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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A79571 An epitomy of history. Wherein is shewn how severall princes and nations, came to their particular countries and dominions; also many great affaires in Judea, Tartaria, Russsia, Poland, Swethland, Germany Italy, Piedmont, Scotland, England, and many other places throughout the world, from the birth of our Saviour to this present time. H. C. 1661 (1661) Wing C39; ESTC R223831 56,492 161

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was an enemy to extortors a lover of liberality that day he had not done some good in he accounted lost He gently admonisht two that had conspired against him and used them so lovingly that they repented the Jewes being subdued he had much peace Flavius Domitian persecuted Christians banisht John to Patmos hearing of Christs kingdome he feared but seeing two of Judas's nephews discoursing of the world to come to be poor he contemned them he was so impatient of labor arm government that he would use to be in a gallery pricking flies one asikng what company was with the Emperor was answerd not a fly some of his friends and others conspired his death one pretending business stab'd him at which the Senate rejoyced ordering his name should not be remembred Nerva was for his wisdome chose by the Senate he released many Christians John returned from Patmos he took away impositions forbad slanders as also making Eunuchs he brought up poor mens childdren restored goods unjustly gotten died of a sweat through coller against a Senator Trajanus the adopted son of Nerva a Spaniard was fair in carriage at first and beloved yet persecuted the Christians with great pains which they bore with much patience one was Simon the Apostle The Deputie of Bithanie troubled in mind for slaying Christians informed the Emperor how holily the Christians liv'd and zealously they worshipt Christ which mitigated the Emperors fury Adrian A Bishop and an Oratour writing for the Christian Religion the Emperor made a new edict for persecution the Jews followed a pretended Messias one Barcohebas the Emperor banisht them from their native soil he at last had a mind to build a Church for the Christians void of Images but was hindred by his friends Antonius Verus took much care of his people in famine Justin Martyrs writings for the Christian Religion was read in the Senate This Emperors death was much lamented the Romans sacrificed to him and canonized him for a God Marcus Aurelius was for wisdome esteemed a Phylosopher yet Martyrd Policarpus and Justinius but was molified a little by the Bishop of Lions and God sending raine to his army in distress upon the prayers of his Christian souldiers and fire and thunder upon his enemies he wrote to the Senate to deal gently with the Christians About this time William Duke of Normandy Conquer'd England the Danes came and Conquered Etheldred the ninth Saxon King and the King of Denmark left his son to rule but Edmond called Ironside Etheldreds son set up himself after his fathers death and warr'd with Canutus the new King of the Danes after many bloudy battels the two Kings fighting hand to hand they devided the Nations but Etheldred was murthered by one that thought to be preferd by Canutus who caused him to be tormented to death and Canutus married Etheldreds widow and had a son by her call'd Hardie and was now King of England Scotland Denmark and Norway but Hardie residing in Denmark another son of Canutus by a former wife sets up himself who displaced the English out of offices banisht his Mother-in-Law and put her youngest son to death after this King dying his brother Hardy possesses the Crown but died in the midst of his Cupps at a marriage feast Edward the remaining son of Etheldred was brought into England married the Earl Bodwins daughter but died without issue he left the Crown to Edgar grandchild to Edmund Ironside and swore Bodwins son now Regent to be true to him but Harold Bodwins son got himself Crowned upon which the King of Norway came to incounter them with a great Army at which time William Duke of Normandy with a compleat Army came into England claiming a right to the Crown by Edward the Confessors gift Harold having the better of the King of Norway yet wasting his Army William in a battle where fell 66654. English with Harold having reigned not four months Conquered him and the kingdome in whose Line the Crown continued till King Richard the second who by desoluteness of life entertaining bad Counsellers lost the love of his Subjects against whom his Nobles took Armes but he consenting to bring the evill Counsellers to be punished by law the Barrons cashier their forces The King apprehended several on a conspiracy the Duke of Norfolk and Hartford impeaching one another ready to fight a Dewell was banisht but after when the King was subduing his enemies in Ireland Hartford now Duke of Lancester by his fathers death came into England the Nobility and Gentry resorting to him who summoned a Parliament the King not able to resist them yeelded the Crown to the Duke the King being sent to Ponfret Castle and dispatcht which bred woful wars after three or four Kings reigns Edward the fourth of the house of York by a war where was