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A04989 The resolued gentleman. Translated out of Spanishe into Englyshe, by Lewes Lewkenor Esquier; Chevalier délibéré. English La Marche, Olivier de, ca. 1426-1502.; Lewkenor, Lewis, Sir, d. 1626. 1594 (1594) STC 15139; ESTC S108201 70,399 158

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of Manasses decking her selfe in rich garmentes secretly issued foorth of the Towne into Holofernes Tent who allured with her beautie for she was exceeding faire gaue himselfe to mirth and much drinking so that through drunkennesse falling into a deadly sleepe Iudith being left with him in the Tent alone strengthned therein by the hand of God cut of his head with his owne Fawchion returning the same to Bethulia which thereby she deliuered from seruitude Sisera was Captaine general to Iabin the great king of Canaan and twentie yeeres together had vexed the children of Israell verie sore for he had with him 900. Charets of Iron at length being ouerthrowen by Barak the sonne of Abinoam he fledde into the house of Heber the Kenite whose wife Iaell taking a Naile of the Tent and a Hammer in her hand did smite the same into his temples and slue him After the death of Saule Dauid was annoynted King in Hebron but Abner that was Captaine of Saules hoste tooke Isbosheth the sonne of Saule and made him king ouer Israell Soone after Abner was ouer-throwen by Ioab the seruantes of Dauid who being in his flight pursued by Asahell the brother of Ioab turned backe and slew him For which occasion when Abner came afterwardes to reconcile himself with Dauid Ioab tooke him aside to the gate to speake with him peaceably and smote him vnto the hart with his dagger so that he died Goliath was a Giant in the Philistian armie of meruailous hugenesse and his weapons with which he was armed of vnspeakable terror in so much that there was no one in the armie of the Israelits that dared answere the prowd defiances and chalenges that he dayly made till at length young Dauid comming from the keeping of his Sheepe strengthned thereunto by the mightie hande of God encountred him with his Sling only into which putting a Stone which he pulled out of his bagge he smote the Giant therewith full in the forehead and ouerthrowing him with the blow stepped to him and with the Giants owne sword cut of his head Haman the Agagite standing highly in the fauour of great King Ahashuerus because Mardocheus the Iew did not reuerence vnto him when he passed by the Kings gate obteined of the King that all the Iewes through the Kings Prouinces might be put to death Which Ester the Queene vnderstanding made a banquet to the King inuiting Haman thereunto in which she pleased so the King with her behauiour and speeches that the King sent letters throughout all his Prouinces to reuoke the sentence which he had passed against the Iewes and caused Haman to be hanged vpon a paire of gallowes which he had made for Mardocheus the Iewe. A short discourse of the Princes of Burgundie and some other in honour of whom this Treatise was first written by the Author who bewayleth their Deaths but speaketh litle of their liues IOHN first of that name K. of France who was taken prisoner at the battaile of Poictiers by the Prince of Wales in the yeere 1356. had by his wife Bona daughter to the K. of Boheme foure sonnes and three daughters Charles which was King after him and fifth of that name Lewes Duke of Aniow Iohn Duke of Berrie and Philippe who being caried prisoner with him into England vpon his deliuerie returne thence he created Duke of Burgundie This Philippe maried Margaret daughter and heire to Malanus Earle of Flaunders and Arthois by whom he had three sonnes Iohn that succeeded him Anthony afterwardes Duke of Brabant and Philippe Earle of Neuers and Estamies which two younger were both slaine at the battaile of Agincourt by the Englishmen Duke Philippe died in the yeere 1404. Iohn succeded his father and maried Margaret daughter to Albert Duke of Bauiere and Earle of Hollande and Zeland by whom he had a sonne called Philippe which was he whom this Author serued This Iohn Duke of Burgundy caused Lewes Duke of Orleance to be murthered in Paris who was brother to Charles the sixth then K. of France In reuenge of which he was afterwarde slaine disloylly by the Dolphin of France at a solemne meeting appointed betwene them after othes and assurances taken of both sides at Montereau in the yeere 1419. Philippe surnamed the good Duke of Burgundy had three wiues the first was Michelet daughter to Charles the sixt king of France the second Bona daughter to Philippe of Arthois the thirde Isabelle daughter to Iohn first king of Portingale whom he maried at Bruges in the yeere 1429. and had by her Charles surnamed the Hardie The verie selfe same yeere of his mariage he instituted the noble order of knighthood of