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A67922 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 3,006,471 816

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him agayn with great successe felicitie and long raigne In so much the he beyng yong as he was playing at Chesse with a certayne souldior of his sodainly hauing no occasion geuen rose vp and went his way who was not so soon voyded the place but incontinent fel down a mighty stone from the vawt aboue directly vpon that place where he sate able to haue quashed him in peeces if he had caried neuer so little more In the proseruation of whome as I see the present hand and mighty prouidence of the huing God so in the kinges order agayne I note a fault or error worthy of reprehension For that he receiuing such a liuely benefite at the hand of the liuing Lord going therefore on pilgrimage to walsingham gaue thanks not only to our Lady but rather to a rotten blacke Ibidem Of the gentle nature of this couragious prince sufficient proofe is geuen by this one example that what time he being in hys desport of hauking chaunced sharpoly to rebuke the negligence of one of his gentlemen for what fault I cannot tell about his hauke the gentleman being on the other side of the riuer hearing his manassing wordes was glad as he sayd that the riuer was between them with this answer the couragious bloud of this Prince being moued vppon present hear he leaped straight into the floud both a swift streame and of a dangerous deepnesse and no lesse hard in getting out Notwithstanding either forgetting his owne life or neglecting the daunger present but hauing a good horse ventreth his own death to haue the death of his mā At length with much difficultie recouering the bank with his sword drawn pursueth his prouoker Who hauing not so good an horse and seeing himselfe in daunger of taking reineth hys horse submitteth his necke vnder hys hande to strike The prince whose feruent stomack the water of the whole riuer could not quench a little submission of his man did so extinct that the quarrel fell his anger ceased and his sword put vp without any stroke geuen And so both returned to theyr game good friendes agayne Auesb. Nich. Triuet In the first beginning of his raig●e this Kyng had much adoe in Wales where he had diuers conflictes wyth the welshmen whom at last he subdued cut down theyr woodes suppressed rebellions vanquishing theyr kings Lewline and his brother ordeined his eldest sonne Edward borne in the same Countrey to be Prince of Wales This Lewline Captayne of the welshmen here mentioned rebelling agaynst king Edward asked counsayle by way of coniuration what euent should come vpon his attempt To whom it was tolde that he should goe forward boldly for doubtlesse he should ryde thorough Chepeside at London with a crowne on his head Whiche so came to passe For he being slayne hys head was caried through Chepe with a Crowne of siluer to London bridge whereby men may learne not to seeke nor stick to these vayne prophesies which though they fall true yet are but the traynes of the deuill to deceyue men About this time was a great earthquake and suche a rotte that consumed a great multitude of sheep in the land through the occasion as they say of one scabbed shepe that came out of Spayne The king returning from Wales to England ordred certayne new lawes for the wealth of the realme Among many other this was one that authoritie was geuen to all Maiors Baili●es other officers to see execution and punishment of all Bakers making bread vnder the sise with pillory Of Milners stealing corn with the tumbrel c. And within two yeares after the statute of Mortinayne was first enacted which is to meane that no man should geue vnto the Churche any landes or rentes without a speciall licence of the king About which tyme also being the 7. yeare of his raigne 297. Iewes for mony clipping were put to execution In whiche same yeare began first the foundation of the blacke Friers by Ludgate And the towne of Bosten was greatly wasted the same yeare with fyre The halfepeny and farthinges began first to be coyned the selfe tyme which was the 8. yeare of hys raygne The great conduit in Chepe began the fourth yeare after to be made anno 1248. And the yeare next following the newe worke of the Churche of Westminster begon as is afore premonished in the thyrd yeare of Henry 3. was finished whiche was 66. yeares in edifiyng the Iewes were vtterly banished this Realme of England the same tyme for whiche the commons gaue to the kyng a fifteene anno 1291. After that the country of Wales was brought in a full order and quiet by the hewing downe of the woodes and casting down the old holdes and building of new whiche all was brought to perfect end about the 24. yeare of thys kings reigne then ensued an other broile as great or greater with Scotland to the great disquiet of the king and the realme of England many yeares after This trouble first began by the death of Alexander king of Scots who dyed without issue left aliue behinde him Although Fabiane in that 7. booke of hys Chronicle affirmeth that he left 3. daughters the eldest maryed to sir John Bailol the secōd to Robert Bruce the thyrd to one Hastinges But this in Fabian is to be corrected as which neyther standeth with it selfe is clearely conuinced by the witnes and history of Rob. Auel bury and also 〈◊〉 Gi●burne For first if king Alexander had left his eldest daughter marked to Syr Iohn Bailol then what cōtrouersie might rule among the Lords about succession needing so diligent and anxious deciding by the king of England Secondly what clayme or title could the king of Norway haue to the crowne of Scotland which was one of the chalengers claiming the sayd crowne in the behalfe of Margaret the nece of the forsayd king Alexander her graunfather if the eldest daughter of the father had heue left aliued Thirdly what can be more playn when by the affirmance of the foresaid story is testified that K. Alexander had 2. wiues Of the second whereof he had no issue Of the first had two Children Alexader which died before his father and Margaret maried to the kyng of Norway whiche died also before her Father of whom came Margaret the ●ece of Alexander and daughter to the king of Norway afore mentioned And the also dyed in the iourny betweene Norway and Scotland the fourth yeare after the decease of her grandfather Wherfore as this matter standeth most cleare so let vs now returning frō whence we digressed prosecute the rest that foloweth After that Alexāder thus as is said departed without issue also Margaret his ●iece in Norway was deceased the matter came in a great doubt among the nobles of Scotland especially 12. by name to whome the right of the crowne should next pertayne After much variaunce among parties at length the election
brethren Soone after a Sonne of wicked Edricus by the minde as appeared afterward of his father espied when king Edmond was at the draught with a speare some say with a long knife thrust him into the fundamēt wherof the sayd Edmond shortlye after dyed after that he had raigned two yeres He left behinde him two sonnes Edmond and Edward whom Edricke the wicked Duke after the death of their father tooke from theyr mother not knowing yet of the death of Edmond her husband presēted them to king Canutus saluting him in these words Aue Rex solus Thus Canutus after the death of Edmond Irenside was king alone of the whole realme of englād And afterward by the aduise of his counsayle he sent the foresayd sonnes of Edmond Irōside to his brother Suanus king of Sueueland to be slayne who abhorring that deed sent them to Salomon king of Hūgary where Edmond being maried to the kings daughter dyed Edward was maried to Agatha daughter of his brother Henry the 4. Emperour When Canutus was stablished in the kingdom he called a parliamentat London where among other things there debated it was propounded to the bishops Barōs and Lordes of the parliament there present whether that in the compositiō made betwene Edmund and Canutus any speciall remembraunce was made for the children or brethren of Edmund for any partition of any part of the land Wherunto the english Lordes falsly ●latteryng with the foraine kyng and speaking against their own mynds as also against their natiue countrey aunswered and sayd nay Affirming moreouer with an oth for the kings pleasure that they to the vttermost of their powers would put of the bloud of Edmund in all that they might By reason of which answer and promise they thought many of thē to haue purchased with the king great fauour But by the iust retribution of God it chaunced farre otherwise For many of them or the most part such especially as Canutus did perceiue to be sworne before tyme to Edmund his heyres and also considering that they were natiue englishmen he mistrusted and disdained euer after In so much that some he exiled a great sort he beheaded some by Gods punishment died sodainly Among whom wicked Edricke also the traytour although with hys sugred wordes he continued a while in the kings fauour at lēgth escaped not condigne reward for his deceiuable dealyng For as the history of Iornalēsis recordeth as the king was in his palace beyond Thames this Edricke beyng belike accused or els suspected of the king before comming vnto him began to reckon vp his benefites labours bestowed for his sake First in forsaking and betraying Egelred then in slaying king Edmund his sonne with many such other deedes moe which all for his sake he had done Well saith the king thou hast here rightly iudged thy selfe and worthily thou shalt dye for slaying thy naturall Prince my sworne brother And so commaunded him to be bound immediately hand and foote to be thrown into Thames Some stories say that when he had saluted the king with Aue rex solus and shewed him the slaying of Edmund Canutus promising that he would make him therfore higher then all the lordes of the realme commaunded his head to be striken off to be set vpon London bridge and hys body to be cast in the towne ditche And thus with shame ended he his wretched life as al they commonly do which with like dissimulatiō seeke the destruction of their Prince and of their countrey This Canutus shortlye after the death of king Edmond by the counsayle of Edricke exiled Edmond being brother to King Edmund called Rex rusticorum the king of Choor●es But afterward he was reconciled agayne to the kinges fauour and lastly slayne by certayne of the Kinges Secretaryes or Seruauntes Also through the counsayle of the sayd Edricke and of Emma his wife he sent the two Sonnes of Edmond Ironside Edmond and Edward to his brother Suanus king of Denmark to be slaine as is aboue sayd In this meane time Suanus king of Denmarke brother to Canutus died Wherfore that land fel to Canutus which anon after sailed thether and tooke thereof possession And after he had set it in an order he retourned into England and maried Emma late wife before of Egelred and by her had a sōne called Herdeknight or Hardeknoutus Moreouer this Canutus assembled a Parliament at Oxford where it was agreed that Englishmen Danes should holde the lawes made by king Edgar because they were thought so good resonable aboue any other lawes Thus the Danes being in England began by little little to be Christen men And Canutus went to Rome so returning againe to England gouerned that lande the space of 20. yeares leauing after him two sonnes Harold Hardeknoutus which Hardeknoutus was made king of Denmarke in his fathers time Harold called Harefoote for his deliuernes and swiftnes sonne to Canutus by Elgina his first wife began his raigne ouer England an 1039. Of him is little left in memory for he raigned but 4. yeres saue that he banished his stepmother Emma tooke her goods iewels from her Hardeknoutus being king of Denmarke and second sonne to Canutus by his last wife Emma was next King of England In the time of these Danish kings there was one Godwyn an earle in England which had bene before in great fauour with Canutus for his actes done in Denmarke against the Northwegians and afterward maryed y● sister some say the daughter of Canutus This Godwyn was of a cruell and subtill wit as he declared no lesse by the two sonnes of king Egelred For when these two aforesaid whose names were Alfride and Edward came from Normādie into England to visit their mother Emma and brought with them a great company of Normands this Godwine hauing a daughter called Godith whome he thought to marry to Edward set him vp to be King to bring his purpose about vsed this practise that is to perswade king Hardeknoue the Lordes not to suffer those Normandes to be within the realme for ieoperdie but rather to punish them for example By which meanes he gat authoritie to order the matter himselfe wherefore he 〈◊〉 them on Guild downe and there most wretchedly murthered or rather Martyred the most number of the Normandes and that innocently For as Swanus before had tithed the Monkes of Canterburie so he● with the cruell cōpany of english soldiors slew ix of the saide Normands and saued the x. And yet passing the furie of Swanus as not contented with that tiranny he tithed againe the sayde tithe and slew euery x. knight and that by cruel tormēt as winding their guts out of their bodies as writeth Ranulphus And among other put out the eyes of the elder brother Alfridus and sent him to an Abbey of Elie where he being fed wyth breade and water endured not
maried Mathild daughter to king Henry Who then hearing what the Pope had done agreeued not a little to all expedition marcheth to Rome and putteth the Pope to flight and finally placeth an other in his steade In the meane time the Bishops of Germanie the Popes good frendes slept not their businesse incensing the Saxons al that they might against their Cesare In so much that a great commotion was stirred vp and grew at length to a pitcht field which was fought in the moneth of Felnuarie by the wood called Silua Catularia An. M. Cxv. The Emperour seeing no end of these conffictes vnlesse he would yelde to the Pope was fame to geue ouer and forgoe his priuiledge falling to a composition not to meddle with matters perteining to the Popes electiō nor with inuesting nor such other thinges belonging to the Church and Church men And thus was the peace betwene them concluded and proclaimed to no smal reioysing to both the armies then lying by wormes neare the riuer of Rine In the time of this Paschalis liued Bernardus called Abbas Clarauallensis An. M. Cviii. of whom sprang the Bernadine Monkes About what time the city of Worcester was consumed almost all with fire An. M. Cix All this while Henricus the Emperour had no issue hauing to wife Mathildis the daughter of Henricus 1. king of England and that by the iust iudgement of God as it may appeare For as he hauing a father persecuted him by the Popes setting on contrary to the part of a naturall sonne so Gods providence did not suffer him to be the father of any childe naturally to loue him or to succeede him After the death of Paschalis An. 1118. succeeded Pope Belasius chosen by the Cardinals but without the consent of the Emperour whereupon rose no little variance in Rome And at length another pope was set vp by the Emperour called Gregorius viii and Belasius driuen away into Fraunce and there died After whom came Calixtus the second chosen likewise by a fewe Cardinals wythout the voyce of the Emperour who comming vp to Rome to enioy his seat first sent his legat into Germanie to excommunicate the Emperour Henricus who then hauing diuers conflictes with his fellow Pope Gregorius at lēgth braue him out of Rome At this time by this occasiō great disputation and controuersy was betwene the Emperors and the Popes court whether of them in dignitie shoulde excell the other wherof reasons and argumentes on both sides were alleadged as in the verses here following are comprehended Allegatio Imperatoris contra papam Caesar lex viua stat regibus imperatiua Legeq sub viua sunt omnia iura datiua Lex ea castigat soluit ipsa ligat Conditor est legis neque debet lege teneri Sed sibi complacuit sub lege libenter hab●●● Quicquid ei placuit iuris adinstar erit Qui ligar ac soluit deus ipsum protulit orbi Diuisit regnum diuina potentia secum Astra dedit superis caetera cuncta sibi ¶ Responsio Romanae curiae contra Imperatorem Pars quoque papalis sic obuiat Imperiali Sic dans regnare quòd Petro subijciaris Ius etenim nobis Christus vtrumque parit Spiritus corpus mihi sunt subiecta potenter Corpore terrena teneo caelestia mente Vnde tenendo polum soluo ligóque solùm AEthers pandere coelica tongere papa videtur Nam dare tollere nectere soluere cuncta meretur Cui dedit omne decus lex noua léxque vetus Annulus baculus quamuis terrena putentur Sunt de iure poli quae significare videntur Respice iura dei mens tua cedat ei c. In conclusion the Emperor being ouercome so much with the vaine reasons of the Popes side and scaring the dangerous thunderbolt of this curse talking m e Princes and perswaded by his frendes was faine to condescend to the vnreasonable conditions of the Pope First to ratifie his election notwithstāding the other pope whō the said Emperour had set vp yet was a liue Secondly that he should resign vp his right and title in matters pertaining to the election of the Pope and inuesture of bishops This being done graunted and the writings thereoffet vp in the Churche of Lateran for a triumphe of the Emperour thus subdued the pope maketh out after Gregorius his fellow pope being then in a towne called Sutrium This Sutrium being besieged and taken Gregory also was taken whom Calixtus the pope sitting vpon a Camell his face to the Camels taile brought hym so through the streetes of Rome holding the taile in his hād in stede of a bridle and afterward being shorne was thrust into a Monasterie Amongst many other acts done by this glorious pope first he established the decrees of the papall sea against this Emperour He brought in the 4. quarter fasts called Imber paies Dist. 70. cap. ieiunium By the same Calixtus the order of monkes called Praemonstraterises were brought in Farther by him it was decreed to be iudged for adultery if any person by his life time had put from him either Byshopricke or benefice grounding vpon this Scripture of S. Paule to the Romaines Alligata est vxor legi viri quamdiu vir eius viuit eo defuncto soluta est a lege viri c. That is the wife is bounde to the lawe of her husbande so long as the husband liueth after he is dead she is loose frō the law of her husband c. Item the same Calixtus holding a generall Councell at Rhemis decreed that priests deacons and subdeacons should put away their cōcubines and wiues or els whosoeuer was founde to keepe his wife to be depriued of benefice and al other Ecclesiastical liuings wherupon a certaine English writer made these verses following O bone Calixte nunc omnis clerus odit te Quondam praesbyteri poterant vxoribus vti Hoc destruxisti postquam tu Papa fuisti c. That is word for word The hatred of the Clergie hast thou good Calixte For some times Priests might vse their wiues right But that thou hast reiected since Pope thou wast elected And thus much of Romain matters Now to our coūtrey story againe After the death of Anselme before mentioned who deceassed the yeare of our Lorde 1109. after he had bene sit the sea 16. yeares the Churche of Cant. stoode voyde 5. yeares and the goodes of the Church were spent to the Kings vse And when he was prayed to helpe the Church that was so long without a pastor hys answere was pretēding that where his father and brother had accustomed there to set the best tried and approued men that might be found to the entent therfore that he might do the same in chusing suche which either should equal the former examples of them before or at least follow their footesteps as neare as they could he tooke therein the more time and laisure And
the city Castellana whiche he before the peace cōcluded betwene thē did occupy enioy And that doth both Fridericke in his Epistles testifie and also Fazellus in his 8. booke writing of the affayres of Sicilia Yet that notwtstanding Fridericke for the quietnesse and vtilitie of the commō wealth purposed with himselfe to beare and suffer these small iniuries And further studied in all that he might as well by liberall gifts as otherwise to haue the Pope to be to him a trusty frend As whē the Romanes other of the Ecclesiasticall number made warre against the Pope for certein possessiōs which he kept of theirs he cōming to him at Reate and as one that tendred the vnity of the church thinking to helpe the Pope at his earnest request in these matters sēt his Legates vnto them willing them to lay down their armour which agaynst the Pope they bare And when that would not serue at the Popes further request desire he leuied an army against them at his owne charge and draue them from the siege of Uiterbium with other such like assured tokens of amitie and frendship he shewed him Who notwtstanding so soone as the Emperour was departed with a small cōpany which he tooke with him into Sicilia leauing wyth him the greater and most part of his army for the mayntenaunce of his warres concluded a peace with the Romaines vnknowing to the Emperor whom he had procured to trauell and labour therin with great expenses affirming that without his wil and commandement the Emperour had expelled them and driuē them out of the territories of Uiterbiū And hereof doth Fridericke also himselfe make mentiō in his second and third Epistle where he complayneth of the iniuries of the Popes towardes him Therfore greater cōmendation had Blondus deserued if he had written of these trecheries of the Pope then that forgetting himselfe as vnto lyers often it chaunceth in that he writeth both cōtrary to himself in the effect of this matter and contrary to the veritie of Fridericus his history which sayth that the Romaines were incited to these new tumultes by his intising and setting on As though simple men of vnderstāding could not both by the offering of his sonne in hostage by the great preparation of y● warres and by the euent specially of the thing itself gather the cōtrary But to to impudent will Blondus needes shew himselfe Whilest that these things were done in Italy and Sicilia great rebellions were moued in Germany agaynst the Emperour by Henricus Cesar and Fridericke of Austria hys sonnes being the chief authors therof For Henry being disapoynted and shakē of from his Lord Pope and other conspiratours by reasō of the peace betwene his father him as ye heard began now to make open chalenge to the Empire And for that cause he as before is sayd put frō him Ludouicus whom he knew to be vnto the Emperour his father so louing and an assured frend who as willingly perceauing and smelling what mischief he went about forsooke his court and came to Boioria who had not there remayned a yeare but was as he walked abroad at a certayne tyme stabbed in with a dagger of one Kelhemius presently dyed his seruauntes beyng not farre from him Of whose death diuers diuersly write Notwithstanding the sequell doth shewe them to write truliest that affirme the sayd striker to be suborned by Henry Cesar who comming vnto him in the habite of a messenger deliuered vnto him certaine letters which he fayned to be sent frō the Emperour And whilest Ludouicus was in reading the same he strake him in with a dagger and gaue him his mortall wound with speed fled vpō the same After whose death succeeded in that Dukedome his sonne Otho who when solempnly according to the maner of the Boiores he shold haue bene created was also let by the same Henry Cesar who forbad the assēbly of the magistrates and Citizens of the same They notwitstanding neglecting his vniust restraint created him Wherefore he first besieged Reginoburgh with an other company sacked brent and wasted Boioria with many moe such great outragies rebellions When intelligence was brought of these thinges to the Emperour he sent his Legates and cōmaunded that both the Cesar his sonne and other Princes of Germany which had assembled their armies should breake vp and disperse the same And because he saw and perceaued now manifestly that his sonne made so apparant rebellion agaynst hym and fearing greater insurrections to insue in Germany he thought good to preuent the same with al expeditiō wherfore he determined to go in all hast to Germany with hys army from whence he had bene absent nowe 14. yeares and hereunto he maketh the Pope priuy The Pope promised the Emperor hereupon that he would write his letters in his behalfe to all the Princes of Germany but perswaded him to the vttermost of his power that he shoulde in no case go into Germany himselfe For why his conscience accused him that he had written to the nobles of Germany euen from the beginning of his Papacy for the hate and grudge he had agaynst the Emperor that they should suffer him neither any of his heyres to enioy the Empire farther had stirred them all vp to rebell agaynst him and had moued Henry the Emperors sonne by his bribes and fayre promises to conspire against his father And to conclude he was the author procurer of the conspiracie which the Lombardes made then agaynst him and fearing least these things should come now to the Emperours eare he was greatly troubled and careful But the Emperour not thinking it good at so needefull a time to be absent he all doubt set a part with his second sonne Conradus went speedely into Germany And assēbling there a councell in the City of Nureburgh Henry Cesar his sonne after hys conspiracie was manifestly detected which he had in practise with the Longoberdes whereof the Pope was chiefe autor was by iudgement and sentence of 70. Princes condemned of high treason And being commaunded by hys father to be bound was as a prisoner brought to Apulia where not long after in prison he dyed In whose stede he ordayned Conradus his 2. sonne Cesar by consent of all the Piers Princes Furthermore by publique commandement he renounced Fridericke Austriacus for his sonne and for an enemy to the publique weale he caused him to be proclaymed And further when he sawe that neither that punishment could cause him to remember himselfe and acknowledge his abuse the Emperour with a great armye accompanied with diuers of the noble men of Germany tooke from him all Austria and Stiria and brought them agayne vnder hys owne obedience and fidelitie The same yeare maryed he his third wife named Isabell the daughter of king Iohn of England Then when he had set Germany in a stay and quietnes he left there Conradus Cesar hys
