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A42548 The history of the Church of Great Britain from the birth of Our Saviour, untill the year of Our Lord, 1667 : with an exact succession of the bishops, and the memorable acts of many of them : together with an addition of all the English cardinals, and the several orders of English monks, friars, and nuns, in former ages. Gearing, William.; Geaves, William.; Geaves, George. 1674 (1674) Wing G435B; ESTC R40443 404,773 476

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French for the Isles of Iersey and Guernsey 309 The Liturgy translated into Welch 175 Luther when he arose 142 M. GEneral Monk his story from page 363. ad 371 Marquess of Montrosse defeated condemned and executed 350 Queen Mary her Reign from 180. ad 206 Maximus a Christian Prince Governor of Britain 9 Marianus Scotus 35 Walter Mapez his verses setting forth the Church of Rome in her colours 67 Thomas Merks Bishop of Carlile faithful to King Richard the Second 108 Medvinus sent to Rome 2 Kingdom of Mercia why so called and what Counties it contained 9 Mercia divided into five Bishopricks 19 The Goods of three Orders of Monks seized into the hands of King Edward the Third 110 The number of Monasteries suppressed in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth 153 The number of those that suffered Martyrdom for the Gospel in Queen Maries days 194 Peter Martyr sent for into England made Canon of Christ-church in Oxford 169. Quits the Realm in Queen Maries days 184 His Letters to Queen Elizabeth 220 His Wives body taken out of her grave and burnt after his departure 184 Bishop Morton contrives the Union of the two Houses of York and Lancaster 135 Nine hundred Monks slain in S. Augustines Abbey in Canterbury 33 Murrey Regent of Scotland 233 His Death 236 The French Massacre 238 The Millenary Petition 269 Richard Middleton entitled Doctor Fundatissimus 107 Sir Thomas Moor a Great enemy to the Protestants he was beheaded the next moneth after Bishop Fisher 149 Moratus an old British writer 3 N THe Names of those that were Archbishops of Lo●don 3 Numbers of the Bishops Abbots Priors c. that were deprived in the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's Reign 213 George Nevil Archbishop of York his Prodigious Feast his Estate seized and his person Imprisoned 133 The Numbers of Colledges and Chaunteries Demolished in the Reign of King Henry the eighth 154 Kingdom of Northumberland subdivided into two Kingdoms viz. of Bernicia and Deira 10 Nuns of the Abbey of Ambresbury Convicted for Incontinency 51 Non-conformists in Queen Elizabeth's time of two sorts 229 231 James Nailor the Ring-leader of the Quakers publickly whipped pillored and Stigmatized 359 O OFfa King of Mercia founder of the Monastery of S. Albans bestoweth great lands upon it he was buried at Bedford 23 Osmond Bishop of Sarum deviser of that Service which after was observed in the whole Realm all Service Ordered to be secundum usum Sarum 39 Oswald second son of King Ethelfred converted by Aidan he disdained not to Preach to his Subjects and Nobles in the English Tongue 15 Oswald Bishop of Worcester Oswalds Law 31 William Occham the Author of the Sect called Nominales 112 The first use of Oaths in Ecclesiastical Courts in England 78 Oath of the King's Supremacy established 145 Writers for and against the Oath of Allegiance 272 The form of the Oath framed in the Convocation Anno 1640 319 The form of the Oath taken by every Student admitted into the Popish Seminaries 235 Oak of Reformation 167 Oliver Cromwel his Sory from 350 ad 361 The form of the Oath taken unto the Pope by every Popish Bishop at the taking of his Pall 139 Ordal for the trial of guilty persons 35 P PAtern Preacher at Lanpatern in Cardigan-shire 11 Pelagius born in Britain broacheth his Heresies publickly 7 Pelagianism condemned in Brittain in two Synods 8 S. Petrock Captain of the Cornish Saints 11 Paulinus baptizeth King Edwyn with all his Nobles and much people at York 15 Penda King of Mercia embraceth Christianity 16 Pleigmund Consecrateth seven Bishops in one day Mathew Parker Consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury Divers Bishops Consecrated him 212 Kellison's and Parson's slandering him to be Consecrated at the Nag's Head-tavern in Cheap-side 214 His Story 223 S. Paul's Church and Steeple in London burnt 222 Pope Pius Excommunicates Q. Elizabeth 235 The first setled Presbytery in England at Wandsworth in Surrey 237 Popish Priests and Jesuites executed 242 The Little Parliament 353 The Humble Petition and Advice Framed 358 Statute of Praemunire when enacted 117 Players forbidden by Proclamation in King Edward the sixth his time 161 Piers Gaveston surprized by Guy Earl of Warwick who caused him to be beheaded 106 The first Patent of a Commendu Retinere granted by the King to any Bishop Elect 84 Geoffry Plantaginet Archbishop of York his Story 52 53 Peruwigs and long hair forbidden in the Clergy 77 Priests forced to forgo their wives 42 When the Pope made his first encroachment on the Liberties of the English Crown 38 Cardinal Poole s reception into England 191 He absolveth the Parliament and whole Kingdom for withdrawing their obedience to the Church of Rome 192 Consecrated to the See of Canterbury next Sunday after Cranmer's death 202 English Ambassadours sent to Rome arrived there on the first day of the Papacy of Pope Paul the fourth Pembrock-colledge in Oxford founded 296 Pinckney the Provincial of the Augustine-friars and Dr. Shaa onely of all the Clergy engage for King Richard the third 134 135 Parsonages not exceeding ten Marks and Vicaridges ten pounds freed from First-fruits 152 King Philip Married to Queen Mary 190 A Great Plague in London 381 Hugh Pudsey Bishop of Durham made Earl of Northumberland by King Richard the first 48 Penry Barrow and ●●enwood condemned and executed 256 John Piers Archbishop of York derided by Martin Mar-prelate 256 Q QVeen's-colledge in Oxford when and by whom founded 111 Queen of Scots assumeth to her self the Style and Title of Queen of England 213 She flies into England and endeth her doleful life at Fatheringhay Castle She is buried in the Quire at Peterborough and twenty years after removed to Westminster 249 Queen Eleanor a solemn Anniversary instituted to be kept for her by King Edward the first her Husband 97 R ROmans forsake the Isle of of Britain 7 Rumold called Mechlinensis Apostolus 16 King Richard the first his Story 48 49 50 George Ripley a great Mathematitian 140 John Rouse a great Antiquary 140 King Richard the second his Story from 114 ad 118 Philip Rippinton of a Professour became a cruel persecutor of the Gospel He is made Bishop of Lincoln 121 Master John Rogers burnt in Smithfield the first Martyr in Queen Marie's 194 Cardinal Richlieu an Incendiary between King Charles the first and the Scots 313 When the word Recusant first came up 236 Reformed Religion advanced in Ireland 217 The Rites of the Church of England for a time remained the onely form of Worship for the Kirk of Scotland 216 Thomas Rudbourn a Monk of Winchester an old Writer 3 The Remish Translation cometh forth 247 Rogers his exposition on the thirty nine Articles of the Church of England 247 Roger a Monk of Chester and an Historiographer 113 Doctor Fulk and M. Cartwright their answer to the Rhemish Translation 247 Richard Cromwel his Story 361 362 S THat cruel Statute pro Haeretico comburendo first hanselled on William Sautre Priest
Alfred dedit probitasque laborem Perpetuumque labor nomen immixta dolori Gaudia semper erant spes semper mixta timori c. Englished by Mr. Flemming Nobility by birth to thee O Alfred strong in Armes Of goodness hath thy honour given And honour toilsome harmes And toilsome harmes an endless name Whose joyes ere alwayes mixt With sorrow and whose hope with fear Was evermore perplext If this day thou wast Conqueror The next day's War thou dread'st If this day thou wast Conquered To next day's War thou spread'st Whose cloathing wet with a daily swet Whose blade with bloody stain Do prove how great a burden 't is In Royalty to reign There hath not been in any part Of all the World so wide One that was able breath to take And troubles such abide And yet with Weapons weary would Not Weapons lay aside Or with the Sword the toilsomness Of Life by Death divide Now after labours past of Realm And Life which he did spend Christ is to him true quietness And Scepter voyd of end In this King's reign flourished Johannes Scotus Erigena with addition sometimes of Sophista born in Ireland for distinction from a former born at Melrose and another in the XIII Century born in Duns otherwise called Subtilis he was a man of pregnant Judgement wondrous Eloquence and in those days rare knowledge of the Greek Chaldean and Arabian Languages He wrote a Book De corpore sanguine Domini against the Opinion of Carnal presence which was condemned at the Synod of Vercelles Bellarmine Bellarm. de Euch. lib. 1. c. 1. saith This man was the first who wrote doubtingly of this matter He was the Counsellor to King Alfred and Teacher of his Children afterwards he retired to the Abbey at Malmesbury Z●pper de Calum haer●s Berengar where his disciples Murthered him with their Pen-knives being enticed thereunto by the Monks because he spake against the carnal presence and was accounted a Martyr as was recorded by William of Malmesbury de gest Reg. Ang. lib. 2. cap. 4. CENT X. AT this time there was no Bishop in all the West parts of England Pope Formosus being offended hereat interdicted King and Kingdom But Pleigmund Archbishop of Canterbury posted to Rome informing the Pope that Edward called the Elder the Son of King Alfred had in a late summoned Synod founded some new and supplied all old vacant Bishoprickes and carying with him honorifica munera the Pope turned his curse into a blessing and ratified their election The names of the seven Bishops which Pleigmund consecrated in one day were Fridstan Bishop of Winchester Werstan of Shireburn Kenulph of Dorchester Beornege of Selsey Athelme of Wells Eadulfe of Crediton in Devon and Athelstan in Cornwall of St. Petrocks These three last Western Bishops were in this Council newly erected A Synod was called at Intingford where Edward the elder and Guthurn King of the Danes in that part of England which formerly belonged to the East Angles onely confirmed the same Ecclesiastical constitutions which King Alured had made before King Edward remembring the Pious example of his Father Alfred in founding of Oxford began to repair and restore the University of Cambridge Joh. Rossius in lib. de Regib for the Danes who kept the Kingdom of the East Angles for their home had banished all Learning from that place This King Edward the elder expelled the Danes out of Essex Mercia and Northumberland At that time the authority of investing Bishops and other Ecclesiastical Benefices as also of prescribing Lawes unto Church-men as well as unto the Laity was in the power of the King not of the Pope but the Pope would be medling in such matters by way of Confirmation Athelstan his Son succeeded King Edward being much devoted to St. John of Beverley on whose Church he bestowed large priviledges Many Councils were kept in this King's Reign at Excester Feversham Thunderfield and London But one held at Greatlea is of greatest account for the Lawes therein enacted especially that concerning the payment of Tithes which is thus Written I Athelstan King Spelman in Concil p. 405. by advice of Viselm my Archbishop and of other Bishops command all the Prelates of my Kingdom in the name of our Lord and of all the Saints that first of all they out of my own things pay the Tithes unto God as well of the living Beasts as of the Corn of the ground and the Bishops to do the like in their property and the Presbyters This I will that Bishops and other Head-men declare the same unto such as be under their subjection c. He ordained that in every Burrough all measures and weights should be confirmed by the Bishop's advice and testimony About that time Hoel King of Wales made a Law That no Church-man should be a Judge in Civil affairs Now St. Dunstan appeareth in Court born at Glastonbury of Noble Parentage yea Kinsman remote to Athelstane himself His eminencies were Painting and Graving an excellent Musician and an admirable worker in Brass and Iron After a while he is accused for a Magician and banished the Court But after the Death of King Athelstane he was re-called to Court in the Reign of King Edmond Athelstan's brother and flourished for a time in great favour but his old crime of being a Magician and a wanton with Women being laid to his charge he is re-banished the Court. But King Edmond being slain by one Leoff a Thief Edred his Brother succeeding to the Crown Dunstan is made the King's Treasurer Chancellor Councellor Confessor Secular Priests were thrust out of their Convents and Monks substituted in their rooms But after Edred's death Dunstan falls into disgrace with King Edwin his Successor and being expelled the Kingdom flieth into Flanders Mean-time all the Monks in England of Dunstan's plantation are rooted up and Secular Priests set in their places Soon after many commotions happened in England especially in Mercia and Northumberland King Edwin died in the flower of his age Edgar succeedeth him and recalls Dunstan home Fuller Church History who hath two Bishopricks given him Worcester and London King Edgar gave over his Soul Body and Estate to be ordered by Dunstan and two more then the Triumvirate who ruled England viz. Ethelwald Bishop of Winchester and Oswald afterward Bishop of Worcester This Oswald was the man who procured by the Kings Authority the ejection of all secular Priests out of Worcester which Act was called Oswald's Law In that Age Dunstan being made Archbishop of Canterbury Antonin hist lit 19. part 3. ca. 3. Secular Priests were thrown out and Monks every where fixed in their rooms Many did dispute and preach against Dunstan And Alfred Prince of Mercia took part with the Priests Fuller makes mention of a fair and authentick guilded Manuscript wherein he stileth himself God's Vicar in England for the ordering Ecclesiastical matters a Title which at this day the Pope will hardly vouchsafe to
any Christian Princes Hoel-Dha then held a National Council for all Wales at Ty-quin or the White House The Canons therein were wholly in favour of the Clergy enacting this amongst the rest That the presence of a Priest and a Judge constitute a legal Court as the two persons only in the Quorum thereof There were then seven Episcopal Seats in Wales 1. S. Davids 2. Ismael 3. Degenian 4. Vsyl 5. Teylaw 6. Teuledauc 7. Kenew King Edgar died peaceably leaving his Crown to Edward his Son whom being under Age he committed to the tuition of Dunstan In this King's reign three Councils were successively called to determine the difference between Monks and Secular Priests The first was at Winchester where the Priests being outed of their Convents earnestly pressed for restitution Polydor Virgil writes that in the Synod it was concluded that the Priests should be restored But a voice was immediately heard from the wall as coming from a Crucifix behind Dunstan saying They think amiss that favour the Priests That was received as a Divine Oracle and the Priests were secluded from their Benefices and Monasteries A second Council was called at Kirtlington now Catlage in Cambridge-shire but to little effect The same year a third Council was called at Caln in Wilt-shire hither came Priests and Monks in great numbers Beornelm a Scottish Bishop defended the cause of the Priests with Scripture and Reason But on a sudden Dunstan by his Art caused the Beams or Joists of the Room where they were assembled to break and fall Catal. test verit many were wounded most of the Secular Priests were slain and buried under the ruines thereof only Dunstan was safe with his Chair that was fixed on a Pillar So the controversie was ended with devilish cruelty It appears not what provision was made for these Priests when ejected King Edward went to Corff-Castle where at that time his Mother-in-Law with her Son Egelred lay and by her contrivance he was barbarously murthered as he was drinking on Horse-back and was buried at Wareham and Ethelred Edward's half-brother succeeded him in the Throne Dunstan died and was buried on the South-side of the high Altar in the Church of Canterbury After his death the Monks were cast out of the Convent of Canterbury by reason of their misdemeanours Siricius the next Archbishop of Canterbury endeavoured the re-expulsion of the Priests which by Elfrick his Successor was effected By him a Sermon was appointed to be read publickly on Easter-day before the Communion The same Author hath two other Treatises one directed to Wolfsin Bishop of Shirburn and another to Wulfstan Bishop of York about the Sacrament Soon after the Danes by a firm Ejection outed the Monks before they were well warm in their Nests Their fury fell more on Convents than Castles England for these last sixty years had been freed from their cruelty which now returned more dreadful than ever before These Danes were also advantaged by the unactiveness of King Ethelred who with ten thousand pounds purchased a present Peace with the Danes The multitude of Monasteries invited the Invasion and facilitated the Conquest of the Danes over England Holy Island was forsaken by the fearful Monks affrighted with the approach of the Danes and Alhunus the Bishop thereof removed his Cathedral and Convent to Durham an Inland place of more safety The Danes having received and spent their Money invaded England afresh according to all Wise mens expectation CENT XI IN the beginning of this Century certain Danes fled into a Church at Oxford hoping the Sanctity thereof according to the devout Principles of that Age would secure them But by command from King Ethelred they were all burned in the place whose blood remained not long unrevenged The Danish fury fell fiercest on the City of Canterbury with fire and sword destroying eight thousand people therein Swanus the Dane tithed the Monks of S. Augustine's Abbey killing nine by cruel torment and keeping the tenth alive for slaves They slew there of Religious men to the number of nine hundred And when they had kept the Bishop Elphege in strait prison the space of eight months because he would not agree to give them three thousand pounds after many villanies done unto him at Greenwich they stoned him to death Next year a nameless Bishop of London was slain by them and a great part of the City of London was wasted with fire The Danes burnt Cambridge to ashes and harassed the Country round about King Ethelred sent his Wife Emma with his two Sons Alfred and Edward to Richard Duke of Normandy which was Brother to the said Emma with whom also he sent the Bishop of London whither also himself went after he had spent a great part of the Winter in the Isle of Wight whither he was chased of the Danes Swanus hearing that Egelred was departed out of the Land imposed great Exactions upon the people and among other he required a great sum of money of S. Edmond's Lands which the people there claiming to be free of all King's tribute denied to pay Hereupon Swanus entred the Territory of St. Edmond and wasted the Countrey threatening to spoil the place of his burial The men of the Countrey fell to fasting and prayer and soon after Swanus died suddenly crying and yelling among his Knights In fear whereof Canutus his Son and Successor ditched the Land of St. Edmond with a deep Ditch and granted to the Inhabitants thereof great Immunities quitting them from all Tribute and after builded a Church over the place of his Sepulture ordained there an House of Monks and endowed them with rich possessions After that time the Kings of England when they were crowned sent their Crowns for an offering to St. Edmond's Shrine and redeemed them afterward with a condign price After the death of Egelred great contention was in England for the Crown some were for Edmond Ironside the Son of Egelred and some for Canutus After many bloody Fights both parties agree to try the quarrel betwixt them two only in sight of both Armies they make the Essay with Swords and sharp strokes in the end upon the motion of Canutus they agree and kiss one another to the joy of both Armies and they covenant for parting the Land during their lives and they lived as Brethren Within a few years a Son of Edrik Duke of Mercia killed Edmond traiterously and brought his two Sons unto Canutus who sent them to his Brother Swanus King of Denmark willing him to dispatch them But he abhorring such a fact sent them to Solomon King of Hungary who married Edwyn to his Daughter and soon after died Edward married Agatha the Daughter of the Emperour Henry the Third Swanus King of Denmark died and that Land fell to Canutus who anon after sailed thither and took the possession and returned into England and married Emma late Wife of Egelred and by her had a Son called Hardiknout He assembled a Parliament at
Oxford wherein was agreed that English men and Danes should hold the Laws made by King Edgar as most just and reasonable He established Laws Ecclesiastical as well as Civil Canutus went on pilgrimage to Rome and there founded an Hospital for English Pilgrims He shrined the body of Bernius and gave great Lands to the Cathedral Church of Winchester He builded St. Bennet's in Norfolk which was before an Hermitage Also St. Edmond's-bury which King Athelstane ordained before for a Colledge of Priests he turned to an Abbey of Monks of Saint Bennet's Order Two of his Sons succeeded him first his base Son called from his swiftness Harold Harefoot a man of a cowardly disposition He reigned but four years and the Kingdom fell to Hardiknout King of Denmark his Brother who when he had reigned two years being drunk at Lambeth suddenly was stricken dumb and fell down to the ground and within eight dayes after died without issue of his Body Thus ended the Danish Kings which Danes had vexed and wasted the Land two hundred fifty five years When England was freed from the Danes they sent into Normandy inviting over Edward the Confessor and brother to King Edmond He was crowned Anno 1045. In his time was the Law made which concerned the King's Oath at Coronation Mathew Paris describes the Manners of the Countrey at his coming thus The Nobles were given to gluttony and leachery they went not to Church in the morning but only had a Priest which made haste with the Mass and Mattens in their chambers and they heard a little with their ears The Clergy were so ignorant that if any knew the Grammar he was admired by them most men spent nights and dayes in carousing In his dayes England injoyed Halcion dayes free from Danish invasions The Ecclesiastical Laws made by this King in his reign were I. That every Clerk and Scholar should quietly enjoy their goods and possessions II. What solemn Festivals people may come and go of without any Law-suits to disturb them III. That in all Courts where the Bishop's Proctor doth appear his case is first to be heard and determined IV. That guilty folk flying to the Church should there have protection not to be reproved by any but the Bishop and his Ministers V. That Tithes be paid to the Church of Sheep Pigs Bees and the like VI. How the Ordal was to be ordered for the trial of guilty persons by fire and water VII That Peter-pence or Rome-scot be faithfully paid to the Pope This King is reported to have entailed by Heaven's Consort an hereditary vertue on his Successors the Kings of England only with this condition that they continue constant in Christianity to cure the King 's Evil. In this King's reign lived Marianus Scotus that wrote much of the deeds of the Kings of England King Edward died childless Harold the Son of Earl Godwin succeeded him Indeed the undoubted right lay in Edgar Atheling Son to Edward the Outlaw Grandchild to Edmond Iron-side King of England But he being young and tender and of a soft temper and Harold being rich and strong in Knights the Nobles chose Harold to be their King As soon as he was crowned he established many good Laws especially such as were for the good of the Church and for the punishment of evil-doers Harold was slain in a battel near Hastings in Sussex and William Duke of Normandy obtained the Crown of England by conquest within a few years he made a great alteration in England the most part of his Knights and Bishops were Normans and many English with Edgar fled into Scotland where King Malcolm had married Edgar's Sister Margaret They incited Malcolm to invade England and he entred into the North part At last a peace was concluded and a Mark-stone was set up in Stanmoor as the mark of both Kingdoms with the Pourtraict of both Kings on the sides of the Stone Although then corruptions crept into the Church by degrees and divine worship began then to be clogged with superstitious Ceremonies yet that the Doctrine remained still entire in most material points will appear by an Induction of the dominative Controversies wherein we differ from the Church of Rome as Fuller in his Church-History of Britain hath observed I. Scripture generally read Bed Eccl. hist lib. 3. ca. 5. For such as were with the holy Bishop Aidan either Clergy or Laity were tyed to exercise themselves in reading the holy Word and in singing of Psalms II. The Original preferred Caradoc in Chron. of Cambridge For Ricemath a Britain a right learned and godly Clerk Son to Sulgen Bishop of St. David's flourishing in this Age made this Epigram on those who translated the Psalter out of the Greek so taking it at the second hand and not drawing it immediately from the first vessel Ebreis nablam custodit litera signis Pro captu quam quisque suo sermone latino Edidit innumeros lingua variante libellos Ebreumque jubar suffuscat nube latina c. This Harp the holy Hebrew Text doth tender Which to their power whil'st every one doth render In Latine tongue with many variations He clouds the Hebrew rays with his translation Thus liquors when twice shifted out and pour'd In a third vessel are both cool'd and sowr'd But holy Jerome Truth to light doth bring Briefer and fuller fetcht from the Hebrew Spring III. No Prayers for the dead in the modern notion of Papists For though we find prayers for the dead yet they were not in the nature of propitiation for their sins or to procure relaxation from their torments but were only an honourable commemoration of their memories and a Sacrifice of thanksgiving for their salvation IV. Purgatory then not perfected though newly invented For although there are frequent Visions and Revelations in this Age pretended thereon to build Purgatory which had no ground in Scripture yet it stood not then as now it stands in the Romish belief V. Communion under both kinds For Bede relateth that one Hildmer an Officer of Egfride King of Northumberland entreated our Cuthbert to send a Priest that might minister the Sacrament of the Lord's Body and Blood unto his Wife that then lay a dying And Cuthbert himself immediately before his own departure out of this life received the communion of the Lord's Body and Blood So that the Eucharist was then administred entire and not maimed as it is by the Papists at this day And though the word Mass was frequent in that Age yet was it not known to be offered as a propitiatory Sacrifice for the quick and dead King William to testifie his thankfulness to God for his Victory founded in that place Battel-Abbey endowing it with Revenues and large immunities The Abbot whereof being a Baron of Parliament carried a pardon in his presence who casually coming to the place of execution had power to save any Malefactor The Abby-Church was a place of safety for any Fellon or Murtherer Here the Monks
unto the King that there were many Robberies and Rapes and Murthers to the number of an hundred committed within the Realm by Church-men Thomas Becket Doctor of Canon-law was by the King made Lord Chancellor of England Four years after upon the Death of Theobald Becket was made by the King Archbishop of Canterbury Anno 1160. Thirty Teachers come from Germany into England and taught the right use of Baptism and the Lord's Supper c. and were put to Death Then John of Sarum and others taught that the Roman Church was the Whore of Babylon Some were burnt with an hot Iron at Oxford that dissented from the Roman Church The King Commanded that Justice should be executed upon all Men alike in his Courts but Thomas Becket would have the Clergy so offending judged in the Ecclesiastical Court and by Men of their own Coat This Incensed the King against him To retrench these enormities of the Clergy the King called a Parliament at Clarendon near Sarisbury to confirm the Antient Laws and Customs to which Becket with the rest of the Bishops consented and subscribed them but afterwards recanting his own Act renounced the same The same year the King required to have punishment of some misdoings among the Clergy The Archbishop would not permit and when he saw in his judgement the Liberties of the Church trodden under Foot he without the King's knowledge took Ship and intended toward Rome but by a contrary Wind he was brought back Then he was called to account for his Receipts that came to his hand while he was High-Chancellor He appealeth to the See of Rome and under pain of Excommunication forbad both Bishops and Nobles to give Sentence against him seeing he was both their Father and their Judge Nevertheless they without his consent gave Sentence against him Then he seeing himself forsaken of all the other Bishops lifted the Cross which he held in his Hand aloft and went away from the Court and the next day got him over into Flanders and so to the Pope Matthew Paris hath many Letters betwixt the Pope and this King and the King of France and sundry Bishops of France and England for reconciliation betwixt the King and the Archbishop who abode seven years in exile Thomas Becket quarrelled with Roger Archbishop of York for presuming to Crown Henry the King's Son made joint-joint-King in the Life of his Father a priviledge which Becket claimed as proper to him alone He solemnly resigned his Archbishoprick to the Pope as troubled in Conscience that he had formerly took it as illegally from the King and the Pope again restored it to him whereby all scruples in his mind were fully satisfied But afterward by the Mediation of the French King Becket had leave given him to return into England howsoever the King still retained his Temporals in his Hand on weighty considerations namely to shew their distinct Nature from the Spirituals of the Archbishoprick to which alone they Pope could restore him Thomas returning into England Excommunicateth all the Bishops which had been at the Coronation of the young King The King sent and required him to absolve them seeing what was done to them was done for his Cause but Thomas refuseth The next year after he Excommunicated solemnly the Lord Sackvill appointed by the King Vicar of the Church at Canterbury because he did derogate from the rights of the Church to please the King He also Excommunicated one Robert Brook for cutting off an Horses tail that carried Victuals to the Archbishops House The King being then in Normandy grieved very sore before his Servants at the insolent cariage of Thomas Becket This moved Sir Richard Breton Sir Hugh Morvil Sir William Tracey Sir Reginald Fitz-Vrse to return into England and coming to Canterbury they found the Archbishop in Cathedral Church at three a Clock in the After-noon and calling him Traytor to the King they slew him and dashed his Brains upon the floor His last words when he died were I commend my self and God's Cause unto God and to the blessed Mary and to the Saints Patrons of this Church and to St. Denis Here see the lightness of the People for the same Men that detested the pride of that Thomas began to Worship him after his Death Thus they sang of Thomas Becket Tu per Thomae sanguinem quem pro te impendit Fac nos Christe scandere quo Thomas ascendit By the Blood of Thomas which for Thee he did spend Make us O Christ to climb whither Thomas did ascend Multitudes of People flocked to Canterbury yearly especially on his Jubile or each fifty years after his enshrining an hundred thousand of English and Forreigners repaired thither The Revenues of peoples Offerings amounted to more than six hundred pounds a year Before Becket's Death the Cathedral in Canterbury was called Christ-Church it was afterward called the Church of St. Thomas though since by the demolishing of Becket's shrine the Church hath recovered it's Antient name King Henry protested himself innocent from the Death of Thomas Becket yet was he willing to undergo such a penance as the Pope would impose The Pope made him buy his Absolution at a dear rate He enjoyned him to suffer Appeals from England to Rome to quit his Rights and Claim to the Investitures to keep two hundred Men of Armes in pay for the Holy War of which pay the Popes Assignes were to be the Receivers and that in England they should celebrate the Feast of that glorious Martyr St. Thomas of Canterbury The words of the Bull are these We strictly charge you that you solemnly Celebrate every year the Birth-day of the glorious Martyr Thomas sometime Archbishop of Canterbury that is the day of his passion and that by devout Prayers to him you endeavour to merit the remission of your sins To make the satisfaction compleat King Henry passeth from Normandy into England stayeth at Canterbury strippeth himself naked and is whipped by diverse Monks of whom some gave him five lashes some three Concerning which penance Machiavel speaks thus in the first Book of the Hostory of Florence These things were accepted by Henry Le quali cose furono da Enrico accettare et sotto-Messe si à quel giudicio un tanto Reche hoggi un huomo privato si vergognarebbe sottomersi c. Tanto le cose che paiono sono piu da discosto che d'appresse temute and so great a King submitted himself to that judgement to which a private man in our dayes would be ashamed to submit himself Then he exclaimeth So much things that have some shew are more dreaded afar off than near hand Which he saith Because at the same time the Citizens of Rome expelled the Pope out of the City with disgrace scorning his Excommunication This was done in the year of our Lord 1170. as appeareth by these Verses Anno Milleno Centeno Septuageno Anglorum primas corruit ense Thomas In the year 1179. Lewis King of France
who had entertained Thomas at Sens passed over into England to Worship him and made his Devotions to his Relicks Then Richard Prior of Dover who divided Kent into three Archdeaconries was made Archbishop of Canterbury Fabian saith Fabian in Henry 2. He was a man of evil living and wasted the goods of the Church inordinately A Synod was called at Westminster the Pope's Legat being present thereat where was a great Contention between the two Archbishops of Canterbury and York for Precedency words begat blowes and the Archbishop of Canterbury's party pulled York from his Seat to the ground and tore his Casule Chimer and Rochet from his Back and put the Legat in such fear that he ran away The next day after York Appealeth to Rome Here the Pope interposed and to end old divisions made a new distinction Entitling Canterbury Primate of all England and York Primate of England King Henry died at Chinon in Normandy and was buried with very great Solemnity in the Nunnery of Font-Everard in the same Countrey a Religious House of his own Foundation and Endowment At that time were many Married Priests in Britain His Son Richard the first sirnamed Coeur de Lyon succeeded him and on September 3. was crowned at Westminster of Baldwin Archbishop of Canterbury Then this King ordained the City of London to be ruled by two Bailiffs The two first Bailiffs were Henry Chornhil and Richard Fitz-River In the time of the Coronation of the King multitudes of the Jews in this Land were destroyed The King in part of satisfaction for his trespass against his Father for Queen Elianor and his Sons had sided with the King of France against him agreed with Philip the French King to take upon them the recovery of the Holy Land Fabian Chron. King Richard gave over the Castles of Barwick and Roxburgh to the Scottish King for the sum of ten thousand pounds He passed away the Earldom of Northumberland unto Hugh Pudsey Bishop of Durham for a great sum of Money for term of life scoffing that he had made a young Earl of an old Bishop Besides by the commandment of Pope Clement the third a tenth was exacted of the whole Realm Fox Acts and Monuments The King set over the Realm as principal in his absence the Bishop of Ely his Chancellor and the Bishop of Durham whom he ordained to be Chief Justice of England Ely to have custody of the Tower with the oversight of all other parts of the Land on this side Humber and Durham to have charge over all other his Dominions beyond Humber The Pope also made William Bishop of Ely his Legate through all England and Scotland As for Men and Souldiers the Prelates Friars and other Preachers had stirred up innumerable by their manifold exhortations the Archbishop of Canterbury having travelled through Wales in Person for that purpose in Pulpits and private Conferences Then King Richard with some of our English Nobility who adventured their Persons in the Holy War crossed the Seas into France to Philip King thereof After some necessary stayes having passed the River Rhene at Lions they parted company Philip marching over the Alpes into Italy and King Richard to the Sea-side at Marsilia there to meet with his Navy King Richard's Fleet of Ships being not come he embarked himself in twenty hired Galleys and ten great Busses a kind of Shipping then peculiar to the Mediterranean Seas and set Sayl toward Messana in Sicily the Rendezvouz of both the Kings and their Armies In which passage King Richard lying at Anchor on occasion in the mouth of the River Tiber not far from Rome Octavianus the Bishop of Hostia repaired unto him desiring him in the Pope's name that he would visit his Holiness which the King denied to do alleadging that the Pope and his Officers had taken 700 Marks for Consecration of the Bishop of Mains 1500 Marks for the Legative power of William Bishop of Ely but of the Archbishop of Burdeaux an infinite sum of Money whereupon he refused to see Rome King Richard studying to fit himself for the great attempt he had in hand called before him his Archbishops and Bishops that accompanied him into a Chappel at the House where he was lodged where he made a penitent confession of his sins humbly Praying to God for Mercy and them as his subordinate Ministers for Absolution and God saith R. Hoveden respected him with the eyes of Mercy so that from thence-forth he feared God eschewing evil and doing good King Richard sent for Joachim Abbot of Calabria a Man of great Learning and Understanding in the Scriptures who at his coming he heard expounding the Apocalypse of St. John touching the afflictions of the Church and the state of Antichrist which saith he was then born and in the City of Rome of whom the Apostle said He should exalt himself above all that is called God Afterwards at the siege of Acres or Ptolemais in Palestine Radulphus de alta ripa Archdeacon of Colchester ended his Life there also died Baldwin Archbishop of Canterbury and Hubert Walter Bishop of Sarisbury afterward Archbishop of Canterbury was a most active Commander there besides many more of the eminent Clergy engaged in that service William Bishop of Ely playd Rex in the King's absence abusing the Royal Authority committed to him Acres was delivered to the King 's of England and France who divided the spoil of that City betwixt them King Richard after this and many other notable Atchievements in Palestine at his return from thence was taken Prisoner by Leopald Duke of Austria and detained by him with hard and Unprince-like usage whil'st the English Clergy endeavoured the utmost for his enlargement His fine was an hundred and fifty thousand Marks to be paid part to the Duke of Austria part to Henry VI. Emperor of Germany Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury with much diligence perfected the work and on his ransom paid King Richard returned into England Hubert Walter Archbishop of Canterbury had almost finished a fair Covent for Monks at Lambeth began by Baldwin his Predecessor but upon the petitions of the Monks of Canterbury to the Pope contrary to the King 's and Archbishop's desire the Covent at Lambeth was utterly demolished As this Richard was the first of the English Kings who bare Armes on his Seals so was he the first who carried in his shield Three Lions Passant born ever after for the Regal Armes of England This King 's daily exercise after his return was to rise early and not to depart from the Church till Divine Service were finished Moreover he bountifully relieved every day much Poor both in his Court and Towns about and restored Gold and Silver to such Churches from which to pay his ransom they had been taken away The Bishop of Beavois being also an Earl of the Royal Blood and the eleventh Peer of France valiantly fighting against John the King's Brother was taken Armed at all points and bravely
within this King 's hereditary Dominions in France presuming to elect a Bishop without his consent sent a Prohibition to them to preserve this Antient right of the Crown descended to him from his Ancestors The same year this King by his Charter commanded all Clerks then Imprisoned for offences throughout England to be delivered to Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury upon his demand of them Likewise he granted a Charter to the Bish of Norwich to recover all Lands and Tenements belonging to that Bishoprick unjustly alienated by his Predecessors The same year Geoffery Plantaginet Archbishop of York King John's base Brother obstructed the Levying of Carvage demanded and granted to the King by common consent paid by all others on the Demesn Lands of his Church or Tenants beating the Sheriff of York's servants excommunicating the Sheriff himself by name with all his Aiders and interdicted his whole Province of York for attempting to levy it Whereupon the King much incensed summoned him to answer these high contempts his not going over with him into Normandy when summoned and also to pay him three thousand Marks due to his Brother King Richard and by his Writs commanded all the Archbishop's servants where-ever they were found to be imprisoned as they were for beating the Sheriff's Officers and denying to give the King of the Archbishops Wine passing through York summoned Geoffery into his Court to answer all these contempts and issued Writs to the Sheriff of York-shire to seize all his Goods Temporalties and to return them into the Exchequer which was executed accordingly The King and Queen repairing to York the next Mid-lent the Archbishop made his peace with the King submitting to pay such a Fine for his offences as four Bishops and four Barons elected by them should adjudge and absolved William de Stutvil the Sheriff and James de Poterna whom he had excommunicated and recalled his former Interdict The same year there fell out a great difference between this Archbishop the Dean and Chapter of York and the Archdeacon of Richmond R. Hoveden Annal. part poster p. 817. The Praecentor's place at York falling void the Dean and Chapter would not suffer him to present Ralph de Kyme his Official to it but themselves gave it to Hugh Murdac Archdeacon of Cleveland the day after he had given it to Kyme And when the Achbishop would have put him into the Praecentor's Stall the Dean told him It belonged not unto him to put any man into a Stall neither shall you therein place him because we have given it by Authority of the Council of Lateran Whereupon when the Archbishop could not have his will he excommunicated Murdac he likewise injured Honorius Archdeacon of Richmond by challenging to himself the Institutions of Churches and Synodals against the ancient Dignities and Customs of the Archdeaconry which the Archbishop pretended Honorius had resigned and confirmed to him by his Charter which he denied The Dean and Chapter and Honorius severally complained of these injuries to the King who thereupon issued two Writs for their relief This Honorius Archdeacon of Richmond complained to the Pope as well as the King of the injurious encroachments of this Archbishop who suspended some of his Clerks interdicted some Churches within his Archdeaconry and excommunicated the Archdeacon all which the Pope in a special Letter requires him to retract as null and void He also sent three Epistles more the first to the Dean and Chapter of York the second to the Bishop of Ely and Archdeacon of Northampton the third to King John himself to defend Honorius his rights against the Archbishop's injuries and encroachments The Pope wrote a menacing Letter to the Archbishop but he was no way daunted at it but proceeded still against Honorius till restrained by the King's Writs Appeals being but then in their infancy and that not as to a supreme judicature but only by way of complaint as a voluntary perswading Arbitrator and that by the King's licence first obtained An Historical Vindication of the Church of England in point of Schism as learned Sir Roger Twisden truly observes The same year Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury intending to celebrate a Council at Westminster without the King 's special Writ thereupon the King being then in Normandy Geoffery Fitz-Peter Earl of Sussex being then Chief Justice of England sent a Prohibition to inhibit it yet the Archbishop held the Council wherein he made and promulged several Decrees Statuens ea a suis subditis inviolabiliter observari But those Decrees made concerning Procurations Fees for Orders Institutions Inductions Licences of Ministers c. were not esteemed obligatory nor were they regarded Lyndwood Aton and most Histories take no notice of them because made against the King's Prohibition The third year of King John Gilardus Archdeacon of Brecknock pretending himself to be elected Bishop of St. Davids in Wales with the King's consent by provision from Pope Innocent the Third intruded himself into the possession of the Temporalties thereof and likewise endeavoured to make it an Archbishoprick About that time a certain number of Greeks came from Athens into England and asserted that the Latins had erred from the way of Truth in the Articles of Christian Faith and they would shew the right way by invincible Arguments which all should receive if they will be saved This was reported unto King John He answered Our Faith is grounded upon the Authority of Christ and the Saints and I will not suffer that it be tossed with disputes and janglings of men nor will we change the certainty for uncertainty let me hear no more of you So they departed Gilardus had procured Pope Innocent's Procuration and Provision to elect him Bishop of St. Davids at which King John though then in Normandy with his Queen was much incensed and sent out four successive Writs and Proclamations directed to all the Clergy and Laity both of England and Wales in general and the Chapter of St. Davids in special strictly enjoyning them all to oppose and resist Gilardus his rash attempts and innovations against Him to their power according to their Allegiance and no wayes to aid or countenance him therein by advice or otherwise it being unjust to do it Giraldus notwithstanding all his pretended submission to the Archbishop proceeding afresh in the Court of Rome to obtain his ends thereupon the King issued out a severe Proclamation against him as a publick Enemy and disturber of the Peace of his Kingdom In the same year Pope Innocent takes upon him upon pretext of necessity for relief of the holy Land only to advise and recommend to all the Prelates of the holy Church the levying of the fortieth part of their Estates and Benefices and in what manner to levy it not absolutely to impose it to their prejudice Whence Matthew Westminster thus expresseth it Ad instantiam Innocentii Papae data est quadragesima pars redditum omnium Ecclesiarum ad subsidium terrae promissionis Therefore a
