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A81194 A compendium of the laws and government ecclesiastical, civil and military, of England, Scotland & Ireland and dominions, plantations and territories thereunto belonging, with the maritime power thereof, and jurisdiction of courts therein. Methodically digested under their proper heads. By H.C. sometime of the Inner Temple. Curson, H. (Henry) 1699 (1699) Wing C7686A; ESTC R231895 237,927 672

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The Grant of Earl Marshal of England by Letters Patents of Rich. the 2d and other Grants thereof you may see more at large Coke's 4 Institutes cap. 17. The Maritime Power of England ALL the King 's Maritime Forces are under the Command of the Lord High Admiral of England so called from Amir in Arabick and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Greek that is Praefectus Marinis A compound word from the Eastern Empire introduced into England after the Wars in the Holy Land by King Richard or King Edward the first His Patent was antiently Angliae Hiberniae Acquitaniae Magnus Admirallus But now it is Angliae Hiberniae Dominiorum Insularum eorundem Villae Calesiae Marchiarum ejusdem Normandiae Gasconiae Acquitaniae Magnus Admirallus Praefectus Generalis Classis Marium dictorum Regnorum And this Office for the Great Trust and Honour is usally given to the King 's younger Son near Kinsman Or one of the Principal Nobility He hath power to Commissionate a Vice-Admiral a Rear-Admiral All Sea Captains And also Deputies for particular Coasts Coroners Commissioners and Judges for the Court of Admiralty to Imprison Release c. and sometimes to confer Knighthood on such as deserve it at Sea To him by Law and Custom belong Penalties and Amerciaments of Transgressors at Sea on the shore in Ports and from the first Bridge on Rivers towards the Sea Also the Goods of Pirates Felons or Capital Faulters condemned Outlawed or Horned All Waifs Strays Goods Wrecks of Sea Deodands a share of lawful Prizes Lagon Jetsam and Flotsam that is Goods lying in the Sea on the Ground Goods Floating on the Sea and Goods cast by the Sea on Shore not granted to Lords of Mannors adjoyning to the Sea All great Fishes as Sea-Hogs and others of Extraordinary bigness called Royal Fishes Except Whales and Sturgeons To the Crown of England belongs the Sovereignty of the Narrow-Sea round the Island of Great Britain whereof by Ancient Right it hath had Possession in all times and King Edgar stiled himself Sovereign of the Narrow-Seas In Testimony whereof the Swedes Danes Hollanders c. were wont to aske leave to pass the British-Seas and to take Licenses to Fish therein And to this day Strike Sail to all the Ships of War belonging to the King of England as oft as they pass by any of them thereby acknowledging his Sovereignty according to an Ordinance made at Hastings in Sussex by King John about 450 years ago To maintain this Right Protect Trade and Defend their Kingdoms The Kings of England have Ships of War for Strength Beauty and Sailing Surpassing all other in the World of these such as Ships then were King Edgar is said to have 3600 And the late King Charles had 7 of the First Rate 9 of the Second Rate 22 of the Fifth and 18 of the Sixth Rate besides 30 Fireships and several Small Vessels for Tenders and Victuallers The Royal Sovereign Built by King Charles the first 1637 being of the First Rate was in Length by the Keel 127 Foot in Breadth by the Beam 47 Foot in Depth 49 Foot her Draught of Water 21 Foot Burthen in all 2072 Tunns and 1492 Tunns besides Guns and Tackle hath 6 Anchors the biggest 6000 l. weight and the least 4300 l. weight 14 Cables the greatest 21 Inches compass and weighs 9000 l. weight the least 8 Inches compass weighing near 1300 l. weight 18 Masts and Yards the Main Mast 113 Foot long and 38 Inches Diameter the Main Yard 105 Foot long and 23 Inches Diameter and her Main Top 15 Foot Diameter Had 10 several sorts of Sails Her greatest called the Main Course contained with her Bonnet 1640 yards of Canvas Ipswich double The least called the Foretop Gallant Sail 130 yards of Canvas The compleat suit cost 404 l. The weight of Sea store in point of Ground Tackle and other Cordage 60 Tuns 800 and odd Pounds Shee carried a Long boat of 50 Foot a Pinnace of 30 Foot and a Skiff of 27 Foot long The weight of her Rigging 33 Tun She hath 3 Tires of Guns 44 in the Upper 34 in the Second and 22 in the Lower Tire in all 100 Guns She carried Officers Soldiers and Mariners in all 850 Men. The charge for Victuals Ammunition Wages Wear and Tear every Month at Sea costs 3500 l. The Charge of Building a First Rate Ship with Guns Tackle and Rigging doth usually amount to 62432 the lesser Rates Charge is proportionable A Second Rate carries from 56 to 80 Guns A Third Rate from 58 to 70 Guns A Fourth Rate from 40 to 60 Guns A Fifth Rate from 24 to 32 Guns A Sixth Rate from 6 to 18 Guns The Lord High Admiral may fitly be reputed Vice-Roy of the Maritime Kingdom of England Nam in Mari sunt Regna distincta idque Jure Gentium sicut in arida Terra The Vice-Admiral is an Officer to whom next under the High Admiral it belongs to see the Royal Navy kept in good Repair The Wages of Mariners and Shipwrights duly paid and the Ships provided of all things necessary The Lord High Admiral doth appoint in divers parts of the Kingdom Vice Admirals with their Judges and Marshals by Patent under the Great Seal of the Admiralty These do Exercise Jurisdiction in Maritime Affairs within their Limits and if any be aggrieved by their Sentence or Decree he may Appeal to the High Court of Admiralty and of these round the Coasts are about 22 in England and Wales The Lord High Admiral hath Courts for the Maritime Affairs whereof the Principal is at London and called The Court of Admiralty IN this Court Erected as some hold by Edward the Third The Lord Admiral hath a Lieutenant called Judge of the Admiralty who is commonly some Learned Doctor of the Civil Law Because The Proceeding is in all Civil Matters according to the Civil Law The Sea being without the Limits of the Common Law and by Libel they Proceed to the Action the Plaintiff giving caution to prosecute the Suit and to pay what shall be adjudged against him if he fail therein The Defendant also giving Security or Caution as the Judge shall think meet that he will appear in Judgment and pay that which shall be adjudged against him and that he will ratify whatever his Proctors shall do in his name Besides the Civil Law The Laws of Rhodes and Oleron are here used The former for their Excellency being Incorporated into the Volumes of the Civil Laws And Oleron being an Island in the Bay of Aquitain belonging to the Crown of England King Richard the first there Compiled such Excellent Laws for Sea Matters that in the Ocean Sea Westward they had almost as much Repute as the Rhodian Laws in the Mediterranean and these Laws were called La Rool de Oleron Many Statutes and Ordinances were made by King Edward the Third and other Princes and People as at Rome Pisa Genoa Marseilles Barcelona and
Law-Books lately Printed for J. Walthoe in the Temple Cloysters 1 COke's Reports with References to all the Ancient and Moder● Books of the Laws in 11 Vol. Fol. 2. Dalton's Countrey Justice with large Additions Fol. 3. Cases argued and decreed in the High Court of Chancery Fol. 4. A Collection of the Orders relating to the Practice of the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer 12mo 5. The Law of Common and Commoners or a Treatise shewing the Original and Nature of Common 8vo 6. The Method of Pleading by Rule and President 8vo 7. The Compleat Sheriff wherein is set forth his Office and Authority together with that of a Coroner 8vo 8. A View of the Penal Laws concerning Trades Professions and Traffick and what Offences are punishable in the Crown Office 12mo 9. The Abridgement of the Statutes of King William 8vo 10. Bridgman's Conveyances is now in the Press and will be speedily published with Additions Fol. 11. Tryals per Pais or the Laws of England concerning Juries 8vo A COMPENDIUM OF THE Laws and Government Ecclesiastical Civil and Military OF ENGLAND SCOTLAND IRELAND AND DOMINIONS Plantations and Territories Thereunto belonging WITH THE Maritime Power thereof AND Iurisdiction of Courts THEREIN Methodically Digested under their Proper Heads By H. C. sometime of the Inner-Temple LONDON Printed by the Assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkins Esquires for I. Walthoe and are to be sold by Iohn Deeve at Bernard's-Inn-Gate in Holbourn 1699. THE PREFACE TO THE READER AT my first Entrance into the Study of the Laws of England knowing Method and Order conduce much to the enlightning of the Vnderstanding rendring things more perspicuous and comprehensive to the discerning Judgment and sitting them better for the retaining Memory I resolved to observe a Regular Course and therefore searched for such Authors and endeavoured to make use of such Means as might best correspond with my Design therein But among the several Treatises of the Laws and Government of this Kingdom and Jurisdiction of Courts heretofore written by several Eminent and Learned Men finding none were so compleat nor had that Beauty of Order and Vniformity at might be expected And the Lord Coke in the Epilogue to his Fourth Institutets concerning the Jurisdiction of Courts desiring the Wise-hearted and Expert Builders would amend both the Method and Vniformity and the Structure it self where they should find any Deficiency in the Architecture and considering that great Alterations have been made since by divers Acts of Parliament and otherwise I was enduced to compile this Methodical Compendium of the Laws and Government of England and the Dominions thereunto belonging to direct and facilitate my farther Studies But the Importunity of some having prevailed with me to promise contrary to my first Intention and Inclination to make it Publick If it prove beneficial to others it will surmount all the Ambition may be thought to be in Yours To the extent of his Power H. Curson A Table of Contents Governments in General ORiginal of Government Pag. 1 Law is General Pag. 4 Law Eternal ibid. ●aw of Reason Pag. 5 Divine Law Pag. 6 Humane Law Pag. 7 Fundamentals of the Laws of England Pag. 8 The Government of England The Government of England Pag. 22 The King ibib Privy Council ibid. Ecclesiastical Government of England Ecclesiastical Government Pag. 28 Convocation Pag. 32 Executive Power in Causes Ecclesiaical Pag. 36 High Commission Court Pag. 36 Court of Arches Pag. 39 Court of Audience ibid. Court of the Faculties Pag. 40 Prerogative Court of Canterbury ibid. Court of Peculiars 41 Consistory Courts of Archbishops Bishops 42 Court of the Archdeacon or his Commissary 44 Court of Delegates 44 Laws and Constitutions Ecclesiastical 45 Trials Ecclesiastical in Civil Causes 46 Trials Ecclesiastical in criminal Causes 46 Punishments by Ecclesiastical Courts 47 Punishments Ecclesiastical peculiar to the Clergy 49 Civil Government of England Civil Government of England 51 High Court of Parliament 51 535 Executive Power in Temporal Affairs 80 Court of the High Steward of Eng. 81 539 High Court of Chancery 90 Court of extraordinary Jurisdiction 93 Court of the Star-Chamber 104 Court for Redress of Delays of Judgment in the King 's great Courts 108 Court of Kings Bench 113 Court of Common Pleas Court 121 Court of the Exchequer 127 Court of Inquiry to certifie untrue Accompts in the Exchequer 140 Court of Equity in the Exchequer 141 544 Office of the Pleas in the Exchequer 142 Courts of Justices of Assize Nisi-prius 144 Court of Justices of a Oyer and Terminer 153 Court of special Justices of Oyer and Terminer 