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A67920 A discouerie of the true causes why Ireland was neuer entirely subdued, nor brought vnder obedience of the crowne of England, vntill the beginning of his Maiesties happie raigne; Discoverie of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued Davies, John, Sir, 1569-1626. 1612 (1612) STC 6348; ESTC S109372 93,412 291

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nobis vsque ad aetatem nostram And in the pipe Rols remaining in Bremighams Tower in the Castle of Dublin vpon sundrie Accompts of the Seneshal of Vlster when that Earledome was in the Kings handes by reason of the minority of the Earle the entry of all such charges as were made vppon Oneale for RentBeeues or for aids towards the maintenance of the Kinges warres are in this forme Oneal Regulus 400 vaccas pro arreragio Reddit Oneal Regulus 100 li de Auxilio Domini Regis ad guerram suam in wasconia sustinendam And in one Rol the 36. of Henry the third Oneale Rex 100 li. de auxilio domini Regis ad guerram suam in VVallia sustinendam Which seemed strange to me that the Kings ciuill Officer should giue him that stile vpon Record vnlesse he meant it in that sense as Maximilian the Emperour did when speaking of his disobedient Subiects The Title saide he of Rex Regum doth more properly belong to mee then to any mortall Prince for all my subiects do liue as Kings they obey me in nothing but do what they list And truely in that sence these Irish Lords might not vnfitly be tearmed Kings But to speake in proper termes wee must say with the Latine Poet Quirexest Regem Maxime non habeat But touching these Irish Kings I will adde this note out of an ancient Manuscript the blacke Booke of Christ-Church in Dublin Isti Reges non fuerunt ordinati solemnitate alicuius ordinis nec vnctionis Sacramento nec iure baereditario vel aliqua proprietatis successione sed vi armis quilib●t Regnē suum obtinuit and therefore they had no iust cause to complaine when a stronger King then themselues became a King and Lord ouer them But let vs returne to our purpose and see the proceeding of the Martiall affaires King Henry the second being returned into England gaue the Lordship of Ireland vnto the Lord Iohn his youngest sonne sur-named before that time Sans Terre And the Pope confirming that guift sent him a Crowne of Pea-cockes feathers as Pope Clement the eight sent the Feather of a Phoenix as he called it to the Traitor Tirone This young Prince the Kings sonne being but twelue years of age with a traine of yong Noblemen and Gentlemen to the number of 300. but not with any maine army came ouer to take possession of his new Patrimony and being arriued at VVaterford diuers Irish Lords who had submitted themselues to his father came to performe the like duty to him But that youthfull company vsing them with scorne because their demeanors were but rude and barbarous they went away much discontented and raised a generall rebellion against him Whereby it was made manifest that the Submission of the Irish Lords and the Donation of the Pope were but slender and weake assurances for a kingdome Heereupon this young Lord was reuoked and Sir Iohn de Courcy sent ouer not with the kings armie but with a company of Voluntaries in number foure hundered or thereabout With these he atempted the conquest of Vlster and in foure or fiue encounters did so beate the Irishry of that Prouince as that he gained the Maritime Coasts thereof from the Boyne to the Bann and thereupon was made Earle of Vlster So as now the English had gotten good footing in all the Prouinces of Ireland In the first three Prouinces of Leinster Mounster and Conaght part by the sword and part by submission and alliance And lastly in Vlster by the inuasion and victories of Sir Iohn de Courcy From this time forward vntill the seuenteenth year of King Iohn which was a space of more then 30. yeares there was no army transmitted out of England to finish the Conquest Howbeit in the meane time the English Aduenturers and Colonies alreadie planted in Ireland did winne much ground vpon the Irish Namely the Earle Strongbow hauing married the Daughter of Mac Murrogh in Leinster the Lacies in Meth the Giraldines and other Aduenturers in Mounster the Audeleyes Gernons Clintons Russels and other Voluntaries of Sir Iohn de Courcies retinue in Vlster and the Bourkes planted by william Fitz-Adelme in Conaght Yet were the English reputed but Part-Owners of Ireland at this time as appeareth by the Commission of the Popes Legate in the time of King Richard the first whereby he had power to exercise his Iurisdiction in Anglia wallia ac illis Hiberniae partibus in quibus Iohannes Moretonii Comes potestatem habet et dominium as it is recorded by Mat. Paris King Iohn in the twelfth year of his raigne came ouer again into Ireland the Stories of that time say With a great army but the certaine numbsrs are not recorded yet it is credible in regard of the troubles where-with this King was distressed in England that this army was not of sufficient strength to make an entire Conquest of Ireland and if it had bin of sufficient strength yet did not the King stay a sufficient time to performe so great an action for he came ouer in Iune returned in Septem the same yeare Howbeit in that time the Irish Lords for the most part submitted thēselues to him as they had done before to his Father which was but a meere mockery imposture For his backe was no sooner turned but they returned to their former rebellion yet this was reputed a second Conquest And so this King giuing order for the building of some Castles vpon the Borders of the English Colonies left behinde him the Bishop of Norwich for the ciuill gouernment of the Lande but he left no standing army to prosecute the conquest onely the English Colonies which were alreadie planted were left to