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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A38741 Europæ modernæ speculum, or, A view of the empires, kingdoms, principalities, seignieuries [sic], and common-wealths of Europe in their present state, their government, policy, different interest and mutual aspect one towards another, from the treaty at Munster, anno 1648, to this present year. 1666 (1666) Wing E3417A; ESTC R30444 129,187 283

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accrument of Felicity by the Marriage of Frederick the 5th Nephew to Prince Maurice by his Sister Louisa married to Frederick the 4th with our Princess Elizabeth Daughter of King James some time before and his Investiture in the Crown of Bohemia by the Election of those States who indeed by the Concession of many Princes of the House of Austria themselves Letters reversate they call them and by their own Customes and Privileges had right thereunto but the choice and acceptation thereof being not so free and voluntary on his part for that some affronts were like to be put upon him by the Chamber of Spires who were ready to proceed to Sentence against him for his demolishing Udenheim which the Bishop of Spires whose Town it was was then a fortifying which Spinola afterwards took in hand and finished and called it Philipsburg now in the possession of the French The Reader is here to understand that in this Lower Palatinate there are several famous Imperial Towns and Bishopricks as Worms Spires although Feudatories for the most part of their Estates to the Princes Electors No sooner was the Palatine King of Bohemia but the War began to flame in Germany portended by a fearful Comet in 1618. in the first Battel whereof at Prague the King of Bohemia assisted by Bethlem Gabor's Transylvanians and Hungarians was totally routed by Count Bucquoy the young Prince of Anhalt slain a great slaughter made and Prague soon after taken This Battel was fought on the 5th of November 1620. and thereupon the King as he was then called fled to Breslaw in Silesia where he secured himself committing the care of his Estate to the Marquess of Anspach who was General of the Confederate Protestant Princes but being corrupted by Spinola's Gold who was sent for out of the Low Countries to attaque the Palatinate basely sold it and the Prince's Interest by which means Spinola shortly after reduced Manheim and Frankendale Garrisoned by the English but hopeless of relief Soon after King Frederick withdrew into Holland expecting some new undertake of his Quarrel and the Protestant Interest of which Ferdinand the 2d Emperour was a most violent and bitter Enemy And here he heard the issue of the Danish War more to his disadvantage till the Swede entred Germany when he followed that King and was by him upon some hard terms restored to his Estates which he enjoyed not long deceasing at Mentz November 29. 1632. But soon after his death and the King of Sweden's at the Battel of Lutzen the Imperialists over-ran the Country again having routed and broke the Swedish Power at the Battel of Nordlingen and although some Efforts were made by Prince Rupert with some Forces out of Holland in which service my Lord Craven and other English Gentlemen were engaged yet were they finally vanquished and driven out of the Country and hardly put to it by swimming to make their escapes So that the Country continued sequestred from the young Prince Elector till the Treaty at Munster by which he was restored to the Lower Palatinate and made an 8th Elector with the Office of Arch-treasurer for that his former Electoral Office together with all the Appurtenances of it and the County of Cham besides was conferred upon his Counn of Bavaria of the Gulielmin Line this being the Elder and called the Rodulphin but the Younger is farr more rich and powerful and the greatest Enemy to the other This Dignity and Estate being given the Bavarian for his assistance of the Emperour with Men and Money in this War By the same Treaty the Emperour was likewise to give the Elector's younger Brothers and Sisters their Portions in ready Money which Pro benevolo Caesareo affectu in domum Palatinam as the words run he did assent to and punctually pay and perform This Prince now quietly enjoyes what he had by that Treaty and hath been highly carressed by the present Emperour He hath married a Daughter of the House of Hassia between which Family and his there have been frequent Marches As to his Interest it lyes in a general Peace and Amity with all Princes but especially with the Emperour and next the Protestant Party and principally those of the Calvinian way which is the Religion professed in his Country and of which he was the Chief and Head in Europe His Alliance leads him to respect the Kings of England and Denmark and this King of Sweden's Father was born of his Aunt The Family of Nassaw and he are likewise near in Blood his Grandmother being the Sister of Prince Maurice and Daughter of Prince William so that he stands secure and may in time repair his fortunes Against the Turk he is at his proportionable Charge assessed upon him by the Decree of the Dier We come next to a brief view of the Upper Palatinate transferted with the County of Cham to the House of Bavaria whose Duke Ludovicus Emperour also of Germany upon the partition of Estate resigned it for ever some Ages since to Rodulphus his elder Brother who in right of his Mother Gertrude the Daughter and sole Heir of Henry Count Palatine of the Rhine was invested in all those Dominions and Dignities In this Province is seated Newburg the Title of the second Branch of the House Palatine and Duke of Cleve in share with the Marquess of Brandenburg Here is also the City of Noremberg famous for its rate workmanships a fine and beautiful Town yet no River near it but the curious Industry of the People supplyes that defect The Country very near as bigg as the Lower but nothing so pleasant and fruitful being chiefly mountainous and barren except in Mines of Iron and some of Siver one of which is very considerable So that it is a great retrenchment and dismembring of the Palatine Patrimony but what cannot be cur'd must be endur'd And so we pass to Bavaria It is bounded on the North with the Upper Palatinate 8. Bavaria on the West with Schwaben and on the East and South with Austria Tirol and Carinthia divided into three parts the Higher the Lower and the Bishoprick of Saltzburg a District and distinct Jurisdiction of it's self The Country generally overspread with Woods and cold and barren but the Lower somewhat more fruitful and abundantly more pleasant In the Higher is seated Munchen famous for it's seizure by the King of Sweden who found infinite Treasure therein and for that it is the Residence of the Dukes of Bavaria In the Lower Ingolstadt farr more famous for that it put the first affront upon the King of Sweden in Germany and made him give over the siege thereof 2. Regensburg or Ratisbone famous for the Diets held there being a most beautiful and pleasant Fabrick and Passaw as eminent in former times for divers Consultations held there by the Princes and for the notable Diet made there by Charles the 5th in favour of the Protestants As to the District of Saltzburg it is a barrener Country