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A06137 The first part of the diall of daies containing 320. Romane triumphes, besides the triumphant obelisks and pyramydes of the Aegyptians, the pillers, arches, and trophies triumphant, of the Græcians, and the Persians, with their pompe and magnificence: of feastes and sacrifices both of the Iewes and of the Gentils, with the stately games and plaies belonging to these feastes and sacrifices, with the birthes and funeral pomps of kinges and emperours, as you shall finde more at large in the 2. part, wherein all kind of triumphes are enlarged. By Lodowick Lloid Esquire. Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1590 (1590) STC 16621; ESTC S108766 125,621 204

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borne in Augusta 1516. The 22 Daie PErtinax the ninth emperour of Rome which succeded Cōmodus in the Empire beyng a verie aged man of seauentie yeares old after he had raigned eightie daies was slaine as vpon this day in an vprore which fell among his garde through the treason of Iulianus who succeded Pertinax in the Empire 194. Selymus Emperor of the Turkes vanquished the Sou●dan and the Mameluchos in a great battaile of this historie reade Sabel Iouius Carolus prince of Lotharingia was solemly maried to Claudia the daughter of Franciscus the second of that name kinge of Fraunce at Paris 1559. Edward Seimer an English man duke of Somerset and vncle to Edward the sixt king of England was beheaded vpon this day in the tower of London 1552. Ioan●es the second of that name was elected bishop of Rome vpon this day and died after within ● yeare 4. months 332. Anastasius surnamed Iconomachus was created patriarch of Constantinople vpon this day 710. Vincentius was martired vnder the Emperour Maximianus vpon this day which day amongest the auncient Romanes was holded a fortunate day for marriage and as Casparus Goldworne affirmeth being a faire day sheweth much good lucke to the Romanes I can read no more for this day The 23 daie MArcus Attilius Regulus being then Consull at Rome after he had giuen diuers ouerthrowes to the Carthaginiās hauing discomfited Hamilcar with Hannibals father and after ioyned battaile with 3. Carthaginian Captains ouerthrew them and wan 73. citties in Affricke ouer whom he solemly tryūphed vpon this day 485. Antonius surnamed Caracalla the 22. emperour of Rome of the age of 43. yeares s●cceeded his father Seuerus in the Empire and was like to his father in condicion hee was out of measure giuen to sensualitie and vnto carnall concupiscence that he espoused his mother in law called ●uba he founded the bathes in Rome which were called Antonianae he dyed at Edissa as Eutropius affirmeth but Mar. Scotus saith that he was slaine in his viage against the Parthians as vpon this day after he had raigned sixe yeares and two moneths hee wanted the solemnitie of imperiall funerall for he was buried verie poore and simplie Otto the 3. Emperor of Constantinople was poisoned in Italie on this day 1000. his bowels were buried in Augusta and his bodie at Aquisgraine two yeares after that he had named the seauen electors of the empire called Septem●er● Many houses and many other buildings fel down in Thuringia by winde and tempest 1410. as is affirmed in the Chronicles Ioannes Leydenses king of the Anabaptists after hee had laid siege to the citie Monasteria killing and murthering for 6. moneths without mercie was iustlie punished and plagued for his tirannie vppon this day 1536. Emerentia a Romane virgin became a martir vnder the emperour Valentinianus 360. The 24 Daie CAius Caligula the some of Germanicus the fourth emperour of Rome with his wife Caesena and his Daughter were slaine in his owne pallace after he had three yeares raigned a vicious wicked and cruell emperour who had carnal copulation with all his sisters and vpon his daughter g●tten by one of his sisters he was cruell and horrible towards all men altogether addicted to auarice to fleshly lust and as he liued dishonourably so hee was slaine miserably as Sueton affirmeth and Eutrop. Philip king of Macedonia and father vnto Alexander the great ob non punitam libidinem was slaine by Pausanias in the mariage of his daughter with Alexander king of Epire in the middest of his regal pomp going most solemnlie with a traine of Princes into the theaters to see games and publick playes hauing before him twelue statues and Images of the Gods and hi● owne statue besides deckt with chaines Iuels most ritch and sumptuous before Christes birth 334. Anna the daughter of Ladislaus king of Vngaria the wife of Ferdinandus Caesar mother to Maximilian the Emperour and sister to Lodowick king of Germanie died vpon this day 1547. Aelius Adrianus the fifteene emperour of Rome was borne vpon this day in Italicia a Cittie in Spaine for whome the Romanes kept a yearely feast vpon this day and graunted publike playes to celebrate the memorie of Adrianus birthe called Natilitij ludi for hée was one of the number of the best Emperrours 119. Lu. Iul. Libo Consul of Rome vpon this day triumphed ouer the Salentines 486 yeares after the building of Rome Iohn the tenth was elected pope of Rome 914. This Pope gaue an ouerthrow to the Sarazens in Campania