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A40104 The history of the troubles of Suethland and Poland, which occasioned the expulsion of Sigismundus the Third, king of those kingdomes, with his heires for ever from the Suethish crown with a continuation of those troubles, untill the truce, an. 1629 : as also, a particular narration of the daily passages at the last and great treaty of pacification between those two kingdomes, concluded at Stumbsdorff in Prussia, anno 1635 : concluding with a breife commemoration of the life and death of Sr. George Duglas, Knight, Lord Ambassadour extraordinary from the late King of Great Brittaine, for the treaty above mentioned / faithfully couched by J. Fowler ... Fowler, J. (John); Sweden. Treaties, etc. Poland, 1635 Sept. 12.; Poland. Treaties, etc. Sweden, 1635 Sept. 12. 1656 (1656) Wing F1731; ESTC R42031 226,818 260

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thousand Foot and Horse to their recruit wherby those places being surrendred by the Enemy were by him as the rest had been delivered into the hands of the Electorall Administrator But to return from whence I have not unnecessarily digressed the Suethes and the Confederate Princes fell not long after into a decadence of fortune for the Cardinall Infanta with an Army of old tryed Souldiers though bent for Flanders taking Germany in his way and joyning with the Imperiallists neer the City of Norglingen the Associates by this Conjunction received a great defeat wherin most of their Ensigns were seised their Commanders either slain or taken of which latter Calamity their brave Generall Gustavus Horne was partaker The scattered relicks found no sure retreat untill they recovered the formerly wasted Palatinate under Duke Bernard of Weymar where deprived of Colours and Commanders they continued in a manner without Discipline so as that Country was in a most sad condition and England thereupon solicited as aforesaid the Counsell wherof judging it expedient to send an Agent thither the fore-named Lievtenant Colonel Duglass was made choice of as one who in his reports would not be over partiall and he being first dignified with the Honour of Knight-hood accordingly received Credentials and Instructions The fore-mentioned Ambassador Sir Robert Anstruther who after his departure from Saxony had been with the Elector of Brandenburg at Berlin and from thence with the Queen of Suethen at Wolgast to condole the death of the King her Husband whose body was then to be transported into Suethland and had likewise been with the Duke of Holstein and the Dutchesse Dowager his Mother as also with the King of Denmark Treating with sundry of that Kings Counsell who were thereunto appointed he intimated unto them omitting particulars not so necessary to be here inserted that their Masters Conjunction with the Protestant Princes of Germany would much conduce to the generall tranquility as without which the Emperour and his adherents would hardly be moved to a constant and universall Peace in the Empire but rather hope that the Divisions and Separations of those Princes and States would be apt to produce unto him new advantages They after much reasoning acknowledged it was most necessary but prayed him to consider the hazards their King their Country and themselves had in the last Wars been exposed unto so as had they not made a peace with the Emperour they might by that time have gone a begging with their Wives and Children And that having thus made their Peace they ought not in equity to be the breakers of it the rather for that their Master was now acting the Mediators part They wished that Saxony were really as Brandenburg was united in the Alliance of Heylbrun the better to Ballance the Affaires there whereby a good Peace which their Master was still ambitious to be an Instrument of might more probably be expected His Lordship urged no lesse to their King himself upon occasion of some discourse soon after of the then present state of Germany and the King expressing how much he longed to see a good Peace established He replied that his Majesties Authority and Power if interposed with the Duke of Saxony might be very usefull for obtaining of the wished end in that Conjuncture and that if the three Protestant Electors and their Houses were firmly linked together by a perfect friendship and sence of common Interest they would soon grow so Considerable as that other Princes would be glad of their Association And then Caesar himself would in all likelyhood the better hearken to reasonable Conditions of Peace besides many other good effects which he inferred might ensue so happy a Conjunction The King professed to concur with his Lordship in opinion yet not without objecting some impediments But I shall wave further insisting hereupon