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A33602 The history of Wales comprehending the lives and succession of the princes of Wales, from Cadwalader the last king, to Lhewelyn the last prince of British blood with a short account of the affairs of Wales under the kings of England / written originally in British, by Caradoc of Lhancarvan ; and formerly published in English by Dr. Powel ; now newly augmented and improved by W. Wynne ...; Historie of Cambria Caradoc, of Llancarvan, d. 1147?; Powell, David, 1552?-1598.; Wynne, W. (William), 1649 or 50-1711? 1697 (1697) Wing C488; ESTC R12980 312,583 490

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enjoyed by his Heirs for ever A.D. 1238 In the Year 1238. Prince Lhewelyn being discomposed in Body called unto him all the Lords and Barons of Wales to Ystratflur where each of them swore to remain true and faithful Subjects and did Homage to David Lhewelyn's Son whom he had named to succeed him Matthew Paris writes that Prince Lhewelyn being impotent by reason of a Palsie and sore disquieted by his Son Gruffydh sent Embassadours to the King of England signifying to him that for as much as he could not expect to live long by reason of his Age he was desirous to lead the remainder of his days in Peace and Tranquility and therefore now purposed to submit himself to the Government and Protection of the King and would hold his Lands of him promising withal that whenever the King should stand in need of his help he would serve him both with Men and Money to the utmost of his power The Bishops of Hereford and Chester were sent Mediators in this behalf though some of the Nobility of Wales openly and peremptorily withstood it and upon no condition whatsoever would accept of such a Peace But David being declared Successor to the Principality began to plague his Brother Gruffydh who though elder was yet base-born and took from him Arustly Ceri Cyfeilioc Mowdhwy Mochnant and Careneon and let him only enjoy the Cantref of Lhyn But a little afterwards he dispossessed him of all and contrary to his Oath to the Bishop of Bangor in whose protection Gruffydh then remained took him Prisoner having upon promise of no Violence obtained to speak with him and sent him to Cricieth Castle But whilst these two Brothers continued to entertain an irreconcilable Odium one to another their Father Prince Lewelyn ap Iorwerth A.D. 1240 to the great Grief and Dissatisfaction of all the Welch departed this Life and was very honourably interred in the Abby of Conwey after he had reigned Six and Fifty Years He was a Prince of great Courage and Audacity and had no less Prudence in contriving than Boldness in executing any martial Adventure he was a great Support to the Welch and no less a Plague to the English he made very considerable Conquests upon the Borders and extended the Frontiers of Wales much beyond their former Limits He had Issue by his only Wife Joan Daughter to King John of England one Son called David who afterwards succeeded in the Principality of Wales and a Daughter named Gladys who was married to Sir Ralph Mortimer He had also a base Son named Gruffydh whom his Brother David kept a close Prisoner to his dying day David ap Lhewelyn PRince Lhewelyn ap Iorwerth being deceased his only legitimate Son David whom all the Barons of Wales had as is said in his Fathers Life-time sworn to obey legally succeeded in the Goverment wherein being actually confirmed he went to the King of England to Glocester and there did him Homage See Appendix for his Principality Then all the Barons both English and Welch who held any Lands in Wales in like manner did Homage and Fealty for the same But the English could not long refrain from their wonted Hostilities towards the Welch and thereupon Gilbert Marshal taking advantage of this Revolution before Matters were throughly settled brought an Army before the Castle of Aberteifi which being delivered up to him he fortified with a strong Garrison Prince David was as yet too weak to appear in the Field and indeed the more by reason that several of his Nobility and others could not affectionately love him for that unnatural Spleen he shew'd to his Brother Gruffydh whom for no visible reason he detained in close custody But above the rest Richard Bishop of Bangor stormed at the Prince and finding that he violated his Promise in setting his Brother at liberty whom under pretence of an amicable Consultation he had fraudulently seized upon in the Bishop's presence without more ado excommunicated him and then retiring to England made a very querimonious relation of the whole matter to the King desiring him to release Gruffydh out of Prison before the Rumour of so heinous a Fact should reach the Court of Rome and so reflect upon his Majesty's Reputation King Henry thereupon sent to his Nephew Prince David blaming him highly for such a treacherous Action and dealing so severely with his Brother and then earnestly requested him to deliver Gruffydh out of custody both to save himself from perpetual Defamation and to deserve an Absolution from the severe Sentence pronounced against him But David absolutely refused to comply to the King's desire assuring him that Wales could never enjoy a peaceable time as long as his Brother Gruffydh had his liberty Gruffydh being acquainted with his Brothers Resolution and thinking that thereby he had unavoidably displeased the King of England privately sent to King Henry assuring him that if by Force he would deliver him out of Prison he would not only hold his Lands for ever from him but also pay him the yearly Acknowledgment of Three Hundred Marks offering both to give his corporal Oath and to deliver up sufficient Pledges for the performance of it and withall to assist the King with all his Power in bringing in the rest of the Welch to his subjection Moreover Gruffydh ap Madawc Lord of Bromfield positively assured the King that in case he would lead an Army into Wales to revenge the Falsity and injurious Practices of David he would give him all possible Aid and Assistance Indeed King Henry besides this solemn Invitation had no weak Pretence to come to Wales for Richard Bishop of Bangor a fiery Man had prosecuted the matter so warmly at Rome that he obtained of the Pope also to excommunicate David which Excommunication being denounced against him his Lands were pretendedly forfeited But the King being chiefly allured with the Promises of the Welch in the behalf of Gruffydh levied a very formidable Army to lead to Wales strictly commanding by Proclamation all the English who owed him any Martial-Service to repair armed to Glocester by the beginning of Autumn This Rendezvouz being accordingly performed the King came thither in person at the time appointed and having regulated his Troops and put all Matters in convenient order he marched to Shrewsbury where he remained Fifteen Days to refresh his Army During his stay there several of the Nobility became Suitors unto him on behalf of Gruffydh whose Condition they desired he would commiserate among whom were Ralph Lord Mortimer of Wigmore Walter Clifford Roger de Monte Alto Steward of Chester Maelgon ap Maelgon Meredith ap Rotpert Lord of Cydewen Gruffydh ap Madawc of Bromfield Howel and Meredith the Sons of Conan ap Owen Gwynedh and Gruffydh ap Gwenwynwyn Lord of Powys These Noblemen prevailed so far with King Henry that a League was concluded between him and Senena the Wife of Gruffydh See Appendix For the performance of these Articles the aforesaid
Son Harold and his upon ●●gar Earl of Chester To this time is referred the Original of the Ste●●rds in Scotland which being a remarkable passage 〈◊〉 in a great measure dependant upon the Affairs 〈◊〉 the Welch is requisite to be here recorded Mac●●●h King of Scotland having caused Bancho a Noble-●●n of that Kingdom to be inhumanly murdered ●ence Bancho's Son to avoid the like Cruelty to ●●●self fled to Gruffydh ap Lhewelyn Prince of Wales ●o taking a very great liking to his Person and ●●thal commiserating his Condition shewed him all ●●e Respect and Kindness possible But Fleance had 〈◊〉 continued long with Gruffydh when he fell ena●●red upon the Prince's Daughter and having ob●●●ed her Good-Will without any regard had to ●●r Father's Civility towards him abused her so far 〈◊〉 to beget her with Child Gruffydh being ac●●ainted with the Matter of Fact so hainously re●●●ted the Affront that he occasioned Fleance to be ●●●in and treated his Daughter most servilely for prostrating her Chastity especially to a Strang●● However she was in a short time delivered of a S●● whose Name was Christened Walter a Child w●● in his Youth expressed very great hopes and in 〈◊〉 probability like to make a very considerable M●● which happened according to expectation But 〈◊〉 first Original of his future Greatness happened up●● a very accidental occasion being reproached of 〈◊〉 stardism by one of his Fellow Companions he 〈◊〉 it in so unpardonable a dudgeon that nothing 〈◊〉 satisfy his Revenge but the Life of the Aggre●●●● Being upon this Mischance affraid to undergo the ●●nishment of the Law he thought it safe to fly 〈◊〉 Scotland where falling in Company with ce●●●●● English Men who were come thither with Qu●●● Margaret Sister to Edgar Edeling he behaved him●●●● so soberly and discreetly that he won the Favour 〈◊〉 good Character of all that knew him But his 〈◊〉 daily increasing he grew at length to that height 〈◊〉 Reputation as to be employed in the most inw●●● Affairs of the Commonwealth and at last was ma●● Lord Steward of Scotland from which Office 〈◊〉 Posterity retained the Surname of Steward the Ki●● of Scotland of that Name with several other F●●lies of Quality in that Kingdom being descended 〈◊〉 him But to return to England Siward the worthy 〈◊〉 of Northumberland died about this time of the Bloo● Flux a Man of a rough Demeanour and a m●●● Soldierly Temper as he plainly manifested at 〈◊〉 point of Death For bewailing his Misfortune 〈◊〉 had escaped so many dangerous Engagements 〈◊〉 withal disdaining to die so effeminately in Bed 〈◊〉 caused himself to be compleatly Armed and a●●● 〈◊〉 were in Defiance of Death presently expired in Martial Bravery But his Son being too young 〈◊〉 King bestowed his Earldom upon Tosty the Son 〈◊〉 Earl Godwyn A.D. 1054 Wales had been now a long time quiet and 〈◊〉 of all troubles both abroad and at home but it co●●● not be expected that such a Life should prove du●●b●● 〈◊〉 but something or other would create New Com●●tions and Disturbances Gruffydh Son to Rytherch ap ●●yn having recruited and recovered himself after the 〈◊〉 Blow he received from Prince Gruffydh must needs ●●●ture another trial for the Principality of South-Wales 〈◊〉 Prince protracting no time speedily marched a●●● him and both Armies being joined Gruffydh 〈◊〉 Ry●herch was easily vanquished and in fine slain 〈◊〉 the troubles of the Welch did not end with him 〈◊〉 Alg●● Earl of Chester being convicted of Treason 〈◊〉 thereupon banished the Kingdom fled to Gruffydh 〈◊〉 of Wales requesting his Aid against King ●●●ard who repeating the frequent Wrongs he had 〈◊〉 at the hands of the English by upholding 〈◊〉 Enemies against him gladly embraced the Op●●●tunity and promised him all imaginable Support ●●d thereupon assembling his Forces he entred with 〈◊〉 into Hereford shire and advancing into the ●●●●try within two Miles of the City of Hereford 〈◊〉 were opposed by Randulph Earl of that Coun●●● 〈◊〉 boldly gave them Battel The Fight con●●●●●● very dreadful and dubious for some hours till 〈◊〉 Gruffydh so encouraged his Soldiers with the ●●●●mbrance of their former Victories over the 〈◊〉 that they fell on a main and easily dis●●●●red Randulph and slew the best part of his Army ●●terwards they pursued their Chase to the Town 〈◊〉 having made all the waste and havock they were ●●●e they laid the Town it self in ashes and so re●●●ned home triumphantly laden with rich Booty 〈◊〉 Plunder King Edward receiving notice of this 〈◊〉 presently gathered a great Army at Glocester ●●der the Conduct of Harold Earl Godwyn's Son ●o couragiously pursuing the Enemies entred into ●ales and encamped beyond Stradelwyd But Gru●●dh and Algar dreading to oppose him retired fur●●●r into South Wales of which Harold being certified 〈◊〉 one part of his Army behind with Orders to ●●ght if occasion offered and with the other passed 〈◊〉 Hereford which he fortified with a strong Wall ●●●●nd the Town Gruffydh perceiving his undaunted Industry after many Messages concluded a Pe●●● with Harold at a place called Biligelhag by w●●●● Articles Algar was pardoned by the King and ●●stored to his Earldom of Chester But he did 〈◊〉 continue long in the King's Favour for about 〈◊〉 years after upon Conviction of Treason he was ●gain banished the Land so that he was forced to 〈◊〉 take himself to his old Friend Gruffydh Prince 〈◊〉 Wales by whose Aid and a Fleet from Norway 〈◊〉 spight of the King he was restored to his Earld●● But King Edward was sore offended with the Pri●●● of Wales for harbouring Traytors and therefore 〈◊〉 be Revenged upon him he dispatched Harold 〈◊〉 with an Army to North-Wales who coming 〈◊〉 Ruthlan burnt the Prince's Palace there and his 〈◊〉 that lay in the Harbor and then returned to 〈◊〉 King at Glocester This year Edward the Son of Edmund Ironside 〈◊〉 was sent for out of Hungary being designed Succession the Crown came to England but in a short time 〈◊〉 his coming died at London leaving behind him 〈◊〉 Son called Edgar Edeling and a Daughter na●●● Margaret who was afterwards Queen of the 〈◊〉 and Mother to Maud the Wife of Henry the f●●●● A.D. 1056 About two Years after Roderic Son to Harold King of Denmark came with a considerable Army 〈◊〉 Wales and being kindly received by Prince Gruff●●● united his Power with the Welch and so entred 〈◊〉 England which they cruelly harassed and destroy●● But before they could advance any considerable ●●stance Roderic was compelled to Sail for Denmark and so Gruffydh returned laden with Spoils 〈◊〉 Wales The same time Harold Earl Godwyn's 〈◊〉 sailing to Flanders was driven by force of Wea●●● to Land at Poytiers where being seized upon 〈◊〉 was brought before William Bastard Duke of N●●mandy to whom he declared the reason of his V●●age that it was purposely to tender him his Ser●●●● in the Affairs of England and so taking an Oath 〈◊〉 to Marry the Duke's Daughter and after the
