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A07363 The generall historie of Spaine containing all the memorable things that haue past in the realmes of Castille, Leon, Nauarre, Arragon, Portugall, Granado, &c. and by what meanes they were vnited, and so continue vnder Philip the third, King of Spaine, now raigning; written in French by Levvis de Mayerne Turquet, vnto the yeare 1583: translated into English, and continued vnto these times by Edvvard Grimeston, Esquire.; Histoire generale d'Espagne. English Mayerne, Louis Turquet de, d. 1618.; Grimeston, Edward. 1612 (1612) STC 17747; ESTC S114485 2,414,018 1,530

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being aduertised of these things hee went post to Alcantara with all his horsemen to the end this prisoner might bee deliuered vnto him to conduct him vnto the King but the Commander would not yeeld him The Admirall wisht him to keepe him in safe gard promising him a great recompence in the Kings name and from thence hee went and spoiled the country about Albuquerque The detention of the Infant Don Pedro did much trouble Don Henry his brother who caused the Maister to goe to field to let the world know that hee was no prisoner but for all this the Commander would not release Don Pedro for the King tempting the couetousnesse and ambition of this man Nephew betrayes his vncle through ambition promised to make him maister of Alcantara in his Vncles place so as it appeared to all men that in retaining Don Pedro hee had more hope to aduance him-selfe then charitie to his Vncle who indeed was depriued of his Maistership the Commander aduanced vnto it and the Inhabitants of Alcantara for their forwardnesse in the taking of the Infant were endowed with great priuiledges Don Henry seeing his affaires in very bad estate fearing they should vse his brother vnworthily Infants of Ar●agon loose all their lands in Castile he had recourse vnto the King of Portugal to mediate his peace with the King and his brothers deliuery by whose meanes an accord was made with this condition that the sort of Albuquerque all others that the Infants did hold should bee deliuered into the Kings hands and they depriued of all their lands in Castile These things happened in the yeare 1432. when as King Iohn gaue the title of a Citty to the towne of Victoria Admirable Snow in Na●●r Arragō the chief in the prouince of Alaua About the end of this yeare there fell such aboundance of Snow in Nauarre and Arragon as the townes and bourroughs were in a manner besieged the Snow continuing forty dayes together so as they could not go from one place to another and the long continuance thereof made many beasts yea the most sauage and birds of all sorts to come familiarly into their houses being prest with hunger and suffer themselues to be taken as if they had put off their naturall wildnesse and were become tame a presage of future miserie The truce betwixt the King of Castile and Mahumet Aben Azar King of Granado being expired An. 1433. in the yeare 1433. there were new supplies of men sent vnto the frontiers of Andalusia vnder the command of Don Fernand Aluares of Toledo Lord of Val-decorneja who tooke Benamaruel and Bençalema from the Moores and the Estates of Castile were held at Madrid where they treated to continue this holy warre This yeare D. Iohn King of Portugal Portugal Death of Don Iohn King of Portugal dyed in the Castell of Lisbone a Prince full of yeares leauing his realme in peace and a happy memory of his gouernment hee was seauenty seauen yeares old when hee dyed and had raigned forty nine yeares His body was layed in the Cathedrall Church at Lisbone and afterwards buryed in the royall Monasterie of S. Mary of the battell Before he left this world he saw a son borne of D. Edward his sonne and successor of the Realme and of Donna Leonora of Arragon his wife who was named Don Alphonso and raigned after the father D. Edward the first of that name and 11. King of Portugall DOn Edward was presently after proclaymed king in the pallace of Alcaçaua in the presence of his breethren D. Henry Master of the Order of Christ and duke of Viseo the Infant Don Iohn Maister of Saint Iames of Portugal and Constable of the realm Don Pedro of Meneses Earle of Viana the bishop of Ebora and many other Prelates and Knights whereas the bishop of Ebora did celebrate the ceremonie They say that the Noblemen being assembled to celebrate this act a Iew Phisitian to the new king and very learned in astrologie came and presented himself vnto the assembly beseeching them to deferre it vntill noone with assurance that he had obserued some bad constellation threatning that Kings raigne that should be receiued at that houre The king who was better instructed touching these prognostications would haue them proceed without delay wherefore the Iew replyed that the king should raigne little and with great troble He was one and forty yeares old when he began to raigne and had beene married fiue yeares before too late for a Prince that was heire to a great Estate His wife Donna Leonora was daughter to King Fernand who of Duke of Pegnafiel had bene made king of Arragon by election of the arbitrators deputed by the Estates of the countrie borne of Donna Leonora of Albuquerque Genealogie of Portugal who was issued of the bdoud royall of Castile and Portugall for Donna Beatrix her mother was daughter to the king Don Pedro and sister to Don Iohn king of Portugal borne of the faire and happie Agnes of Castro and the father was Don Sancho sonne to Don Alphonso king of Castile the last Of this Princesse of Arragon king Edward had Don Alphonso his eldest and successor to the Crowne of Portugall borne in the pallace of Sintra in the yeare 1432. then D. Fernand his second sonne this yeare 1433 who was Duke of Viseo and married Donna Beatrix his cousin germaine daughter to D. Iohn Master of S. Iames and the third Constable of Portugal of which marriage was borne Donna Leonora Queene of Portugall wife to Don Iohn the second and also D. Izabella Dutchesse of Bragance and Don Dominicke Duke of Viseo and Don Manuel who came to raigne in Portugal from whome is descended the last King Don Sebastian by the masculine line Besides these two sonnes Donna Leonora brought king Edward her husband foure daughters D. Philip who dyed being but eleuen yeares old stricken with the plague at Lisbon D. Leonora married to the Emperour Fredericke the third father and mother to the Emperor Maximilian of Austria the first of that name the third was D. Catherina who was betrothed to Don Charles Prince of Viana heire of Nauar and afterwards to Edward the fourth King of England and yet married neither of them but dyed a mayd the fourth was D. Ieanne a very faire Princesse who married with Don Henry the fourth king of Castile This was the issue of king Edward who is numbred for the eleuenth king of Portugall vnfortunate at the least in this that during his raigne the plague neuer ceased to consume his people yet he was a louer of iustice for the administration wherof he deputed euery three moneths one of his brethren an Earle and a Bishop commanding them to do Iustice to euery man and to suppresse all excesse he was sober in speech and in his manner of liuing as much as any Prince of his time he did limit the expences of his Wardrobe to fiue hundred doublons of gold by
country of Toledo he came to Burgos where hee called an other assembly and kept his court in the yeere 1170. An. 1170. touching that which lies on this side the mountaines belonging to Castille and Nagera D. Alphonso the noble King of Castille comes of years and for that the fifteenth yeere of his age was now ended all the townes forts were yeeled vp vnto him without any contradiction according to the will of his deceased father yea those which were held by D. Fernand of Castro who was neuer more seene in Castille by reason of the quarrels he had with the house of Lara but passing to the Moores hee shewed himselfe a perpetuall enemy to his country In the assembly at Burgos there was speech of the excesse and outrages done by Fernand King of Leon to reuenge the which hee resolued to proclaime warre against him but it was not put in execution long after by reason of D. Alphonsos youth who was not yet capable of so great an enterprise There they treated also of the Kings marriage with Elenor daughter to Henry the second King of England And marries Elenor of England who was as renouned as any Prince at that day in Christendome he was sonne to Geoffrey Duke of Aniou and Normandie It was this Henry which had married Queene Elenor heire of the Dutchie of Guienne and countie of Poictou put away by Lewis the seuenth the French King 5 After these things there was an enter-view of two yong Kings D. Alphonso of Castille and D. Alphonso of Arragon at Sahagun with shewes of great loue and from thence they went to Sarragosse from whence there was an Ambassage sent to effect the marriage of the King of Castille The Ambassadors were D. Celebrun Archbishop of Toledo the Bishops of Palenza Calaorra Burgos and Segobia the Earles D. Ponce and D. Nugno with other Noblemen who found the court with the Queene mother and her daughter at Burdeaux whose returne the King of Castille attended at Sarragosse where during his aboad the league was renewed betwixt Castille and Arragon and a new made for the mutuall defence of both Kings against all men except the King of England in the which were named all the great men belonging to either estate for assurance whereof there was consigned and laied in pawne the castles of Nagera Biguerra Clauijo Ocon and Arueda for the King of Castille and for the King of Arragon Hariza Daroca Aranda Epila Borja with a condition that hee which should breake the league should loose these places and the conuentions were signed and confirmed by the two Kings and their chiefest Nobles The Ambassadors of Castille were welcome to Burdeaux and their charge was very pleasing to the king of England wherevpon the Princesse Elenor was sent into Spaine beeing accompanied by Bernard Archbishop of Bourdeaux the Bishoppes of Poictiers Angoulesme Perigueux Xaintes Agen and Bazas by Raoul de la Faye Seneshall of Guienne Helie Earle of Perigort the Vicounts of Tartax Chasteleraud Chastillon Mortmar Vendome Augoulesme Labrit or Albret with very many other Noblemen and Knights By the treaty made with the Ambassadors it was sayd that the assurace and contract of marriage should bee made at Tarrassone and should be sollemnly ratefied in the presence of the King of Arragon wherefore the two Kings came to Tarrassone where these things were celebrated and sworne with great sollemnity Guifts to th● new Queene of Castille in fouor of 〈◊〉 marriage in the yeere of our Lord 1170. and for accomplishment thereof at that instant D. Alphonso King of Castille caused all the Knights of Castille which were there present to sweare fealtie to his future spouse and moreouer hee gaue vnto her in faaour of the marriage the castles and city of Burgos Castro Xeris Auia Monçon Saldagne Tariego Dueregnas Carrion Aabeson Medina del Aampo Villa Escusa Aguillar Astudillo for her idle expences to furnish her cabinet he assigned particularly vnto her Burgos Nagera and Castro Xeris besides he gaue vnto her the rents of the port of Saint Emeterio Besgo Cabedo Briza de Centillana Calaorra Logrogno Arnedo Biguerra Granon Vilhorado Pancoruo Monasterio Poza Atiença Osma Penafiil Curiel Surita Hita Aegna Negra and others Moreouer hee promised to giue her the moytie of all hee should conquer from the Moores from the day of their marriage These promises and matrimoniall conuentions were sworne in the presence of the Archbishop of Bourdeaux and other English Ambassadors to whom in the Queenes name hee caused the forts to bee deliuered and the homages aboue mentioned to bee done all in the presence of the King of Arragon as an indifferent arbitrator for both parties These things thus finished the two Kings of Castille and Arragon parted good friends and the Ambassadors with the new spouse came with D. Alphonso the Noble to Burgos where the marriage was celebrated with great state and royal pompe after which the court parting from Burgos it came to Nagera in the countrie of Oja where the King gaue leaue to many which had come to attend the solemnitie of his marriage namely to them of Auila who had alwaies followed him to whom for their willingnesse to serue him hee graunted many priuiledges After which hee led the Queene to Toledo where hee grew so amorons of a Iew whom they called Hermosa as hee forgot his new spouse and intangled himselfe so farre in her loue Disordanat Iust of D. Alphonso king of Castille as hee almost lost his sences whereat some Knights of Castille beeing verie much greeued they thought to doe an act pleasing vnto God and profitable to the commen-weale to kill this Iew the which in the beginning the King did beare verie impatiently but in the end hee acknowledged his error and detested it Vpon the confines of Arragon and Castille there began at that time a petty estate in Albarrazin Fort of Albarrazin which place was vsurped by a Knight called D. Pedro Ruis d' Açagra who held it of God and his sword Hee was borne in Nauarre and wonne the loue of the Moores of Murcia and other neighbour places which did fauour and succor him in his enterprises and withall hee had newly made a league with D. Sancho King of Nauarre who supported him and vsed him to bridle Arragon and Castille with which estates hee had or feared some Iarres This fort which had beene in ancient time called Saint Marie of Albarrazin was a troublesome thorne in the feete of the Kings of Castille and Arragon An. 1172. into whose territories D. Pedro Ruis ● Asagra made often roads at his pleasure who hauing about this yeere of our Lord 1172. taken some places in Castille the King D. Alphonso the noble resolued to make warre against him and to take them from him if hee could for this consideration hee made a priuate league with the King of Arragon who was interessed by the which it was concluded that the King of
marriage of D. Alphonso of Leon and of D. Theresa of Portugal was dissolued by the decree of Pope Innocent the third for that they were kin●● folkes in a degree which was prohibited by the church of Rome 30 The house of Nauarre approching neere it's end for want of heires males Nauarre it is fit we should prepare the Readers to the accesse which the descendants from women which are issued from it haue had vnto that crowne speaking some thing of the house of Champagne into the which D. Blanche daughter to D. Sancho the wife and sister to this King D. Sancho the strong was married Descendants of the house of Champagne The Earles of Champagne haue beene of great possessions in France of an ancient and noble familie as well of the house as by their alliances and marriages with the greatest houses of Europe In the nine hundred and ninth yeere mention is made of Odon first Earle of Champagne Brie Blois Chartres and Tourame who was a turbulent man and had great quarrels with Richard Duke of Normandy whose daughter notwithstanding he tooke in the end to his second wife he made warre against Rodolphe or Ralphe the last King of Bourgogne and was the cause why hee resigned his Scepter and crowne to Conrade the Emperour whose daughter Odon had taken to his first wife and had Stephen and others by her This Stephen was Earle of Champagne in the yeere of our Lord 1032. after the decease of his father and Lord of his other Estates by the succession of his brethren Hee died in the holie warre in Syria hauing begotten of his wife Alis or Adela daughter to William the conqueror Duke of Normandie and King of England Thyba●d and other children Thybaud surnamed the great was Earle of Champagne in the yeere of our Lord 1101. hee did also enioy the Earledomes of Brie Blois and Chartres and was called the father of the poore hee had to wife Mihault a Princesse of Germany of a great house by whom he had Henry who was Earle of Champagne and Bry after him in the yeere of our Lord 1151. besides other children This Henry surnamed the Big the fourth Earle of Champagne was in Asia with King Lewis the yong and afterwards with Philip Augustus where hee did great seruice to the cause hee married Mary of France daughter to Lewis the seuenth called the young by his first wife Elenor Dutchesse of Guienne and Contesse of Poictiers of this marriage issued Henry and Thibaud who were successiuely Earles of Champagne one after an other Henry went to the warre of Asia and marrying with the daughter of Almerit King of Ierusalem widow to Conrad Marquis of Montferrat was made King of Ierusalem but returning into France hee died without issue male Wherefore his brother Thibaud the second of that name seized vpon the country of Champagne in the yeere of our Lord 1196. to the preiudice of the two daughters of the deceased Cont Henry and was the sixth Cont Palatin thereof It was this Thibaud which married D. Blanche daughter to D. Sancho the wise King of Nauarre who had one sonne after the death of her husband about the yeere of our Lord 1201. called Thibaud as the father who was Earle of Champagne and Brie notwithstanding the pretensions of a sister which was borne in their fathers life time who contended for this succession but in vaine Moreouer by the death of D. Sancho the strong of whom wee now intreate without children hee came to the crowne of Nauarre by his mothers succession A Prince greatly allied to the houses of France and England whereof wee will treate more at large But let vs returne to D. Sancho the strong raigning at this time in Nauarre This Prince married with a French Lady daughter to Raymond Earle of Tolouse the fourth of that name who was called D. Clemence they hold that hee had not any children by her wherefore according vnto some Authors hee left her and married the daughter of the Emperour Frederic Barbarousse notwithstanding this second marriage is doubtful but as for the first Garcia d' Eugui bishop of Bayone hath left in writing that hee had one sonne named D. Ferdinand Calabasa vvho died in his fathers life time VVith a fall of a horse running after a Beare and vvas buried in the Collegial church of Tudele Hee had no other lavvfull children but mention is made of one bastard sonne called William 31 The ancient league of Castille and Arragon beeing renevved betvvixt the Kings D. Alphonso the Noble and D. Pedro they did arme to annoy the King of Nauarre aboat the yeere of our Lord 1200. the which he foreseeing he sought to be supported by forraine Princes and proceeded so farre as hee did sollicit Aben Ioseph Mazemut to breake the truce which he had made for ten yeeres A Mahumetan Prince keepes his faith religiously with the King of Castille some Authors affrming that D. Sancho went himselfe in person into Affrike to treat of the businesse with this Mahumetan Prince who notwithstanding that he would not breake his faith yet hee presented him with a great summe of money and many rich Iewels During his absence the confederate Kings entred by diuers waies into Nauarre where hee had left for his Lieutenant General a knight called Alphonso Fernandes of Guendulain and tooke Ayuar and the valley of Roncal which fell to the King of Arragon and on the other side Miranda and Insura or Inzula which places the King of Castille kept for himselfe these two confederate Kings hauing agreed to diuide the conquest of Nauarre betwixt them this was all they did for that yeere As for the King D. Sancho hee fel sicke on the waie of a pestilent feuer the which in the end fell to be a canker in one of his feete which continued with him all his life This indisposition beeing knowne in Spaine it gaue courage to the King of Castille to pursue his good fortune and to trie all meanes possible to ioyne that Estate to his presuming that the King D. Sancho who had no children could not liue long and that he beeing dead there should be no great opposition against him for that D. Ramir one of his brethren was of the church the other was young and absent and the Earle of Champaigne his brother in law was either dead or gone to the holy Land but howsoeuer hee was so farre off as before hee should returne into France to debate his title to the Kingdome of Nauarre wherevnto hee had right hee did hope to bee in possession Vpon this deseigne hee leauied a new army The King of Castille inuades Nauarre entred into Alaua and ouerrunne all that Prouince where in the end hee besieged the Towne of Victoria the which was valiantly defended by D. Alphonso Fernandes of Guendulayn who had put himselfe into it with many good souldiers of Alaua and Nauarre and maintained the siege long without any succors or newes from the
