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A13980 The historie of Iustine Containing a narration of kingdomes, from the beginning of the Assyrian monarchy, vnto the raigne of the Emperour Augustus. VVhereunto is newly added a briefe collection of the liues and manners of all the emperours succeeding, vnto the Emp. Rodulphus now raigning. First written in Latine by that famous historiographer Iustine, and now againe newly translated into English, by G.W.; Historiae Philippicae. English Justinus, Marcus Junianus.; Trogus, Pompeius. Historiae Philippicae.; G. W., fl. 1606.; Wilkins, George, fl. 1607, attributed name.; Victor, Sextus Aurelius. De Caesaribus. 1606 (1606) STC 24293; ESTC S117759 462,376 347

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right to Leinster VValter Fitz Richard who came from Normandy with VVilliam Conquerour died Lord Strongbow of Strigule alias Chepstow without issue to whom succeeded his sisters sonne Gilbert who was created the first Earle of Pembroke had issue Richard the inheritour of Leinster by a covenant marriage of Eva the sole daughter of Mac Murrough King of Leinster This Richard conveyed to Henry the second all his title and held of him the Lordship of Leinster in foure counties Weixford Catherlagh Ossory and Kildare Richard left issue a daughter Isabel married to VVilliam Earle marshall of England now Earle of Pembroke Lord Strongbow and Lord of Leinster VVilliam had issue five sonnes who died without issue when every of them except the youngest had successively possessed their fathers lands and five daughters Maude ●oane Isabel Sibil and Eve among whom the patrimony was parted in an 31. H. 3. Of these daughters bestowed in marriage are descended many noble houses as the Mortimers Bruises Clares c. borne subjects to the Crowne of England paying ever to the King his dutyes reserved Hugh de Lacy Conquerour of Meth had issue VValter de Lacy who held the same of King Iohn paying a fine of foure thousand marks sterling and hence beganne all the severall claimes there at this day with allegiance sworne and done by their auncestours At the very first arrivall of Henry the second the Princes of Mounster came universally and did homage voluntarily and acknowledged to him and his heires duties and payes for ever Iohn de Courcy Conquerour and Earle of Vlster dyed without issue King Iohn Lord of Ireland gave the Earledome to Hugh de Lacy who had issue VValter and Hugh dead without issue and one daughter married to Reymond Burke Conquerour and Lord of Connaght Connaght descended to diverse heires owing service to the Prince but Vlster is returned by devolution to the speciall inheritance and revenues of the Crowne of England in this manner The said De Burgo had issue Richard who had issue Iohn who had issue VVilliam who was slaine without issue and a Daughter Elizabeth intytled to thirty thousand marks yearely by the Earledome of Vlster whom Edward the 3. gave in marriage to Leonel his second sonne Duke of Clarence who had issue a daughter Philippe marryed to Edmund Mortymer who had issue Edmund Anne Elinor Edmund and Elinor died without issue Anne was married to Richard Earle of Cambridge sonne to Edmund of Laugley Duke of Yorke fift sonne to Edward the third which said Richard had issue Richard Plantagenet father to Edward the fourth father to Elizabeth wife to Henry the seventh and mother to Henry the eight father to Mary Edward the sixt and Elizabeth Severall claimes to the Land of Ireland 1. First that the Irish for of the rest there is no question were subjects to the the Crowne of Brittaine before they set foote in Ireland Thus it appeareth They dwelt on that side of Spaine whereof Bayon was then cheife imperiall Citie and the same then in possession and obedience to Gurguntius 376. yeares ere Christ was borne as it was to his successours many a day after namely to Henry the which as I finde noted in certaine precepts of governement dedicated by Iames Young to Iames Butler Earle of Ormond then Lieutenant of Ireland an 1416. From this coast and Citty now part of Gascoigne came the fleete of those Iberians who in 60. ships met Gurguntius on the sea returning from the conquest of Denmarke to whom they yeelded oath and service sued for dwelling were by him conducted and planted in Ireland and became his leige people 2. Mac Gil-murrow King of Ireland with all his petty Princes Lordes and Captaines summoned to King Arthurs court held in Carlion an 519. did accordingly their homage and attended all the while his great feast and assembly lasted 3. The Monarch of Ireland and all other both reges and reguli for them and for theirs for ever betooke themselves to Henry the second in an Dom. 1172. namely those of the south whiles he lay at Waterford Dermot King of Corke which is the nation of Mac Cartyes at Cashell Donald King of Limricke which is the nation of the Obrenes Donald King of Ossory Mac Shaghlen King of Ophaly at Divelin did the like Okeruell King of Vriell Ororicke king of Meth Rodericke King of all Ireland and of Connaght This did they with consents and shoutes of their people and king Henry returned without any Battle given Onely Vlster remained which Iohn de Courcy soone after conquered and Oneale Captaine of all the Irish there came to Dublin to Richard the 2. in an 1399. And freely bound himselfe by oath and great summes of money to be true to the crowne of England 4. The same time Obrene of Thomond Oconor of Connaght Arthur Mac Murrow of Leinster and all the Irish Lords which had beene somewhat disordered renewed their obedience 5. When Ireland first received Christendome they gave themselves into the jurisdiction both spirituall temporall of the See of Rome The temporall Lordship Pope Adrian conferred upon Henry the second and hee gave the same to Iohn his younger sonne afterwards King of England and so it returned home to the Crowne 6. Alexander the 3. confirmed the gift of Adrian as in both their Charters is expressed at large 7. Vivian the legate on the Popes behalfe doth accurse and excommunicate all those that flitte from the obeysance of the Kings of England 8. The cleargy twice assembled once at Cashell secondly at Ardmagh plainely determined the conquest to be lawfull and threatned all people under paine of Gods and holy Churches indignation to accept the English kings for their Lords from time to time 9. It would aske a volume to recite the names of such Irish Princes who since the conquest have continually upon occasions revolts or petitions sworne truth and faith to the kings of England from time to time received honours wages fees pardons and petitions And thus I thinke no reasonable man will doubt of a right so old so continued so ratified so many wayes confessed CAP. III. Richard the first and King Iohn BY occasion of Lacyes mishap Iohn Courcye and Hugh de Lacye the younger with all their assistants did streight execution upon the Rebells and preventing every mischiefe ere it fell stayed the Realme from uproares Thus they continued lovingly and lived in wealth and honour all the dayes of Richard the first untill the first yeare of King Iohns raigne Henry the second had issue male VVilliam Henry Richard Ieffrey and Iohn VVilliam Henry and Richard dyed without issue Ieffrey Earle of Brittaine dyed before his father and left issue two daughters and an after-borne son called Arthur whose title to the Crowne as being the undoubted lyne of the elder brother Philip King of France and certaine Lords of England and Ireland stoutly justified Him had King Iohn taken prisoner in Normandy and
take possession of the Kings graunt given him in those parts As they came to the walles of Lymerick the Citizens of spight in sight of them all to the end that no Englishman should roost there set the Town on fire Philippe de Bruse was therewithal discouraged and his Company in so much that when Robert Fitz Stephens and Miles Cogan offred to adventure their lives in the recovery of the Kingdome of Lymerik with all their aide and assistance he refused it and returned with them to Corke esteeming it farre better to lose Lymric and with safetie to dwell among his lovers and friends then to lose life and kingdome by dwelling among such Iewes as will fire their owne houses and cut all English throats In a while after Miles Cogan and Raffe the sonne of Robert Fitz Stephens who had lately married Miles daughter went towards Lismore to parlee with Waterford men and determined that night to lodge with one Mac Tyrid who had solemnly invited them As they waited in the field expecting the comming of the Waterfordians this Mac Tyrid unawares stealing upon them most traiterously slue them and five of their company whereupon the whole country was in uproare insomuch that Dermot Mac Carty and all the Irish in those parts together with Mac Tyrid that most perfidious traitor were in armes determining thenceforth to be no longer the Kings loyall subjects when they had gathered their forces together they laid siege to Corke meaning to cut off Robert Fitz Stephens and all the English men there Robert Fitz Stephens being distressed in Corke fearing the open enemy without and mistrusting the secret enemy within sent post to Wexford to his nephew Reimond le Grosse praying him to come to his aide Reimund forthwith with twenty knights and one hundred foot and bowmen entred the Lee landed at Corke encountred with the enemies killed some drove other to flye and compelled the rest to submit themselves and sue for peace When the King understood of this he sent Richard Cogan brother unto Miles to supply his brothers roome in the kingdome of Corke a man no way inferiour to his brother for valour and martiall prowesse in his companie came Philip Barry and Girald Barry his brother otherwise called Silvester Giraldus Cambrensis the famous learned man nephewes of Robert Fitz Stephens with a jolly troupe of horse and foot chosen and picked men Robert Fitz Stephens and Richard Cogan enjoyed this kingdome of Corke peaceably for certaine yeeres and in processe of time for want of heires male of them it came to two daughters the one of them was married to Robert de Carew the other to Patricke de Courcy and they in right of their wives enjoyed the same during their lives and after them their heires untill such time as by a division growne as I take it in England betweene the two houses of Yorke and Lancaster the Irish men expelled them and recovered the country unto themselues Anno 1178. The Monasterie Beatae Mariae Roseae vallis called Rosgl●s was founded Yet others thinke it was in Anno 1189. I may not forget Harvey de monte Marisco of whom often mention is made before who after many spitefull parts treacheries and false accusations exhibited by him unto the King against most noble servitors became a Monke the man was sore troubled in conscience and in his course he made the common saying true desperatio facit Monachum Hee had founded saith Felcon the Monastery of our blessed Lady de Portu Donbrodthi he gaue unto the Monasterie Saint Trinitatis of Canterbury his territories advousons along the sea coast between Waterford and Wexford and there cloystred himselfe I would saith Cambrensis he had changed his conditions with his habit The same yeere saith Holinshed there came from Pope Alexander 3. into England two Cardinals Alberto desuma and Petro de sancta Agatha whose commission was to summon the Bishops of England Ireland Scotland with the Isles and Normandie to the generall Councell of Lateran in Rome after they had obtained licence to passe through his dominions the King swore them upon the holy Evangelist that in their Legateship they should not attempt any thing that might be hurtfull to the King or his dominions and that upon their returne they should visite him homewards whereupon out of Ireland there went thither Laurence Archbishop of Dublin and Catholicus Archbishop of Tuam with some other five or sixe Irish Bishops whom the King likewise swore that they should not procure any damage to his Realmes and dominions The Realme of Ireland at this time was singular well governed by Hugh de Lacy a good man and a wise Magistrate who for the good of the land and the people established many good orders he made Bridges and builded Townes Castles and Forts throughout Leinster as Sir Iohn de Courcy did in Vlster in his time the Priest kept his Church the Souldier his Garrison and the Plow-man followed his Plough yet cankred envy quieted not her selfe practised mischiefe against him so that he was charged before the King to attempt the Crowne of Ireland and make himselfe absolute Lord of the land and that he had married the King of Connaghts daughter saith Holinshed contrary to the Kings pleasure The King immediately as Princes are jealous of great men called him into England appointed governours Iohn Constable and Richard Peche This Lacy behaved himselfe so discreetly and dutifully in England that he cleered himselfe of all suspition that the King was resolved of his truth and fidelity and sent him backe againe into Ireland with further credit then formerly he had done and that within three moneths and gave him the absolute command and Lievetenantship of the land and joyned as assistant unto him Robert Salisbury calling home the former governours It was not long but he was upon malitious occasion the second time sent for into England and one Philip of Worcester Cambrensis is mine Author a valiant souldier a bountifull and a liberall man with a most brave troupe of horse and foot arrived in Ireland with command to send over Hugh de Lacy and he to remaine there as Governour of the land until Iohn his sonne came over Stanihurst is of opinion that he went over into England and cleering himselfe speedily returned againe which cannot well stand with the course of the history for when Philip of Worcester tooke upon him the governement Lacy hastened the building and finishing of the Castle of Derwath whereof my penne immediately shall make report and there ended his dayes And now to Philip of Worcester and his companion Hugh Tirell Cambrensis and Stanihurst especially write most bitter of them of Philip how that first of all he resumed and seized unto the Kings use the lands of Ocathesie and divers other parcels which Hugh de Lacy had sold away and these he appointed to serve for the Kings provision and the Governours diet And after the winter was past he assembled and mustred his