This as not material to the Subject mainly here intended being onely to shew how far England did then interess it self in the Protestant cause of Germany and the concernments of its Allies there His Lordship returning to Hamburg to expect further Orders was soon after re-manded back to Francfort on the Mayne to interpose his Masters Authority as cause should be offered Return We now to Sir George Duglass who there met with his Lordship and during his Agency in the Palatinate had given an account so satisfactory as well in order to that Electorall Principality and its condition with the whole state of Affaires relative to that concernment as of the Associated Princes and Cities and likewise of the Suethes as was well rellished at home and therby gained to himself the opinion of one capable of a greater and more weighty Negotiation And as if all things should conduce to his advancement it so fell out that the expiration of a six years Truce concluded as hath been said by the intervention of Sir Thomas Roe Ambassador from the late King An. 1629. between the Crownes and Kings of Poland and Suethen was then drawing neer and the late King was by the Polander again solicited to the same effect with intimation of a desire of neerer conjunction by Allyance This motion was plausible and the more credulous of Englands Court were thereby wrought to cry up that Kings Cause albeit the same his Turne once served proved but a Fucus and like an Apparition vanished into Aire For this employment of no mean moment Sir George Duglass then Agent in Germany as aforesaid was thought a fit Minister and the rather because haying formerly served the late King of Suethland in those parts he was not unacquainted with their interests in Prussia and Leifland and might accordingly make use of arguments to induce them to a moderate and equitable compliance it being conjectured that they would not easily be won to restore either much lesse both of those rich and fertile Provinces but as to any resignation of the Crown of Suethland which the Polander claimed as his Hereditary Right it was fore-seen that however the same might be brought upon the Carpet it could not be with any hope of condeseension Credentials and Instructions were then drawn up and sent enclosed within a dispatch to the fore-named Ambassadour Sir Robert Anstruther to beby him delivered as was forthwith done unto Sir George Duglass whereby the Title of Lord Ambassadour Extraordinary from the King of Great Brittaine to the Kings and Crownes of Poland and Suethland became due unto him In this new Condition his first work was to furnish himself with Necessaries and Attendants suitable to that high Employment into the number wherof he was pleased to desire the Relator from Sir Robert Anstruther of whose Secretaries he then was and in the same capacity entertained him for that Embassy which is only mentioned to shew the ground he had for the present and precedent Narrative Whilest some weeks of time were spent in such like preparations Letters of safe conduct and Convoyes were desired
the premises at Stockholme the fourteenth of March 1633. Thus was the young Princesse Christiana then aged about seven yeares designed Queene of Suethes Goths and Vandalls c. as before fully expressed conforme to what had been decreed in her Fathers time at the forespecified Stockholmian Parliament An. 1627. Her Person and Kingdome was governed by the Tutors untill the yeare 1650. in which she was Crowned and hath since in a continued single condition swayed that Scepter more absolutely the Surname of Augusta may be not unduely attributed unto her for certainely that Princesse happy in a wise Councell and valiant Commanders hath done great things and for many yeares since her Fathers death hath held up the Bucklers against the Imperiall and Austrian Forces even in the heart of the Empire and left it unconstrained with honourable conditions both for her selfe and her Allyes Casimirus King of Poland Great Duke of Lithuaniae c c. Ao. 1649 But this Princesse borne bred and habituated to raigne hath in one late action outstript all her former by resigning uncompelled that the World hath heard of that Crown and Kingdome unto her Kinsman the present King A concession to be admired and which after Ages will perhaps account rather fictitious than true Examples of such great voluntary renounciations seldome hapning amongst men nor doe we reade of more than two Dioclesian a Heathen divested himselfe of the Imperiall Wreath Charles the fifth likewise after a forty years Regall and thirty six years Imperiall Domination in the fifty and sixth of his age surrendred his Kingdomes to his Son Phillip and the Empire to his Brother Ferdinand But from the weaker Sex which by how much it is so is the more avidously tenacious of Power