free Gift not an imposed Tax Neither would the King of England or France suffer it to to be levyed in their Realms by the Pope's Authority but only by their Royal Order Grant and Assent thereto But no Archbishop or Bishop did put this in execution The same year the King licensed Peter Builler by Charter to enter into what Religion he pleased Rex c. Omnibus c. Sciatis nos dedisse licentiam Petro Builler transferendi se ad quam voluerit Religionem inde has literas nostras patentes ei rei relinquimus in testimonium Teste meipso apud Barnevil 29 die Octobris The French King perfidiously breaking his Truce with King John made in the first year of his reign to carry on that War he not only demanded a supply of Moneys from his Nobility and Clergy but likewise from the Cistercian Abbots The same year the Church and City of Rhoan being consumed with fire King John granted them his Letters Patents for a liberal contribution throughout all England toward the repair of that Church principally for the Virgin Maries sake to whom it was dedicated then adored more than God himself This is the first Patent of such a Collection that we have yet met with Pious this King was in offering one ounce of Gold to God every Lord's-day and Holy-day which the Archbishop of Canterbury then offered and disbursed for him or claimed as his Fee being allowed it in the Exchequer upon his account In the fourth year of King John some Irish Bishops and Archdeacons Suffragans to the Archbishop of Dublin endeavoured without this King 's precedent License and Assent to elect an Archbishop and get him confirmed at Rome by the Pope against the King's Right and Dignity Whereupon he entred an Appeal against them before himself to Preserve his Right and Dignity therein The same year there being many contests between the Dean and Canons and Geoffry Archbishop of York who by his Archiepiscopal authority and violence did much oppress them the King upon their complaint by his Authority and Letters Patents granted them a Protection against Him and his Instruments In the fifth year of King John Godfrid Bishop of Winchester deceasing Petrus de Rupibus a Knight and great Souldier Vir equestris ordinis in rebus bellicis eruditus procurante Rege Johanne being chosen to the Bishoprick succeeded him who going to Rome Vbi magnis zeniis liberaliter collatis ad Ecclesiam Wintoniensem maturavit Episcopus consecrari This year the Men of Holderness refusing to pay their Traves due to St. John of Beverly out of their Ploughed-lands to the Farmer of them as they did to the Provost and Chapter before the King issued out a Writ to the Sheriffs of York to seize the Persons and Goods of those the Provost and Chapter should excommunicate and detain them till payment since He and his Tenants duly paid them out of his and their Demesnes In the sixth year of King John the Bishop Dean and Chapter of Durham the Dean and Chapter of York with sundry other Deans and Chapters Abbots and Priors within the Province of York to prevent the unjust arbitrary Excommunications Suspensions and Interdicts of Geoffry Archbishop of York against their own Tenants Lands and Possessions by reason of some differences between them concerning their Jurisdictions and Ecclesiastical Priviledges which they complained the Archbishop invaded appearing before the King at York did there in the King 's own presence appeal him before the See of Rome prefixing a certain day to which the King by his Letters Patents gave his Royal Testimony and Assent they not daring to appeal without his License About two years after King John and his Nobles meeting at Winchester placing his hope and strength in his Treasures required and received through all England the thirteenth part of all Movables and other things as well of the Laity as of all other Ecclesiastical Persons and Prelats all of them murmuring at it and wishing an ill event to such rapines but not daring to contradict it Only Geoffry Archbishop of York openly contradicting it privily departed from England and in his recess Anathematis sententia innodavit actually excommunicated all Men especially within his Archbishoprick making this rapine and levying this Tax and in general all Invaders of the Church or Ecclesiastical things for non-payment of this Tax wherewith this King was so highly offended that he seized his Temporalities and banished him the Realm till his death about seven years after Anno 1205. died Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury Before his body was yet committed to the earth the younger sort of the Monks elected Reginald their Superiour and placed him in the Metropolitan See without the King's License and knowledge who being sent unto by the elder sort of Monks requiring his gracious License to chuse their Archbishop consented thereunto requiring them also instantly at his request that they would elect John Grey Bishop of Norwich into that See which they also did And the King sent to the Pope to confirm it The two Suffragans of Canterbury not being made acquainted with the matter sent speedily to Rome to have both the Elections stopped whereupon arose a great tumult for the Pope condemning both their Elections created Stephen Langton with his own hand in the high Church of Viterbo Upon which occasion the King banished sixty four of the Clergy and Monks of Canterbury out of the Land Fox Acts and Monuments and sharply expostulated with the Pope for that he had chosen Stephen Langton a Man brought up long among his Enemies in France besides the derogation to the Liberties of his Crown threatening except he would favour the King 's liking of the Bishop of Norwich he would cut off the trade to Rome and the profits that came thither from the Land The Pope writeth in the behalf of Stephen Langton a froward and arrogant Letter and not long after sendeth a commandment and charge into England to certain Bishops that if the King would not yield they should Interdict his Realm For the execution whereof four Bishops were appointed viz. William Bishop of London Eustace Bishop of Ely Mauger Bishop of Worcester and Giles Bishop of Hereford who pronounced the general Interdiction through the Realm of all Ecclesiastical service saving Baptism of Children Confession and the Eucharist to the dying in case of necessity No sooner had they interdicted the Kingdom but they with Joceline Bishop of Bath as speedily as secretly fled out of the Land And the King took all the possessions of those Bishops into his hands He also proclaimed that all those that had Church-living and went over the Sea should return at a certain day or else lose their Livings for ever and charged all Sheriffs to enquire if any Church-man received any Commandment that came from the Pope that they should apprehend them and bring them before him and also take into their hands for the King's use all the Church-lands that
were given to any man by the Archbishop Stephen or by the Priors of Canterbury from the time of the election of the Archbishop England remained under the Interdict six years three months and an half whereby not only the King and his Court but also all the people of England who had nothing to do with that Quarrel were Excommunicated In that long time how many thousands of men died in England who by the Rules of the Roman Church and by the Pope's Judgment are eternally damned and that but for a Quarrel between the King and the Pope about some Investitures of Churches and Collations of Benefices and Money-matters Then saith Mathew Paris Matth. Paris who was an eye-witness of all that disorder All the Sacraments of the Church ceased in England saving only the Confession and the Communion of the Host in the last necessity and the Baptism of Infants The dead bodies were carried out of the Towns as if they had been the bodies of Dogs and buried by the High-wayes and in Ditches without Prayers and without service of Priests By the same Interdict all Masses Vespers all publick Service and ringing of Bells was forbidden and the Kingdom was exposed to rapine and prey and given to any that would conquer it Only the King was not excommunicated by name but that was done the next year after Next Pope Innocent deposed King John from the Kingdom of England and absolved the English from the Oath of their Allegiance and commanded Philip August King of France that for the remission of his sins he should invade the Kingdom of England with force of Arms giving to those that should follow the King in that Conquest the pardon of all their sins and the same Graces and Pardons as to them that visit the holy Sepulchre Whereupon the said King Philip partly to obtain the remission of his sins partly to make himself Master of England raised a mighty Army whilst Innocent was stirring up the English to rise against their King This moved King John to humble himself under the Pope and to receive such Conditions as liked him best The Conditions were That the King should yield unto the Pope the whole right of Patronage of all the Benefices of his Kingdom That to obtain Absolution of his sins he should pay to the Clergy of Canterbury and to other Prelates the sum of eight thousand pounds Sterling That he should satisfie for the damages done to the Church according to the Judgment of the Pope's Legat. That the said King should resign his Crown into the Pope's hand with his Kingdoms of England and Ireland for which Letters were formed and given to Pandulphus the Pope's Legat. King John being informed that his Archbishops Bishops and Clergy intended to hold a Council at St. Albans by the command of Pope Innocent the Third about the payment of Rome-scot against custom and sundry other unusual Exactions to the great destruction of the whole Realm upon complaint thereof by his Nobles and People issued out a Prohibition to them expresly forbidding them upon their Allegiance not to hold any Council there by the Popes or any other Authority nor to consult or treat of those things nor to act or ordain any thing against the custom of the Realm as they tendered his Honour or the tranquillity of the Kingdom until he conferred with the general Council of his Realms about it Thomas Sprot Speed 's History p. 571. During this Interdict Alexander Cementarius Abbot of the Benedictines at Canterbury Vir corpore Elegantissimus facie Venerabilis literarum plenitudine imbutus ita ut Parisiis celebris haberetur Magister et Rector et Lector in Theologia was sent by King John unto Rome where he openly pleaded and fomented the King's Cause against the Pope He maintained there That there is no Power under God higher than a King and That the Clergy should not have Temporal government He proved these two Articles by Scripture and Reason and by testimony of Gregory the First in an Epistle to Augustine Bishop of Canterbury Anno 1209. in the tenth year of King John Henry Fitz-Alan was sworn first Mayor of London and Peter Duke with Thomus Neal sworn for Sheriffs And London-bridge began to be built with Stone and St. Saviours in Southwark the same year He wrote three Books against the Popes Usurpations and Power viz. De Cessione Papali De Ecclesiae potestate De potestate Vicaria in defence of his Sovereign King John for which his Loyalty he was afterwards by the Pope's Power deprived of all his Benefices by Pandulphus the Pope's Legat after King John's surrender of his Crown and enforced to beg his Bread King John having seized and detained in his hands the Temporalties of the Archbishoprick of Armach in Ireland for that the Bishop was elected without his License against his Will and Appeal two Monks coming to him proffering him three hundred Marks in Silver and three Marks a year in Gold for to have the Lands Liberties and Rights thereof he by his Writ returned them to his Chief Justice there to do what was fitting in it John Reumond coming from Rome to lay claim to a Prebendary in Hastings sued to the King for his License and safe conduct to come into and return from England which he granted upon this condition that upon his arrival he should give security that he came hither for no ill to the King nor for any other business but that Prebendary The like License he granted to Simon Langton the Archbishop's Brother upon the same and stricter conditions King John sent a memorable Letter to the Pope by special Messengers to claim and justifie this ancient and undoubted Right which He and his Royal Ancestors enjoyed to provide and prefer Archbishops and Bishops to the See of Canterbury and all other Cathedrals attested by the Letters of the Bishops of England and other credible persons desiring him to preserve the rights of the Church and Realm of England entire and inviolable by his Fatherly provision Then the King entred into a League with Otho the Emperour Mat. Westminst and forced John King of Scots who received his fugitive Subjects and harboured them in his Kingdom to send to him for peace to pay him eleven thousand Marks to purchase his peace with him and to put in Hostages for his fidelity without any Fight between them Yea the the Welch-men themselves formerly rebellious soon after his return from Scotland voluntarily repaired to him at Woodstock and there did homage to him After which Anno 1211. he entring into Wales with a great Army as far as Snowdown Reges omnes Nobiles sine contradictione subjugavit de subjectione in posterum obsides viginti octo suscepit inde cum prosperitate ad Albani Monasterium remeavit Lewellin Prince of North-Wales being enforced to render himself to mercy without any Battel at all When the Pope's Absolution of the Nobles and all other Subjects from the
King's Allegiance would not shake his magnanimous resolution nor his Peoples loyalty P●ynne's History Book 3. ch 3. the Pope's Legats Pandulphus and Durance forged new devises to effect their designs by fraud and terror to which purpose they procured sundry Letters from divers Quarters to be brought unto him whilst he sate at dinner at Nottingham intending to set upon the Welch-men with a potent Army whom they had stirred up to rebel against him and invade England to divert him from his design all to this effect That there was a secret Plot laid to destroy him He marched to Chester where he met with new Letters to the like effect which caused him to dismiss his Army and design against the Welch-men Besides the Popish Priests set up one Peter an Hermite a counterfeit Prophet to terrifie the King and alienate the peoples hearts from him by his false Prophesies This counterfeit Sooth-sayer prophesied That King John should reign no longer than the Ascension-day within the year of our Lord 1213. which was the fourteenth from his Coronation and this he said he had by Revelation When the Ascension-day was come the King commanded his Regal Tent to be spread abroad in the open field passing that day with his noble Council and Men of Honour in the greatest solemnity that ever he did before solacing himself with musical Songs and Instruments most in sight of his trusty Friends This day being past in all prosperity and mirth the King commanded that Peter the Hermite that false Prophet should be drawn and hanged like a Traitor Now behold the misery of King John perplexed with the French King 's daily preparation to invade England assisted by many English male-contents and all the exil'd Bishops Hereupon he sunk on a sudden beneath himself to an act of unworthy submission and subjection to the Pope For on Ascension-Eve May 15. being in the Town of Dover standing as it were on tiptoes on the utmost edge brink and label of that Land which now he was about to surrender King John by an Instrument or Charter sealed and solemnly delivered in the presence of many Prelats and Nobles to Pandulphus the Pope's Legat granted to God and the Church of Rome the Apostles Peter and Paul and to Pope Innocent the Third and his Successors the whole Kingdom of England and Ireland Fuller's Church History Book 3. And took an Estate thereof back again yielding and paying yearly to the Church of Rome over and above the Peter-pence a thousand Marks Sterling viz. seven hundred for England and three hundred for Ireland In the passing hereof the King's Instrument to the Pope was sealed with a Seal of Gold and the Pope's to the King was sealed with a Seal of Lead This being done the King took the Crown off his Head and set it upon Pandulphus his Knees at whose feet he also laid his Scepter Robe Sword and Ring his Royal Ensigns as John de Serres relates and these words said he in hearing of all the great Lords of England Here I resign up the Crown and the Realm of England into the hands of Pope Innocentius the Third and put me wholly in his mercy and in his ordinance Then Pandulph received the Crown of King John and kept it five dayes in his hands and confirmed all things by his Charter Now the Pope's next design was how to take off and pacifie the French King from his intended Invasions and so sent the Archbishop and his Confederates into England there to insult over King John as they had done abroad Next year the Interdict was taken off the Kingdom and a general joy was over the Land The seventeenth of August following the exiled Bishops landed at Dover and were conducted in State to the King at Winchester the King 's extraordinary humbling to and begging pardon of them prostrating himself to the ground at their feet and their insolent carriage toward him is related by Matthew Paris The next day after their coming to Winchester the King issued out Writs to all the Sheriffs of England to enquire of their damages There were other Writs sent to the Kings Judges to proceed in the said Inquisition After this general compliance with them the King conceiving he had given them full content and setled all things in peace resolved to pass with an Army into Picardy whither the Nobles refused to follow him In the mean time the Archbishop Bishop Nobles meeting at St. Albans about the damages to be restored by the King to the Prelates during their exile fell to demand the confirmation of their Liberties granted by his Grandfather King Henry the first which the King condescended unto Soon after the Archbishop caused all the Bishops Abbots Priors Deans and Nobles of the Realm to meet together at London upon pretext of satisfying his and the exiled Bishops damages but in verity to engage in a new Rebellion against the Crown and confer it on Lewis the French King's Son as they did in the conclusion under pretence of demanding the confirming the Charter and Liberties granted by King Henry the first there produced by the Archbishop which the King had but newly ratified at St. Albans Pandulphus besides his former insolencies endeavoured to wrest out of the King's hand the power of imprisoning Clerks for Fellonies that so they might be at his own disposal and act any villanies with impunity King John being thus distressed sent a base and unchristian-like Ambassage to Admiralius Murmelius a Mahometan King of Morocco then very potent and possessing a great part of Spain offering him if he would send him succour to hold the Kingdom of England as a Vassal from him and to receive the Law of Mahomet saith Matthew Paris The Moor offended at his offer told the Ambassadours That he lately had read Paul's Epistles Modò inspexi l●brum in Graeco scriptum cuju●dam Graeci sapientis Christiani nomine Pauli cujus actus veroa mihi maximè complacent accepto Vnum tamen de ipso mihi displicet quod in lege sub quâ natus est non stetit sed ad alia tāquam transfuga inconstans avolvit which for the matter liked him well save only that Paul had renounced that Faith wherein he was born and the Jewish profession Wherefore he slighted King John as one devoid both of piety and policy who would love his liberty and disclaim his Religion A strange tender if true But Mr. Prynne proveth it to be a most scandalous malitious forgery of this Monk of St. Albans against the King for sequestring that Abbey Philip King of France together with his Son Lewis and his Proctor and all the Nobles of France Anno 1216. with his own mouth protested against this Charter and resignation to Walo the Pope's own Legat when purposely sent to them by Pope Innocent to disswade them from invading England as being then St. Peter's Patrimony not only as null void in it self for several Reasons but of
most pernitious example King John out of his piety to prevent profanations of the Lord's-day removed the Market of the City of Exeter from the Lord's-day whereon it was formerly kept to the Monday This King to ingratiate himself with the Romish Cardinals and Court granted them annual Pensions out of his Exchequer the Arrears whereof he ordered to be satisfied in the first place and likewise gave Benefices or Prebends to their Nephews and Creatures Moreover to gratifie Stephen Langton his great Enemy he granted the Patronage of the Bishoprick of Rochester to him and his Successors and to the Bishop of Ely he granted the Patronage of the Abbey of Torney Mr. Prynne who kept the Records of the Tower tells us that upon strictest search he could find no payment of the foresaid Annuity or Oblation to Pope Innocent by King John himself who granted it but only for one year before hand when he sealed his Charter who dying about three years after during which time his Kingdom was infested with Civil Wars between him and his Barons invaded by Lewis of France who was made King by the Barons in his stead his Lands Rents seized his Treasure exhausted and the People every where miserably plundered it is probable that ●here neither was nor could be expected any other punctual payment of it The Pope and his Legat Nicholas having in a manner bereaved King John of his Regal Dignity and Authority began forthwith to play Rex they usurped the Sovereign Authority both in Church and State presenting to all Bishopricks Matth. Paris Hist Anglic. p. 237 238. Abbies Spiritual promotions and Benefices then void without the Patrons consent by way of Provision and Collation to the prejudice of the Crown and enthralling of the Church of England not vouchsafing to consult either with the King himself the Archbishop or Bishops concerning their disposal This was the very original of Pope's Provisions and disposals of Bishopricks Abbies with all sorts of Spiritual promotions and Benefices in England no Pope presuming to confer any Bishoprick Benefice or Prebendary in France or England Vsque ad tempora Domini Innocentii tertii qui primus assumpsit sibi jus istud in tempore suo as the French Agent remonstrated to Pope Innocent the Fourth These Provisions soon overflowed the Church of England and France too for many succeeding Ages notwithstanding all oppositions and complaints against them Which the Archbishop and Bishops foreseeing perceiving withall the Legat more ready to gratifie the King and his Clerks in the disposal of Bishopricks and Ecclesiastical preferments than themselves meeting together at Dunstaple drew up an Appeal against his proceedings which he slighting and sending to Rome by Pandulphus together with King John's Charter so highly magnified the King and made such complaints to the Pope against the Archbishop and Bishops as frustrated their Appeal King John having satisfied and secured the damages of the Exiled Bishops and Monks before the Interdict released according to his agreement other Abbots Priors Clergy-men and Lay-men repaired to the Legat craving full satisfaction also for their damages sustained by the King's proceedings during the Interdict though never insisted on before The King issued out two Writs on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Lincoln to restore them to the possession of their Temporalties in the Cinque-ports and other places Yet on the contrary all the Bishops and Clergy-men who faithfully adhered to the King and communicated with him or any other excommunicated person or received any Benefices from them during the Interdict were by these Prelates now made their Judges and Pope's censures ordered to be suspended from all their Ecclesiastical Offices Benefices Preferments and ordered to appear personally at Rome before the Pope to be examined ere their Suspensions released except only such as had given satisfaction to the Church for this offence The turbulent Archbishop stirred up the Barons to a new Insurrection against the King about their Liberties who coming all to the King after Christmas Anno 1215. demanded the confirmation of their Charter who craved time to advise thereon till after Easter the Archbishop and two more becoming his Sureties that then he should give satisfaction to all of them The Barons against the time rather preparing themselves for a Battel than Conference with the King assembled together at Stamford with a mighty Army having Archbishop Stephen their principal Abettor who yet seemed to side with the King and was most assiduous about him The Barons marching as far as Brackley the King sent the Archbishp to treat with them who brought back a Schedule of their claimed Liberties with this Message That if he presently confirmed them not to them by his Charter they would force him to it by seizing all his Castles and Provisions Whereupon the King replied Why do they not also demand the Kingdom swearing never to enslave himself to such a concession The Archbishop returning with this peremptory Answer the Barons forthwith seized Bedford-Castle and were admitted into London the Citizens siding with them Whereupon the King appointed to treat with them at Running-mead whither the Barons came with armed multitudes from all parts of the Realm whereafter some parley the King granted them their desires not only for their Liberties specified in Magna Charta and Charta Forrestae which he then sealed and by his Writs commanded to be put in due execution but also that twenty five Peers elected by them to whom all were sworn to obey should force the King to observe these Charters if ever he receded from them by seizing all his Castles Juratum est a parte Regis Quod Anglicana Ecclesia libera sit c. It was sworn on the Kings part that the Church of England is free and all men of our Kingdom have and do hold all the foresaid Liberties Rights and Customs well and peaceably freely and quietly fully and wholly to themselves and their Heirs c. All the Barons and Commons of the Realm then and afterwards taking the same Oath The Archbishop and Barons thrust into this new Charter many Articles and Clauses for their own the Churches and Pope's advantage not extant in the Charter of King Henry the First as may be seen in Matthew Paris his History This Charter though it saved a great part of the King's Prerogative to petition him and his Heirs for Licenses to elect and for his Assent gave a great wound to his Ecclesiastical Supremacy and made all Chapters Covents Bishops Monks yea Popes and their Agents to slight his Regal Authority and Licenses too insomuch that he could prefer no person to any Bishoprick Monastery or elective Dignity but whom the Electors pleased to make choice of King John withdrawing and obscuring himself from his Bishops and Barons in the Isle of Wight sent Messengers secretly to Rome to complain and appeal to the Pope against their Treasons Rebellions and the Charters forcibly extorted from him whilst under
the Pope's protection who thereupon vacated the Charters Then the Archbishop to demonstrate his gratitude to King John for the Patronage and Royalty of the Bishoprick of Rochester newly conferred on him and his Successors delivered up Rochester Castle with all the Ammunition therein to the Barons King John after three months siege took it by force out of the Barons hands who proceeding in their Rebellions against the King the Pope excommunicated them The Pope's Agents gave the Archbishop a personal command to execute the Excommunication which he delayed to do whereupon they suspended him King John complained to the Pope of the Barons obstinacy and how the Archbishop refused to Excommunicate them Soon after there was a General Council held at Rome to which the Archbishop was summoned and there suspended from his Archbishoprick upon the King's complaints against him When this suspension of the Archbishop was executed the Pope commanded all his Suffragans and Subjects to disobey him till by his humiliation and giving sufficient caution for his future deportment he should demerit it A just retaliation inflicted by God's providence on this Arch-enemy to King John The Archbishoprick of York becoming void the King by his Letters Patents granted the Chapter of York a License to elect a new Archbishop in the presence of five Commissioners therein specially named and with their consents to prevent the Election of Simon Langton the Archbishop's Brother this being the first License after his forecited Charter to the Archbishop and Bishops for the freedom of Elections After which the King sent his Patent of Appeal to the Chapter of York in general termes not to Elect any Person for their Archbishop suspected to be an enemy to him to avoid all misconstructions of his former Charter for freedom of Elections He also secretly prohibited them to Elect Simon Langton by name to whom he would never give his Royal Assent This Chapter notwithstanding the King 's and Pope's Inhibition likewise to gratifie Stephen Archbishop of Canterbury Elected Simon Langton his Brother Archbishop of York And the Canons of York appearing in the Council at Rome justified their Election and presented Simon Langton to the Pope for their Archbishop Elect and pressed his Confirmation of him The Covent and Monks of Durham affronted King John in the Election of their Bishop whereupon he was enforced to make use of the Pope's and Legate's power and yet could not effect his ends But the Pope obtains His to dispose of all Elections and Bishopricks at his pleasure The same year the King with some strugling procured R. de Marisco to be Bishop of Winchester Yet we find not in any of our Historians that he was ever Consecrated Bishop of Winchester notwithstanding his Election and the King's approbation and Letters to the Pope's Legate on his behalf so that he miscarried in this design as he did in that of Hugh Foliot to St. Davids Neither did he succeed in his recommendation of three several Persons to the Prior and Covent of Ramsey Then the Monk's of Glastonbury prevailed with Money to have their Abbey severed from the Bishoprick of Bath and Wells and to be governed by an Abbot as formerly parting with ●o less than four Manors and the Patronage of six Benefices to Joceline Bishop of Bath and Wells and his Successors by way of composition to obtain this disunion Then the Pope exempted King John's Chappels from Episcopal Excommunication and Jurisdiction without the Pope's special command which by the Lawes of the Realm were exempted from them long before The Barons and the Londoners slighted the Pope's Excommunication and so doth Lewis of France the Ini●ition of the Pope and his Legate not to invade England In the mean time Lewis his Proctors at Rome pleaded that King John had no good Title to the Crown of England shewing Lewis his Title thereunto which put Pope Innocent to a great dilemma But the Pope himself became King John's Advocate as well as Judge not as King of England but onely because he was his Vassal Then was England miserably wasted by Lewis and his Army in the East and South and by King John in the West and North whereupon forty of the Barons became sensible of their error in rejecting King John and in calling in and Crowning Lewis for their King and being likewise informed by Viscount Melun on his death-bed upon his Salvation That Lewis and XVI others of his chief Barons and Earls whereof himself was one had taken an Oath That if ever the Crown of England were quietly setled on his Head he would condemn to perpetual Exile all the English who now adhered to him against King John as Traitors to their Lawful Sovereign and would actually extirpate all their kindred advising them timely to prevent their miseries and lock up his words under the Seal of secrecy thereupon addressed themselves with their Letters of submission to King John but before these Letters were delivered or any Answer returned the King was poisoned by one Simon a Monk of Swinshed-Abbey in Lincoln-shire of which poison he died When he saw his Death approaching he with penitent Confession of his sins and great Devotion received the holy Eucharist having the Abbot of Croxton both for his Bodily and Ghostly Phisitian and then not onely forgave all his Mortal Enemies but also sent Command to Henry his Son to do the like to whom he caused all present to Swear Fealty and sent Letters to all his Officers abroad to assist him After which he commended his Soul to God and his Body to be interred in the Church of Worcester Where he was afterwards solemnly buried near the Body of Bishop Wolston In this year 1216. flourished Walter Mapez Archdeacon of Oxford a very Witty Man who in his Verses painted forth in lively Colours the Life of the Pope the Affections and Rape of the Court of Rome the Excess and Pride of the Popish Prelates as may be Read in his Book Entitled Diverse Poems of the corrupt state of the Church He composed a Treatise Entitled Apocalypsis Pontificis Goliath by which name he signified that Antichrist was revealed in the Pope Also Praedicationem Goliath and other Treatises against the Pope and his Court and of the dayes of the Court of Rome Giraldus Cambrensis mentioneth him in his Mirror of the Church and saith That he was a Man in that Age in great estimation His Poetical description of the City Popes and Court of Rome I shall here set down Roma caput mundi sed nil caput mundum Quod pendet a Capite totum est immundum Trahit enim vitium primum secundum Et de fundo redolet quod est juxta fundum Roma capit singulos res singulorum Romanorum Curia non est nisi forum Ibi sunt venalia jura Senatorum Et solvit contraria copia numm●rum In hoc consistorio si quis causam regat Suam vel alterius hic inprimis legat Nisi det pecuniam
The King being under the Wardship of Peter Bishop of Winchester was on Whitsunday Crowned the second time at Winchester by Stephen Archbishop of Canterbury Soon after which there being a difference concerning the Bishoprick of Ely between Galfridus de Burgo Archdeacon of Norwich and Robert of York the Pope at last nulled both their Elections and ●onferred the Bishoprick upon John Abbot of Fontain who was Consecrated at Westminster The same year and day Hugh Bishop of Lincoln was Canonized a Saint by the procurement of the Archbishop He likewise caused his Predecessor Thomas Becket to be Translated Enshrined and Adored with great Solemnity Most of the English many of the French Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors Clergy and of other Countries were by the Archbishop's invitation present at Thomas Becket's Translation The translation and enshrining of Thomas Becket The King by the Legat's and his Council's advice changed the Heathenish and long-continued Trials in criminal Causes by Fire and Water into other ways of Trial and Punishments by Imprisonment or abjuring the Realm Benedict Bishop of Rochester Richard Bishop of Sarum Hugh Bishop of Lincoln William Bishop of Bath and Glastonbury Richard Bishop of Durham Henry Abbot of Ramsey and other Clergy-men were all made Justices Itinerants this year Henry Bishop of Landaff dying thereupon Pandulphus the Pope's Legate conferred it upon William Prior of Goldcliff William de Marisco Bishop of London of his own accord resigning his Bishoprick Eustachius de Faucumberge then Treasurer of the Exchequer was chosen Bishop of London whose Election was confirmed by the Legate Pandulphus This Legate sent a Letter to Peter Bishop of Winton and Hugh de Burgh to prohibit and suppress the Usury of the Jews taken from Christians and to stay a Suite brought by a Jew against the Abbot and Covent of Westminster before the Justices of the Jews wherein he exacted usury from them to the great scandal of Christianity and the King's dishonour and to joyn some discreet Persons with the Sheriff in each County for the collection of Amerciaments to prevent their Malice and Extortions About this time was taken an Impostor at Oxford having five wounds in his Body and Members sc in his Side Hands and Feet who counterfeited himself to be Christ with two Women his followers counterfeiting themselves to be the Virgin Mary the Mother of Christ and Mary Magdalen They were immured together with him without any Victuals and starved to Death Then was a Council held at Oxford under Archbishop Stephen where many Constitutions were made most of them being very useful to reform Extortions Abuses Procurations in Visitations the taking of any Fees for Letters of Order Funerals or Administring any Sacrament as also against Pluralities Non-residence and other abuses of Clergy-men Soon after this the Archbishop and the Bishop of Lincoln commanded by their Injunctions That none should sell any victuals to the Jews nor have any communion with them of which the Jews complaining the King issued a Writ to the Majors of Canterbury Oxford and Norwich to countermand the Bishop's Injunctions that all should sell victuals and other necessaries to them and that they should imprison every one refusing to do it till further order Then the Prior of St. Patrick of Dune in Jreland sent a Petition to the King to grant him and others some small Cell to reside in in England their Houses in Ireland being frequently burnt in the Wars for St. Patrick's and other Irish Saints sake whose Relikes he then sent to the King for a present The King to satisfie the Archbishop wrote a Letter to the Pope to give way for the return of his Brother Simon Langton into England out of which he was formerly banished as well as Excommunicated and deprived of all his Ecclesiastical Benefices for adhering to Lewis and contemning the Pope's Excommunications But we find not that the Pope consented to this request Our Kings by reason of their manifold Affairs in the Court of Rome relating to the Pope and other Forreign States usually constituted sometimes general otherwise special Proctors by their Letters Patents to implead and defend in their Names and Rights all matters there depending for or against them of which there are many different Formes in our Records King Henry standing in need of a subsidy from the Bishops and Clergy Pope Honorius thereupon sent his Bull to the Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors and Clergy entreating them to grant him a competent subsidy to be disposed of by common consent onely for publick benefit of the Realm leaving the grant free to the Bishops and Clergy to impose and proportion it This year sc 1225. the Archbishop of Canterbury and his Suffragans instead of granting the King a subsidy or punishing leacherous Clearks passed severe Decrees against their Concubines onely principally intended against the Wives of Clergy men whom they stiled Concubines in that Age. The Bishop of Cork in Ireland having obtained the King's Royal assent at the Pope's request to be Archbishop of Cassel taking a journey to Rome to procure it received his Writ for the restitution of his Temporalties after his return Then the Pope dispatched Otto his Legate into England with Letters to the King for his own filthy lucre The King assembling a Parliamentary Council of his Nobles and Prelates Otto read the Pope's Letters and Proposals wherein the detestable Avarice Extortion and Rapine of the Pope and Court of Rome were clearly discovered related by Matthew Paris Matth. Paris Hist Angl. Otto pursuing his Rapines in England by exacting Procurations from the Clergy was by the Archbishop's means suddenly recalled thence by the Pope to his great discontent and the prosecuting the Pope's former proposals committed to the Archbishop This year Pope Honorius the third sent his Bull to Geoffry de Lizimaco the King 's sworn Vassal absolutely subverting all Papal dispensations with Subjects just Oaths to their Sovereignes The Pope also sent prohibitory Letters to the King of England to stop his intended Military Voyage into France to recover his just Rights Then the King paid ten thousand Marks being all the Arrears of the sum granted by King John to the Pope by his Charter Godwin Catal of Bish p. 515.516 Richard de Marisco Bishop of Durham dying suddenly at Peter-borough-Abbey as he was posting to London with a great troop of Lawyers to prosecute his Suits against the Monks of Durham thereupon they bestowed this Epitaph upon him Culmina qui cupi tis Est sedata si tis Qui populos regi tis Quod mors immi tis Vobis praeposi tis Quod sum vos eri tis Laudes pompasque siti tis Si me pensare veli tis Memores super omnia si tis Non parcit honore poti tis Similis fueram bene sci tis Ad me currendo veni tis Upon his Death there grew a great difference between King Henry the third and the Monks of Durham about the election of a Successor
There was an Appeal about this Election pending before the Archbishop of York before whom the King constituted his Proctor by Patent But after two years expensive contests the Monks election of William Archdeacon of Worcester a Man Learned and honest saith Matthew Paris was cancelled at Rome Luke the King's Chaplain put by and Richard Bishop of Salisbury Elected Bishop by the Pope's favour the Pope onely gaining by such contests The Emperor Frederick the third being justly incensed with the publication of divers Libellous and Scandalous Excommunications of Pope Gregory IX against him in England and all other Kingdoms and Churches endeavoured to vindicate himself and his innocency against the Pope's calumnies by dispatching Letters into all parts and particularly into England These proceedings of the Pope against the Emperor so exasperated the Citizens of Rome that they expelled the Pope from the City and chased him to Perusium Anno 1228. died Stephen Langton Archbishop of Canterbury after whose death there grew a new contest between the King and Monks of Canterbury about the Election of a new Archbishop The Monks chose Walter de Hevesham a Monk whom the King refused to allow of resolving to make Richard his Chancellor Archbishop Walter posting to Rome to get Confirmation and Consecration from the Pope and the King's Proctors there excepting against him pressing the vacating of his Election and making Richard Archbishop with much importunity they could not prevail with the Pope or Cardinals to stop Walter 's Confirmation or promote Richard till they had promised in the behalf of the King unto the Pope the tenths of all things moveable from both his Kingdomes of England and Ireland Whereupon the Pope and Cardinals forthwith vacated Walter 's Election for his insufficiency and made Richard Archbishop So the Pope got two years payment of his annual pension granted by King John and a Tenth in promise Yet where the King gave his Royal assent to Bishops duly Elected by his License where there was no competition the Pope interposed not This Archbishop Richard going to Rome to complain against the King that all affairs of his Kingdom were disposed by the counsel of his chief Justice Hubert when he had there accomplished his designes against the King was presently taken away by sudden Death Then the King issued out a prohibition to the Monks of Canterbury not to do any thing prejudicial to the rights of his Crown nor to elect any Person Archbishop without his special License nor to send any Monks to Rome by the Pope's command to Elect an Archbishop there The Monks in pursuance of this Prohibition by the King's License elected John their Prior Archbishop whom the King by his Letters Patents approved desiring the Pope to confirm him and likewise made new Proctors in the Court of Rome concerning this Election And the King to promote his Affairs the better in the Court of Rome granted Annuities to some Cardinals to obtain that justice from them by such Pensions which he could not procure without them But yet the Pope vacated this second election as well as the first Hereupon the Monks proceed to a third election but this third Person was also cashiered by the Pope This See continued three years after Richard's death and Edmond _____ being nominated Archbishop by the Pope who sent him a Pall was consecrated by Roger Bishop of London in April Anno 1234. the King being present with thirteen Bishops in Christ-Church Canterbury Fuller Church-Histor lib. 3. In the year 1232. the Cavrsines first came into England proving the bane of the Land These were Italians by birth terming themselves the Pope's Merchants driving no other Trade than letting out of Money great Banks whereof they brought into England differing little from the Jews save that they were more merciless to their Debtors Now because the Pope's Legat was altogether for ready Money when any Tax by Levy Commutation of Vows Tenths Dispensations c. were due to the Pope from Prelates Convents Priests or Lay-persons these Cavrsines instantly furnished them with present Coin upon their solemn Bonds and Obligations These Cavrsines were generally hated for their Extortions Roger Black that learned and pious Bishop of London once excommunicated these Cavrssnes for their oppression but they appealing to the Pope their good friend forced him after much molestation to desist These Cavrsines were commonly known by the name of Lombards from Lombardy the place of their nativity in Italy And although they deserted England on the decaying of the Pope's power and profit therein yet a double memorial remaineth of them one of their Habitation in Lombard-street in London the other of their Employment a Lombard unto this day signifies a Bank for Usury or Pawns still continued in the Low-countries and elsewhere See here the Pope's hypocrisie forbidding Usury as a sin so detestable under such heavy penalties in his Canon Law whilst his own Instruments were the most unconscionable practisers thereof without any controul Elius Rubeas in Semidali Lib. 2. c. 3. 4. Elias Rubeus an English-man wrote a Book wherein he said That the Monks had converted Religion into superstition making salvation to consist in things of themselves vain and indifferent that there was no kind of men more blind in concupiscence or infamous for uncleanness than the Popish Clergy c. Certain years after one Laurence an English-man in a Sermon of his admonished the Church That a great danger hung over her head by the Monks that they were seducers and the Ministers of Anti-christ Matthew Paris informs us That Hubert de Burgo Anno 1232. being chief Justice of England the King 's principal faithful Counsellor the greatest opposer of the Pope's Usurpations and Extortions was by the power of the Pope and of Peter Bishop of Winchester suddenly removed from all his Offices and impeached of several Crimes some of them amounting to high Treason Hubert to prevent the rage of his Enemies fled to the Church of Merton and there took Sanctuary Whence the King commanded the Mayor of London by his Letters the Londoners being his mortal Enemies to pull him out forcibly and bring him to him alive or dead Which the Mayor and Citizens readily undertaking and marching thither with great Forces the King by the advice of the Earl of Chester suddenly countermanded them thence to their great discontent After which Godfry of Cranecumb whom the King sent to apprehend him in Essex with three hundred men armed finding the Chappel doors shut violently brake them open apprehended Hubert and carried him thence bound with cords a prisoner to the Tower of London This breach of Sanctuary being made known to Roger Bishop of London whose Diocess it was he tells the King that if the Earl were not restored to the Chappel he would excommunicate all the Authors of that outrage The Earl is accordingly restored but the Sheriffs of Essex and Hertford at the King's command with the Powers of their Countreys besiege the Chappel
About the same time Walter Bronescomb Bishop of Exeter and his Officials cited sundry of the King's Subjects and Officers into his Ecclesiastical Courts for Debts and Chattels that concerned not Matrimony or Testament Godwin Catal of Bish p. 326.327 and for Trespasses Free-holds and other things of which they had no legal jurisdiction Excommunicating and putting them to pecuniary Redemptions and grievous penalties and withall exacted illegal Oathes and obligations from them the King upon the complaints of Edmond Earl of Cornwall and his Officers and of the whole County of Cornwall of these his exorbitances issued a speedy Commission in the sixth year of his Reign to some Judges to enquire of hear and determine these his Exorbitancies and Usurpations before whom he was Prosecuted at the King's Suite to his dammages of 10000 l. which the Bishop denying in some sort appealed to the King Pope and Court of Rome from the King's Justices for which his high affront to the King's Crown and Dignity he was adjudged undefended ordered to satisfie the King his ten thousand pound dammages and likewise to answer his contempt for this his enormous Appeal to the Pope in affront of the King's Crown and Dignity before the King and his Council In the nineth year of King Edward the first John Peckham Frater Johan Peckham Cantuariensis Episcopus ne nihil fecisse videretur convocat Concilium apud Lambeth in quo non Evangelii Regni Dei praedicationem imposuit sed Constitutiones Othonis Ottobonis quondam Legatorum in Angliâ innovans jussit eas ab omnibas servari c. Thomas Walsingham in Edw. 1. Archbishop of Canterbury held a Council at Lambeth with his Suffragans of which Thomas Walsingham and others render us this account Frier John Peckham Archbishop of Canterbury least he might seem to have done nothing calleth a Council at Lambeth in which he imposed not the Preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God but innovating the Constitutions of Otto and Ottobon sometimes Legates in England commanded them to be observed of all Moreover he made sixteen Ecclesiastical Laws which are contained among the Provincial Constitutions The King suspecting the Archbishops and Bishops Loyalty and proceedings in this their Council sent a Writ to them strictly commanding them upon their Oaths of Fealty they had all taken to be faithful to him and defend his Crown and Royal Dignity in all things to their Power to observe this their Oath therein with all diligence and not to act agitate or assent to any thing against him or the ancient Rights of the Crown enjoyed by his Progenitors under pain of losing all their Temporalties But how far this Archbishop and his Suffragans were from obeying this Royal Mandate will appear by the Prologue to their Canons and Constitutions made therein wherein they highly extol Thomas Becket as a most glorious Martyr for opposing the antient Rights of the Crown as inconsistent with the Churches pretended Liberties and revived and confirmed the Constitutions of Archbishop Boniface and his Suffragans against which the King had solemnly Appealed to the Pope as prejudicial to the Rights Priviledges Customs Liberties of his Crown by several Canons made therein and the Excommunications re-published in it Vide Pryn. in Edw. 1. but more especially by the Archbishop's insolent Epistle to the King in answer to this his Royal Inhibition and Mandate sent unto them Archbishop Peckham Magnus robustus Antichristi satelles as John Bale not improperly stiles him in his Epistle to the King justifies what they had done wherein he advanceth the Ecclesiastical and Papal Jurisdiction Power Laws Canons far above the Regal to which all Princes and Temporal Laws ought to submit Sundry Canons and Converts of the Order of Sempingham this year turning Apostates and deserting their Houses in diverse Priories of that Order to the scandal of their Profession the King upon complaint issued a Writ to apprehend and punish them for it and to deliver such of them who were then apprehended to those of that Order to be chastised The King to prevent the imbezilling of the Rents Chalices Books Pat. 9. Edw. 1. Vestments Images Relikes Charters and Bulls of the Hermitage by Criple-gate granted the custody thereof in his Name to the Constable of the Tower for the time being This year the King recited and confirmed the antient Charter of King John to the Nuns of Ambresbury The King to advance Learning and for the good of the Church Priesthood and Common-wealth gave his Royal assent for translating the Friers of the Hospital of St. John in Cambridge into a Colledge of Scholars after the pattern and Rules of Merton Colledge in Oxford The Archbishop this year to supply his occasions entred into several recognizances to the Bishops of Bath and of Coventry and Litchfield two wealthy Prelates and great Usurers Pope Nicholas the third deceasing Anno 1280. and Pope Martin the fourth succeeding he in the first year of his Papacy sent two Friers into England intending by his Agents and Forreign Merchants to export or return out of England the six years Dismes therein collected and retained for Aid of the holy Land granted in the general Council of Lyons and convert them to his own or other uses King Edward upon notice hereof to reserve the Moneys for his Brother's expedition to the holy Land and supply the present exigences for defence of the Kingdom issued out a Writ to prohibit Merchants or others under pain of loss of Life and Member and all their Goods and Chattels to export or convay the said Dismes or any part thereof out of the Realm and to imprison all such who did the contrary to the Pope's great disappointment In the tenth year of King Edward the first Pope Martin sent a Bull to the King to require his Favour to and Protection of the Monks of the Order of Cluny whose piety he highly extolled The King now and then during the vacancy of Bishopricks disposed of some of their Stocks to others The Bishoprick of Durham becoming void by the death of Robert de Insula Anthony Beck being elected Bishop by the King's License and Confirmed and Consecrated Bishop thereof by Wickwane Archbishop of York Pat. 11. Ed. 1. in St. Peter's Church of York the King Queen and most of the Nobles of England being present the King issued out Writs for the restitution of his Temporalties and the stock thereon which he bought of the King Richard Swinsled being elected and Confirmed Bishop of Hereford by the King's License and assent he issued a Writ to restore his Temporalties John Peckham Archbishop of Canterbury resolved to visit all his Provinces more accurately and punish offenders more severely than in former times to prevent all obstructions by Appeals to Rome In this Visitation saith Mr. Prynne he domineered over his whole Province and subjugated it to his arbitrary Power which none of his Predecessors had attempted Vide Spelm. Concil Tom. 2. p.
