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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A55118 A little view of this old vvorld in two books ... a work fitted to the press five years agone, and now published, by Tho. Palmer. Palmer, Thomas, b. ca. 1620. 1659 (1659) Wing P253; ESTC R17862 95,299 212

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his people This division gave hope again to the Danes to set up themselves in the Nation and in a little time they grew so great Etheldred was content to give them yearly tribute of 1000. li. to purchase his peace to sit in the Throne But the Danes finding Etheldred willing to lye down to the burthen while his people had money to pay by degrees they enhanced the 1000. li. per. an to 48000. li. per. an and when the King could not pay the tax he secretly laid a plot to which the people oppressed readily comply'd to pay the Danes for all together So upon the 12. day of Novemb. 1012. the Saxons kill'd all the Danes in the night In revenge of this Massacre Swain King of Denmark invaded England with fire and sword and possessed himself of this Monarchy All the strength that Etheldred could raise was no ways able to repel these conquering Danes but King Swain tyrannized over the Saxons Etheldred died when he had reigned 38. year An. 1014. Swain King of Denmark left his son Canutus to rule in England But Edmund called Iron-side a valiant man son to Etheldred set up himself in the Kingdom after his father and made War upon Canutus the new King of the Danes Many bloudy battels were fought between the Danes and the Saxons and neither part prevailed so that the Kings agreed to end the quarrel for the Empire between them These stout Kings fought hand to hand for the Crown In which Combat they manifested their skill in arms as well as courage and wearied out themselves in fighting but neither overcame and so they agreed to divide the Nation between them this was accordingly done But not long after Edmund was treacherously murdered by one that thought thereby to be preferred by Canutus Yet Canutus like a man of worth hated that wicked murder of so gallant a Prince and for his reward caused the Murderer to be tormented to death and cast into a Ditch Yet here the Kingdom of England was only reduced under Canutus An. 1018. Canutus having thus brought the Nation of England unto the Government of the Danes He put to death the next heir apparent of the Saxons which was in England But the better to confirm the Kingdom to him he propounded a motion of a Marriage with the Widow of Etheldred who was fled into Normandy with two of her sons Emma the widow agreed to match with Canutus upon condition that the Kingdom of England should be confirmed unto the children begotten of her Shortly after she bare a son to Canutus called Hardie Canutus By this Affinity Canutus strengthened himself greatly and subduing the Scots was King of England Scotland Denmark and Norway and reigned 20. years An. 1028. Hardie Canutus having his residence in Denmark Harold son to Canutus by a former wife by assistance of the Danes set up himself King of England Harold knowing by what interest he was brought in and setled in the Throne he displaced the English and put the Danes into places of Honour and Trust. He banished Emma and put Alured her youngest son by Etheldred to death and reigned 3. years An. 1041. Hardie Canutus after the death of his brother Harold possessed the Crown of England and in hatred of his brothers wickedness caused Harolds body to be digged out of the earth and cast in into the Thames But Hardie Canutus being at a marriage feast died suddenly in the midst of his cups in the third year of his reign in England An. 1043. Here ended the Line of the Danish Kings and the Saxons again restored Edward the remaining son of King Etheldred was again brought into England and crowned at Winchester He released the money paid to the Danes call'd Danes-gift He also collected a body of Common Laws He cured the swelling of the Throat since called the Kings evil And for holiness of life was called Sr. Edward and Edward the Consessor King Edward took to wife Edgi●ha the daughter of Earl Godwin but died without issue when he had reigned 23. years and 6. moneths and odd daies An. 1067. In the life time of Edward he made Harold son to Earl Godwin Regent of England in the non-age o● Edgar grand-child to Edmund Ironside who was the heir apparent to the Crown until he should come to age Unto which Edward the Confessor took an Oath of Harold But when Edward was dead Harold refused the Regentship and crowned himself King of England which shortly after brought distraction upon him and misery to all the Nation Yet for all I may not pass in silence the good nature of the man that he had some respect to Prince Edgar For though he took his Kingdom yet Harold gave him the Earldom of Oxford and above all spared his life But