the golden Fleese which the king of Spaine his successor maynteineth yet in great reputation honour At this frst comming to the Dukedome which was about the latter end of the raigne of K. Henry the fifth he was a great fauourer and maynteiner of the English partie in France and did many notable seruices to the Crowne of England When the Duke of Bedford Vncle to king Henry the sixt was sent ouer to be Regent of France he met him in great loue at Amiens and hauing with him his two sisters he gaue the one of them in marriage to the Duke of Bedford But afterwards at the siege of Orleance they of the citie desired him to be a meane for them vnto the Duke of Bedford that the siege might be raised in regarde of the long emprisonment of their Lord the Duke of Orleance to whom the counsaile of England had promised in the meane time to leaue all and euerie part of his landes and townes vndisquieted whether it were so or no once Duke Philip dealt earnestly with the D. of Bedforde his brother in law in that behalfe but being therein absolutely refused he commaunded by a Heralde all the Gentlemen of his Countrey that were with the English men at that siege to depart thence from that time forwarde declined by litle and litle in affection and at length declared him selfe absolutely French He was a vertuous Prince and gouerned his Subiectes in great peace and quietnesse and finally in the extremitie of his age dyed in the yeere 1466. and was with great magnificence buried at Bruges in Flaunders Charles surnamed the Hardy sonne to Philip the good was borne at Dyion in the yeere 1433. he had likewise three wiues Katherine daughter to Charles the seuenth king of France Isabell daughter to Charles Duke of Burbon by whom he had the Lady Marie that inherited his dominions and lastly Margaret sister to Edward the fourth king of England He was a Prince that hated rest and was altogether enclined to vnquietnesse and warres His father yet liuing he ouerthrew in a bloody cruel fought feelde Lewes the. 11. king of France at the battaile of Montelhery in the yeere 1465. with whom making afterwards peace he warred vpon those of Lyege that had chased out
ouer the whole Realme that the very mechanical people abandoned ouer to sorow ceassed their trades for the space of fourtie dayes filling the ayre with pittifull cries and lamentations They had also foure daughters Isabel Ione Mary and Katherine Isabel died yong Ione was married to Philippe brother to the foresayd Lady Margaret and Katherine to Arthur prince of Wales eldest sonne to Henry the seuenth of England Queene Isabel after that by many noble and heroicall deedes she had ouer the whole world won vnto her selfe a reputation to bee one of the most vertuous and excellent princesses that euer liued in the fiue fiftieth yeere of her age ended her dayes at Medina del campo the .xxiiij. of Nouember in the yeere 1504. Twelue yeeres after died Ferdinand her Husband at a litle Vilage named Madrigalecio hard by Gaudalupe A Prince as of singular integritie and vertue so of a rare and wonderfull felicitie and happines in whatsoeuer he did vndertake Philip sonne to Maximilian and Mary being in Flaunders hearing of the death of Isabel Queene of Castile whose eldest daughter he had maried departed presently thence towards Spayne with his wyfe the Ladie Ione to take possession of the Crowne and Royaltie which at their arriuall was willingly by olde Ferdinand to them resigned Philip being now but .xxiiii. yeeres of age was with a firme constitution of body wel proportioned and beautiful and especially aboue the rest so courteous and affable in his speeches and behauiour that what with his beautie and his vertue he drue the eyes and loues of all men to him in so much that the Spanish Nobilitie and Courtiers forsaking Ferdinand who thirtie yeeres had been their King all folowed the rising sonne of young Philip so that the Court of Ferdinand was altogeather solitarie and vnfrequented no one of the Nobilitie keeping him companie saue onely the Duke of Alua who neuer did abandon him with which inconstancie of theirs he growing into an exceeding dislike and with all not pleased with his Sonne-in-lawes behauiour which by reason of whisperers that went betweene was not so kinde louing and reuerent as he expected taking with him his approued seruant the Duke of Alua he went without delay to Arragon and thence to Naples But scarsely was his backe turned when young Philip liuing in as great delitiousnesse honor and triumph as either the delight of a Crowne the pleasure of that Countrey or the dutifull loue of his Subiectes could yeelde him fell extreamely sicke of a violent hot burning Feuer of which notwithstanding the lustinesse and strength of his young floorishing yeeres he died at Burgos the .xxv. day of September in the verie yeere of his entry into Spaine Neuer Prince left behinde