by what meanes soever acquired as Histories Divine and humane doe testifie none to be excepted nor any equall President to be produced Neither had this Lady those motives which may be conceived to have induced that great Emperor last named to quit his severall Soveraigneties thereby to live eternally in the memories of men As the neernesse of Relations mentioned his advance into years under the burthen of such occasions as could not but render him sensible of having received as he had caused unto others infinite toiles and troubles having undergone nine Voyages into Germany six into Spaine seven into Italy foure into France ten into the Low Countreys two into England two into Affrica besides eleven times traversing the maine Ocean Certainely He having been mostly Successful in continued Wars might be apprehensive of a Reverse of fortune and therfore not unwilling to prevent it as he did by a Monasticall Retirement But this Princesse never exposed to personall hazards hath denuded her selfe of a Royalty and therwith invested her neerest Kinsman yet more remote then either a Son or a Brother What Women do we read of that ever refused ought of Glorious Much lesse doth History record any Princesse who in the prime of her years hath freely relinquished a long continued hereditary devolved Possession of a Diadem this Lady excepted who by this Conquest over her self hath atchieved a greater then by all her Commanders she ever could which happily may incite some accurate Pen to afford the World an Elogium befitting the Magnanimity of that Act in one of the fairer Sex then which former Ages have not preduced a more lofty Subject wheron to ground the Gallantry of a Discourse That Queen hath all along demonstrated a good inclination to preserve a faire correspondency with England even in the heat and height of its late troubles In An. 1644. Shee sent Mr Hugh Mowet her Agent to the Parliament then sitting in which publike Ministry he was employed about two yeares Neither did he make in all that time the least addresse or application elsewhere Severall subsequent entercourses have since continued the Amity between this and that Nation Neither have her respects as well to our present Government as to the Person of his Highnesse the LORD PROTECTOR been obscurely testified by her solemne Reception and honourable Entertainment of the Right Honourable the Lord Whitlock late Ambassadour Extraordinary in Suethland and by her faire compliance with what desired for the good of both Nations which having concluded and as witnessing to the World that She would Dignifie that Act by rendring it the last of her Raigne she soon after resigned her Kingdome Crown and Scepter unto CAROLVS GVSTAVVS the present King of Suethes Gothes and Vandals Great Prince of Finland Duke of Esthonia and Carelia Lord of Ingria who hath ratified the same and setled a future good understanding between the Realmes of England and Suethland by a most Solemne and Magnificent Embassie He was borne in Ostrogothia about the year 1620. if information erre not Son to the most Illustrious Prince John Casimir Duke of Zwey Bruchie descended from the Electorall House Palatine and of the most Illustrious Princesse Catherina eldest Daughter to the often fore-named Charles the ninth King of Suethland and half Sister to the Great Gustavus Adolphus He was in England An. 1640. since which time he hath been Generalissimo of all the Suethish Forces in Germany and there gave beginning to those great expectations of himselfe which have rendred him the desire of the Suethes who have Crowned him their King in An. 1654 He was as I have been informed entitled to that Kingdome by Act of that Nations Parliament in the year 1650. if the then Queen Christina should decease without lawfull Male Issue His early great Commencements as well before as since his Exaltation to that Crown do promise an equall progresse and the addition of Semper to his sur-name of Gustavus which literis transpositis is Augustus for a perpetuating of the Glory of that Gustavian Line unto whose name and Scepter he hath so happily succeeded as his late Armed Entry into Poland and Successe hitherto may seem to witnesse The Motives that induced him therunto the Curious may read in his Letter to the present Emperour Ferdinand the third dated from Wolgast in the month of July of the year currant 1655. But leaving this Digression In the Treaty of Pacification continued Vicissitudes may be seen somtimes hopes of accommodation other whiles nothing but present rupture to be expected about empty Airey Titles or not much more And when things seeme most desperate and without mediate meanes of reconcilement the stiffer Partie comes fairely to hand by a gentle complyance We may observe the Mediators turne Parties for precedencie and formalities which in a just valuation what amount they unto thereby necessitating in a manner the Parties to become Mediators and so make compensation for Offices received In its Signature how little trustis to be imputed to the assurances of great ones doe they not measure observation of promises by the rule of Interest or selfe pleasing In the Ambassadors life we may see one nobly descended sprung from a race of Ancestors honoured by