themselues to maintaine what they had got and to gaine more if they could The personall presence of these two great Princes King Henry the second and King Iohn though they performed no great thing with their armies gaue such countenaunce to the English Colonies which encreased dayly by the comming ouer of new voluntaries and aduenturers out of England as that they enlarged their Territories verie much Howbeit after this time the kings of England either because they presumed that the English Colonies were strong enough to roote out the Irish by degrees or else because they were diuerted or disabled otherwise as shall bee declared heereafter neuer sent ouer any Royall armie or anie numbers of men worthy to be called an army into Ireland vntill the thirty six yeare of king Edward the thirde when Lionell Duke of Clarence the kings second sonne hauing married the daughter and heyre of Vlster was sent ouer with an extraordinary power in respect of the time for the warres betwixt England and Fraunce were then in their heate aswell to recouer his Earledome of Vlster which was then ouer-run possest by the Irish as to reforme the English Colonies which were become strangely degenerate throughout the whole kingdome FOr though
first hauing bin Generall of the Irish forces not only in this kingdom but in the Wars of Scotland wales and Gascoigne And therefore Maurice Fitz-Thomas of Desmond beeing then the most actiue Nobleman in this realm tooke vpon him the chiefe command in this Warre for the support whereof the Reuennue of this Lande was farre too short and yet no supply of Treasure was sent out of England Then was there no mean to maintain the Army but by Sessing the soldiers vppon the Subiect as the Irish were wont to impose their Bonaught Whereupon grewe that wicked Extortion of Coigne and Liuerie spoken of before which in short time banished the greatest part of the Free-holders out of the County of Kerrie Limerick Corke and waterford Into whose possessions Desmond and his Kinsmen Alies and Followers which were then more Irish then English did enter and appropriate these Lands vnto themselues Desmond himselfe taking what scopes hee best liked for his demesnes in euery Countrey and reseruing an Irish Seigniory out of the rest And heere that I may verifie maintaine by matter of Record that which is before deliuered touching the Nature of this wicked Extortion called Coigne and Liuery and the manifolde mischiefes it did produce I thinke it fit and pertinent to insert the preamble of the Statute of the 10. of Henry 7. c. 4. not printed but recorded in Parlament Rols of Dublin in these words At the request supplication of the Commons of this Land of Ireland that where of long time there hath bin vsed and exacted by the Lords and Gentlemen of this Land many and diuers damnable customes vsages which bin called Coigne and Liuery and Pay that is Horsemeat and Mansmeat for the finding of their Horsemen and Footmen and ouer that 4. d. or 6. d. daily to euery of them to be had and paide of the poore Earth-Tillers and Tenants inhabitants of the saide Land without any thing doing or paying therefore Besides manie Murders Robberies Rapes other manifold extortions oppressions by the saide Horsemen and Footmen dayly and mightily committed done which bin the principall causes of the desolation destruction of the said Land hath brought the same into Ruine and Decay so as the most part of the English Free-holders and Tenants of this land bin departed out thereof some into the Realme of England and other some to other strange Landes whereupon the foresaide Lordes and Gentlemen of this Land haue intruded into the saide Free-holders and Tenants inheritances and the same keepeth and occupieth as their owne inheritances and setten under them in the same Land the Kings Irish Enemies to the diminishing of Holie Churches Rites the disherison of the King his obedient subiects and the vtter ruine and desolation of the Land For reformation whereof be it enacted That the King shall receiue a Subsidie of 26. s. 8. d. out of euerie 120. acres of arrable land manured c. But to return to Tho Fitz-Maurice of Desmond By this extortion of Coigne and Liuery he suddenly grewe from a meane to a mighty estate insomuch as the Baron Finglas in his discourse of the Decay of Ireland affirmeth that his ancient inheritance beeing not one thousand markes yearely he became able to dispend euery way ten thousand pounds per annum These possessions being thus vnlawfully gotten could not bee maintained by the iust and honorable law of England which would haue restored the true Owners to their Land againe And therefore this Greatman found no meanes to continue vphold his ill-purchased greatnesse but by reiecting the English Law Gouernment and assuming in lieu therof the barbarous customs of the Irish. And heereupon followed the defection of those foure shires containing the greatest part of Munster from the obedience of the Law In like manner saith Baron Finglas the Lord of Tipperary perceiuing how well the house of Desmond hadde thriued by Coigne and Liuerie and Other Irish exactions began to holde the like course in the Counties of Tipperary and Kilkenny whereby he got great scopes of Land specially in Ormond and raised many Irish exactions vpon the English Free-holders there which made him so potent absolut among thē as at that time they knew no other Lawe then the will of their Lord. Besides finding that the Earle of Desmond excluded the ordinary Ministers of Iustice vnder colour of a Royall Liberty which he claimed in the Counties of Kerry Corke and waterford by a graunt of King Edward the first as appeareth in a Quo warranto brought against him Anno 1. Edw. 1. the Record wherof remaineth in Breminghams Tower among the common Plea-Rolles there This Lord also in the third of Edward the thirde obtained a Graunt of the like