitperic and Gunthran Kings of France certain Comets and prodigious signs were seen in the Heavens A fire falling from Heaven consumed the City of Orleans whereof and the Territory about it Gunthran was King and the City of Bourdeaux together with the fruits of the Earth There followed atmost throughout all France a malignant Cough and bloody Flux which destroyed multitudes of men and Women by which means that evil Woman Austigildis Wife of King Gunthran perished The said King Gunthran died within a year following After the death of Theodoricus who had made himself Lord of all Italy there appeared many signs in Heaven In the North the Heaven seemed fiery and certain shining Spears were seen and the Moon was much obscured And a Comet appeared at Tholouse Terrible signs were seen by Night in Italy in the year of our Lord 570. For fiery swords appeared in the Heavens and blood distilled from the Clouds which signified the effusion of much blood which hapned afterwards and many great storms continuing many dayes The River Tiber was increased with so great a force of waters that many people that lived in low places were drowned Two Animals appeared in the form of a Man and Woman from the Morning till Nine of the Clock with long hair hanging down to the Loynes The Water covered their other parts And they write That a Mountain in France with a great Noise was cleft asunder In the time of the Emperour Justinian the first as Procopius writeth for the greatest part of one whole year the Sun gave so little Light that it was but equal to or little more then the Light of the Moon the Sky being clear and without Clouds or any other thing to shadow the same And so without any apparent occasion it was obscured all that time which as it was afterward conjectured was the Prognostick of the Famine and want of grain which generally ensued throughout all the World and of the Wars and effusion of Blood which followed in Italy and of the taking burning and destruction of Rome by Totila In the time of the Emperour Heraclius who took upon him the Government of the Empire in the year of our Lord 611. at Constantinople Fire fell from Heaven and there appeared a great Bow in the Heavens so that Men thought that the end of the World was at hand by reason of the great Thundrings and Lightnings There followed a most grievous Pestilence which consumed many in the Summer Months And many Prodigies and dreadful things appeared at this time in Greece which seemed to portend the future Calamities under Mahomet And in one and the same year a very bright Comet was seen at Constantinople and a Child was born with four Feet And in the Isle Delon two very great Monsters were seen having altogether humane shape And many other things here and there like unto this did appear In the Reign of the Emperour Constantine IV. an hairy Comet appeared three Months which was the forerunner of great Slaughters And there happened so many and so great Tempests and alterations in the air as it seemed that the four Elements had conspired against Mankind for the Winds were so furious and violent as that they overthrew many buildings and rent up many Trees by the roots and the rain likewise was so great and tempestuous as it destroyed all their Tillage as well for Bread-Corn as all other kinds of Herbs and Seeds And therewith fell an infinite number of Thunderbolts and Fires from Heave which slew a great number of Men and Cattel especially on this side of the Alps. And after a great Eclipse of the Sun and Moon the City of Papia was almost utterly destroyed by a raging Pestilence so that the People which survived fled to the Mountains and grass grew in the City About the time of King Luitprand King of the Lombards two Comets appeared in the Month of January and the Sun was darkned and lost his light for fifteen dayes whereof one went before the Sun the other followed it in the Evening About the Death of Pope Leo tho third who crowned and declared Charles the Great King of France to be Emperour a Comet appeared and the Sun lost his light for Fifteen dayes This Pope died Anno 816. In the second year of Lotharius Son of the Emperour Ludovicus Pius and Grandson to Charles the great there appeared a Comet Hail of great bigness fell in France which slew many men and much Cattel There was also seen in those Hail-stones Corn of a wonderful Length and of an hard substance An Earthquake also shook Italy and in certain places divers Mountains were overwhelmed and divers Cities perished Lotharius warred against his brethren Lewes and Charles and a great Battel being fought the Flower of the French Nobility was slain and in number more men died than in any other Battel had hapned in France ever since the Battel which was fought between Ecius and Attila King of the Hunnes in the Fields of Catalonia About this time an innumerable Company of Locusts having six Wings and two Teeth harder than stones covered the Earth in France like Snow At length being cast into the Sea