him a nobler issue for he had by his wife the Lady Ione two sonnes and foure daughters of which the least was adorned with a royall Diademe viz. Charles who besides his great succession of many Kingdomes and Prouinces was elected Emperour of the Romans 2. Ferdinande who after his brothers death succeeded him in the Empire and was besides created King of Hungarie 3. Leonore maried first to Emanuel King of Portugale and after in seconde mariage to Francis the French King 4. Marie maried to Lewes King of Hungarie who in a battaile against the Turkes died young and without issue 5. Katherine maried to Iohn the thirde King of Portugale and lastly Isabel maried to Christerne King of Denmarke Maximilian sonne to Fredericke the Emperour thirde of that name and Leonore daughter to Edwarde king of Portugale was in his fathers time made king of the Romanes and after his deceasse Emperour He was a Prince exceedingly well learned iust in gouernment at home and fortunate in Warre abrode He had sundry victories against Mathias Corunis King of Hungarie from whom he recouered Vienna and many other of the Prouinces of the lower Austria Likewise he recouered from the French King the Earldome of Artoys and many townes of Burgundie and ouerthrew a great Armie of his at Guignet whereby he recouered Cambray He ouerthrew harde by Regensberg in a memorable battaile a great Armie of the Bohemians that came to make warre vpon his brother in lawe Albert Duke of Bauaria He was with K. Henrie the. 8. at the siege of Terowan and receyued his wages during which siege he him selfe in honor of England ware the Rose and his men the S. Georges crosse He was an exceeding scourge vnto the Venetiās from whom when they were in the fulnesse of their glory he tooke Padwa Verona Vincentia and the greatest parte of Foro Iulio and lastly ouerthrew them in a notable battaile by Vincentia where he slue of them 5000. Taking 24. great Cannons and all their Enseignes and Standards from them In seconde mariage he tooke Blanca daughter to the Duke of Milan Finally in the. 59. yeere of his age he died in Austria some say by taking or rather mistaking a wrong Potion to preuent a sickenesse which he feared He lieth buried at Newstad in Austria 8. leagues from Vienna He left behinde him 2. children Philip whose historie you heard before and Margaret who beeing by her first husband Iohn prince of Castile left a widow was afterward maried to Philibert Duke of Sauoy It is written of Maximilian that in his sickenesse he would not suffer those that were about him to honor him with any title of dignitie but to call him simply by his name Maximilian protesting himselfe to be but a vile peece of Earth and Clay made of no better mettall then the poorest begger The last combat spoken of in this treatise is of Henrie the eyght of famous memory Whose noble and heroicall deeds being so fresh in the remembrance of all men I thinke it needlesse to make repetition of them neither if I woulde vndertake it were the labour of so high a taske in any proportion conuenient to the feeblenesse of my slender force Much lesse to speake of her Maiestie whose Princely name is lastly therein mentioned but will leaue the glorious storie of her happie reigne to those golden pennes that being dipped in the licour of the Muses may like Ariosto his siluer Swannes with a cleere flight beare vp her sacred name and in dispite of Time fasten the same to the faire pillars of Eternitie in the highest turret of the house of Fame That which I can do is to pray vnto the euerliuing Righteousnesse that as he hath with admirable goodlinesse made her shine in giftes both of body and minde aboue all the Princes of her time so he will preserue her vnto vs many long and flowrishing yeeres For so long as wee shall enioy this our precious and sacred Palladium we shall neede to feare neither the force of fierce threatning Agamemnon nor the wiles offals vndermining Sinon FINIS I haue in the margent of euerie Historie noted the names of those Authors which herein I do chiefly folow Philip de Comines in
But then twise wounded Accident enraged and betweene feare and furie desperate shall strike the triumphant King so cruel a blow with his Sworde of Distemperature that though styll remayning in courage inuicible yet shall he in his health and strength finde him selfe greatly impayred Neuerthelesse drawing the weakenesse of his body vp to the worthynesse of his mynde he shall enforce him selfe styll to mainteyne the fight tyll traytor Debilitie mercilesse like a preuayling cowarde shall while the King contendeth with Accident powre downe vpon him with all his violence so vnreliueable a blow of remedilesse Sicknesse that the neuer-before yeelding Prince shall now seeing such he knoweth to be the diuine pleasure with a quiet yet magnanimous resolution couering him selfe with his Target enrich the