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A17810 The historie of the life and reigne of that famous princesse Elizabeth containing a briefe memoriall of the chiefest affaires of state that haue passed in these kingdomes of England, Scotland, France or Ireland since the yeare of the fatall Spanish invasion to that of her sad and ever to be deplored dissolution : wherevnto also is annexed an appendix of animadversions vpon severall passages, corrections of sundry errours, and additions of some remarkable matters of this history never before imprinted.; Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. English. 1634 Camden, William, 1551-1623.; Browne, Thomas, 1604?-1673. 1634 (1634) STC 4499; ESTC S2549 301,814 518

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vnexpected returne into England with some few followers ibid. He comes and kneeles before the Queene at None-such 245 He is committed to custody in the Lord Keepers house 246 He endeauoures to remooue the suspition of ill that was conceiued of him by reason of his sodaine returne ibid. When some would haue freed him by force out of custody hee would not agree to it 247 The Truce broken in Ireland by Tir-Oen in the Earles absence ibid. The proud answere and the reason thereof ibid. Tir-Oen behaues himselfe very proudly 248 The feather of a Phoenix sent him from the Pope ibid. The Lord Keeper of the Seale laies open the cause of the Earle of Essex in the Starre-Chamber to appease the people and the Lord Treasurer and the Lord Admirall and Secretary Cecill 249 The Earle of Essex wholly deuoted to prayer and godly meditation 251 A peace betweene Spaine and England proposed ibid. The Spanish Gallies arriue at Flanders 252 Charles King of Swethland sends ouer to excuse himselfe to the Queene of England ibid. The death of Richard Hooker 253 Anno M.DC. TItles to Crowne-Land confirmed by the Queene 154 A Proclamation that no gold or siluer should be carried out of the Kingdome 255 Tir-Oen conferreth honours vpon his followers ibid. Mac-Guir and Warrham Saint Leger are slaine ibid. Charles Blunt Lord Montioy made Deputy of Ireland who arriued there in the very midest of winter ibid. The Pope of Rome encourageth the Rebells of Ireland with his iudulgence and generall pardon 256 The forme and manner of it ibid. The Rebells sound an Alarme in the very suburbs of Dublin The Deputy neglects them and onely sets forward after Tir-Oen 257 But Tir-Oen preuents him ibid. The Deputy sends a Garrison to Vlster 257 The Citie of Derry is fortified and Tir-Oen repulsed 258 Ony-Mac-Mory-Og the chiefe of the Family of O-More is slaine ibid. The Lord Deputy sets forwards againe towards Vlster 259 He breaketh through many difficulties ibid. Mont-Norris Fort erected ibid. Henry Docwray chaseth the Rebels ibid. The Lord Deputy Montioy restraineth the furie of the Rebels in the Prouince of Leinster 260 After that he returnes againe to Vlster ibid. The exploits of Sir George Carew President of Vlster and what he did in that Prouince 261 A new proposall of a peace with Spaine againe ibid. Vpon what hopes this peace was propounded 262 Bononia or Bolonia the place appointed for the Treaty 263 Obseruations about the precedency of the kingdomes of Spaine England and France ibid. Peeres designed for the Queenes part 264 The instructions of the English for the Queenes honour ibid. Exceptions taken on both sides concerning some tearmes in the Commissions of the Delegates 265 The title of Most Illustrious canuased ibid. The English challenge for the Queene the first place 274 The Spaniards will not yeeld them place equall with them ibid. New instructions to the English from the Queene 275 The complaint of the Archduke about the Queenes succouring the Hollanders in the time of Truce answered 276 By reason of Priority or Equality denied to the Queene the Treaty breakes off very abruptly after it had continued three moneths 277 The battle at Newport with the rest of the proceedings there 278 Sir Francis Vere wounded in the leg and the thigh and his Horse slaine vnder him 280 They that were taken of the enemy they that were wounded and the Englishmens names that best deserued in the battle 281 Contentions betwixt the English French about prizes ibid. The matter of agreement betweene both parties 282 Contentions betweene the English and the Danes concerning Traffique and Fishing 283 The English complaine of the exacti●n of tribute for passing the Sound the Danish Delegates depart for want of victuals 285 Two Breefes sent priuately by the Pope against the K. of Scots nex● Heire to the Crowne of England ibid. The treason intended by the Ruthwens the Brothers of Earle Gowry 286 Great complaint in England for the scarsity of Corne. ibid. The Earle of Essex commanded to keepe his house 287 He appeares before the Lords Commissioners ibid. The Earle makes answere for himselfe 288 The L. Keeper interrupts the Earle in his answere 289 Great hopes of the Earles liberty collected from the Queenes naturall inclination to mercy 290 As also from the noblenesse vertuous disposition of the heart of Essex himselfe ibid. Considerations in what course of life the Earle was best to imploy himselfe 292 Great humblenesse of minde in the Earle of Essex 293 The Earles message to the Queene full of humility ibid. The Queenes answere in words she would often vse 294 Cu●●e gets accesse to the Earle of Essex ibid. But the Earle is yet deafe to his bad counsell ibid. The Queen will not yeeld to Essex's petition 295 Whereat the Earle grew much discontented ibid. And now begins to hearken to ill counsell ibid. He keepes open entertainment for all commers 296 The death of Roger Lord North. ibid. Anno M.DC.I. EMbassadours sent from Ma●ritania and Russia Pag. 297 Diuers Princes resort to visite the Qu●●ne ibid. The Earle of Essex quite deafe to any good aduice 298 He is m●re and more enraged but especially for the Earle of Southamptons bei●g assa●l●ed by the Lord Grey in the open street 299 He e●deauoureth to draw the King of Scots to his party ibid. The Earle of Southampton Sir Charles Dauers Sir Ferdinando Gorge Sir Iohn Dauis and Iohn Littleton made priuy to the Earle of Essex secret plots and purp●ses 300 Their meeting in Drewry house the things proposed there the concl●si●n of surprizing the Court. 301 Whereupon suspition is daily encreased of the Earles loyalty ibid. And the Earl● him ●elfe sent for to the Lord Treasurers 302 B●t he excus●●h himselfe by reason of ill health and went not ibid. He beginneth to conceiue new plots ibid. A great multitude of people assemble about Essex house 303 Some Lords of the Co●ncell sent to know the reason 304 The Earle of Essex his complaint to them ibid. The open clamors of the multitude to kill the Councellours 305 The Lords are lockt vp in Essex house ibid. The Earle himselfe entreth London to the Sheriffes-●●use 306 He is presently proclaimed Traitor ibid. He thinkes which way to returne home againe 307 Sir Ferdinando Gorge sets the Lords of the priuy Councell free ibid. A conflict neere the Bishop of Londons Palace ibid. The Earle takes b●at at Queene-hith and f●rtifies his house 308 The Earle of Essex commanded to yeeld will not but vpon some conditions ibid. The Admirall will giue none ibid. Tbe Earle determineth to issue forth vpon them ibid. But vpon better aduice begins to thinke of yeelding 309 They all yeeld themselues vp to my Lord Admirall ibid. The Earles of Essex and Southampton imprisoned ibid. The care of the Citizens highly commended by the Queene in a Proclamation 310 Thomas Lee taken and executed at Tiburne ibid. A Proclamation against 〈◊〉 and R●n-awaies 311 The plots of the Conspirators are
of the richest in all Friezland which neither could beare the seruile yoake of the Spaniard nor would admit of a subiection to the States made a motion vnto the Queene to receiue them into her protection which shee eagerly refused being vnwilling any way to benefit her selfe by the States discontentment At which time likewise shee was much offended with the Zelanders for ●husing the King of France their Patron and not acquainting the States of Holland with their purpose And publikely reprooued many of those Prouinces who vnder pretence of obedience and affection vnto her had occasioned many discontents and dissentions at home She was indeed somewhat larger in this reproofe then her ordinary displeasure would allow her because she was giuen to vnderstand that Richardot had been very importunate that pardon libertie of Religion should be granted to all Low-Countreymen who had fled out of their Prouinces if they would returne home againe which if he brought to passe she soone foresaw would be disaduantagious to the States by reason that such kinde of men formerly inhabited the emptiest Cities of Holland and would contribute much to the maintenance of war About which time also at the mediation of the Duke of Tuscany shee commanded some ships that had beene taken by the English to be restored to the Venetians and Florentines straitly commanding that none should offer violence to the Italian Venetian French Dane Low-Countrey-men or those of the Hanse Townes But the Spaniard as hee escaped the contents of this command so escaped hee not many onsets and affronts of the English some in the Atlantique Ocean and some at and about the Ilands of Azores where his Nauies from either Indies must necessarily come for refection and others by the Earle of Cumberland who surprised some of his ships demolished to the ground his Fort of Fayoll and brought from thence fifty eight great peeces of Ordnance and others by some more of the English who scouring the Gaditan Sea much endangered the ordinary safety of his vsuall Traffiques The glory of the Queene although it were farre spread and almost fearfull by reason of her prosperous successe in war yet was it more admirable and much better'd in report by a peace which shee obtained betweene the Great Turke and the Polonians euen at the brinke of a terrible battell and the Vayvode of Moldauia whom the Great Turke sorely perplexed also which courtesie of hers the Polonian and his Chancellour by their letters gratefully since acknowledged And now to confirme that inuiolable bond of amity betweene her and the King of Scots shee sent Edward Somerset Earle of Worcester to him to congratulate to him his happy mariage and his as happy returne home with some admonitions also that as her loue had lately beene manifested in honouring both him and the King of France with the order of S. George so his care should bee as circumspect to choake all popish practises euen in their birth The King most gently entertained both the loue and care of the Queene and to publish his desire of a continuation of amity with England and an vniuersall peace withall he sent Colonel Steward into Germany to treat with the King of Denmarke and the Embassadors of the other Princes about the renewing of a League betweene England Spaine and France France all this while was in a sore combustion which as the malice of the Leaguers first kindled so now their power as strongly fomented The Queene scanning all possibilities of quenching the same entred into many consultations and councells whether shee should ioyne her old English Souldiers that serued in the Low Countries with the forces that were a comming into France out of Germany or whether shee should leauy forces and send them ouer into the Low Countries to detaine still the Duke of Parma from entring into France But most of all shee controuerted this question how shee might keepe the Spaniard from the Sea coasts of France especially ●ince shee vnderstood that the Spaniard had seconded his violence by corrupt bribery to reduce New-hauen vnto his owne power and had also resolued to send a Nauy into low Britaine or Britania Armorica But before the varieties of consultations could be easily ripened to any resolution the D. of Parma entreth France For the Spaniard after his easie perswa●ion to it by the Leaguers who thirsted sore after some reuenge for their shamefull discomfiture at the Battle of Yurie straightly