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A54693 Regale necessarium, or, The legality, reason, and necessity of the rights and priviledges justly claimed by the Kings servants and which ought to be allowed unto them / by Fabian Philipps. Philipps, Fabian, 1601-1690. 1671 (1671) Wing P2016; ESTC R26879 366,514 672

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now and for many ages past allowed and gave the reason of it multis sane respectus esse debet ac multa diligentia ne quis pacem Regis infringat maxime in ejus vicinia for that there ought to be a more than ordinary respect had thereunto and much diligence used that none should break the Kings peace more especially so near his House which must of necessity and by all the rules of Reason and Interpretation of Laws and the meaning of the Law-giver be only understood to referre unto the peace and quiet of his own House and Servants and not unto the Kings care of the publique and universal peace of the Kingdome which was not be streightned or pend up in so narrow a room or compass when as many of his other Laws did at the same time provide for the universal peace and this only aimed at the particular peace and tranquillity of himself and his Family Nor can it appear to have been any intention of that foresighted and considerate Prince that any Sheriffes or Bayliffs should upon all occasions false or malitious or trivial suggestions presume to Arrest and hale from his Palace or Service any of the necessary Attendants upon his Person Majesty and Honour or be the sawcy and irreverent Infringers of their peace which by that Law Intituled De pace Curiae Regis the peace of the Kings Court or Palace he took so great a care to preserve At the Parliament of Clarindon holden by King Henry the Second in Anno Dom. 1164. When that Prince's troublesome Raign was afflicted with the Rebellion of his Sons and Domineering of a Powerful Clergy backt by the Papal power and Insolency it was not thought to be either unreasonable or illegal when Excommunications which the lofty Clergy of those times were not willing to have clipped or limited and the Thunderbolts fear or fury thereof did farre exceed any effect or consequence of an utlary to ordain That Nec aliquis Dominicorum Ministrorum Regis excommunicetur nec terrae alicujus eorum sub Interdicto ponantur nisi prius Dominus Rex si in terra fuerit Conveniatur That none of the Kings Servants or Officers be excommunicated or their Lands interdicted untill the King if he be in the Kingdome be first Attended And the reason of this Law was saith Sir Edward Cook for that the Tenures by grand Serjeanty and Knights service in Capite were for the Honour and defence of the Realm and concerning those that served the King in his Houshold their continual Service and attendance of the King was necessary And Glanvil who was Lord Chief Justice of England and wrote in the Raign of King Henry the second or of King Richard the first of the antient Laws and Customs of England if that Book as some have thought were not written rather in his name then by him howsoever it is ancient and allowed both here and in Scotland to be very Authentick saith that Per servitium Domini Regis ration●biliter essoniare potest et cum in Curia probatur hoc essonium et admittitur remanebit loquela sine die donec constiterit ●um ab illo servitio domini Regis rediisse Vnde hi qui assidue sunt in servitio Domini Regis Cui necessitates omnes forenses cedunt to which all other businesses or occasions saith the Learned Spelman in his gloss upon Essoines are to give place ut Servientes ipsius hoc Essonio non gaudebunt Ergo circa eorum personas observabitur solitus cursus Curiae et Juris ordo That a Defendant or Tenant being in the service of the King may rationally be essoyned or for that time be excused and when the Essoyne or excuse is proved in Court and admitted the Action or plea shall be without day and suspended untill it shall happen that he be retorned out of the Kings Service but those that be in the Kings daily Service as his ordinary Servants are not to be allowed such an Essoyne or excuse therefore as to their persons the accustomed course of the Court and order of Law is to be observed but doth not declare what that solitus Curfus Curiae et juris ordo that accustomed course and order of Law in case of the Kings Servants in ordinary then was Or whether their priviledge was not so great and notorious as not to need any Essoine Yet as the Law then was saith that where sometimes both the Plaintiffe and the Defendant did not appear but made default tunc in Domini Regis voluntate vel ejus Justitiariorum erit si voluerint versus utrumque contemptum Curiae vel falsum clamorem prosequi then it shall be in the good pleasure of the King or his Judges if they will prosecute either against the Defendant for his Contempt or against the Plantiffe for his not Prosecution By which again the King was at his liberty to protect or priviledge his Servant in ordinary if the Law had not allowed them any such priviledge as well as to grant his Writ directed to the Judges ad warrantizandum to allow or receive an Essoine for one that was in servitio Regis in his Service recited by Glanvil with an Ideo vobis mando quod pro absentia sua illius diei non ponatis in defaltam nec in aliquo sit perdens therefore I command our Kings not then in their mandates writs or Patents speaking in the plural number as we and us c. You that you enter not a default against the Defendant or Tenant for his absence or not appearing at the day appointed and that he be not damnified thereby And in that Kings Raign and the beginning of the Raign of King Richard the first whilst Chief Justice Glanvil attending his Court and Justice his Warrs in the Holy Land died at Acon and in all those foregoing times and ages it was not probable that any Inroads should be made upon that antient just and rational priviledge of the Kings Domestiques or other Servants in ordinary for that some of the Stewards and great Officers of the Kings most honourable Houshold who had under their several Kings the protection as well as Government of the Servants in ordinary of the Royal Family as Prince Henry the eldest Son of King Henry the second and William Longchampe in the first year of the Raign of King Richard the first Lord Chancellour of England were whilst they held their several other places in the Kings Courts successively Lord Chief Justices of England and attended in the Kings Court. And it appeareth by Glanvil that Actions or Summons or Attachments of Debt and other process were then not infrequently directed to the Sheriffe of the County where the Defendant dwelt made retornable coram me i.e. Domino Rege vel Justitiis meis i.e. Justitiis suis before the King or his Justices in the abstract apud Westmonasterium at Westminster i.e. The Kings House or
and Mountainous petty Cantons or Republiques who not long ago having massacred all their Nobility and eternally as they hope prohibited the race of them from enjoying any Offices or Imployments in their Armies or Republiques and can boastingly answer inquisitive strangers or passengers with nos non habemus Nobiles we have no Nobility can notwithstanding all their Military Barbarities pay those fitting and well-becoming civilities and due regards to the Ambassadors of Foreign or Neighbour Potentates And may give us to understand that the honours given to Ambassadors do not conclude that there are no respects due to the Servants in ordinary of the Kings and Princes which sent them But that the honour and respect of the Kings manifested in the respect to their Servants is not the cause and foundation of that which is so punctually required and given to Ambassadors When it is as certain that great and often discontents and quarrels have been raised and kindled in the affairs and businesses not only of Nobility and men of great Estates and Eminency but of the vulgar and meaner sort of people for injuries done to their Servants who have been very unwilling to bear or put it up Which the Civil Law and the Custom of many Nations believed to be warranted by that Axiom or Rule that Domini pati dicuntur injurias qui suis fiunt servis Masters do partake and suffer in the injuries done to their Servants And amongst the Jews as their Rabbins expound their Laws were for the time they dwelt with them ●undi instar as setled a Propriety as the Lands which they enjoyed From which our Laws of England do not dissent when they adjudged that injuriam patitur quis per alios quos habet in familia sua sicut per servientes servos in contumeliam suam fuerint verberati vulnerati vel imprisonati quatenus sua interfuerit operibus eorum non caruisse that a man may have wrong done him in those of his Family as in the reproach done unto him by the beating wounding or imprisoning of his Servants whereby he loseth their service A due consideration whereof and that the honour and respect of Kings is and ought to be manifested in the respect to their Servants probably was the cause which made William Walworth that valiant and brave Lord Mayor of London in the Reign of King Richard the second not able to withhold his loyal passion and indignation from knocking down with his Mace Wat Tyler the Rebel in the head of a mighty and unruly Army of Clowns for abusing and making Sir John Newton Knight one of the Kings Servants sent on a Message to him to stand bare before him on foot whilst he sate on horseback So as the people of England may in a less light than the New Lanthorn or Light men do now pretend unto discern a reason for a greater respect to be given unto the Kings Servants in Ordinary than of late they have given when it is to no other or no less than the Servants of Gods Vicegerent some of which enobled by their Birth or Creation others by their Offices Enobleissantaes enobling them as the Treasurer or Comptroller of the Kings most Honourable Houshold who when they do happen as many times not to be of the Nobility are ipso facto at the instant of the conserring those Offices upon them or shortly after made to be of the Kings Privy Councel and with the Lord Chancellor or the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England President of the Kings Councel Lord Privy Seal Great Chamberlain Constable Marshal and Admiral of England Great Master or Steward and Chamberlain of the Kings most Honourable Houshold have in this Kingdom as hath been used in other Nations been stiled the Officers of the Crown And our King Henry the 7th taking a care that his Servants should be as well born as virtuously educated did call and elect to the service and attendance of his Privy Chamber the Sons of his Nobility and Gentlemen of the best houses and alliance in most of the Shires of England and Wales And King Henry the 8th his Son did by his Ordinances for Regulation of his Houshold called the Statutes of Eltham made by the advice of his Privy Councel in the 17th year of his Reign command That no Servant be kept by any Officers within the Court under the degree of a Gentleman and that none be admitted into his Majesties service but sueh as be likely persons and fit for promotion and that it should be lawfull to all the Kings Counsellors the King and Queens Chamberlains Vice-Chamberlains and Captain of the Guard the Master of the Horse and Henchmen and the six Gentlemen of the Kings Privy Chamber to keep every of them one Page to attend upon him in the Court so alwayes that he be a Gentleman born well apparelled and conditioned That the six Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber should be well languaged expert in outward