and upon Land by the Shore there followed great putrefaction which infecting the Air caused a general destruction of men In the beginning of the Reign of the Emperour Lewes the Second for three dayes it rained Blood at the City of Brescia in Lombardy so fresh and so perfect as if it had been of a Bull or of some other Beast lately killed In the time of Edward the Son of Edgar King of England appeared a Comet after which followed a great Dearth and Mortality to men and murrain upon Beasts and there arose a great contention between the Priests and Monks In the days of Pope Leo VII the Sun seemed to reign blood as Masseus writeth and after it followed a great Pestilence among men In the first year of Pope Martin III. a great Blazing Star appeared in Italy after which followed an extream Famine And again the Sun appeared very dreadful Martin died Anno 947. A little before the death of the Emperour Otho the Second many Prodigies appeared in Italy for a Stone of wonderful bigness fell from Heaven in the midst of a great storm and tempest And the sign of the Cross appeared on the Garments of many and some of them were of a bloody colour which many did interpret to portend great Slaughters and the Calamity of the Church In Italy a Comet of wonderful bigness appeared presaging the Famine which followed In the time of Pope John XVI appeared a Comet after which followed both Famine and Pestilence with terrible Earthquakes which shook both Benevent and Capua John died Anno 985. In the third year of the Emperour Henry the Second a Comet appeared dreadful to behold dispersing his Flames hither and thither And in the seventh
year of his Reign there was a great Eclipse of the Sun and the Moon seemee to be turned into Blood and there was a great Earthquake and a burning Torch like a Bow fell from Heaven with great noise there suddenly followed a great Famine and a little after a great Pestilence raged almost all the World over but chiefly in Italy so that the dead were accounted more than the living And in Lorrain there was a Fountain turned into Blood Henry the Third came to the Empire Anno 1040 and in his time there was seen a Fiery Beam of wonderful greatness between the South and the East running upon the Sun which at the Sun setting fell upon the Earth In the Reign of Herold King of England a fearful Comet appeared which lasted seven days the English being now ready for a War In the time of King William the Conqueror a Blazing Star appeared upon Palm Sunday being the 16th of April 1076. about six of the Clock when the Air was fair and clear About the same time was a general Earthquake in England and in the Winter following a Frost that continued from the first of November until the middle of April In the time of Baldwin the Second King of Jerusalem an unusual Star appeared the first week in Lent in the Evening in the South West and shined at one and the same hour for Twenty Five dayes After this were seen two Moons a little before day one in the East and the other in the West and not long after a Comet putting forth long and flaming Hairs appeared which Elmerus the Monk beholding said did threaten the destruction of that Countrey In the year 1094 in the Reign of William Refus King of England many hideous sights were seen in England as Hosts of Men fighting in the Air flashes of Fire Comets and falling Stars and such like Prodigies And the same year both England and Normandy were sore vexed with Mortality both of Men and Beasts insomuch that Tillage of the Ground was laid aside in divers places by reason whereof there followed great Dearth and Famine About the year of our Lord 1100. Fiery Swords appeared in Heaven which being dispersed through the whole Heaven were seen the greatest part of the Night and very many Stars seemed to fall from Heaven upon the Earth And the smoak went out with an hissing as by Waters poured upon it A most sharp Winter followed and a great Famine followed it and a Mortality of Men and murrain of Beasts both Wild and Tame and Birds fighting together in great Numbers destroyed one another Moreover a great Earthquake in Italy lasted the space of Forty days so that divers Towns and Villages were overthrown And the Moon being in an Eclipse was turned into a bloody colour And a Woman brought forth a Monster having a double Body having also before the Face of a Man and behind the Face of a Dog About this time died Johannes de Temporibus who had been an Esquire to the Emperour Charles the Great having lived 361 Years In the Seventh year of Henry the First King of England upon a Friday night in the first week in Lent there was seen a strange Star between the South and the West which appeared every Night at an hour and so continued for the space of Twenty Five dayes and over against that Star out of the East appeared a great and bright Beam which stretched it self toward the said Star And not long after were seen two Moons one in the East the other in the West In the Thirteenth year of the