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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A24049 The royal almanack containing a succinct account of the most memorable actions of K. William III : with the year and day of the month when they happened / composed by P. Vincent Coronelli, cosmographer to the most serene republick of Venice, and presented to his Majesty by himself. Coronelli, Vincenzo, 1650-1718. 1696 (1696) Wing A1469B; ESTC R225071 17,546 32

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THE Royal Almanack Containing a Succinct ACCOUNT OF THE Most Memorable Actions OF K. WILLIAM III. With the Year and Day of the Month when they happened Composed by P. VINCENT CORONELLI Cosmographer to the most Serene Republick of Venice and presented to his Majesty by himself LONDON Printed for E. Whitlock near Stationer's Hall 1696. TO THE READER HAving met with this little Book I thought it not unfit to publish it in our Tongue were it for no other Reason than that no Body may be ignorant how great an Esteem our Glorious Monarch's matchless Virtues have gained him in the remotest Parts of Europe The Reader is desired to take notice That being composed in Italian the New Roman Style is made use of And if there be any Events misdated it is expected so small an Error may in a Stranger be pardonable especially in one whose other celebrated Works have made large amends to the letter'd part of the World In short if the Reader is deceived in his Expectation which were hard we hope the Exhorbitancy of the Price will not much impair his Pocket nor that of the Volume be too great an Exercise for his Patience THE Royal Almanack c. Ianuary 1. 1679. A Treaty being on Foot between the Spanish and Dutch Ministers to the effect that Maestricht might be given up to his Catholick Majesty the Prince of Orange opposed it being not fully satisfied as to his own Pretensions 2 1689. The late King James being a second Time imbarked for France the Administration of the Kingdom of England was placed in the Prince of Orange till such time as a Convention might be assembled 3 1661. The Provinces of Overissel and Zeeland being resolved to chuse him their Captain General their Pensioners gave him notice thereof but having that very Day heard of the Princess his Mother's Sickness himself fell sick thereupon 4 1689. His Majesty began his Government by an Act of Grace in restoring the Earls of Feversham and Sunderland to their Liberty 5 1671. He returned from Oxford and Windsor where he had been royally entertained by his Majesty of Great Britain having been a Mediator for the States General in which Negotiation he gave convincing Proofs of his admirable Parts and his Kindness for the said States 6. 7 1689. He is present at Council and sends Circular Letters to call a Convention 8. 9 1677. He receives 200000 Ducats from his Princess in part of the Satisfaction he demanded 10 1691. The King makes himself Master of Lansbrough in Ireland 11. 12 1672. He positively refuses the Dignity of Captain General unless it be conferred upon him for Life 13. 14. 15 1691. His Majesty prorogues the Parliament of England 16 1692. His Majesty leaves London with a Design to go over into Holland to confer with several Confederate Princes but is put back by contrary Winds 17 1672. The States General name Min Heer 's John de Wit de Reverning and Fagel to ingross the necessary Instructions which the Captain General was to act by 18 1651. A general Assembly of the States is held to dispose of the Offices enjoy'd by the late Prince of Orange 19 1672. The Prince of Orange proclaim'd Captain General of the Provinces of Holland and West Friezland 20. 1675. He goes from the Hague to visit the Fortresses and give his Orders to the Magistrates of that Country 21 1674. He went into Mourning for the Prince Palatine de Simmeren his Unkle 22 1674. The States of Holland allow his Royal Highness a more numerous Train and increase the Number of his Guards 23 1673. As a Token of his Generosity and of his Tenderness for the States he quits his Claim to a Tenth Part of all the Prizes made at Sea 24. 25 1679. He returns to the Hague after having visited the Fortifications of Narden and other Places in the Provinces of Holland and Vtrecht 26 1692. The King imbarks a second Time for Holland attended by the Dukes of Norfolk and Ormond the Earls of Portland Devonshire and Dorset the Bishop of London and several other English Noblemen 27. 