commanded the Duke this iourney by vertue of his Protectorship of the Catholikes and the comely glosse of charity to his neighbours The Duke hauing speedily runne quite thorow Picardy succoureth the fainting rebellion at Paris with variety of prouision and hauing ransack't Corbu●ile and Laygnay to store Paris with a larger plenty of prouision hee retyreth with his army which spake better of his skill in intrenching in and delaying of battell after the manner of the Romanes then of his warlike discipline which could not restraine the couetousnesse of his Souldiers from open and shamefull sacriledge On the otherside certaine Regiments of Spaniards vnder the conduct of Don Iuan d'Aquila hauing ariued at lower Britaine about the Autumnall Aequinox at Blawet assault and surprize Henebon a fortified towne by the Sea side by the meanes of Philip Emanuel Duke of Merceur one of the house of Lorraine who at that time when the Leaguers began to distribute and quarter France into their seueral portions sent for this troupe of Spaniards to seat him for his part in the Duchie of Britaine or in some part of it at least This thought he easie to accomplish by the helpe of the Spaniard and the right of his wife who was the onely daughter of Sebastian Martigne whose mother Caroletta was Duchesse of Britaine and Heire to I. Brosse Duke of Estampes This occasion the Spaniard without great importunity quick●y embraced being himselfe conceited also that Britaine by right belong'd to his Daughter being it was a Feminine fee and by reason that shee descended from Elizabeth of Valois the eldest daughter of Henry the second of France who by reason of the death of all her Vncles without Issue had right alsoo● succession to the whole Crowne of France did not the Salique Law cut that off And although hee could not be ignorant that in the reigne of Francis the first the Duchy of Britaine was incorporated to the Crowne of France yet would he not subscribe to the resolution of all the Lawyers in France concluding that Whatsoeuer is once annexed or incorporated to the Crowne of France can neuer be dismembred or seuered from it Presently after the ariuall of these Spaniards Henry Bourbon sonne to the Duke Montpensier and Prince D● Beare whom with La-Noue the King made Gouernour of Britaine requesteth ayde from England but it seemed good neithe● to the Queene nor her Councell to second this request with a grant because he was but a subiect the King being busied
made vse of him ib. his Motto what it was ibid. Periam Lord chiefe Baron of the Exchequer 311 Perkins employed by the Queene to answer the complaint of the Hanse-Townes 137. Delegated to Embden 284 Pero● called into question 67. the heads of his Inditement ibid. he is condemned of treason but dyeth of a disease in the Tower 68 Parsons the Iesuite of too intimate acquaintance with the E. of Arundle 4. he sets forth the booke of Dolemans 101. his excuse afterwards 103. abused by his owne Priests 369 Pharo a Towne ransackt 165 Philip King of Spaine dyeth 225 Pierre-pont Castle in France in vaine besieged 47 Piers Archbishop of Yorke dyeth 114 Proclamation against transporting prouision into Spaine 59. against Bothwell 64 Plague in London whereof in a yeare there died 17890. people of the City 91 Po●ters valiantly defended by the Duke of Guise 19 Polacke and the Turke reconciled by the Queenes meanes 33 Pope of Rome sendeth a Bull into Ireland to grant a pardon of all their sins to the Rebels 256 Popham his proceeding against the Earle of Arundel 6. he is made Lord chiefe Iustice. 76 Porto-Rico the voyage thither 131. taken by the Earle of Cumberland 226 Portland fortified by the Queene 169 Powlet Marquesse of Winchester dyeth 197 Practises of the Spaniard in Scotland against England 1 Preston a Captaine burnes the Isle Puerto Sancto 130 Protections hurtfull to the Common-wealth in Ireland 234 Prouidence a ship of the Queenes maintaineth fight with a Caracke three whole houres 73 Puckering dilates vpon the cause of the Earle of Arundel 5. he is made Keeper of the great Seale 61. he dieth 175 Counterfeit Purseuants and Apparitors punished 171 Q QVinpercorentine taken by Marshall D'Aumont and Generall Norris 168 Quodlibets by Watson a Priest 369 R RAtcliffe Earle of Sussex dieth 92 Ratcliffe of Orsdall slaine 241● Ramsey rescues the King of Scots 286 Randolph a Captaine slaine in France 85 Sir Thomas Randolph dieth 38 Rawleigh his expedition into America 71. to Gadiz 157. to the Azores 180. he is called in question by Generall Essex 182. taken into fauour againe 183. he grudges the Earle of Essex vpon it 186 Reaux sent ouer to the Queene to craue more aide 46 Rebellion in Scotland 2. in France 19. in Ireland extinguished 379 Religion the cloake of Rebellion 98 Rewthwens the Brothers of Gowry conspire to kill the King 286 Rhise Wife to Feagh-Mac-Hugh her courage 119 Richardot very importunate for the liberty of Religion for the Low Countrimen 32 Richard the second his law concerning the Crowne of England 9. the poorer sort exempted in his time from Subsidies which was multiplied on the rich 3● Rich the Lady Sister to the Earle of Essex 296 Riman his voyage to the East Indies 58 Richmond the place where the Queene dieth 380 Ritch one of the Peeres of the Earle of Arundel 3 Rincurran Castle the Spaniards droue out from thence 353 Roe Lord Maior of London dyeth of the plague 91 Rogers a worthy Commander slaine at the battle of Ostend 343 Rohans come to visite the Queene 298 Roan assailed by the Earle of Essex 47 Russel made Lord Deputy of Ireland 117 S SAlique Law in France what 35 Sands one of the Peeres of the Earle of Arundel 4 Sandford fortified by the Queene 169 Sansie delegated for the King of France's businesse 70 Sapena taken in the battle at Newport 281 Sauages confession vrged against the Earle of Arundel 6 Sauage a worthy Commander at the siege of Amiens 194 Scrope of Bolton dyeth 76 Shelley condemned for treason a witnesse against the Earle of Arundel 9 Sherley a Commander in France vnder Sir Iohn Norris 45. made Knight of the order of S. Michael 1●2 Sidney sent ouer to the King of France 90. his valour at the battle of Turnholt 177. put out of pay wherefore 182 Silley Islands fortified by the Queene 90 Sl●ugh Art a countrey in Ireland laid waste by Sir Henry Docwray 349 Smith Master of the Custome-house 31. his rents raised by the meanes of one Caermardine ibid. Smith Sheriffe of London committed to the Tower 336 Southampton made Gouernour of the Horse by the Earle of Essex 239. is present at the parley with Tir-Oen 242. the Queene offended with him and why 244. he comes ouer with the Earle of Essex ibid. assaulted by the Lord Grey in the open street 299. imprisoned 309. arraigned 311. condemned 321. committed to the Tower 336 Southwell 327 Southsey fortified by the Queene 169 Spencer the famous Poet dyeth 232 Spinola commeth with Gallies to Scluce 252. dyeth 365 Squire his treason 226. his execution 228 Steward sent into Germany by the King of Scots 34 Sussex the Countesse dyeth 26. the Earle of Sussex dyeth 92 Countesse of Sutherland Aunt to the Earle of Huntley 100 Synod at Dunbarre 98 Somerset Earle of Worcester sent into Scotland 33 Stanley Earle of Darby dyeth 91. another Earle of Darby dyeth 114. the witchcraft vsed vpon him ibid. Stapleton dyeth 231 T TAffe a Captaine in Ireland his proceedings 361 Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury sent ouer into France 171 Thames dryed vp strangely 75. a discourse about the naturall reason thereof ibid. The Tearme remooued to Saint Albanes 91 Tempests raised by Witches 26 Tesmond a Iesuite his treason against the Queene 370 Theodosius the Emperour his saying 68 Throgmortons confession vrged against the E. of Arundel 6 Tyrell Lord of Kerry 354. put to flight by the Deputies forces 356 Tir-Oen strangleth Hugh Gaueloc 40. he is pardoned by the the Queene ibid. he submits to Norris and Fenton 145. he presents his grieuances before the Earle of Ormond 200. he hath a Fether of a Phoenix sent vnto him by the Pope of Rome 248. he is remoued from his fort at Blackwater 384. he ioyneth Forces with Alphonso Don-Ocampo conducter of the Spaniards 354. he is put to flight 356. his last and absolute submission to the Queene 379 Toul formerly a part of Germany 36 Tours the Parliament at Tours causeth the Bull of Pope Gregory to be hanged and burnt on a gibbet 45 Tragedy of Richard the second acted before the Conspirators by the meanes of Sir Gill. Mericke 332 Treaty at Boullen 263. at Embden 284. at Bremen 365. breakes off 367 Truces in Ireland very hurtfull and why 146 Turlogh Lenigh a great man in Ireland 41. he dieth 94 Turnholt battle 177 Turke and the Polacke reconciled by the meanes of the Queene 33. and with the Vayuod of Transiluania by her meanes too 84 Twomound the Earle an indiuiduall companion of S. George Carew who stood him in great stead 269 V VAlerian's saying about conferring Honour 173 Vallelodid the English Seminary there 60 Valentine Thomas accuseth the King of Scots at the time of his execution 219. he is repriued ibid Vayuod of Moldauia beholding to the Queene 33. and the Vayuod of Transiluania 84 Vere made Gouernour of the Brill 168. his valour at the battle of Tournholt in Brabant 177. he is made Gouernour
abolishing of all barbarous customes contrary to the Lawes being the seeds of all inciuility and for the clearing of all difficult passages and places which are the Nurseries of Rebellion wherein I will employ the labours of the people of my Country in such sort and in such places as I shall be directed by her Maiestie or the Lord Deputy or Councell in her Name and will endeauour for my selfe and the people of my Countrey to erect ciuill habitations and such as shall be of great effect to preserue vs against theeues and any force but the power of the State by the which we must rest assured to be preserued as long as we continue in our duties And thus ended this long and tedious warre the very charges whereof within these foure last yeares and a halfe amounted to no lesse then 1198717 pounds 9 shil and a penny besides great Concordatums Munition and other extraordinaries which happened FINIS An. Dom. 1589. The practises of the Spaniard in Scotland against England A mutinie in Scotland Allayed by the Queene The Earle of Arundel arraigned Hi● Peeres The heads of his accusation or inditement His demands of the Iudges The Earles Answer He is condemned His life pardoned Drakes expedition The Groyn is assaulted The Base Towne taken The High Town assaulted but in vaine Preparation from the Spaniard The Spaniards driuen backe The English depart and embarque for Portugall Peniche taken Lisbon assaulted The Spaniards sally foorth vpon the English But are forced home to their very gates The English depart Drake blamed Cascayes yeelded Threescore Hulcks taken Vigo burnt The English returne The English subiect to diseases in Spaine * The number of the dead doth farre exceed the computation which Speed Hollinshed both make in the Reigne of Richard the second for they reckon not aboue a thousand that died by this disease and cite Fros●ard for their authority The Hanse-townes complaint The Queenes Answer The Queen● aydes the King of Nauarre The Holy League in France The Barricadoes at Paris The Duke of Guyse slaine Henry 3d. of France slaine Contention about the election of a new King The Cardinall of Bourbon proclaymed king The Queene aydes the French king The English arriue in France The English returne The Spaniard affecteth the Kingdome of France The Queene propoundeth a marriage to the King of Scots He is betrothed to Anne of Denmarke He passeth ●uer to Norway Tempest● raised in his voyage by Witches Bothwel accused by them The Countesse of Sussex dieth And Sir Walter Mildmay And the Earle of Worcester And the Lord St●rton And the Lord Compton And the Lord Paget And Doctor Humfrey 1590 Sundry hauens fortified Charges for the Nauy Money lent to the French King The rates of the Custome-house raised The Queenes care of the States She restoreth Ships to the Venetians She procureth peace from the Turke for the