and after was taken by some Romanes in the 14. yeares of his papacie and was smoothered by thrusting the boulster where he lay into his throate Timotheus the disciple of Paul and Bishop of Ephesus suffered martyrdome vpon this daye vnder Nero the Emperour 50. Upon this daye the auncient Romanes vsed to sacrifice to Ceres and to Tellus and with all they celebrated the feast called Sementina The 25 Daie VPon this day the Apostle Paul was conuerted from his cruell persecution of the Christians who liued when the Emperor Caligula liued 34. Of this day the Husbandmen prognosticat the whole yeare if it be a faire day it will be a plentifull yeare if it be windie it will be warres if it be cloudie it dooth foreshowe the plague that yeare Clara dies Pauli c. M. Ati Regulus triumphed vpon this day oure the Salentines 486 yeares after the building of Rome Martianus the 64 Emperor of Rome dyed vpon this day after he had raigned sixe yeares And Leo the fourth of that name was vpon this day borne 751 who left behinde him his wife Irenes and his sonne Constantinus Fardinandus king of Sicilia died also this day leauing his kingdome to his Sonne Alphonsus 1494. Selymus the Turke vpon this day gaue an ouerthrowe to the Solthan of Aegipt and tooke Aelcairum which was somtime called Memphis the strongest Cittie in all Aegipt 1517. Gregorie the 4. Pope of Rome died on this daie he instituted the feasts of all Saints 844. Gelasius the second was elected Pope 1118. An Earthquake in Germanie happened vpon this day that 26. Castels fell and many townes beside 1349. The like happened in Uenice Adolphus Duke of Holsatiae was borne as vpon this day 1527. The Greekes were woont to sacrifice a feast in memorie of Theseus for the deliuerie of Greece from Minotaurus beside diuerse other feasts and sacrifices which they had in remembrance of Theseus the tenth king in Athens and the first that brought Athens to any perfection of good gouernement The 26 Day AS vpon this day Maximinus the 26 Emperor was slaine at Aquileia by Pupeinus his fellow in the Empire for after Maximinus time Albinus Pupienus and Gordianus were all three Emperors of Rome at one time and named Augusti This Maximinus was first a Shepheard in Thracia after became a
Arabia into Egypt are by the birdes Ibides fought withall and vanquished and thereby Ibis doth often saue Egypt from the harme and danger of these serpents and therefore recorded in the bookes Memphis as one of the gods of Egypt by the priestes of Vulcan In Germanie great triumphes with tilting and barriers and other playes at Ratisbone by the nobles and peeres of ●auaria were as vpon this day solemnized This was the 35. turnement had in Germanie 1487. Under the Emperour Maximinus many were on this day martired as Veronica Philea with others of these martirs I haue in an other place entreated where you may haue infinite number that stoutly stood to the profession of Christ Iesus The 5. daie IN Rome as on this day two solemne feastes were celebrated the one amongest the Romane Uirgins called puellarum fer●ae the other amongest the nurses and mothers that gaue sucke called nutricum lactantium feriae on the which day among the Romanes the women sacrificed to Nundina the goddesse of infancie and consulted touching the bringing vp of these infants with their nourses prescribing lawes and orders of diet to the nurses that gaue sucke lest by libertie of feeding the infant might miscarie at what time they appointed vppon what day the infant should be named which was among the old Romanes vpon the ninth day and among the Grecians the fift day the ceremonies and the sacrifices that are vsed by the nurses for the health of the infant to the goddesse Nundina are manie in diuers countries according to their superstitious customs As vpon this day a feast and solemne sacrifice in old time was appointed in Quirinus valley against the furie of fire dedicated to the goddesse Agatha with torches done in the night time Octauius Caesar was now the third tiwe by consent of the Senators Consuls Magistrates ●and people saluted by the name of Augustus and also called Pater patriae as the most fortunate and best beloued Emperour of anie that raigned after him in Rome As vpon this day Iunius Pera at his being Consul of Rome with great pompe by the licēce of the senators triumphed ouer the Salentines and also the Mesapians in such solemne sort as you read in the generall triumph The yeare that this triumph was solemnised fell vppon the time of Lustrum which was appointed euery fift yeare the state of the cittie should be examined per Censores at what time a generall mustering was had at Rome in the which were 360 and od thousands found of able men within the citie of Rome 487. Clemens the fourth a frenchman was on this day chosen pope of Rome 1265. this pope called Carolus the French king his cosyn germane went into Italie fought against Manfredus and Conradinus two noble captaines of Germanie whom Carolus that time vanquished and was by pope Clemens therefore crowned king of Sicilia paying yeerely to the Pope 40000. crownes as a tribute to the church of Rome The cittie of Millaine in Italie was taken by duke Franciscus surnamed Sfortia after long besieging of it 1444. The 6 Day THis was