land he tooke to wife in the I le of Cyprus the Lady Berengaria daughter to Garsias some say Sanctius King of Nauarre and died without issue when he had raigned nine yeeres nine moneths and two and twenty dayes It is noted by the Antiquaries that upon the death of his father he had three notable windfals the first was the Crowne of England the second was his fathers treasure which he found at Salisbury amounting to nine hundred thousands pound in coyne besides Plate precious stones Iewels and apparell lastly in the Coffers of Ieffrey Ridley Bishop of Elye who dyed intestate he found towards his coronation 3260. pound in silver five markes in gold which was better for his coronation was most Royall Iohn Comyn Archbishop of Dublin was at it Mathew Paris in Latine and Holinshed in English have penned it verbatim Will. K. of Scots did him homage and when he was the second time crowned King bare a sword before him King Richard the first yeere of his raigne gave the Lady Isabell sole daughter and heire of Richard surnamed Strangbow Earle of Penbroke to William Maxfield Lord Maxfield and Earle Marshall of England Anno 1189 This William his surname was not Marshall as Sir Iohn Plunket his collection hath laid downe but Maxfield his descent I finde thus with William the Conquerour there came into England to his ayde one Walter Maxfield a Norman that was his Marshall this Walter had issue William William had issue Walter Walter had issue Iohn Iohn had issue this William Maxfield that married Isabell the daughter of Strangbow who was made Earle Marshall of England Earle of Penbroke in Wales and Prince of Leinster in Ireland in the right of his wife This William was in great favour with King Richard the first that gave him the Lady Isabell to wife and honoured him so at his coronation that he bare a regall Scepter before the King in the top whereof was set a Crosse of gold and when the King with full determination passed over into Normandie and from thence into the Holy Land he assigned him the third governour of the Realme Iohn Earle of Morton Anno 1199. after the death of his brother Richard sent this William among others into England to set all things in a readinesse for his coronation the which being the 27. of May and yeere aforesaid gave him his full creation to the Earledome of Penbroke and girded him with the sword not long after King Iohn sent him with others as Embassadors to the French King with sundry other imployments he was also in great favour with Henry 3. as shall be shewed when I come to his raigne He had five sonnes and five daughters his sonnes all succeeded him in the Earldome of Penbroke and office of Marshalsie together with the Principality of Leinster and dyed all without issue The daughters were all honourably matched in the life time of their father and brethren and had his territories and possessions in Wales and Ireland orderly divided among them the which they and their posterity peaceably enioyed This William Earle Marshall the elder came to Ireland Anno 1207. hee builded the Castle of Kilkenny and gave the towne a Charter with priviledges wich they enjoy to this day hee founded there also the Monasterie of the blacke Fryers and ended the way of all flesh at London Anno 1220. and lyeth buried in the temple of his Lady Isabell at Tinterne in Wales William Marshall his eldest sonne succeeded him both in the office of Marshall and Earldome of Penbroke and Ogie and Principalitie of Leinster he granted a Charter to the towne of Kilkenny Anno 1223. sixt of Aprill with the testate of Thomas Fitz Antony Lord of Thomas stowne Seneschall of Leinster Fulkoe Carnae Walter Pursell William Grace Haman Grace Amnar Grace and others he ended his dayes at Kilkenny Anno 1231. and resteth in the Monastery there which his father had formerly founded Againe of this William I have seene another Charter exemplified Anno 1329. by King Edward the third with an inspexim Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Angliae Dominus Hiberniae Dux Aquitanie omnibus Ballivis Ministris omnium villarum villatorum Lagenie ceteris quibuscunque deijsdem partibus salutem Supplicavit nobis superior et communitas villae de Kilkenny quod cum Willielmus nuper Comes Mariscallus et Pembrochie tempore quo idem Comes extiterat Domini totius terrae Lageniae concesserit Burgensibus et Communitati ville predicte qui pro tempore fuerint diversas libertates inter quas videlicet quod ipsi in perpetuum per totam Lageniam terram potestatēin suam tam villa quā alibi essent quieti de theulonio lastagio poritagio de omnibus aliijs consuetudinibus quibuscunque quam quidem cartam inspeximus c. Teste Iohanne Darcy Iusticiario nostro Hibernie apud Kilkenny 8. die Iulij anno regninostri 3. per billam ipsius Iusticiarij Yet Holinshed writeth that this William Marshall the younger deceased at London and lyeth buried by his father in the new Temple Richard Marshall the second brother succeeded he was Earle Marshall of England Earle of Penbroke in Wales and Ogie in Normandie and Prince of Leinster in Ireland In the yeere 1233. and the Moneth of Aprill in a battell nigh Kildare upon the great Heath called the Curragh fighting against the Oconors hee tooke his deaths wound whereof shortly he dyed Hee lieth buried by his brother William in the blacke Fryers at Kilkennye which was the foundation of William Earle Marshall his father Henry the third lamented his death and protested that he lost then the worthiest Captaine of his time His tombe with the tombe of eighteene Knights that came over at the Conquest and resting in that Abbey at the suppression of the Monasterie was defaced and inhabitants there turned them to their private uses and of some they made swine-troughs so as there remaineth no Monument in the said Abbey save one stone whereupon the picture of a Knight is portraied bearing a shield about his necke wherein the Cantwels armes are insculped and yet the people there call it Ryddir in Curry that is the Knight slaine at the Curraghe Iohn Clyn guardian of the Fryers there in his Annals of Ireland writeth thus Post incarnatum lapsis de virgine natum Annis millenis tribus triginta ducent is In primo mensis Aprilis Kildariensis Pugna die Sabbati fuit in tristitia facti Acciderant stallo pugnae Comiti Mariscallo And upon his Tombe Hic Comes est positus Richardus vulnere fossus Cujus sub fossa Kilkennia continet ossa After the decease of Richard Gilbert Marshall the third brother was Earle Marshall of England Earle of Penbroke and Ogie and Prince of Leinster Anno 1239. King Henry the third held his Christmas at Winchester where there rose a grudge betweene the King and this Earle Gilbert by reason that this same Earle with his servants having tip-staves
more must now bee used to reforme them so much time doth alter the manners of men Eudox. That seemeth very strange which you say that men should so much degenerate from their first natures as to growe wilde Iren. So much can liberty and ill examples doe Eudox. What liberty had the English there more then they had here at home were not the lawes planted amongst them at the first and had they not Governours to curbe and keepe them still in awe and obedience Iren. They had but it was for the most part such as did more hurt then good for they had governours for the most part of themselves and commonly out of the two families of the Geraldines and Butlers both adversaries and corrivales one against the other Who though for the most part they were but Deputies under some of the Kings of Englands Sonnes Brethren or other neare kinsmen who were the Kings Lieutenants yet they swayed so much as they had all the Rule and the others but the title Of which Butlers and Geraldynes albeit I must confesse there were very brave and worthy men as also of other the Peeres of that Realme made Lo Deputies and Lo Iustices at sundry times yet thorough greatnes of their late conquests and seignories they grew insolent and bent both that regall authority and also their private powers one against another to the utter subversion of themselves and strengthning of the Irish againe This you may read plainely discovered by a Letter written from the Cittizens of Corke out of Ireland to the Earle of Shrewsbury then in England and remaining yet upon record both in the Towre of London and also among the Chronicles of Ireland Wherein it is by them complained that the English Lords and Gentlemen who then had great possessions in Ireland began thorough pride and insolency to make private warres one against another and when either part was weak they would wage draw in the Irish to take their part by which meanes they both greatly incouraged and inabled the Irish which till that time had beene shut up within the mountaines of Slewlogher and weakened and disabled themselves insomuch that their revenues were wonderfully impaired and some of them which are there reckoned to have been able to have spent 12. or 1300. pounds per annū of old rent that I may say no more besides their Commodities of Creekes and havens were now scarce able to dispend the third part From which disorder and through other huge calamities which have come upon them thereby they are almost now growne like the Irish I meane of such English as were planted above towards the West for the English pale hath preserved it selfe thorogh nearenes of the state in reasonable civilitie but the rest which dwelt in Connaght and in Mounster which is the sweerest soyle of Ireland and some in Leinster and Vlster are degenerate yea and some of them have quite shaken off their English names and put on Irish that they might bee altogether Irish. Eudox. Is it possible that any should so farre growe out of frame that they should in so short space quite forget their Countrey and their owne names that is a most dangerous Lethargie much worse then that of Messala Coruinus who being a most learned man thorough sickenesse forgat his owne name But can you count us any of this kinde Iren I cannot but by report of the Irish themselves who report that the Mac-mahons in the north were aunciently English to wit descended from the Fitz Vrsula's which was a noble family in England and that the same appeareth by the signification of their Irish names Likewise that the Mac-swynes now in Vlster were aunciently of the Veres in England but that they themselves for hatred of English so disguised their names Eudox. Could they ever conceive any such dislike of their owne naturall Countryes as that they would bee ashamed of their name and byte at the dugge from which they sucked life Iren. I wote well there should be none but proud hearts doe oftentimes like wanton Colts kicke at their Mothers as we read Alcibiades and Themistocles did who being banished out of Athens fled unto the Kings of Asia and there stirred them up to warre against their Country in which warres they themselves were Cheifetaines So they say did these Mac-swines and Mac-mahons or rather Veres and Fitz Vrsulaes for private despight turne themselves against England For at such time as Robert Vere Earle of Oxford was in the Barons Warres against King Richard the second through the mallice of the Peeres banished the Realme and proscribed he with his kinsman Fitz Vrsula fled into Ireland where being prosecuted and afterwards in England put to death his kinsman there remaining behinde in Ireland rebelled and conspiring with the Irish did quite cast off both their English name and alleagiance since which time they have so remained still and have since beene counted meere Irish. The very like is also reported of the Mac-swines Mac-mahones and Mac-Shehies of Mounster how they likewise were aunciently English and old followers to the Earle of Desmond untill the raigne of King Edward the fourth At which time the Earle of Desmond that then was called Thomas being through false subornation as they say of the Queene for some offence by her against him conceived brought to his death at Tredagh most unjustly notwithstanding that he was a very good and sound subject to the King Thereupon all his Kinsemen of the Geraldines which then was a mighty family in Mounster in revenge of that huge wrong rose into Armes against the King and utterly renounced and forsooke all obedience to the Crowne of England to whom the said Mac●swines Mac-shehies and Mac-mahones being then servants and followers did the like and have ever sithence so continued And with them they say all the people of Mounster went out and many other of them which were meere English thenceforth joyned with the Irish against the King and termed themselves very Irish taking on them Irish habits and customes which could never since be cleane wyped away but the contagion hath remained still amongst their posterityes Of which sort they say be most of the surnames which end in an as Hernan Shinan Mungan c. the which now account themselves naturall Irish. Other great houses there bee of the English in Ireland which thorough licentious conversing with the Irish or marrying or fostering with them or lacke of meete nurture or other such unhappy occasions have degenerated from their auncient dignities and are now growne as Irish as O. Hanlons breech as the proverbe there is Eudox. In truth this which you tell is a most shamefull hearing and to be reformed with most sharpe censures in so great personages to the terrour of the meaner for if the Lords and cheife men degenerate what shall be hoped of the peasants and baser people And hereby sure you have made a faire way unto your selfe to lay open the abuses