parts and meet and able to be sent on familïar Messages or otherwise to outward Princes as the case shall require and charged the Great Officers of his Houshold in their several Offices and Places that none should be admitted into any Place within his House and especially those which beginning in low rooms and places and are accustomed by course to ascend into higher but such as be of good towardness likelihood behaviour demeanour and conversation and as nigh as they could should have respect that they be Personages of good gesture countenance fashion and stature so as the Kings House which is requisite to be the mirrour and example of all other within his Realm may be furnished of Ministers elect tryed and picked for the Kings Honour as to good reason and congruence doth appertain And by other Orders made in the 33th year of his Reign That no Officer of the Houshold should keep any Servant within the House under the degree of a Gentleman and such as should be honest and of good behaviour And by his Proclamation commanded That no Vagabonds Masterless Rascals or other Idle persons should come and harbour in the Court. And as he had a great respect for his Great Officers of State so he had no small one for his more inferiour Servants when in the Orders appointed for his Tables at meat in his Royal House he did ordain that the Lord Great Chamberlain at his three Messes of meat should have sitting with him the Vice-Chamberlain Captain of the Guard Cup-bearers Karvers Sewers to the King Esquires of the Body Gentlemen Huissers and Sewers of the Chamber The Master of the Horse to have the Equirries and Avenors to sit with him and Gentlemen Pensioners as many as can sit And Queen Elizabeth in the first and third year of her Reign intending as the Preamble thereof declared to follow the Godly and Honourable Statutes of Houshold of her Noble Progenitors did by her Proclamation streightly charge and command That
out of his place for Bribery and Extortion it was in the Sentence or Judgment given against him said that Sacramentum Domini Regis quod erga Populum habuit custodiendum ●regit maliciose false Rebelliter quantum in ipso fuit he had falsly malitiously and traiterously as much as in him lay broke or violated the Kings Coronation Oath which demonstrates that although he had at the same time violated his own Oath made unto the King when he was admitted into his Office or Place yet his fault was the greater in breaking the Kings Oath and that part of his Justice with which he was trusted For the Grants of the Judges Places by the King durante bene placito or quamdiu se bene gesserint during the Kings pleasure or as long as they do wel behave themselves the Kings Commissions of Oyer Terminer Et Gaola deliberanda of Gaol Delivery and to hear and determine Causes in their Circuits their Oathes besides their Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy taken at their admittance into their Places prescribed and directed in the 18th year of the reign of King Edward the third and administred by the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keepers of the Great Seal of England for the time being That they the King and his People in the Office of Justice shall not counsel or assent to any thing that may turn unto his damage shall take no Fee or Robes of any but the King himself nor execute any Letters from him contrary to the Law but certifie him and his Councel thereof and shal procure the profit of the King and his Crown in all things that they may reasonably do the same in an Act of Parliament made in the 20th year of the Reign of that King they are expresly mentioned to be Deputed by the King to do Law and Right according to the usage of the Realm the Kings Writs directed unto them stiling them no otherwise then Justitiariis suis and those Courts the Kings Courts the acknowledgment of the Judges themselves in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth and their readiness to obey all her lawful commands in the Case of Cavendish and that of Sir Edward Coke that the Judges are of the Kings Councel for proceedings in course of Justice their assisting the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England upon request or sending for some of them out of their own Courts into the Chancery their attending upon the King in his House of Peers in Parliament to assist and advise in matters of Law there debated when required but not with any power of Vote or decisive Judgment their often meetings out of their Courts altogether upon any of the Kings commands or references in causes difficult by Petition or Appeal to the King and their Opinions humbly certified thereupon and attending upon the King and his Councel upon matters doubtful wherein the ayde and advice of the Regal Authority was required and whether their Patents or Commissions be durante bene placito or quam diu se bene gesserint during the Kings pleasure or as long as they shall well behave themselves are void per demise le Roy by the death of the King that granted their Patents or Commissions and to be renewed at the pleasure of his Successor may abundantly evidence that they may not claim or justly be beleived to be independant Soveraign absolute or without an Appeal to their King and Soveraign who granteth amongst many other Offices in the said Courts the Office and Place of Warden of the Fleet by the Name of the Keeper of the Kings Pallace at Westminster aad the Office thereby to attend by him or his Deputy the Courts of Chancery Common-Pleas and Exchequer and keep in safe Custody the Prisoners committed by them when all the Writs and Process of those Courts are issued under his Name and Seal and all but the Chancery which are honoured by his own Teste are under the several Testes or Subscriptions as the Law intendeth of the Chief Justices or Judges thereof together with the Exemplifications of Fines Recoveries Verdicts and other Records in the Court of Common-Pleas and the Court of Kings-Bench and in their several and distinct Jurisdictions are subjected unto and dependant upon the Regal Authority Crown and Dignity And cannot be otherwise understood to be when our Kings have sometimes fined Judges for Extortion or Bribery as King Edward the first did Sir Ralph de Hengham and diverse other Judges in the 16th year of his Reign when the Judges in the ●aid Courts cannot ex officio pardon or discharge a fine or punishment imposed or inflicted by them upon Offenders nor without his Writ of Error amend or correct Errors committed by themselves after the Term ended wherein they were committed are if they exceed their bounds subject by his Writ punishment of Praemunire to a forfeiture of all their Lands Goods Estate of their Lands in Fee-Simple or for Life to have their Bodies imprisoned at the will of the King to be out of his Protection and when he as he pleaseth commandeth the Rolls and Records of the Courts of Chancery Kings-Bench and Common-Pleas to be brought into his Treasury or the Tower of London for safety adjourneth those Courts upon occasion of Pestilence or other reason of State or Warre as King Edward the first did to York where they continued for some years after that the Judges are by Office of Court to stay surcease in many things where they do perceive the King to be concerned either in point of profit or other concernment untill they have advised with the Kings Serjeants or Councel learned in the Law when the Writs of Prohibition frequently granted by the Court of Common-Pleas or Kings-Bench in his name do signifie that he hath haute Justice power and authority over those and the inferior Courts of Justice and by his Supreme Authority doth by his Legal Rescripts and Mandates issuing out of his High Court of Chancery upon any defects in his Subordinate Courts for want of power and authority consonant or agreeable to the rules of right reason and equity moderate the rigors of his Laws correct Errors and provide fitting remedies for all manner of Contingencies or Disorders happening in the course execution or manage of his Laws or Justice testified by his Injunctions out of the Chancery to stay the rigors and proceedings in the Courts of Common-Law Commissions of Trail Baston more rightly ottroy le Baston granted by King Edward the first to inquire of and punish misdemeanours riots extortions c. which the Courts of Justice then in being had cognisance of might have upon complaint punished redressed many other Commissions of that kind made out by that other of our Kings with Commissions of Assise Association cum multis aliis or the like the Writs of Rege in consulto
not to proceed in matters concerning his own particular without his being first consulted de Attornato languidi recipiendo to admit an Attorney for one that is sick Writs of A●●aint against Jurors falsly swearing in their Verdicts Writs de A●sisa continuanda to continue the pr●●●●dings upon an Assise Audita querela to relieve one that is oppressed by some Judgment Statute or Recognisance Writs de Certiora●i de ten●re Indictamenti to be certified of the Tenor of an Indictment de Vtlagaria of an Utlary de tenore pedis Finis of the Tenor of the Foot of a Fine mittendo tenorem Assise in Ev●●entiam to send the Tenor of a Writ of Assise into the Chancery to be from thence transmitted by a Copy for Evidence into the Court of Exchequer Writs quod Justitiarii procedant ad captionem Assise impowring the Justices of Assise to procede in the taking of an Assise and his Commissions frequently granted in some special cases as Dedimus potestatem impowring the Judges or others to take the acknowledgements of Fines with many other kinds of Commissions a posse Comitatus ad vim Laicam amovendam to remove a force where a Parson or Minister is to be inducted into a Church or Benefice Commissions granted ob lites dirimendas to compose contentious suites of Law where the poverty of one of the parties is not able to endure them and the granting of a priviledge by some of our antient Kings to the Bishop and Citizens of new Sarum or Salisbury that the Iudges of Assize or Itinerants should in their circuits hold the Pleas of the Crown at that Town or City which King Edward the first did by his Writ or Mandates allow or cause to be observed and many more which might be here instanced which with the Laws and practice thereof and the reasonable customes of England do every where and abundantly evidence that the King doth not intrust his Courts of Justice or the Judges thereof with all his Regal power and all that with which he is himself invested in his politique capacity or hath so totally conveyed it unto them as to make them thereby the only dispensers of his justice but that the appeal or dernier ressort from all his Courts of Iustice is and resides in the King being the ultimate supreme Magistrate as from the inferiour Courts of Iustice in the Counties or Cities to the Superiour Courts of Iustice at Westminster-hall from the Court of Common-Pleas by Writ of Error to the Court called the Kings-Bench from that Court to the Parliament And as to some matters of Law fit to be tryed by action at Law from the Chancery unto the Kings-Bench or Courts of Common-Pleas or Exchequer reserving the equity when what was done there shall be returned and certified and even from the Parliament it self when Petitions there nepending could not in regard of their important affairs be dispatched to the high Court of Chancery and that appeals are made to the King in his high Court of Chancery from the Admiralty Court when as the process and proceedings are in the Name and under the Seal of the Lord Admiral and from