slain thirty six thousand men got the kingdom where it continued till Henry the seaventh kill'd Richard the Third and he marrying the Heir of York reconsiled both houses Commodus put many Christians to death even of noble birth he had three hundred Concubines some of which conspiring his death was executed but after by a pretended friend he was poysoned to the joy of the Romans Pertinax was an enemy to riot and meerly for brideling of disorders a tumultuous company with halberds went and slew him Didius Julianus bought the Emperors Throne of the soldiers who offered it to sail but one pretending a title he that pretended to it was proclamed and Julian slaine by command from the Senate Severius persecuted the Christians charging them with sacriledge and Rebellion being stird up to this by the Jewes the father of Origen was beheaded and many in Carthage a Captain going to execute a Virgin who prayed to God to turne his heart died himself for the Faith this Emperor was slain at York by the Northern men Bassinus and Geta the first slew the other his brother put to death a lawyer for not justifying his Murther married his mother in Law was slain by Macrimus Macrimus was chose Emperor took his son for his companion but not coming to Rome to govern and living in lust was beaten fled and pursued was found sick void of all favour he and his son was put to death and the Conqueror made Emperor Heliogabalus was a belly God worshipt and built a Temple to the Sun and would have had the Christians who was now grown numerous to make their prayers there He appointed a Senate of women about obscene matters had followed him many Chariotts of Bands and harlots he ordered that business which should be done by day to be done by night he studied to find out untasted dain●ies for his lewd courses the Pretorian soldiers murthered him drew his dead body through the streets and flung it into Tiber. Alexander Severus the adopted Son of the former delighted in wise Counsellers punished a flatterer with smoak yet martyrd many Christians some of them Senators The Judge that past sentence against Agapetus
of Rome Lotharius was anointed in St. Peter's Church by the Pope his Brothers fell out about their fathers lands which civill war so weakned the Nobility of France that the Danes and Normans entred and troubled them for many years Lodovicus the Second dying without Issue his brother Charles King of France by liberal gifts obtain'd to be Emperor but was poyson'd by his Physitian a Jew from the formerly great now small Empire of the East Michael Emperor of Constantinople slew his brother and thrust his Mother and sisters into a Monastery Carolus Crassus the Son of Lewis King of Germany was forc'd to yeild to the Normans who was very potent in France that place toward the Brittish Sea called Normandy the Emperor for negligence and ill government was deposed and Arnalphus his Nephew declared Emperor Arnalphus fought with the Duke of Spoleto who flying the Emperor besiegeth his Wife who hired some of the Emperors servants to poyson him Lodovicus the third in his time the Sarasens invaded Italy and the Hungers France the King of the Sarasens in besieging Consentia was killd by thunder and the rest returned to Affrick Conradus desired his brother to deliver after his death the Emperial Ornaments to the Duke of Saxony as most fit for it for wisdome it being a troubled State which desire of this Emperor his brother preferred before the Throne and performed his will Henry Duke of Saxony was busie a hunting when the news came of his being made Emperor he made Peace with the Hungers for nine years after obtain'd a victory over them and in thanks to God purged his Dominions of the sin of Simonie he fought also with the people of Dasmatia and Bohemians and made them tributaries he was called Pater Patriae Otho the first the former Son called a Councell deposed the Pope the Romans making a sedition he return'd and punisht them after ordered that none should be chose Pope without the consent of the Emperor he was buried in a Church himself built In the East Constantine had recover'd his Empire from the Romans again Otho the second prevails against the King of France recover'd Lorraigne but the Sarasens and Grecians with Constantine came to recover Apulia and overcame the Emperor who hardly escaped who after vented his wrath upon the Italians for deserting him Otho the third pardoned Crescensius twice who the Italians prefer'd to be Emperor but the third Rebellion of his he hang'd him the seditious Romans also advanc'd John 18 to be Pope rejecting Gregory the fifth made by the Emperor whith John had his eyes pluckt out and himself thrown headlong from the Capital this Emperor with the Pope now instituted seaven Electors of the Emperor the Bishop of Mentz Cullen and Tryes Count Palatine Duke of Saxony Marquess of Brandenburgh and in case of contrary opinions the King of Bohem'n this Emperors wire was the widdow of the rebell he hang'd who poysoned him with a pair of gloves From the East those Emperors lives was but short by reason of the continuing of the old barbarous course of making them away Henry the second Duke of Bavaria was chose Emperor by the Electors receiving the Crown from the Pope he subdued all his rebells expeled the Sarasens