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A65422 Popery anatomized, or, A learned, pious, and elaborat treatise wherein many of the greatest and weightiest points of controversie, between us and papists, are handled, and the truth of our doctrine clearly proved : and the falshood of their religion and doctrine anatomized, and laid open, and most evidently convicted and confuted by Scripture, fathers, and also by some of their own popes, doctors, cardinals, and of their own writers : in answer to M. Gilbert Brown, priest / by that learned, singularly pious, and eminently faithful servant of Jesus Christ M. John Welsch ...; Reply against Mr. Gilbert Browne, priest Welch, John, 1568?-1622.; Craford, Matthew. Brief discovery of the bloody, rebellious and treasonable principles and practises of papists. 1672 (1672) Wing W1312; ESTC R38526 397,536 586

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WE come now to the fourth thing proposed to wit that the Pope hath been the grand Author of warrs combustions and confusions in the Christian world always both before and since the Reformation This is so evident that he is very unseen in Histories that will deny it therefore I shal give only a passing taste of what is recorded at large by Historians I. I shal begin with Gregory the first who approved Phocas in murdering his Soveraign Mauritius who killed his children before his eyes and usurped the Empire for he writes a gratulatory Epistle to him in which he thus speaketh Benignitatem pietatis vestrae c. We are glad that the benignity of your piety hath attained to the Imperial dignity Let the heavens rejoyce and let the earth be glad and let the people of the whole Republick be joyful for your gracious deeds II. Gregory the 2. rebelled against his Soveraign Leo Isaurus and made Rome and the Roman Dutchy do the same because he prohibited the adoration of Images and pulled them down every where and being sore afflicted with the warrs of the Saracens in the East the Pope seased on Rome and made himself Lord of that part of the Emperors dominions in Italy which was the beginning of his temporal Principality and is the title whereby he holds Rome and the Territory of it to this day even rebellion and tyrannical invasion of the Emperor his Soveraigns Estat and Dominion III. Gregory the 3. his successor came yet a further length for Platina writeth of him Hic statim c. That so soon as he attained to the Papal dignity by the consent of the Roman Clergy he deprived Leo the 3. Emperor of Constantinople hoth of his Empire and the communion of the faithful because he had razed Images out of the Churches IV. The next instance I shal mention is of Pope Stephen the 2. who stirred up Pepin King of France to expell the Exarchs out of Italy and when he had done he obtained the Exarchat for himself though belonging to the Emperor of Constantinople his lawful Soveraign in which action there was both rebellion and robbery V. But Gregory the 7. aliàs Hildebrand surpassed all the rest for he was wholly compounded of blood shed treason and rebellion for he excommunicated the Emperor Henry the 4. and deposed him and gave his Empire to Rodolph Duke of Suevia But the Emperor vanquished Rodolph in battel who dying acknowledged that his right hand was deservedly cut off in battel because he had sworn with it lifted up allegiance to the Emperor Rome was taken by the Emperor and Pope Gregory died for grief VI. But Urban the 2. his successor was nothing afraid of what had hapned to Gregory his predecessor but did also excommunicat and persecute him This is that Urban that made that famous Decree That an oath made to an excommunicat person must not be kept VII But the Emperor was most of all afflicted by Pope Paschal the 2. who succeeded Urban for he made his own son to take up arms against him where he was overcome in battel and deposed in a Synod held at Mentz by the Popes command and the Crown and other Imperial ornaments were violently taken from him by the Bishops of Mentz Colen and Worms and given to his son and for grief he died soon after But although we say Livor post fata quiescit yet the Popes wrath did not cease against him after he was dead for he would not suffer his son to bury him so that he lay five years unburied Cardinal Baronius commends this fact saying Quis negare potest summum fuisse hoc pietatis genus c. Who can deny that it was the highest kind of piety to have shewed himself cruel in this case And again Nihil habes in quo damnes filium magis quam si insanienti furientique pius filius vincula injiciat patri You can no more condemn the son then if a pious son should bind his father who is fallen mad VIII But the son felt the Popes no better friends to him then they were to his father for although Pope Paschal granted to him the collation of Benefices and confirmed it with an oath yet he brake the oath although when he sware he divided the consecrated host betwixt him and the Emperor saying Sicut pars c. As this part of the vivifying body is divided so let him be divided from the Kingdom of Christ who will go about to break this compact And Calixtus the 2. his successor excommunicated him and forced him to compound Pope Adrian the 4. caused Frederick the 1. to hold his stirrop and quarrelled him for taking the left in stead of the right But the next Pope Alexander the 3. trod upon his neck when he stooped to kiss his Holiness foot using these words of the Psalm 91. Thou shalt tread upon the Lyon and