Don Charles who was in France who beeing some-what peacefied by the French King made a peace with him which continued about fiue yeeres by reason whereof hee prepared himselfe to returne into Nauarre in the end of the yeere of our Lord 1372. An. 1372. Attending whose returne the Queene his wife beeing sollicited for the townes of Victoria Saluaterra of Alaua and others which had yeelded themselues to the King of Nauarre could finde no better expedient to content the King Don Henry then to consent that Pope Gregorie the eleuenth who had newly succeeded Vrbaine the fifth should bee Iudge of this difference and that vntill hee had sent a Cardinall with sufficient authority to determine the townes should remaine in the hands of D. Iohn Ramires of Areilan a Knight of great vertue and esteeme who should keepe them in deposito in the Popes name This the Queene yeelded vnto to the end the Realme might be in quiet at her husbands returne but notwithstanding this accord the King Don Henry sought to get these places by force so as Saluaterra of Alaua and Saint Croix were reduced vnder his obedience but Victoria and Logrogno remained in the custody of D. Iohn Ramires of Areillan King Charles complained to Pope Gregory the eleuenth at Auignon of this excesse done by the King D. Henry then he came with all speed into his Realme of Nauarre to defend it against the army of the King D. Henry who threatned to enter into his country if hee did not restore him the townes of Logrogno and Victoria King Charles gaue him to vnderstand that seeing it had beene agreed to put their controuersies to compromise to the Pope who had sent a Legat into Spaine which was Cardinal Guy of Bologno Bishop of Portuense that for his part hee was well content hee should determine thereof the which the King D. Henry did also yeeld vnto wherefore the Legat being come to Saint Dominike and hauing beene made acquainted with the rights and pretensions of both Kings hee made a peace betwixt them vpon these conditions 〈…〉 That the the townes of Logrogno and Victoria should be restored to the King of Castille That the Infant D. Charles eldest sonne to the King of Nauarre should take to wife Donna Leonora Infanta of Castille daughter to D. Henry with a dowry of a hundred thousand doublons at the celebration of the marriage and moreouer besides the said summe King Henry should pay at the same time twenty thousand doublons to the King of Nauarre for his charges during the time he had held the sayd places That for assurance of the accomplishment of this marriage the Infant D. Pedro the younger sonne of Nauarre should remaine in hostage in Castile in the hands of the Queene D. Ieanne vntill that the Infant D. Charles should bee of sufficient age These things thus determined the two Kings met at Briona where they did confirme what had beene formerly concluded being come into Nauarre hee presently sent his sonne D. Charles to bee made sure to the Infanta D. Leonora who came to Briona well accompanied by the chiefest Noblemen of Nauarre where this ceremony was done with great pompe the townes of Victoria and Logrogno were restored and after the returne of the Infant D. Charles D. Pedro his brother was sent vnto the Queene of Castile to remaine there in hostage according to the accord The King of Nauarre hauing giuen order for this businesse hee examined their actions which had gouerned his Realme during his absence and hauing found that some faults had beene committed by the Bishop of Pampelone and the Deane of Tudelo who● he had left for councellors to the Queene his wife they fearing to bee punished absented themselues The Bishop tooke his way to Rome where hee arriued safely and there ended the remainder of his daies but as for the Deane who sought to saue himself in Castile he was pursued and taken nere vnto Logrogno and there slaine by the Kings commandment Soone after Queen Iean returned into France where she liued not long 4 About the end of this yeere 1373. the King D. Charles and his eldest sonne came to Madrid to see the King D. Henry whom the King of Nauarre let vnderstand that to auoide a great trouble in his affaires The King of Nauar seekes to draw the King of Ca●tile from the frien●ship of France to ioyne with the English which might grow by the meanes of Edward King of England and Edward Prince of Wales his sonne he should imbrace their friendship the which he had charge to offer him vpon conditiō he should breake the league he had with the French king their enemy in regard whereof they promised to giue no aide vnto the daughters of the deceased King D. Pedro who were in England making great sute vnto King Edward and to the Prince of Wales to restore them to their father Inheritance and moreouer that Iohn Duke of Lancaster had married D. Constance the one of them by reason whereof he pretended the Realme of Castile to belong vnto him as holding the place of the eldest being declared lawful and receiued in that quality by the Estates of the realme her sister D. Beatrix being dead Al which pretensions should bee relinquished by the English if he left the alliance of France paied a certaine sum of money vnto the Prince of Wales the which the D. Pedro his brother did owe him The King of Nauarre propounded these things as hauing charge from the English Princes who were enemies to France whose party he had alwaies held for the wrongs which hee pretended had beene done him by the French King his brother in law giuing many reasons to induce the King D. Henry to incline to this party but hee who held not the crowne of Castile of any other after God but of the French would not shew himselfe vnthankfull but answered resolutely that he would neuer quit the friendship of France but if the question were to disburse money to content the English tha● he was well content to do it Don Henry K. of Castile persists in the amity of France the which the King of Nauarre fayd was not sufficient and that he must of necessitie breake the League he had with France but if he held it not fit to do hee intreated him not to take in ill part what he had sayd vnto him seeing he had it in charge from the King of England to whom he was bound to do all good offices The king Don Henry thanked him for the paines he had taken to come so farre into Castile saying that he could not take that ill which he had spoken but for his part he wold persist in his first resolution so as the King of Nauarre returned into his Realme and the king Don Henry into Andalusia The king of Nauarre aduertised the English Princes of the answer he had receiued the which did much discontent them for the king of Castile did
Earle with Martin Alphonso de Cabra Lord of the house of Montemajor was sent before to shut in those of the towne with the forces which he had in Baena then their followed him with foure thousand horse and other forces the Maister of Calatraua the Earle of Buendia and other Knights the King with the rest of the forces came after and the Queene with the whole Court came to Baena Those that went first with the Earle of Cabra beeing arriued on a morning neere to Moclin fell vnawares vpon the King of Granadoes army which was come to Moclin consisting of twenty thousand Moores as well horse as foote who neuerthelesse began to flie as soone as they did see the Christians whom they thought to bee farre more in number then they were but hauing better viewed them they returned and charged them so brauely as they disordered and put them to flight diuers were there slaine and taken The Christians defeated at Moclin the Earle escaped being hurt in the hand with a Harquebuze shot his horse hauing receiued foure wounds with a launce his brother D. Gonçall de Cordoua was slaine the Moores following the chase were staied and constrained to turne their backes by the troupes of the Maister of Calatraua and the Earle of Buendia This newes did greatly displease the Kings who altering their determination left Moclin and turned their forces against Cambill and Alhabar very strong places on the confines of Iaen and within three leagues of the city alwaies well kept and defended by the Kings of Granado The Marquis of Cales with the vantgard did approach neere vnto their forts whether the Artillery was brought with great difficulty and the battery made with all dilligence but they yeelded forthwith and the Moores which were within it were sent away free with their goods into Granado the Queene gaue these two forts to the city of Iaen where the King with the Maister of Saint Iames did determine to strengthen Alhama with foure thousand horse and fiue thousand foot which were appointed for the same purpose The Treasorer of Calatraua beeing gouernor of Alhama was sollicited by a Moore of the garrison of Salea to come thither with his forces and hee did assure him that he would finde meanes to cause him to enter into it the Treasorer hauing first of all well examined the Moore and being assured that he ment no deceite went on a night to Salea where the traitors brother did let downe a rope from the walles and helped to erect the scaling ladders by which the Christians mounted who after a dangerous fight made themselues Maisters of the place the Inhabitants whereof were all made slaues Pope Innocent the eight being daylie aduertized of these goodly victories graunted this yeere to the Kings to raise greater subsidies vpon the Clergy the which were moderated by the Cardinall of Spaine to one hundred thousand golden florins of the coine of Arragon About the end of the yeere the Court leauing Andaluzia came to Alcala de Henares Birth of the Infanta Catherine where Queene Isabell was brought in bed of a daughter named Catherin who was wife to Arthur Prince of Wales heire to the crowne of England and afterward married to his brother King Henry the eight of that name In Alcala which was a place belonging to the Archbishop of Toledo the Alcaides and Prouosts of the Court executing their offices were hindered by the Cardinall who was Archbishop of Toledo Contention betwixt the Arch●●shop of Toledo and the Queene who made greeuous complaints to the Queene how her Officers did vsurpe vpon his authority the Queene told him that shee being Soueraigne in Castile and in all other her realmes might execute iustice in any place The matter being debated on both sides it was referred to the compromise and iudgment of fiue persons of the counsell whom the Queene would name and to fiue Channons of the Chapter of Toledo for the Cardinall but the other affaires of Court the short staye thereof at Alcala with other hinderances did end this strife the which remained vndecided Then were the Iudges of the Court discharged of part of the Processes which did abound in all places where the King and Queene went the which were turned ouer to the Chancery at Valiodolit where Don Alphonso de Fonseca Archbishop of Saint Iames was made President with eight Doctors for his Councell During all these warres and businesse Don Ramir Nugnes de Guzman of whom wee haue often spoken heretofore had remained in Portugall greatly honoured by King Iohn Hee vnderstanding of the Admirall of Castils death his ancient enemy procured his friends to obtaine his pardon of King Ferdinand and Queene Isabell but beeing aduertised that the matter was now harder to bee effected then before by reason that Don Frederick sonne to the deceased Admirall who had begunne the quarrell was made Admirall in his Fathers place and highly fauoured hee desperately resolued to kill him and to effect his purpose hee departed with leaue from the Court of Portugall and came to Braganca Don Frederick Henriques beeing aduertised by his friends what his enemy did intend hee thought like a wise man that it was not good to hold him still in dispaire and therefore hee sent to Mary Osorio Don Ramir Nugnes mother to let her vnderstand that if shee would come to Valiodolit to sue for her sonnes restitution hee would assist her therein prouided that shee would take order that Don Ramir should returne back from Bragança to the Court of Portugall This Lady beeing desirous to haue her sonne restored to his lands and goods did not loose so fit and vnlookt for an occasion but came to the Admirall with whom after long conference she went to the court being at Alcala de Henares where she obtained but not without difficulty the goods of Don Ramir as depositarie and that hee might returne into Spaine vnder the keeping of the Earle of Feria Don Ramir hauing notice heereof Senten●● of the qua●rell betwixt Don Ramir Nugnes de Guzman and Frederick Henriques tooke his leaue of the King of Portugall and came to the Earle of Ferias house where hee remained three yeares vntill his businesse were brought to this conclusion that hee might enioy his goods and marry with his promised wife the daughter to the Earle of Luna but that hee might not goe to his owne lands vntill the King and Queene gaue him leaue Afterward hee was permitted to come into his owne houses vpon condition that during his life he should not come ouer the riuer of Duero such was the end of the quarrell caused by the Ladies of the Court betwixt Don Ramir Nugnes de Guzman and Don Frederick Henriques Before the Court departed from Alcala de Henares Don Inigo Lopes de Mendoza Earle of Tendilla and Doctor Iohn de Medina both of them of the Kings Councell were sent Ambassadors into Italy about the warre which was betwixt Ferdinand King of Naples and Pope
and this was done to quench the bloudy thirst of the prelats and monkes counsellors and solicitors of that ill vnderstood conuersion Yet for all that after the fury was past the King caused the children of either sex amongst those miserable people vnder eleuen yeeres of age to bee separated and baptized giuing them their liberty as innocent of their fathers obstinacy This rigour was so farre off from fearing or abating the courage of the rest as they thereby became more stubborne their being no spurre in the world more sharpe then religion to make men giue ouer and contemne life and all other things to be beloued in this world when they are constrained to take armes for that respect for diuers Moores dwelling vpon the coast of Ronda La Sierra Vermeille and Villa longa being brought to the last hope of beeing able to liue in the freedome of their consciences and to keepe their old religion did arme themselues to the number of twelue thousand persons which caused the Kings to thinke that they were entred againe into a very difficult warre and that the conquest of the kingdome of Granado was not yet ended And because it behoued them to giue a present remedy to this fire which kindled VVar renued by the persecuted Moores they dispatched away Don Alphonso d' Aguilar and the Earle of Vregna with as great forces as the present necessity could furnish but Don Alphonso who was old and a well experienced captaine protested that with so small a number he could doe the King no seruice but should receiue losse and dishonour for the Moores were foure to one of his people neuerthelesse being vrged to it he marched against the enemies who keeping themselues closse togither and in strong places would not giue the least aduantage to the Christians for whom they laide waite in the valleies and streight places of the country well knowne to themselues to the end to surprize and defeat them the which came to passe for the Christians being lodged one night at the foote of Sierra Vermeille in such a place as Don Alphonso's troupes were separated from those of the Earle of Vregna by a great botome which was betwixt them the Moores at the shutting in of day-light fell vpon Don Alphonso and his people with such fury as they cut them all in peeces Don Alphonso himselfe lay dead vpon the place his sonne Don Pedro hauing his teeth beaten out with the blow of a stone and hurt with an arrow with great difficulty escaped at the beginning of the fight the Earle of Vregna beholding the slaughter of his friends not being able to succour them by reason of the botome that lay betwixt them Particular 〈◊〉 among captains of one setfe side doe o●tentimes cause the publike cause to be forgotten or else because hee would not as diuers did thinke for euer among great Lords and chiefe commanders vnder one Prince are enuy iealozie and emulation found which cause such effects to the losse of their Prince and commonwealth King Fernand did greatly apprehend this losse as also Don Alphonsos death the which could not bee imputed to rashnesse for he had protested that such resolute men as those Moores were who were in their forts ought not to haue beene assailed with such weake forces and that they knew very well the common prouerbe which saith that for to fetch a dead man out of his owne house there must alway bee foure how much more then did it behooue them to goe strongly accompanied against those with whom he had to do who weare liuing men souldiers and well armed It is reported that as he was assailed diuers Knights were of opinion to turne their backes and to flee but he would needs make head saying that neuer any of his race did turne their backes to a Moore Vnseasonable magnanimity of D. Alphonso de Aguilar Wherefore being kept backe by shame and dishonour hee susteined that conflict whereas hee might haue made an excusable retreat Now the King being in a merueilous chollor departed from Granado against these Moores with an intent to punish them rigorously but perceiuing that it is euermore harder to execute then to counsell hee was content to permit them to passe ouer into Afrike and to leaue the country by this meanes after sundry defeats and slaughters on either side he obtained his desire and returned to Granado where the marriage of D. Catherine his fourth daughter with Arthur Prince of Wales heire to the crowne of England was treated of This Princesse tooke her iourney towards her husband the yere 1501. accompanied by Don Alphonso de Fonseca Archbishop of Saint Iames Don Antonio de Rojas Bishop of Majorque who was afterward Archbishop of Granado and President of the royall counsel and D. Diego Fernandes de Cordoua Earle of Cabra and at the same time Queene Ioane the widdow of Naples sister of King Fernand tooke her leaue of him and withdrew herselfe to Valencia The Archd●ke Philip of Austria making preparation for his voyage into Spaine was father of his third child Donna Ioane his wife beeing brought in bed of a daughter named Donna Isabella This Princesse was wife to Christierne King of Denmarke hee who was deposed by his vncle Christierne King of Swethland taken by him and kept in perpetuall prison by which Christierne shee had two daughters that is to say Dorothy future wife to Frederike Earle Palatin and Elector of the Empire and Christine who was married to Francisco Maria Sforza Duke of Milan the yeere 1534. who died the yeere after shee was secondly married to Francis Duke of Lorraine father to Duke Charles who liues in our time After that King Christerne was deposed from his owne Kingdome for inuading that of Sweuia this Princesse D. Isabella went into England where her Aunt Donna Catherine was married and then she died being six and twenty yeeres of age Whilest these things passed on in Spaine the French King Lewis the twelfth did luckily end his enterprise of Milan Sforza taken by the French and did shut vp into close and perpetuall prison Duke Lewis Sforza surnamed the Moore the Author of all the warres and ruines of Italy in his time the which King Frederick of Naples considering hee was mooued partly by feare least he should againe haue to doe with the victorious French armies partly not to oblige himselfe ouer much to the Kings of Spaine and not to giue occasion to the Spanish insolency to grow ouer saucie in his Kingdome and namely because King Iohn of Arragon and Don Fernand his sonne had at one time called in question the late King Alphonso his testamentary decree whereby hee had left that Kingdome to his bastard sonne incapable thereby as they said of so great an inheritance wherefore hee beganne to haue secret intelligence with the French King whereof King Fernand was soone aduertized who thought that hee was very ingratefully delt withall and ill requited for all his cost bestowed in the