a dismal day to the Romanes fore those causes before reheased so the priestes of Memphis recorded this day vnfortunate for as the Romanes obserued their vnluckie daies by the name of Atridies so the Grecians the Egyptians and all nations haue recorded good and bad daies according to the first cause giuen whether it were good or bad though in truth none were more superstitious than the Romanes neither had such cause offered to note these daies because their ouerthrowes were great and their victories far greater Manfredus the Sonne of Fredericus the second and tutor to Conradinus his brothers sonne was slaine in a battaile at Beneuentum on this day by Carolus the French king 1126. Iohanna Borbania Queene of France and the wife of Charles the fifth died on this day 1378. and afeer within three daies hir daughter called Isabella died also which doubled the griefe of the king Beorgor king of Alania was on this day slaine and found dead at the foote of Bergome a mountaine so called 473. As vpon this day Pelagius the second of that name bishop of Rome died of the plague at Rome after whom succeeded Gregorius surnamed the great this was the last of 92 bishops that raigned in Rome then followed the race of Popes from Bonifacius the third which was the 63. bishop the first pope of Rome vntill Gregorius which was the 13 Pope 166. Eusebius a Greeke borne bishop of Rome was vpon this day 310. made martire for Christ Iesus vnder Maxentius the Emperour The 7 Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The eight Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The 9 Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The tenth Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The 11 Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 a part of Africa in consideration of this peace for 〈◊〉 Rome with al hir pompe and dignitie became to decline and the kingdomes in Germany began to florish and within a short time after to challenge the Empire Elizabeth wife to Henry the seauenth king of England died as on this day in London by childbirth 1503. Gregorius the second pope of Rome died on this day 731. he defended Images and extolled them to the highest honor in spite of Leo the Emperour for then Popes made Emperors sometime without the leaue of the electors The 12 Day ANdronichus Palaeologus the Emperour died on this day 1330. Leo the ninth was elected pope in Rome being before the 〈…〉 and now sent to Rome by Henricus the third then Emperour 1049. to bee chosen pope Iageslo duke of Li●uania afterward called Vladislaus was crowned king of Poland on this day in Craconia the chiefest cittie in Polonia 1386. Iane the daughter of the duke of Suffolke was maried to Gilford Dudley the duke of Northumberlands some was named and pronounced Queene of England and therefore on this day was beheaded in the tower at London 1554. Religion was changed in Basil in Germanie by the perswasion of Io. Occolampadius learned and a Godly deuine 1529. 〈…〉 In Italie on this day ●he ●ayres called Nundine nucerienses are kept which endure for 15. dayes Dionisia a maide of Alexandria was persecuted and beheaded for the Gospel as Eusebius saith Also Sosanna and Eulalia two other 〈◊〉 of Alexandria died mart●rs on this day 262. The 13 Daie THe Romanes in times past vpon this day with great solemnities verie deuoutlie sacrificed vnto their god Faunus to whom they dedicated their plaies Lupercalia and also on this day they builded a temple vnto Iupiter hard by the riuer Tiber. Noe the third time did let a doue from the arke which returned not to the arke againe Upon this day the citie of Rome was by Camillus deliuered from the French men who tooke hir and possessed her for 7. moneths as Plutarch in Camillus life reporteth
battaile geuen on the Sea ouer whom he with great commēdation triumphed cum nauali triumpho Mahomet the second of that name and the 6 emperour of the Turkes the onely scourge that plagued the Christians and also the only t●rant that afflicted Asia who did much augment his empire as vppon this day againe the third time hee laied siege to Rhodes and yet failed of his purpose and was forced to passe with his armie to Apulia The Heluetians being in warre with their next neighbours gaue them battaile at Lauppen a cittie in the Confines of Heluetia ouerthrew them and slue them to the number of three hundreth 1338. The 22 daie PHilip the sunne of Frederick surnamed Barbarossa and the first Frederick of that name after his great warres against Alsatia Argentina and Thuringia taking some repose in the castle of Bamberga was there traiterouslie slaine by Otto the County of U●ietelspatch to the great grief of al Germanie after he had raigned 9. yeares 1208. The mariage of Philip king of Spaine was solemnly celebrated as vpon this daie at Paris in Fraunce vnto Elizabeth daughter to Henrie the second but Functius saith the first of that name king of Fraunce with great pompe roialtie magnificence in the which feast 8. daies after the marriage Henrie king of Fraunce was slaine by apeece of a staffe which brake ran through his eie into the braine pan as hee was running at T●●t 1559. The 23. daie AS vppon this day the Romanes vsed to sende mutuall presentes one to another and to salute their