Rome Pope Iohn had his eyes put out and so put to death Pope Gregory restored Vii electours of themperors ordayned in Germany and who they be Ex Chronico Martini King Egelred Anno. 979. The life of Egelred Anno. 981. The coronation of Egelred The prophecie of Dunstane as monkishe storyes geue it The Danes recoursed to England Houeden lib. continuationum London cōsumed with fire The king warred against the Byshop of Rochester An. 990. The bloudy flixe and hote feuers reigned in this land The death of Dunstane Ethelgarus Elfricus Siricius Elphegus Archb. of Canterb. An. 995. The Byshops sea of Dyrham London besieged of the Danes The Dane spoyled the land Great tribute leuied of the Englishmen Danegelt The sorrowfull affliction of the English nation What dissētion and discorde doth amōg the nobles in a realme The pride and wretchednes of the Danes toward the Englishmen Lord Dane Lurdaine Anno. 1000. Henrie Archidiat lib. 6. The first ioyning betweene the Norm and Englishe men King Egelred marieth Emma the Dukes daughter of Normandy Richard Duke of Normandy The Danes by secret cōmission slayne in euery towne of England Suanus K. of Denmarke ariueth in England Exeter beat down Norwiche spoyled and wasted by the Danes Anno. 1004. A tribute payd to the Danes of xxx M. pound to haue peace The persecution of Turkillus a Dane Euill counsell about a king what hurt it doth The second returne of Suanus into England The persecution of Suanus king of Danes Caunterbury besieged Treason of a false Deacon Caunterbury takē and brent The tything of the Monkes of Caunterbury A cruell murther of the Danes Elphegus the Archb. of Caūt stoned to death Anno. 1013. King Egelred driuen 〈…〉 I le of Wig●● from then 〈◊〉 Normandy The vertue of Christen mens prayer The death and end of Suanus The Abbey of S. Edmundelburie builded King Egelred returneth into England Canutus cutteth of the noses and handes of hys pledges Canutus taketh Westsaxon A lessen for all Iudges and Iustices Brybes Euill Iudges worse in a common wealth then bloudy enemies Wicked officers Agaynst wicked Iudges A wicked Iudge deposed and depriued by the king Anno. 1016. Edmund Ironside sunne of Egelred king Canutus sonne of Swanus king The battayles betweene Edmundus and Canutus A witty oration to stay bloud betweene 2. armyes Two 〈◊〉 fight 〈◊〉 to hand The 〈◊〉 murtherd king Edmund Two so●ne of Edmund Y●onside Flattery 〈◊〉 fidelity 〈◊〉 vntrueth in English Lordes False vnfaythfulnes and vnconstant mobilitie in Englishe Lordes and rewarded Duke Edrike the false traytor and murtherer of 〈◊〉 king worthely rewarded for hys wicked falshode The end of pernicious traytours The brother of Edmund Yronside banished reconciled and lastly slayne Edmund and Edward two sonnes of Edmund Yronside sent out to be slayne Canutus K. of Denmarke Canutus maryeth Emma wife before of Egelred Lawes of K. Edgar H●rold Harefoot K. of Englād a Dane Anno. 1039. Hardecknout king last of the Danes that reigned in England Erle Godwyn The miserable wretchednes of Godwyn agaynst the Normands The Normandes tythed and yet the tenthes retithed agayn Alfredus sonne of Egelred right heyre of the crowne tormented with cruell death The cause expended why God suffered this land to be conquered by the Normandes Example of Gods righteous iudgement The death of K. Hardeknout The sonnes of Erle Godwyn The story of Alfred repeated Taken out of the english story or chronicle compiled of certayne englishe Clerkes Alfred of Al●red sonne of K. Egelred Ex historia ignati autori● Gunilda wife to Henricus the Emperour Canutus went to Rome The hospitall builde at Rome for English p●●grimes Rome shote confirmed by Canutus The Cathedral Churche of Wintchest inritched by Canutus S. Benets in Norfolke builded Bury Abbey turned to Monkes Flatterers and clawbackes about Princes Canutus chargeth the sea to stand backe but it would not be A lesson notable for kinges and Princes God onely the king of all kings and Lord of Lordes The kinges crowne put on a roode Kinges of England haue as much right in causes spirituall as temporall Certaine lawes of K. Canutus for the ordering of matters ecclesiasticall Adultresse woman to loose their eares and noses Anno. 104● King Edward the con●ellour England a●flicted by the Danes the space of 255. yeares K. Edward crowned Holy king Edward a virgine i● maryage Methe i● Greeke signifieth dr●kennes Aceasation of the Archbish. against Emma the kinges mother False accusation purged by hote yron A straunge thing if it were true and without false conueyance Great snow and mortalitie in England Variaunce betweene the king and Godwyn Godwyn with hys v. sonnes outlawed Godwyn reconciled to the king vpon pledges geuen William D. of Normandy came into England to king Edward Marianus Scotus whē he liued The end and death of vngodly Godwyn Ex lorna Malmesberiensi Polydor. Fabiano alijs Gods iust punishment vpon Godwyn for the murthering of Alphred Periurie plagued Edward the outlawe sonne of Edmund Yronside sent for to England Anno. 1056. The death of Edward sonne of Edmond Yronside William Duke of Normandy admitted heyre to the crowne The enuy and discorde of brethren Vngracious children of a wicked father A place of Polydorus Virg. examined Harold taken of the Normands Harold promiseth Duke William to marry hys daughter and to keepe the realme for hys behoofe Erle Leofricus euer true and faythfull to hys prince How Couentry was made free Godina wife to Leofricus The Abby of Couentry builded by Leofricus Edward the outlaw Edgar Edeling Margaret Queene of Scottes Matilde Queene of England Dauid King of Scots The death of King Edward Westminster repayred Guliel Malmesber Ex lornalen Ex Historia Richardi 2. iussu composita The lawes of K. Edward Ex Mathaeo pariensi William Conquerour sworne to K. Edwardes lawes yet went from it Ex libro Reg. antiquorum in praetorio Londinensi The office of a king described in the lawes of K. Edward A king the vicare of God in earth The limits of the kingdome of England how farre they doe extend The office of a king farther described 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 king 〈◊〉 to haue 〈…〉 iec●ion Anno. 1066. Harold 〈◊〉 K. of Saxons Harold king of Denmarke and Tostius slayne The Pope sendeth a banner to Duke W. vpon bone v●age into England Duke William landeth at H●stinges Three causes why Duke William entred England Three conditions offered to Harold by D. William The fight betweene Harold and Duke William K. Harold slayne The consanguinitie betweene K. Edward and William Conquerour Murther iustly recompensed Archbishops of Caunterb Liningus Egelmothus Robertus Stigandus The decay of the Church Pope Siluester 2. Siluester the. 2 a soule sorcerer Ioannes Stella Platina Petrus Praemostratensis Nancle●us Antoninus Robertus Barnus Ioannes Baleus Ex Ioan Stella An admonition for sorcerers and wicked coniu●ers The feast of all soules brou●ht into the church Benedictus the 9. Gregorius the 6. A constitution no pope to be chosen but by the
reprehend the vicious enormities both of secular and of religious persons yet he him self is not without the same or rather greater reprehēsion for that hee gaue the occasion thereof in maintaining such superstitious orders of such lasciuious Nunnes and other religions restraining the same from lawful mariage For so we finde of him in stories that hee was a great se●ter vp vpholder of such blinde superstition and of all Poperie Who being admitted by Pope Gregory the secōd Archbishop of Magunce and indued 〈◊〉 full authoritie legantine ouer the Germanes brought diuers countreys there vnder the Popes obedience held many great Coūcels ordained Bishops builded Monasteries canonised Saints commaunded reliques to be worshipped permitted religious fathers to cary about Nunnes with them a preaching Amongst all other he founded the great monastery of Fulda in Germany of English monkes into the which no women might enter but only Lieba Tecla two English Nunnes Item by the authoritie of the said Archbishop Boniface which he receiued frō Pope Zacharie Childericus king of Fraunce was deposed from the right of his crowne and Pipinus betraier of his maister was cōfirmed or rather intruded in From this Boniface proceeded that detestable doctrine which now standeth registred in the Popes decrees Dist. 40. cap. Si Papa which in a certaine Epistle of his is this That in case the Pope were of most filthy liuing and forgetfull or negligent of himselfe and of the whole christianitie in such sort that he led innumerable soules with him to hell yet ought there no man to rebuke him in so doing For he hath saith he power to iudge all men and ought of no man to be iudged agayne In the tyme of this Archbishop Pope Gregory the second also Gregory the third and Pope Zachary and before these also Pope Constantine the first wrought great maisteries against the Greeke Emperours Philippicus Leo and others for the maintaining of Images to be set vp in Churches Of whom Philippicus lost both his Empire and also his eyes Leo for the same cause likewise was excommunicate of Gregory the third This Gregory the third so farre as I can coniecture was he that first wrote the foure bookes of Dialogues in Greeke falsely bearyng the name of Gregory the first which bookes afterward Zachary hys successour translated out of Greeke into Latin Item the same Gregory the third first brought into the Masse Land the clause for reliques beginning Quorum solemnitates hodie in conspectu c. Item brought into the sayd Canon the memoriall the offring and sacrifice for the dead Lyke as Zachary brought in the Priests vesture and ornaments as the foresaid Constantinus also was the first that gaue his feete to be kissed of the Emperours But turne agayne into the course of our English story In the tyme of this Egbert king of Northumberland Sigebert or Sigbert raigned in Westsaxony a man of so cruell tyranny to his subiectes turning the lawes customs of his forefathers after his owne will and pleasure that when he was somewhat sharpely aduertised by one of his nobles an Earle called Combranus to chaūge his maners and to behaue him more prudently toward his people he therfore maliciously caused him to be put to cruell death Whereupon the sayd king Sigebert continuing in his cruell conditions by his subiectes conspyring agaynst hym was put from his kingly dignity and brought into suche desolation that wandring alone in a wood without comfort was there slayne euen by the swineheard of the sayd Earle whom before he had so wrongfully murdered as partly is aboue touched whereby is to be seene the cruell tyranny of Princes neuer to prosper well without the iust reuenge both of God and man This Sigebert being slayne in his place succeeded Kenulphus in the yeare of our Lord 748. who with the agreemēt of the westsaxons was one of the chiefe doers against Sigebert his Maister This Kenulphus kept stronglye his Lordship agaynst Offa and agaynst the power of all hys enemies till at length after that he had raigned as Fabian sayth 31. yeares he resorting to a paramour which he kept at Merton was there beset likewise slayne by the trayn and meanes of a certayne kinsman of the foresayd Sigebert named Clito or Cliton in reuengement of king Sigebertes death Moreouer in the raigne of the foresayd Egbert kyng of Northumberland and in the viij yeare of Kenulphus king of Westsaxons Offa after he had slayne the tyraunt Beoruredus which before had slayne Ethelwald kyng of Mercia and Uncle to this foresayde Offa raigned King of that Prouince Of this Offa are told many notable deedes which because they concerne rather politicall affaires and doe not greatly appertayne to the purpose of this ecclesiastical history I omit here to recite As his warres and victories against Egbert the Northumbres as also against Etheldred king of East Angles Item against Egbert king of Kent otherwise called Wren whom Fabian saith he tooke prisoner led him bound with him to Mercia Malmesbury witnesseth otherwise this to be done not by Offa but by Kenulphus as Christ willing hereafter shall appeare After these victories Offa had such displeasure vnto the Citizens of Canterbury that he remooued the Archbishops sea and landes of Lambrith Archbishop of Caunterbury by the agreement of Pope Adrian vnto Lichfield He also chased the Britaines or Welchmen into Wales and made a famous dyke betwene Wales and the vtter bonds of Mercia or middle England which was called Ofditche And builded there a Church which long tyme a●ter was called Offekyrke This Offa also married one of his daughters to Brightricus that was king of Westsaxons And for that in his tyme was variance betwene him and the Frenchmen in so much that the passage of merchants was forbidden therfore he sent Alcuinus a learned man vnto Charles the great then king of France to common the meanes of peace which Charles had after that the said Alcuinus in great fauour and estimation and afterward made him Abbot of Turonia in Fraunce About the latter tyme of the raigne of Offa kyng of Mercia Ethelbert beyng then kyng of Eastangles a learned and a right godly Prince came to the Court of Offa prouoked by the counsell of his Nobles to sue for the mariage of his daughter wel accompanied like a prince with his men about him Wherupon the Queene conceiuyng a false suspicion and fearing that which was neuer minded that Ethelbert with his company vnder the pretence and made matter of mariage was come to worke some violence against her husband and the kingdom of Mercia so she perswaded with king Offa and cettrine of her counsel that night that the next day followyng Offa caused him to be trayned into his pallace alone from his company by one called Guymbertus who tooke him and bound him there stroke of his head which forthwith he thā
second booke before are to be collected and noted especially touching the monasteries builded the kings which haue entered the life and profession Monastike also Queenes Queenes daughters which the same tyme professed solitary life in monasteries which they or their auncetors had erected The conclusion of the story precedent concerning the seuen kingdoms of the Saxon kings aboue mentioned ¶ And thus hast thou gentle Reader concerning the vij kingdoms of these Saxons ruling altogether in England the course and order of their doings briefly described and discoursed vnto thee in such order as the matter beyng so intricate in such confusion diuersitie of things incident together would permit followyng especially in this story hitherto the line of the Northumberland kings as the other stories most folow the line of Westsaxō kings The which seuen kingdoms of these sayd Saxones after they had vntruely expulsed and chased out the Britaine 's from their land like as they neuer were in quietnes amōg themselues raigning thus together till the tyme of this Egbert so also after the raigne of Egbert the whole realme beyng reduced into one regimēt no lesse were they impugned afflicted by the Danes continually frō tyme to time till the last conquest of William the Normand Thus it pleseth God euer lightly to reuenge with bloud bloudy violence and the vniust dealings of men with iust and lyke retribution But of this let the christian Reader consider as Gods grace shall worke in him In the meane tyme we as much as in vs did lye satisfiyng the part of an Historician haue thus hetherto set forth and declared concerning these vij foresayd kingdoms first the names and lineall descent of the kings seuerally by themselues as by the table precedent may appeare then what were the doings and actes of the same How first being Pagans they were conuerted to the christian faith what things in their time happened in the church how many of them of kings were made monkes how deuout they were then to holy church and to the churchmen and especially to the church of Rome But the churchmen then were much otherwyse in lyfe then afterward they declared themselues to bee Through which deuotion of the said kings first came in the Peterpence or Romeschots in this Realme as by Iue first in his dominion then by Offa in his Lordship afterward by Adelwulph brought in and ratified through the whole Realme where also is to be noted that by the foresayd Kings and Queenes of the sayd Saxons the most part of the greatest Abbais Nunneries in this realme were first begun and builded as partly the names of some here follow to be seene First the Church or Minster of S. Paule in London was founded by Ethelbert king of Kent and Sigebert kyng of Essex about the yeare of our Lord. 604. The first crosse and aulter within this realm was first set vp in the North partes in Heuenfield vpon the occasion of Oswald king of Northumberland fighting against Cadwalla where he in the same place set vp the signe of the crosse kneelyng and praying there for victory Polychron lib 5. cap. 12. An. 635. The Church of Winchester was first begon and founded by Kingilsus king of Mercians hauing 9. myles about it after finished by his sonne Kewalcus where Wyne of englishmen was first bishop An. 636. Guliel Malmesb. Lib. De gestis pont Ang. The Church of Lincolne first founded by Paulinus Bishop An. 629. The Church of Westminster began first by a certayne Citizen of London through the instigatiō of Ethelbert king of Kent which before was an I le of thornes Bed An. 614. The common schooles first erected at Cambridge by Sigebert king of Eastangles An. 636. The Abbey of Knouisburgh builded by Furceus the Hermite An. 637. The monasterie of Malmesbery by one Meldulfus a Scot about the yeare of our Lord 640. Afterward inlarged by Agilbert bishop of Winchester The Monasterie in Glocester first builded by Ofricus King of Mercia as Cestrensis sayth But as William Malmesb writeth by Vlferus and Etheldred brethren to Kineburga Abbesse of the same house An 679. The monastery of Mailrose by the floud of Twide by Aidanus a Scottish bishop The Nunnery of Heorenton by Heui who was the first Nunne in Northumberland Bede Lib. 4. cap. 1. The Monastery of Hetesey by Oswy Kyng of Northumberlād who also with his daughter Elfred gaue possessions for twelue monasteries in the partes of Northūberland An. 656. The monasterie of S. Martine in Douer builded by Whitred king of Kent The Abbey of Lestingey by Ceadda whom we call S. Cedd through the graunt of Oswald sonne to S. Oswald King of Northum An. 651. The Monastery of Whitby called otherwise Strenhalt by Hilda daughter to the nephew of Edwyne Kyng of Northumberland An 657. Item an other monastery called Hacanos not far from the same place builded by the sayd Hilda the same yeare The Abbey of Abbington builded by Cissa Kyng of Southsex An. 666. Item an Abbey in the East side of Lyncolne called Ioanno by S. Botulph Polychro Lib. 5. cap. 16. An. 654. The monastery in Ely founded by Etheldred or Edeldrida daughter of Anna king of Eastangles and the wyfe of Elfrid king of Northumb. An. 674. The Monastery of Chertsey in Southrey founded by Erkenwald bishop of London an 674. thrown down by the Danes after reedified by king Edgar Item the Nunnery of Berking edified by the sayd Erkenwaldus bishop of London about the same tyme. The Abbey of Peterborough called otherwise Modehamstede founded by King Ethelwald King of the Mercians An. 675. Bardney Abbey by Etheldredus King of the Merciās An. 700. Glastonbury by Iua king of the Westsaxons and after repayred and enriched by King Edgar an 701. Ramesey in the tyme of king Edgar by one Ailwinus a noble mā an 973. King Edgar builded in his tyme 40. monasteries who raigned an 901. The Nunnery of Winburne builded by Cuthburga sister to Ingilsus king Iua his brother an 717. The Monastery of Sealesey by the I le of Wight by Wilfridus bishop of Yorke an 678. The Monastery of Wincombe by Kenulphus Kyng of the Mercians an 737. S. Albanes builded by Offa King of the Mercians Anno. 755. The Abbey of Eusham by Egwinus Byshop An. 691. Ripon in the North by Wilfridus Bishop An. 709. The Abbey of Echelinghey by king Aluredus an 891. The Nunnery of Shaftesbury by the same Aluredus the same yeare Thus ye see what monasteries in what tyme began to be founded by the Saxons kings newly conuerted to the Christian fayth within the space of 200. yeares who as they semed then to haue a certain zeale deuotion to godward according to the leading teaching that then was so it semeth againe to me two things to be wished in these foresayd kings
proued the mindes of his subiects and especially God working withall he afterward assembled his knights and gaue to the saide Bernulphus a battaile in a place called Elindē in the prouince of hāton And notwithanding in that fight was great oddes of number as 6. or 8. against one yet Egbert through the might of the Lord which giueth victory as pleaseth him had the better and wan the field Which done he seased that Lordship into his hand And that also done he made war vpon the Kentish saxons and at length in likewise of them obtained the victory And as it is in Polychronicon testified he also subdued Northumberland and caused the kings of these three kingdomes to liue under him as tributaries or ioyned them to his kingdome Ex Flor. Hist. This Egbert also wan from the Britons or Welshinē the town of Chester which they had kept possession of till that daye After these other victories he peaceably enioying the land called a Councell of his Lords at Winchester where by their aduises he was crowned king chief Lord ouer this land which before that day was called Britaine but thē he sent out into all coasts of the land his commaundements and cōmissions charging straightly that from that day forward the Saxons should be called Angles and the land Anglia About the 30. yeare of the raigne of Egbert the heathenish people of the Danes which a little before had made horrible destruction in Northumberland especially in the I le of Lindesarue where they spoyled the Churches and murthered the ministers with men women and children after a cruell maner entered now the second tyme with a great host into this land and spoyled the I le of Shepy in Kent or nere to Kent where Egbert hearing therof assembled his people and met with them at Carrum But in that conflict sped not so well as he was woont in tymes before but with his knights was compelled to forsake the field Notwithstanding in the next battail the sayd Egbert with a small power ouerthrew a great multitude of them and so droue them backe The next yeare followyng the sayd Danes presuming vpon their victory before made theyr return again into the land Westward where ioining with the Britaines by the helpe and power of them they assayled the landes of Egbert did much harme in many places of his dominion and els where so that after this day they were continually abiding in one place of the realme of england or other till the time of Hardeknutus last king of the Danes bloud so that many of them were maried to English women and many that now be or in times past were called Englishmen are descended of them And albeit that they were many and sundry times driuen out of the land chased from one countrey to an other yet that notwithstāding they euer gathered new strengthes and power that they abode still within the land And thus as by the storyes appeareth this troublesome land of Britaine now called England hath bene hetherto by v. sundry outward nations plagued First by the Romains then by the Scots Pictes 3. by the Saxons 4. by the Danes of whose outragious cruelty hostilitie our English histories do most exclayme complayne fiftly by the Normanes which I pray God be the last Thē it followeth in the story that the time of this persecution of the foresayd Paganes and Danes continuing king Egbert when he had ruled the Westsaxons and ouer the more part of England by the terme of xxxvij yeares dyed and was buried at Winchester leauing to his sonne Ethelwolfe his kingdome which first was Byshoppe of Winchester as Houeden recordeth and after vpon necessity made king leauing withal and pronouncing this saying to his sonne Foelicem fore si regnum quod multa rexerat industria ille consueta genti illi non interrumperet ignauia * King Athelwolfus AThelwulfus the sonne of Egbert in his former age had entred into the order of Subdeacon and as some other say was made Byshop of Winchester But afterward being the onely sonne of Egbert was made king through the dispensation as Fabian sayth of Pope Paschalis but that can not be for Paschalis then was not Byshopp so that by the computation of tyme it should rather seeme to be Gregory the 4. This Athelwulfe as being himself once nuseled in that order was alwayes good and deuoute to holye Church and religious orders In so much that he gaue to them the rythe of all his goods and landes in Westsaxons with liberty and freedome from all seruage and ciuil charges Whereof his charte instrument beareth testimony after this tenour proceeding much like to the donation of Ethelbaldus king of Mercians aboue mentioned * The Priuiledges and donations geuen by king Ethelwulfus to the Clergie REgnante Domino nostro imperpetuum Dum in nostris temporibus per bellorum incendia direptiones opum nostrarum nec non vastantium crudelissimas depredationes hostiū barbarum paganarumque gentium multiplices tribulationes ad affligendum vsque ad internecionem tempora cernimus incumbere periculosa Quamobrem ego Ethelwulfus Rex occidentalium Saxonum cum consilio Episcoporum principum meorum consilium salubre vniforme remedium affirmaui vt aliquam portionem terrarum haereditariam Deo sanctae Mariae omnibus sanctis iure perpetuo possidendam concedam scilicet partem terrae meae vt sit tuta immunis ab omnibus secularibus seruicijs nec non regalibus tributis maioribus minoribus siue taxationibus quod nos dicimus Wittereden sitque libera omnium rerum pro remissione animarum peccatorum nostrorum ad Deo soli deseruiendum sine expeditione pontis constructione arcis munitione vt eo diligentiùs pro nobis ad Deum preces sine cessatione fundant quo eorum seruitutem in aliqua parte leuigamus c. Hereby may it appeare how when the Churches of England began first to be indued with temporalties and lands also with priuileges exemptiōs enlarged Moreouer and that which specially is to be considered lamented what pernicious doctrine was this wherewith they were led thus to set remission of their sinnes and remedy of their soules in this donation and such other deedes of their deuotion cōtrary to the information of Gods word and no small derogation to the Crosse of Christ These thinges thus done within the Realme then the sayd Ethelwulfus the king taking his iourney to Rome with Alured his youngest sonne committed him to the bringing vp of Pope Leo the iiij where he also reedified the English schole at Rome which being founded by king Offa or rather by Iue king of Mercians as in the flowers of Hist. is affirmed was lately in the tyme of king Egbert his father consumed with fire Farther and besides th●s king gaue and graunted there vnto Rome