place but D. Egas Nugnes the Earles Gouernor going foorth with a safe-conduct they so treated as vpon a promise which Don Egas made vnto the King that the Earle of Portugall should take an oath of fealtie as to his Soueraigne he returned satisfied into his Countrey without doing any other exploit but the Earle D. Alphonso Henriques would not performe that which his Gouernor had promised wherefore D. Egas went to the King beeing at Toledo and there presenting himselfe at his feete with a halter about his necke he craued pardon for that which he had promised and could not performe which was that the Earle should do him homage for his Earledome of Portugall whom the King pardoned beeing duly informed that hee had done his best indeanour to effect his promise These wars which were the first the Castillans had against the Portugals written by the Historians of Portugall wherof notwithstanding others make no mention past about the year 1127. D. Theresa for that time had no ease Her sister D. Vrraca made her residence in Saint Vincents church beeing streightly garded yet they say that going one day to Saint Isidores church in Leon to take the treasure which her father and grandfather had giuen vnto that place as she was carrying this prey Death prodigious to D. Vrraca of Castile hauing one foote within and another without the doore shee burst in the middest a worthie and condigne punishment due for the adulteries which shee had committed and the murthers which ensued not long after to the preiudice and dishonour of the Kings house and of all the Christian Estate in Spaine as also for the sacriledge Others say that shee dyed in the Castell of Saldagne beeing brought in bed of a child by stealth So Don Alphonso Raymond remayned destitute and without a mother About that time the king of Castile prouoked by the Moores who were entered into the Territories of Toledo marched farre into their countrey and tooke from them by a long and painefull seege Calatraua taken from the Moores the towne of Calatraua the which he gaue to the Archbishop of Toledo beeing a great fauourer of the Church and Clergie into the which he put a good garrison the which some beleeue were Templers who were wonderfully increased and growne exceeding rich euen in Spaine After which D. Alphonso Raymond tooke from the Infidels Alarcos Caracuel Almodouar del campo and other places whereof he fortfied some and razed others At that time there raigned ouer the Moores in Spaine and Affricke H●li Aben-Tefin the third Miralmumin and last of the Almorauides vpon whom the King of Castile extended his limits vnto the Mountaines called Sierra Morena where he fortified Pedroche then he past into Andalousia with a great army and layd feege vnto the towne of Iaen but it was in vaine for being valiantly defended by the Moores he was forced to retire and returned with his army into Castile This King D. Alphonso had married D. Berenguela Cattelogne daughter to Don Raymond Arnould Earle of Barcelone An. 1131. who dyed in the yeare 1131. hauing held the Earledome eight and forty yeares A little before his death he made himselfe of the Order of Saint Iohn of Hierusalem called the Hospitaliers The Earledome of Prouence was fallen vnto him in the right of his wife D. Doulce and of other lands in France whereof hee caused himselfe to be called Marquis Genealogie of Cattelogne by which Lady he had two sonnes D. Raymond Berenger who succeeded him in the principalitie of Cattelogne and afterward came by marriage to the Crowne of Arragon and D. Berenger Raymond who was Earle or Marquis of Prouence thus ordered by his will of D. Doulce was also borne D. Berenguela Queene of Castille and two other daughters who were married into France The Earledome of Prouence had beene in question betwixt D. Raymond Arnould and the Earle of Tholousa and Saint Giles but their sute after many delayes was ended by accord which was That the lands of Prouence lying betwixt the riuers of Durance and Isera making at this day a part of Daulphine should belong vnto the Earle of Tholousa with the Castell of Beaucaire the Lands of Argence Castell of Bolobrege and the moitie of the cittie of Auignon and of Pont de Sorge the rest should remaine to the Earle of Barcelone According vnto this diuision D. Berenger Raymond did inherit Prouence and there was added that if any of the parties dyed without lawfull heires the other should succeede Among other Articles of D. Raymond Arnoulds restament he ordained that if his heires dyed without lawfull children his daughter Berenguela Queene of Castile and Leon and D. Ximena wife to Roger Earle of Foix should succeed By this noble and vertuous Queene D. Berenguela D. Alphonso king of Castile Genealogie of Castile had foure children D. Sancho who was king of Castile hee was bred vp in his youth and gouerned by D. G●itiere Fernandes de Castro The second D. Fernand who did inherite the Realmes of Leon and Gallicia and two daughters D. Isabella called by some D. Constance wife to the French King Lewis the young the seuenth of that name he that did put away Elenor Countesse of Poictiers heire of Guienne daughter to Count Willyam who after this diuorce married with Henry Duke of Aniou and Normandie who beeing heire to the Crowne of England had long and cruell warres against the French by reason of this Ladies patrimonie the which continued aboue three hundred yeares vnto King Charles the seuenth The second dughter which D. Alphonso had by D. Berenguela was called D. Sancha or by others D. Beacia who was Queene of Nauarre hauing married the king D. Sancho surnamed the Wise or the Valiant as others write There is to be seene among the tombes which are in the great Chappell of the Monasterie of Ogna an inscription of D. Garcia who they imagine was sonne to the sayd D. Alphonso who had a second wise daughter to Vladislaus Duke of Polonia called D. Ri●a by whome he had one daughter called D. Sancha who was married to D. Alphonso the fixt king of Arragon the second of that name He had familiar acquaintance with two Gentlewomen whereof the one which was called D. Maria brought him a daughter called D. Stephana or Estienette the other which was called D. Gontrude bare him D. Vrraca who was first married to D. Garcia Ramires King of Nauarre and for her second husband she married a wise and valiant Knight called D. Aluaro Rodrigues without any respect of her degree falling from a Queene to be the wife of a simple Knight it may be the Ladies of those times had no such haughtie spirits as they haue at this day or else could not distinguish betwixt vertue and fortune D. Stephana her sister was married to another Knight of the house of Castro whome they called D. Fernand Rodrigues the Castillan from whom issued a sonne called D. Pedro Fernandes de
continued almost fiue and twentie yeares We must not wonder if Secular Princes were in combustion seeking to rule one ouer another hauing it may be some plausible pretext seeing that the Prelates of Spaine were a president for them without any reason Primacie of Toledo confirmed The Primacie which hee of Toledo held ouer other Bishops was not acknowledged of all for the Archbishop of Braga and he of Saint Iames resfused to obey him but the Primate of Primates Adrian the third sending l Hyacinth his Legat from Rome forced them by a sentence The end of the ninth Booke THE TENTH BOOKE of the Historie of Spaine The Contents 1. D. Alphonso the seuenth King of Castile and the fourth of that name called the Noble and the troubles which did rise by the factions of Castro and Lara 2 D. Alphonso the second of that name and sixth King of Arragon Earle of Barcelone 3 Confirmation of the Order of Calatraua 4 Beginning and continuance of the ancient house of Biscay 5 Marriage of King D. Alphonso the noble and of Elenor daughter to Henry the second King of England 6 Warre of Nauarre against Castile and Arragon 7 Marriage of D. Alphonso the second king of Arragon with D. Sancha of Castile to the disgrace of the daughter of Manuel Emperour of Constantinople 8 Prou●nce annexed to the Crowne of Arragon the which is exempted from all fealtie and homage to Castile 9 Institution of the knights of the sword of the Order of S. Iames in Galicia Their increase and forces with their Commanderies and benefices 10 Commanderies and other benefices of the Order of Calatra●a and their strength 11 Continuance of the warre against Nauarre and the taking of the lands of Bureu● and Rioja from this Realme by the Castillans 12 Sedition of the Nobilitie of Castile to defend their Immunities 13 Continuance of the deedes of D. Alphonso Henriques the new King of Portugal and the quarrels betwixt him and the king of Leon. 14 Limitations and diuisions of the conquests which were to be made vpon the Moores betwixt the Christian Princes of Spaine 15 Exploits of the Portugals against the Moores 16 Continuance of the raigne and deeds of D. Fernand the second king of Leon. 17 Beginning of the towne of Victoria in Alaua Expedition of the Nauarrois in Castile and other deeds of armes of D. Sanc●o the seuenth 18 Cattelog●e reiects the Soueraigntie of the French 19 The last acts of D. Alphonso Henriques king of Portugal 20 D. Sancho first of that name the second king of Portugal 21 Marriage of D. Fernand the 28. king of Leon and his death 22 D. Alphonso the ninth of that name and 29. king of Leon. 23 Submission of the king of Leon to him of Castile Assembly of the ordinarie estates in Castile Enmitie and hatred betwixt fiue Christian kings raigning in Spaine 24 Deeds of D. Sancho king of Portugal the first of that name and the institution of the Order of Au●z 25 Continuance of the deeds of D. Alphonso king of Castile the building of the fort of of Nauarre neere to Nagera 26 Aben Ioseph Mazemut king of the Moores and his exploits against the Christians of Spaine 27 D. Sancho the strong 21 King of Nauarre the 8. of that name 28 Spoiles done by the Moores in the countries of Castille and Leon. 29 D. Pedro the 2. of that name 7. King of Arragon his marriages and submission to the Pope 30 Descent of the house of Champagne vnto Thibault King of Nauarre the first of that family 31 Inuasions of the realme of Nauarre by the Castillans and Arragonois the Prouince of Guipuscoa taken from it 32 Buildings and reparations of D. Alphonso the Noble King of Castille marriage of D. Blanche his daughter with Lewis father to Saint Lewis the French King 33 D. Rodrigo Ximenes Archbishop of Toledo his deeds buildings and the vniversity made at Palence by King D. Alphonso 34 Great preparatiues of warre both by the Christian Princes and the Moores the memorable battaile of Muradal 35 Armories of Nauarre 36 The last exploits of D. Sancho King of Portugal D. Alphonso second of that name and third King of Portugal 37 Exploits of D. Pedro the 2. King of Arragon Hatred betwixt him and Symon Earle of Montfort his death in the warre of the Albigeois mooued by Saint Dominike 38 D. Iaques the 1. of that name 8. King of Arragon 39 Seditions at Pampelone Exercises of armes appointed by D. Sancho the 8. King of Nauarre as necessary for a warlike nation 40 Order of the Knights of Alcantara 41 D. Henry the first of that name and 8. King of Castille 42 Councel of Saint Iohn de Latran vnder Innocent the 3. sute for the Primacy of Spaine This tenth Booke conteines the descent and continuance of the royall families of Spaine that is Of Nauarre 21 D. Sancho 8. Of Leon. 29 D. Alphonso 9. Of Portugal 2 D. Sancho 1. 3. D. Alphonso 2. Of Arragon 6 D. Alphonso 2. 7 D. Pedro. 2. 8 D. Iaques 1. Of Castille 7 D. Alphonso 4. 8 D. Henry 1. D. Alphonso the noble the seuenth King of Castille the fourth of that name THE death of the King D. Sancho confirmed his surname of desired for that there followed dangerous combustions begunne betwixt two great families of Castille through iealousie and desire of rule The young Kings person beeing then but foure yeeres old was vnder the charge of D. Guttiere Fernando Ruis de Castro according vnto the will of the deceased King his father who had also ordained that the captaines and Gouernors of Prouinces and places should continue in their charges Troubles in Castille by reason of the Kings No●●age vntill that his sonne D. Alphonso should bee fifteene yeeres old compleate Those of the house of Lara being men of great account were discontented with this decree of which family the chiefe was the Earle D. Manrique de Lara who had two brethren D. Aluaro and D. Nugno all sonnes to D. Pedro de Lara of whom wee haue made mention and of D. Aba forsaken by the Earle D. Garcia de Cabra with these there ioyned by reason of consanguinity D. Garcia d' Acia their brother by the mothers side sonne to that Lady D. Aba and the Earle D. Garcia de Cabra her first husband they were greeued to see the Kings person and the chiefe affaires of the Realme in the hands of them of Castro who held many places and good gouernments in Castille and Toledo wherefore they sought all occasions to seize vpon the authority and to dispossesse their aduersaries D. Guttiere Fernandes was an ancient Knight wise faithfull and without any malice who gaue no man occasion to complaine but great meanes to such as enuied his honour to hurt him by his sincerity Hee had also beene Gouernor to the King D. Sancho his father in his youth and was so worthy a knight as they say hee had made and armed fiue hundred Knights with
the Kings person notwithstanding whether remorse of so foule an act altered the mindes of these knights of Lara or that all the bretheren were not a like affected as D. Manrique D. Nugno the yongest of the brethren tooke king D. Alphonso and carried him to Atiença not respecting the accord made with the King D. Fernand who holding himselfe deceiued by D. Manrique sent him word by a knight that hee was a traytor and that he would bee reuenged The Earle made no other answer but that it was lawful for him to doe any thing to deliuer his King and natural Prince from captiuity Afterwards the Earle meeting with the King D. Fernand who accused him of treachery and demaunded Iustice of the Estates of Castille he answered againe that he knew not that he was a traytor but that hee repented him not to haue done his best endeauor to deliuer his King a child of so tender age from such vniust slauery After many reasons and allegations of either side The yong King D. Alphonso giuen in garde to the inhabitants of Auila the Earle D. Manrique was absolued but the King D. Fernand kept in a manner all the places and townes in Castille except some of the lesser which continued vnder the obedience of the King D. Alphonso who was not in any great safety vntill they had found meanes to put him into the Citie of Auila where hee was faithfully kept by his good subiects the inhabitants thereof vntill he was twelue yeeres old wherefore they say commonly in Spaine the Loyal of Auila The tumults and confusions of Castille Nauarre inuited D. Sancho King of Nauarre surnamed the wise to make his profit which is the marke whereat all worldly men doe aime yet had he some iust pretension to doe it especially to inuade the lands lying vpon the riuer of Oja which the Emperour D. Alphonso had laied hold on during the vacancie and Interregne of Nauarre and Arragon So as hee went to armes entred in hostile manner into that Prouince and tooke Logrogno Entrena and Cerezo and passing on he also tooke Birbiesca and in a manner all that was in his way euen vnto Burgos all which places he did fortefie but yet he enioyed them not long The King of Nauarre did all these things without any resistance made by them of Castille beeing fauoured by the confusion of the time and the infancy of the young King D. Alphonso besides that towards Arragon hee found himselfe assured by a peace concluded with the Earle D. Raymond Berenger Death of D. Ra●mon● berenger Earle of Barcelone 1162. the which was the better confirmed by his death which happened in the yeere 1162. in Piedmont in the Bourge of Saint Dalmace neere vnto Turin This Prince went by sea into Italy with his Nephew the Earle of Prouence to conferre with the Emperor Frederic Barbarossa who made warre then in the Dutchy of Milan D. Alphonso the second and the sixth King of Arragon 2. THis Earle had gouerned Cattelogne and Barcelone thirty one yeeres Arragon and the realme of Arragon fiue and twenty He was wise and valiant but too ambitious He lest D. Raymond his sonne who was afterwards called D. Alphonso heire of both Estates by his testament by the which hee gaue vnto D. Pedro his second son the Earledome of Cerdagne with the same rights as Cont Bernard William had held it and moreouer the demeins and reuenues of the lands of Carcassone Disposition of D. Raymond Berengers wil. and rights of Narbonne and other places in Languedoc reseruing the homage vnto the Earle of Barcelon and King of Arragon his eldest substituting to D. Pedro his third son D. Sancho in case hee died without children and them two to their eldest brother D. Alphonso either of them in his Siegneuries with his children vnto Henry the second King of England his ally and faithfull friend the Queene D. Petronille his wife remayning Regent and tutresse of her Son and Realme but she brought D. Alphonso being but 12. yeeres old to the gouernment of the State vnder the conduct of the Earle of Prouence his cousin germain the Queene giuing ouer that charge as vnfit for women This was the first King of Arragon that was Earle of Barcelone since which time these two Estates have not beene diuided Returning to D. Sancho King of Nauarre Nauarre hee gouerned his realme wisely and iustly and had about him many good and vertuous Prelats and Knights amongst the which were D. Viuian Bishop of Pampelone the Earle D. Bela Ladron Lord that is to say gouernor in Alaua Rodrigues Martines Gouernor in Maragnon Pedro Ruis in Estella and Gallipienço Sancho Ramires in Sanguessa Ximeno of Ayuar in Roncal Ximen Aznares in Tafalla Sancho Esquerra in Saint Mary of Vxua Martin de Lees in Peralta Aznar de Rada in Falses and in Valtierra Peter of Araçury in Logrogno and Tudele with diuers others As for his domestike affaires hee was married to D. Sancha Infanta of Castille whom others call Beacia or Beatrix daughter to the Emperor D. Alphonso by whom he had a goodly issue D. Sancho who was King after his father D. Fernand and D. Ramir Geneology of Nauarre the which was Bishop of Pampelone for Ecclesiastical charges which had great reuenues were not there giuen to Pastors which had care of Christians manners and consciences but were portions for Kings children hee was otherwise called D. Remy Beside three sonnes she brought him three daughters D. Berenguela who was married to Richard King of England surnamed Corde-Lion and had for her dowry the country of Maine in France where shee spent the remainder of her daies like a vertuous widow after the decease of the King her husband D. Sanchos second daughter was D. Theresa otherwise called Constance who died a virgin and the third was D. Blanche married to Thiband Earle of Champaigne and Brie from whom the race of the Kings of Nauarre of the house of Champaigne had their beginning in D. Thiband their son About the yeere 1165. An. 1165. the sentence of the Processe betwixt the Bishops of Pampelone and Sarragosse begunne in the time of D. Lope Predecessor to D. Viuian with D. Pedro of Zarroja for the lymits of their Dioceses and Iurisdictions which had beene iudged by the Legat Hyacinthe Cardinal of the title of Saint Mary in Cosmedin was confirmed by Pope Alexander the third successor to Adrian the fourth beeing at Montpellier in France who also by his Bull confirmed the preuiledges of the Church of Pampelone and the order of the regular Chanoins of Saint Augustin instituted by D. Pedro Roda the Bishop as other Popes his Predecessors had done During these things Portugal D. Alphonso Henriques King of Portugal hauing some quiet with the Moores who were not well setled vnder the obedience of the Almohades spent his time about the fortification of the fronter townes of his realme vnto the yeeres 1165. when as he went
did also build the Monasterie of Saint Dominike at Porto the church of Saint Peter the Monasterie of Leza of the Order of S. Iohn a League from the same cittie and Saint Mary d Aquas Santas Saint Saluator of Goandara Saint Peter de Retes Saint Mary de Gojos and about Guymaranes the Monasterie of Acosta with many others to the number as they say of an 150. if they fayle not in their account And for a testimonie of great charitie they say that these good Princes left a rent to the barke of Mexanfrio vpon the riuer of Duero to the end they should passe euery one without any fee. Whilest they busied themselues about these workes of pietie Aben-Iacob great Miralmumin of the Arabians being aduertised of the routs and ruine of his sectaries in Spain past the streight in person with great forces of the Almohades Affricanes where hauing ioyned with the Moores of Spaine hee went to beseege Saint Iren into the which Don Sancho the Infant of Portugall had put himselfe beginning to make his Engines ready to batter it where the beseeged were likely to be in great danger but the good old man Don Alphonso Henriques would not let the Infidels glorie in that they had done him this affront in his old age but hauing put his men in order and being resolute hee ledde them to succor his sonne who had intelligence of the Portugall armie the which being fauoured by a furious salley which the beseeged made charged the Moores armie with such resolution as they put them to flight with great slaughter of their best men and the losse of their king Aben Iacob who being mortally wounded in the charge by a Portugal dyed at the passage of the riuer of Tayo 1184. This battell was wonne in the yeare 1184. on S. Iohn Baptists day fiue dayes after the Moores had begun the seege Aben Ioseph his brother succeeded this Moore and was the third King of the Almohades 20 After this famous victorie Portugal these Princes father and son came to Coimbra which was at that time the chiefe towne of the Realme of Portugal and from thence to Porto where the marriage of D. Theresa Infanta of Portugall was concluded with Philip Earle of Flanders Beeing returned to Coimbra D. Alphonso Henriques fell sicke whereof hee dyed being 91. yeares old hauing raigned with the title of a King about 46. yeares and had succeeeded in his fathers Estates and held them 73. D. Sancho the 2. King of Por●tugal first of that name yeare His body was interred in the Monasterie of S. Croix of Coimbra D. Sancho his sonne was king after him in Portugall surnamed the Builder of townes 21 D. Fernand King of Leon Leon. Fernand King of Leon puts away his wife had a little before his death put away D. Vrraca his daughter by reason of proximitie of bloud their marriage beeing made without a dispensation from the Pope who beeing as they write wonderfully prest by the King to giue them leaue to remaine together would neuer yeeld vnto it notwithstanding that of her was borne D. Alphonso who succeeded his father in the Realmes of Leon and Gallicia they were cousins in the third degree D. Fernand married afterwards with the daughter of the Earle Don Nugno who liued little with him then he tooke to his third wife D. Vrraca Lopes daughter to the Earle D. Lopes and sister to Don Diego Lopes de Haro with whom he continued not long for hee died in the towne of Benauent in the yeare 1188. hauing had two sonnes by her called D. Sancho Fernandes and D. Garcia His bodie was interred at Compostella in Saint Iames church where as his mother D. Berenguela the Empresse did lye D. Alphonso the 9. of that name the 27. King of Leon. 22 AT the time of his death it seemed there remayned no cause of quarrell betwixt Leon and Castile which was not decided and ended D. Alphonso King of Leon. His sonne D. Alphonso beeing troubled with continuall stormes and quarrels by his mother-in-law D. Vrraca Lopes was retired into Portugall so as at the time of his fathers death he was absent but being aduertised thereof he came presently to Leon where he was receiued and crowned king without any contradiction The King of Castiles Councellors were of opinion that by the death of D. Fernand their Prince had a good oportunitie offered to bee reuenged of the wrongs which were done him during his nonage If he had then any desire of reuenge the future euents will shew D. Alphonso surnamed the Noble raigning then in Castille Castile was numbred for the 4. of that name Ginealogie of Castile of those that raigned alone in Castille whose posteritie was very great for he had eleuen children by Queene Elenor daughter of England the eldest was Queene Blanche mother to the king S. Lewis of France the second D. Berenguela who was queene of Leon daughter to D. Alphonso the ninth The 3. was a sonne named D. Sancho who died in his Infancie the 4. was D. Vrraca Queene of Portugall married to D. Alphonso the second of that name surnamed the Grosse the 5. child was Don Fernand who died also yong the sixt was D. Malfada dead in Salamanca and was not married the 7. D. Constance Abbesse of las Huelgas de Burgos a Monasterie built by her father Then had D. Alphonsa and D. Elenora two daughters who died young and successiuely the Queene was deliuered of another daughter called also Elenor like her selfe who was wife to Don Iayme or Iames first King of that Name and the eighth King of Arragon In the end they had the infant Don Henry who succeded his father in the realmes of Castile and Toledo These were the children which issued of that marriage The other Don Alphonso being crowned King of Leon Leon. his mother-in-law retired into Nagera where she liued long in her widdow-hood and beeing dead was buried in the Monasterie of Saint Mary the royall in the chappell of the true Crosse whereas afterwards others of her house were interred and three of her brethren Don Lopes Diaz D. Martin Lopes and Don Diego Lopes de Haro The new king of Leon stayed not long after his Coronation before he came to the court of Castile beeing at Carrion where they say that King Don Alphonso the Noble his cousin made him knight as he did also Conrad the fourth sonne to the Emperor Fredericke Barbarossa to honour whom the Spaniards write that he would haue giuen him the Infanta Donna Berenguela his daughter but she would not go into Germany others say that the marriage was made and accomplished but Conrad beeing departed to returne into Germaine whither he was called to be Duke of Suabe Donna Berenguela desired to be diuorced the which was done by the meanes of Don Gonçalo Arch-bishop of Toledo and Cardinal Gregorie the Popes Legate and was afterwards married to D. Alphonso King of Leon cousin germaine to