166 Money collected for the Houses of Correction or for the Poor 166 Colledges Hospitals or Alms-houses or for charitable and lawful Purposes and Uses 167 Court of Justices of Goal-delivery 169 Court of Justices of the Forrest 175 Court of Justices in Eyre 193 Court of Justices of Trailbaston 195 Court of Wards and Liveries 196 Court of Ancient Demesne 196 559 Court of Commissioners of Sewers 198 569 Court of Commissioners upon the Statute of Bankrupts 201 573 Commissioners for Examination of Witnesses 203 578 King's Swanherd 204 587 King's Aulnager 205 590 The Government of Counties in England 207 Court of the Sessions of the Peace 210 Court of Inquiry of the Defaults of Justices of the Peace Justices of Assize Sheriffs and Under-Sheriffs 222 The Execution of Laws in each County ibid. Court of the Tourn 223 595 Court Leet or View of Frankpledge 224 597 County Court 228 615 Court of the Hundred 233 630 Court Baron 235 632 Coroners Court 237 635 Court of Escheators and Commissioners for finding of Offices 239 635 Court of the Clerk of the Market 241 Court of Pipowders 246 Court of the Dutchy-chamber of Lancaster at Westminster 247 Courts of the County Palatin of Chester 251 Court of the County Palatin of Durham 252 Royal Franchise of Ely 254 Court of the County Palat. of Pembroke 255 Franchise of Hexam and Hexamshire 255 Courts of the Cinque-Ports 256 President and Council in the North 258 The Wardens Courts in the East West and Middle Marshes adjoyning to Scotland 260 Court of Stannaries in the Counties of Devon and Cornwall 261 Court of the Mayor of the Staple 263 The Principality of Wales The Principality of Wales 266 Court of the President and Council of Wales 269 The great Sessions in Wales 270 Military Government of England Military Government of England 275 Court of Chivalry before the Constable and Marshal 279 Colledge of Heralds 283 Maritime Power of England Maritime Power of England 287 Court of Admiralty 292 638 Navy Office 295 Court of Commission by force of the Statute 28 H. 8. Cap. 15. 298 Port Courts 298 Commissioners and others for Beacons Signs of the Sea Light-houses Sea-marks and concerning Watches 299 De Conservatore Treugarum i. e. Induciarum c. 302 Court of the King of England Court of the King of England 308 Ecclesiastical Government of the King's Court
fallitur inter alia suae dispensationis munera quibus nos Regnum nostrum Angliae decorari dignata est Terram Walliae cum Incolis suis prius nobis Jure Feodali Subjectam jam sui gratia in Proprietatis nostrae Dominium Obstaculis quibuscunque cessantibus Totaliter cum Intergritate convertit Corona Regni praedicti tanquam partem corporis ejusdem annexuit univit Yet this Wise and Warlike Nation was long after this not satisfied especially for that taking part with their Rightful Liege Lord King Richard the Second In Revenge thereof many severe Laws were made against them in the Reigns of H. 4. H. 5. c. And they were never in quiet till H. 7. their own Country-man as descended from Owen ap Meredith ap Theodore who Married Katharine Daughter of France and Dowager of King Henry the Fifth and was by Commission found to be Lineally descended from Cadwallader King of the Britons obtained the Crown And yet not so really Reduced in his time as in the Reign of his Son King Henry the Eighth when The Principality of Wales and Dominions thereof was by Act of Parliament 27 H. 8. Incorporated and United to the Realm of England And it is thereby Enacted That every Subject born in Wales should enjoy the Liberties Rights and Laws of this Realm and have Knights of Shires and Burgesses of Parliament c. One Knight for each Shire and One Burgess for each Burrough and the Laws of England used in Wales Vide le Stat. And this Principality consisteth of 12 Counties whereof Eight viz. Glamorgan Anglesey Carnarvan Pembroke Merioneth Flint Carmarthan and Cardigan by Statutum Walliae were Erected 12 E. 1. And the other viz. Brecknock Radnor Denby and Montgomeroy by 27 H. 8. Besides the Shire of Monmouth and other Lordships and Manors in the Marshes united to Salop Herefordshire and Gloucester The Court of the President and Council of Wales THis is a Court of Equity before the President and Council there Warranted by the Statute of 34 H. 8. cap. 36. with Reference to Presciption before in these Words There shall be and remain a President and Council in the said Dominion and Principality of Wales and the Marshes of the same with all Officers Clerks and Incidents to the same in manner as heretofore hath been used who shall have Power to hear and determine by their Wisdoms and Discretions such Causes and Matters as be or hereafter shall be assign'd to them by the King's Majesty as heretofore hath been accustomed They sit by force of the King's Commission and Instructions and proceed as in a Court of Equity by their Wisdoms and Discretions Herefordshire Worcestershire Shropshire and Gloucester are included within this Commission pretending that these Four Shires are within the Marshes of Wales This Court is now Dissolved The Great Sessions in Wales BY the Statute of 34 H. 8. It is Ordained That there shall be Sessions holden and kept Twive in every Year in every of the said Shires within the Dominion of Wales which shall be called The King 's Great Sessions in Wales The Justice of Chester should hold those Sessions in the Shires of Denbigh Flint and Montgomeroy and have nothing but his old Fee of 100 l. for the same That the Justice of North Wales shall likewise hold the Sessions for the Shires of Carnarvan Merioneth and Anglesey and shall have Fifty Pounds yearly of the King for his Fee That one Person Learned in the Laws appointed by the King shall be Justice of the Shires of Radnor Brecknock and Glamorgan and shall hold the said Sessions there and shall have Fifty Pounds yearly of the King for his Fee That one other person Learned in the Laws and appointed by the King shall be Justice for the Shires of Carmarthan Pembroke and Cardigan and shall keep the Sessions there and have the like Sum of Fifty Pounds yearly of the King for his Fee The said Justices shall have several Letters Patents and Commissions for their Offices under the Great Seal of England to be Excercised by themselves or their sufficient Deputies according to the purposes and intents in their Ordinance specified These Justices may hear and determine all Pleas of the Crown as the Chief Justice and other Justices of the King's-Bench may do in their places and elsewhere in the Realm of England and all Pleas of Assize and all other Pleas and Actions Real Personal or Mixt as the Chief Justice of the Common Place in England or other Justices of the same Place may do in the Realm of England That open Proclamation being made in the Shire-Towns Fifteen days before of the Time and Place they intend to keep the said Sessions the said Sessions shall be held and continued for Six days together according to the former Custom heretofore used in North Wales The Seals devised for each Division to be kept by the Steward and Chamberlain of each Division Four Judicial Seals to be in the Custody of the Four Justices respectively and the Teste of Process Judicial shall be in the Name of the Justice who shall pass it Fines Concords Recoveries c. taken before the said Justices within their Authority respectively without any Dedimus potestatem as before the Justice of the Common Place in England There shall be Justices of the Peace and Justices of Quorum and Custos Rotulorum Commissionated by the King in Every of the said Counties not exceeding Eight in a County and those or two of them in each County whereof one to be of the Quorum may keep their Sessions Four times in the Year or oftner if urgent occasion requires and have like Authority and Fees as Justices in England Sheriffs Escheators Coroners Constables of Hundreds and other Officers and their Courts to be had and holden as in England Vide le Statute Rodry Maure King of VVales who died Anno 877 in the time of Alured King of England and left Three Sons Mervyn Anarawd and Cadelh Divided his Kingdom into Three parts Guyneth which the English call North-VVales the Latins Venedotia he gave to Mervyn or as some say to Anarawd Powisland in Latin Powisia which some call VVest-VVales he gave to Anarawd or as some say to Cadelh and Deheobarth which the English call South-VVales and the Latins Demetia he gave to Cadelh or as some say to Mervyn The First was the best because the Quietest the Second often Invaded by the English and into the Third Incursions were often made by the English Norman and Fleming The Division of this Kingdom brought in time such Division amongst these Princes that it was never quiet till it came under one Monarch and King again For the Royal Dignity of a Monarch or King from whence all other Subordinate Dignities Tanquam Lumen de Lumine are derived without any Diminution will suffer no Division Regia dignitas est Indivisibilis quaelibet alia derivativa Dignitas est similiter indivisibilis King Edward the Third
in the 17th year of his Reign by Charter Established in Parliament created his Son Son called the Black Prince Prince of VVales in these words De Concilio Praelatorum Comitum Baronum Communiam in Generali Parliamento nostro apud Wesmonaster ' die Lunae in Quindena Paschae proximè praeterito convocato Ipsum Edwardum Pricipem Walliae fecimus creavimus Et dictum Principatum sibi dedimus concessimus per Chartam nostram confirmavimus ac ipsum de dicto Principatu ut ibidem praeficiendo praesidiat praesidendo dictas partes dirigat defendat per sertum in Capite Annulum in Digito aureum ac virgam argenteam investivimus juxta morem Habendum tenendum de nobis sibi Haeredibus suis Regibus Angliae imperpetuum c. And in the same manner is the Noble and primary County Palatine of Chester granted to him at the same time with the same words Sibi Haeredibus suis Regibus Angliae which import a limited Fee and that by his decease or attaining to the Crown these Dignities might be Extinguished in the Crown to the end the King for the time being might have the Honour and power to create his Heir apparent Prince of VVales and Earl of Chester as he himself had been by his Progenitors But otherwise it is in the Case of the Dutchy of Cornwal Vide Coke's 4 Inst cap. 48. that being without Creation and ever since 11 Ed. 3. the First begotten Son of the King is ever Duke of Cornwal And this may suffice for a Short Survey of the Principality of Wales And now proceed to The Military Government of England THe King hath the Sole Supream Goverment Command and Disposition of the Military Power of England both by Land and Sea As is at large declared in Parliament Anno 14 Car. 2. And By Land the next under the King is the Generalissimo when in being of all his Majesties Forces in his Three Kingdoms Horse and Foot in Say as well within Garison as without These Forces in the late King Charles the Seconds time consisted of 4 Regiments of Foot The King's Regiment 24 Companies and near 1700 Men The Dukes Regiment 720 Men Another Regiment 600 Men And the Earl of Craven's Regment of 960 Men And the Earl of Oxford's Regiment consisting of 8. Troops about 500 Horse besides Officers There were likewise in King Charles the Seconds time Three compleat Troops of Horse for his Life-Guard The Kings Troop 200 Horse The Queens Troop 150 Horse and the Duke of Yorks Troop 150 Horse The rest of his Majesties Forces in constant pay were disposed under several Governors in several Garisons of which there are about Thirty two and in some of them the King had 500 Men in constant pay The pay of a Colonel of Horse 12 s. per diem A Collonel of Foot 20 s. per diem and other Officers proportionably Each of the Life-Guards 4 s. per diem And each Trooper 2 s. 6 d. per