Add●r the young Lyon and Dragon shalt thou trample under foot And when the Emperor said Not to thee but to Peter do I this submission The Pope treading on him again said Both to me and Peter IX I spare to speak at large of Pope C●lestin the 3. who crowned the Emperor Henry the 6. with his foot and after he had crowned him cast down the Crown to the ground thereby signifying that he had power to cast him down from the Empire if he deserved it which Baronius highly commendeth But his successor Innocent the 3. is not to be forgotten for he excommunicated John King of England deposed him absolved his subjects from their allegiance to him and did cast an interdict upon the Kingdom which lasted six years and gave it to Philip August the French King if he could take it which made the subjects to despise him the Clergy to revile him the Barons to rise in warr against him and the French King to fall upon him so that he was brought to such extremity that to purchase his peace he gave the Kingdom to the Pope and in end a Monk poisoned him It would fill a volume to speak at large how Henry the 3 King of England was abused and tyrannized over by the Pope and how Pope Innocent the 3. excommunicated the Emperor Otho and deprived him of the title of the Empire and how Honorius and Pope Gregory the 9. and Pope Innocent the 4. excommunicated and deposed the Emperor Frederick the 2. and sent an army into Appulia and seized upon his lands and of the contest betwixt Philip the Fair King of France and Pope Boniface the 8. who excommunicated Philip and deposeth him of his Kingdom and giveth it to the Emperor Albert and laboreth to arm Germany and the Netherlands against France But the King took him prisoner brought him to Rome where he died shortly through grief X. It would also be tedious if I should relate how John the 23. and Benedict the 12. and Clement the 6 excommunicated deprived Ludovicus Bavarus and elected Charles son of the King
as we said before and the Kingdom interdicted but also King James was by a Bull sent unto England a little before Queen Elizabeths death excluded from the Crown and all that were not Roman Catholicks were declared incapable of and excluded from the succession whereof his Majesty complaineth in his Apologie For B●llarmin tells King James Tort pag. 19 That the Pope claims a d●uble right to England one by reason o● his Apostolick power which he extends over all men according to that Charter Psal 44. Thou shalt establish them Princes over all the earth The other proper by a right of Dominion for saith he England and Ireland are the Churches Dominions the Pope is direct Lord and the King his vassal XXI Neither were they less active in stirring up wars and combustions in other Kingdoms for a Priest of their own named John Brown aged seventy two in his voluntary confession to a Committee of Parliament set down by M. Prin in his introductiō to Canterburies doom p 202. saith That the Jesuits who are the Popes agents were the only cause of the troubles which fell out in Muscovia when under pretence to reduce the Latin Church and plant themselves and destroy the Greek Church the poor King Demetrius and his Queen and these that followed him from Polonia were all in one night murdered by the usurper of the Crown and the true progeny rooted out That they were the only cause that moved the Sweds to take arms against their lawful King Sigismund and chased him to Poland and neither he nor his successors were ever able to take possession of Sweden for the J●suits intention was to bring in the Romish Religion and root out the Protestants They were the only cause that moved the Polonians to take arms against the said Sigismund because they had perswaded him to marry two sisters c. They were the sole cause of the war in Germany and Bohemia which began anno 1619. which caused the death of many thousands They have been the cause of the civil wars in France moving the King to take arms against his own subjects the Protestants where innumerable people have lost their lives for the Jesuits intentions were to set their Society in all Cities and Towns conquered by the King and quite to abolish the Protestants They were the cause of the murder of the last King of France They were the only projectors of the Gun-powder treason and their penitents the actors there●f XXII M. Baxter in his key for Catholicks chap. 45. 46 47 48 49 proveth at large by good evidence that the Jesuits had a special hand in the late Civil War that burnt in the bowels of these three Nations till it had near consumed them Whose evidence I intreat that the Reader would read and seriously ponder From all which I hope it is evident enough that the Pope and Church of Rome have been the continual Authors and instigators to wars and combustions in Christian Churches and Kingdoms SECTION IV. That the continual practise of Papists ever since the Reformation hath been to plot and practise bloody and treasonable Conspiracies Assassinations and Murders both of Princes and People who profess the Reformed Religion IN the former Section we have proven that the Pope and Synagogue of Rome have been the grand Authors of warrs confusions and combustions in Christian Churches and Kingdoms In this Section we are to prove that not only have they been the Authors and instigators to bloody wars and confusions in Christian Churches and Kingdoms but that in all Protestant or Reformed Churches Kingdoms or States they have been secretly and under-hand always plotting and