Polonians and Moldauians Shee congratulateth the marriage of the King of Scots Her care of France Parma entreth France French hauens taken by the Spaniard His pretence of right to the Duchie of Britaine Aide from England requested The Queene prouides for Britaine And for all France Wherefore she hearkeneth not to the ill sugge●tions of some both English and Frenchmen Her obseruation The Earle of Warwicke di●th And Sir Francis Walsingham And Sir Thomas Randolph And Sir Iames Croft And the Earle of Shropshire And the Lord Wentworth Tyrone strangleth Gaueloc Tyr Oen pardoned O-rorkes rebellion 1591 The Queenes care of the French King Her ayde The conditions agreed vpon between them A proclamation against the French Leaguers Sir Iohn Norris sent into France La-Noue slaine Sir Roger Williams behaues himselfe brauely Reaux sent ouer to the Queene Demandeth ayde E●●le of Essex sent ●●er Sent for to the King to Noyon He knighteth many Is deceiued by the French Looseth his brother Sir Walter Is dispatched ●●to Champaigne The French King breaketh his promis● Mor● a●de required H●●ket his education and behauiour His reuelations His confed●rates 1590 They seek● to accuse the Archbishop and the Chancellour Hackets hatred to the Queene His disciples sent abroad They are apprehended Hacket condemned His blasphemy at the time of execution Coping●r steru'd himselfe Arthington recants The Queenes iurisdiction in spirituall matters impugned It is defended and maintained Captaine Gree●●ile in the Reare Admirall called the Reuenge Is assailed Sorely wounded Greenuill y●●lded vpon condition The Reuenge sunke Are●●itall for her losse The East Indy voyage 〈…〉 Their ret●rne Cauendish his voyage to the Magellan● straights A Proclamation against transportation of prouision into Spaine The death of Sir Christopher Hatton Brian O-rorke ●●raigned 1592 Bothwell is proclaimed traitor His g●ods entailed vpon his sonne The Earle of Essex ret●rnes from France Rauleigh's expedition to America frustrated A Portugall Caracke pursued by Borrough The English assault a great Caracke The spoile taken The couetousnesse of some English Merchants A Proclamation about making of Ordnance The Queene goeth on progresse Visiteth the Vniuersity of Oxford The Thames dryed vp Vicount Mountague dieth And the L. Scroope And Sir Christopher Wray 1593 A Parliament ass●mbled Subsidies granted The s●mme of the Queen● speech Barowe a Sectary hanged Her care of Scotland The admonition to the king of Scotland Lord Borough sent Embassadour into Scotland The Queens demands The King● answer Bothwell demanded of the Queene He returneth secretly into Scotland His insolent behauiour She procureth peace betweene the Turke and the Tran●il●anian and betweene the K. of Swed●n and Musco●ia Norris his proceeding in Britaine The King of France vnited to the Church of Rome The reason of his conuersion The Queens letter to the K. of France She translateth a booke of Boëtius Boëtius de consolatione The F. Kings excuse of not keeping pr●mise Agreements betweene the Queene and the F. King The Queens care for the Protestants in France The Queene fortifies her Islands of Garnsey and Gersey and other places A great plague in London Hesket hanged Henry Earle of Darby dieth And Henry Earle of Sussex And the L. Grey The Lord Cromwell The Lord Wentworth And S. Christopher Carlile Complaints of the Irish. Grudges betweene Tir-Oen and Marshall Bagnall Mac-Guir rebelleth Ineskelline taken Tir-Oen vsurpeth the title of O-Neale Shan O-Neales sonnes surprised by Tir-Oen 1594 The Lord Zouch sent Embassadour into Scotland The answer of the King of Scots Bothwell againe rebelleth The pretence and cloake of his rebellion Bothwell put to flight The Scotch Papists banished the Realme Their plots and new deuices The pretended Right of the Infanta to the Crowne of England Parsons the Iesuit excuseth his booke of Dolman Prince Henry borne Treason against the Queene conspired Lopez and others Their seueral Confessions The Traitors condemned Cullin executed Yorke and Williams apprehended She informeth the Spaniard of those Treasons Antonio Perez lurketh in England The strength of the Leaguers much impaired Norris sent ouer into Britaine Morlay taken Quinpercorentine taken Crodon as●aulted Is taken
and new deuices 100 The pretended right of the Infanta to the Crowne of England 101 Parsons the Iesuite excuseth his Booke of Dolman 103 Prince Henry borne ibid. Treason against the Queene conspired by Lopez and others ibid. Their seuerall confessions 104 The Traitors condemned ibid. Cullin executed 105 Yorke and Williams apprehended ibid. The Queene informeth the Spaniard of treason 106 Antonio Perez lurketh in England ibid. The strength of the Leaguers much impaired 107 Norris sent ouer into Britaine ibid. Morley taken ibid. Quinpercorentine taken 108 Crodon assaulted ibid. It is taken 109 Fourbisher slaine ibid. Norris recalled ibid. Hawkins his Nauigations 110 He reacheth the 〈◊〉 Streights 110 He is assaulted 111 He yeeldeth vpon condi●●on 〈…〉 set at liberty ibid. Lancasters voyage 112 Honour conferred by a forreigne Prince 〈…〉 at home ibid. The death of Cardinall Allen. 113 And of Doctor Piers Archbishop of Yorke 114 And of the Earle of Darby ibid. Contention about the Isle of Man 115 The death of the Lord 〈◊〉 116 And of the Lord E●ers and of the Lord Chandoys and the Lord Montioy 117 Sir William Russell made Lord Dep●●y of Ireland ibid. Tir-Oen submitteth to him ibid. He is accused by Marshall Bagnall 118 Bu● for all that is dismissed ibid. The Lord Deputy prosecuteth the Rebells ●●9 Tir-Oen bewrayeth his rebellious 〈◊〉 ibid. Anno M. D.XC.V THe King of Scotland 〈…〉 Spaniard Page 121 Yorke and Williams hanged 122 Warre pro●laimed in France against the Spaniard 123 The warre 〈…〉 Luxenborough and ●iccardy ibid. Ayde required from England 124 The Queene prouides against the sp●●●ard ibid. More ayde required 〈◊〉 England 125 The Queene acquitteth her selfe of 〈◊〉 imputations about the taking of Cambra 125 The King of France perswaded to and disswaded from a peace with the Spaniard 127 Conditions proposed to the King of France by the Pope and 〈…〉 128 Co●nwall inuaded by the Spaniard ibid. Rawleighs voyage to Guiana 12● Sir Iohn Hawki●● and Sir Francis Drakes expedition into America 130 The voiage to Porto-Rico 131 〈◊〉 de-la-Hach fired and 〈…〉 132 〈…〉 ibid. The death of Sir Francis Drake ibid. 〈…〉 ibid. ● distast betweene the Queene 〈…〉 Low Countries the reason of 〈◊〉 ●●3 Sir Thomas Bodly sent ouer ibid. His message ibid. The answer of the 〈◊〉 134 Some monies offered in part of paiment ibid. 〈…〉 ibid. Great debating about the matter 135 Conditions proposed by the States to the Queene what they are 136 The Queene accepteth of them 137 〈…〉 ibid. The Queenes answere thereunto ibid. The death of the Earle of Arundell and of the Lord 〈◊〉 and Sir Thomas 〈◊〉 and of D. Whitaker 14● Sir Iohn Norris sent into Ireland 141 Tir-Oen taketh Blackwater 14● He is proclaimed Traitour ibid. The strength of the Rebells 〈…〉 Ireland 143 Norris sets forward toward Tir-Oen 143 And the Lord Deputy ioyneth with him ibid. Tir-Oen lurketh ibid. Captaine Norris seemeth too much to 〈◊〉 Tir-Oen 1●● He entertaineth a parley with Tir-Oen 1●● Tir-Oens counterfeit submission to Norris ibid. And of O-donells and Feagh-Mac-Hugh● 1●● A truce made and the danger of it ibid. Anno M. D.XC.VI SIr Henry Wallop and Sir Robert Gardner sent to parley with Tir-Oen O-donell and the rest of the Rebels and to heare their grieuances Page 147 The complaints of Tir-Oen of O donell 148 Of Shan-Mac-Brian Mac-Phelim and O-Neale and 〈◊〉 others 149 Propositions proposed to the Rebels they flight 〈◊〉 reiect them 150 The manner of the truce c●ncluded betweene them ibid. The Queenes opinion of the 〈◊〉 151 Tir-Oen dealeth vnder-hand with the Spaniard ibid. Tir-Oen sendeth Letters of the Spaniards to the Lord Deputy 152 He deludeth Captaine Norris and 〈…〉 from them a writ of pardon ibid. The Lord Deputy redu●eth O-Maden ibid. Tir-Oens dissimulation layd open 154 The Lord Deputy pursueth Pheagh-Ma●h-Hugh 155 He is slaine by 〈…〉 ibid. His head is sent to 〈◊〉 and the head of Iames 〈◊〉 ib. Callis assaulted by the Arch-Duke of A●stria and 〈◊〉 156 The Queene prepareth a Nauie of 140. ships ibid. The Earle of Essex and Lord H●●ard equall Generals of the Forces 157 The Prayer of Queene Elizabeth for the Nauie 158 The Nauy sets forward to Cadiz 159 Where it arriues the 20. of Iune 160 Certaine Gallies of the Spaniards withdraw themselues into the open Sea 161 The English Souldiers are set on shoare ibid. They breake downe Suaco Bridge ibid. They take the towne 162 They set fire on some Spanish ships 163 No man of note lost in this expedition but Captaine Wingfield ibid. The names of those that were knighted 164 The English consult what to doe 165 They come to the towne Pharo ibid. From thence to the 〈◊〉 166 They returne home ibid. How glorious this victory was to the English how profitable to them and how hurtfull to the Spaniard 167 Sir Francis Vere made Gouernour of Brill 168 Which the Earle of Essex taketh very ill but worse the choice of Sir Robert Cecill to be the Queenes Secretary he hauing appointed Sir Tho. Bodley for that place ibid. The Spaniard prouides a new Fleet. ibid. The greatest part whereof cast away 169 Queene Elizabeth fortifies the shoare she entreth into a new League with the French King ibid. Which they both sweare to 170 The King of France made Knight of the Garter 171 Counterfeit Pur●euants and Apparators punished ibid. Thomas Arundell Count of the sacred Empire 172 The question discussed whether a Subiect be to admit of the honour which is conferred on him by a forreigne Prince ibid. Such honours not to be admitted 173 Counts and Viscounts such as some Officers in the Court of Rome 174 Count-Palatines and who boasted themselues so to be ibid. The Queenes iudgement on that question ibid. The death of Sir Iohn Puckering and of Richard Fletcher Bishop of London and of the Lord Hunsdon and Sir Francis Knolles 175 The death of the Earle of Huntington and of the Countesse of Darby 176 Anno M. D.XC.VII THe battle of Tournhalt in Brabant Page 177 The Queene furnisheth a Nauy to surprize the Spanish Nauy at Azores returning from the Indies 178 Sir Walter Rawleigh lands at Faiall 181 He takes the towne 182 The Earle of Essex angry for his landing ibid. Rawleigh defendeth himselfe and at last is receiued into fauour againe 183 The Islands Gratiosa and Flores yeeld to the Earle of Essex ibid. Villa Franca taken 185 An Indian Caracke burnt ibid. The English Fleet returneth ibid. The Spanish Nauy dispersed 186 Grudges betweene the Earle of Essex and Sir Walter Rawleigh and betwixt the Earle of Essex and Sir Robert Cecill ibid. Essex discontented at the Titles giuen to the Lord Admirall whereupon the Queene makes him Earle Marshall of England 187 Pa●l●s D'l'ali●e sent Embassadour from the King of Poland 187 His Oration to the Queene full of contempt The Queenes sodaine answer made him in Latine 188 The Queene le●●es him and answereth him by her Councellors afterwards 189 The Merchant Aduenturers are
