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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02861 The liues of the III. Normans, Kings of England William the first. William the second. Henrie the first. Written by I.H. Hayward, John, Sir, 1564?-1627. 1613 (1613) STC 13000; ESTC S103916 128,414 316

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He hated flatterie the poysoned sugar the counterfeit ciuilitie and loue the most base brokery of wordes yet was no musicke so pleasing vnto him as well deserued thankes He was vigilant and industrious in his affaires knowing right well that honour not onely hath a paineful and dangerous birth but must in like manner be nourished and fed He was somewhat immoderate and excessiue as well in aduancing those he fauoured as in beating downe and disabling his enemies The sword was alwayes the last of his trials so as he neuer either sought or apprehended occasions of warre where with honour he could reteine peace But if it were iniuriously vrged he wanted neither wisedome nor diligence nor magnanimous heart to encounter the danger to beare it ouer with courage and successe He was frugall of the blood and slaughter of his Souldiers neuer aduenturing both his honour their liues to the hazard of the sword without either necessitie or aduantage He oftentimes preuailed against his enemies more by policie then by power and for victories thus attained he attributed to himselfe the greatest glory For wisedome is most proper to man but force is common and most eminent in beasts by wisedome the honour was entire to himselfe by force it was participated to inferiour Commanders to euery priuate ordinarie Souldier the effects of force are heauie hideous and sometimes inhumane but the same wrought to euent by wisedome is as lesse odious so more assured and firme After that he was mounted into the seate of Maiestie hee neglected no meanes to settle himselfe most surely therin against the returne of his brother Robert To this end he contracted both amitie and alliance with Edgar King of Scots by taking his sister Matild to wife by which meanes he not onely remoued his hostilitie but stood assured of his assistance in case his occasions should so require Shee was daughter to Malcolme King of Scots by Margaret his wife who was sister to Edgar surnamed Adeling and daughter to Edward sonne to Edmund Ironside the most valiant Saxon King the scourge and terrour of the Danes So as after the death of Adeling who left no issue this Matild was next by discent from the Saxon Kings to the inheritance of the Crowne of England and by her entermariage with King Henry the two families of Normans and Saxons were vnited together both in blood and title to the Crowne This more then any other respect made the whole nation of the English not onely firme to King Henrie against his brother but loyall and peaceable during all his reigne for that they saw the blood of their Saxon Kings restored again to the possession of the Crowne Shee was a Lady vertuous religious beautifull and wise farre from the ordinary either vices or weakenesses incident to her sexe She had been brought vp among the Nunnes of Winchester and Rumsey whether professed or onely veiled our writers doe diuersly report but most affirme that shee was professed Yet for the common good for the publique peace and tranquilitie of the State shee abandoned her deuoted life and was ioyned to King Henrie in mariage by consent of Anselme without any dispensation from Rome Of this Matild the King begate William a sonne who perished by shipwracke and Matild a daughter first married to Henry the fifth Emperour by whom she had no issue afterward to Geoffrey Plantagenet Earle of Aniou by whom shee brought foorth a sonne named Henrie in whom the blood of the Saxon Kings was aduanced againe to the gouernment of this Realme Now to purchase the fauour of the Clergie he called Anselme out of exile and restored him both to the dignitie and reuenues of the Sea of Canterbury Other Bishoprickes and Abbeys which King William kept voide at the time of his death hee furnished with men of best sufficiencie and reputation Hee committed Radulph Bishop of Durham to prison who had been both authour and agent to King William in most of his distastfull actions against the Clergie This Radulph was a man of smooth vse of speach wittie onely in deuising or speaking or doing euill but to honestie and vertue his heart was a lumpe of lead Enuious aboue all measure nothing was so grieuous to his eyes as the prosperitie nothing so harsh to his eares as the commendations of others His tongue alwayes slauish to the Princes desires not regarding how truely or faithfully but how pleasingly he did aduise Thus as a principall infamie of that age hee liued without loue and died without pitie sauing of those who thought it pitie that he liued so long Further to make the Clergie the more assured the King renounced the right which his Ancesters vsed in giuing Inuestitures and acknowledged the same to appertaine to the Pope This hee yeelded at his first entrance partly not knowing of what importance it was and partly being in necessitie to promise any thing But afterwards he resumed that right againe albeit in a Councell not long before held at Rome the contrary had bene decreed For hee inuested William Gifford into the Bishopricke of Winchester and all the possessions belonging to the same He gaue the Archbishopricke of Canterburie to Radulph Bishop of London and inuested him therein by a Ring and a staffe he inuested also two of his Chapleins at Westminster Roger his Chanceller in the Bishopricke of Salisburie and Roger his Larderer in the Bishopricke of Hereford Further he assumed the custome of his father and brother in taking the reuenues of Bishopricks whilest they remained void and for that cause did many times keepe them a longer season vacant in his hands then many of the Clergie could with patience endure But especially the Clergie did fauour him much by reason of his liberall leaue either to erect or to enlarge or else to enrich Religious buildings For to these workes the King was so ready to giue not onely way but encouragement and helpe that in no Princes time they did more within this Realme either flourish or increase And namely the house of S. Iohn of Hierusalem was then founded neere Smithfield in London with the house of Nunnes by Clerken well Then were also founded the Church of Theukesburie with all Offices thereto belonging the Priorie and Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes in Smithfield the Church of S. Giles without Creeplegate the Colledge of Seculare Canons in the castle of Leicester the Abbey without the Northgate of the same towne called S. Mary deprato Also the Monasterie of S. Iohn of Lanthonie by Glocester the Church of Dunmow in Essex the Monasterie of S. Iohn at Colchester which was the first house of Augustine Chanons in England the Church of S. Mary Oueries furnished with Chanons in Southwarke the Priory of the holy Trinity now called Christs Church within Algate and the Hospitall of S. Giles in the field The Priorie of Kenelworth The Abbey of Kenshame The Monasterie of Plimpton in Deuonshire with the Cathedrall Church of Exceter the Priorie of Merton the Colledge