practising bloody and treasonable conspiracies assassinations and murders both of Princes and people who profess the Reformed Religion It would be too tedious to declare at large what plots and conspiracies the Pope and his dependers and vassals have had in all the Reformed Churches ever since Luthers Reformation we only shal instance some few not our near hand in France Ireland and in Britain I. I told in the former Section how the Pope and his sworn vassals were the Authors of the massacre of Paris anno 1572. which was surely hatched in hell and carried on with all the subtilty of that old Serpent for when the Pope and Court of Rome and Queen Catharin de Medicis and Charles the 9. her son saw that fire and fagot and force of war could not undo the Protestants they said come and let us deal subtily with them and ensnare them by pretences of friendship and flatteries therefore they not only concluded a peace with them but gave the sister of the King of France to the King of Navarre in marriage that so they might massacre the Protestants at the marriage and they suspecting no treachery came to the City of Paris where the Queen of Navarre was poysoned by a pair of perfumed gloves and the Admiral and the greatest part of the Protestant Nobility were all massacred in a morning the massacre was so cruel that it made the river run with blood and there were thirty thousand Protestants killed in one moneths time of which more afterward II. We also hinted before how King Henry the 3. of France although he lived and died a Papist and while he was Duke of Anjou had foughten several battels against the Protestants and was one of the plotters in the massacre of Paris yet because he did not joyn with the holy League and obey the Popes will in all things the Pope excommunicated him and stirred up James Clement a Jacobin Monk to commit that horrible parricide upon his Royal person III. We did also a little touch how his successor King Henry the 4. was opposed and molested by the Pope and the holy League his sworn servants and excommunicat and the Spaniards brought in the Kingdom to joyn with the holy League to his ruine But God so blessed his enterprises that he foyled them often but he being weary of war and consulting with flesh and blood for peace and ease to himself and quyet to his Kingdom turned Papist and sought absolution from the Pope and at length obtained it But because they thought him not a heart Papist and cordial for them in all things they plot his death by secret assassination and after several attempts one whereof wounded him in the mouth R●villac stroke him through the very heart although to please the Pope he caused recall the Jesuits which for their bloody principles and practises were banished the Kingdom So this is the Pope and his Jesuits method when they cannot overcome any Prince that they think no cordial favorer of theirs by open hostility they excite and stimulat some scholer or other of theirs secretly to assassinat him For John Chastel a scholer of the Jesuits who stroke King Henry the fourth of France in the mouth and broke out one of his teeth intending to have cut his throat when he was examined confessed that he being guilty of
For if appears that either ye are not acquainted with the Histories of that age or else ye dissemble it of purpose for John Wicleff he left so many behind him in England who professed our Religion that though your Prelats did molest them what they could yet they and their favorers in short time grew to such strength and multitude that by the year 1422. which was an hundred years immediatly before Luther Henry Chichesley the Archbishop of Canterbury wrot to the Pope that they all could not be suppressed they were so many but by force of war The professors of our Religion began to gather so great force in Bohemia after the burning of John Hus and Jerome of Prague at the Council of Constance which was about the year 1417. which was just an hundred years immediatly before Luther that they were able not only to defend themselves by force of armes against the tyrannie of your Popes but also obtained many notable victories against the strongest power that the Pope did raise against them In England William Taylor was burnt anno 1422. and two years after that William White was burnt And betwixt that time and 1430. Father Abraham of Colchester John Wadden and Richard Hovington were burnt And after that Richard Wiche and John Goose one Braban and one Jerome and others with him were burnt Hieronymus Savanarola a Monk in Italie with two others named Dominick and Sylvester were condemned to death at Florence in the year 1500. with sundry others whom for shortness I omit here Now surely I cannot but wonder M. Gilbert that ye should have been so impudent as to have set it down in writ that I could get none that professed our Religion an hundred years immediatly before Martin Luther But the Reader may gather what credit he may give to your notes and yet with such impudent lies ye blind the poor people Upon the which I gather that both these conclusions of yours is false For the Church of Christ in all ages even from the Apostles days to this day hath ever had her own teachers and professors unto whom Martin Luther hath succeeded in his Religion suppose not in the like frequencie and puritie and that by reason partly of the smoke of that bottemless pit that is of your doctrine which darkned both the Sun and the air Rev. 9.2 that is both teachers and people and partly by your extream persecution whereby ye made war with the Saints of God and overcame them Rev 13 7. But your smoke will evanish away at the last and the clear light of the Lord shal shine more and more maugre all your hearts SECTION XXV That the Reformed Churches have not renewed old condemned Heresies Master Gilbert Brown BUt that M. John shal not think that we slander him and his ●i●h old condemned heresies let him read S. Augustin Epiphanius and others noted here as of these and many the like 1. Novatus forsook the Pope of Rome Cornelius and caused others do the like as Eusebius hist lib. 6. cap. 33. and Nicephorus report lib. 6. cap. 30. 