of ●●ourt not dreaming of any such treacherous Villainy ●●he same time Robert Curthoys the Bastards eldest Son ●●eing for some reason disgusted against his Father and ●●t on by the instigation of the King of France en●●red Normandy with an Army and claimed it as his ●●ight which King William being acquainted with ●●ssed over to Normandy and meeting with his Son ●and to hand in Battel was by him overthrown ●ut being returned from Normandy he entered with 〈◊〉 great Army into Wales and marching after the manner of a Pilgrimage as far as S. Davids he offered a●● paid his Devotion to that Saint and afterwards ●●ceived Homage of the Kings and Princes of the Co●●try About the same time the Tomb of Walwey Ki●● Arthurs Sister Son a most valiant Person in his ti●● and Governour of that Country from him cal●●● Walwethey was discovered in the Country of 〈◊〉 nigh the Sea-shoar whose Body proved monstrou●●● prodigious being in length about fourteen foot A.D. 1086 This year Madawc Cadwgan and Riryd the Son 〈◊〉 Blethyn ap Confyn sometime Prince of Wales raise● 〈◊〉 Rebellion against Rhys ap Tewdor and having dra●● together a great number of licentious and maleconte●ted People thought to eject him out of the Princip●lity of South-Wales Rhys had not Power and f●●ces enough to oppose them the Rebels Army incre●sing daily by the addition of the discontented Mu●●●tude who always rejoyce at any new Commotion 〈◊〉 Disturbance and therefore he was compell'd to 〈◊〉 to Ireland where he obtained a very considerable p●●● of Irish and Scots upon promise of a sufficient R●ward in case he was restored again to his Principali●● Having by this measure got a very sensible increase his former strength he landed in South-Wales t●● News of whose arrived being blazed abroad 〈◊〉 Friends from all quarters presently retired to him that in a short time his Army became numerous a●● able to confront the Enemy The Rebels were se●sible how the Princes Forces daily multiplyed a●● therefore to prevent any farther addition they ma● all possible haste to force him to a Battel which i● a short time after happened at Lhech y Creu where th● Rebels were vanquished Madawc and Riryd being slai● and Cadwgan glad to save his Life by flight Rhys having won so signal a Victory and fearing no farther Disturbance dismissed the Irish and Scots with grea● Rewards who honourably returned to their ow● A.D. 1087 Country Within a while after an unaccountabl● Sacriledg was committed at S. Davids the Shri●● belonging to the Cathedral being feloniously convey'd out of the Church all the Plate and other Utensi●● were stoln and only the Shrine left empty behind ●he same Year a Civil-War broke out in England ●●d several Armies in several parts of the Kingdom ●ere up in Arms at the same time and among the ●●st the Welch who entering into Glocester and Wor●●ster Shires burnt and destroyed all before them to ●●e Gate of Worcester The King having drawn his ●rmy together proceeded against his Enemies by de●●ees and falling upon their seperate Parties without ●●y great difficulty reduced all to Obedience With●● A.D. 1089 two Years after Archbishop Sulien the most pious ●●d learned Person in Wales dyed in the Eightieth ●ear of his Age and in the Sixteenth Year of his Bi●oprick presently after whose death the Town of 〈◊〉 Davids suffered a more sensible Calamity being first ●undered and afterwards burnt by a company of Py●●ts who sorely infested the British Coasts About ●●e same time also dyed Cadifor the Son of Calhoyn ●ord of Dyfed whole Sons Lhewelyn and Eineon mo●●d Gruffydh ap Meredith to take up Arms against his ●overeign Prince Rhys ap T●wdor with whom they ●yned all the Forces they couly levy among their ●enants and Dependants then passing with their Ar●y to Lhandydoch boldly challenged Rhys to fight ●ho thereupon gave them battel and after a resolute ●ngagement of both sides the Rebels were at length ●orsted and put flight and then so narrowly pursued ●hat Gruffydh ap Meredith was taken Prisoner and in ●ne executed as a Traitor But Eineon made his ●scape and not daring to trust himself with any of ●is own Kindred he fled to Iestyn ap Gurgant Lord ●f Morganwc who was then in actual Rebellion ●gainst Prince Rhys And to ingratiate himself the ●hore in Iestyn's favour he promised upon condition ●f the performance of certain Articles one of which more especially was That he should receive his Daughter in Matrimony That he would bring over ●o his aid a considerable Body of Normans with whom he was singularly acquainted as having served a long time in England These Articles being agreed to and recorded Eineon posted to England and in a little time brought matters so about that he prevailed with Robert Fitzhamon and Twelve more Knights to lev● A.D. 1090 a strong Army of Normans and to come to Wales t● the protection and aid of Iestyn The beginning of the following Year they landed in Glamorganshire and were honourably received by Iestyn who joyning his Power to theirs marched to Prince Rhys his Domininions where without the least shew of Mercy to his own Countrymen he encouraged the Normans by his own Example to spoil and destroy all that came before them Prince Rhys was mightily grieved to fin● his Country so unmercifully harassed and though a● this time very antient being above 98 Years of age he could not refrain but meet his Enemies and having with all possible speed raised a convenient Army h● met with them near Brecnock where after a terrible Fight and a great slaughter on both sides he was unhappily slain With him fell the Glory and Grande●● of the Principality of South-Wales being afterwards rent in pieces and divided into several parts and piece-meals among these Norman Captains as shall be by and by more particularly related Prince Rhys less Issue behind him by the Daughter of Rywalhon ap Co●fyn two Sons Gruffydh and Grono the latter of which was detained Prisoner by the King of England th●● the Author of the winning of the Lordship of Glamagan affirms that he was slain together with his Father in this Battel against the Normans The Normans having received a sufficient Reward from Iestyn upon the account of their Service against Prince Rhys returned to their Ships in order to their Voyage homeward But before they could loose Anchor to sail off Eineon recalled them being ungratefully affronted by Iestyn who absolutely refused to make good to him the Conditions which they had agreed upon before the Normans were invited to Wales Upon this account Eineon was so irreconcilably incensed against Iestyn that to be revenged upon him he was willing to sacrifice his native Country into the hands of strangers and therefore endeavoured to persuade the Normans concerning the Fatness and Fertility of the Country and how easily they might conquer and make themselves Masters of it But he needed not many Arguments to persuade a People that were willing of themselves
interdicted and forbidden to enter any Man's House or to compose any Song of any one without the special leave and warrant of the Party concerned with many other Ordinances relating to the like purpose Owen Gwynedh AFter the death of Gruffydh ap Conan his eldest Son Owen surnamed Gwynedh succeeded in the Principality of North Wales who no sooner had entered upon the Government but together with the rest of his Brethren he made an Expedition into South-Wales and having demolished and overthrown the Castles of Stradmeyric Stephan and Humffreys and laid in Ashes the Town of Caermardhyn he returned home with no less Honor than Booty and Plunder About the same time John Arch-Deacon of Lhanbaran departed this Life a Man of singular Piety and strictness of Life who for his rigid Zeal in Religion and Virtue was thought worthy to be canonized and to be counted among the number of the Saints This Year likewise King Stephen passed over to Normandy and having concluded a Peace with the French King and the Duke of Anjou returned back to England without any further delay But the following Spring gave opportunity for greater Undertakings David King of Scots upon the King of England's going to France last Summer had entered the Borders of England and continued to make considerable Wast and Havock in that part of the Country Whereupon King Stephen to rid his Country and his Subjects from so dangerous an Enemy marched with an Army towards the North whose coming the King of Scots hearing of he relinquished the Borders of England and retired to his own Country But that would not satisfie King Stephen who desired to be further revenged for the unpardonable Hostilities committed by the Scots in his Country and therefore pursuing the Scots to their own Country he harassed and laid wast all the South part of the Kingdom of Scotland But the King's absence animated several of the English Nobility to rebel to which purpose they fortified every one their Castles and strong Holds William Earl of Glocester those of Leeds and Bristol Ralph Lunel Cari William Fitz-Allen Shrewsbury Paganellus Ludlow William de Moyun Dunester Robert de Nichol Warham Eustace Fitz-John Merton and Walklyn Dover But for all these mighty Preparations the King in a short time became Master of them all some he won by assault others upon fair Promises and advantageous Conditions were surrendred up and some he got by treacherous and under-hand Contrivances The Scots thought to make good advantage of these Commotions in England and thereupon as soon as they heard that some of the English Nobility were in actual Rebellion against the King they entered into the Borders and began as they thought without any apprehension of Opposition to ravage and lay waste the Country before ' em But William Earl of Albemarle William Pyppell Earl of Nottingham Walter Espec and Gilbert Lacy gathered together all the Forces they could raise in the North and being animated and encouraged by the eloquent and pressing Oration of Ralph Bishop of Orkneys which he delivered in the audience of the whole Army they set upon the Scots at Almerton with such unanimous Courage that after a very great slaughter of his Men King David was glad to escape with his Life by flight After this King Stephen seized to his own use the Castles of Ludlow and Leeds and pressed the Bishops of Salisbury and Lincoln so hard that to prevent their perishing by Famine they were constrained to surrender the former the Castles of Vises and Shirburn the latter those of Newark upon Trent and Sleeford This did not a little augment the King's strength against the ensuing Storm for in the Summer this Year Maud the Empress Daughter and Heir to King Henry to whom King Stephen with all the Nobility of England had sworn Allegiance landed at Arundel with her Brother Robert Earl of Glocester and was there honourably received by William de Albineto who was lately married to Queen Adeliz King Henry's Widow with whom he received the Earldom of Arundel in Dowry But as soon as King Stephen heard of her landing he marched with all possible speed to Arundel and laid siege to the Castle but finding it upon tryal impregnable he raised the siege and by that means suffered the Empress and her Brother to escape to Bristol A.D. 1138 The next Year an unlucky Accident fell out in Wales Cynric one of Prince Owen's Sons having by some means or other disgusted Madawc ap Meredith ap Blethyn ap Confyn a Person of considerable Esteem and Estate in the