earth with the noble burden of his fallyng body and the heauens with his freed soule empouerishing onely the worlde whose griefe for his losse shalbe such as though the greatest pyller thereof being gone it coulde not but attende a speedie ensuing downefal and ruine But herewith as Sommons woulde haue proceeded in his wofull hystorie I feeling my very soule ouerburdened with an insupportable greatnesse of sorow entreated him to spare my alredie enough miserable eares and not to afflict them with hearing of further tragedies but yf euer he would do me pleasure then to shorten the time of my prolonged combat For alas what shoulde I miserable wretch that I am desire to lyue or wherein should life be sweete vnto me seeing the glorious lights of the worlde so soone extinguished no vertue no wysedome no loue no honour no beautie no conquest no nobilitie no goodlinesse no scepter no force no prayer being able to stay the stryking hand of vnmercifull DEATH Whereunto Sommons replying I had thought fayd he to haue reuealed vnto you two future Combats more of two great and Princely aduenturers The one of the most valourous and towardly young Prince of the worlde eldest sonne and successor to this great Englysh King The beames of whose sayre rising Sunne shall no sooner begin to glimmer in our Orizon but they shall warme the whole worlde with his loue The other of his eldest daughter lykewise succeding him in the royall Diademe who wereby Accident both soone depriued of their lyues and dispossessed of their thrones But seeing thee alredie of apprehensiue of forow and afflicted with such extremitie of passion I will forbeare to perplex thy eares with any farther griefe yet woulde not I haue thee to repine at the diuine ordinance For though the Almightie in his secrete iudgement shall thinke good to depriue the worlde of these most excellent Princes yet shal he not leaue it altogeather desconsolate and abandoned For he shal blesse the perished Princes with successors of such worthinesse that lyke true heyres as wel of the Vertues as Crownes of their predecessours they shal afresh brighten the worldes obscured face and with the goodly shyning of their wel deserued glorie returne the estate thereof into the former blisfulnesse But aboue all the rest so shall he ennoble the memorie of the late Englysh Monarch with so excellent and glorious a DAVGHTER that in her alone shalbe seene vnited all the seuerally dispersed Vertues that made so glorious the forenamed Princes in so much that all the worlde with one agreeing consent shal proclayme her to be the most admirable Princesse that euer lyued And which is a thing not of the lightest consideration but perchaunce one of the greatest wonders that euer any age hath seene In her onely shal not Fortune contende with Vertue but contrarie to her nature lyke a submisse and willing Handmayde attende vpon her noble desires constantly effecting them yea sometimes in things most rare and marueylous Likewise there shalbe so sweete a consent so fit a proportion betweene the great richesse of her minde and the fayre ornaments of her body that as the one shal atteine to the height and perfection of fortitude wisedome temperance iustice and all other diuine vertues wherewith a royall minde should be garnished so shall the other in goodly lyneamentes and beautifull features so without all degree of comparison surmount the rest of her sex that the worldes eye shal neuer more beholde a sweeter and more louely obiect as being in deede Delitiae humani Generis singular in her selfe and excellent beyonde al comparison And to make vp the full poynt of her happinesse as she shal both in rules of gouernment and vertue of gouerning serue to all Christian Princes as an excellent Paterne and example preseruing her Subiectes in a quiet estate full of reposefull blessednesse when round about her some through the tyranous exactions of their Prince and some through the vnskilful gouernment of their Prince and some through his negligent and contemptible loosenesse shall murther them selues with mutuall woundes and be torne within them selues to peeces As she I say shall by her princely care and prudent foresight maynteine her Subiectes in this calme securitie of vntroubled peace so shal they againe with so quiet and unmurmuring a course of faythful obedience loue and honour her that she if euer any Prince shalbe blessed in her Subiectes and they yf euer any Subiectes blessed in their Prince But which is strangest comming to the royal Diademe in the fayre youthful spring of her virgins yeeres she shall finde the estate of her Realme diuided in faction differing in religion and through the troubles of the late preceeding gouernement exceedingly discontented All which incōueniences being by the vnfortunate successe of the former gouernment wherein the Sworde was more employed then the Scepter