his Coronation all the Knights Templers The Order of the Knights Templars abolished throughout Christendom throughout England were at once arrested and committed to prison In the General Council of Vienna this Order was utterly abolished through Christendom The French King caused fifty four of that Order together with their great Master to be burnt at Paris And the Pope and Council annexed their possessions to the Order of the Knights Hospitallers called commonly Knights of the Rhodes But in England the Heirs of the Donors and such as had endowed the Templars here with Lands entred upon those parts of the ancient Patrimonies after the dissolution of the Order and detained them until not long after they were by Parliament wholly transferred unto the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem Guy Guy Earl of Warwick surpriseth Piers Gaveston and causeth him to be beheaded Earl of Warwick surprised Gaveston carried him to his Castle of Warwick wherein a place called Blacklow afterwards Gaveshead his head was stricken off at the commandment and in the presence of the Earls of Lancaster Warwick and Hereford A great Battel was fought between the English and Scots at Bannocks-borough There perished in this Battel Gilbert Clare Earl of Glocester Robert Lord Clifford the Lord Tiptoft the Lord Marshal the Lord Giles de Argenton the Lord Edmond de Maule and seven hundred Knights Esquires and Gentlemen of Quality of common Souldiers ten thousand There were taken prisoners Humphry Bohun Earl of Hereford Ralph de Monthelmere who married Joan de Acres Countess Dowager of Oxford with many others The Earl of Hereford was exchanged for King Robert's Wife who was all this while detained in England This disaster was attended with Inundations which brought forth Dearth Dearth Famine Famine Pestilence all which exceeded any that ever before had been known Anno 1313. died Robert Winchelsey Archbishop of Canterbury in whose room Robert Cobham was elected by the King and Church of Canterbury But the Pope did frustrate that election and placed Walter Reynold Bishop of Worcester About this time died Pope Clement and John XXII succeeded who sent two Legats from Rome under pretence to make agreement between the King of England and the Scots They for their charges required of every Spiritual person four pence in every Mark but all in vain for the Legats as they were in the North parts about Derlington with their whole Family and Train were robbed and spoiled of their Horses Treasure Apparel and whatsoever else they had and so retired back again to Durham thence they returned to London where they first excommunicated all those Robbers Then for supply of those losses they received they exacted of the Clergy to be given unto them eight pence in every Mark But the Clergy would only give them four pence in every Mark So they departed to the Pope's Court again This King Edward refused to pay the Peter-pence In the time of this King the Colledge in Cambridge called Michael-house was founded by Sir Henry Staunton Knight King Edward the Second builded two Houses in Oxford for good Letters Orial Colledge and St. Mary Hall England may dare all Christendom besides to shew so many eminent School-Divines bred within the compass of so few years And a forreign Writer saith Scholastica Theologia ab Anglis in Anglia sumpsit exordium fecit incrementum pervenit ad perfectionem Of these School-men Alexander Hales leads the way Master to Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure He was in the time of Henry the Third At the command of Pope Innocent the Fourth he wrote the Body of all School-Divinity in four Volumes Roger Bacon succeeded him who lived in the time of King Edward the First he was excellently skilled in the Mathematicks The next was Richard Middleton entitled Doctor Fundatissimus Then flourished John Duns Scotus in the time of Edward the Second he was Fellow of Merton-colledge in Oxford He was called Duns by abbreviation for Dunensis that is born at Doun an Episcopal See in Ireland In this King's Reign Walter Stapleton Bishop of Exeter founded and endowed Exeter-colledge in Oxford It is charged on this King Edward the Second that he suffered the Pope to encroach on the Dignity of the Crown His Father had recovered some of his Priviledges from the Papal usurpation which since his Son had lost back again About that time an English Hermite preached at Paul's in London That some Sacraments that were then in use in the Church were not of Christ's Institution therefore he was committed to prison King Edward went into Scotland with another great Army King Robert thought so great an Army could not long continue therefore he retired into the High-lands King Edward wandred from place to place till many died for hunger and the rest returning home half starved James Douglas followed the English and slew many of them and King Edward himself hardly escaped Then a Peace was concluded at Northampton Anno 1327. That the Scots should abide in the same estate as in the dayes of King Alexander the Third the English should render all subscriptions and tokens of bondage and have no Land in Scotland unless they shall dwell in it In England the two Spencers ruled all things till the Queen and her Son who politickly had got leave to go beyond the Seas returned into England with a Navy and Army landing in Suffolk She denounced open war against her Husband unless he would presently conform to her desires The young Spencer was taken with the King at the Abby of Neath and is hanged on a Gallows fifty foot high Many Persons of Quality were sent down to the Parliament then sitting to King Edward to Kenelworth-castle to move him to resign the Crown which at last he sadly surrendered and Prince Edward his Son is crowned King The late King is removed from Kenelworth unto Barkley-castle where he was barbarously butchered being struck into the Postern of his Body with an hot Spit as it is commonly reported Among the Clergy besides Walter Stapleton Bishop of Exeter whose head the Londoners caused to be smitten off at the Standart in Cheapside only John Stratford Bishop of Winchester heartily adhered to him Robert de Baldock though no Bishop yet as a Priest and Chancellor of England may be ranked with these who attended the King and was taken with him in Wales Hence he was brought up to London and committed to Adam Tarlton Bishop of Hereford Many of the Bishops ungratefully sided with the Queen against her Husband and their Sovereign Walter Reynolds Archbishop of Canterbury led their Van preferred to that See at the King 's great Importunity and by the Pope's power of Provision Henry Burwash Bishop of Lincoln lately restored to the favour of King Edward yet no sooner did the Queen appear in the field with an Army against him but this Bishop was the first who publickly repaired to her Adam Tarlton Bishop of Hereford was the grand contriver of all mischief against the
was kept three years captive in St. Angelo Against Mendicants 1. Thomas Wilson Doctor of both Laws and say some Dean of S. Paul's a zealous Preacher and Disputant 2. William Ivy Canon of S. Paul's who wrote in the Defence of Richard Hill Bishop of London who Imprisoned two Mendicants for their proud Preaching But after Pope Paul the second had interposed herein concluding that this ought to be declared in all places for a dangerous Doctrine and worthy to be trodden down under all mens feet the controversie ceased At this time George Nevil brother to Richard Nevil the Great Earl of Warwick that set up and pulled down Kings at his pleasure was Archbishop of York He was famous for a prodigious feast made at his Installation unto which he invited as Guests all the Nobility most of the prime Clergy many of the Great Gentry of the Land The Bill of Fare may be read in Bishop Godwins Catalogue of Bishops Seven years after King Edward seized on all his Estate to the value of twenty thousand pounds among which he found so rich a Mitre that he made himself a Crown thereof The Archbishop he sent over prisoner to Callis where he was kept bound in extreme poverty justice punishing his former prodigality He was afterwards restored to his Liberty and Archbishoprick but went drooping till the day of his death It added to his sorrow that the Kingdom of Scotland Scotland freed from the See of York with twelve Suffragan Bishops therein formerly subjected to his See was now by Pope Sixtus freed from any further dependance thereon S. Andrews being advanced to an Archbishoprick and that Kingdom in Ecclesiastical matters made entire within it self whose Bishops formerly repaired to York for their consecration Anno 1473. in August John Goose sole Martyr in this King's Reign was condemned and burned at Tower-hill This man when ready to suffer desired meat from the Sheriff which Ordered his Execution and had it granted unto him I will eat saith he a good competent dinner for I shall pass a sharp shower ere I come to Supper King Edward IV. died April 9. 1483. In his Reign flourished Thomas Littleton a Reverend Judge of the Common-pleas who brought a great part of the Law into method which lay before confusedly dispersed and his book called Littletons Tenures Then John Harding Esquire wrote a Chronicle in English verse John Fortescue a Judge and Chancellor of England wrote divers Treatises concerning the Law and Politick Government Rochus a Charter-house Monk born in London wrote divers Epigrams William Caxton also wrote a Chronicle Miserable King Edward V. ought to have succeeded his Father but he by the wicked practice of his Unckle Richard Duke of Glocester chosen Protector was quickly made away The Protection of the young King's Person was by the last King appointed to Earl Rivers the Queen's brother and by the mother's side Unckle to the said Prince who kept his Residence and Court at Ludlow The Queen with the Earl Rivers her brother and with her Son Richard Lord Gray and other Friends being guarded with a strong power of Armed men and Souldiers intended to bring the Young King from Ludlow to London to be Crowned But the Duke of Glocester wrought so cunningly with the Queen that she dispatched messengers to her Brother and Son who though unwilling upon her request were perswaded to Disband and Cashier all their Souldiers and attended only with their own Menial Servants they set forward with the Young King towards the Queen They came to Northampton and soon after the Dukes of Glocester and Buckingham dismounted themselves in the Earls Inn being accompanied with great store of resolute attendants There they surprized the Earl Rivers and committed him to safe Custody Mart. Chron. in Edw. V. Then the two Dukes rode to Stonystratford where the King then was There they seized on Richard Lord Grey the King's half-brother and on Sir Richard Vaugham and some others all which they sent under a strong guard to Pomfret-castle where without any judicial sentence or legal trial they were beheaded upon the same day that the Lord Hastings who conspired in that action with the two Dukes lost his head The Queen with the rest of her Children enters the Sanctuary at Westminster The young King is brought to London and the Duke of Glocester by the contrivement of the Duke of Buckingham is made Protector of the King and Kingdom by the Decree of the Councel-Table and now he wickedly plotteth to make away the young King and his Brother and in order thereunto he laboureth first to get into his hands the Duke of York the King's brother And to that end the Archbishop of Canterbury was employed with instructions to procure the Queen to part with her younger son to accompany the elder The Protector having gotten both the brothers into his hand causeth them within few days in great pomp and State to be convayed through London to the Tower The Sunday following he caused Doctor Shaa at Paul's cross to blazon the Honourable birth and parentage of the Protector to relate his vertues to commend his valour to weaken the Fame and Honour of the deceased King Edward by reason of his lascivious wantonness with Shore's wife and others to bastardize all his Children because the King was in the person of Richard Earl of Warwick before his said marriage affianced unto the Lady Bona sister to the wife of the French King He also accused the Protector 's own mother of great incontinency When King Edward and George Duke of Clarence were begotten Then setting forth the worthiness of the Protector he supposed that the people could not chuse but receive him for their King Pynkney the Provincial of the Augustinian Friars who in the same place used so loud adulation lost his credit conscience and voice altogether These two were all of the Clergy who engaged actively on his party His Coronation was performed with more pomp than any of his Predecessors Soon after followed the murther of King Edward and his Brother Richard Duke of York After this bloody act having visited his Town of Glocester which he endowed with ample Liberties and Priviledges he took his journey towards York At a certain day appointed the whole Clergy assembled in Copes richly vested and so went about the City in Procession after whom followed the King with his Crown and Scepter apparrelled in his Circot Robe Royal accompanyed with many of the Nobility of the Realm after whom marched in order Queen Anne his wife Crowned leading in her left hand Prince Edward her Son Sir Th. Moores History of King Rich. 3. having on his head a demy-crown appointed for the degree of a Prince The Northern people hereupon extolled and praised him far above the Stars After this glorious pomp and a solemn feast having done all things discreet●y he returned by Nottingham and afterwards came to London whom the Citizens more for fear than love received in
all or most part to themselves The King grew Sick and weak in B●●y in which Estate Duke Dudley so prevailed upon him that he consented to a transposition of the Crown from his natural Sisters to the Children of the Dutchess of Suffolk His dying Prayer as is was taken from his mouth was in these words following Lord God deliver me out of the miseries of this wretched and sinful life and take me among thy chosen Howbeit not my will but thy will be done Lord I commit my Spirit to Thee O Lord thou knowest how happy it were for me to be with Thee yet for thy chosens sake send me life and health that I may truly serve Thee O my Lord God bless thy people and save thine inheritance O Lord God save thy chosen people of England O my Lo●d God defend this Realm from Papistry and maintain thy true Religion that I and my people may truly praise thy Name for Jesus Christ his sake Thus endeth the Reign of that good King Edward the Sixth sufficiently remarkable for the progress of Reformation but so distracted unto Sides and Factions that in the end the King himself became a prey to the strongest party which saith Dr. Heylin could not otherwise be safe but in his destruction contrived on purpose as it was generally supposed to smooth the way to the advancement of the Lady Jane Gray newly married to Guilford Dudley fourth Son to Duke Dudley to the Royal Throne King Edward being dead the Princess Mary hearing of her Brothers death and knowing her own right writeth to the Lords of the Council ●nd challengeth them for their doing making her claim to the Crown To whom the Council writeth again as to a Subject requiring her to rest so contented The Lady Jane was on the same day that these Letters were dispatched brought by Water to the Tower attended by a Noble Train of both Sexes from Durham-house in the Strand where she had been entertained as part of Dudley's Family ever since her Marriage When she came into the presence of the two Dukes her Father and Father in Law it was signified to Her by the Duke of Northumberland that the King was dead and that he had declared her for his next Successor in the Crown After a pithy speech the poor Lady found her self in a great perplexity But being wearied at last with their importunities and overcome by the entreaties of her Husband whom she dearly loved she submitted unto that necessity which she could not vanquish Hereupon the two Dukes with all the rest of the Lords of the Council swore Allegiance to he● And on the same day about five a Clock in the afternoon they solemnly caused her to be Proclaimed Queen of England France and Ireland c. in many of the principal Streets of London and after by degrees in most of the chief Cities Towns and places of greatest concourse In which Proclamation it was signified That by the Letters Patents of the late King Edward the Lady Jane Gray eldest Daughter to the Dutchess of Suffolk had been declared to be his true and lawful Successor to the Crown of England the same to be enjoyed after her decease by the heirs of her Body c. Which Proclamation though it was published in the City with all due solemnities and that the concourse of the people was great yet their acclamations were few The next day the Lords were advertised that many persons of quality were drawn together at Kenning-hall Castle in Norfolk to offer their service and assistance to the Princess Mary as the Earl of Bath Sir Thomas Wharton Son of the Lord Wharton Sir John Mordant Son of the Lord Mordant Sir William Drury Sir John Shelton Sir Henry Beddingfield Sir Henry Jerningham Sir John Sulierd Mr. Richard Higham of Lincolns-Inne It was advertised also that the Earl of Sussex and his Son were coming towards her with their Forces Therefore they perswade Duke Dudley to take the conduct of some Forces that might scatter those small companies before they grew unto an Head Swelled with vain-glory he suffered himself to be entreated to an action of such fame and merit as that which they presented to him So the Duke with the Marquess of Northampton the Lord Gray and divers others of note on July 14. 1553. set forward with eighth thousand Foot and two thousand Horse The Duke's March was slow In the mean time Edward Hastings the Earl of Huntingdon's Brother having an Army of four thousand Foot committed to him by the Duke of Northumberland left his party and went to the Lady Mary And six great ●hips which lay before Yarmouth to intercept her if she should attempt to fly now at the perswasion of Mr Jerningham came to her aid Upon news hereof the Lords themselves assembled at Baynards Castle first the Earl of Arundel then the Earl of Pembrook fell to Invectives against Northumberland and then all the Lords consenting with them they called for the Lord Mayor and in London Proclaimed the Lady Mary Queen She was also Proclaimed by divers other Lords and Knights in divers other Counties which the Duke being then at Bury hearing of he returneth to Cambridge and there himself Proclaimeth the Lady Mary Queen but the next morning he was arrested by Henry Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundel by Order from Queen Mary Together with the Duke his three Sons John Ambrose and Henry the Earl of Huntingdon Sir Andrew Dudley the two Gates Sir Thomas Palmer and Doctor Sands were committed to the Tower and the next day the Marquess of Northampton the Lord Robert Dudley and Sir Robert Corbet Before which time the Duke of Suffolk entring his Daughter the Lady Janes Chamber told her she must now put off her Royal robes which she willingly did Doctor Nicholas Ridley Bishop of London was also sent to the Tower on July 27. Sir Roger Cholmley Chief Justice of the King's Bench and Sir Edward Mountague Chief Justice of the Common Pleas the Duke of Suffolk were sent also to the Tower Sir John Cheek on the morrow after bringing up the Reer But the Duke of Suffolk Father to the Lady Jane was released within three days after The Duke of Northumberland together with John Earl of Warwick his eldest Son and William Marquess of Northampton were brought to their Trial on August 8. before Thomas Duke of Norfolk then sitting as Lord High Steward in Westminster Hall they all confessed the Indictment and received Judgment in the usual form The like Judgement passed on the morrow after on Sir John Gates Sir Henry Gates Sir Andrew Dudley and Sir Thomas Palmer The Duke was on August 22. beheaded and professed himself a Papist at his death whose Recantation the Papists published abroad with great rejoycing with him died also Sir John Gates and Sir Thomas Palmer which Palmer confessed the Faith he learned in the Gospel and lamented that he had not lived more as became the Gospel The Queen had dissolved her Camp at
suffered in the flames for the Gospel in this Queens dayes sixty four more were persecuted for their Faith and Profession whereof seven were whipped Fuller Church History sixteen perished in prison and were buried in dunghils many lay in captivity condemned but were released by the happy entrance of Queen Elizabeth and many fled the Land in those dayes of distress among whom were many persons of Quality as Katharine Dutchess of Suffolk last Wife of Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk with her Husband Richard Berty Esquire Sir John Cheeke Sir Richard Morison of Caishobury in Hertford-shire Sir Francis Knollys afterwards Privy Counsellor to Queen Elizabeth Sir Anthony Cook Father-in-law to Cecil after Lord Burghley and famous for his learned Daughters Sir Peter Carew renowned for his Valour in Ireland where he died Anno 1576. Sir Thomas Wroth of Middlesex the Lady Dorothy Stafford afterwards of the Bed-chamber to Queen Elizabeth and the Lady Elizabeth Berkley Some of the English Exiles seated themselves at Emden in East-Frizland a Staple Town of English Merchants John Scory late Bishop of Chichester was Superintendent of the English Congregation in Emden Some setled themselves at Weasel then in the Dominions of the Duke of Cleve but bordering on the Low Countries in the King of Spain's possession but they quickly left this place some of them went to Arrow a small City in Switzerland on the banks of the River Arrola belonging to Bern. The most eminent English seated themselves at Strasburgh as James Haddon Edwyn Sandys Edmond Grindal John Huntington Guido Eaton John Geoffry John Peader Thomas Eaton Michael Raymuger Augustine Bradbridge Arthur Saule Thomas Steward Christopher Goodman Thomas Lakin Humfrey Alcocson Thomas Crafton Some went to Zuric stiled the Students at Zuric viz. Robert Horn Richard Chambers Thomas Leaver Nicholas Carvil John Mullings Thomas Spencer Thomas Bentham William Cole John Parkhurst Roger Kelk Robert Beaumont Laurence Humfrey Henry Cockcraft John Pretio At Franckford on the Meine was the most conspicuous English Church beyond the Seas consisting of John Bale Edmond Sutton John Makebray William Whittingham Thomas Cole William Williams George Chidley William Hammon Thomas Steward Thomas Wood John Staunton William Walton Jasper Swift John Geoffry John Gray Michael Gill John Fox Laurence Kent William Kethe John Hollingham John Samford John Wood Thomas Sorby Anthony Carier Hugh Alford George Whetnal Thomas Whetnal Edward Sutton Besides these the first Founders of these Congregations many additional persons coming afterward out of England joyned themselves thereunto Now followed the sad troubles of Frankford rending these Exiles into divers Factions The English had a Church granted unto them in coparcenie with the French Protestants they one day and the English another Which was granted them with this proviso That they should not dissent from the French in Doctrine or Ceremony lest thereby they should minister occasion of offence The English constituted their new Church chusing a Minister and Deacons for a time and out of conformity to the French abrogated many things formerly used by them in the Church of England 1. They concluded there should be no answering aloud after the Minister 2. That the Litany Surplice c. should be omitted 3. Instead of the English Confession they used another framed according to the state and time 4. The same ended the people sang a Psalm in metre in a plain tune 5. That done the Minister prayed for the assistance of God's Spirit and so proceeded to the Sermon 6. After Sermon a general Prayer for all States and particularly for England was devised 7. Then followed a Rehearsal of the Articles of Belief which ended the people sang another Psalm 8. Lastly The Minister pronounced the Blessing and so the people departed Thus setled in their Church they write Letters to all the English Congregations at Strasburgh Zuric Emden c. to invite them with all convenient speed to joyn with them at Franckford This occasioned several reiterated Letters from Franckford requiring those of Zurich to weigh the necessity of joyning themselves in one Congregation Those of Zurich by many dilatory Letters excused themselves from coming thither But the main reason was those of Zurich were resolved to recede no whit from the Liturgy used in England under King Edward the sixth and unless coming thither they might be assured they should have the full and free use thereof they utterly refused any Communion with their Congregation Then came Mr. John Knox from Geneva and was chosen by the Congregation at Frankford for their Pastor At which time Mr. Chambers and Mr. Edmond Grindal came thither as Agents with a Letter from the Congregation of Strasburgh Troubles of Frankford p. 24. These made a motion that they might have the substance of the Common-prayer-book though such Ceremonies and things which the Country could not bear might well be omitted But Knox and Whittingham were as much bent against the substance of the Book as against any of the Circumstantials which belonged to it Hereupon Grindal and Chambers return back again to Strasburgh Knox and others in Frankford drew up in Latin a platform of the English Liturgy and sent it to Geneva tendring it to the judgment of Mr. John Calvin who answereth that in the English Liturgy he had observed multas tolerabiles ineptias many tolerable fooleries adding that there wanted that purity which was to be desired in it that it contained many Relicks of Popish dregs that seeing there was no manifest impiety in it it had been tolerated for a season because at first it could not otherwise be admitted But howsoever though it was lawful to begin with such beggarly rudiments yet it behoved the learned grave and godly Ministers of Christ to endeavour further and set forth something more refined from filth and rustiness This being sent unto Knox and Whittingham those who formerly approved did afterwards dislike the English Liturgy But in the end it was agreed on that a mixt form consisting partly of the order of Geneva and partly of the Book of England should be digested and received till the first of April In this condition of affairs Doctor Richard Cox the late Dean of Christ-church and Westminster first School-master and afterward Almoner to King Edward the Sixth putteth himself into Frankford March 13. accompanied with many English Exiles Being a man of great learning of great authority in the Church and one that had a principal hand in drawing up the Liturgy by Law established he could not patiently bear these innovations in it He thereupon first begins to answer the Minister contrary to the order there agreed on and the next Lord's-day after causeth one of his company to go into the Pulpit and read the Litany Against which doings of his Knox in a Sermon the same day inveigheth most bitterly affirming many things in the English book to be imperfect and superstitious for which he is both rebuked by Cox and forbidden to preach Hereupon Whittingham procureth an Order from
the holy Sacraments and partly for the Apparel of all Persons Ecclesiastical by vertue of the Queen's Majestie 's Letters Commanding the same January fifteenth c. In this year 1564. died the Emperour Ferdinand and Mr. John Calvin What Peter Lombard was esteemed to be in the Schools at Rome the same was Calvin reckoned to be in all those Churches which were Reformed according to the Zuinglian Doctrine in the point of the Sacrament Heylin's Hist of Q. Elizab. Yet the Royal and Prelatical Divines conceived otherwise of him saith Dr. Heylin and the learned Adrian Seravia though by birth a Dutchman Yet being once preferred in the Church of England could not endure to be called Calvinian About the middle of February the Lord Darly came to the Court of Scotland who being not fully twenty years old of lovely person sweet behaviour and a most ingenuous disposition exceedingly prevailed in short time on the Queen's affections About the middle of July the Marriage-Rites were celebrated in the Royal Chappel by the Dean of Restalrig and the next day the Queen having made him before Earl of Rosse and Duke of Rothsay the new Duke was proclaimed King by sound of Trumpet and declared to be associated with the Queen in the publick government The news whereof being brought unto Queen Elizabeth she seemed more offended than indeed she was But never was marriage more calamitous to the parties themselves or more dishonourable to that nation or finally more scandalous to both Religions in nothing fortunate but in the birth of James the sixth born in the Palace of Edenburgh on July 19. Anno 1566. Solemnly Crowned King of the Scots on the same day of the Month Anno 1567. and joyfully received to the Crown of England on March 14. 1602. Of such a temper were the devotions of the Church of England at this time that generally the English Papists L. Coke's charg given at Norwich Assizes 1606. and the Ambassadours of Forreign Princes still resorted to them For the first ten years of Her Majestie 's Reign the Papists in general came to our Churches In the beginning of the eleventh year of her Reign Cornwallis Beddingfield and Selyard were the first Recusants Now we are come to the setling the Episcopal Government by as good Authority as could be given to it by the Lawes of the Land By a Statute made in the last Parliament for keeping Her Majestie 's Subjects in their due obedience a power was given unto the Bishops to tender and receive the Oath of Supremacy of all manner of persons residing and dwelling in their several Diocesses Bonner was then Prisoner in the Marshalsey which being within the Borough of Southwark brought him within the Jurisdiction of Horn Bishop of Winchester by whose Chancellor the Oath was tendred to him On the refusal of which Oath he i● Indicted at the King's Bench upon the Stature to which he appeared in some Term in the year foregoing and desires that Council be assigned to plead his cause The Court assigns him Christopher Wray afterwards Chief-justice of the Common-Pleas that famous Lawyer Edmond Ploydon and one Mr. Lovelace But the business came under consideration in the following Parliament which began on September thirty where the Legality of Horn's Episcopacy which was objected against in the behalf of Bonner was cleered by Statute by which the Parliament did only publish notifie and declare the Legal Authority of the English Bishops whose call and Consecration to their place was formerly performed In the year 1566. Queen Elizabeth came to Oxford Honourably attended with Robert Dudley lately made Earl of Leicester and Chancellor of Oxford the Marquess of Northampton the Lord Burleigh and the Spanish Ambassadour She was lodged in Christ-Church where many Comedies were acted before Her Many Acts were kept before Her in Philosophy and one most eminent in Divinity She concluded all with a Latine Oration which you may read in Fuller's Church History as it was taken by Dr. Laurence Humfrey and by him Printed in the Life of Bishop Jewel Having stayed seven dayes she took Her leave of the University Anno 1567. Another Generation of Active Non-conformists succeeded the former Of these Coleman Button Benson and Halingham were the chief inveighing against the established Church-discipline endeavouring to conform the English Church in all things to that of Geneva To these three more may be added viz. William White Thomas Rowland Robert Hawkins all Beneficed within the Diocese of London This year these three were cited to appear before Edmond Grindal Bishop of London one who was not very forward to press Conformity The Bishop asked them this question Have we not a godly Prince speak is she evil To which they made their several answers in manner following William White What a question is that the fruits do shew Thomas Rowland No but the servants of God are persecuted under Her Robert Hawkins Why this question the Prophet answereth in the Psalms How can they have understanding that work iniquity spoiling my people and that extol vanity The Queen proceeded severely against some of them commanding them to be put in prison though still their party daily encreased And now to strengthen the Romish party two most Active fugitive Papists Thomas Harding and Nicholas Saunders return into England Very earnest they were in advancing the Catholick Cause and perverted very many to their own erroneous opinions A moneth or two after the Prince of Scotland's baptizing the King her Husband in the one and twentieth year of his age was in the dead time of the night by bloody barbarous hands was strangled in his bed and thrown forth into an Orchyard the house being blown up with Gun-powder The Queen afterwards marrieth Earl Bothwel but he is forced to fly out of Scotland And the Queen is thrust in prison at Loch-levin But what should be done with Her the Conspirators could not agree among themselves At length they extort from her a resignation of her Kingdom to her Son who was scarce thirteen moneths old But she being ill-used at home by her own Subjects made an escape into England and landed at Wirkington in Comberland and the same day wrote a letter in French to Queen Elizabeth The Countess of Lenox complaineth against her to Queen Elizabeth 〈…〉 ●list Cent. 〈◊〉 and besought her that she might be brought to her trial for the murther of her Son The Queen of Scots wrote a letter to the Pope to manifest her devotion to the See of Rome written from Castle Boulton Novemb. 30. 1568. Then Thomas Piercy Earl of Northumberland and Charles Nevil Earl of Westmorland brake out into open Rebellion against the Queen Their first valour was to fight against the English Bible and Service-book in Durham tearing them to pieces They set up Mass in most places where they came Richard Norton an aged Gentleman carrying the Cross before them and others bearing in their banners the five wounds of Christ or a Chalice
according to their different devices But the Earl of Sussex advancing out of the South with an Army to oppose them they fled Northwards and mouldered away to nothing Northumberland fled into Scotland lurked there awhile was betrayed to Earl Murrey sent back into England and beheaded at York Westmorland fled into Flanders where he long lived very poor on a small pension Many were executed by Sir Seorge Bowes Knight Marshal in every Market-town betwixt New-castle and Witherby Leonard Dacres the next year laboured to raise a New Rebellion but by the valour and vigilancy of the Lord Hunsdon his de●●● was seasonably defeated Commissioners were appointed by Queen Elizabeth to take cognizance of the cause of the Queen of Scots Murrey cometh to York being the City appointed for that purpose and with him seven of his Inwardest friends as Delegates for the Infant-King and for the Queen of Scots Delegates also appeared After Lidington's admonition to the Scots and the Scots Protestation the Delegates for the Queen delivered a Declaration in Writing Some few dayes after Murrey the Regent and the Delegates for the Infant-King gave in their Answer To this the Queen of Scots Delegates renewing again their former Protestation opposed their Replication Murrey refuseth to yield reasons for deposing the Queen Then were the English Commissioners Revoked and their Authority abrogated to the great rejoycing of the Duke of Norfolk who had ever favoured the Queen of Scots Title to the Succession to the Crown of England New Commissioners were appointed to hear and examine the matter but the matter cometh to nothing Murrey propoundeth to Norfolk a Marriage with the Queen of Scots yet spreadeth rumours against her The Queen of Scots was committed to the Earl of Shrewsbury Camden's Hist of Q. Elizab. Queen Elizabeth relieveth the Protestants in France Edicts being published there whereby the exercise of the Reformed Religion was utterly forbidden the Professors thereof removed from Publick Offices and the Ministers of the word commanded to depart the Realm within a prefixed time She also gratiously received the Netherlanders of whom a great multitude had withdrawn themselves into England as into a Sanctuary from the cruelty of the Duke of Alva John Story Doctor of the Lawes a great persecutor in Queen Mary's dayes being allured by a wile into a Ship which was reported to have brought over English Merchandises and Heretical Books the Master of the Ship presently set Sail and brought him into England where afterwards he was executed as a Traytor to his Countrey at Tyburn Then were the English Merchants in the Netherlands and Spain drawn into the Inquisition and condemned to the Galleys and their goods confiscate The old store of Papists in England began now much to diminish prisons consumed many Age more of their Priests and they had no place in England whence to recruit themselves Hereupon they resolved to erect Colledges beyond the Seas for English youth to have their education therein This project begun Anno 1569. was so effectually prosecuted that within the compass of fifty years nine Colledges were by them founded and furnished with Students and they with maintenance Doway-colledge in Flanders was founded 1569. by Philip the second King of Spain all the Recusants in E●gland were Benefactors to it The first Rec●●r was William Allen afterwards Cardinal He died Anno 1594. The second Thomas Worthington Rector Anno 1609. The third Matthew Kellison Rector 1624. Whereas the government of all other English Colledges belongs to Jesuites this onely is ruled by Secular Priests The second Colledge was at Rome founded Anno 1579. Pope Gregory the thirteenth exhibited maintenance first to six then to fourteen at last to threescore Scholars therein to the yearly value of four thousand Crowns The Welch Hospital in Rome founded and endowed many hundred years since by Cadwallader King of Wales for Welch Pilgrims with the Rich Lands thereof were conferred by the said Pope on this Colledge Now whereas Anno 1576. there were but thirty old Priests remaining in this Realm these two Colledges alone within two years sent above three hundred Priests into England The first Rector was Dr. Maurice The second Ferdinando a Neapolitan Jesuite The third Robert Parsons The fourth Thomas Fitz-herbert 1623. The third Colledge was founded by Philip the second King of Spain at Valladolit in old Castile Donna Luysa de Caravaial a rich Widow Lady in Spain gave all her estate being very great to this Colledge and came over into England where she died Father Walpool by pretending to have gained Mr. Pickering Wotton Son and Heir to the Lord Wotton to the Romish Church got above five hundred pounds to this Colledge Sir Francis Inglefield Privy Counsellor to Queen Mary forsaking his fair estate in Berk-shire in the first year of Queen Elizabeth was a bountiful Benefactor to this Colledge The fourth Colledge was of Sivil founded by Philip the second King of Spain Anno 1593. The fifth was at S. Omers in Artois founded 1596. by Philip the second who gave them a good Annuity for whose soul they say every day a Mass and every year an Obitum Their Rector generally is a Fleming though this Colledge be of English only The sixth Colledge is at Madrid in new Castile founded 1606. Joseph Creswel the Jesuite with money of the two Colledges of Valladolit and Sivil bought an House here and built a Colledge thereon The seventh a Colledge of Lovain in Brabant founded 1606. by Philip the third King of Spain who gave a Castle with a Pension to the English Jesuits to build them a Colledge therewith The eighth Colledge was at Liege in Lukeland founded 1616. The Archbishop of Collen being at this time also Bishop of Liege gave them a Pension to live on and leave to build a fair Colledge here Many of the English Nobility and Gentry under pretence of passing to the Spaw to recover their healths dropped here much of their Gold by the way The ninth Colledge was of Gaunt in Flanders founded 1624. by Philip the Fourth who gave them a Pension The Colledge of St. Omers generally is for Boyes to be taught in Grammar Rome for Youths studying the Arts All the rest for Men Novices or professed Jesuits save that Doway is for any of what age or parts soever It is incredible what a mass of money was yearly made over out of England for the maintenance of these Colledges having here their Provincials Sub-provincials Assistants Agents Coadjutors Familiars c. who collected vast sums for them The solemn Oath which each Student arrived at man's estate ceremoniously sweareth when admitted into one of these Colledges is as followeth I A. B. one bred in this English Colledge Continuation of Sanders de Schismat Anglicano p. 116. considering how great benefits God hath bestowed upon me but then especially when he brought me out of my own Countrey so much infected with Heresie and made me a member of the Catholick Church as also desiring