Country was with his connivance set upon and slain by his Men. But the Affairs of England this Year afforded greater rarity of action King Stephen with a formidable Army laid siege to the City of Lincoln to the relief of which Ranulph Earl of Chester and Robert Earl of Glocester marched with their Forces But before they could arrive the Town was taken whereupon they drew up their Forces in order to give the King battel who on the other side was as ready to receive them King Stephen drew up his Forces in three Battels the first being led by the Earls of Britain Mellent Norfolk Hampton and Warren the second by the Earl of Albemarle and William of Ypres and the third by the King himself assisted by Baldwyn Fitz-Gilbert with several others of his Nobility Of the Enemies side the disinherited Barons had the first place the Earl of Chester with a considerable Party of Welchmen far better couraged than armed led the second and the Earl of Glocester the third Battel After a hot and bloody Dispute of both sides the Victory at length favoured the Barons King Stephen being first taken Prisoner and a little after the Queen together with William of Ypres and Bryan Fitz-Count But within a while after William Martell and Geffrey de Mandeville gathered together some fresh Forces and fought the Empress and her Brother at Winchester and having put the Empress to flight took Earl Robert Prisoner for exchange of whom the King was set at liberty The next Year King Stephen would A.D. 1139 try the other Adventure and received a second Overthrow at Wilton which however did not so much discourage him but that he laid so close a siege to the Empress at Oxford that she was glad to make her escape to Wallingford The same Year dyed Madawc ap Ednerth a Person of great Quality and Note in Wales and Meredith ap Howel a Man of no mean Esteem was slain by the Sons of Blethyn ap Gwyn For the two succeeding Years nothing remarkable A.D. 1140 passed in Wales excepting that this Year Howel ap Meredith ap Rhytherch of Cantref Rychan and Rhys ap Howel were cowardly slain by the Treachery and perfidious Practices of the Flemings and the next A.D. 1141 Year Howel ap Meredith ap Blethyn was basely murthered by his own Men at which time Howel and Cadwgan the Sons of Madawc ap Ednerth upon some unhappy Quarrel did kill
to the Kings hands the City of Dublyn the Town of Waterford with all such Towns and Castles as he got in right of his Wife whereupon the King restored to him all his Lands both in England and Normandy and created him Lord Steward of Ireland For this Earl of Strigule had lately without the King's Permission gone over to Ireland and had married the Daughter of Dermott King of Dublyn which King Henry took in such an indignation that he presently seized upon all his Lands in England and Normandy Therefore the King having now some footing in Ireland the Expedition was unanimously concluded upon and so the King set upon his Journey and coming towards Wales he was received by Prince Rhys whose Submission the King liked so well that he presently confirmed to him all his Lands in South-Wales To return the King's Favour Rhys promised his Majesty 300 Horses and 4000 Oxen toward the Conquest of Ireland for the sure payment of which he delivered Fourteen Pledges Then King Henry marching forward came to Caeriheon upon Vske and entering the Town he dispossessed the right Owner Iorwerth ap Owen ap Caradoc and kept it for his own proper use placing a Garrison of his own Men therein But Iorwerth was not so easie-mouth'd as to be so unreasonably curb'd by the King and therefore departing in a great fury from the King's presence he called to him his two Sons Owen and Howel whom he had by Angharad the Daughter of Vchtryd Bishop of Llandaf and his Sisters Son Morgan ap Sitsylht ap Dyfnwal and bringing together all the Forces they were able upon the King's departure they entered the Country and committing all the Waste and Destruction as they came along they at last came before Caerlheon which when they took they used in the like manner spoiling and destroying whatever they could meet with so that nothing escaped their Fury excepting the Castle which they could not win The King was in the mean time upon his Journey to Pembroke where being accompanied by Prince Rhys he gave him a grant of all Cardigan Ystratywy Arustly and Eluel in Recompence of all the Civilities and Honour he paid him And so Rhys returned to Aberteifi a Town he had lately won from the Earl of Glocester and there having prepared his Present about the beginning of October he returned again to Pembrock having ordered Eighty Six Horses to follow him which being presented to the King he accepted of Thirty Six of the choicest and returned the rest with great Thanks The same day King Henry went to S. Davids and after he had offered to the Memory of that Saint he dined with the Bishop who was the Son of Gerald Cosin-German to Rhys whither Richard Strongbow Earl of Strygile came from Ireland to confer with the King Within a while after King Henry being entertained by Rhys at the White-House restored to him his Son Howel who had been for a considerable time detained as a Pledg and appointed him a certain day for payment of his Tribute at which time all the rest of the Pledges should be set at liberty The day following being the next after the Feast of S. Luke the King went on board and the Wind blowing very favourably set sail for Ireland and being safely arrived upon those Coasts he landed at Dublyn where he rested for that whole Winter in order to make greater Preparations against the following Campaign But the change of the Air and Climate occasion'd such a raging Distemper and Infection among the Soldiers that to prevent the perishing of his whole Army A.D. 1172 the King was forced to return with what speed he could back for England and so having shipp'd off all his Army and Effects he loosed Anchor and landed in Wales in the Passion Week next Year and coming to Pembrock he stayed there on Easter-day and then proceeded upon his Journey towards England Rhys hearing of the King's return was very officious to pay him his Devotion and would gladly feign to be one of the first who should welcome him over and so meeting with him at Talacharn he expressed all the Ceremonies of Duty and Allegiance Then the King passed on and as he came from Caerdyf by the new Castle upon Vsk meaning to leave Wales in a peaceable condition he sent for Iorwerth ap Owen ap Caradoc who was the only Person in open Enmity against him and that upon very just ground willing him to come and treat about a Peace and assuring him of a safe Conduct for himself his Sons and all the rest of his Associates Iorwerth was willing to accept of the Proposal and thereupon set forward to meet the King having sent an Express to his Son Owen a valourous young Gentleman to meet him by the way Owen according to his Fathers Orders set forward on his Journey with a small retinue without any thing of Arms or Weapons of War as thinking it Folly to clog himself with such needless Carriage when the King had promised a safe Conduct But he did not find it so safe for as he passed the new Castle upon Vske the Earl of Bristol's Men who were garrison'd therein laid in wait for him as he came along and setting cowardly upon him slew him with most of his Company But some few escaped to acquaint his Father Iorwerth of such a treacherous Action who hearing that his Son was so basely murthered contrary to the King 's absolute promise of a safe Passage without any farther consultation about the matter presently returned home with Howel his Son and all his Friends and would no longer put any trust or confidence in any thing that the King of England or any of his Subjects promised to do But on the other side to avenge the Death of his Son who was so cowardly cut off he presently raised all the Forces that himself and the rest of his Friends were able to do and so entering into England he destroyed with Fire and Sword all the Country to the Gates of Hereford and Glocester But the King was so intent upon his return that he seemed to take no great notice of what Iorwerth was doing and therefore having by Commission constituted Lord Rhys Chief Justice of all South-Wales he forthwith took his Journey to Normandy About this time dyed Cadwalader ap Gruffydh the Son of Gruffydh ap Conan sometime Prince of North-Wales who by his Wife Alice the Daughter of Richard Clare Earl of Glocester had Issue Cunetha Radulph and Richard and by other Women Cadfan Cadwalader Eineon Meredith Goch and Cadwalhon Towards the end of this Year Sitsylht ap Dyfnwal and Iefan ap Sitsylht ap Riryd surprized the Castle of Abergavenny which belonged to the King of England and having made themselves Masters of it they took the whole Garrison Prisoners A.D. 1173 But the following Year there happened a very great difference and a falling out betwixt King Henry and his Son of the same Name this latter being upholded by
Companions and slew them to a Man King Henry was implacably enrag'd at this News and so cruelly incensed that he presently raised and drew together all his Power and came to Worcester intending to march forward to Wales and to invade the Enemies Country But the Lord Rhys ap Gruffydh a subtile and a politick Prince thinking it impossible to withstand the English Army and fearing the King's Puissance which he perceived to be so implacably bent against the Welch went in person to Worcester and swearing Fealty to the King became his perpetual Liege-Man and for the due observance of this Contract he promised to send his Sons and Nephews for Pledges But when he would have persuaded them to answer his request the young Men considering with themselves how former Pledges had not been very genteely treated by the English refused to go and so the whole matter rested for that time What became of the matter afterwards we know not but probable it is that King Henry returned to England satisfied with Rhys's Submission for we hear no more of his coming to Wales And so the Country remained quiet and undisturbed for a long time till at length the Welch began to fall to their wonted Method of killing and murdering one another A.D. 1186 Cadwalader Prince Rhys's Son was privately murdered in West-Wales and buried in the Ty Gwyn And the Year following Owen Fychan the Son of Madawe A.D. 1187 ap Meredith was slain by night in the Castle of Carrergova near Oswestry by Gwenwynwyn and Cadwalhon the Sons of Owen Cyfeilioc But what was most unnatural of all Lhewelyn whose Father Cadwalhon ap Gruffydh ap Conan was lately murdered by the Englishmen was taken by his own Brothers who very barbarously put out his Eyes About the same time Baldwyn Archbishop of Canterbury being attended by Giraldus Cambrensis took a Progress into Wales being the first Archbishop of Canterbury that visited that Country whose Authority the Clergy of Wales in vain opposed though they stifly alledged the Liberties and Priviledges of their Metropolitan Church of S. Davids In this Visitation described by Giraldus in his Itinerarium Cambriae he persuaded many of the Nobility of Wales to go to the Holy Land against those prevailing Enemies of Christianity the Saracens to whose prevailing Greatness Jerusalem it self was now in great danger A.D. 1188 to become subject The Archbishop having left the Country Maelgon the Son of Lord Rhys brought all his Power against Tenbigh and having by force made himself Master of it burnt the whole Town to the ground and so carried away very considerable Spoil He was a Person of such civil Behaviour and easie Access of so comly Personage and Honesty in all his Actions that he attracted the most earnest Love and Affection of all his Friends by which means he became very terrible and formidable to his Enemies especially the Flemings of whom he obtained divers Victories and Conquests The next Year being the Year of Christ 1189. A.D. 1189 Henry the Second surnamed Courtmantel King of England dyed and was buried at Fonteverard after whom his Son Richard called Curdelyon was by the unanimous consent of all the Peers and Nobility of England crowned in his place Prince Rhys being thus deprived of his greatest Friend thought it his wisest way to make the best provision he could for himself by enlarging his Dominions and extending the Bounds of his present Territories and therefore having raised all the Strength he could he wan the Castles of Seynclere Abercorran and Lhanstephan and having taken and committed to Prison Maelgwn his Son who was the greatest Thorn in his Side as one that was most passionately beloved by the South-Wales Men he brought the whole Country to his subjection Then he built the Castle of Cydwely but A.D. 1190 what took away from him the Joy of all this good Fortune he lost his Daughter Gwenlhian a Woman of such incomparable Beauty and exceeding in all