Allan with other Iesuites had deuised and sought to accomplish plots mischieuous both to Prince and people for which cause the said Cardinall was banisht the Realme yet notwithstanding that the Earle maintained an intercourse of letters with him still in some whereof he assured him of his vtmost indeauour for promoting the Catholique cause which words he argued could admit of no milder exposition than an inuasion of England The Earle made answere that by promoting the Catholique cause he meant not the subuersion of the Realme as they fancied but onely the conuersion of as many Proselites as he could The Queenes Atturney Popham vrgeth against this the confessions of Sauage Throgmorton and Babington out of which hee made his illation that by those words the Earle meant an inuasion of England by force of armes Soutl●worth Sergeant at Law hauing alleadged the Statutes lately made against Iesuites and Seminary Priests begins to vnfold the secret mischieuous purposes of sending Iesuites ouer into England concluding them to bee Traytors from a testimonie taken from the Earles owne mouth who when Val●ngers case about the Libell was tried in the Starre-chamber openly affirmed that he that was throughly a Papist must needes bee a Traytor aggrauating the matter with these circumstances be●ides that the Earle had entertained such men notwithstanding into his familiar acquaintance and that also he had reconciled himselfe to the Romane Church and tendred obedience to that See This reconcilement the Earle earnestly denied beseeching them that testimonie might be produced for confirmation but they produced none but himselfe who hauing formerly granted them that he had beene confessed his sinnes by Burges the Priest gaue them occasion to vse this argument against him he that is admitted to the vse of the Sacraments of the Church of Rome must first be reconciled to that Church but he had beene admitted by Gratley a Priest to the vse of the Sacraments of the Church of Rome and therefore they concluded his re●oncilement Heere Popham with as great vehemency of words as multip●icitie of matter argueth his reconcilement from his owne letters from his resolution to depart the Realme and from his continuall being thus at the Cardinals becke thence concluding him guilty of treason and afterwards producing letters of Gratley and Morgan to the Queene of Scots taxed him as if he professed the Romish religion not out of conscience but as a colour for his discontents if they should chance to break out into open rebellion After all this was produced a little picture foūd in the Earls casket on the one side wherof was a handshaking a Serpent into the fire with this inscription Si Deus n●biscum quis contra nos that is If God be with vs wh● can be against vs On the other side a Lion rampant with his tallents cut off but this motto Tamen leo that is I am yet a Lion To this he add●d that the Cardin●l● exhortation to the contrary diuerte● his ●esolution of departing the Realme alledging that hee might doe the Church of Rome better seruice at home than he 〈…〉 Likewise that in a letter sent the Queene he had bitterly traduced and sorely calumniated the legall proceeding of the Realme especially in the sentence of death both of his 〈◊〉 and Grandfather that the Queene of Scots had commended him to Bibington as a fit man to be the Chiefe Heade of all Catholiques That Cardinall Allan plainely intimated that the Popes B●ll was procured by the meanes of a Great man in England wh● must necessarily be the Earle himselfe since none of all the nobilitie was guilty of that familiaritie with him which the Earle by letters daily increased and augmented Then were read the confessions of William and Margaret brother and sister to the Earle Likewise some of his owne letters which he wrote when he resolued a departure of the Realme euery one magnifying euen to admiration the clemencie of the Queene who at that time qualified his offence of treas●n with a triuiall imputation of a bare contempt only To these things the Ear●e heere and there mingled an answer as that the picture was a small ordinary trifle and the gift of one of his seruants That indeed he assured Cardinall Allan of the extremity of his indeuours but yet neither against Prince nor people That whatsoeuer he had formerly written concerning the iudgement pronounced either against his Father or Grandfather the Chronicle was better able to 〈…〉 Then were read certaine letters of the Cardinall Allan to the Queene of S●ots and others of the Bishops of Rosse since the time of his intended flight concerning a fresh inuasion of England After that the Bull also of Sixtus Quintus and many sentences gleaned out of the Cardinals admonitions to his Countre● men in England the yeere before printed at Antwerpe The Title also of Philip Duke of Norfolke found in some scattered papers was layd to his charge by reason indeed that the Cardinall not long since had exhorted him to vse a Higher Title and a●l this to prooue him guilty of Treason before his imprisonment But Egerton the Queenes Sollicitor hauing compendiously collated all the premisses doth vndertake to conuince the Earle of Treason likewise since his imprisonment and that at three seuerall times as first before the Spanish Nauie came by wishing a fortunate successe vnto it then at the very time of the Nauies comming by causing Seruices Prayers and the Masse of the Holy Ghost to be sayd full foure and twenty houres without respite for the prosperity thereof and lastly at the time of its shamefull flight by more then ordinary griefe bewayling the misery of so vnexpected fortune The testimonies to confirme these allegations were ●aken 〈…〉 The Earle indeed denied not the saying of Masse or prayers but the end thereof as they imagined his end being only to diuert the cruelty of that slaughter which hee 〈◊〉 was threatned Catholiques But what Gerar● affirmed hee constantly denied and adiuring him by the terrour of the fearefull day of iudgement either so distracted his memorie or quickned his conscience that he accused none more than himselfe of folly in speaking little or nothing to the purpose What Bennet witnessed the Earle sought to suppresse the beliefe of by producing to them palpable contradictions which his whole confession was in a 〈◊〉 clad with and for the rest as being men partly condemned partly dissolute in their life and partly of small credit he not so much esteemed of their testimonie as traduced that courtesie which hee thought allow'd him companie the better to entangle him This peremptorie slighting and disreputing of the witnesse that came for the Queene being 〈…〉 with some reprehension the Queenes Sollicitor gave them notice to heare the words of the ancient law of Richard the 2. read wherein is declared that the Crowne of England is vnder no Iurisdiction except onely Gods and that the Bishop of Rome hath no right either in or ouer the same After which time
and that there shall be no peace betweene him and them without their mutuall consent thereunto Yet for all this is Britaine still neglected by the French King France in the very bowels thereof still labouring and neitheir yet could the Englishmen get so much as Pimpol or Breac a little Island for their retiring place but vpon extreame hard conditions to wit that they fortifie it not neither that they lodge either in the houses of Priests or Noblemen Yet for all this the States of Britaine humbly requested the Queene not to recall her forces which she had euen resolued on but euen ouer-entreated commanded them to stay and they dispersed and scattered vp and downe about the Country Villages and exposed both to the malice of the Heauen and their enemies were ●ain● to haue a lamentable wintering when Pimpol by reason it was so little could not containe them all Neither spared she her continuall admonitions to the King of France that he should consider how much it stood him vpon to protect and keepe in hold the Sea coasts which once being gotten into the power of the enemy opens a way for further losse and is not easily recouered againe she wished him by Sir Robert Sidney to protect in safety the professours of the reformed Religion He promised againe that as he had hitherto beene so he would alwaies be their Protector and Defendor although that euen the chiefest Nobles of them had already forsaken him But when Sidney would haue dealt with him about Brest for a retyring place for the English forces and a pawne for the monies he had already had which indeed the Queene greatly desired hee stopt his eares at that For truely the Frenchmen could not indure that the English should once set foot in any other possessions in France no not so much as in their Hauens no● being forgetfull how easily they a great while agoe hauing but once beene possessed of their Hauens victoriously ran ouer France and how hardly they resigned vp againe their possessions And thus miserably did the French turne the counsell of the Queene vpon her selfe and the English which she gaue them for a caution against the Spaniard The Queene that she might secure her own selfe from the Spaniard fortified the Islands of Silley in the British Ocean hauing erected a Fortresse in S. Mari●s Island which by reason of the fashion of a starre like to which it was made she called the Starre-Marie she fortified that also with a set Garrison Also she strengthened her Islands of Ga●nsey and Iersey opposite against France and other places besides with great cost and charges and as great courage and alacrity although the times then were very heauy For in that yeare Saturne running through the end of Cancer and the beginning of Leo as in the yeare 1563. the Pestilence or Plague miserably tormented the City of London insomuch that the rigour thereof in the whole course of one yeare mowed downe the people of the Citie and Suburbes to the number of 17890. besides Sir William Roe the Lord Major and three more Aldermen Bartholomew Faire was not kept that yeare in London and Michaelmas Terme at S. Albanes twenty miles from London At which Terme Richard Hesket was condemned and executed because he had perswaded Henry Earle of Darby whose Father Henry died not long before that he should claime the Crowne of England fetching his right from his great Grand-mother Mary the Daughter to Henry the seuenth largely promising moreouer assistance and money from the Spaniard withall threatning the Earles sudden destruction if hee kept it not secret and if he put it not in practise But the Earle fearing this to be a plot onely to bring him into danger betrayed his conspiratour who of his owne accord acknowledging his fault before the iudgement seat sorely cursed those that aduised him thereto and those also that hearkened to his aduise in it and indeed those curses fell vpon some body in all probability For the Earle within foure moneths after died of a miserable kinde of death as shall be spoken of shortly In this yeares space two famous Earles of England died both of the Order of the Garter Henry Stanley whom I now mentioned Earle of Darby the sonne of Edward by Dorothy the Daughter of Thomas Howard first Duke of Norfolke He got of Margaret the Daughter of Henry Clifford Earle of Cumberland of Elenor Brandon the Niece of Henry the eight by his Sister Mary two sonnes Ferdinand and William that in order succeded him The other Earle that died was Henry Ratcliffe Earle of Sussex Gouernour of Portsmouth hauing left onely one Sonne Robert which he had by Honor the Daughter of Anthony Pound At Portsmouth Charles Blunt afterwards Lord Montioy succeeded him Three Lords accompanied these Earles also into another life Arthur Grey of Wilton that famous Warriour and of the Order of the Garter to whom succeeded Thomas his sonne by Iane Sybill Morrison The second Henry Lord Cromwell the Nephew of that Thomas Earle of Essex so often spoken of that was the mocking-stocke of Fortune after him succeeded Edward his sonne by Mary the Daughter of Iohn Powlet Marquesse of Winchester The third Henry Lord Wentworth whom succeeded Thomas borne of Anne Hopton his sonne and heire Neither will we conceale the death of worthy Christopher Carlile whose warlike skill was sufficiently tried in the Low Countries France and Ireland and in America at Carthage and Santo Dominico in the yeare 1585. for he about this time accompanied the forenamed into a better life In Ireland O-Conor Dun Mac-Da●y and O-Brien Nobleman of Conaugh and others make complaints that they were vniustly gone to law withall about the possessions of the Mortimers Earles of March which they had no colour of pretence for but continuance of long time wherein they had onely vsurped the same Also about this time the Noblemen of the Prouince of Vlster who long before feared lest they should fal into a conformity to English lawes which they thought would be brought in vpon thē as they saw it done already in Monaghan and that they should loose much of their power thereby whereby sometimes they did euen tyra●●ize ouer the people begin now to bring to light that rebellion which before long had beene conceiued and first of all Hugh O-Donell on a sudden surpriseth Montrosse Castle Now there had beene a grudge long betweene the Earle of Tir-Oen and Henry Bagnall Marshall of the Irish forces whose Sister the Earle had stolne for his wife The Earle he made his complaint before the Lord Deputy of Ireland the Chancellour and others that whatsoeuer he had brought in obedience to the Queene at Vlster by his continuall labour and euen hazard of his bloud that redounded onely to the commodity of the Marshall and not to himselfe that yet the Marshall had falsly accused him of treason and to that purpose had suborned base
