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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A89721 Hæc & hic; or, The feminine gender more worthy than the masculine. Being a vindication of that ingenious and innocent sex from the biting sarcasms, bitter satyrs, and opprobrious calumnies, wherewith they are daily, tho undeservedly, aspers'd by the virulent tongues and pens of malevolent men. ... Norris, James, fl.1682-1684; Harefinch, John, fl. 1682-1690, printer 1683 (1683) Wing N1242A; ESTC R228457 50,405 172

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and Feminine Vertue Nay the Ladies of Aquileia depriv'd themselves of their only Ornament their Hair and gave it to be us'd in an Exigency for Bow-strings against the Emperour Maximinus and the Roman and Marcellian Dames did the same Cyrus King of Persia whom the Greek Historian makes the Pattern of all Monarchs relied upon the Prudent Advice of his Wife Aspasia yet after he had conquer'd the Kingdom of the Medes and all Asia having Reign'd happily the space of nine years waged War against Thomyris Queen of Scythia lost 100000 Men in two Battels and at last was overthrown and taken Prisoner by the Queen her self and put to death in Revenge of her Son Spargapices whom he had slain in Battel whereupon the French Poet sings thus Les Femmes ont passe les Hommes de leur Age En Puissance en Conseil en Prudence en Courage Monstrans a leur Sujects de parole fait La Vertu de leur Sexe Invincible Parfait Amalaunta the Learned and Heroic Queen of the Ostrongoths and Daughter to Theodoric reduced the State of the Goths to a good Condition Reformed the Disorders and Corruption that her Father introduced and left among them expell'd the Germans and Burgundians out of Italy and Reigned very Fortunately several Years Penthisilea Queen of the Amazons succeeded Orythia she was present in the Trojan War and took their part against the Grecks and as Justin gives her Testimony Inter fortissimos Viros magna ejus Virtutis Documenta extitere She is no where mention'd but with the Preface of Honour and Vertue and is always advanced in the Head of the worthiest Women Diodorus Siculus Hist 1.2 makes her the Daughter of Mars she was Renowned in her Death likewise to have it by the hand of Achilles of which the Poet Propertius 1.3 Eleg. 10. sings this Triumph Aurea cui postquam nudavit cassida frontem Vicit Victorem candida Forma Virum Boadicia or Voadicia by some call'd Bunduica and Bunduca who since she was born at home we will first honor her with a Homebred Testimony from the Grave and Diligent Spencer in his Ruines of Time Bunduca Britones Bunduca the Victorious Conqueress That lifting up her brave Heroic Thought 'Bove Womens Weakness with the Romans fought Fought and in Field against them thrice prevail'd c. This Amazonian Queen was the Widdow of Prasutagus King of the Iceni the antient Inhabitants of Cambridge Suffolk Norfolk and Huntingtonshire a Great and Rich Prince who at his Death left Nero his Heir and his two Daughters hoping thereby to free his House from injuries but it fell out contrary for no sooner was he dead but his Kingdom was spoiled by the Roman Centurions his House Ransac't by Slaves his Wife cruelly beaten and his Daughter fordidly ravished besides the chief Men of the Iceni as if the whole Region had bin given up as a prey were deprived of their Goods by Violence and his Kinsmen esteemed as Slaves and Captives With which contumely and fear of greater mischief they conspire with the Trinobantes the Inhabitants of Middlesex and Essex and others not yet inur'd to Servitude to resume their Liberty and firstset upon the Garrison of the Veteran Soldiers whom they most hated defeated the 9 th Legions whereof they slew all the Foot put Cerealis the Legat and Leander to flight and put to the Sword 70000 Romans with their Associats inhabiting the municipal Town Camelodunum now Walden as also London and Verulam before Suetonius the Governour of the Province could assemble the rest of the dispersed Forces to make head against their Army conducted by Boadicia who with her two Daughters brought into the Field to move Compassion and Revenge incites to the noble and manly work of Liberty which to recover she protests to hold herself there but as one of the Vulgar without weighing her great Honour and Birth resolved to conquer or dye many of their Wives did likewise appear in the Camp to encourage their Husband's Valour but in the end Suetonius got the Victory with the slaughter of 80000 Britains Voadicia seeing this fatal overthrow of her was notwithstanding unvanquished in her own undaunted and invincible Spirit and