Liberty in the County of Tipperary whereby he got the Lawe into his owne hands shut out the Common Law and Iustice of the Realme And thus we see that all Munster fell away from the English Lawe and Gouernment in the end of King Edward 2. his raigne and in the beginning of the raigne of King Edward the third Againe about the same time viz in the 20. yeare of King Edward the second when the State of England was well-ny ruined by the Rebellion of the Barons and the Gouernment of Ireland vtterly neglected there arose in Leinster one of the Cauanaghes named Donald Mac Art who named himselfe Mac Murrogh King of Leinster and possessed himselfe of the Countie of Catherlogh and of the greatest part of the County of wexford And shortly after Lisagh O Moore called himselfe O Moore tooke 8. Castles in one Euening destroyed Dunamase the principall house of the L. Mortimer in Leix recouered that whole Countrey De seruo Dominus de subiecto princeps effectus saith Friar Clynne in his Annalles Besides the Earle of Kildare imitating his Cosin of Desmond did not omit to make the like vse of Coigne Liuery in Kildare and the West part of Meth which brought the like Barbarisme into those parts And thus a great part of Leinster was lost and fell away from the Obedience of the Crowne neere about the time before expressed Againe in the seauenth yeare of King Edward the third the Lord VVilliam Bourke Earle of Vlster and Lorde of Conaght was treacherously murdered by his owne Squires at Knockefergus leauing behinde him Vnicam vnius annifiliam saith Friar Clynne Immediately vpon the murder committed the Countesse with her yong daughter fledde into England so as the Gouernment of that Countrey was wholly neglected vntil that young Ladie beeing married to Lionell Duke of Clarence that Prince cam ouer with an Army to recouer his wiues inheritance and to reforme this Kingdom Anno 36. of Edward the third But in the meane time what became of that great inheritance both in Vlster Conaght Assuredly in Vlster the Sept of Hugh Boy O Neal then possessing Glaucoukeyn and Killeightra in Tyrone tooke the
had reiected the English Lawes and submitted themselus to the Irish with whom they had many Mariages and Alliances which tended to the vtter ruine destruction of the commonwealth Therefore alliaunce by Marriage Nurture of Infants and Gossipred with the Irish are by this Statute made High-treason Againe if anie man of English race should vse an Irish Name Irish Language or Irish Apparrell or any other guise or fashion of the Irish if he had Lands or Tenements the same should be seized til he had giuen security to the Chancery to conform himself in al points to the English maner of liuing And if he had no Lands his bodie was to be taken and imprisoned til he found Sureties as aforesaide Againe it was established and commanded that the English in all their Controuersies should bee ruled and gouerned by the common Lawe of England and if any did submit himselfe to the Brehon Law or March law he should be adiudged a Traitor Againe because the English at that time made warre and peace with the bordering enemy at their pleasure they were expresly prohibited to leauie warre vpon the Irish without speciall warrant and direction from the State Againe it was made paenall to the English to permit the Irish to Creaght or graze vpon their Landes to present them to Ecclesiasticall Benefices to receiue them into any Monasteries or Religious Houses or to entertaine any of their Minstrels Rimers or Newes-tellers to impose or sesse any Horse or Footvppon the English Subiects against their willes was made felony And because the great Liberties or Franchises spoken of before were become Sanctuaries for all Malefactours expresse power was giuen to the Kinges Sheriffes to enter into all franchises and there to apprehend all Fellons and Traitours And lastly because the great Lordes when they leuied forces for the publick seruice did lay vnequall burdens vpon the Gentlemen and Free-holders it was ordained that foure Wardens of the peace in euery Countie should set downe and appoint what men and Armour euery man should beare according to his Free-hold or other ability of estate THese and other Lawes tending to a generall reformation were enacted in that Parliament And the Execution of these Lawes together with the Presence of the Kings Son made a notable alteration in the State and Manners of this people within the space of seauen yeares which was the tearme of this Princes Lieutenancy For all the Discourses that I haue seene of the Decay of Ireland doe agree in this that the presence of the Lord Lionel and these Statutes of Kilkenny did restore the English gouern ment in the degenerate Colonies for diuers yeares And the Statute of the tenth of Henry the seuenth which reuiueth and confirmeth the Statutes of Kilkenny doth confirme as much For it declareth that as long as these Lawes were put in vve and execution this Lande continued in prosperity and honor and since they were not executed the Subiectes rebelled and digressed from their allegeance and the Land fell to ruine and desolation And withall wee finde the effect of these Lawes in the Pipe-Rolles and Plea-Rolles of this Kingdome For from the 36. of Edward 3. when this Prince entred into his Gouernment till the beginning of Richard the second his Raigne we find the Reuennue of the Crowne both certaine and casuall in Vlster Munster and Conaght accounted for and that the Kings Writ did run and the Common-Law was executed in euery of these Prouinces I ioyne with these Lawes the personall presence of the Kinges Son as a concurrent cause of this Reformation Because the people of this Land both English Irish out of a naturall pride did euer loue desire to be gouerned by great persons And therefore I may heere iustly take occasion to note that first the absence of the Kings of England