same Kings Reign at Shrewsbury was a great Earthquake and at Nottingham from Morning until Evening The River of Trent was so dryed up that men went over on foot dry Thereupon followed an hard VVinter great Mortality of People and scarcity of Victuals by reason of the great murrain of Beasts A Comet or Blazing Star appeared in a strange form for rising in the East when once it came aloft in the Firmament it kept not its course forward but seemed to go backward as if it had been retrograde About the year 1157 three Suns appeared together in the West after two hours the other sailing that which was in the middle did also set After the same manner in the next year three Moons appeared and in the middle of one the sign of the Cross These signs were interpreted by some to be a token of the grievous discord of the Cardinals in the Election of the Pope and of the Princes in the Election of the Emperour Earthquakes about this time where almost every where and did shake some Provinces many years especially Syria and Silicia in which many Cities did long shake and some of them were overwhelmed with great destruction of People In the third year of John King of England there were seen in Yorkshire five Moons one in the East the second in the VVest the third in the North the fourth in the South and the fifth as it were set in the midst of the other having many Blazing Stars about it and went five or six times encompassing the other as it were the space of one hour and shortly after vanished away The following VVinter was extreamly cold more than the natural course had been aforetime and in the Spring time there fell such abundance of Rain as caused the Rivers to swell with higher floods then they had been accustomed which caused great inundations This Kings Reign was full of troubles Pope Innocent III. Excommunicated and deposed him and put England in interdict bestowed it upon Philip August King of France upon condition of Conquering it and afterwards takes off the Interdict receives homage from King John and makes England a fee of the Roman See and that King his Vassal In the year of our Lord 1256 in the Reign of King Henry III. many wonders hapned A Comet appeared the Sea rose with most high Tides Rivers were so filled with abundance of water by reason of the great and continued Rain that wonderful Flouds followed therethereupon and many high Buildings were beaten down by the force of Tempests In the same Kings Reign there appeared a Comet very dreadful to behold for the space of 30 days together Moreover on the Coast of England there was a great Battel among the Fishes of the Sea so that there were eleven Whales cast on Land beside other huge and monstrous Fishes which appeared to be dead of some hurts received And one of those mighty Fishes coming into the Thames alive was pursued by the Fisher men and it could scarce pass through the Arches of London-Bridge At length with Darts and other such Weapons they slew him before the Kings Mannor at Mortlack whither they followed him There was also a great sound heard the same Year in sundry parts of England at one and the same time as if it had been the noise of some mighty Mountain that had fallen into the Sea A Comet of notable magnitude
year and three quarters after the Massacre and one year and an half after the appearing of the Comet Of whom my Author saith Profluvio sanguinis illum laborasse certum est Constans vero fert fama illum dum evarijs corporis partibus sanguis emanaret in lecto saepè volutatum inter horribilium blasphemiarum diras quibus ab ineunte aetate assuetus erat Monmoren ciorum nomen saepè concitatâ excandescentiâ solitum appelare Quum vero magna erat veneni suspitiorut vomitus facilior esset ajunt pulvinaribus impositum cernuo capite Paulo erectoribus sursum pedibus tantam sanguinis vim projecesse ut paucas post horas Mortuus fuerit inter ultimas autem voces meras Blasphemias auditas fuisse It seemeth before he died he laid Siege to Rochel because the Protestants there stood upon their Guard and would not put themselves into the Butchers hands where the Duke of Aumerle Uncle to the Duke of Guise was slain and about twenty thousand others whereof many not most of them were Actors in that prodigious Cruelty and the rest seemed to have made themselves accessary to it by this after Act in joyning with the Murtherers to root out the remainders of the Protestants Henry Duke of Anjou and King of Poland succeeded his Brother Charles by the Name of Henry the Third and became very despicable the Duke of Guise giving him Check-mate his Subjects slighting him and adhering to Guise The King finding him too strong for him took a course to Entrap him sending for him to Blois under pretence of making him Governour over the Kingdom under him and caused him there to be Stabbed with his Brother the Cardinal And thus fell another principal Contriver of and Agent in the Massacre and it is thought in the same Chamber where that Cockatrice-Egg was hatched But