diem Each Foot Soldier in London 10 d. per diem Each Foot Soldier in Garrison 8 d. per diem These Forces were afterwards much encreased but no Orders are yet setled by Act of Parliament for these Land Forces as there are for Sea Forces But now they are settled by Act of Parliament to be 7000 natural born Subjects The Officers included Besides these Forces before mentioned the Standing Militia of the Kingdom is settled in the King by Acts of Parliament Tempore Car. 2. to be Governed Ordered and Enlarged from time to time as his Majesty shall see occasion For Government of these the King by Commission Creates divers of the Peers of the Kingdom Lieutenants of the several Counties with power to Arm Array and Form into Companies Troops and Regiments and to conduct upon occasion of Rebellion or Invasion and employ there Men so Armed within their respective Counties or into any other County as the King shall direct To give Commissions to Colonels and other Commissionated Officers To present to the King the Names of Deputy Lieutenants To charge ay person with Horse Horse-Men and Arms or Foot Soldiers and Arms within the said County proportionable to their Estates with limitation that no person be charged with a Horse unless he hath 500 l. yearly or 6000 l. personal Estate or with a Foot Soldier unless he hath 50 l. yearly or 600 l. personal Estate Those that have meaner Estates are to joyn Two or Three together to find a Horse or Horseman or a Foot Soldier The said Horse or Foot to Muster once or twice a year and each Horse-Man while he serves to have 2 s. a day and each Foot Soldier 12 d. per diem They have likewise power to levy a Fourth part of the Tax of 70000 l. per Mensem for Ammunition And in case of Marching against an Enemy they have power to cause every Man so charged to allow each Soldier a Months pay which the King is after to pay before they be charged with another Months pay In 1588 Upon the Muster made by Commission from Queen Eliz. in expectation of the Spanish Invasion there were found to be Three Millions and of those fit for War about 600000 Men. In all times of danger some are set to watch at every Beacon to give notice in a few Hours to the whole Kingdom There were anciently many Castles in all parts of England But Inland Castles have been either demolished or willingly suffered to decay that Rebels or Invaders might have no Shelter or the Invaded any Refuge to Fly to whereby to occasion any Lingring And now we come to the Military Courts amongst which the chief is The Court of Chivalry before the Constable and Marshal THis Court is called Curia Militaris and the Marshal Court wherein the Lord Constable and Earl Marshal of England are Judges And is the Fountain of the Martial Law Constable Is compounded of two Saxon words Cunning per contractionem King Stable id est Columen q. Columen Regis anciently written Coningstable Marshal Likewise of two Saxon wards Mare for Equus and Stale for Curator The Jurisdiction is declared by the Statute of 13 R. 1. To the Constable it appertaineth to have Conusance of Contracts and Deeds of Arms and of War out of the Realm and also of Things that touch War within the Realm which cannot be determined or discussed by the Common Law with other Usages and Customs to the same pertaining which other Constables have duly and reasonably used in their time joyning to the same that every Plaintiff shall declare plainly his Matter in his Petition before that any Man be sent for to answer thereunto And if any will complain that any Plea be commenced before the Constable and Marshal that might be Tried by the Law of the Land the same Complainant shall have a Privy Peal of the King without difficulty directed to the said Constable and Marshal to Purcease in that Plea
till it be discussed by the King's Council if that Matter ought and of right pertaineth to that Court Or otherwise to be Realm of England and also that they Purcease in the mean time For Tryal by Battel between the Lord Morley and the Earl of Sarum and divers others there cited See Coke's 4 Inst cap. 17. In an Appeal between Upton and Down 8 Hen. 6. after Battle joyned the King 's Writ out of the Chancery Issued to the Sheriffs of London as followeth REx c. Vic' London salutem Praecipimus vobis firmiter injungentes quod quasdam Listas Barras de Maremio fortes satis sufficientes pro quodam Duello inter Joh. Upton Appellantem Johan ' Downe Defend ' Secundum Legem Armorum die Lunae prox ' futur ' apud Westsmithfield in Suburb ' Civitatis praed ' Deodanti perficiend ' contra diem praed ' nostris Sumptibus Expensis erigi construeri fieri fac ' in Omnibus prout in Ultimo Duello ibidem facto fact fuer ' quod terra inter Listas praed ' cum sabulo sufficienter Equalitter cooperiatur Ita quod aliqui Lapides Grandes aut arena infra easdem Listas minime inveniantur quovis modo Et de omnibus singulis paecuniarum Summis quas circa praemissa aplicaveritis nos vobis in computo vestro ad Scaccarium per praesens madatum nostrum debitam allocationem habere faciemus c. And by a French Manuscript Intituled Modus faciendi Duellum Coram Rege Bone Foy Droit Ley de Armes voet quel Apellant encourge mesme peyne que le Defendant deveroit sil soit Convicte discomfit And this seemeth to be consonant to the Law of God Deut. 19 18. They proceed according to the Customs and Usages of the Court and in cases omitted according to the Civil Law Secundum Legem Armorum and therefore upon Attainders before the Constable and Marshal no Land is Forfeited or corruption of Blood wrought It was resolved in the Reign of Queen Eliz. in the Case of Sir Francis Drake who struck off the Head of Dowty in Partibus transmarinis That his Brother and Heir might have an Appeal Sed Regina noluit constituere Constabularium Angliae c. ideo dormivit Appellum The Proceeding and Sentences here is upon Witnesses or Combat and not by Jury and after Sentence in this Court in Case of Arms the party grieved may Appeal to the King What Judgment shall be given when either party is vanquished and when Tryal by Battel shall be for things within the Realm before the Justices of the King's Bench or Common Pleas Vide Coke's 4 Institutes cap. 17. Crompton's Jurisdiction of Courts Fol. 82. The effect of the Grant of the Office of Constable is in few words Officium Constabularij Angliae unacum Omnibus Feodis proficuis comditatibus Emolumentis quibuscunque Offico praedicto qualitercunque pertinentibus ab antiquo debitis consuetis And now as in some respects incident to this Court as being created by the Earl Marshal we shall in the next place speak somewhat of The Colledge of Heralds OF this Collegiate Society are Three Stiled Reges Armorum Anglorum Kings at Arms the principal of which is called Garter Instituted by King Henry the 5th whose Office is to attend the Knights of the Garter at their Solemnities To Advertise them of their Election And to call them to be Installed at Windsor To cause their Arms to be hung upon their Seats there To carry the Garter to Kings and Princes beyond Seas for which purpose he was wont to be joyned in Commission with some principal Peer of the Realm and to Marshal the Solemnities and the Funerals of all the Higher Nobility of England The next is Clarencieux So called from the Duke of Clarence to whom he first belonged which Dukedom Escheating to King Edw. the 4th by the Death of his Brother George Duke of Clarence he made this Herald a King at Arms and named him Clarencieux in French and Clarentius in Latin His Office is to Marshal and dispose the Funerals of the Lesser Nobility as Baronets Knights and Gentlemen on the Southside of Trent and therefore sometimes called Surroy or Southroy And then Norroy or Northroy whose Office is to do the like on the Northside of Trent And these Two last are called Provincial Heralds These by Charter have power to visit Noblemens Families to set down their Pedigrees to distinguish their Arms to appoint Men their Arms and Ensigns and with Garter to direct the Heralds And next are the Six Heralds anciently belonging to Dukes have been sometime named Dukes at Arms and are thus called and ranked Windsor Richmond Chester Sommerset York and Lancaster Their Office anciently was to attend Dukes in Marshal Execution now to wait at Court attend publick Solemnities Proclaim War and Peace c. And perhaps named Heralds from the German Here and Healt that is The Armies Champion to denounce War or offer Peace as the Feciales of the Romans did These wait by turns upon the Kings at Arms and have part of their Fees And of these antiently were many as likewise of Pursuivants But now there are but Four Pursuivants named Rouge Crosse Rouge Dragon Portcullice and Blewmantle from such Badges heretofore worn by them as is throught These King's Heralds and Pursuieants were anciently Crowned and had their Creation from the Kings Hand But of later times the Earl Marshal hath had a Commissions for every particular Creation by Letters Patents The manner whereof you may see in the Present State of England They were incorporated by King Richard the 3d and afterwards had another Charter of Priviledge by King Edward 6th in the Third year of his Reign The Duty of the whole Colledge is to Marshal and Order Coronations Marriages Christnings Funerals Interviews Feasts of Kings and Princes Cavalcades Justes Tournaments Combates before the Constable and Marshal c. Also they take care of the Coats of Arms of the Genealogies of the Nobility and Gentry and whatsoever concerns Honour is their Care and Study They are Tanquam sacrorum Custodes Templi Honoris Aeditui All these receive Annual Stipends out of the Exchequer Are all to be Gentlemen at least and the Six Heralds at their Creation are expresly made Esquires by the King When Capias or Exigent are awarded against a Peer or Baron he may have a Writ to command that they Sue out no other Process against him than what they ought to have against Lords and Great Men which come to the Parliament by the ancient Laws and Customs of England Edmond Dein Court of Langley in Com' Lincoln ' By Letters Patents from Ed. 2. had License to Assign his Surname Arms and Possessions which 19 E. 2. he accordingly did But the Lord Hoc Tempore Edw. 4th Granting his Name Arms and Dignity over without the King's License the same was in Parliament adjudged void