it's neighbouring bounds which kept firme therunto and would not admit of a Newtrality with the Suethes albeit they had been once if report err not upon a Treatie For which their fidelity they have since obtained no small priviledges from that Crown prejudiciall not onely to the Neighbour Cities as that of Elbing where formerly the English Merchants of the Eastland Company had a flourishing residence but also to those Merchants and their Nation in the point of trade by their Stample upon all wollen cloaths imported to be dispersed through Poland which Monopoly hath been and is no small greivance unto that Society Neither hath that yoake been taken off notwithstanding Englands merits towards that Crown and the intervention and earnest Solicitation of Englands Ambassadors and other Ministers as will hereafter further appear But returne we now to what is yet remaining that so we may proceed unto the promised Treatie The Polanders as hath been said being wholly on the losing hand and having other ancient constant enemies as the Turk and Tartar and the Russian no assured friend to cope withall besides the Sueths a Peace or if that could not be a truce was mediated Neither was King Gustavus reluctant thereunto as having then a designe upon the main body of the Roman Empire as well to revenge the Injuries he pretended to have received from the Austrian Family for aiding the Polander against him as to assist and succour the all-most totally oppressed Protestant Princes of Germany sundry of whom were his Allaies and who had secretly re clamed his power for their Protection GVSTAVVS ADOLPHVS D. G. SVECORVM GOTHORVM ET VANDALORVM REX MAGNVS PRINCEPS FINLANDIAE etc. The Most Illustrious Puisant and Victorious Prince GVSTAVVS ADOLPHVS by the grace of GOD. King of the Swethens Goths and Vandals great Prince of Finland Duke of Esthonia Carelia Lord of Ingria c sould by P Stent Tho Cecill sculp The King of France deputed the Baron of Charnace The Elector of Brandenburg also had his Ambassadors there and by the Mediation of those publike Ministers interposing the Authority of their Potent Principalls a Truce was upon the sixteenth of September 1629. concluded between those jarring Crownes upon the tearmes that the Curious may see in the Articles themselves long since exposed to publike view and not necessary to be here inserted Before the expiration of this Truce King Sigismundus paying the Debt that all men owe to Nature left the Polanders free to a new Election and three Sons the Princes Vladislaus and Casimir the name of the third Brother I remember not to the hopes thereof Also one Daughter Which three besides their mutuall relations of Brothers and Sister by the same Father might also be said to have been Cousin Germanes to each other by their respective Mothers who both were Sisters to the then Germane Emperour King Sigismundus after the decease of the elder whom he had first married Espousing also the younger by Papall dispensation The more Superstitious and Jesuited Faction which there is very powerfull in prejudice of the accustomed way of Elective Succession to that Crown would have baulked Vladislaus the elder howbeit not for want of merit but as by them conceived to be more favourable towards Protestanisme then they desired and would have chosen Casimirus the younger at present their King by his Brothers decease whom they thought as having amongst them received his Education would prove more inclining toward them but were vigorously opposed by the Illustrious Prince Christopher Radzivill Duke of Bierze and Dubinskie Palatine of Vilnen and great Generall of Lithuania who is said to have brought five thousand Horse to that Parliament a prevaling Argument by whose meanes the elder Prince obtained his Elective Right and was Crowned by the name of Vladislaus the fourth He was a Prince of great Courage and Vigour both of mind and body and inherited not only his Fathers pretensions unto his Hereditary Crown of Suethland but the fame desires for its recovery and hatred against the Detainer thereof Nor is it likely but that upon the terminating of the truce currant he would willingly have entred into a War for the re-gaining of the Right devolved unto him from his Paternall Ancestors had not the States of Poland shewed themselves more willing to a Treatie as having been but late before engaged against the