assistance of Rodericke Oconor King of Connaght at that season the generall Monarch of all Ireland The subjects of Leinster detesting the quarrell and long ere this time hating their Prince left him desolate in his greatest neede so as with much difficulty he caught his boate and fled over for succour to Henry the 2. King of England then warring upon the Frenchmen within his Dukedome of Aquitaine Somewhat before this season sate in the See of Rome Adrianus 4. an English man borne who having in his youth taken a painefull pilgrimage into Norway and reduced the whole Iland unto Christianity learned distinctly the state of Ireland and how their countrymen which dayly repaired thither being themselves the most part infidels meeting with a people there wilde and furious were like very shortly but if God found remedy to deface religion for though Christ were beleeved and taught yet the multitude eft soone grew to a shamelesse kinde of liberty making no more of necessary points of Doctrine then served their loose humour Besides these occasions Henry the 2. builded upon the Popes favour his borne subject had sent Ambassadours to Rome in the first yeare of his raigne asking leaue to attempt the conquest of Ireland Adrian trusting and requiring a diligent reformation of the premisses graunted his Bull which Alexander his Successour confirmed and ratified upon the same conditions Now when Dermot was come in the very necke of these consultations and put up his complaint wherein he preferred the interest of his Crowne and craved a restitution of some peece of his lands the matter did seeme not all untowardly broached Henry having his hands full with the French because Mac Murrough urged all possible haste could not personaly intend that offer but sent him honourably garded into England with letters patents bearing this Tenour HENRY the second King of England Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine Earle of Angiow To all our true subjects English Normans Welchmen Scotts and to all nations within our Dominions whatsoever Greeting Witt yee that the Bearer hereof Dermot Mac Murrough King of Leinster we have received into the soveraigne protection of our Grace and bounty wherefore who so of you all our loving subjects will extend towards him your ayde for his restoring as to our trusty and welbeloved know yee that he is thereto authorized by these presents and shall deserve at our hands high favour in so doing With these letters and many gay additions of his owne he arrived at Bristow where he fell at conference with Richard Strongbow Earle of Pembroke with whom he covenanted the delivery of his onely daughter and heire unto marriage and so the remainder of his Kingdome If the said Earle would recover him his home That day were planted in Wales two gentlemen Robert Fitz Stephens and Maurice Fitz Gerald brethren of a Mother allyed to Rice ap Griffin then Prince of Wales whose Grand-father was surnamed Rice the great Fitz Stephens had beene high Constable there under the King and for executing rigour upon the Princes servants was with him detained prisoner three yeares ne would in any wise pay ransome or accept the liberty promised him but if the conditions were loyall to the Crowne and to his person no dis-worship Lastly by the mediation of David Bishop of S. Davids the third brother and of Fitz Gerald and at the instance of Mac Murrough whom the Prince entertained in that distresse Fitz Stephens was conditionaly delivered that he and his brother Maurice should the next spring while Strongbow provided his army assist the Irish out-cast who in consideration thereof assured them an estate for ever in the towne of Weixford and two Cantreds adjoyning Thus much firmely concluded on all sides the King stale secretly home and wintered closely among the Cleargie of Fernes According to covenant came Fitz Stephens with 30. Knights of his blood 60. Squiers 300. footemen Archers to whom at his landing Dermot sent in aid his base sonne Duvelnaldus and five hundred speares The towne and suburbes of Weixford marched forth against him But when they saw Souldiours in array diversly dighted and weaponed furnished with artillery barbed horses and harnesse they retyred to their walles and strengthned them burning the villages thereabouts and all the provision they could not carry The assault lasted 3. dayes in the 4. certaine Bishops resciant there tooke up the variance pacified the Townesmen to their King and procured the rendring of the Towne Dermot having tryed the valiantnes of the Welchmen immeadiately kept his touch and gave possession of Weixford with the appurtenances aforesaid to Fitz Stephens and his brother After successe of these matters they leavyed to the number of 3000. Souldiours and devised to vexe the Lords of Vpper Ossory who had beene to the King of all other most cruell and injurious Them they compelled to deliver Trewage and sweare fealty Rodericke the monarch appalled at these newes reared up all the Kings in defence of the land verily supposing that all would to wrecke were it not prevented And first they directed courteous messages and gifts to Fitz Stephens moving him to depart the land quietly and not to molest them without cause To whom he answered that much he wondred at the folly of those Princes who to satisfie their choller had opened such a gappe to their owne prejudice as though the subjects whom they had schooled to breake allyance towards the King of Leinster would not be as ready by this example to learne to withstand the King of Connaght for his owne part though hee might with better reason invade strangers then they could expell their neighbours and their peere yet would they suffer the King to reenter his right they should not finde him stiffe nor untractable otherwise they should well feele that the Bryttons wanted neither abilitie nor truth to maintaine their word Rodericke perceived it was no boote to spurne and therefore bethought himselfe of composition upon agreement they resolved thus Inprimis that Mac Murrough swearing afresh his obedience to the Monarch should quietly repossesse the parts of Leinster which Rodericke with-held by suspensation Secondly that for ensurance thereof he should pledge his dearest base sonne Cnothurn to whom Rodericke promised his daughter if this peace were found effectuall Thirdly that being rested in his kingdome he should discharge the Welch army nor should henceforwards call them over in defence About this time Donatus the good King of Ergall founded the Abbey of Mellyfont which is the eldest that I finde recorded since the Danes arrivall except S. Mary Abbey besides Divelin erected in an 948. The meane while was landed at Weixford Maurice Fitz Gerald with his provision ten Knights thirty Squiers and an hundred Bowmen hereupon Dermot and the two Brethren set their force against Divelin which being the cheife Citty of his Realme refused to yeeld when Divelin and the country about it vvas recover'd there befell hostility between Rodericke and
so aged that his sustenance was the milke of a white Cow which he carried with him wheresoever he travelled This yeere the Abbey de fonte vivo was founded While all went well in Ireland newes came that Henry the sonne whom his father had for good purpose crowned King of England was misledde to intrude upon the actuall possession of the Crowne in his fathers life-time which stirre to appease the King left the custody of Ireland with Hugh de Lacy to whom he gave Meth in fee with Fitz Stephens Fitz Gerald and Philip de Bruise and diverse others and sayled into England In absence of King Henry Ororick King of Meth surnamed Monoculus required conference and parley with Hugh de Lacy in which communication the King had trayterously murdered Lacy had not Fitz Gerald rescued him Then stept out an ambushment of the Irish but Griffin a Gentleman of the bloud royall in Wales flighted the Kyrneghes and slevv Ororick The English perceived such practices daylie sought and attempted tooke from the Irish as farre as they durst all trust of government fenced themselves vvith garrisons made Captaines Keepers and Constables vvheresoever they vvanne the better But King Henry vvas so affrighted vvith his sonnes rebellion and grevv into such envye both at home and abroad for the death of Thomas late Archbishop of Canterbury that he had no vvill to mind his proceedings in Ireland Ever his jealousie increased tovvardes the Earle Strongbow vvhom he supposed easie to bee carryed avvay vvith any light occasion of tumult The Earle vvas a man of great birth but not of great port until this good marriage befell him knovving himselfe neither to be brooked in sight nor trusted out of sight kept still one certaine rate in all his doings bare but lovve saile fed no quarrells shunned all suspicious conference While they stood thus in a mammaring and Letters ctme daylie over hovv faintly the States and Princes of Ireland performed obedience for except in Leinster all other parts retayned still their auncient kinde of government and did onely acknovvledge Tribute It vvas thought expedient by Henryes Counsellours to discharge his minde of that care and seeing there vvas trouble on all sides and all could not bee intended one vvay they determined to venture the custody of Ireland to Strongbow being likely for his ovvne vvealth and assurance to procure all possible meanes of bridling and annoying the Irish. No sooner vvas the Earle landed with his Commission Lord Warden of Ireland but Donald King of Limericke met him at the vantage and coursed him within the walls of Waterford whereof hearing the residue their mates were animated so that up they start in every corner tagge and ragge to expell the English It went hardly then the Earle remembred himselfe of his cousin Lord Reymond left behinde him in Wales a suitor to Basil his sister whose marriage nothing stopped but the Earles consent Now therefore hee writeth lovingly to the Wooer and upon condition that hee came speedily to succour him hee yeelded the Lady and all else at pleasure Reymond in his first entry brake into Divelin marryed his Wife in compleate Armour and the very next daye sprang foorth whipped the Rebells quieted Leinster Also the Cleargy having lately perused the Popes Bull wherein hee entitleth Henry Lord of Ireland and under straight paynes commaundeth alleagiance unto him busily repressed the fury of their Countreymen And forsomuch as immediatly after Christianity planted there the whole Iland had with one consent given themselves not only into the spirituall but also into the temporall jurisdiction of the See of Rome which temporall right the two Bishops Adrian and Alexander had freely derived into King Henry as by their publique instruments read in their counsell at Cashell appeareth they denounced curse and excommunication to any that would maliciously gainsay or frustrate the same When these b●oyles were rocked asleepe and husht for a time the familiars of Strongbow greatly fore-thought them of the credit and rule committed to Reymond whom in conclusion they procured home againe vvhen he had served their turne at neede The meane vvhile dyed Strongbow as some say betrayed and vvounded he lyeth buryed in the Body of Christ Church in Divelin leaving behinde him one onely daughter Isabel marryed after 14. yeares to VVilliam Earle marshall Closely they concealed Strongbowes death untill they had compassed from the King another Governour after their owne tooth For ever they dreaded that Reymond being in the Princes eye and friended in the Court would catch his oportunity and