neighbours with diuers kind of sweet sauours as ginger peper suger and such like and likewise they gathered all kind of hearbs in the honor of Vulcan and after this they met togither with manie ceremonies and did great sacrifice vnto fire for the sauegard and t●ition of their young children The famous victorie of Hanniball ouer the Romanes at Thrasimenum in Perusia was such that Flaminius the consul was killed and fifteene thousand more slaine in the field and almost so manie taken this battail was so fiercly fought on both sides that a great earthquake which was at that instant ouerthrew some cities and turned mighty streams of riuers against their course and did manie terrible thinges besides yet they were so earnest in fight that nether parties felt it but the moane and lamentation was such in Rome for so great an ouerthrow that they recorde this day as one of their chiefe vnfortunate daies and this happened by the ouer●ight and rashnes of Flaminius the Consul Otto the first of that name Emperour of Germanie and sonne to Henrie the first duke of Saxonie and after crowned king of Germany maried y ● daughter of one Edmundus King of England this Otto ouerthrew the Bauarians and gaue the Hungarians such a terribl battaile at the riuer of Licum that 3. kinges were taken by Otto and hanges at that ouerthrow he after made warres vppon the Bohmians wasted and spoiled B●hemia an● tooke their citties thence hee entred into Italie and lated siege to Rome and the gates were opened to him at what time he tooke the pope Benedictus the 5. from his papacie and restored Leo the 7 to his form●r estate The Turkes againe inuaded the Ile of Melitia and in the time of Solyman the tenth emperour laid hard siege to the castle of Mercurie where Caelius affirme that manie thousands on either syde were at that Turkish armie slaine 1565. A●ulphus ●ount●e of Nassau was elected Emperour of Germany this Adulphus for his ambitious dealing against Albertus duke of Austria sonne to Rodolphus the Emperor which was well esteemed and beloued with all the ●lates of Germanie whome this Adulphus by all ambitious meanes sought to banishe and to driue him from Austria but he was therefore deposed from his Empire after he had raigned ●ixe yeares and with all the consents of the Princes of Germanie Albertus Duke of Austria was as vpon this day placed in his roome 1298. This day of Onoph●●us and others is set downe to be the 27 of Iu●e As vpon this day died that noble and valiant Gretian Pericles cheefe gouernour of Athens after Themillocles whose victories and triumphes were such that hee had nine ●euerall monuments equall in number to the nine victories which hee got in nine great battels set vp in diuerse places some in Athens some in other places of Greece but especially in Ceramicus which was a place appointed by the Athenians to honour Conquerours with triumphant arches and pillers with their names therevpon ingrauen with letters of gould whereby he merited by his victories lenitie iustice and diuers other vertues to be surnamed Olymphus The 24 Day A Great solemne feast at Rome at the which they vsed much deuotion wit● sacrifice and many religious ceremonies to the goddesse Fortune as vpon this day they trimmed their shippes vpon the riuer Tyber with sundrie garlands and crowned their toppes with lawrell mirtle and Oken boughes in token of Triumphes and victories and there they banqueted and feasted with all pleasant mirthe and melodie Asdrubal brother vnto Hanniball being sent for to come from Spaine into Italie by his brother Hanniball fell into the handes of Appius Claudius Nero by an ambushment laid for him where he was slaine manfully fighting for himself his head was brought and throwne before Hannibals tents his armie slaine and taken and a great quantitie of treasure was brought to Rome this Asdruball has plagued the Romaines in Spaine and slue both the Scipios which had beene long conquerours for the Romans in Spaine of whom I shall speake when I came to the time of their dealings Warres being proclaimed against the Carthaginians by Scipio Affricanus and by Masinissa king of Numidia who had ioyned friendship with the Romanes this Masinissa being 92 yeares ould gaue an ouerthrow to king Syphax on this day this Masinissa left behind him 44 sonnes and appointed Scipio Affricanus whom he deerelie loued to be ouerseer and to distribute his kingdome as it pleased him amongst them 609 yeares after Rome was builded Vespasian the ten emperour of Rome a good and a vertuous man after he had raigned nine yeares and liued 69. yeares died in a manour of his owne among the Sabines of the Flixe as vpon this day 81 yeares after Christ. The Sarazens as vpon this day 1083 had a great battaile giuien them by the Spaniards in the territories of Granata in Spaine at what time by chaunce not lookt for an armie of Englishmen entred fresh into the battaile whereby the Sarazens were ouerthrowne this the French Chronicles allow and Pantal in his fift booke affirmeth Cazimirus Duke of Massonia was crowned king of Polande with solemne pompe and great magnificence as vpon this day being then vpon the feast of S. Iohn Baptist 1448. So also was Henrie the eight king of England and his wife Katherine Dowger crowned at