that the King gained nothing but losse and dishonour and the greater his desire was of victorie and reuenge the more foule did his foiles and failings appeare which so brake both his courage and heart that with griefe thereof as it was conceiued hee ended his life And thus during all the time that he was onely Duke of Normandy he was neuer free from action of armes in all his actions of armes hee was caried with a most rare and perpetuall felicitie As he grew in yeeres so did he in thicknesse and fatnesse of body but so as it made him neither vnseemely nor vnseruiceable for the warres and neuer much exceeding the measure of a comely corpulencie He was most decent and there with terrible in armes He was stately and maiesticall in his gesture of a good stature but in strength admirable in so much as no man was able to draw his bow which hee would bend sitting vpon his horse stretching out the string with his foot His countenance was warlike and manly as his friends might terme it but as his enemies said truculent and fierce He would often sweare By Gods resurrection and his brightnesse which he commonly pronounced with so furious a face that hee strooke a terrour into those that were present His head was bald his beard alwayes shauen which fashion being first taken vp by him was then followed by all the Normans Hee was of a firme and strong constitution for his health so as he neuer was attached with sicknesse but that which was the summons of his death and in his age seemed little to feele the heauie weight and burthen of yeeres In his first age he was of a mild and gentle disposition courteous bountifull familiar in conuersation a professed enemie to all vices But as in Fortune as in yeres so changed he in his behauiour partly by his continuall following the warres whereby he was much fleshed in blood and partly by the inconstant nature of the people ouer whom he ruled who by often rebellions did not onely exasperate him to some seueritie but euen constraine him to hold them in with a more stiffe arme So hee did wring from his subiects very much substance very much blood not for that he was by nature either couetous or cruell but for that his affaires could not otherwise be managed His great affaires could not be managed without great expence which drew a necessity of charge vpon the people neither could the often rebellions of his Subiects be repressed or restrained by any mild and moderate meanes And generally as in all States and gouernments seuere discipline hath alwayes bin a true faithfull mother of vertue and valour so in particular of his Normans he learned by experience and oftentimes declared this iudgement That if they were held in bridle they were most valiant and almost inuincible excelling all men both in courage and in strength and in honourable desire to vanquish their enemies But if the reines were layd loose vpon their necke they were apt to runne into licentiousnes and mischiefe ready to consume either themselues by riot and sloath or one another by sedition prone to innouation and change as heauily mooued to vndertake dangers so not to bee trusted vpon occasion He tooke to wife Matilde daughter to Baldwin Earle of Flanders a man for his wisedome and power both reuerenced and feared euen of Kings but because she was his cousin Germane he was for his marriage excommunicate by his owne vnckle Mauger Archbishop of Roan Hereupon he sued to Pope Victor and obteined of him a dispensation and afterwards so wrought that by a prouinciall Councell his vncle Mauger was depriued of his dignitie But by this meanes both he his issue were firmely locked in obedience to the Sea of Rome for that vpon the authoritie of that place the validitie of his marriage and consequently the legitimation of his issue seemed to depend When he was about 50. yeeres of age Edward King of England ended his life This Edward was sonne to Egelred King of England by Emma sister to Richard the second Duke of Normandie who was grandfather to Duke William so as King Edward and Duke William were cousins germane once remoued At such time as Egelred was first ouercharged with warres by the Danes he sent his wife Emma with two sonnes which she had borne vnto him Alphred and Edward into Normandie to her brother where they were enterteined with all honourable vsage for many yeeres Afterward giuing place to the malice of his Fortune he passed also into Normandie and left his whole state in the possession and power of Swanus King of Denmarke But after the death of Swanus partly by the aide of the Normans and partly by fauour of his owne people he recouered his Kingdome and left the same to his eldest sonne Edmund who either for the tough temper of his courage and strength or for that he almost alwayes liued in Armes was surnamed Ironside Hereupon Canutus the sonne of Swanus made sharpe warre first against Egelred then against Edmund and finally after many varieties of aduenture but chiefly by the fauour of the Clergie of England because they had sworne allegiance to his father spread the wings of his victory ouer the whole Kingdome He expelled out of the Realme Edwine and Edward the two sonnes of King Edmund of whom Edwine married the Kings daughter of Hungarie but died without issue Edward was aduanced to the marriage of Agatha daughter to the Emperour Henry and by her had issue two sonnes Edmund Edgar and so many daughters Margaret and Christine The same Canutus tooke Emma to wife who had bene wife to King Egelred by whom he had a sonne named Hardicanutus After the death of Canutus Alphred the sonne of Egelred came out of Normandie and with fiftie saile landed at Sandwich with purpose to attempt the recouerie of his fathers kingdome In which enterprise hee receiued not onely encouragement but good assurance from many of the English Nobilitie But by Earle Goodwine he was abused and taken his company slaine his eyes put out and then sent to the I le of Elie where in short time hee ended his life Edward also arriued at Hampton with 40. ships but finding the Countrey so farre from receiuing as they were ready to resist him he returned into Normandie and attended the further fauour of time So after Canutus succeeded in England first Harold sirnamed Harefoot bastard sonne to Canutus and after him Hardicanutus sonne to Canutus by Emma mother also to King Edward Hardicanutus being dead the Nobilitie of the Realme sent into Normandie for Edward to be their King whereto also he was appointed as some haue written by Hardicanutus But because Alphred his brother vpon the like inuitation had bene traiterously taken and slaine before William at that time Duke of Normandie would not permit him to depart vntill he had receiued for pledges of his safety Woolnoth son to Earle Goodwine and Hacon sonne
to Swaine Earle Goodwins eldest sonne Vpon this assurance he was furnished by the duke his cousin with all meanes fit both for his enterprise and estate And so hee passed the Seas arriued in England and with generall iov was receiued for King He tooke to wife Edith the daughter of Earle Goodwine but whether vpon vow of chastitie or whether vpon impotencie of nature or whether vpon hatred to her father or whether vpon suspition against herselfe for all these causes are alleaged by seuerall writers of those times he forbore all priuate familiaritie with her When he was well locked into the chaire of State Duke William came out of Normandie to see him to shew his magnificence to the English people to shew to the English both that he loued their King and that he was of power to relieue him in case his necessities should so require Here besides honourable enterteinement besides many rich gifts both to himselfe and to his followers the King hauing neither hope nor desire of issue promised him in regard of his great fauours and deserts that hee should be his next successour in the Kingdome And for further assurance thereof sent him also the like message into Normandie by Robert Archbishop of Canterburie After this Harold sonne to Earle Goodwine passed the Seas into Normandie to deale for the discharge of his brother Wolnoth and Hacon his nephew