and nexte the absence of those great Lords who were inheritors of those mighty Seigniories of Leinster Vlster Conaght and Meth haue bin maine causes why this kingdome was not reduced in so many ages TOuching the absence of our Kinges three of them onely since the Norman Conquest haue made royall iournies into this Land namely K. Henrie the second King Iobn and king Richard the second And yet they no sooner arriued heere but that all the Irishry as if they had bin but one man submitted them-selues tooke Oaths of fidelity and gaue pledges hostages to continue loyall And if any of those Kings hadde continued heere in person a competent time till they had setled both English Irish in their seuerall possessions and had set the Law in a due course throughout the Kingdom these times wherein we liue had not gained the honor of the finall Conquest and reducing of Ireland For the King saith Salomon dissipat omne malum intuitu suo But when Moses was absent in the Mount the people committed Idolatry when there was no king in Israel euery man did what seemed best in his own eies And therfore when Alexander had conquered the East part of the world and demaunded of one what was the fitest place for the seat of his Empire he brought and laid a dry hide before him and desired him to set his foote on the one side thereof which being done all the other parts of the Hide did rise vp but when he did set his foot in the middle of the Hide all the other parts lay flat and euen Which was a liuely demonstration that if a Prince keep his residence in the Border of his Dominions the remoate parts will eafily rise and rebell against him but if he make the Center therof his seat he shall easily keepe them in peace and obedience TOuching the absence of the great Lords All Writers doe impute the decay and losse of Leinster to the absence of these English Lords who maried the fiue Daughters of william Marshall Earle of Pembroke to whom that great Seigniory discended when his fiue sonnes who inherited the same successiuely and during their times held the same in peace obedience to the Law of England were all dead without Issue which hapned about the fortith yeare of King Henrie the third for the eldest beeing married to Hugh Bigot Earle of Norfolke who in right of his wife had the Marshalship of England The second to VVarren de Mountchensey whose sole daughter and heire was matcht to william de Valentia halfe Brother to K. Henrie 3. who by that match was made Earle of Pembroke The third to Gilbert de Clare earl of Glocester The fourth to william Ferrers Earle of Darby The fift to william de Bruce Lord of Brecknocke These great Lordes hauing greater inheritances in their owne right in England then they hadde in Ireland in right of their Wiues and yet each of the Coparceners had an entire Countie allotted for her purparty as is before declared could not bee drawne to make their personal
king Henry the thirde gaue the whole Land of Ireland to Edward the Prince his eldest son and his heyres Ita quod non Separetur a Cona Angliae Whereupon it was styled the Land of the Lorde Edward the kings eldest sonne and all the Officers of the Land were called the Officers of Edward Lord of IRELAND and though this Edward were one of the most actiue Princes that euer liued in England yet did he not either in the life time of his father or during his own raign come ouer in person or transmit any armie into Ireland but on the other side he drew sundry ayds supplies of men out of Ireland to serue him in his warres in Scotland wales and Gascoigne And again though king Edw the second sent ouer Piers Gaueston with a great retinue it was neuer intended he should perfect the Conquest of Ireland for the K. could not want his company so long a time as must haue beene spent in the finishing of so tedious a worke So then in all that space of time betweene the twelfth yeare of king Iohn and the 36. yeare of king Edward the third containing 150. years or thereabouts although there were a continuall bordering war between the English and the Irish there came no royall army out of England to make an end of the warre But the chiefe Gouernors of the realme who were at first called Custodes Hiberniae and afterwards Lords Iustices and the English Lordes who had gotten so great possessions and Royalties as that they presumed to make warre and peace without direction from the State did leuie all their forces within the land But those forces were weakely supplied and Ill Gouerned as I said before Weakly supplyed with men and Money and gouerned with the worst Discipline that euer was seene among men of warre And no maruell for it is an infallible rule that an army ill paide is euer vnruly and Ill gouerned The standing forces heere were sildome or neuer re-enforced out of England and such as were either sent from thence or raised heer did commonly do more hurt and damage to the English Subiects then to the Irish enemies by their continuall Sesse and Extortion Which mischiefe did arise by reason that little or no Treasure was sent out of England to pay the soldiers wages Onely the Kings reuennew in Ireland was spent and wholy spent in the publicke seruice and therefore in al the ancient Pipe-Rols in the times of Henry the third Edward the first Edward the second Edward the third betweene the Receipts and allowances there is this entrie In Thesauro nihil For the Officers of the State and the Army spent all so as there was no surplusage of Treasure and yet that All was not sufficient For in default of the Kings pay aswell the ordinary forces which stood continually as the extraordinarie which were leuied by the cheefe Gouernor vpon iourneyes and generall hoastings were for the most part laid vpon the poore subiect descended of English race howbeit this burden was in some measure tolerable in the time of King Henry the third and King Edward