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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A51279 The life and death of Sr. Thomas Moore, who was Lord Chancelor of England to King Henry the Eight More, Cresacre, 1572-1649.; More, Thomas, 1565-1625. 1642 (1642) Wing M2630; ESTC R7630 170,245 434

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tell this reason thereof because she dyed soone after she had brought forth this childe but to haue bene a woman of more then ordinarie vertue that which Doctor Clement reporteth from SIR THOMAS his owne mouth of a vision which she had the next night after her marriage seemeth in my iudgement forcible to argue in which she sawe in her sleepe as it were ingrauen in her wedding ring the number and fauour of all her children she was to haue whereof the face of one was so darke and obscure that she could not well discerne it and indeede afterwards she suffered of one of her children an vntimelie deliuerie but the face of one of her other she beheld shining most gloriously whereby no doubt Sir THOMAS his fame and sanctitie was foreshened and presignifyed She brought forth before him to Sir Iohn two daughters one called Iane afterwards married to à noble gentleman Mr. Richard Staffretō Elizabeth wife to the worthie gētleman Mr. Iohn Rastall Iudge Rastall's father Sir Iohn after his first wife's death married successiuely two others whereof the last as I haue heard was called Alice one of the Mores of Surrey and great aunte to Sir William More whose sonne now liuing is Sir George lieftennant of the Tower a man little inferiour to his noble Anncestours if his religion were answerable to theirs This Ladie outliued her sonne in law Sir THOMAS dwelling vpon her Iointure in Hartfordshire at a Capitall messuage then called More-place now Gubbons in the parish of Northmimes but being a little before her death thrust out of all by king Henry's furie she dyed at Northall a mile from thence and lieth buried in the church there 2. Sir THOMAS MORE was borne at London in Milke-streete where the Iudge his father for the most parte dwelt in the yeare of our Lord 1480. in the twentieth yeare of Edvvard the Fourth Shortly after his birth God would shew by another signe how deare this babe was vnto him For his nurce chancing to ride with him ouer à water and her horse stepping aside into a deepe place putt both her and her Childe in great danger and ieopardie whose harmes she seeking suddenly to preuent threw the infant ouer a hedge into a fielde neere adioyning and after by God's helpe escaping safe also when she came to take him vp againe she found him to haue no hurt at all but sweetely smiled vpon her that it might well be sayd of him Angelis suis Deus mandauit de te ne forte offendas ad lapidem pedem tuum and not his foote only but his whole bodie 3. This was no doubt a happie presage of his future holinesse and putt his parents in minde that he was that shining Childe of whome his mother had that former vision wherefore his father had the greater care to bring him vp in learning as soone as his tender age would permit it and so he putt him to the Free-schoole of London called S. Anthonies where he had a famous and learned man called Nicolas Holt for his maister vnder whome when he had rather greedily deuoured then leasurely chewed his Grammar rules he outstripped farre both in towardnesse of witt and diligence of endeauours all his schoole fellowes with whome he was matched And being borne to farre greater matters his father procured him to be placed shortly after in the house of the most worthie prelate that then liued in England both for wisedome learning and vertue whose like the world scarcely had Cardinall Morton Archbishopp of Canterburie and Lord high Chancellour of England whose graue countenance and carriage was such that he easily allured all men to honour and loue him a man as Sir THOMAS MORE describeth him in his Vtopia of incomparable iudgement a memorie more then is credible eloquent in speach and which is most to be wished in Clergiemen of singular wisedome and vertue so that the King and the Common wealth relyed chiefly vpon this mans counsell as he by whose policie King Henrie the Seauenth both gott the Crowne of England from Richard the third the vsurper and also most happily procured the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke to be vnited by marriage In this famous mans house this youth learned most diligently aboundance of wisedome and vertue and now he beganne to shew to the world what man he was likelie to proue For the Cardinall often would make triall of his pregnant witt especially at Christmas merriments when hauing plaies for recreacion this youth would suddenly steppe vp amongst the players and neuer studying before vpon the matter make often a parte of his owne inuention which was so wittie and so full of ieasts that he alone made more sporte and laughter then all the players besides for which his towardlienesse the Cardinall delighted much in him and would often say of him vnto diuerse of the Nobilitie who at sundrie times dined with him that that boy there wayting on him whosoeuer should liue to see it would proue a maruelous rare man But when this most reuerend Prelate sawe that he could not profitt so much in his house as he desired where there were manie distractions of publike affaires hauing great care of his bringing vp he sent him to the Vniuersitie and placed him in Canterbury-Colledge at Oxford now called Christs-church where in two yeares space that he remained there he profited exceedingly in Rhetorick Logick and Philosophie and shewed euidently what wonders witt and diligence can performe when they are ioyned as seldome they are in one painefull student There his whole minde was sett on his booke for in his allowance his father kept him verie short suffering him scarcelie to haue so much monie in his owne custodie as would pay for the mending of his apparrell euen no more then necessitie required and of his expences he would exact of him a particular accounte which course of his fathers he would often both speake of and praise it when he came to riper yeares affirming that by this meanes he was curbed from all vice and withdrawen from manie idle expences either of gayming or keeping naughtie companie so that he knew neither play nor other riott wherein most yong men in these our lamentable daies plunge themselues too timely to the vtter ouerthrow as well of learning and future vertue as their temporall estates This strictnesse of his father increased in him also a great reuerence and obedience after vnto him againe in so much that in all his life after he was so dutiefull vnto him that he neuer offended nor contradicted him in anie the least worde or action still shewing towards him admirable deedes of humilitie euen at that time when in the eye of the world he farre surpassed his father in dignitie which may be seene by asking him blessing euerieday duly euen after he was Lord Chancellour of England and when he and his father mett publikely at Lincolnes-Inne or other