Dutchy Concerning the Judicature and Customs of these Isles it appeareth by Records in the Tower Quod Rex Johannes constituit 12 Coronatores Juratos ad Placita Jura ad Coronam spectantia custodienda Et concessit pro securitate Insularum Quod Ballivus de caetero per visum Coronatorum poterat placitare sine Breve de Nov. Disseisinae facta infra Annum De Morte Antecessorum infra Annum De Dote similiter infra Annum And now they have a Governour appointed by the King of England and Twelve Assistants selected out of every several Parish And for the most part they proceed according to the Customs of Normandy Altho' the King's Writ runneth not into these Isles yet his Commission under the Great Seal doth But the Commissioners must judge according to the Laws and Customs of the Isles Insula Vectis or Vecta THe Isle of Wight is esteemed part of Hampshire from which it is severed by a dangerous Streight of the Sea It contains 20 Miles in Length Twelve in Breadth and is Governed by the Laws of England as the other Shires have been the Soyl is answerable to the Husbandman's Expectation The Sheep bear fine Wool and the Trees store of Fruit. Here are One Forest Two Parks and 36 Towns and Villages the Chief being Newport Yarmouth and Brading The Island is strongly scituated being Inaccessible towards France but because the North-shoar is Level it is fortified on that side with Three Castles viz. Yarmouth Cows and Sand-head Castle and in the Midst of the Island is Carisbrooke Castle wherein hath sometimes been Armor for 50000 Men and in every Village a Great Piece of Ordnance This Isle was taken from the Britains by Wolphur King of Mercia and hereof King Henry the Sixth Crowned Henry Beauchamp Earl of Warwick King and he was after named Primus Comes totius Angliae sed cum illo Novus hic insolitus Titulus omnino evanuit The Sorlings CAlled by the English and Belgians Scilly Islands by Antonine in his Itinerary Sigdoles by Solinus Silyres by some Greek Writers Hesperides and Casterides are scituate against the Western Cape of Cornwal from which they are distant 24 Miles They are in Number 145 of which 10 only are of Estimation viz. 1. Armath 2. Agnes 3. Sampson 4. Scilly 5. Bresar 6. Ruso● 7. St. Helens 8. St. Martins 9. Arthur 10. St. Maries Chief of all the rest being 8 Miles in compass sufficiently Fruitful and strengthned with a Castle called Stella Maria by Queen Elizabeth These Islands are stored with Grass Grain and Lead which last was once carried hence into Greece Hither the Roman Emperors Banished Condemned Men to Work in the Mines These were subdued to the English Crown by Athelstane The Island Lindisfarne Or LEndisfarne scituate near the River Lied called also Holyfarne or Holy Island on the confines of Northumberland Hath one Castle one Church one Parish and a safe Haven defended by a Blockhouse It was in ancient time a Bishops Seat after Translated to Duresme and is Governed by the Laws of England It was called Holy Island for that many Religious Men in times past retired thither being a Solitary place There are divers other Islands as Denny Londay and Chaldey in the Severn Sea Thanet and Sheppey near Kent Farne Isle near Lindisfarne and Cockat Islands near Northumberland and many others of small account A COMPENDIUM OF THE Laws and Government OF SCOTLAND WITH THE ISLANDS Thereunto belonging Anno Domini 1699 SCOTLAND IS so called from Scotti Scitti or Scythi a People of Germany over whose Northern Bounds the Name Scythia did once extend These seized on a part of Spain next to Ireland and Anno 424. on the West part of this Country It is the rest of the Isle of Albion or Great Britain in Length from Dungesby-Head to the South parts of Gallway 250 Miles in Breadth from Aberdeen to the Isle of Mule 150 Miles hath no place distant from the Sea 62 Miles and ends like the sharp point of a Wedge It was anciently called Calidonia and sometimes Albania now by the French l'Escosse by the Italians la Scotia by the Spaniards la Escocia and by the Germans Schotlandt and is separated from England by the Rivers Tweed and Solway and the Cheviot Hills in the midst between which were The Borders sometimes extended to Edinburgh and Sterling in Scotland and at other times were enlarged and took in Cumberland Northumberland and Westmorland in England and were Secured or Defended by three Officers in each Kingdom called Lord Wardens of the Marshes But now by the Marriage and Union of the two Kingdoms The Officers and Warres which were the cause of them are extinct Scotland was for many Ages Governed by its own Kings but with divers considerable Alterations till the year 1602 it was to our great satisfaction united to England for ever and does still remain under it Governed by a Vice-Roy called Lord Commissioner Here were formerly two Populous Nations the Scots before described and the Picts who were indeed very Britains who Fled into the Northern parts which are still almost Free when the Romans entred the Scuth parts of Britain These using the ancient Customs of Painting their Bodies after the rest were more Civilized were by the Romans called Picts They Swayed here a long while alone till the year 424 when the Scots set footing in Britain with whom they contracted a League against the Britains but after Warring among themselves Kenneth King of Scots vanquished Dunsken King of the Picts and thereby extinguished both their Kingdom and Name Anno 839. After James the 6th being the 36th King united the Crown of England and Scotland Their chief Commodities Cattle Course Cloaths Frizes Fish Lead Oar Iron Saltpetre Linnen Cloath Train Oyl some Hides and Tallow The Country is divided into the High-lands and Low-lands The first Rude The other of like Ingenious Disposition and Language almost with the English these being the Off-spring of the Saxons and the High-landers The true Scots who speak the Irish Tongue and call both the Low-landers and English Saxons The Gospel was first Preached here by Palladius Anno 431. They are now Protestants and those chiefly Presbyterians Their Language in the South parts a corrupt English and on the North and West parts a Dialect of the Irish The Division is into two Parts viz. 1. High-land or North Scotland somewhat the larger of the Two the Seat of the old Scots 170 Miles long and 130 broad divided into 13 Counties viz. 1. Cathness Chief Towns-Wick and Catness 2. Strathnavern Chief Town Strathy 3. Sootherland Chief Town Dornock 4. Rosse Chief Town Tayne 5. Murray Chief Town Elgen 6. Loquabrea Chief Town Innerlochy 7. Broad-Alben Chief Town _____ 8. Athol Chief Town Blaire 9. Buquihan Chief Town Stanes 10. Marr Chief Town Aberdeen 11. Mernis Chief Town Bervy 12. Anguis Chief Towns Dundee and Brechin 13. Perth Chief Town Perth the Chief Town of the whole Aberdeen 2.
Archiepiscoporum meorum hanc meam munificentiam signo meo corroboravi ✚ Ego Alfrye Regina consensi Signo Crueis confirmavi Ego Dunstan Archiepiscopus Dorobor ' Ecclesiae Christi consensi subscripsi ✚ Ege Osticel Archiepiscopus Eboracenses Ecclesiae consensi subscripsi Ego Alferic Dux Ego Buthnod Dux Ego Arigdary Dux And what Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction the Archbishop of Canterbury had in Ireland in ancient time before it was Subject to the Crown of England you may read in Cambden's Britannia p. 735 765. as namely in the Consecration and Confirmation of their Bishops by reason of his Primacy in Ireland Co. 4 Inst 360. King Henry the Second at a Parliament holden at Oxford Created his Son King John King of Ireland But succeeding Kings wrote themselves Domini Hiberniae till 33 Hen. 8 in which year he took upon himself the Style of King of Ireland being so Declared at a Parliament in Dublin Coke's 4 Inst 360. Certain it is that whilst the Liberal Sciences in Europe lay Buried in Darkness their Lustre did shine forth clearly in Ireland Thither did our English Saxons repair as to a Mart of good Literature whence of the Holy Men of those times we often read Amandatus est ad Disciplinam in Hiberniam Co. 4 Inst 360. In the Book of Magna Charta is an Ordinance for Ireland concerning divers Matters Entituled Ordinatio pro statu Terrae H●berniae By the Statute of 17 Ed. 1 cap. 1. The King's Officers in Ireland shall purchase no Land there without the King's License King's Officers in Ireland shall make no Purveyance there but by Writ out of Chancery there or in England and that in time of Necessity only and by the Advice of the Council there All kind of Merchandizes may be Exported out of Ireland except to the King's Enemies and if any Officer restrain them he shall satisfie double Damages to the party grieved and be also punished by the King The Fees for every Bill of Grace in Ireland under the Seal of the Justice there shall be Four pence for the Bill and Two pence for the Writing thereof The Marshals Fee for a Prisoner when he shall be Delivered is Four pence No Pardon of the Death of a Man or other Felony or for flying for the same shall be granted by the Justices there but only at the King's Command and under his Seals No Officers there shall receive any Original Writ which is not Sealed by the Seal of Ireland or by the Exchequer Seal there of things concerning that Court. The Justices of Ireland shall not Delay or Adjourn Assize of Novel disseisin there save only in the County where he is and while he shall remain there By the Statute of 34 Ed. 3.17 all kind of Merchandize may be Exported and Imported out of and into Ireland as well by Aliens as Denizens Persons who have Lands and Possessions in Ireland may freely Import and Export their Commodities thither and from thence without Impeachment By the Statute of 1 Hen. 6.3 all Irish Men shall avoid the Kingdom except Graduates Beneficed Men Lawyers having Inheritance in England and English Parents Religious Persons Professed Merchants Burgesses and other Inhabitants of good Fame and Persons Married in England and all they shall find Surety for their Good Behaviour No Irish Man shall Inhabit here in the Universities or elsewhere without a Testimonial under the Seal of the Lieutenant or Justices of Ireland Testifying that he is of the King's Obeysance to be Delivered to the Chancellor here in pain to be punished as a Rebel No Irishman shall be Head or Governour of any Hall or House By the Statute of 2 Hen. 6.8 Irishmen coming to live in England shall give Surety for their Good Behaviour viz. in the Universities to the Chancellors in Counties to the Justices of Peace and in Corporations and other Liberties to the Head Officers respectively By the Statute of 16 17 Car. 1.30 an Act for a speedy Contribution and Loan towards the Relief of the King 's Distressed Subjects of the Kingdom of Ireland See the Statutes at large An Act for the Speedy and Effectual reducing of the Rebels in Ireland to their due Obedience to the King and the Crown of England and certain other Additional Acts were made for the same purpose and for the Sale of Forfeited Lands there By the Statute of 32 Car. 2. cap. 2. The Act made 18 Car. 2. Entituled An Act against Importing Cattle from Ireland and other parts beyond the Seas and Fish taken by Foreigners is revived and Power given not only to Constables and Officers but to every Person whatsoever in any place whatsoever to take and seize the Cattle and Goods Imported contrary to the said Act And that such Seizer shall have the Benefit given by this Act. The other Acts concerning Ireland made in England and the divers Acts made in Ireland you may see in the Books of the Statutes of either Kingdom at large The Rule Quando duo jura concurrunt in una persona aequum est acsi in diversis holdeth not in Personal things that is when two Persons are necessarily and inevitably required by Law For no man can now say That the King of England can make War or League with the King of Scotland or King of Ireland c. there being but One Head of both and as Liegance of the Subjects of both Kingdoms is due to their Sovereign by one Law and that is the Law of Nature So there is a Union of Protection of both Kingdoms equally belonging to either of them altho' in other respects they are distinct Kingdoms For and Earl or Baron of Ireland is not a Peer or of the Nobility of this Realm as appeareth by the Book 8 R. 2. where in an Action of Debt Process of Outlawry was awarded against the Earl of Ormond in Ireland which ought not to have been if he had been Noble here But there is a diversity worthy of Observation for the highest and lowest Dignities are Universal For if a King of a Foreign Nation come into England by leave of the King as it ought to be in this case he shall Sue and be Sued by the Name of a King And a Knight shall be so named wheresoever he received that Dignity Co. 7 Rep. Calvin's Case If a King come to a Christian Kingdom by Conquest he having Vitae Necis potestatem may alter the Laws of that Kingdom at his pleasure but until such alteration the Ancient Laws of that Kingdom remain But if a a Christian King Conquer the Kingdom of an Infidel there ipso facto the Laws are abrogated and in that case until certain Laws be established the King by himself and such Judges as he shall appoint shall judge them and their Causes according to Natural Equity in such sort as Kings in ancient time did their Kingdoms before any certain Municipal Laws were given But if a King have a Kingdom by Title of