who had bene deliuered for hostages to the Duke In his passage he was much tossed with troublesome weather and in the end was cast vpon the coast of Ponthieu and there taken by the Earle and committed to prison But at the request of the Duke of Normandie hee was released with honourable respect and by the Earle himselfe accompanied to the Duke who enterteined him with great magnificence at Roan The Duke was then going in Armes against the Britaines in which iourney Harold did accompany him and shewed himselfe a man neither rash in vndertaking nor fearefull in perfourming any seruices of the field After prosperous returne the Duke declared to Harold the purpose of King Edward cōcerning the Dukes succession to this Crowne Harold did auow the same to be true and promised to affoord thereto the best furtherance that he could Hereupon the Duke assembled a Councell at Boneuill where Harold did sweare fidelitie vnto him and promised likewise by oath that after the death of King Edward he would keepe the Realme of England to the vse of the Duke that he would deliuer vnto him the castle of Douer and certaine other pieces of defence furnished at his owne charge Hereupon the Duke promised vnto him his daughter in marriage and with her halfe the Realme of England in name of her dower He also deliuered to him his nephew Hacon but kept his brother Wolnoth as an hostage for performance of that which Harold had sworne In short time after King Edward died and Harold being generall commander of the forces of the Realme seized vpon the soueraignetie and without any accustomed solemnities set the crowne vpon his owne head The people were nothing curious to examine titles but as men broken with long bondage did easily entertaine the first pretender And yet to Harold they were inclinable enough as well vpon opinion of his prowesse as for that hee endeauoured to winne their fauour partly by abating their grieuous paiments and partly by increasing the wages of his seruants and Souldiers generally by vsing iustice with clemencie and courtesie towards all About this time a blasing starre appeared and continued the space of seuen dayes which is commonly taken to portend alteration in States Of this Comet a certaine Poet alluding to the baldnesse of the Norman wrote these verses Caesariem Caesar tibi si natura negauit Hanc Willielme tibi stella comata dedit Duke William sent diuers Ambassadours to Harold first to demaund perfourmance of his oath afterward to mooue him to some moderate agreement But ambition a reasonlesse and restlesse humour made him obstinate against all offers or inducements of peace So they prepared to buckle in armes equall both in courage and in ambitious desires equall in confidence of their fortune but Harold was the more aduenturous William the more aduised man Harold was more strong in Souldiers William in Alies and friends Harold was seated in possession which in case of a kingdome is oftentimes with facilitie attained but retained hardly William pretended the donation of King Edward and that he was neere vnto him in blood by the mothers side Now there wanted not precedents both ancient and of later times that free kingdomes and principalities not setled by custome in succession of blood haue been transported euen to strangers by way of guift Attalus king of Pergamus did constitute the people of Rome his heire by force wherof they made his kingdome a part of their empire Nicomedes King of Bithynia made the people of Rome likewise his heire whereupon his kingdome was reduced to the forme of a Prouince So Alexander King of Egypt gaue Alexandria and the kingdome of Egypt and so Ptolemie gaue the kingdome of Cyrene to the same people of Rome Prasutagus one of the kings of great Britaine gaue the kingdome of the Iceni to Caesar Nero and to his daughters Yea in the Imperial state of Rome Augustus designed Tiberius to be his successour and by like appointment Nero became successour to Claudius Troiane to Nerua Antonius Pius to Adrian and Antoninus the Philosopher to another Antoninus When the Emperour Galba did openly appoint Piso for his successour he declared to the people that the same custome had been obserued by most approued and ancient Princes Iugurth being adopted by Mycipsa succeeded him in the kingdome of Numidia and that by the iudgement as well of Mycipsa himselfe as of the Senate and people of Rome The holy histories report that Salomon gaue twentie cities to Hiram king of Tyre and if the argument be good from the part to the whole he might in like sort haue disposed of all his kingdome Who hath not heard of the donation falsly attributed to Constantine the great being in trueth the donation of Lewis sirnamed the pious whereby he gaue to Pope Paschal the citie of Rome and a large territorie adioyning vnto it the instrument of which gift Volaterrane doth recite So the Ladie Matild daughter to Roger the most famous Prince of Cicilie and wife to king Conrade sonne to Henrie the 4. Emperour gaue the Marquisate of Apulia to the Bishop of Rome which when the Emperour Otho the 4. refused to deliuer hee was for that cause excommunicate by the Pope In like sort the countrey of Daulphin was giuen by Prince Vmbert to the King of France vpon condition that the eldest sonne of France should afterward be called Daulphine Lastly the Dukes first auncestor Rollo receiued the Dukedome of Normandie by donation of Charles King of France And himselfe held the Countie of Maine by
that as he rode in chase hee was hanged vpon the bow of a tree by the chaps others more probably doe write that he perished by a fal from his horse He was buried at Winchester with this inscription Hic iacet Richardus filius Wilielmi senioris Berniae Dux William did succeed next to his father in the Kingdome of England To Henry the King gaue at the time of his death fiue thousand pounds out of his treasure but gaue him neither dignitie nor lands foretelling that hee should enioy the honour of both his brothers in time and farre excel them both in dominion and power Whether this was deuised vpon euent or whether some doe prophesie at their death or whether it was coniecturally spoken or whether to giue contentment for the present it fell out afterward to be true For hee succeeded William in the Kingdome of England and wrested Normandie out of the possession of Robert Of these two I shall write more fully hereafter His daughter Cicelie was Abbesse of Caen in Normandie Constance was married to Allen Fergant Earle of Britaine Adela was wife to Stephen Earle of Blois to whom she bare Stephen who after the death of Henry was King of England Margaret was promised in marriage to Harold she died before hee attained the Kingdome for which cause he held himselfe discharged of that oath which he had made to the Duke her father Elianor was betroathed to Alphonso King of Gallicia but she desired much to die a Virgine for this she daily prayed and this in the end she did obtaine After her death her knees appeared brawnie and hard with much kneeling at her deuotions Assuredly it will be hard to find in any one Familie both greater Valour in sonnes and more Vertue in daughters In the beginning of this Kings reigne either no great accidents did fall or else they were obscured with the greatnesse of the change none are reported by the writers of that time In the fourth yeere of his reigne Lanfranke Abbot of Caen in Normandie but borne in Pauie a Citie of Lumbardie was made Archbishop of Canterbury And Thomas a Norman and Chanon of Bayon was placed in the Sea of Yorke Betweene these two a controuersie did arise at the time of their consecration for prioritie in place but this contention was quieted by the King and Thomas for the