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A81194 A compendium of the laws and government ecclesiastical, civil and military, of England, Scotland & Ireland and dominions, plantations and territories thereunto belonging, with the maritime power thereof, and jurisdiction of courts therein. Methodically digested under their proper heads. By H.C. sometime of the Inner Temple. Curson, H. (Henry) 1699 (1699) Wing C7686A; ESTC R231895 237,927 672

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was before the Conquest For in an ancient and Authentical Manuscript Intituled Authoritas Seneschalli Angliae where putting an Example of his Authority saith Sicut accidit Godwino Comiti Kanciae tempore Regis Edw ' antecessoris Willielmi Ducis Normandiae pro hujusmodi male gestis consilijs suis per Seneschallum Angliae adjudicatus forisfecit Commitivam suam In the time of the Conqueror William Fitz Eustace was Steward of England and in the Reign of William Rufus and Hen. 1. Hugh Grantsemenel Baron of Hinkley held that Barony by the said Office Of ancient time this Office was of Inheritance and appertained to the Earldom of Leicester as it also appeareth by the said Record Seneschalcis Angliae pertinet ad Comitivam de Leicester pertinuit ab antiquo That is that the Earldom of Leicester was holden by doing of the Office of Steward of England Other Records testified tha● it should belong to the Barony of Hinkley The truth is That Hinkley was parcel of the Possessions of the Ear● of Leicester for Robert Bellomont Ear● of Leicester in the Reign of Hen. 2 Married with Petronilla Daughter and Heir of the said Hugh Grantsemenel Baron of Hinkley and Lord Steward o● England and in her right was Steward of England And so it continued until by the Forfeiture of Simon Montford it came to King Hen. 3. who i● the 50th year of his Reign created Edmond his Second Son Earl of Leicester Baron of Hinkley and High Steward of England which continued is his Line until Henry of Bullinbrook So● and Heir of John of Gaunt Duke o● Lancaster and Earl of Leicester who was the last that had any Estate of Inheritance in the Office of the Steward of England since which time it wa● never granted to any Subject bu● but only hac vice and the reason was for that the Power of the Steward of England was so transcendent that it was not holden fit to be in any Subjects hands For the said Record saith Es Sciendum est quod ejus Officium est supervidere regulare sub Rege immediatè post Regem totum regnum Angliae omnes Ministros legum infra idem Regnum temporibus pacis guerrarum c. and proceedeth particularly with divers exceeding High Powers and Authorities which may well be omitted because they serve for no present use And albeit their Power and Authority have been since the Reign of Henry the Fourth but hac vice yet is that hac vice limited and appointed As when a Lord of Parliament is Indicted of Treason or Felony then the Grant of this Office under the Great Seal is to a Lord of Parliament reciting the Indictment Nos considerantes quod Justitia est virtus excellens Altissimo complacens aeque prae omnibus uti volentes ac pro eo quod Officium Seneschalli Angliae cujus praesentia pro administratione justitiae executione ejusdem in hac parte facien requiritur ut accepimus jam vacat De fidelitate strenuitate provida circumspectione indu●tria vestris plurimum c●nfidente● ord●n●vimus constituimus vos ex hac causa causis Seneschallum nostrum Angliae ad Officium illus cum monibus eidem Officio in hac parte debitis pertinentibus hac vice gerend ' accipiend ' exercend ' dantes concedentes vobis tenore praesentium plenam sufficientem potestatem authoritatem ac mandatum speciale indictamentum praedict ' c. So that it appeareth that this great Officer is wholly restrained to proceed only upon the recited Indictment And he to whom this Offic is granted must be a Lord of Parliament and his proceeding is to be Secundum Leges Consuetudines Angliae for so is his Commission And hereof you may read more at large in Coke's 3 Inst Chap. High Treason Also at every Coronation he hath a Commission under the Great Seal hac vice to hear and determine the Claims for Grand Serjeanties and other Honourable Services to be done at the Coronation for the solemnization thereof For which purpose the High Steward doth hold his Court some convenient time before the Coronation See a President hereof before the Coronation of King Richard the Second John Duke of Lancaster then Steward of