the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury for proving of Wills and granting of Administration when the Process and proceedings are not in the Kings name but in the name and under the Seal of that Arch-bishop So as the Gentlemen of the long Robe who in the Reign of King Charles the Martyr argued against the Kings Prerogative for the just liberties of the people of England in the case of the Habeas Corpora's when they affirmed the meaning of the Statute made in the third year of the Reign of King Edward the first where there was an Exception of such not to be Baylable as were committed by the command of the King or of his Justices to be that the Kings command was to be understood of his commands by his Writs or Courts of justice might have remembred that in former times his Authority by word of mouth or in things done in his presence in matters just and legal not contradicting the established rules customes and courses of his Courts of Justice and the power and authority wherewith our Kings have intrusted them was accompted to be as valid if not more than any thing done in his Courts of Justice witness that notable record and pleading aforesaid betwixt the Prior and Bishop of Durham in the 34 th year of the Reign of that by his own and his Fathers troubles largely experienced King Edward the first which was not long after the making of that Statute concerning such as were to be bayled or not to be bayled where it was said and not denyed to be Law quod Ordinatio meaning an award or something acknowledged in the presence of the King in praesentia Regis facta per ipsum Regem affirmata majorem vini habere debet quam finis in Curia sua coram justitiariis suis levatus that any Ordinance or acknowledgment made in the Kings presence and by him affirmed was to be more credited and to have a greater force then a Fine levied before his Justices in his Courts of Justice which may be a good Foundation and Warrant for several agreements and Covenants made betwixt private persons and ratified by the King under his Great Seal of England by inspeximus and confirmations by his allowance and being witness thereunto as that of Rorger Mortimer Lord of Wigmore with Robert de Vere Earl of Oxford for the Honor and Earldome of Oxf●rd and the great Estate and Revenue●belonging thereunto forfeited by the said Earl in taking part with the Barons against King Henry the third and many others which might be instanced and are plentifully to be found in many Agreements and Covenants made betwixt Abbots and Priors and their Covents and divers of the English Nobility and great men mentioned in Master Dugdales first and second Tomes or Parts of his Monasticon Anglicanum For it was resolved in Easter Term in the fourth year of the raign of Queen Elizabeth by the then Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common-Pleas the Lord Chief Baron and Whiddon Browne and Corbet Justices Carus the Queens Serjeant and Gerrard her Attorney General upon a question put unto them by the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England that in case of Piracy or other the like crimes the Queen might in the intervals or vacancy of a Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England by a necessity of doing Justice without a Commission granted unto others to do it punish such offenders although the Statute made in the 28th year of the raign of King Henry the 8th Ca. 15th doth direct Piracy to be tryed by Commission And it was allowed to be Law in a Case put by King James that where an Affray or Assault was made by any in the Kings presence the King
ultra mare because they were then beyond the Seas or that if the King had sent beyond the Seas any of his Privy-Chamber or Bed-Chamber as hath been not seldom done by-divers of our Kings and Princes to some Foreign Prince or Potentate for the greater credit of their Messages as Balak King of Moab did long before the World was gray or hoary headed when after he had sent Messengers unto the Prophet Balaam and he refused to come unto him he sent yet again Princes more Honourable then they not thinking it fit or honourable to imploy any below stairs or the inferior sort of their Houshold Servants or their Barber as Lewis the 11th of France did in his unfortunate Espargne or saving of charges when he sent him as an Agent or Envoy to the great Inheretrix of Burgundy and the 17. Netherland Provinces which brought him a reproach and loss of those grand expectations which he might otherwise probably have compassed and saved millions of money some hundred thousand mens lives and the trouble and disquiet of the greatest part of Christendom in the since seeking in vain to obtain those rich Countries by Conquest which that Marriage and a more solemn Embassy might have more easily gained such Bed-Chamber man or Gentleman of the Kings Privy-Chamber should have the immunity or freedom not to be arrested or molested by reason of any Actions or Suits at Law whilst he was thus imployed because it was per praeceptum Regis by the Kings command fuit in obsequio Regis and was in his service and yet when he was come and returned to his place and attendance in the Kings Bed-Chamber or Privy-Chamber where he did before daily officiate and was in obsequio Regis per praeceptum Regis in the Kings service unless it could be then understood to be any either reason or sence to believe that he was not in the service of the King or by his appointment when if truth and reason might as they ought to do consort together it was evident he was must be arrested or imprisoned without the Kings leave or license as if he were not of the Kings Bed-Chamber or Privy-Chamber or any of the Kings Servants or if the granting of a Protection by the King to an Earl or any other of the Nobility whilst he was imployed in his Wars or affairs as many have been in Foreign parts should at his return into England be debarred of his priviledge not to be Utlawed or Arrested by Process or Writ of Capias or that Ambassadors sent from hence unto Foreign Kings or Princes without any Writ of Protection which hath ever been though● needless to be granted unto them should not when they come home enjoy those Immunities and Priviledges were before their going or after their return appropriate and justly due unto them Or that the King may not with as great or greater reason or cause of kindness unto himself and his Servants as well grant his Writs of Protection unto his Servants in ordinary as he hath done unto some Strangers or Foreign Merchants or unto the Prior of an Hospital or some other person with a nolumus or command not to molest or permit to be troubled their persons lands goods or possessions and a suscepimus in protectionem defensionem taking them into his defence or protection or that the service or attendance of his Domesticks or Servants in ordinary either in relation to his person or his affairs subservient thereunto which do concern him and in him the Publick safety and welfare should not claim a greater regard then other more remote And should heretofore be a Supersedeas to some of his Servants elected to serve for the people of their Country in Parliament which with the House of Peers and presence and authority of the King makes it to be the Highest Court of Justice in the Kingdom and next unto the King who is the head life and being of it their greatest and most darling concernment far exceeding any or the most part of Imployments in the Kings extraordinary occasions either at home or abroad which hath been the usual subject matters of the King● Protections under the Great Seal of England and not now be able or allowed to receive a just and fitting respect and priviledge in his more subordinate and ordinary Courts of Justice When as in the 7th year of the Reign of King Richard the second James Barners being elected a Member of Parliament was discharged by the Kings Writ and a new Writ caused to be made for another election quia est de retinentia Regis familiaris unus Militum Camerae Regis because he was of the Kings Retinue one of his Houshold Servants and one of the Knights of his Chamber attending in or near unto it and in the same year Thomas Morvile was discharged of his election into the House of Commons in Parliament which was superseded quia est de retinentia charissimae Dominae Matris nostrae Johannae Principissae Walliae for that he was in the service or retinue of his Mother the Princess of Wales But that and all which hath been said and evidenced will it seems not yet be enough to remove the pride of heart of such as take a delight to arrest and imprison the Kings Servants and Attendants without license or leave first granted for Debts or other Actions to which they are entituled or perswade them to abandon that unmannerliness and an Objection which they have lately found out as they think to support it That if the number of the Kings Servants were less there would not be so many to demand their Priviledges or cause their Creditors to complain against them and that if any of the Kings Servants in ordinary be so without leave or license arrested or imprisoned whereby the King should or might lose their service he was to provide others in their places And that any of the Kings Servants in ordinary waiting upon him by turns or courses for some of them do not may without leave or license be arrested in the intervals of their waiting or attendance which undutifull and uncivilized opinions too near of kin to the Principles of Wat Tyler and Jack Cade and their Clownish Associates might have been laid upon the Levelling Dunghill and ought to be buried with their illiterate and ungodly Levelling Principles which hath so long afflicted this Nation and so greatly helped to ruine and undo the peace and happiness of it the Adjutants or Authors whereof may upon a more sober and modest enquiry easily find CHAP. X. That our Kings some of which had more then his Majesty now hath have or had no greater number of Servants in ordinary then is or hath been necessary for their occasions safety well-being state honour magnificence and Majesty and that their Servants waiting in their turns or courses are not without leave or license as aforesaid to be arrested in the intervals of their
