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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09101 A discouerie of I. Nicols minister, misreported a Iesuite, latelye recanted in the Tower of London Wherin besides the declaration of the man, is contayned a ful answere to his recantation, with a confutation of his slaunders, and proofe of the contraries, in the Pope, cardinals, clergie, students, and priuate men of Rome. There is also added a reproofe of an oratiuon and sermon, falsely presented by the sayd Nicols to be made in Rome, and presented to the Pope in his consistorye. Wherto is annexed a late information from Rome touchng [sic] the aute[n]tical copie of Nicols recantation. Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. 1581 (1581) STC 19402; ESTC S120349 83,096 196

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you as wel a Kings doughter as Queen Mary as wel a Kings sister as Queene Mary as lawful Quéene of England I wil not say more as Queene Mary why then how can Papistes be otherwise but eng●she enemies and extreme enemies to Englande These and the lyke arguments in sense though not altogether in the same wordes he dilateth accordinge to his kind of eloquence through out all the firste parte of his booke though he make noe parts at all In the seconde parte he wandreth by certaine controu●rsies but as without al wit and l●arning lyke an english doctour citing all his matter out of Iewels defence of the Apologie For his Martyrologe and Cowpers Epitomye of the Cronicle soe without al modestie or limitation of lying For he saieth that the Papists hold Pag. 99. 96. 99. The Pope to be very God the light of the world and the Saueour of mankinde that they printe him in their bookes L●ptons lyes Our Lord God the Pope that the Pope also acknowledgeth the thinge taking him selfe in deed to ●e a God 100. 98. 172. 193. 131. 171. 5.6 That he dispenseth both against the oulde and newe Testamente * See of this the societie of the name of God before men●ioned let not the Puritanes glorie as thogh they only did ●orbid swearing That he biddeth vs not to forbeare swearinge any day that he aloweth al priests to haue harlots that he geueth licence for monye to keepe as many concubynes as a man wil● that his fast is to crāme in as many banquetinge dishes as men can that all Papistes are wor●e and deserue more death thē drūckerds● theeues murderers and pirates This is Luptons charitable doctrine with many thinges more which I omit In his third parte he proueth his religion b● euident and manifest miracles out of M● For his Acts and Monumēts As for example that one Bu●ton bayliff of Crow●and in Lincolneshire LuPtons miracles Pag. 294. for compelling a Curate to say Masse vpō zeale of papistrie in the begininge of Queene Maries dayes was afterwards for his punnishmente called K. by a crow that fl●w ouer his head and besides that his bearde embrewed with the crows doūg that she let fal vppon him which doung did soe stincke vpon his b●arde as made him continuallye to vomite for diuers dayes * Simple fellow● that ●org●t ●y cutting o● his b●arde to saue his lyfe Pag. 92. vntill he died most miserably Againe that in King Henries daies the Earle of willshyre and others goeing to Rome as Embassatours to the Pope refused to kisse the Popes foote when he helde it out to them at what time the Earles dogg hauinge more deuotion to it as he sayeth then they not only went and kissed the Popes foote but also snatched at his great toe * Poore Pope y● had no chamberlaine to ●epe out dogs signifiing therby that it was a parte more fitte for doggs to kisse then men All these thinges and many more the lyke he proueth out of M. For his Martirologe otherwise called Acts and monuments tied with long chaines in all Churches of Englande to be read with deuotion After Thomas Luptō followeth Thomas Knell of the same predicament but in a higher degrée For he to the vtter extirpation of Papistrie from the face of the earth taketh vpon him to proue that Al Papists whether they be teachers or hearers are in doctrine Schismaticks in faith hereticks in religiō hypocrits in worshipping Idolatours in obedience traitors by nature dogs in māners hogs vnfaithful to all men cōmō persequutors of the scriptures and Church of God Doe you not thincke we shal be vanquished whē our aduersaries armie hath such captaines and champions especially if ryming Elderton ioine with them Elderton●●●●●tle Ierkes for a ●esuite to become a trew● Israelite● assaultinge vs with his Ientle Iirckes cōdemning our cause from the tribunal of an ale bench Is not this a beggerly war●rap trow you which pawneth out such ragges for robes what miserable pouertie are our aduersaries brought vnto when they are faine to publish such scurrility for diuinity riming for reasoning shamelesse railing for orderly disputing but let them procéede on stil they can by no waye pleasure or profit vs more let thē publish Nicols booke of Pilgrimage wherin he promiseth to reuile vs frō top to toe to ring the larme bel against vs to power out al his venome at once to empt the very sincke of slaunder vpō our cause What shal this anoy vs or whom shal al this filth defile As long as their shal be ether honest vertuous learned wise modest noble or gētle mind in Enland so long shal we gaine by these their procéedings A new information from Rome of I. Nicols As I had finished deliuered this treatise to y● print ther came vnto me an honest discréet learned gētlemā frō Rome who affirmed that vpon the sight of I. Nicols booke ther other informatiōs of his doinges in England serche was made for his oration and sermon of ten shéetes of paper presented in Rome before the Pope and regestred as he saith in thrée paper volumes in the office of Inquisition The matter was easely found out and a coppie taken word for word by publique Notaries the cōmon scale also of the office was added vnto it and as this man remembreth the most of all the chéefe officers names subscribed but yet for some other further approbation as I thinke the thing is not hetherto sent from thence or at least not yet come vnto my handes Wherfore the Printer being not able to staye nor I certaine how soone it will come I iudg it not a misse to geue the reader some general intelligence of the matter vntil the thinge it selfe maye be published in print vppon the reporte of this discréet gentleman whoe bothe sawe it and read it and remembreth well the principal contentes therof First therfore he reporteth that Iohn Nicols made nether oration nor sermon in Rome nor that anye suche thinge is there regestred or remembred But only his recantation is ther to be séen of lesse then a shéete of paper in writen hand Nicols oration sermon of ten sheetes become an abiuration of lesse then one sheete together with a longe preface which preface is an ordinarie thing of that courte containing the causes of his repentance and voluntarie offering him selfe thither and the like After this Ihon Nicols commeth to put down his owne faultes committed before in England bothe in doctrine and life And for doctrine the reporter saith he hath numbred vp all the particuler heresies whiche euer he héelde or taught and this with very significante wordes as that he taught the detestable heresie of Luther against prayer for the dead the blasphemus heresie of Caluine against Christes real presence in the sacrament or the like Aboute lyfe the reporter remembreth not much in particuler but only that he saieth there Ego possedi duo