time subscribed obedience to the Archb. of Canterbury After this they went to Rome for their Palles where the question for Primacie was againe renued or as some affirme first moued before Pope Alexander The Pope vsed them both with honorable respect and especially Lanfrank to whom he gaue two Palles one of honour and the other of loue but their controuersie he referred to be determined in England About two yeeres after it was brought before the King and the Clergie at Windsore The Archbishop of Yorke alleadged that when the Britaine 's receiued the Christian faith in the time of Lucius their King Eleutherius then Bishop of Rome sent Faganus and Damianus vnto them who ordeined 28. Bishops and two Archbishops within the Realme one of London and the other of Yorke Vnder these the Church of Britaine was gouerned almost three hundred yeeres vntill they were subdued by the Saxons The Saxons remained Infidels vntill Gregorie Bishop of Rome sent Augustine vnto them By his preaching Ethelbert King of Kent was first conuerted to the Christian faith By reason whereof Augustine was made Archbishop of Douer by appointment of Pope Gregorie who sent vnto him certaine Palles with his letter from Rome By this letter it is euident that Gregorie intended to reduce the Church of the Saxons to the same order wherein it was among the Britaines namely to be vnder twelue Bishops and two Archbishops one of London and the other of Yorke Indeede he gaue to Augustine during his life authority and iurisdiction ouer all Bishops and Priests in England but after his decease he ioyneth these two Metropolitanes in equall degree to constitute Bishops to ouersee the Church to consult and dispose of such things as appertaine to the gouernement thereof as in former times among the Britaines Betweene these he put no distinction in honour but only as they were in prioritie of time and as he appointeth London to be consecrated by no Bishop but of his own Synod so he expresseth that the Bishop of Yorke should not bee subiect to the Bishop of London And albeit Augustine for the reason before mentioned translated the Sea from London to Douer yet if Gregorie had intended to giue the same authoritie to the successours of Augustine which hee gaue vnto him he would haue expressed it in his Epistle but in that he maketh no mention of his successours he concludeth or rather excludeth them by his silence The Archbishop of Canterbury alleaged that from the time of Augustine vntill the time of Bede which was about 140. yeeres the Bishops of Canterburie which in ancient time said he was called Douer had the Primacie ouer the whole land of Britaine and of Ireland that they did call the Bishops of Yorke to their Councels which diuers times they kept within the Prouince of Yorke that some Bishops of Yorke they did constitute some excommunicate and some remoue He alleaged also diuers priuiledges granted by Princes for the Primacie of that Sea diuers graunted from the Apostolike Sea to confirme this dignitie in the successours of Augustine that it is reason to receiue directions of well liuing from whence we first receiued directions of right beleeuing therfore as the Bishop of Canterbury was subiect to the Bishop of Rome because hee had his faith from thence for the very same cause the Bishop of Yorke should be in subiection to the Bishop of Canterbury that like as the Lord said that to all the Bishops of Rome which hee said to S. Peter so that which Gregorie said to Augustine hee said likewise to all his successours And whereas much is spoken of the Bishop of London what is that to the Archbishop of Canterbury For neither is it certaine that Augustine was euer resident at London neither that Gregorie appointed him so to be In the end it was decreed That Yorke for that time should be subiect to Canterburie that wheresoeuer within England the Archbishop of Canterburie should hold his Councell the Archbishop of Yorke should come vnto it with the Bishops of his Prouince and be obedient to his decrees that when the Archbishop of Canterburie should decease the Archbishop of Yorke should goe to Canterburie to consecrate him that should succeed that if the Archbishop of Yorke should decease his successour should goe to Canterbury or to such place as the Archbishop of Canterburie should appoint there to receiue his Consecration making first his oath of Canonicall obedience And thus was the contention for this first time taken vp but in succeeding times it was often renued and much busied the Clergie of the Realme In the ninth yeere of the
buildings specified before some for strength as diuers Castles in Normandie in Wales and some also in England and namely the Castle of Warwicke of Bristoll the Castle Colledge and Towne of Windsore on the hill about a mile distant from the old Towne of Windsore which afterward was much encreased by King Edward the third and after him by many Kings and Queenes succeeding Many Palaces also he built for ornament pleasure And to this end he maintained his Parke at Woodstocke wherein hee preserued with great pleasure diuers sorts of strange beasts which because he did with many demonstrations of pleasure both accept and esteeme were liberally sent vnto him from other Princes Hee first instituted the forme of the high Court of Parliament as now it is in vse For before his time onely certaine of the Nobilitie and Prelats of the Realme were called to consultation about the most important affaires of state he caused the commons also to be assembled by Knights and Burgesses of their owne appointment and made that Court to consist of three parts the Nobilitie the Clergie and the Common people representing the whole body of the Realme The first Councell of this sort was held at Salisbury vpon the 19. day of April in the 16. yeere of his reigne His seueritie in iustice the very heart string of a Common-wealth his heauie hand in bearing downe his enemies in disabling those from working him harme whom he knew would neuer loue him at the heart was traduced by some vnder termes of crueltie And yet was he alwayes more mindfull of benefits then of wrongs and in offences of highest nature euen for bearing Armes against him he punished oftentimes by imprisonment or exile and not by death When Matilde his daughter was giuen in mariage to Henry the fifth Emperour he tooke 3. shillings of euery hide of land throughout the Realme which being followed by succeeding Kings did grow to a custome of receiuing ayd whensoeuer they gaue their daughters in marriage For albeit the same be found in the great Custumier of Normandie yet was it neuer practised in England before This happened in the fifteenth yeere of his reigne and he neuer had the like contribution after but one for furnishing his warres in France So the people were not charged with many extraordinary taxations but their ordinary fines and payments were very great and yet not very grieuous vnto them For that they saw them expended not in wanton wast not in loose and immoderate liberalitie but either vpon necessitie or for the honour dignitie of the state wherein the preseruation or aduancement of the common good made particular burthens not almost sensible But both his actions and exactions were most displeasing to the Clergy the Clergy did often times not onely murmure but struggle and oppose against his actions as taking their liberties to be infringed and their state diminished by abasing their authority and abating both their riches and power When any Bishopricke or Abbey fell voyd hee did apply the reuenues thereof for supply of his necessities and wants and for that cause kept some of them many yeeres together vacant in his hands He would not permit appeales to