wynde himselfe might he get an inkling in time of the Earles death into the succession of his office which even then waxed sweet and savoury Coodgellors of this drift stopped messengers intercepted letters hasted on their own course Basil the wife of Reymond more dutiful to her husband then naturall to her brother continued still in Ireland sicke but having privy knowledge of those newes ere the breath was quite out of the Earles body payned her selfe to disturbe this whole array And whereas shee knew well her letters should bee searched and her owne servants stayed shee let it be delivered at all a very venture to one of the maryners and therein draweth a long processe of her affayres and houshold but in the middle shuffles in a few lines of her meaning under these tearmes To all my afflictions is added now lately the tooth-ake so that except that one master-tooth had fallen which I send you for a token I weene I were better out of my life Now was the tooth tipped with golde and burnished feately like a present which Reymond wist well to bee none of hers and therefore quickly smelled the construction lingred not for Letters Pattents but stept over presently and made his packe and was elected by the Kings Agents there Lord Protectour of Ireland till the Kings pleasure were further knowne During his authority flourished the Geraldines but shortly after they quayled againe under the government of VVilliam Fitz Aldelin with him was joyned in commission the valiant Knight Iohn de Courcy conquerour and Earle of Vlster which hitherto the King had not obtained That yeare was founded the Abbey of Crockesden by Bertramus de Verdon To establish the conquest of Vlster and other victories of the parts of Ireland before enjoyed Alexander the third sent his Cardinall Vivianus vvho declareth the Title that Henry held of the Pope the reservation of the Peter-pence the indignation of GOD and holy Church against the rebells who beeing themselves contemners and breakers of Canons Ecclesiasticall yet for maintenance of their unruly stomackes had found the meanes to make Churches their barnes bestowing therein both corne and pulse that the victuallers and purveyors of the Princes campe should not dare to require the sale thereof for perill of sacriledge Therefore hee licenseth Officers in this behalfe soberly and discreetely to convent such persons as made the
Church a Sanctuary for their Corne and in neede to take thereof at reasonable prices Little good did Fitz Aldelin and lesse vvas like to doe because hee delighted to crosse his Peeres and vvas of them stopped in his course of government Hugh de Lacye vvas made Protector generall over the Land But Miles Cogan Philip de Bruise Fitz Stephens Power and diverse other more preferred to severall countreyes under him This Lacye builded a sort of castles and forts throughout all Leinster and Meth and the next sixe yeares continually devout gentlemen erected sundry Abbeyes as the Abbey of Roseglasse of Donbrothy by Hervy a Welchman one of the speciall conquerours of Ireland vvho himself after that entred into religion in Trinity Priory at Canterbury The Abbeyes of Geripont and Choro Benedicti the Abbey de lege Dei vvith repayring of many Chappels Chauncells Bell-houses High-vvayes and Bridges Then dyed Saint Laurence Archbishop of Divelin to vvhom succeeded Iohn Comyn an Englishman brought up in the Abbey of Evesham Founder of Saint Patrickes in Divelin vvhich vvas before that time a Parish Church novv by the said Archbishop endovved vvith Prebends Viccars Clearkes Chorists and many notable possessions for their maintenance vvhereout from time to time have proceeded Clergy-men of greatest learning reputation in the Diocese Divers contentions were raised betwixt Christs Church and it for antiquity wherein they of S. Patrickes are no doubt inferiour as shall appeare They are both written Cathedrall Churches and both are the Bishops Chapiter in vvhose election they both ought to convent within the Church of the blessed Trinity called Christs Church which in all records hath the preheminency of place The party that disturbeth this order of election forfeiteth by deede to th'Archbishop of Divelin 200. pounds This foundation was much enriched by King Iohn The same yeare died the yong King Henry reconciled to his father but preparing warre against his brother Richard Duke of Aquitain soon after also deceased Ieffry his other son Duke of Brittaine Thus were left Richard his inheritour and Iohn afterwards Earle of Glocester heretofore surnamed without land to whom the father conveyed all his interest and Lordship of Ireland sent him thither honourably accompanied being then but twelue yeares old and with him in speciall trust Giraldus Cambrensis Clerke a diligent searcher of the antiquities of Ireland surely well learned and in those dayes counted Eloquent About the young Earle were servants and counsellours three sorts first Normans great quaffers lourdens proud belly swaines fed with extortion and bribery to whom hee most relyed secondly the English brought with him meetly bold Thirdly the English found in the land whom being best worthy and most forward in all good services hee least regarded hereof sprang parties and disdaine and to the knights that hardiest were and readiest of courage no small discomfort to the enemies a spurre With the brute of his arrivall at Waterford the Kings of Thomond Desmond and Connaght put themselves in the bravest manner they could to meete him and to submit their countries to his Grace before them came the Irish Franklyns with rich presents and as they are very kind hearted where they list to shew obedience made unto the Childe their Lord the most joy and gladnesse that might be and though rudely yet lovingly and after the custome of their country offred to kisse him with such familiarity as they used towards their Princes at home Two of the Guard Normans pick-thankes shooke and tare the Clownes by the glibs beards unmannerly and churlishly thrust them out of the presence whom they should have instructed curteously born with The Irish thus rejected went against the fore-named Kings opened the rebukes and villanyes done to them for their meekenes that their Lord whom they thought to honour was but a Boy peevish and insolent governed by a sort of flatterers younglings and prowlers That sithence to them that buxome were and tractable such despite and dishonour that terme they have borrowed of the Spaniards was proffered so soone little good should the states of Ireland looke for in continuance when the English had once yoked and penned them in their clouches This report lightly alienated the mindes of those Princes not yet very resolute and turned them home with great oathes and leagues entred among themselves caused also the mightiest Captaines elsewhere to sticke together while their lives lasted and for no manner earthly thing to slacke the defence of their auncient liberties Immediately walked abroad mutinyes of broyle commotion so that the young Earle and his army were content to commit the tryall thereof to Lacy Bruise Courcy Fitz Gerald and the rest himselfe departing away the same yeare he came and leaving the Realme a great deale worse bestedde then he found it From the Conquest hitherto Giraldus Cambrensis and from hence to the yeare 1370. I am specially holpen by certaine briefe extracts whose author is namelesse and therefore I quote him by the name of Philip Flatsbury who wrote them and enriched them with collections of his owne for Gerald the father of the Earle of Kildare then being An. 1517. Lacy the rather for these whisperings did erect and edifie a number of Castles well and substantially provided in convenient places one at Derwath vvhere diverse Irish prayed to be set on worke for hyre Sundry times came Lacy to quicken his labourers full glad to see them fall in ure with any such exercise wherein might they once be grounded taste the svvetenesse of a true mans life he thought it no small token of reformation to be hoped for which cause he visited them often and merrily would command his Gentlemen to give the labourers example in taking paines to take their instruments in hand and to worke a season the poore soules looking on and resting But this game ended Tragically while each man was busie to try his cunning some lading some plaistering some heaving some carving the Generall also himselfe digging with a pykeaxe a desperate villaine of them he whose toole the Generall used espying both his hands occupied and his body with all force inclining to the blow watched his stoope and clove his head with an axe little esteeming the torments that ensued This Lacy was conquerour of Meth his body the two Archbishops Iohn of Divelin and Mathew of Cashell buryed in the monastery of of Becktye his head in S. Thomas abbey at Divelin The next yeare was builded the abbey of Ines in Vlster and soone after the abbeyes of Iugo Dei and of Comer and then the abbey of Knockmoy or de Colle victoriae by Cathel Cronderg King of Connaght CAP. II. The Titles of the Crowne of England to every part of Ireland and to the whole diverse wayes I Will begin with the pedigree of VVilliam Earle marshall for thereupon depend many recordes in Ireland and the Queenes
Mahowne all the Captaines of Thomond and all this in three moneths The Cleargye of Divelin tvvice every vveeke in solemne procession praying for his good successe against these disordered persons vvhich novv in every quarter of Ireland had degenerated to their olde trade of life and repyned at the English Lieutenants to Henry the sixt over the Realme of Ireland were Edmund Earle of Marche and Iames Earle of Ormond his Deputy Iohn Sutton Knight Lord Dudley and Sir Thomas Strange his Deputy Sir Thomas Standley and Sir Christopher Plonket his Deputy Lyon Lord Welles and the Earle of Ormond his Deputy Iames Earle of Ormond the Kings Lieutenant by himselfe Iohn Earle of Shrewesbury and the Archbishop of Divelin Lord Iustice in his absence Richard Plantaginet Duke of Yorke father of Edward the fourth and Earle of Vlster had the office of Lieutenant by letters Patents during the space of ten yeares who deputed under him at severall times the Baron of Delvin Roland Fitz Eustace knight Iames Earle of Ormond and Thomas Fitz Morrice Earle of Kildare To this Richard then resciant in Divelin was borne within the castle there his second son George Duke of Clarence afterwards drowned in a butt of Malmsey his god fathers at the font were the Earles of Ormond and Desmond Whether the commotion of Iacke Cade an Irish-man borne naming himselfe Mortimer and so clayming cousinage to diverse noble houses proceeded from this crew it is uncertaine surely the Duke was thereof vehemently mistrusted immediatly began his tumults which because our English histories discourse at large I omit as impertinent Those broyles being couched for a time Richard held himselfe in Ireland being lately by Parliament ordained Protector of the Realme of England leaving his agent in the Court his brother the Earle of Salisbury Lord Chauncellour to whom he declared by letters the trouble then toward in Ireland which letter exemplified by Sir Henry Sidney Lord Deputy a great searcher and preserver of Antiquities as it came to my hands I thinke it convenient here to set downe To the right worshipfull and with all my heart entirely beloved brother the Earle of Shrewesbury RIght worshipfull and with all my heart entirely beloved Brother I commend mee unto you as heartily as I can And like it you to wit that sith I wrote last unto the King our soveraigne Lord his Highnes the Irish enemy that is to say Magoghigan and with him three or foure Irish Captaines associate with a great fellowship of English rebells notwithstanding that they were within the King our Soveraigne Lord his power of great malice and against all truth have maligned against their legiance and vengeably have brent a great towne of mine inheritance in Meth called Ramore and other villages thereabouts and murdered and brent both men women and children without mercy The which enemies be yet assembled in woods and forts wayting to doe the hurt and grievance to the Kings subjects that they can thinke or imagine for which cause I write at this time unto the Kings Highnes and beseech his good grace for to hasten my payment for this land according to his letters of vvarrant novv late directed unto the Treasurer of England to the intent I may vvage men in sufficient number for to resist the malice of the same enemyes and punish them in such vvyse that other vvhich vvould doe the same for lacke of resistance in time may take example for doubtlesse but if my payment bee had in all haste for to have men of vvarre in defence and safeguard of this Land my povver cannot stretch to keepe it in the Kings obeysance And very necessity vvill compell mee to come into England to live there upon my poore livelode for I had lever bee dead then any inconvenience should fall thereunto in my default for it shall never bee chronicled nor remaine in scripture by the grace of God that Ireland vvas lost by my negligence And therefore I beseech you right vvorshipfull brother that