scorning to be a Spectacle in their Triumphs or a Vassal to their Will after the example of Cleopatra she put a period to her Misery and Life by Poison You may see her Harangues to her Soldiers made by Tacitus the Historian wherein is expressed the magnitude of her Spirit thirsting honorably after the Redemption and Liberty of her Country and Joh. Xiphilinus in Epist in Neron doth honest her besides with a particular and honorable Mention Bunduica Britannica Foemina orta Stirpe Regia c. Bunduica a British Lady of Royal Extract one who not only presided over them but also administred all military Affairs whose Spirit was rather Viril then Feminine and afterward Foemina forma honestissima Vultu severo a Woman of a comly Presence but severe Aspect all which doth contribute the more to her true Praise because it proceeded from the Mouth of the Romans her Enemies Pasquier in his Recherches de la France saith lib. 6. ca. 33. I will not pry into Antiquity do but observe what hath passed in Europe during thirty five years five or six great Kingdoms governed by Women France by Katharin De Medici Queen Mother England by Queen Elizabeth Scotland by Mary Portugal fallen into the hands of the Infanta Daughter of Queen Leonora Navarre and Bearn by the Queen Joanna and finally Flanders and other low Countries by the Dutchess of Parma Bastard Sister to Philip King of Spain To enumerat the particulars on this Subject would swell this into too great a Volume Therefore I shall not trouble you with Queen Elizabeth at home whose story is too Prolix and too generally known only take this character of her and the Lady Jane Gray by the learned Lady Anna Maria Schurman of whom more hereafter J'oserois opposer une seule Elizabet ensa vie Reine d'Angleterre une Jane Gray a toutes les illustres Femmes de la Grece de la Rome encienne I durst bring one sole Elizabeth in her life Queen of England and one Jane Gray in opposition to all the Illustrious Dames of antient Grece and Rome I have bin more copious in this Subject than any to prove that most robust and rugged Virtue of Fortitude is as eminent in Women as Men but I will conclude with that of the Philosopher tho one of the greatest of Enemies to Women who having given testimony that he prefer'd Truth before Hatred confesseth that Women did mannage among the Lacedaemonians the Affairs of greatest importance It is a Custom false and unjust not antient to reject Women from Public and particular Government as if they were fit for nothing but to stitch or spin their Wit is adapted for more elevated Actions and if one will make Remarks upon what they have
and Furies gaz'd upon her These were no Wounds but Wonders to her Honour The presence of a Prince no less Amorous than Victorious could not win her tho with him Price Prayers and Power did joyntly woe her Well deserved two such modest Matrons the choicest Embraces of two such Heroick Champions as might equal their constant Loves with the tender of their dearest Lives Claudia the Daughter of Claudius Apollinaris and Wife of Statius Papinius the Neapolitan was so chast and modest that she preserved her conjugal Love and Fidelity unblemished and undefil'd in the absence of her Husband for twenty years complete a second and Modern Penelope Olympias Wife of Philip of Macedon and Mother to Alexander the Great 〈◊〉 being puff'd up with his Success and Victories fondly caused himself to be call'd the Son of Jupiter Hammon wrote to his Mother in this manner King Alexander the Son of Jupiter Hammon to his Mother Olympias sends health to whom with great Prudence and Modesty she Rescrib'd Dear Son as you love me instead of doing me Honour proclame not my Dishonour neither accuse me before jealous Juno besides it is a great aspersion you cast upon me to make me a Strumpet tho to Jupiter himself A great Moderation in a Woman who for no swelling Titles or vain Ostentation would be won to lose the Honour of being call'd a chast and loyal Wife a pretty droling check to the vain Glory of her Aspiring and Ambitious Son The noble Lady Armenia being solemnly invited to the wedding of King Cyrus went thither with her Husband in the Evening to be a witness to the complete Solemnization of those Royal Rites but being return'd her Husband ak'd her how she lik'd the Bridegroom whether he was not an amiable and comly Prince To whom she gave this Answer Indeed Sir I know not for all the while I was at that Solemnity I fix'd my Eye upon no Person in the Company but your self Hiero being in company with an inveterat Enemy who could find no means to fasten an Affront upon him at last reproached him with a stinking Breath at which being not