England who in Claims before him was styled Tres Honourable Seignior Roy de Castile Leon Seneschalle d' Engleterre and held his Court in Alba Aula apud Westm die Jovis proximè ante Coronationem Quae quidem coronatio habita solemnizata fuit die Jovis sequente viz. 16 Julij Anno 1 Ric. 2. The first that was Created Hac vice for the Solemnization of the Coronation of Henry the Fourth was Thomas his second Son and upon the Arraignment of John Holland Earl of Huntingdon the first that was Created Steward of England Hac vice was Edward Earl of Devon When he sitteth by force of his Office he sitteth under a Cloth of State and such as direct their Speech unto him say May it please your Grace my Lord High Steward of England The style of John of Gaunt was Johannes filius Regis Angliae Rex Legionis Castellae Dux Aquitaniae Lancastriae Comes Derbiae Linconliae Leicestriae Seneschallus Angliae And in respect his Power before it was limited was so Transcendent no mention is made of this Great Officer in any of our ancient Authors the Mirror Bracton Britton or Fleta It seemeth they liked not to treat of his Authority neither is he found in any Act of Parliament nor in any Book Case before the 1st of Henry the Fourth and very few since which hath caused me to be the longer saith the Lord Coke in another place to set forth his Authority and due proceeding upon the Arraignment of a Peer of the Parliament by Judicial Record and Resolution of the Judges agreeable with constant Experience As the Peers of the Realm that be Tryors or Peers are not sworn so the Lord Steward being Judge c. is not sworn yet ought he according to his Letters Patents to proceed Secundum legem consuetudinem Angliae Co. 4. Inst. cap. 4. In Enditemene de Treason ou Felony ver● un des Pieres del Realm le Tryal est per s●s Pieres quel maner de tryal in Appel nes● grauntable per que depuis que cel Trial per ses Pieres est le proper Trial que appertient al piere del Realm quant sur Enditement de Treason ou Felony il ad plead d●rien culpable Veions l'order proces d●cest Tryal Appiert An. 1. H. 4. fol. 1. An 13 H. 8. fol. 11. que quant un Seigniour del Parlement serra arraigne de Treason 〈◊〉 Felony dount il est endite Le Roy pers●● Letters patents ferra un graunde sag● Seigniour d'estre de grand Senescha●● d' Engleterre pour le jour de l'arraignment qui devant le dit jour ferra precept a son Serjaunt d'Arms qui
Archiepiscoporum meorum hanc meam munificentiam signo meo corroboravi ✚ Ego Alfrye Regina consensi Signo Crueis confirmavi Ego Dunstan Archiepiscopus Dorobor ' Ecclesiae Christi consensi subscripsi ✚ Ege Osticel Archiepiscopus Eboracenses Ecclesiae consensi subscripsi Ego Alferic Dux Ego Buthnod Dux Ego Arigdary Dux And what Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction the Archbishop of Canterbury had in Ireland in ancient time before it was Subject to the Crown of England you may read in Cambden's Britannia p. 735 765. as namely in the Consecration and Confirmation of their Bishops by reason of his Primacy in Ireland Co. 4 Inst 360. King Henry the Second at a Parliament holden at Oxford Created his Son King John King of Ireland But succeeding Kings wrote themselves Domini Hiberniae till 33 Hen. 8 in which year he took upon himself the Style of King of Ireland being so Declared at a Parliament in Dublin Coke's 4 Inst 360. Certain it is that whilst the Liberal Sciences in Europe lay Buried in Darkness their Lustre did shine forth clearly in Ireland Thither did our English Saxons repair as to a Mart of good Literature whence of the Holy Men of those times we often read Amandatus est ad Disciplinam in Hiberniam Co. 4 Inst 360. In the Book of Magna Charta is an Ordinance for Ireland concerning divers Matters Entituled Ordinatio pro statu Terrae H●berniae By the Statute of 17 Ed. 1 cap. 1. The King's Officers in Ireland shall purchase no Land there without the King's License King's Officers in Ireland shall make no Purveyance there but by Writ out of Chancery there or in England and that in time of Necessity only and by the Advice of the Council there All kind of Merchandizes may be Exported out of Ireland except to the King's Enemies and if any Officer restrain them he shall satisfie double Damages to the party grieved and be also punished by the King The Fees for every Bill of Grace in Ireland under the Seal of the Justice there shall be Four pence for the Bill and Two pence for the Writing thereof The Marshals Fee for a Prisoner when he shall be