the first but in the time of King Edward the second Maurice Fitz-Thomas of Desmond beeing chiefe Commander of the army against the Scots began that wicked extortion of Coigne and Liuery and pay that is He his army tooke Horse meate and Manfmeate and money at their pleasure without any Ticket or other fatisfaction And this was after that time the generall fault of all the Gouernours and Commanders of the army in this Lande Onely the Golden saying of Sir Thomas Rookesby who was Iustice in the thirtieth yeare of king Edward the 3. is recorded in all the Annalles of this kingdome That he would eate in wodden dishes but would pay for his Meat Gold Siluer Besides the English Colonies being dispersed in euerie Prouince of this kingdome were enforced to keepe continuall guards vpon the Borders Marches round about them which Guardes consisting of idle souldiers were likewise imposed as a continuall burthen vppon the poore English Free-holders whome they oppressed and impouerished in the same manner And because the great English Lords Captaines had power to impose this charge when and where they pleased manie of the poore Freeholders were glad to giue vnto those Lords a great part of their Lands to hold the rest free from that extortion And many others not being able to endure that intollerable oppression did vtterly quit their freeholds and returned into England By this meane the English Colonies grew poore and weake though the english Lords grew rich and mighty for they placed Irish Tenants vppon the Landes relinquished by the English vpon them they leuied all Irish exactions with them they married and fostered and made Gossips so as within one age the English both Lords and Free-holders became degenerate and meer Irish in their Language in their apparrell in their armes and maner of fight all other Customes oflife whatsoeuer By this it appeareth why the extortion of Coigne and Liuory is called in the old Statutes of Ireland A Damnable custome and the imposing taking thereof made High Treason And it is saide in an ancient discourse Of the De●…y of Ireland that though it were first inuented in Hell yet if it had been vsed and practised there as it hath been in Ireland it had long since destroyed the very kingdome of Belzebub In this manner was the warre of Ireland carried before the comming ouer of Lionel Duke of Clarence This young Prince being Earle of Vlster and Lord of Conaght in right of his wife who was daughter and heire of the Lord VVilliam Bourke the last Earle of Vlster of that family slaine by treachery at Knockfergus was made the Kings Lieutenant of Ireland and sent ouer with an army in the 36. year of King Edward the third The Rol and List of which Army doth remaine of Record in the Kings Remembrauncers Office in England in the presse de Rebust augentibus Hiberniam dooth not containe aboue fifteene hundred men by the Poll which because it differs somewhat from the manner of this age both in respect of the Command and the Entertainment I thinke it not impertinent to take a briefe view thereof The Lord Lionel was Generall and vnder him Raulf earle of Staffora Iames Earle of Ormond Sir Iohn Carew Banneret Sir William winsor other knights were Commanders The entertainment of the Generall vpon his first arriuall was but six shillings eight pence per diem for himselfe for fiue Knights two shillings a peece per diem for 64. Esquires xij d a peece per diem for 70 Archers vj. d. a peece per diem But being shortly after created Duke of Clarence which honor was conferred vpon him beeing heere in Ireland his entertainement was raised to xiij s. iiij d. per diem for himselfe for 8. Knights ij s. a piece per
per interfectionem praedict ā cōmittere non potuit quia dicit praedict Rogerus Hibernic est et nō de libero sanguine dicit etiā qd praedict Rogerus fuit de Cognomine de Ohederiscal et non de cognonime de cautetons et de hoc ponit se super patriam c. Et Iurati dicunt super Sacram. suum quod praedictus Rogerus Hibernicus fuit et de cognonime de Ohederiscall pro Hibernico habebatur tota vita sua Ideo praedict Willielmus quoad feloniam praedict quietus Sed quia praedictus Rogerus Ottederiscall suit Hibernicus Domini Regis praedict Willielmus recommittatur Gaolae quovsque plegios inuenerit de quinque marcis soluendis Domino Regi pro solutione praedicti Hiberntci But on the otherside if the Iurie had found that the party slaine had beene of English race and Nation it had bin adiudged fellony as appeareth by a Record of 29. of Edward the first in the Crowne-Office heere Coram Waltero Lenfant et socijs suis Iustitiarijs Itinerantibus apud Drogheda in Comitatu Louth Iohannes Laurens indictat de morte Galfridi Douedal venit non dedicit mortem praedictam sed dicit quod praedict Galfridus fuit Hibernicus et non de libero sanguine et de bono et malo ponit se super patriam c. Et Iurat dicunt super Sacram. suum quod praedict Galfridus Anglicus fuit et ideo praedict Iohannes culpabilis est de morte Galfridi praedict Ideo suspend Catalla 13. s. vnde Hugo de Clinton Vicecom respondet Hence it is that in all the Parliament Rolles which are extant from the fortith yeare of Edward the thirde when the Statutes of Kilkenny were enacted till the raigne of King Henry the eight we finde the degenerat and disobedient English called Rebelles but the Irish which were not in the Kings peace are called Enemies Statute Kilkenny c. 1. 10. and 11. 11. Hen. 4. c. 24. 10. Hen. 6. c. 1. 18. 18. Hen. 6. c. 4. 5. Edw. 4. c. 6. 