iiij yeares This Bristanus being a deuout Bishop in prayer and contemplation vsed much among his solitary walkes to frequent late the churchyard praying for the soules there and all christen soules departed Upon a time the sayde Bristanus after hys wonted maner proceding in hys deuotions when he had done came to requiescant in pa●e Whereunto sodainly a great multitude of soules aunswering together with one voyce said Amen Of thys miracle albeit I haue not much to say hasting to other matters yet this question wold I aske of some indifferent papist which were not wilfull but of ignorance deceiued if this multitude which here answered Amen were the soules of them buried in the churchyard or not If yea then howe were they in purgatorie what time they were hearde in that place answering Amen Except we shoulde thinke Purgatorie to be in the churchyarde at Winchester where the soules were hearde then so many answering and praying Amen And yet thys storie is testified by the accord of wryters of that time Guliel Polychron Houedenus Iornalensis and other moe Much like miracles and Prophecies also wee reade of Elphegus which succeeded him but because we haste to other things let these fables passe Ye heard a little before howe king Ethelstane after the death of Sythericus King of Northumberland seazed that land or prouince into his owne hand put out hys sonne Alanus who after flying into Scotland maried the daughter of Constantine King of Scots By whose stirring and exhortation he gathered a company of Danes Scots and other and entred the mouth of Humber with a strong nauie of 615. ships Whereof King Ethelstane wyth his brother Edmunde hauing knowledge prepared his army and at length ioyning in fight with him his people at a place called Brimābruch or Brimford where he fighting with them from morning to euen after a terrible slaughter on both sides as the like hath not bene sene lightly in England had the victorie In which battaile were slaine fiue small and vnder kings with Constantine king of Scots and xij Dukes with the more part of all the strangers which at that time they gathered to them Here also our wryters put in an other miracle in this battaile howe king Ethelstanes sworde miraculously fell into his sheath through the prayer of Odo then Archbishop of Canterburie Concerning this battaile I finde in a certaine written Chronicle these verses which because they shoulde not be lost I thought not vnworthy here of rehearsall Transierat quinos tres quatuor annos Iure regens ciues subigens virtute tyrannos Cum redit illa Lues Europae noxia labes Iam cubat in terris fera barbaries Aquilonis Et lacet in campis pelago pirato relicto Illicitas toruasque minas Analanus anhelans Bacchanti furiae Scotorum rege volente Commodat assensum Borealis terrae serenum Etiam grande tument iam terrent aera verbis Cedunt indigenae cedit plaga tota superbis Nam quia rex noster fidens alacrisque iuuenta Emeritus pridem detriuerat ocia lenta Illi continuis foedabant omnia praedis Vrgentes miseros iniectus ignibus agros Marcuerant totis viridantia gramina campis Aegra seges votum deluserat agricolarum Tanta fuit peditum tam barbara vis equitantum Innumerabilium concursus quadrupedantum Exciuit tandem famae querimonia regem Ne se cauterio tali pateretur inuri Quod sua barbaricae cessissent arma securi Nec mora victrices ducentia signa cohortes Explicat inuentum vexilla ferocia centum Iuncta virum virtus decies bis milia quina Ad stadium belli comitantur prae uia signa Hicque clet strepitus armatorum legiones Terruit insignis venientum fama latrones Vt posita proprias praeda repetant regiones At vulgus reliquum miseranda strage peremptum Infecit bibulas terris nidoribus auras Fugit Analasus de tot modo millibus vnus c. After thys victorie thus obtained of the Danes and Scottes King Ethelstane also subdued or at least quieted the North Brytaines Whome he conuenting together at Herforde or there about forced them to graunt vnto him as a yerely tribute xx pound of gold three hundreth poūde of siluer and of heades of neate xxv hundred with haukes and dogs to a certaine number This done he wēt to Exceter and there likewise subduing the South Brytaines about Exceter and Cornewall repaired the walles of Exceter with sufficient strength and so returned Among these victorious and noble actes of this King One blot there is of him written and noted wherein he is as much worthy to be reprehēded as in the other before to be commended that is the innocent death and murther of his brother Edwyne The occasion thereof was this King Edwarde aforenamed their father in the time of his youth cōming by a certaine village or grange where he had bene nursed and brought vp of a child thought of curtesy to goe see howe his nurse did Where hee entring into the house espied a certaine yong damsel beautifull and right seemely attired Egwina by name This Egwina before being a pore mans daughter had a vision by night that of her body sprang such a bright light of the Moone that the brightnes therof gaue light to the Realme of England By reason wherof she was taken into the foresaide house daintely brought vp in stead of their owne daughter for hope of some commoditie to ensue thereby as afterwarde it came to passe For King Edward as it is declared comming into the house and rauished with the beautie of the maiden begate of her the same night this Ethelstane Wherefore the sayd Ethelstane being thus vasely borne of Egwina the first wife to Edward as is sayd before he was married to her and fearing his next brother Edwyne which was rightly borne especially being stirred therunto through the sinister suggestion of his Butler did cast such displeasure to the foresayde Edwine hys brother being yet but young that notwtstanding hys innocent submission and purgation made against his accusers he caused him to be set in an old rottē boate in the broade Sea onely with one Esquier with hym wtout any tackling or other prouision to the same Where the young and tender Prince being dismaid with the rage of windes and of the floudes and nowe weary of his l●●e cast himselfe ouer board into the sea and so was drowned Notwithstanding the Esquire shifting for himselfe as he could and recouering the body of his master brought it to Sandwich where it was buried Which done the king afterwarde comming to the remembraunce of himselfe was stroken with great repentaunce the space of vij yeares together And at length was reuenged of him that was the accuser of his brother This accuser as is sayde was the kings cupbearer who as God the righteous iudge of all things woulde haue it vpon a certaine solemne feast bearing the
counted for great holinesse Men therefore either to winne publique same with men or merites with God gaue themselues to lead a straite life thinking thereby the stranger their conuersation was and farther from the common trade of vulgar people the more perfect to be toward God and mā There was at that time and before that a monastery in France named Floriake after the order and rule of Benedict from the which Monasterie did spring a great part of our english mōks Who being there professed and afterward returning into England did cōgregate men daily to theyr profession And so partly for strangenesse of theyr rule partly for outwarde holinesse of their strait life partly for the opinion of holinesse that many had of them were in great admiration not onely with the rude sort but with kinges and princes who founded their houses maintained their rules and enlarged them with possessions Among the which order of monks comming from Floriake especially was one Oswaldus first a monke of Floriake then bishop of Wirceter and of Yorke a great patrone and setter vp of monckery Touching the which Oswaldus William in his booke De pontific writing of his historie hath these woordes Familiaris per id temporis Anglis consuetudo fuit vt si qui boni afflati essent desiderio in beatissimi Benedicti monasterio caenobialem susciperet habitū a quo religionis huiusce manauit exordium c. That is It was a common custome at that time amōg English men that if any good men were well affected or minded toward religiō they went to the Monasterie of blessed S. Benedict in France and there receiued the habite of a Monke Wherupon the first origine of this religion began c. But of this Oswald bishop of Yorke and Dunstane bishop of Canterburie and Ethelwold bishop of Winchester howe they replenished diuers Monasteries Cathedral Churches with Monkes and howe they discharged maryed Priestes and Chanans out of their houses to plante in Monkes in their celles more shall be spoken by the grace of Christ heereafter Nowe let vs returne againe to the matter where we left of king Edmund who besides his noble victories against his enemies and recouering the Cities aboue expressed into his own hāds did also subdue the prouince of Cumberland And after he had put out the eyes of the two sonnes of Dunmail king of Cumberland he committed the gouernance therof to Malcolinus king of Scots vpon promise of his trustie seruice obedience when the king should stande in any neede of him In the time of this king Dunstane was not yet Archbi of Canterbury but onely Abbot of Glastenbury of whom many fabulous narrations passe among the wryters importing more vanity then verity Wherfore this is one of the first what time Edgarus called Pacificus was borne Dunstane being the same time Abbot of Glastenbury as the monkish fables dreame heard a voyce in the ayre of certaine Angels singing after this tenour and saying Nowe peace commeth to the church of England in the time of this child and of our Dunstane c. This I thought to recite that the christian reader might the better pōder wyth himselfe the impudent and abhominable fictions of this Romish generation Out of the same mint also haue they forged how the sayd Dunstane should heare the aungels sing the Kyrieeleyson vsed to be song at euensong in the church Guliel de pontif lib. 1. Which is as true as that the Harpe hanging in a womans house played by it selfe the time of the Antheme called Gaudent in coelis c. What would not these deceiuers faine in matters something likely whych in thinges so absurde and so inconuenient shame not to lie and to forge so impudently also so manifestly Through the motion of this Dunstane King Edmund builded and furnished the monasterie of Glastenbury made the sayd Dunstane Abbot thereof Concerning the ende and death of this King sundrye opinions there be Alfridus and Marianus say that while this King Edmund endeuored hymselfe to saue his sewer from the daunger of his enemies which would haue slaine him at Pulcherchurch the king in parting of the fray was wounded and died shortly after But Guliel de Regibus lib. 2. sayeth that the king being at a feast at Pulcherchurch vpon the day of S. Augustine espied a fellon sitting in the hall named Leof whom he before for his fellony had exiled And leaping ouer the table did flie vpon him plucked the thiefe by the haire of the head to the ground In which doyng the fellon with a knife wounded the king to the death and also with the same knife wounded many other of the kings seruants and at length was all to hewen and died forthwith By the lawes of king Edmund ordeyned and set forth as well for the redresse of church matters as also of ciuile regiment it may appeare that the state both of causes temporal likewise spiritual appertained then to the kings right the false pretensed vsurpatiō of the bishop of Rome notwithstanding as by these lawes is to be seene where he by the aduise of his lordes and bishops did enact determine concerning the chastitie pure life of ecclesiastical ministers and such as were in the orders of the Church with the penalties also for them which transgressed the same Item for tithes to be payd of euery christian man and for the church fees and alme fees c. Item for deflouring of womē professed which we call Nunnes c. Item for euery bishop to see his churches repaired of his owne proper charge and boldly to admonish the king whether the houses of God were well maintayned c. Item for flying into the church for sanctuary c. Item concerning cases and determinations spousall or matrimoniall c. All which constitutions declare what interest kings had in those days in matters as wel ecclesiastical as other within their dominion and that not only in disposing the ordinances and rites such as appertained to the institutiō of the church but also in placing and setting Bishops in their sens c. In the tyme of this Edmund was Ulstanus Archb. of Yorke and Odo Archbishop of Canterbury which Odo beyng a Da●e borne as is before touched was promoted to that sea by king Ethelstane for that as they say hee being first bishop of Witone present with kyng Ethelstane in the field against Analafus before mentioned what time the said Ethelstane had lost his sword he thorough his intercession vp to heauen did see a sworde from heauen come downe into the sheath of the kyng Whereof relation beyng made to the kyng by the foresayd Byshop Ethelstane vpon the same was so affected toward Odo that not onely he counted him for a Patrone of his life but also made him Primate of Canterbury after the decease of Ulfelmus This Odo was the first from the commyng of the Saxons till his
time was yerely leuied to the great impouerishing of the people Hee subdued the Scottes and Welshmen which in their borders began to rebell against him In much peace he continued his reigne hauing no forreine enemie to assault him Albeit as some Chronicles do shewe certaine Danes and Norgwaines there were which entended to set vpon Englande But as they were taking shipping there was brought to them first one bowle then an other of meede or methe to drinke vpon a bon viage Thus one cup comming after an other after drinke came dronkennes after dronkennes followed iangling of iangling came stryfe and strife turned vnto stripes whereby many were slayne and the other returned to their home agayne And thus the mercifull prouidence of the Lord dispatched that iourny In the time of this Edward Emma his mother was accused to be familiar with Alwyn the Byshop of Winchester vpon which accusation by counsayle of Earle Godwyn he tooke from her many of her iewels and caused her to be kept somedele more straightly in the Abby of Warwel and the Byshop committed to the examination of the clergy Polydore sayth they were both in prison at Winchester where she sorrowing the defame both of her selfe and of the Byshop and trusting vpon her conscience desireth them of iustice offering her selfe ready to abide any lawfull triall yea although it were with the sharpest Then diuers of the Byshops made labour to the king for thē both and had obtayned had not Robert thē Archbishop of Cant. stopped the sute Who not well contented with their labour sayd vnto them My brethren how dare ye defend her which is no woman but a beast she hath defamed her owne sonne the king and taken her lecherous leman the Byshop And if it be so that the woman will purge the priest who shall then purge the woman that is accused to be consenting to the death of her sonne Alphred and procured venim to the poysonyng of her sonne Edward But whether she be giltie or giltles if she will goe barefooted for her self foure steps and for the Bishop fiue continually vpon ix plough shares fire hote then if she escape harmeles he shal be assoyled of this challenge and she also To this she graunted the day was appointed at which day the king and a great part of his nobles were present except onely Robert the Archbishop This Robert had bene a monke of a house in Normandie an helper of the king in his exile and so by the sēding for of the king came ouer and was made first Bishop of London after Archbishop of Cant. Then was she led blindfield vnto the place betwene two men where the yrons lay brenning hot and passed the ix shares vnhurt At last sayde shee good Lorde when shal I come to the place of my purgation whē they then opened her eyes and shee sawe that shee was past the paine she kneeled downe geuing God thankes Then the king repented sayeth the story and restored vnto her that he had before taken from her and asked her forgeuenes But the Archbyshop fled into Normandie Neare about this time about the x. yere of his raigne● fell passing great snow from the beginning of Ianuary to the 17 day of Marche After which insued a great mortalitie of men morrian of cattel by lightning the corne was wonderfully blasted and wasted Not lōg after this a certaine Earle of Bologne who had married king Edwardes sister came into Englande through the occasion of whom when execution should be done vpon the citizens of Douer for a fray betwene them and the Earles men variance happened betweene Kyng Edward and Earle Godwyne Who perceauing that he could not wstand the kings malice although he gathered a great company to worke therein what he could fled into Flanders was outlawed with his 5. sonnes King Edward repudiated his wife the daughter of the sayde Godwine but the second yere after by mediators he was recōciled to the king againe and called from banishment And for his good a bearing he gaue for pledges his two sōnes Byornon and Tostius which were sent to the Duke of Normandy there to be kept During the time of the outlawry of Godwyn William Bastard Duke of Normandy came with a goodly company into England to see king Edwarde was honorably receaued To whom the king made great cheare at hys returne inriched him with great gifts and pleasures And there as some wryte made promise to him that if he died without issue the said William should succeede him in the kingdome of England In this kinges raigne liued Marianus Scotus the story writer As concerning the end of erle Godwin the cruell murderer of Alphred and of the Normandes although diuers histories diuersly do vary Yet in this the most part do agree that as he sate at the table with king Edward at Winsor it happened one of the cupbearers one of erl Godwins sonnes to stumble and recouer againe so that he did shed none of the drinke wherat Godwin laughed sayd howe the one brother had sustained the other With whych wordes the King calling to minde his brothers death that was slaine by Godwine beheld the erle saying so should my brother Alphred haue holpē me had not Godwin ben Godwine then fearing the kinges displeasure to be newly kindled after many words in excusing himselfe sayde So mought I safely swalow this morsel of bread as I am giltles of the deede But assoone as hee had receiued the bread forthwith he was choked Then the king commanded him to be drawne from the table so was cōueyed by Harolde his sonne to Winchester and there buried About the 13. yere of this kings reigne the sayde King Edward sent Aldred bishop of Worceter to the Emperour Henricus the 4. praying him that he would send to the king of Hungary that his cosin Edward sonne of Edmund Ironside might come to England for so much as he intended to make him King after him which was called Edward outlawe The which request was fulfilled so that he came into Englande with his wife Agatha and with hys children to witte Edgar Adeling Margarete and Christina But the yeare after his returne into the realme thys Edwarde deceased at London and was buryed at westminster or as Iornalensis sayeth at Paules church in London After whose decease the King then receaued Edgar Adeling his sonne as his owne childe thinking to make him his heire But fearing partly the vnconstant mutabilitie of the Englishmen partly the pride and malice of Harold the sonne of Godwine of other perceauing therby that he could not bring that his purpose so wel to passe directed solemne Embassadors vnto Williā Duke of Normandy his kinsman admitting assigning him to be hys lawfull heire next to succeede after him to the crowne After the death of Godwin Harolde his sonne waxed so in the kings fauour that he ruled the moste and
greatest causes of the realme and was liefetenant of the kings army Who with his brother Toston or Tostius sent by the king against the Welchmen subdued their rebellion But afterward such enuie grewe betwene these ij brethren for that Tostius saw his brother Harold so greatly aduanced in the kings fauour that at Herford the said Tostius slew all his brothers men Whom when he had cut in pieces he poudered their quarters and mangled parts in barrels of salt vinegre wine and other liquors That done he made a power against his brother Harold being king with the aide of certaine Danes and Norgaines and fought a battail with him in the North as after shal follow God willing to be seene So vngratious were these wicked children of Erle Godwin that if they had sene any faire mansion or maner place they woulde slay the owner thereof withall his kinrede and enter the possession thereof themselues At length it came in the minde of this Harolde to saile ouer the sea as Polydore sayth into Normandie to see hys brother Wilnotus as also his cosin Hacus whom the king had sent thither to be kept for pledges as yee heard before Polydore sayth these pledges were Tosto Byornon but that can not be for Tostius was then in England But as Henricus Archdeacon of Huntington sayeth his iourney was into Flāders as semeth more like For it is not to be thought that Harold who was a doer in the cruell murther of Alphred and of the Normanes wold venter into Normandy therefore more like it is that his sailing was into Flaunders But as the storie proceedeth he being in the course of his sailing was weather driuen by tempest into the prouince of Pountith where he was taken as a prisoner and sent to Duke William of Normandy To whome he was made to sweare that he in time following shoulde marry his daughter and that after the death of King Edward he should kepe the land of Englande to his behoue according to the will minde of Edward after some writers and so to liue in great honor dignity next vnto him in the realme This promise faithfully made to the Duke Harold returneth into Englād with his cosin Hacus the sonne of his brother Suanus being deliuered vnto him But Wilnotus brother of Harold the duke kepeth stil for performance of the couenāts Thus Herold I say returning home sheweth the king al that he had done in the foresayde matters Wherewith the King was well contented Wherby it may be gathered that king Edward was right wel willing that Duke William should reigne after hym and also semeth not vnlike but that he had geuen him his promise therunto before Among all that were true and trusty to king Edward of the english nobility none had like commendatiō as had Leofricus erle of Mercia and of Chester This Leofricus purchased many great liberties for the towne of Couētry and made it free of all maner things except onely of horse Which fredom there was obtained by meanes of his wife Godina by riding as the fame goeth after a strāge maner through the towne This Leofricus with his wife Godina builded also the abbey of Couentrie indued the same with great lands and riches You hearde a little before of the comming ouer of Edward called the outlaw sonne of king Edmund Ironsid whom king Edward had purposed to haue made king after him But soone after his comming ouer he deceased at London This Edwarde had by his wife Agatha a sonne a daughter called Edgar Adelyng Margaret Which Margaret being maried afterward to the king of Scots was the mother of Matild or Maude Quene of England and of Dauid king of Scots c. This vertuous blessed king Edwarde after he had reigned 23. yeres and 7. moneths died and was buried in the monastery of Westminster which he had greatly augmented repaired but afterward was more inlarged after this form which it hath now by Henry the third sōne of king Iohn They that write the historie of this King heere make mention of a dreame or reuelation that shoulde be shewed to him in time of his sicknes how that because the peeres bishops of the realme were seruantes not of God but of the deuil God wold geue this realm to the hād of others And the king desired vtteraunce to be geuen him that hee might declare the same to the people whereby they might repent It was answered againe that neither would they so do or yet if they did it should be geuen to an other people But because it is a dreame I let it passe Diuers lawes were before in diuers countreis of this realme vsed as the lawe first of Dunuallo Molinucius with the lawes of Mercia called Mercenelega then the lawes of Westsaxone kinges as of Iue Offa Alfred c. whyche was called Westsaxenelaga The thirde were the lawes of Canutus of Danes called Danelaga Of all these lawes which before were diuersly in certain particuler countreis vsed and receiued this Edward compiled one vniuersal commō law for al people through the whole realm which were called R. Edwardes lawes which lawes being gathered out of the best and chiefest of the other lawes were so iust so equall an so seruing the publike profite weale of all es●ates that mine authors say the people long after did rebell against their heads and rulers to haue the same lawes againe being taken from them and yet coulde not obtaine them Furthermore I read and find in Math. Paris that when Will. Conquerour at his comming in did sweare to vse practise the same good lawes of Edwarde for the common lawes of this realme afterward being established in his kingdome he forswore himselfe placed his owne lawes in their rowme much worse and obscurer then the other were c. Notwithstanding among the said lawes of Edward and in the first chapter and beginning therof this I finde among the auncient recordes of the Guildhal in London The office of a King with such other appurtenaunces as belong to the realme of Britaine set forth and described in the latine stile which I thought here not vnmete to be expressed in the English tong for them that vnderstande no Latine The tenor and meaning wherof thus followeth ¶ De iure appendijs regni Britannia quod sit officium Regis REx autem quia vicarius summi Regis est ad hoc est constitutus vt regnum terrenum populum domini super omnia sanctam eius veneretur ecclesiam regat ab iniuriosis defendat maleficos ab ea auellat destruat penitus disperdat Quuod nisi fecerit nomen regis non in eo constabit Verùm Papa Ioanne testante nomen regis perdit cui Pipinus Carolus filius eius nec dum reges sed principes sub rege Francorum stultò scripserunt quaerentes si ita