in conscience and now they set vpon the Fortresse on euery side Latham Smith other English Cap●aines setting vpon the Westerne part thereof whilest the French men set on the Easterne and others the Wall betweene from noone till foure of the clocke at length the English enioyed the Westerne Fortresse and hauing slaine Thomas de Parades the Gouernour thereof entring the Fort they snatched their Colours and made a passage for all the rest and there they slew about foure hundred that lay in Garrison they razed the Fortresse to the ground euen the very same day that Don Iuan de D'Aquila came to bring them aide Neither was this Victory purchased by the English without losse of bloud for many valiant men were wanting and Martin Fourbisher was shot in the hip with a Bullet and hauing brought backe his Nauy to Plimouth then died Not very long after it being found out that there came some Spanish Commanders into Ireland to stirre vp a rebellion there Norris was recalled from Britaine the ships that should haue brought him ouer hauing arriued at Morlay were forbid entrance to the Hauen insomuch that they were compell●d ●o trust to the courtesie of the Sea and a Wintery cold Ha●en and at length to arriue at Rusco no very sa●e Bay for them The Queene ●ooke this as she might very well wonderous ill at Marshall D'Aumonts hands that he should denie Morlay Hauen for her ships when according to their owne conditions he did owe the very same place to the Auxiliaries of England assoone as it yeelded And not in France onely but euen in the most seuered part of the world America did the English warre against the Spaniard for Richard Hawkins sonne to that famous Nauigator Iohn Hawkins hauing free leaue and license vnder the great Seale of England to molest the Spaniard in those parts of the World with three ships and two hundred Sea-men set forth for Sea the last yeare His first landing was at the Island of S. Anne where whilest he refreshed the fainting spirits of his Marriners the least ship of the three was by chance fired He tooke a Portugall ship and the fame of him spreading out to Peru the Deputy thereof ●urnisheth his Nauie to surprize him Afterwards by reason of a great tempest one of his two ships returned home but not without the punishment of the Master of it Hawkins being now left alone was taken away from shore by force and carried to the latitude of fifty degrees where he lighted on a fruitful woodish and a Land very full of Hauens holding out in length some threescore Leagues from the West to the North which he passed by till such time that the winde blowing him backe againe he was cast vpon the streights of Magellan about the end of Ianuary this yeare which he found to be nothing but an Ocean full of Islands yet he came as farre in it as to the breadth of six and fifty degrees After that he had spent a mo●eth and a halfe amongst these Islands and had wandered vp and down according to the vncertaine motions of the same Sea not without much and great danger with great paines at last he got into the open Sea And now ●ayling by the Chiline shor● in the Southerne Sea at Villa-Parissa he seized on fiue ships laden with Merchandise he tooke away one of the● and the Pilot but dismissed the rest vpon the paiment of 2000. Ducke●s when they indeed were valued at more then twenty thousand Afterwards at Arica he was assailed by Bertrand à Castro who with eight ships was sent out by the Vice-Gerent or Deputy of Peru to that purpose but first his munition furniture and tackling for sayling being somewhat scant he ventred on him to his owne losse but afterwards being better prouided he assailed him againe in the Gulfe Attacame but with no better speed for they fought hand to hand very fiercely many being slaine on both sides insomuch that the Spaniard thought it better to skirmish a farre off and to play vpon them with their Ordnance Which when they did three dayes without ceasing Bertrand senta Gloue and in the name of the King profered their liberty to Hawkins and his followers if they would yeeld vp vnto him This condition they all being sore wounded and vnequall for longer skirmish did accept which they found also fulfilled for Bertrand vsed them very courteously But there arose a question notwithstanding whether or no this promise were to be kept because it was questioned whether Bertrand who was not delegated Generall immediatly from the King but mediately from his Deputy could make such a promise to Hawkins who had receiued immediately his authority from the Queene But at length they all fell into this opinion that the promise made in the Kings name should be kept since that Hawkins was no Pirate but a lawfull enemy neither would they that the Spaniard should vse any other martiall Lawes in the Southerne Seas then what were sutable to the rest elsewhere But yet for all this and although that Bertrand to the praise of his honesty much endeauoured that his promise might be fulfilled was Hawkins sent into Spaine and kept prisoner there some few yeares for it seemed good to the Spaniard to vse this seuerity that hee might fright others from attempting those Seas againe But at last the Duke of Miranda President of the Councell gaue him his dismission vpon consideration that such promises made deliberately by the Kings Commanders should be kept because that otherwise no body would euer yeeld But in the other part of America Iames Lancaster that was sent out with three ships and a Brigandi●e by the London Merchants whose goods the Spaniard had lately laid hands vpon had farre better fortune against them For hee tooke 39. Spanish ships and hauing associated to himself Venner an Englishman some Hollanders and some French that lay about expecting some prey in those Seas hee determines to set vpon Fernambuc in Brasile where hee vnderstood there had beene vnladed great treasure out of a Caracke that shipwrack't comming from the East Indies But when hee saw the enemy flocke in multitudes very thicke to the shore he chose out some of the English and put them in the ship-boates and rowing with such violence that they brake the Oares the Boates ran a shoare a successe tr●ely as happy as the counsell was valiant For by their valour the enemies being drouen to the vpper Towne hee enjoyed the lower Towne and the Hauen defending the same thirty whole dayes against all their crafty and deceitfull assaults and refusing all parley he frustrated all their fiery machinations against his ships and at last laded some fifteene ships with the wealth of that Caracke we spake of with Sugar-canes Brafil wood and Cottens and then returned safe home I know not whether or no this may be worth remembrance except to the instructing of more
indignation of a weake Prince That the heart of the Queene is hardened I know what I haue to doe as I am a Subiect and what as I am an Earle and Marshall of England I cannot liue like a seruant and a bond-slaue If I should confesse my selfe guilty I should both iniure truth and God the authour of truth I haue receiued a dart in my whole body It is absolutely a sinne to serue after the receipt of so great a disgrace Cannot Princes erre cannot they iniure their Subiects Is their earthly power infinite T is the foole in Solomon that being strucke laughes They that receiue benefit by the errors of Princes let them beare the iniuries of Princes Let them thinke the Queenes power infinite who beleeued that God is not omnipotent As for my part I being rent in peeces with iniuries haue long e●ough within my brest endured the bitternesse thereof But yet for all this a little while after being more submisse hee was pardoned and receiued into fauour by the Queene whose greatest anger at any offence could neuer be stretched to a iust hatred except onely of the offence Bu● here his Friends and Fauourers greatly began to feare a r●ine who haue obserued that Fortune very seldome in reconciled with one whom she hath cast out of her care and that Princes are a great deale seldomer especially to those whom they themselues haue beene thought to haue offended and iniured About this time died William Cecill Lord Burghley Treasurer of England who being sorely troubled with griefe of minde and the Gout too sent his Letters to the Queene earnestly beseeching her that he might lay aside the burthen of his Offices The Queene presently vpon it came and visited him and comforted him very much but within few daies after hauing liued long enough to Nature and famous enough to Glory but onely not long enough to his Country he so quietly gaue vp the ghost that his greatest enemy could confesse that he hated nothing more or enuied any thing like to such a death in so great honour seeing that ordinarily the ends and Catastrophes of the Administratours of such great affaires as he did are both sad and sometimes sodaine Certainly he was an excellent man whom besides his venerable countenance and comely visage nature made and learning perfected to a great fame of honesty grauity temperance industry and iustice Besides these he was a wondrous well-spoken man in his curious language which neither was any way affected but plaine and easie His wisedome was strengthened by long experience and seasoned with great moderation His faith and loyalty well approued and his religious piety aboue all most to be commended To speake all in a word the Queene was most happy in such a Counsellour and England will be beholding to his counsell for euer If at any time it shall concerne posterity to know his birth he was borne at Burne in Lincolne shire in 1521. His Father was Richard Cecill Master of the Wardrope to Henry the eight his Mother Iane the Heire to the Family of Ekinton and the Walcots He when he was a young man was student in St. Iohns College at Cambridge where at the age of twenty yeares he tooke to wife Marie the Sister of Iohn Cheeke a very learned man who within one or two yeares after died Afterwards hauing beene a Student at Law in Graies Inne at London hee married Mildred a good Graecian and Latinist the Daughter of Anthony Coke Informer to Edward the sixth Hauing got into the house of the Duke of Somerset Protector of the Realme he was vnder him made Master of Requests being the first in England as I haue heard of himselfe that euer vsed that Title Afterwards he became Secretary to Edward the sixt and by him knighted He found some fauour with Queene Mary but greater with Cardinall Poole Tunstall and William Petra for his wisedome the resson of his fauour with Mary was in that although he with the rest subscribed hee most opposed that counterfeited pretence to Edwards kingdome whereby both Mary and Elizabeth were excluded from any right thereto But yet afterwards being a very religious Protestant although hee serued the times a little when he perceiued that his religion lay as a blocke in his way to all promotion he betooke himselfe to the seruice of Elizabeth she vsed his paines much in her affaires whatsoeuer Afterwards she made him one of her Priuy Councell and in the third yeare of her Rai●ne after the death of Sir Thomas Parry made him Master of the Wards which Office he so well performed prouidently to the good of the Orphans moderately to his owne good and liberally to the good of his Friends Kindred and followers without any iniuries that the Queene admiring his discretion committed the gouernment of all vnto him in a manner But as his power and fauour with the Queene encreased with him so did hatred and enuy in many of the