they haue raised in England and else where Thus did he by his words and deedes shew throughout the whole course of his life that all his thoughts trauailes and paines were only for the honour of God without respect either of his owne glorie or regarde of any earthlie cōmoditie For it may be seene by manie things as well deedes as letters how much he contemned the honours which were heaped vpon him daily by his Prince's speciall bountie and fauour towards him and my vncle Rooper testifyeth from his owne mouth in his latter daies that he professed vnto him that he neuer asked of the king for himselfe the value of one penny The like may be sayd of his contempt of riches and worldlie wealth but a fitter place to speake thereof may be had hereafter All which excellent endowments of his minde proceeded no doubt from the speciall fauour of Almightie God and the feruent zeale of this his seruat to attaine to perfectiō of all vertues He built a Chappell in his parish Church at Chelsey where the parish had all ornaments belonging therevnto abundantly supplyed at his charge and he bestowed there on much plate often speaking those wordes Good men giue it and badde men take it away He seldome vsed to feaste noble men but his poore neighbours often whome he would visite in their houses and bestowe vpon them his large liberalitie not groates but Crownes of golde yea more then that according to their wants He hired a house also for manie aged people in Chelsey whome he daily relieued and it was my aunte Rooper's charge to see them want nothing And when he was a priuate lawyer he would take no fees of poore folkes widowes nor pupills 2. A little before he was preferred to the dignitie of Chancellourshipp there were questions propounded to manie whether the king in the case of his first marriage needed haue anie scruple at all and if he had what way were best to deliuer him from it The most parte of his Counsell were of opinion that there was good cause of scruple because Q. Catherine was married before to Prince Arthur king Henrie's elder brother wherefore she was not to be wife to two brothers and therefore to ease the king's minde suite was to be made to the pope and the Sea of Rome where the king hoped by liberall guifts to obtaine what he desired but in this as after it appeared he was farre deceaued After this there was a Commission procured from Rome for triall and examination of this marriage in which the Cardinalls Wolsey and Campegius were ioyned togeather who for the determination hereof sate at the Black Fryers at London where a bill was putt in for the annulling of the former matrimonie alleadging that that marriage was vtterly vnlawfull but on the orher side for proofe that it was lawfull and good a Dispensation was brought forth which was of verie good force as touching the power which the Pope had to dispēce in a law that was neither contrarie to Gods positiue law in the olde Testament but rather agreable thereto nor to the law of Nature and it was commaunded in Leuiticus that if the brother dyed without issue the next in kindred to him in a manner should be forced to marrie his wife But there was found an imperfection in the Dispensation yet that same was lawfully supplyed by a publike Instrument or briefe found in the Threasure of Spaine which was sent immediately to the Commissioners in England and so should iudgement haue bene giuen by the Pope accordingly that the first marriage stoode in force had not king Henry vpon intelligence thereof before the iudgement was pronounced appealed to the next Generall Councell Hincillae lachrimae hence came the deadly enmitie betweene the king and the Pope hence proceeded that bitternesse of king Henry that he commaunded none should appeale to Rome nor none should so much as goe thither no Bishops nor Spirituall men should haue anie Bulles of authoritie frō thence all spirituall Iurisdiction beganne now neuer before thought of to be inuested from God immediately vpon the Imperiall Crowne of England but this not all at once yea he grew afterwards vnto such height of malice that he caused the name of Pope to be raized out of euerie booke that could be found either printed or written He caused S. Thomas of Canterburie to be attaynted of high treason after he had bene three hūdred yeares accoūted a blessed Martyr of the whole Church yea so acknowledged by king Henry the second who was cause of his death but this king most strangely cast his sacred bones out of his renowned shreene after numbers of miracles and caused them to be burnt This was the strange passe king Henry was brought vnto doting on Anne Bullen though God knowes she had no qualities wherefore he should so doate on her as appeared euidently when for fowle matters he after a short time cutt of her head and proclaymed himself in open Parlement to be a Cuckolde which no doubt he neuer had bene if he had kept himself to his first vertuous wife Q. Catherine but all these things happened a good while after and manie other extreame violences and ensuing miseries as we doe see and feele as yet 3. Whilst those things were a doing as is beforesayd about the king's diuorce and nothing yet brought to anie conclusion the king sent Tunstall bishopp of Durham Sir THOMAS MORE Embassadours to Cambray to treate of a peace betweene him and the French king and Charles the Emperour in which iourney Sir THOMAS so worthily behaued himself that he procured in our league with the sayd Princes farre more benefitts to our realme then at that time was thought possible by the king and all his Councell insomuch that his Maiestie caused it afterwards openly to be declared to the people when he was made Chancellour how much all England was bound to Sir THOMAS MORE And now at his returne the king againe was verie earnest with him to haue him agree to his second marriage for which cause also it is thought and Cardinall Poole testifyeth it in a letter he made him the rather Lo Chancellour telling him that though the dispensation was good in respect of the lawes of the Church yet now it was found out to haue bene against the lawe of nature in which no dispensatiō could be had as Doctour Stokeley whome for that quirke foūd out he had lately preferred to the Bishopricke of London was able to instruct him with whome he willed Sir THOMAS to conferre in that point But for all the conferences he could haue with him Sir THOMAS could no way induce himselfe to change his former opinion therein Yet the Bishopp relating to the king their Conference so fauourably reported of Sir THOMAS MORE 's carriage therein that he sayd he found him verie toward and desirous to finde out good