dicti Domini Regis in dicto Com' Devon ' The Lord Warden hath Jurisdiction of all the Tynn in Cornwal and Devon and is guided therein by Special Laws by Customs and by Prescriptions Time out of mind And the Officers be the Steward Under-Warden c. By Exposition of the Charters of 33 E. 1. Made and Declared in Parliament Anno 50 E. 3. it appears that all Tynners and Workers in the Tynn-Works should be Free so that they should not Answer for any Matter or Thing arising within the Stannaries before any other Judge or Officer but only before the Warden of the Stannaries Except for Pleas of Land Life or Member and should not depart from their Work for the Summons of any the King's Officers except of his said Warden of the Stannaries and shall be quit of all Tallages Tolls Stallagiis aliis Custumis in Towns Ports Fairs and Markets within the said County De bonis suis propriis Upon any cause of Complaint ministred the same is to be redressed by Appellation First to the Steward of the Stannary-Court where the matter lyeth Then to the Under-Warden of the Stannaries and from him to the Lord Warden and for want of Justice at his hands to the Princes Privy Council For the Laws Jurisdictions c. of this Court see more in Co. 4 Inst c. 45. and Records c. there cited It was Resolved 4 Jac. 1. in Camera Stellata That Stannum Tynne otherwise White Lead nor Black Lead nor any other base Metal did belong to the King by his Prerogative as Gold and Silver do albeit there may be tryed out of the base Metal Gold and Silver but that is as the seed or strength of the base Metal which being Extracted becomes Defective There be Five kinds of Base Metals viz. Aes sive Cuprum because it was found out as some hold in Cypro Copper Stannum Tynn Ferrum Iron Plumbum Lead and Orychalcum Latyn Polybius 209 years before Christ wrote That this Island was abundantly stored with Tynn Britanni qui juxta Belerium promontorium incolunt Mercatorum usu qui eo Stanni gratia navigant humaniores reliquis hospites habentur hij ex terra Saxosa cujus venas sectati effodiunt Stannum igne eductum in quandam Insulam ferunt Britannicam juxta quam Vectam vocant Ex hiis Insulis Mercatores emptum Stannum in Galliam Portant inde diebus fere triginta cum equis ad fontem Eridani fluminis perducunt Coke 's 4 Inst cap. 45. The Court of the Major of the Staple THis Court is guided by the Law Merchant which is the Law of the Staple and is holden at the Wool-Staple in Westminster and there also are Two Constables and a certain number of Correctors to do that which pertaineth to their Office as in other Staples is accustomed And though it be more ancient is warranted by Parliament 27 Ed. 3. Whereby it is Ordained That The Staple of Wools Leather Woolfells and Lead shall be holden at Newcastle upon Tine York Lincoln Norwich Westminster Canterbury Cicester Winchester Exeter and Bristol For Wales at Caermardyn and for Ireland at Deuelin Waterford Cork and Droghoada And that such as shall be carryed out of the Land shall be brought to some of the said Staple-Towns to be weighed by the Standard and the Customs paid But from such of the said Staple-Towns which are not Port Towns the said Staple Commodities shall be sent to the next respective Port Towns as from Westminster to London c. there to be weighed again by the Customers Item That in every Town where the Staple is Ordained shall be a Mayor chosen yearly by the Comminalty who hath knowledge in the Law Merchant and Two convenable Constables who have power to keep the Peace arrest the Offenders in Staples for Debts Trespass and other Contracts and them to Imprison and punish after the Law of the Staple and a Prison appointed for that purpose The Mayors Sheriffs and Bayliffs of the Towns where the Staple is or joyning to the Staple shall be attending to the Mayors and Ministers of the Staple for Executing their Commandments upon grievous Forfeiture and one Lord or other of the most Sufficient where the Staple is shall be assigned to be Aidant to the Mayor and Ministers of the Staple to justifie the Rebels that cannot be justified by the Mayors and Ministers of the Staple and to redress all Complaints c. The Bounds of the Staple at Westminster shall begin at Temple-Bar and extend to Tuthill In other Cities and Towns within the Walls and where there are no Walls through all the City or Town By the Statute of 27 Ed. 3. the Major of the Staple may take Recognizances of Debts under the Seal of the Office but not with the Seal of the Party By the Statute of 23 H. 8. the Major of the Staple at Westminster and Recorder of the City of London in the absence of the Two Chief Justices out of Term have power to take Recognizances of Debts according to that Statute and this is in the Nature of a Statute Staple but it hath besides the Seal of those that take it the Seal of the Party By the Statute of 36 Ed. 3. Merchant Strangers may sue before the Major of the Staple according to Law Merchant or at the Common Law By the Statute of 8 H. 6. cap. 17. there are in England Five Staple Merchandizes viz. Wool Woolfells Leather Lead and Tyn. The Mayor and Constables are sworn in Chancery to do lawfully that which pertaineth unto them That Staple cometh from the French Estape signifying a Mart or Market and for other Matters concerning the Staple see Coke's 4 Inst cap 46. and the Statutes and Records there mentioned The Principality of Wales WALLIA Wales by the Saxons called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Wales unde Wallenses Walli i. e. Exteri seu Per●grini The Britons calling Englishmen Saisons They are of the Posterity of the ancient Britons Inhabiting on the West part of Great Brittany This was sometime a Realm or Kingdom Governed per Regulos suos But Jure Feodali the Kingdom of Wales was holden of the Crown of England and thereby as Bracton saith was Sub potestate Regis and so continued until the 11th Year of King Edward the First when he subdued the Prince of Wales and Executed him for Treason Whereof Fleta who lived in those days speaketh thus Et unico Malefactori plura poterunt infligi tormenta sicut contigit de Davide Principe Walliae cum per Edwardum Quinque Judiciis mortalibus torquebatur suis namque Meritis exigentibus Detractus Suspensus Dismembratus fuit combustus cujus caput principali Civitati quatuorque Quarteria ad quatuor partes Regni in Odium tradit deferebuntur suspendendum And in the 12th of E. 1. by Parliament it is declared speaking in the Person of the King as ancient Statutes were wont to do Divina Providentia quae in sua dispositione non
Great Hall where those are kept Built by King William Rufus or by Richard the Second as some hold being for all Dimensions not to be equalled by any Hall in Christendom Radulphus de Ingham Chief Justice of England a very poor Man being Fined before him at 13 s. 4 d. in another Term moved with Pity caused the Record to be rased and made 6 s. 8 d. For which he for his Fine made the Clock to be heard into Westminster Hall and the Clock-house which cost 800 Marks Tempore Ed. 1. and continueth to this Day Anno 37 Hen. 8. The King's Mannor of Westminster was made an Honour The City of Norwich THis is an Ancient City For in Ancient Manuscripts it appears That In tempore Steph. Regis de nova Fundata ut Villa populata Communitas fact● And it is highly commended for many things Quod suis Opibus Frequentia Aedificiorum Elegantia Templorum Pulchritudine Numero Paraecias enim plus minus 30 complectitur Civum sedulitate in Principem fide in Exteros Humanitate inter Celebrrimas Britanniae Urbes merito connumeranda c. Moenibus Validis in quibus crebrae dispositae Turres Undecim Portae undique Obsepta nisi ad ortam qua Flumen cum sinuoso flexu 4 Pontibus pervium Septentrionalem urbis partem interluerit profundo alveo praecipitibus Rupis defendit It is preferred before all the Cities in England except London hath above 30 Parishes and is as large within the Walls as London it had within it and the Liberties Six Religious Houses and One Hospital Anno 27 Hen. 8. The Bishoprick of Norwich becoming void by the Death of Richard Nick commonly called the Blind Bishop The King nominated the Abbot of the Monastery of St. Bennets de Hulmo in the County of Norwich to be Bishop of Norwich And afterwards 4 Feb. 27 Hen. 8. It was Enacted by Authority of Parliament That such Person as should be Elected and Consecrated Bishop of Norwich should have and enjoy united to the said Bishoprick the Monastery of St. Bennets And all Manors c. belonging to the same And should be Abbot of the said Monastery of St. Bennets and have the Dignity of the said Abbacy United Incorporated and Knit to the said Bishoprick For the Courts of Justice in this City we have Treated of the like in London and therefore shall only mention an Act of Parliament concerning the Jurisdiction thereof 2 R. 2. N. 39. Not in Print Whereby it is Enacted for the Citizens of Norwich That if their Customs and Usages heretofore used or hereafter to be used be Difficult or Defective in part or in all Or that the same need any due amendments for any matter arising whereof Remedy was not aforetime had That then the Bailiffs and Twenty four Citizens of the same City so therefore yearly to be Chosen or the greater part of them shall from henceforth have Power to Ordain such Remedies as are most agreeable to Faith and Reason and for the most Profit the Good and Peaceable Government of the same Town and of Strangers thereto repairing as to them shall seem best So as such Ordinance be profitable for the King and his People By the Statute of 14 Hen. 4. The Merchants and Artificers of Worsteds in Norfolk may sell their single Worsteds to any Place or Persons in Amity with the King notwithstanding any Inhibition or Liberty to the contrary In the time of King Edward the Confessor there were 1300 Citizens within this City and they paid 20 l. to the King and 10 l. to the Earl And besides these 20 s. and Four Prebendaries and Six Sextaries of Honey a Bear and Six Dogs to Bait him Now it pays 70 l. to the King and 100 l. to the Queen and a Palfrey and 20 l. of White Rent to the Earl It is a County of it self and hath Two Sheriffs and large Liberties without the Walls See the Statute of 33 He● 8. How many Attorneys should be at Norfolk See Rot. Parl. 18 Ed. 1. f. 5. Concerning the ancient Liberties of this City Burgi Civitat ' Fundat ' Aedificat ' sunt ad Tuitionem Gentium Populorum Regni idcirco obsi●vdri debent cum omni Libertate Integ●itate Ratione The Beautiful Cathedral was begun by Herbert Bishop of Norwich Anno 9 Willielmi Rufi The Strong Castle called ●●anch Flower Environed with the City but no part thereof but of the County of Norwich was not Built by Bigott Earl of Norwich for we find a Charter of King Stephen Rex c. Sciatis me Dedisse in Feode Hereditate Willielmo Commiti Warren Filio meo Castellum Norwici cum Toto Burgo c. And Reef de W●et Earl of Norwich Defended this Castel against William the Conquerour who was driven out of England and Travelled with his Wife to Jerusalem Vide Coke's 4 Inst cap. 52. The Two Vniversities in England THese are the Two Eyes or Luminaries of the Kingdom and are now Stiled Universities A Professione Universalium Scientiarum Artium Liberalium A University being properly an Incorporation under one Government of many publick Schools ordained especially for the Study and Profession of Divinity Civil-Law and Physick as also Philosophy and other Liberal Arts and Sciences And of these Universities the first and most ancient is thought to be Oxford QUasi Ousford Isidis Uadum From the name of the Chief River Isis whereon it is Seated It lies in 51 Degrees 42 Minutes Latitude and above 22 Degrees Longitude almost the same Climate with the Famous University of Athens and was a place for publick Studies above 900 years ago and much Augmented by the Learned Saxon King Alured And is an ancient City consisting of Two sorts of Inhabitants viz. Students and Citizens living one amongst another yet wholly Separate for Government Laws and Manners The University next under the King being Governed by The Chancellor who is commonly some of the prime Nobility Elected by the Students in Convocation to continue Durante Vita And is to take care of the Government of the whole University To maintain the Liberties and Priviledges thereof To call Assemblies To hear and determine Controversies Call Courts Punish Delinquents c. And next to him in Dignity is The High Steward nominated by the Chancellor and approved by the University and is also Durante Vita and to Assist the Chancellor the Vice Chancellor and Proctors upon their Requests in the Execution of their Places Also to hear and determine capital Causes according to the Laws of the Land and Priviledges of the University so oft as the Chancellor shall require him And the Third Officer is The Vice Chancellor who is commonly the Head of some Colledge nominated yearly by the Chancellor And in the Chancellors Absence may do almost whatever the Chancellor might do if present Moreover he takes care that Sermons Lectures Disputations and other Exercises be performed That Heretiques Fanatiques Nonconformists Panders