the Pope did hold a councell at London In the which councel first began new found appellatiōs from councels to the Pope found out by Henry Bishop of wint For as the wordes of myne author doe recorde In Anglla namq̄ appellationes in vsu non erant donec eas Henricus Wint. Episcopus dum legatus esset malo suo crudeliter intrusit In eodem namq̄ concilio ad Rom. pontificis audientiam ter appellatū est c. That is For appellations before were not in vse in England till Henry Bishop of Winchester being thē the Popes Legate brought them cruelty in to his own hurt For in that Councell thrise appeale was made to the Bishop of Rome In the tyme of king Stephen died Gracianus a mōke of Bononie who compiled the booke called the Popes decrees Also his brother Petrus Lambardus bishop of Paris which is called the maister of Sentences compiled his foure bookes of the sentence These two brethren were the greatest doers in finding out and stablishing this blynde opinion of the sacrament that the only simnitude of bread and wyne remayned but not the substaunce of them and this they call the spirituall vnderstandyng of the mysterie And therefore no meruail if the sunne in those dayes were seene blacke and dimme Some also affirme that Petrus Comestor writer of the Scholasticall history was the third brother to these aboue named In the same tyme and raigne of the said king Stephen was also Hugo surnamed De sancto victore About the which tyme as Polychronicon reciteth liued and died Bernardus Clareuallensis The author of the history called Iornalensis maketh also mention of Hildegare the Nūne and propheresse in Almaine to liue in the same age Concerning whose prophesie agaynst the Friers hereafter by the grace of Christ more shal be said when we come to recite the order and nūber of Friers and religious men crept into the Church of Christ. We read moreouer of one named Ioannes de temporibus which by the affirmaunce of most of our olde histories lyued 361. yeares seruaunt once to Carolus Magnus and in the raigne of Stephen king of England dyed Polychron lib 7. Continuator Henr. Hunt Iornalens in vita Steph. Nicol. Triuet c. In the dayes also of this king and by him was builded the Abbey of Feuersham where his sonne he were buried He builded the monastery of Finerneys of Fomitance the castle of Walingford with a number of other Castles mo During the tyme of the sayd kyng Stephen the yeare of our Lord 1144. the miserable Iewes crucified a child in the Citie of Norwich N. Triuet alij Much about the same tyme came vp the order of the Gilbertines by one Gilbert sonne to Jacoline a knight of Lincolnshire c. Mention hath bene made before of certayne English Councels holden in the tyme of this kyng where it was in one of them vnder Theolbald the Archbishop of Canterbury decreed that bishops should lyue more discretely should reach their flocke more diligently that readyng of scriptures should be frequented more vsually in Abbeys that Priests should not be rulers of worldly matters and that they should learne and teach the Lordes prayer and Creede in English Malmesb. Matth. Parisiensis writeth how Stephen king of England in these dayes reserued to himselfe the right and authoritie of bestowyng of spirituall liuyngs and inuestyng Prelates an 1133. At which tyme also Lotharius the Emperour began to do the lyke in recouering agayne the right priuiledge taken away from Henricus his predecessor had not Bernardus geuen him contrary counsaile Here came into the Church the maner of cursing with booke bell and candle deuised in the Councell of London holden by William bishop of Winchester vnder Pope Celestinus which succeeded after Innocentius an 1144. Also Lotharius succeeded in the Imperiall crowne Conradus the nephew of Henricus the v. afore mentioned an 1138. which only amongst many Emperors is not found to receiue the crowne at the Popes hand In the dayes of this Emperor who raigned 15. yeres were diuers Popes as Celestinus 2. Lucius the 2. Eugenius the 3. at which time the Romaines went about to recouer agayne their former olde maner of chusing theyr Consuls and Senators But the Popes thē being in their ruffe in no case would abide it wherupon rose many commotions with much ciuile warre amongest them In so much that Pope Lucius sending for ayde to the Emperour and he otherwise letted at that tyme could not come armed his souldiours thinking to inuade them or els to destroy them in their Senate house But this comming to their knowledge before the people was all in aray and so much add was amongst them Pope Lucius beyng also amongst thē in the fight wel pelted with stones blowes liued not long after Likewise Pope Eugenius after him an 1145. pursuing the Romains for the same matter first did curse them with excommunicatiō After when he saw that would not serue he came with his host and so compelled them at length to seeke his peace and to take his cōditions which were these That they should abolish theyr Consuls and take such Senators as he by his Papall authoritie should assigne them Then followed Anastacius the 4. after him Hadrianus 4. an Englishman by his name called Breakespere belonging once to S. Albōs This Hadrianus kept great stirre in like sort with the citizens of Rome for abolishyng their consuls and Senate cursing excommunicating and warring agaynst them with all power he could make to the tyme he remooued the Consuls out of their office and brought them all vnder his subiection The lyke businesse and cage he also styrred vp against Apulia and especially against the Empire blustering and thundering agaynst Friderieus the Emperour as the Lord graunting you shall heare anone after we haue prosecuted such matter as necessarily appertayneth first to the continuation of our English story King Henry the second HEnry the secōd of that name the sonne of Jeffrey Plantagenet and of Maude the Empresse and daughter of king Henry the first beganne his raigne after king Stephen and continued 35. yeares The first yeare of his raign he subdued Ireland and not long after Thomas Becket was made by him Lord Chauncellour of England This king cast downe diuers Castles which were erected in the time of king Stephen He went into the North partes where he subdued William king of Scotland who at that tyme held a great part of Northumberland vnto new Castell vpon Tyne and ioyned Scotland to his owne kingdome from the South Ocenm to the North Iles of Orchades Also he put vnder his dominion the kingdome of Wales and there let to fall downe many great wooodes and made the wayes playne So that by his great manhood and policie the seignorie of England was much augmēted with the addition of Scotland Ireland the Iles Orchades
Britaine Poytow and Guyan Also he had in hys rule Normandy Gascoyne Angeow and Chinon also Aluerne and the Citie of Tholous he wan and were to hym subiect Ouer and besides by the title of his wife Elenore daughter to the Erle of Poytow he obtained the mounts Pyraine in Spayne so that we read of none of hys progenitours which had so many countreys vnder hys dominion In England were seene in the firmament two sunnes or as it is in Chronica Chronicorum in Italy appeared thre sunnes by the space of iii. houres in the West and the yere following appeared iii. moones wherof the middle moone had a red crosse ouertwart the face Whereby was tokened by the iudgement of some the great schisme that after fell among the Cardinals for the election of the Bishop of Rome or else rather the businesse betwene Fridericus the Emperour and the Popes wherof partly now incidently occasiō geueth vs to discourse After that I haue first written of Gerhardus and Dulcinus Nauarēsis who in their tyme according to their gift did earnestly labour preach against the church of Rome defending and maintainyng that prayer was not more holy in one place then in an other that the Pope was Antichrist that the Clergy prelates of Rome were reiect and the very whore of Babilon prefigured in the Apocalips c. Peraduenture these had receiued some light of knowledge of the Waldenses Who at length with a great number of their folowers were oppressed and slaine by the Pope And although some inconuenient points of doctrine and dishonesty in their assemblies be agaynst them alledged of some yet these tymes of ours do teach vs sufficiently what credite is to bee geuen to such popish slanders forged rather vpon hatred of true religion then vpon any iudgement of truth Illyricus in his booke De testibus referreth the tyme of these two to the yere of our Lord 1280. but as I find in the story of Robert Guisburn these ii about the yeare of our Lord 1158. brought 30. with them into England who by the king and the Prelates were all burnt in the forehead and so driuen out of the Realme and after as Illyricus writeth were slayne by the Pope And now according to my promise premised the tyme requireth to proceede to the history of Fredericus the first called Barbarossa successor vnto Conradus in the Empire who marched vp to Italy to subdue there certaine rebels The Pope hearing that came with his Clergy to meete him by the way in a towne called Sutrium thinking by him to find ayd against his enemies The Emperor seyng the Bishop lighteth of his horse to receiue hym holdyng the stirrup to the Prelate on the left side when he should haue held it on the right whereat the Pope shewed himselfe somwhat agrieued The Emperor smiling excused himselfe that he was neuer accustomed to holde stirrops And seyng it was done onely of good will and of no duety the lesse matter was what side of the horse he held The next day to make amends agayne to the Bishop the Emperor sending for him receiued him holding the right stirrup to the prelate so all the matter was made whole and he the Popes owne white sonne agayne After this as they were come in and late together Hadrianus the Pope beginneth to declare vnto him how his auncestors before him such as sought to the sea of Rome for the crowne were woont alwayes to leaue behind them some speciall token or monument of their beneuolence for the obtaining thereof as Carolus Magnus in subduing the Lombards Ottho the Berengarians Lotharius the Normands c. Wherfore he required some benefit to proceed likewise from him to the church of Rome in restoring agayne the countrey of Apulia to the Church of Rome Which thing if he would do he for his part againe would do that which appertained to him to do meaning in geuing him the crowne for at the tyme the popes had brought the Emperors to fetch their crowne at their hands Frederike with his princes perceiuing that vnlesse he would of his owne proper costes charges fetch in agayn Apulia out of duke Williams hands he could not speed of the crowne was fayne to promise to all that the Pope required and so the next day after was crowned This done the Emperor returneth into Germany to refresh his army and his other furnitures for the subduing Apulia In the meane while Hadrianus not thinking to be idle first geueth forth censures of excommunication against William duke of Apulia Besides not coutēt with this sendeth also to Emanuel Emperor of Constantinople incensing him to warre against the foresayd William The duke perceiuing this sendeth to the Pope for peace promising to restore to him whatsoeuer he would But the Pope through the malignant counsaile of his Cardinals would grant to no peace thinking to get more by warre The Duke seyng nothing but warre prepareth himselfe with all expedition to the same To be briefe making all his power out of Sicilia he arriueth at Apulia there putteth Emanuell the Emperour to flight This done he proceedeth to the Citie Bonauentuee where the Pope with his Cardinals were looking for victory He planting there his siege so straightly pressed the City that the Pope w e his Cardinals were glad to intreat for peace which they refused before The Duke graunted to their peace vpon certaine conditions that is that neyther hee should inuade such possessions as belonged to Rome and that the Pope should make him king of both Siciles So the matter was concluded and they departed The bishop cōming to Rome was no lesse troubled there about their Consuls and Senators In so much that when his curses and excommunications could not preuayle nor serue hee was sayne to leaue Rome and remoued to Ariminum The Emperor all this while sitting quietly at home began to consider with himselfe how the Pope had extorted from the Emperours his predecessours the inuesting and induyng of prelates how he had pylied and poled all nations by his Legates and also had bene the sower of seditions through all his Empery he began therfore to require of all the bishops of Germany homagium and othe of their allegeance commaunding also the Popes Legates if they came into Germany without his sending for not to be receiued Charging moreouer all his subiectes that none of thē should appeale to Rome Besides this in his letters he set prefixed his name before the popes name Whereupon the Pope beyng not a little offended directed his letters to the foresayd Frederike Emperour after this tenor and forme as foloweth The copy of Hadrianus the Popes letters to Fredericke the Emperour HAdrianus Episcopus seruus seruorum Dei Friderico Imperatori salutem Apostolicam benedictionem Caetera vide in priore aeditione In English Hadrian Bishop seruant of the seruants of God to Friderike Emperour health and Apostolicall
my predecessors before me were much both better and greater then I and of them euery one for his time although he did not extirpe and cut off all yet something they did plucke vp and correct which seemed aduerse repugnant against Gods honor For if they had taken altogether away no such occasion then had bene left for any man to raise 〈◊〉 fire of temptation now against vs as is nowe raised to proue vs with all that we being so proued with them might also be crowned with them being likewise partakers of praise and reward as we are of their labour and trauaile And though some of them haue bene slacke or exceeded in their duetie doing in that we are not bounde to follow their example Peter when he denied Christ we therfore rebuke him but whē he resisted the rage of Nero therin we cōmēd him And therfore because he could not finde in his cōscience to cōsent vnto that he ought in no wise to dissemble neither did he by reason thereof he lost his life By such like oppressions the church hath alwaies growne Our forefathers predecessors because they would not dissemble the name honor of Christ therfore they suffred And shall I to haue the fauour of one man suffer the honor of Christ to be supprest The nobles standing by hearing him thus speake were greatly agreeued with him noting in him both arrogancy wilfulnes in perturbing and refusing suche an honest offer of agreemēt But specially one among the rest was most agreeued who their openly protested that seing the Archbishop so refused the counsaile and request of both the kingdome he was not worthye to haue the helpe of eyther of them but as the kingdome of Englande had reiected so the kingdome of Fraunce shoulde not entertayne him Alanus Herbertus and certayne other of his Chaplaines that committed to story the doynges of Becket doe record whether truely or no I cannot say that the French king sending for him as one much sorrowing and lamenting the wordes that he had spoken at the cōming of Becket did prostrate hymselfe at his feete confessing his fault in geuing counsel to him in such a cause pertayning to the honor of God to relent therein to yeld to the pleasure of mā wherfore declaring his repentance he desired to be absolued thereof So that after this the French king and Becket were great frendes together in so much that kyng Henry sending to the king to entreate him and desire him that he would not support nor maintayn his enemy within his Realme the French king vtterly denyed the kinges requeste taking part rather with the Archbishop then with him Besides these quarrels and grudges betwixt the kyng and the Archbishop aboue mentioned there followed yet moreouer an other which was this Shortly after this cōmunication recited betweene the king and Becket the K. of England returning againe frō Normandy to England which was the yeare of our Lord 1170. and the 16. yeare of his raigne about Midsomer kept his court of Parliament at Westminster In the which Parliament he through the assent both of the Clergy and the Lordes temporall caused hys sonne Henry to be crowned king Which coronation was done by the hands of Robert Archb. of York with the assistāce of other bishops ministring to the same as Gilb. of Londō Goceline of Salisbury Hugo of Duresme and Gualter of Rochester By reason whereof Becket of Cant. beyng there neither mentioned nor called for took no little displeasure and so did Lodouike the French king hearing that Margaret hys daughter was not also crowned with her husband Whereupon he gathering a great army forthwith marched into Normādy But the matter was soone cōpassed by the king of England who sending hys sonne to him in Normandy intreated there and concluded peace with him promising that his sonne should be crowned agayne then hys daughter to be crowned also But the Archb. not ceasing his displeasure and emulatiō sent vnto the Pope complaining of these four bishops especially of the Archb. of Yorke who durst be so bold in his absence without his knowledge or his licence to intermedle to crowne the king being a matter proper and peculiar to his iurisdiction At the instaunce of whom the P. sent downe the sentnce of excommunication against the B. of London The other 3. bishops with the Archb. of York he suspended whose sentence and letters thereof for auoyding prolixitie I here omit Besides these foresayd bishops excommunicated diuers other clerks also of the court he cited to appeare before him by vertue of his large commission whiche he gate from the Pope to whō they were bound to obey by reason of their benefices And some he commanded in vertue of obediēce to appeare in payne of forfeting their order and benefices Of which whē neyther sort would appeare he cursed thē openly And also some lay men of the court the kings familiars some as intruders and violent withholders of Church goodes he accursed as Richard Lucy and Iocelin Balliot and Rafe Brocke which tooke bels and goods that belonged to the Church of Caunterburye and Hugh Sainctcleare and Thomas the sonne of Bernard and all that should hereafter take any church goodes without hys consent so that almost all the court was accursed eyther by the name or as pertakers This being done the Archb. of Yorke with the foresaid bishops resorted to the king with a greuous cōplaint declaring how miserably their case stood and what they had sustayned for fulfilling his commaundement The kyng hearing this was highly moued as no maruell was But what remedy The tyme of the ruine of the Pope was not yet come and what Prince then might withstand the iniurious violence of that Romish potestate In the meane season the Frenche King for his parte his clergy and courtiers stackt no occasion to incite and sollicite Alexander the Pope agaynst the king of England to excōmunicate him also seeking thereby and thinking to haue some vauntage agaynst the realme Neither was the king ignorant of thes which made him more ready to apply to some agreement of reconciliation At length cōmeth downe from the Pope two Legates the Archb. of Rhotomage and the Byshop of Nauerne with direction and full commission eyther to driue the king to be reconciled or to be interdicted by the popes cēsures out of the church The king vnderstanding himselfe to be in greater straites then he coulde auoyde at length through the mediation of the Frenche king and of other Prelates and great Princes was content to yeld to peace and reconciliation with the Archbishop whome he receaued both to hys fauour and also permitted and graunted him free returne to his Church agayne Concerning hys possessions and landes of the Churche of Canterburye although Becket made great labour therefore yet the king being then in Normandy would not graunt him before he should repayre to England to see how he would there agree with
set vpon certain of his townes and castels in Normandy and put him to much disquietnes But he the Lord so prouiding which is the geuer of all victory had such repulse at the Englishmens handes that they pursuing the Frenchmen in their flight did so follow them to their hold so enforced vpon them that not onely they tooke the sayd Arthur prisoner with many other of the Frenchmen but also gaue such an ouerthrow to the rest that none was there left to beare tidings home This Arthur was nephewe to king Iohn sonne to Geffrey which was the elder sonne to Iohn For king Henry the 2. to make the matter more euident had viij children one W. which died in his childhoode the seconde Henry which died also his father being yet aliue the third Geoffrey Erle of Britain which likewise deceassed in his fathers daies leauing behind him two children Arthur Brecca The fourth Richard coeur de Lyon King the v. Iohn now reigning and 3. other daughters besides The same Arthur being thus taken in warre was brought before the King at the castell of Falesic in Normandie who being exhorted with many gentle words to leaue the French king and to incline to his vncle answered againe stoutly with great indignation requiring the kingdom of England withal the other dominions therto belōging to be restored to him as to the lawfull heire of the crowne By reason whereof he prouoking the kings displeasure against him was sent to the tower of Roan where at length whether by leaping into the ditch thinking to make his escape or whether by some other priuy hand or by what chaunce els it is not yet agreed vpon in stories hee finished his life By occasion whereof the foresaide K. Iohn was had after in great suspicion whether iustly or vniustly the Lord knoweth The yere folowing Historiographers write that king Iohn for lacke of rescue lost all his holdes and possessions in Normandy through the force of the French king After these losses came other troubles vpon him with other as great or more greater enemies that is wyth the Pope and hys Popelings by occasion of chusing of the Archb. of Cant. as in this history followeth by Christ hys grace to be declared The yeare of our Lord 1205. about the moneth of Iuly Hubert the Archbishop of Canterbury deceased whose decease after it was in Cant. to the Monks knowen and afore his body was yet committed to the earth the yonger sort of the monkes there gathered themselues together at midnight and elected their superior Reignold and without the kings licence or yet knowledge priuely placed him in the Metropolicall seate singing Te deum at midnight And because the king shuld not make their electiō of none effect they charged him by vertue of his othe to kepe al secret by the way and to shew nothing what was done before he came to the pope but he contrary to his oth so sone as he came in Flanders opened all abroad the matter and vttered their counsel whereupon the monkes being not a litle agreued with him sent him priuely to the court of Rome out of hand The next day the elder monks sent to the king desiring him of his gracious licence Canonically to choose their Archb. The king most gently fauorably graunted their petition requiring them instantly and desiring that for his sake they would shewe fauour to Iohn Gray then B. of Norwich as they did in dede erecting him into that seat of their high primacy Moreouer because the authority of kings and princes was then but small in their owne dominion without the Popes consent confirmation to the same he sent also to Rome of his own charges to haue the foresaid election ratified by the pope The suffraganes of Canterbury then being not a litle offended at these two elections sent speedely to Rome to haue them both stopped for that they had not bene of counsell with them And hereupon at the last grew a most prodigious tumult The next yeare after the suffraganes of the prouince of Canterbury on the one side and the Monkes of Canterbury on the other side came afore the Pope with their brawling matter First the Monkes presenting Reignold their superiour desired that their election might be confirmed The Suffraganes likewise complained that the Monkes wold presume to chuse the Archbishop without their consent and therefore desired by diuers reasons the first election to be of none effect The Pope deciding the matter betwene both pronounced with the Monkes charging the suffraganes and Bishops to meddle no more with that election but to let the monkes alone The monkes of Cant. nowe hauing the whole election in their owne hands fell also at square among themselues the yonger sort with the elder The yonger sort which had chosen Reignolde theyr superior would that election to stand The elder sort of the Monks replied againe saying that the first election was done by stealth and by night and by the yonger part also without the counsell of other monkes ouer and besides it was done wythout the kings licēce or appoyntment and without the one solemnitie therunto belonging And as concerning our election said they it was done in the cleare light of the day by which it had authoritie in presence of our liege Lord the king and his counsell being willing to the same This allegation thus proponed the suffraganes proctour or man of law stode ●orth proued the former election to be good and this latter to be voyde and of no value after this sort Whether the first election saith he were iust or vniust ye ought first by the law to haue condemned it afore ye should haue presumed to the second but thus yet did not Therefore is this your latter doing no election at al and the first therfore is rather to be ratified than yours When they had thus multiplied talke on both sides with many friuolous allegations a long time and coulde not agree vpon one person Pope Innocent condemned both their elections cōmaunding them to chuse Stephen Lāgton then Cardinal of S. Chrisogone for their Archb. The monkes then answered that they durst not so do without cōsent of their king and for that it was preiudiciall to their ancient liberties The Pope by and by sayeth the text as one in a furie taking the words out of their mouthes said thus vnto them We wil ye to know that we haue ful power and authority ouer the church of Cant. neither are we wont to tary the consent of princes therfore we command you in paine of our great curse that ye chose him only whom we haue appoynted The Monkes at these wordes abashed and terrified though they much murmured in their hearts yet consented they all in one and therupon sang Te Deum Only doctour Helias Brantfield withdrew himselfe from that election whome the king had sent for the admission of the Bishop of
author came afterward to passe and were testified of the same Honorius being pope afterward in his publike sermons at Rome All which I graunt may be and yet notwtstanding this fabulous narration may be a piece of the popes old practises subtilly inuented to driue men forth to Ierusalē to fight c. Againe after Honorius when he had gouerned x. yeres followed Gregorius the ix Whiche two popes were in the tyme of this king Henry 3. and of Fredericke the Emperour of whome we mynde Christ willing farther to touch after that we shall haue prosecuted more concerning the histo●● of kyng Henry and matters of England After that it so pleased the mercifull prouidence of almighty God to worke this great mercy vpon the stock of K. Iohn which notwithstanding the vnkinde prelates with their false prophetes had declared before that neuer none should succeed in the throne after that K. and also vnto the whole common wealth of the realme in deliuering them frō the dāgerous seruice of Ludouike the foresayd Frēch men After their departure the next yeare following anno 1218. which was the third of this kyngs raigne the Archbyshop S. Lancton and the bishops Erles and Barons resorted to Londō vnto the kyng at Michaelmas next following and there held a great parliament wherein were confirmed and graūted by the king all y● franchises which were made geuē by K. Iohn his father at Ronemedow and them he confirmed and ratified by his charter whiche long tyme after sayth my author vnto hys dayes did continue and were holden in England For the which cause by the nobles and the commons was geuen graūted agayn vnto the K. ij shillinges for euery plow lād through England And Hubert of Burgh was made chiefe Iustice of Englad of whose troubles more is to be said hereafter And this was the third yeare of K. Henry and 50. yeare after the death of Tho. Becket wherefore the said Becket the same yeare or next following was takē vp and shryned for a new S. made of an old rebell Thether came such resort of people of England and of Fraunce that the country of Kent was not sufficient to sustaine them Ex histor De Scales About the same tyme Isabell the kinges mother was maryed to the Earle of March. And William Marshall the good Erle dyed whiche was the gouernour of that king and the realme not without great lamentation of the people of England Then was the king committed to the gouernment of Peter B. of Winchester This noble Erle left behinde him v. sonnes and v. daughters The yere next insuing an 1219. It was ordeined and proclaimed through all the lād that all aliens foreiners should depart the realme and not to return to the same agayn onely such excepted as vsed trafick or trade of marchaundise vnder the kings safe conduct This proclamation was thought chiefly to be set forth for the cause to auoid out of the land Faukes de Breute Phillip de Markes Engelardus de Ciconia William Erle Albemarke Robert de veteri ponte Brihenne de insula Hugo de Bailluel Robert de Gaugi with diuers other straungers mo which kept castles and holdes of the kinges agaynst his will Of whom the foresayd Faukes was the principal who fortefied held the castle of bedford which he had by that gift of K. Iohn with might and strength against the K. and his power nere the space of 3. monthes Moreouer he went about to apprehend the kings iustices at Dunstable but they being warned therof escaped all except Henry Braibrocke whom he imprisoned in the said castle The K. hearing therof cōsulting with his clergy and nobles made his power against the same Which after long siege and some slaughter at length he obteined it hanged almost all that were within to the nūber of 97 which was as Parisiens writeth about the 7. or 8. yere of his raigne Faukes the same time was in wales who hearing of the taking of the castle conueyed himselfe to the church of Couētry At length submitting himselfe to the kings mercy vpon consideration of his seruice done before to the kings father was committed to the custody of Eustace bishop of London and afterward being depriued of all his goods possessions tenements within the realme was forced to perpetuall banishment neuer to returne to England agayne Here by the way I finde it noted in Parisiens that after this foresayd Faukes had spoyled and rased the church of S. Paule in Bedford for the building vp of his Castle the Abbase of Heluestue hearing thereof caused the sword to be taken from the Image of S. Paule standing in the Church so long as he remayned vnpunished Afterward she hearing him to be cōmitted to the custody of S. Paule in Londō caused the sword to be put into the hands of the Image agayne Mat. Parisiens in vita Henr. 3. About this yeare the young king the second time was crowned agayne at Westminster about which time begā the new building of our Ladye Churche at Westminster Shortly after Gualo the Legate was called home againe to Kome For the holy Father as Math. Pariens reporteth being sicke of a spiritual dropsie thought this Gualo hauing so large occupying in england to be able somewhat to cure his disease And so that Legate returned with all hys bagges well stuffed leauing Pandulphe behynde h●m to supply that Baliwike of hys great graundfather the Pope The lyfe and Actes of pope Innocentius the 3. are partly described before how he intruded Stephē Langhtō against the kings wil into the archbishopricke of Canterbury stirring vp also 64. Monkes of the same Church of Canterbury priuily to work agaynst the king Moreouer how he did excommunicate the sayd kyng as a publike enemy of the Church so long as the sayd King withstoode his tirannical doyngs putting hym and his whole kingdome vnder interdiction for the space of 5. yeares and 3. monthes And at length deposed and depriued hym from hys scepter keeping it in his owne handes for v. dayes Now he absolued hys subiectes from their due obedience subiectiō vnto hym Now he gaue away his kingdōes possessions vnto Lewes the Frenche kyngs sonne commaunding the sayd Lewes to spoyle hym both of landes lyfe Whereupon the K. being forsakē of hys nobles prelates commons was enforced agaynst hys will to submit himself and sware obedience vnto the P. paying vnto him a yearely tribute of a M. markes by yeare for receauing hys kyngdome agayne wherby both he his succescessors after him were vassals afterward vnto the P. And these were the Apostolicall actes of this holy Vicar in the realme of England Moreouer he condemned Almericus a worthy learned man a byshop for an hereticke for teaching holding agaynst images Also he condemned the doctrine of Ioachim Abbas whō we spake of before for heritical This pope brought first into the church the paying