10. Hen. ● c. 17. All these Statutes speak of English Rebels and Irish Enemies as if the Irish had neuer bin in condition of Subiectes but alwaies out of the protection of the Law and were indeede in worse cafe then Aliens of any forren Realme that was in amity with the Crowne of England For by diuers heauie paenall Lawes the English were forbidden to marry to foster to make Gossippes with the Irish or to haue anie Trade or commerce in their Markets or Fayres nay there was a Law made no longer since then the 28. yeare of Henrie the eight that the English should not marry with any person of Irish blood though he had gotten a Charter os Denization vnlesse he had done both homage and fealty to the King in the Chancery and were also bound by Recognisaunce with sureties to continue a loyall subiect Whereby it is manifest that such as had the Gouernment of Ireland vnder the Crowne of England did intend to make a perpetuall separation and enmity betweene the English and the Irish pretending no doubt that the English should in the end roote out the Irish which the English not being able to do did cause a perpetuall Warre betweene the nations which continued foure hundered and odde yeares and would haue lasted to the Worlds end if in the end of Queene Elizabeths raigne the Irishry had not beene broken and conquered by the Sword And since the beginning of his Maiesties raigne had not bin protected and gouerned by the Law BVt perhaps the Irishry in former times did wilfully refuse to be subiect to the Lawes of England and would not be partakers of the benefit thereof though the Crowne of England did desire it and therefore they were reputed Aliens Out-lawes and enemies Assuredly the contrarie doth appeare aswel by the Charters of Denization purchased by the Irish in all ages as by a petition preferred by them to the King Anno 2. Edward the third desiring that an Act might passe in Ireland whereby all the Irishrie might be inabled to vse and inioy the Lawes of England without purchasing of particular Denizations Vppon which petition the King directed a speciall Writ to the Lorde Iustice which is found amongst the CloseRolles in the Tower of London in this forme Rex dilecto fideli suo Iohannis Darcile Nepieu Iustic suo Hiberniae Salutem Exparte quorundam hominum de Hibernia nobis extitit supplicatum vt per Statutum inde faciendum concedere velimus quod omnes Hibernici qui voluerint legibus vtatur Anglicanis ita quod necesse non habeant super hoc Chartas alienas à nobis impetrare nos igitur Certiorari volentes si sine alieno praeiudicio praemissis annuere valeamus vobis mandamus quod voluntatem magnatum terr illius in proximo Parliamento nostro ibidem tenendo super hoc cum diligentia perscrutari facias et de eo quod inde inueneritis vna cum Consilio et aduisamento nobis certificetis c. Whereby I collect that the great Lordes of Ireland had informed the King that the Irishry might not be naturalized without damage and preiudice either to them selues or to the Crowne But I am well assured that the Irishrie did desire to bee admitted to the benefit of the Law not onely in this petition exhibited to king Edward the third but by all their submissions made to King Richard the second and to the Lord Thomas of Lancaster before the warres of the two Houses and afterwards to the Lord Leonard Gray Sir Anthony Saint-Leger when K. Henry the eight began to reforme this kingdome In particular the Birnes of the Mountaines in the 34. of Henrie the 8 desire that their Countrey might bee made Shire-ground and called the County of wicklow And in the 23. of Henry the eight O Donnel doth Couenant with Sir VVilliam Skeffington Quod si Dominus Rex velit reformare Hiberniam whereof it should seeme hee made some doubt that hee and his people would gladly bee gouerned by the Lawes of England Onely that vngratefull Traitour Tirone though hee had no colour or shadowe of Title to that great lordship but only by grant from the Crowne and by the Law of England for by the Irish Law he had beene ranked with the meanest of his Sept yet in one of his Capitulations with the State hee required that no Sheriffe might haue iurisdiction within Tirone and consequently that the Lawes of England might not be executed there Which request was neuer before made by O Neale or any other Lorde of the Irishry when they submitted themselues but contrariewise they were humble sutors to haue the benefit and protection of the English Lawes THis then I note as a great defect in the Ciuill policy of this kingdom in that for the space of 350. yeares at least after the Conquest first attempted the English lawes were not communicated to the
according to the examples before recited they had reduced as well the Irish Countries as the English Colonies vnder one forme of ciuil gouernment as now they are the Meres Bounds of the Marches and Borders had beene long since worne out and forgotten for it is not fit as Cambrensis writeth that a King of an Islande should haue any Marches or Borders but the foure Seas both Nations had beene in corporated and vnited Ireland had beene entirely Conquered Planted and Improoued and returned a rich Reuennew to the Crowne of England THE next error in the Ciuill pollicy which hindered the perfection of the Conquest of Ireland did consist in the Distribution of the Landes and possessions which were woonne and conquered from the Irish. For the Scopes of Land which were graunted to the first Aduenturers were too Large and the Liberties and Royalties which they obtained therein were too great for Subiects though it stood with reason that they should be rewarded liberally out of the fruites of their owne Labours since they did Militare proprijs stipendijs and receiued no pay from the Crowne of England Notwithstanding there ensued diuers inconuiences that gaue great impediment to the Conquest FIrst the Earle Strongbow was entituled to the whole Kingdom of Leinster partly by Inuasion and partly by Marriage albeit hee surrendred the same entirely to King Henrie the second his Soueraigne for that with his license hee came ouer and with the Ayde of his Subiects hee had gayned that great inheritance yet did the K. re-grant backe againe to him and his heyres all that Prouince reseruing onely the