Russian from whom he had gained the Citie and Dukedom of Smolensko with other Territories as also against the Turke and Tartar whom by the losse of two set Battels he had forced unto tearmes of accommodation by means wherof the Crowne of Poland had sustained a vast Charge with other Inconveniencies incident and might therfore require a time of breathing Yet not withstanding they also raised a powerfull Army to countenance the Cause and not without resolution for a vigorous Engagement in case the means used for obtaining a Peace or longer Truce should have proved uneffectuall It is certainly much to be lamented that the Spirit of Discord hath so much power over the minds of Christian Princes as that their Emulations and Dissentions which are the steps whereby the Othoman Empire hath mounted unto its present formidable height should be rendred perpetuall to the prejudice of Christendome the reproach of the Christian Profession and the advantage of insulting Infidells as then it did for the Polish Army at that time had the Turkish Forces at such a bay as that the great Generall of Poland Kaenigspolskie in the hearing of this Relator afterwards told the Ambassadour of Great Brittaine that but for the difference like to ensue between the two Crownes of Poland and Suethland by reason of the then neer expiring Truce hee would have convoyed those Miscreants unto the Gates of Constantinople but leaving this digression As the Crown of Poland might be not unwilling for the reasons pre-alledged to admit of Peace so likewise may the Suethes be conceived not to have been averse thereunto as having lost their Coesar in that famous Feild of Lutzen and being still engaged in the Germane War their Forces were then in decadence constrained to retire toward Pomerania and to keep a long the Sea Coast So as both parties being apparently willing a second Treaty was consented unto and those Princes who had assisted at the former as also the States of Holland were by the interessed Crownes invited to resume the Mediatoriall Office whereunto none of them being backward no more then to contribute their endeavours for a Worke so pious and beseeming Christians Sir George Duglass Knight Ambassadour from the late King of Great Brittaine Claudius de Mesme Baron D'Avaux from the King of France the Prince Sigismundus of Brandenborg Uncle to that Elector from his said Nephew with others of the Electorall Counsell as also Ambassadours from the States Generall of the united Provinces did accordingly howbeit at severall times as opportunity by reason of distance of places would permit meet in Prussia the
Commissioners of whom Colonell Peblitz being chiefe sate above all the Princes at the upper end of the Table all the Propositions were directed to him and he in right of the Elector Palatine had the opening of all Letters which was an absolute concession of the Electorall Title and Dignity and as great an Exauthorization of the Bavarian and his pretences as that Assembly could give For the effecting hereof the prudent intervention of Sir Robert Anstruther Lord Ambassador Extraordinarie from great Brittaine to that Dyet who had with good approbation discharged the like high trust under King James and the late King to severall Princes of Germany to the King of Denmarke as also to the Emperor Intervallatim by the space of thirteen yeares was not meanly prevalent There were present besides the Ambassadors of other Princes and the Deputies of the Imperiall Cities in the forenamed foure Circles as Noremberg Strasburg Francefort Auspurg and others the Lord Chancellour Oxenstierne also whose Title in this Dyet was Councellor Chancellor and Extraordinary Ambassador for the most Illustrious and High borne the Hereditarie Heyre and Princesse of the Crown of Suethen The restitution of the Palatinate ad integrum was decreed in this Dyet and for the regaining of some places as yet possessed by the Enemy the Chancellor engaged his word as General of all the Forces which charge he having modestly refused at the first offer accepted at the second Whereupon the direction of the whole War and affaires of State was committed unto him in the name of the Imperiall States and the Crown of Suethen Neither did this Union receive small luster by the conjunction of the French King represented by the Marshall de Feuquier's there present As also by the Declaration o● the Duke Elector of Brandenburg which followed soone after in favour of what there transacted Account of the whole passages of that Assembly but especially of that restitutionary decree was by his Lordship upon his returne to Francfort sent into England by Mr. Richard Hurst One and the First of his Secretaries His Lordships Negotiation with the Landtgrave of Darmestadt to whom he soone after repaired for the gaining of