King D. Sancho vntil that their victuals beganne to faile them During this siege the Deputies of the Prouince of Guipuscoa came to D. Alphonso King of Castille making offer that if he would goe thether in person they would yeeld vnto him hauing long desired to bee vnited to the crowne of Castille for that they were ouercharged by the Kings of Nauarre whose fortunes they had followed seuentie seuen yeeres This offer was very pleasing vnto D. Alphonso as a matter of great aduantage wherefore leauing D. Diego Lopes de Haro to continue the siege of Victoria he went in person to Guipuscoa which Prouince put it selfe vnder his protection Guipuscoa yeelded to the King of Castille and of the Kings of Castille vpon certaine conditions and deliuered into his hands the forts of Saint Sebastien and Fontaraby with the castle of Veloaga which is in the valley of Ojarçun which frontierd vpon France a fit place to assure him a passage if need were into Guienne which was then held by the English for that hee had married a Princesse of England Besides these places they gaue him the castle of Athau vpon the frontiers of Nauarre which is now ruined the castle of Achoros Val du L'eniz and the castle of Arrasate called at this present Mondragon vpon the frontiers of Biscay with the fort which was then built vpon the mountaine of Helosua the ruines whereof are to bee seene at this day which mountaine is in the iurisdiction of the towne of Vergara and is otherwise called Arizona This D. Alphonso King of Castille obtained this prouince of Guipuscoa without force and so returned wonderfully content to the siege of Victoria which continued stil the besieged hauing spent al their victuals who by daily messengers did sollicit D. Sancho their King aduertising him of their extremity whereby they should be forced to fall into their enemies hands if hee did not preuent it but hee beeing ignorant of all that had past in his country beeing absent ill disposed and without good councell aduised them to yeeld vnto the King of Castille vpon the best conditions they could Hauing receiued this answere the besieged held out senenteene daies longer attending if the King had not taken some better aduice but seeing there came nothing from him whereby they might hope of releefe Victoria taken by the King of Castille beeing extremely prest with hunger and want of all things they yeelded the towne the which for the scituation and fortification was held impregnable By the taking of Victoria the King of Castille was maister of that other Prouince of Alaua the country of Araya yeelded vnto him he tooke Irrurita Maragnon Saint Croix and all the valley of Campeso King D. Alphonso made this goodly conquest in the yeere 1200. part by force and part by a voluntary yeelding and did greatly diminish the realme of Nauarre although that some places submitted themselues againe vnder the obedience of the King D. Sancho neither did the Prouince of Alaua euer receiue any law from Castille except Victoria and Treuigno To assure himselfe the better of the Guipuscoans and to gralifie them also the King of Castille caused to bee re-edefied vpon the sea coast of that Prouince the townes of Guetario and Motrico the which hee did fortifie and indow with great preuiledges after all these things the King of Nauarre arriued at Carthagena and slipt through Arragon into his country bringing great treasure with him out of affrike at what time D. Alphonso had newly besieged Estella the which was freed from siege vpon the bruite of his comming so great power and reputation hath the name of a king that is present but if he had staied longer in Affrike his country of Nauarre had beene wholy lost Nauarre sends Ambassadors to Castille hauing visibly seene the great harme which the King D. Alphonso had done him hee sent Ambassadors vnto him to desire him to restore him that which hee had taken from him in his absence against al law and iustice and against the accustomed manner of making warre in that age full of loyalty but the King of Castille entertained him with delaies and doubtfull answeres 32. Whilst that D. Ca●●●● Sancho considers of his losses and of the best meanes to repaire them the King of Castille great mighty and redoubted being allied to him of Arragon and hauing a truce for many yeeres with Aben Ioseph hee beganne to repaire the ruines which the Arabians had made he restored the city of Plaisance Bejar and other places of the country ruined he did the like to Mirabel Segura de la Serra Monfredo Moya and many other places of the realme of Toledo hee also built Aquilar del Campe in Castille and moreouer in Guipuscoa he built the towne of Castro d' Ordiales Laredo Saint Ander and Saint Vincent de la Barquera About the yeere 1201. An. 1201. there was a peace treated of betwixt Iohn successor to Richard King of England and King Philip Augustus of France at Boutauant in Normandy by the which amongst other Articles a marriage was concluded betwixt the Infanta D. Blanche the daughter of D. Alphonso King of Castille Marriage betwixt Lewis of France and D. Blanche of Castille and Queene Elenor sister to the King of England with Lewis eldest sonne to Philip and heire of the realme of France for the which Ambassadors were sent from both Kings into Castille they were made sure by a Deputy for Lewis in the city of Burgos with great feasting and state and the Infanta was conducted by the King her father and other Noblemen of Castille vnto the frontiers of Guienne where the Deputies for the French King did receiue her for whose dowry there was assigned by King Iohn her vncle all the places which were in question betwixt him and the French King whereof the sayd French King was in possession in the Dutchies of Normandy Brittaine and Aniou At the same time D. Alphonso King of Leon seperated by the authority of Pope Innocent from D. Theresa of Portugal his wife sent to demande D. Berenguela the King of Castilles other daughter whereof by reason of the discords which were betwixt these two Kings the father made some difficulty yet vanquished by the perswasions and intreaty of Queene Elenor who desired as much to see her daughter weare a crowne as a peace betwixt Castille and Leon he yeelded vnto it and these two Princes meeting to that effect in the towne of Vailledo it the marriage was celebrated assigning her for her dowry the lands taken the yeere before from the king of Leon except Carpio and Monreal which remained to Castille Of this marriage was borne the Infant D. Fernand who succeded in the Realmes of Castille and Leon. Thinke that the Popes dispensation was not obtained for this marriage for being cousin germains remoued children of the vncle and nephew Pope Innocent the third did seperate them In the yeere 1202. Casfille and 1203
Cattelogne To D. Iames his second sonne he left the Islands of Majorca and Minorca with the title of a Kingdome and the right of Soueraignty but it continued not long He gaue by testament to the children of D. Theresa Gil of Bedaure that is to D. Iames Xirica Toro Eslida Beho and Ahin and to D. Pedro Ayerbio Lusia Ahuero Liso Artasson Castillon Sustico Borota Azuere Gabatraios and Beninuena It is credible that he did marry this Lady secretly yet after the death of Queene Iolant which was about the yeere 1251. hauing accompanied with her before it may be betwixt these two marriages and not as some haue written before his first marriage with D. Leonor of Castille These two sonnes D. Iames and D. Pedro borne of D. Theresa were the Authors of the families of Xerica and Ayerbio He also gaue by testament to D. Pedro Fernandes whom hee had by D. Berenguela Fernandes Ixar and did substitute vnto his lawfull sonnes the children of his daughters D. Isabel Constance and Iolant hee was interred in the habit of a Monke of Cisteaux in the royal Monastery of Pobler D. Pedro the third of that name and the ninth King of Arragon 20 DOn Pedro his eldest sonne was King in the yeere 1276. being surnamed the great by reason of his great exploits some good some bad His Sonne D. Alphonso had the yeere before by the care of D. Iames his Grandfather beene sworne King of Arragon and Valencia after D. Pedro his father by the Estates assembled to that end at Lerida He had him by D. Constance daughter to Manfroy Gene●logy of Arragon bastard to the Emperor Frederic the second King of Sicile and Naples of whom hee also begat D. Iames who was King of Sicile whose elder brother dying without children he came to succeed in the Realme of Arragon Besides these he had D. Fadrique or Frederic to whom was giuen the realme of Sicile and D. Pedro who alone of all the brethren was no King and two daughters D. Isabel who was married to Don Denis King of Portugal and Constance or Violant wife to Robert King Naples In the right of his wife Constance daughter to Manfroy the vsurping King of Naples and Sicile hee challenged these realmes for him and his successours who in the end enioyed them and thus the Historie records it William the second of that name King of Naples and Sicile Sicile and Naples held by the Normans being dead being of the Normans race about the yeere 1189. Pope Clement the 3. then raigning pretended that these realmes were fallne to the church of Rome But the noblemen and barons of the realm for diuers considerations did make Tanered bastard son to Roger the 3. their King who first intitled himselfe King of Naples and Sicile whereat Pope Celestine the 3. successor to Clement being discontented he would haue dispossessed Tanered to inuest the Emperor Henry the sixth sonne to Frederic Barbarossa Duke of Suabe in the realmes of Naples and Sicile And the better to assure him the royall title he caused him to marry Constance Neece or lawfull daughter of Roger who was a professed Nunne in the Monastery of Saint Mary or as some write at Saint Peters of Palermo dispensing with her vow and profession by his papal authority by whom the Emperor Henry had Frederic who was afterwards Emperor the second of that name Henry sought long to dispossesse Tancred but it was in vaine He beeing dead his sonne Roger raigned little after whose decease Queene Sibille caused an other sonne called William to be presently crowned being very yong whom the Emperor Henry found meanes to circumuent vpon collour of making some good accord with him and hauing by policy drawne him to Palermo without entring into any conference he caused him to be gelt and sent him into Germany with his three sisters By this meanes the Normands command in Naples and Sicile fell into the hands of the house of Suabe Sicile and Naples in the house of Suabe After the death of Henry Frederic his sonne being Emperour and duke of Suabe succeeded in these realmes the which hee enioyed notwithstanding many crosses which the Popes gaue him against whom Gautier of Brene husband to Queene Sybille who had escaped out of prison led an army but hee was taken and slue himselfe in prison Frederic had by many wiues many children by Constance of Arragon Henry the elder duke of Suabe and King of Romains by Iolant of Brenne daughter to the King of Ierusalem Conrad also duke of Suabe and King of Romains after the decease of his brother and moreouer by testament King of Naples By Mahaut or Isabel according vnto some daughter to Iohn King of England he had Henry the yonger who was King of Sicile by Testament and by a concubine Manfroy Conrad and Henry succeeded after their father Frederic respectiuely in the realmes of Naples and Sicile And for that they were young and absent Manfroy was appointed to be Gouernor of these Estates by the Emperor in his brothers names Against whom Pope Innocent did chose the King of Englands brother to bee King of Naples and Sicile but he neuer past into Italy By the practises of Popes these realmes were in great combustion so as Manfroy was obeyed but by the lesser part Wherefore Conrad King of Romains was forced to passe into Italy with a great army by meanes whereof the reduced these realmes vnder his obedience Parricids committed by Conrad who was afterwards so transported with a desire of raigne as he caused his brother Henry the younger to bee slaine as Saint Felix in Basilicata and Frederic his Nephew sonne to the elder Henry to bee poysoned hauing inuited him to supper for which parricide God suffered that hee himselfe should die of poyson which Manfroy his bastard brother gaue him By these deathes the realmes of Naples and Sicile came by lawfull succession to Conradin brother to Frederic that was poysoned Manfroys parricide sonne to Henry the elder But Manfroy who had gouerned in an others name and tasted the sweet of command resolued then to keepe these realmes for himselfe sending men into Germany to dispatch Conradin if it were possible were it by poison or otherwise in the meane time he held his authority of Lieutenant or Viceroy against the Popes attempts and after a while faigning that Conradin was dead he clad himselfe in mourning and making a great speech in an assembly of the Noblemen and States of the Realme seeming to bee very sorrowfull for the death of his Nephew he perswaded them to choose him King of Naples and Sicile by a generall consent where he raigned thirteene yeeres and the better to maintaine himselfe he made a league with the Venetians and other Potentates of Italy Against whom Pope Vrbain the fourth called out of France Charles brother to Saint Lewis Duke of Anjou Charles of Aniou made king of Naples and Sicile and Earle of Prouence who
those realmes 2 Philip the 3. King of France and his sonne Philip the faire King of Nauar being entred into Cattelogne had taken Perpignan ruined seuen and twenty townes and castles Arragon Perpignan taken by the French laied siege to Girone The victuals for the campe were brought from Narbone to the neerest hauens and ports of Empurias Roses and others and from thence was carried a little space by land with a gard of horsemen Which the King desiring to preuent and withall to take the treasor which he knew was brought to pay the souldiers The siege of Girone he came and laied an ambush of fiue hundred horse and about two thousand foot betwixt the sea and the French campe whereof the King of France being aduertised by his spies sent before by the aduice of the Constable of France three hundred choise men at armes vnder his charge who being come to the ambush and discouered to be few in number were presently inuironed and charged with great cries by the Arragonois who thought to defeat them but the French who were come thether to fight did incounter them in such sort as although they were much inferior in number yet they seemed more then equal in valour and courrage The Arragonols animated by their King who was present and fighting behaued themselues valiantly so as the one yeelding nothing vnto the other the fight continued long without aduantage vntill that the King D. Pedro being grieuously hurt in the face with a Lance retired himselfe out of the fight wherevpon his men beganne to faint Many of his horsemen escaped with him but as for the footmen they were all cut in peeces there were some horsemen slaine vpon the field on either side but most Arragonois The King D. Pedro hauing caused himselfe to be carried to Villa-franca died soone after of his wound He had raigned nine yeeres three monthes and foure daies A generous Prince but ambitious beyond all measure being growne an irreconciliable enemy to the French since the successe of the Island of Sicile the which he left to D. Iaime or Iames his yonger sonne D. Alphonso the third of that name and the tenth King of Arragon 3 DOn Alphonso his eldest succeeded to the realme of Arragon this yeere 1285. Don Pedro being aduertised by his Physitions the chiefe whereof was Arnaud of Villeneufue whose workes we haue but much curtalled by the Inquisitors that he drew neere his end he did sollicite his sonne D. Alphonso to hasten the conquest of Majorca which he had vndertaken D. Iames King o● Maiorca dispossest by his Nephew and did much desire wherefore D. Alphonso presently after his fathers death led the army to Majorca and tooke the Island ioyning that of Majorca to the other titles of the Kings of Arragon In this action the chiefe Commanders were D. Blasco of Alagon Sancho of Antillas Pedro Garces Nuez Pedro Seses Blasco Ximenes of Aierbio Symon Perez Andosilla of Arragon and of Cattelogne D. Pedro de Moncade Raymond of Vrgi and Maimon Plaigaman Euen vpon the death of the King D. Pedro there arriued in Cattelogne Charles Prince of Salerne called the halting a prisoner being conducted by Raymond Alleman Symon of Estorio and William Ponce Cattelans who had bound themselues to the Infant D. Iames who was appointed King of Sicile to carry him into Cattelogne or to loose their liues swearing that if any came to rescue him and that they found themselues too weake they would kill him and cast him into the sea You must vnderstand that one of the chiefe conspirators in Sicile against the French called Alain Leontain a councellor of Estate and chiefe Iustice of the realme which is one of the greatest dignities staied not long before he receiued from the Arragonois a worthy reward for his notable treachery Alain Leontin Author of the Sicilian Euensong a double traitor and his end and immoderat appetit of reuenge for being discouered that he sought to reconcile himselfe vnto the French for some discontentment he was sent prisoner to the castle of Siurane from whence he neuer parted being knowne to be a double traitor and God brought him to this end to shew that he detests those that for their priuat passions seeke the ruine of Estates The Constable of France returning to the campe before Girone he was receiued with all possible signes of ioy whereas soone after they had newes of the death of D. Pedro King of Arragon Girone taken by the French whereof hauing aduertised the besieged that they should not continue obstinate Raymond of Cardona who commanded within the towne demanded leaue to send one thether to vnderstand the truth who brought him word that hee had seene the King his maister dead wherevpon he yeelded vp the towne to the French King the souldiars and Inhabitants departing and carrying away what they could except gold and siluer which they were to leaue for the which they were sercht At this siege the plague fell into the campe and the King himselfe grew sick so as this warre ceased and they began to thinke of their returne into France The King had entertained certaine gallies of Pisa and Genoa which hee now sent backe hauing no more vse for them Sayling towards Italy they were met by Roger of Loria Admiral of Sicile who came to Cattelogne with fiue and fortie gallies to succour the King of Arragon his Maister of whose death he was then aduertised This man who was pollitike and loath to loose any oportunity hauing vnderstood from these captaines the Estate of the affaires in Cattelogne and especially of the enemies army he entertained all their fleete and lead them backe towards Ampurias where they found the remainder of the French fleete in the hauen whom they did sodainely set vpon and burne all the souldiers and marriners hauing escaped and ioyned with the rest of the Land-army King Philip who caused himselfe to bee carried in a litter was much grieued at this losse and his sicknesse did so increase Death of Philip the third King of France as he gaue vp the ghost in the towne of Perpignan whether the annie came with great difficulty the Arragonois hauing stopt the passages of the mountaines so as they were forced to make their way by the sword Philip the first of that name the fiue and twentith King of Nauarre 4 PHilip his sonne called the faire Nauarre who succeeded him was both King of France and Nauarre hauing a little before married D. lean the heire of Nauarre Of which marriage were borne three sonnes Lewis Hutin Philip the long and Charles the faire all which three were Kings of France and Nauarre one after an other hauing no children They had also two daughters Ioane who died young who is not in the French Genealogies and Isabel Queene of England mother to Edward the third who contended for the succession of the Realme of France against Philip of Valois At the time 1286. An. 1286.