commended then the other Cardinall Hugo mentioned a little before pag. 208. whiche in the like contention betwene these Archbishops ran his way Thus the controuersie ceased and composed betweene these two Otho the Cardinall sitting aloft betweene these 2. archbishops beginneth his sermon taking the theame of the Prophet In medio sedis in circuitu eius quatuor animalia plena oculis ante retro c. That is In the midst of the seat and in the circuit about the seate were foure beastes full of eyes before and behind c. Upon this theme the Cardinall proceeded in hys sermō sitting like a God in the middest He compared thē about him to that foure beastes about the seate declaring how they ought to haue eyes both before behind that is that they must be prouident in disposing of secular thinges and circumspect in spiritual matters continuing ioyning wisely things past with thinges to come this was the greatest effect of this Clerkly Sermon That done he geueth forth certayne statutes for odering of Churches as for the dedication of temples for seuen sacramentes for geuing of orders for ferming of benefices collations and resignations of benefices and vicarages priestes apparell single life for eating of flesh in religious houses for archdeacons bishops proctors and such other lyke matters But the chiefest intent of all his proceeding was this that they should be vigilant prouident and circumspect with all their eyes both before and behynd to fil the popes pouch as appeared not onely by this but all theyr other trauailes besides Insomuch that the kyng dreading the displeasures of his commons for the doyngs of the Legate willed hym to repayre home to Rome agayne but yet could not so be rid of him For he receiuing now commaundementes from the Pope applyed hys haruest still glening and raking what soeuer he might scrape writing and sending to Byshops and archdeacons in this forme and tenour OTto miseratione diuina c. discreto viro N. Episcopo vel N. Archidiacono sal Cum necesse habeamus de mandato summi pontificis moram trahere in Englia longiorem nec possimus proprijs stipendijs militare discretionem vestram qua fungimur autoritate rogamus vt procurationes vobis debitas in Episcopatu vel Archidiaconatu vestro colligi faciatis nostro nomine diligenter eas quàm citius poteritis nobis transmissuri contradictores per censuram Ecclesiasticam compescendo Prouiso quòd quaelibet procuratio summam 4. mercarum aliquatenus non excedat vbi vna Ecclesia non sufficiet ad procurationem huiusmodi habendam duae pariter vnam soluant Datum Lond. 15. Kal. Mar Pont. D. Grego Papae 9. And moreouer note agayn the wicked cursed traines of these Romish rakehels who to picke simple mens purses first send out their Friers and preachers to stirre vp in al places and countryes men to go fight against the Turks Whom when they haue once bound with a vowe signe them with the crosse thē send they their bulles to release them both of their labour and their vow for mony As by theyr owne stile of writing is here to be seene thus proceeding N. Episcopus dilectis in Christo filijs omnibus Archidiaconis per Diocesim suam constitutis sal Literas Domini Legati suscepimus in haec verba Otto miseratione diuina c. Cum sicut intelleximus nonnulli cruce signati regni Angliae qui sunt inhabiles ad pugnandum ad sedem Apostolicam accedant vt ibidem a voto crucis absolui valeant nos nuper recipimus a summo pontifice in mandatis vt tales non solùm absoluere verùm ad redimenda vota sua compellere debeamus volentes eorum parcere laboribus expensis fraternitatem vestram qua fungimur monemus quatenus partem praedictam a summo pontifice nobis concessam faciatis in nostris diocesibus sine mora qualibet publicari vt prefati cruce signati ad nos accedere valeant beneficiū super his iuxa formam nobis traditam accepturi Datum Londini xv kal. Marc. Pont D N. Papae Grego 9. The cause why the pope was so greedy needy of mony was this because he had mortall hatred waged continuall battaile the same time against the good Emperour Fredericke the 2. who had to wife king Iohns daughter and sister to this king Henry thee 3. whose name was Isabell And therefore because the popes warre could not be susteined without charges that made the pope the more portimate to take vp mony in all places but especially in Englād Insomuch that he shamed not to require the fifth part of euery ecclesiasticall mans liuing as Parifiensis writeth And not onely that but also the sayde Pope Gregory conuenting with the Citizens of Rome so agreed with them that if they would ioyne with him in vanquishing that foresayd Fredericke he would and so did graūt vnto thē that all the benefices in England which were or should be vacant namely pertayning to religious houses shuold be bestowed at their owne will commaundement to their children kinsfolkes Whereupon it followeth in the forenamed history vnde infra paucos dies misit D. Papa sacra praecepta sua Domino Cant. Archiep. Eliensi Lincol. Salisb. Episcopis vt trecentis Romanis in primis beneficijs vacantibus prouiderent scientes se suspensos a beneficiorum collatione donec tot competenter prouideretur That is The Pope sent in commaundement to the Archbishop of Cant. and 4. other Byshops that prouision shoulde be made for 3. hundred Romanes in the chiefest best benefices in all Englād at the next voydance So that the foresayd Aarchb and byshops should be suspēded in the meane time frō all collation or gift of the benefite vntill these foresayd 3. hundred were prouided for-whereupon the Archb. the same tyme seeing the vnreasonable oppression of the Church of Englād left the realme and went into Fraūce Agayne marke an other as much or more easie sleight of the pope in procuring mony he sēt one Petrus Rubeus the same tyme with a new deuise which was this not to work anything openly but priuily to go betwixt Bishop and Bishop Abbot and Abbot c. telling in theyr eares such a Byshop such an Abbot hath geuen so muche and so much vnto the Popes holines trusting that you also will not be behinde for your part c. By the meanes whereof it is incredible to thinke what a masse of money was made out of the Realme vnto the pope At length the foresayd bishops Abbots and Archdeacons feeling their owne smart came to the king whose father before they did resist with their humble suite lamētably complaining of the vnmeasurable exactions of y● pope and especially agaynst Petrus Rubeus and hys fellowe Otto the Legate desiring the K. that seing the matter toncheth not themselues alone but the whole church and seing
excommunicated and depriued one Ranulphus a benoficed person in his Dioces being accused of incontinency who after the term of xl dayes refusing to submit himselfe the Bishoppe wrote to the Shiriffe of Rutland to apprehend him as contuinax which Shiriffe because he deferred or refused so to doe bearing fauour to the party and being therfore solemnly excommunicate by the bishop vttered his complaynt to the king wherat the king taking great displeasure with the Bishoppe for excommunicating his Shiriffe and would not first make hys complaynt to hym sendeth forthwith a substantiall messenger M. Moneta such as he was sure would speed vnto Pope Innocent by vertue of whose wordes the Pope easie to be entreated sendeth downe a prouiso to the Abbot of Westminster charging that no Prelate nor Byshop in the Realme of England shoulde molest or enter action agaynst any of the Kinges Baylisses or Officers in such matters as to the kinges iurisdiction appertained And thus was the strife ended not without some helpe and heape of English mony so that no winde of any controuersy here stirred in England were it neuer so small but it blew some profite for the Popes aduantage an 1250 Ex Paris fol. 231. In like maner no litle treasure grew to the Popes coffers by the election of Boniface the Queenes Uncle a Frenchman to be Archb. of Laut an 1243. and of Ethelmare the Queenes brother to be Bishop of Winchester agaynst the wils of the Prior and Couent there an 1250. besides many such other exchetes which made England poore and the Pope rich I come now something likewise to touch briefly of the popes dispensations prouisions exations contributions and extortions in Englande in this kinges dayes for to discourse all it is not one booke will holde it Symon Montfort Earle of Lecester had maried Alinore the kinges sister and daughter of king Iohn who by report of ●oryes had taken the mantell ring wherefore the king and his brother Richard Earle of Exceter were greatly offended with the Mariage which seing the Earle Simon made a hand of money and nothing ouer to Rome after he had talked a fewe wordes in Pope Innocentes eare the mariage was good enough and letters sent to Dths the Popes Legate here to geue sentence solemnly with the Earle Notwithstanding the Dominick Friers and other of the like religious fraternitye withstood that sentence of the Pope stoutly saying that the Popes holines was therein deceaued and soules in daunger that christ was ielous ouer his wife and that it could not be any wise possible that a woman which had vowed her mariage with Christ could afterward mary with any other c. an 1238. Ex Paris fol. 114. As there was nothing so hard in y● wide world wherwith the Pope would not dispense for mony so by the said dispensations much mischiefe was wrought abroad For by reason thereof the people trusting vpon the Popes dispensation litle regarded what they did what they promised or what they sware As well appeared by this king Henry 3. who being a great exactor of the poore cōmons as euer was any king before him or since and thinking thereby to winne the people sooner to hys deuotion most saythfully promised thē once or twise and therunto bound himselfe with a solemne othe both before the clergy and layty to graunt vnto them the old liberties and customes as well of Magna charta as Charta de Foresta perpetually to be obserued Whereupon a Quindecim was graunted to the king But after the payment was sure the king trusting by the Popes dispensation for a litle mony to be discharged of his oth and couenaunt went from that he had promised and sworne before In like maner the sayd king an other time being in need of money signed himselfe with the crosse pretending and swearing deepely in the face of the whole parliament that he would himselfe personally fight in the holy land agaynst the Saracens But as soone as the mony was taken small care was taken for performance of his othe being so put in the head by certain about him that he needed not passe of that perinye for so much as the Pope for an hundred pounds or two wold quickly discharge him therof Ex Math. Paris fol. 273. Out of the same corrupt spring of these popish dispensations haue proceded also many other soule absurdities For where many young men were in those dayes which enioyed benefices and were no priestes and when by the procurement of Robert Grosted Bishop of Lincolne the sayd young men should be forced whether they would or nor to enter orders they laying theyr purses together sēt to Rome and obtayned of the Pope a dispensation to remayne still as they were that is to haue the fruites of benefices to finde them at schole or vniuersity and yet themselues neither ministers to take charge nor yeelding any seruice for theyr prosites taken Ex Math. Paris fol. 256. Besides innumerable heapes of enormities moe proceeding of the Popes dispensatiōs as dispensing one man to haue sundry bishoprickes to encroch pluralities of benefices to make children Parsons to legitimate bastards with such other like the particulars whereof for breuities sake I do omit to further oportunity The intollerable oppression of the Realme of England by the Popes exactions and contributions and other sleightes here vsed in the time of K. Henry 3. ALthough these ●moluinentes thus rising dayly to the Popes purse by Symony and brybery by electious dispensations might seeme sufficient to satisfy his greedy appetite yet so vnsatiable was the auarice of that see that he not yet contented here with ouer and besides all this sēt euery yere almost some Legar or other into this realm to take for his aduantage In so much that during al this kinges time the Realme was neuer lightly without some of the Popes liegers with all violence exacting and extorting continual prouisions contributions and summes of mony to be leaued out of Celles Abbayes priors fruites of benefices and Bishoprickes and also lay mens purses to the miserable empouerishing both of the clergy and tēporalty as hereunder foloweth First after Pandulphus was sent into this Realme Cardinall Otho procured by the king without the assent of his nobles to the intent to assist him in certaine affairs he had to do At receiuing of which Legate great preparaunce was made many rich and precious giftes in scarlet in plate in iewels in mony and palfreyes were geuen him Whom the king also himselfe went as far as the Sea side to receiue bowing downe his head in low coursye to the cardinalles knees To whom also the bishop of winchester for his part gaue toward keeping of his house fifty fat Dren a hundred semes of wheat and 8. great vessels of pure wine This Legate at his first comming beginneth first to bestow such benefices as he foūd vacant vpon thē whom he brought with him without respect whether
Parma hauing this occasion offered with all force speed possible entred the Emperors campe or towne Victoria which being not very strōgly fenced nor hauing gates to shut agaynst thē was a thing easy enough to do The soden straūgenes of the matter much abāshed the souldiors rang out their lar● bell The first assault was geuen vpō Marcus Malaspina his charge whom when the Emperor returning in all haste foūd to be hard beset had thought to haue rescued him But whē that was perceiued of the enemy they bēt all their force altogether on y● side In so much that the Emperor was inforced to take the trench lest he should haue bene of the enemy enuironed from thence he retired into the citie or campe where he had thought to haue gathered further aide But the enemy geuing not so much tune thereunto ●a●l force entred the citie Uictoria The Emperor now when the enemies were entred left the campe came to Dominum who when they had killed slaine a great nomber of the Emperors soldiors had burnt destroied the same campe Uictoria came againe to Parma The Emperor thē suspecting this thing to be wrought by treason whereby the enemy had vnderstanding as wel of the Emperors absence as also of the negligence of his soldiors imprisoned certaine of the chiefest about hym amongst whome also was Petrus de Vineis Yet whilest he was at Dominum gathering together his souldiors and residue of his bāds Encius getteth a great victorie of the Mansuanos who coming to the rescue of Parma lost 50. of their ships and all that they had in them After this also Richardus in another conflict in Picenum discomforted the Popes souldiors slewe their captaine Hugolinus besides 2000. others slaine taken prisoners When nowe Fredericus had gathered againe and new mustered his bands at Dominum he marched foorth to Cremona and notwithstanding that there he vnderstoode of the good successe and victory that Encius had at Rhegium yet for that he perceiued the defection and backsliding of all or most part of Lumbardie from him he determined to take his iorney into Apulia and when he had there leuied a strong and sufficient power he purposed to make hys speedy returne againe into Lombardie Therefore in hys iorney through Netruria into Apulia he ioyned with hys sonne Fridericus which besieged Capras and tooke the same and led with him diuers of the chiefest captains prisoners and after that subduing vnto the obedience of the Empire Miniatum he came into Apulia When newes was brought him thether that Encius hys sonne comming to aide the Mutinenses against the Bononiens was taken prisoner two miles of from Mutina and that in his absence the Popes capitaines with theyr bandes and garrisons went throughout all Lumbardie Aemilia Flamminia and Hetruria to stirre and procure the Cities to reuolt from the obedience of the Emperour And the same partly working by subtile pollicies partly by force sinister meanes to bring them to his purpose determined with himself that with all the force and power he might by any meanes procure and make to haue begon a fresh prosecuted this warre to the vttermost Neyther was it to be doubted as Pandolphus Colonucius writeth but that he would haue wrought some maruellous exploit great attēpt but that he was of this his purpose wherunto he was both willing bēt preuēted by vnlooked for death For whē he fell into this ague being at a certaine castle of his in Apulia called Florētinū saw by the extremity thereof his daies to be short he remēbred that which was once shewed him how he should die at Florēce Wherupon he made and ordeined his testament and when vnto Conradus and other of his children he had geuen and appoynted the great and innumerable masse of mony which he had collected leuied for the maintenance of his wars and godly purpose as it is called And vnto them also had geuen all other his kingdomes dominiōs to euery one according to their ages and yeres departed this wretched and miserable world Pandolphus writeth that Fredericus was very willing to dye as they made certayne report to him which were present at his death that his minde was altogether set and bent vpon the heauenly ioy felicity Which thing also Gulielmus Putranus Andreas Panbalus and Manardus the bishop being Italian writers do all affirme of whom this last writeth that he assuredly beleueth Fredericke to be one of the number of Gods elect The writers notwithstanding are of sundry iudgmēts opinions touching this good Emperours death Some write that he was traiterously poisoned by his cup bearer being hyred therunto Some other that he was strangled with a pillow of Māfredo the sonne of Pherus But Pandolphus as good a writer as the best maketh no mention of any poyson that was geuen him but onely that he died of an ague The last opinion of Manfredus he manifestly refuteth and that there is no maner of lykelihood of the same further that the cōtrary is affirmed by diuers other writers that were of that time He died in the yeare of our Lord. 1268. the 13. day of December in the 57. yeare of his age and 37. yeare of his raigne whose corpes was brought to Panorinum and there intombed Fredericke had 3. wiues the first was Constantia the daughter of the king of Arragon of whom he begat Hēry the Duke of Sueuia and king of the Romains The other Iole the daughter of Iohaunes Brennus king of Ierusalem by whom he had the inheritance of Ierusale Naples and Sicile of whom he begat Cōradus Duke of Suenia king of Ierusalem Naples being Cesar. The third Isabell the daughter of king Iohn of Englād by whom he had a sonne named Hēry which is said to die in his childhood This Fredericus had not his peere in Marshall affayres to be compared vnto him and warlike pollicies amongst al the princes of that age A wise and skilful souldiour he was a great indurer of paynefull labors and trauels most boldest in greatest perils prudent in foresight Industrious in all his doinges prompt humble about that he tooke in hand and in aduer●ity mest stout couragious But as in this corruption of nature few there be the attain perfection neither yet is there any pr●ice almost of such gouernment and godly institution both in life doctrine as is required of them So neither was this Fredericke without his fault humaine fragility For the writers ●●pute to him some fault of concupiscence wherwith he was stayned and spotted And it appeareth that he was not all cleare therof for as much as by sūdry Concubines he had sundry children As Ene●is the king of Sardina Manfredus the prince of Sarcutinū And Frederick king of Antioche And this is all that I finde of the description of Fredericke by Colonucius which he affirmeth to haue
the city by the Barons and Citizens for the space of 40. dayes And Octobonus the Legate who for feare was fled into the Tower they narowly layd for that he shoulde not escape At length by the intreaty of the Earle of Gloucester and other Earles that were his friendes both the Barons and Cittizens were pardoned and admitted to the kinges fauour And 4. Byshops and 8. other noble men were chosen such as were at Couentry first nominated that they should order and dispose all matters betweene the King and suche as had lost theyr inheritaunce as also the forme of theyr peace and raunsome And proclamation was made vppon the feast of all Sainctes of perfect peace and record throughout al the Realme The 52. yeare of this king Henries raigue 8. daies after the feast of S. Martin he held a parliament at Marlberge in the yeare of our Lord aboue recited where by the aduise of wise and discrete men with all the consentes of the nobles he ordeined and enacted diuers good and profitable statutes for the reformation and bettering of the state of the realme execution of common iustice which are called the statutes of Marleberge The same yeare vpon S. Gregoryes day Octobonus the Legate called a Councell at London where were fine Archbishops and a great number of Byshops Abbots other Prelates which Councell also within three dayes brake vp agayne The same yeare vpon S. Iohns day the Baptist Edward the kinges sonne diuers other noble men of England took vpon thē the crosse by the legates hands at Northhampton to the reliefe of the holy land and the subuersion of the enemies of the crosse of Christ which done the legate that same yeare wēt out of England not purposing after that to returne agayne This holy Legate sayth mine author whiche might well bee resembled to Lynx the monstrous beast whose quicke sight penetrateth euery thing enrolled to perpetuall memorye the valuation of all the churches in the realme of England so narowly as by any meanes possible be might enquire the certainty thereof The same was he that made all the Cathedral Conuentuall Churches to pay pencions so that those Churches whiche gaue not the vacancie of their benefices to their Clerkes and straungers should pay vnto them a certein yearly pencion during the vacācy of the benefices which they should haue The same yeare died Pope Clement 4. after whose death the Church of Rome was two yeares vacant then was chosen an archdeacon Cardinall whose name was Theardus as hee was taking hys iourny into the holy lande and called hym Gregory the 10. Then also dyd Edmunde Earle of Lancaster and Leicester and seconde sonne of king Henry take to wife the Earle of Albemark his daughter and the Niece of y● Earle of Gloucester at whiche maryage was the king and the Queene and all the Nobilitie of England The same yeare was the body of S. Edward the king Confessour by Walter Gifford Archbishop of Yorke and other Bishops intombed in a new rich Schrine of golde and siluer beset with precious stones in the presēce of Hēry the king of Englād In which yeare also fel great rayne and inundation of waters suche as hath not lightly bene seene which increased and continued the space of 40. dayes and more The same yeare died Walter de Lawile Bishop of Sarum the third day before the nones of Ianuary After whō succeeded Robert of Northampton the Deane of the same Church And because the see of Cant. was then vacant he was confirmed by the Chapter of Canterbury whiche Chapter had alwayes the iurisdiction in spirituall causes during the vacancy of that see in as ample maner as the Byshop hymselfe had beyng aliue After thys the Byshop elect comming thither thinking to haue had hys consecration was notwithstanding put backe for two causes one was for that there was present then no more but one Byshop the other was for that all the other Bishops had appealed that he might not be consecrated to their preiudice that is by the authoritie of the Chapter of Cant. saying that they would not be vnder the obedience of the monks After this solempne Messengers were for this cause sent to the Cardinals of Rome for that then that see of Rome was vacant who receiued aunswere that during the vacation of that see the confirmation and consecration of the Byshop elect pertayned to the foresayd Chapter of Caunterbury The same yeare also was the Lord Henry the sonne heyre of the Lord Richard king of Almayne and brother to king Henry 2. slayne at Uiterbium in a certayne Chappel hearing Masse by the Lord Simō and Buido the sonnes of the Lord Simon Mountfort Earle of Leister During this kinges raigne there was made a great generall expedition of diuers and sondry Christian princes to Ierusalem taking vpon them the Lords character that is the Crosse among whome was also Edward the kings sonne one to the which expeditiō was graunted him a subsidie throughout al the realme And the month of May the yeare of our Lord. 1270. or as sayth Florilogus an 1269. he set forward on his iourny About the time when Prince Edward was preparing his iourny toward Asia Boniface the Archbishop of Canterbury ended his life in the country of Sebaudia goyng belike to Rome or comming thence After whose death the Monks of Canterbury proceeding to a new election grāted by the king agreed vppon the Prior of their house named Adam Chelendene But the king his sonne Prince Edward consenting and speaking in the behalfe of Robert Burnell theyr Chauncellour did sollicite the matter with the Monkes partly intreating partly threatning them to chuse the said Robert to be Archbishop Notwithstanding the Monkes being stoute woulde neyther relent to their curteous request nor yet bow to theyr boystrous threates but constantly persisting in their former election appealed from the king and prince to the Pope Prince Edward being now on his iourny and seing himselfe thus frustrated of the Monkes writeth backe to the king his father deuoutly praying and beseching in no wise to admit the election of the foresayd Monks And so passing to Douer with Hēry the sonne of Rich. his vncle king of Romanes with their wiues tooke their passage in the month of August After this the Prior thus elected as is foretold but not admitted by the king to be Archbishop went vp to Rome In the meane tyme the Monkes in the absence of their elect ordayned one Geoffrey Pomenall to be theyr Official who seing himself aduaunced to that dignity bearing belike some old grudge agaynst the Prior of Douer caused him to be cited vp to appeare in the Chapter house of Canterbury The Prior of Douer seing this citation to be preiudiciall to him and to the Church of Douer whereas the Monkes of Cant. haue no such iurisdiction the see of