the righteous God soon raised black clouds and sad storms to disquiet Harold with his dear purchased Crown and the whole Nation for their wicked compliance with a sorsworn King Harold King of Norway came with a great Army to fall upon England both by Sea and Land And while Harold of England was preparing to encounter the King of Norway William Duke of Normandy landed a compleat Army in England the 28. of September An. 1067. and claimed the right to the Crown of England by gift from Edward the Confessor This the Duke pretended and what small probability there is to assert the truth of it men may easily judge by Edwards care to set up Edgar the next in succession of bloud Harold of England at this time had much wasted his men in a great battel fought with Harold of Norway But having got the better of that enemy he rallied his wearied Souldiers to fight William Duke of Normandy a new competitor for his ill got Crown In this battel Harold was slain and the Normans got the Victory and the Kingdom together where there fell with their King 66654. English Souldiers when Harold had reigned but 3. moneths An. 1067. Here ended the Race of Saxon Kings in England Normans Kings of England WIlliam Duke of Normandy called William the Conqueror was a Bastard-son of Robert Duke of Normandy who began his reign over England the 14. day of October 1067. or by many 1066. Upon these Wars Edgar the true heir to the Crown of England fled into Scotland and many English men with him who after raised an Army and came into England and besieged York where William had a Garison for himself Edgar got the City and possessed it But William came with a great Army and d●ave Edgar back to Scotland At Williams first coming to the Crown very considerable Cities in England stood against him so that he was established in the Throne by shedding of bloud of much innocent bloud which God hath and will yet judge some for In the 4. year of his reign was a dreadful Famine in
which people eat mans flesh In the 8. year he subdued Scotland and made them do homage In England he left no natural Noble man to bear rule but so impoverished the Nation by great Taxes that much Tillage was laid down and good ground laid wast many miles together When the Tyrant had brought the nation into extream poverty he imposed upon them an Oath of allegiance and went into Normandy and not long after falling to War with the King of France he was over-heat in his fat body by his harness upon him and got a painful disease and dyed the 9. of Sept. when he had reigned 20. years 10. moneths and about 25. daies Anno 1008. William Rufus the 3. son of Duke William took advantage of his elder brother Roberts absence stepped into the Royal Throne and began his reign from the death of his father Most of the Nobility stood for Robert and raised war against William But by pleasing words and fair promises he gained some of them to him and then subdued the rest by force After Robert claimed his right to the Crown and William refusing to surrender they fell to War and at length agreed that if either of them had not issue the Crown should descend to the survivers In the 11. year of Williams reign all the Lands belonging to Earl Godwin whose son proved a perfidious perjured man by the breaking in of the Sea was utterly overwhelmed with water which is added to the vast Ocean and still bears the name of Goodwins sands King William was one that fulfilled the curse of God upon that kind of Government for it is recorded of him that he did not only shave but slea the people of England But the just had of God found him out and at last Sir Walter Terril shooting at a Deer in New Forrest which his father had made a Forrest by the destorying the People and Town 30. miles together the King being there hunting the righteous Lord guided the Arrow to Williams brest of which wound he fell dead and spoke no word Some of his men laid the dead body upon a Colliers Cart drawn with one poor horse which came by accident which carried him to Winchester where he was buried the day after at whose burial men could not weep for joy He reigned 12. years 10. moneths and about 22. daies An. 1101. Henry brother to Rufus the 4. son of William Duke of Normandy who for his learning was called Beau-Clark got into the Throne after his brother William Rufus At first he abated the taxes and reformed the Laws But Robert Duke of Normandy returning from the holy Wars made War upon his brother Henry for the Crown of England At this time Robert was appeased with money but upon this quarrel was raised a second and third War Till at last Henry took Robert prisoner and Duke Robert endeavouring escape was taken and then Henry caused his brothers eyes to be put out and kept close prisoner to his death King Henry in a Council or Parliament had power given him over the Clergy But he took their Money and suffered them to do what they pleased And unto all other his