of Bavaria was invested in the upper Palatinate Anno 1624. The match with France was concluded and in November the Articles were sworn unto by King James Prince Charles and the French King The Articles for Religion were not much short of those for Spanish match Count Mansfield was at this time in England and the Forces raised in the several parts of the Kingdom for the recovery of the Palatinate were put under his command Dover was the place assigned for their Rendezvous where the Colonels and Captains were to receive their several Regiments and Companies from the Conductors employed by those several Counties where the men were raised These being long pent up in their Ships suffered the want of all necessaries by which means a Pestilence devoured many of them so that scarce a Third part of the men were landed the which also afterwards mouldred away and the design came to nothing At this time upon the death of William Titular Bishop of Calcedon most of the English Secular Priests did petition the Pope that another Bishop might be sent over into England there to ordain Priests give Confirmation and exercise Episcopal jurisdiction Among others Matthew Kellison and Richard Smith were presented Not long after Pope Vrban the Eighth created Richard Smith Bishop of Calcedon and sent him into England with Episcopal Authority over the Priests within the English Dominions King James after he had been troubled with a Tertian Fever four weeks at Theobalds called unto him his onely Son Prince Charles to whom he recommended the protection of the Church of England c. and died on the seven and twentieth day of March He Reigned twenty two years and three days The sad news of King James his death was brought to White-hall when Dr. Laud Bishop of St. David's was Preaching therein This caused him to break off his Sermon in the midst thereof out of civil compliance with the sadness of the Congregation And the same day was King Charles Proclaimed at Whitehall Shortly after King James his death Bishop Land delivered to the hands of the Duke of Buckingham brief memorables of the Life and Death of King James On May fourteenth following King James his Funerals were performed very solemnly in the Collegiate-church at Westminster King Charles in his own person mournfully attended the Funerals of his Father Dr. Williams Lord Keeper and Bishop of Lincoln Preached the Sermon taking for his Text 2 Chron. 9.29 30 and part of vers 31. containing the happy Reign quiet Death and stately Burial of King Solomon In this Sermon he made a parallel between two peaceable Princes King Solomon and King James adding that Solomon's vices could be no blemish to King James who resembled him onely in his choycest vertues Doctor Preston still continued and increased in the favour of the King and the Duke of Buckingham Then a Book came forth called Apello Caesarem made by Mr. Mountague then Fellow of Eaton upon this occasion He had lately written Satyrically enough against the Papists in confutation of The Gagger of the Protestants Now two Divines of Norwich Diocese Mr. Yates and Mr. Ward inform against him for deserting our Cause instead of defending it Mr. Mountague in his own Vindication writes a second Book licensed by Francis White Dean of Carlile finished and partly Printed in the Reign of King James Many bitter passages in this his Book gave great exception At that time a Schedule was delivered to the Duke wherein the names of Ecclesiastical persons were written under the letters of O and P Rushw Collect An. 1625. O standing for Orthodox and P. for Puritans for the Duke commanded that the names of eminent persons to be presented unto the King should be thus digested under that partition On Sunday June 12. Queen Mary landed at Dover Next day the King coming from Canterbury met her at Dover Thence his Majesty conducted the Queen to Canterbury and the same Evening the Marriage was there consummated On June 16. the King and Queen came both to London A Chappel at Sommerset-house was built for the Queen and her Family with conveniences thereto adjoyning for Capuchin Friers who were therein placed and had permission to walk abroad in their Religious habits Then began a Parliament at London wherein the first Statute agreed upon was for the more strict observation of the Lord's day Sir Edward Coke went to the House of Peers with a message from the Commons desiring their concurrence in a petition concerning Religion and against Recusants which being agreed to and presented to the King his Majesty answered That he was glad that the Parliament was so forward in matters of Religion and assured them they should find him as forward Mr. Richard Mountague was brought to the Bar of the Commons House for his Book fore-mentioned which was Printed and dedicated to King Charles But the King rescued him from the House of Commons by taking Mr. Mountague's business into his own hand The Plague increasing in London the Parliament removed to Oxford where Doctor Chalenor died of that infection The Parliament to prevent the growth of Popery presented a petition to his Majesty containing sixteen particulars to which they received a satisfactory answer from the King Mr. Mountagues cause was recommended to the Duke of Buckingham by the Bishops of Rochester Oxford and St. Davids as the cause of the Church of England They affirm boldly that they cannot conceive what use there can be of Civil Government in the Common-wealth or of external Ministry in the Church if such fatal Opinions as some are which are opposite to those of Mr. Mountague be publickly taught and maintained But other Learned men were of a different judgement At Oxford in a late Divinity disputation held upon this Question Whether a Regenerate man may fall away totally and finally from Grace The Opponent u ging the Appeal to Caesar the Doctor of the Chair handled the Appellator very roughly saying That he was a man that studied phrases more than matter That he understood neither Articles nor Homilies or at least perverted both That he attributed he knew not what vertue to the sign of the Cross and concluded with an Admonition to the Juniors That they should be wary of reading that and the like Books The King according to his late answer to the Parliament at Oxford issued out a Commission to the Judges to see the Law against Recusants put in Execution This was read in all the Courts of Judicature at Reading where Michaelmas Term was kept and a letter directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury to take special care for the discovery of Jesuites Seminary Priests c. within his Province In this and the next year many Books from persons of several abilities and professions were written against Mr. Mountague by Dr. Sutcliff Dean of Exeter Mr. Henry Burton Mr. Yates a Minister of Norfolk his Book he entitled Ad Caesarem ibis Dr. Carleton Bishop of Chichester Anthony Wotton Divinity-professor
kept in custody by the General 's command in the Queen's Court and Court of Wards These were removed to the King's-Head Inn near Charing-Cross and to the Swan Inn in the Strand under Guards of Souldiers The Army put forth a new Representative called The Agreement of the People The King is brought up to London arraigned before a select Committee for that purpose called An High Court of Justice indicted and upon his refusal● to own their Authority finally condemned Having received the sentence of death Dr. Juxon Bishop of London Preached privately before him at St. James's on the Sunday following his Text Romans 2.16 Next Tuesday being the day of his dissolution in the morning alone he received the Communion from the hands of the said Bishop At which time he read for the second Lesson the 27th chapter of St. Matthew containing the History of the death and passion of our Saviour Sermon ended the King heartily thanked the Bishop for selecting so seasonable and comfortable a portion of Scripture seeing all Humane hope and happiness is founded on the sufferings of our Saviour The Bishop answered He had done it meerly following the direction of the Church of England whose Rubrick appointeth that Chapter the second Morning-lesson for the thirtieth of January At ten of the Clock in the forenoon he is brought on Foot from St. James's Palace over the Park to Whitehall guarded with a Regiment of Foot-souldiers part before and the rest behind him with Colours flying and Drums beating his private Guard of Partizans about him and Doctor Juxon Bishop of London next to him on one side and Colonel Tomlinson on the other He bid them go faster saying That he now went before them to strive for an Heavenly Crowns with less sollicitude than he had oftentimes bid his Souldiers to fight for an earthly Diadem Then passeth he to the Scaffold where he defendeth his Innocency howbeit he acknowledgeth God's justice pardons his enemies takes pity on the Kingdom He shews the Souldiers how much they are out of the way and tells them They would never go right till they give God his due the King his due and the people their due You must said he give God his due by restoring his worship and Church rightly regulated which is now out of order according to his Word And a National Synod freely called freely debating among themselves must settle this when every Opinion is freely and clearly heard For the King said he that is my Successor Indeed I will not the Laws of the Land will clearly instruct you for that For the People I must tel you That their liberty and freedom consists in having Government under those Laws by which their Lives and Goods may be most their own It is not in having a share in the Government that pertains not to them A Sovereign and a Subject are two different things He prayed God they might take those courses that are best for the good of the Kingdom and their own Salvation Then having declared That he died a Christian according to the profession of the Church of England as the same was left him by his Father He said I have a good Cause and a gracious God and gave his George to the Bishop bidding him Remember to give it to the Prince Then said He I go from a Corruptible to an Incorruptible Crown where no disturbance can be but peace and joy for evermore Then lifting up his eyes and hands to Heaven having prayed secretly stooping down to the block he received the fatal stroak On the Wednesday sennight after his Corps embalmed and Coffined in Lead was delivered to the care of some of his Servants to be buried at Windsor That night they brought the Corps to Windsor The Vault being prepared a scarff of Lead was provided some two foot long and five inches broad therein to make an Inscription which was KING CHARLES 1648. The Plummer souldred it to the Coffin about the Breast of the Corpse Then was the Corpse brought to the Vault being born by the Souldiers of the Garrison Over it a black Velvet Herse-cloth the four Labels whereof the Duke of Richmond the Marquess of Hertford the Earls of South-hampton and Lindsey did support The Bishop of London stood weeping by Then was it deposited in silence and sorrow in the vacant place in the Vault near to the Coffin as it was thought which contained the Corps of King Henry the Eighth the Herse-cloth being cast in after it about three of the Clock in the afternoon and the Lords that night though late returned to London Prince Charles eldest Son to King Charles the first by unquestionable right succeeded to the Crowns of England Scotland and Ireland in the eighteenth year of his age Proclamation and Coronation could not now have their due course The Ruling part of the House of Commons who usurped the Government with violence on the person of the late King immediately published an Act even against Kingly Government Yet this Inhibition did not deter many Loyal Subjects from doing their duty and on February 2. a Proclamation in the name of the Noblemen Judges Knights Lawyers Gentlemen Free-holders Merchants Citizens Yeomen Seamen and other Freemen of England did Proclaim Prince Charles King of England The Proclamation was Printed and scattered about the Streets of London The House of Peers continued yet sitting and in regard the Commissions of the Judges were determined by the death of the King they send to the Commons for a Conference about it and other matters relating to the setling of the Government But Monarchy and the House of Lords are declared useless by the Commons The Peers in general resent these indignities put upon them by a small part of the House of Commons they assert their own Priviledges and the Fundamental Laws of the Nation and disclaim and protest against all Acts Votes Orders or Ordinances of the said Members of the Commons House for erecting of new Courts of Justice to try or execute the King or any Peer or Subject of the Realm for altering the Government Laws Great Seal c. Hereupon the Army set a Guard upon the door of the House of Lords and in further prosecution of the late Votes of Commons against Monarchy An Act was passed by that House for the Exhaeredation of the Royal Line the Abolishment of Monarchy in this Kingdom and the setting up of a Common-wealth which they ordered to be published and Proclaimed in all parts of the Kingdom But Alderman Reinoldson then Lord Mayor of London refused to publish this Act in London and He with three of the Aldermen of his Judgment were sent prisoners to the Tower But on February 3. the King was Proclaimed at the Cross at Edinburgh In the beginning of March the Duke of Hamilton the Earls of Holland and Norwich the Lord Capel and Sir John Owen were tried and condemned by an High Court of Justice erected for that purpose of which the Duke of Hamilton the
his called Asaph In the time of King Edward the Second there were five Mansion-houses belonging to it in which the Bishops used to reside scil Lanelwy Altmaliden Landeglia Nauverg and St. Martins of all which there now remaineth to them Lanelwy only Great havock was made of this Church in the reign of King Henry the Fourth by Owen Glendover since which time the Canons Houses were never repaired 2. St. Asaph Of him the Cathedral Church was ever after even unto this day called Ecclesia Asaphensis He was a man of great learning and vertue Who succeeded him for some hundreds of years after we find not 3. The next that is mentioned is Geoffry of Monmouth the Historian Of a Benedictine Monk he became Bishop of St. Asaph Anno 1151. 4. Adam a Welch-man 5 Reynerus 6 Abraham He gave half the Tithes of Wrexham to this Church 7 Howel Ednevit 8. Anianus the First 9 Anianus the Second a Dominican Confessor to Edward the First Iohn Earl of Arundel gave much Land to him and his Successors and after him Iohn his Son added more 10 Lewellin de Bromfield 11 David ap Blethin 12 Ephraim 13 Henry 14 Iohn Trevor 15 Llewelin ap Madoc ap Elis 16 William de Spridlington 17 Laurence Child a Monk of the Abbey of Battel 18 Alexander Bach 19 Iohn Trevor 20. Robert 21. John Low 22 Reginald Peacock 23. Thomas 24. Richard Redman 25. David ap Owen 26. Edmond Birkhead 27. Henry Standish 28. William Barlow 29. Robert Warton 30. Thomas Goldwel 31. Richard Davies 32. Thomas Davies 33. William Hughes 34 William Morgan 35. Richard Parry 36. John Hanmer 37. John Owen 38. George Griffith 39. Henry Glemham 40. Isaac Barrow Bishops of Lindisfarn 1. Aidan who chose for his See a little Island called Lindisfarn now called Holy Island where he and divers of his Successors led their lives He travelled up and down the Countrey on foot to preach the Gospel giving whatsoever he could get unto the poor He died August 31. Anno 651. for grief of the death of King Oswald who was traiterously slain twelve dayes before 2. Finan He first built a Church for his See in the Island all of timber and covered it with reed 3. Colman He gave over his Bishoprick and returned into Scotland 4. Tuda 5. Eata 6. St. Cuthbert Bishop of Lindisfarn he is famed for his Sanctity 7. Wilfrid 8. Eadbert He covereth the Church with Lead 9. Egfrid 10. Ethelwold 11. Kenulfus 12. Higbald In his time the Danes spoiled the Church and Monastery and the Monks forced to leave it 13. Egbert 14. Eanbert 15. Eardulph In the mean time the Bishops of Hagustald were 1. Aca 2. Fritherbert 3. Athmund 4. Titherus 5. Ethelbert 6. Heanred 7. Eanberthus 8. Tidferthus Bishops of Chester on the Street 1. Eardulph Vpon the burning of Lindisfarn removed his See to Chester on the Street anciently called Cunecestre And by Elfred and Guthred Kings of Northumberland all the Countrey between Tine and Tisean were given to the same See 2. Cuthardus 3. Milred 4. Withred 5. Ughtred 6. Sexhelm He being covetous was so terrified with a Vision of St. Cuthbert that he was forced to leave the See 7. Alssius or Elssig He was the last Bishop of Lindisfern or Chester on the Street Bishops of Durham 1. Aldhunus or Aldvinus was consecr●ted Bishop Anno 995. He with his Monks came to Durham or rather Dunholm which is compounded of two Saxon words Dun signifying an Hill and Holm an Island in a River a place full of Woods He with the help of Uthred Earl of Northumberland caused the Woods to be cut down cleansed the place and in short time made it habitable A Church was finished there in the time of this Bishop He was School-master unto the Children of King Ethelred Elfred and Edward that afteward reigned and is called Edward the Confessor 2. Edmond The Monks and Priests contending about a Successor to Aldhunus this Edmond came among them and ●castingly offered himself to be their Bishop and they chose him against his will he having a better mind to a Tennis-court than a Monks Hood Malmsb. lib. 3. de Pont. He much adorned his Church and the City with buildings 3. Eadred 4. Egelrick He builded a Church at Cuneagecestre in digging the foundation of this Church he found so much money that he cared not for the Bishoprick but resigned it unto Egelwyn his Brother and returned to the Monastery of Peterborough whence he came He made the Cawsey from Deeping to Spalding He was afterward accused to the Conqueror of Treason and taken out of his Monastery and imprisoned at Westminster where he died 5. Egelwyn He was Bishop at the coming in of the Conqueror he forsook Durham and carried his Clergy with him unto the Church of Landisfarn but he was not long before they returned again 6. Walcher or Walter He was so rich that he bought the Earldom of Northumberland of the King He and many of his Retinue were slain in the Church of Durham May 14. 1080. and the Church burnt with fire because two of his Servants had murdered Leulfus one of the Ancestors to the now Lord Lumley R. Hoved. 7. William Kairlipho Abbot of St. Vincent He was consecrate at Glocester in the presence of the King and divers of his Nobles He procured license of Pope Gregory to translate the Monks of Yarrow to Durham He expelled divers married Priests out of his Church and suffered only Monks to dwell there He pulled down the Church of Durham that Aldhunus had built there and began to erect another far more magnificent but lived not to finish it 8. Ranulph Flambard 9. Geoffry Rufus Chancellor of England He built the Castle of Alnerton 10. William de Sta. Barbara 11. Hugh Pudsey He built a fair House at Derlington as also the Church there He founded the Priory of Finchal He bought S●dbury of King Richard the First and gave it unto his See He built the Bridge of Elvet and the Gallery at the West-end of his Cathedral Church in which he placed the bones of Venerable Bede He built two Hospitals one at Allerton another called Sherborn Vnto Sherborn he gave liberal maintenance for sixty five poor Lazers and a certain number of Priests For a great sum of money King Richard made him Earl of Northumberland 12. Philip de Poictiers This Bishop by the license of King Richard the First set up a Mint at Durham and began to coyn money there Anno 1196. 13. William de Marisco 14. Richard Poor 15. Nicholas de Fernham 16. Walter de Kirkham 17. Robert Stitchel 18. Robert de Insula 19. Anthony Beake 20. Richard de Bury He was soon after Lord Chancellor and within two years after that Lord Treasurer of England He was often employed in Ambassages of great importance What time of leisure he had he spent either in Prayer or conference with his Chaplains whereof he had many about him and those very learned men or
cloak thereupon The Augustinians or Regular Canons their cloathing by their first foundation was a white coat and a linnen rotchet under a black cope with a scapular to cover their head and shoulders The Gilbertines may boast that whereas Benedictines are by original Italians Augustinians African Carthusians French Dominicans Spanish c. they are pure English by the extraction of their Order The life of the Carthusians was outwardly full of painted holiness in forbearing flesh in fasting from bread and water every Friday in wearing hair-clothes next their body they were addicted to much silence and solitariness never going abroad refusing all women's company with other like ceremonies Of the several sorts of Friars that have been in England HEre it will be necessary to premise what was the distinction between the Monks and Friars The most essential difference is this Monks had nothing in propriety nor in common but being Mendicants begged all their subsistence from the charity of others Indeed they had houses or cells to dwell in or rather to hide themselves in but they had no means thereunto belonging But it may be Objected That many Convents of Friars had large and ample Revenues amounting to some hundreds though never thousands by the year I Answer That from the beginning of the Institution of Friars it was not so These additions of Lands unto them was of latter date not of their seeking but of their Benefactors casting upon them We begin with their four elemental Orders Wickliff commonly inveigheth against Friars under the name of C. A. J. M. C. Carmelites A. Augustinians J. Jacobines M. Minorites or Dominicans Franciscans An uncharitable Rythmer thus le ts fly at them Per decies binos Sathanas capiat Jacoboinas Propter errores Jesu confunde Minores Augustienses pater inclyte sterne per enses Et Carmelitas tanquam falsos Heremitas Sunt Confessores Dominorum seu Dominarum Et seductores ipsraum sunt animarum 1. Of these Anno 1221 the Dominicans were the first Friars which came over into England being but twelve in number with Gilbert de Fraxineto their Prior first landed at Canterbury fixed at Oxford but richly endowed at London They were commonly called Black Friars Preaching Friars and Jacobine Friars They took their name from St. Dominick born at Calogora in Spain and Hubert de Burgo Earl of Kent was their chief Patron bestowing his Palace in the Suburbs of London upon them which afterwards they sold to the Archbishops of York residing therein till by some transactions between King Henry the Eighth and Cardinal Wolsey it became the Royal Court now known by the name of Whitehall Afterwards by the bounty of Gregory Rocksley Lord Mayor of London and Robert Kilwarby Archbishop of Canterbury they were more conveniently lodged in two Lanes on the bank of Thames and still retaining the name of Black Friars no fewer than eighty English writers are accounted of this Order at this day As beyond the Seas they are much condemned for being the sole active managers of the cruel Spanish Inquisition so they deserve due commendation for their Orthodox Judgements in maintaining some controversies in Divinity of importance against the Jesuites 2. Franciscans follow commonly called Gray Friers or Minorites either in allusion to Jacob's words sum minor omnibus beneficiis tuis or from some other humble expressions in the New Testament They received their name from St. Francis born in the Dutchy of Spoletum in Italy Canonized by Pope Gregory the Ninth about two years after whose death the Franciscans came over into England and one Diggs Ancestor to Sir Dudley Diggs bought for them their first seat in Canterbury who afteward were diffused all over England They were well-skilled in School-divinity and had a curious Library in London built by Richard Whittington in that age costing five hundred and fifty pounds One Bernard of Siena about the year 1400. refined the Franciscans into Observants King Edward the Fourth first brought them into England where they had six famous Cloysters since which time there have been a new Order of Minims begun beyond the Seas Recollects Penitentaries Capuchins c. seeing they had their rise since the fall of Abbies in England they belong not to our present enquiry c. This Order afforded in England a hundred and ten Learned Writers 3. Carmelites or White Friars come next so named from Mount Carmel brought over into England in the Reign of King Richard the First by Ralph Freeborn and placed at Alnwick in Northumberland in a wilderness most like unto Carmel in Syria whose Convent at their dissolution in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth was at low rates in that cheap County valued at one hundred ninety and four pound and seven shillings per Annum Speeds Catal. p. 795. Reyner de Apostolatu Benedictinorum p. 164 Vide the Catalog in Fullers Church Hist l. 6. p. 272 by which we may see that even Mendicant Friars had houses endowed even with Revenues Hi cum primis Monachis Britonum Scororum ex Aegypto Palestina in Britanicas Insulas Monachatum intulerunt It is said in the praise of our Carmelites that they were most careful in keeping the Records of their Order Let them thank John Bale herein once of them who in his youth made the Catalogue out of love to his Order and in his old age preserved it out of his affection to Antiquity This Order was vertical and in the highest exaltation thereof in the Reign of King Edward the Fourth under Nicholas Kenton their twenty fifth Provincial They reckoned no fewer than one thousand five hundred of their Order But when John Milverton his successor began in favour of Friary furiously to ingage against Bishops and the Secular Clergy the Carmelites good Masters and Dames began to forsake them and they never recovered their credit till they were utterly dissolved John Bird the one and thirtieth Provincial of this Order zealously impugned the Pope's Supremacy in his Sermons for which he was made the first Bishop of Chester and was ejected that See in the Reign of Queen Mary because he was married The Carmelites boast very much of one Simon Stock of their Order Stow's Survay of London p. 821. a Kentish boy which being but twelve years old went out into the Woods and there fed on roots and wild fruit living in the trunk of an hollow Tree whence he got the Sirname of Stock Having a revelation that soon after Some should come out of Syria and confirm his Order which came to pass when the Carmelites came hither he afterwards became Master General of their Order to whom the respective Provincials are accountable and is said to be famous for his miracles 4. Augustinian Eremites they entred England Anno 1252. and had their first habitation at St. Peters in the Poor in London These probably taking the denomination of poverty otherwise at this day a very rich Parish in the City because the said Augustinian
Finan converted the East-Saxons 16 Focariae Concubines to the Canons they are imprisoned in the Tower Iohn Frith a learned man burnt in Smith-field 148 First-fruits Office when set up in London 150 Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester beheaded 148 Mr. Iohn Fox with some others settle themselves at Basil in Queen Maries days 200 His death 250 Fifth Monarchy-men apprehended 360 Iohn Ficknam made Abbot of Westminster 196 The troubles of Franckford 197 198 Robert Farrars Bishop of St. Davids imprisoned in King Edward's days and burnt in Queen Maries days 175 Florentius first Bishop of Argentine or Strausburg 17 G. GAsper Haywood the first Jesuite that ever set foot in England 246 Gospel first planted in Britain 1 Britain first received the Gospel by publick Authority 2 Germanus Bishop of Auxerre is sent for into Britain to suppress Pelagianism 7 Gospel first planted by Augustine among the Saxons 12 Five Grammar Schools erected in London 129 Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester he fell sick the same day that Bishop Ridley and Latimer were burnt his sad end 194 A Gun shot at Dr. Pendleton preaching at Pauls cross 193 Lady Jane Gray proclaimed Queen of England 179 She and her husband the Lord Guilford Dudley and her Father the Duke of Suffolk are beheaded 188 Guthlake the first Saxon Eremite in England 21 Robert Grosthed Bishop of Lincoln 80. 81 The Gun-powder plot 270. 271 Archbishop Grindal a patron of prophecyings and how they were modelled 241 Godfrey Goodman Bishop of Glocester committed to the Gate-house for refusing to subscribe the Canons made Anno 1640. 320 He dies a Papist ibid. H. HArold the Son of Earl Godwyn King of England he is slain at Battel in Sussex 36 Hardiknout the last of the Danish Kings in England 35 Alexander Hales an English-man Master to Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure 107 Honorius Archbishop of Canterbury divided England into Parishes 16 Helvetia converted by Gallus ib. Hengist Captain of the Saxons invadeth Britain 8 He is King of Kent 9 An Heptarchy established in Britain 9 Swallowed up in the West Saxons Monarchy 10 Robert Holcot a learned English man 112 Duke Hamilton Earl of Holland and Lord Capel beheaded 348 Hubba the Dane killeth Hedda the Abbot of Peterborough and eighty four Monks with his own hand 25 King Henry the Third his story from 68. ad 86 Henry the Fourth his story from 118. ad 123 Henry the Fifth his story from 123. ad 127 Henry the Seventh his story from 135. ad 140 Henry the Eighth his story from 141. ad 157 Sir Henry Slingsby and Dr. Huet beheaded 361 Hospital at Greenwich founded by William Lambert 250 Hospitals of Christ-church in London and St. Thomas in Southwark founded 176. 177 The Statute made Pro Haenetico comburendo 119 Death of Prince Henry 280 John Hooper and Iohn Rogers founders of Non-conformity 169 Bishop Hall's Book in defence of the divine right of Episcopacy 317 Dr. Iohn Hacket defendeth Deans and Chapters 325 A sad contest between Mr. Rich. Hooker and Mr. Walter Travers 255 King Charles the First his Dispute with Mr. Alexander Henderson 342 I. KIng James his birth page 230 His story from 261. ad 293 Impropriations bought in to maintain a preaching Ministry 301 The Impostures of Hacket Arthington and Coppinger 253 Ilfutus a profound Scholar 11 Ina King of the West Saxon sets forth his Saxon Laws 20 He first granted Peter-pence to the Pope out of this Kingdom 22 Iohannes Scotus Erigena murthered in the Abbey of Malmesbury 30 Iohn King of England his story from 51. ad 68 Jews crucifie a Child at Oxford their punishment 85 Their banishment out of England ibid. Ioachim Abbot of Calabria 49 Ida King of Northumberland 10 Images taken away in most places of England 160 Inquisitors appointed to search out for Hereticks with all Wickliffs Books 123 Many Italians held the best Livings in England a Statute made against it Four Italians followed each other in the See of Worcester 137 Iohn Iewel chosen to pen the first gratulatory letter to Queen Mary by his enemies page 184 He subscribeth the Popish Tenets 187 He bewails his fall in the Congregation at Franckford he is made Bishop of Sarum 187 His chalenge 218 His Apology 226 Such Irish Impropriations as were in the Crown restored to the Church 304 Dr. William Juxon Lord Treasurer ib. K. COlonel Ker taken prisoner by Lambert 351 Kingdom of the South Saxons comprehending Sussex and Surrey when it began 9 The beginning of the Kingdom of Kent 9 Kentigern Bishop of Elwy in North Wales 11 John Kemp Archbishop of Canterbury built the Divinity School in Oxford and Pauls Cross 132 Kenulphus King of the West Saxons conferreth large priviledges on the Monastery of Abingdon 169 Kings of England of old sent their Crowns to St. Edmond's shrine 34 Kimbeline King of Britain at the birth of our Saviour 1 Kyngils King of the West Saxons is baptized by Birinus 16 Order of the Knights-Templars abolished throughout Christendom 106 Their Lands in England conferred on the Knights of St. John of Ierusalem ibid. Iohn Knox at Franckford preacheth against the English Liturgy as imperfect and superstitious He is rebuked by Dr. R. Cox He is accused to the State for High Treason against the Emperor Knox departeth the City 199 And setleth himself at Geneva 200 Kets Rebellion 166 Kilian the first Bish of Wortsburg first instructed the people of East France in the Christian Faith 17 The Bishop of Wortsburg carried a Sword and a Priest's Gown in his Badge ibid. L. HVgh Latimer resigneth his Bishoprick of Worcester rather than he would yield to the passing of the six Articles 169 Iohn Lambert his Martyrdom 153 Divers Liturgies in use in England till King William the Conqueror's time 39 Lollards after Abjuration forced to wear the fashion of a Faggot wrought in thread on their sleeves 141 The Scottish Liturgy translated into the Latin Tongue 317 An Apology for vindicating the Liturgy commended to the Kirk of Scotland 317 A publick Liturgy framed in King Edward his days 164 Iohn a Lasco with his Congregation of Germans setled at London the West part of the Church of Austin-friars allotted them p. 170 His Congregation dissolved 184 Iohn Lewis an Arrian burnt at Norwich 246 Levellers routed by Colonel Reinolds at Burford 349 Latimer and Ridley burnt at Oxford 194 Adam Loftus Archbishop of Dublin and Chancellor of Ireland 255 Matthew Lenox made Regent of Scotland 236 Earl of Leicester goes over into the Low-countries with a great Army 248 Mr. Love and Gibbons beheaded 352 Bartholomew Legatt an Arrian burnt 279 London burnt 381 The Commissioners of the High Commission at St. Pauls violently assaulted by Lilburn and the London Apprentices 321 Archbishop Laud impeached and sent to the Tower 323 And beheaded on Tower-hill ib. Lucius the first Christian King of Britain 2 His story 3. 4 Lupus Bishop of Troys cometh into Britain and refuteth the Heresie of Pelagius 7 English Liturgy translated into
as well as in the Modern doth signifie narrow strait or a nook And a Portugal alluding thereunto hath this verse Anglia terra ferax fertilis Angulus Orbis Insula praedives quae toto vix eget orbe A fruitful Angle England Thou Another world art said An Island rich and hast no need of other Countrie 's aid And although after this many errours in Doctrine and corruptions in Worship crept in more and more into our Church and the Pope encroaching by degrees the Churches of God in this Land did much degenerate as they did in other Nations so that in Process of time the whole world wondered after the Beast and they Worshipped the Beast saying who is like unto the Beast Revel 13.3 4. Yet even in the darkest times when our Church suffered the greatest Ecclipse when her Silver was become Dross and her Wine was mixed with Water it pleased God then to raise up some eminent Persons to stand up for the Defence of the Truth in this Nation and to discover the impostures of the Church of Rome Yea how many were there that suffered Martyrdom for the Gospel here in England who detested Image-worship and other abominations in the dayes of King Henry the fourth King Henry the fift and others afterward long before Luther was born These and the like in other Nations may be called the forlorn Hope who did obequitare Antichristi castra ad pugnam elicere advance up to and ride round about the camp of Antichrist and provoke him to the main-fight What wonderfull deliverances hath God wrought for this Church and Nation in several ways When King Henry the eighth did renounce the Pope's Supremacy what plots were framed by diverse Princes against this Land to ruine it and how gratiously did the Lord protect his people here from such a storm though then he had but a very little flock in this place When Queen Mary matched with Philip of Spain in what apparent danger was this Land to fall into miserable servitude and bondage under the Iron-yoak of the Spainard's which diverse nations that have been subject to them have found intolerable The blind and bloody zeal of Queen Mary was likely to have rooted out all the plants of God's right hand in this Land and so have banished hence the true Church and Gospel of Christ and so to have shut this Kingdom out of the bounds of the Church There was great expectation of Issue by that Marriage between the Spanish Prince and Queen Mary who Her self also was a Spaniard by the Mother's side and Solemn Forms of Thanksgiving and Prayer were made for Her Conception and safe delivery and besides an Act passed in Parliament that if Queen Mary died in Child-bed King Philip should have the Government of this Land during the Child's Nonage and if these things had succeeded into what misery might this Land have fallen And besides had an Issue of that Marriage lived to Reign over England together with other Dominions of the Spaniard what had England been but an Inferiour Tributary Province to be Governed as it pleased the Spanish Nation even as was attempted in the Low-Countreys with Devilish cruelties to say nothing of their horrible Massacres in the West-Indies But here see the wonderful goodness of God who dwelt in the midst of this Church as a Refuge All this was prevented Queen Marie's supposed Conception vanished She was soon taken away by death and King Philip of Spain had no longer any Interest in England Queen Elizabeth a Noursing-mother to this Church Succeeded She was born September the seventh 1533. One calleth Her Angliae Delitias Mason consecr Epis Angl. Europae Sydus Mundi Phoenicem c. the joy of England the Star of Europe the Phoenix of the World a Glass of God's Providence and the Mirrour of His Mercy And as if the Devil had presaged what a scourge She would prove to the Roman greatness and suggested it to Pope Clement the seventh he is said to have made a Peremptory Decree against Her whilst She was in Her Mother's belly This Pope himself being the Bastard of Julian de Medicis a Florentine he avowed to make Her illegitimate and uncapable of the Crown The like did Pope Paul the third attempt viz. To make that Royal Princess illegitimate when She was but two years Old But as the Lord blessed Her then so he did wonderfully preserve her all her Sister's Reign when many plots were laid to take away her life But as Seneca told Nero it was impossible for him to kill that man that must be his heir so it was impossible for the malice of hell to accomplish the death of the Lady Elizabeth whom the only-wise God had appointed to be her Sister's Heir Ecclesiae Anglicanae reformationem desperasset aetas praeterita admiratur praesens obstupescet futura Scultet Annal. So great a Reformation She wrought in England that one saith of it The Gospel had a swift passage here by diligent Preaching by Printing good Books by translating the holy Scriptures into the Vulgar Tongue by Catechizing youth by publick disputations by recording the Martyrs such a thing as even the former age had even despaired of the present age admireth and the future shall stand amazed at It is evident that the Almighty God who delighteth to shew his power in Weakness was pleased in this Renowed Queen and her brother King Edward to let the world see what great things he was able to effect by a Child and a Woman But what a multitude of plots were contrived for the destruction of Queen Elizabeth when the next heir to the Crown was a Papist and an enemy to the truth of Christianity and married to the Prince of France so that had these plots succeeded England in all probability had been subjected to France in point of Civil Government and to the Roman power in matters of Religion Admire again the singular goodness of God in protecting Queen Elizabeth and whilst the enemies of the Church were seeking ruine in the destruction of Her Royal Person the French King that had Married the next heir to the English Crown dieth and leaveth her a Widow without Issue and she not many years after became a prisoner So eminent was Queen Elizabeth that Thuanus a professed Roman Catholick but very ingenious said he heard the old Dutchess of Guise whose sons were of the greatest Enemies that Queen Elizabeth had to say that she was faelicissima gloriosissima faemina a most happy and a most glorious Woman We know who made her to differ and that she had not any thing which she had not received from above therefore let us give the praise of all to God who appointed her I am perswaded to build the old wast places to raise up the foundations of many generations she found the Kingdom weak she left it strong she found it poor she left it rich they that were enemies to her and the Gospel which they professed and