seu exemplar as a great and antient example worthy to be imitated whereof one waiting by the space of a month menseque finito adveniente alia prima domum redibat which being ended that returning home another succeeded the other two propriis quivis necessitatibus studentes commorabantur being busied about their own affairs tarried in the mean·time at home secunda itaque cohors mense peracto adveniente tertia domum redibat and the second Troop having served their month the third came into their places and the thirds course or time alotted being ended the first returned to his former attendance Et hoc ordine omnibus vitae praesentis temporibus talium vicissitudinum in Regali Curto rotatur administratio and in this manner all the life time of the said King and by such changes or courses was the service in his Royal Court administred And certainly no small number of Officers and Servants were heretofore thought to be sufficient in England to attend on our Kings and Princes when Hardi-Canutus King of England furnished Tables of meat for his Servants and all comers four times a day when Thomas Earl of Lancaster who was an Attendant himself upon the King had in the Reign of King Edward the second a Bishop and Barons officiating in his house 100 Knights and as many Esquires besides Officers and common Servants Bishops Earls and Lords in after ages rode and travelled with great Trains and Retinues Nicholas West Bishop of Ely in the Reign of King Henry the 8th had continually in his house 200 Servants Edward Earl of Darby 200 men in Checque-Roll in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth and John Earl of Oxford although a well-deserving Ancestor of his that led the Vantguard of King Henry the 7th at the Battel of Bosworth-field was in that Kings after Halcyon dayes fined in a then great sum of money for attending him at his house with a very great Retinue did usually ride from his house in Essex to his house at London-Stone in London with 80 Gentlemen in Livery of Red or Tawny with Chains of Gold about their necks and 100 tall Yeomen in the like Livery to follow him without Chains but all wearing his Crest of the blew Boar embroydered on their left armes or shoulders so as in the difference betwixt the Majesty of a great and Soveraign Prince being as the Sun in our Firmament and the grandeur which his Nobility as the Stars in their lesser lights derived from it either did or should endeavour to support the measure or rule of proportion may evidence how necessary it is for a King to have an honourable and competent number of Servants when those that were so much inferior to the Majesty Power and Soveraignty of a free Prince could in their lesser Orbs not want a fitting number to attend upon the Honours which he or some of his Ancestors gave them when as by an Order of his late Majesty in the year of our Lord 1626. 40 Messengers of his Chambers were at all times to be ready to do his Majesty service and at all entertainments and receptions of Ambassadors many of the Gentlemen of the Kings Privy Chamber are commanded to attend such of the Nobility as are appointed by the King to receive and conduct the Ambassadors unto him in so much as in the year 1636. eight Gentlemen of the Kings Privy Chamber were appointed to attend the Earl of Lindsey to bring the King of Polands Ambassador to Hampton-Court and such multitudes and variety of cares and business which do attend a King and the consequences and grand concernments thereof so hugely different from any of their Nobility or Subjects may perswade us to allow our Saul to be as well in the number of their Houshold Servants as in all other things higher from the shoulders upwards than all or any of th●m and will better become him than those many which our murmurers were so well content to afford their Oliver the Protector of their intended sl●very when by his Instrument so called of his Usurped Government he was to have two hundred thousand pounds per annum for defraying the necessary charges of the administration of Justice and other expences of the Government besides all the Kings Revenue which was left unfold being a considerable part thereof with the Fines Amerciaments and casual profits of the basely misused and despoiled Crown of England and a pay and constant yearly maintenance of Ten Thousand Horse and Dragoons and Twenty Thousand Foot in England Scotland and Ireland with a setled yearly Revenue for the maintenance of a convenient number of Ships for guarding of the Seas allowed unto him had his Chamberlain Treasurer and Comptroller of a better house than the Brew-house which he could not thrive in at Huntington his mis●called Lords of his Privy Counsel Commissioners of his Great Seal Secretary of State his Turn-coat Heralds Serjeants at Armes Messengers of his Chamber Ushers and many other Servants and Officers belonging to his Counterfeit Highness and his Envoys and Ambassadors one of which could not be dressed out or sent with a lesser state and magnificence than 200 Attendants And the Lord Mayor of London being but a temporary and yearly Governour of that City and one of the lesser rayes of the Majesty of our Kings communicated to that annual Magistracy under them can be allowed for his state a Recorder Common Serjeant Chamberlain Town●Clerk Coroner Sword-Bearer Marshall Common Hunt Common Cryer Water-Bayliff and Under-Chamberlain four Clerks of his Mayors Court three Serjeant Carvers as many Serjeants of the Chamber a Serjeant and Yeoman of the Channel four Yeomen of the Water-side an Under Water-Bayliff two Yeomen of the Chamber three Meal-Weighers two Yeomen of the Wood-Wharfs the Sword-Bearers man the Common Hunts two men the Common Cryers man the Water-Bayliffs two men and the Carvers man some of which several Officers or Attendants do wait by turns or courses and hath one of the Kings Maces or Serjeant at Armes at some certain times of Solempnity attending upon him a resemblance of a House of Peers in his Court of Aldermen where the Recorder is the Prolocutor and a House of Commons in his Common Counsel both which upon occasions he calls and adjourns at his pleasure hath his Court of Conscience like a Chancery for equity and several Courts of Justice and when he goeth with above 60 Companies of all Trades in a kind of triumph of their Trade and Mysteries to take his Oath before the Barons of the Exchequer hath all the worship and attendance which his Towns-men or Citizens can help him unto every one of which Companies of Trade having some 20 some 45 some 120 Livery men some in their Gowns of Budge and others with Foines who at 20 or 28 l. a piece are willing to purchase a share of preheminence in the rule and ill ordering instead of better of their several Fraternities of Deceipts together with their Whiflers Marshals-men
the Martyr the drawing aside of the curtain of State and the dispute of the Kings power of committing any one for contempts against him or his Authority which every Justice of Peace and Master of a Company of Trade in London can be allowed to do by the peoples misunderstanding of the Arcana Imperii secrets of State and necessary rules of government an unhappy fancy and spirit of opposition so intoxicated many of them as they have believed it to be law and right reason that if the King will not so soon as they would have him give leave to Arrest any of his Servants the Law and his Courts of Justice are to do it that if the King should by such a way of prosecution be inconvenienced by the want of their service it is by his own default in making so ill a choice of men indebted to attend him or if they being so Arrested cannot perform their duty he is to provide such as may better do it and if the King should cause any to be committed that had Arrested any of his Servants without licence they were upon his Hab●as Corpus to be bayled by the Judges of some of the Courts of Law at Westminster and left at liberty to go to Law with him if they could tell how or to incourage as many as would follow that evil example to misuse his Royal Prerogative which without any stretching or dilating of it to the very confines or u●most bounds of its regal Jurisdiction is legally warranted by the design and reason of publique good the preservation of every mans estate and property and the good at one time or in something or other of him that thinks himself the most delayed or injured in his humour or expectation for it ought to be every where reason and so acknowledged that as long as there is a King and Supreme Governour who is to take care of the universality of the people subjected born or protected under his government he is not to want the means wherewith to do it and that in order thereunto his service must needs be acknowledged to be for publique good and the exemptions and privileges belonging thereunto no less than a Salus populi the great concernment of the peoples peace protection welfare and happiness and should be the Suprema Lex that great Law in and by which the means of gove●nment and the Royal Prerogative was and is founded and established and that such a cause built and sustained by the rules of right reason and justice ought to be every where reason and justly entituled to that Axiom manente causa non tollitur effectus the cause alwayes remaining constant and unalterable the effects and operation naturally from thence arising are necessarily to follow and be allowed and that the cause of priviledge claimed by our Kings the cause and fountain of all exemptions and priviledges so largely given to many of their people should not in the case of their own Servants have its course or passage stopt or diverted When from that Spring and those causes which have fertilized and gladded the Vallies of our Israel have sprung and arisen those necessary priviledges which the Nobility Peers and Baronage of England have antiently enjoyed in their personal freedome from Arrests or Imprisonment of their bodies in Civil Actions Pleas or Controversies and from Common Process or any Utlaryes which might trouble them or their high Estates not only for the reason given in the 11th year of the Reign of King Henry the fourth by Hull or Hulls that in Actions of Debt or Trespass a Capias will not lye against an Earl or any of like Estate because it is to be intended that they have Assets and a great Estate in Lands whereby they may be summoned and brought to answer or as many misled by that opinion do and would yet understand it But principally CHAP. XV. That the Dukes Marquesses Count Palatines Earls Viscounts and Barons of England and the Bishops as Barons have and do enjoy their privileges and freedome from Arrests or imprisonment of their bodies in Civil and Personal Actions as Servants extraordinary and Attendants upon the Person State and Majesty of the King in order to his Government Weal Publick and Safety of him and his people and not only as Peers abstracted from other of the Kings Ministers or Servants in Ordinary IN regard of their service to their Prince and a not seldome personal attendance upon him and the honour and dignities thereunto allowed and appertaining to those Illustrious and high born Dukes Marquesses Earls Peers and Nobility who are accounted to be as extraordinary Servants not as the word Extraordinary hath been of late times misused by applying it unto those who were but quasi Servi scarcely Servants or but listed and put into the Rolls of the Kings Servants when they are neither known to him or ever were or intended to be in his actual Service and honourable Attendants of their Prince as well in times of Peace as emergencies of War and as Generals or Commanders of their Armies in times of War and therefore the Emperour Justinian in his Letter or Epistle to Narses a great General or Commander of his Army mentions Aulus Anduatius C. Tubero to be sub Narsetis Ducatu as Souldiers under the conduct of Narses making the word Ducatus which in after ages only signifyed and was applyed to a Dukedom then to denotate no more than an Army or Command only of it And the Latine word Dux since used for Duke was as Sir Henry Spelman well observeth antiently nomen officiale a name of Office or Dux delegatus vel praefectus exercitus postea feudale by reason of the Lands which were annexed to its honour by reason of that service afterwards honorarium meerly Titular or honoured with that Title in being heretofore his Chieftaine or Leader of an Army And so were the Marquesses in those antient times who were as Capitanei Generals or great Commanders in the Empire or kingdome and were as to that by reason of their honorary possessions partakers in some sort of the Royal Dignity Whereby to defend the Frontiers the Title and Military Office thereof being about the year 1008. after the Incarnation of our blessed Saviour by the Emperour Henry sirnamed Auceps of the house of Saxony instituted to defend some of the Frontiers of Germany against the Incursions of the Hungarians was so little known or respected in England about the Reign of King Richard the second as he having created Robert de Vere Earl of Oxford Marquess of Dublin in Ireland and afterwards in the 21th year of his Reign John Beaufort Earl of Somerset Marquess of Dorset which dignity being afterwards taken from him by the tempest and change of those times in the beginning of the Reign of King Henry the fourth and the Commons in Parliament in the fourth year of that Kings Reign petitioning that he might be