and determination of the matter was committed to the iudgement of king Edward of England who after sufficient proofe made to the Scottes and firme euidence brought out of all the ancient historyes both of England and Scotland testifying from tyme to tyme that he was chief head and soueraigne of the Realme of Scotland first by necessitie of the law and by al theyr consentes tooke full possession of the same And that bone adiudged the right of the Crown to John Bailol who descended of the daughter of Dauid Earle of Huntington brother to Dauid King of Scotland in the dayes of Kyng Henry the second This Erle Dauid had three daughters Isabell maried to Robert Brusse Margaret to Allen Earle of Galeway had Ellen to Henry Lord Hastinges Allē Earle of Galeway had Ellē maried to Roger Quincy Erle of Winchester Constable of Scotland Doruagile maried to John Bailol father to Edward king of Scots When these thinges were thus finished in Scotlande and Syr Iohn Bailol as most rightfull inheritour had receaued the crowne of Scotland at the handes of kyng Edward thankefully for the same in the presence of the Barony of England and of Scotland did vnto the sayd king Edward his homage and sware to him fealty the Scottes with theyr new king returned into Scotland and Kyng Edward remoued agayne to England But not long after the falsenes of this Scotishe Kyng soone appeared Who repenting him of his homage done vntruely for sook his former othe promise and made war against king Edward through the counsaile of the Abbot of Menros Wherfore the king with a great host sped hym into Scotland in processe laid siege to the towne of Berwicke which the Scots did egerly defend not onely to the discomfiture but also to the decision of the kinges and hys English host But in conclusion the English men preuayled and wan the towne where were slayne of the Scottes the number of 25. thousand And while the king was there busied in winning other holds about the same he sent part of his host to Dunbarre where the Englishmē agayn had the victory and slue of the Scottes xx thousand Gis burne sayth but x. thousand so that very few were lost of the English company The king with a great nūber of prisoners returning into his realm shortly after sped him ouer vnto Flaūders where he sustayned great trouble by the French kyng till truce for certayne space was betweene them concluded But in the meane while that K. Edward was thus occupyed beyond the Seas the French king resorting to his practised maner set the Scottes secretly agaynst the Englishmen to keep the king at home Which Scots makyng themselues a Captaine named Williā Waleis warred vpon the borders of Northumberlād where they dyd much burt At length the king returning from Burdeaux into England shortly vpon the same tooke hys iourny into Scotland Where meeting at Yorke with hys host marched into the Realme of Scotlande winning as he went townes and Castles till at length comming to the towne of Frankyrch on Mary Magdalens day he met with the power of Scotland and had with them a fore sight but through Gods prouidence the victory fel to the right cause of Englishmen so that of the Scottes were slayne in the field as it is of diuers writers affirmed ouer the number of xxxii thousand and of Englishmen but barely xxviii persons Whereupon the king agayn taking possession and feairy of the whole land returned home And yet the false vntroth of the Scots would not thus be ruled but rose vp in a new broyle so that the kyng was enforced to make his power agayn the yeare folowing into Scotland where he to suppressed the rebellion of that Lords and of the commons that they swearing to the kings allegiaunce presented themselues by great companyes put them wholy in the kings grace and mercy so that the king thinking himselfe to be in peaceable possession in a great surety of the land caused to be sworne vnto hym the rulers of the boroughes citties and townes with other officers of the land and so returned vnto Barwicke and so into England and lastly to Westminster These martiall affayres betwene England and Scotland although they appertayne not greatly to the purpose of our story Ecclesiastical yet so much by the way I thought briefly to touch whereby the better it might be vnderstanded by these premisses that whiche followeth in the sequele hereof As the Scottes were thus warring and ragyng agaynst the king and saw they could not make theyr party good they sent priuily to Pope Boniface for hysayde and counsaile who immediatly sendeth downe his precept to the K. to this effect that he should hereafter succease to disquiet or molest the Scottes for that they were a people exempt and properly pertaining to hys Chappell And therfore it could not otherwise be but that the Citty of Ierusalem must needs defend hys own Citizens as the mount Syon mayntayn such as trust in the Lord. c. Whereunto the king briefly maketh aunswere agayne swearing with anothe that he would to his vttermost keepe defend that which was hys right euidētly known to all the world c. Thus the Scots bearing themselues bold vpon the popes message also confederating themselues with the French mē passed ouer that yeare The next yeare after that whiche was 29. of the kinges raigne the sayd Pope Boniface directeth hys letters agayn to the kyng wherein he doth vēdicate the kingdome of Scotland to be proper to the Church of Rome not subiect to the king of England And therfore it was agaynst God against iustice and also preindiciall to the Churche of Rome for hym to haue or hold dominion vpon the same which he proued by these reasons First that when king Henry the father of this Kyng receiued ayd of Alexander king of Scots in his warres agaynst Simon Mountfort he recognised acknowledged in his letters patents that he receaued the same of king Alexander not of any duety but of speciall fauour Item when the sayd king Alexander comming to England did homage to the sayd kyng Henry he did it not as king of Scotland but onely for certayne landes of Lyndal and Penreth lying in England Item where the sayd king Alexander left behynd hym Margaret his heyre being ●ece to the king of England and yet vnder age yet the tuition of the sayd Margaret was committed not to the K. of England but to certain Lords of Scotland deputed to the same Moreouer when any legacie was directed down from Rome to the Realme of England for collecting oftenthes or other causes the sayd legacie tooke no place in the realm of Scotland and might well he resisted as it was in kyng Alexander hys dayes except an other speciall commission touching the realme of Scotland were ioined wall Wherby it appeareth these to be two seueral dominions and not
Margaret the daughter of our progenitour Henry the third at our Citty of Yorke in the feast of Christmas at whiche tyme the sayd Alexander dyd hys homage to our sayd progenitour who reigned in this Realme 56. yeares And thereford betweene the homage made by the sayd Alexander king of Scotland and the homage done by Alexander sonne to the sayd king of Scots to vs at our coronation at Westminster there was about 50. yeares At which tyme the said Alexander kyng of Scottes repayred to the sayd feast of our coronation and there did he his duety as is aforesayd ¶ Besides these letters of the king the Lordes temporall also in the name of the whole communaltie and Parliment wrote an other letter to the pope answering to that where as the pope arrogated to hym to be iudge for the title of the realme of Scotland whiche the king of England claymed to hymselfe whiche letter I thought also here to annexe contayning as in the wordes of the same here foloweth to be read and seene * The Lordes temporall and the whole Baronie of England to the Pope THe holy mother Churche by whose ministery the Catholicke fee is gouerned in her deedes as we throughly beleeue and holde proceedeth with that ripenes in iudgement that she will be hurtfull to none but like a mother would euery mans right to be kept vnbroken as well in other as in her selfe Whereas therefore in a generall Parliament called at Lincoln of late by our most dread Lord Edward by the grace of God the noble kyng of England the same our Lorde caused certayne letters receaued from you to be read openly and to be declared seriously afore vs about certayne businesses touching the condition state of the realme of Scotland We did not a little muse and maruaile with our selues hearing the meaninges concerning the same so wondrous and straunge as the like we haue not heard at any time before For we know most holy father and it is well knowne as well in this realm of England as also not vnknowne to other persons besides that from the first beginning of the Realme of England the certayne and direct gouernement of the Realme of Scotland in all temporall causes from tyme to tyme belonged to the kynges of the same Realme of England and Realme of Scotland as well in the times both of the Brittaines as also of Englishmen Yea rather the same Realme of Scotland of olde tyme was in see to the Auncetours of our foresayd Lordes Kynges of England yea and to hymselfe Furthermore the Kynges of Scottes and the Realme haue not bene vnder any other then the kynges of England and the Kinges of England haue answered or ought to aunswere for theyr rightes in the foresayd Realme or for any hys temporalities afore anye Iudge Ecclesiasticall or secular by reason of free preheminence of the state of hys royall dignitie and custome kept without breach at all tymes Wherefore after treatie had and dilligent deliberation of the contentes in your foresayd letters this was the common agreeing and consent with one mynde and shall be without fayle in tyme to come by Gods grace that our foresayd Lord the Kyng ought by no meanes to aunswere in iudgement in any case or shoulde bring hys foresayd rightes into doubt nor ought not to send any proctors or messengers to your presence specially seeing that the premisses tend manifestly to the disheriting of the right of the Crowne of Englande and the playne ouerthrow of the state of the sayd Realme and also hurt of the liberties customes and lawes of our fathers For the keeping and defence of whiche we are bounde by the duety of the othe made And we will mayntayne them with all power and will defend them by Gods helpe with all strength And farther we will not suffer our foresayd Lord the king to doe or by anye meanes to attempt the premisses being so unacustomed vnwont and not heard of afore Wherefore we reuerently and humbly beseech your holines that ye would suffer the same our Lord king of Englande who among other Princes of the worlde sheweth himselfe Catholicke and deuour to the Romishe Churche quietly to enioye hys rightes liberties ' customes and lawes aforesayde without all empayring and trouble and let them continue vntouched In witnesse whereof we haue set our seales to these presentes aswell for vs as for the whole communaltie of the foresayd Réalme of England Dated at Lincolne in the yeare of our Sauiour 1031. anno Edwardi primi 28. The yeare following which was from Christ an 1303. the sayd Pope Boniface the eight of that name taking displeasure with Phillip the Frenche king did excite king Edward of Englad to warre against him promising hun great ayd thereunto But he as mine author sayth little trusting the Popes false vnstable affection toward him well proued before put him of with delayes Ex Rob. Auesb. wherupon the French king fearing the power of king Edward whom the Pope had set agaynst hys friendship restored vnto him agayn Wascone which he wrongfully had in his hands deteined Concerning this variaunce here mentioned between the Pope and the French kyng how it begā first and to what end it fell out the sequell hereof Christ willing shall declare after that first I haue finished the discourse begon betweene England and Scotland In the yeare 1303. the foresayd Willa Waleys which had done so many displeasures to the king before continuing still in his rebellion gathered great multitudes of the Scottes to wtstand the king til at length the yeare following he was taken and sent vp to Londō and there executed for the same After which thinges done the king thē held his Parliament at Westminster whether came out of Scotland the Bishop of S. Andrewes Robert Bruse aboue mentioned Earle of Dunbarre Earle of Acles and Syr Iohn comming with diuers other The which volūtarily were sworne to be true to the king of England and to keep the land of Scotland to his vse agaynst at persons But shortly after the sayd Robert Bruse who as is sayd maried the second daughter of Earle Dauid forgetting his othe before made vnto the king within a yeare or two after this by the counsell of the Abbot of Stone and Bishop of S. Andrewes sent vp vnto Pope Clement the 5. for a dispensation of his othe made unsinuating to him that King Edward vexed and greued the realme of Scotland wrōgfully Whereupon the pope wrote vnto the king to leaue of such doinges Notwithstanding whiche inhibition of the Pope the king prosecuting hys owne right after he had the vnderstanding of the doings of the Scots of the mischiefe of Robert Bruys who had slayne with hys owne handes Syr Iohn Comyng for not consenting with him and other Lordes at hys Parliament areared his power strength of men preparing himselfe toward Scotlād where he ioyning with the said Syr Robert and all the power of Scotland in a
and landes were seised to the King as is afore premised or whether for feare and hatred of the Spensers as is likely or els for loue and familiaritie of Syr Roger Mortimer For here is to be noted that the sayd Syr Roger Mortimer with diuers other of the Barōs part which had broken prison in England were fled before into Fraunce and now resorted vnto the Queene The king seeing this geueth forth in proclamation and limitteth a certayne day to y● Queene and his sonne to return or els to be proclaymed traytours to the King and to the Realme Notwithstanding the Queene persisting in her purpose denyeth to returne vnlesse the other Nobles which were fled might be permitted safely also to returne with her Whereupon the king immediately caused them both to be proclaimed traytours and all them that tooke their partes Here then began great hatred betwene king king betweene the king the Queene much preparation of warre great spoyling on the sea much sending betweene the pope thē but that would not serue Then the K. by the counsayle of the Spensers sendeth priuily to procure the death of the Queene and of his sonne which should be wrought by the execution of the Earle of Richmond the Queenes familiar But as the Lord would that imaginatiō was preuented and vtterly frustrate Albeit the Queene yet notwithstanding whether misdoubting and fearing what corruptiō of ●ony might do in the court of Fraunce or whether the French king being threatned by the king of England and by the Pope durst not deteine her she remoued from thence was receaued with Edward her sonne ioyously and honourably in the Court or country of the Erle of Denawde Where by meanes of such as were about her a mariage was concluded betweene the sayd Edward her sonne being of the age of 14. yeare and Phillip the foresayd Earles daughter When this was noysed in Eng. diuers men of honor name came ouer to the Queene And soone after the Erle of Daynawde prepared a crew of 5. hundred men of armes to set ouer the young Prince in his mother into England Of this the same sprang shortly through the realm Wherfore the K. in all defensable wayes made proiusiō to haue the hauens and portes of his land surely kept for to resiste the landing of his enemies On the contrary side the Queene with no lesse preparation prouideth all things to her expedition necessary Who when she saw her tyme speeding herselfe to the Sea coast with Prince Edward her sonne Lord Edmund Earle of Kent the Kings brother Syr Roger Mortimer the Lord Hygmore and other exiles of Englād accompanied also with the foresaid Hainawders of whō Syr Iohn Henawd the Earles brother was Captayne of Englishmen straungers hauing with her the nuūber of 2757. souldiours she took shipping in those partes had the winde so fauorable that they landed in England at a porte called Orwel beside Harwich in Suffolke in the Dominion of the Earle Marshal the moneth of September To whom after her landing resorted Earle Marshall the Earle of Leicester with other Barōs Knightes and Byshops also namely of Lincolne Hereforde Duresine and Ely The Archbishop of Caunterbury though he came not himselfe yet sent his ayde and money Thus the Queene well furnished with plenty both of men and vitaile setteth forward towarde London so that the further she came the more her number dayly encreased and the kinges power contrary decreased insomuch that as mine author affirmeth not one almost in all the Realme could be hyzed with any wages to fight on the kinges behalfe agaynst the Queene Neither did the Queenes army hurt any man or childe eyther in goodes or any other thing by the way At the arriuing of the Queene the King was then in London whiche first would not beleue it to be true Afterward seeing and perceauing how it was he asketh helpe of the Londiners Who after mature abuisement rendred this aunswere to the king agayne that as touching the King the Queene and their sonne the lawfull heyre of the kingdome they were ready withall duety and seruice to honour and obey As for straungers and traitors to the realm they would receaue none such within theyr Citie gates Furthermore to goe out of the City to fight that they sayd they would not vnles it were so that according to y● liberties of their city they might returne home againe before sonne set The king hearing this aunswere whiche liked him not well fortifieth the Tower of London wyth men vitaile commieting the custody thereof to Iohn Ealtham his yonger sonne and to the wife of Hugh Spenser his niece And leauing Walter Stapleton Bysh. of Excter behinde him to haue the rule of the citty of London he himselfe hearing dayly the great recourse of the people that drew to the Queene For more safegard to himselfe fled with a small cōpany Westward toward Wales But before his departing frō London he caused a proclamation to be made wherin all singuler persons were charged vpon forteite of life goods euery man with all his power to rile muade the rebelles destroy them all onely the life of the Queene his sonne and his brother reserned Also that no man vpō payne pretaxate should helpe rescue or relieue the sayd rebels with goodes vitailes or any otherwise Item it was also proclaymed that whosoeuer would bring to the King the head and body either dead or aliue of Sir Roger Mortimer should haue out of the kinges cofers W. pound In contrariwise the Queene setteth forth an other proclamation wherein it was forbidden to take spoyle violently the value of any mans goodes agaynst the wil of the owner vnder payne of loosing his finger if it were 3. d. Of his hand if it were 6. d. Of his head if it were 12. d. Moreouer who soeuer woulde bring to the Queene the head of Hugh Spencer the yonger chopt off from his body should receaue for so doing of the Queene 2. thounsand poundes This done the Queene sendeth her letters to the Citty of London for ayde and succont to subdue the oppressor of the Realme to the which letters first no answere was made Agayn she wrote the second letter which was then tacked vpon the crosse in Cheape which was then called the new crosse The copy and tenour of which letter was this The copie of a letter that the Queene sent vnto the Mayor and Citizens of London ISabell by the grace of God Queene of England Lady of Ireland and Countesse of Pountif And we Edward the first sonne of the King of England Duke of Guyan Earle of Chester of Pontif and of Mounstrell to the Mayor and all the comminaltie of London sendeth greeting For asmuch as we haue before this time sent to you by our letters and howe we come into this lande in good aray and good maner for the profite of holy Church and
he presented himselfe and mustred his troupe wherin he had to the number of 500. good men at armes wel appointed moūted His comming and furniture was well liked both of the king Queene was by the Harbinger appointed to be lodged with his housholde retinue in the Abbey of whyte mōkes To be briefe such grudge and variance fel betwene some of the kings souldiors and his within the suburbs of the towne being together lodged That from the little to the more whiles the king Queene with diuers other of the nobles straungers others were at dinner the said fray so greatly increased that the whole army as many as wer in the town then lodged stood to their defence so that there was slain of the english archers in short space by the strangers to the nūber of 300. men Wherupō grew after the fray was with much difficultie both of the king Queene ended such hartburning betwene the parties as that the number of 6000. conspired together agaynst thē thinking to haue burnt them in theyr lodginges had they not bene by the great grace of God discrete hādling otherwise preuented let Wherupō the Heynolders were fayne to take keep the field vsing as diligēt watch and ward as though they had bene among theyr hostile enemies After this the king set forward his army toward Durham encamped hymselfe neare about the same who also sent the Lord Ufford the Lorde Mounbry to Carlell with a sufficient company to keepe that entrance and also the Lord marshal of England to keepe the towne of Newcastle with a sufficient cōpany to defend the same and the country adioyning For well knew the king that by one of these two entries the Scottes must passe into England standing both of them vpon the riuer of Tyne 24. miles distant But the Scots priuily with their army passed the riuer betwixt the two townes into Englād few vnderstanding thereof till that the great fyers which the Scots had kindled and made in England bewrayed them who came burning and destroing the country al about as far as Stānop park This thing being declared to the king he commaundeth hys host with all speede to march towards thē which so long trauailed that they came in sight ech of other The K. also commaunded the passages of y● riuer to be so straitly narrowly garded that by no meanes y● Scots could retire and haue escaped back againe into Scotland without battaile geuen them of the K. But the Scots vnderstanding the great power of the king was of kept alwayes the aduantage of the hils retiring in the nightes frō one to an other that wtout great oddes aduauntage in the one side hazard to the other the king could not set vpon them Thus in the day time the Scots keeping the aduauntage of the hilles and in the night times retiring to the aduauntage of such other like came neare agaynst that riuer where they first passed ouer where they made a shew to offer battaile to the K. vpon the morow Wherupon the king being busied in putting his mē and battailes in a readines to fight the next morning being almost forweried in pursuing the Scots frō place to place the Scots in the meane season gat ouer the riuer and escaped the daunger of the K. Which thing as it could not be done without great treasō of some neare about the king so sir Roger Mortimer was grieuously suspected thereof and after was layd vnto hys charge But to be short by this meanes the Scots escaped the riuer after whome it should haue preuayled the King very little to haue made pursute as the wily Scots knew full well For the ioy wherof the L. William Douglas one of the Scots Generals with 200. horses gaue a larum in the kings camp came so neare that he cut certayne of the lynes of the kings tent in sunder with his sword and retired to hys company without great losse of any of his mē Then on the morow the king perceauing the Scots to be gone came to the place where ouer night they lodged where was found 500. great Oxen and Kyne ready killed fiue hundred Caudrens made of beastes skinnes ful of flesh ouer the fire seething a thousands speetes full of fleshe ready to be rosted and more then 10000. shoes of raw leather the heare still vpon the same whiche the Scottes had left behinde them and fiue poore English prisoners tyed to trees theyr legs broken All which seeing the king returned with hys armye and left anye further pursuing the Scottes to Durham where he dismissed his army and came agayne to London sending with Syr Iohn of Heynalt two hundred men at armes for theyr better safegard against the english archers with whom at Yorke as you heard they frayed till they had taken shipping and so returned home The king then being at London confirmed the liberties of the Citizens and ordayned that the Maior shoulde sit in all places as chiefe Iustice within the liberties of the same And that what Alderman soeuer had beene Mayor before should be a Iustice of peace within his own ward Then the king the Queene and the counsell sent ouer to the Erle of Heynault certayn Embassadours touching the solemnisation of the mariage betwene the king and the Lady Philip his daughter who in such sort sped their message that she was soone after conueied ouer to England very honourably and at Douer ariued And from thence came to London some Chronicles affirme to Yorke where vpon the day of the conuersion of S. Paule the yeare aboue specified the mariage and coronation of the Queene was with much triumph during the space of 3. weekes solemnised After which coronation and mariage the king let sommon his Parliament to be kept at Northampton wherat by the meanes of sir Roger Mortimer and the old queene a peace was purchased for the Scottes who had for that purpose sent theyr Embassadours for foure yeares to endure Also the king then beyng within age granted to release the Scottes of al theyr homage and fealty which vnto the realme of England by theyr charter ensealed they were bound as also theyr indenture which was called the Ragman Role wherin was specified the foresayd homage and fealtie to the king and crown of England by the sayd king of Scots nobles and prelates to be made hauing all their seales annexed to the same Also there was then deliuered vnto them the black crosse of Scotland whiche king Edward before for a rich Iewell and relique had conquered brought from Scone Abbey with all suche rites and titles as anye the Barons els had enioyed in the said Realme of Scotland with many other things more to the great preiudice both of the Realm discontentation of al the nobles and Barons for y● most part more then the old queene syr Roger Mortimer and the Bysh. of Ely Who in such