styrred vp and in apparance tending to some feareful and dangerous issue she shal with the sweete breathing gale of her well tempered Mildnesse so pacifie alay and vtterly extinguish that she shal reduce her Subiectes from the deepest degree of constreyned feare to the highest pytch of faythful loue and duetiful obedience that euer Prince was honored withal Neither shall her inuincible armes in iustly vndertaken Warres abrode be lesse glorious vnto her then this her admirable Peace and iustice in ciuill gouernment at home Neyther shall be most warlike nations of Europe onely as Spayne Portugall France Scotlande and Irelande but euen the remotest regions and concealed partes of either Tropique the frozen Poles and the middle burning Zone be constreyned to bow vnto the victorious Englishe Enseignes nothing being more rife in the mouthes of men yea as well of the farthest Indians and sauage people as of the proude neighbouring nations then the name of great ELIZABETH written in the blood of those that resist and the pardoned lyues of those that yeelde of all victories the fayrest register and best enduring monument To recount vnto you the seuerall egregious victories that shee shall giue both by sea and land to the most fierce and warlike nations that then shall possesse the world were fitter for the large relation of a Chronicle then this my short
the first chapter of his commentaries maketh mention of Olyuer de La Marche to haue been a great cause of the warres betweene king Lewes the .xi. and the Count of Charoloys afterwardes called Charles the hardy which sheweth that he was a man of no small honour and dignitie Nothing so miserable as the man that lyueth careles of his estate The passage of death kept by two Champions Accident and Debilitie Author The fayre feeldes of worldly pleasure Yll Diet his propertie and parentage Yll diet encountreth the author in the playne of w●rldly pleasure The maner of their fight The author is foyled by Yll diet and succoured by Reliquia Iuuentutis Yll diet presenteth him with a cappe Reliquia iuuentutis doth abandon him The author amidds his wandring lighteth vpon the mantion of vnderstanding Reason the seate or mantion of vnderstanding The ende of true wisedome and vnderstanding whereto directed Accident alwayes ready to entrappe and bereaue life Good gouernment a sure defence against all casualties The surest preseruatiue against the violence of Accident The sleepes of true vnderstanding are secure Vnderstanding doth here represent vnto the author the infinite wayes and weapons wherwith Accident assayleth mankind and to make him haue the more apprehension therof doth lay before him the calamitous ends of sundry worthy personages perishing in diuers sortes sheweth him the wepons wherwith Accident bereaued them of their liues Cain the first manslear Sampson Deianeira Hercules Iulius Caesar stabbed with daggers Alexander the great poysoned by Antipater Hector slaine with a speare by Achilles Achilles slaine by Par is with an arrow Pompey beheaded by the commandement of young Ptolomee Hannibal poysoned out of a ring Agamemnon murthered by Aegistus by his wiues consent Holofernes slaine by Iudith with a Cimitarre Syzara slaine by Iabel with a nayle Etheocles and Polinices slaine with mutuall woundes of eithers Lance. Abner stabbed by Ioab Golyas slaine by Dauid with a sling and a stone Aman strangled with a halter Sundrie princes bereaued of their liues euen in the middest of their sweetest pleasures The playne of tyme. The nature thereof Desire hardly restrayned Heere the Author encountreth age and striueth mightyly to keepe him off but neuerthelesse in the end he is constrained to yeelde quietly vnto him Age striketh him with his sworde of many yeeres He yeeldeth vnwillingly to Age. Age enioyneth the authour to the accomplishment of some thinges vppon peine of periurie and dotage Loue. Mariage Amorous dssportes Courtly life The miserable estate of him that pursueth in court Nothing more rife in the court of Princes then veruous men honorlesse and vnregarded The vertuous man desireth aduancement onely thereby to be able to do his prince and countrie seruice Age presents the author with a siluer Gorget of maile He entrethinto the pathe of deceite Abusion the porter of loues pallace The pallace of Loue. The desert of olde Age. The Ilande of Decrepitude Sundry abusers of Age deceyuers of them selues Good Aduenture I take it that by this studie he meaneth Contemplation The Pallace of contemplation Memorie Ladie of the pallace of Contemplation Memorie is a thing celestiall and diuine deriued onely from God without hauing any relation to nature Diligence the porter of Memorie The attyre of Memorie The vniuersal sepulchre of mankinde The Churchyarde of Memorie All degrees alike to death Mors sceptra ligonibus aequat Feare befitteth not a noble minde Letters of