the Coasts of Guinee in Africa a Country not at all acquainted with learning or the more civilized Customes of Africa Europe or Asia those that they take for their Nobility have a liberty which the vulgar have not to trade in every place as they please sell and buy slaves have their Drums and Trumpets play as they think good before them and those who are advanced for any Noble Atcheivement have always the principal charges in the Army Nor should our Nobility or the Kings servants be debarred of any of their just rights or privileges when as per reductionem ad principia by a view and reflection upon the Original and causes of all those many priviledges and immunities granted or permitted by our Kings of England unto others of his Subjects and people it will appear that his own servants in Ordinary should not be grudged that which by so many grounds of law and right reason and the antient and reasonable Customes of England may be believed to belong unto them CHAP. XVII That the Immunities and Priviledges granted and permitted by our Kings of England unto many of their People and Subjects who were not their Servants in Ordinary do amount unto asmuch and in some more then what our Kings Servants in Ornary did or do now desire to enjoy FOr ab hac solis luoe from those or the like rays and beams of Majesty and emanations of right reason and necessity of the Kings affairs which notwithstanding the late groundless mad and fond rebellious principle of seperating the Kings person from his Authority and a pretended supremacy in the Parliament or at the least a co-ordination should not be disturbed came and was derived that grand priviledg of the Nobility and Baronage of England many of whom are not his Domesticks not to be molested in time of Parliament or forty days before the beginning of it in their coming unto it upon the Kings Summons and as many days after the end of a Parliament in their retorn to their Habitations though there is no direct way or Journey from their habitations to any place in England where the Parliament is to be kept or holden which can require so much expence of time as twenty days in travelling unto it or twenty days in retorning home by any Process Writs or Summons out of any the ordinary or extraordinary Courts of Justice law or equity the Baronage of England enjoying those priviledges in the 18 th year of the Raign of King Edward the first which were then not newly granted or permitted but were antient and justly and legally to be insisted upon as the punishment of the Prior of the holy Trinity in London not meanly fortified with his own priviledges and the power and protection of the Church and that also of Bogo de Clare who was imprisoned and fined two thousand Marks to the King at that time a very great sum of mony pro transgressione sibi facta for the trespass committed against the King for citing Edmond Earl of Cornwal in Westminster Hall in the time of Parliament to appear before the Arch-bishop of Canterbury whose spiritual Court and Power was then very predominant as hath been before mentioned and it appeareth in the Records of that Kings Raign that he refused to give leave to the Master of the Temple to distrein the Bishop of St. Davids in Parliament time for the Rent of an house held of him in London and answered quod non videtur honestum quod Rex concedat tempore Parliamenti sed alio tempore distringat that it would not be just or fitting for the King to grant such a Licence in time of Parliament but at another time he might distrein and by a very antient right are to be exempted from arrest and the Ordinary Course of Process when there were no Parliaments The Writ of Summons directed to the Sheriffs for the Election of two Knights the wisest and most discreet of every Shire and County of England the County Palatine of Chester then only excepted and for two Burgesses to be sent unto Parliament out of the Cities and certain Boroughs of England the King in the Parliament being without suspition of any unwarrantable conjecture to be rationally believed to have been first framed and sent out in K. Henry the thirds name in the 49 th year of his Raigne by the Earls of Leicester and Gloucester after the Battle of Lewis in Sussex wherein he and his Son Prince Edward afterwards King Edward the first were taken Prisoners by them and other the Rebellious Barons who had taken armes against him as my learned and worthy friend Mr. William Dugdale Norroy King at Armes by comparing the date of those Writs the one bearing date the 14 th day of December at Worcester in the 49 th year of the Raign of that King and the other at Woodstock the 24 th of December in the same year to meet at London on the Octaves of St. Hi●lary then next ensuing with the day or time of that Battle and that Kings imprisonment hath after it had for so many Ages past escaped the Industry Inquiries Observations and Pens of all other our English Writers Annalists Chronicles Antiquaries very judiciously and ingeniously observed which Summons of the Commons to Parliament doth not saith Mr. William Prynn appear to have been put in Execution untill about the 23th year of the Raign of King Edward the first whence by Regal Indulgencies and no Innate or Inherent right of their own but ab hoc fonte from the same spring and fountain of the attendance and affairs of the King proceeded the priviledges of Parliament for the Members of the house of Commons in Parliament to be free from actions at Law or Pleas in time of Parliament as Early as the raign of King Edward the second when he sent his Writ or Proclamation to the Justices of Assize in all the Counties of England to supersede all actions against the Barons and others summoned to Parliament In the 11 th year of the raign of King Richard the second upon a riot and trespass committed upon the Lands Goods Servants and Tenants of Sir John Derwintwater chosen to be a Member of Parliament for the County of Cumberland a Commission was granted by that King under the great Seal of England to Henry de Percy Earl of Northumberland to inquire by a Jury of the County of Westmerland concerning the same and to cause to be arrested and taken all that should be found guilty thereof and to appear before the King and his Councell wheresoever he should be 15 days after the Michaelmass then next ensuing In the fifth year of the Raign of King Henry the fourth the Commons in Parliament alledging that whereas according to to the Custome of the Realm the Lords Knights Citizens and Burgesses coming to Parliament at his Command and there staying and in retorning to their Countrys ought With their men and
then Kings Mother Or the popular greatly belov'd Duke of Norfolk out of the County of Norfolk And Sir Edward Coke that great Lawyer so deservedly call'd might if he were now again in his house of clay and that Earthly Honor which his great Acquests in the Study and Practice of the Law had gained him do well to inform us that the Report of Husseys the Chief Justice who is by him mistaken and called the Attorney-General to King Henry the Seventh was any more than an Hear-say and nothing of kin to the Case put by the King whereupon they were commanded to assemble in the Exchequer Chamber whether those that had in those tossing and troublesom times been Attainted might sit in Parliament whilst their Attainders were reversing And the Case concerning the King himself whether an Attainder against himself was not void or purged by his taking upon him the Crown of England or that which in that Conference was brought in to that Report impertinently and improperly to what preceded or followed by the Reporter of that Conference was not at the most but some by discourse and not so faithfully related as to mention how farre it was approved or wherein it was gain-sayed by all or any or how many of the Judges it being altogether unlikely that if Hussey had been then the Kings Attorney-General he would have cast in amongst those Reverend Judges such an illegal and unwarrantable Hear-say of an opinion of the Lord Chief Justice Markham in the Reign of King Edward the Fourth whom that King as our Annalist Stow recordeth displaced for condemning Sir Thomas Cooke an Alderman of London for Treason when it was but Misprision said unto that King That the King cannot Arrest a man upon suspition of Treason or Felony because if he should do wrong the Party cannot have an Action against the King without a bestowing some Confutation Reason or Arguments against it which the Reporter was pleased to silence And was so weak and little to be believ'd an Opinion as the practice of all the Ages since have as well as the Times preceding disallowed and contradicted it and whether such an Opinion can be warranted by any Law or Act of Parliament And whether the King may not take any Cause or Action out of any of His Courts of Justice or Equity and give Judgment thereupon and upon what Law Reason or Ground it is not to be done For if the Answer which Sir Edward Coke made to what the King alledged That the Law was grounded upon Reason and that he and others had reason as well as others That true it was God had endued His Majesty with excellent science but His Majesty was not learned in the Laws of England and Causes which concern the Life and Inheritance or Goods of his Subjects which are not to be decided by natural Reason and Judgment of Law which Judgment requires long study and experience And when the King was therewith greatly offended and replyed That he should then be under the Law which was Treason to be said answered that Bracton saith That Rex non debet esse sub homine sed sub Deo Lege That a King ought not to be under man but God and the Law shall be compared with the Opinion of Dy●r Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common-Pleas and the Judges of that Court in the Case betwixt Gre●don and the Bishop of Lincoln and the Dean and Chapter of Worcester upon a Demurrer in a Quare Impedit in the eighteenth and nineteenth year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth reported by Mr. Edmond Plowden as great and learned a Lawyer as that Age afforded and one whom Sir Edward Coke doth acknowledge to be no less did allow and were of opinion That the King cannot be held to be ignorant of the Law because He is the Head of the Law and ignorance of the Law cannot be allowed in the King there will be as little cause as reason to dote upon such Conclusions especially when the erronious Mis-application and evil Interpretation of that alledged out of Bracton will be obvious to any that shall examine the very place cited that his meaning was that where he said that the King was sub Deo Lege under God and the Law it was that he was onely non uti potentia sed judicio ratione And in other places of his Book speaking who primo principaliter possit debeat judicare who first and principally shall and may judge saith Et sciendum quod ipse Rex non alius si solus ad hoc sufficere possit cum ad hoc per virtutem Sacramenti teneatur astrictus And it is to be understood that the King Himself and none other if he alone can be able is to do it seeing He is thereunto obliged by His Oath Ea vero quae Jurisdic●ionis sunt Pacis ea quae sunt Justiciae Paci annexa ad nullum pertinent nisi ad