you will hold to your hands instantly that my payment may bee had at this time in eschuing all inconveniences for I have example in other places more pitty it is for to dread shame and for to acquite my truth unto the Kings Highnes as my dutie is And this I pray and exhort you good brother to shew unto his good grace and that you will be so good that this language may be enacted at this present Parliament for my excuse in time to come and that you will bee good to my servant Roger Roe the bearer hereof and to mine other servants in such things as they shall pursue unto the kings Highnes And to give full faith and credence unto the report of the said Roger touching the said maters Right worshipfull and with all my heart entirely beloved brother our blessed Lord God preserve and keepe you in all honour prosperous estate and felicity and graunt you right good life and long Written at Divelin the 15. of Iune Your faithfull true brother Richard Yorke Of such power was Magoghigan in those dayes who as he wan and kept it by the sword so now he liveth but a meane Captaine yeelding his winnings to the stronger This is the misery of lawlesse people resembling the wydenesse of the rude vvorld vvherein every man vvas richer or poorer then other as he vvas in might and violence more or lesse enabled Heere beganne factions of the nobility in Ireland favouring diverse sides that strived for the Crovvne of England for Richard in those tenne yeares of government exceedingly tyed unto him the hearts of the noblemen and gentlemen in this land vvhereof diverse vvere scattered and slaine vvith him at Waterford as the contrary part vvas also the next yeare by Edward Earle of Marche the Dukes brother at Mortimers crosse in Wales in vvhich meane time the Irish vvaxed hardye and usurped the English Countreyes insufficiently defended as they had done by like oportunity in the latter end of Richard the second These two seasons did set them so a-floate that henceforwards they could never be cast out from their forcible possessions holding by plaine wrong all Vlster and by certaine Irish Tenures no little portions of Mounster and Connaght left in Meth and Leinster where the civill subjects of English bloud did ever most prevaile CAP. VIII Edward the fourth and Edward his sonne Richard the third Henry the seventh THomas Fitz Morice Earle of Kildare Lord Iustice untill the third yeare of Edward the fourth since which time the Duke of Clarence aforesaid brother to the King had the office of Lieutenant while he lived and made his Deputies in sundry courses Thomas Earle of Desmond Iohn Tiptoft Earle of Worcester the Kings cozen Thomas Earle of Kildare Henry Lord Graye Great was the credit of the Geraldines ever when the house of Yorke prospered and likewise the Butlers thryved under the bloud of Lancaster for
which cause the Earle of Desmond remained many yeares Deputy to George Duke of Clarence his god-brother but when he had spoken certaine disdainfull words against the late marryage of King Edward with the Lady Elizabeth Gray the said Lady being now Queene caused his trade of life after the Irish manner contrary to sundry old statutes enacted in that behalfe to be sifted examined by Iohn Earle of Worcester his successour Of which treasons he was attaint and condemned and for the same beheaded at Droghedah Iames the father of this Thomas of Desmond being suffered and not controuled during the government of Richard Duke of Yorke his godsip and of Thomas Earle of Kildare his kinsman put upon the Kings subjects within the Countyes of Waterford Corke Kerry and Limericke the Irish impositions of Coyne and Lyverie Cartings carriages loadings cosherings bonnaght and such like which customes are the very nurse and teat of all Irish enormities and extort from the poore tennants everlasting Sesse allowance of meate and money their bodies and goods in service so that their horses and their Galloglashes lye still upon the Farmers eate them out begger the Countrey foster a sort of idle vagabonds ready to rebell if their Lord commaund them ever nusseled in stealth and robberyes These evill presidents given by the Father the sonne did exercise being Lord Deputy to whome the reformation of that disorder especially belonged notwithstanding the same fault being winked at in others and with such rigour avenged in him it was manifestly taken for a quarrell sought and picked Two yeares after the said Earle of Worcester lost his head while Henry the 6. taken out of the towre was set up againe and King Edward proclaymed Vsurper and then was Kildare enlarged whom being likewise attainte they thought also to have ridde and shortly both the Earles of Kildare and Desmond were restored to their bloud by Parliament Sir Rowland Eustace Knight sometimes Treasurer and Lord Chauncellour and lastly Lord Deputye of Ireland founded Saint Frauncis Abbey besides Kilkullen bridge Edward a yeare before his death honoured his yonger son Richard the infant Duke of Yorke with the title of Lieutenant over this Land But his unnaturall Vnkle Richard the Third when hee had murdered the childe and the elder brother called Edward the 5. He then preferred to that Office his ovvne sonne Edward vvhose Deputy was Gerald Earle of Kildare and bare that office a vvhile in Henry the 7. his dayes To whom came the vvylie Priest Sir Richard Symonds presented a lad his scholler named Lambert vvhom he fained to be the son of George Duke of Clarence lately escaped the tovvre of Londō And the child could his pedegree so readily and had learned of the Priest such princely behaviour that he lightly moved the said Earle and many Nobles of Ireland tendering the Seed Royall of Richard Plantagenet and George his sonne as also maligning the advancement of the house of Lancaster in Henry the seventh either to thinke or make the world weene they thought verily this childe to bee Edward Earle of Warwicke the Duke of Clarences lawfull Sonne And although King Henry more then halfe marred their sport in shewing the right Earle through all the streetes of London yet the Lady Margaret Dutchesse of Burgoine sister to Edward the fourth Iohn de la Poole her Nephew the Lord Lovel Sir Thomas Broughton Knight and diverse other Captaines of this conspiracy devised to abuse the colour of this young Earles name for preferring their purpose which if it came to good they agreed to depose Lambert and to erect the very Earle indeed now prisoner in the towre for whose quarrell had they pretended to fight they deemed it likely hee should have beene made away Wherefore it was blazed in Ireland that the King to mocke his subjects had schooled a Boy to take upon him the Earle of Warwickes name and had shewed him about London to blinde the eyes of simple folkes and to defeate the lawfull Inheritour of the good Duke of Clarence their countryman and Protectour during his life to whose linage they also derived a title of the Crowne In all haste they assembled at Divelin and there in Christ-Church they Crowned this Idoll honouring him with titles imperiall feasting and triumphing rearing mighty shoutes and cryes carrying him from thence to the Kings Castle upon tall mens shoulders that he might be seene and noted as he was surely an honourable Boy to looke upon Thereupon ensued the Battle of Stoke wherein Lambert and his Master were taken but never executed the Earle of Lincolne the Lord Lovel Martine Swarte the Almaigne Captaine and Morice Fitz Thomas Captaine of the Irish were slaine and all their power discomfited Iasper Duke of Bedford and Earle of Penbroke Lieutenant and VValter Archbishop of Divelin his Deputy In this time befell another like illusion of Ireland procured from the Dutchesse aforesaid and certaine Nobles of England whereby was exalted as rightfull King of England and undoubted Earle of Vlster the counterfeit Richard Duke of Yorke preserved from King Richards cruelty as his adherents faced the matter downe and with this maygame lord named indeede Peter in scorne Perkin VVarbecke flattered themselves many yeares Then was Sir Edward Poynings Knight sent over Lord Deputy with commission to apprehend his principall partners in Ireland amongst whom was named Gerald Fitz Gerald Earle of Kildare whose purgation the King notwithstanding diverse avouching the contrary did accept After much adoe Perkin taken confessed under his owne hand-writing the course of all his proceedings whereof so much as concerneth Ireland I have heere borrowed out of Halles Chronicles I being borne in Flaunders in the towne of Turney put my selfe in service with a Britton called Pregent Meno the which brought me with him into Ireland and when wee were there arrived in the towne of Corke they of the towne because I was arrayed with some cloathes of silke of my said Masters threeped upon me that I should be the Duke of Clarences sonne that was before time at Divelin and forasmuch as I denyed it there was brought unto me the Holy Evangelists and the Crosse by the Major of the towne called Iohn Lewellin and there I tooke my oath that I was not the said Dukes sonne nor none of his blood After this came to me an English man whose name was Stephen Poytowe vvith one Iohn VValter and svvare to me that they knevv well that I vvas King Richards Bastard sonne to whom I answered vvith like oathes that I vvas not And then they advised me not to be affraide but that I should take it upon me boldly And if I vvould so doe they vvould assist me with all their povver against the King of England and not onely they but they vvere assured that the Earles of Desmond and Kildare should doe the same for they passed not vvhat part they tooke so they might be avenged
upon the King of England And so against my will they made me to learne English and taught me what I should doe and say and after this they called me Richard Duke of Yorke second sonne to Edward the fourth because King Richards Bastard sonne was in the hands of the King of England And upon this the said Iohn VValter and Stephen Poytowe Iohn Tyler Hubbert Burgh with many others as the foresaid Earles entred into this false quarrell and within short time after the French King sent ambassadours into Ireland whose names were Lyot Lucas and Stephen Frayn and thence I went into Fraunce and from thence into Flanders and from Flanders againe into Ireland and from Ireland into Scotland and so into England Thus was Perkins bragge twighted from a milpost to a pudding pricke and hanged was he the next yeare after Then in the yeare 1501. King Henry made Lieutenant of Ireland his second sonne Henry as then Duke of Yorke who afterwards raigned To him was appointed Deputy the aforesaid Gerald Earle of Kildare who accompanied with Iohn Blacke Major of Divelin warred upon VVilliam de Burgo O-Brien and Mac Nemarra Occarrol and the greatest power of Irish men that had beene seene together since the conquest under the hill of Knoctoe in English the hill of Axes sixe miles from Galway and two miles from Ballinclare de Burgoes mannor towne Mac VVilliam and his Complices were there taken his Souldiours that escaped the sword were pursued flying five miles great slaughter done and many Captaines gotten not one English man killed The Earle at his returne was created knight of the Noble Order and flourished all his life long of whom I shall bee occasioned to say somewhat in the next Chapter CAP. IX Henry the eight GErald Fitz Gerald Earle of Kildare a mighty made man full of honour and courage who had beene Lord Deputy and Lord Iustice of Ireland thirtie foure yeares deceased the third of September and lyeth buried in Christs Church in Divelin Betweene him and Iames Butler Earle of Ormond their owne jealousies fed with envy and ambition kindled with certaine lewd factions abbettors of either side ever since the ninth yeare of Henry the seventh when Iames of Ormond with a great army of Irish men camping in S. Thomas Court at Divelin seemed to face the countenance and power of the Deputy these occasions I say fostered a mallice betwixt them and their posterityes many yeares after incurable causes of much ruffle and unquietnes in the Realme untill the confusion of the one house and nonage of the other discontinued their quarrels which except their Inheritours have the grace to put up and to love unfainedly as Gerald and Thomas doe now may hap to turne their countryes to little good and themselves to lesse Ormond was nothing inferiour to the other in stomacke and in reach of pollicy farre beyond him Kildare was in governement a milde man to his enemies intractable to the Irish such a scourge that rather for despite of him then for favour of any part they relyed upon the Butlers came in under his protection served at his call performed by starts as their manner is the duty of good subjects Ormond was secret and drifty of much moderation in speech dangerous of every little wrinkle that touched his reputation Kildare was open and passionable in his moode desperate both of word and deede of the English welbeloved a good lusticier a warriour incomparable towards the Nobles that he favoured not somewhat headlong and unrulie being charged before Henry the seventh for burning the Church at Cashell and