gold engrauen in afaire table at the entry of the forest of Atropos The maner and attyre of Atropos Debilitie entreth the listes Philip surnamed the good Duke of Burgundie Accedent presenteth him selfe armed Charles Duke of Burgundie surnamed the hardie The Duke three times ouerthrowen by the D. of Lorayne and Swyssers and lastly slaine at the battaile of Naneie in the yeere 1476. Campobache an Italian Counte chiefe leader of the D. horse and of especial credite about him had agreed with the D. of Loraine to betray his maister which most Iudas-lyke he performed at this battell before Nancie The vayne instabilitie of the worldes iudgemne The surest anker is to trust onely in God Mary onely daughter and heire to Charles D. of burgundy and wise to the Archduke Maximilian who was afterwardes Emperour The Author offereth combat to the champion of Atropos The messenger or poursuiuant of Atropos called Sommons The combats of fiue famous aduenturers Sommons doth reueale vnto the Author the Secrets of the Destinies wonderfully among the rest foretelling the greatnesse of Queene Elizabeths glorie The Lady Isabell sister to Henrie the 4. of Castile and wife to Ferdinand of Aragon granmother to Charles the fifth In what sorte shee shal come to combat with death Philip sonne to Maximilian the Emperour and father to Charles the fifth His vertues Ferdinande K. of Spayne Aragon Naples and Sicilie Maximilian of Austria Emperour of the Romanes Great Henry king of England commeth to encounter the Champions of Atropos Paulus Giouius Martin de Bellay in his commentari●s writeth that K. Henrie the eight gaue the French K. towards his ransome 500000. crownes whiche the Emperour did owe him for not marying the Lady Marie accorning to couenantes betweene them and withall a Fleuredelice of golde vpon which Henrie the .7 had lent to Philip father to Charls the .5 50000. crownes at his being in Englande Moreouer whereas he had lent Charles 400000. crownes for which he should haue had the townes of Ayr S. Homer in gage he gaue vnto the French K. al those writings for it was one article of his fidelitie that he should pay al these sums vnto K. Henrie the. 8. King Edward the. 6. Queene Marie The prophesie of the Destenies cōcerning Elizabeth the Queene of England Neuer Prince more blessed in her subiects Neuer subiects more blessed in their Prince He returneth to the mansiō of Memorie He is there visited by Vnderstanding Wherein consisteth the height of wisedome Death often striketh without warning Nothing so vncertaine as the houre of a mans death And therfore nothing so behouefull as to be alwayes in a redinesse What Armes are fit to encounter death withall Good workes done by others after a mans death nothing at al auailable Padrino in Spanish signifieth him that goeth with his freende into the feelde or doth accompany him vnto a iust or torney with meaning to defende him from wrong It signifieth also a Godfather AVTHOR How a man should exercise himselfe afore he commeth to the combat Who are the best maisters of Fence to instruct him that prepareth to fight this combat AVTHOR The miserable estate of a man dying The vertuous Champions othe The othe of the aduersary Iudge of the combat The blessed Sacrament of Christ his supper AVTHOR The best is to be euer redie The first vant-currors or messengers that sommon vs to this combat The ende of the bodie is corruption The Author alwayes vsed this Posie Cain Genesis Chap. 4. Sampson Iudges Cap. 16. Ouid. Seneca Centaures were young men in the time of Ixyon K. of Thessalia who being the first that tamed horses did vpon their backes many great exployts to the wonder of the bordering people who iudged them their horses to haue bin all of one peece thervpō grew this fiction Plutarcb Appian Lucan Alexander Quintus Curtius Plutarch Appianus de rebus gestis Alexandri Homer Dares Ouid. Hector Achilles Pompey the great Plutarch Appian Lucan Anniball Plutarch Appian Titus Liuius Clytemnestra Agamemnon Quid. Eteocles and Polinices Princes of Thebes Sophocles Statius The two daughters were Antigone and Ismene Holofernes Iudith Chap. 12 13. Sisera Iudges Cap. 4. Abner 2. Sam. cap. 3. Goliath 1. Samuel Cap. 17. Haman Ester Cap. 3. Chronic. de Nicol. Gallis Michael Eisinger This was that Duke Philip whom the author serued and of whom he speaketh in this Treatise Chron. de Nicol. Gallis Philipp de Comines Michael Eisinger Charles the hardie Philip de Comines Michael Eisinger Nicol. Gallis The horrible treason of Campobache Marie daughter and heyre to Charles duke of Burgundy Philip de Comines 1578. Eisinger 1482. Isabell and Ferdenand Chronic. de Espania Fray Gonçalo de Yllescas Philip de Comines Philip of Austria Fray Gonçalo de Illescas 1506. Chronic. de Espania Michael Eisinger Surìus 1506. 1526. Maximilian Surius Gonçalo de Yllescas Michael Eisinger Henrie the eight Queene Elizabeth