in the exaltation of his greatness but the Danes beat the English in a Naval fight at Carmouth in Dorset-shire which proved fatal to our Nation Hence forward these Pagans setled themselves in some part of the Land Anno 837. Ethelwolph his Son succeeded his Father Egbert in the Throne a valiant and devout Prince though much molested by the Danes all his life-time About the year 855. Ethelwolph King of the West Saxons summoned a Parlament of his Princes Nobles and Bishops at Winchester in the midst of the Danish Wars and Invasions to consult with them how he might pacifie God's wrath against him and his Realm And by their advise and assent granted the Tithes or tenth part of all his Lands to God and his Ministers free from all secular services and exactions great and small that they might the more freely pour out their prayers to God for him and his Realm He subjected the whole Kingdom to the payment of Tithes he was the first-born Monarch of England Indeed before his time there were Monarchs of the Saxon Heptarchy but not successive and fixed in a Family but fluctuating from one Kingdom to another Egbert Father to this Ethelwolph atchieved and left this Monarchy to this his Son not Monarcha factus but natus and so in unquestionable Power to make this Act obligatory over all the Land saith Fuller King Ethelwolph the next year went in Pilgrimage to Rome and confirmed unto the Pope his Predecessors grant of Peter-pence and besides bestowed upon him the yearly Revenue of three hundred Marks thus to be expended 1. To maintain Candles for St. Peter one hundred Marks 2. To maintain Candles for St. Paul one hundred Marks 3. For a free Largess to the Pope one hundred Marks After the Death of King Ethelwolph and his two Sons Ethelbald and Ethelbert succeeding him this Land was in a sad condition though in a worse estate under the reign of his third Son being harassed by the Danes About sixty years since the West Saxons had subdued the other six Kings of this Nation yet so that they still continued Kings but Homagers to the West Saxon Monarchy They beholding Ethelred the West Saxon King embroiled with the invasion of the Danes they not onely lazily looked on but secretly smiled at this sight Thus the height of the Saxon pride and envy caused the breadth of the Danish power and cruelty Anno 870. the Danes made an inrode into Lincoln-shire where they met with stout resistance The Christians had the better the first day wherein the Danes lost three of their Kings buried in a place thence called Trekingham so had they the second day till at night breaking their Ranks to pursue the Danes in their dissembled flight they were utterly overthrown Theodore Abbot of Crowland hearing of the Danes approach Shipped away most of his Monks with the choycest Relicks and Treasures of his Convent and cast his most pretious Vessels into a Well in the Cloister The rest remaining were at their morning praiers when the Danes entring Slew Theodore the Abbot on the high Altar Asher the Prior in the Vestiary Lethwin the Sub-prior in the Refectory Pauline and Herbert in the Quire Wolride the Torch-bearer in the same place Grimketule Agamund each of them an 100 years old in the Cloisters Then the Danes marched to Medamstead since called Peterbrough where finding the Abby-gates locked against them they resolved to force their entrance in effecting whereof Tulba Brother to Count Hubba was wounded almost to death with a stone cast at him Hubba enraged hereat killed Abbot Hedda and all the Monks being fourscore and four with his own hand Then was the Abby set on fire which burned fifteen daies together wherein an excellent Library was consumed Having pillaged the Abby and broke the Tombs and Coffins of many Saints there enterred these Pagans marched forward into Camdridge-shire and passing the river Nine two of their waggons fell into the water wherein the cattle which drew them were drowned much of their rich plunder lost and more impared The Danes spared no Age Sex condition of people They wasted Cambridge burnt the then City of Thetford forced Edmond King of the East-Angles into his Castle of Framlingham They took him and because he would not deny Christ they tyed him unto a Tree and shot at him til he died Then they cut of his head and cast it among the bushes His own Subjects buried him both head and body at Hatsedon which from thence was called St. Edmonds-bury There after-ages shrined sainted and adored his Reliques King Ethelbert behaved himself bravely in nine Battles with various success against the Danes and the more he slew the more they grew which went neer his heart therefore he withered away in the flower of his age desiring rather to encounter death than the Danes Guliel Malmesbur de Gestis Regum Anglor lib. 2. according to the observation of the English Historian that the Saxon Kings in this age magis optabant honestum exitum quam acerbum Imperium In this sad condition God sent England a deliverer namely King Alfred or Alured fourth son of Ethelwolph by the Lady Ogburgh He was born in England bred in Rome where by a Prolepsis saith Fuller he was anointed King by Pope Leo though then but a private Prince and his three elder brothers alive in auspicium futuri regni in hope that hereafter he should come to the Crown The Danes at his coming to the Crown had London many of the in-land more of the maritime Towns and Alfred onely three effectual Shires Sommerset Wiltes and Dorset yet by God's blessing on his endeavours he got to be Monarch of all England Anno 872. In the beginning of his reign he was sorely distressed by the Danes and one of his greatest Courts for residence was an Island now known by the name of Athelney in the County of Sommerset in the Saxon tongue called Aethelingarg that is Nobilium Insula so termed by reason of the Kings abode and the concourse of his Nobles unto him in this place he lived poorly disguised in a Cow-herds house Being excellent In Musick and Songs he oftentimes in the habit and posture of a common Minstril did insinuate himself in the Danist Camp where his plausible cariage and skill gained a freedome of access and passage in the company of their Princes at banquets and other meetings and thereby he discovered their conditions and all their martial counsels and designes He returneth to his comfortless company and unmasking himself and the Danish designes cheereth them up and with a refreshed Power and strength suddenly issued forth and gave a fierce assault upon the secure Danes he slew multitudes of them and enforced the remainder to a shameful flight for the safe-guard of their lives In this Isle Alfred had built a kind of Castle or Fortress to receive him and his Nobles upon return from their Sallies and Encounters during his Wars in those parts
flourished in all abundance till the dayes of Henry the Eighth Then Dooms-day Book was made containing an exact survay of the Houses and Lands in the Kingdom which took up some years before it was compleated King William called a Council of his Bishops at Winchester wherein he was personally present with two Cardinals sent from Rome Here Stigand Archbishop of Canterbury was deposed and Lanfrank a Lombard substituted in his room Sir John Davys in his Irish report A learned Lawyer hath observed that the first encroachment of the Pope upon the Liberties of the Crown of England was made in the time of King William the Conqueror For the Conqueror came in with the Pope's Banner and under it won the battel which got him the Garland and therefore the Pope presumed he might boldly pluck some flowers from it being partly gained by his countenance and blessing Although this politick Prince was complementally courteous to the See of Rome yet 1. He retained the ancient custom of the Saxon Kings investing Bishops and Abbots by delivering them a Ring and a Staff whereby without more ado they were put into plenary possession of the power and profit of their place He said He would keep all Pastoral Staves in his own hand 2. Being demanded to do Fealty for his Crown of England unto Pope Gregory the Seventh he wrote thus unto him That he would not do Fealty unto the Pope because neither had he promised it nor did he find his Predecessors had performed it 3. This King would in no wise suffer any one in his Dominion to acknowledge the Bishop of Rome for Apostolical without his command or to receive the Pope's Letters except first they had been shewed unto him And although the Archbishop of Canterbury by his own Authority might congregate Councils and sit as President therein yet the King permitted him to appoint or prohibit nothing but what was according to his own will and what the King had ordained before 4. The King suffered no Bishop to excommunicate any of his Barons or Officers for Adultery Incest or any such hainous crime except by the King's command first made acquainted with the same This King gave unto the Bishops an entire Jurisdiction by themselves to judge all causes relating to Religion for before that time the Sheriff and Bishop kept their Court together He granted the Clergy throughout England Tithes of Calves Colts Lambs Milk Butter Cheese Woods Meadows Mills c. Then Thomas a Norman was preferred to the Archbishoprick of York Betwixt Lanfrank Archbishop of Canterbury and this Thomas there grew great contention for the Oath of Obedience but in the end Thomas subscribed obedience to the other Then it was decreed that York for that time should be subject to Canterbury in matters appertaining to the Church so that wheresoever within England the Archbishop of Canterbury would hold his Council the Bishops of York should resort thither with their Bishops and be obedient to his Decrees Canonical Then were divers Bishops Seats altered from Villages to great Cities as of Sealsey to Chichester out of Cornwall to Exeter from Wells to Bath from Shirburn to Salisbury from Dorchester in Oxford-shire to Lincoln from Lichfield to Chester which Bishoprick of Chester Robert then Bishop reduced from Chester to Coventry At this time several Liturgies were used in England which caused confusion and much disturbed mens devotions A brawl happened betwixt the English Monks of Glastonbury and Thurstan their Norman Abbot in their very Church obtruding a Service upon them which they disliked eight Monks were wounded and two slain near the steps of the high Altar This ill accident occasioned a settlement and uniformity of Liturgy all over England An uniformity of Liturgy all over England for hereupon Osmund Bishop of Salisbury devised that form of Service which hereafter was observed in the whole Realm Henceforward the most ignorant Parish-Priest in England understood the meaning of Secundum usum Sarum that all Service must be ordered According to the course and custom of Salisbury Church King William brought many Jews into England for before his reign I find none in this Land from Roan in Normandy and setled them in London Norwich Cambridge Northampton In the dayes of Lanfrank Waltelm Bishop of Winchester had placed about forty Canons instead of Monks but it held not for Lanfrank cast out secular Priests and substituted Monks in their rooms He also contested with Odo Bishop of Bayeux though half-Brother to King William and Earl of Kent and in a legal Trial regained many Lordships which Odo had unjustly invaded Although in this King's time there was almost no English-man that bare Office of honour or rule yet he favoured the City of London and granted them the first Charter that ever they had written in the Saxon tongue and sealed with green Wax expressed in eight or nine lines King William died in Normandy and William Rufus his second Son Anno 1088. was crowned King of England He began very bountifully to some Churches he gave ten Marks to others six to every Countrey-Village five shillings besides an hundred pounds to every County to be distributed among the poor But afterward he proved very parcimonious though no man more prodigal of never performed Promises This year died Lanfrank Archbishop of Canterbury after whose death the King seized the profits of that See into his own hand and kept the Church vacant for some years He kept at the same time the Archbishoprick of Canterbury the Bishopricks of Winchester and Durham and thirteen Abbies in his hand and brought a mass of Money into his Exchequer All places which he parted with was upon present payment He quarrelled with Remigius Bishop of Lincoln about the founding of his Cathedral and forced him to buy his peace And without a sum of Money paid to the King John Bishop of Wells could not remove his Seat to Bath King Rufus coming to Glocester fell very sick hereupon he made Anselm the Abbot of Beck in Normandy one of eminent learning and strictness of life Archbishop of Canterbury The King soon after sent to him for a thousand pounds which Anselm refused to pay Then Herbert Bishop of Thetford removed his Episcopal Seat from Thetford to Norwich where he first founded the Cathedral Herbert Bishop of Thetford founded the Cathedral at Norwich Then died Wolstan Bishop of Worcester an English-man born a mortified man Near this time began the holy War Robert Duke of Normandy to fit himself for that Voyage sold his Dukedome to King William Rufus for ten thousand Marks To pay this money King Rufus laid a grievous Tax over all the Realm extorting it with such severity that the Monks were fain to sell the Church-plate and very Chalices for discharging thereof And when the Clergy desired to be eased of their burdens I beseech you said he have ye not Coffins of gold and Silver for dead mens bones intimating that the same Treasure might
Thomas Walsingham saith That about this time the Pope requiring it the Churches of England were taxed according to their true value to raise his Dismes and exactions higher In the same year 1290. the King out of his zeal to Christian Religion banished all the Jews out of England by a publick Act in Parliament The Jews banished out of England by Act of Parliament and Confiscated all their Houses and Lands for their Infidelity Blasphemy Crucifying of Children in contempt of Christ Crucified and clipping of his Coyn. In August they were commanded to depart the Land with their Wives and Children between that time and the Feast of all Saints with their moveable Goods Their number was said to be sixteen thousand five hundred and eleven they were banished never to return again into England There hapning many contests between the Bishop of Lincoln and the Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford concerning the Presentation and Confirmation of their Chancellor whether he ought to come out of the University in Person to the Bishop or to be admitted by his Proxies the King by his Prerogative to advance Learning and settle Peace between them made a friendly accord for the future Pope Nicholas preferring his own lucre and favour of King Edward and his Chaplains before God's Service or Peoples Souls against sundry Canons Licensed twenty of the King's Clerks imployed in his service which he should nominate to be Non-residents from their Ecclesiastical Benefices for ten years space This year the King confirmed the grant of several Tithes Churches and Advousons formerly made by Robert de Candos to the Monastery of Bek and Goldclive Then Peter de Divion Abbot of Rewley an Alien born in France and most Abbots and Priors that were Aliens took an Oath and gave sufficient Pledges for their Fidelity and true Allegeance to the King in that Age especially in time of War and not to send the Goods of their Monasteries out of the Realm which they frequently did to the Kingdoms prejudice The King issuing a Dedimus potestatem to the Abbot of Thame to take this Oath of Peter de Divion the Abbot endorsed this return thereon Ego Frater Johannes Abbas de Thame virtute istius Mandati recepi Sacramentum Dom. Petri de Divione Abbatis de Regali loco juxta Oxon. apud Oxon. Dominica in festo Apostolorum Simonis Judae etiam recepi Manucaptores ipsius Domini Petri Abbatis de Regali loco viz. Johannem de Doclynton Majorem Villae Oxon. Johannem de Crokesford Juniorem Ricardum Cary Johannem de Fallee Johannem le Peyntour Burgensis dictae Villae Oxon. Qui conjunctim divisim manuceperunt dictum Dom. Petrum Abbatem de Regali loco quod idem Abbas bene fideliter erga dominum Regem se habebit omnia alia in Brevi isto contenta perficiet observabit The King granted two hundred pounds to the Pope's Chaplain in Scotland for his expences pains and labour therein taken in the service of Queen Margaret deceased The same year William de Luda was elected and confirmed Bishop of Ely This year the King gave several sums of Money to buy Books and Ornaments for Religious Houses that were burnt in Gascoign and England The King converted the Profits of the Archbishoprick of York then void to the repairing and building the Castle of Carnarvan in Wales after his Conquest thereof Parker de Antiqu Eccles Anglic. f. 205. Anno 1290. Matthew Parker Archbishop of Canterbury storieth that John Peckham Archbishop of Canterbury this year after the visitation and subjugation of his whole Province summoned a Council of his Clergy at Reding wherein he propounded the drawing of all causes concerning Advousons meerly belonging to the King 's Temporal to their Ecclesiastical Courts and to cut off all Prohibitions to them from the King's Courts in personal Causes Which the King hearing of expresly commanded them by special Messengers to desist from it whereupon this Council was dissolved In the nineteenth year of King Edward the First Queen Eleanor deceasing in December the King thereupon out of his devotion according to the practice of that blind Age on January the fourth issued a Writ to all the Religious Houses and Monks of Cluny in England to sing Masses and Prayers for her Soul to purge it from all the remaining spots of sin and to certifie him the number of the Masses they would say for her that proportionably he might thank them William Thorn saith that the Prior of Christ-church in Canterbury granted to the King in the Feast of the Translation of St. Edward fifty Hymns and two thousand three hundred and fifty Masses for the Souls of his Progenitors and Queens of England as a great extraordinary Liberality and Spiritual Alms. The Abbot of Condam also sent a Letter to the King to inform him what Prayers Masses and Anniversaries He and his Monastery had ordered for the Queens speedy translation to Heavenly Joyes Anno 1292. died John Peckham Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope Nicholas also died who sate four years one month and eighteen dayes after whose death one delivered this Verse for an Epitaph Gloria laus speculum fratrum Nicolae Minorum Te vivente vigent te moriente cadunt The Frier Minors pride insolency and avarice was great while they lived who were both of their Order Archbishop Peckham's death this year put a period to the Contests between him and the Abbot of St. Augustines King Edward in the twentieth year of his Reign out of his blind devotion and love to his late deceased Consort Queen Eleanor instituted a solemn Anniversary to be kept for her every year Issuing sums of Money and granting several Manors and Lands to the Abbot and Covent of Westminster for that end Claus 20. Edw. 1. wherein he prescribed how many Tapers and of what weight they should find how many and what Masses Dirges Pater-nosters Ave-Maries they should sing and what Alms they should distribute to the poor for her Soul obliging the Abbot Prior and Monks by a solemn Oath duly to perform the same under pain of forfeiting all their Goods Chattels and the Lands thus given to them for this end Anthony Bishop of Durham erecting the Parish-Churches of Chester and Langechester which were very rich and large into a Deanary and seven Prebendaries for the advancing of God's Service and the good of the peoples Souls and obliging the Dean and Prebends by Oath to personal Residence thereon and discharge of their duties and God's Service therein according as he had prescribed by his Ordinances and Charters The King to promote God's Service and the good of his Peoples Souls ratified the Bishop's Ordinances by two Charters which recite them warranting the division of great and rich Parishes and Bishopricks into many and obliging the Dean Prebends Ministers Chaplains thereof by Oath to personal Residence and discharge of their Duties and Divine offices therein John Lythgraines and Alice
confirmation of his election together with a License to be consecrated in his own Church at York by the Bishop of Durham The King upon the receipt of the Pope's Bull issued a Writ for the restitution of his Temporalties Pope Boniface having confirmed the election of David Martyn to the Bishoprick of St. Davids in Wales the King upon notice given accepted thereof The Bishoprick of Ely becoming void by the death of William Luda the minor part of the Chapter elected John their Prior but the better John de Langten the King's Chancellor The King confirmed the election of his Chancellor The King by his Prerogative having granted a License to the Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield Anno Reg. 26. to hold the Hospital of St. Leonards in York in Commenda with his Bishoprick during his life out of his free Gift and special Grace confirmed it by his Patents so as this Dispensation should not prove prejudicial to him or his Heirs The Monks of Battel-Abbey by ancient Charters having the custody of the Abby and Lands during the vacancy upon their Abbot's death the King issued a Writ to restore them to their custody Mr. Prynne observeth and relateth diverse things of this year 1. That the Contests between the Archbishop Prynne's Hist of Popes Usurpations Tom. 3. Abbots and Monks of Canterbury about Exemptions Priviledges and Jurisdictions was a great cause of advancing the Pope's usurped Jurisdiction over them both and over the Rights Prerogative of the Crown and Church of England 2. The Pope's Insolency in exempting the Abbots and Monks of Canterbury and all their Lands Hospitals Churches Impropriations Priests Tenants from all Archiepiscopal and other Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and subjecting them solely to the See of Rome as likewise in subjecting the Archbishop of Canterbury the Bishops of London and Rochester to the commands and censures of the Abbots of Westminster Waltham and St. Edmond 3. The pride of the Abbots in erecting Deanaries Officials Ecclesiastical Consistories and in prescribing Oaths of Canonical obedience upon the Priests and Curats of their Churches belonging to their Monastery 4. The strange injustice and contradiction of Popes Bulls nulling repealing each other by Non obstantes with all former Priviledges granted by themselves and Contracts made or ratified by others through bribery and corruption CENT XIV IN the beginning of this Century King Edward the First waged cruel Wars against the Scots Then Pope Boniface the Eighth sent his Letters to the King to quit his claim to Scotland to cease his Wars Fox Acts and Monum lib. 1. p. 444 445. and release his Prisoners of the Scotch Nation as a people exempt and properly belonging to his own Chappel He grounded his Title thereunto because it was said Scotland was first converted by the Relicks of S. Peter to the unity of the Christian Faith Hereupon King Edward called a Council of his Lords at Lincoln where he returned a large Answer to the Pope's Letter endeavouring by evident Reasons and ancient Precedents to prove his propriety in the Kingdom of Scotland This was seconded by another from the English Peerage subscribed with all their hands declaring that the King ought by no means to answer in judgment in any case or should bring his Rights into doubt and ought not to send any Proctors or Messengers to the Pope c. The Pope foreseeing the Verdict would go against him wisely non-suited himself Then Pope Boniface sent forth a Declaration in favour of the Archbishop and proceeded so violently against the Abbots Monks Chron. Will. Thorn col 1997. ad 2003. and their Adherents by Excommunications Interdicts c. that he enforced them to submit and sue unto him for Absolution and a friendly agreement between them After the death of Henry de Newark Thomas Corbridge being elected Archbishop of York repaired to Rome for his Confirmation where he was forced to resign his right of Election into the Pope's hands and to receive the Archbishoprick from him by way of provision who thereupon not only confirmed but consecrated him Archbishop at Rome and gave him his Pall and the King restored his Temporalties upon receipt of the Pope's Bull. Thomas Stubs tells us of an high Contest that happened soon after betwixt the King and him about the Chappel of St. Sepulchres in York for which the King seized his Temporalties and detained some of them till his death for obeying the Pope's Provision and Commands before the King 's Writ in refusing to admit his Clerk to this Chappel and to remove the Pope's Clerk whom he had placed therein by his Papal Provision This Archbishop's Liberties in Beverley were seized into the King's hands Anno 29. of his Reign for a contempt committed by him in the King's presence The King's Daughter Mary being a Nun professed at Ambresbury the King granted her forty Oaks each year twenty tun of Wines and several Manors of above the value of two hundred pounds a year for her maintenance In the thirtieth year of the Reign of King Edward the French King Philip with all the Peers Earls Barons Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors Clergy University of Paris and the Cities and Commonalty of France did Appeal and Article against Pope Boniface the Eighth his Person Crimes Interdicts Excommunications to the next General Council in the ruffe of his Papal pride as a most detestable Heretick Simoniack Adulterer Sorcerer and Monster of Impiety and soon after seized imprisoned and brought him to a shameful Tragical end The particular Articles are recorded by Mr. Fox Fox Acts and Monuments Vol. 1. p. 450 451. Of this Pope a certain Versifier wrote thus Ingreditur Vulpes Regnat Leo sed Canis exit Re tandem vera si sic fuit ecce chimera Alter vero sic Vulpes intravit tanquam Leo Pontificavit Exiit utque Canis de divite factus inanis Then was the Bishop of Ostia created Pope and called Benedict the Eleventh Of whom one saith A te nomen habe bene dic bene fac Benedicte Aut rem perverte maledic malefac Maledicte The Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Winchelsey having plotted Treason with some others of the Nobility against the King projecting to depose him and set up his Son Edward in his Room lurked in a Covent at Canterbury till fourscore Monks were by the King's Command thrust out of their places for relieving him out of their Charity and were not restored till the Archbishop was banished the Kingdom In the year 1305. the King sent a Letter to the Pope for the Canonizing of Thomas de Cantelupe late Bishop of Hereford deceased famous for sundry Miracles as was suggested that so he and his Realm might enjoy the benefit of his Intercession for them in Heaven according to the Superstition of that blind Age. After the death of Pope Benedict Pope Clement was no sooner elected and enthroned in France but he began to exercise his new Rapines in England by complying with King Edward in granting
notwithstanding this Law of Provision strugled for a time till the King's Power overswayed them Indeed this grievance continued all this and most of the next King's Reign till the Statute of praemunire was made and afterward the Land was cleared from the encumbrance of such provisions Three years after the Statute against the Pope's Provisions was made the King presented unto the Pope Thomas Hatlif to be Bishop of Durham one who was the King's Secretary but one void of all other Episcopal qualifications However the Pope confirmed him and being demanded why he consented to the preferment of so worthless a person he answered that rebus sic stantibus if the King of England had presented an Ass unto him he would have confirmed him in the Bishoprick In this King's Reign were diverse Learned Men in England John Baconthorp a Man of a very low stature of whom one saith Baleus in ejus vita Ingenio magnus Corpore parvus erat His wit was Tall in Body small Coming to Rome he was hissed at in a publick Disputation for the badness forsooth of his Latin and pronunciation but indeed because he opposed the Pope's power in dispensing with Marriages contrary to the Law of God He wrote on the Sentences where he followeth the truth in many things especially he refuteth the subtilties of John Scotus as Baptist Mantuan hath marked Iste tenebrosi damnat vestigia Scoti Et per sacra novis it documenta viis Hunc habeant quibus est sapientia grata redundat Istius in sacris fontibus omne sophos Joh. Bale Cent. 4. Sect. 82. He wrote De dominio Christi where he proveth that the highest Bishop in every Kingdom should be in subjection to Princes Richard Primate of Ireland alias Armachanus was his Disciple and taught the same Doctrine he Translated the Bible into Irish He discovered the hypocrisie of Friers in that though they professed poverty yet they had stately Houses like the Palaces of Princes and more costly Churches than any Cathedral richer Ornaments than all the Princes c. William Ockham an English Man sided with Lewis of Bavaria against the Pope maintaining the Temporal Power above the Spiritual He was forced to fly to the Emperor for his safety He was a Disciple of John Scotus but became Adversary of his Doctrine He was the Author of the Sect of Nominales He was a follower of Pope Nicholas the fourth and therefore was Excommunicated by Pope John This Ockham was Luther's chief School-man who had his Works at his finger's end Robert Holcot was not the meanest among them who died of the Plague at Northampton just as he was reading his Lectures on the seventh of Ecclesiasticus About that time a Book was written in English called The complaint and prayer of a Plough-man The Author of it is said to have been Robert Langland a Priest After a general complaint of the Iniquity of the time the Author wrote zealously against Auricular Confession as contrary to Scripture and profit of the publick and as a device of man against the Simony of selling Pardons against the Pope as the Adversary of Christ He complaineth of the unmarried Priests committing wickedness and by bad example provoking others of Images in Churches as Idolatry of false Pastors which feed upon their flocks and feed them not nor suffer others to feed them He wrote also against Purgatory In this King's Reign were diverse Archbishops of Canterbury I will begin with Simon Mepham made Archbishop in the first year of his Reign John Stratford was the second Consecrated first Bishop of Winchester The third was Thomas Bradwardine Fellow of Merton Colledge in Oxford and afterwards Chancellor of London and commonly called The profound Doctor He had many disputes with the School-men against the errors of Pelagius and reduced all his Lectures into three Books which he entitled De causa Dei He was Confessor to King Edward the third He died a few Months after his Consecration Simon Islip was the fourth he founded Canterbury Colledge in Oxford This Colledge is now swallowed up in Christ-Church Simon Langham is the fifth much meriting by his Munificence to Westminster-Abbey William Witlesee succeeded him famous for freeing the University of Oxford from the Jurisdiction of the Bishop of Lincoln formerly the Diocesan thereof Simon Sudbury was the last Archbishop of Canterbury in this King's Reign In his Reign also flourished Nicholas Trivet a black Frier born in Norfolk who wrote two Histories and a Book of Annals Richard Stradley born in the Marches of Wales a Monk and a Divine who wrote diverse excellent Treatises of the Scriptures William Herbert a Welchman who wrote many good Treatises in Divinity Thomas Wallis Sir Rich. Baker's Chron. a Dominican Frier and a writer of many excellent Books Walter Burley a Doctor in Divinity who wrote many choise Treatises in Natural and Moral Philosophy Roger a Monk of Chester and an Historiographer John Burgh a Monk who wrote an History and also diverse Homilies Richard Aungervil Bishop of Durham and Lord Chancellor of England Richard Chichester a Monk of Westminster who wrote a good Chronicle from the year 449. to the year 1348. Matthew Westminster who wrote the Book called Flores Historiarum Henry Knighton who wrote an History entitled De gestis Anglorum John Mandevil Knight Doctor of Physick a great Traveller and Sir Geoffry Chaucer the Homer of our Nation About the fortieth year of his Reign there was a Priest in England called William Wickham who was great with King Edward so that all things were done by him who was made Bishop of Winchester Towards the latter end of this King's Reign arose John Wickliff a Learned Divine of Oxford who did great service to the Church in promoting Reformation and in opposing Papal power for he wrote sharply against the Pope's authority the Church of Rome and diverse of their Religious Orders Certain Divines and Masters of the University entertained his Doctrine viz. Robert Rigges Chancellor of the University together with the two Proctors and many others He not onely Preached this Doctrine in Oxford but also more publickly in London At the Court before the King himself the Prince of Wales his Son John Duke of Lancaster the Lord Clifford the Lord Latimer and others likewise the Lord Montacute who defaced Images throughout all his Jurisdiction and John Earl of Sarum who at the point of death refused the Popish Sacrament with diverse others of the chiefest Nobility the Major of London with diverse other worthy Citizens who many times disturbed the Bishop's Officers who were called for the suppressing of Wickliff This Man being much encouraged by the Duke of Lancaster and Sir Henry Piercy Marshall went from Church to Church Preaching his Opinions and spreading his Doctrine whereupon he is cited to answer before the Archbishop the Bishop of London and others in St. Paul's London At the day appointed the Duke of Lancaster and the Lord Marshall go to conduct
but generally in specie to the great impoverishing of the Land yearly returned the Tenths and First-fruits of the English Clergy to Rome The Pope being now dead in England the King was found his Heir at Common Law as to most of the power and profit the other had usurped But now as the Clergy had changed their Landlord so their Rents were new rated Commissioners being employed in all Counties the Bishop of the Diocess being alwayes one of them to value their yearly Revenue that so their Tenths and First-fruits may be proportioned accordingly These Raters were the chiefest in all Counties under the degrees of Barons These Commissioners were impowred by the King to send for the Scribes and Notaries of all Bishops and Archdeacons to swear the Receivers and Auditors of Incumbents to view their Register-books Fuller Church history Easter-books and all other Writings and to use all other wayes to know the full value of Ecclesiastical preferments with the number and names of persons enjoying the same They were to divide themselves by Three and Three allotting to every number so many Deaneries and to enquire the number and names of all Abbies Monasteries Priories Brotherships Sisterships Fellowships c. Houses Religious and Conventual as well CHARTER-HOVSE as others these Carthusians being specified by name because pretending priviledge of Papal exemption and meeting together to certifie into the Exchequer at the time limited in their Commission the true value of such places or preferments This work took up some years in the effecting thereof Devon-shire and Sommerset were done in the twenty seventh Stafford-shire and many other Counties in the thirty fourth year of King Henry the Eighth and most of Wales not till the Reign of King Edward the Sixth In Ireland the Commissioners found the work so troublesome that they never came into the County of Kerrey the South-West extremity of that Island so that the Clergy thereof are put into their Benefices without any payments But in England all were unpartially rated and Vicaridges valued very high according to their present Revenue by personal Requisites Idem ibid. In that Age he generally was the richest Shepherd that had the greatest Flock where Oblations from the living and Obits for the dead as certainly paid as predial Tithes much advanced their Income In consideration whereof Vicaridges mostly lyinig in Market-Towns and populous Parishes were set very high though soon after those obventions sunk with superstition And the Vicars in vain desired a proportionable abatement in the King's Books which once drawn up were no more to be altered Now Queen Mary did by Act of Parliament exonerate acquit and discharge the Clergy from all First-fruits As for Tenths the same Statute ordered them to be paid to Cardinal Pool who from the same was to pay the Pensions allowed to Monks and Nuns by her Father at the dissolution of Abbeys yet so that when such persons who were but few and aged all named in a Deed indented should decease all such payments of the Clergy reserved Nomine Decimae should cease and be extinct for ever But her Sister Queen Elizabeth Vide Statut. 1 Eliz. cap. 4. succeeding her was exact to have her Dues from the Clergy Sir Christopher Hatton who was Master of this First-fruits Office was much indebted to her for Moneys received All which Arrears her Majesty required so severely and suddenly from him that the grief thereof cost him his life I say this Queen in the first of her Reign resumed First-fruits and Tenths only with this case to Parsonages not exceeding ten Marks and Vicaridges ten pounds that they should be freed from First-fruits In the months of October and November Anno 1538. the Abbeys and Monasteries in England were dissolved Cromwel being made General Visitor employed Richard Layton Thomas Lee William Detre Doctors of the Law Doctor John London Dean of Wallingford with others giving them instruction in eighty six Articles for visiting Monasteries every where by which they were to enquire into the government behaviour and education of the persons of both Sexes to find out all their offences and to this purpose give them encouragements to accuse both their Governors and each other To command them to exhibit their Mortmains Lord Herbert in vit Henr. 8. Evidences and Conveyances of their Lands to produce their Plate and Money and give an Inventory thereof The King also gave forth Injunctions to be observed some tending to the establishing of his Supremacy Some touching the good Government of the Houses As that no Brother go out of the Precinct That there be but one entrance That no Woman frequent the Monks nor any Man the Nuns c. And some for Education As that a Divinity-lecture be every where read and frequented That the Abbot daily expound some part of the Rule of their Order shewing yet that these Ceremonies are but Introductions to Religion which consisteth not in Apparel shaven Heads c. but in purity of mind That none shall profess or wear the Habit till twenty four years of age That no feigned Relicks or Miracles be shewed no Offerings to Images c. Lee and the rest at their return gave that account of their feigned Miracles and Relicks as well as sinful and sluggish life of the Religious Orders as not only Cromwel said their Houses should be thrown down to the foundation but the whole Body of the Kingdom when it was published to them became so scandalized thereat as they resolve if the King ever put it into their hands to give remedy thereunto Yet were not all alike criminal for some Societies behaved themselves so well as their life being not only exempt from notorious faults but their spare times bestowed in writing Books Painting Carving Graving and the like Exercises their Visitors became Intercessors for them But these being not many were at last involved in the common fate Not long after this the King caused all Colledges Chantries and Hospitals to be visited not omitting to take a particular survey of all the Revenues and Dignities Ecclesiastical within his Kingdom which was returned to him in a Book to be kept in the Exchequer Then King Henry sent Fox Bishop of Hereford to the Protestant Princes in Germany assembled at Smalcald to exhort them to an unity in Doctrine wherein he offered his assistance by conference with their Divines Immediately after the ruine of Monasteries in the Month of November followed the condemnation of John Lambert that faithful Servant of Christ On a set day Lambert was brought forth where he had not only the King 's fierce countenance against him but also ten Disputers against him from twelve of the clock till five at night among which were the Archbishop Stephen Gardiner C. Tunstal Bishop of Durham and J. Stokesley Bishop of London Through Winchester's perswasion to gratifie the people the King himself condemned Lambert and commanded Cromwel to read the Sentence He was burned in Smithfield where he suffered
hoping to be continued the latter labouring to be restored Seeing by the fidelity of the Norfolk and Suffolk Protestant Gentry the Queen was much advantaged for the speedy recovering of her Right they conceived that as she by them had regained the Crown so they under her should enjoy their Consciences The Papists put their Ceremonies in execution presuming on the Queens private practice and publick countenance The Queen on August 18. puts forth a Proclamation declaring her self for the Popish Religion which she resolves to observe for her self wishing her Subjects to follow her example yet that she mindeth not to compel any thereunto until such time as further order by common Assent may be taken therein forbidding all her Subjects to move Seditions at their perils and the Printing of any Book Rhyme Enterlude or Treatise without her special License for the same and likewise to Preach or by way of reading in Churches or other publick or private places except in Schools of the Universities to Interpret or Teach any Scripture or any points of Doctrine concerning Religion Hereupon many of the people in divers places received their old Religion erected again their Altars and used the Mass and Latin Service as was wont to be in King Henrie's time In Cambridge the Vice-chancellor chalenged one Peirson on Octob. 3. for officiating the Communion in his own Parish Church in the English Tongue and on the 26. displaced Doctor Madew Master of Clare-hall for being Married In like manner some of the Popish party in King's Colledge on the 28th of the same moneth officiated the Divine Service in the Latin Tongue At Oxford John Jewel was chosen to pen the first gratulatory Letter to the Queen in the name of the University an Office imposed on him by his Enemies Doctor Tresham a Van-currier before authority repaired the great Bell in Christ-church and named it Mary Harley Bishop of Hereford and Taylor of Lincoln two of the last of King Edward's Bishops were present at the opening of the Parliament Octob. 10. But no sooner was the Mass begun though not then restored by any Law than they left the Church For which the Bishop of Lincoln being first examined and making profession of his Faith prevented the malice of his enemies by a timely Death And Harley upon information of his Marriage was presently excluded from the Parliament-house and not long after from his Bishoprick also Hereupon Bishop Barlow of Wells and Scory of Chichester passed beyond the Seas followed not long after by Bishop Poinet of Winchester On November 3. Archbishop Cranmer was arraigned at the Guild-hall in London with the Lord Guilford Dudley the late Queen Jane his Wife and others all of them being attainted and condemned of Treason After Peter Martyr had quit the Realm his Wive's Body having been buried in the Church of St. Frideswid was afterward by publick order taken out of the Grave and buried in a common dunghill John a Lasco was forced to dissolve his Congregation and He with his Strangers to quit the Countrey The like hast made the French Protestants also At which time many of the English as well Students as others departed also The principal of those were Katherine the last Wife of Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk Robert Berty Esq Husband to the Dutchess the Bishops of Winchester and Wells as before was said Sir Richard Morison Sir Anthany Cook and Sir John Cheek Doctor Cox Doctor Sands and Doctor Grindal The News of Queen Maries succeeding her Brother to the Crown of England posted to Rome and was very welcome to Pope Julius the Third because it gave him some assurance of his re-admission into the Power and Jurisdiction of his Predecessors in the Realm of England in pursuance of which hopes it was resolved that Cardinal Pool should be sent Legate into England who being of the Blood-royl and a man of eminent Learning and of exemplary life was looked on as the fittest Instrument to reduce that Kingdom The Parliaments first Act was to take away all Statutes passed by the two last Kings wherein certain Offences had been made High Treason and others brought within the compass of a Pramunire This was done especially for Pool's security that neither He by exercising his authority nor the Clergy by submitting to it might be entangled in the like snares as Cardinal Wolsey and the whole Clergy of his time had before been caught Then an Act was passed for repealing certain Statutes of King Edward thereby they took away all former Statutes for administring the Sacraments in both kinds for establishing the first and second Liturgy c. In a word by this one blow the Queen cut down all that had been done in the Reformation in seven years before And then for want of Canonical Ordination on the one side and under colour of Uncanonical Marriages on the other there was presently such a remove among the Bishops and Clergy as it is not any where to be paralelled in so short a time An Act was passed likewise Entitled An Act against offenders of Preachers c which two Acts were seconded by the Queen with two Proclamations December 5. By one of which it was declared that all Statutes made in the time of the late King Edward which concerned Religion were repealed by Parliament and therefore that the Mass should be said as formerly to begin on the twentieth of that moneth And by the other it was commanded that no person should dare from thenceforth to disturb any Priests in saying Mass or executing any other Divine Office Accordingly the Mass was publickly officiated in all parts of the Kingdom and so continued during the Reign of the Queen without interruption Another Act was passed wherein it was Enacted That the Marriage between King Henry the Eighth and Queen Katherine his first Wife was lawful and to stand with God's Laws and his Holy Word c. That the Decree of Divorce heretofore passed between the said King Henry and the said Queen by Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury should be reputed to be void and null with a Repeal of all such Statutes wherein the Queen had been declared to be Illegitimate There also past another Act in which there was a clause for the invalidating of all such Commissions as had been granted in the time of the late Queen Jane and one in confirming the Attainders of the late Duke of Northumberland Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury c. Together with this Parliament the Queen summoned a Convocation that all matters of Religion might first be debated and concluded in a Synodical way before they were offered to the Parliament In the Writs of which Summons Heylin Hist of Q. Mary she retained the Title of Supreme Head on Earth of the Church of England c. the want whereof in those of the present Parliament occasioned dispute among some of the Members Whether they might lawfully proceed or not in such publick business as were to be propounded to them in