also slue and killed aboue 130. Knightes being all men of great possessions and prowesse and tooke other small cities and townes to the number of 300. Yet for all thys Phillip de Ualois the french king durst neither rescue his towns nor relieue his owne men but of hys great armie hee lost which is to be marueiled at being in the midst of his own countrey by famine other inconueniences for want of water more then 20000. men without any battaile by hym geuen Whereupon at the treatie of the sayde Phillip by hys embassadours to the king sent and by the mediation of the Lady Iane sister to the sayd Philip mother to the Earle of Henault whose daughter king Edwarde as you heard had married A truce containing the number of 15. articles for one yeare was concluded the king of Englande being very vnwilling and loth therunto Yet notwythstanding partly by the instance of the foresayd Lady but specially for that the king was greatly disappoynted through the negligence of his officers in England which sent hym not ouer such mony as he neded for the continuance of hys warres and paiment of his soldiors wages the articles being somewhat reasonable he agreeth to the truce therof the cōditions of which truce there concluded heere followe vnder wrytten 1. First that during the sayde truce no tales or mistrust of either part shall be a detriment or cause of breache of the same 2. Item that during the sayd respite or truce eyther of the Princes their helpers coadiutors and allies whatsoeuer shall remaine and be in the quiete possession of all such possessions holdes territories and landes as at thys pre●ent day they kepe and enioy within the realme and dominion of Fraunce in what maner so euer they haue atchieued the same during the sayd truce 3. Item that the sayd princes their aiders coadiutors and allies whatsoeuer shall passe safely from one country to an other and all marchants with theyr marchandise as well by sea as by land as accustomably they haue ben wont except such banished men as haue ben banished out of that sayd realmes or any of them for other causes then the warres betwene the sayd princes 4. Item that the said two princes shal not procure either by themselues or any other any practice or other molestation to be made the one to the other by the byshop of Rome or any other belonging to the holy church whatsoeuer eyther for the warres begon or any other cause nor for the seruice of any of their allies coadiutors and aiders or any of them And that our holy father the Pope nor any other shal disturbe or molest either of the sayd two kings during the sayd time 5. Item that immediatly after the truce be proclaimed in both the hostes that they may stand bound of either side to kepe and obserue al and euery such article as shal be therein contained 6. Item that wythin 20 dayes next and immediately ensuing eache of the Princes shall cause to be proclaimed in Gascoyne and Guyen and other their lands these articles of truce to the intent they may be the better obserued kept and knowne 7. Item if by any the sayd princes their allies people or coadiutours any siege be layd in Gascoyne or the Dutchy of Guyen or any other Isles of the sea Gierncley or Gersey or any other that the same sieges be raised so soone as they shall heare of thys truce 8. Item that suche as are theeues and fugitiues out of the Countrey of Flaunders shall not returne during the truce and if they do that then such as apprehēd them shal see iustice done vpon them and forfaite all the goodes they haue in Flaunders 9. Item it is accorded that the debtes due to Arras Tresponois or other titles of Fraunce shal neither be demaunded nor executed during the sayd truce 10. Item that all suche prysoners as haue bene taken during these warres shal be released out of prison sent home vpon theyr faith and othe to returne if they be not raunsomed during the sayd truce And if any shal refuse so to doe that then the Lord vnder whom he is shall constraine him to returne againe to prison 11. Item that all the bandes whatsoeuer they be whyche be made before thys sayde truce in the time of warre whether they be of goods spirituall or temporall be released wtout restitucion during the sayd truce 12. Also that these conditions of truce immediately may take effect betwene the Englishmen Scots their Lords aiders and allies and the same to endure vntill the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist. And that certain persons be appointed by a certaine day to be at the marches of England and Scotland to confirme the same truce vnder such cōditions as haue bene accustomed in those partes And if the said Scottes refuse so to doe that then they to haue no aide out of Fraunce during the sayd truce 13. Item that this sayd truce be proclaimed in England and in Scotlād wythin the 26. dayes after the date therof 14. Item it is accorded that within this truce be contayned Espamels Chatellon Geneuos the Byshop and the towne of Cambrey and castels of the same c. In witnes wherof we Iohn by the grace of God king of Bohemia and Earle of Luxemburgh Adulphe Byshop of Liege Raoule Duke of Loreine Ayemes Earle of Sauoy Iohn Earle of Darminacke on the one party And B. Duke of Brabante C. Duke of Gelre D. Marques of Iuliers sir Iohn of Henault and sir Beawmount on the other party betwixt the high puissant princes of France and England Have scaled thys instrument of truce and peace and deliuered the same accordingly in the church of Espleteline on monday the 25. day of September the yere of grace 1340. This truce thus finished king Edwarde brake vp hys campe remoouing his siege from Tourney came againe to Gaunt Frō whence very early in the morning he with a small company tooke shipping and by long seas came to the tower of Lōdon very few or none hauing vnderstanding thereof And being greatly displeased with diuers of his counsel and high officers for that through their default he was constrained against his will not hauing money to maintaine hys warres to condescende vnto the foresayde truce he commanded to be apprehended and brought vnto him to the tower the Lorde Iohn Stonhore chiefe iustice of England and syr Iohn Poulteney with diuers others and the next morning he sent for the Lorde K. Byshop of Chichester and the Lord Wake the Lorde Treasurer diuers other such that were in authority and office and commanded them al to be kept as prisoners in the said tower onely the sayd byshop excepted whom for feare of the constitution of Pope Clement whych commaunded that no Byshop should be by the king imprisoned he set at libertie suffered him to goe his way in his place substituted sir Roger Bourcher knight
king and to put him beside his cusshion And although for a time he dissembled his wrathfull mood till he might spye a time conuenient and a world to set forwarde his purpose at last finding occasion somewhat seruing to his mind he breaketh his hart to his two brethren to witte the Marques Mountacute the Archbishop of Yorke conspiring with them how to bring hys purpose about Then thought he also to proue a farre of the mind of the duke of Clarence king Edwards brother likewise obteined him geuing also to him his daughter in Mariage This matter being thus prepared agaynst the kyng the first flame of this cōspiracy began to appeare in the north country Where the Northrenmen in short space gathering thēselues in an open rebellion finding certaines of their wicked purpose came down from Yorke toward London Against whom was appoynted by the king W. lord Harbert Earle of Penbroke with the Lord Stafford and certayne other Captaynes to encounter The Yorkeshyre mē geuing the ouerthrow first to the lord Stafford thē to the Earle of Penbrok and his company of Welchmē at Banbery fielde at last ioyning together with the army of the Earle of Warwicke and Duke of Clarence in the dead of the night secretly stealing one the kinges field at Wolney by Warwick killed the watch and tooke the king prisoner who first being in the castle of Warwicke then was conueyed by night to Midleham Castle in Yorkeshyre vnder the custody of the Archbishop of Yorke where he hauinge loose keeping and liberty to go on hunting meeting wyth syr William Standley syr Thomas of Brough and other his frendes was to good for his keepers and escaped the hands of his enemies and so came to York where he was well receiued from thēce to Lankester where he met with the Lord Hastinges his Chamberlayne well accompanied by whose helpe he came safe to London After this tumult when reconciliation could not come to a perfect peace vnity although much labor was made by the nobility the Earle of Warwick raiseth vp a new war in Lincolnshyre the captaine wherof was Sir Rob. wels knight who shortly after being taken in battell wyth hys father and sir Thomas Dunocke were beheaded the residue casting away their coates ran away and fled geuing the name of the field called Losecoat field The erle of Warwicke after this put out of comfort and hope to preuayle at home fled out of England An. 1470. first to Calice then to Lewes the French king accompanyed with the Duke of Clarence The fame of the Earle of Warwicke and of his famous actes was at that time in great admiration aboue measure and so highly fauoured that both in England Fraunce all men were glad to behold his personage Wherfore the comming of this Earle of the Duke of Clarence was not a litle gratefull to the French king and no lesse oportune to Queene Margaret King Henryes wife and Prince Edward her sonne who also came to the Frenche Courte to meete and conferre together touching their affayres where a league betwene thē was cōcluded moreouer a mariage betwene Edward prince of Wales Anne the secōd daughter of the Erle of Warwick was wrought Thus all things fasting luckely vpō the Erles part beside the large offers and great promises made by the Frenche king on the best maner to set forwarde their purpose the Earle hauing also intelligence by letters that the harts almost of all men went with him and lōged sore for his presence so that there lacked now but onely hast with al speed possible to returne he with the duke of Clarence wel fortified with the French nauy set forward toward England For so was it betwene them before decreed that they two should proue the first venture and then Queen Margaret with Prince Edward her sonne should folow after The ariuall of the Earle was not so soone heard of at Dartmouth in Deuonshyre but great cōcourse of people by thousands went to him from all quarters to receiue welcome hym who immediatly made proclamation in the name of kyng Henry the sixt charging all men able to beare armour to prepare themselues to fight agaynst Edwarde Duke of Yorke vsurper of the Crowne Here lacked no freendes strength of men furniture nor pollicy conuenient for such a matter When king Edwarde who before not passing for the matter nor seking how either to haue stopped his iāding or els straight wayes to haue encountred with him before the gathering of his frendes but passing forth the time in hunting in hauking in all pleasure daliance had knowledge what great resort of multitudes incessantly repaired more and more dayly about the Erle and the Duke began now to prouide for remedy when it was to late Who trusting to much to his friendes and fortune before dyd nowe right well perceiue what a variable and inconstant thyng the people is especially here of Englād whose nature is neuer to be contēt long with the present state but alwayes delighting in newes seketh new variety of chaunges eyther enuying that which stādeth or els pitying that which is fallen Which inconstant mutability of the light people chaunging with the winde and wauering with the reede did well appeare in the course of this kinges story For he through the people when he was down was exalted now being exalted of the same was forsaken Wherby this is to be noted of all princes that as there is nothing in this mutable world firme and stable so is there no trust nor assurance to be made but onely in the fauor of God and in the promises of his word onely in Christ his sonne whose only kingdome shall neuer haue ende nor is subiecte to anye mutation These thinges thus passing in England on the Earles side agaynst king Edward he accompanyed with the Duke of Glocester his brother and the Lord Hastings who had maried the erle of Warwicks sister and yet was neuer vntrue to the king his maister and the Lord Seales brother to the Queene sent abroad to all his trusty frendes for furniture of able souldiors for defence of his person to wtstand his enemies Whē litle rescue few in effect would come the king himselfe so destitute departed to Lincolneshyre where he perceiuing his enemyes dayly to encrease vpon him all the countryes about to be in a tore making fiers singing songs crying king Henry king Henry a Warwicke a Warwicke and hearing moreouer his enemyes the Lancastrians to be within halfe a dayes iourney of him was aduised by his frendes to flie ouer the Sea to the Duke of Burgoyne which not long before had maryed king Edwardes sister ¶ Here might be thought by the common iudgement and pollicy of man peraduētnre that king Edward as he had in his handes the life of king Henry of his Queene and Prince so if hee had dispatched them out of the way
so done and that I wil make good on thy body traytour and therewith geuing a great rap on the boord for a token or watchword one cryed treason without and forthwith the chamber was full of harneysed men The protector then approchyng to the L. Hastinges arrested him as a traytour An other let flye at the Lord Standley who to auoyd the blowe shronke vnder the table or els his head had bene cleft a sonder notwithstanding he receaued such a wounde that the bloud ranne about hys eares There were in that counsaile the same time the Archbishop of Yorke and Doctour Morton Byshop of Ely by whose procurement afterward king Henry the vii was sent for into England and he made archbishop after that of Canterbury these with the Lord Standley diuersly were bestowed in diuers chambers The Lorde Hastinges was commaunded to speede and shriue hym a pace for before dinner the protector sware by S. Paule that he should dye and so incontinently without farther iudgement his head was striken of by whose counsayle the Queenes kindred were at the same time and daye beheaded at Pomfret After this tyrannous murder accomplished the mischienous protectour aspiring still to the crowne to set his deuises forward first through giftes and fayre promises dyd subordinate Doctor Shaw a famous preacher then in Lōdon at Paules Crosse to insinuate to the people that neyther king Edward with his sonnes nor the Duke of Clarence were lawfully begotten nor the very children of the Duke of York but begotten vnlawfully by other persons in adultery on y● Duches their mother and that he alone was the true and onely lawfull heyre of the Duke of York Moreouer to declare and to signifie to the audience that K. Edward was neuer lawfully maried to the Queene but hys wife before was dame Elizabeth Lucy and so the 2. childrē of king Edward to be base and bastardes and therfore the title of the crown most rightly to pertaine to the Lord protector That this false flatterer and loud lying preacher to serue the protectors humour shamed not most impudently to abuse that holy place that reuerent auditorye the sacred word of God taking for hys theame Adulterae plantationes nō dabūt radices altas c which he most impiously did apply against the innocent children right heyres of this realm Whereupon such grudge and disdayne of the people wyth worldly wonder followed him that for shame of the people crying out of him in few dayes after he pyned way When this sermon would take no effect with the people the protector vnmercifully drowned in ambitiō rested not thus but wtin few dayes after excited the Duke of Buckingham first to breake the matter in couert talke to the Mayor and certayne of the heades of the Cittie picked out for the purpose that done to come to the Guildhall to moue the people by all flattering and lying perswasions to the same which shameles Shaw before had preached before at Paules Crosse. Whiche the Duke with all dilligence and helpes of eloquence being a man both learned and well spoken endeuored to accomplish making to the people a long and artificiall Oration supposing no lesse but that the people allured by his crafty iusinuations would cry king Rich. K. Ric. But there was no king Rich in their mouthes lesse in their hartes Wherupon the Duke looking to the Lord Mayor and asking what the silence ment contrary to the promise of the one the expectation of that other It was then answered of the Mayor that the people peraduenture wel vnderstood him not wherfore the Duke reiterating his narration in other wordes declared agayne that he had done before Likewise the thyrd time he repeted hys Oration againe and agayn Then the commons which be fore stood mute being now in a mase seeing this importunitie began to mutter softly among themselues but yet no king Richard could sound in their lips saue onely that in the nether end of the Hall certayn of the Dukes seruantes with one Nashfield and other belonging to the protector thrusting into the Hall among the prease began sodaynly at mens backes to cry king Richard k. Rich throwing vp theyr cappes whereat the cittizens turning back theyr heades marueiled not a little but sayd nothing The Duke and the Lord Mayor with that side taking this for sufficient testimony incontinent came blowing for hast to the protector then lying at Baynardes Castle Where the matter being made before was now so contriued that forsooth humble petition was made in the name of the whole commons and that with 3 sundry sutes to the humble and simpel protector that he although it was vtterly against his will to take it yet would of his humilitye stoupe so low as to receane the heauy kingdome of England vpon his shoulders At this their tender request and sute of the Lords and commōs made ye must know how the milde Duke seing no other remedy was contented at length to yeld although fore against his will ye must so imagine and to submit himselfe so low as of a protector to be made king not much herein vnlike to our prelates in that Popish churche who when they haue before well compounded for the popes Buls yet must they for maner sake make curtesy and thrise deny that for whiche they so long before haue gaped and so sweetly haue payed for King Richard the third vsurper ANd thus Richard Duke of Gloucester tooke vpon to be made proclaymed king of England the yeare aforesayd an 1483. in the mōth of Iune Who then comming to the Tower by water first made his sonne a childe of x. yeare old prince of Wales Iohn Haward a man of great industry seruice he aduaūced to be Duke of Northfolke Sir Tho. Haward his sonne he ordained Erle of Surry Also William Lord Barckeley was appoynted Earle of Notingham Frances L. Louell was made Uicunt Louell L. Stanley for feare of his sonne was deliuered out of the Tower and made Steward of the kings houshold Likewise the Archbishop of Yorke was set free but Morton Bishop of Ely was committed to the Duke of Buckingham by whome was wrought the first deuise to bring in Henry Erle of Richmond into England and to cōioin mariage betweene Elizabeth king Edwardes daughter and him whereby the two houses of Yorke and Lancaster were vnited together After the kingdome of England was thus allotted to king Rich. the vsurper as in maner aboue remembred he taried not long for hys coronation which was solemnised the month next ensuing the 6. day of Iuly The triumph and solemnitie of this vsurped coronation being finished al thinges to the same appertayning this vnquiet tyraunt yet coulde not thinke himselfe safe so long as yong Edward the right king hys brother were aliue Wherefore the next enterprise which he did set vpon was this how to rid these innocent babes out of
the way that he might reigne king alone In the meane time while al this ruffling was in hand what bread sorow the tender harts of these fatherles and friendles children were in what little ioy of them selues what smal ioy of life they had it is not so hard as dolorous for tender harts to vnderstand As the yonger brother lingered in thought and heauines so the prince which was a 11. yeare old was so out of hart and so fraught with feare that he neuer tyed his poyntes nor ioyed good day till the trayterous impictie of their cruell vncle had deliuered thē of their wretchednes whiche was not long in dispatching For after king Richard their vncle first attempting to cōpasse his diuelishe deuise by Robert Brakenbury Constable of the tower and could not winne him to suche a cruell fact to die therefore then he got one Iames Tyrell ioyning with him Iohn Dighton and Miles Forrest to perpetrate this heinous murder Which Dyghton and Forest about midnight entring into their chamber so be wrapped and entangled them amongst the clothes keeping downe the fetherbed and pilowes hard vnto their mournes that within a while they smoothered and stifeled them pitiously in their bed And thus ended these two yong princes their liues thorough the wretched cruelty of these forenamed tormentors who for their detestable and bloudy murder committed escaped not long vnpunished by the iust hand of God For first Miles Forest at S. Martines le grand by peecemeale miserably rotted away Iohn Dighton liued at Callis lōg after so disdained and hated that he was pointed at of all men and there died in great misery Sir Iames Tyrell was beheaded at Tower hill for treason Also King Richard himselfe within a yeare and a halfe after was stayne in the field hacked and hewed of his enemies handes torne and tugged like a curre dogge Furthermore the said iustice of gods hand left not the Duke of Buckingham escape free Whiche was a greate maintainer and setter vp of this butcherly vsurper for les then within a yeare after so God wrought that hee was himselfe beheaded for treason by the sayd king whom he so vniustly before had aduaunced and set vp In the same catologue and order of these wicked doers afore recited we haue also to comprehende two other as well worthy of memoriall as the best or rather as that worst The name of the one was doctour Shawe aboue rehearsed The other doctor Pinkie prouincial of the Austen Friers both famous preachers and both Doctors in diuinitie both of more learning then vertue sayth the story of more same thē learning yet of more learning thē truth Shaw made a Sermon in the prayse of the Protector before hys coronation Pinkie preached after thys coronation Both were so full of tedious flatterye that no good cares coulde abide them Pinkie in his sermon so lost his voyce that he was sayne to leaue of came downe in in the midst Doctour Shaw by his sermon lost his honenesty and soone after his life for very shame of the world so that he neuer durst after that shew his face againe But as for the Fryer he was so farre past shame that the losse therof did little touch him Mention was made a little before of Doctor Morton Bishop at Ely by whose meanes the deuise was first broched for the conioyning the two houses of Yorke Lancaster together This deuise was first broken to the Duke of Buckingham which soone after cost hym his life But that bishop more crafty to saue hymselfe incontinent fled into Brittain Notwithstanding the deuise once being broched was so plausible and tooke such effect that message was sent ouer the sea to Henry Earle of Richmond by his mother and by the Queene mother to the Ladye Elizabeth that if he would make hys returne and promise to marry with the sayd Lady Elizabeth King Edwards daughter he should be receaued To make a longer discourse of thys matter which is sufficiently set forth by S. Tho. More so ornately it needeth not Briefely to contract that in a small compasse of wordes which was not so small a thing in doing after that the Earle Henry with such other banished mē as fled out of Englād at the taking of the Duke of Buckingham had perfect intelligence by his mother and by the Queene and other frends moe out of England how the case of that realm stoode and how it was here purposed by his frendes that is that he should with all conuenient speede hast hys returne ouer into England promising to mary with Ladye Elizabeth he with all diligence as tyme and preparation would serue aduaūced forward his iourny being wel helped and furnished by Fraunces Duke of Britayne and so shipped his mē Albeit his first voyage sped not for that the winds turning contrary by force of weather his ships were disparcled and he repulsed backe into Fraūce agayn His second viage was more prosperous Who taking the seas at Harslet in the moneth of August an 1485. accompanied onely with two thousand men and a smal number of shippes aryued at Milford Hauen in Wales and fyrste came to Dale then to Harford West where he was ioyfully receiued and also by the cōming in of Arnolde Butler and the Pēbroke men was in power encreased Frō thēce he remoued by Cardigan to Shrewsbery then to Newport and so to Stafford from thence to Liechfield his army still more and more augmented Lyke as a great floud by comming in of many small riuers gathereth more aboundaunce of water so to this Earle diuers noble Captaynes and men of power adioyned themselues as Richard Griffith Iohn Morgan Rice ap Thomas thē sir Georg Talbot with the yong Erle of Shrewesbery his warde Sir William Stanley Sir Tho. Burchier and Sir Walter Hungerford knightes At last the said Erle hearing of the kinges comming conducted his whole army to Tam worth King Richard first hearing of the arriuall of the Erle Henry in the partes of Wales after such a slender sort did giue little or no regard vnto it But after vnderstanding that he was come to Lichfield without resistaunce or incombraunce he was sore moued and exceedingly tooke on cursing and crying out against them which had so deceaued him in all post speed sent for Iohn Duke of Northfolke Hen. Erle of Northumberlād Tho. Erle of Surrey with other his frendes of special trust Robert Brakenbury also liesetenaunt of the tower was sent for with Sir Tho. Burchier and Sir Walter Hungerforde with certaine other knightes and Esquiers of whome he partlye misdoubted or had some suspicious gelousy Thus K. Richard after most forceable maner well fortified and accompanied leauing nothing vndone that dilligence could require set forward toward his enemies The Earle by this time was come to Tamworth to whō secretly in the Euening resorted sir Iohn Sauage sir Bryan Sanford sir Simon Digby and many other forsaking