feminine Qualifications that she was accounted the fairest and best accomplished Lady in all the Country And not long after her dyed Gruffydh Maylor Lord of Bromfield A.D. 1191 a Man of great Prudence and Experience and one that excelled all the Nobility of his time in Hospitality and all other Acts of Generosity and Liberality His Corps were carried to Myfod and honourably interr'd there being attended by most of the Persons of Quality throughout the whole Country He had Issue by his Wife Angharad Daughter of Owen Gwynedh Prince of North-Wales a Son called Madawc who succeeded his Father in that part of Powys called from him Powys Fadawc Rhys Prince of South-Wales was growing very powerful and had made himself Master of the greatest part of South-Wales only with some few places more Dynefowr held out still which however upon the first Assault he made against it was delivered up to him But as he increased 〈◊〉 ●he number of Towns and Castles he had the Misfortune to have that of his Children diminished for his Daughter Gwenlhian was lately deceased and now he had no sooner got Dynefowr Castle into his possession but his Son Owen dyed at Strata Florida or Ystratflur King Richard was gone to the Holy Land against the Saracens but in his return to England he wan the Kingdom of Cyprus and gave it to Gwido King of Jerusalem upon condition he would resign his former Title to him During his stay in this Island he marryed Berengaria the Daughter of the King of Navarr A.D. 1192 Mae●gon Prince Rhys's Son had been now detain'd a long time in Prison where his Father had shut him up but being at last utterly weary of such a close Confinement he found some means or other to get out and to make his escape His Father Prince Rhys was not so troubled at his being broke out and that he had got his liberty as to give over the Conquest which all this while he had gone so furiously on with but laying siege to Lhanhayaden Castle he took it without any great Opposition and brought all the Country about to his subjection And what favoured him more in his Attempts against the English King Richard A.D. 1193 having most bravely signalized himself against the Infidels in his return home through Austria was taken Prisoner by Duke Leopold who presented him to the Emperour Henry who demanded 200000 Marks for his Ransom laying to his charge that he had spoiled and plundered the Island of Sicily in his Voyage to the Holy Land And as Rhys took the advantage of King Richard's absence to subject South-Wales so Roderic Brother to David Prince of North Wales made use of Gothrike's the King of Man's help to get the Principality of North-Wales to himself and eject his Brother And therefore entring into Angl●sey he quickly reduced the whole Island to his subjection But he did not enjoy it long for before the Year was over the Sons of his Brother Conan came with an Army against him and forcing him together with the
never hearken to his Redemption alledging that he wilfully threw himself into the hands of Glyndwr But about the midst of August to correct the presumptuous Attempts of the Welch the King went in Person with a great Army into Wales but by reason of extraordinary excess of weather which some attributed to the Magic of Glyndwr he was glad to return safe But the Earl of March perceiving that he was not like to obtain his Liberty by King Henry's means whether out of compliance by reason of his tedious Captivity or Affection to the young Lady he agreed to take part with Owen against the King of England and to marry his Daughter with them joyned the Earl of Worcester and his Brother the Earl of Northumberland with his Son the valiant Lord Percy who conspiring to depose the King of England in the House of the Archdeacon of Bangor by their Deputies divided the Realm amongst them causing a tripartite Indenture to be made and to be sealed with every one's Seal by which Covenant all that Country lying betwixt the Severn and the Trent Southward was assigned to the Earl of March all Wales and the Lands beyond the Severn Westward were appointed Glyndwr and all from the Trent Northward to the Lord Percy This was done as some said thro' a foolish Credit they gave to a vain Prophecy as tho' King Henry was the execrable Moldwarp and they three the Dragon the Lion and the Wolf which should pull him down and distribute his Kingdom among themselves After that they exhibited Articles of their Grievances to King Henry and divulged their Reasons for taking up Arms at length they marched with all their Power towards Shrewsbury to fight the King depending mainly upon the arrival of Glyndwr and his Welch-men But the matter was gone so far that whether he came in or no they must fight and so both Armies being joyned the King's Party prevailed young Percy being slain upon the spot and Douglas besides most of the English of Quality who with a Party of Scotch had come to the Aid of the Confederates was taken Prisoner but afterwards honourably set at Liberty by the Intercession of the Prince of Wales In the mean time the Earl of Northumberland was a marching forward with a great Party from the North but the King having settled Matters about Shrewsbury coming to York and sending to him to lay down his Arms he voluntarily submitted and dismissed his Forces Then the King returning from York-shire determined to pass over to North-Wales to chastise the presumptuous Practices of the immorigerous Welch who after his departure from Shrewsbury had made in-Roads into the Marches and done much hurt to his English Subjects But other Business of greater Consequence intervening he detached his Son the Prince of Wales who took the Castle of Aberystwyth which was quickly again retaken by Owen Glyndwr who thrust into it a strong Garrison of Welch But ●n the Battel of Huske sought upon the fifteenth of March the Welch received a very considerable Blow from the Prince's Men Glyndwr's Son being taken Prisoner besides Fifteen Hundred more taken and slain After this we hear little of Glyndwr excepting that he continued and persisted to vex and plague the English upon the Marches to the tenth year of King Henry's reign when he miserably ended his life being as Holingshed reporteth Holins towards his ●atter days driven to that extremity that despairing of all comfort he fled and lurked in Caves and other the most solitary places fearing to shew his face to any Creature till at length being starved for hunger and lack of sustenance he miserably ended his life But these rebellious Practices of Glyndwr highly exasperated King Henry against the Welch insomuch that several rigorous and unmerciful Laws were enacted relating to Wales which in effect destroyed all the Liberties of the Welch Subject They were made incapable of purchasing any Lands or to be elected Members of any County or Burrough and to undertake any Office whether Civil or Military in any Town incorporated If any Suit at Law happened betwixt an English Man and a Welch Man the former could not be convicted but by the Sentence of an English Judge and the Verdict of an English Jury besides that any English Man who married a Welch Woman was thereby forthwith disfranchised from all the Liberties of an English Subject It was farther enacted that no Welch Man should be in possession of any Castle or other place of Strength and that no Victuals or Armour should be brought into Wales without a special Warrant from the King or his Council and farther that no Welch Man was capable of undertaking the Office of Justice Chamberlain Sheriff or any other place of Trust in any part of Wales notwithstanding any Patent or License heretofore given to the contrary These with many others most rigorous and unjust Laws particularly that forbidding any Welch Man to bring up his Children to Learning or to bind them Apprentices to any Trade or Occupation were enacted by the King against the Welch so that nothing could cool his displeasure but that a whole Nation should be wrongfully oppressed for the fault and miscarriage of one Person But one might think that this was no politick method to secure a Nation in its Allegiance which upon lighter Affronts was used to defend its Priviledges and therefore we may well attribute the quiet disposition of the Welch towards this time to the moderation of Henry the Fifth who within a little time succeeded his Father in the Crown of England Co-temporary with Glyndwr was Sir David Gam so called by reason he had but one Eye the Son of Lhewelyn ap Howel Vaughan of Brecknock by Mawd the Daughter of Iefan ap Rhys ap Ifor of Eluel He was a great stickler for the Duke of Lancaster and for that reason became mortal Enemy to Glyndwr who having his Education as is said before at one of the Inns of Court got to be preferred to the service of King Richard the Second who as Walsingham says made him his Scutifer or Shield-bearer But being informed that his Master Richard was deposed and murdered and withal being provoked by several Wrongs and Affronts done him by his Neighbour the Lord Gray of Rhuthyn whom King Henry greatly countenanced and looking upon Henry as an Usurper he caused himself to be proclaimed Prince of Wales And for a better grace of the matter he feigned himself to be descended by a Daughter from Lhewelyn ap Gruffydh the last Prince whereas in truth he came Paternally but from a younger Brother of the House of Powys But as Ambition has no moderation so Glyndwr for a time acted the part of a Prince and summoned a Parliament to meet at Machynlleth whither the Nobility and Gentry of Wales appeared and among the rest Sir David Gam but not upon the same design with the rest having an intention in this meeting to murder Glyndyfwr But the Plot being discovered and
Montgomery-shire and are all on the North-side Severn saving a piece of Montgomery-shire And here I think it good to let the Reader understand what the British Chronicle saith of North-Wales which affirmeth that three times it came by Inheritance to Women First to Stradwen Daughter to Cadfan ap Conan ap Endaf and Wife to Coel Godeb●e Mother to Genaw Dyfyr and Gwawl The second time to the same Gwawl Wife to Edeyrn ap Padarn and Mother to Cunetha Wledic wh●ch Cunetha inhabiting in the North parts of England about the year 540. after the Incarnation of Christ and hearing how the mingled Nations of Irish-Scots and Picts had over-run the Sea-shore of Cardigan which was part of his Inheritance sent his Sons thither to enjoy their Inheritance of whom Tibiaon his eldest Son died in Man which Land the said Irish-Scots had won For Gildas saith that the Children of Glam Hector which peopled a great part of Ireland Yscroeth with his People inhabited Dalrieuda which is a part of Scotland Builke with his People came to Man But I think it good to put in Gildas words which saith Builke cum filiis suis inhabitavit Euboniam insulam v●lgò Manaw quae est in meditullio maris inter Hyberniam Britanniam that is to say Bui●ke with his Children inhabited the Isle Eubonia commonly Manaw for so it was and is named in British which lieth in the middle of the Sea between Ireland and Britain This was not called Môna as Polydor faineth The Children of Bethoun inhabited Demetia which is South-Wales with Gwyr and Cydweli till they were chased thence by the Children of Cunetha Thus far Gildas Therefore the Sons of Cunetha being arrived in North Wales as well I think being driven by the Saxons as for their Inheritance divided the Country betwixt them And first Meireaon the Son of Tibiaon the Son of Cunetha had Cantref Meireaon to his part Arustel ap Cunetha had Cantref Arostly Caredic ap Cunetha had Caerdigion now called Cardigan-shire Maelor the Son of Gwran Son to Cunedha had Maeloron that is the two Maelo● Maelor Gymbraeg called Br. and Maelor S●esneg Dunod had Cantref Dimodic Edeyrn had Edeyrnion Mael had Dynmael Coel had Col●yon Doguael had Dogueilyn Rhyfaon had Rhyfonioc now Denbigh-land Eineon Yrch had Caereneon in Powys Vssa had Maesuswalht now Oswestry For surely that they say commonly of Oswald King of Northumberland to be slain there and of the Well that sprung where his Arm was carried is nothing so For Beda and all other Writers testify that Peanda slew Oswald at Maserfelt in the Kingdom of Northumberland and his Body was buried in the Abby of Bradney in the Province of Lhyndesey But to my former matter These Names given by the Sons of Cunetha remain to this day After this the Irish-Picts or Scots which the Britains called Y Gwydhyl Phictiaid which is to say the Irish-Picts did over-run the Isle of Môn and were driven thence by Caswalhon Lhawhir that is Caswalhon with the long hand the Son of Eineon Y●ch ap Cunedha who slew Serigi their King with his own hands at Lhan y Gwydhyl which is the Irish Church at Holyhead This Caswalhon was Father to Maelgon Gwynedh whom the Latins call Maglocunus Prince and King of Britain In his time