Delivered is Four pence No Pardon of the Death of a Man or other Felony or for flying for the same shall be granted by the Justices there but only at the King's Command and under his Seals No Officers there shall receive any Original Writ which is not Sealed by the Seal of Ireland or by the Exchequer Seal there of things concerning that Court. The Justices of Ireland shall not Delay or Adjourn Assize of Novel disseisin there save only in the County where he is and while he shall remain there By the Statute of 34 Ed. 3.17 all kind of Merchandize may be Exported and Imported out of and into Ireland as well by Aliens as Denizens Persons who have Lands and Possessions in Ireland may freely Import and Export their Commodities thither and from thence without Impeachment By the Statute of 1 Hen. 6.3 all Irish Men shall avoid the Kingdom except Graduates Beneficed Men Lawyers having Inheritance in England and English Parents Religious Persons Professed Merchants Burgesses and other Inhabitants of good Fame and Persons Married in England and all they shall find Surety for their Good Behaviour No Irish Man shall Inhabit here in the Universities or elsewhere without a Testimonial under the Seal of the Lieutenant or Justices of Ireland Testifying that he is of the King's Obeysance to be Delivered to the Chancellor here in pain to be punished as a Rebel No Irishman shall be Head or Governour of any Hall or House By the Statute of 2 Hen. 6.8 Irishmen coming to live in England shall give Surety for their Good Behaviour viz. in the Universities to the Chancellors in Counties to the Justices of Peace and in Corporations and other Liberties to the Head Officers respectively By the Statute of 16 17 Car. 1.30 an Act for a speedy Contribution and Loan towards the Relief of the King 's Distressed Subjects of the Kingdom of Ireland See the Statutes at large An Act for the Speedy and Effectual reducing of the Rebels in Ireland to their due Obedience to the King and the Crown of England and certain other Additional Acts were made for the same purpose and for the Sale of Forfeited Lands there By the Statute of 32 Car. 2. cap. 2. The Act made 18 Car. 2. Entituled An Act against Importing Cattle from Ireland and other parts beyond the Seas and Fish taken by Foreigners is revived and Power given not only to Constables and Officers but to every Person whatsoever in any place whatsoever to take and seize the Cattle and Goods Imported contrary to the said Act And that such Seizer shall have the Benefit given by this Act. The other Acts concerning Ireland made in England and the divers Acts made in Ireland you may see in the Books of the Statutes of either Kingdom at large The Rule Quando duo jura concurrunt in una persona aequum est acsi in diversis holdeth not in Personal things that is when two Persons are necessarily and inevitably required by Law For no man can now say That the King of England can make War or League with the King of Scotland or King of Ireland c. there being but One Head of both and as Liegance of the Subjects of both Kingdoms is due to their Sovereign by one Law and that is the Law of Nature So there is a Union of Protection of both Kingdoms equally belonging to either of them altho' in other respects they are distinct Kingdoms For and Earl or Baron of Ireland is not a Peer or of the Nobility of this Realm as appeareth by the Book 8 R. 2. where in an Action of Debt Process of Outlawry was awarded against the Earl of Ormond in Ireland which ought not to have been if he had been Noble here But there is a diversity worthy of Observation for the highest and lowest Dignities are Universal For if a King of a Foreign Nation come into England by leave of the King as it ought to be in this case he shall Sue and be Sued by the Name of a King And a Knight shall be so named wheresoever he received that Dignity Co. 7 Rep. Calvin's Case If a King come to a Christian Kingdom by Conquest he having Vitae Necis potestatem may alter the Laws of that Kingdom at his pleasure but until such alteration the Ancient Laws of that Kingdom remain But if a a Christian King Conquer the Kingdom of an Infidel there ipso facto the Laws are abrogated and in that case until certain Laws be established the King by himself and such Judges as he shall appoint shall judge them and their Causes according to Natural Equity in such sort as Kings in ancient time did their Kingdoms before any certain Municipal Laws were given But if a King have a Kingdom by Title of