upon this Execution the French were more enraged against their King then ever taking the Government of the Kingdom out of his Hands as if he had been already dead and setting up the Duke of Mayenne Brother to Guise as their Chief who by the help of the Spaniard headed the Faction and carried on the Design The King reduced to great extremity was constrained to desire aid from the King of Navar and his Protestant followers whom he had so cruelly persecuted who proved faithful to him being in a likely way to have re-established him But one James Clement a Jacobine Monk stabbed him about the year 1589. His younger Brother the Duke of Alenzon being chosen by the Netherlanders for their Governour and Protector against the Spaniards and most unworthily taking advantage of that trust they reposed in him to oppose their Liberty and Tyrannize over them the Plot being discovered and both his design and Honour being lost he Dyed in the flower of his Age as was thought of Grief before his Elder Brother Thus these three Sons of King Henry the Second were taken away in the space of seventeen years after the Massacre or thereabout without Issue Male besides an Elder Brother Francis the Second who Dyed very young before that Tragedy And the Crown was Translated to another Family namely that of Bourbon Henry of Navar being called by his Predecessor from the remote parts of the Kindom Providence so ordering it as it were to receive the Royal Diadem on the other side the Protestants who seemed almost extinguished divers of the Popish Nobility joyning with them for Politick ends and Aid coming in from Germany especially under Castmire of the Palatine Family they obtained better Conditions and enjoyed their Liberty in a more setled way than formerly Upon the 8th day of October in the Two and twentieth year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth Anno 1580 immediately after the New Moon there appeared a Blazing-Star in the South pointing towards the East with its Streams which was seen every night the Air being clear more than two Months Shortly after there arrived upon the West-Coast of Ireland a certain company of Italians and Spaniards sent by the Pope to the aid of the Earl of Dasmond in his Rebellion which were defeated by the Lord Gray of Wilton Deputy of Ireland In the Reign of King James in the Year of our Lord 1618. there appeared a Comet with a very long Tayl seen here in England and in other Countries for almost two months together After it followed the dreadful Calamity of Germany Prague was taken in the year 1620. and the Palatinate was lost And the Edicts of the Emperour Ferdinand the Second were published in Bohemia and Moravia in the Year 1624 against all the Gospel Ministers commanding That whosoever refused to forsake their Heresie as their Gospel-profession was called and come into the Bosome of the Church namely of Rome should depart from their Native Country and never return more Of the Comet that appeared in the year 1618 aforesaid Antonius de Dominis Bishop of Spalato who saw it saith thus Cometes qui his diebus pobis fulget est unum xe phenomenis Astronomicis ex ijs quae Phenomena vera sunt non Phantastica et Oculum fallentia et tamen res est vera et realis Exhalatio nempe acc●nsa et ardens A terrible Comet appeared in the Year 1652. which the Mother princess the Mother of Racoci prince of Transylvania saw with her Court living and being then in the Castle of Munkary there came forth the debates of divers Astrologers describing his Pale face and the Compasses of his most swift course as scarce was ever of any Comet before Comenius tells us that himself hapned to see the Judgments of four divers Authors not disagreeing in the Event Michael Guller the Silesian very neer touching the Mark. This proved Ominous to the House of Prince Racoci In the Year 1657 and 1658. the Prince going with an Army into Poland and not entring into an agreement with the Turk and Tartar but hiding his Enterprize from the Turk he conceiving a suspition of Rebellion sent the Tartar upon his back and shortly after came Letters in a threefold course from C. S. the Secretary of the Prince of Transylvania Historically relating the Ruine of his Prince And for the two Comets that appeared in the Year 1664. divers Astrologers then gave their Judgements conceiving That that in the Morning being Red and Fiery portended War That in the Evening being of a Pale and Melancholick colour signified Death and Mortality and some of them did shake their heads fearing sad Consequents upon the appearance of two such Stars so suddenly after each other and ye know what sad Effects followed the next Summer ensuing Viz. In the Year 1665. namely the of the English with the War Dutch and that Devouring Plague that swept away above an Hundred Thousand Persons in the City of London and many Hundreds also in divers other places of this Kingdom Anno 1677. A Comet appeared in April the next Year the Hellish Popish-Plot was by the mercy