was the Famous Clerk and great Wiseman Taliessyn Ben Bei●d● that is to say the chiefest of the Beirdh or Wisemen for this word Bardh in Caesar's time signified as Lucan beareth Witness such as had knowledge of things to come and so it signifieth at this day This Maelgon had a Son called Run in whose time the Saxons invited Gurmond into Britain from Ireland who had come thither from Affric who with the Saxons was the utter destruction of the Britains and flew all that professed Christ and was the first that drove them over Severn This Run was Father to Beli who was Father to Iago for so the Britains call James who was Father to Cadfa●● and not Brochwel called Brecyfal as the English Chronicle saith for this Brochwel called Ysgi●hroc that is long toothed was chosen Leader of such as met with Adelred alias Ethelbertus Rex Cantia● and other Angles and Saxons whom Augustine had moved to make War against the Christian Britains and these put Brochwel twice to flight not far from Chester and cruelly slew a 1000 Priests and Monks of Bangor with a great number of lay-Brethren of the same House which lived by the Labour of their Hands and were come bare-footed and woolward to crave Mercy and Peace at the Saxons Hands And here you shall understand that this was not Augustine Bishop of Hippona the great Clerk but Augustine the Monk called the Apostle of England Then this Brochwel retired over Dee hard by Bangor and defended the Saxons the Passage till Cadfan King of North Wales Meredyth King of South-Wales and Bled●us or Bletius Prince of Cornwal came to succour him and gave the Saxons a sore Battel and slew of them the number of a 1066 and put the rest to flight After the which Battel Cadfan was chosen King of Britain and was chief Ruler within the Isle after whom his Son Cadwalhon who was Father to Cadwalader the last of the British Blood that bare the Name of King of Britain was King The third time that North-Wales came to a Woman was to Esylht the Daughter of Conan Tindaythwy the Son of Edwal Ywrch the Son of Cadwal●d●r She was Wife to Merfyn Frych and Mother to Rhod●ric the Great as shall be hereafter declared By this you may understand that North-W●les hath been a great while the chiefest Seat of the last Kings of Britain because it was and is the strongest Country within this Isle full of high Mountains Craggy Rocks great Woods and deep Vallies strait and dangerous Places deep and swift Rivers as Dyfi which springeth in the Hills of Mer●onyth and runneth North-West through Mowthwy and by Machynlaeth and so to the Sea at Aberdyfi dividing N●r●h and South-Wales asunder d ee called in Welch Dourdwy springing also on the other side of the same Hills runneth East through Penlhyn and the Lake Tegyd 〈…〉 and Lhangolhen between Chirke-Land and Bromfield where it boweth Northward toward ●angor to the Holt and to Chester and thence North-West to Flint-Castle and so to the Sea There is also Conwey rising likewise in Merionyth-●●ire and dividing Caernarvon from Denbigh-shire ●●nneth under Snowden North-East by the Town of ●berconwey to the Sea Also Clwyd which rising in Denbigh Land run●eth down to Ruthyn and plain North not far from ●enbigh to St. Asaph and so by Ruthlan and to the Sea There be many other fair Rivers of which some run ●o the Sea as Mawr at Traethmawr and Afon y Saint at ●aernarvon and other that run to Severn as Murnwy 〈◊〉 Powys and to Murnwy Tanat some other to d ee ●s Ceirioc betwixt the Lordships of Chirke and Whit●ington Alyn through Yal and Molds dale and Hope ●ale and so
Chad stands He was a great Friend and a Favourer to the Monks of Bangor whose part he took against the Saxons that were set on by Augustine the Monk to prosecute them with Fire and Sword because they would not forsake the Customs of their own Church and conform to those of Rome Merfyn Frych and Esylht COnan being dead Merfyn Frych and his Wife Esylht who was sole Heir to Conan took upon them the Government or Principality of Wales This Merfyn was King of Man and Son to Gwyriat and Nest the Daughter of Cadelh ap Brochwel ap Elis King of Powys Howel being forcibly ejected out of Anglesey by his Brother Conan Tindaethwy and escaping to the Island of Man was honourably and kindly received by Merfyn in return of whose Civilities Howel used such means afterwards that Merfyn married Esylht the Daughter and Heir of his Brother Conan tho others say that he died presently after his Escape to Merfyn Howel after that he had for about five years enjoyed the Isle of Man and other Lands in the North given him by Merfyn to hold under him dyed about the year 825 after whose Death they again returned to Merfyn whose Ancestors had always held the same under the Kings of the Britains and so upon his Marriage with Esylht the Isle of Man was annexed to the Crown of Wales In the first year of their Reign Egbert the powerful King of the West Saxons entred with a mighty Army into Wales destroyed and wasted the Countrey as far as Snowden Hills and seized upon the Lordship of Rhyvoniec in Denbighland About the same time a very sore Battel was fought in Anglesey between the Saxons and the Welch called from the place where this Fight happened the Battel of Lhanvaes A.D. 819 Fortune seemed all this while to frown upon the Welch and their Affairs succeeded very ill for shortly after that Egbert had advanced his Colours as far as Snowden Kenulph King of Mercia wasted the Country of West Wales over-ran and destroyed ●owis-land and greatly disturbed and incommoded ●he Welch Nation Soon after this Kenulph died ●nd was succeeded by Kenelm and he in a short ●●me by Ceolwulph who after two years Reign left ●he Kingdom of Mercia to Bernulph Egbert King of the West Saxons was grown very ●trong and powerful able to reduce all the petty King●oms in Britain under one single Monarchy upon ●he thoughts of which he set upon Bernulph King of Mercia and vanquished him at Elledowne and afterwards brought under Subjection the Countries of Kent and of the West Angles But the Britains could ●ot be so easily subdued for after a long and a cruel ●ight at Gavelford between them and the West Saxons of Devonshire in which several thousands were ●●ain on both sides the Victory remained uncertain He had better Success against Wyhtlafe King of Mercia A.D. 829 whose Dominions he easily added to his now in●reasing Monarchy and passing Humber he quickly ●educed that Country to his Subjection The Saxon Heptarchy was now become one Kingdom and Eg●ert sole Monarch of all the Countries that the Saxons ●ossessed in Britain which Name he ordered should ●e changed to England his People to be called En●lishmen and the Language English They who came over out of Germany into this ●sland to aid the Britains against their Enemies the Picts and Scots were partly Saxons Angles and ●uthes from the first of which came the People of Essex Suffex Middlesex and the West-Saxons from ●he Angles the East Angles the Mercians and they ●hat inhabited the North side of Humber from the Juthes the Kentishmen and they that settled in the Isle of Wight These Germans after that they had drove ●he Britains beyond Severn and Dee erected seven Kingdoms called the Heptarchy in the other part of ●he Island whereof 1. Kent 2. Of the South-Saxons containing Sussex and Surrey 3. The East-Angles in Norfolk Suffolk and Cambridgshire 4. The Kingdom of the West-Saxons comprehending Berkshire Devonshire Somersetshire and Cornwal 5. Mercia containing Glocester Hereford Worcester Shropshire Stafford Cheshire Warwick Leicester Darby Nottingham Lincoln Northampton Oxford Buckingham Bedford and half Hartfordshire 6 The East-Saxons containing Essex Middlesex and the other part of Hartford 7. Of the Northumbrians taking in all the Country beyond Hamber which was divided into two parts Deyra and Bernicia the first from Humber to Tyne the other from Tyne to the Scottish Sea Egbert King of the West-Saxons having severally conquer'd these Kingdoms annexed them together and comprehended them under one Monarchy which was called the Kingdom of England 96● years after the coming of Brute to this Island 383 Years after the landing of Hengist and 149 after the Departure of Cadwalader to Rome Egbert having thus united under one Governme●● these several Kingdoms which used continually molest and to incroach upon each others Territories might reasonably have expected to enjoy his ne●● A.D. 883 Kingdom quietly and not fear any disturbance o● trouble in his Dominions But no sooner was h● established King of England but the Danes began 〈◊〉 threaten new Commotions and landed in great numbers and in divers places of the Kingdom Egber● fought several Battels with them and with vario●● Success at length the Danes landed in West-Wales marched forward for England being joined by a grea● number of Welch and met Egbert upon Hengist do●● where a severe Battel was fought and the Danes p●● to a total Rout The Welch suffered severely f●● this Egbert being highly incens'd that the Dan●● were supported by them laid siege to Caer Lheon 〈◊〉 Dhyfrdwy or Chester the chief City of Venedoti●● which hitherto had remained in the hands of the Welch took the Town and among other Toke● of his Indignation he caused the Brazen Effigies o● Cadwalhon King of Britain to be pulled down and defaced and upon pain of Death forbad the erecting 〈◊〉 such again He issued out also a Proclamation by th● ●nstigation of his Wife Redburga who always bore an ●●veterate Malice to the Welch commanding all that ●ere any ways extracted from British Blood to de●art with all their Effects out of his Kingdom within ●●x Months upon pain of death These were very ●●vere and insupportable Terms but he did not live ●ong to see them put in execution for dying shortly ●fter the Battel of Hengestdown he was succeeded by ●on Ethelwulph This King Ethelwulph married his Daughter to Berthred who was his tributary King of Mercia by whose help he successfully opposed the ●ruel Incursions of the Danes who miserably destroyed the Sea-coasts of England with Fire and 〈◊〉 These Danish Commotions being indiffe●ently well appeased Berthred King of Mercia set ●pon the Welch between whom a remarkable Battel ●as sought at a place called Kettell where Merfyn ●rych King of the Britains was killed leaving to ●●cceed him in the Government of Wales his Son Ro●eric Mawr or the Great Roderic the Great MErfyn Frych having lost his Life and with it his A.D. 843 Kingdom in
with loud Acclamations and joyfully saluted Prince of North-Wales who treading in his Father's steps behaved himself in his Government with that Prudence and Conduct that he manfully defended his Country from the frequent Invasions of the English and Danes For he was scarce settled in his Throne when these inveterate Enemies of the Welch entered in an hostile manner into Wales and advanced as far as Crosford upon the Severn where Gruffydh met them and forced them shamefully to fly and retire back to their own Country From thence Gruffydh passed to Lhanbadarn Vawr in Cardiganshire which he laid in Ashes and afterwards marched through all the Country of South Wales receiving of the People Oaths of Fidelity and Subjection to him In the mean time Howel ap Edwyn Prince of South-Wales fled to Edwyn Brother to Leofric Earl of Chester and prevailed with him to come with an Army consisting of English and Danes to his aid against Gruffydh who meeting his Enemies in the Field easily overcame them Edwyn being slain upon the spot and Howel forced to preserve his Life by flight After which Victory Gruffydh having reduced all the Country of Wales to subjection returned again to North Wales But Howel as soon as he could recover himself and A.D. 1039 recruit his Army entred again into South-Wales intending the recovery of that Principality which he was now so well assur'd of that he brought his Wife with him to the Field to let her see how easily he could conquer and overcome Prince Gruffydh 〈◊〉 too great an assurance of Victory seldom proves prosperous which Howel presently experienced for Gruffydh meeting with him at Pencadair gave him so warm an Entertainment that he was forced presently to take his Heels which however could not so well secure him but that he was narrowly pursued and his Wife who was to be entertained with the Conquest of Gruffydh on the contrary saw her self taken Prisoner by him and forced to comply so far to his humour as to be his Concubine The same time Harold King of England died and was succeeded by his Brother Hardycnute a Prince very famous for Hospitality and a great lover of good Chear having his Table covered four times a day with great plenty and variety of Dishes with other Superfluities for all Comers But he likewise dying at Lambeth after two Years reign the English agreed to send for Alfred the eldest Son of Edelred from Normandy and to make him King This Message by no means pleased Earl Godwyn a Man