no Sacramentary be admitted to Benefice 4. That all Bishops do labour to suppress Heresies especially in the Clergy 5. That they should suppress all unlawfull Books and writings 6. The next Article was against Priests Marriages and that such as would depart from their Wives should be admitted to the same function 7. That for want of Priests one Priest should serve two places 8. That Processions be used 9. That Holy-days and Fasts be frequented 10. That the Ceremonies be used and Confirmation of Children be put in practice In the same moneth of March the Lord Courtney whom the Queen at her first entry delivered out of the Tower and the Lady Elizabeth also the Queen's Sister were both by the suggestion of Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester suspected to have been of Wyat's Conspiracy and for the same were apprehended and sent to the Tower although Wyat at his death cleared them both as unacquainted with the matter Many trains were laid to ensnare the Lady Elizabeth And being on a time asked what she thought of the swords of Christ This is my Body whether she thought it is the true Body of Christ it is said that after some pausing she thus Answered Christ was the Word that spake it Sir Richard Bakers Chron. He took the Bread and brake it And what the Word did make it That I Believe and take it One Elizabeth Crofts about eighteen years old was by practice put into a Wall and therefore called The Spirit in the Wall who with a whistle made for that purpose whistled out many Seditious words against the Queen the Prince of Spain the Mass Confession c. for which she did Penance standing upon a Scaffold at Pauls Cross all the Sermon-time where she made open Confession of her fault Queen Mary altereth her stile leaving out the latter part of her Title which is Supreme Head of the Church of England and Ireland because in this Parliament holden at Westminster in April the Supremacy being given away from the Crown of England to the Pope thereupon this Parcel of the Title was also taken away Then followed a communication between Bishop Ridley and Secretary Bourn Mr. Fecknam and others at the Lieutenants Table in the Tower described at large by Mr. Fox touching the Sacrament On April 10. Archbishop Cranmer Bishop Ridley and Latimer were sent down to Oxford by the Lord Williams of Thame there to dispute with the Divines of both Universities about the presence substance and sacrifice of the Sacrament Of Oxford Dr. Weston prolocutor Dr. Tresham Dr. Cole Dr. Oglethorp Doctor Pie Doctor Harpsfield Mr. Fecknam Of Cambridge Dr. Young Vice-Chancellor Doctor Glyn Dr. Seaton Dr. Watson Dr. Sedgwick Dr. Atkinson The Questions whereon they should Dispute were these 1. Whether the natural body of Christ be really in the Sacrament after the words of Consecration be spoken by the Priest 2. Whither any substance do remain after the words saving the body and blood 3. Whither the mass be a sacrifice propitiatory The order and manner of the disputation against these three worthy Martyrs the disordered usage of the University men the rude tumult of the multitude the fierceness and interruption of the Doctors the full pith and ground of all their Arguments the Censure of the Judges the railing Language of the Prolocutor with his blast of triumph in the latter end is set forth fully by Mr. Fox The disputation being ended on April 20. they were again brought upon the stage and then demanded whether they would persist in their opinion or else recant And affirming that they would persist they were all Three adjudged Hereticks and condemned to the fire but their execution was respited to a longer time May 19. the Lady Elizabeth was brought out of the Tower and committed to the custody of the Lord of Thame who gently entreated her afterwards she was had to Woodstock and there committed to the keeping of Sir Henry Bennefield who dealt hardly with her Prince Philip arriveth at Southampton July 20. 1554. and on the twenty third came to Winchester where the Queen met him and on the twenty fifth day the marriage between them there was openly Solemnized At which time the Emperour's Ambassadour presented to the King a donation of the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily which the Emperour his Father had resigned unto him Which presently was signified and the Titles of the King and Queen Proclaimed by sound of Trumpet in this following Style Philip and Mary by the Grace of God King and Queen of England France Naples Jerusalem Ireland Defenders of the Faith Princes of Spain and Sicily Archdukes of Austria Dukes of Milan Burgundy and Brabant Counts of Auspurg Flanders and Tirrol c. At the Proclaiming of which Style which was performed in French Latine and English the King and Queen shewed themselves hand in hand with two Swords born before them for the greater State or in regard of their distinct capacity in the Publick Government From Winchester they removed to Basing and so to Windsor where Philip on August the fifth was Installed Knight of the Garter On the eleventh of the same Moneth they made a Magnificent Passage through the Principal Streets of the City of London The King prevailed with the Queen for discharge of such Prisoners as stood committed in the Tower either for matter of Religion or on the account of Wyat's Rebellion or for engaging in the practice of the Duke of Northumberland which was done accordingly among which were the Arcbishop of York ten Knights and many other persons of name and quality He also procured the enlargement of the Lady Elizabeth and of the Earl of Devonshire who travelled through France into Italy and died at Padua Anno 1556. the eleventh and last Earl of Devonshire of that Noble Family of the Courtneys Marriage and Heresie were the crimes of Holgate Archbishop of York for which being deprived during his imprisonment in the Tower Dr. Nicholas Heath succeeded him in the See of York and leaves the Bishoprick of Worcester to Doctor Richard Pates who had been nominated by King Henry VIII Anno 1534. and having spent the intervening twenty years in the Court of Rome returned a true servant to the Pope Goodrick of Ely died April 10. leaving that Bishoprick to Dr. Thomas Thurlby Bishop of Norwich And Dr. John Hopton is made Bishop of Norwich Doctor Gilbert Bourn Heylin's Hist of Q. Mary Archdeacon of London is made Bishop of Wells Harley of Hereford is succeeded by Purefay of S. Asaph Old Bush of Bristol and Bird of Chester the two first Bishops of those Sees were deprived also The first succeeded to by Holiman once a Monk of Reading the last by Coles Master of Baliol Colledge in Oxford Dr. Randolph Bayn who had been Hebrew Reader in Paris in the time of King Francis was Consecrated Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield The Parliament began Novemb. 12. where a way was opened for Cardinal Poole's Reception by preparing a Bill
lodging in the Charter-house where she staid some dayes till all things in the Tower might be fitted for her reception Attended by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen with a stately Train of Lords and Ladies she entreth by Cripple-gate into the City passeth along the Wall till she came to Bishops-gate where all the Companies of the City in their several Liveries waited her coming in their proper and distinct ranks reaching from thence until the further end of Mark-lane where she was entertained with a peal of great Ordinance from the Tower At her entrance into which place she rendred her most humble thanks to Almighty God for the great and wondrous change of her condition in bringing her from being a prisoner in that place to be the Ruler of her people and now to take possession of it as a Royal Palace Here she emained till December the fifth then next following and from thence removed by water to Sommerset-house In each remove she found such infinite throngs of people which flocked from all parts to see her both by land and water and testified their publick joy by such loud acclamations as much rejoyced her heart to hear and could not but express it in her words and countenance As she passed through London the Bible was presented to her at the little Conduit in Cheapside which she received with both her hands and kissing it laid it to her breast saying That the same had ever been her delight and should be the rule by which she meant to frame her Government She was crowned by Owen Oglethorp Bishop of Carlisle Camden's Hist of Q. Elizab. on January the fourteenth for that the Archbishop of York and the rest of the Bishops refused to perform that office suspecting her Religion who had been first bred in the Protestants Religion and also for that she had very lately forbidden the Bishop in saying Mass to lift up the Host to be adored and permitted the Li●any with the Epistle and Gospel to be read in the vulgar tongue For the first six weeks things stood in their former state without the least alteration She being now twenty five years of age and taught by Experience and Adversity had gathered wisdom above age the proof whereof she gave in chusing her Counsellors which were as follow Nicholas Heath Archbishop of York William Pawlet Marquess of Winchester Lord Treasurer Henry Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundel Francis Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury Edward Stanley Earl of Darby William Herbert Earl of Pembrook Edward Lord Clinton Lord Admiral of the Sea William Lord Howard of Effingham Lord Chamberlain Sir Thomas Cheiney Sir William Peter Sir John Mason Sir Richard Sackvill Nicholas Wotton Dean of Canterbury All these were Papists and of Queen Maries Council To these she joyned of her own William Par Marquess of Northampton Francis Russel Earl of Bedford Edward Rogers Ambrose Cave Francis Knollys William Cecil who had been Secretary to King Edward the Sixth and soon after Nicholas Bacon whom she made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal All these were of the Protestants Religion and had been in no place under Queen Mary Proclamations came forth that Preachers should abstain from questions controverted in Religion Then care was taken for sending new Commissions unto such Ambassadors as resided in the Courts of several Princes both to acquaint them with the change and to assure those Princes of the Queen's desire to maintain all former leagues between them and the Crown of England To her Agent in the Court of Spain it was given in charge to represent to the King the dear remembrance which she kept of those many Humanities received from him in the time of her Troubles Instructions are sent also to Sir Edward Karn the late Queen's Agent with the Pope and now confirmed by her in the same employment to make the Pope acquainted with the death of Queen Mary and her succession to the Crown not without some desire that all good Offices might be reciprocally exchanged between them But the Pope answered Heylin Hist of Q. Elizab. An. Reg. 1. That the Kingdom of England was held in Fee of the Apostolick See That she could not succeed being Illegitimate That He could not contradict the declaration of Clement the Seventh and Paul the Third That it was a great boldness to assume the Name and Government of it without him yet being desirous to shew a Fatherly affection if she would renounce her pretensions and refer her self wholly to his free disposition He will do whatsoever may be done with the Honour of the Apostolick See The new Queen having performed this office of Civility to him as she did to others expected no answer nor took much thought of it when she heard it Many who were imprisoned for Religion she restored to liberty at her first coming to the Crown which occasioned Rainsford a Gentleman of the Court to make a sute to her in the behalf of Matthew Mark Luke and John who had been long imprisoned in a Latin Translation that they also might walk abroad as formerly in the English Tongue To whom she made answer That he should first endeavour to know the minds of the prisoners who perhaps desired no such liberty as he demanded King Philip fearing least he should lose the strength and title of the Kingdom of England and that the Kingdom of England Scotland and Ireland would by Mary Queen of Scots be annexed unto France dealt seriously with Queen Elizabeth about a Marriage to be contracted with her promising to procure a special dispensation from the Bishop of Rome The Queen weighing in her mind the unlawfulness of such a Marriage puts off King Philip by little and little with a modest answer but indeed out of scruple of Conscience And now she thought nothing more pleasing to God than that Religion should be forthwith be altered Thereupon the care of correcting the Liturgy was committed to Doctor Matthew Parker Bill May Grindal Whitehead and Pilkinton Learned and moderate Divines and to Sir Thomas Smith Knight the matter being imparted to no man but the Marquess of Northampton the Earl of Bedford Sir John Grey of Pyrgo and Sir William Cecil A Parliament was summoned to begin on January 25. which opened with an Eloquent and Learned Sermon Preached by Dr. Cox In the House of Commons there were some furious Spirits who eagerly opposed all propositions which seemed to tend unto the prejudice of the Church of Rome Of which number none so violent as Scory Doctor of the Laws and a Great Instrument of Bonner's Butcheries in Queen Mary's Reign who being questioned for the cruelty of his Executions declared himself to be sorry for nothing more That instead of lopping off some few boughes and branches he did not lay his Ax to the Root of the Tree Yet passed He unpunished for the present though Divine Vengeance brought him in the end to his just reward In this Parliament passed an Act for recognizing the Queen's just Title to the
Lent the Embring weeks and Rogation severely kept not now by vertue of the Statute as in the time of King Edward but as appointed by the Church in her publick Calendar before the Book of Common-Prayer The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper celebrated in a Reverend manner the Table seated in the place of the Altar In the Court the Liturgy was officiated every day both Morning and Evening not onely in the publick Chappel but the private Closet celebrated in the Chappel with Organs and other Musical Instruments and the most excellent voices both of men and children that could be got in all the Kingdom The Gentlemen and Children in their Surplices and the Priests in Copes as oft as they attended the Divine Service at the Altar The Altar furnished with rich Plate two fair gilt Candlesticks with Tapers in them and a Massy Crucifix in midst thereof Which last remained there for some years The antient Ceremonies customably observed by the Knights of the Garter in their Adoration toward the Altar were by this Queen retained as formerly in her Father's time The solemn Sermons Preached upon each Wednesday Friday and Lords-day in the time of Lent Preached by the choycest of the Clergy she devoutly heard attired in black according to the custom of her Predecessors The Bishoprick of Carlile was first profered to Bernard Gilpin Fuller Church History of Britain Rector of Houghton in the North but Mr. Gilpin refused the offer not that he had any disaffection to the Office but because he had so much kinred about Carlile at whom He must either connive in many things not without hurt to himself or else deny them not without offence to them It was afterward given to Dr. John Best as was shewed before As for Miles Coverdale formerly Bishop of Exeter he hever returned to his See but remained a private Minister to the day of his death Such of the Scots as desired a Reformation of Religion taking advantage by the Queen's abscence and want of power in the Queen Regent to suppress their practices had put themselves into a Body Headed by some of the Nobility they take unto themselves the name of the Congregation managing their own Affairs apart from the rest of the Kingdom They petition the Queen Regent and the Lords of the Council that the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper might be administred in both kinds That divine Offices might be celebrated in the vulgar Tongue and that they might have the choice of their own Ministers The chief of the party well backed by the common people put themselves into Perth the news whereof occasioneth Mr. Knox to leave Geneva and joyn himself to the Lords of the Congregation At Perth he Preacheth against Images Idolatry and other Superstitions of the Church of Rome so bitterly that the people in a popular fury deface all the Images in that Church and presently demolish all Religious Houses in that City Those of Couper hearing of it forthwith destroyed all Images and pulled down the Altars in that Church also The like was done after his Preaching at Craile and St. Andrews in those places They burnt down the rich Monastery of Scone and ruined that of Cambuskenneth demolished all the Altars Images and Covents of Religious persons in Sterling Lithgow Glascough Edenburgh which last they possess and put up their own Preachers into all the Pulpits of that City not suffering the Queen Regent to have the use of one Church onely for her own devotions They alse deprive the Queen Regent of all place and power in the publick Government But she gathering Forces recovereth Edenborough and the chief key of all that Kingdom garisoned by the French In their extremity Maitland and Melvin being dispatched to the Court of England imploring aid from Queen Elizabeth And an Army is sent into Scotland of six thousand Foot and three thousand Horse commanded by the Lord Gray Some Ships were also sent to block up the haven and hinder all Relief which might come by Sea to the Town of Leith At length after divers Articles signed and confirmed for both Kingdoms the French take their leave of Scotland and the English Army was disbanded at Berwick As the Congregation was by the Queen put upon a present confidence of going vigorously on in their Reformation so it concern'd them to proceed so carefully in pursuance of it as might comply with the dependance which they had upon her First Therefore they bound themselves by their subscription to embrace the Liturgy with all the Rites of the Church of England which for a time remained the onely form of Worship for the Kirk of Scotland In the next place They cause a Parliament to be called in the moneth of August for the Boroughs there appeared the accustomed number but of the Lords Spiritual no more than six Bishops of thirteen with thirteen Abbots and Priors and the Temporal Lords to the number of ten Earls and as many Barons Three Acts were passed to the advantage of the Reformation The first was for the abolishing the Pope's Jurisdiction and Authority within the Realm The second for annulling all Statutes made in former times for maintenance of Idolatry and Superstition The third for the punishing the Sayers and Hearers of the Mass To this Parliament also some of the Ministers presented a Confession of the Faith and Doctrine to be believed and professed by the Protestants of the Kirk of Scotland which being put to the Vote was opposed but by three of the Temporal Lords The Popish Prelates were silent in it which being observed by the Earl Marshal he broke out into these words Seeing saith He that my Lords the Bishops who by their Learning can and for the zeal they should have to the Truth ought as I suppose to gainsay any thing repugnant to it say nothing against the Confession we have heard I cannot think but that it is the very Truth of God and that the contrary of it is false Doctrine The Queen was now as active in advancing the Reformed Religion in Ireland as she had been in either of the other Kingdoms A Parliament is therefore held on January 12. where past an Act restoring to the Crown the ancient Jurisdiction over all Ecclesiastical and Spiritual Persons By which Statute were established both the Oath of Supremacy and the High Commission as before in England There past also an Act for the Uniformity of Common-Prayer Heylin's Hist of Q. Elizab. c. with a permission for saying the same in Latin in those Churches where the Minister had not the knowledge of the English Tongue The people by that Statute are required under several penalties to frequent their Churches and to be frequent at the reading the English Liturgy which they understand as little as the Mass by which means the Irish were kept in ignorance as to the Doctrines and Devotions of the Church of England There also past another Statute for restoring to the Crown the first-fruits and twenty
parts of all Ecclesiastical promotions within that Realm as also of all Impropriate Parsonages The like Act passed for restoring all such Lands belonging to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem An Act was also past for the recognition of the Queen 's just Title to the Crown as before in England The Queen left the prosecution of the work to her Bishops and Clergy But they so dissipated the Revenues of their several Bishopricks by long Leases Fee-farmes and plain Alienations that to some of their Sees they left no more than a Rent of five Marks per annum to others a bare yearly Rent of forty shillings to the great dishonour of God disservice of the Church and the perpetual Ignominy of themselves Now Return we again to England where we find Reverend Jewel newly consecrated Bishop of Salisbury to have Preached a Sermon at Paul's Cross on 1 Cor. 11.23 That which I delivered to you I received of the Lord c. on March 30. 1560. There he published that memorable Challenge which so much exercised the Pens and Studies of the Romish Clergy Bishop Jewel's Chalenge If any Learned man of our Adversaries or all the Learned men that be alive be able to bring any one sufficient sentence out of any old Catholick Doctor or Father or General Council or Holy Scripture or any one Example in the Primitive Church whereby it may be clearly and plainly proved during the first six hundred years I. That there was at that time any private Mass in the World II. Or that there was then any Communion ministred unto the people in one kind III. Or that the People had their Common-Prayer in a strange Tongue IV. Or that the Bishop of Rome was then called the Head of the Vniversal Church V. Or that the People were then taught to believe that Christ's Body is really Substantially Carnally Corporally or Naturally in the Sacrament VI. Or that his Body is or may be in a thousand places or more at one time VII Or that the Priest did then hold up the Sacrament over his head VIII Or that the People did then fall down and Worship it with godly honour IX Or that the Sacrament was then and now ought to be hanged up under a Canopy X. Or that in the Sacrament after the words of Consecration there remained onely the accidents and shews without the substance of Bread and Wine XI Or that then the Priests divided the Sacrament into three parts and afterwards received Himself all alone XII Or that whosoever had said the Sacrament is a Figure a Pledge a Token or a Remembrance of Christ's Body had therefore been judged for an Heretick XIII Or that it was lawful then to have thirty twenty c. Masses said in one day XIV Or that Images were then set up in the Churches to the intent the people should worship them XV. Or that the Lay-people were then forbid to read the Word of God in their own Tongue XVI Or that it was then lawful for the Priest to pronounce the words of Consecration closely or in private to Himself XVII Or that the Priest had then authority to offer up Christ unto his Father XVIII Or to receive the Sacrament for another as they do XIX Or to apply the vertue of Christ's death to any man by the means of the Mass XX. Or that it was then thought a sound Doctrine to teach the People that Mass Ex opere operato is able to remove any part of our sin XXI Or that any Christian man called the Sacrament of the Lord his God XXII Or that the People were then taught to believe that the Body of Christ remaineth in the Sacrament as long as the Accidents of Bread and Wine remain there without corruption XXIII Or that a Mouse or any other Worm or Beast may eat the Body of Christ. XXIV Or that when Christ said Hoc est corpus meum the word Hoc pointed not the Bread but Individuum Vagum as some of them say XXV Or that the Accidents Formes or Shews of Bread and Wine be the Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood and not rather the very Bread and Wine it self XXVI Or that the Sacrament is a Token or sign of the Body of Christ that lieth underneath it XXVII Or that Ignorance is the Mother and Cause of true devotion The Conclusion is That then I shall be content to yield and subscribe This Chalenge being published in so great an Auditory startled the English Papists both at home and abroad The business was first agitated by the-exchange of friendly Letters betwixt Bishop Jewel and Dr. Henry Cole the late Dean of St. Pauls more violently followed in a Book of Rastals followed therein by Dorman and Marshal Dorman was well answered and foiled by Nowel and the other by Calfhil But the main encounter was between the Chalenger himself and Dr. John Harding who had the better of the day will easily appear to any that consults their Writings But these Discourses came not out till some years after Pope Paul the Fourth dying Pope Pius the Fourth succeedeth him who being moved to Excommunicate Queen Elizabeth by the Count of Feria takes a more moderate course by sending Vincent Parpalia Abbot of St. Saviour's with courteous Letters unto her Parpalia was instructed to offer in the Name of the Pope That the English Liturgy should be confirmed the use of the Communion in both kinds allowed of And that all sentences passed in the Court of Rome against her Mother should be rescinded upon condition she would own the Pope's Primacy and cordially unite her self to the Catholick Church yea some thousands of Crowns but all in vain were promised to the effecters thereof But for all this the Abbot came no nearer than Bruxels with his Bulls and Faculties not being suffered to set Foot on English ground Now another Enemy quarrels at the Rites and Extrinsecals of the Church Those that for Religion fled to Frankford in Queen Marie's days after her death hastened into England followed not long after by the Brethren of the Separation which retired from thence unto Geneva Some Friends they had about the Queen and Calvin make 's use of all his power and credit both with the Queen and Cecil as appears by his Letters unto both to advance their ends And he was seconded therein by Peter Martyr But the Queen resolved to keep up the Church in such outward splendor as might make it every way considerable in the eye of the World when therefore they saw the Liturgy imposed by Act of Parliament and so many Episcopal Sees supplied with able Pastors they began to revive the quarrels raised in King Edward's time about Caps and Surplices c. saith Dr. Heylin And herein they were seconded as before in King Edward's time by the same Peter Martyr as appears by his Letters to a nameless friend bearing date at Zurich November 5. 1560. to which he added his dislike in another of his Letters touching the
the Scots in the like distress The Queen had been secretly advertised of all passages there by Sir Nicholas Throgmorton her Majestie 's Resident in that Kingdom It being agreed on between them that the Queen should supply the Prince of Conde and his Associates with a sufficient quantity of Money Corn and Ammunition for the service of the French King against the practices of the House of Guise and that the Town of New-haven should be put into her Majestie 's hands to be garrisoned by English Souldiers Immediately a manifest was published in the name of the Queen wherein was declared that she had observed how the Guisian Faction in the names of the Queen-Mother of France and the young King had endeavoured to root out the Professors of the Reformed Religion and what massacres had been made at Vassey Paris Sene Tholouse Bloys Touers Angier and other places that there were thought to be Butchered no less than an hundred thousand of the natural Franch between the first of March and the twentieth of August then last past that with the like violence they had caused to be spoiled and imprisoned such of her Majestie 's Subjects as Traded in the Ports of Bretaign and such as sought to preserve themselves to be killed their goods and Merchandize to be seized without charging any other crime upon them but that they were Hugonots and that in consideration of the premises she could do no less than endeavour the preserving the Reformed Religion from an universal destruction and the maintaining her own Subjects and Dominions in peace and safety The ayd amounting to six thousand men was divided into two equal parts of which the one was destined to the defence of Roven and Deep then being in the hands of the Confederates the other to take possession of the Town of New-haven which by the Inhabitants was joyfully surrend●ed to the English The Lord Ambrose Dudley the eldest Son then living of the late Duke of Northumberland she sent to command that place whom on Decemb. 26. She had created Lord Lisle and Earl of Warwick where he was solemnly received with a peal of Ordnance A petit Rebellion hapned in Merton-colledge in Oxford The Wardenship of that house being voyd by the death of Gervase one Man is chosen to the place one Hall and his Popish faction opposed his admission and raised such a persecution that it was poenal for any to be a Protestant Archbishop Parker hearing of it summoneth Hall to appear before him but the seal of the citation was torn off by some of that party Hereupon the Archbishop made a solemn visitation of that Colledge wherein all were generally examined Man confirmed Warden Hall justly expelled his party publickly admonished the young Scholars relieved Papists curbed and suppressed Protestants countenanced and encouraged in the whole University Now many strange whispers were abroad and no small hopes conceived by those of the Popish faction for suppressing the Protestants in all parts of the Kingdom and setting up their own Religion as in former times of the plot were Arthur Pool younger brother to Reginald Pool the late Cardinal Legate and Geoffry Fortescue who had married his sister and others The substance of their charge was a design of levying War against the Queen c. with a particular intention of advancing the Queen of Scots to the Crown of England and Pool himself unto the Title of Duke of Clarence All which they Confessed upon the Indictment and did all receive the sentence of death but were all afterwards pardoned by the Queen out of that great respect which she bare to their Royal Extraction Then was that elegant discourse published by Bishop Jewel Entitled The Apology of the Church of England first writ in Latine translated presently into English French Italian Dutch and at last in Greek to the publishing whereof he was much encouraged by Peter Martyr with whom he had spent the greatest part of his time when he lived in exile But Martyr lived onely to see the Book which he so much longed for dying at Zurich on the twelfth of November following and laid into his grave by the Magistrates and people of that City with a solemn funeral The five Bishopricks erected by King Henry the eighth were so impoverished in this Queen's Reign that the new Bishops were necessitated to require the benevolence of their Clergy at their first coming to them to furnish their Episcopal houses and to enable them to maintain some tolerable degree of Hospitality in their several Diocesses The Parliament called January 12. 1562. passed an Act for Assurance of the Queen 's Royal power over all Estates and Subjects in her Dominions In which it was provided That no man Residing in the Queen's Dominions should from thence-forth either by-word or writing c. endeavour willingly to maintain the power and jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome heretofore usurped within this Realm It was also enacted that none should be admitted unto Holy Orders or to any Degree in either of the Universities or to be Barrester or Bencher in any of the Inns of Court or to Practise as an Attourney c till He or They should first take the Oath of Supremacy on the Holy Evangelists with a power given to every Archbishop and Bishop within this Realm and the Dominions of the same to Minister the said Oath to all and every Spiritual Person in their proper Diocesses as well in places exempt as els-where It had been declared by the Bishops and Clergy assembled at the same time in their Convocation To be a thing plainly repugnant to the word of God and the Custom of the Primitive Church to have publick Prayer in the Church or to administer the Sacraments in a Tongue not understood by the People therefore it was Enacted That the Bishops of Hereford S. David's Bangor Landaff and S. Asaph should take care for Translating the whole Bible with the Common-prayer book into the Welch Tongue The like care was also taken for Translating the Books of Homilies Then were the Nine and thirty Articles composed in the Convocation at London published soon after both in English and Latine with this following Title The 39. Articles compiled in Convocation viz. Articles agreed upon by the Archishops and Bishops of both Provinces and the whole Clergy in the Convocation holden at London Anno 1562. for the avoyding of Diversities of opinions and establishing consent touching true Religion These Articles came forth much about the time that the Decrees of the Council of Trent were published Many of which Decrees begin with lying and all end with Cursing threatening Anathema's to all dissenters Anno 1571. the Parliament confirmed these Articles so far that every Clerk should before Decemb. 25. next following subscribe the same And hereafter every person promoted to an Ecclesiastical living should within a time prefixed in the time of Divine Service publickly read and profess his consent to the same on pain of deprivation
Rushton an ungrateful wretch who afterwards railed on the Queen in Print who gave him his life In the year 1584. Two conferences were kept at Lambeth about the Discipline and Ceremonies of the Church For the same were the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and Cooper Bishop of Winchester Unconforming Ministers against it The Lords of the Privy Council and some other Honorable persons Auditors thereof This conference effected nothing on the Disputants as to the altering their Opinions Some of the Lords afterwards secretly acted against the Archbishop in favour of the other party The Archbishop now take's another course enjoyning all admitted to the Ecclesiastical Orders and Benefices the subscription of the following Articles I. That the Queen had supreme Authority over all persons born within her Dominions of what condition soever they were And that no other Prince Prelate or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction Civil or Ecclesiastical within her Realms or Dominions II. That the Book of Common-Prayer and the Ordination of Bishops Priests and Deacons containeth nothing contrary to the Word of God but may lawfully be used and that they will use that and none other III. That the Articles of Religion agreed in the Synod holden at London Anno 1562. and published by the Queens Authority they did allow of and did believe them to be consonant to the word of God Now came forth the Rhemish Translation of the New Testament every where bespeckled with hard words which transcend common capacities taxed by our Divines as full of abominable errors Secretary Walsingham soliciteth Mr. Thomas Cartwright to undertake to refute this Rhemish Translation and sent him an hundred pounds out of his own purse the better to enable him for the work Walsingham's Letters to Cartwright were seconded by another from the Doctors and Heads of Houses and Dr. Fulk among the rest at Cambridge besides the importunity of the Ministers of London and Suffolk to the same purpose Cartwright prepares for the work But Archbishop Whitgift having notice thereof prohibiteth his further proceeding therein Cartwright hereupon desisted But some years after encouraged by an honourable Lord he resumed the work but prevented by death he perfected no further than the fifteenth Chapter of the Revelation Many years lay this worthy work neglected and the Copy thereof Mouse-eaten in part at last came forth though late Anno 1618. a Book to which the Rhemists never durst return the least answer But whilst Cartwrights work lay retarded Dr. William Fulk Master of Pembrook-hall in Cambridge entred the list against the Rhemists and Judiciously and Learnedly performed his undertaking therein This year came forth the Exposition of Mr. Thomas Rogers on the Articles of the Church of England not onely the two extremes Papists and Schismaticks but many Protestants of a middle temper were offended thereat Mr. Rogers his restrictive Comment shut out such from their concurrence with the Church of England which the discreet laxity of the Text admitted thereunto On November 23. 1585. The Parliament was begun and holden at Westminster wherein the Statute against Jesuites and Priests their departing out of England and not returning thither was made with penalty for relieving them A Convocation was kept in St. Pauls Church in London and from hence removed to St. Peter's in Westminster where William Redman D. D. was chosen and presented Prolocutor An Assembly of Ministers met at the same time but the certain place of their meeting not known being Clandestine Arbitrary and changeable as advised by their Conveniences Some Agents for them were all day at the door of the Parliament-house and some part of the night in the Chambers of Parliament-men effectually solliciting their business with them What impression was made by the Agents of the Ministers may appear by an ensuing Letter sent to her Majesty by Archbishop Whitgift wherein he complaineth of several Bills that had the day before the dating of his Letter passed in the House of Commons in favour of the Non-conformists about Marrying at all times in the year concerning Ecclesiastical Courts and Episcopal Visitations which saith he may reach to the overthrow of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and study of the Civil Law But the Queen would alter nothing material to Church-government The Parliament being dissolved the Convocation ended the next day after having effected nothing of moment save that in the ninth Session thereof John Hilton Priest made a solemn Abjuration of his blasphemous Heresies The Non-conformists now missing their mark abated much of their former Activity insomuch as that Mr. Cartwright began to make by the mediation of the Earl of Leicester who now design'd to make him Master of his new-built Hospital in Warwick compliance with the Archbishop though he not over-fond of his friendship warily kept him at distance as appears by the Earl of Leicester's Letter to the Archbishop in Cartwright's behalf and the Archbishop's answer thereto Now the Earl of Leicester went over into the Low Countries commanding a great Army with the Title of General of the Auxiliaries of the Queen of England and the Non-conformists lost their best friend in Court And afterwards the Archbishop being sworn one of the Privy Council it fared worse with them Three Protestant Bishops died this year viz. Richard Curteys Bishop of Chichester Nicholas Robinson Bishop of Bangor and John Scory Bishop of Hereford The same year also died John Fecknam late Abbot of Westminster The Jesuites began now to possess their English Proselites with high Opinions of the Spanish power as the Nation designed by God's providence to work their restitution in England and they sent into England as Pasquier saith one Samier a man of their Society to draw Noblemen and Gentlemen to the Spaniards party and to thrust forward the Queen of Scots to dangerous practices by telling her That if she were refractory neither She nor her Son should Reign and by exciting the Guises her kinsmen to new stirs against the King of Navar and the Prince of Conde that they might not be able to ayd her In the year 1586. a firm League of Amity was concluded and ratified betwixt the Queen of England and James King of Scotland A dangerous conspiracy against the Queen of England begun by John Savage but prosecuted by Anthony Babington and others was discovered The chief discover of this Conspiracy was one Gifford a Gentleman of a good house at Chellington in Stafford-shire not far from Chartley where the Queen of Scots was kept prisoner He was sent by the English fugitives in France under the counterfit name of Luson to put Savage in mind of the vow which he had made to kill Queen Elizabeth and to convey Letters between them and the Queen of Scots Gifford revealed the plot to Secretary Walsingham who sent him down into Stafford-shire to do the work he had undertaken Here Gifford bribing the Brewer of the house where the Queen of Scots lay so contrived the matter with him that by a hole in the