black sins It 's plain he was a whore-monger for he made Robert his Bastard-son first Earl of Golcester Many dreadful judgements and great signs of Gods displeasure were manifested upon the Land about these times Yet Henry ruled 35. years and 4. moneths and died the first day of December An. 1136. Steven Earl of Bulloin son to Alice daughter to William the Conqueror claimed the Crown of England and succeeded his Uncle Henry He was a gallant Souldier and much favoured and eased the people But the Nobles of England sent for Maud King Henry's daughter who was married to the Emperorr of Rome of the French line and promised her to possess her in the Throne of England At this time also the King of Scots invaded the North parts and woful desolations were made in the Land by Armies on all sides But at last Steven made peace by adopting Henry son to Maud to succeed him in the Kingdom so Steven died in peace the 25. day of October when he had reigned 18. years 10. moneths and odd days An. 1155. Henry the 2. called Henry Plantagenet next took the Royal Scepter And now again the Saxon line was restored Maude daughter to King Henry son to William the Conqueror was first married to the Emperour and after to Geffery Plantagenet Earl of Angeou and Duke of Normandy by whom he had this Henry who married Elianor descended from Malcolme a Saxon. It was observed of this King that he was unsteadfast or unfaithful in his promises and a wedlock breaker He caused his son Henry to be Crowned in his life-time who married the King of France's daughter But Henry and his brethren raised great Wars against their father who died the 6. day of July An. 1189 when he had reigned 34. years 9. moneths and 12. days Richard the 2. son to Henry the 2. took the Crown of England He sold great possessions and immunities from the C●own and after pretending that he had 〈◊〉 his Seal caused all that had purchased to have their Deeds and Patents sealed again Richard left the Government of England with a Chancellor and went into Normandy and there he agreed with the King of France to go to Jerusalem In his absence John his brother set up himself King But upon Richards return John was perswaded by his mother to lay down the Crown and Richard was again crowned King of England the 12. day of March and then he entered again upon all the Lands he had sold unless they would buy them again How this man loved Money and let go Conscience any may judge But after he was shot with a poyson'd dart of which he died the 6. day of April or the second moneth An. 1200. when he had reigned 9. years and 9. moneths John now succeeded his brother Richard He was divorced from his wife and married another Amongst other the great evils he brought upon England this was not the least That he resigned his Crown with the Realms of England and Ireland to the Pope The Barons fell at difference with the King and obtained help from France upon which the King sleeing up and down ended his miserable life at Newark Castle as some say by poyson But when he was dead his servants divided what he had not leaving enough to cover his dead body and then left him He died the 19. of Octob. Ann. 1217. when he had run out 17. years and 6. moneths with some odd daies Henry the eldest son of Richard by a second wife or Concubine was set upon the Throne at 9. years of age Upon this the French withdrew out of the Nation He took to wife Elianor daughter of Raymond Earl of
Henry the 8. and was crowned at 9. years of age In the 2. year of his reign he did so much towards reformation that the Church-service was turned into English In the Kings Minority the Duke of Somerset was made Lieutenant Protector but not long after was committed to the Tower and after was beheaded at Tower-hill King Edward about 16. years of age fell sick and died when he had reigned 6. years 5. months and odd daies An. 1554. After the death of Edward Lady Jane wife to the Lord Clifford fourth son to the Duke of Northumberland was proclaimed Queen as given to her by Edward the 6. But Lady Mary eldest daughter to King Henry had the grater party and so came to the Crown She soon restored the Pope Cardinal c. to his former Supremacy over England and dashed the reformation begun and appointed the Church-service again in Latine To make sure Queen Mary beheaded the Lady Jano Clifford the Duke of Suffolk the Lord Clifford and others to take them off from laying claim to the Crown Yet she did not sit quiet in the Throne But to compleat her sin she drunk deep of the bloud of the Saints and sent many multitudes to heaven in fiery chariots The Queen married Philip Prince of Spain Yet the Lord shut up her womb that she had no child and cut her off when she had raged over the Saints in this Nation 5. years 4. months and odd daies Anno 1559. Elizabeth sister to Queen Mary now came to the Crown she again rejected the Pope and did something towards Reformation of Religion