Nobility against him but yet so that as he was wont to say he ouer came it with patience more then frowardnesse Afterwards the Queene hauing well approued his wisdome and loialty this thirteen yeares bestowed on him the title of Lord Burghley and Lord high Treasurer of England In which Office alwaies hating those base trickes of heaping money together as hee encreased the publike good so also his own priuate estate by his paines and parsimonie He was very vnwilling to haue any thing spent vnlesse for the honour of the Queene the defence of the Kingdome or the aide of our Neighbours He narrowly looked into although not with the eies of security yet of equity the affaires of the Custome-house and the Tole takers that belong thereto He would professe that hee neuer liked that the Exchequer should like the Spleene encrease continually and the rest of the members wither and fade away and truely hee strongly endeuoured that the Prince might not grow rich by the peoples misery of taxation but that both the one and the other might want nothing Hee would often say that nothing was profitable to the Prince that was not honourable for her also to doe and hereupon he would not suffer the Reuenews of her Lands to be encreased or the old Tenants remoued or Farmers put out As for his priuate estate he so well managed it that neither he euer went to Law with any man or any man with him Of his former wife Mary Cheeke begot hee Thomas now Earle of Exeter very fruitfull in his issue Of his second wife Mildred Coke he begat Robert Earle of Salisbury his successour in the greatest Offices of the Kingdome with the like happinesse besides two Daughters that died before himself Anne Countesse of Oxford who had three Daughters Elizabeth married to William Earle of Darby Bridget married to the Lord Norris and Susan to the Earle of Mountgomery and Elizabeth the wife of William Wentworth that died without issue The Ouerseers
Nations To let passe many words the Queene required the whole matter should be referred either to Delegates on both sides or to the Elector of Brandenburgh the Kings Father in Law the Duke of Mekelburgh Henry Iulius the D. of Brunswicke Vncle to the Kings Sister But when neither Stephen Leisiere nor Ferrar nor Nicholas Crage a learned man the one sent into England the other into Denmarke could compose the matter at length it was agreed on that Delegates should be sent to Embda thither the Queene sent Embassadours Richard Bancroft Bishop of London Christopher Perkins and Iohn Swale who might parley with the Delegates of Denmarke But when they came not at the appointed day whether hindered by the winde or some other errour the Danes alleaging that the time of their Delegates was out went home or as some thought because they wanted victuals for the Danes giue to their Embassadours Captaine victuals not mony as other Princes neither could endure to heare that they should require the prolongation of that authority Hence the English complained of the Danes as men proposing nothing else to themselues then that things should remaine as they were to wit that they might exact new tribute daily in the Oresund Sea that by new decrees they might confiscate their ships and merchandize that they might hold their fishng in the Northerne Sea and then saying through the same into Moscouia notwithstanding about these times for the better furtherance of Nauigation the Trades increase and the Kingdomes honour the Queene instituted the Company of East Indie Merchants giuing to them great priuiledges they sent thither with three ships Iames Lancaster of whom we before haue spoken that in the yeare 1594. he ouer came Fernambucke in Brasil Since that time and not vnluckily they sent euery yeare a small Nauy and to their Kingdomes honour erected Markets in Lurat the great Maguls Country in Mossolupatan Bantan Patane Siam Sagad Mecassar also in Iapan crushing by happy victories aswell the insolent enemy as the Turkish falsnesse but whether so great a summe of money daily transported hence and so many Marriners wasted be for the common good let wise men i●dge and posterity perceiue While the Queene thus prouides for her Subiects inrichment Clement the eight Pope vnderstanding her to be well in yeares for the better restoring of the Roman Religion to its former height in England sent thither two Breues one to the Clergy the other to the Laity in which hee admonished that they should admit no one to the Scepter after her decase how neere a kinne soeuer vnlesse he were one who would not onely grant a toleration of the Romish Religion but also with his best indeuour further it To the doing of which he must binde himselfe by an oath after the manner of his predecessours but the contents of these were as sparingly reuealed as they themselues closely sent notwithstanding hence was the originall of the monstrous powder-plot and as these Breues were sent from Rome to England for the easier excluding of King Iames from his inheriting England so at the same time was prepared in Scotland a deadly Sword by the Rethuens Brothers who in reuenge of the lawfull punishment inflicted on the E. of Gowry their Brother in the Kings minoritie appointed the same good King to die treacherously seducing him to their house and they had not come short in the performing of this designe had not the Protectour of Kings by these instruments the Kings fortitude the loyall endeauour of Iohn Ramsey and Thomas Areskins made themselues the authours of destruction on themselues for they were made aswell partners in death as in that plot and by decree of the State their goods confiscate their house made leuell with the ground themselues quartered and the Quarters hung on stakes through the Cities and as many as had to their surname Rethuen were commanded to leaue it for the better obliterating both of name and memory let it not be accounted fraud in me to relate their punishment since other Writers in this matter haue beene profuse about this Prince through England arose great complaint of the scarcity of victuals which also increased by reason of the moist constitution in the heauens at the end of the former yeare the vernall cold of this and the priuate auarice of some who by the abuse of an obtained licence transported great store into other Nations Hence the people moued no lesse with opinion then if they had had more rationall proofes by Libels railed on Buckhurst the Treasurer as if he had granted the licence but hee not lightly regarding these things repaires to the Queene from whom by Proclamation his innocence was testified a fault transferred on the Hucsters of Corne the Libellers apprehended and punished But such is the querulous enuy of the people that they complained the more and lashed him by priuate backe-bitings as if he had acknowledged it And now Essex hauing beene vnder the Lord Keeper of the great Seales custody this halfe yeare began mooued thereto by his naturall inclination to goodnesse and by this physicall affliction and many of his friends especially Henry Howard began I say to come to a better minde also determining to send away far from him those turbulent spirits that suggested him to all that was naught Gill Mericke and Cuffe he himselfe putting on such piety patience and modest humility that all his friends hoped well of him againe and his enemies enuied thereat The Queene in short time being pacified with his humble and submissue Letters commanded him to keepe onely his owne house vnder the free custody of Richard Barckly withall protesting that these her punishments were not entended for his ouerthrow but for his amendment But the common people altogether pleading for his innocency thinking him shrewdly wronged it seemed good to the Queene to eschew all kinde of seuerity iniustice or preiudice to her or her Councel that his cause should be heard yet not in the Starre Chamber lest he were too seuerely punished but onely priuately in the Lord Keepers house the Iudges thereof were allotted the Councell-table of the Queene foure Earles two Lords and foure Iudges that thereby he might onely be censured alike but with no marke of treachery or treason The summe of his accusation was that hauing no such authority in his Commission he made Southampton leader of the Horse that he knighted many that he drew his forces from Tir-Oen whom he should haue prosecuted into Mounster that he had priuate conference with Tir-Oen to the violation of the Maiesty of the Queene and the honor of the the Deputy himselfe and that this conference was the more suspected because it was priuate and secret These things the Lawyers sorely aggrauated bringing in also abrupt sentences of his out of Letters writ by himselfe some two yeres before the Copies whereof were dispersed by his followers vp and downe England such as these THat there is
dying vncondemned his goods without the authority of a Parliament might not fall to the Exchequer He being condemned of treason protested that he tooke Armes out of loue to the Romish Religion and hope of recouering the Patrimony of his Grandfather as also by reason of the exaction of the English in Plow-land and their Iurie of twelue men Carew also found out how that it had beene debated and consulted of betweene Tir-Oen and the Archbishop in what part of Ireland the Spaniard could most conueniently land and that they agreed that Mounster was the fittest place but that they agreed not yet in what Hauen they should land Some iudged it best first to seize vpon Limricke as neighbouring vpon Conaugh and Leinster and not very farre from Vlster But then he heard that Donat Mac-Cormac affirmed that Florence preferred Corke before that as being a Hauen more opportune a City weaker and therefore the easier to be assaulted and that from thence the Spaniard might be ready at hand to Barry Roch Cormac-Macdermot and Mac-Carty Reogh who yet continued in loyalty whom they might either driue into a taking of their sides or else spoyle their goods Hereupon Sir George Carew thought nothing better then any way to surprize Florence although before hee had giuen him a Protection for his life and at length surprizing him he sent both him and the titular Earle too ouer into England And now being certified that the Spaniards were vpon comming which before hee could by no meanes perswade the Deputy and the English Councell to beleeue he causeth prouision to be brought into Corke and calls an assembly of the Prouince there He layes hands on some turbulent persons whom he suspected to keep them from doing mischiefe from others he tooke Hostages and had generally such a prouident care of his affaires that hee abounded both in prouision and all necessaries to sustaine a siege for many moneths And besides there came ouer a new supply of 2000. Souldiers out of England in very good time The President about the midst of September being certainly enformed that the Spaniards had strooke saile certifies the Deputie of it assoone as he could He assoone as euer he came to Kilkenny sent for the President But behold while he makes haste in his iourney being recalled by Messengers that enformed him that the Spa●ish Nauie was in sight he made Sir Charles Wilmot President of Corke and he himselfe makes all haste to the Deputy At his comming a Councell is held whether or no the Deputy who had scarce guard enough for his owne person should returne or tarry at Kilkenny till his Forces were met together Some thought it fittest for him to returne because it was not for the credit of the Lord Deputy to goe forward with so small a company President Carew contends on the other side that hee could neither returne nor stand still without suspition of sluggish●esse and danger of defection throughout the whole Prouince and so at length profering 200. Horse to guard him and informing him how well Corke was furnished with all things necessary for warre he brought him along thither with him cheerefully although there were some that would haue had the Lord Deputy gone no farther then Clonmell a place bordering close vpon that Prouince In the meane time the Spanish Nauie which by reason of