beheld him as an ingenuous man carrying his conscience with the reason thereof in his own breast He was permitted peaceably to possess his Parsonage being none of the meanest though he continued a stiff Non-conformist onely quietly enjoying his own opinion He died an old man at Warkton Anno 1617. Stone 's discovery marred for the future all their formal meetings as Classically or Synodically methodized Then began the foundation of an University in Dublin in Ireland Henry Vsher then Archdeacon of Dublin afterwards Archbishop of Armagh and Unckle to James Vsher late Archbishop thereof took a journey into England and procured the Mortmain from Queen Elizabeth who graciously granted it naming the corporation Collegium Sanctae ac Individuae Trinitatis ex fundatione Reginae Elizibethae juxta Dublin The Lord Burgley is appointed first Chancellor of the University Sir William Fitz-Williams Lord Debuty of Ireland issued out his Letters to all the Counties in Ireland to advance so good a design The Irish Papists were very bountiful thereunto The Mayor and Aldermen of Dublin Sir Warham St. Leger Sir Francis Shane Robert D'eureux Earl of Essex afterwards Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and second Chancellor of this University were Benefactors to it King James confirmed the revenues of this Colledge in perpetuum endowing it with good Lands in the Province of Vlster Adam Loftus Archbishop of Dublin and Chancellor of Ireland was the first Master of the Colledge Mr. Luke Chaloner received and disbursed the moneys had the oversight of the Fabrick which he faithfully procured to be finished The first stone in this foundation was laid March 13. 1591. and in the year 1593. Scholars were first admitted and the first of them James Vsher since Bishop of Armagh that mirrour of Learning and Religion Now began a sad contest betwixt Mr. Richard Hooker Master and Mr. Walter Travers Lecturer of the Temple Hooker was born in Devonshire bred in Oxford Fellow of Corpus Christi Colledge one of a solid Judgment and great Reading A great defender both by Preaching and Writing of the Discipline of the Church of England yet never got nor cared to get any eminent dignity therein Mr. Travers was bred up in Trinity Colledge in Cambridge Travers travelling to Geneva contracted familiarity with Beza and other forreign Divines Then returned He and commenced Batchelor of Divinity in Cambridge and after that went beyond Sea again and at Antwerp was ordained Minister by the Presbytery there where he continued some years and Preached with Mr. Cartwright unto the English Factory of Merchants untill at last he came over into England and for seven years together became Lecturer in the Temple refusing all presentative preferment to decline subscription and lived Domestick Chaplain in the house of the Lord Treasurer Cecil being Tutor for a time to Robert his Son afterwards Earl of Sarisbury Yea now so great grew the credit of Mr. Travers that by the advice of Mr. Andrew Melvin he and Mr. Cartwright were solemnly sent for to be Divinity-professors in the University of St. Andrews This proffer being joyntly refused Travers quietly continued Lecturer in the Temple till Mr. Hooker became the Master thereof Mr. Hooker's voice was low stature little gesture none at all standing still in the Pulpit His stile was long and pithy so that when the copiousness of his stile met not with proportionable capacity in his Auditors it was unjustly censured for tedious and obscure His Sermons were for the most part on Controversies and deep points of School-divinity Mr. Travers his utterance was graceful gesture plausible matter profitable and method plain But these two Preachers acted with different Principles and clashed one against another so that what Mr. Hooker delivered in the Fore-noon Mr. Travers confuted in the After-noon Here Archbishop Whitgift interposed his power and silenced Travers from Preaching in the Temple or any where else Travers Petitions the Lords of the Council his Petition is publickly extant in Print with Master Hoooker's answer thereunto But Mr. Travers notwithstanding his friends at Court was over-born by the Archbishop Adam Loftus Archbishop of Dublin and Chancellor of Ireland invited him over to be Provost of Trinity Colledge in Dublin Embracing the motion he accepted the place and continued some years therein till for fear of their Civil Wars he returned into England and lived here many years after very obscurely In the year 1592. In London more than ten thousand died of the Plague and among them Reverend Mr. Richard Greenham He was one that always bitterly inveighed against Non-residents he ended his days at Christ Church in London Mr. Vdal was indicted and arraigned at Croidon for defaming the Queen her Government in a Book by him written and entitled A Demonstration of the Discipline which Christ hath prescribed in his Word for the Government of his Church in all times and places unto the World's end But the mortal words as they may be termed are in the Preface of the Book written To the supposed Governours of the Church of England Archbishops Bishops c. and are inserted in the Body of his indictment To this Indictment he pleaded Not guilty denying himself to be the Author of the Book Next day he was cast by the Jury but was remanded to the Marshalsey March following he was brought again to the bar before the Judges to whom he had privatelp presented a Petition with all advantage but it found no entertainment insomuch that in this moneth of March he at the Assizes held in Southwark was there condemned to be executed for a Felon Various were mens Censures on these proceedings against him The proof was not pregnant saith Mr. Fuller and it is generally believed that he made onely the Preface out of which his indictment was chiefly framed and not the body of the Book laid to his charge But without any other sickness save heart-broken with sorrow he died peaceably in his bed The Ministers of London flocked to his Funeral and he was decently interred in the Church-yard of St. George in Southwark not far from Bishop Bonner's grave He was Father to Ephraim Vdal a pious and solid Divine but in point of Discipline differing in Opinion from his Father Anno 1593. Henry Barrow Gentleman and John Greemood Clerk were condemned and executed at Tyburn for writing certain Seditious Pamphlets And not long after John Penry a Welch-man was arraigned and condemned of Felony at the King's Bench Bar for being a principal penner and publisher of a Libellous Book called Martin-mar-prelate and executed at St. Thomas Waterings Sir John Haringt addit supply to Bish Godwin p. 134. This year Queen Elizabeth took her last farewel of Oxford where a Divinity-Act was kept for her Next day her Highness made a Latin Oration to the Heads of Houses in which she gave a check to Dr. Rainolds for his Non-conformity The same year died John Piers Archbishop of York highly esteemed by Queen Elizabeth whose Almoner he was many years and
division of the Chapters to be altered either not at all or as little as may be c. VI. No Marginal notes at all to be affixed but only for the explanation of the Hebrew or Greek words which cannot without some circumlocution so briefly and fitly be expressed in the Text. VII Such Quotations of places to be marginally set down as shall serve for the fit reference of one Scripture to another VIII Every particular man of each company to take the same Chapter or Chapters and having translated or amended them severally by himself where he thinks good all to meet together confer what they have done and agree for their part what shall stand IX As any one company hath thus dispatched any one Book they shall send it to the rest to be considered of seriously and judiciously X. If any company upon the review of the Book so sent shall doubt or differ upon any places to send them word thereof note the places and therewithall send their Reasons to which if they consent not the difference to be compounded at the General meeting which is to be of the chief persons of each company at the end of the work XI When any place of special obscurity is doubted of Letters to be directed by Authority to send to any learned in the Land for his judgment in such a place XII Letters to be sent from every Bishop to the rest of his Clergy c. to move and charge as many as being skilful in the Tongues have taken pains in that kind to send his particular Observations to the company either at Westminster Cambridge or Oxford XIII The Directors in each Company to be the Deans of Westminster and Chester for that place and the King's Professors in the Hebrew and the Greek in each University XIV These Translations to be used when they agree better with the Text than the Bishops Bible ordinarily read in the Church Viz. Tindals Mathews Coverdales Whitchurch Geneva Three or four of the most grave Divines in either of the Universities not employed in translating to be assigned by the Vice-Chancellor upon Conference with the rest of the Heads to be Overseers of the Translations as well Hebrew as Greek The untimely death of Mr. Edward Lively much weight of the Work lying on his Skill in the Oriental Tongues happening about this time much retarded their proceedings On May 21. 1607. died Doctor John Rainolds King's Professor in Oxford and one of those Translators of the Bible So great was his Memory that he could readily turn to all material passages in every Leaf Page Volume Paragraph in all his voluminous Books A man of a solid Judgment and great Humility His disaffection to the established Discipline was not so great as some Bishops did suspect or as more Non-conformists did believe He desired the abolishing of some Ceremonies for the ease of others Consciences to which in his own practise he did willingly submit kneeling at the Sacrament and constantly wearing Hood and Surplice On his death-bed he desired Absolution according to the form of the Church of England and received it from Doctor Holland Doctor Featly made his Funeral Oration in the Colledge Sir Isaac Wake in the University In this year died Richard Vaughan D. D. successively Bishop of Bangon Chester and London Mr. Thomas Brightman died the same year He was born in the Town of Nottingham bred in Queens Colledge in Cambridge where a constant opposition in point of Judgment about Ceremonies was maintained betwixt him and Doctor Meryton afterwards Dean of York He died suddenly according to his desire and was buried at Haunes in Bedford-shire whereof he had been Minister fifteen years Doctor Bulkley preaching his Funeral Sermon King James founded a Colledge at Chelsey and bestowed on the same by his Letters Patents the Reversion of good Land in Chelsey then in possession of Charles Earl of Nottingham Doctor Matthew Sutcliffe Dean of Exeter bestowed on this Colledge The Farms of Kingston Hazzard Appleton Kramerland In the Parish of 1. Staverton 2. Harberton 3. Churchton 4. Stoke-rivers All in the County of Devon and put together worth 300 l. per Annum Besides these by his Will he bequeathed unto Doctor John Prideaux and Doctor Clifford as Feoffees in trust to settle the same on the Colledge the benefit of the extent on a Statute of four thousand pounds acknowledged by Sir Lewis Steukly c. Here we will insert the number and names of the Provost and first Fellows Matthew Sutcliff Dean of Exceter Provost 1. John Overal Dean of St. Paul's 2. Thomas Morton Dean of Winchester 3. Richard Field Dean of Glocester 4. Robert Abbot Doctor of Divinity 5. John Spencer Doctor of Divinity 6 Miles Smith Doctor of Divinity 7. William Cevit Doctor of Divinity 8. John Hewson Doctor of Divinity 9. John Layfield Doctor of Divinity 10. Benjamin Carrier Doctor of Divinity 11. Martin Fotherby Doctor of Divinity 12. John Boys Doctor of Divinity 13. Richard Bret. Doctor of Divinity 14. Peter Lilie Doctor of Divinity 15. Francis Burley Doctor of Divinity 16. William Hellier Archdeacon of Barstable 17. John White Fellow of Manchester Colledge William Camden Clarenceaux Historians John Haywood Doctor of Law Historians To promote this Work his Majesty sent his Letters to the Archbishop of Canterbury to stir up all the Clergy in his Province to contibute to so pious a Work The Archbishop sent his additional Letter to his Clergy to the same intent yet for all these endeavours and Collections in all the Parishes of England slow and small were the sums of money brought in to this Work Many things obstructed those hopeful proceedings especially the untimely death of Prince Henry the chief Author of this design as some conceived At this present it hath but little of the case and nothing of the Jewel for which it was intended Almost rotten before ripe and ruinous before it was finished Anno 1609. died William Overton Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield Martin Heton Bishop of Ely and Thomas Ravis successively Bishop of Glocester and London Anno 1610. Gervas Babington Bishop of Worcester ended his pious life The same year expired Bishop Bancroft Archbishop of Canterbury He bequeathed his Library the confluence of his own Collections with his Predecessors Whitgift Grindal Parker to Chelsey Colledge and if that took not effect to the publick Library in Cambridge where at this day they remain George Abbot succeeded him in the See of Canterbury Now after long expectation and great desire came forth the new Translation of the Bible most beautifully printed by a select and competent number of Divines appointed for that purpose whose Industry Skilfulness Piety and Discretion hath therein bound the Church unto them in a debt of thankfulness as Mr. Fuller well noteth The Romanists take exceptions at the several sences of words noted in the Margin And some Brethren complained of this Translation for lack of the Geneva Annotations But those Notes could no way be
fitted to this new Edition of the Bible And as some perchance over-valued the Geneva Notes out of that special love they bear to the Authors and place whence it proceeded so on the other side some without cause did slight or rather uncharitably did slander the same for about this time Anno 1611. Fuller Church History Anno 1611. a Doctor in Oxford publickly in his Sermon at St. Maries accused them as guilty of misinterpretation touching the Divinity of Christ and his Messias-ship as if symbolizing with Arrians and Jews against them both for which he was afterwards suspended by Doctor Robert Abbot Propter conciones publicas minus orthodoxas offensionis plenas This year King James was careful for the seasonable suppression of the dangerous Doctrines of Conradus Vorstius This Doctor had lived about fifteen years a Minister at Steinford within the Territories of the Counts of TECLENBVRG BENTHAM c. the Counts whereof were the first in casting off the Romish yoke and ever since continuing Protestants This Vorstius had written to and received Letters from certain Samosatenian Hereticks in Poland and became infected therewith Hereupon he set forth two Books the one entitled IRACTATVS THEOLOGICVS DE DEO dedicated to the Land-grave of HESSEN the other EXEGESIS APOLOGETICA dedicated to the States both of them stuffed with many dangerous Positions concerning the Deity This Wretch debased the Purity of God assigning him a material body confining his Immensity as not being every where shaking his Immutability as if his Will were subject to change darkening his Omnisciency as uncertain in future contingents with many more monstrous Opinions Notwithstanding all this the said Vorstius was chosen by the Curators of the University of Leyden to be their publick Divinity-Professor in the place of Arminius lately deceased and to that end the States General by their Letters sent and sued to the Count of TECKLENBOVRGH and obtained of him that Vorstius should come from Steinford and become publick Professor in Leyden King James being this Autumn in his hunting Progress did light upon and perused the aforesaid Books of Vorstius he observed the dangerous Positions therein determining speedily to oppose them Hereupon he presently dispatched a Letter to Sir Ralph Winwood his Ambassador Resident with the States requiring him to let them understand how highly he should be displeased if such a Monster as Vorstius should be advanced in their Church This was seconded with a large Letter of his Majesties to the States dated October the sixth to the same effect But the States entertain not the motion of King James against Vorstius according to expectation They said That if Vorstius had formerly been faulty in offensive expressions he had since cleared himself in a new Declaration For lately he set forth a Book entitled A Christan and modest Answer but he gave no satisfaction in his new Declaration King James therefore gave Instructions to his Ambassador to make publick protestation against their proceedings which Sir Ralph Winwood most solemnly performed And after his Majesties Request Letter and Protestation had missed their desired effect he wrote in French a Declaration against Vorstius which since by his leave hath been translated into English among his other Works Vorstius his Books were also by the King's Command publickly burnt at St. Paul's-cross in London and in both Universities The same year in March Bartholomew Legate an Arrian was burnt in Smithfield for denying the Deity of the Son of God and holding that there are no Persons in the Godhead with many other damnable Tenets In the next month Edward Wightman of Burton upon Trent was burnt at Litchfield for holding ten several Heresies viz. those of Ebion Cerinthus Valentinian Arrius Macedonius Simon Magus Manes Manicheus Photinus and of the Anabaptists Only a Spanish Arrian who was condemned to die was notwithstanding suffered to linger out his Life in Newgate where he ended the same This year died Richard Sutton the Founder of Charter-house Hospital Esquire The Manors which in several Counties he setled for the maintenance of this Hospital were these 1. Balsham Mannor in Cambridge-shire 2. Blastingthorp Mannor in Lincoln-shire 3. Black-grove Mannor in Wilt-shire 4. Broad-Hinton Land in Wilt-shire 5. Castle-Camps Mannor in Cambridge-shire 6. Chilton Mannor in Wilt-shire 7. Dunby Mannor in Lincoln-shire 8. Elcomb Mannor and Park in Wilt-shire 9. Hackney Land in Middlesex 10. Hallingbury-Bouchers Mannor in Essex 11. Missunden Mannor in Wilt-shire 12. Much-Stanbridge Mannor in Essex 13. Norton Mannor in Essex 14. Salthrop Mannor in Wilt-shire 15. South-minster Mannor in Essex 16. Tottenham Land in Middlesex 17. Vfford Mannor in Wilt-shire 18. Watelscot Mannor in Wilt-shire 19. Westcot Mannor in Wilt-shire 20. Wroughton Mannor in Wilt-shire Anno 1612. On November the sixth died Prince Henry of a burning Fever He was generally lamented of the whole Land both Universities publishing their Verses in print Prince Henry's Funerals are followed with the Prince Palatine's Nuptials solemnized with great state Anno 1613. Nicholas Wadham Esquire of Merrifield in the County of Sommerset bequeathed by his Will four hundred pounds per annum and six thousand pounds in Money to the building of a Colledge in Oxford leaving the care of the Whole to Dorothy his Wife This year the same was finished built in a place where formerly stood a Monastery of the Augustine Friars This year Anthony Rudd Bishop of St. Davids ended his Life Some three years since on the death of King Henry the Fourth Isaac Causabon that learned Critick was fetcht out of France by King James and preferred Prebendary of Canterbury Presently he wrote First to Fronto Duraeus his learned Friend then to Cardinal Perron in the just vindication of our English Church After these he began his Exercitations on Baronius his Ecclesiastical Annals which more truly may be termed The Annals of the Church of Rome He died and was buried in the South-Isle of Westminster-Abby His Monument was erected at the cost of Thomas Morton Bishop of Durham Anno 1614. Mr. John Selden set forth his Book of Tithes wherein he Historically proveth that they were payable jure humano and not otherwise Many wrote in answer to his Book Anno 1616. Mr. Andrew Melvin was freed from his imprisonment in the Tower whither he had been committed for writing some Satyrical Verses against the Ornaments on the Altar in the King's Chappel He afterwards became a Professor at Sedan in the Duke of Bovillon's Country Here he traduced the Church of England against which he wrote a Scroll of Saphicks entitled TAMI-CHAMI-CATEGERPA When first brought into the Tower he first found Sir William Seymour afterwards Marquess of Hertford and Duke of Sommerset there imprisoned for marrying the Lady Arabella so nearly allyed to the Crown without the King's consent To whom Melvin sent this Distick Causa mihi tecum communis carceris Ara Regia Bella tibi Regia sacra mihi Anno 1615. died Thomas Bilson Bishop of Winchester a profound Scholar well read
in the Fathers Anno 1616. Marcus Antonius de Dominis Archbishop of Spalato came over into England The same year King James went into Scotland with a Princely Train to visit his native Country This year died Doctor William James Bishop of Durham Two other prime Prelats also followed him viz. Doctor Henry Robinson Bishop of Carlisle and Robert Bennet Bishop of Hereford termed saith Mr. Fuller Eruditus Benedictus Doctor Mocket Warden of All-Souls in Oxford set forth a Book in pure Latin containing The Apology of the Church of England The greater and lesser Catechism The nine and thirty Articles The Common-prayer The Ordination of Bishops Priests and Deacons The Polity or Government of the Church of England He epitomized the Homilies into certain Propositions faithfully extracted The Book fared the worse for the Author the Author had for his Patron the Archbishop against whom many Bishops began then to combine Dr. Mocket's Book was censured to be burnt which was done accordingly soon after he ended his life Anno 1617. died Robert Abbot Bishop of Salisbury he died of the Stone and was much lamented by the University of Oxford About this time William Perry a Boy dweling at Bilson in Stafford-shire not full fifteen years of Age was practised on by some Jesuites repairing to the House of Mr. Gifford in that County to dissemble himself possessed But the Boy having gotten a habit of counterfeiting leading a lazy life thereby to his own ease and Parents profit would not be undeviled by all their Exorcismes so that the Priests raised up a Spirit which they could not allay At last by the Industry of Dr. Morton then Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield the jugling was laid open to the World by the Boys own confession and repentance All this King's Reign was scattered over with Cheaters in this kind Some Papists some Sectaries some neither Papists Sarah Williams Grace Sourbuts of Salmisbury in Lancashire Mary and Amy two Maids of Westminster Edward Hance a Popish Priest No Papists Richard Heydock Fellow of New Colledge in Oxford Preached in his dreams Latin Sermons against the Hierarchy He recanted and lived long after in Sarum practising Physick being also a good Poet Limner and Engraver Anne Gunt●r a Maid of Windsor had strange exratick phrensies and gave out she was possessed of a Devil A Maid at Standon in Hertford-shire so personated a Demoniack that she deceived many The King having the last year in his progress into Scotland through Lancashire observed that by the strictness of some Magistrates and Ministers in several places people were hindered from their recreations on the Sunday the Papists being thereby perswaded that no recreation was tolerable in our Religion whereupon the Court being at Greenwich he set forth a Declaration for liberty on the Lord's day When this Declaration came abroad many were offended at it But no Minister was enjoyned to read the Book in his Parish wherewith they had so affrighted themselves Yet many conceived that the Declaration came forth seasonably to suppress the endeavour of such who now began to broach the dregs of Judaism whereof John Thrask was a principal who asserted That the Lord's day was to be observed with the same strictness by Christians as it was by Jews and that all meats drinks forbidden in the Levitical Law bound Christians to the same observance thereby opening the door to led in the rabble of all Ceremonies He seduced many souls with his Tenets and his own wife among many others For these he was censured in the Star-chamber but afterwards recanted his Opinions He afterwards relapsed not into the same but other Opinions Sclater Exposit in 1 Thes ch 1. v. 4. He asserted That one may know Another's Election or That one that is the child of God may infallibly know the Election and Regeneration of Another Dr. William Sclater saith That for his outragious behaviour he received publick stigmatical punishment At this time began the troubles in the Low Countries about matters of Religion heightned between two opposit parties Remonstrants and Contra-remonstrants Their controversies being chiefly reducible to five points Of Predestination and Reprobation of the latitude of Christ's death of the power of Man's free-will both before and after his conversion and of the Elect's perseverance in Grace To decide these difficulties The States of the Vnited Provinces resolved to call a National Synod at Dort desiring some forreign Princes to send them the aid of their Divines for so pious a Work Especially they requested our King of Great Britain to contribute his assistance thereunto who out of his Princely wisdom made choice of George Carleton D. D. then Bishop of Landaff and afterwards Bishop of Chichester Joseph Hall D. D. then Dean of Worcester and after Bishop of Exeter and Norwich John Davenant D. D. then Margaret-Professor and Master of Queens Colledge in Cambridge Samuel Ward D. D. then Master of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge and Archdeacon of Taunton These repairing to his Majesty at New-market received Instructions from him concerning their behaviour in the Synod on October 27. they came to the Hague where they kissed the hand of his Excellency Grave Maurice to whom the Bishop made a short speech and by whom they were all courteously entertained Hence they removed to Dort where November 3. the Synod began Every one at his first entrance taking an admission Oath These four Divines had allowed them by the week threescore and ten pounds weekly Intelligence was communicated to the King from his Divines On December to Walter Dalcanqual B. D. and Fellow of Pembrook-hall came into the Synod being added to the four English Colleagues in the name of the Church of Scotland Dr. Hall finding that Air not agreeing with his health on his humble request obtained his Majestie 's leaue to returne whereupon with a Latin speech gravely delivered he publickly took his solemn farewell of the Synod and returned into his own Countrey On January 7. Dr. Thomas Goad Chaplain to George Archbishop of Canterbury came into the Synod sent thither by his Majesty of Great Britain April the twentieth the Belgick Confession was brought into the Synod containing matter both of Doctrine and Discipline and the publick consent thereunto was required Here Bishop Carleton in the name of the rest approved all the points of Doctrine But as for matter of Discipline that his own Order and his Mother-church might not suffer therein and he seem by silence to betray the cause thereof a Protest was entred by him as mouth for the rest to preserve the same These things he professed himself to have hinted not to offend those Churches therewith but to defend their own Church of England To this Interpellation of the British Divines nothing at all was answered And such as desire further satisfaction herein may peruse the joynt Attestation which those English Divines did set forth Anno 1626. to justifie their proceedings therein On April 29. the Synod ended The States to express
connivency it will press for a Toleration c. Then they propounded Remedies against these some whereof were That for securing the peace at home his Majesty would be pleased to review the parts of their petition formerly delivered to him and to put in execution by the eare of choice Commissioners to be thereunto appointed the Laws already and hereafter to be made for preventing of dangers by Popish Recusants That the Children of the Nobility and Gentry of this Kingdom and of others suspected in their Religion now beyond the Seas may be forthwith called home That the Children of Popish Recusants c. be brought up during their minority with Protestant School-masters That his Majesty will be pleased to revoke all former Licenses for such Children to travel beyond the Seas and not grant any such License hereafter c. The House had sufficient Cause to set forth the danger of true Religion when besides the great wound made in Germany and the cruelties of the prevailing House of Austria the Protestants in France were almost ruined by Lewis the Thirteenth being now besieged in Montauban by the King and in Rochel by Count Soisons and the Duke of Guise And for their Relief the King of England prevailed nothing by sending of Sir Edward Herbert since Baron of Cherbury and after him the Viscount Doncaster Ambassador for Mediation About this time a sad misfortune befel George Abbot Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for shooting at a Deer with a Cross-bow in Bramshil Park belonging to the Lord Zouch he casually killed the Keeper The King made choice of the Lord Keeper the Bishop of London Winton Rochester St. Davids and Exeter Sir Henry Hobart Justice Dolleridge Sir Henry Martin and Doctor Stuart to inform him of the nature of this cause and the scandal that might arise thereupon whether to an Irregularity or otherwise However this consultation was managed the Archbishop was not deprived In this business Bishop Andrews proved the Archbishop's great friend The Archbishop gave twenty pound a year to the man's Widow He kept a monethly fast on a Tuesday as the day whereon this casualty befell About this time young Merick Casaubon set for t a Book in defence of his deceased Father against Herbert Roswed a Jesuite and Andrew Schoppius a notorious railer Julius Caesar Bullinger and Andrew Eudemono Joannes He thought it his duty to assert his Father's memory and to give a brief account of his life and conversation Upon the remove of Richard Milborn to Carlile Doctor William Laud President of St. John's Colledge in Oxford was made Bishop of St. David's He founded in Oxford a Professor in the Arabick Tongue This year died John King Bishop of London He was sworn first Chaplain to King James who commonly called him The King of Preachers And Sir Edward Coke said of him He was the best speaker in Star-chamber in his time When Bishop of London unless hindred by sickness he omitted no Lord's day wherein he did not visit some Pulpit in London or near it The Papists raised a false aspersion upon him That at his death he was reconciled to the Church of Rome but this was sufficiently confuted by those eye and ear-witnesses present at his pious departure George Mountain Bishop of Lincoln succeeded him in his See The same year died William Cotton Bishop of Exeter whom Valentine Carew Dean of St. Paul's succeedeth Robert Townson Bishop of Sarisbury dieth whom John Davenant succeedeth Therein also expired Dr. Andrew Willet a man of great judgement and Industry one that had a large soul in a narrow estate The same year died also Richard Parry Bishop of St. Asaph We will conclude this year with the death of Mr. Francis Mason who wrote that worthy Book De Ministerio Anglicano Anno 1622. Multitudes of Priests and Popish Recusants then imprisoned Rushw Hist Collect. were released which the Spaniards professed to be a great demonstration of the King 's sincere affection to confirm the amity between the Crowns But a General offence was taken at this Indulgence to Papists The next year began with the end of that arrant Apostata in this Land M. Antonius de Dominis Anno 1622. Archbishop of Spalato and his fair riddance out of it He had fourteen years been Archbishop of Spalato in Dalmatia under the State of Venice and had now been five years in England Conscience in shew and Covetousness indeed caused his coming hither He wrote sharply against the Pope Fuller Church Hist An. 1622. out of a particular grudge against Pope Paul who had ordered him to pay a yearly pension of five hundred Crowns out of his Bishoprick to one Audrentius a Suffragan Bishop which this Archbishop refused to do The matter was brought to the Court of Rome where the Archbishop angry that he was cast in his Cause posts out of Italy through Germany into the Low Countries and thence came over into England Here multitudes of people flocked to behold this old Archbishop now a new Convert Prelates and Peers presented him with gifts of high valuation He was Feasted wheresoever he came and both the Universities when he visited them highly honoured him But above all King James was most munificent to him The King consigned him to the Archbishop of Canterbury for his present entertainment and as an earnest of his bounty sent him to Lambeth a fair Bason and Boll of Silver Misit mihi Rex Magnae Britanniae polubrum argenteum ad abstergendas sordes Romanae Ecclesiae poculum argenteum ad imbibendam Evangelii puritatem which Spalato received with this complement The King of Great Britain hath sent me a Silver Bason to wash from me the filth of the Roman Church and a Silver Cup to mind me to drink the purity of the Gospel Preferment is quickly conferred upon him as the Deanery of Windsor and the Master-ship of the Hospital of the Savoy with a good Parsonage at West-Ilsey in Berk-shire being a peculiar belonging to the Episcopal jurisdiction of the Dean of Windsor which Parsonage he collated on himself He improved the profits of his place to the utmost and had a design to question all his Predecessors Leases at the Savoy and began to be vexatious to his Tenants for which he was gravely and sharply reproved by Dr. King then Bishop of London Spalato complained to King James who in some choler said Extraneus extraneus es relinque res sicut eas invenisti You are a Stranger you are a stranger leave things as you found them He would passionately perswade others unto bounty to the poor though he would give nothing himself He now perfects his Books the Collections whereof were made by him at Spalato His works being three fair Folio's De Republica Ecclesiastica give ample testimony of his abilities He delighted in jeering one of his Sarcasms he unhappily bestowed on Count Gondomar the Spanish Ambassador telling him That three turns at Tyburn was the onely way to cure his
Noble-men disaffected to the Common-prayer-book who promised what aid they possibly could and in the end returned home safe In the afternoon Proclamation was made at the Cross at Ebenborough to prevent the like disorders but to small effect some Citizens demanding the Restitution of the Ministers and the performance of what was subscribed Suddenly two Petitions were presented against the Common-prayer-book and the Composers and Abettors of it which Petitions were sent to the King with the narrative of the whole who immediately sent Instructions for adjourning the Term to Sterling Lamb. Wood. History King Charles a strong place and to make Proclamation of severe penalties to be inflicted on the breakers of the peace which was no sooner proclaimed but the Lord Hume Lindsey and divers others protest against it and in contempt of Authority compell'd the Heraulds to hear the Protest or Covenant read These troublesome beginnings did afterward occasion the solemn League and Covenant whereby the greatest part of the Nation united themselves to defend their Priviledges as was pretended and which laid the foundation of a long and woful War in both Kingdoms They erected a new Government among themselves which consisted of four Tables for the four Orders of the State Heylin on the life of Archbishop Laud part 2. viz. the Noblemen Barons Burgesses and Ministers These fixed themselves in Edenborough leaving the Lords of Council and Session to make merry at Sterling where they had little else to do than to follow their pleasures The Tables being formed they resolved upon renewing the ancient Confession of that Kirk with a Band thereunto subjoyned but accommodated to the present occasion which had been signed by King James on January 28. Anno 1580. And by this Band they entred Covenant for maintenance of their Religion then professed and his Majesty's person but aiming at the contrary And to this Covenant they required an Oath of all the Subjects which was as great an Usurpation of the Regal power as they could take upon themselves for confirming their own authority and the peoples obedience in any project whatsoever which should afterwards issue from those Tables Return we now to England where we shall find things in a better condition at least to outward appearance And now the Metropolitical visitation having been carried into all parts of the Realm of England and Dominion of Wales the Archbishop of Canterbury began to cast his eye upon the Islands of Guernsey and Jersey two Islands lying on the Coast of Normandy to the Dukedom whereof they once belonged and in the Right of that Dukedom to the Crown of England As parts of Normandy they were subject in Ecclesiastical matters to the Bishops of Constance in that Dukedom Heylin's Hist of Archbishop Laud. Ad An. 1637. and so continued till the Reformation of Religion here in England and were then added to the Diocess and Jurisdiction of the Bishops of Winchester But the Genevian Discipline being more agreeable to such Preachers as came to them from France they obtained the exercise thereof in the eighth year of Queen Elizabeth Anno 1565. The whole Goverment distinguished into two Classes both meeting in a Synod every second or third year according to the order of their Book of Discipline digested by Snape and Cartwright in a Synod held at Guernsey June 28. 1576. In this manner they continued till King James his time when the Churches in the Isle of Jersey falling into some disorder and being under an immediate Governor who was no great friend to Calvin's Platform they were necessitated for avoiding a great mischief to cast themselves into the Arms of the Church of England The principal Ecclesiastical Officer whilst they were under the Bishops of Constance had the Title of Dean for each Island one the several powers both of the Chancellor and Archdeacon being united in his Person This Office is restored again his Jurisdiction marked out his Fees appointed his Revenue setled but made accountable for his Administration to the Bishop's of Winchester The English Liturgy is translated also into French to be read in their Churches Instructions first and afterwards a Body of Canons framed for regulating both Ministers and people in their several duties Now it was resolved that the Metropolitical visitation should be held in each of them at the next opening of the Spring And the Archbishop had designed a Person for his principal Visitor who had spent some time in either Island and was well acquainted with the Bailiffs Ministers and Men of special note among them But the Affairs of Scotland growing worse this Council was laid by But these Islands were not out of his mind The Islanders used to breed such of their Sons as they designed for the Ministry either at Saumur or Geneva from whence they returned well-seasoned with Calvinism Therefore to allure the people to send their Children to Oxon or Cambridge he thought of providing some preferment for them in our Universities It now happened that one Hubbard the Heir of Sir Miles Hubbard Citizen and Alderman of London died to whom upon an Inquisition taken after his death in due form of Law no Heir was found which could lay claim to his Estate Which so unexpectedly fallen to the Crown and being a fair Estate withall the Archbishop perswaded his Majesty to bestow some small part thereof upon pious uses And so much was allotted out of it as for the present served sufficiently to endow three Fellowships for the perpetual education of so many of the Natives of Guernsey and Jersey These Fellowships to be founded in Exeter Jesus and Pembrook Colledges that being disperst into several Houses there might be an increase both of Fellows and Revenues of the said Foundations By means whereof he did as Doctor Heylin observeth both piously and prudently provide for those Islands and the advancement of Conformity among them for the future It is not to be thought that the Papists were all this while asleep Pancani arriving in England An. 1636. brought with him many pretended Relicks of Saints Medals and pieces of Gold with the Pope's Picture stamped upon on them to be distributed among those of the Party but chiefly to the Ladies of the Court and Countrey to whom he made the greatest part of his Applications Then he practised upon some of the principal Lords and used his best endeavours to be brought into the acquaintance of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury But his Grace neither liked the Man nor the Message he came about and admitted him neither to complement nor communication However the Popish faction multiplying in some numbers about the Court resorted more openly to the Masses at Sommerset-house where the Capuchins had obtained both a Chappel and Convent Of this none bears the blame but the Archbishop who is traduced in Libels and common talk for the principal Architect in the plot and the contriver of the mischief Awakened by so many Alarms he had good cause to look