of great sway now in England who knowing Alfred to be a person of greater spirit than to permit him to domineer as he pleased endeavoured all he could to dissuade the English from sending for Alfred He shewed them how dangerous it was to permit a warlike Nation to take root in their Country and how well Alfred was accompanied with Normans to whom he had promised the chief Places and Rule of the Kingdom by which and other like Insinuations he so disgusted the English Nobility against the Normans that to diminish their number they put every tenth Man to death But seeing this was not sufficient they acted the same part over again and tythed them the second time and being highly enraged against the Normans they lead Alfred who had brought them over from Gilford where this Execution was committed to Gillingham where having put out his Eyes they removed him to Ely and there at length pitifully murthered him Then they sent for Edward out of Normandy and made him King who according to his promise to Earl Godwyn married ●is Daughter Edith a Lady much commended not only for Beauty Modesty and other feminine Qualifications but also beyond what is requisite for a Woman Learning But King Edward did not deal so favourably with her Brother Swane Son to Earl Godwyn who upon some Distaste was banished England and thereupon forced to betake himself to Baldwyn Earl of Flanders by whom he was very honourably received A.D. 1041 These Troubles and Revolutions in England were succeeded by others of no less consequence in Wales For Howel not brooking to be kept so shamefully out of his Kingdom returns again the third time into South-Wales where he had not continued long but a great number of Strangers landed in the West of Wales and advancing farther into the Country pillaged and destroyed all places they came to Howel tho desirous to reserve his Army to fight with Prince Gruffydh yet could not behold his Country so miserably wasted and over-run by Strangers and thinking moreover that by so charitable an Action he should win the universal Love of the South-Wales Men drew up his Forces against them and overtaking them at Pwll Fynach forced them with much loss to retire to their Ships which Action was call'd in Welch Gwaith Pwll Fynach At the same time Conan the Son of Iago ap Edwal who was forced for fear of Prince Gruffydh to flee to Ireland with the Forces of Alfred King of Dublin whose Daugher named Ranulph he had married landed in North-Wales and having by some treacherous Stratagem taken Gruffydh triumphantly carried him Prisoner towards his Ships This unhappy accident being discovered and publickly known the North Wales Men did rise on a sudden and so unexpectedly overtook the Irish that they easily recover'd their Prince and drove his Enemies with great slaughter to their Ships who without any farther consultation were glad to strike sail with Conan for Ireland And now Wales both North and South is free from all foreign Invasion and Howel as yet too weak to dispute his Title with Gruffydh so that A.D. 1042 the next Year could be subject to no great Action in which nothing happen'd remarkable saving the death of Howel the Son of Owen Lord of Glamorgan a Man of great Quality and Esteem in Wales But as A.D. 1043 soon as Howel could call in his Danes to whom he added all the Forces he could raise in South-Wales he intended presently to march against Prince Gruffydh But he being aware aforehand to what end those Levies were designed prepared against the ensuing storm and to avert the War from his own Country marched courageously to South Wales not fearing to face an Enemy whom he had shamefully vanquished twice already Both Armies being joyned Gruffydh easily overcame and pursued Howel as far as the Spring-Head of the River Towy where after a long and a bloody Fight Howel was at last slain and his Army so universally routed that few escaped with their Lives But though Howel was dead yet there remained still more Pretenders to the Principality of South-Wales so that Gruffydh was in no great prospect to enjoy the same peaceably For as soon as it was published that Howel's Army was defeated and himself slain Rytherch and Rhys the Sons of Rytherch ap Iestyn put in their claim to South-Wales in right of their Father who had once enjoyed the Sovereignty of that Country And in order to the recovery of the same they
inveterate Enmity to the Welch and upon whose account King Henry had chiefly brought his Army into Wales He was succeeded both in his Title and Estate by his Brother Richard who was much more favourably enclined towards the Welch and never attempted any thing against them But the King of England was resolved to retrieve the Honour he had lost in the late Expedition against the Welch and therefore being returned from France whither he had made a Descent to recover what his Father had lost in that Kingdom he came to Wales and having remained some time in the Marches he returned again to England leaving his Army under the command of Hubert Burgh Earl of Kent to defend the Marches against any in-road which the Welch might attempt And he had not remained there long when he received Intelligence that a Party of Welch had entered the Marches near Montgomery whom he forthwith pursued and setting upon them surprizedly he put a great number of them to the Sword Prince Lhewylyn hearing this came in Person with a great Army to the Marches and fitting before Montgomery Castle he forced Hubert to withdraw and then making himself Master of the place he burnt it to the ground and put the Garrison to the Sword the like Fate attended the Castles of Radnor Aberhondhy Rhayadr Gwy Caerlheon Neth and Cydwely though Caerlheon held out very stubbornly and the Prince had several of his Men destroyed before the Place King Henry being informed of what miserable Desolation the Prince of Wales so successfully committed upon his Subjects in these Countries had him presently excommunicated and then coming to Hereford with a mighty Army he detached the greatest part of it with a great number of his Nobility to Wales These by the direction of a Fryar of Cymer unexpectedly as they thought fell upon a Party of Welch who at the first Encounter seemed to fly till they had allured the English to pursue them to a place where a greater Party of Welch lay in ambuscade who rushing of a sudden upon the English put them in such a confusion that the greatest part of them was cut off The King being sensible that this was a treacherous Insinuation of the Friar was resolved to be revenged by burning the Abby of Cymer but the Prior for Three Hundred Marks prevented it and so the King returned to England having effected nothing in this Expedition besides the building of Mawd Castle In the mean time Maelgon Son of Maelgon ap Rhys laid siege to Aberteifi and having by force got entry into the Town he put all the Inhabitants to the Sword then destroyed all before him to the Castle Gates which were so strongly fortified that it seemed almost impracticable to take it in any short time But Maelgon being joyned by his Cosin Owen Gruffydh ap Rhys's Son was resolved to try the utmost that could be effected and therefore taking with him some of Prince Lhewelyn's most experienced Officers ●e brake down the Bridg upon the River Teifi and ●hen investing the Castle more closely he so batter'd ●nd undermin'd it that he became in a little time Master of it The Year following Prince Lhewelyn made a De●cent A.D. 1232 upon England and having committed very considerable Waste and Destruction upon the Borders he ●eturned to North-Wales with a rich Booty both of Men and Cattel King Henry to correct the Welch for these grievous Devastations and to prevent their further Incursions into England demanded a very great Subsidy of his Subjects to carry on the War against the Welch which being granted him he made all possible Preparations for his Expedition to Wales In the mean time Randulph Earl of Chester dyed and was succeeded in that Honour by John his Sisters Son who was afterwards married to Prince Lhewelyn's Daughter But the English in Wales being in expectation of King Henry's coming thither began to repair and fortifie their Castles and particularly Richard Earl of Cornwal rebuilt Radnor Castle A.D. 1233 which the Prince had lately destroyed Prince Lhewelyn was sufficiently sensible that the King of England intended an Invasion and therefore to be before-hand with him he came with an Army to Brecknock destroyed all the Towns and Castles throughout the Country excepting Brecknock Castle which held out so manfully that after a Months sitting before it he was at last constrained to raise the Siege In his return to North-Wales he burnt the Town of Clûn recover●● all that Country called Dyffryn Tefeidiat in the possession of John Fitz-Alan destroyed Red Castle in Powys and burnt Oswestry But what happened very fortunately to the Welch Richard Marshal Earl of Pembroke being faln at variance with King Henry took part with Prince Lhewelyn with whom joyned Hubert de Burgh who had lately made his escape out of the Castle of Devizes where the King upon some Articles of Information brought against him had committed him to Prison But the Earl of Pembrock attended by Owen ap Gruffydh ap Rhys came to S. Davids and being very glad of an opportunity to revenge himself upon the King slew every one tha● owned any Dependance upon the Crown of England Maelgon and Rhys Gryc with all the Forces of Prince Lhewelyn quickly joyned the Earl who in their march through the Country took the Castles of Ca●dyff Abergevenny Pencelhy Blaenlhefyni and Bwlch y Ddinas which all excepting Cardyff they burnt to the ground The King receiving intelligence that the Earl of Pembrock had entered into a Confederacy with the Prince of Wales and that he was now i● open Hostility against his Subjects in that Country gathered a very formidable Army consisting besides English of Flemings Normans and Gascoigns and coming to Wales he encamped at Grosmont where the Earl with the Welch Army met him But when the English would have endeavoured to advance further into the Country the Welch opposed them and so a Battel ensued wherein the English lost Five Hundred Horse besides a far greater number of their Infantry The Welch having gained a considerable Victory in this Action the King was advised to withdraw his Forces for fear lest that the Welch should again set upon them and so sustain a greater Loss which Counsel the King willingly hearkened unto and so he returned for England The English being withdrawn the Earl likewise decamped and marched to Caermardhyn which he besieged but after Three Months in vain Assault the Garrison most bravely defending the place and the English Fleet having thrown in new Provisions he thought it most adviseable to raise the Siege Shortly after Rhys Gryc Son to Prince Rhys dyed at Lhandeilo Fawr and was honourably interr'd by his Father at S. Davids About the same time Maelgon Fychan Maelgon ap Rhys his Son finished Trefilan Castle which was begun in his Fathers time A.D. 1234 King Henry was not willing to hazard any more Campaigns in Wales and therefore he appointed John of Monmouth a great Soldier and General of the English Forces