a slacke winde could not reach Corke Hauen the 23. of September puts in at the mouth of Kinsale Hauen and landeth their Souldiers Presently hereupon Sir Richard Percy who with 150. Souldiers gouerned there being vnequall for to resist retires backe to Corke The Spaniards with 35. displaied Banners hauing the Gates open are gratefully receiued by the Inhabitants The chiefe Magistrate going with a staffe before them and disposing of their seuerall Lodgings The President Carew commands hereupon all the Sheepe and Cattle to be driuen on this side the Riuer Auerley and sends Flower with 400. ready furnisht Foot to waste and depopulate the neighbouring Countries and which seemed very conuenient to doe he musters vp all the Citizens and Townesmen hee could get into his Army although they stood him in no stead but onely so to keepe them as Hostages with him lest that hauing laine and lurkt idely at home out of loue to the Romish Religion and inbred fauour to the Spanish Nation out of the opinion of being descended from the same originall they should thinke vpon reuolting or yeelding vp the Townes to the Spaniard Don Iohn D'Aquila who was Gouernour of the Spanish Forces with the Title of Master Generall and Captaine of the Catholike King in the defending of warre for God for the maintenance of Religion in Ireland Hauing publisht many writings endeauoured to perswaded the simple people That Queene Elizabeth was deposed by the iudgement of the Pope that her Subiects were freed from their oath of Allegiance and that now the Spaniards were come to deliuer them from the iawes of the Diuell for those were the very words and certainly he drew many wicked Irish to him vnder this faire pretence The Deputy hauing drawne together all the Forces which possibly he could prepares himselfe for the siege and hauing pitcht his Campe he resolued first to reduce to obedience Rincurran Castle by the Hauen wherein were 150. Spaniards left because it seemed very conuenient for them either to protect the English Nauy there or infest from thence the Spanish This Carew did hauing set to his great Engines and kept backe the Spaniards succour by Sea and Land both and shortly brought it to an absolute yeelding And now Sir Richard Leuison Vice-Admirall of the Seas hauing beene sent out of England to stop the passage of the Spaniards and come too late blockes vp the Spaniards in the Hauen whereupon the English both by Sea and Land begin to batter the Towne and hardly to besiege it But it was growne a great deale more remisse after by reason that Sir Richard Leuison with his Marriners set forth after two thousand Spaniards who were landed at Bere Hauen Baltemore and Castle Hauen fiue ships of whose hee kept in great awe All the same time was Carew sent out from the Campe with some troupes to preuent Odonell from ioyning forces with the Spaniard but he hauing the benefit of frosty weather got through the Desarts to thē in the night time And within a few daies after Tir-Oen himselfe O-Rorke Reimond Burke Mac-Mahon Randall Mac-Surley and Tirell Lord of Kerry the choicest of all the Rebels drew neere too to whom Alphonso Don O-Campo hauing ioyned the new come Spaniards made in all an Army of six thousand foot and fiue hundred horse being triumphing in the hope of a sure victory by reason they were more in company and better prouided and on the otherside the English were sore wearied with a winter siege and shut vp from prouision and almost spent with pouerty and hunger The Deputie for all these difficulties plies the
that Princes haue no Dominion ouer the Sea whi●h they can no more hinder men from then from the aire according to that of Ant●nin●● the Emperour I Truely am Lord of all the earth but the Law i● of the Sea Wherefore i●dge ye according to the Law of Rhodes Therefore is it not against the Law of Nations to vsurpe such authority ouer the Sea when Princes haue not any Iurisdiction vnlesse of the Sea adiacent to their coasts and that onely that saylings might be secured from Pyrates and enemies since that the Kings of England did neuer hinder sayling and fishing in the Irish Sea betweene England and Ireland although they were Lords of those shoares aswell as the King of Denmarke is of Norway and Island who vnder no other colour challengeth this right But yet if the Danes will exact tolls from the English for their passage the Queene might aswell exact as much of those Danes that saile within her Dominions Kingdomes or Islands Hereupon the Danes propounded that since their Kings Father allowed of their Nauigations which was very full of damage to him for the Queenes sake that now the Merchants of the English should redeeme the same for two hundred Rose Nobles yearely for the life time of the Queene That goods surprized on each side might be restored according to equity and honesty They grieuously complained then of the English Pirates requesting that although by reason of the heate of the war the Pirates insolency could not well be repressed yet that by seuerity of punishment they might be kept vnder a little or that otherwise they must allow of Arrests to repaire their iniuries and losses because it should principally concerne the King to see that his Subiects suffer no losses Lastly that the English ought not to complaine of their transporting warlike munition into Spaine by reason that they transport so little that the Spaniard was but little the better for it and might easily want for all their supply Now after that they had spent two moneths in these disputations by writings on both sides exhibited the Danes beyond all expectation certifie the English that they had no power to take notice of or to reforme the Leagues or taking away or lessening the tolls or of granting leaue for fishing in the Norway and Island Seas without the speciall licence of the King and some certaine conditions Withall which mooued much admiration they gaue warning to the English not to fish at the Island Fer●e vnder the paine whereby other fishings haue beene heretofore inhibited The English on the other side made protestation in expresse words concerning the nullity and inualidity of this Inhibition as also of any other declaration which should be made contrary to the League Lastly when they could no otherwise agree then to referre to the Princes on both sides what had beene done and what had beene gone through with and that the Danes had promised their diligence to intercede with the King for the publication of Tolls registred in a Booke whereby they might be certaine of measure number and waight and not feare to haue them altered according to the pleasure of the Toll-takers And that in case of confiscation those goods should be seized vpon and confiscated that were concealed and not named The Englishmen being content with these promises of the Danes the whole matter the right of the Queene and the Realme not any way infringed was suspended and prorogued till another time Whilest these things were in controuersie betweene both Princes the Ecclesiasticall Papists in England are together by the eares at home For the Iesuites against the Secular Priests with sharpe Pens and poisoned tongues and contumelious Bookes fought continually For they tooke it very heinously that Blackwell of Trinity College in Oxford sometimes fellow there who was altogether at Garnets beck the Generall of the Iesuites through England was now made their Arch-Priest insomuch that they much detracted from his authority Hereupon hee degraded them of their faculties and afterwards they appealing to the Pope of Rome he caused them in a Booke to be declared Schismatickes and Heretiques This aspersion they soone wiped off hauing the censure of the Vni●ersity at Paris approuing the same And setting forth Bookes vpon Bookes they highly commended the Queene in that from the very beginning of her raigne she had dealt with Catholiques very mercifully For first they shewed that in the first 11. yeares of her raigne there was not one brought in question of his life for matter of conscience or religion And that not for whole 10. yeares together after the Bull of Pius Quintu● published against her aboue 12. Priests were executed and that some of them were conuicted Traitors euen since the yeare 1580. when the Iesuites first crept ouer into England Then they shewed that their mischieuous practises against the Common-wealth had disturbed all and much empaired the Catholique religion and that they were the occasion of the seuere Lawes made against Catholiques Then they shewed that for all this in 10. yeares following there were but 50. Priests executed and that out of her mercy the Queene banished fiue and fifty more against whom she might haue proceeded Legally and executed them too Then they shewed that from that time there were Seminaries erected in Spaine at the care of Parsns an English Iesuite to entertaine English run-awayes in and how that from thence came yearely into England turbulent Priests How that Parsons incited the Spaniard to inuade England or Ireland againe that he confirmed the right of his Daughter to the Crowne of England in a Booke set forth to the same purpose and that an oath was exacted of all Students in the Seminaries to approue and maintaine the same Then they declared how that Holt of that society had suborned Hesket to a rebellion and enticed C●llin Yorke and Williams to kill the Queene● and how that Walpole the Iesuite had perswaded Squire to make away the Queene by poison Insomuch that the Queene although she neuer lo●ed to offer violence to the conscience yet could she not choose but vse necessary seuerity vpon these kinde of men vnlesse she would betray to her 〈◊〉 the safety and security of her own Realmes Then they abused Parsons whom they called Cowbucke for a bastard and one of the dregs of the Commonalty a fellow of a most seditious disposition a sycophant an Aequiuocator and one that would set Kingdomes to sale Then they much condemned these Libells of the Iesuites set out against the Queene of falsities accounting the Authours traitours both to God and the Queene And hauing discoursed and argued very solidly that the true Religion was to be propagated not by the sword but the spirit of meeknesse and mildnesse They concluded beseeching the English Papists not to send their children to the Iesuites Seminaries who vse in the very tendernesse of their yeares to infuse the poyson of Treason euen with their elements of Learning In the middest