Rome Canons were not of force within the Realme vnlesse they were confirmed by the King Legats from the Pope were not obeyed and no man would come to their conuocations In so much as one of the Popes Legates in France did excommunicate all the Priests of Normandy because they would not come to his Synode For this cause the King sent the Bishop of Exceter to Rome albeit he was both blind and in yeeres to treat with the Pope concerning that businesse Hee gaue inuestitures to Prelates by Crosse Ring and Staffe and is charged to haue receiued of some of them great summes of money for their places About this time the marriage of Priests was forbidden in England but the King for money permitted them to reteine their wiues and in the end set an imposition in that respect vpon euery Church throughout the Realme It auailed not any man to say that he had no purpose to keepe a wife he must pay for a facultie to keepe a wife if he would For these causes they fastened the infamie of couetousnesse vpon him For these causes and especially for inuesting and receiuing homage of Prelats he had a stiffe strife with Anselme Archb. of Canterburie For the King said that it was against the custome of his ancesters it could not stand with the safety of his State that the Prelats who at that time held the principall places both of trust and command in his kingdome who in very deed ruled all the rest should not be appointed onely by himselfe should not sweare faith and allegiance vnto him should either bee aduanced or depend vpon any forren Prince On the other side Anselme refused not onely to confirme but to communicate or common friendly with those who had bene inuested by the King reproching them as abortiues and children of destruction traducing the King also as a defiler of Religion as a deformer of the beautie and dignitie of the Church Hereupon by appointment of the King they were confirmed consecrated by the Archb of Yorke Onely William Gifford to whom the K had giuen the Bishopricke of Winchester refused Consecration from the Archb. of Yorke for which cause the King depriued him of all his goods and banished him out of the Realme Then the King required Anselme to doe him homage and to be present with him at giuing Inuestitures as Lanfranck his predecesior had bene with King William his father Against these demaunds Anselme obiected the decrees of the Councell lately held at Rome whereby all Lay-persons were excommunicate who should conferre any Spiritual promotions and all those accursed who for Ecclesiasticall dignities should subiect themselues vnder the homage or seruice of any Lay-man Hereupon messengers were dispatched from both parties to the Pope who determined altogether in fauour of Anselme or rather in fauour of himselfe Notwithstanding the king desisted not to vrge Anselme to sweare homage vnto him Anselme required that the Popes letters should bee brought foorth and he would doe as by them hee should be directed The King answered that he had nothing to doe with the Popes letters that this was a Soueraigne right of his Crowne that if any man may pull these Royalties from his Crowne he may easily pull his Crowne from his head that therefore Anselme must doe him homage or else depart out of his kingdome Anselme answered that hee would not depart out of the Realme but goe home to his Church and there see who would offer him violence Then were messengers againe sent to the Bishop of Rome two Bishops from the King and two Monckes from Anselme The King wrote to the Pope first congratulating his aduancement to the Sea of Rome then desiring the continuance of that amitie which had bene betweene their predecessours Lastly he tendred all honour and obedience
which in former times the Kings of England did yeeld to the See of Rome desiring againe that he might not be abridged of such vsages as his father did enioy concluding that during his life hee would not suffer the dignities of his Crowne to be empaired and if he should so doe yet the Nobilitie and common people of the Realme would in no case permit it but would rather recede from obedience to his See The Pope wrote backe againe to Anselme that for one mans pleasure hee would not reuerse the decrees of former Popes and therefore gaue him both encouragement charge to continue constant and to see them obserued in euery point Hee directed also his letters to the King which the King did suppresse but his Embassadours declared by word that the Pope permitted Inuestitures to the King so as in other things hee would execute the Office of a good Prince Anselme called for the Popes letters The King answered that his Bishops were to be credited before the Monckes who were disabled either for voyce or testimonie in Secular affaires Anselme said that he was desirous to yeeld vnto the King but he durst not although it should cost him his head vnlesse he had a warrant from Rome and therefore he would send thither againe to haue a more full and ample answere The King and diuers of the Nobilitie perswaded him to goe in person to trauaile to the Pope and to trauaile with him for the quiet of the Church and of his countrey With much adoe he was entreated and so set forth on his iourney towards Rome and after followed the kings Embassadour Wiliam Warlewast new elect Bishop of Exceter When the Bishop came to the Popes presence he declared vnto him what great commodities did rise out of England to the See of Rome that the Inuesting of Prelats had bene an ancient right to the crowne of that Realme that as the King was by nature liberall so was he stout and resolute in courage that it should be a great dishonour to him who in power exceeded any of his ancesters if hee should not maintaine the dignities which they held that for this cause the Pope should doe well to preferre to his consideration what preiudice might follow to his Estate if hee should remit nothing of the seuerities of those Canons which had bene lately made The Pope gaue an attentiue eare and seemed to pause vpon that which had been sayd Which the Kings Ambassadour taking to be a degree of yeelding did more earnestly insist and said that the King his master would not for the Crowne of his Realme loose the authoritie of inuesting his Prelates Hereto the Pope with a starting voice and countenance answered Neither will I lose the disposing of spirituall promotions in England for the Kings head that beareth the Crowne before God said hee I aduow it His flattering followers applauded this speach as proceeding from a magnanimous courage or rather as some flash of diuine inspiration and the Kings Ambassador not a little abashed was content to descend to lower demands In the ende it was ordered that the King should be restored to certaine customes which had been vsed by his father but that all they who had bin inuested by the King should be excōmunicate that their satisfaction and absolution should be committed vnto Anselme Thus Anselme with full saile of victorie and ioy returned towards England but the Kings Ambassadour stayed behind to assay whether by any meanes hee could worke the Pope to a milder minde But when hee saw that he trauailed in vaine he followed Anselme and ouertooke him at Placentia and there deliuered vnto him certaine priuate instructions from the King that if he would come into England and behaue himselfe as his predecessours had done towards the Kings father hee should be welcome otherwise you are wise enough said hee you know what I meane and may easily coniecture what will ensue With these words he flang suddenly away by occasion whereof his speaches setled with a more strong impression and multiplied many doubtfull constructions So the Embassadour returned to the King