2. Aërus the heretick denyed that offering or prayers should be done for the dead and that fasting should be free as S. Augustine and Epiphane declare haeres 75. 3. Eunomius and Aërius held that only faith justifieth as Augustin haeres 55. lib. de fide operibus and Epiphanius haeres 76. write Master John Welsch his Reply Now are we by Gods grace come unto your last calumnie in affirming that we renew old condemned heresies This is indeed M. Gilbert a heavie challenge if it were true but it is but like the rest of your calumnies yea it hath less appearance of truth then any thing which ye have spoken against us A liar M. Gilbert shal not enter in that heavenly city but his portion shal be in that lake that burne with fire and brimstone Rev. 19.20 22.15 And he that slandereth his neighbor much more then he who slandereth the truth of God shal not rest in the Lords holy mountain Psal 15 3. But to come to the first Novatus intruded himself in another mans charge and caused set up himself against Cornelius the lawful Pastor of the Church in Rome then and that craftily and withdrew many of his flock from him which is as contrary to our doctrine as black to white For we teach that every Pastor should have his own particular flock as Cornelius had then in Rome and no man should intrude himself in another mans charge as he did So this is a calumny M. Gilbert But your Popes are like Novatus who not only have disturbed all the Christian Congregations in Europe almost by setting up and thrusting down such Pastors as they would but also all the Kingdoms in Europe As for this doctrine of Aerius I answer you as ye did me I contend not whether he taught this doctrine or not for the Scriptures have taught the same But our contention is whether they be heresie or not which you have not proved nor ever will be able to prove by the Scripture It is true Epiphanius and Augustin following him reckon him among hereticks but Theodoretus in his Book de fabulis Judaeorum and the Ecclesiastical History reckon him not among hereticks and he was not condemned for an heretick in any Council that therefore which he taught according to the Scripture we imbrace But as for the errors of the Aërians which are errors indeed and which are ascribed unto them as the damning of marriage urging of continency requiring them whom they receive to their fellowship to forsake their own proper things These heresies I say your Church hath renewed who damns marriage and urges continency in your Clergy and receives none to your religious Orders but such as refuse their own proper things As to the third the Aërian and Eunomian heresies they secluded holiness of life from that faith of theirs and taught such a faith that might stand with whatsoever sins and with perseverance in them Will you stand to this M. Gilbert before the Lord that we teach such doctrine Is not this our doctrine that only living faith which works by love and brings forth good fruits doth justifie But you are like to them that know no other justifying faith but such a faith as both the reprobats and the Devils may have So this is your third calumnie M. Gilbert Brown 4. Simon Magus Marcion and Manichaeus denyed that man had free-will as Augustin haeres 46. Jerome and Epiphanius haeres 42. make mention 5. Jovinianus affirmed that Priests marriage was lawful after the lawful vow of chastity He moved sundry Nuns to marry in the city of Rome He made fasting and abstinence from meat superfluous as Augustin writes of him haeres 82. item lib. 1. cap. 7 de peccat merit remiss 6. Vigilantius denyed the prayer to Saints as S. Jerome contra Vigilantium writes He despised the burning of lights and candles in the Churches in the day
of Bohemia in his slead Hence ensued a great and bloody war and the Emperor Ludovicus Bavarus was poysoned by Pope Clement as some Authors write And how Benedict the 13. excommunicat Charles the 6. of France and how Pope Julius the 2. excommunicat Lewis the 12. King of France and puts the Kingdom to interdict excommunicats the Venetians giveth their Dominions to any that will take them driveth the Bentivogli out of Bononia excommunicats the Duke of Ferrara and invades his Countrey by arms going to war in his own person makes the English Spaniards and Switzers to fall upon the French takes many Imperial Cities excommunicats the King of Navarre and giveth his Kingdom to the King of Arragon who upon that invades and takes it and possesseth it to this day It is thought that this Pope was the death of 200000. Christians in seven years XI But passing these I shal come to the time of the Reformation happily begun by Luther at which time we find Clement the 7. the great fomenter of the war between the Emperor and the French King joyning sometimes with the one and sometimes with the other and playing false with both He thundered out his excōmunications