time and so returned to England But Lord James Audley whose Daughter was married to Gruffydh Lord of Bromfield did more mischief and hurt to the Welch who having brought over a great Number of Horsemen from Germany to serve against the Welch so terrified them with the unusual largeness of the Horses and the unaccustomed manner of sighting that in the first Encounter the Welch were easily overcome Bu● minding to revenge this Disgrace and withal being better acquainted with their method of Arms the Welch in a little after made in-roads into the Lord Audley's Lands where the Germans presently set upon them and pursued them to certain straits which the Welch discovered for a politick retreat The Germans thinking they had entirely drove the Welch away returned carelesly back but being set upon of the sudden without any thought of an Enemy behind they were all in a manner slain by the rallying Welch This year a very great scarcity of Beefs and Horses happened in England whereof several Thousands yearly were supplied out of Wales by reason of which the Marches were perfectly robbed of all their Breed and not so much as a Beast to be seen in all the Borders A.D. 1259 The next Spring all the Nobility of Wales convened together and took their mutual Oaths to defend their Country to Death against the oppressing Invasions of the English and not to relinquish and forsake one another upon pain of Perjury tho' notwithstanding Meredith ap Rhys of South-Wales violated this Agreement and put himself in the Service of the King of England King Henry was ready to fall upon the Welch to which purpose he summoned a Parliament wherein he proposed to raise a Subsidy towards the Conquest of Wales being not able of himself to bear the Expences of this War by reason of several Losses he had already received the Country of Pembroke being lately destroyed and taken by the Welch where they found plenty of Salt which before they were in great necessity of But William de Valentia accusing the Earls of Leicester and Glocester as the Authors of all this Mischief quite broke all their measures so the King was forced to prorogue the Parliament for a time without any grant of a Subsidy But within a while after it sat at Oxford where King Henry and Edward his Son took a Solemn Oath to observe the Laws and Statutes of the Realm and the same being tendred to Guy and William the King's Brothers and to Henry Son to the King of Almain and to Earl Warren they refused to take it and so departed In this Parliament the Lords of Wales fairly proffered to be tryed by the Laws for any Offence they had unjustly commirted against the King which was mainly opposed by Edward who caused one Patrick de Canton to whom the Lordship of Cydwely was given in case he could win and keep the same to be sent to Caermardhyn as Lieutenant for the King with whom Meredith ap Rhys was joyned in Commission Being arrived at Caermardhyn Patrick sent to the Prince to desire him to appoint Commissioners to treat with him concerning a Peace which he consented to and without any suspicion of treachery sent Meredith ap Owen and Rhys ap Rhys to Emlyn if possible to conclude the same But Patrick meaning no such thing laid an ambuscade for the Welch who coming honestly forward were by the way villanously set upon by the English and a great many slain but those that happily escaped calling up the Country presently gave chase to Patrick and his Accomplices who being at length overtaken were almost all put to the Sword But Prince Lhewelyn was now altogether bent upon a Peace and did not only desire it but was willing to purchase it for a summ of Money to which purpose he offered to give the King 4000 Marks to his Son 300 and 200 to the Queen which the King utterly refused replying That it was not a sufficient recompence for all the Damages he had suffered by the Welch Matthew of Westminster reporteth that about Michaelmas this year the Bishop of Bangor was commissioned by the Prince and Nobility of Wales to treat with the King of England about a Peace and to offer him 16000 Pound for the same upon these Conditions that according to their antient Custom the Welch should have all Causes tryed and determined at Chester and that they should freely enjoy the Laws and Customs of their own Country but what was the result of this Treaty my Author does not mention There being no hopes of a Peace Prince Lhewelyn A.D. 1260 early next year appeared in the Field and passed to South-Wales and first fell foul upon Sir R●ger Mortimer who contrary to his Oath maintained the King of England's Quarrel Having forcibly dispossessed him of all Buelht and without any opposition taken the Castle where was found a plentiful Magazine he marched thro' all South-Wales confirming his Conquest and afterwards returned to his Palace at Aber A.D. 1261 betwixt Bangor and Conwey The year following A.D. 1262 Owen ap Meredith Lord of Cydewen died But the next Summer was somewhat more noted for Action a party of Prince Lhewelyn's Men took by surprise the Castle of Melienyth belonging to Sir Roger Mortimer and having put the rest of the Garrison to the Sword they took Howel ap Meyric the Governour with his Wife and Children Prisoners and after that the Castle was demolished by the Prince's Order Sir Roger Mortimer hearing of this with a great Body of Lords and Knights came to Melienyth where Prince Lhewelyn met him bur Sir Roger not daring to hazard a Battel planted himself within the Ruins and finding he could do no good desired leave of the Prince to retire peaceably The Prince upon the account of Relation and near Consanguinity betwixt them and withal because he would not be so mean spirited as to fall upon an Enemy who had no power to resist him let him safely depart with his Forces and then passing on himself to Brecknock at the request of the People of that Country who swore Fidelity unto him so passed on and returned to No●th-Wales And now being Confederate with the Barons against King Henry he was resolved to practise something in the prejudice of the English and so set upon the Earldom of Chester destroyed the Castles of Tygann●y and Diserth belonging to Edward who coming thither was yet not able to prevent the Mischief done A.D. 1263 to him by the Welch The next year John Strange Junior Constable of Montgomery with a great Number of Marchers came a little before Easter by night thro' Ceri to Cydewen intending to surprise the Castle which when the People of the Country understood they gathered together and setting upon them slew 200 of his Men but Strange with a few got safely back Within a while after the Marchers and the Welch met again near a place called Clun where a hot Engagement happened between them in which the Welch were worsted
the British Race 8. Retires to Alan King of Little Britain ibid. Learned in a Vision to go to Rome and there shorn a Monk 10. Cadwalader with his Brother Owen Gwynedh from North-Wales in conjunction with several South Wales Lords made an horrible slaughter of the Normans and Flemings and drove them out of South-Wales 157 158. Cadwalader forced to flee from his Brother Owen to Ireland 163. Returns with Irish Forces concludes a Peace with his Brother made Prisoner by the Irish rescued by his Brother 164. Escapes out of Prison 171. Flies to England ibid. His Death and Issue 200. Canterbury redeemed by the Citizens from being burnt by the Danes for 3000 l. 73. Betrayed afterward to them and burnt 74. Caradoc King of North-Wales fights and is slain by the Saxons 21. His Pedigree ibid. Celibacy enjoyned to the Clergy in a Synod held at London 127. Christian Faith pure in the British Church 221. Charles Duke of York created Prince of Wales 328. Charles eldest Son of King Charles the First created Prince of Wales 328. Civil War in Wales and Edwal Son of Meyric the indisputable Heir set up in North-Wales 67. Clare Earl of possessed himself of divers Strong-holds in Cardigan 177. Clynnoc fawr an Abby in Arfon 11. When and by whom built 12. Endowed by Prince Anarawd 39. Cnute the Dane chosen King and his Cruelty to the English Hostages 75. Returns to England ibid. The Northumbers submit to him 76. Besieges London is Routed by Edmund ibid. Combats Edmund agree and divide England between them 78. Generously punishes Edmund Ironside's Murder ibid. Marries Emma Edelred's Widdow 80. Requires a Subsidy of the English ibid. Made a pompous Journey to Rome 82. Makes the Scots do him Homage ibid. Dies and is succeeded by his Son Harold Harefoot 83. Conel prognosticating the Norman Invasion and Success 100. Commotions in England 158. Con●n War between him and his Brother Howel 22. Dies 23. His Pedigree ibid. Conspiracy against William the Conqueror by the English and the Welch detected and the Conspirators executed 104. Constable Walter marries Nest's Daughter and has the Lordship of Brecknock 116. A strange Passage related by him to Henry the First concerning Gruffydh ap Rhys ibid. Crogens used as a Term of reproach by the English to the Welch 223. No reason for it 224. Cynric Prince Owen's Son slain 162. D. DAnes begin to disturb England 20 21. They prevail and Winter in England 28. They take and destroy Winchester 30. Kill Osbright and Elba Kings of Northumberland 31. Slew Edmund King of the Angles ibid. Fought five Battles with Ethelred ibid. They won London and Redding 33. Routed by the West-Saxons 34. Are defeated by Alfred and received the Christian Faith 37. They harrass North-Wales 39. Defeated by the Armorican Britains ibid. Forced to rise from before Exeter and spoil the Sea-Coast of Wales 41. Receive a great overthrown 42. They grow powerful not only in England but also in Ireland 44. Thrice overthrown by the English 45. Cruelly overthrown by Tottenhale 46. Routed by King Edward 48. Driven out of the Kingdom by King Edmund 52. Force the English to pay the Dane-Gelt 65. Make a terrible Havock in Wales and had Tribute paid them 66. Make fresh devastations in Wales and England 70. They are massacred by the English 71. Force the English Nobility to buy their Peace for 30000 l. 72. They beat Wolfkettel 73. Slew Ethelstan and ransack'd the Country 74 Dafydh ab Owen ki●l'd his Brother Howel in Battel and g●ts to be Prince of North-Wales 195. Secures ●is Brother Maelgon reduces Anglesey and banishes his Brethren 202. Sends a Band of Welch to accompany King Henry into Normandy ibid. Is dispossest by his eldest Brother's Son Lhewelyn ap Iorwerth 213. Vngrateful to Prince Lhewelyn for his Liberty 224. Dafydh ap Lhewelyn Prince of Wales did Homage at Glocester to the King of England 259. Is excommunicated by the Bishop of Bangor for detaining his Brother Gruffydh in Prison whom he refused to deliver at the King's Request 260. Submits to the King of England 262. Ca●ols the King to detain his Brother Gruffydh Prisoner ibid. Engages the Pope on his side against the King but he proves false 264. Fights the English often with various Success ibid. Dies without Issue 268. Davids St. burnt by the West-Saxons 21. Destroyed by the Danes 45. Again by the Danes 69. Destroyed by Strangers 107. The Cathedral sacrilegiously robbed 111. Made subject to the See of Canterbury 125. Dunstan St. Bishop of Canterbury his Prediction and Death 61. E. EAster the Britains and Saxons quarrel about the Observation of it 18 19. Edgar advanced to the Kingdom in his Brother Edwin's room 56. He wasts North-Wales and agrees for a yearly Tribute of 300 Wolves ibid. Regulates drinking Vessels because of the Danes excess 57. Rowed in his Barge by six Kings on the River Dee 59. Edgar Edeling proclaimed King forced into Scotland 101. Received to King William's Mercy 103. Edmund King of England's Death and the uncertain manner of it 53. Edmund Ironside slain by Edric's Son 78. Edwal Foel and his Brother Elis fight the English and are slain 49. Their Issue ibid. Edward sent for from Normandy and made King 86 The Confessor's death 98. Edward I. King of England invades Wales and prevails 283. Insists upon Prince Lhewelyn's submission without reserve 292. Sets Prince Lhewelyn's Head upon the Tower of London and puts his Brother David to death 299. Subdues all Wales ibid. Kept his Christmas at Aber-Conwey 307. In necessity would taste no Wine for the satisfaction of his Soldiers 308. Cuts down all the Woods in Wales and builds Beumaris-Castle 309. Edward of Caernarvon first Prince of Wales of the English Blood 301. Received Homage at Chester of all the Free-holders of Wales 310. Goes farther into the Country to the same purpose ibid. Edward eldest Son to King Edward II. created Prince of Wales 313. Edward eldest Son to King Edward III. created Prince of Wales 313 His Character and Death 314. Edward Son to Henry VI. created Prince of Wales 323. Murdered ibid. Edward eldest Son to King Edward VI. created Prince of Walts murdered 223. Edward VI. inclined to favour the Welch 323. Edward Son to Richard III. created Prince of Wales 324. Edward Son to Henry VIII created Prince of Wales 325. Edwyn King of England vitious dispossess'd and dies 56. Egbert sole M●narch in Britain 25. Calls the Country England ibid. He fights the Danes 26. Eincon invites the Normans into Wales and persuades them to stay 112 Elfleda Mercian Queen her Valiant Acts both against the Danes and Welch 46. Her death 47. Left a Daughter Alfwyden disinherited by King Edward ibid. Ethelwulph King of the West-Saxons paid Peter-pence to Rome 29. Learned and devout ibid. Eyes of several pluck'd out a barbarous Custom 155. Ethelbald King of Mercia invades Wales 16. In conjunction with Adelred overthrow the Britains ibid. F. FLanders a part of it drowned prejudicial to