Citty of Dublin the Cantreds next adioyning with the Maritime Townes and principall Forts Castles Next the same King granted to Robert Fitz-Stephen and Miles Cogan the whole Kingdome of Corke from Lismore to the Sea To Phillip le Bruce he gaue the whole Kingdome of Limericke with the Donation and Byshopprickes and Abbeyes except the Citie and one Cantred of Land adioyning To Sir Hugh de Lacy all Meth. To Sir Iohn De Courcy all Vlster to william Burke Fitz-Adelm the greatest part of Conaght In like manner Sir Thomas de Clare obtained a graunt of all Thomond and Otho de Grandison of all Tipperary and Robert le Poer of the territory of VVaterford the Citty it selfe and the Cantred of the Oastmen only excepted And thus was all Ireland Cantonized among tenne persons of the English Nation And thogh they had not gained the possession of one third part of the whole Kingdom yet in Title they were Owners and Lords of all so as nothing was left to bee graunted to the Natiues And therefore we do not find in any Record or storie for the space of three hundred yeares after these Aduenturers first ariued in Ireland that any Irish Lorde obtained a grant of his Country from the Crowne but onely the King of Thomond who had a grant but during King Henry the third his Minority and Rotherick O Connor King of Conaght to whom King Henrie the second before this distribution made did graunt as is before declared Vt sit Rex sub eo moreouer Vt teneat terram suam Conactiae it a bene inpace sicut tenuit antequam Dominus Rex intravet Hiberniam And whose successour in the 24. of Henrie the third when the Bourkes had made a strong plantation there had welny expelled him out of his territory he came ouer into England as Matth. Paris writeth and made complaint to King Henrie the third of this inuasion made by the Bourkes vppon his Land insisting vppon the g●auntes of King Henrie the second and King Iohn and affirming that he had duely paide an yearely tribute of fiue thousand marks for his Kingdome Whereupon the King called vnto him the Lord Maurice Fitz-Girald who was then Lorde Iustice of Ireland and President in the Court and commanded him that he should roote out that vniust plantation which Hubert Earle of Kent had in the time of his greatnesse planted in those parts and wrote withall to the greatmen of Ireland to remooue the Bourkes and to establish the King of Conaght in the quiet possession of his Kingdome Howbeit I doe not read that the King of Englands commandement or direction in this behalfe was euer put in execution For the troth is Richard de Burgo had obtained a graunt of all Conaght after the death of the King of Conaght then liuing For which he gaue a thousand pounde as the Record in the Tower reciteth the third of Henry 3. claus 2. And besides our great English Lords coulde not endure that any Kings should raigne in Ireland but themselues nay they could hardly endure that the Crown of England it selfe should haue any Iurisdiction or power ouer them For many of these Lordes to whome our Kings had granted these petty kingdomes did by Vertue and colour of these Grants claime and exercise Iura Regalia within their Territories insomuch as there were no lesse thē eight Counties Palatines in Ireland at one time For VVilliam Marshall Earle of Pembroke who married the daughter and heyre of Strongbow being Lord of all Leynster had Royall Iurisdiction thoroughout al that Prouince This great Lord had fiue sonnes and fiue daughters euery of his sonnes enioyed that Seigniory successiuely and yet al died without Issue Then this great Lordship was broken and diuided pertition made betweene the fiue daughters who were married into the Noblest Houses of England The Countie of Catherlogh was allotted to the eldest VVexford to the second Kilkenny to the third Kildare to the fourth the greatest part of Leix nowe called the Queenes County to the fift In euery of these portions the Coparceners seuerally exercised the same Iurisdiction Royall which the Earle Marshall and his Sonnes had vsed in the whole Prouince Whereby it came to passe that there were fiue County Palatines erected in Leinster Then had the Lord of Meth the same Royall libertie in all that Territory the Earle of Vlster in all that Prouince and the Lorde of Desmond and Kerry within that County All these appeare vppon Record and were all as ancient as the time of King Iohn onely the liberty of Tipperarie which is the onely Liberty that remaineth at this day was granted to Iames Butler the first Earle of Ormond in the third yeare of King Edward the third These absolute Palatines made Barons Knights did exercise high Iustice in all points within their Territories erected Courts for Criminall and ciuill Causes and for their owne Reuennews in the same forme as the Kings Courts wer established at Dub lin made their own Iudges Seneshals Sheriffes Corroners and Escheators so as the Kinges Writt did not run in those Counties which took vp more then two partes of the English Colonies but onely in the Church Lands lying within the same which were