banisheth all the Hanse-Townes men out of London 191 Haruey knighted at Gadez 164. he lands with Rawleigh at Fayall 181 Hatton L. Chancellor of Engl. 60. the Papists commend him ibid. his death education parentage and preferment ibid. Harington receiueth an ouerthrow from the Rebels in Ireland 250 Hawkins his Nauigation to America 110. he r●acheth the streights of Magellan ibid. he is taken prisoner and sent into Spaine 111. his second expedition 130. his death 131 Hay a Iesuite his practises in Scotland 1 Haywards booke of the life of Henry the fourth call'd in 332. exceptions taken at some words in the dedication ibid. he is imprisoned ibid. Heneage Chancellour of the Dutchy of Lancaster dieth 140. his daughter married to the Finches ibid. Henebon a Sea-town in France seized on by the Spaniard 35 Henry the third of France slaine by a Monke 21. Henry the fourth proclaimed King 22. the Queene aides him 23. conditions betweene them 44. he is reconciled to the Church of Rome 86. the Articles proposed to him by the Pope and his Conclaue of Cardinals 128. he rec●uereth Amiens againe from the Spaniard 194 Henry la Tour Duke of Bouillon 170 Henry Prince of Scotland borne 103. christened by Queene Elizabeth ibid. Herbert sonne of the Earle of Worcester 162. afterwards knighted 164. Sir Iohn Herbert Secretary 365 Hesket condemned and executed for perswading the Earle of Darby to claime the Crowne of England 91 Heidon followeth Essex towards the Towne of Gadiz 162 Hill an Englishman sent ouer from the King of Swethland to excuse him to the Queene 252 Hobby Ancient at Cadiz 162 Holland Duke of Exeter 102 Holcot an English fugitiue and Iesuite 106 Holcroft a Commander in the battle at Newport 281 Ho●t a Iesuite promiseth forty thousand Crownes to kill the Queene 122 Honfleare reduced to obedience to the K. of France 24 Honorius the Emperour his obseruation 68 Honour conferred by a forreign Prince not to be admitted of at home 172. and 113 Howard would faine rescue Greenuill 57. made with Essex Generall of the Fleet for Gadiz 157. William sonne to the Admirall knighted 164. Howard of Walden called to the Parliament 197. Charles Howard Earle of Nottinghams declaration against the Earle of Essex in the Starre-Chamber 249 Horatio Pallauicine lends money to the Queene 30. it is demanded of the States to whom it was lent 133 Hulkes threescore taken by the English 16 Dauid Humes slaine by Bothwell 65 Humes remooued from the Court and the Lord Humes 83 Hunsdon delegated in the cause of Sir Iohn Perot 67. delegated betweene the French and the Queene 44. his death 175 Huntingdon Henry Hastings E. of Huntingdon dieth 17● Huntley rebelleth in Scotland 2. the King persues him 3. makes him yeeld and pardons him ibid. he assaults the E. of Murray in his house 66. the E. of Murray is slaine and Huntley thereupon imprisoned ibid. he subscribes to Blanks sent ouer to the King of Spaine 67. is prosecuted by the K. of Scots 80. he flies ouer into France 100 Hutton remoued from the Bishopricke of Durham succeedeth Piers in the Archbishopricke of Yorke 114. he is made President of the Councell in the North. 176 Hugh Boy possesseth the Inheritance of S. Iohn Odogherty's sonne by the Deputies appointment 349 Hugh Roe-Mac-Mahon apprehended and hanged by the Lord Deputy Fitzwilliams 41. the reason ibid. Hugh Odonell escapeth out of prison 62. hee surprizeth Mont-Rosse Castle 93. he submitteth and giueth in Hostages 146. his complaints 148 Humphrey Duke of Gloucester first founder of the publique Library in Oxford 224 Hurst by the Sea side fortified 169 I IAckson a Commander ●laine in the assault of Crodon 108 Iames of Scotland the sixt writes his Booke of Basilicon-Doron 231. he marrieth Anne of Denmarke 25. ●he proclaimeth Bothwell traitor 64. his answer to the Queenes Embassadours 97. he prosecuteth the Papists 99. he is accused by Valentine Thomas at the time of his execution 228. Bookes written on his behalfe 229 Ibarra his treason against the Queene 104 Iersey Island fortified by the Queene 91 Iesuites banished by Proclamation and Secular Priests 370 Indy voyage by Lancaster 58 Infanta her right to the Crowne prooued by a Booke of Parsons the Iesuite 101 Ingratitude a sinne against the holy Ghost 207 Inglefield a Doctor had a hand in setting out Doleman 101 Ineskelline neere the lake Erne beset and taken by Dowdall 94. the English Garrison in it besieged by Mac-Guire and the English that came to helpe them vanquished 117. it is freed by the Deputy and a Garrison placed in it 119 Iohn Don Aquila arriueth with the Spaniards Forces at Blawet in France 35. he is made Gouernour of the Spanish Forces and arriues with them at Kinsale Hauen in Ireland 352. he desires a parley 357. Articles concerning yeelding to the English 358 Isabella Daughter to Philip King of Spaine espoused to the Cardinall of Austria 225 Iulians Fort well fortified with Ordnance 15 Iurisdiction of the Queene in spirituall matters impugned 54 maintained by her Lawyers 55 K KAkaze sent ouer by the King of Swethland to the Queene 84. his Embassie 85 Kerry Doctor of Law prepares to leaue Scotland 66. hee is stayed by the Scottish Ministers 67 Kildare an Irish Earle dyeth 199 Killegrew of Counsell to the Earle of Essex in France 46 Kinlosse sent an Embassadour to the Queene of England 337 Kinsale Hauen in Ireland possest by the Spaniards 352. yeelded againe by the Spaniards to the Deputy 358 Kerry the rebellion allaied there 360 Knight of Kirry sorely persecuted by Sir Charles Wilmot 360 Knolles the Lord Francis dyeth 175 L LAigny assaulted and ransackt by the D. of Parma 34 Lamballe in vaine assaulted by the English 45 Lambard Gouernour of the Garrison at Brenny 268 Lancaster his voyage to the East Indies 58 Lancerata taken by the Earle of Cumberland 226 Lanfranc a Mediatour for a peace between Spaine and England 251 Lasso taken in the battle at Newport 281 Latham a Commander helpes to assault Crodon 109 La ware restored to his ancient place in Parliament 196 Latware Doctor of Diuinity slaine 2●9 Holy League in France 19. the summe of it ibid. Leaguers they cause a new Seale to be made 20. they are seconded by faire Parliaments 21. they are defeated at Arques 23 Lee apprehended about the priuy Chamber doore 310. hanged at Tiburne ibid. Lecalle the Mac-Genises expelled thence 348 Leicester a hinderer of Caermardine in the businesse of the Custome-house 31. the first that preferred Essex to the Queene 326 Leighton of Councell to the Earle of Essex in France 46 Leuison sent forth with eight of the Queenes●ships 361. he assaults a Caracke in Cezimbra Hauen 362. it yeelds vnto him 363 Libels made the case of Balenger about them 6 more against the Queene in Germany 84 Liffer Castle seized on by Sir Henry Docwray 268 Listwill Castle taken 269 Littleton one of the confederates of the E. of Essex 301. he is arraigned 321. he dieth
affecteth the Kingdome of France ibid. The Queene propoundeth a marriage to the K. of Scots 25 He is betrothed to Anne of Denmarke ibid. He passeth ouer to Norway 26 Tempests raised in his Voyage by Witches ibid. Bothwell accused by them ibid. The Countesse of Sussex dieth ibid. Sir Walter Mildmay dieth ibid. The Earle of Worcester dieth 27 And the Lord Sturton ibid. And the Lord Compton ibid. And the Lord Paget ibid. And Doctor Humphrey ibid. Anno M.D.XC. SVndry Hauens fortified Pag. 29 Charges for the Nauy ibid. Money lent to the French King 30 The rates of the Custome-house raised 31 The Queenes care of the States 32 She restoreth ships to the Ve●e●ians 33 She procureth peace from the Turke for the Polo●●●ns and Moldauians ibid. She congratulateth the marriage of the King of Scots 34 Her care of France ibid. French Hauens taken by the Spaniard 35 His pretence of right to the Dutchy of Britaine ibid. Aide from England requested 36 The Queene prouides for Britaine ibid. And for all France ibid. Wherefore she hea●●●neth not to the ill suggestions of some both English and French men 37 Her obseruation ibid. The Earle of Warwickes death ibid. And Sir Francis Walsingham's ibid. The death of Sir Thomas Randolph 38 And of Sir Iames Cro●● 39 And of the Earle of Shrewesbury ibid. The death of the Lord Wentworth 40 Tir-Oen strangleth Gau●loc ibid. He is sent for into England and pardoned ibid. Hugh Ro●-Mac-Mahon hanged by the Lord Deputy 41 Whereupon Brian O-R●cke rebels ibid. Anno M. D.XC.I THe Queenes care of the French King Pag. 43 She sendeth him aide 44 The conditions and articles that are agreed vpon betweene them ibid. A Proclamation in England against the French Leaguers ib. Sir Iohn Norris is sent into France 45 La-Noue that famous warriour dieth of a wound ibid. Sir Roger Williams behaueth himselfe brauely in the French warres ibid. Anthony Reaux sent ouer to the Queene 46 He demandeth more ayde from her ibid. The Queene sendeth ouer into France the Earle of Essex ib. He is sent for presently to Noyon by the King of France ib. He knighteth many of his followers to the great discontent of some of the English 47 He is disappointed of his promise by the French men ibid. His Brother Walter dieth of a wound at his approach to Roan ibid. He is sent into Champaigne by the French King 48 The French King breaketh promise with the Queene ibid. He sends the Earle of Essex ouer into England to require more aide of the Queene ibid. Hee sends moreouer the Lord Mourney du-Pleffis for the same purpose ibid. The education and behauiour of William Hacket 49 His extraordinary calling and Reuelations ibid. His confederates and who they were ibid. They all seeke to accuse the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord Treasurer of Treason 50 Hackets hatred to the Queene 51 His Disciples sent abroad 52 They are apprehended 53 Hacket condemned ibid. His blasphemy at the time of execution ibid. Coppinger starued himselfe 54 Arthington recants ibid. The Queens iurisdiction in spirituall matters impugned ibid. It is defended and maintained 56 Captaine Greenuile in the Reare Admirall called the Reuenge is assailed 56 He is sorely wounded 57 Greenuile yeelded vpon condition ibid. The Reuenge suncke ibid. A requitall for her losse 58 The East-Indie Voyage ibid. Riman drowned ibid. Their returne 59 Cauendish his Voyage to the Magellane Streights ibid A Proclamation against transportation of the prouision into Spaine ibid. The death of Sir Christopher Hatton 60 Brian O-rorke arraigned 61 He is hanged at Tiburne 62 Anno M. D.XC.II BOthwell is proclaimed traitour Pag. 64 The Earle of Murray slaine 66 Bothwels attempt at the Court at Falkland ibid. The zeale of the Ministers in Scotland ibid. Letters and Blanckes taken by them 67 Sir Iohn Perot questioned ibid. He is accused ibid. The Articles of his accusatio● ibid. He is condemned 68 He dieth in the Tower of a disease 69 His goods are intailed vpon his Sonne ibid. The Earle of Essex returnes from France ibid. The K. of France requesteth more aide from the Queene 70 She condiscendeth vpon some conditions ibid. Captaine Norris is sent ouer 71 The Duke of Parma dieth ibid. Sir Walter Rawleighs expedition 72 A Portugall Caracke persued by Burrough ibid. He is assaulted by the English 73 The spoile taken and the value of it ibid. The couetousnesse of some English Merchants noted 74 A Proclamation about making of Ordnance ibid. The Queene going on progresse visiteth the Vniuersity of Oxford ibid. The Thames dried vp 75 A discourse about the reason of it ibid. The death of Viscount Mountague 76 And of the Lord Scroope ibid. And of Sir Christopher Wray ibid. Anno M. D.XC.III A Parliament assembled at Westminster Page 77 What Subsidies were granted more then ordinary and the caution about them 78 The summe of the Queenes speech ibid. Henry Barow a Sectary hanged 79 The Queenes care of Scotland ibid. Her admonition to the King of Scotland 80 The L. Burrough sent ouer to Scotland on an Embassie 81 What the Queene demanded by him ibid. What the K. of Scotland answered to the Queens demands ib. Bothwell being demanded of the Queene by the King of Scotland when he lurked in England wherefore not deliuered vp to him 82 Bothwell returneth secretly into Scotland ibid. Hi● insolent behauiour there 83 Tumults by him raised in the Court and the Chancellour thence remooued ibid. Libels in Germany against the Queene 84 Which the Queene procureth to be called in ibid. She procureth peace betweene the Turke and the Transiluanian and betweene the King of Sweden and the Musco●ian ibid. Captaine Norris his proceeding in Britaine 85 His returne againe into England ibid. The King of France reconciled to the Church of Rome ibid. The reasons which he gaue for his conuersion 86 The Queenes Letter written in Latine which she sent him so soone as she heard thereof 88 A Booke of Boëtius translated by her 89 The French King excuseth his breaking promise with the Queene ibid. Agreements made betweene the Queene and him ibid. The Queenes care for the Protestants in France 90 She fortifieth her Islands of Garnsey and Iersey and sundry other places 91 A great plague in London ibid. Hesket hanged and wherefore ibid. The death of the Earle of Darby ibid. And of the Earle of Sussex 92 And of the Lord Grey ibid. And of the Lord Cromwell ibid. And of the Lord Wentworth ibid. And of Sir Christopher Carlile ibid. Complaints of the Irish. ibid. Grudges betweene Tir-Oen and Marshall Bagnall 93 Mac-Guir rebelleth ibid. Ineskelline taken 93 Tir-Oen vsurpeth the title of O-Neale 94 Shan O-Neales Sonnes surprized by Tir-Oen ibid. Anno M. D.XC.IV THe Lord Zouch sent Embassador into Scotland Pag. 96 The answer of the King of Scots 97 Bothwell againe rebelleth ibid. The pretence and cloake of his rebellion 98 Bothwell put to flight 99 The Scotch Papists banished the Realme ibid. Their plots