Lowland or South Scotland bordering on England The Seat of the old Picts 156 Miles long and 110 broad divided into 22 Counties viz. 1. Lorn chief Town Dunstafag 2. Cantire chief Town Kiltan 3. Argile chief Town Innerera 4. Lennox chief Town Dunbarton 5. Menteith chief Town Dunblain 6. Strathern chief Town Abernethy 7. Fife chief Town St. Andrews 8. Sterlin chief Town Sterlin 9. Lothien chief Town Edinburgh 10. March chief Town Coldingham 11. Tivedale chief Town Jedburg 12. Twedesdale chief Town Pebles 13. Cledesdale chief Town Glascow 14. Cunningham chief Town Irwing 15. Kile chief Town Aire 16. Carrick chief Town Bargenny 17. Galloway chief Town Kircowbrig 18. Niddesdale chief Town Dumfrees 19. Annandale chief Town Annand 20. Eskedale 21. Eusdale and 22. Isle of Arran Edinburgh is the Chief of the Kingdom and Seat of the former Kings These Provinces are divided into Sheriff-doms which are Hereditary and into 13 Diocesses for Ecclesiastical Government by Malcolm 3d Anno 1072. And into the two Arch-bishopricks of St. Andrew and Glasco Ann. 1478. St. Andrew having 8 Bishops under him and Glasco 3. The Archbishop of York before that time being Metropolitan of Scotland And Palladius Anno 411 was sent by Celestinus Bishop of Rome to be their first Bishop The chief Rivers are two viz. 1. Spey and 2 Tey The chief Hills are those of Cheviot and Albany The chief Lakes 1 Lomond 2 Nessa and 3 Tay. The miraculous things 1. The Lake of Mirton part of whose Waters Congeal only 2. The Lake of Lennox 24 Miles round in which are 30 Islands one of them driven with every Tempest and 3. the Deaf-stone 12 foot high and 33 Cubits thick The Archbishopricks two Bishopricks 12 and Universities 4. The Arms Sol a Lyon Rampant Mars with a double Tressure Counterflowry added upon making the perpetual League with France Barbarons were the Feides here and the Custom changed into Mercheta Mulieris by Malcolm Conmer at Request of his Wife Sister to Edgar Atheling Scotland was an Heptarchy but now a Monarchy King James the first endeavoured in Parliament to make a Union of both Kingdoms But the Judges Resolved That Anglia had Laws and Scotia had Laws But the new Erected Kingdom of Britannia should have no Laws and therefore till there was a Union of the Laws there could be no Union of the Kingdoms The mighty and ancient Kingdoms of England and Scotland were anciently but one and as their Religion and Language was one so there was one kind of Government and one Law which Ruled both with many Unanimous Agreements between them which evidently appeareth by many Proofs First That the Laws of Scotland are divided as the Laws of England into the Common Laws Acts of Parliament and Customs their Common Laws being principally contained in two Books One called Regiam Majestatem because it beginneth as doth Justinian's Institutes with those words And agreeth in substance with our Glanvil and most commonly de Verbo in Verbum and many times our Glanvil is cited therein The second Book is called Quoniam Attachiamenta it beginning with those Words Secondly The Descent of the Crown of Scotland and of Lands to Subjects is the same with England Thirdly They have the like High Court of Parliament consisting of Lords Spirituals Lords Temporal and Commons But of latter times the Lords Spiritual chuse eight Temporal Lords and the Lords Temporal eight Spiritual Lords These Sixteen make choice of eight for Counties and eight of Cities and Burroughs in all 32 But whatsoever is agreed upon by them the King or his High Commissioner doth allow or disallow by moving of the Scepter c. Fourthly They have the same Degrees of Nobility as Dukes Marquisses Earls Viscounts and Barons Fifthly The same great Officers as Chancellor Treasurer Lord Privy Seal Secretary c. Sixthly The same Ministers of Justice as Sheriffs Coroners c. Seventhly The same Laws for the most part appropriated unto England viz. Tenant by the Curtesy because they had Laws as England had Eighthly The like Writs as De Recto Assisa de Novel Disseisin Mort de Ancestor de Gard de Ideot ' inquirend ' Replegiar ' Attachm ' c. Ninthly They agree with Magna Gharta concerning Ward-ships Tenthly With Charta de Foresta for it is lawful for Bishops Earls and Barons coming or returning through the Kings Forests at the Kings Command to kill own or two Beasts in the sight of the Forester Or otherwise in his Absence to blow his Horn that he appear not to take it Thievishly Eleventhly The Lord of whom the Land is holden per Antiquius Feoffamentum shall have the Wardship of the Body Twelfthly The Sheriffs should cause the Acts of Parliament to be proclaimed as heretofore in England Thirteenthly The Sheriffs there have Inheritance in their Office as sometimes in England and still in Cumberland they have Fourteenthly The same Vocables of Art are used in both Kingdoms But by reason of their Acts of Parliment which in many Points have altered diminished and abrogated many of the old and made new Laws and other Proceedings the distinct Kingdoms as they now stand have many different Laws Coke's 4 Inst. 345 346. By the Statute of 1 Jac. 1.2 An Authority is given to certain Commissioners of both Houses of Parliament to Treat with certain Commissioners of Scotland concerning the Settlement of an Union and Peace between the Kingdoms of England and Scotland By the Statute of 4 Jac. 1. Laws of Hostility and the dependences thereof between the two Nations of Scotland and England are Repealed Felonies Committed by English Men in Scotland shall be Tried in Cumberland Westmorland or Northumberland before Commissioners and Jurors of England for which see more in the Statute By the Statute of 7 Jac. 1.1 If an English Man shall commit Felony in Scotland and then fly into England the Justices of Assize or one of them the Justices of Gaol Delivery in their Gaol Delivery or four of them or the Justices of Peace in Sessions or four of them may send the Offender into Scotland to be Tried By the Statute of 19 Car. 2. cap. 13. Twelve persons to be nominated by the King shall be Commissioners for this Kingdom who or five or more of them after the 10th of January 1667 and before the 25th of March 1688 and so from time to time may meet at such place in England as the King shall appoint with Commissioners for the Realm of Scotland and Treat and Determine concerning the Liberty of Trade between the two Kingdoms by suspending Impositions c. charged since the 25 of March in 12 year of the Kings Reign upon Commodities of the Growth or Manufacture of either Kingdom or of any of the English Plantations or other Commodities Exported out of England into Scotland their Determinations to be reduced into Writing under the Hands and Seals of the Commissioners and being Ratified by the King shall be in force for a year from the Date of such
the Seat of the old Robogni Darnij Volentij Venicnij and Erdini 116 Miles long and 100 broad It contains Ten Counties viz. 1. Antrim divided into Nine Baronies the chief Towns Carrick-fergus Belfalst and Antrim 2. London-Derry or Colerain divided into Five Baronies chief Towns London-Derry and Colerain 3. Dunnagal or Tir-Conel divided into 5 Baronies chief Town Dunnagal and Balishannon 4. Tyrone divided into Four Baronies chief Towns Dungannon 5. Fermanagh divided into Eight Baronies chief Town Enniskilling 6. Cavan divided into Seven Baronies chief Town Cavan 7. Monaghan divided into Five Baronies chief Town Monaghan 8. Armagh divided into Five Baronies chief Towns Charlemont and Armagh 9 Down divided into Eight Baronies chief Town Down and Newry And 10 Louth often reckoned in Lemster divided into Four Baronies chief Towns Drogheda Dundalk and Louth the chief Town of the whole is London-Derry 2. Connaught Incol Connauhty on the South-west of Ulster bordering on the Western Ocean The Seat of the old Gangani Auteri and Nagnatae 130 Miles long and 84 broad It contains Six Counties viz. 1. Letrim divided into Five Baronies chief Towns Letrim and James Town 2. Slego divided into Six Baronies chief Town Slego 3. Mayo or Majo divided into Nine Baronies chief Towns Mayo or Moy and Killalore 4. Roscommon divided into Six Baronies chief Towns Athlone Roscommon and Boyle 5. Galway divided into Seventeen Baronies chief Towns Galway Tuam and Clonefart And 6 Thomond or Clare oft reckoned in Munster divided into Eight Baronies chief Towns Clare and Killalow The chief Town of the whole is Gallway 3. Leinster Incol Leighnigh on the East of Connaught and South of Ulster The Seat of the old Briguntes Menapij Cauci and Blani 112 Miles long and 70 broad It contains 11 Counties viz. 1. Longford divided into Six Baronies chief Town Longford 2. VVest Meath divided into Eleven Baronies chief Town Molingar 3. East Meath divided into Eleven Baronies chief Towns Trim and Athboy these three made the Province of Meath 4. Dublin divided into Six Baronies chief City Dublin the Metropolis of all Ireland Seated on the Liffie Built by Harfager the first King of Norway and after the English Conquest was Peopled by a Colony of Men from Bristol 5. VVicklow divided into Six Baronies the chief Town VVicklow and Arcklow 6. Kildare divided into Eight Baronies chief Town Kildare 7. Kings County divided into Eleven Baronies chief Town Phillips Town 8. Queens County divided into Seven Baronies chief Town Martborow or Queens Town 9. Kilkenney divided into Eleven Baronies chief Towns Kilkenny and Thomas Town 10. Catherlagh divided into 5 Baronies chief Town Catherlagh And 11. Wexford divided into Eight Baronies the chief Towns VVexford and Ross The chief Town of the whole is Dublin 4. Muuster or Mounster Incol Mown on the South of Leinster and Connaught The Seat of the old Ulterni Coriandi Luceni Velibori and Vodij 135 Miles long and 120 broad It contains Five Counties viz. 1. Tipperary divided into Fourteen Baronies the chief Towns Clonmel Cashel and Tipperary 2. VVaterford divided into Six Baronies chief Town VVaterford and Dungarvan 3. Limerick divided into Nine Baronies chief Towns Limerick and Kilmalock 4. Kerry divided into Eight Baronies chief Towns Dingle and Ardfeart And 5 Cork divided into Thirteen Baronies chief Towns Cork King-sale and Youghil In this lies the County of Desmond divided into