many witnesses prepared to avouch against him the truth of that article he suddainely confessed the fact to the great wondering and detestation of the Councell when it was looked how he would justifie the matter By Iesus quoth he I would never have done it had it not beene told me that the Archbishop was within And because the Archbishop was one of his busiest accusers there present merrily laught the King at the plainenesse of the man to see him alleadge that intent for excuse which most of all did aggravate his fault The last article against him they conceived in these tearmes finally all Ireland cannot rule this Earle No quoth the King then in good faith shall this Earle rule all Ireland Thus was the accusation turned to a jest the Earle returned Lord Deputy shortly after created Knight of the Garter and so died Marvell not if this successe were a corrosive to the adverse party which the longer it held aloofe and bit the bridle the more eagerly it followed his course having once the sway and roome at will as you may perceive hereafter Gerald Fitz Gerald sonne of the aforesaid Earle of Kildare and Lord Deputy who chased the nation of the Tooles battered Ocarrols Castles awed all the Irish of the land more more A Gentleman valiant and well spoken yet in his latter time overtaken with vehement suspition of sundry Treasons He of good meaning to unite the families matched his Sister Margaret Fitz Gerald with Pierce Butler Earle of Ossory whom he also holpe to recover the Earledome of Ormond whereinto after the decease of Iames a Bastard brother had intruded Seven yeares together Kildare kept in credit and authority notwithstanding the pushes given against him by secret heavers enviers of his fortune and nourishers of the old grudge who fett him up to the Court of England by commission and caused him there to be opposed with diverse interrogatories touching the Earle of Desmond his Cousin a notorious traytor as they said He left in his roome Morice Fitz Thomas Lord Iustice. After whom came over Lord Lieutenant Thomas Howard Earle of Surrey Grandfather to this Duke of Norfolke accompanied with 200. of the Kings guarde While he sate at Dinner in the Castle of Divelin hee heard newes that Oneale with a mighty army was even in the mouth of the borders ready to invade Immediately men were levyed by the Major and the next morrow joyning them to his band the Lieutenant marched as farre as the water of Slane where having intelligence of Oneales recoyle hee dismissed the footemen and pursued Omore with his horsemen which Omore was said to lurke within certaine miles That espied a Gunner of Omore and watching by a wood side discharged his peece at the very face of the Deputy strake the visard of his helmet and pierced no further as God would This did he in manner recklesse what became of himselfe so he might amaze them for a time breake the swiftnesse of their following and advantage the flight of his Captaine which thing he wanne with the price of his owne blood for the Souldiours would no further till they had searched all the corners of that wood verily suspecting some ambush thereabout and in severall knots ferretted out this Gunner whom Fitz VVilliams and Bedlowe of the Roche were faine to mangle and hewe in peeces because
Monarch of Ireland Henry 2 King of England the sonne of Mathilda the Empresse subdued Scotland Ireland Orchades and the furthest Ocean Ilands he was Protector of France and was offered the kingdome of Ierusalem this Noble Henry was crowned King of England Anno 1154. he married Elenor daughter and heire of William Duke of Aquitaine the which Elenor had been formerly married to Lewis King of France and upon dislike divorced under pretence that they were within the fourth degree of consanguinity he was knighted by David King of Scots and after many broyles much bloudshed adopted by King Stephen for his sonne and consequently proclaimed heire apparant to the Crowne of England and thereupon after the discease of Stephen crowned with great ioy and applause of the people Anno 1154. the same yeere that Henry the second was crowned the Abbey of Kyrie-eleeson was founded Anno 1155. saith Mathew Paris and Fabian and the first or second of Henry 2. raigne though Stow referre it to the 7. and Anno 1160 the King cast in his minde to conquer Ireland hee saw that it was commodious for him and considered that they were but a rude and savage people for so the historiographers doe write whereupon in his ambitious minde he sent unto Adrian Bishop of Rome one Iohn Salsbury who by the said Bishop afterwards was made Bishop of Carnolum in France with others delivering his sute to that effect Adrian being a man of English birth heard his Ambassadors the more willingly considered the matter advisedly together with his colledge of Cardinals and granted him his request as followeth Adrian the Bishop the servant of the servants of God to his most deer sonne in Christ the Noble King of England sendeth greeting and Apostolike benediction your magnificence hath beene very carefull and studious how you might enlarge the Church of God here in earth and increase the number of his Saints and elect in heaven in that as a good Catholike King you have and doe by all meanes labour and travell to enlarge and increase Gods Church by teaching the ignorant people the true and Christian religion and in abolishing and rooting up the weedes of sinne and wickednesse And wherein you have and doe crave for your better furtherance the helpe of the Apostolike See wherein more speedily and discreetly you proceed the better successe we hope God will send for all they which of a fervent zeale and love in religion doe begin and enterprise any such thing shall no doubt in the end have a good and prosperous successe And as for Ireland and all other Ilands where Christ is knowne and the Christian religion received it is out of all doubt and your excellencie well knoweth they doe all appertaine and belong to the right of Saint Peter and of the Church of Rome and we are so much the more ready desirous and willing to sow the acceptable seede of Gods word because we know the same in the latter day will be most severely required at our hands you have our welbeloved sonne in Christ advertised and signified unto us that you will enter into the Land and Realme of Ireland to the end to bring them to obedience unto Law and under your subjection and to root out from among them their foule sinnes and wickednesse as also to yeeld and pay yeerely out of every house a yeerely pension of one penny to Saint Peter and besides also will defend and keepe the rites of those Churches whole and inviolate We therefore well allowing and favouring this your godly disposition and commendable affection doe accept ratifie and assent unto this your petition and doe grant that you for the dilating of Gods Church the punishment of sinne the reforming of manners planting of vertue and the increasing of Christian religion doe enter to possesse that land and thereto execute according to your wisedome whatsoever shall be for the honour of God and the safety of the Realme and further also we doe strictly charge and require that all the people of that land doe with all humblenesse dutifulnesse and honour receive and accept you as their Liege Lord and Soveraigne reseruing and accepting the right of holy Church to be inviolably preserved as also the yeerely pension of Peter pence out of every house which we require to be truely answered to Saint Peter and to the Church of Rome If therefore you doe minde to bring your godly purpose to effect indevour to travell to reforme the people to some better order and trade of life and that also by your selfe and by such others as you shall thinke meet true and honest in their life manners and conversation to the end the Church of God may be beautified the true Christian religion sowed and planted and all other things done that by any meanes shall or may be to Gods honour and salvation of mens soules whereby you may in the end receive of Gods hands the reward of everlasting life and also in the meane time and in this life carry a glorious same and an honourable report among all nations The King upon the receit hereof was very glad and let it lye dorment by him untill better opportunity was offered as hereafter shall appeare Anno 1166. Moragh Mac Cocholan King of Ireland called a great Councell at Dublin gave battaile to the King of Leinster and killed him and shortly after was himselfe slaine by Ororic which succeeded in the soveraignty the same yeere saith Guttyn Owen in his British Chronicle Henry 2. being at Chester hired many shippes out of Ireland for his ayde against North-Wales but hee discharged them immediately for his purpose tooke no good effect in as much as the present troubles of Normandy called him away In this pastime so the old English delivereth or rather the hurly-burly of the world amids the warres of France Flanders and England Ireland was all in armes the occasion was as followeth Dermot Mac Moragh King of Leinster was a long time enamoured with the wife of Ororike King of Meth some call him Morice some other Mordich she was the daughter of Omalarghlun whom nature had made faire the world a Queene and lust a Harlot the booke of Howth reporteth at large how Ororic was old his Queene young and wanton and that in derision when he came from hunting and being an hungred she gave Apples to eate which had beene in some undecent place of her body to be spoken of so that the scent of them was strong whereat she smiled her Lord and husband having secretly learned her lewd practise tooke with him the day following two of her foster brothers a hunting gelded them baked their stones brought the Pie hot to his Lady and her Gentlewomen when hee had commended the rarenesse of the meat the fond wantons and giglets fell to it when they had satisfied themselves saith Ororic how like you this Pye excellent good meat say they it is saith hee the meat which you love raw and rosted what
with issue out of the bushes and ditches and effect his traiterous devices The night before the parly Griffith the nephew of Robert and Morice being the sonne of William the elder brother dreamed in his sleepe that he saw a great heard of wild hogges rush upon Hugh Delacy and his uncle Maurice and that one of them being more furious and raging then the rest had rent them with his tuskes and tore them in pieces if he had not with his force rescued them and killed the Bore this dreame troubled him exceedingly wherewith he acquainted his company and made him and the rest be the more upon their keeping to prevent treachery The houre of parlee came they met and confered together Griffith not forgetting his dreame made choice of seven tall men of his owne kindred in whom he reposed great trust and confidence well mounted with swords sparthes and sheilds raunged the fields as nigh the Hill as they might and made sundry Carreers and brave Turnaments under pretence of recreation and pleasant pastime yet alwaies casting an eye to the Hill to see the end of this parlee Hughe Delacy and Ororic being somewhat long together Ororic to worke his treason stept aside faining to make water upon the signe he gave his men brought him his horse and sparth the which he taking upon his shoulder ment therewith to have cloven Hughe Delacy his head if the interpreter had not stept betweene whose arme was cleane cut off and himselfe wounded to the death Maurice Fitz Girald and Griffith his nephew rush in the traitours of the one side the true men of the other are together by the eares when Ororic the traitor tooke horse to runne away Griffith with his launce runne him through and killed him and his horse and three of his men cut off his head and sent it to the King of England this was the end of Orirics treason and the effect of Griffiths dreame Immediatly upon this Earle Richard being formerly upon reconciliation made with the King appointed Seneschall of Ireland is now sent out of Normandy by especially commission from the King with Reimondle grosse his brother in Law in joint commission to governe the whole land to be his Lieutenant in Ireland where he found the Irish saith Cambrensis constant in inconstancy firme in wavering and faithfull in untruthes he found emulation betweene Hervy and Reimond and the Army in a mutiny for lacke of pay at Herveies hands whereupon he made Reimond Lievetenant of the forces Reimond immediatly mustred his men drew them forth to the Decies among the Rebels where they preyed and spoiled Secondly they marched to Lismore where they did the like Lastly along the Sea cost they goe with their booties preyes and rich pillage towards Waterford and finding at Dunganan some thirteene botes out of Waterford and other places they lade them with their preys intending by water to saile for Waterford while they waited for wind Corke men envyed their successe prepared 32. Barks manned and furnished them out out of their Towne to overthrow Reimond and the English men and to recover the preyes they met they fought cruelly Corke men are overthrowne and their Captain Gilbert Mac Turger was slaine by a valiant Knight Philip Welsh and