also taken from him and given to a sure Confider and one Major Wildman a great Leveller was taken at Marleborough enditing and drawing Declarations against the Protector so the danger from the Army was soon suppressed About the same time a Book was published called Killing no Murther wherein it was urged That it was most lawful just necessary and honourable to kill the Protector and this printed with the name of one Allen a disbanded Leveller but so politely written that it intimated a more exact and curious hand that framed it Whosoever was the Author it scared Cromwel almost out of his Wits This made him most suspitiously fearful so that he began to dread every person or strange face he saw which he would anxiously and intently view for an Assassinate that Book perpetually running in his mind It is said it was his constant custom to shift and change his Lodging to which he passed through twenty several Locks and out of which he had four or five wayes to avoid pursuit June iwenty six 1657. Then followed the Protector 's Instalment in a more solemn manner in Westminster-hall than before and the Speaker of the Parliament Sir Thomas Widdrington in the name of the Parliament presented to him a Robe of Purple-velvet a Bible Sword and a Scepter and having made a Speech thereupon the Speaker took the Bible and gave the Protector his Oath Mr. Manton Minister then of Covent-Garden made a Prayer wherein he recommended the Protector Parliament Council the Forces by Sea and Land Government and People of the three Nations to the protection of God Which being ended the Heraulds by Trumpets proclaimed Cromwell Protector of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging requiring all persons to yield him due obedience Then were the attempts of the Royal Party in behalf of his Majesty betrayed and discovered to the Protector and Sir Henry Slingsby Doctor Huet Minister of St. Gregories by Pauls in London Mr. Mordant and others are imprisoned and brought to trial before an High Court of Justice set up under the Presidentship of Commissioner Lisle Sir Henry and the Doctor were the two first that were brought to trial and both of them sentenced to die as Traitors the first upon the bare testimony of those three men who had so treacherously circumvented him which in vain he pleaded the other as a Mute disowning the Authority of the Court and thereupon denying to plead On the eighth of June 1658. they were beheaded on Tower-hill Afterwards on July the seventh Colonel Edward Ashton and John Bettley were hanged and quartered the first in Tower-street the other in Cheapside Cromwell was now again adorned with another success and triumph by the defeat of the Spanish Army and surrender of Dunkirk into his hands Lockart his Kinsman and General of the English Forces being made Governor thereof In August 1658. the Protector was taken sick at Hampton-court having not been well in mind some time before troubled with the last distracted words of his beloved Daughter Cleypole who died on the sixth day of August which went near to his heart After a weeks time his Disease began to shew very desperate symptomes wherefore he was removed to White-hall where his Chaplains kept Fasts for his recovery but having declared his Son Richard his Successor he died on Friday September the third at three of the Clock in the Afternoon The deceased Protector 's Will concerning his Successor being imparted to the Council and chief Officers of the Army they all consent to the election of his Son Richard and the President and whole Council went at once to congratulate him and to condole his Fathers death Then was he proclaimed by the City of London and chief Officers of the Army After the Proclamation the Lord Mayor presented his Sword to him which he presently returned and after some Ceremonies passed the Council and many Officers of the State and of the Army being present Nathanael Fiennes one of the Commissioners of the Great Seal administred an Oath unto him A Gentleman was sent into Ireland who was chief Governor of that Kingdom to acquaint Henry Cromwell with the present posture of Affairs in England and Mr. Thomas Clarges was sent into Scotland to General Monk to see how he stood affected to Richard's advancement Then Addresses were made to the Protector from all parts of the Nation and the Army of Scotland submit to what was was done in England Addresses were also made to the young Protector from all the Regiments of the Army in England Scotland and Ireland and other parts After the pompous solemnity of the Funerals of the late Protector the new Protector summoned a Parliament to meet at Westminster on January twenty seven he endeavours to new model his Council but the Army grows jealous of him and censure him and the factious part of the Army had many seditious meetings and he is perswaded to resign the command of the Army to Fleetwood which he refuseth The General Council of Officers as they called themselves met in Fleetwood's House where they acted with as much formality as if they had been the supreme Legislators of the three Kingdoms At length things came to this issue the young Protector was forced to sign a Commission to Commissioner Fiennes for the dissolving of the Parliament and a Proclamation came forth in the Protector 's name to publish the dissolution of the Parliament Soon after whilst many of the Superiour Officers of the Army met at Wallingford-house in further consideration of a Module of Government Supplem to Sir Rich. Baker's Hist the inferiour Officers being the most numerous assembled in the Chappel at St. Jame's having Doctor Owen and other Independent Ministers to assist at their Devotion and at last declared their forwardness to restore the latter part of the long Parliament and to restore Lambert and the rest of the Officers to their Commands who had been displaced by Oliver Cromwel for disaffection to him Several Colonels were removed from their Regiments and others put in their rooms as likewise Governours of Towns and other Officers Lambert being thus brought again into the Army recovereth much of his former power Then a Declaration of the Officers of the Army was drawn up which invited the Members of the long Parliament who had sate till April the twentieth 1653. to return to the exercise and discharge of their trust They accept of the Invitation and take their places in the House General Monk seems to consent to what was done in England They publish their Intentions by Declaration viz. That they are resolved by God's assistance to endeavour to secure and establish the property and Liberties of the people without a single Person Kingship or House of Peers and shall vigorously endeavour the carrying on of Reformation so much desired to the end there may be a godly and faithful Magistracy and Ministry upheld and maintained in the Nations c. The Officers of the Army
died the Church was again defaced with fire 5. John de Gray After the death of John de Gray the See was void for seven years 6. Pandulsus the Pope's Legat. After his death the See was void three years 7. Thomas de Blundevil 8. Radulphus 9. William de Raleigh The Bishoprick was then void by the space almost of three years 10. Walter de Suffield He founded the Hospital of St. Giles in Norwich endowing it with Lands and great Possessions He built also the Chappel of our Lady in the Cathedral Church and in the same Chappel was also buried 11. Simon de Wanton 12. Roger de Skyrwing In his time was a dangerous Sedition between the Citizens of Norwich and the Monks of the Cathedral Church 13. William Middleton 14. Ralph de Walpool 15. John Salmon 16. William Armyn 17. Anthony de Beck He used his Monks too rigorously and was poysoned by his own Servants 18. William Bateman He forced the Lord Morley to carry a burning Taper in his hand through the streets of Norwich unto the High Altar for killing certain Deer in one of his Parks and beating his Keepers In his time happened a great Plague in England In Norwich then there died besides Religious men to the number of 57104. persons between the first of January and the first of July 1348. 19. Thomas Piercy 20. Henry Spencer 21. Alexander 22. Richard Courtney 23. John Wakering 24. William Alnwick 25. Thomas Brown 26. Gualter Hart 27. James Goldwel 28. Thomas Jan 29. Richard Nyx 30. William Reps 31. Thomas Thirlby 32. John Hopton 33. John Parkhurst 34. Edmond Freak 35. Edmond Scambler 36. William Redman 37. John Jegon 38. John Overal 39. Samuel Harsnet 40. Francis White 41. Richard Corbet 42. Matthew Wren 43. Richard Mountague 44. Joseph Hall 45. Edward Reinolds Bishops of Worcester Ethelred divided Mercia into five Diocesses whereof one was Worcester For the first Bishop of Worcester choice was made of one Tarfrith a learned man who died before he could be consecrated After his decease 1. Boselus succeeded 2. Ostforus 3. S. Egwyn This man went to Rome with Offa King of Mercia He built the Abbey of Evesham 4. Wilfridus 5. Milredus 6. Weremundus 7. Tilherus 8. Eathoredus 9. Devebertus 10. Hubert 11. Alwin 12. Werebertus 13. Wilfreth 14. Ethelhune Abbot of Berkley 15. Wilserth 16. Kinewold 17. S. Dunstan 18. S. Oswald 19. Aldulf 20. Wulstan 21. Leofsius 22. Briteagus Abbot of Parshor 23. Living 24. Aldred 25. S. Wulstan 26. Sampson 27. Theulphus 28. Simon 29. Alured 30. John Pagham 31. Roger Son to the Earl of Glocester 32. Baldwyn Abbot of Ford. 33. William de Northale 34. Robert a Canon of Lincoln Son unto William Fitz. Ralph Seneschal of Normandy 35. Henry Abbot of Glastonbury 36. John de Constantiis 37. Mauger He was one of them that excommunicated King John and interdicted the Realm and thereupon fled the Realm 38. Walter Gray 39. Sylvester 40. William de Bleyes 41. Walter Cantilupe Son of William Lord Cantilupe 42. Nicholas Archdeacon of Ely and Chancellor of England 43. Godfry Giffard Archdeacon of Wells and Chancellor of England 44. William de Gainsborough 45. Walter Reynolds sometime School-master to King Edward the Second first Treasurer then Chancellor of England became Bishop of Worcester 46. Walter Maidstone 47. Thomas Cobham 48. Adam Tarlton 49. Simon Montacute 50. Thomas Henibal 51. William de Bransford 52. John Thorsby 53. Reginald Brian 54. John Barnet 55. William Wittlesey 56. William de Lynne 57. Henry Wakefield 58. Tideman de Winchcomb 59. Richard Clifford 60. Thomas Peverel 61. Philip Morgan 62. Thomas Poulton 63. Thomas Bourchier 64. John Carpenter 65. John Alcock 66. Robert Morton 67. John Gyglis 68. Sylvester Gyglis 69. Iulius Medices 70. Hieronymus de Nugutiis 71. Hugh Latimer 72. Iohn Bell 73. Nicholas Heath 74. Iohn Hooper 75. Richard Pates 76. Edwyn Sandys 77. Nicholas Bullingham 78. Iohn Whitgift 79. Edmond Freak 80. Richard Fletcher 81. Thomas Bilson 82. Gervase Babington 83. Henry Parry 84. Iohn Thornborow 85. Iohn Prideaux 86. George Morley 87. Iohn Gauden 88. Robert Skinner 89. Walter Blandford Bishops of Hereford An Episcopal Seat being established at Hereford 1. Putta was made the first Bishop thereof 2. Tirhtellus 3. Torteras 4. Walstodus 5. Cuthbert 6. Podda 7. Ecca 8. Ceadda 9. Albertus 10. Esna 11. Ceolmundus 12. Utellus 13. Wulfhardus 14. Benna 15. Edulf 16. Cuthwulf 17. Mucel 18. Deorlaf 19. Cunemund 20. Edgar 21. Tidhelm 22. Wulfhelm 23 Afrike 24. Athulf 25. Ethelstan He builded the Cathedral Church from the ground He was a holy man and blind thirteen years before his death 26. Leovegar Chaplain to Duke Harold Matthew Westminster gives this testimony of him that he was undoubtedly Dei famulus in omni Religione perfectus Ecclesiarum amator viduarum orphanorum defensor oppressorum subversor virginitatis possessor Griffin King of Wales assaulted the City took it slew the Bishop and seven of the Canons of the Church spoiled it of all the portable Relicks and Ornaments and then fired both Church and City 27. Walter 28. Robert Lozing An excellent Mathematician 29. Gerard 30. Roger the Queens Chancellor 31. Geoffry de Glyve Chaplain to King Henry the First 32. Robert Bertune Prior of Lanthony a man much employed by the Pope in all his businesses within the Realm 33. Gilbert Foliot Abbot of Glocester 34. Robert de Melun 35. Robert Foliot 36. William le Vere a great Builder 37. Giles de Bruse Son of William Bruse Lord of Brecknock 38. Hugh de Mapenor 39. Hugh Foliot 40. Ralph de Maidstone He resigned his Bishoprick and became a Franciscan Frier Anno 1239. 41. Peter Equeblank He caused King Henry the Third to lay such Taxes on the Clergy as almost beggared them An. 1255. The Barons arrested him in his own Cathedral seized on his goods divided his Treasure unto their Souldiers before his face and long kept him in prison in the Castle of Ordeley 42. Iohn Breton a great Lawyer 43. Thomas Cantilupe Of an ancient House He was by the Pope Sainted after his death All the Bishops of Hereford since his time do bear his Coat of Arms as the Goat of their Sea G. three Leopards heads jeasant three Flower de luces O. 44. Richard de Swinfield 45. Adam Tarlton 46. Thomas Charlton He was Lord Chancellor and chief Justice of Ireland 47. Iohn Trilleck 48. Lewis Charlton 49. William Courtney 50. Iohn Gilbert 51. Iohn Tresnant He was sent to Rome to inform the Pope of the Title of King Henry the Fourth to the Crown 52. Robert Mascal He was Confessor to Henry the Fourth He built the Quire Presbytery and Steeple of the White-Friers in London gave many rich Ornaments to that House died and was buried there He was often Ambassador to many Forreign Princes He with two other Bishops was sent to the Council of Constance 53. Edmond Lacy 54. Thomas Polton 55. Thomas Spofford 56. Richard Beauchamp 57. Reynold
to King Arthur removed his See from Caerleon to Menevia which ever since from him is called St. Davids He sate sixty five years and died Anno 642. having first built twelve Monasteries in the Countrey thereabout being now one hundred forty six years of age 2. Cenauc who was first Bishop of Patern 3. Teilaw 4. Cenew 5. Morwal 6. Haerunen 7. Elwaed 8. Gurnuen 9. Lendivord Anno 810. the Church of St. David was burnt by the West-Saxons 10. Gorwyst 11. Gorgan 12. Elvoed 13. Anian 14. Elvoed 15. Ethelmen 16. Elanc 17. Molscoed 18. Sadermen 19. Catellus 20. Sulhaithnay 21. Nonis 22. Etwal 23. Asserius called in the Chronicle of VVales Archbishop of all VVales He died Anno 906. he was Vnkle to Asserius Bishop of Sherborn 24. Arthvael 25. Sampson Henceforth the Bishops of St. Davids never subjected themselves unto Canterbury until the time of King Henry the First King of England 26. Kucline 27. Rodheric 28. Elquin 29. Lywarch 30. Nergu 31. Hubert 32. Everus 33. Morgenu This man of all the Bishops of St. Davids first refused to eat flesh saith Giraldus 34. Nathan 35. Ievan He continued only one night 36. Argustel 37. Morgenveth 38. Hernun a godly and learned man 39. Carmerin 40. Ioseph 41. Bleithud 42. Sulghein 43. Abraham 44. Rythmarch 45. VVilfrid 46. Bernard 47. David Fitz-Gerald 48. Peter His Church had been often destroyed in former Ages by Danes and other Pyrats and in his time was almost ruined He bestowed much in re-edefying the same and may in some sort he said to have built the Church which now standeth 49. Sylvester Giraldus He was commonly called Giraldus Cambrensis He was Son unto Giraldus de VVindsor that built the Castle of Pembrock and Nesta the Sister of Griffith ap-Rice ap-Theodore Prince of VVales He wrote a description of England Ireland and VVales Of many Books that he wrote you may find the Catalogue in Iohn Bale 50. Edward an Abbot 51. Alselmus 52. Thomas Archdeacon of Lincoln 53. Richard Carren 54. Thomas Beck 55. David Martin 56. Henry Gower 57. Iohn Thorsby 58. Reginald Brian 59. Thomas Falstaf 60. Adam Houghton 61. Iohn Gilbert 61. Gray Mohun Keeper of the Privy Seal he was for a while Lord Treasurer of England 63. Henry Chichley 64. Iohn Keterich 65. Stephen Patrington 66. Benet Nichols 67. Thomas Rodburn a great Mathematician and Historiographer 68. VVilliam Lynwood Doctor of Law 69. Iohn Langton 70. Iohn Delabere 71. Robert Tully 72. Thomas Langton 73. Hugh Pavy 74. Iohn Morgan 75. Robert Sherborn 76. Edward Vaughan 77. Richard Rawlins 78. VVilliam Barlow 79. Robert Ferrars He was burnt at Carmarthen for the Truth March 30. 1555. in Queen Maries dayes 80 Henry Morgan He pronounced the sentence of death against his Predecessor and invaded his Bishoprick he was displaced in the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth 81 Thomas Young 82 Richard Davies 83 Marmaduke Middleton 84 Anthony Rudd 85 Richard Milborn 86 VVilliam Laud 87 Theophilus Field 88 Roger Manwaring 89 VVilliam Lucy Bishops of Dandaff 1 Dubritius 2 Telian 3 Odoceus 4 Ubylwynus 5 Aidan 6 Elgistil 7 Litnapeius 8 Comergen 9 Argistwil 10 Gurvan 11 Guodoloin 12 Edilbiu 13 Grecielus 14 Bertygwyn 15 Trychan 16 Elgovus 17 Cargwaret 18 Cercennir 19 Nobis 20 Galfridus 21 Nudd 22 Cimeliaue 23 Libian 24 Marchhuth 25 Pater 26 Gogwan consecrated by Dunstan 27 Bledri 28 Ioseph consecrated by Agolnoth In his time Kilthereh King of VVales gave many priviledges to his Church 29 Herewald he sate fifty eight years 30 Urbanus R. Hoveden saith He was consecrated Bishop of this Church Anno 1108. His See being spoiled and the Church ruined he obtained Letters of the Pope from the Council of Rhemes to the King and Archbishop for a supply to repair it which he obtained and began to build the Church of Landaff as now it is He seeketh to recover divers Lands taken from his See by the Bishop of St. Davids and dieth in his way to Rome 31 Uhtrid 32 Geoffry 33 Nicholas ap Gurgant 34. William de falso Marisco 35. Henry Prior of Burgavenny Vntil this man's time the Bishoprick and Chapter was one body and their possessions not severed 36. William Prior of Goldcliff 37. Elias de Radnor 38. William de Burgo 39. John de la Ware 40. William de Radnor 41. William de Brews 42. John de Monmouth 43. John de Egglescliff 44. John Pascal 45. Roger Cradock 46. Thomas Rushock 47. William de Bottlesham 48. Edmond de Bromfield 49. Tideman Abbot of Beaulien 50. A●drew Barret 51. Iohn Burghil 52. Thomas Peverel 53. John de la Zouch 54. Iohn Wellys 55. Nicholas Ashby 56. John Hunden 57. John Smith 58. John Marshal 59. Iohn Ingleby 60. Miles Saley 61. George de Arthegua a Spaniard and Dominican 62. Robert Holgate 63. Anthony Dunstan or Kitchin 64. Hugh Iones 65. William Blethin 66. Gervase Babington 67. William Morgan 68. Francis Godwyn 69. George Carleton 70. William Murrey 71. Morice 72. Hugh Lloyd 73. Davies Bishops of Bangor 1 Hervaeus 2 David 3 Maurice 4 William Prior of St. Augustines 5 Guianus 6 Albanus 7 Robert of Shrewsbury 8 Caducanus 9 Howel 10 Richard 11 Anianus 12 Caducanus 13 Gruffin 14 Lewes 15 Matthew 16 Thomas de Ringsted 17 Gervase de Castro 18 Howel 19 Iohn Gilbert 26 Iohn called Episcopus Clovensis 21 Iohn Swaffham 22 Richard Young 23 Lewes 24 Benet Nichols 25 William Barrow 26 Nicholas 27 Thomas Cheroton 28 Iohn Stanberry 29 Iames called Episcopus Achadensis 30 Thomas Ednan 31 Henry Dean 32 Thomas Pigot 33 Iohn Penny 34 Thomas Skevington He built all the Cathedral Church from the Quire downward excepting that the two sides were partly standing He was consecrated Iune 17. 1509. 35 Iohn Salcot 36 Iohn Bird 37 Arthur Bulkley 38 William Glyn 39 Rowland Merrick 40 Nicholas Robinson 41 Hugh Bellot 42 Richard Vaughan 43 Henry Rowland He gave four Bells to the Church of Bangor he gave also two fellowships to Iesus-colledge in Oxford 44 Lewes Baily 45 David Dolben 46 William Roberts 47 Robert Morgan 48 Humphrey Lloyd Bishops of St. Asaph About the year 560. Kentigern Bishop of Glascow in Scotland being driven out of his own Countrey erected a Monastery for himself and his company between the Rivers of Elwyd and Elwy where in process of time having builded a Church and some other Edifices fit for his entertainment there flocked unto him such multitudes of people as the number of his Monks amounted to no less than six hundred and sixty His Church was first built of timber and afterwards of stone Malgocunus a British King allowed the same Church to be an Episcopal See and endowed it with divers Lordships Mannors and Priviledges The Bishop of that See was then called Elvensis of the River near which it standeth and this Kentigern became the first Bishop of the same After many years he was called home into Scotland whereupon he gave over this Bishoprick unto a Disciple of
else in study His Study was so well furnished with Books ehat it is thought he had more Books than all the Bishops in England Many Letters passed between him and Francis Petrarch and other learned men in those dayes Thomas Bradwardine was then one of his Chaplains afterward Archbishop of Canterbury Richard Fitz-Ralph Ralph afterward Archbishop of Armagh W Burley J. Mandut R. Holcot R. Killington Doctors of Divinity Richard Bintworth and W. Seagrove the one afterward Bishop of London the other of Chichester He was very liberal to the poor 21. Thomas Halfield He built Durham colledge in Oxford now called Trinity-colledge 22. John Fordham 23. Robert Nevil 24. Laurence Booth 25. William Dudley 26. John Sherwood 27. Richard Fox 28. William Severus 29. Christopher Bambridge 30. Thomas Ruthal 31. Thomas Wolsey Cardinal 32. Cuthbert Tonstal 33. James Pilkinton 34. Richard Barnes 35. Matthew Hutton 36. Tobias Matthew 37. William James 38. Richard Neile 39. John Howson 40. Thomas Morton 41. John Cozens Bishops of Carlile Carlile being destroyed by the Danes in the year 900. it happened King William Rufus passing that way Anno 1090. re-edified it and built a strong Castle in the same City The Government of this new erected City was committed to a certain Norman Priest named Walter that came into England with the Conqueror This man being very rich began to build there a Church to the honour of the blessed Virgin but he died before he could perfect the work Adelwald the first Prior of St. Oswald and Confessor to King Henry the First perswaded the said King to employ the Revenues that Walter left behind him in the foundation of a Colledge of Regular Canons to be annexed unto the Church forementioned He did so and moreover bestowed upon the said Colledge six Churches with their Chappels to be impropriated to the same use The Bishops of Carlile were 1. Adelwald the Prior forementioned 2. Barnard 3. Hugh Abbot of Battell 4. Walter Malcleck 5. Sylvester de Everdon 6. Thomas Vipont 7. Robert de Chause 8. Ralph de Ireton 9. John de Halton 10. John de Rosse 11. John de Kirkby 12. Gilbert de Welton 13. Thomas de Appleby 14. Robert Read 15. Thomas Merkes 16. William Strickland 17. Roger Whelpdale 18. William Barrow 19. Marmaduke Lumley 20. Nicholas Close 21. William Piercy 22. John Kingscot 23. Richard Scroop 24. Edward Story 25. Richard Prior of Durham 26. William Sever 27. Roger Laburn 28. John Penny 29. John Kite 30. Robert Aldrich 31. Owen Oglethorp that crowned Queen Elizabeth 32. John Best 33. Richard Barnes 34. John May 35. Henry Robinson 36. Robert Snowdon 37. Richard Milborn 38. Richard Senhouse 39. Francis White 40. Barnaby Potter 41. Richard Stern 42. Edward Rainbow Of the manner of Installation of Bishops herein England in former times THe Installation of Bishops was a Ceremony of great solemnity in former Ages the particularity whereof we find in Walter Stapleton Bishop of Excester in the beginning of the Reign of King Edward the Second who was Consecrated March 18. 1307. When he came to Excester to be Installed at the East-gate he alighted from his Horse and went on foot to St. Peter's Church All the way where he should pass being laid and covered with black Cloath on each hand he was conducted by a Gentleman of great worship Sir Hugh Courtney who claimed to be Steward of his Feast going next before him At Broad-gate he was received by his Chapter and Quire in their Ornaments with Te Deum and so carried into the Church The usual Ceremonies being performed there at his Palace a great Feast was prepared for the entertainment of such Noble-men and other Persons of account as repaired thither at that time It is incredible how many Oxen Tuns of Ale and Wine are said to have been usually spent at this kind of Solemnity even so much as the whole yearly Revenue at this time would not suffice to pay for Of those Englishmen that have been Cardinals of the Church of Rome 1. THE first Leader of this Band is Pope Joan called by Sabellicus Bish Godwyn and some others John the Seventh but by Platina and other Writers John the Eighth who being but a Woman became not onely Cardinal but Pope of Rome She was born at Mentz in Germany the Daughter of an English Priest who having a Wife whose Parents dwelt at Mentz bringing his said Wife to see her friends stayed there so long till she was delivered of this Feminine Prelate named in her Baptism Joan as most say Gilberta as others or as Fulgosus delivereth Agnes In her youth she fell acquainted with an English Monk of the Abbey of Fulda with whom travelling in Man's apparel to diverse Universities and Monasteries as well Greek as Latin she setled in the end at Athens where she became Famous for Learning and continued there with him untill the death of her said Paramour Then coming to Rome and by Reading Disputing and other Exercises having purchased to her self the reputation of a great Clerk upon the death of Leo the Fourth she was chosen Pope Anno 855. and held that place two years five moneths and three days in which mean time she was gotten with child by a certain Cardinal and going in Procession hapned to be delivered of her burden in the open Street in which place she instantly died viz. between the Colisco and St. Clement's Church the shame and turpitude of which disgrace unto that holy See hath moved all the Bishops of Rome since that time to lengthen a little the walk of their Procession and to go a way much farther about rather than they will endure to pass by that place And to prevent the like inconvenience in time to come they have ordained every Pope after his election to be searched by the Junior Deacon in a Marble-chair made hollow for the same purpose Spectatur adhuc saith Sabellicus in Pontificia domo marmorea sella circa medium inanis qua nobis Pontifex continuo ab ejus creatione residat ut sedentalis Genetalia ab ultimo Diacono attrectentur This History howsoever impugned of late by the Papists is delivered by Marianus Scotus and Martin of Poland who lived Anno 1320. Sabellicus Fasciculus Temporum Petrarch and divers others And Platina recounting this Story saith Quod omnes fere affirmant that it is observed almost by all Writers 2. The next in time is one Vlricus an English-man who being Cardinal came into England as the Pope's Legate Anno 1109. and brought the Archiepiscopal Pall unto Thomas the younger Archbishop of York and caused him to consecrate Turgod Prior of Durham unto the Bishoprick of St. Andrews in Scotland 3. Robert Bullen of Puley a very Learned Man in his time unto him the University of Oxford is much beholden for whereas in the Reign of King Harold it had been so wasted as that for many years it lay desolate and forsaken of Scholars he was a means to draw them thither
it was utterly unlawful for them to accept any thing thereof This Order had but this one Covent in England and so wealthy it was that at the dissolution it was valued yearly worth one thousand nine hundred forty four pounds eleven shillings eight pence farthing This Order constantly kept their Audit on All Saints Eve October 31. and the day after All Souls being the third of November No Covents of England more carefully kept their Records than the Priory of Clarkenwel Speeds Catal. of Religious Houses p. 793. to whose credit it is registred There is a perfect Catalogue from their first foundation to their dissolution of all their Prioresses defective in all other houses Sir Thomas Chaloner not long ago built a spatious house within the close of that Priory upon the frontispiece whereof these Verses were inscribed Casta fides superest velatae tuta sorores Ista relegatae deseruere licet Nam venerandus Hymen hic vota jugalia servat Vestalemque focum mente fovere studet Chast Faith still stay 's behind though hence be flown Those veiled Nuns who here before did nest For reverend Mariage wedlock-vowes doth own And sacred flames keep 's here in Loyal breast Here I shall say little of the Houses for Leprous people though indeed they deserved more charity than all the rest Burton-lazars of Leicester-shire was the best endowed house for that purpose for so they used to tearm people infected with the Leprosie Camden in Leicester-shire Here was a rich Spittle-house or Hospital under the Master whereof were in some sort all other Spittle-houses or Lazar-houses in England like as himself also was under the Master of the Lazars in Jerusalem It was founded in the first age of the Normans by a common contribution over all England and the Mowbraies especially did set to their helping hands But as that Disease came into England by the holy VVar so it ended with the end thereof FINIS THE TABLE A ABbey of Battel founded by K. William the Conqueror Page 37 Abbey of Cnobsherburg by whom founded 17 Abbey of Crowland founded 21 Abbey of Peterborough burnt by the Danes with an excellent Library therein 25 Abbey at Glastonbury founded by King Ina 21 Abbey of St. Edmond founded and endowed by King Canutus 34 Abbeys and Religious Houses dissolved 149 Adelme the first English-man who wrote in Latine 20 Pope Adrian the fourth an English-man 44 Pope Agatho composeth the differences betwixt the two Archbishops 17 Alcuinus Scholar to Venerable Bede and Tutor to Charles the Great 23 S. Alban the Proto-martyr of Britain pag. 5. he is Canonized 23 Altars taken down by publick Authority 171 King Alfred England's deliverer from the Danish Tyranny his Story from pag. 26. ad pag. 30 Abbey of Val-royal in Cheshire founded by King Edward the first 105 All-souls Colledge in Oxford by whom founded 130 King Athelstan a great Benefactour to the Church of S. John of Beverley pag. 31. he commands the payment of Tithes Ib. Anne Ascough her Martyrdom 157 An Act passed for restoring the Tenths and First-fruits to the Crown 209 An Act for the Dissolution of all such Monasteries Covents c. as had been founded by Queen Mary 209 Articles passed in the Convocation in the first year of Queen Elizabeth 210 Abbey of Westminster converted to a Collegiate Church 221 The thirty nine Articles composed 227 Arthur King of Britain 10 St. Asaph 11 Aurelius Ambrosius King of Britain 10 Duke of Anjou cometh into England 242 Alanus Copus 243 Annates or First-fruits when brought into England 103 Richard Armachanus Primate of Ireland 112 Anabaptists Convicted and Censured 171 172 Thomas Arundel Archbishop of Canterbury his lamentable end 125 Augustine the Monk sent into England Thousands Baptized by him in one day 12 He is the first Archbishop of Canterbury his death 14 Archbishop Abbot Confined 299 Abbey of Evesham founded and endowed by King Offa 21 The Assembly at Glaschow pass Acts for the overthrow of Episcopacy the Service-book and the Canons c. 313 Alhunus Bishop of Holy-Island removeth his See and Covent to Durham 33 A new Representative called the Agreement of the people 345 Alexander Alesius a Learned Scot. 169 B BAbington's Conspiracy page 248 Bacon a good School-man and Mathematician 107 Bertha wife to King Ethelbert 12 John Baconthorp a Learned English-man 111 Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury his story 45 46 47 His translation and enshrining 70 John of Beverley who gave Education to Bede 21 Bede Sirnamed Venerable his Birth Learning Writings and Death 22 Birth of our Saviour 1 Birinus converteth the West-Saxons 16 Bodies when first brought to be buried in Churches 23 Bernard Bishop of S. David's denies subjection to the Archbishop of Canterbury 42 Hubert de Burgo Earl of Kent his story 75 Brazen-nose Colledge in Oxford when and by whom founded 138 Biddle a Socinian 359 Thomas Bradwardine Archbishop of Canterbury his story and writings 33 Christian Britan's Celebrated the Passover contrary to the Constitutions of the Romane Church 4 How long the Britans remained under the Romane yoke 4 Britans driven into Britain in France Wales and Cornwal 9 Britans escaped all the persecutions of the Heathen Roman Emperours except the last under Dioclesian 5 British Bishops in the Councils of Arbes Nice Sardis and Ariminum 6 When Bishops Seats were altered from Villages to great Cities 38 Bishops Imprisoned by King Stephen 43 Robert Brus King of Scotland 105 The Battel at Bannocks-borough 106 Beginning of the Broyls between the two Houses of Lancaster and York 131 Bainham a Martyr 147 Bilney burnt 146 Henry Beauford and Cardinal the Founder of S. Crosses Hospital 131 The Popes Bulls of Provision for Ecclesiastical promotions 103 Archbishop Boniface his making way for Popes Appropriating First-fruits unto themselves 80 The Bishoprickes of Westminster Oxford Peterborough Bristol and Chester erected by Henry the eight 154 Bishoprick of Westminster dissolved 221 Protestant Bishops placed in the Sees of the Popish Prelates 212 Bernard Gilpin refuseth the Bishoprike of Carlila 215 Bishops with other Divines met at Lambeth resolved on divers Articles 258 Earl Bothwel married to the Queen of Scots fleeth out of Scotland 232 Twelve Bishops Impeached and sent to the Tower 238 The Counterfeit Boy of Bilson 282 Dr. Bastwick Prynne and Burton Censured 305 Brown and Harrison inveigh against Bishops c. 245 Bishops of S. Andrews and Glasscow and Abbot of Scone put in Iron-chains and Imprisoned in Port-chester Castle 104 105 The King's Palace of Bridewel given to the City of London for a work-house 177 The Bible Translated in the Reign of King Henry the eighth King Edward the sixth and Queen Elizabeth 161 Bible Translated in King James his Reign 273 ad 276 D. Bound's Book about the Sabbath 257 The first Bailiffs of London 348 Every Parish when bound to provide a Bible in English and a Register-book to be kept there 150 Bishop Bonner a cruel Persecutor doomed to perpetual Imprisonment
343. much less effected till then Having visited England he passed by Chester into Wales Anno 1284. to reform the state of the Church In this Visitation he made and published a Decree what Ornaments of Churches the Parishoners should provide and pay for and what the Priests or Incumbents King Edward in the twelfth year of his Reign issued Warrants for the payment of two years Arrears of 1000 Marks for England and Ireland granted by King John then due and demanded by the Pope as likewise for payment of seveal arrears of pensions he had granted to Cardinals and others The Archbishop of Canterbury having interdicted some of the Tenants belonging to the Abbey of Fiscan in England the Abbot thereupon Appealed to Rome against him and likewise to the King against this oppression desiring his favour that no Process might issue out of his Court against them and that he might constitute Attorneys in this Case since he could not come into England without great damage to his house The King this year constituted a special Proctor for three years by Patent to defend the Rights and Liberties of his free Chappels and Crown against all Papal and Episcopal invaders and opposers of them The King seizing the Advousons of several Churches in Wales as forfeited by their Patrons Rebellions against him gave them to the Bishop of St. David's with power to appropriate them to his Church of St. David's and Lekadeken Lancaden and make or annex them to Prebendaries there Hereupon the Bishop of St. Davids by his Charter with consent and approbation of the King and his Dean and Chapter made and erected a new Collegiate Church of Canons in Lan Caden in Wales constituted several Canons and Prebendaries therein annexing and appropriating the forecited Churches thereunto the Patronages whereof were granted him by the King who set his Seal to the Bishop's Charter and ratified it with his own Charter to make it valid in Law In the year 1285. a Parliament at Westminster laid down the limits and fixed the boundaries betwixt the Spiritual and Temporal jurisdictions The King having totally subdued the Welsh the Archbishoprick of York becomming void by the death of William Wickwane Archbishop thereof the King applied the profits thereof during the vacancy towards the building of Castles in Wales to secure it This year Stephen Bishop of Waterford was made chief Justice of Ireland In the fifteenth year of this King Henry de Branceston was elected and confirmed Bishop of Sarum The King granted and confirmed to the Bishop of Bangor and his Successors all the Rights Liberties Possessions and Customes they had formerly used and enjoyed In the sixteenth year of this King's Reign Gilbert de Sancto Leofardo was elected and confirmed Bishop of Chichester by the King 's Royal assent This year there was a great contest between the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Abbot of St. Augustines about the carrying up his cross First The Abbot opposed the bearing up his own Cross before him in the Monastery of St. Augustines even within his own Metropolis and See of Canterbury when specially sent for thither to dine with the King Secondly Observe the Archbishop's pride and obstinacy in refusing to subscribe such a Letter as the King directed to reconcile this difference and preserve the Abbot's Privildges or repair to the King without his Cross carried before him together with his malice against the Abbot and Covent for not admitting him to carry up his Cross within their Monastery Pat. 17. Ed. 1. Bishop Godwin observes That from the year 1284. the See of Salisbury had five Bishops within the space of five years whereof William de Comer as he stiles him was the fourth But Mr. William de Corner was his name as the King 's Writ for restoring of his Temporalties together with the Patent of the King 's Royal assent to his election assure us The King having Conquered Wales confirmed all the antient Rights Liberties Possessions and Customes of the Church of Asaph to the present Bishop and his Successors which they formerly used and enjoyed and that he might freely make his Testament Pope Nicholas the fourth being setled in his Pontifical Chair in the first year of his Papacy sent a Bull to King Edward the first to demand five years Arrears of the Annual pension of one thousand Marks granted by King John The King hereupon the better to promote his cousin Charles to the Realm of Sicily and expedite his own affairs in the Court of Rome concerning a dispensation for his Son to Marry the heir of the Crown of Scotland and other business touching Gascoign and France for which he had then sent special Ambassadors to Rome with Letters both to the Pope and Cardinals issued a Writ for the payment of these five years Arrears accordingly Mr. Prynne saith That this was the last payment made by King Edward the first of this Annual pension The Pope upon receipt hereof granted a dispensation to the King's Son Prince Edward to Marry with the heir of the Crown of Scotland thereby to unite these two Crowns and Kingdomes and prevent the long bloody Wars between them though within the prohibited degrees of Consanguinity King Edward upon the receipt of this Dispensation sent Letters and Proxies to Ericus King of Norway and likewise to the Guardians of the Realm of Scotland to consummate this Marriage upon diverse Articles and agreements King Edward likewise to perfect the Marriage between his Son Prince Edward and Margaret Queen of Scots with the general approbation of the Keepers Nobles and Natives of that Realm granted and ratified to the Nobles and People of Scotland diverse Articles agreed on by special Commissioners sent on both sides and approved by him by Letters under his great Seal which he took an Oath to observe under the penalty of forfeiting one hundred thousand pounds to the Church of Rome towards the holy Wars Pat. 8. Edw. 1. m. 8. and subjecting himself to the Pope's Excommunication and his Kingdom to an Interdict in case of Violation or Non-performance as the Patent attesteth enrolled both in French and Latine The King after this appointed the Bishop of Durham to be this Queen Margaret's and his Son Prince Edward's Lieutennant in Scotland for the preservation of the Peace and Government thereof At which time he and his Son likewise constituted Proctors to Treat with the King of Norway in his and his Son Edward's Name concerning his Sons Marriage and Espousals with his Daughter Margaret Queen of Scotland To facilitate this Marriage the Bishop of Durham at the King's request obliged himself to pay four hundred pounds by the year to certain persons in Norway to discharge which annuity the King granted him several Manors amounting to a greater value But the sickness and death of this Queen in her voyage toward Scotland and England frustrated this much desired Marriage between Prince Edward and her and raised new questions between the Competitors for the Crown