Coronam Dignitatem Regiam nec a Corona seperari poterint cum faciant ipsam Coronam for that which belongeth to his Jurisdiction and that which belongeth to Justice and the Peace of the Kingdom doth belong to none but the Crown and Dignity of the King nor can be separated from the Crown when it makes the Crown so as those who should acknowledge the strength and clearness of a Confutation in that which hath been already and may be said against those Doctrines of Sir Edward Coke may do well to give no entertainment unto those his Opinions which nulla ratione nulla authoritate vel ullo solido fundamento by no reason authority or foundation can be maintained but to endeavor rather to satisfie the world and men of law and reason whether a Soveraign Prince who as Bracton saith habet omnia Jura sua in manu su● quae pertinent ad Regni gubernaculum habet etiam Justiciam Judiciam quae sunt Jurisdictiones ut ex Jurisdictione sua sicut Dei Minister Vicarius hath all the Rights in his hand which appertaineth to the Government of the Kingdom which are Jurisdictions and as His Jurisdiction belongeth unto Him as He is Gods Vicar and Minister is in case of Suspition of Treason or Felony where His ever-waking Intelligence and careful Circumspections to keep Himself and People in safety shall give Him an Alarm of some Sedition Rebellion or Insurrection and put on His Care and Diligence to a timely Endeavor to crush or spoil some Cockatrice Eggs busily hatching to send to His Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Kings Bench or in his absence out of the Term some Justice of Peace for a Warrant to Arrest or Apprehend the party offending or suspected which our Laws and reasonable Customs of England did never yet see or approve and when such offenders are to be seized as secretly as suddenly Or what Law History or Record did ever make mention of so unusual undecent
suos ibidem et ad assignand ' Justic ' per Commissionem et ad Error ' corrigend per ipsum Episco pum vel alios Justiciar suos tam ad sectam Domini Episcopi quam aliorum praedi●tus Willielmus replicavit quod non esset consonum rationi se ipsum de facto prosecutione proprijs fore Judicem cum proprie ad Regiam Majestatem in omnibus Causis ortis inter subditos Jurisdictio pertinet dinoscere et licet ad aliquam Personam per privilegium speciale de causa cognoscere indultum fuit si substitutus in exhibitione Justitiae defecerit Errorem per superiorem et non per substitut ' corrigi debet et super hoc dati sunt dies de termino in terminum To which he pleaded that no Writs were delivered to him at Durham and to that which was delivered unto him at Waltham he had returned that he is Count Palatine and Lord of the Royalty of the Lands called the Bishoprick of Durham and hath all the Rights and Regalities which do belong unto a Count Palatine and that Royalty there to be exercised by him and his Ministers and Justices that is to say hath a Coroner Chancellor and Court of Chancery and that the Kings Officers do not in any thing intermeddle therein and that the said Bishop as Count Palatine hath there likewise his Court and Justices of Common-Pleas as well real as personal and power to assign by Commission Justices to correct and reverse Errors committed by him or any of his Justices as well at his own Suit as others Unto which the said William replyed That it was not reason that he should be Judge of his own Actions when as properly it belonged to the Majesty of a King to determine of all Causes betwixt his Subjects And although he in favour granted to some Person a special priviledge to hear and determine Causes yet if any substituted by him do fail in the distribution of Justice the Errors shall be corrected by the Superior and not by the Substitutes whereupon further days were given from Term to Term. Nor was the Duties of Subjects so worn out but that so much respect was in those better Times given to our Kings Royal Protections granted to such as were not employed by them as the Laws and reasonable Customs o● England did allow the protected Persons in their Lands and Estates to bring their Actions against the Infringers or Disturbers thereof as in the Case of Roger de Limecote against the Sheriff of Liecester in the first year of the Reign of King Richard the First for disseising him of two Knights Fees Nicholas Talbot against William Prior of Dunstar in the eight and thirtieth year of the Reign of King Edward the Third of Walter Warr against Gervase Wretchey and John Parkey in the same year and of many others in the said Kings Reign and no Pleas in Bar or alledging Illegality put into the same but in others some collateral Pleas and Defences made by Releases or the like For those Lovers of their Countrey and honor of their Kings did not think as some would fondly and untruly assert that all the Royal Protections granted by them had at the first no better an Original or Foundation than an Imitation of the many Protections and Priviledges granted by our Kings and Princes to Bishops Monasteries and Religious Houses did not believe that our Kings could not respite for a while the payment of moneys due unto any of their Subjects or do as much as amounted to it when King Edward the Third in his Wars with France and great want of Moneys did about the thirteenth year of his Reign revoke divers Assignations for the payment of Moneys due unto private and particular persons until he should be better enabled to pay them And it was about the twelfth Year of the Reign of King James in the Grand Case of Boltons Complaint against the Lord Chancellor Ellesmeere adjudged in Parliament That upon a Bill called A Bill of Conformity exhibited in Chancery by a Debtor against his Creditors for not accepting of his Offer of as much satisfaction as he was able to give them and for refusing thereupon to permit him to enjoy his liberty the Lord Chancellor or the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England might by Injunctions prohibit and stay all Suits at the Common Law commenced by him or any such refractory Creditors For our Courts of Chancery Kings-Bench Common-Pleas and Exchequer have in their several subordinate Authorities not seldom mitigated and reduced the high and unreasonable Fines incertain demanded by divers Lords of Manors of their Copy-hold Tenants for their Admissions unto a more reasonable Rate of two years improved Value and enforced them to accept it And Sir Edward Coke in his Comment upon Magna Charta would not bring into the meaning of the Clause of Nulli negabimus vel differemus Justiciam That the King would not deny or delay Justice such Protections as do appear in the Register and are warranted by the Books of Law And although in the eighth year of the Reign of King Henry the Sixth it was in transitu and by the way said by Cottesmore a Judge in the Case concerning the Priviledges of the University of Oxford That the King cannot grant that a man shall not Implead or have any Action against another Yet it was at the same time declared to be Law and right Reason by Babington a Judge That to a Lord of a Manor Conusance of all Trespasses done within his Lordship may be granted by the King and that a Plaintiff shall be bound to bring his Action accordingly and that in that Case the King hath not fore-closed him of his Action so as our Novelists and such as invent all the Oppositions they can against the just and legal Authority of their Sovereigns may do better to acknowledge that howsoever it was the opinion of some of the Judges in the Reign of King Henry the Sixth That if any should Arrest a man by the Kings Command when all men Arrested are so by the Authority of the King and his Writs or Process an Action of False Imprisonment might be brought against him that obeyed the Kings Command although it was done in the presence of the King Yet the whole Tenor and Meaning of that Case and that sudden Opinion arguendo or by way of instance deliver'd thereupon was no more but that such a Command ought to be attended with some Specialty or cause shewed And so little did the Judges of the Court of Kings-Bench in Trinity Term in the ninth year of the Reign of King Henry the Fifth intend or think it fit to subject to the humor of any froward or undutiful person the important Affairs and Service of the King As William Reedhead and Nicholas Hobbesson Purveyors for the King having taken forty Quarters of Malt for the Kings use for the Victualling
peace in the said University as much as in him is And give Councell and help to the Chancellor ond Schollars of the same University to punish the disturbers and breakers of the peace there after the priviledges and Statutes of the University at all times when it shall be needful and put his help with all his Strength to defend the priviledges liberties and Customs of the said University and give the like oath unto his Undersheriffes and other his ministers when he shall come to the Town and Castle of Oxford in the presence of any who shall be deputed by the said University unto the which things the King will that his said Ministers shall be arcted and compelled The like Oath being to be taken by the Sheriffs of Cambridge and Huntington for the conversation of the rights and priviledges of the University of Cambridge Do the Jnns of Court or houses of law which for some Ages or Centuries past were appropriate and set apart for the Study of the Common lawes of England and other necessary parts of learning and endowments proper and fit to bear the sons of our Nobility and Gentry company within their houses and precincts claim and enjoy as they ought to do according to the law of Nations and the priviledges of all the Universities and places of Study in the Christian world A just and legal priviledge of a freedom from any Arrest or disturbance by the officers of any Subordinate Magistrate in matters not Capital or more then ordinary criminal And the Inner and Middle-Temples and Lincolns-Jnn being besides entituled to the like Exemption priviledge by a particular Immunity and Exemption granted anciently by some of our Kings of England long before they were Societies of law to the Owners and Proprietors of the Mannor of the New Temple then so called the old one being before scituate in or near Holborn and as well as the new one sometimes part of the possessions of the Knights Templers now containing the Inner and most part of the Middle-Temple and likewise the outer Temple without Temple-Bar extending it self as far as to part of Essex house garden and into New-street now called Chancery-Lane and Ficket or Fickelscroft now Lincolns-Inn fields upon part whereof Lincolns-Inn was built To be held sub eadem forma in the same manner as the honor or Earldom of Leicester and the Lands thereunto belonging were antiently holden with an Exemption or priviledge that no Justices Escheators Bayliffs or other Ministers or Officers of the King should enter or intermeddle therein of which the Successors and Owners and those as honourable as useful Collegiate nurseries of law and learning although they do not as our Universities and those which are in the parts beyond the Seas claim a conusance in causes and controversies at law wherein their Schollars Students and officers are concerned have been so careful to preserve those their Antient and necessary priviledges as they have upon any the least violation or attempt to bereave them thereof sallied out like so many young Lions and appeared to be the stout Propugnators and defenders thereof rescued such as have been Arrested within their Liberties whether any or none of the Society beaten and pumped the Catchpoles Serjeants at Mace