of Castille yea in such sort according to the Spanish Histories Renenciation reiterated of the right which the Kings of France comming from Saint Lewis haue to castillle as to take away all occasions of quarrell betwixt them he did againe renounce in fauour of D. Sancho all the right hee had to the Realme of Castille The King of Arragon desirous to come to some accord with the French imployed Edward King of England who vsed great dilligence to reconcile them as we will shew After the conference of Bayone the King D. Sancho returning by Guipuscoa he granted priuiledges for the foundation of Tolouse Segure and Villefranche townes in that country 10 During these broiles the inhabitants of Badajos by meanes of a quarrel betwixt two factions reuolted against the King D. Sancho and imbraced the party of D. Alphonso de la Cerde who intituled himselfe King of Castille The Bejarans and Portugalois factions among the inhabitants of Badajos fel to great contention among themselues for that the Portugalois against all right had vsurped many possessions belonging to the Bejarans through the fauour of the King D. Sancho whereof many complaints beeing made by them that were dispossest the King commanded Iustice should bee done them and that they should bee restored to their goods Tumult at Bada●os the which beeing decreed they that were in possession would not obey wherefore the Bajarans hauing taken armes and slaine many of their aduersaries and chased the rest out of the towne they recouered their owne in this manner but the excesse and violence which they vsed was such as fearing to bee seuerely punished as they deserued they seized vpon the high towne and beeing fortefied there they proclaimed D. Alphonso King of Castille and Leon. In the beginning the King D. Sancho sent the Maisters of the Knights of Saint Iames Calatraua and Alcantara with the priors of Templers and Saint Iohn who wrought in such sort as they retired the Bejarans from their folly with assurance of their liues but afterwards the King neglecting his faith promised by his Lieutenants caused this people to be cruelly murthered to the number of foure thousand sparing neither women nor children for the which he was iustly blamed There was also an other massacre at Talauera Cruelty of the King D. Sancho for the like faction proclayming Don Alphonso de la Cerde for King of Castille whereas one of the ports of the townes is called at this day Quartos for that there were aboue foure hundred of the chiefe inhabitants slaine there The continuall griefe wherein hee was by reasons of these difficulties both at home and abroad made him to commit these outrages contrarie to all reason the which was no signe of magnanimitie besides that the furies if wee may so say by r●●son of his impietie and disobedience towardes his father did pursue him In the yeere of our Lord 1291. An. 1291. Queene Mary was brought in bed of her fourth sonne who was named D. Pedro and the warre being now begonne with Arragon the King D. Sancho came to Cuenca and sent good troupes against D. Iohn Nugnes de Lara who spoiled the countries of Cuenca and Alarcon who were defeated and many Ensignes and Guidons carried to Valencia whereas the king of Arragon and D. Diego Lopes de Haro were these with other discontents made the King of fall into a double Quartane which brought him in danger of his life In the meane time the King of Arragon D. Diego Lopes and D. Iohn Nugnes beeing returned to Albarrazin they did ouerrunne the territories of Molina Siguença Atien●a Berlanga and Almacan where they committed great spoiles and carried away a great booty finding no resistance D. Iohn Nugnes was fed with hope to recouer Albarrazin The Queene who was come to Cuenca to see the King her husband sicke wrought meanes to winne Don Iohn Nugnes de Lara whom they had often attempted to draw vnto the Kings seruice but hee trusted him not but now hee was perswaded vpon a promise to giue in marriage to his sonne called also D. Iohn Nugnes D. Isabella the heire of Molina and the Queenes Neece the which was performed but hauing his head euer fraught with iealousie and distrust hee was so easily induced to beleeue any aduertisment as hee was still ready to dislodge so as the King beeing at Palença and discontented with D. Nugnes carriage beganne also to distrust him And for that hee had need of captaines hee drew the Infant Don Iohn his brother out of prison in the yeere of our Lord 1291. to imploy him against his rebels hauing caused him to take a new oth to be faithfull vnto him and to his sonne D. Fernand whose hands hee caused them all to kisse as to the heire of the crowne From Palença hee went in pilgrimage to Saint Iames and by the way reduced vnder his obedience D. Iohn Alphonso d' Albuquerque a knight of great authority in Gallicia who had beene wonne by D. Iohn Nugnes At his returne to Vailledolit he found that his second sonne D. Alphonso was dead The same yeere a peace was concluded betwixt the Kings of France Arragon Naples and Arragon the Ambassadors of these Princes being assembled with the Popes Noncio at Tarascon at the instance of Edward King of England For the King of Arragon came D. Nugnes Mataplane Bishop of Sarragossa Raymond Anglesol Berenger Puchuert William Lunfort and Bernard william Pinelio all Lawiers who treated and agreed vpon these conditions Peace betwixt France and Arragon That the donation made by Pope Martin to Charles of Valois of the realme of Arragon and the appurtenances should bee voide and of no force paying a tribut of thirty ounces of gold yeerely to the Church of Rome That the Island of Majorca should bee restored to the lawfull Lord vpon condition that hee should acknowledge the King of Arragon for his soueraigne That the Arragonois should depart out of the Island of Sicile and leaue the free possession vnto Charles King of Naples That D. Alphonso King of Arragon should bee at Rome on Whitsonday that present yeere lead an army against the Infidels That he should perswade his brother D. Iames and his mother D. Constance to quit the realm of Sicile or else to make war against them These were the principall Articles of this peace the which the Arragonois held infamous accusing their King of impiety towards his mother and treason to his brother yet it was concluded and signed And for the confirmation thereof the bishop of Sarragossa and Berenger Puchuert went to Rome Some doubt whether the full conclusion thereof were made during the life of King D. Alphonso or at the entrance of the King D. Iames for D. Alphonso died about this treaty as hee made preparation to marry the daughter of Edward King of England called Leonara yet it is likely this peace was made in the life time of King D. Alphonso yea some Authors affirme that
away and forced the towne being taken to flie into Affricke yet he left not to call himselfe King and would haue surprized Ceuta During these things Nauarre Arnaud of Puyane Bishop of Pampelona a Basque by nation held their Synods for reformation of his Clergie Priests allowed to keepe Concubines which was very needfull Two yeares before their had beene a Synode held of many Bishops at Pegnafiel where it was decreed that Priests might keepe Concubines secretly but not openly In Arragon a marriage was treated betwixt the Infant D. Maria Arragon daughter to the king Don Iames and Lewis Hutin the eldest Sonne and then with the Earle of Poictiers second sonne to King Philip the Faire and of the Queene Don Ieanne his wife but it tooke no effect We haue sayd before that the King Don Iames the better to entertaine the peace which he had made with the French raigning in Naples had promised to marrie Blanche the daughter of Charles the Limping Genealogie of Arragon the which he did By this Ladie he had the issue which followes Don Iames his eldest who was married to D. Leonora Infant of Castile but hauing not touched her he sent her home and made himselfe a knight of the order of Saint Iohn of Hierusalem and was afterwards Master of the order of Monteça D. Alphonso his second sonne was king after him Don Pedro the third Earle of Ampurias D. Raymond Berenger Earle of Prages and Ribagorça Don Iohn who was Archbishoppe of Toledo and afterwards Patriarch of Alexandria and Arch-bishop of Tarragone Moreouer D. Constance married to Don Iohn Manuel of Castile sonne to the Infant D. Manuel D. Maria who was wife to Don Pedro Infant of Castile sonne to Don Sancho the 4. D. Blanche a religious woman and a Prioresse of Sixena D. Violant married to the prince of Tarentum and D. Isabella wife to Don Frederick Arch-duke of Austria these were his lawfull children and by his stolne loues he had a daughter which dyed young and Don Iames of Arragon who hauing married the daughter and heire of Don Lope de Luna was Earle of Luna The marriage treated betwixt D. Maria of Arragon Nauarre and the second sonne of France by the meanes of Pope Boniface tooke no effect for that the conditions propounded semed very preiudiciall to Lewis Hutin to whom the succession of Nauarre by right belonged as the eldest the which the Pope and the king of Arragon would haue transferred to the Earle of Poictiers with the Earledomes of Champaigne and Brie and other lands belonging to Queene Ieanne their mother This Donna Ieanne Queene of Nauar a little before her death caused that famous Colledge of Nauarre to be built in Paris endowing it with good rents in Champaigne as well for the entertayning of Regents and Professors in Diuinity and Humanity as of the chappell and Ministers thereof The same Princesse built the towne called Pont de la Roine in Nauarre otherwise called Cares and hauing liued in France one and thirty yeares and neuer returned into Nauarre she died in the yeare 1305. leauing Lewis An. 1305. Philip and Charles who raigned in France and Nauarre successiuely one after another and Isabel who was Queene of England married to Edward the second her children She was buried at the Franciscans in Paris A yeare alter the decease of this Lady King Philip desired to make an allyance with Castille demaunding by his Ambassadors D. Isabel sister to the King D. Fernand but this marriage tooke no effect for some reasons not written some say it was three yeeres after the death of Queene Iane. Lewis Hutin the first of that name six and twentith King of Nauarre 19 LEwis sonne to King Philip and Donna Iane surnamed Hutin first of that name amongst the Kings of Nauarre succeeded his mother in the sayd realme he did not intitle himselfe King vntill hee had beene crowned at Pampelone but onely the eldest sonne and heire of the Realme his surname of Hutin signifies mutin or riotous which he purchased after his comming to the crowne of France or as some say before whether it were that he had beene the cause of contentions or that hee had pacefied them The Queenes death being knowne in Nauarre the Estates assembled at Pampelone where they resolued to send Ambassadors into France to beseech King Philip to send them Lewis his sonne their naturall Prince and hauing written letters to that effect in the name of the Estates they dispatched D. Arnaud of Puyana Bishop of Pampelone and Don Fortun Almorauid Nauarrois send Ambassadors to the King of France and to Lewis Hutin their King who were well and honorably accompanied who being come to the court of France they gaue the Kings to vnderstand the great griefe the people of Nauarre had for the death of their Queene and Soueraigne Lady for whose consolation they besought them that their new King Lewis might goe thither as soone as might bee accompanying this extreame desire of the Nauarrois with necessary reasons for that they had great complaints to make of the gouernment of their Viceroys who had gouerned the affaires of the realme to the great preiudice thereof Whereof the continuall absence of their soueraigne Magistrate was the cause who could not visibly see the Estate of his country and people but was serued by the eyes and eares of others whose reports are commonly false and the truth either concealed or dissembled This request seemed iust vnto the Kings both father and sonne yet King Lewis came not into Nauarre but two yeeres after and in the meane time hee married Marguerite daughter to Robert Duke of Bourgongne with whom hee had in marriage fifty thousand Liuers in siluer and the lands of Gyen vpon Seine of which marriage issued Ieanne who was Queene of Nauarre maried to Philip Earle of Eureux son to Lewis of France by whom the Kings of Nauarre haue pretended right to the Dutchy of Bourgongne against the Kings of France Genealogy of Nauarre for Robert Duke of Bourgongne father to this Marguerite hauing had many children most of them left not any heires and their posterity which had children failed soone there remayning no issue of the house of Bourgongne but that of this Lady married to Lewis Hutin 20 Whilst that the King of Nauarre delaied the time to come into his Realme there were Gouernors or Viceroies after the accustomed manner The great quarrels which had happened in France some yeeres before betwixt King Philp the faire and Pope Bontface the eight had caused many disorders by reason whereof there was a great famine throughout all the realme Pope Boniface had excommunicated King Philip and giuen his realme in prey to him that could take it but hee was a prey to the French who being led by Nogaret of Saint Felix and by the inteligence of Sarra Colonne surprized the Pope at Anania and intreated him so il as soone after for rage and spight hee
stil roades and spoyling one of an other so as the Arragonois were forced to keepe great garrisons in those parts whereof the King of Arragon complayned to King Charles who commanded still that they should liue like neighbours and friends but he was not obeyed In the yeere of our Lord 1328. King Charles died at Bois de Vincennes haing raigned seuen yeeres and some daies leauing Queene Ieanne his wife with child who was deliuered of a daughter called Belanche married afterwards to Philip Duke of Orleance hee was buried at Saint Denis in France After the death of this King there were great quarrels and diuisions both in France and Nauarre In France for that during the Queenes being with child Edward King of England sonne to Isabel of France sister to the deceased King maintained that the Gouernment did belong to him One the other side Philip sonne to Charles Earle of Valois cousin germaine to the three last Kings said that the regency did belong to him as next heire to the crowne of France which did not belong but to males descended of males and was regent The Queene beeing deliuered at Bois de Vincennes of a daughter Philip of Regent was proclaymed King against the pretensions of Edward King of England who was put by vnder collour of the Salique law Herevpon followed great and continuall warres which had in a manner ruined France if God had not releeued it These contended a doubtfull title which belonged to neither of them if the crowne had fallne to the femal for Ieanne daughter to King Lewis Hutin did precede them al. 2 The death of King Charles beeing knowne in Nauarre this nation which was accustomed to liue licentiously for that they had not a long time seene the face of their Kings thought now they had gotten liberty to doe what they pleased so as they beganne to mutine and to raise seditions in all the townes of the realme In the end they discharged their choller vpon the Iewes who were dispersed throughout the townes in great numbers and very odious to the Christians as well by reason of the diuesity of religion M●ssaker of Iewes in Nauarre as for their excessiue vsury whereby they did exhaust al their substance wherefore they beganne to spoile them in all places as enemies at Estella Viana Funes Marzilla and many other places with so great cruelty and greedinesse to get as it is sayd they slue aboue tenne thousand persons of that sect men women and little children To redresse which excesse and to take away the cause the Estates of Nauarre assembled at Puenta la Reyna to resolue without any respect to whom the realme of Nauarre belonged whether to Edward King of England or to D. Ieanne Countesse of Eureux The Estates were referred to Pampelone the chiefe towne of the Realme whereas their opinions were diuers many holding that King Edward should haue the Realme of Nauarre as grandchild borne of the daughter to Queene Ieanne daughter to King Henry rather then the Countesse of Eureux in regard of the sex others and with more reason held for the Countesse who was in the same degree but daughter to a sonne and heire to Queene Ieanne and peruailed drawing the rest to their opinion 3 Thus was Ieanne Countesse of Eureux declared the true and lawfull Queene of Nauarre D. Ieanne Queene of Nauarre in the yeere of our Lord 1328. the realme hauing beene vacant about foure monthes And vntill that she and Cont Philip her husband should come and take possession of the Realm An. 1328. they declared Regent and Viceroy D. Iohn Corboran of Leer Standard-bearer of the realme and Iohn Martines of Medrano Philip the third of that name the nine and twentith King of Nauarre PHilip Earle of Eureux sonne to Lewis of France who was sonne to Philip the third sonne to the King Saint Lewis is counted by vs for the nine and twentith King of Nauarre the third of that name and was surnamed the noble As soone as the Election was made by the Estates of Nauar they sent Ambassadors to Ph. of Valois the French King to let him vnderstand the reasons that the King elected had vnto the realme which had mooued the Estates to make this election and by the same Ambassadors they aduertised Philip of Eureux and Ieanne his wife thereof sommoning them to come and take possession of the realme and to gouerne it The French King did no way hinder it wherefore the Kings of Nauarre elect prepared for their voiage and arriued there about the beginning of the yeere of our Lord 1329. An. 1329. hauing not seene a King in their country of a long time The Prelats Knights and wise men of the realme before their comming had set downe in writing the conditions wherevnto they would receiue them in the succession of the realme the which before the solemnities of the coronation and oth they presented vnto Philip and to Ieanne his wife the which they yeelded willingly vnto The Estate beeing assembled at Pampelone these conditions were sworne by them whereof the principal Articles were 1 First to the Estates to maintaine and keepe the rights Articles sworn by the Kings of Nauarre lawes customes liberties and preuiledges of the Realme both written and not written and whereof they were in possession to them and their successors for euer and not to diminish but rather augment them 2 That they should disanull all that had beene done to the preiudice thereof by the King their Predecessours and by their Ministers without delay notwithstanding any let 3 That for the terme of twelue yeeres to come they should not coine any money but such as was then currant within the Realme and that during their liues they should not conine aboue one sort of new money and that they should distribute part of the reuenues profits and commodities of the realme vnto the subiects 4 That they should not receiue into their seruice aboue foure strangers but should imploy them of the country 5 That the forts and garrisons of the realme should be giuen to gentlemen borne and dwelling in the Country and not to any stranger who should doe homage to the Queene and promise for to hold them for her and for the lawfull heire of the countrie 6 That they should not exchange nor ingage the realme for any other Estat whatsoeuer 7 That they should not sell nor ingage any of reuenues of the crowne neither should make any law nor statute against the realme nor against them that should lawfully succeed therein 8 That to the first sonne which God should giue them comming to the age of twenty yeeres they should leaue the Kingdome free and without factions vpon condition that the Estates should pay vnto them for their expences a hundred thousand Sanchets which was a peece of gold then currant or in other French money equiualent 9 That if God gaue them no children in that case they should leaue the realme after