Two Baronies chief Town Bantry chief Town of the whole is Limerick but many reckon Cork The Rivers 1. Shannon 2. Barro 3. Shure and Black-water The Soil is Fertile if improved by Industry Amongst other Prerogatives no Venemous Serpent breeds here according to the Verses Illa ego sum c. The chief Loughs are 1. Lough-Earne 2. Lough-Neagh and Lough Corrib the last 26 Miles long and in breadth 4 Miles hath 20. Ilets abounding in Pine Trees The Mountains 1. Knock Patrick 2. Sliew-Bloemy 3. Curlew Hills The Archbishops here are 4. Bishops 19. Universities The Arms Azure an Irish Harp Or Stringed Argent King James the first First Marshalling them with the Arms of England as the first Absolute King thereof altho' Henry the eighth was declared King in Dublin by an Irish Parliament In each of the Counties is a Sheriff and Justices of the Peace and they are Governed by the Laws of England and Statutes Enacted at our English Parliaments But the Deputy hath now Power to Asemble the States here and make what Laws the necessity of the time requireth King John in the 12th year of his Reign went into Ireland and there by advice of Grave and Learned Men whom he carried with him by Parliament de comuni omnium de Hibernia consensu Ordained that Ireland should be Governed by the Laws of England which of many of the Irishmen according to their own Desire was joyfully accepted and obeyed and by many the same was soon after absolutely refused preferring their Brehon Law before the Just and Honourable Laws of England Co. 1 Inst. 14.1 By Poyning's Law made by Authority of Parliament in Ireland Anno 10 H. 7. all the Laws and Statutes of this Realm of England before that time made do extend to Ireland so as now Magna Charta doth extend to Ireland Co. 2. Inst 2. Resolved by all the Judges in England That for a Treason done in Ireland the Offender may be Tryed by the Statute of 35 Hen. 8. in England because the Words of the Statute be All Treasons committed out of the Realm of England and Ireland is out of the Realm of England Coke's 3 Inst 11. Albeit Ireland be a distinct Kingdom and out of the Realm of England to some purposes as Protections and Fines levied c. yet to other intents is as a Member of or belonging to the Crown of England And therefore a Writ of Error is maintainable here in the King's Bench of a Judgment given in the King's Bench in Ireland so as the Judges did construe that part of the Statute of 25 Ed. 3. Making it High Treason to bring in false Money into this Realm Counterfeit to the Money of England not to extend to Money brought out of Ireland Coke's 3 Instit 18. The Irish being Descended from the Ancient Britains now have the same Laws with us in England therefore I shall not write of the Jurisdiction or particular Courts of Justice there they being the same in England But take Notice That King John and also Henry the Second the Father of King John did Command at the Request of the Irish That such Laws as he had in England should be of Force in Ireland and hereby Ireland being a distinct Kingdom was to have Parliaments holden there as in England And thereupon in the Reign of King John a Parliament was holden there as by Record appeareth Co. 4 Inst. 349. King Henry the Second when he had Conquered Ireland sent thither that Treatise fairly Written in Parchment Intituled Modus tenendi Parliamentum for better holding of Parliaments there Coke's 4 Inst 349.
And sometimes the Kings of England have called the Nobles of Ireland to come to the Parliaments of England Coke's 4 Inst 350. And by Special Words the Parliaments of England may bind the Subjects of Ireland Co. 4 Inst ibid. And seeing good Acts of Parliament made in England since the Reign of King John extended not to Ireland unless it were especially named or by General Words included a Right profitable Act was made at a Parliament holden in Ireland Anno 10 Hen. 7. before Sir Edward Poynings then Deputy or Pro-Rex in Ireland and thereupon called Poyning's Law That all Statutes late made in England concerning the publick Weal should be accepted used and executed in Ireland Co. 4 Inst. 351. In what manner a Parliament is to be holden in Ireland and how Bills offered to the Parliament there shall be first Transmitted hither under the Great Seal of that Kingdom and having received Approbation here shall be returned hither to be preferr'd to the Parliament and several Questions and Doubts Resolved concerning this matter Vide Co. 4 Inst 353. By the Statute of 3 Hen. 2. all Persons having Lands Tenements or Offices Ecclesiastical or Temporal shall Reside upon the same and those that have Castles must there reside and repair and fortifie them And if they Depart they must appoint some able to supply their room or the Governour may dispose half their Living to such Defence Co. 4 Inst 356. At a Synod holden by St. Patrick in Ireland it was unanimously agreed That Irish Priests should have Wives Co. 4 Inst 356. There is an Ancient Record concerning Ireland necessary to be Explained In these Words REX Thesaurario Hiberniae Solutem Cum Edwardus primogenitus noster terram Hiberniae habeat teneat de dono nostro cum omnibus pertinentiis suis adeo libere quiete sicut eam in manu nostra teneremus per quod charissima filia nostra Alianora Consors dicti filij nostri Aurum suum tam de finibus quam sponte Oblatis in terra Hiberniae habere Debet sicut charissima Consors nostra Alianora Regina Angliae Aurum suum habet de eisdem in Regno nostro Angliae Vobis mandamus c. quatenus praefat ' Consorti filij nostri praedicti Aurum praedictum de finibus sponte oblatis etiam de quibuscunque aliis finibus praedictis habere facias in forma praedicta Et hoc c. In cujus c. Teste Rege 29 die Februarij Anno 52 Hen. 3. By this Record first it appeareth that as the Law was taken at that Day by Gift of King Henry the Third his Eldest Son Prince Edward was Lord of the Dominion and Lordship of Ireland Secondly That albeit the Wife of Prince Edward was not Queen in Name but had the Effect of it therefore she should have a Duty called Aurum Reginae as well as the Queen of England being but Lady in Ireland For albeit the Kings of Ireland were until the Statute of 33 Hen. 8. styled by the Name of Lords of Ireland yet was he Supremus and absolutè Dominus and had Royal Dominion and Authority and that his Consort was in rei veritate Regina or else she could not have had Aurum Reginae Albeit this Royal Dominion and Land of Ireland was of ancient time permitted to be granted De facto to the King's Sons before-mentioned yet by the Law the King by his Letters Patent could not grant so Royal a Member of his Imperial style to any no more than he could do of the Kingdom of England Co. 4 Inst 357. What was the Duty of Aurum Reginae and when due Vide 4. Coke's Inst 358. At a Parliament holden in Ireland by Howel Duke of Clarence Lieutenant there Anno 40 Edw. 3. called The Statute of Kilkenny The Brehon Law which was the Irish Judges Law is no Law but a Lewd Custom crept in of later times and never was the Law of the Ancient Britains from whom they are descended Co. 4 Inst 358. The Pro-Rex there hath been sometime called Custos Warden Lieutenant Chief Justice Deputy of Ireland Coke's 4 Inst ibid. If an Archbishoprick or Bishoprick in Ireland be void then the Chapter shall Sue to the King in England to go to Election and after Election made they ought upon Certificate thereof made to the King to obtain his Royal Assent to this Election and thereupon a Writ shall be directed out of the Chancery here to the Chief Justice of Ireland or his Lieutenant rehearsing all this matter and commanding him to take Fealty of the Bishop and to restore him to his Temporalties But now the Course is in Ireland to make such Writs there in the Name of the King But the King Names the Archbishops and Bishops there as he doth in England and then the Chapter chuse him whom the King Names and thereupon Writs are made of Course Coke's 4. Institutes 359. And whereas some have Divided this Kingdom into the English Pale and Wild Irish let Oblivion bury it for now all are reduced to Obedience and civil Behaviour● So as a Man may justly say of the Old Britains Sunt in Bello fortes in Pace fideles And whereas some have said the Crown of England had the Country of Ireland by Donation from the Pope the following Record will manifest the Truth therein Altitonantis Dei largiflua Clementia qui est Rex Regum Dominus Dominantium ego Edgarus Anglorum Basileus omniumque rerum Insularum Oceani qui Britanniam circumjacent cunctarumque Nationum quae infra eam includuntur Imperator Dominus gratias ago ipsi Deo Omnipotenti Regi meo qui meum imperium sic ampliavit exaltavit super regnum patrum meorum Qui licet Monarchiam Totius Angliae adepti sunt à tempore Athelstani qui primus Regum Anglorum omnes Nationes quae Britanniam incolunt sibi armis subegit nullus tamen eorum ultra fines Imperium suum Dilatare aggressus est Mihi tamen concessit propitia Divinitas cum Anglorum imperio omnia regna Insularum Oceani cum suis ferotissimis Regibus usque Norvegiam maximamque partem Hiberniae cum sua Nobilissima Civitate de Dublina Anglorum regno Subjugare quos etiam omnes meis imperiis colla subdere Dei favente gratia Coegi Quapropter ego Christi gloriam laudem in regno meo exaltar● ejus servicium amplificare devotus deposui Et per meos fideles fautores Dunstanum viz. Archiepiscopum Ayelyolanum ac Oswaldum Archiepiscopos quos mihi patres spirituales consiliatores eligi magna ex parte disposui c. Facta sunt haec Anno Domini 964 Indictione 8. Regni vero Edgari Anglorum Regis 6 in Regia urbe quae ab incolis Ocleayeceastrie nominatur in natale Domini festivitate Sanctorum Innocentium feria 4 c. ✚ Ego Edgar Basileus Anglorum Imperator Regum gentium cum consensu principrim
are in the Possession of the English at this day and intending to begin from the North and proceed South towards the Equinoctial Line The farthest as being North is Newfoundland CAlled also by some Estotiland Scituate between 46 and 53 Degrees North Latitude Hath South Terra Corterialis North the Streights called Fretum Davisij from John Davis an Englishman who endeavoured by the North of America to find a more quick passage to Cathai and China Sebastian Cabot first attempting it Anno 1527. Who is said to be the first discoverer of this Country not then known to be an Island and Sir Martin Frobisher seconded him in 1576 who made three Voyages and called a great Promontory there Queen Elizabeth's Foreland and the Sea runing by it Frobisher's Streights on the other side of these Streights lieth Groenland and not far distant Friesland This Island is Esteemed as big as England The North part being more Inhabited than the South tho' that be fitter for Habitation within 50 Leagues of the Shore is a Bank or Ridge of Ground many Hundred Leagues long in breadth where broadest only 24 About it are certain Islands which Calvert called Baccaloes for the great number of Codfish of which one Man may catch One hundred in an hour the Sea Coasts abounding likewise with Salmons Herring Thornbacks Oysters Muscles with Pearls and the Island with Bears and Foxes After the first discovery the business of Trading thither was laid aside for many years in the mean time the Normans Portugals and Britains of France resorted to it and changed the Names which had been given by the English to the Bays and Promontories but the English not willing to Relinquish their Pretensions in 1583. Sir Humphrey Gilbert took Possession thereof in the Name and by the Commission of Queen Elizabeth forbidding all other Nations to use Fishing and intended to have setled an English Colony there but being Wreckt in his Return the setling of the Colony was discontinued till 1608 when John Guy a Merchant of Bristol