a little disgusted he went home in a Fury and blamed his Wife for not acquainting him therewith that so by some Artificial helps he might have cur'd or abated that same Noisomness but was soon appeased with her Answer when she made him this modest Reply I thought all Men had the like Savor Biblia a fair Lady Wife of Duellius was so chast that she never touch'd the Lips of any Man but her Husband and therefore thought all Men like him to have a noisom stinking Breath Bona Dea a Woman so called in Rome who was so much ravished with the Society of her Husband and so averse to all other that she never saw any other Man all her life-time which was the Reason the Women Sacrificed to her in the Night as a chast and pure Goddess Caja Caecilia alias Tanaquil the Wife of Caius Tarquinius was so chast and good that those who design'd to enter into the Bands of Matrimony used frequently to repeat her name for good luck sake as they superstitiously conceiv'd her constant Motto was Vbi tu Caja ibi ego Caja It was an excellent and witty Answer of the Lacedaemonian Wives who being wantonly courted made this Reply Certainly we should give way to your Request but this you sue for is not in our Power to grant and no wise man will request impossibilities for when we were Maids we were at the Disposal of our Parents and now being Wives of our Husbands an innocent and unanswerable Dilemma I have lately seen a Discourse saith the Author intituled a true Narrative of Rathean Herpine who about the time that Spinola the Bavarian first entred the Palatinate finding her Husband Christopher Thaeon by name Apoplex'd in all his Limbs and Members with an Invincible Courage and unparallel'd Affection at several Journeys bore him on her Back the space of one thousand three hundred English Miles to a Bath for his Recovery Let any of those Female Criticks produce me a parallel to this Story in any of their own Sex Eleanor the Daughter of Ferdinand King of Castile was given in Marriage to Edward the first King of England and accompanied him into the holy Land who when he was at Ptolemais happened to be dangerously wounded by Anzazin with the Assassin's invenom'd Knife which could not be cur'd by Physicians being given over by them his Wife betook her self to a strange and unheard of Cure day by day she lick'd the Wound with her Tongue and suck'd out the Venemous Humors till the Wound was cauteris'd and heal'd Whereupon a Learned Man breaks out into this Exclamation Quid igitur hujus Mulieris side rarius audiri Quid Mirabilius essepotest c. What greater fidelity than this Womans what more wonderful thing can be so soverain a Medicine is a Womans Tongue anointed with the Virtue of loving Affection Upon her return from the Holy Land she died at Hardeby a Town near Lincoln and King Edward in recompence of her conjugal Love and Memory of so dear a Wife at every place where her Corps rested in her removal thence he erected a rich Cross of stone with the Queen's Image and Arms as at Grantham Woborn Northamton Stony-Stratford Dunstable St. Albans Waltham West-Cheap and Charing-Cross from whence she was carried to Westminister and there interr'd with great State Pomp and Solemnity These are Examples of Single Women we will add and conclude with those of a whole Town Guelph in Wittenberg by name which when Conrade the Third Emperour besieged and could not by any means be dissuaded from Sacking the Town and putting all the Inhabitants to the Sword at last by the Importunity of the Women who rushed out of the Town and cast themselves at his Feet he granted their Politick and Pious Request and Published a Diploma that they should depart the Town without the least Molestation or Disturbance and carry so much with them as they could bear and no more who all unanimously agreeing left all their Portable Riches and Treasure and the Countess carried her Husband Guelph on her back and the rest their Husbands after her Example At the sight of so great Conjugal Love and Affection and this witty Stratagem the Emperour conceived so great Pleasure and Delight that bursting into Tears of Joy his Courage could not prevent his Compassion in so eminent a Case he did not only divest himself of his intended Fierceness and Fury but spared the Town pardoned Guelph and his Adherents and entred into a firm League of Friendship with them for the future nay farther the bare Narration of this Story as Bodin an excellent Historian reports Recovered Lorenzo de Medici of a Dangerous Distemper which had baffled all the Art of Physick before and was thereby restor'd to his former Health without any Medicinal Applications Vidual Continency AN Extraordinary