who whilest they liued did continually afflict both themselues and thier subiects by tyrannies so as they purchased the surnames of Bad and Cruell Charles the second of that name and the thirtith king of Nauarre 5. LEauing the Estate of Castile at this time somewhat quiet Nauarre we will returne to the affaires of Nauarre the which we left at the death of Donna Ieanne wife to King Philip of Eureux to whome of three sonnes Charles Philip and Lewis Charles the eldest succeeded to the Crowne of Nauarre who was surnamed the bad by reason of the troubles he caused as well on this side as beyond the Pyreneé mountaines and of his strange disposition Beeing called by the three Estates of the Realme hee came in the yeare 1350. and was crowned in the cittie of Pampelona in an assembly made to that end after the manner of his Predecessors swearing to obserue the lawes and liberties of the country His coronation was accompanied with some bountie to the Cathedrall church of Pampelona to the which among other things he gaue a great crosse of siluer enameled with Flower de Luces azure During his coronation some of his people mutined pretending a breach of thier priuiledges whome the king did punish to seuerely causing many to be hanged and to bee executed by other cruell punishments as the cure farre exceeded the disease With the like violence he afflicted the Nobility of Nauarre Manners of K. Charles the 2. so as they decayed greatly and he shewed himselfe in all his actions inconstant wauering and light of beleefe If hee had any good in him it was a certaine respect he bare to Clergie men and to schollers At his coming the king of Arragon sent a Secretarie of his vnto him called Peter of Tarrega to confirme the League which was betwixt these two Realmes and soone after hee sent him another ambassage by Don Lope Earle of Luna and Don Iohn Fernandes of Heredia Castellan of Amposta for a more ample confirmation of the league and allyance betwixt them two propounding vnto the king of Nauarre an allyance by marriage to the end he might hold the kingdomes of Nauarre and Arragon well vnited for the king of Arragon feared much least Don Pedro king of Castile who was a violent dangerous and faithlesse Prince should breake the peace that was betwixt the two Realmes imbracing the quarrels of the Queene dowager of Arragon and of her children and should ioyne with Nauarre by some allyance which might be preiudiciall vnto him Hereuppon the Ambassadors propounded a marriage betwixt Don Charles king of Nauarre and one of the daughters of the king of Sicily who was of the house of Arragon And for that it was bruted that the king of Castile who had not then concluded a marriage with Blanche of Bourbon pretended to marrie Blanche of Nauarre sister to this King Charles and widdow to Philip of Valois the French king he was intreated to hinder it King Charles who had a desire and was councelled to take a wife in France excused himselfe from marrying with Sicile assuring the king of Arragon that the Queen Dowager of France would not marrie any more for it had beene a custome long obserued in France that the Queenes remayning widowes how young soeuer did not marrie againe finally hee conclded with the Ambassadours of an interview betwixt the king of Arragon and him but before it could be effected Don Pedro king of Castile who had beene aduertised of all which had past betwixt the King Don Charles and the ambassadours of Arragon wrought so as he drew the King of Nauarre to Bourgos Enterview of the Kings of Nauarre and Castile where there was great embracings and rich presents giuen of either side in the yeare 1351. as we haue sayd At this enterview was Philip brother to king Charles Beeing returned into Nauarre and hauing many great desseigns in his head hee made preparation to passe into France Whereof the King of Arragon beeing aduertised he sent to summon him of his promise that they should meete together whereunto he yeelded assigning the place at Momblanc where by the same meanes he should visit Enterview betwixt the kings of Arragon and Castile passing by Huesca his Neeces D. Constance and D. Ieanne Infants of Arragon Then the King Don Charles tooke his way towards France leading with him his two breethren Don Philip and Don Lewis The enterview of these Princes at Momblanc made them no better friends neither did they conclude that which D. Pedro king of Arragon did expect The king of Nauarre being come into France he beganne to make claime to many things for besides the Earledomes of Champagne and Brie which he pretended to belong vnto him hee made a title to the Duchie of Bourgongue by reason of his mother Queene Ieanne issued from that house of Bourgogne by her mother with many other claimes wherein king Iohn had no intent to do him right finding it so by his Councell ● He had for his chief aduersarie another Charles or Iohn according to the French Histories who was Constable of France of the house of Castile Earle of Angoulesme sonne to Don Alphonso de la Cerde of whome wee haue often made mention whereby there were great insolencies murthers and rebellions committed throughout the Realme of France as we will touch briefly in passing for that these quarrels belong rather to the Historie of France then Spaine The king of Nauarre beeing in these poursuites by the course of Iustice before the Estates of France and the Courts of Parlament King Iohn thinking to pacifie him and to make him more tractable gaue him one of his daughters in marriage and in recompence of his demands gaue him Mante and Meulan but this did not abate his pride but wrought a contrarie effect This Princesse called Ieanne was the onely wife of King Charles of Nauarre Genealogie of Nauarre who had a great and a noble issue by her Charles was the first borne of this marriage who was king after his father Philip who dyed young Peter who was Earle of Mortaing in Normandie Moreouer they had these daughters following Mary who was Countesse of Denia married to Don Alphonso of Arragon Blanche who died at the age of thirteene yeares and Ieanne future Duchesse of Brittaine and after that Queene of England Of the Earle of Mortaing some Histories say is issued one sonne named Peter of Peralta who was Constable of Nauarre the stemme of the Marquis of Falses yet by the feminine line who are also Earles of Saint Esteuan Before the marriage of King Charles hee had a bastard sonne called Don Leon of Nauarre or Lyonel from whome are descended the Marquises of Cortes Marshals of Nauarre begotten of a Gentlewoman of the house of Euçe Of him was borne Don Philip the first of that line Marshall of Nauarre● of Don Philip was borne Don Pedro of him Don Philip and Don Pedro brethren of Don Pedro anther
set on fire and burnt the king but howsoeuer hee ended his daies in great sicknesse at Pampelona in the yeare 1386 the fiue and fortith yeare of his raigne hauing raigned 73. His body was interred in the Cathedral church of that cittie where the heart of the Queene his wife lyes who dyed in France in the yeare 1378. his bowels were buried at Saint Maries of Ronceuaux and his heart at S. Maries of Vxue The same yeare he dyed his daughter Ieanne was first married to Iohn of Montfort Duke of Brittany by whom she had foure sonnes and three daugthers and afterwards to Henry King of England Before his death he pacified the seditions which they of Pampelona had raised among themselues causing the authors to be punished among which one of the chiefe was called Andrew of Turilles who was executed Charles the 3. of the name the 31. King of Nauarre THis Charles succeeded to the Realme of Nauarre beeing called the Noble for his bountie affabilitie and other vertues which made him to be esteemed by all Christian Princes his neighbours and generally beloued of all men Hee was 25. yeares old when he came to the Crowne At the decease of his father he ws at Pennafiel in Castile with the King D. Iohn his brother-in-law of whom he tooke his leaue with infinit teares vppon the receit of these newes And such was the loue of singular affection which the k. of Castile bare him as from the beginning of his raigne he granted him full restutution of the townes and castles of Tudele S. Vincent Viana Guarda Estella Miranda Larraga and other places which were in deposit● since the last pacification made with Don Henry king of Castile although the ten yeares capitulated were not yet expired moreouer he forgaue him 20000. doublons of gold which had beene lent to the decease king his father and did discharge him of the promise of two thousand pounds sterling which he had made for the libertie of Perlas of Tortui an Englishman beeing prisoner in Castile Such and greater was the bountie of D. Iohn king of Castile to Charles the third king of Nauarre his brother-in-law and likewise to the Queene D. Leonora his sister and to their daugthers who were at that time in Castile and moreouer hee caused the king to bee accompanied into his Realme by the chiefe of his Nobility who beeing come to Pampelona King of Nauar during the schism adheres to the Pope of Auignon and there receiued with great pompe and ioy by the Estates of the Realme the first act he did for the gouernment thereof was to resolue with his subiects and Councellors to adhere to Pope Clement the 7. remaining at Auignon and to reiect Vrbane the sixt as the kings of France of Castile had done yet with this protestation that hee would not separate himselfe from the holy Apostolike church but obey that which shold be decreed by a generall Councel concerning the Schisme Then he sought the allyance of neighbor Princes sending ambassadours vnto them especially into Arragon where he made a league with the duke of Girone the heire of Arragon and treated the marriage of Donna Ieanne his elder daugther with D. Iames eldest sonne to the Duke of Girone haunig an intent to vnite the crowne of Nauarre to that of Arragon for that hee had no sonnes but this marriage tooke no effect In the beginning of the yeare 1387. Genealogie of Nauarre Queene Leonora his wife fell into a long and languishing sicknesse which bred much trouble betwixt them He had by her these children following D. Ieanne the eldest who was wife to Iohn of Foix sonne to Archambault D. Maria who dyed a virgin at Pampelona D. Blanche who was Queene of Sicily and Nauarre D. Beatrix Countesse of Marche wife to Iames of Bourbon and D. Izabella who dyed also a mayd After these fiue daugthers they had Don Charles their sonne who dyed a child and Don Lewis which liued but sixe moneths These be the lawfull children of the king Don Charles the third He had out of marriage one sonne called Godfrey of Nauar who was Marshall of the Realme and Earle of Cortes and one daugther named Donna Ieanne of Nauarre who was married to Inigo Ortiz of Estuniga sonne to Diego Lopes of Estuniga Of these children mention is made in this kings testament the which is in the Cathedrall church of Pampelona in the which his breethren are also named Peter Earle of Mortaing and Leon a Bastard and Donna Maria also a Bastard married to the Earle of Denia In the yeare 1387. the warre betwixt Castile and Portugal beeing hote the French troupes led by Lewis Duke of Bourbon to the succour of King Iohn past through Nauarre where they were furnished with all necessaries by King Charles who after their retreat and accord made by the king of Castile with the Duke of Lancaster hee came to Calaorra as we haue sayd to reioyce with the King Don Iohn for this pacification Returning to the treatie of this warre we say that the Princesse Catherine hauing followed her father into Guienne Castile was after a new confirmation of the accord sent by him to Fontaraby and there deliuered to the Prelates and Noblemen deputed by the king of Castile to receiue her who conducted her to Palence where the marriage betwixt her and the Prince D. Henry was solemnized he being but ten yeares old and shee nineteene The Dutchesse of Lancaster mother to the Princesse past afterwards into Spaine and came to the king D. Iohn her cousin at Medina del campo whome among other presents she gaue a rich Crowne of gold saying that the duke her husband had caused it to be made hoping to be crowned king of Castile but seeing they were agreed otherwise then he expected it was his due and therefore she presented it vnto him The king receiued it with great ioy and required the Dutchesse with other gifts of price putting her in possession of the townes promised by the accord whereunto he added Huete The Dutchesse past afterwards to Guadalajara hauing had a promise of an enterview betwixt the king and the Duke of Lancaster her husband at Fontaraby or Bajone The king stayd not long to come to Victoria for this meeting and the Dutchesse went before the draw her husband to Fontaraby but he excused himselfe by reason of his apparent indisposition and vpon the sharpenesse of the winter which made the passage of S. Adrian difficult D. Pero Lopes of Ayala Bishop of Osma and Fernand of Illesca were sent vnto him from the king to whome he propounded an allayance which he desired to make betwixt Castile and England and to induce the King D. Iohn to quit that of France whereof the ambassadors excused their master The interview being hindred by this occasion the king D. Iohn came to Segobia to giue order for the warre of Portugal which had beene somewhat quenched since the duke of Lancasters retreat for
him little for besides that the French King was not counselled to yeeld vp the places which he held especially in Normandy the friendshippe which the King of Nauarre had with the English was suspect and odious vnto him although this amity were not preiudiciall to the French but rather a Neutrality to the end they might liue in peace then a league Seing therefore that hee was not wellcome hee returned presently into Nauarre from whence soone after he sent the Cardinall of Pampelone who had retyred himselfe into Nauarre after that hee had endured many miseries in Auignon for Pope Benedict He vsed such dilligence and fit meanes as he made the French King and his councell willing to giue recompence to the King of Nauarre for his lands wherefore he was constrained to repasse the Pyrenees againe In the meane time died Iohn of Montfort duke of Brittaine husband to Ioane sister to this King Charles of Nauarre who had by her husband foure children Iohn who was duke Richard Arthur and Gyles This Princesse was afterwards married to Henry of Lancaster King of England fourth of that name he who depriued his cousin Richard of the crowne by him she had not any children Charls King of Nauarre hauing caused his sonne Charles to be sworne his heire by the Estates of his realme he married D. Ioanne his eldest daughter to Iohn the eldest sonne of Archambaud who had succeeded in the county of Foix and Bearn but the death of Mathew of Castelbon his second daughter called Donna Maria died a Virgin and as for the third Mary Queene of Sicile being a little before dead who by her testament had left this realme to D. Martin her husband sonne to D. Martin King of Arragon he thought to make her Queene of Sicile and to marry her to this young D. Martin being a widower He therefore sent his Ambassadors to the King of Arragon to this effect who was very well pleased and yeelded to the marriage although they had offred him many other marches for his sonne D. Martin King of Sicile and that the Sicilians did what they could to make him incline to a marriage with Ioane sister to Ladislaus King of Naples The accord was made betwixt the King of Arragon Marriage of D. Martin King of Sicile and D. B●anc● of Nauarre and the Ambassadors both of Nauarre and Sicile amongst which was Peter Serra Cardinal of Cartanea at a place called Altu●a in the Realme of Valencia in the yeere of our Lord 1401. where it was concluded that the King of Nauarre should giue in dowry with his daughter a hundred thousand florins of the stampe of Arragon whereof forty thousand in hand and threescore thousand at a certaine time for the which he should giue in pawne the townes and castles of Arguedas Santa Cato Murillo and Gallipienço the King of Arragon should binde for her dowry the townes and castles of Sos Saluaterra Vncastillo and Rueste And for that they were somewhat allied by affinity there should be a dispensation procured from Benedict For confirmation and execution of these things the Kings of Arragon and Nauarre had an enterview vpon the confines of their Realmes betwixt Cortes and Mallen where they did sweare what had beene concluded With the King of Nauarre did sweare D. Lionel of Nauarre his brother D. Charles of Beaumont chiefe Standard-bearer D. Martin of Lacarra Marshal D. Francis of Villa Espeça Chancellor of the realme Iohn Ruys of Ayuar superintendant of the treasure and D. Martin of Olloaqui prior of Saint Iohn with others In like manner did many noblemen and prelats for the King of Arragon This don the King of Arragon was conducted to Cortes where hauing beene royally feasted by the King of Nauar the Infanta D. Blanch was deliuered vnto him a Princesse of excellent beauty whom he led into his country hauing prepared a fleet at Valencia he sent her into Sicile to the King D. Martin his son vnder the charge of D. Martin of Cabrera a Knight of Cattelogne in 1402. This Lady was in the end Queene of Nauarre for soone after the content of this marriage followed a discontent for the death of D. Lewis the second son to the King of Nauar being but sixe months old and not long after that of D. Charls his eldest Death of the two sonnes of Nauarre which two Infants are buried in the Cathedral church at Pampelone and D. Blanch suruiued her eldest sister D. Ioane The crowne of Nauarre fell then to the succession of daughters and the King caused D. Ioane his eldest daughter to be againe sworne heire of the realme with her husband D. Iohn of Foix. This same yeere the Episcopal sea of Pampelone was voide by the death of Cardinal Martin of Salua bishop of that city who had past the age of 66. yeeres in great trouble and paine to maintaine the party of Pope Benedict in Auignon D. Michel of Salua his Nephew obtained the Bishoprike after him who was afterwards made Cardinal by P●pe Benedict in following of whom he died two yeeres after at Monaco The King of Nauarre being the third time called in France his voiage was then more proffitable vnto him then at the precedent for he obtained of king Charles the sixt the Lordship of Ne●o●rs the which was erected to a Dutchy and moreouer twelue hundred pounds starling of yeerely rent to be taken out of the reuenues of Bry and Champagne with a good summe of ready money for all pretensions and rights the which he renounced seeing he could not doe otherwise Title of Earle of Eureu● ceaseth in the house of Naua●re and taks that of duke of Nemours in respect whereof the title of Earle of Eureux ceased in the house of Nauarre taking that of Duke of Nemours The towne of Cherbourg in Normandy held in the King of Nauarres name by the Marshal D. Martin Henriques was by this accord deliuered to the French all letters and expeditions being ended the King D. Charles returned into Nauarre an other way for he past by Languedoc and Cattelogne where he visited the King D. Martin at Lerida with great content and pleasure to these two Princes allied Passing from thence by Sarragossa he came into his country where afterwards he gaue himselfe to building in many places yea two sumptuous pallaces one in Tafalla the other in Olite the which now fall to ruine Buildings of Charles the 3. King of Nauarre for want of reparations especially that of Olite where the Marshalls of Nauarre were accustomed to lodge and the Spaniards say that he had intent to make a paued causey and couered to passe at all times without discommodity from one of these places to the other being but a little league distant The bridge of Estella vpon the riuer of Ega was this Kings worke who for that he had liued in continuall peace had store of treasure to imploy in such buildings During his aboad in France there had beene some
Ioane king of Castille for the gouernment touching the gouernement of Castille Leon Granado and other the hereditarie lands of the deceased queene D. Isabella and for the which king Philip had sent embassadors into Spaine it was conculded that the kings D. Ferdinand D. Philip and D. Ioane should bee all three gouernours and that all letters should bee dispacht in their name whereupon their armes and Ensignes were againe set vp according to the ancient custome and this accord was proclaimed in the Citie of Salamanca on Twelfe day and soone after the kings D. Philip and D. Ioane parted from Flanders with many Ships D. Philip D. Ioan driuen into England by a storme who were suddenly dispersed by a violent storme and many of them driuen into diuers parts of England That wherein the kings were and two other ships came to Hampton where they caused some alteration in the towne the inhabitants fearing they had beene enemies but being knowne they did them honour as was fit for so great Princes Many knights and men of experience of their traine persuaded them not to land foreseeing that which did happen but king Philip hauing beene extreamely sicke and seeing the queene and noblemen which did accompany him in the same estate would not beleeue them but was the first who leaping into a boate caused himselfe to bee carried to land It being bruted abroad that a storme had driuen the kings of Castille vpon that coast a knight whose name was Thomas Trenchard hauing his house there nere adioyning came to doe him reuerence offring him his lodging with other commodities and entertained him vntill that king Henry the seuenth then raigning was aduertised by messengers sent in post then many men drewe thither in armes with a captaine called Iohn Carew who in the company of Thomas Trenchard besought king Philip not to depart out of England vntill that hee had seene their king who was his friend Then did king Philip find that hee had erred in not beleeuing the counsell of his followers and the queene more who notwithstanding carryed this crosse couragiously wherefore seeing that this intreatie was a commandement and that hee must obey it hee staied alleaging in vaine that his voyage was verie hastie with much other excuses Soone after there arriued many English noblemen who conducted them with great honour to the castle of Windsore whereas king Henrie attended them There king Philip was required by the king of England King of Englād forceth king Philip to deliuer him the duke of Suffolke to deliuer vnto him Edmond de la Poole duke of Suffolke his Competitor who was then a prisoner in the castle of Namur and so great was his desire to haue this duke as forgetting the lawes of hospitality and the friendship which princes allyes should beare one vnto another hee forced the king of Castille notwithstanding all excuses to giue him the duke vpon a promise that hee should not put him to death whereupon men were sent into Flanders to fetch this poore duke In the meane time king Henrie led his guests to London where hee entertained them with great and stately feasts and royall sports and the prisoner being arriued they had libertie to depart at their pleasures So as these kings hauing renewed the league with the king of England they imbarked and continued their voyage towards Spaine In the meane time Germaine the new queene of Arragon came to Duegnas Marriage of the king of Arragon with Germaine of Foix. wheras king Ferdinand came and married her There passed many noblemen of the realm of Naples of the Angeuin faction with her out of France into Spaine who soone after did accompany the king D. Ferdinand to Naples After the consummation of the marriage the king led the queene his wife to Vailledolit and there leauing her with D. Ioane his sister the old queene of Naples and one of her daughters hee went to Burgos to receiue the kings D. Philip and D. Ioane thinking that they had landed at Laredo or some other place of Biscaie but it fell out otherwise for they tooke port at Corunna or the Groine in Galicia whereof king Ferdinand being aduertised hee tooke the way to Leon and then to Torquemada to goe and meete his sonne in law and his daughter 5 At that time there dyed in Vailledolit the admirall Christopher Columbus the discouerer of the Indies Death of Christopher Columbus whose body was carryed to Seuile and was buried in the monasterie de las Cuenas of the Cartusiens To him his sonne Diego Columbus succeeded in the Admiraltie of the Indies who marryed D. Maria of Toledo daughter to D. Ferdinand of Toledo great Commander of Leon hee left another Sonne called D. Ferdinand Colomibus who was neuer married Among many deeds worthie of commendation of this Admirall D. Diego Colombus hee gathered together in the citie of Seuile Library gathered together by Diego Colombus one of the greatest and goodlyest Libraries in Christendome seeking out with great care and charge all good bookes in what language soeuer so as there were aboue twel●e thousand volumes for the keeping maintenance and increase of which liberarie he left and assigned sufficient rents 6 At the arriuall of the new kings of Castille the king D. Ferdinand found by experience that princes seruants doe most commonly follow then for profit Princes seruāts follow for profit and not for affection and not for loue and affection for many of those that were with him in this voyage left him without leaue and went before to offer their seruice and to accompany their new maister the which discontented him very much These princes met betwixt Puebla of Sa●abria and Asturie where hauing conferred together touching the manner of gouernment they did not agree whereupon the king D. Ferdinand came to Tordesillas much distasted of the king his sonne in law who with Queene D. Ioane past to Benauent The diligence and care of the Archbishop of Toledo to reconcile king Ferdinand and his children was such as they concluded that the king of Arragon should inioy the three masterships of Castille Order touching the gouernment of Castille Saint Iaques Calatraua and 〈◊〉 with the reuenues of the Indies and eight millions of Ma●auidis of yearely rent during his life which queene D. Isabella had left him in regard whereof hee should bee contented to remaine in his countrie of Arragon to confirme which accord the two kings had an enteruiew within a league of Vailledolit in the vestrie of Renedo whereas the archbishop himself kept the doore There they say king Ferdinand gaue much counsel to his sonne in law by whome hee was intreated notwithstanding their accord to remaine in Castille and to helpe him to gouerne but he refused him and went away this yeare 1506 in Iuly King Ferdinād retires into Arragon leading his wife Queene Germaine with him into Arragon The kings D. Philip and D. Ioane entred into Vailledolit