in 23 days Sailed from thence to Conception Bay in Newfoundland By Jus Gentium or the Law of Nations whatever wast Country is discovered at the charge of any Prince It is the right of that Prince who was at the charge of the discovery now this Country being among others in that part of America which hath been discovered at the charge of the Kings of England King James the first by Letters Patents Anno Dom. 1623. Granted unto Sir George Calvert afterwards Lord Baltimore part of Newfoundland which was Erected into the Province of Avalon where he setled a Plantation and erected a stately House and Fort at Ferriland where he dwelt sometime which since his Death is descended to the present Lord Baltimore New England WAs first discovered by Sebastian Cabot in 1497 and in 1584 Mr. Philip Amadas and Mr. Arthur Barlow were the first who took Possession of it for Queen Elizabeth The next year Sir Richard Greenvil conveyed an English Colony thither under the Government of Mr. Ralph Lane who continued there till the next year and then returned with Sir Francis Drake into England who is by some accounted the first discoverer thereof It hath New France North and Virginia South North East Norumbegia and South West Novum Belgium on other parts it hath Woods and the Sea-coast Situate between 40 and 41 Degree of North Latitude In the midst of the Temperate Zone yet is the Clime more uncertain as to Heat and Cold than those European Kingdoms which are in the same Latitude The Air is Clear Healthful and agreeable to the English well watered with Rivers having variety of Beasts Tame and Wild with several sorts of Trees and excellent Fruits The Commodities it Yieldeth are Rich Furs Flax Linnen Amber Iron Pitch Tar Cables Masts and Timber to Build Ships with several sorts of Grain wherewith they drive a considerable Trade to Barbadoes and other English Plantations in America supplying them with Flower Bisket Salt Flesh and Fish and in return bring Sugars and other Goods To England they Trade for Stuffs Silks Cloath Iron Brass and other Utensils for their Houses The Weights and Measures are the same with England Though the Planting of this Country by the English was designed by divers yet it lay much neglected till a small Company of Planters under the Command of George Popham and Captain Gilbert were sent over at the charge of Sir John Popham in 1606. to begin a Colony in the Northerly part of this Country but that design in Two years expiring with its Founder soon after some Honourable persons of the West of England commonly called the Council of Plymouth being well informed of several Navigable Rivers and Commodious Havens with other places fit for Traffick and Planting obtained of King James the first a Patent under the Great Seal of all that part of North America called New-England from Forty to Forty eight Degrees of North Latitude In 1612 It was Canton'd and Divided by Grants into many lesser parcels according as Adventurers presented But afterwards for want of good Conduct they were by degrees in a manner destitute of Laws and Government In 1610 One Mr. Robinson a Presbyterian or Independent Preacher and several English then at Leyden in Holland Intreated King James to grant them Liberty under his Royal Authority to place themselves in some part of New-England and obtaining a Patent or Grant they Sailed from Plymouth in England to the Southern parts of New-England there laying a Foundation for a new Colony naming their Town New Plymouth after which things were very prosperously and succesfully carried on in New-England till An. 1636. The Indians committed many Outrages upon the English and Dutch whereupon all the Colonies unamimously falling upon them suppressed them in 1637. The English possess many potent Colonies being since very numerous and powerful and are Governed by Laws of their own making having several Courts of Judicature where they meet once a Month so they be not Repugnant to the Laws of England Every Town sends two Burgesses to their Great and Solemn General Court The Government both Ecclesiastical and Civil is in the Hands of the Independents or Presbyterians The Military part of their Government is by one Major General and three Serjeant Majors to whom belong the 4 Counties of Suffolk Middlesex Essex and Norfolk They have several Towns whereof Boston is the Metropolis likewise Dorchester Cambridge Beautified with two Colleges and many well Built Houses Reading Salem Berwick Fraintree Bristol and many others having most of them Names of some Town in Old England New York FOrmerly named New Netherland being part of that New England which the Dutch once possess'd It was first Discovered by Mr. Hudson and sold presently by him to the Dutch without Authority from his Sovereign the King of England in 1608. The Hollanders in 1614 began to plant it there and called it New Netherlands but Sir Samuel Argall Governour of Virginia routed them after
the Second in Propriety unto the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Clarendon George Duke of Albemarle William Earl of Craven John Lord Berkley Anthony Lord Ashley after Earl of Shaftsbury Sir George Carteret after Lord Carteret Sir John Coleton Knight and Baronet and Sir William Berkley Knight By which Letters Patent the Laws of England are to be in force in Carolina But the Lords Proprietors have power with the Consent of the Inhabitants to make By Laws for the better Government of the said Province so that no Money can be Raised or Law made without the Consent of the Inhabitants or their Representatives They have also power to appoint and impower Governours and other Magistrates to grant Liberty of Conscience make Constitutions c. with many other great Priviledges as by the said Letters Patent will more largely appear And the said Lords Proprietors have there settled a Constitution of Government whereby is Granted Liberty of Conscience and wherein all possible Care is taken for the equal Administration of Justice and for the lasting Security of the Inhabitants both in their Persons and Estates by the Care and Endeavours of the said Lords Proprietors and at their very great Charge Two Colonies have been settled in this Province the one at Albemarle in the most Northerly part the other at Ashley River which is in the Latitude 32 Degrees odd Minutes Care is taken by the Lords Proprietors That no Injustice be done the Natives who are here in perfect Friendship with the English in order to which is established a particular Court of Judicature to Determine all Differences The Lords Proprietors do at present Grant to all Persons that come to Inhabit there several reasonable Advantages to all Conditions of Men and sell their Land to any after the Rate of 50 Pounds for 1000 Acres The manner of Purchasing is The Party seeks out a place to his mind not possessed by any other then applies to the Governovr and Proprietors Deputies who thereupon Issue out their Warrant to the Surveyor General to measure him out a Plantation who making Certificate That he hath Measured out so much Land appointed a Deed is prepar'd of course which is Signed by the Governour and the Lords Proprietors Deputies and the Proprietors Seal affixed to it and Registred which is a good Conveyance in Law of the Land therein mentioned to the Party and his Heirs for ever Thus having Travelled the Main Land of America we must Cross the Seas and take a View of the Islands belonging to the Crown of England in the West Indies The first being Bermudas OR Summers Islands which are a Multitude of Broken Isles some write no less than 400 scituate directly East from Virginia from which they are distant 500 English Miles and 3300 Miles from the City of London so named from John Bermudaz a Spaniard after Summers Islands from the Shipwreck of Sir George Summers there The Island of more Fame and Greatness than all the rest and to which the Name of Bermudaz is most properly ascribed is scituated in the Latitude of 32 Degrees and 30 Min. North. The Air is sound and healthy very agreeable to the English Bodies the Soil as fertile as any well Watered plentiful in Maize of which they have Two Harvests yearly that which is sowed in March being cut in July and what is sowed in August is mowed in December No Venemous Creature is to be found in this Isle nor will Live if brought thither and besides these Advantages it it so fenced about with Rocks and Islets that without knowledge of the Passages a Boat of Ten Tun cannot be brought into the Haven yet with such knowledge there is Entrance for the Greatest Ships The English have since added to these Natural Strengths such Artificial Helps by Block Houses Forts and Bulwarks in convenient places as may give it the Title of Impregnable It was first Discovered rather Accidentally than upon Design by John Bermudas a Spaniard about 1522 and thereupon a Proposition made in the Council of Spain for settling a Plantation therein as a place very convenient for the Spanish Fleet in their Return from the Bay of Mexico by the Streights of Bahama yet was it neglected and without any Inhabitants till the like Accidental coming of Sir George Summers sent to Virginia with some Companies of the English by the Lord De la Ware in 1609 who being Shipwreck'd on this Coast had the Opportunity to survey the Island which he so well liked that he Endeavoured to settle a Plantation in it at his Return in 1612. The first Colony was sent over under Richard More who in Three years Erected 8 or 9 Forts in convenient places which he planted with Ordnance In 1616 a New Supply was sent over under Captain Tucker who apply'd themselves to sowing of Corn setting of Trees brought thither from other parts of America and Planting that gainful Weed Tobacco In 1619. the Business was taken more to Heart and made a Publick Matter many Great Lords and Persons of Honour being interested in● it Captain Butler was sent thither with 500 Men. The Isle was divided into Tribes or Counties a Burrough belonging to each Tribe and the whole reduced to a settled Government both in Church and State according to the Laws of England After this all succeeded so well that in 1623 there were said to be 3000 English and Ten Forts whereon were planted Fifty Pieces of Ordnance their Numbers since increasing daily both by Children born within the Island and Supplies from England All the Isles together represent an Half-Moon and Inclose very good Ports as the Great Sound Harrington Inlet Southampton and Paget's Bay with Dover and Warwick Forts having their Names from the Noble Men who were Undertakers therein The greatest Isle is called St. George five or six Leagues long and almost throughout not above a quarter or half a League broad The Air is almost constantly Clear Except when it Thunders and Lightens is extream Temperate and Healthful few dying of any Disease but Age so that many remove from England hither only to enjoy a long and healthful Life and after having continued there are fearful of Removing out of so pure an Air. The very Spiders here are not Venemous but of divers curious Colours and make their Web so strong that oftentimes small Birds are entangled and caught therein Their Cedar Trees are different from all others and the Wood very sweet In 1685. the Governour hereof was Sir Henry Heydon The Caribee Islands NExt present themselves so called in General because Inhabited by Canibals or Man-eating People at the first Discovery as the word Caribee imports They ly extended from the Coast of Paria to the Isle Porto Rico many in number 27 of them known by proper Names In Nine whereof the English are concerned viz. Barbuda Anguilla Montserrat Dominica St. Vincent Antegoa Mevis or Nevis St. Christophers and Barbadoes And first in Barbuda SCituate in 17 Degrees of North Latitude