but Anselme went to Lions and remained there a yeere and halfe In the meane time much posting was made betweene England Lions and Rome but nothing was concluded nothing could please For neither the Pope would yeeld to the King nor the King to Anselme At the last Anselme threatned to excommunicate the King whereof the King being aduertised by the Countesse Adela his sister hee desired her to come to him into Normandy and to bring Anselme with her Here the King restored Anselme to his former possessions but his returne into England was respited vntill the Pope had confirmed certaine things which Anselme did assure So the King tooke his passage into England and Anselme abode at the Abbey of Beck Then were dispatched for Rome William Warlewast mentioned before and Baldwine Abbot of Ramsey by whose meanes the controuersie was composed betweene the King and the Pope that the King should receiue homage of Bishops elect but should not inuest them by Staffe and Ring After this the king went into Normandie and there agreed to Anselme in these points following 1 That all his Churches which had been made tributary to King William the second should bee set free 2 That the King should require nothing of the sayd Churches whilest the Sea should remaine vacant 3 That such Priests as had giuen money to the King to reteine their wiues should surcease from their function the space of three yeeres and that the king should take no more after such maner 4 That all such goods fruits and possessions as the King had taken from the Sea of Canterbury should bee restored to him at his returne into England Thus Anselme returned into England and after a short time the king followed hauing taken his brother prisoner and subdued Normandie to his subiection Forthwith Anselme by permission of the K. assembled a great Councell of the Clergie at Westminster wherein hee so wrought with the King that at length albeit not without great difficultie it was newly decreed that no temporal man should giue inuestiture with Crosse or with Ring or with Pastoral staffe Also he directed 〈◊〉 to the Priests of his Prouince that they and their wiues should neuer meete within one house that they should not keepe any woman in their house but such as were next in kinred vnto them That hee who held his wife and presumed to say Masse within eight dayes after should solemnely be excommunicate That all Archdeacons and their Officials should bee sworne not to winke at the meetings of Priests and their wiues for any respect and if they would not take this oath then to lose their office that such Priests as would forsake their wiues should cease fourty dayes from ministration in their office and performe such penance as should be enioyned them by their Bishop The execution of these Canons importing both a great and sudden alteration
his cause for that he was a manifest vsurper naked of all true title to the Crowne pretending onely as borne of the daughter of Hardicanutus the Dane Yea he was infamous both for his iniurie and periurie towards the Duke and no lesse hatefull for his disloyaltie in former times in bearing Armes with his father against King Edward Hereupon the Nobilitie of the Realme were broken into factions Many of whom his owne brother Tosto was chiefe inuited Harold King of Norway to inuade with whom whilest Harold of England was incountring in Armes the residue drew in Duke William out of Normandie And these also were diuided in respects Some were caried by particular ends as being prepared in diuers maner by the Normane before hand others vpon a greedy and for the most part deceiueable ambition in hunting after hazard and change others were led with loue to their Countrey partly to auoyd the tempest which they saw to gather in clouds against them and partly to enlarge the Realme both in dominion and strength by adioyning the Country of Normandie vnto it In which regard because the lesse doeth alwayes accrue to the greater they thought it more aduantageable to deale with a Prince of an inferiour state then with a Prince of a state superiour or equal As for Edgar Atheling the next successour to the Crowne in right of blood he was not of sufficient age of a simple wit and slow courage not gracious to the English as well for his imperfections both in yeeres and nature as for that he was altogether vnacquainted with the customes and conditions of their Countrey vnfurnished of forces and reputation vnfurnished of friends vnfurnished of all meanes to support his title So Duke William hauing better right then the one and more power then the other did easily cary the prize from both Now touching the state of his owne strength albeit Normandie was but little in regard of England yet was it neither feeble nor poore For the people by reason of their continuall exercise in Armes by reason of the weightie warres which they had managed were well inabled both in courage and skill for all Militarie atchieuements Their valour also had bene so fauoured by their Fortune that they were more enriched by spoile then drawne downe either with losses or with charge Hereupon when preparation was to be made for the enterprise of England although some disswaded the Duke from embracing the attempt affirming that it was a vaine thing to streine at that which the hand is not able to conteine to take more meat then the stomacke can beare that he who catcheth at matters too great is in great danger to gripe nothing Yet did others not onely encourage him by aduise but enable him by their aide Among which William Fitz-Auber did furnish 40. ships with men and munition The Bishop of Baieux likewise 40 the Bishop of Mans 30 and in like sort others according to the proportion of their estates And yet he drew not his forces onely out of Normandie but receiued aide from all parts of France answerable not onely to his necessitie but almost to his desire Philip King of France at that time was vnder age and Baldwine Earle of Flanders was gouernour of the Realme whose daughter the Duke had taken to wife By his fauour the Duke receiued large supplies from the state of France both in treasure and in men of warre for countenance whereof it was giuen foorth that the Duke should hold the Realme of England as hee did the Duchie of Normandie vnder homage to the Crowne of France Hereupon diuers Princes of France did adioyne to his aide and especially the Duke of Orleance the Earles of Britaine Aniou Boloigne Ponthieu Neuers Poictou Hiesmes Aumale and the Lord of Tours Many other of the Nobilitie and Gentlemen did voluntarily aduenture both their bodies and whole estates vpon the euent of this enterprise So greatly had he either by courtesie wonne the loue or by courage erected the hopes of all men yea of many who had bin his greatest enemies With these also the Emperour Henry 4. sent him certaine troupes of Souldiers commanded by a Prince of Almaine Hee receiued also many promises of fauour from Swaine King of Denmarke And who can assure for the sequele maketh the coniecture probable that he held not intelligence with Harold Harfager King of Norway to inuade England with two armies at once So partly by his owne Subiects and partly by supply from his Alleys and friends hee amassed a strong Armie consisting chiefly of Normans Flemings French and Britaines to the number of fiftie thousand men and brought them to S. Valeries before which Towne his ships did ride Here he stayed a certaine time attending the wind as most writers doe report but rather as it may be coniectured to awaite the arriuall of Harold Harfager K. of Norway knowing right well that the inuasion of Harold of Norway vpon the North parts of the realme would draw away Harold of England to leaue the coasts