finally Adam Herford with all his charge safely arrived in Waterford Reimond was not at this skirmish but by the way he met with Dermot Mac Corty Prince of Desmond who with great power was come to the aid of the men of Corke They likewise skrimished and fell to a cruell fight where Dermot forsooke the field with small credit and Reimond went to Waterford with foure thousand head of cattell Immediatly upon this newes came out of England unto Reimond that William Fitz Girald his father was departed this life whereupon he sailed to Wales and Hervey De monte Marisco was appointed by the Earle Lieutenant of the forces This Hervey to advance his credit purposed to worke some exploits and drew out of Dublin the Earle to Cashil there also after consultation by mandat from the Earle he appointed the Souldiers that were at Dublin to meet him When they came as farre as Ossorie Donald Prince of Limirik having by his espials before hand intelligence thereof stole upon them in the morning slue of them foure Knights whereof O Grame an Irish man was one and foure hundred souldiers with this the Earle was discouraged and went to Waterford the Irish gathered heart and determined to roote out al the Englishmen So that Roderic Prince of Conoght tooke this opportunity passed the Shannan and wasted all to the walles of Dublin The Earle being in this perplexity wrote unto Reimond that was in Wales As soone as you have read those our letters make all the haste you can to come away and bring with you all the helpe and force you can make and then according to your own will and desire you shall assuredly enjoy that which you long looked for Immediatly he prepared himselfe together with his cousin Meilerius shipped 30. young Gentlemen of his own kindred 100. horsemen with 300. archers foot of the best chosen men of all Wales and in 20. Barkes arrived in Waterford It was at such time as the Waterford men had determined to kill every English man within the walles but when they saw the Barkes come in with flags and banners displaid they were astonied and staid their course Reimond entreth the towne of Wexford setteth all in order taketh the Earle with him and all their forces and went to Wexford hee had left behinde him one Purcell his Lievetenant to guard the town whom the Waterfordians slue and put to the sword of English birth man woman and childe but such as had fled to Reynolds towre plagued them sore afterwards drove them to intreate for peace the which they obtained with hard conditions And saith the booke of Houth the Waterfordians were ever after the lesse beleeved For all the troubles in England and Normandie and these treasons and rebellions in Ireland the King was not unmindefull to quiet the people and to establish himselfe and his heires in the kingdome first he sent Embassadors to Rome to cleere himselfe of the death of Thomas of Canterbury secondly he sent messengers thither concerning the state of Ireland whereunto Alexander the third answered as followeth Alexander the Bishop the servant of the servants of God to his dearely beloved sonne the Noble King of England greeting grace and Apostolike benediction Forasmuch as things given and granted upon good reason by our predecessors are to be well allowed of ratified and confirmed wee well considering and pondering the graunt and priviledge for and concerning the dominion of the land of Ireland to us appertaining and lately given by Adrian our predecessor we following his steps doe in like manner confirme ratifie and allow the same reserving and saving to Saint Peter and to the Church of Rome the yeerely pension of one penny out of every house
Lievetenant with the allowance of twenty Gentlemen of his houshold and joyned with him in commission Iohn de Courcy with the allowance of tenne men to attend his person Robert Fitz Stephens and Miles Cogan who had nobly served him in his wars two yeers with the allowance of twenty men to attend their persons at which time saith Holinshed the Irish men paid the King a tribute of twelve pence yeerely for every house or else for every yoke of Oxen alias plow which they had of their owne Richard surnamed Strangbow had to his father Gilbert likewise surnamed Strangbow for his valour strength this Gilbert was E. of Ogye in Normandie Lord of Totenhā Alverdiston Wolaston in England so created by Henry 1. William the son of Osbert a Norman E. of Ogie in Normandie had issue Richard E. of Ogie this Richard had issue Walter Gilbert aforesaid father to Richard E. Strangbow William Fitz Osbert came into England in the ayde of William the Conquerour And as far as I can learn Walter was the first Earle of Penbroke the Britaines call it Penbraich More the head of an arme of the sea whence both the Countie and the most noble Earldome have their denominations Arnulph de monte Gomerik the yonger sonne of Roger de montegomerik that was by William the Conquerour created Earle of Arundell and Shrewsbury builded the Castle of Penbroke where Henry the seventh was borne William the Conquerour gave him Divet and Cardigan hee was Earle of Ogie and the second Earle of Penbroke and married the daughter by the mediation of Girald de Windsore Constable of his Castle of Morogh King of Leinster in Ireland Gilbert surnamed Strangbow was created by King Stephen the third Earle of Penbroke hee was Earle of Ogie in Normandie Lord of Totenham Alverdiston Wolaston and Cardigan and in England succeeded Arnulph Henry the first made him Earle of Strigule now called Chepstow and gave him Cardigan this Gilbert builded Castrogie alias Castrum Ogie in Gwent and the Castle of Stratmirike Richard surnamed Strangbow succeeded his father Gilbert his stile as I take it is thus Richard surnamed Strangbow Lord of Totenham Alverdiston Wolaston and Cardigan in England Earle of Penbroke Earle of Strigule alias Domonius de Chepstow in England Earle of Ogie in Normandie Earle of Leicester Earle Marshall of England Vicegerent of Normandie Lord Lievetenant of Ireland and Prince of Leinster in the right of Eva his wife sole heire of Dermot Mac Morogh King of Leinster This Richard had issue by his first wife a sonne a fine youth and a gallant stripling who following his father with some charge in battaile array as he passed by Idrone in Leinster to relieve Robert Fitz Stephens in Wexford upon the sight and cry of the Irish men when his father was in cruell fight gave backe with his company to the great discouragement of the host yet the Earle got the victory and commanded with the teares in his cheekes that his sonne should be cut in the middle with a sword for his cowardize in battaile he was buried in the Church of the blessed Trinitie in Dublin where now his father resteth by his side and caused the cause of his death for an Epitaph to be set over him Nate ingrate mihi pugnanti terga dedisti Non mihi sed genti regno quoque terga dedisti My sonne unkinde didst flye the field the father fighting hard Nor me nor English birth didst weigh nor kingdome didst regard How the sonne pleaded with his father for the place of service and how the father answered Stanihurst hath many circumstances hereof and delivered that his owne father in his fury and in the face of the enemy cut him off and marvaileth that Cambrensis would conceale it and in the end taketh it as a matter of truth both by the testimony of the Tombe in Christ Church as also by the industry of Sir Henry Sidney Knight a great favourer of Antiquities in preserving the same to the knowledge of the posterity Richard Earle Strangbow by his second wife Eva the daughter of Dermot Mac Morogh had issue one daughter Isabell whom Richard the first gave in marriage to William Maxfield Lord Maxfield Earle Marshall of England of whom God willing I shall have occasion to speake further when I come to his time The same yeere that Strangbow dyed viz. 1177. so Holinshed writeth Iohn de Courcy entred Vlster discomfited the Irish and wanne the Citie of Dune where the body of Saint Patricke Saint Colme and Saint Brigide the Virgin rests whom Courcy calleth tria jocalia Hiberniae the three jewels of Ireland At the winning of Dune Roderic King of Connaght and Monarch of Ireland at severall times before sworne to the King raised a mighty army against Courcy where Roderic was overthrowne and the Bishop of Dune taken prisoner among other rebels the which Bishop at the request of Cardinall Vinian then present was set at liberty This Cardinall saith mine Author intitled Sancti Stephani de monte Celio was sent from Alexander 3. and comming into England without licence was pardoned by Henry 2. and permitted to goe into Scotland and the north parts where his commission directed him when he had ended his businesse in Scotland he passed over into Man where he held his Christmas with Gotred King of Man and after the Epiphanie sailed from thence into Ireland and came thither saith Newbrigiensis the same time that the English men invaded the country and was entertained by Roderic and the Bishop of Dune and others with great reverence The Irish men aske councell of Vivian the Legate what in that case he thought best to be done whether they should fight or yeeld unto the English nation he gave counsell forgetting what Adrian 4. and Alexander 3. had formerly granted and said fight in defence of your country This Legate craftily preventing all mishaps took the Church of Dune for his sanctuary and had in readinesse the Popes commission and the King of Englands Passe unto the Captaines of Ireland for his safe conduct From thence he went to Dublin called the Prelates held a councell and filled his bagges with the sinnes of the people the English Captaines understanding of it gave him in charge either to depart the land or to goe to the warres and serve for pay with them and no longer to receive money for nought In the booke of Howth it is further alledged how that this Legate in his Synod at Dublin whether it were to curry favour with the English men and to colour his other pranckes it forceth not greatly shewed and published openly the King of Englands right to Ireland with the Popes grant and confirmation and accursed all those that gainesaid the same Now to the true history of Sir Iohn de Courcy as worthy a Knight for martiall prowesse as ever trode upon Irish ground whom Cambrensis lightly overskipped partly upon private grudge for that Sir Iohn de Courcy allowed him
Robin Hood that he was an Earle and after outrages by him committed he kept the woods his company was of some hundred persons all chosen and picked Archers of singular strength to handle their weapons and such as durst encounter with 400. others they robbed none but the rich as Tanners and Grasiers and Vsurers and Bishops Priests and fat Abbots they shed no bloud they killed no man releeved themselves and the poore also with their spoyles Robin Hood after many theevish feats fell sicke went into a Nunnery in Scotland to be let bloud where he was betrayed and bled to death wherupon the company brake and the crue dispersed themselves every man to shift for himselfe little Iohn came to Ireland with many of his confederates and found in the woods enough to fit his humour and fell so much to his old occupation that he was faine to flye the land In the end he went to Scotland and there died There are memorable acts reported of him which I hold not for truth that he would shoot an arrow a mile off and a great deale more but them I leave among the lyes of the land Anno 1191. the Monasterie de iugo Dei was founded Anno 1193. King Richard after many most valiant exploits in the Holy Land the which I hold not so necessary for this place after the drowning of Fredericke the Emperour and after the sudden and envious departure of Philippe King of France hearing the conspiracy of the said Philippe and the treason of his brother Iohn aspiring to the Crowne of England made peace with the Saladine for three yeres and with a small company returning homewards was taken prisoner by Leopold Duke of Austria who brought him to Henry the Emperour and there kept him in prison a yeere and 5. months untill he had paid his ransome which was Anno 1194. Hee was received into England with the joy and applause of all true harts and having setled the affaires of the Realme in due sort he went into France where he had much a doe with the French King the which for brevities sake I doe omit and yet one memorable act of his I may not omit and thus it was There came unto him one Fulco a Priest who with great courage and boldnesse said Thou hast O Mighty King three daughters very vicious and of evill disposition take good heed of them and betimes provide them good husbands to whom the King in rage answered th●u errant lyar and shamelesse hypocrit thou knowest not where thou art nor what thou sayest I weene thou art not well in thy wits for I have never a daughter as the world will beare me witnesse get thee out of our presence To whom Fulco replyed If it like your Grace I lye not but say truth for you have three daughters which continually frequent your Court and more is the pitty wholly possesse your person I meane Pride Covetousnesse and Leachery The King thereat smiled and called his Lords and Barons unto