in Monkes An 969. Galiel lib. 3. de Gest. pontifi Chr. Iornalense in vita Edgar● Prebendaries and Priestes slacke in their duety Priestes voyded of Cathedrall Churches and monkes set in The difference order and institution of Monkes examined Two sortes of Monkes in the primitiue Church Cassianus lib. 2. cap. 4. de canon N●ctor orat Two sortes of lay men Monkes in the olde tyme were no other but lay men leading a stricte lyfe August de mor ecclesia Hieron ad Heliodor Dionysius Concilium Chalced. Can. A. Monkes forbidden to intermeddle with matters ecclesiasticall Monkes differing frō Priests Monkes in the primitiue tyme differyng from Monkes in the ij age of the Church August de institutis monachorum Zozomen lib. 3. cap. 16. Monkes of the primitiue time were no clerks but mere lay men Monkes of the old tyme some marryed none restrayned from mariage Athanasius epistola ad Dracō Superstition crept in with monkery The ignoraunce of our free iustification by Christ is the cause of all superstition Ex Cassia cap. 17. collat 2. 〈…〉 Example ● declaring the blinde superstition of the Monkes of the olde tyme. Cassianus lib. de spiritu Gastrimarg cap. 40. Superstition Cassian lib. 6. cap. 2. Monkery mother of superstition and hipocrisie Basilius Magnus Nazianzenus Monkes of the middle and latter age of the church described Causes of the founding of monasteries and Nunneries tending to the derogation of Christes passion and Christian fayth Most part of monasteries were builded vpon some murther The order of Monkes Cluniac● by Otho● vp in King Edgars time Monarch flagellants Monkes are subiect and ruled by the knocke of a bell Monkes made spirituall ministers contratrary to the old decrees and custome of the Church Priestes is King Edgars tyme had wyues The worthy actes of K. Edgar The King a good iusticiarie England reduced into one full and perfect monarchie ●dgerus Rex Pacificu● King Edgar and King Alfrede compared together A note for men of nobilitie to marke A notable example of a prince to admonishe all princes what to do Wolues first driuen out of Englend The prouision of kyng Edgar in keeping the seas A notable example in a prince for all good princes to marke and to follow The deuise of K. Edgar to auoyde dronkennes Vlij kinges do homage to K. Edgar The Glory of king Edgar reprehended Wherein kinges ought to glory K. Edgar a superstitious vpholder of Monkery Ex Edmero Vices noted in King Edgar King Edgar circumuented by one of hys own counsell Cruelty in king Edgar noted Great detriment happening in this Realme by King Edgar W. Malmesb. The incontinent life of King Edgar Editha base daughter of Wilfrede the kinges lemman Edward borne in bastardie of Elflede King Edwardes concubine King Edgar a great mayntayner of monkery K. Edgar seduced by Dunstane and Ethelwold bishop of Winchester Ex Osberno in vita Dunstani Fol. 27. Malmesb Houeden alijs The death of K. Edgar Ex Chronico Saxonico Ecclesia Wigornensis Ex Osberno in vita Dunstani Dunstane refuseth to take the king by the hand The wordes of Dunstane to K. Edgar Penance enioyned 〈◊〉 K. Edgar 〈◊〉 Dunstane K. Edward raygned 〈◊〉 three years crowned king Elflede proued a Nūne and Edward her sonne a bastard Errours in Malmesbery and retayne other Monkes ●●r●●s The 1. error The kinges penaunce not enioyned for Edith but 〈◊〉 Edward The 2. error Elflede the mother of Edward proued to be a professed Nunne The lying myracles of Elflede Dunstane and Editha reproued Idolatrous worshipping the tumbe of Alflede The idle phantasies and forged myracles of Dunstane A doubt whether Dunstane was a sorcerer Dunstane a post ●etter Dunstane caught the deuill by the nose with an hote payre of tonges Our Lady appeareth t● Dunstane What maruell if certayn bookes and epistles be falsly intituled to the Doctours whē the papistes shame not to ascribe other mens verses also to the virgin Mary her selfe A foule filthy Monkish myracle in the story of Editha An other dreame of Dunstane Ex. W. Malmesteriensi Capgrauo in legend ●oua The death of K. Edgar An Epitaph commendatorie of king Edgar written by H. Huntington Sonday first halowed from saterday at ix of the clocke to monday morning An. 975. The story of king Edward Ex Simone Durham Contention amongst the Lordes about the putting in of Monkes Contention amongst the Lordes for chasing the king Edward the bastarde made K. and the right heyre put back Ex Osberne Nic. Trinet Ioan. Paris Vincentio Antonino Editha proued not to be the childe for whom King Edgar was enioyned penance The yeares of Editha and Edward cast by the supputation of Legendes and stories King Edward called martir proued to be a bastard The cause perpended why thys story of K. Edward is so falsely corrupted in Monkish ● stories Malmesb. in lib. de Regibus Dunstane suborneth Editha the bastard to take the crowne from the right heyre Ex Capgrauo in vita sanctae Edithae Duke Alpherus Priestes with their wiues restored Historia Iornaelensis in vitae Edgari Byshops and Priestes in those dayes maryed in England Iornalens de In eo Rego Ex Chronico Ingulphi Abbatis de Crowland Great●nes in the land abo●● placing Monkes 〈◊〉 displacing Priestes A cont●●uersie betweene Priestes 〈◊〉 Monkes Priestes ●●●riage 〈◊〉 for an 〈◊〉 custo●● 〈◊〉 England The obie●●●●on of prie●● agaynst the Monkes Guliel de Regib lib. ● The aunswere of Monkes agaynst the Priestes Maryed mens liues compared with the lyfe of Monkes An. 977. A vayne miracle of Dunstanes roode that spake Here lac●e● a Thomas Crome●●● to try out false iugling An other assembly called at Calue Dunstane an enemy 〈◊〉 Priestes wiues A sodayne fall of the people at the councell of Calue Henricus lib 5. Guliel Ranulph Iornalensis Fabian The horrible wickednes of the Queene the mother K. Edward traterously murdered by hys stepmother and her seruant K. Edward found dead and buried not knowne to be king Coref Castle The body of king Edward after three yeares honorably taken vp and translated to Shaftesbury Two Nunneries founded vpon murther An. 979. Three Edward kinges before the conquest Continuation of the romish Bishops or Popes Pope Iohn xiii a wicked Pope Liuthprandus lib. 6. As merry as pope Iohn Prouerb Pope Iohn xiii deposed Pope Iohn restored Pope Iohn wounded in adultery Pope Benedictus 5. Pope Leo. 8. The election of the Byshop of Rome geuen to the Emperour The donations of Carolus Magnus and Otho to Rome Pope Iohn 14. Pope Iohn 14. cast into prison The cruell reuenge of the pope Christening of belles first began Pope Benedictus 6. Pope Benedict slayne in prison Pope Donus 2. Pope Bonifacius 7. Two Popes together Pope Iohn 15. Pope Iohn slayne Pope Boniface drawne through the streetes of Rome Pope Benedictus 7. Otho second Emperour Gilbertus a Necromanser made Archb. Pope Iohn the 16. Pope Iohn the xviii Pope Gregory the v. Pope Iohn the viii Two Popes together in
authorised Transubstātiation Mariage in the 3. degree forbidden The pope setteth kings and Emperours together by the eares Philip the Emperour deposed Otho the Emperour deposed The councel of Lateran Martyrs of Alsatia to the number of all 100. burned in one day Ex Herm. Mutio. Collectes sent from the brethrē of Millane to them of Alsatia Obseruant Friers begā Dominick Friers vpholders of the popes Church The Minorite Friers discended from Sainct Fraunces Diuers sectes of Franciscans The table of all religious orders A prophe● for the dee● of the Remish church ●ildegardis ●●ophecying ●rier and ●onkes Crossebearer Fryer● Albingenses A letter of the Bishop Portinensis concerning the Albingenses The blind ignorance of fryers described The fruites of Antichrist Antichrist his broode Patience proueth M. Fryer The Fryer must answere according to Gods worde Friers may better breake Gods law then mans lawe There is but one religion The Frier more bound to his habite then the man to his wife If the habite make the Fryer religious as his habit weareth so doth his religion Holines of all hipocrites consisteth in clothing and outward appearāce All Fry● found 〈◊〉 Fryers be dead men and 〈◊〉 begga● Gra●es 〈◊〉 for de● 〈◊〉 and no● courtly 〈◊〉 Friers 〈◊〉 the king● liege 〈◊〉 Friers 〈◊〉 no m●s p●ers Friers gra●ter and beter thé 〈◊〉 O vnch●● table Fri●● Friers stealers of me● children Shrift an● burials 〈◊〉 more ga●full then 〈◊〉 ministring of the sacr●ments Poore 〈◊〉 haue no soules says my fello● Fryer These be they that will not ●●ter themselues no● suffer othe● men that would The Frier getteth by In prine●● yet hateth the Gospe● Iudas for ● pence but the priest ● Frier for 4. pence selleth Christ. A compari●on betwene ●u●as the ●rier The Frier writeth be●ause God ●orgetteth ● is better ● labour ●eue then ● loiter and ●g M. Frier ●lers begge ●om al men 〈◊〉 make the ●ope rich 〈◊〉 it be im●erfectiō to ●e rich why ●o the friers ●esire to ●ake the ●ope vnper●●ct Fraunces ●der be cō●ary to Christ his ●●stament 〈◊〉 is Fran●s accursed He that is more holy in hand th● in heart is false to God A subiect to exempt him selfe from the lawes of his prince smelleth o● treason Friers are forced to be theeues Workes of supererogation God is the limiter of n●eede and reward and not the Frier Friers will not pray but for them that be of their fraternitie Friers doe make Apostataes The number of Friers are superfluous as necessary as ten fingers on one hande See so fast the Frier followeth Christ in his pouertie Friers are the letters of preaching the Gospell What holynes is in a friers coat The stouter begger the nobler Fryer Why fryers so much desire to haue rich men buryed in their frieries Friers behestes are false deceits Friers desire to be Lordes and Ladies confessors Fryers and Pharises say one and doe another Dilemma Which is the best order of Friers Friers neuer agree one with an other The Frye● thinkes 〈◊〉 rule pe●●ter the ●●stes bee●● be lea●● the one 〈◊〉 follow 〈◊〉 the other Dilemma Fryers 〈◊〉 sit in 〈◊〉 aboue the Apostles Otho the Empero● set vp 〈◊〉 deposed againe by 〈◊〉 Pope A complaint of the nobles of England against the couetousnes of Rome Example reaching neuer to take part against their king with foreigne power Cardinall Otho Legat The pope requireth two prebēdships in euery cathedrall Church Note the cause why the pope is compelled to craue money of other countries A councell at London called Great rewardes giuen to the Cardinall Contention for sitting on the right hand of the Cardinall Why Saint Paul standeth on the right hand of the popes crosse Why the archb of Cant. hath the right hand and the archb of Yorke the left hande Note the theam of the Cardinall applyed to God howe he applyeth it to him selfe Scripture clerkly applyed A letter of the Cardinal to bishops and archdeacons Censure of the Church well applyed Foure markes to be paide to the Pope of euery procuration Note the craftie practise of the Romish prelats to proyle for money * Note the stile of Rome * mmo malesicium naufragiū pecuniae Fredericke the Emperour maried king Iohns daughter The fifth part of euery spirituall mans liuing giuen to the Pope Three hundred Romanes to be placed in the best benefices of England Petrus R●beus the Popes age● A Romish sleight of 〈◊〉 pope to ge● English m●ney Exceptio●● alledged fo● not contributing to the Pope Articles exhibited in the councel of Lugdun● for the greuances susteined by the pope The 1. greuance The secon● The third The fourth The fifth He meaneth ●ercase O●ho or mai●er Marti●●s The sixte The seuenth The Babilo●icall capti●●tie sla●ery of Englande vnder the Pope The letter of K. Hēry the third to the Byshops K. Henry the ● commaundeth no taxe nor tallage to be sent to the pope The popes saying against kyng Henry K. Henry againe restraineth the popes taxes The pope taketh against the king The kyng compelled for feare to gyue ouer to the pope The pope asketh the 3 part of the church goods A story of Cardinall Otho at Oxford A skirmish betwene the scholers of Oxford and the Cardinals men The Cardinall runneth away Thirtie scholers taken and had to prison Three score thousand Florens contributed to the pope in one yeare of the clergic Ludouicke the French kyng Ludouicke fighteth against Albingenses Ludouicke besiegeth Tholouse The hand of God fighting for his people Ex Mat. Pariensian vita Henrici 3. The generall of the army slaine The siege against Albingenses broke vp The expugnation of a certaine strong castle of Dami●ta in Egypt by the Christians Damieta taken by the christiās The story of S. Elizabeth Elizabeth daughter of the kyng of Hungary S. Elizabeth prouoketh her husband to goe and fight for the holy lande The mother of S. Elizabeth accused of adulterye The sentence of a double meaning The 〈…〉 of a 〈◊〉 sentence Elizabe●● Can●●● Saint 〈◊〉 mayne Ann. 1221. Ex 〈◊〉 pens●● dius 〈◊〉 The gray●●ers ●●tred into England The 〈◊〉 Gray 〈◊〉 first c●●med Ioannes o● Egideo Alexan●● de Ha●● Charterhouse 〈◊〉 founded by Williā 〈◊〉 Ela so●dre 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 of La●●●● Two 〈◊〉 ned at 〈◊〉 cell in Oxford Ex Nic. ●●uet Dissent●● betweene the Citiz● of London of Wesminster Wholsome counsayle of the Maior of London refused of wilde heads Constantine executed at London for ryot Hubert lord chiefe iustice of England Ex Math. Parisiensi Discord and contention amōg church men Ex Math. Paris ex Florilego Whether the monastery of Westminster be exemted from the subiection of the bish of London or not Anno. 1222. horrible tēpest in Englande A woman with 8. of her householde slaine with thunder Grantham church burned with lightning Anno. 1223. Lewes king of Fraunce The French king false of his promise Anno. 1224. Wardship first graunted to the kyng Ex Gisburnensi aelijs Magna
5. compassed by ciuile dissention for the prerogatiue of election as his father was Henry the 5. resigneth his prerogatiue of election The electiō gotte● to the Byshops of Rome Gratianus foūd a forger of the Canons Sergius 2. Iohn 6. and Adrian 3. The secōd fault founde with Gratianus The third fault founde with Gratianus Howe shameles and impudent Gratianus is in forging the decrees The corrupting of many good workes to be feared The election wrasted frō the Emperour What Rome once catcheth that she keepeth Not without good cause desired they to no●el the people in ignoraunce Euery kyng and prince in their seuerall kingdome had also till that time the prerogatiue of election Hispane had the same Fraunce had the same England had the election Germanie had the election Sicilia had the election The death of Constantia the wife of Fredericke A great ouerthrow of the Christians in Egypt Fredericke and the pope made friendes Hon●●● the 〈◊〉 eth 〈◊〉 he put ● practise ● vre aga●● Frede●●● Gregori●● as great an enemy to Fred as Honorius Frederike seth to ●●e into Asia the pope● bidding in pope is angry The caused the slay of the Emperours iourney into Asia The Pope dissembled his grudge The pre●ration ci●●riage of Fredericke ●● Ierusal●● and staye thereof The preparation of the Emperours war against the Turke 〈◊〉 slicknes in the Emperours army The Emperour himselfe sicke The Pope excommunicateth the Emperour for staying ●is viage He layeth ●alse accusation to his ●harge The Empe●our put●eth him●●lfe of those ●imes the ●ope layde ●gainst him ●y his letters ●edicated to ●l Christen ●●inces The effect of ●he Empe●●urs letters The Empe●ours purga●●on The Empe●ours epistle ●eginning ●hus In ad●irationem ●● iusticiā ●nd agayne ●enate ocu●●s A letter of the Emperour to the king of England abstracted by Mat. Paris Many kingdomes haue experience of the popes practises The Church of Rome the mother of mischief King Iohns submission to the pope blamed by the Emperour Who be the rauening Wolues in sheepes clothing The treasure of the Church belongeth to the pope Christes church was builded in humilitie The popes Church is all s●periluitie Ergo the popes Church is not Christes Church An other iourney of the Emperour to Ierusalem The Emperour oppressed by famine and by prayer myraculously relieued A conclusion of a profitable pe●ce during x. yeares betwene the Turkes and the Christians The articles of the peace agreed vpon The letters of Fredericke to the princes and pope of his successe The Emperour crowned king of Ierusalem The first and secret practise of Pope Gregory ● The Emperour withstandeth the secret 〈◊〉 which the pope had wrought against him ● Ierusalem The second and man●●d treason of the Pope against Fredericke Brennus Pādolphus Iohannes Columna ● Thomas ● traytor the Popes generalles and leaders of his hoste What mea●ing the P. ●●d to sende ●redericke ● fight a●ainst the ●urke ●owe the ●ope cha●th fret●eth at the ●rosperous ●uccesse of ●he Empe●our ●londus re●toued that ●ote so ●reatly in ●he Popes ●auour The third practise of P Gregory against the Emperour The P. setteth the sonne against the father as a good father of peace Henry Cesar at the popes intisement put●eth from him h●s truthe counsailer Ludonicus The Emperour hearing of the popes practises returneth secretly out of Asia Iohn Brennus remoued frō the siege of Calatia God prospereth Fredericke in all his affaires Fredericke entreateth for the Popes fauour although ●ee haue no n●●de The Pope refuseth a peace with the Emperour The price of the Emperours absolution Vnshamefull Blondus Cuspinianus pr●tely gudeth the Pope What beneficence the Emperour vseth to haue the Popes friendship which he shall neuer gette A well recempenced good tu●ne of the Pope to the Emperour Blondus taken with vntruth The Emperours sonnes no lōger suborned make manifest rebellion against their father A wicked murther● Henry Cesar for 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 seruice The outra●● of H. Cesar against the Emperour his father The Emperour 14. yeares 〈◊〉 Germany The Pope feareth●● his treason should be spied by the Emperour going into German●● Henry Cesar condemned of treason and ●eth in p●●● Fredericke Austricus proclaymed an open 〈◊〉 my to his father and disherited The Emperour maryeth kyng Iohns daughter of Englande The pope againe beginneth to play his part The Popes embassage to the Emperour The Emperour againe vnto the Pope A secret cōspiracie of the pope against the Emperour The Emperour marcheth into Italie notwitstanding the popes forbidding The Emperour loth to breake the peace of late concluded The pope refuseth to speake with the Emperours Legates The new sentence of proscription against the Emperour The Pope wageth and hyr●th 35. Galleyes to spoile the coasts of the Emperor The popes edict against the Emperour Ascendit de mari ●●tlica best●● Albertus Behauus the popes one hand The P. threateneth to curse all those that wi●h well to the Emperour Otho with diuers other princes of Germany by the popes meane doe forsake the Emperour What great good the oration of Peter de Vineis did in the themperors behalfe The Emperours letter to all prelates to bridle the pope and restraine him of his will Mā being made of two partes hath two seu●rall regiments Gods word and the materiall sworde The Apologie of the Emperor to the popes edict Ascendit de mars c. Antechrist long agone descried to the world by the Emperour The confesion of the Emperours fayth wherof he was accused by the pope The pope vnder pretence of his holines deceiueth simple soules and ignorāt men The imperiall dignitie spurned at alwayes by the pope The answer of Symonides applyed The Emperor prophesieth of the popes fall The Emperour vtterly reiecteth and the pope and Church of Rome The Emperour calleth a parliament or councell to expresse the popes malice The godly Byshops of Germany are obedient to the kyng and prince The bishops of Germanie excommunicate the popes legate and Cardinall Iouanensis the Byshop a true subiect to his prince The passage of the pope to maintaine the warre against his Lord and maister The pope besiegeth Ferraria The fidelitie of papistes learned by this example The Emperours Gallies chased and one of his ships taken by the pope The Gibellines and Gwelpes from whence they came The pope afraid of the Emperors comming into Italy The Emperour hangeth all the crossed souldiours The Emperour retayneth the Saracens in his warres against the Pope The effect of a letter sent by the Emperour to the princes of Germany No enemy more hurtfull to the Church of God then is the pope The Emperour voweth to remoue the pope and put another more carefull shepheard into the church of God Boiemus relenteth at the Emperours letter The practise of Otho with the pope against the Emperour The Pope rescript ●●sheth 〈◊〉 matter 〈◊〉 By what meanes Otho attained so great possessions by the Empire his Ancestors The governour of Agrippina reuolteth to the Pope The Emperours great lenitie
excluded out of the land The crowched Friers The knights of S. Iohn called the knightes of the Rodes Templaries burned at Paris to the number of ●● The order of the Templarie put downe The horrible sect of the Templaries Cistercian Monkes for money redeme their exemptions of the pope The Fryers minorites deceiued of Pope Clement Ex Chron. Th● Wals. One thiefe be guileth mother Pope Clemēt excommunicateth the Venetians for making a duke The pryde and tyranny of Pope Clement 5. Fraūcis Dádulus humbleth him selfe for his countrey Out of Sabellie and is alleaged in the booke named the Image of tyranny The pietie of Dandulus to his countrey Pietie thākfully rewarded Rob. Winchelsey returned home from banishment Anno. 1311. The counting of the yeare was in the old time from Michaelmas to the same day againe Ex Chron. The. Wals. The Archb. of Cant excommunicateth the Bish. of Couentry for holdyng with Peter Gaueston Peter Gaueston taken of the nobles The kyng entreateth for Gaueston Guy of Warwike Peter Gaueston againe apprehended by Gwy of Warwike Peter Gaueston beheaded The corpes of Peter Gaueston buryed in the kinges Manor of Langley The Nobles of England cared not for the popes letters The Popes Legates not admitted of the Nobles of England Anno. 1312. The kyng ruled by foreine counsayle Makebates about the kyng Mediation for making peace The king reconciled againe with his nobles Anno. 1313. What di●cord doth in a common weale The Scot● rebel against the realme of England English men ouercome by the Scottse Pope Clement neuer late in the sea of Rome Ann. 1314. Miserable death and famine in England A description of an horrible famine in the realm of England Ex Chron. Tho. Wals. in vita Edward● 2. The Scottes driuen out of Ireland Anno. 1317. The white battaile of the spiri●●al men in York●●ire The two Spensers Two legates seat from Rome The Popes pillage The Popes legates spoiled of all their yl gotten treasure The Popes curse cōtemned of the Scottes The Clergie of Englande denyeth to contribute to the popes legates A prohibition against strange taxes impositions A prohibition for paying the Popes Peter pence Reade before so the liues of king Offa and kyng Adelwulfe The pryde of the Spensers Anno. 1321. That Thomas Earle of Lancaster came of Edmund younger sonne of K. Henry 3.22 of the greatest nobilitie of the realme put to death by the kyng Anno. 1322. The cruell reioysing of the kyng Anno. 1323. The king distressed again in Scot. land Polydoru Virgilius an Itallan wryter of our English stories Anno. 1324. The queene put to her pension The queene sent to F. Ser Prince E● Prince Edward made duke of Aqutaine and Earle of Pō●at The queene the prince resuse to returne into England The queene the prince proclaymed ●●● tours in England The King co●spired priuely the death of the Queene and of his sonne Anno. 1325. Prince Edward betrothed to the Erle of Heynawdes daughter The queene returneth to England The landing of the queen Anno. 1326. The k. destitute of help and soldiors The answer of the Londiner to the kyng The liberties of the citie of London in going out to warre The kings proclamation The Queens proclamation The Queenes letter The Bishop of Exeter beheaded of the common at the staderd in Che●p● The 〈◊〉 builded in Oxford 2. Colledges Exeter Colleage and Hart hall whose name was Gu●lter Staplet●● Hugh Spenser the father takē and hanged in chayne The king taken in Wales Hugh Spenser the sonne taken and executed A bill exhibited in the parliament house against king Edward the secōd King Edward deposed by consent of the parliament house and his sonne Edw. chosen kyng Michael house in Cambridge founded Henry Stauntō founder of Michael house in Cambridge Nicolicus de Lyrd Guilielmus Ocham Tyranny odious to the people A spiritual Bul. called and are●ted before a leculat iudge Ex Tho. Walsing The ●orm● of wordes when any Bish doeth chalenge the priuiledge of the church against a secular iudge The Bishop rescued by the Clergie The K. proceedeth in iudgement against the B. the priuilegies of the church notwithstanding to the contrary Simon Mepham archb of Cant. Pope Iohn 22. a Mon●● Ciderc●an A new solid heresie Heresy with the Pope to say that Christ the Apostles had no proper po●●e●sions here Strife betweene the pope the Emperour T●e Empe●●●r crowned against the will of the pope Pope Bene●●tus 12. a Monke of Benedictes order Ludouicus the Emperour depriuel and deposed by Pope Benedict 12. A councel at Frankford The Emperours prote●●ation to the councell of Germany Ex Hiero● Mario Elex Crā●●● E● Chron. de ● mundi ●lalibus in●i●ul●s R●dimentum ●●●itiorum Pope Clement 6. The trouble of Ludouick ●he Emp. Heresie of the Popes making obiected against the Emperour The proude heart of the Pope Lewes the Emperour accused by the Pope for an hereticke A good faithfull Archbish. of Mentz Bribers corrupted with mony The pope sowet of discord and bloudshed The pope again stirreth vp war Charles the new Emperor put to flight by the Englishmen Ludouike the right Emperour resigneth vp hys Empyre Ludouike the Emperour impoysoned 1 Iudouicus Emperor martyr Gunterus de Monte Nigro made Emp. Gunterus the right Emperour poysoned The ruine of the Germaine Empire and the first cause thereof The yeare of Iubilei reduced to the L. yeare Pilgrimes in the yeare of Iubilei at Rome The abhominable blasphemous bull of pope Clement The pope commaundeth the Angels O blasphemy of the Pope Ex bulla Clementis Ex Chrō Wals. in vit Edu 3. The king resist●th the pope The tenthes of Church goods giuen to the kyng Anno. 1326. Oriall colledge and S. Mary hal in Oxford builded by K. Ed 2. A story of the commotion betweene the towne and Abbey of Bury Ex lati●● quodam ●sgis●r● The Abnet robbed The Abbot stolne away to Brabante The Abbot restored againe King Edward the 3. Anno. 1327. The defiance of the kyng of Scots The K. and Queene at Yorke with an army of ●000 men readie to meete the K. of Scottes entring the realme The great fraye in Yorke Carlile and new Castle then the keyes of England Northward ●ept with Garisons The Scots priuely passe ouer the riuer of Tine burning and spoyling the countrey all about The kings armie and the Scottes are so neare that eche seeth other The Scots thorough treason escape out of Englande vnfought withall The prouision left in the Scots campe The king returneth to London The mariage of K. Edward solemnised A parliament at Northampton The Ragman role deliuered vp to the Scot● The black crosse of Scotland The B●r●● geue vp their titles in Scotlād A parliament at Salisbury E●rle Henry of Lancaster refuseth to come to the parliam●nt The Earle of Kent put to death giltles The Queene with childe by sir Roger Mortimer Sir Roger Mortimer Earle of March. arrained condemned and put to execution The queene put in