by his soldiers to keep the field with the Germanes hauing the Caualarie of Naples and the Popes with 4500 Spaniards hauing sent one thousand Spaniards to assist the duke of Milan The viceroy hauing with these forces sackt Bouoelta Cruell warre of the Spaniards against the Venetians past the Brent and marcht vnto the sea burning townes and villages and all the houses of the gentlemen of Venice which were in that countrie and the more to afflict braue them he caused ten peeces of his greatest ordnance to be mounted at a place called Marguera and shot against the city of Venice whereof the bullets fel at S. Seconds church with trouble and amazement to all the inhabitants and the more for that night comming it did represent vnto them more plainely the great fiers and ruines of their houses of pleasure in the countrey the which they held to be the greatest indignitie that euer the common wealth of Venice receiued which thinking to reuenge they encreased their disgrace for Aluiano hauing assured the Senat that the enemies armie laden with spoiles in those moorish places and trenches of riuers would find such difficulties in their retreat as it would bee easie to put them to rout and therefore had gotten leaue to draw their forces to field after that hee had coasted the enemies seeking to stoppe their passage at the riuer of Brenta being himselfe deceiued and surprised as hee thought to stop their passage going to Verona whether they marcht onely with an intent to retyre hee was fought with all and vanquished about Vincence Venetians defeated by the Spaniards hauing lost aboue fiue thousand Venetians and many Captaines slaine vpon the place with their Pouididor Andrew Lauredan who was slain by the contention of two souldiers whose prisoner hee should be besides many captaines and gentlemen of Venice that were prisoners which rout did much trouble the affaires of that state What succeeded afterwards in that warre I leaue to other Histories whome it concernes more particularly King Ferdinand being much impayred by his languishing infirmitie growen by reason of the potion which had beene giuen him attended as well as hee could the gouernment of his realmes but hee had a good Councell and faithfull ministers so as his affaires both of state and iustice were nothing impayred neither were they in any sort peruerted Forts built in Afrike This yeare there was a fort built at Oran and another at a place called Pegnon or the rocke of Alger in Afrike whereas the crowne of Castille held Melille Casa●a Oran Masalquiuer Tripoli and Bugie and the two rockes or Pegnons of Alger and of Velez besides the Princes and townes that were Tributarie vnto it And so ended that yeare 2513. 8 In the yeare one thousand fiue hundred and foureteene 1514 Vasco Nugnes of Balboa hauing staied a good space in the countrie of the Cachico Tumanama discouering the mines and treasures of that region Behauiour of Vasco Nugnes of Balboa at the Indies he parted from thence leading one of that princes sons with him to be instructed in the Romish religion and came into the country of D. Charles Panquiaco who receiued Balboa being sicke verie courteously with all his companions giuing thē al the ease commodities he could and when they would depart he presented them with 20 pounds of gold Being thus satisfied of him they retyred to their fort of the Antique of Darien the which they found much better peopled than they had left it for vpon the brute of the great riches that were on the firme land many were come from Hispaniola the citie of S. Domingo to inhabit there It is thought that Balboa brought beside the contentment he had to haue discouered the south sea the value of aboue 100000 Castillans in gold Booty taken at the Indies besides perles and other precious jewels in great aboundance hauing made a long and dangerous voyage gone through many barbarous natiōs enemies by desart and vnknown places Trauels endured with great patience and happines by the Spaniards hauing not only to incounter men but Tygres and Lyons hunger and thirst thick woods craggy mountaines and yet neuer was put to rout neuer lost a man nor himselfe wounded in any sort Of al their spoiles they laied to the value of 20000 ducats for the kings right and then they diuided the rest among them euerie one receiuing according to his place yea their mastiues had pay aswel as the men for it is reported that a dog belonging vnto Vasco Nugnes Mastiues receiued pay and a part of the spoile among the Spaniards called Leoncillo had for his part 500 Castillans receiuing a greater pay than a harquebusier After that Vasco Nugnes had ordered some things in the fort of Darien he sent a friend of his called Arbolancha born at Bilbao into Spain to carry news vnto king Ferdinand of his voyages and discoueries and the fift penny of what they had gotten At that time the French king did sollicit both k. Ferdinand and the emperor Maximilian to conclude the marriage betwixt D. Ferdinand brother to prince Charles of Austria and the lady Renee the French kings second daughter for whose dowrie hee would quit his pretensions to the duchie of Milan but hauing made a peace with the king of England by a marriage contracted betwixt him Marie that kings sister he changed his opinion Designes of Pope Leo to put strangers out of Italy and gaue ouer that treatie for Renee and Ferdinand The Pope hauing diuers designes to free Italie of strangers hauing no desire to see the French king lord of Milan yet he entertained him with this hope to make vse of him and his meanes to get the realme of Naples from k. Ferdinand to settle his brother Iulian of Medicis king there therof he had already had some practise with the Venetiās Pope seekes to get the realme of Naples To fauor the Popes designes being profitable for the common-weale of Venice Andrew Gritti was appointed by the Senat to be generall of an army to inuade the banks of Apulia 1514 thinking by that meanes to diuert the Spanish army out of Lombardie that they should haue none but the Germanes to incounter Hereupon Bartholmew of Aluiano hauing surprised certain Spaniards he caused them to be hanged at Padoua saying that they had been suborned by their cōmanders to kill him in treason the which put the viceroy of Naples into such a rage as he made a miserable spoile of the country about Padoua hauing chased Bernardin Antinola nephew to Aluiano he shut him into Citadelle which place being battered was taken partly by a breach and partly by scalado Bernardin of Antinola his men were carried away prisoners and the place sackt To recompence this losse Aluiano defeated some troups of light horse nere to Este the army which besieged Creme being hardly retained for want of pay was forced to retire
had decided it This cause was debated in the yere 1524 at Yelbes whither came for the king of Portugal the Licentiate Anthonie of Azeuedo Cotigno Diego Lopes of Sequeira Pero Alphonso of Aguiar Francisco de Melo Simon of Tabira and others and at Badajos the Licentiats Acugna Barrientos and Pedro Manuel D. Ferdinand Colombus son to the Admirall Christopher Colombus Iohn Sebastian del Cano Pero Ruis of Burgos others for the Emperor These deputies of either part hauing conferred many dayes vpon a bridge on the riuer of Caja which diuides Portugal from Castille they parted in greater disorder and confusion than before the Castillans maintaining That the Molucques yea and the islands of Zumatra and Malaca with a good part of China fell in their strait and Nauigation according to the line drawne by Pope Alexander the sixt and the accord made betwixt king Iohn the second and king Ferdinand the fift in the towne of Tordesillas The Portugals affirming the contrarie with their reasons In the yeare 1525 died queene Leonora widow to king Iohn the second who was called The mother of the poore for her great charitie She had the hospitall of las Caldas and the monasterie of the mother of God Mariage of D. Iohn king of Portugal and the Emperors sister to be built In which yeare king Iohn the third then raigning being two and twentie yeares old maried D. Catherina daughter to king Philip of Austria and sister to the Emperour Charles being then eighteene yeares old which mariage was solemnized at Ebora Of this mariage were borne the Infants following D. Alphonso who liued little D. Maria borne at Coimbra in the yeare 1526 she was princesse of Castille D. Catherina who liued but a while nor her sister D. Beatrix D. Manuel who in like maner died soone D. Philip and D. Iohn who were borne at Ebora and D. Anthonie at Lisbone 31 The Emperour Charles Castille persuaded by them that had beene at Caja betwixt Badajos and Yelbes Vnfortunat voiage of the Castillans to the Molucques rigged out seuen ships of Biscaie at the Groine to seeke a passage to the Molucques by the land of Bacalaos and Labrador towards the North if they might find any meaning to make a storehouse for spices at the Groine from whence they might be distributed into Spaine France Flanders Germanie England and other regions from the which D. Iohn king of Portugal sought to diuert him by intreaties and reasons offering to pay the charges of the armie and to giue him many other gifts which the Emperour refused persisting still in his resolution Wherefore these seuen ships parted from the Groine being commaunded by Garci Geoffrey of Loaysa borne at Cité Real a knight of S. Iohn who had Iohn Sebastian del Cano for his lieutenant who were all lost or went astray except the Admirall which came to Tidore without her generall Garci Geoffrey who died at sea D. Garcia Henriques of Ebora was then generall for the king of Portugal at the Molucques In the yeare 1528 Fernando Cortez gouernour and conqueror of new Spaine sent from the countries conquered by him two ships by the kings commandement wherof Aluaro of Sahauedra Ceron was captaine to seeke out the Molucques but he was as vnfortunat as the rest which made the Emperour to yeeld more easily to an agreement with king Iohn his brother in law being prest by other weightie affaires which called him into Italie for the Crowne of the Empire which hee should receiue from the hands of Pope Clement for which voyage the king of Portugal lent him three hundred and fiftie thousand ducats in consideration whereof the Emperour engaged or suspended the controuersie for the Molucques wherein the Licentiat Anthonie of Azeuedo deputed by the king of Portugal hauing negligently negotiated and left the businesse almost in the same tearmes as it was at the conference of Badajos and Yelbes was punished whereby in time the quarell was reuiued betwixt the Portugals and Castillans In the yeare 1529 Lewis of Beaumont 1529 earle of Lerin and constable of Nauarre died there whom his son succeeded in all his lands and dignities bearing the same name The Emperour Charles did alwayes honour him much acknowledging him for his kinsman for that he was descended by the mothers side from D. Iohn king of Nauarre and Arragon 32 The treatie of Cambray was concluded the yeare following 1530 1530 in the which Louyse of Sauoy Treatie of Cambray mother to the French king and Marguerite of Austria the Emperours aunt had long laboured to reconcile these two princes By the which the Infants of France were deliuered in regard of two millions and fiue hundred and fiftie thousand crownes payable at seuerall paiments as well readie as otherwise in discharge of the Emperour to the king of England and it was said that the king should renounce the soueraigntie of Flanders and Artois and his pretensions to the duchie of Milan and realme of Naples That he should marie the queene D. Leonora and if there came a sonne of this mariage he should be duke of Bourgondie with many other conditions which are to be seene in the said treatie and here omitted for that they did not hold The articles of this treatie being performed as farre as might be at that time the Emperour came to Barcelone from whence he past to Genoua in Andrew Dorias gallies who hauing a little before left the French kings seruice was come vnto the Emperours From Genoua he went to Bolonia la Grasse Coronation of the Emperour at Bolonia whereas Pope Clement attended him and there he receiued the Imperiall Crownes one of yron which the Emperours haue beene accustomed to receiue at Milan and one of gold which he should take at Rome but the Romans had not yet forgotten the sacke and spoyle which the Spaniards had made This coronation which was performed on Saint Mathias day verie happily for the Emperour had beene purchased of the Pope with the price of the Florentines libertie and the change of their common-weale into a principalitie After this solemnitie the Emperour hauing heard certaine princes and the embassadours of many Estates in Italie he tooke his way to Trent and past into Germanie Whilest that they were making preparation for the Emperours coronation in Bolonia he receiued aduertisement That D. Isabella his wife was deliuered of another sonne Ferdinand Infant of Spaine borne whom he would haue called Ferdinand by his grandfathers name There was great joy and triumph for this birth both in Spaine and Italie and especially in Bolonia but this joy was of small continuance for he died within few monethes after his birth At the Emperours passage into Italie Roderigo Portundo defeated and slaine by pir●ts to his coronation hee had beene attended on by the gallies of Spaine of the which Roderigo Portundo was generall who in his returne backe hearing that there were certain pyrats of Barbarie in those
these there were as some write other secret articles concluded betwixt Caraffa and the duke of Alba concerning Palieno and that duke During these broiles betwixt the Pope and the king of Spaine the warre was as violent vpon the frontiers of Artois Picardie where the duke of Sauoy being general for the king of Spain S. Quentin taken entred with an armie of 40000 men he beseeged S. Quentin defeated and tooke the Constable which came for to relieue it and then tooke the towne after which the duke of Guise was called home out of Italie The duke of Sauoy hauing taken Castelet and some other places in Picardie dissolued his armie after which the French king hauing raised a great armie commaunded by the duke of Guise Calis taken hee tooke Calis Guines and all the land of Oye from the English in the heart of winter 1558 Soone after the Marshall of Termes went with an armie into Flaunders where hauing taken Bergues and Dunkerke and beseeged Grauelin hee was charged by the earle of Egmont his armie defeated and hee himselfe taken Marshall of Termes defeated After which rout the French king leuied new forces and came and camped about Amiens And king Philip on the other side being nothing inferiour in forces lodged neere vnto Dourlans Whilest that these two mightie armies which lay so neere one vnto another held all the world in expectation of some bloudie battell God inspired the hearts of these two great Princes with a desire to quench this warre without effusion of bloud and to preferre an accord before a doubtfull victorie wherefore their Deputies being assembled in the Abbaie of Cercampe vpon the Marches of Artois hauing propounded certaine Articles a peace was more easily concluded at Castell Cambresis Peace betwixt France and Spaine vpon the newes of the death of Marie queene of England The conditions were 1 That king Philip being a widower should marrie Elizabeth eldest daughter to king Henrie 2 That Marguerite of Fraunce the kings Sister should bee giuen in marriage to Emanuel Philibert duke of Sauoy and that in consideration thereof all his country townes Castles and iurisdictions of Sauoy and Piedmont should bee restored except the towns of Turin Quier Pignerol Chiuas and Villanoua of Ast which should continue three yeares in the French kings hands and that in the meane time the king of Spain should retaine Ast and Verceil 3 That all the Townes and forts which had beene taken in these last warres should bee restored on either part whether they did belong to those kings or to others which had followed their parties and namely the Island of Corsica to the Genouois Montferrat to the duke of Mantoua and the towne and castle of Bouillon to the bishop of Leege 4 That they of the house of Longueuille should bee put in possession of the countie of Saint Paul and the king D. Philip of the country of Charalois the Soueraigntie referued but there was no mention made of the Siennois 5 That the two kings should doe their best endeuours to entertaine the peace of Christendome and should procure the continuance and ending of the generall councell begun at Trent This yeare one thousand fiue hundred fiftie and eight Death of Queen Leonora queene Leonora sister to the Emperour Charles the fift died in Februarie at Talaberuela three leagues from Badajos shee was first wife to Emanuell king of Portugall and then to Francis the French king she was honoured with a royall funerall pompe And in September following the emperour Charles ended all his toiles Death of the Emperour Charles the fift and past to a better life in the monasterie of Saint Iust where hee had remained two yeares his bodie was left there to bee afterwards buried in the monasterie of Saint Laurence which king Philip his sonne did since build with great charge and state in remembrance of the victorie gotten against the French and the taking of the Constable on Saint Laurence day the tenth of August Hee left an immortall fame of his valour Praises of the Emperour Charles more than any of his predecessors had done in many hundred yeares before for that in him all those vertues might be seene which are to bee desired in one that shold gouerne his people iustly and commaund armes and manage warre iuditiously He was verie religious and pitifull to the poore wherein he seemed rather prodigal than liberall In his eating drinking apparel he was very temperate modest so as he might wel be a president to any priuat mā as wel as to great princes in the practise of that vertue He had a care of justice to haue it duly administred although the continual wars wherewith he was afflicted made him to endure many defects He not only spake the language of euery nation on where hee commaunded in Europe but also those that were not vnder his gouernment for hee spake the French and Sclauon tongues readily In other things hee was not learned but eloquent shewing great grauitie in his speech It seemed that his good fortune did strue with vertue to fauour him Hee was prompt in execution and constant against any apparent daunger little esteeming death Hee was so accustomed to the toyles of warre that vntill hee grew aged it seemed no trouble vnto him Hee liued eight and fiftie yeares sixe moneths and sixe and twentie daies his funerals were celebrated with great pompe throughout all the cities of his realme yea throughout Christendome euerie one seeming both in publike in and in priuate to be partakers of this generall losse In December after king Philip his Sonne caused his funerall to bee made at Brussells with great state and pompe where all his most glorious enterprises were represented Spaine this yeare besides the losse of two such great Princes was not a little annoyed by the Turkes army which going from Prouence landed some men in the Island of Minorca beyond the port of Maone and there after some difficultie and losse Armie of Turks in Minorca they tooke Cittadella where there were not aboue fiue hundred men to defend it of whome there were aboue foure hundred slaine the Turkes disdaining that they were forced to batter it and to giue some assaults before they could take it And so valour which is wont to bee admired and respected of the enemie did now cause a contrarie effect in the hearts of these barbarous and cruell men and hauing spoyled the towne and the whole island they returned with many prisoners into Prouence 22 A little before the emperours death Death of D. Iohn the third king of Portugal D. Iohn the third of that name king of Portugall died at Lisbone to the great griefe of his subiects by reason of the infancie wherein hee left D. Sebastian the heire of the Crowne Hee was stately and beautifull Prince and of hautie enterprise hee continued the Nauigation of the Indes with great happinesse and reputation and made the name