or Bailiffs ignominiously shaved their heads and beards Anointed them with the costly Oyl or Syrrup of their houses of Offices or Jakes and at the Temple for a farewell thrown them into the Thames Do all men that have Liberties and Priviledges appertaining to their Estates or Persons or any Offices or Places which they hold Summon the best of their Cares and Industry to maintain them and shall it be a crime or disgrace to the Kings Servants either to be entituled unto or endeavor to Assert them Shall it be deemed just Legal and Rational that the City of London should be so carefull of their Customs and Liberties granted not only by King Hen●y the first but confirmed by divers Kings and Queens of England and many of their Acts of Parliament as no longer ago than in the year of our Lord 1669. to Claim in their Act or common Councel that no Citizen is to be compelled to plead without the Walls of their City and their Freemen are bound by Oath as well as by many Acts of Common Councel of that City not to Sue one another out of the City where they may have remedie in their own Courts and to maintain the Franchises and Liberties thereof and that the Warrant of leuetur quaerela for the removing of any Action or Plaint depending in any of the Sheriffs Courts of that City into the Mayors Court brought by a Serjeant at Mace and Ministers of the Mayors Court shall not be refused or shall it be taken or beleeved to be inconvenient for that City or their Freemen to be drawn or enforced to Plead or be Prosecuted out of their own Courts And shall it not be as reasonable for the King in the case of his own Houshold and Domestick Servants to protect them from being disturbed in his Service by any Arrests without his Licence Doth every Sheriff of England and Wales at his admission into his Office swear that as far as h● can or may he shall truly keep the Kings Rights and all that belongeth unto the Crown and shall not assent to decrease lessen diminish or conceal any of the Kings Rights or his Franchises and whensoever he shall have knowledge that the Kings Rights or the Rights of his Crown be withdrawn be it in Land Rent Franchises or Suits or any other thing he shall do his power to make them to be restored to the King again and if he may not do it shall certifie the King or some of his Councel thereof and can any Sheriff of England and Wales without the acknowledgment of a gross ignorance with any safety of their Oaths or Consciences knowingly Arrest or cause to be Arrested any of the Kings Servants against the Will of his or their Sovereign Doth a Custom or civility so far prevail with the Sheriffs of London and their Clarks as when any Action is entred against any Alderman of the City or the Sword-bearer or other Officer of the Lord Mayor they will not Arrest an Alderman man or take away the Lord Mayors Sword-Bearer from before him untill they have given them a civil and private notice thereof whereby to prevent the disgrace or give them time to provide against it or procure a Truce or quiet And shall the Servants of their Masters Master if they were not more justly than they entituled to their Antient and Legal Priviledges not be so much respected which his late Majesty thought to be as undecent as Inconvenient when upon some disrespects shewed by some of that City in their endeavors to inforce upon some of his Servants the Office of Constable or Church-warden he demanding of the Lord Mayor of London whom he had caused to Attend him upon that Complaint and
Occasion what was the Reason the Lord Mayors Officers were not to be put upon such Offices and was answered with a Reason given because they were to attend him Replied do not you think that to be a Reason as much or more in my case as your own Must Westminster the Abby or Church whereof was first founded by King Lucius a Brittish King upon a piece of Land so incult as it was called Thorney or the Island of Thornes then accompted to be two miles distant from London measured it may be unto Ludgate and after the better building and enlarging thereof by King Edward the Confessor honoured as it hath been ever since Regum nostrorum sepultura Regalium repositorium with the usual and designed place of the Buriall of our Kings and the Custody and keeping of the Royal Vestments and Ornaments used at their Coronations an Honourable Office and Trust now Claimed and enjoyed by the Dean of that Collegiate Church confess and acknowledge that by the happy Neighbourhood of our Kings Royal Palace near adjoyning together with their High Court of Chancery Courts of Justice and Exchequer the receipt of their once great and largely extended revenue attending therein help and succour of the Royal Houshold and Hospitality and those Crums of Comfort Meat and Drink and Provisions not used fragments broken meat offall and wast of the Wine and Food which dayly came from the many plentifully furnish'd Tables and expence of Victuals of the Kings house Servants and retinue Fed and Nourrished many of her Families by which and many Priviledges granted unto her by our Kings is now from a shrub come to be as one of the Cedars of our Lebanon and augmented and encreased from a few scattered Cottages Sheds Booths and Tents about the Abby and the Kings house and Palace to a Village from a Village to a Town and from a Town to a City with a Pomerium Fauzburgs or Suburbs so large as it stretcheth it self from Tutlefields in a continued Building and Streets to Temple-Barre and the Inns of Court and in many other places is so contiguously joyned to London as it makes her self to be as it were her younger sister And must she not blush at the same time that any of her Inhabitants should Exercise or be guilty of so foul an Ingratitude as to Arrest without Licence any of the Servants of the King whose Royal Progenitors and Predecessors have nursed and brought her to that perfection And hath London like the Members of the body natural found herself as to her retayling Trade to be the better when it was nearer to the head and heart and did therefore so follow the warmth and hopes of Gain and increase of Trade and Imployment thereby as she hath swelled her Suburbs bigger than her self As although her Forreign Trade is brought unto her from the Sea and Eastward yet she hath immensly built her self as the ingenious Mr. Grant one of her Citizens hath of late observed Westwards to be as near as she could unto her Kings Palace and his Courts of Justice which not only daily receiveth the feet of many of the people of the Nation but of Strangers coming as far as ever the Sheban Queen did to Solomon Can any of her Citizens be so stupid or ingratefully ignorant as not to understand that that great City and the Commerce and Gain thereof which is now so highly valued by them is and hath been by the Neighbour residence of our Kings and Princes and their Courts of Justice so greatly as it appears to be enlarged and multiplied in their Inhabitants Riches variety and Excellency of her Artificers Magnificence State and Beauty of her Churches and Buildings And hath so much extended her Trade and Merchandise both by Land and Sea through all the Circuite and Travails of the Sun and to the utmost parts of the Earth as her multitude of Ships at Sea and a floating Forrest as it were of them daily or weekly going out and returning home upon the River of Thames hath made her one of the greatest Emporiums in the World and Glorious in the midst of many Waters in so much as she hath by her strength and Honour at Sea and her Might and Interest at Land Hang'd the Shield and Helmet in her set forth her Comelines and made her self not only the Mistress of the Trade of our Isles at home but of our many growing rich Plantations in America And can that City of London the magazine of Mechanick Arts and multitudes of People as it is at this day and taketh her self to be not a little honoured by being called the Emperial Chamber of our Kings of England Have so little acquaintance with the Dictates of reason and gratitude or a care of their own Interest as to forget the Founders and Cause of that their Plenty and Happiness and upon every little occasion of a Debt or money owing them to Worry take by the Throte Arrest and Imprison any of the Kings Servants with the Pay me what thou owest me when more than half of it and much of it unjustly was gained of the Debtor and at the same time refuse to pay unto the King the Master of that Servant the debt of Gratitude Duty Honour Reverence good Manners and Civility which they owed unto him either of which would have shewed them the way to complain unto him of such and indebted or ill dealing Servant and Petition for his leave or Licence to Arrest or out-law him before they do it When they that do so much and undutifully undervalue his Courts Servants and Royal residence and Neighbourhood may be assured by the Annalls and Histories of England that their Predecessors in the Reign of King Richard the 2d when their Forreign and home Trade was not the Tenth of what it is now as the small Revenue of the Customs in the latter end of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth will manifest when the highest improvement of her Care and Carmardens discovery could bring her Customs and Profits by Merchandise but to 50000 l. per annum were so sensible of that Kings removal of his Court from London displeasure and Indignation heightned by a Riot committed upon the Servants and house of the Bishop of Salisbury Lord Treasurer for that one of the Bishops Servants had taken a horse loafe out of a Bakers Basket as he passed along the Streets for which notwithstanding the Mayor and Aldermen had appeased the Tumult the Liberties of the City were seised into the Kings hands the Mayor Committed to the Castle of Windsor and the Aldermen and some other substantial Citizens to other Castles a Warden appointed to Governe the City as they deemed themselves in a lost and ruining Condition untill by the special Suit of the Duke of Gloucester they had procured the King upon the Payment of Ten thousand pounds and many rich gifts presented to him and the Queen to return to London where with great joy they