towards the South vndefended During his abode at S. Valeries certaine English espials were taken whom King Harold had sent to discouer both the purposes and power of the Duke When they were brought to his presence with a braue confidence he said vnto them Your Lord might well haue spared this charge hee needed not to haue cast away his cost to vnderstand that by your industrie and faith which my owne presence shall manifest vnto him more certainly more shortly then he doth expect Goe your wayes goe tell him from me If he find me not before the end of this yeere in the place where hee supposeth that hee may most safely set his foote let him neuer feare danger from mee whilest hee liue Many Normans disliked this open dealing of the Duke preferring to his iudgement the valour and experience of King Harold the greatnesse of his treasure the number and goodnes of his men but especially his strong Nauie and expert Saylers accustomed both to the fights and dangers of the Sea more then any other people in the world To these the Duke turned and sayd I am glad to heare this opinion run both of his prowesse and of his power the greater shall our glory bee in preuailing against him But I see right well that I haue small cause to feare his discouery of our strength when you who are so neere vnto mee discerne so little Rest your selues vpon the Iustice of your cause and foresight of your Commaunder Who hath lesse then hee who can iustly tearme nothing his owne I know more of his weakenesse then euer he shall know of my strength vntill he feele it Performe you your parts like men and he shall neuer be able to disappoint either my assurance or your hopes Now Harold King of England had prepared a fleet to resist the inuasion of the duke of Normandie but by reason of his long stay at S. Valeries speeches did spread whether by error or subornation
in their action a most assured token of some mischiefe at hand And so as they scattered and ranged after prey as greedy men are seldome circumspect they were suddenly set vpon by Almaricke Earle of Mountfort appointed by the French K. to defend the Country with no small execution put to the chase The more they resisted the greater was their losse The sooner they fled the more assured was their escape And for that they were dispersed into many small companies they had the better opportunitie to saue themselues Many other like aduentures were enterprised betweene the two Kings and their adherents some in France and some in Normandie with large losse on both sides But especially the King of France was most subiect to harme for that his countrey was the more ample open and rich The King of England held this aduantage that no aduantage could be wonne against him which in regard of the number valour and greatnesse of his enemies was a very honourable aduantage indeed At the last he made peace with the Earle of Aniou taking the Earles daughter to be wife to his sonne William whom he had declared for successour in his estate to whom all the Nobilitie and Prelates were sworne and who seemed to want nothing through all his fathers dominions but onely the name and Title of King This sinew being cut from the King of France and also for that Henry the Emperour made preparation of hostilitie against him he fell likewise to agreement of peace By the conditions whereof William sonne to the King of England was inuested into the Duchie of Normandie doing homage for the same to the K. of France In this peace was comprised on the part of the French K Williā son to Robert Curtcuise who had bene declared Duke of Normandie On the part of the king of England the Earle of Champ●…igne and certaine other Lords were comprised who had either serued or aided him against the king of France After this the warres betweene the Emperour and the French king did forthwith dissolue King Henry hauing happily finished these affaires returned out of Normandie and loosing from Barbeflote vpon the 24. of Nouember towards euening with a prosperous gale arriued in England where great preparation was made to entertaine him with many well deuised honours His sonne William then duke of Normandie and somewhat aboue 17. yeeres of age tooke another ship and in his company went Mary his sister Countesse of Perch Richard his brother begotten of a concubine as some affirme and the Earle of Chester with his wife Lucie who was the Kings niece by his sister Adela Also the yong Nobilitie and best knights flocked vnto him some to discharge their dueties others to testifie their loue and respect Of such passengers the ship receiued to the number of 140. besides 50. sailers which belonged vnto her So they loosed from land somewhat after the King and with a gentle winde from the Southwest danced through the soft swelling floods The sailers full of proud ioy by reason of their honourable charge and of little feare or forecast both for that they had bene accustomed to dangers and for that they were then well tippeled with wine gaue forth in a brauery that they would soone outstrip the vessell wherein the King sailed In the middest of this drunken ioylitie the ship strake against a rocke the head whereof was aboue water not farre from the shoare The passengers cried out and the sailers laboured to winde or beare off the ship from the danger but the labour was no lesse vaine then the cry for she leaned so stiffely against the rocke that the sterage brake the sides cracked and the Sea gushed in at many breaches Then was raised a lamentable cry within the ship some yeelding to the tyrannie of despaire betooke themselues as in cases of extremitie weake courages are wont to their deuotions others emploied all industrie to saue their liues and yet more in duetie to nature then vpon hope to escape all bewailed the vnfortunate darkenesse of that night the last to the liues of so many persons both of honour and of worth They had nothing to accōpany them but their feares nothing to helpe them but their wishes the confused cries of them al did much increase the particular astonishment of euery one And assuredly no danger dismayeth like that vpon the seas for that the place is vnnaturall to man And further the vnusuall obiects the continuall motion the desolation of all helpe or hope will perplexe the minds euen of those who are best armed against discouragement At the last the boat was hoysed foorth and the Kings sonne taken into it They had cleered themselues from the danger of the ship and might safely haue rowed to land But the yong Prince hearing the shrill shrikes of his Sister Mary Countesse of Perch and of the Countesse of Chester his cousin crying after him and crauing his help he preferred pitie before safety commanded the boat to be rowed back to the ship for preseruatiou of their liues But as they approached the boate was suddenly so ouercharged with those who strugling to breake out of the armes of death leaped at all aduentures into it that it sunke vnder them and so all the company perished by drowning Onely one ordinary Sayler who had been a butcher by swimming all night vpon the mast escaped to land reserued as it may seeme to relate the manner of the misaduenture This ship raised much matter of nouelty and discourse abroad but neuer did ship bring such calamitie to the Realme especially for that it was iudged that the life of this Prince would haue preuented those intestine warres which afterwards did fall betweene King Steuen and Matild daughter to King Henry The King was so ouercharged with this heauy accident that his reason seemed to bee darkened or rather drowned in sorrow Hee caused the coasts a long time after to bee watched but scarce any of the bodies were euer found Afterwards he tooke to wife Adalisia daughter to Godfrey Duke of Louaine of the house of Lorraine She was crowned at Westminster by Roger B. of Salisburie because Radulph Archbishop of Canterburie by reason of his palsey was vnable to performe that office And yet because Roger was not appointed by him the doting old man fell into such a pelting chafe that hee offered to strike the Kings Crowne from his head And albeit this Lady was in the principall flower both of her beauty and yeeres yet the King had no issue by her Now as after a storme a fewe gentle drops doe alwayes fall before the weather turnes perfectly fayre so after these great warres in France certaine easie conflicts did ensue neither dangerous nor almost troublesome to the King For Robert Earle of Mellent who for a long time had continued both a sure friend and most close and priuate in counsaile with the King vpon some sudden either discontentment on his part or dislike on the Kings so