She had great honour in the hearts of the people and was a terror to forain Nations and reigned 45. years An. 1604. After Queen Elizabeth James King of Scots descended from Margaret daughter to Henry the 7. came to the Crown of England He was a man of much learning and writ divers Books But his practice answered not his light and professions How he passed over the death of his son Prince Henry was observed by many and how the Lord reached him at last many have said more then I will write King James sawyed the Scepter of England Scotland and Ireland 22. years 3. days An. 1626. Charles succeeded his father James Contrary to the counsel once given by King James to Heary his son Charles did marry with Henerietta Maria of France a Papist and gave her the liberty of her Religion by Articles of Marriage By her interest Popery was advanced through corrupt Bishops and the true worship of God was little known in England what the life of Charles was is yet fresh in the memory of most alive at this day He set all the three Nations on a fire that yet is not quenched nor is like to be In England Ireland and Scotland the sword hath spilt the bloud of many thousands and as he was worthy the Lord gave him bloud to drink who was beheaded at White-hall West minster January 30. An. 1649. when he had born the Crown 24 years 10. months and 7. days Thus as in a Map I have represented some remarkable passages in the rise and succession of Kings from Saul to our present Age. If this little be laid up in the minds of men by this taste you may judge much of all their Lives and Reigns that is vailed under the Curtain To my best skill I have only run down sacred and prophane History and have taken the relations of others and written their Stories But if so much wickedness came to light what was done in the dark that is open to the all-seeing eye of Heaven Surely a woful sad burden have this sort of men I may well say Monsters been to all People and Nations where-ever they were And that the Dragon the Beast and all their limbs shall be utterly destroyed by Jesus Christ who is King of Kings I question not I am perswaded the work is now upon the wheel and as Jesus Christ is imbraced here will appear more and more to clear up to the Saints another way of governing his people then yet we see There is nothing hinders but our unworthiness But if I may discover what I see yet afar off I conceive the Governours call'd and set up by Jesus Christ shall be like Jesus Christ himself humble self-denying Saints such as shall set up a publike and not a self-interest Such as shall ease burdens and not oppress Such as shall deliver the poor and not seed upon them Such as shall guide the people by the rule of Gods sacred word and not make lust and self-will their law and force it by a long Sword For certain if the Lord did not leave wise-men to themselves they could not but easily reade their own ruine by multiplied examples in all times God is the same yesterday to day and for ever And in the same way that God did manifest his righteousness and justice under the sacred Scriptures the same hath been the Lords providences and dispensations in the world ever since the Scriptures were written and as the Apostle expresseth it These things were written for our examples upon whom the ends of the world are come I may say sin was the rise of Monarchy sin hath been the strength of Monarchy and Monarchy hath been the punishment of sin ever since it was Therefore when the sin of Kings grew high the Lord stirred up some to punish pull down these Kings by the shedding of much bloud and exhausting of treasure But when such had got into the Kings State they did the same that the King did before them when their sin again was full the Lord raised up others to destroy them and their Families And this is the track of times But when Jesus Christ is truly received there shall be an end of this proud oppressing sort of men the Saints shall rule then judgement and righteousness shall run down like mighty streams Now for the accomplishment of these blessed promises wait and pray till Christ say It 's done AN EPITOMY OF PAPACY THat there was a Gospel Church in the City of Rome in the times of the Apostles is clear by Divine authority And that this Church of Christ had ordinary Church Officers Bishops and Deacons I think there is no question But the better to discover the Roman Antichrist two things have been in debate amongst the godly 1 Whether the first Bishops of the Churches of Christ had and did exercise by power given from Jesus Christ a Lordly and Soveraign Jurisdiction over the Saints in their particular Churches 2 Whether the power of one Bishop or Pastor by the institution of Jesus Christ did extend to divers Churches The judgements of many learned men are published to the World upon these needful questions yet I desire to assert my thoughts in this place First That ordinary Church Officers