his concurrence with that Assembly was uneffectuall albeit he left no stone unmoved But interest and ambition are maine obstacles to the attaining of just desires That Landtgrave had been much entrusted by the house of Austria and in recompence of his affection was by the same invested with the spoiles of his Neighbours Two Mannours or Lordships belonging to the House Palatine had been committed into his of his Fathers hands by the late King of Bohemia they being then good friends but disputes arising afterwards between them grew to a quarrell whereupon Count Mansfeldt invading the Landtgraves Countrey took him prisoner and so detained him certaine dayes but his liberty being regained and the Emperors affaires prospering he procured as a recompence for his sufferings a grant from the Emperor not onely of those two Mannours but of severall other Lands likewise belonging to the Counts of Solmes Isenberg Lewensteyne and others followers and domesticks of the Prince Elector Palatine The Elector Duke of Saxony one of whose Daughters the foresaid Land-Grave had Married was next Solicited by great Britaines Ambassador yet neither would he joyn in the Transactions of Heylbrun or in the attribution of the Electoral Title Dignity or Possessions to the yong Prince Palatine nor afford the Title of Administrator to his Uncle the Duke of Simmern Albeit as he professed to his Lordship he did not ommit the same out of any want of respect to the King his Master or of affection to the House Palatine but as not having then consulted the States of his Countrey which he said it was necessary for him to do before he could performe so publike an Act and that he hoped to obtaine the same by Treatie Whereby the Troubles of Germany as he conceived would sooner be ended Hereupon Replyes were reiterated but nothing save words gained The King of Suethens death seemed to have much altered that Elector from his former professed intentions But it was indeed conceived that he the rather declined those rights to the house Palatine to worke a concession from the young Prince unto his said Son in Law of the two forementioned Manno 〈…〉 s Next that himselfe might enjoy the Cheife direction of Affaires amongst the Protestant Princes of Germany which of right belonged to the house Palatine As also to thwart what the Circles had done in the Assembly at Heylbrun with the particular account of the Electorall and Land-gravian Treaties the Relator was by his Lordship sent for England from Dresden that Electors Chiefe and Residentiall City In the mean time the Confederate Princes and Cities having constituted amongst themselves a Directorium or settled Counsell for the better carrying on of the Work gave the Presidency thereof as aforesayd to the Great Chancellour of Suethen Axelius Oxenstierne as well in contemplation of the merits of that late Great Monarch as of the necessity they stil had to retaine the assistance of the Suethes untill the interest of the Princes and Cities of that Union and of the House Palatine together with that of the whole body of the Germane Protestants might be settled either by Treaty or otherwise and not the least in regard of the great Sagacity and deep insight in the managing of Affaires acquired by a long experimented practice and grounded upon the Rock of a most sound and well fortified judgment wherwith that great Personage was endowed The various successe of the Armies and their continuance drawing upon the associated Princes Circles and Cities a vast expence of Treasure wherby those Countries became exhausted and the Palatinate being upon its restitution assessed at a monthly Contribution which howbeit lesse in proportion then the other Contributary Countries were rated at that devasted Principality was not able to furnish the late King was solicited in deficiency of his Nephews Estate yet no way therto obliged by any Stipulation or other Act publike or private so cautiously had his fore-named Minister managed his Masters Interest Hereupon by the Privy Counsell of England it was thought meet that some one should be sent over to scrutinize into the condition of the Palatinate as also into the Deportments of the Suethes concerning whom I may say upon certain knowledge that during the Assembly at Heylbrun as also before and after the Chancellour made great expressions of respect to his Majesty and his Relations in Germany the reality wherof was not meanly testified by the free restitution of the Palatinate after their King had recovered the same from the Spaniard and by his promise that the Forces then before Frankendale if I mistake not and Heidelberg should not be withdrawn but re-inforced untill those two strong Peices were likewise regained which he performed at his return to Francfort by sending the Prince Birkenfeldt with six