opportunity and passing ouer the Banne did first expell the English out of the Barony of Tuscard which is nowe called the Rout and likewise out of the Glynnes and other Lands vp as farre as Knockfergus which Countrey or extent of Lande is at this day called the lower Clan Hugh-Boy And shortly after that they came vp into the great Ardes which the Latine writers call Altitudines Vltoniae and was then the inheritaunce of the Sauages by whom they were valiantly resisted for diuers yeares but at last for want of Castles and fortifications for the saying of Henrie Sauage mentioned in euery Story is very memorable That a Castle of Bones was better then a Castle of Stones the English were ouer-run by the multitude of the Irishry So as about the thirtith of K. Edw. 3. some few yeares before the arriuall of the Duke of Clarence the Sauages were vtterly driuen out of the Great Ardes into a little nooke of land neer the Riuer of Strangford where they now possesse a little Territory called the little Ards and their greater patrimony tooke the name of the vpper Clan Hugh-Boy from the Sept of Hugh-Boy O Neale who became Inuaders thereof FOr Conaght some yonger branches of the Family of the Bourkes being planted there by the Red-Earle his Ancestors seeing their Chiefe to bee cut off and dead without Heire-male and no man left to gouern or protect that Prouince intruded presently into all the Earles Lands which ought to haue bin seized into the kings handes by reason of the minoritie of the heire And within a short space two of the most potent among them diuided that great Seigniory betwixt thē the one taking the name of Mac william Oughter and the other of Mac william Fighter as if the Lord william Bourk the last Earle of Vlster had lefte two sonnes of one name behinde him to inherit that Lordship in course of Gauelkinde But they well knewe that they were but Intruders vppon the Kings possession during the minority of the heire they knew those lands were the rightfull inheritance of that young Lady and consequently that the Law of England woulde speedily euict them out of their possession therefore they held it the best policy to cast off the yoake of English Law and to become meere Irish and according to their example drew al the rest of the English in that Prouince to do the like so as from thenceforth they suffered their possessions to run in course of Tanistry and Gauel-kinde They changed their names language and apparrell and all their ciuil manners and Customes of liuing Lastly about the 25. yeare of King Edward the third Sir Richard de Clarè was slaine in Thomond and al the English Colonies there vtterly supplanted Thus in that space of time which was betweene the tenth yeare of king Edward the second and the 30. yeare of King Edward the third I speak within compasse by the concurrence of the mischieses before recited all the old English Colonies in Munster Conaght and Vlster more then a third part of Leinster became degenerat fell away from the Crowne of England so as onely the foure Shyres of the English Pale remained vnder the Obedience of the Lawe and yet the Borders and Marches thereof were growne vnruly and out of order too being subiect to Blacke-Rents and Tribute of the Irish which was a greater defection then when tenne of twelue Tribes departed and fell away from the Kings of Iuda But was not the State of England sensible of this losse and dishonour Did they not endeuor to recouer the Land that was lost and to reduce the subiects to their Obedience Truely King Edward the second by the incursions of the Scottish Nation and by the insurrection of his Barons who raised his wife and his Sonne against him and in the end deposed him was diuerted and vtterly disabled to reforme the disorders of Ireland But assoone as the crown of England was transferred to K. Edw. 3. though hee were yet in his minority the State there beganne to looke into the desperate estate of thinges heere And finding such a general defection Letters were sent from the King to the great men and Prelates requiring them particularly to swear fealty to the Crowne of England Shortly after Sir Anthony Lucie a person of great authority in England in those daies was sent ouer to work a reformation in this Kingdome by a seuere course and to that ende the King wrote expresly to the Earle of Vlster and others of the Nobilitie to assist him as is before remembered presently vpon his arriual he arrested Maurice Fitz-Thomas Earle of Desmond and Sir william Bremingham and committed them prisoners to the Castle of Dublin where Sir william Bremingham was executed for treason though the Earle of Desmond were left to Mainprize vpon condition hee should appeare before the King by a certain day and in the meane time to continue loyall AFter this the King being aduertised that the ouer-large Graunts of Lands and Liberties made to the Lords of English Bloude in Ireland made them so insolent as they scorned to obey the Law and the Magistrate did absolutely resume all such Crants as is before declared But the Earle of Desmond aboue al men found himselfe grieued with this resumption or Repeale of Liberties and declared his dislike discontentment insomuch as he did not only refuse to come to a Parliament at Dublin summoned by Sir william Morris Deputie to the L. Iohn Darcy the kings Lieutenant But as we haue said before he raised such dissention betweene the English of bloud and the English of birth as the like was neuer seen from the time of the first planting of our Nation in Ireland And in this factious and seditious humour hee drewe the Earle of Kildare and the rest of the nobility with the Cittizens and Burgesses of the principall Townes to hold a seuerall Parliament by themselues at Kilkenny where they framed certaine Articles against the Deputy transmitted the same into England to the King Heereupon Sir Raphe Vfford who had lately before married the Countesse of Vlster a man of courage and seuerity was made Lord Iustice who forth with calling a Parliament sent a speciall commandement to the Earle of Desmond to appeare in that great Councel but the Earle wilfully refused to come Whereupon the Lord Iustice raised the Kings Standard and marching with an Army into Munster seized into the Kings handes all the possessions of the Earle took and executed his principall followers Sir Eustace le Poer Sir william Graunt Sir Iohn Cotterell enforced the Earle himselfe to flye and lurke till 26. Noblemen and Knights became Mainpernors for his appearance at a certaine day prefixed But he making default the second time the vttermost aduantage was taken against his sureties Besides at the same time this Lord Iustice caused the Earle