out of Italy the King of Denmark a savage Prince came into England to roote out the Christian profession one of the Saraseu Princes at this time destroyed some Temples in Jerusalem and massacred all the spiritual officers Conradus the second made a Law to punish with death the troublers of the peace in Germany about this time a war grew between the Christians and Sarasens but a peace was made in a short time after and liberty granted to rebuild the Christian Temples in Jerusalem Henry the Third In his time three Bishops contended for the Popedome but the Emperor plac'd Clemens the second at this time the estate of Christians was most lamentably afflicted by the Turks and Sarasens Henry the Fourth was a good wise Emperor but excommunicated twice by the Pope who stird up the Germans against him under the Duke of Sweve who being taken had his right arm cut off which he held up at his Oath of Allegiance and he acknowledged Gods hand Henry the Fifth the Pope would not Crown till he would give over his right of Election of the Pope and of investing of Bishops by Staffe Ring but the Emperor compel'd the Pope and Cardinalls to perfect his Coronation and confirme his priviledges which the Pope covenanted to by breaking a peece of the Hostie notwithstanding the Pope revoked and cursed the Emperor but before the Emperor as I told you forc'd the Pope the Pope being admired in the world call'd a Counsell of the Bishop of Mentz Trier and Worms to insite the Emperor to war with his own father Lotharius the second Duke of Swene was elected two contending for the Popedom he gave it to Innocent and coming to Rome with an Army made the other Pope Peter a Citizen and the Count of Sicilly his friend say nothing more Conradus Tertius subdued the Duke of Saxony and Bavaria Winsperg besieged the women begg'd leave to come out with what they could carry on their backs which granted they brought forth their husbands which the Emperor thought would have been Treasure but perform'd his promise This Emperor going against the Turks and wanting provisions accepted of some meale from the Emperor of Constantinople but it being mingled with Lime poysoned his Army upon which the King of France joyning with the King of Jerusalem besiedged Damascus but the Christians in Asia and Siria was so decayed that Turks and Infidells had almost got all Frederick the first coming to Coronation he alighted to salure the Pope and when the Pope mounted he held the Stirrup and mistaking the Stirrup angred the Pope the Pope incited him and the Duke of Bavaria to fight with the Duke of Apula for recovering his Terrtiories to the Chair of Rome the Pope also stir'd up the Emperor of Constantinople to drive Apula out of Italy the Duke begg'd on fair termes peace but the Pope rejected him the Duke overcoming the Emperor of Constantinople marches towards the Pope who then sued to him for Peace Frederick taking into consideration the Popes ambition prefixt his own name before the Popes and ordered there should be no appeal to Rome upon which the Pope stirred up the people of Germany and elsewhere against the Emperor and excommunicated him a flie entring the Popes throat choaked him the Emperor subdued Millan quickly two now contending for Popedome Alexander not meeting the Emperor at Counsell he chose Victor Pope upon which Alexander falls a cursing and warring and joyning with the Venetians took the Emperors son upon which the Emperor came to Alexander for absolution and kneeling down the Pope trod on his neck saying thou shalt tread upon the Adder and the Aspe c. I said the Emperor that 's to St. Peter I said the Pope to me and
into Flanders 6000 foot which did the French great service in taking Mountmedi St. Venant and the fort of Mardike Now the King of England had 2000 English Scots and Irish unimployed which the King of Spaine with consent sends with some others commanded by the Duke of York to assault Mardike but they after six houres conflict was forc'd to retire upon which the English and French straitly besieged Dunkirk to oppose them the Dukes of Austria and York and Condie assembled 16000 horse and foot 300 English foot gave the first onset who routing the Spanish foot the horse fled and the French pursued them till the Duke of York resisted but he was overpower'd and 2000 of the Spaniards fide was prisoners after which the Governor of Dunkirk the Marquess of Leda being slaine in a sallie Dunkirk was surrendred upon conditions and by the King of France and Cardinal in person put into the hands of the English About this time the Protestants of Piedmont was by their Duke of Savoy through the instigation of the Priests cruely forc'd into the woods the Protestants in many parts especially England contributed largely to them and at last Cromwell Protector of England got the King of France to mediate with the Duke for peace with them The Swede gathers a great Army having made a league with Brandenburgh comes into the Poles Country taking divers places as far as Wsee without a blow the Pole rendezvous 36 miles from Warsow had a hallowed sword sent him but the Swede giving him a great overthrow the King of Poland fled to Cracovia which yeelded to the Swede and the Pole fled towards Hungarie An Envoy came from the King of Polands Standardbarer in