28 1675. He generously refuses the Proposals made him by the Nobility and Magistracy of the Dutchy of Geldreland and County of Zutphen who proffer'd to elect him for their Soveraign with the Titles of Duke of Gueldreland and Earl of Zurphen 29 1978. Through his Mediation a Treaty for an Offensive and Defensive League between England and Holland is concluded 30 1691. His Majesty arrives in sight of the Dutch Coasts with his Convoy which consisted of 12 Men of War 7 Yachts and some other Vessels and the Landing being difficult gets into a Boat and is soon out of Sight of his Fleet is benighted and in that manner exposed to the Injuries of the Air and ready to be cast away to the unexpressible Sorrow of those who attended him whom himself comforted and especially the Pilot to whom he might say That he carried Cesar but with that Difference That Cesar was by his Fear forced back but his Majesty through great Labours and no small Hazards lands at the Goree 31 1691. He arrives unexpected at the Hague Which was the first time since his happy Accession to the Crown of England that he came there to honour the States with his Royal Presence and tho' he came as incognito yet he is received with the Noise of all the Cannon ringing of Bells c. February 1 1689. Both Houses of the Convention assembled at Westminster desire the Prince of Orange to protect them and to take upon him the Administration of the Government 2. 1674. The States general declare the Prince of Orange Hereditary Governour of Holland and desire his Highness to marry the Duke of York's Daughter 3 1674. His Royal Highness presented the King of England with a Lyon and a Tyger which had been lately sent him out of the Indies 4 1677. He does at the Request of the States General go to Groninguen attended by some of the Deputies to compose some Differences which had happen'd in that City 5 1691. His Majesty to comply with the People's Desires of expressing the Joy they had at his safe arrival is oblig'd to make his Publick Entry into the Hague through a great number of Triumphal Arches while a general Satisfaction was expressed by Acclamations Feasts Bonfires c. 6 1691. His Majesty took the Management of Affairs with an extraordinary Application bore his Part in the Joy the Confederates had conceived at their good Successes and gave Audience to several Princes 7 1691. He assists in Person at the holding of the States of Holland and West Friesland and then at that of the States General of the Vnited Provinces and is afterwards present at the Council of State being received in those Assemblies with all possible Tokens of Esteem Veneration and Respect 8 1691. He reassumes at the Hague the Function of Governour and Captain General in the same manner as before he was King 9 1674. The States of
had been granted them and deliver'd up the Gates and Fortifications of that important City to the Troops of his Majesty who by the taking thereof saw the Rebellion quite extirpated in Ireland 14 1678. The States General empower for that time only the Prince of Orange to put whom he pleased into the Magistracy of the City of Maestricht 15 1692. K. William III. is owned as true lawful and rightful King of Ireland by the Parliament of that Kingdom 16 1690. The House of Lords return their Thanks to his Majesty for his prudent Administration of the Government and for having ventured his sacred Person for the Advantage and Honour of the English Nation 17 1672. In a Council of War held by his Royal Highness at Tergan at which Admiral Ruiter was present it is agreed to attack the French on the Maese 18 1690. The House of Commons do likewise address his Majesty to return their Thanks for his favourable Protection and to desire him not to expose his sacred Person as he had hitherto done 19 1690. The Parliament return their Thanks to her Majesty for her wise management of Affairs during the King's absence in Ireland 20 1690. The House of Commons grant a Subsidy of 4 millions of Pounds Sterling to carry on the War against France 21 1692. The King received a Letter from the Emperor of the Turks congratulating his happy Accession to the Crown of England and desiring his Mediation between him and the Emperor of Germany 22 1677. The Prince besieges Tongres in hopes of engaging the Mareschal de Duras who was strongly entrenched near that place 23 1673. He besieged the Castle of Walkembourg which after a weak Resistance surrendred on Discretion And the same Day he gave the Government of Breda to the Count Charles de Rhingrave 24 1668. The Princess of Orange sends a Letter to the States to acquaint them that the Prince her Son being now full 18 Years old she would be his Tutrix no longer but designed to give them as being his Guardians an account of the manner wherein she had discharged her Trust and she desired