yeere the Citie of London was very much defaced with fire The yeere next following many prodigies happened which seemed to portend the death of the King or rather the troublesome times which did thereupon ensue In the moneth of August the Sunne was so deepely eclipsed that by reason of the darkenesse of the ayre many starres did plainely appeare The second day after this defect of light the earth trembled with so great violence that many buildings were shaken downe Malmesb. sayth that the house wherein he sate was lift vp with a double remooue and at the third time setled againe in the proper place The earth in diuers places yeelded foorth a hideous noyse It cast foorth flames at certaine rifts diuers dayes together which neither by water nor by any other meanes could be suppressed During the time of the eclipse mentioned before the King was trauersing the sea into Normandie whither hee vsually went sometimes euery yeere but euery third yeere at the furthest Here he spent the whole yeere following in ordering affaires of State and in visiting euery corner of the Countrey He neuer gaue greater contentment to the people as well by his gifts as by his gentle and courteous behauiour he neuer receiued greater contentment from them by the liuely expressing of their loue But nothing did so much affect him with ioy as that his daughter Matild had brought foorth other two sonnes Geoffrey and William whereby hee conceiued that the succession of his issue to the Crowne of England was so well backed that he needed not to trouble his thoughts with any feare that his heires would faile At the last he began to languish a little and droupe in health and neither feeling nor fearing any great cause hee rode on hunting to passe it ouer with exercise and delight Herewith being somewhat cheered hee returned home and eate of a Lamprey albeit against his Physicians aduise which meate he alwayes loued but was neuer able well to digest After this and happely vpon this vicious feeding he fell into a feuer which increased in him by such dangerous degrees that within seuen dayes it led him to the period of his life Hee died vpon the first of December in the 67. yere of his age when hee had reigned 35. yeeres and foure moneths wanting one day His bowels and eyes were buried at Roan The rest of his bodie was stuffed with salt wrapped vp in Oxe hides and brought ouer into England and with honourable exequies buried in the Monastery of Reading which hee had founded His Physician who tooke out his braines by reason of the intolerable stinch which breathed from them in short time after ended his life So of all that King Henrie slue this Physician was the last He had by his first wife a sonne named William who perished by shipwracke and Matild a daughter who was espoused to the Emperour Henrie the 5. when she was scarce sixe yeeres olde and at the age of eleuen yeeres was married vnto him When shee had been married vnto him twelue yeeres he died and shee returned to the King her father both against her owne minde and against the desire of the greatest Princes of the Empire who in regard of her wise and gracious behauiour were suitors to the King more then once to haue her remaine as Empresse among them But the king would not consent to their intreatie For that shee was the onely heire to his Crowne Then many great Princes desired her in marriage But the King bestowed her vpon Geoffrey sonne to Fulke Earle of Aniou somewhat against her owne liking but greatly to the suretie of his estate in France By him she had Henrie who afterwards was King of England Further the King had by a Concubine Richard a sonne and Mary a daughter who were lost vpon the sea with their brother William By another Concubine hee had a sonne named Robert whom he created Earle of Glocester a man for valour of minde and abilitie of bodie inferiour to none in counsailes so aduised as was fit for a right Noble commander By his faith industrie and felicitie chiefly his sister Matild did afterwards resist and ouerbeare both the forces and fortunes of King Stephen He is reported to haue had 12. other bastards which were of no great either note or continuance according to that saying of the Wise man Bastard plants take no deepe rootes This King in the beginning of his Reigne made many fauourable lawes And namely That he would reserue no possessions of the Church vpon their vacancies that the heires of his Nobilitie should possesse their fathers lands without redemption from him and that the Nobilitie likewise should afford the like fauour to their Tenants that Gentlemen might giue their daughters and kinsewomen in marriage without his licence so it were not to his enemie that the widow should haue her ioynture and not be compelled to marrie against her owne liking that the mother or next of kinred should bee Guardian of the lands of her children that all debts to the Crowne and certaine offences also should bee remitted But these lawes afterwards were but slenderly obserued Three vertues were most famous in him wisedome courage and sweetenesse of speach By the last hee gained much fauour from the people By the other two he purchased both peace at home and victory abroad He was noted also for some vices but out of doubt they were farre exceeded by his vertues And for these vices also being himselfe of a pleasant disposition he was well pleased with pleasant reproofes Guymund his Chapleine obseruing that vnworthy men for the most part were aduanced to the best dignities of the Church as he celebrated Diuine seruice before him and was to read these words out of S. Iames It rained not vpon the earth iij. yeres and vj. moneths Hee did read it thus It rained not vpon the earth one one one yeres and fiue one moneths The King obserued this reading and afterwards rebuked his Chapleine for it But Guymund answered that he did it of purpose for that such readers were soonest preferred by the King The King smiled and in short time after preferred him to the gouernment of S. Frideswides in Oxeford In this King failed the heires male of King William the first and then the Crowne was possessed by Title of heires generall In these times flourished two excellent ornaments of the Church Anselme in England and Bernard in France both of them enrolled in the list of Saints And no lesse infamous for vice was Gerard Archbishop of Yorke a man of some learning not so much in substance as in seeming and shew of commendable wit which he applied chiefly to giue a couler for euery vice of his owne and for euery vertue of others either a slander or a ieast Of enuious disposition plagued lesse with his owne calamities then with the well either doing or being of other men in wiping money from his Subiects by dishonest meanes subtill and shamelesse and