his name and other of the Nobility that seeing their King was fled out of his Country they submitted to the King of Swedeland as their Soveraign Elbin yeelded and the King of Swed made his Chancellor Governor of Prussia the Swede followed the King of Poland in Silesia beates him taking seaven Standards and sends to block up Danzick gives the Pole a great overthrow at Warsovia and now when the Pole in a manner lost all the Moscovite comes into Liesland against the Swede besieges Riga and the Emperor of Germany became the Swedes open enemy the Dane also came against him by Sea and Land and besieged Bremerverden from whence the Swede coming quickly drove him to Iutland the Swede goes then to Hulsten also takes Fredericks Ode after by the frost gets Funen Island the Poles now took Lisna destroyed many Protestants went into Prussia to Thorn the Swede and Dane make peace an Envoy came to the Swede from Cromwell Protector of England to assure him the Swedes enemies should be his enemies The pretended Lord Protector of England with fourteen daies sickness died the Ducth demanded of the Portugall the Isle of St. Thomas commerce with Brazeel The Turk demands double custome of the Christians at Ierusalem The French and some English enter Ostend on a surprise but are beaten out The Swede returne upon the Dane get into Zealand and besiege Copenhagen where was the King and Nobles of Denmark Corenburgh Caslte was yeelded to the Swede the Dane in a sally had 1500 disperst the Dutch fought for the Dane near Shoven where they lost eight Ships 100 men with Wittie Wittiens that died of his wounds the Swede only loosing two Ships but attempting to storm Copenhagen lost many valorous Officers and Soldiers in the tedious time of the Legure the King of Swedeland fell sick and died advising his Counsell to peace The K. of France marries the K. of Spains daughter concludes a peace who had been long enemies Embassadors come to the King of England from France Venice Holland to desire Amity Peace is supposed to be between England and Spaine war being made only by Cromwel The Turks with an Army of 80 thousand Tatrars now marches towards Germany subdues Transilvania places Soloni Gàber Prince carries away many thousand Christians Captives King Charles the Second of England his Restauration Richard Cromwell immediately after his Fathers death was by the Council Proclaimed the Lord Protector who not long after summond a Parliament which was very ready to settle the Government by a single person but in their proccedings being much for Tythes settling the Church and the Presbyterial Ministrie without the liberty others expected the Officers of the Army in consultation with some others resolve to bring again the Government to a Commonwealth which Richard Collonel Goff and others sought to oppose by drawing forces together who presently instead of fighting with run to Desboroughs and Lamberts party then the Officers of the Army put out the Parliament dethron'd Richard also the Soldiers in Ireland falling in with those in England Henry Cromwell is deprived of his Deputyship then the Army bring in the remaining part of the long Parliament of the year 41 excluding the secluded Members still who preently place all Officers for a Commonwealth put out others but people being now weary of the tossings of Government inclin'd to armes Sir George Booth appeard with an Army of above 6000 but the Parliament sent Lambert who subdued him he endeavouring to escape in womens apparrel was taken prisoner the Parliament upon Lamberts returne gave him 1000 pound not long after Lamberts and Desboroughs friends in the Army Petition to the Parliament for a general for which the Parl. percieving a single person againe aim'd at put out Lambert Desborough and seaven Officers of the Army more Colonell Morlie guarding the Parliament Lambert with a party stops their going to the house Morlie requires their admition they stood one against another with their guns cockt ready to fight but the Counsell of State perceiving that the Soldiers would all be of Lamberts side ordered the guards to goe home the Parliament sitting no more the Officers of the Army at Walingford house make Fleetwood General Lambert Lieftenant General Desborough Major-Generall of the horse and Monk of the foot and erected a Committee of Safety but upon dissatisfaction by letters Monck complain'd of their turning out the Parliament Lambert goes with an Army of 10000 against him Monk sent Commissioners to treat at London but on their returne being not satisfied with what his Commissioners had done he marching towards England desired another Treaty at Newcastle and call'd a convention in Scotland who assisted him in his motion Hazlerig and Morley sease on Portsmouth with whom many of the Soldiers joyn'd for the Parliament and the Navie also declare against Lambert the Soldiers about London fell in also for the Parliament the Parl. now sitting Lamberts Army deserted him Monk marches towards London the Counties and London by Commissioners hinted their desire privately to him the Parliament sent Commissioners to him who satisfied the Parliament in him he gave uncertain hopes by his carriage and letters to all but promis'd he would be for the Parliament and against Lambert the Parliament entertain