them to take him into their Protection 25 1690. General Tetau took the City of Cork 26 1672. The Prince does at last oblige the City of Graves after a long and vigorous Resistance to capitulate tho there were in the place 450 Canons and a Garrison of 4000 chosen Men under the Command of the Marquiss de Chamilly one of the bravest and most couragious Captains the French King has ever owned 27 1672. He takes Binch after which he goes into Brabant to dispose of his Army into Winter-quarters there 27 1673. The Prince enter'd into Grave where he found above 2000 of the besieged killed and wounded and where he is joyfully received by the Inhabitants who stiled him their Protector and the Restorer of their Liberty 28 1670. He goes for London with a Princely Attendance 30 1688. The Prince of Orange imbarked at Helvoetsluys with the Mareschal de Shomberg his Fleet consisting in 65 Men of War 10 Fire-ships and 500 Transport-ships on which were shipped about 16000 Horse and Foot but a great Storm suddenly arose which obliged him to put back into Helvoet-sluys 31 1689. The Parliament grants him 1200000 l. more to carry on the War in Ireland November 1 1691. The Parliament being met at Westminster grants his Majesty a sufficient Sum of Mony for the raising an Army of 65000 Men for the safety of the Kingdom 2 3 4 1682. The Chamber of Metz declares the Prince has no Title to the Principality of Orange and 14 other Fiefs of that Sovereignty and vests them in the Abbot of Orleance Son to the late Duke of Longueville who laid claim to them as Heir to the Family of Chalons to whom the Principality did once belong after which the Prince of Conde his Unkle takes possession of them as being his Guardian 5 1677. The States General approved of his Marriage with the Princess Mary Daugher to the Duke of York 6 1677. They acquaint King Charles therewith 7 1677. The News of this Match being spread in London fills the City with Joy and this gives occasions of a perpetual Alliance between the English and Dutch 8 1689. The King grants an Exemption from paying any Duties or Customs to such as shall transport any Provisions into the Irish Sea-Port Towns under his obedience 9 1682. The States General send an Embassy to the French King to represent the Wrong that had been done to the Prince of Orange and his Subjects and to desire him to restore the said Prince to his Dominions and cause restitution to be made of the Losses that the Inhabitants of the City of Orange had sustained from the French Soldiers 10 1689. A Hellish Conspiracy is discover'd in the Army commanded by the Duke of Schomberg 11 1688. This day the Prince of Orange departed from Helvoet-sluys in the same Order and with the same Fleet as he had done the 10th of October and after some days sailing happily arrives at Torbay 12 1690. The King gives a Publick Audience to Monsieur de la Tour who was come with the Character of Envoy Extraordinary from the Duke of Savoy to congratulate his Majesty's happy Accession to the Throne 13 1673. In Memory of the City of Vtrecht's being deliver'd from the French a Medal is struck in Holland whereon is seen a Phenix on a Globe between two Cornu copia's with this Motto Restauratio Saeculi And in the Reverse these words Dei O. M. munere virtute ac consilio Principis Arausiaci Trajectus ad Rhenum post XVII Mensium captivitatem tentata XIII Nov. 1673. 14 1650. His R. H.'s Birth-day who came into the World Eight days after the Death of his Father William the II. Prince of Orage descended from the Imperial Family of Nassau and Mary Stuart Daughter to Charles the I. and Sister to Charles and James II. Kings of England c. 14 1689. His Majesty's Birth-day is celebrated with all possible Demonstrations of Joy 15 1688. The Prince lands at Torbay without opposition 16 1688. He comes to Exeter where he is triumphantly received by the Inhabitants of that City 17 1673. He took the Castle of Breuil 18 1688. As his Royal Highness comes towards London his Army increases by the English Gentry's flocking to him from all Parts and Deputies attending him from several Cities and Boroughs to welcome him to England 19 1673. The Prince took Lechnick 20 1673. He forced the French to abandon Woerden 21 1673. They also quit Hardewick Creveceur and Bommel 22 1673. His R. H. does also force the French from Vtrecht tho' they kept a Garrison of 7000 Men in the City 23 1690. The Parliament as a farther instance of their Zeal for his Majesty grant him 770000 l. for the Building of 30 Men of War 24 1677. This day was celebrated the Prince of Orange's Marriage with the Royal Princess Mary Stuart and his Royal Highness was made