senescalli marescalli manifestum dampnum non modicum and manifest prejudice of the Office of the aforesaid Steward and Mareschall and no small damage ad quorum officium non ad alium Summonitiones attachiamenta infra Palatium domini Regis pertineat faciend When as it belongeth to their Office or Places and not unto any other to make or cause summons or attachments within the Kings House or Palace etiam ad dampnum predict Comitis quinque mille librarum and likewise to the damage of the said Earl 5000 l. Whereupon the said Prior and Bogo confessing the Citation but pleading that they were ignorant that the place aforesaid was exempt and that they did not understand that any contempt was Committed against the King or any prejudice done to his Officers by the Citation aforesaid and in all things submitting unto the Kings grace good will and pleasure were Committed Prisoners to the Tower of London there to remain during the Kings Pleasure and being afterwards Bailed the said Bogo paid to the King a fine of 2000 marks and gave security to the Earl for 1000 l. which by the intercession of the Bishop of Durham and others of the Kings Counsel was afterwards remitted unto 100 l and the Prior was left to the Judgement or Proces of the Exchequer And upon a Citation served in the Kings Palace at Westminster in the 21 th year of the Raign of King Edward the first upon Joane Countess of Warren then attending the Queen upon a Libel of Divorce at the Suite of Matilda de Nyctford it was upon full examination of the Cause in Parliament adjudged the King being present in these words Quod praedictum Palatium Domini Regis est locus exemptus ab omni Jurisdictione ordinaria tam Regiae dignitatis Coronae suae quàm libertatis Ecclesiae Westmonaster maximè in praesentia ipsius Domini Regis tempore Parliamenti sui ibidem Ita quod Nullus summonitiones seu Citationes ibidem faciat praecipuè illis qui sunt de sanguine Domini Regis quibus major reverentia quam aliis fieri debet Consideratum est quod Officiar ' Committatur Turri London ibidem custodiatur ad voluntatem Domini Regis that the said Palace of the King is a place freed from all ordinary Jurisdiction aswel by reason of the Kings Crown and Dignity Royal as the Liberty of the Church of Westminster but more especially of the Kings presence in the time of Parliament so as none may presume to make summons or Citations there and especially to or upon those which are of the blood Royal to whom a greater Reverence then to others is due The Kings Palace at Westminster having as Sir Edward Coke saith the Liberty and Priviledge that no Citations or Summons are to be made with in it and that Royal Priviledge is saith he not only appropriated to the Kings Palace at Westminster but to all his Palaces where his Royal Person resides and such a Priviledge as to be exempted from all Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Regiae dignitatis Coronae suae ratione by reason of His Crown and Kingly Dignity The Circuit of our Brittish Ocean the Promontories with the adjacent Isles or parts encompassing our Britain from the North of England by the East and South to the West vindicated by our great and eminently Learned Selden being called the Kings Chambers do justly claim and are not to be denied Dimissionem velorum a striking or louring of Sail by the Ships of other Nations in their passage by any of our Admirals or Ships of War heretofore submitted unto and acknowledged by our late causelesly contending Neighbours the Dutch and French and was not only done by those Nations and all other strangers Ships in their passage by and through our Seas but by them and our own Ships in their sailing upon the River of Thames by the Kings Palace or House at Greenwich though he be not present by striking their Topsail and Discharge of a Cannon or Gun seldom also omitted in other Countries by Ships that pass by any Royal-forts or Castles of Kings in Amity with them as at Croninbergh and Elsenor in or near the Baltick Sea And no small Civility or Respect was even in a Forreign Countrey or Kingdom believed to be belonging and appropriate to the Residence in and Palace of a King of England and was not denyed to our King Edward the first in the 14 th year of His Raign when he was as Fleta tells us at Paris in France in alieno territorio in the King of France his Dominions where one Ingelram de Nogent being taken in the King of England's House or where he was lodged at Paris with some Plate or Silver-dishes which he had stollen about him Rege Franciae tunc presente the King of France being then in the House the Court of the Castellan of the King of France claiming the Cognizance or Trial of that Thief after a great debate thereof had before the King of France and his Council it was Resolved Quod Rex Angliae illa Regia Praerogativa hospitii sui privilegio uteretur gauderet that the King of England should enjoy his Kingly Prerogative and the Priviledge of his House and that Thief being accordingly tried before Sir Robert Fitz John Knight Steward of the King of England's House was for that offence afterwards hanged at St. German lez Prees The Bedel of the University of Cambridge was though he asked pardon for it committed to the Gaol for Citing one William de Wivelingham at Westminster Hall door and Henry de Harwood at whose Suit it was prosecuted committed to the Marshal and paid 40 s. Fine Which necessary and due Reverence to the Kings Courts or Palaces being never denied unless it were by Wat Tyler or Jack Cade and the pretended Holy-rout of the Oliver Piggs bred that laudable custome of the best Subjects of England and all other mens going or standing uncovered in the Kings Chamber of presence even in those houses where he is not Resident Privy-chamber Bed-chamber and Galleries the being uncovered or bare-headed when the Scepter and Globe Imperial have been amongst the Kings Jewels and Plate kept in the Tower of London being accompted one of the Kings Palaces shewed unto any which have desired to see them which the Prince of Denmark as also the Embassador of the King of Sweden have not lately denied and allows not the Ladies Wives or Daughters of Subjects the Daughters of the King and the Wife of the Prince or Heir apparent only excepted to have their trains carried up in the aforesaid separate rooms of State nor a Lord of a Mannor to Arrest or Sieze his Villaine in the Kings presence forbids the Coaches of any but the Kings or the Queens or Heir apparents Wife or their Children or of Embassadors introduced in the Kings Coach from Kings or a Republique such as Venice who in regard
Crown from whence they had their first Original and Being and might by their every years Forfeitures since of too many of them by misusers or non-users take the advantage thereof And those of the better sort which have received the Honor of Knighthood and do enjoy the Dignity and respects thereof and in their Title of Knight or Cniht according to the Saxon and High and Low Dutch Languages do bear the signification of a Servant or attendant in Military affairs and so Uriah in the preface to the seven Paenitential Psalmes in King Henry the 8ths Primer is called King Davids Knight and Servant and our Knights were as Sir Henry Spelman hath informed us antiently reckoned amongst the Famulos Thanos Ministr●s Regis amongst the Kings special and more remarkable Servants and do or should enjoy the Priviledges not to be Decenners or Tithing men that they and their eldest sons should be exempted from being cited to appear in the Court Leets or Hundreds are as saith Camden called Equites aurati because antiently it was lawfull only for them to Guild and beautifie their Armor and Caparisons for their Horses with Gold and by the Statute made in the 8th year of the Reign of King Henry the 5th concerning only what things may be Guilded and what laid on with Silver Knights Spurs and all the Apparel which pertaineth to a Baron and above that Estate are allowed unto that noble Order when all others under the Penalty of 10 times the value are prohibited Were not saith the Lord Chancellor Egerton by the course of the Court of Star-Chamber to be examined upon any Interrogatories which might disparage them those that are to be chosen for every County which should be the Worthiest and Wisest men to be in the House of Commons in Parliament are to be milites gladiis cincti Knights in Assises of novel disseisin mort d'ancester attaint grand assise or in Writs of right two of the discreetest Knights of the Shire where the Justices shall come shall be associated unto them three are to be in Commissions of Oyer and Terminer to hear and determine forcible Entries rnd Outrages done in their County no man but a Knight was capable to be a Coroner antiently an eminent Officer of the Crown and Realm of England a plaint from a base and inferior Court could not be removed but by the Testimony of four Knights an Infant holding Lands by Knight Service made a Knight was antiently as to his person out of wardship or pupillage a Knight inhabitant or resorting to any City or Town Corporate wherein is Conusance of criminal Pleas is not to be impannel'd in any Jury for the Triall of any Capitall crime when the Sheriff had received Tallies of the Kings Debtors although he was an Officer of Trust and whose Retorne or Answer was much credited yet was not his Certificate into the Kings Exchequer of that Faith or Credit in the case aforesaid except the same were Fortified with one part of a Chirograph or Indenture Sealed and the hands of two Knights Testifying the same no Constable or Castelaine was to distraine a Knight for Castle-guard or to Execute that Service in his own Person because he is Priviledged to do it by the body of another and the like in Service of War in regard of the Dignity of Knighthood in every Commission to take the acknowledgment of a Fine to be levied of Lands a Knight ought to be one of the Commissioners in grand Assise and Writs de fa●so judicio four Knights are to be Impannelled and not a less number in a Writ de perambulatione facienda and are so much valued and Intrusted above others as in Tryalls and Issues at Law where any of the Nobility or any Bishop is a party one Knight is to be of the Jury and are so more than many others Priviledged as their Armor and Horses as hath been before remembred are not to be taken in Execution there being so great an Honor appropriate and fixed to the degree of Knighthood as by the Law of Nations where their Knights are not also without many and great Priviledges an English Knight is not to be denyed that Honor Place and Reverence in all Forrein Kingdoms and Places where they shall have occasion to reside and Travell and are by other Nations as well as ours so much esteemed as they are not whilst they are Knights not to suffer any ignominous punishment and therefore S. Giles Mompesson and Sir Francis Michell Knights in the later end of the Reign of King James were degraded before they under went the Infamy inflicted upon them And so much were our Knights respected by our Laws as Hakelinus filius Joscii Quatribusches was in the time of King Henry the 2d fined 100 l. then a great Sum of Money for striking a Knight and Moyses de Cantebridgia 40 Marks because he was present when the Knight was compelled to Swear that he would not complain of the Injury done unto him Sir Francis Tyas a Knight in the Reign of King Edward the first recovered five pounds Damages in Wakefeild Court in Yorkshire a-against one German Mercer for Arresting the Horse of one VVilliam Lepton that was his Esquire and causing him to be unattended the Court Roll mentioning it to be ad d●decus dampnum praedicti Francisci quia fuit sine Armigero to the disgrace and damage of the said Sir Francis because he wanted the Service of his Esquire and a Ribauld or Clown that should without cause strike a Knight was as Britton saith to be punish●d by the loss of his hand that did it every man should owe so much to their benefactors as not to deny the King those regards and respects which are due unto him when the contempt or misusage of them cannot have any better effect than a dishonor of the King himself or be without a Reflection upon their Master and a disparagement to his Regal Authority which all the Histories and Monuments of former times have loudly Proclaimed to be dangerous both to King and people and do not seldome happen when Majesty is either contemned or neglected They who have no other to flye unto for help in in case of a denyall of their own Priviledges and can by his Favor and Justice procure a Writ of secta ad Curiam when a man refuseth to perform his Suit either to the County or Court Baron or de secta ad molendinum against one that refuseth to Grind his Corn at the Lords Mill quare obstruxit against one who having a liberty to pass through his Neighbours ground cannot do it by the owners threatning to hinder it essendi quietum de thelonio in the case of Citizens and Burgesses of any City or Town who have a Charter or prescription to exempt them from Toll through the whole Realm a Writ de fine Annullando to annull a Fine levied of