meane than to a lackey for pillaging of that dead bodie which his master had slaine Thus much I haue set downe out of his owne mouth touching the seruice that was done vpon those six gallies of Spaine This yeare there was a new fleet made readie in Spaine 1603 the which bred a jealousie in the French Armie of Spain at sea and made them to stand vpon their gard in Languedoc and Prouence This fleet was readie to set saile the which vnder colour of renewing the enterprise of Alger in Afrike might frame some designe vpon that coast Prince Doria and D. Iohn de Cordoua had beene both vnfortunat in their charges The honour of Christendome made all men wish that this execution might proue more succesfull than the rest But as bad designes do manie times prosper better than good the successe depending commonly on the blindnesse of fortune this enterprise of Alger was no more succesfull than the two former It was managed by a Franciscan Frier called Father Mathew who promised as great glorie vnto himselfe in chasing away those peti● kings of Afrike as Aratus had of freeing Sicyonia of tyrans He had negotiated with the king of Cycco who promised that for a certaine summe of money whereof he should receiue fortie thousand crowns in hand not onely to fauour any designe but to declare himselfe openly against the king of Alger and to reduce the towne to what condition they would but there is a great difference betwixt saying and doing And it is a great simplicitie to giue credit to an Infidell seeing that treacherie is inseparable from his soule The Viceroy of Majorca who was Generall in this action and with whom the king of Cycco had promised to joyne approached with foure gallies vpon this assurance and landed about an hundred men Moors treacherous to deliuer fortie thousand crownes vnto the Moores who receiued the money and deliuered the men into the hands of the Viceroy of Alger where the Frier was slain and the Viceroy retiring freed their neighbours from jealousie They of Barcelona who are subiect to the king of Spaine did no lesse apprehend this armie than the Moores they feared that the Catholike king would take their priuiledges from them as hee had done from them of Arragon Passage of the prince of Piedmont into Spain yet the passage of the three princes of Sauoy into Spaine renewed their jealousie in France The duke came with them to Nice where they attended the commoditie of their imbarking the princesse Marguerite his eldest daughter commaunding in Piedmont and from thence they past to Barcelona where they attended the kings pleasure and were entertained with all the honours that might be done vnto princes of that alliance The king of Spaine rejoyced at the dukes resolution and seemed to haue a great desire to see them He sent D. Henriques de Guzman to congratulate their arriuall and to commaund them to take small journeyes by reason of the heat of the season Being come to Court he made prince Victor the dukes second sonne Viceroy of Portugall the which did much content the Portugals to see the fruits of D. Beatrix his great grandmother who was daughter to D. Emanuel king of Portugall and maried to Charles duke of Sauoy The third sonne was afterwards made Archbishop of Toledo and then cardinall The queene of England being dead this yeare King of Spaine sends an embassador into England and the king of Scotland come to the succession of that Crowne the king of Spaine sent D. Iohn Baptista Taxis earle of Villa Mediana his embassadour into England to witnesse vnto the king the great contentment hee receiued by his happie comming to the Crowne who after his first audience of congratulations and ordinarie complements made a speech vnto the king to this effect The king of Spaine my master assuring himselfe to find the same effects and affections of friendship in you being king of England which you haue alwayes made shew of vnto him being king of Scotland Speech of the embassador of Spain to the king of England hath sent me vnto your Maiestie to confirme the sinceritie to desire the continuance and to preserue it by all the proofes of friendship and assistance which he offers you which is the same that many great princes haue desired and could not obtaine and for that it is offered is no lesse necessarie and to be wished for of your Maiestie If the king D. Philip the second of glorious memorie hath attempted any thing against England and queene Elizabeth against the Estates of Spaine it was more vpon some priuat spleene than for any reason of State But one tombe should interre both their bodies and their passions The successours doe inherit the greatnesse and power of their predecessors but they are not tied to their designes which haue no end but the ruine one of another The Catholike king hath such rich and goodlie Crownes in Europe Asia and Africke and at the East and West Indies as they are sufficient to settle the desire of his ambition within the bounds of his owne greatnesse If hee hath dealt in the affaires of any other princes it was to support them and keepe them from ruine time hauing discouered how many things were readie to fall if they had not beene vnderpropt by the hand of D. Philip. The enemies of the house of Spaine haue published That the ambition of this prince was to make himselfe Monarch of all Christendome and that hee had left these designes hereditarie to his posteritie But the wiser sort may easily judge that if hee had beene so affected he would haue carried himselfe otherwise and begun the execution of the enterprise by Italie in the which hee is the stronger the conquest whereof would be easie hauing such aduantages But as hee is contented to preserue his owne and desires no lesse to raigne justly than long and happily so is hee grieued to see his friends crosse him in a thing that is so just and reasonable Complaints are free for all men but they are more affectionate among neighbours My master who holds you in this qualitie of a friend and will dow what possibly hee may that you bee neuer other complaines to you of your selfe Hee cannot dissemble how much hee thinkes himselfe wronged for that your Majestie doth affect the defence and protection of the rebels of the Low Countries against their lawfull Lord and that you haue lately graunted them a great leuie of Scottish men Hee assures himselfe of all friendship and justice from you and hee intreats you that in calling home these Scottish men you will punish them as they haue deserued Hee desires to treat sincerely with you and beleeues that your Maiestie considering how much the friendship of so mightie a prince should bee deere vnto you and will be profitable will seeke and imbrace it and will neuer be so carelesse of his good as to wish him ill The king
1159 he raigned 55 yeres D. Leonora daughter to Henrie the second king of England Children D. Blanche Queene of France D. Berenguela Queene of Leon. D. Sancho died an infant D. Vrraca Queene of Portugall D. Fernand died young D. Malfade died a virgin D. Constance a Nunne D. Leonora Queene of Arragon D. Henrie King of Castille Two daughters which died in their infancies VIII D. Henrie first of that name sonne to D. Alphonso 4 in the yeare 1214 he raigned about three yeares D. Malfada of Portugall his wife The king D. Henrie beeing dead without children his sister D. Berenguela second daughter to king D. Alphonso seized vpon the realme of Castille to the preiudice of D. Blanche mother to Saint Lewis king of France who was the elder and there setled D. Fernand sonne to her and to D. Alphonso ninth king of Leon. IX D. Ferdinand third of that name sonne to D. Alphonso ninth king of Leon and to D. Berenguela of Castille obtained the realme of Castille to the preiudice of Queene Blanche mother to Saint Lewis in the yeare 1217 and raigned 35 yeares D. Beatrix daughter to the Emperour Philip of whom was borne Lawfull children D. Alphonso D. Frederic D. Ferdinand D. Henrie D. Philip. D. Sancho D. Emanuel D. Leonora not maried D. Berenguela a Nun. By 〈◊〉 or Adella as some write of the house of Poictiers his second wife he had Lawfull children D. Ferdinand D. Lewis D. Leonora In this King the two Realmes of Leon and Castille were vnited and were no more diuided X. King of Castille 31. of Leon. D. ALFONSO sonne to D. Ferdinand 3 numbred for the 5 of that name and 10 in Leon but they that joyne these two Lines accompt him the 11 adding his great grandfather Alfonso 4 of Castille who had no interest in Leon. D. Violant of Arragon his wife by whom he had Children D. Ferdinand called de la Cerde who marryed D Blanche daughter to ● Lewis of France and had D. Alfonso who marryed the Ladie of Lunet named M●lf●da daughter to the Vicont of Narbone D. Lewis Earle of Clermont husband to D. Leonora de Guzman D. Iohn Constable of France named by some Charles D. Lewis earl of Clermō● D. Iohn de la Cerde D. Isabell wife to Bernard de Foix base the stemme of the house of Medina Celi D. Fernand who had to wife D. I●ane de lara and had one daughter D. Blanche married to D. Iohn Manuell father to D. Ioane Queene of Castille wife to D. Henry the Bastard D. Iohn called de Lara heire to his mother D. Sancho 2. sonne D. Pedro 3. sonne D. Iohn 4. sonne to D. Alfonso the wi●e who married D. Maria Lopes Dia● heire of Biscaie and had D. Iohn the blind father to one Daughter marryed to D. Iohn Nugnes de Lara D. Iames 5. sonne D. Berenguela D. Beatrix D. Isabell. D. Leonora D. Maior de Gazman a Concubine mother to D. Beatrix Queene of Portugall XI King of Castille 32. of Leon. D. SANCHO second sonne to the King D. Alphonso seized vpon the realme in his fathers life time to frustrat the children of his elder brother D. Ferdinand deceased in the yeare 1284 and raigned about 11 yeares wee number him for the 4 of that name in Castille D. MARIA of Castille daughter to D. Alphonso Lord of Molina his wife Lawfull children D. Isabella Duchesse of Britaine D. Ferdinand D. Alphonso or Philip. D. Henry D. Pedro. D. Beatrix XII King of Castille 33. of Leon. D. FERDINAND sonne to D. Sancho the 4 of that name in the yeare 1295 hee raigned 17 yeares D. Constance of Portugall his wife Children D. Alphonso D. Leonora XIII King of Castille 34. of Leon. D. Alfonso 11 of that name sonne to D. Ferdinand in the yeare 1312 he raigned 38 yeares D. Maria of Portugall his wife Lawfull children D. Ferdinand died in his infancie D. Pedro King By Leonora de Guzman a Concubine he had Bastards D. Pedro. D. Sancho Twins D. Henry D. Frederic D. Ferdinand D. Tello D. Iohn D. Ioane who was wife to Ferdinand de Castro XIIII King of Castille 35. of Leon. D. Pedro the cruell in the yeare 1350 he was lawfull sonne to D. Alfonso or as some hold supposed by the Queene D. Maria who was iealous of the fruitfulnesse of D. Leonora de Guzman he raigned tirannously 18 yeares D. Blanche of Bourbon his wife D. Maria de Padille his Concubine Bastards D. Beatrix D. Constance Duchesse of Lancaster D. Alfonso D. Isabell Countesse of Cambridge D. Ioane de Castro whom he married in the life of Queene Blanche mother to D. Iohn D. Isabella an other Concubine mother to Bastards D. Sancho D. Diego D. Theresa of Ayala vpon promise of marriage brought him D. Maria. XV. King of Castille 36. of Leon. D. Henry 2 of that name base sonne to Alfonso 11 beeing persecuted by the king D. Pedro he had recourse vnto the French by whose ayde he conquered the Realme of Castille and slew the king D. Pedro in the yeare 1368 and raigned 11 yeares D. Ioane Manuell his wife mother to Lawfull children D. Iohn king of Castille D. Leonora Queene of Nauarre D. Leonora Ponce some call her Beatrix a Concubine by her he had D. Frederic duke of Benauent D. Eluira Inigues an other Concubine mother to D. Ioane marryed to D. Alfonso sonne to the Marquesse of Villena Of vncertaine mothers were borne D. Alfonso Earle of Gijon An other daughter married to D. Pedro sonne to the marquesse of Villena XVI King of Castille 37. of Leon. D. Iohn 1 of that name sonne to D. Henry the second in the yeare 1379 hee raigned 11 yeares D. Leonora of Arragon his wife mother to Lawfull children D. Henry D. Ferdinand A daughter which died yong D. Beatrix of Portugall his second wife XVII King of Castille 38 of Leon. D. HENRY third of that name sonne to D. Iohn the first in the yere 1390 he raigned 16 yeares D. KATHERINE of Lancaster his wife Lawfull children D. Marie Queene of Arragon D. Iohn King of Castille D. Katherine XVIII King of Castille 39 of Leon. D. IOHN sonne to D. Henry the third in the yeare 1406 he raigned 48 yeares D. MARIA of Arragon daughter to D. Ferdinand his vncle his wife Lawfull children D. Katherina died yong D. Leonora D. Henry king of Castille D. ISABELL of Portugall his second wife daughter to the infant D. Iohn Master of S. Iames. D. Isabell Queene of Castille D. Alphonso XIX King of Castille 40 of Leon. D. HENRY fourth of that name called the vnable in the yeare 1454 he raigned 21 yeares D. BLANCHE of Nauarre daughter to the king D. Iohn his first wife put away D. IOANS of Portugall his second wife mother to D. Ioane a supposed child XX. King of Castille 41 of Leon. D. ISABELL of Castille sister to king Henry the fourth was Queene of Castille as next of the bloud and lawfull she married with D. FERDINAND Prince of Arragon
Castille his second wife mother to D. Sancha Vicontesse of Bearn and then wife to D. Pedro de Molina of which second marriage came Americ Vicont of Naborna for D. Pedro his father was sonne to Ermisenda Vicountesse of Naborna XX. D. SANCHO 7 of that name called the wife sonne to D. Garcia Ramires in the yere 1150 he raigned 46 yeres D. BEACIA or BEATRIX or as some say D. Sancha daughter to D. Alfonso Raymond king of Castille and Leon his wife by whom he had Children D. Sancho King of Nauarr● D. Ferdinand D. Ramir Bishop of Pampelone D. Berenguela Queene of England D. Thersa or Constance D. Blanche Countesse of Champaigne and Brie XXI D. SANCHO 8 of that name called the strong sonne to Sancho 7 in the yere 1194 he raigned 40 yeres D. CLEMENCE daughter to Raymond 4 Earle of Tolousa his wife D. Ferdinand who died before the father Of a Concubine whose name is vnknowne this king had William a bastard By the death of the king the Crowne of Nauarre past into the house of Champaigne D. Blanche his sister wife to Cont Thibaud remayning sole of the race hauing issue XXII D. THIBAVD 1 of that name sonne to D. Blanche of Nauarre succeeded his vncle D. Sancho 8 in the yere 1234 and raigned 19 yeres His first wife was of Metz. The 2 was daughter to Guichard Earle of Beausieu and had D. Blanche Duchesse of Britaine The third wife was daughter to Archembaud Earle of Foix named Marguerite mother to Children D. Thibaud D. Henry D. Leonora D. Pedro. XXIII D. THIBAVD second of that name sonne to the first in the ye●r 1253 he raigned 18 yeres D. ISABELL of France daughter to S. Lewis by whom he had not any children D. Marquise Lope de Rada ● Concubine brought him D. Marquise a bastard who was wife to Pedro Fernandes of Ixar base sonne to D. Iames the first King of Arragon XXIIII D. HENRY brother to Thibaud the second in the yeare 1271 he raigned three yeres the first of that name D. IOANE daughter to Robert Earle of Artois Children D. Thibaud died an infant D. Ioane Queene By a Concubine of the house of Lacarra he had D. Henry bastard Marshall of Nauarre XXV D. IOANE sole daughter to D. Henry the first married to Philip the faire king of France and raigned in Nauarre in the yere 1274 the space of 31 yeres of which mariage issued Children D. Lewis Hutin D. Philip the long D. Charles the faire D. Ioane D. Isabell Queene of England XXVI D. LEVVIS HVTIN King of France and Nauarre first of that name in the yere 1305 he raigned 10 yeres in Nauarre D. MARGVERITE daughter to Robert of Burgundie D. Ioane of Nauarre His second wife was Clemence daughter to the King of Hungarie D. Iohn an after-birth who liued but eight dayes XXVII D. PHILIP the long king of France and Nauarre second of that name in the yere 1315 he raigned fiue yeres D. IOANE daughter to Othelin Earle of Burgundie Children D. Ioane Duchesse of Burgundie D. Marguerite Countesse of Nemours D. Marie wife to the Daulphin Himbert D. Blanche a religious woman XXVIII D. CHARLES the faire first of that name king of Nauarre and France in the yere 1320 he raigned about eight yeres D. BLANCHE daughter to Othelin Earle of Burgundie his first wife D. MARIE of Luxembourg his second wife mother to D. Blanche Duchesse of Orleans A sonne which died in his infancie D. IOANE daughter to Lewis Earle of Eureux by whom some say D. Blanche was borne XXIX D. IOANE daughter to King Lewis Hutin heire of Nauarre in the yere 1328 she raigned with her husband 21 yeres D. PHILIP Earle of Eureux husband to D. Ioane the third of that name among the kings of Nauarre of which marriage descended Children D. Charles king D. Philip Earle of Longueuille D. Lewis Earle of Beaumont This D. Lewis married the heire of the house of Beaumont le Roger in Normandie and were the stemme of the Earles of Lerin D. Ioane Countesse of Rohan D. Marie Queene of Arragon D. Blanche Queene of France D. Agnes Countesse of Foix. XXX D. CHARLES second of that name sonne to D. Philip the third in the yeare 1349 he raigned in Nauarre 37 yeares and was surnamed the bad D. IOANE of France daughter to king Iohn his wife of which marriage descended these following Lawfull children D. Charles King D. Philip died yong D. Pedro Earle of Mortaing from whom descended D. Pedro of Peralta Constable of Nauarre the stemme of the Marquesse of Falses D. Blanche D. Ioane Duchesse of Britaine and Queene of England D. Marie Countesse of Denia it is doubtfull whether she were daughter to this Queene D. Leon or Lionell a bastard the beginning of the Marquesse of Cortes Marshals of Nauarre XXXI D. CHARLES third of that name sonne to Charles the second in the yeare 1386 he raigned 39 yeares D. LEONORA of Castille his wife Children D. Ioane Countesse of Foix. D. Marie D. Blanche Queene of Sicile and Nauarre D. Beatrix Countesse of Marche D. Isabell. D. Charles D. Lewis By a Concubine whose name is vnknowne Bastards D. Godefray Earle of Cortes D. Ioane maried to D. Inigod Ortis of Estuniga XXXII D. BLANCHE daughter to D. Charles the third had to her second husband D. Iohn of Arragon and began to raigne in the yere 1425 and lasted 17 yeres then after her decease D. IOHN who was king of Arragon and Sicile continued his raigne vnto the yere 1479 who had by D. Blanche Children D. Charles D. Blanche Queene of Castille D. Leonora Countesse of Foix and afterwards Queene of Nauarre This King Iohn had a second wife and other issue which is set downe in the Line of Arragon XXXIII D. LEONORA Countesse of Foix wife to Gaston the fourth came to the Crowne of Nauarre suruiuing her brother and sister in the yere 1479 and died the same yere D. GASTON Earle of Foix called Prince of Viana husband to D. Leonora by who he had Children D. Gaston of whom and of Marguerite of France descended D. Iohn Vicount of Narbona D. Pedro Cardinall D. Iames. D. Marie Marquesse of Montferrat D. Ioane Countesse of Armaignac D. Marguerite Duchesse of Britanie D. Katherine Countesse of Candalle D. Leonora died a maid Francis and Katherine XXXIIII D. FRANCIS sonne to Gaston surnamed Phebus and grandchild to D. Leonora his father being dead before her decease he succeeded her in the realme of Nauarre in the yere 1479 and raigned foure yeares he died without any children XXXV D. KATHERINE sister to Francis Phebus raigned after her brother in the yeare 1483 she married with D. IOHN of Albret of which marriage issued Children D. Iohn D. Andrew D. Henry king of Nauarre D. Charles or rather Francis who died at Naples in Monsieur de Lautrecs voyage D. Katherine D. Anne D. Quiterie D. Magdelaine D. Isabell. And fiue other children which died young During the time and raigne of these Kings D.
Iohn of Albret and D. Katherine D. Ferdinand and D. Isabella his wife kings of Castille and Arragon seized on the realme of Nauarre beyond the Pyrenees and joyned it to Castille XXXVI HENRY the second of Albret successor to the rights of Nauarre second of that name in the yere 1517. MARGVERITE of France sister to king Francis the first his wife Ioane whom Bertrand Helie calls Charlotte XXXVII IOANE daughter to Henry the second succeeded in her fathers rights married to ANTHONIE Duke of Vendosme of the noble house of Bourbon Henry Katherine XXXVIII HENRY the third of that name in Nauarre and the fourth in France in the yere 1572 and raigned 38 yeares MARGVERITE of Valois from whom he was diuorced hauing no children MARIE de Medicis daughter to the duke of Florence his second wife by whom he had Lewis with diuers other children XXXIX LEVVIS now raigning the second of that name in Nauarre and the thirteenth in France he succeeded to his fathers rights in the yere 1610. Line of Arragon I. There is mention made about the yeare 775 of Aznar the sonne of Aznar and grand-child to Ende Duke of Aquitaine who had two sonnes Galinde and Ximenes Garces II. D. Galinde obtained some lands of the Soueraigntie of Nauarre and had his dwelling and seat at Iaca This was the beginning of Arragon D. Theuda who was Queene of Nauarre D. Ximen Aznares D. Endregot III. D. Ximen Aznares sonne to D. Galinde the third Earle of Arragon IIII. D. Ximen Garces brother to D. Galinde fourth Earle of Arragon in the yeare 803. D. Garcia Aznares his sonne V. D. Garcia Aznares sonne to D. Ximen Garces fift Earle of Arragon D. Fortun Ximenes his sonne VI. D. Fortun Ximenes sixt Earle of Arragon D. Vrraca as some say daughter to this D. Fortun and others to Endregot aboue named vnited the Earledome of Arragon to the Crowne of Nauarre bringing it in dowrie to the King D. Garcia Inigo second of that name VII D. Garcia Inigo king of Nauarre and seuenth Earle of Arragon in the yeare 867. D. Vrraca aboue named his wife D. Fortun their eldest sonne the rest are named in the Line of Nauarre VIII D. Fortun king of Nauarre second of that name and eight Earle of Arragon in the yeare 885. IX D. Sancho Abarca king of Nauarre and ninth Earle of Arragon brother to D. Fortun in the yeare 901. X. D. Garci Sanches sonne to D. Sancho Abarca king of Nauarre and tenth Earle of Arragon in the yeare 920. XI D. Sancho Garces sonne to D. Garci Sanches eleuenth Earle of Arragon raigning in Nauarre in the yeare 969. XII D. Garcia the shaking sonne to D. Sancho Garces king of Nauarre and twelfth Earle of Arragon in the yeare 993. XIII D. Sancho the Great sonne to D. Garcia the shaking thirteenth Earle of Arragon in the yeare 1000. This king of Nauarre erected the Countie of Arragon to a Realme and gaue it to his base sonne D. Ramir as appeares by the discourse by the Historie First King of Arragon D. RAMIR first of that name sonne to D. Sancho the great king of Nauarre was the first king of Arragon in the yeare 1034 and raigned 42 yeares D. ERMISENDE daughter to the Earle of Bigorre by some named Guberge his wife Children D. Sancho Ramires D. Garcia Bishop of Iaca. D. Sancha Countesse of Tolousa D. Theresa Countesse of Prouence He had by a concubine D. Sancho Lord of Ayuar Atares and Xauierre II. D. SANCHO RAMIRES king of Arragon in the yeare 1076 he raigned 18 yeares and vsurped the realme of Nauarre D. FELICE daughter to the earle of Vrgel his wife Children D. Pedro king D. Alphonso king D. Ramir a Monke and then a king By a concubine whose name is not extant D. Garcia Bishop of Iacca III. D. PEDRO first of that name sonne to D. Sancho Ramires in the yere 1094 he raigned 14 yeres D. BERTHE or IGNES his wife an Italian They died both before the father D. Pedro D. Isabell IIII. D. ALPHONSO first of that name brother to D. Pedro in the yeare 1108 and raigned 26 yeares he married D. Vrraca the heire of Castille and died without children after him Nauarre was separated from Arragon V. D. RAMIR a Monke sonne to D. Sancho Ramires and brother to the last kings was king of Arragon in the yeare 1134 by election of the Estates his raigne was vncertaine for hauing for the most part led a Monkish life he gaue ouer the gouernment of the realme vnto his sonne in law D. Raymond Berenger Earle of Barcelona D. AGNES sister or daughter as some hold to William Earle of Poictiers his wife mother to D. Petronilla heire of Arragon D. Petronilla daughter to D. Ramir did not raigne as some hold but her sonne D. Raymond whom she had by the Earle of Barcelona D. Raymond Berenger who gouerned the realme in qualitie of a Regent and was called Prince of Arragon who had by his wife Petronilla among other children which are named in the line of Cattelogne this sonne D. Raymond who changed his name and was called Alphonso VI. D. ALPHONSO second of that name called before Raymond sonne to the Earle D. Raymond Berenger and of the Princesse D. Petronilla in the yeare 1162 he raigned 34 yeares D. SANCHA daughter to D. Alphonso Raymond king of Castille and Leon and of D. Rica she was mother to Children D. Pedro king of Arragon D. Alfonso Earle of Prouence who had to wife D. Maria de Folcaquier whence descended D. Raymond Berenger who was married to Beatrix daughter to Thomas Earle of Morienne who had Marguerite queene of France Leonora Queene of England Sancha Queene of England Empresse Beatrix Queene of Naples Ioane who had the countie of Prouēce as the Arragonois say D. Ferdinand a Monke D. Constance Queene of Hungarie and then Empresse D. Leonora Countesse of Tolousa D. Sancha Countesse also of Tolousa D. Doulce a Nunne VII D. Pedro 2 of that name sonne to D. Alfonso the 2 in the yeare 1196 he raigned about 18 yeares His first wife was of the house of Folcaquier by whom he had D. Raymond Berenger D. Marie daughter to the Earle of Mompellier who had beene marryed to the Earle of Cominges by this second wife he had D. Iames king By a Concubine not named D. Constance marryed to William Raymond of Moncado Seneschall of Cattelogne VIII D. Iames first of that name sonne to the king D. Pedro the first in the yeare 1213 hee raigned 43 yeares D. Leonora of Castille daughter to king D. Alfonso the 9. by whom he had D. Alfonso who dyed before the father D. Violant daughter to the king of Hungarie his second wife mother to Children D. Pedro king of Arragon D. Iames king of Maiorca who married Esclermond of Foix who brought him D. Iames a Monke D. Sancho king of Maiorca D. Ferdinand D. Philip. D. Sancha D. Sancho Archbishop of Toledo D. Isabell Queene of France D. Ferdinand D.