canonized 160. John K. of England in his way to Ireland through Wales discharged a Criminal that murther'd a Priest 226. Famished Will de Bruce and Maud his Aunt at Windsor after his return 227. The reason of his Cruelty and Disaffection to Priests ib. Marches with a great Army into VVales and returns without Success 229 230. Makes a second Expedition ib. Orders Foulk Viscount Cardyff to subdue those that oppose in South-VVales and they at last do him Homage but quickly revolt 231 232. makes an Expedition into VVales 229. Makes a second and third and hangs the Welch Pledges reconciles himself to Rome and engages in a Civil War with his Barons 237. Dies and is succeeded by his Son Henry 242. Iorwerth ap Blethyn revolts from the Earl of Salop 124. Basely used by K. Henry for it the reason of it 125. delivered out of Prison 133. Forbids Owen and Madawc to retire to his Estate 134. Beset and slain by Madawc and Llywarch ap Trahern 137. Joseph Bishop of Llandaff dies at Rome 88. Ireland molested with Locusts 42. Ithel King of Gwent slain 28. L. LHewelyn ap Sytsylht makes himself Prince of all VVales 79. His good Government ib. Slays Meuric that rebelled against him with his own hand 80. suppresses another Rebellion 81. Basely slain ibid. Lhewelyn P. of North-VVales takes David ap Owen Prisoner 217. Receives Homage of most of the Welch Lords 222. Conquers Gwenwynwyn's Country 225. Makes an Expedition into South-VV and Maelgon flees 225 226. Marries Joan King John's Daughter 224. Sues and obtains Peace of the King by the means of his Wife 231. Animates the Lords of North-Wales to joyn with him in a Revolt against the King 233. Dispossesses the English of all their Holds in his Country 237. Takes Shrewsbury though excommunicated by the Pope 238. Subdues Cardigan and Carmarthen 240. Reconciles the ●onds in South-Wales 241. Subdues Powis 242. Refuses Assistance to King John against the Dauphine ibid. Makes Rynald Bruce who had revolted submit to him ●43 Receives the Submission and Allegiance of the Flemings in Dyfed ibid. Subdues the revolted Flemings again 246. Makes his Son Gruffydh submit ibid. Complained of to the King of England by young Rhys adjusts Matters with him 247. Seizes the Castle of William Marshal Earl of Pembroke in Wales and occasions a War between them 247 248. Worsts the English Army pays Homage to Henry III. 249. Destroys the Marches 252. Makes a Descent upon England 253. Being joyned by the Earl of Pembroke against King Henry routs his Army 254. Makes an Incursion into the King's Territories 255. Makes peace with the King 256. Sets his Son Gruffydh at liberty ibid. Buries his Princess Joan 257. Forced to quit the Siege of Ruthlan 258. Makes the Welch do Homage to his Son David ibid. Dies his Character and Issue ●59 Llewelyn ap Gruffydh and Owen Gôch his Brother declared Princes of North-Wales 269. Quarrel and Owen with his Brother David made close Prisoners 271. Recovers the In-land Country of North-Wales from the English 272. Wastes Cheshire ibid. Beats the Irish by Sea 273. Desires peace with the King but fails 277. Kind to Sir Roger Mortimer 278. Makes a Peace by the Popes Mediation with the King 279. Refuses to attend upon King Edward's Coronation 280. The Reasons for his refusal 281. An Accident made him pliable 283. Severe Conditions of Peace imposed upon him 284. Married to Elianor Earl Montfords Daughter at Worcester 285. Reconciled with his Brother David and joyn against the English 286. Offers to submit to the King conditionally 292. Sends a Letter to the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and the general Answer of the Welch to his Proposals 293 294 295. Betrayed in Buellt and killed 297. London besieged by the Danes 65. M. MAhael dispossest of his Inheritance by his unnatural Mother Nests means and how 115. Madoc ap Meredith Prince of Powis sticks to the English Interest 173. Madawc reconciled to King Henry 138. Taken Prisoner by Meredith ap Blethin 139. Has his Eyes pulled out by Owen ibid. Madawc ab Owen Gwynedh sails into America 196. Plants a Colony there ib. Maelgon disturbs South-VVales 228. Beaten by his Nephews Rhys and Owen 229. March Earl of marries Owen Glyndwr's Daughter 318. Consented by indenture to divide England between Owen Piercy and himself 318. Maud the Empress lands in England and is received at Arundel 162. Meredith ap Owen possest of all Wales 64. Dispossest of North-Wales 67. And routed by Edwal ap Meuric their new Prince 68. Died without Issue Male 69. Meredith ap Owen made Prince of South-Wales 96. Slain in Battel against Caradoc ap Gruffydh 102. Meredith and Rhys ap Gruffydh prevail in South-Wales 171. Meredith's Death and Character 172. Merfyn frych is made King of Wales 24. is slain 27. Merlyn Ambrose and Sylvester their Time Country and Prophesies 10 11. Morgan Hên dies an Hundred Years old his Marriage Estate and Issue 58. Morgan ap Owen kills Robert Fitz-Gilbert and his Son 157. slain 175. Morgan ap Cadogan repents of his Murder committed 156. Murders committed 156. Item 163. N. NEwmarch a Norman obtains the Lordship of Brecknock and marries Nest Daughter to Llewelyn ap Gruffydh 115. Normans twice decimated and put to death in England 86. They waste and plunder Dyfed 103. They seize upon the Lordship of Glamorgan 113. The Names of the Adventurers ibid. They possess themselves of several Lordships in Wales 117. Divers of them slain in Cardigan ibid. Routed again by Cadwgan ap Blethyn Prince of South-Wales and their Castles destroyed 118. Slaughter'd divers times by the Welch and forced to quit the Country 119 120. Northumberland invaded by the Scots 109. O. OFfa King of Mercia makes a Ditch from Sea to Sea 20. his death 21. Owen ap Edwyn a Traytor to his Country 121. Made Prince of Wales by the English but soon lost it 122. his Death and Pedigree 126. Owen the Son of Cadwgan enamoured of Nest the Wife of Gerald King Henry's Lieutenant in Wales 129. steals her away ibid. flies into Ireland 135. returns and wasts the Country in conjunction with Maradoc ap Riryd 133. his Men slay an English Bishop the cause of Cadwgan his Fathers being dispossessed of his Estate 135. forced to flee into Ireland with Madawc ibid. returns and is reconciled to the King 138. divides Madawc's Estate between himself and Meredith ap Blethyn 139. flees for fear of King Henry into North-VVales 140. reconciled to the King 141. Owen is brave and Knighted in Normandy 142. imployed by King Henry against Gruffydh ap Rhys 148. slain by Gerald 149. Owen Gwynedh succeeds Prince of North-Wales 160. mightily concerned at the Death of his Son Run 165. takes and rases the Castle of Mould 166. pulls out his Nephew Cunedah's Eyes and castrates him 170. being provoked invades Llandhinam 193. dies his Character and Issue 194. Owen Cyfeilioc and Owen Fychan dispossess Iorwerth Gôch of his Estate in Powis 192. Cyfeilioc dies
Death 〈◊〉 Edward to secure the Kingdom of England for h● 〈◊〉 was honourably dismissed Upon his return to England by the persuasions of Caradoc the Son of ●ruffydh ap Rytherch himself with his Brother Tosty ●iled a great Army and entred into South-Wales ●hich they destroyed after that manner that the Welch were glad to deliver up Hostages for the ●ayment of the antient Tribute which afore-time ●hey were used to pay Gruffydh hearing of the In●lencies of the English in South Wales made all pos●●ble haste and preparation to oppose them but all 〈◊〉 no purpose Harold having already treacherously ●●ed some of Gruffydh's nearest Friends to Murder 〈◊〉 who watching their opportunity executed their ●icked Design and brought his Head to Harold Gruffydh being dead Harold by King Edward's Orders ●●pointed Meredith Son of Owen ap Edwyn Prince 〈◊〉 South Wales and the Government of North-Wales 〈◊〉 Blethyn and Rywa●hon the Sons of Co●fyn Brothers 〈◊〉 the Mother side to Prince Gruffydh and who pro●ably for the desire of Rule were accessary to the Murder of that Noble Prince This Gruffydh ap Lhe●●●yn enjoyed the Principality of Wales for the space of thirty four years a Prince of incomparable Ver●●● both Wise and Valiant Beloved of his Subjects ●nd Formidable to his Enemies in all his Actions he ●ehaved himself Great and Princely and having Demanded his Country so bravely against all Foreign Opposition he was far unworthy of that treacherous ●nd cruel Death which his unkind Subjects and un●atural Friends bestowed upon him He left Issue ●ut ●●e Daughter called Nest abused first by Flea●ce ●on of B●ncho and afterwards married to Trahaern ●p Caradoc Prince of North-Wales Blethyn and Rywalhon AFter the deplorable Murder of Prince Gruffy●● Meredith the Son of Owen ap Edwyn who a●cording to some was Son to Howel Dha did take 〈◊〉 on him as 't is said the Government of South-Wa●●● and Blethyn and Rywalhon the Sons of Confyn h●● Brothers to Gruffydh as descended from Augbo● Daughter to Meredith sometime Prince of Wal●● entered upon the Principality of North-Wales C●●●● the Son Iago ap Edwal the right Heir to that Cro●● being then with his Father-in-Law in Ireland T●● partition of Wales fell much short of the expectation of Caradoc ap Gruffydh ap Rytherch who b●ing the chief promoter of Harold's making an ●●pedition against Gruffydh ap Lhewolyn made no q●stion to attain to the Government of South-Wales ●●case Gruffydh got the worse But it happened othe●wise Harold being sensible of Caradoc's Subtilty a●● Knavery and doubting whether if he was ma●● Prince of South-Wales he could obtain a certain Lo●●●ship nigh Hereford which he had a longing mind● made a Composition with Meredith ap Owen for 〈◊〉 said Lordship and created him Prince of South-Wal●● and on the contrary banished Caradoc out of 〈◊〉 Country Harold having obtained his Request bu● a very magnificent House at a place called Portas●● in Monmouth-shire and storing it with great qua●tity of Provision splendidly entertained the King who honoured him with a Visit This was by a means pleasing to Tofty to see his younger Brother in greater Esteem and Favour with the King th●● himself and having concealed his displeasure for 〈◊〉 time could not forbear at length but discover 〈◊〉 grievance For one day at Windsor while Har●● reached the Cup to King Edward Tosty ready to bur● for Envy that his Brother was so much respected beyond himself could not refrain to run furiously upon him and pulling him by the Hair dragged him to the Ground for which unmannerly Action the King forbad him the Court But he with continued Rancour and Malice rides to Hereford where Harold had many Servants preparing an Entertainment for the King and setting upon them with his Followers ●●opped off the Hands and Legs of some the Arms and Heads of others and threw them into the Buts of Wine and other Liquors which were put in for the King 's drinking and at his departure charged the Servants to acquaint him That of other fresh Meats he might carry with him what he pleased but for ●ince he should find plenty provided ready for him for which barbarous Offence the King pronounced a Sentence of perpetual Banishment upon him But Saradoc ap Gruffydh gave a finishing stroak to Harold's House and the King's Entertainment at Portascyth for coming thither shortly after Tosty's departure to be revenged upon Harold he killed all the Work-men and Labourers with all the Servants he could find and utterly defacing the Building carried away all the Costly Materials which with great Charges and Ex●ence had been brought thither to beautify and adorn the Structure Soon after which the Northumbrians who could not endure the Insolencies of the two Brothers Harold and Tosty who bearing an uncontroul●ble sway in the Kingdom were used to practise most hellish Villanies to encompass any Man's Estate that displeased them in a Tumult at York beset the Palace of Tosty and having pillaged his Treasure ●●ew all his Family as well English-men as Danes Then adjoining to themselves the People of Lincoln Nottingham and Derby shire they elected Marcher the Son of Earl Algar their General to whom came his Brother Edwyn with a considerable number of Forces ●nd a great party of Welch men Then they marched in an hostile manner to Northampton where Harold met them being sent by the King to know their Demands to whom they laid open their Grievances and the Cruelty of Tosty's Government and at last with an absolute refusal of admitting him again desired that Marcher should be appointed Earl over them which the King upon the reasonable Complaints of Injuries done by Tosty easily granted and willingly confirmed Marcher's Title Whereupon they peaceably returned back to the North and the Welch with several Prisoners and other Booties got in this Expedition returned to Wales A.D. 1066 The year following King Edward died and was buried at Westminster being the last King of the Saxon Blood before the Conquest that Governed the Kingdom of England which from Cerdic King of the West-Saxons had continued 544 and from Egbert the first Monarch 171 Years Edward being dead the next debate was about an Election of a Successor Edgar Edeling being set up by some as lawful Heir to the Crown which Harold as being a Person of greater Power and Authority in the Kingdom much wealthier and better befriended presently thwarted and brought Matters so cunningly about that himself was chosen King without any regard observed to the Oath and Promise he had formerly made to William Duke of Normandy Duke William upon notice of Harold's advancement how that he had accepted of the Crown of England contrary to the Articles between them convened together his Nobles and laid before them the several Wrongs and Affronts be had received at the Hands of Harold as the Death of his Cosin Alfred the Banishment of Archbishop Robert Earl Odan and all the Normans and lastly the Breach of his Oath and