against King Henry the 8. the which his successor Paul the 3. confirmed but it did him no harm XII I shal show more particularly afterward how Pope Pius the 5. excommunicated Queen Elizabeth and stirred up not only her own subjects but also the King of Spain against her who prepared a great Navy to invade England anno 1588. yea this Pope was so active in raising war against Queen Elizabeth that when he published the Bull he laid down an hundred thousand crowns to raise war and promised fifty thousand more yea and to bear the whole charge of the war He also used all means to stir Spain France and the Netherlands against England XIII Gregory the 13. who succeeded to Pius the 5. was no less active in plotting and stirring up war against Queen Elizabeth for he gave to Thomas Stukly a commission to help the Irish rebells and get the Kingdom of Ireland for James Boncompagnon his own bastard son and gave him the command of eight hundred Italians to joyn with Sebastian King of Portugal who had engaged to the Pope to serve him with his whole forces against Queen Elizabeth and had raised a great army for that expedition But when Stukly came to the King of Portugal he was upon a new design to wit to help a Moor King of Fez against another Moor King who kept him out of possession and to get the Kingdom from them both to which war he invited Stukly promising immediatly after that work was done which he held forth as most easie they should accomplish the Popes desire So they sailed over to Africa where the King of Portugal and his whole army were destroyed and with him Stukly and the Popes Italian souldiers XIV The Pope had a great hand in the unparalelled massacre of Paris anno 1572. for neither his predecessor Pius the 5. nor himself would consent to the marriage by reason of their difference in Religion while the Cardinal of Lorain told him that it was intended as a trap to destroy the Protestants then presently he granted a dispensation for celebrating of it and gave all encouragement to the design and when the news of the massacre came to Rome there was nothing but triumphing and joy and Cardinal Ursin was sent to France to cōmend extol the Kings piety and wisdom in that great action and to bestow blessings and spiritual graces upon the King the Duke of Guise and the rest of the Actors of this horrid Tragedy Not long after this Pope sent to Henry the 3. the French King and to his people Indulgences for millions of yea●s if they would be diligent and zealous in extirpation of Protestants XV. This Pope laid a claim to the Kingdom of Portugal all the males being extinct as depending from the See of Rome and would have the Kingdom rising in arms for him against the heir from the females but his claim was rejected XVI In the year 1580. he made a new assay upon Ireland for he sent an Italian called San Josepho with some Italian troups there to joyn with the Iris● Rebels for gaining the Kingdom to his Bastard or else to the King of Spain XVII About the year 1588. Pope Sixtus the 5. to favor the enterprise of Philip the 2. King of Spain renewed the excommunication of Queen Elizabeth pronounced by Pope Pius the 5. deprived her of her Kingdom absolved her subjects from all allegiance to her and gave plenary Indulgence to all that would make war against her whereupon followed that great Armado of Spain which the Lord in mercy did wonderfully discomfit XVIII This Pope did also excommunicat King Henry the 3. of France and absolved his subjects from their allegiance although he was a Papist and was a plotter of the Massacre of Paris yet because he did not zealously enough prosecute the Popes design in rooting out Protestants and was no friend to the holy League he was excommunicat whereupon many of his subjects rebelled against him especially the City of Paris and he was slain upon that account by a Dominican Frier which action was highly commended by the Pope as we told you before in a full Consistory at Rome and forbade that any should pray for his soul for the Pope was not content that he had slain the King by his Bull but would also damn his soul XIX His successor Gregory the 14. excommunicated King Henry the 4 of France forbidding all Peers Noblemen Cities and Commons to yeeld him obedience and declaring him incapable of the Crown as an heretick and a relaps Pope Clement the 8. did the same over again and although many of the French did adhere to him yet the City of Paris and the Guisian faction did violently oppose him and would not acknowledge him for King and several attempts were made to take away his life first by a woman next by Peter Barriere and thirdly by John Chastel all denying him to be King because excommunicat by the Pope And although he turned Papist and procured absolution from the Pope yet it was his death for Ravillac who killed him alledged at his examination that the King was an heretick in his heart and deserved to be slain as an enemy of the Church XX. Pope Paul the 5. was as turbulent as his predecessors as witnesseth his quarrels with the State of Venice which he excommunicated and put their State in interdict because they had stopt by Edict the giving of lands to the Church About the beginning of this Popes reign was that hellish Gun-powder plot hatched at Rome and should have been effectuat in England by blowing up the King Prince Nobles and Commons all at one blow This horrid treason was the fruit and effect of the Popes Bulls for not only was Queen Elizabeth excommunicat once and again