him and related what Fulco had delivered unto him and thereupon gave his resolution Here before you all I doe presently bestow my three daughters First I give my daughter swelling Pride to the proud Templars my greedy daughter Avarice to the covetous Order of the Cistercian Monkes and my daughter Leachery to the wanton Prelats of the Church This noble King went to besiege a Town called Chalus Cheverell in Poitou in the confines of Britaine where unlooked for from the wall of the Towne he was wounded with a venomed arrow out of a Crosbow whereof shortly after hee died afore his death hee sent for him that was the cause of his death forgave him yea gave him money in his purse but after his death he was apprehended and cut off with cruell tortures Lastly King Richard tooke order for his buriall thus he bequeathed his body to Fount Ebrad there to lye at his fathers feet whom in his life time he had offended his heart to Roan that had alwayes been true unto him and his bowels to Chalus Cheverell where he tooke his death for that filth was fit for them that had beene unto him both false and rebellious Mathew Paris hath is Epitaph thus Ad Chalus cecidit Rex regni cardo Richardus His ferus his humilis his agnus his Leopardus Casus erat lucis Chalus Per secula nomen Non intellectum fuerat sed nominis omen Non patuit res clausa fuit sed luce cadente Prodiit in lucem pro casu lucis ademptae Againe of his legacie Pictavus exta ducis sepelit tellusque Chalutis Corpus dat claudi sub marmore fontis Ebrandi Neustria tuque tegis cor inexpugnabile Regis Sic loca per trina se sparsit tanta ruina Nec fuit hoc funus cui sufficeret locus unus Iohn the fift sonne of Henry the second Earle Morton alias Mortaigne and Lord of Ireland as formerly hath beene delivered by the gift of his brother King Richard the first Earle of Cornwall Dorset Sommerset Nottingham Darby Lancaster and in the right of his marriage Earle of Glocester was Crowned at Westminster King of England Anno 1199. Hee was first married to Isabell whom the Britaines called Hawise and the Cornish Avis daughter to Robert Earle of Glocester who for that they were found within the third degree were divorced so that King Iohn left both the Lady Isabell and the Earledome of Glocester whereupon by the advice of Philip King of France he matched in holy wedlocke with Isabell daughter to Amerie Earle of Angolesme This Isabell if not married had beene affianced to Hugh Brune Earle of March a Noble man of Aquitaine who gave battaile in that quarell to King Iohn and was discomfitted yet after the death of King Iohn hee had her to wife Immediatly upon the Coronation of Henry the third who succeeded him broyles beganne in England France and Ireland which had every way a tragicall end Bruse in England Arthure in France and Courcy in Ireland are testimonies thereof But orderly of these as the Nature of the Historie requires Arthure the sonne of Ieffry Plantagenet nephew to King Iohn lived when his uncle Iohn aspired to the Crowne being 16 yeeres of age he was affianced to a daughter of Philippe the French King the said Philippe Knighted him in the field he was Duke of Britain Earle of Anjou Poitiers Maine and Turrow of Normandy He did homage unto his uncle for some and to Philippe for the rest his uncle had him in Iealousie first lest that in processe of time he would make claime to the Crowne secondly for that he adhered too much to the French and the young Prince upon conference with bold spirit told him that he did him wrong and that hee was bound in honour to deliver unto him the Crowne of England with all that thereunto appertained Shortly after it fell out that King Iohn took this Arthure confederate against him with William de
French King with forraigne powers intending an open invasion was driven to prevent further mischiefe as I finde in Polychronicon to surrender his Crowne from his head and to subject his Kingdomes of England and Ireland tributarie to the See of Rome and as his client vassall and feodarie to that See to hold them of Innocentius the Bishop againe England being interdicted and Ireland likewise were after released upon agreement composition and Charter and homage as in the Chronicle of England more at large appeareth The death of King Iohn and the manner of it I referre to the English Chronicles After his decease Henry the third his eldest sonne aged about nine yeeres began his raigne Anno 1216. Anno 1220. and the fourth yeere of Henry the third so writeth Clyn Dowling and Grace together with the English Antiquities in their Irish collections all Meth was wonderfully afflicted and wasted by reason of the priuate quarrels and civill warres betweene William Earle Marshall Earle of Penbroke c. and Sir Hugh de Lacy Earle of Vlster and Lord of Connaght Trimme was besieged and brought to a lamentable plight and when the rage and furie of those garboiles was somewhat mitigated and appeased after the shedding of much bloud the same yeere to prevent afterclaps and subsequent calamities the Castle of Trim was builded About this time certaine worthy persons of great fame and renowne to wit Henry Loudreds Roger Peppard and William Peppard Lords successively de saltu Salmonis and Meiler Fitz Henry one of the first Conquerours paid nature her due sinne her debt and ended their daies It appeareth in Stanihurst that the same yeere that Henry Loudreds died viz. 1220. the Castle of Dublin was builded I meane the walles foure square or quadrangle wise but the foure Turrets and the other afterwards Sir Henry Sidney is said to have builded the inner lodgings in whose eternall commendation I finde in the said Stanihurst these verses Gesta libri referunt multorum clara virorum Laudis in chartis stigmata fixa manent Verum Sidnaei laudes haec saxa loquuntur Nec jacet in solis gloria tanta libris Si libripereant homines remanere valebunt Si pereant homines ligna manere queant Lignaque si pereant non ergo saxa peribunt Saxaque si pereant tempore tempus erit Si pereat tempus minime consumitur aevum Quod cum principio sed sine fine manet Dum libri florent homines dum vivere possunt Dum quoque cum lignis saxa manere valent Dum remanet tempus dum denique remanet aevum Laus tua Sydnaei digna perire nequit Anno 1224 Abbatia de Albo tractu was founded By generall consent of Antiquaries after the death of Henry Loudres spoken of before Maurice Fitz Gerald was by Henry the third made Lord Iustice of Ireland and afterwards fell in the Kings displeasure and was removed but the yeeres they agree not upon wherein I finde great discord The English Chronicle of Ireland delivereth that hee was made Lord Iustice Anno 1228. Florilegus and Holinshed write that he was removed from his Iusticeship Anno 1245. and Iohn Fitz Ieffery substituted in his roome Mathew Paris writeth that hee was removed Anno 1248 but howsoever they have mistaken the yeeres or whether the fault of the Printer crept in it forceth not I am to deliver to the reader the truth of the history and the most worthy service of this Noble man with the yeeres and the time as neere as I can Anno 1229. in the raigne of Henry the third Maurice Fitz Girald being Lord Iustice Mathew Paris and Holinshed write the storie one Stephen Chapplen and Nuntio to Pope Gregory came to King Henry with the Popes Apostolike Mandates and procuration letters requiring of spirituall temporall throughout England Ireland and Wales the tenth of all their moveables to the maintenance of his warres against Fredericke the Emperour At the day and place appointed when the King and his Lords spirituall and temporall met together and the Nuntio had read his letters the King was silent reputed saith mine Author as consenting thereto the Earles and Barons saith Paris all the Laytie said flatly that they would give the Pope no tenths neither subject their Baronies and locall possessions to the Church of Rome the Clergie after three or foure dayes deliberation fearing the thunderbolts of excommunication with grudging and murmurs and many a bitter curse yeelded yet Ranulphus Earle of Chester alone stood stoutly in the cause and would not permit the Clergie of his country to become in bondage neither to contribute the said tenths though England Wales Scotland and Ireland were compelled to pay Ireland sent likewise after their money Irish curses for they were driven at the worst hand to sell unto the mercilesse Merchants their Cowes Hackneyes Caddoes and Aqua vitae to make present payment and were driven in that extremitie to pawne and sell their Cups Chalices Copes Altar-clothes and vestments Anno 1230 as I finde recorded in the booke of Houth Hubertus de Burgo was Lord Iustice of Ireland as I gather in the absence of Maurice Fitz Girald to whom the King gave the land ..... and Connaught and made him Earle of Connaught and shortly after ob probitatem fidelititem ex imiam so I reade in Ypodigma Neustria being called into England for his uprightnesse and singular fidelity was made governour of the King Lord Iustice of England and Earle of Kent by the consent of all the Peeres of the Realme afterwards as the course of this world wheeles about hee fell into the Kings displeasure so that he called him old traytor and in his rage would have runne him thorow with his sword had not the Earle of Chester and others runne betweene for that saith Stow hee had taken five thousand markes of the Queene of France to hinder his purpose to avoyd the Kings displeasure this Hubert fled to the Chappell of Brandwood in Essex where he was taken and by commandement of the King sent to the Tower of London all his friends forsooke him none answered for him but the Archbishop of Dublin wherein we may behold as in a Glasse the disposition of feyned friends in former ages who in the Spring of a mans felicity like Swallowes will flye about him but when the winter of adversitie nippeth like Snailes they keepe within their shels at length this Hubert was somewhat reconciled to the Kings favour that he was inlarged yet banished the Court lastly he ended his miseries at his Mannor house of Bansted in Surry and was buried at the Church of the Fryers Preachers at London which was then in Holborne unto the which Church he gave his noble Palace at Westminster the which afterwards Walter Grey the Archbishop of Yorke bought of them and made it his Inne since commonly called Yorke House but now White-Hall So farre Stow Holinshed and others The yeere aforesaid I finde one Ieffery
inquisitions of Treylbaston The same yeere Iordan Comin slue Conthir de Ophaly and Calwagh his brother was slaine in the Court of Peirs de Birmingham at Carricke and Balimor was burnt Anno 1306. Edward the second succeeded his father being dead in the kingdome In the beginning of his raigne he called back from beyond the seas Peirs de Gaveston whose company in the presence of his father he abjured and being wholly taken up with him he neglected Isabell his Queene and his Nobles for which cause the Nobles being offended they banished the said Peirs into Ireland where also the Kings treasure that was sent over thither was wantonly consumed Then Peirs was called backe againe but in regard the Kings treasure was spent as aforesaid the Nobles make an insurrection and put away Peirs from the King Anno 1308. And in the second of King Edward the second Peirs de Gaveston by the Lords of England but contrary to the Kings minde was banished into Ireland about the nativitie of our Lady but the next yeere hee was called backe againe and the King met him at Chester Anno 1309. The Lord Ieffery Genvill became a Fryer at Trym of the order of the Preachers and the Lord Peirs de Birmingham dyed Anno 1311. Was the consecration of Iohn Leeke Archbishop of Dublin and Richard Bourgh Earle of Vlster with a great armie went to Bourath in Thomound and there he was taken prisoner by Sir Robert de Clare and Iohn Fitz Walter Lacy and many others were slaine and there dyed Sir Walter la ●aint and Sir Eustace Power And the next yeere Maurice Fitz Thomas and Thomas Fitz Iohn married two daughters of the Earle of Vlster And Saint Fingay was translated and William de Lowndres the first and Iohn the son of Sir Richard Bourgh Knight deceased and the Lord Edmund Butler made 30. Knights Anno 1313. Died Iohn Leek Archbishop of Dublin and Theobald Verdon came over Lord Iustice of Ireland and William de Montency and Richard Loundries died Anno 1315. The Lord Edward Bruse brother of the King of Scots entred the North part of Vlster with a great Army upon Saint Augustines day in the month of May and afterward hee burned Dundalke and a great part of Vrgile and the Church of Athirde was burned by the Irish And in the warre of Comeram in Vlster Richard Earle of Vlster was put to flight and Sir William Bourgh and Sir Iohn Mandevill and Sir Alan Fitz Warren were taken prisoners and the Castle of Norburgh was taken Moreover at Kenlis in Meath the Lord Roger Mortimer in the warre together with the said Edward were put to flight and many of the men men of the said Roger were slaine and taken prisoners and he burnt the Towne and after this he went as farre as Finnagh and the Skerries in Leinster and there incountred him Edmund Butler Lord Iustice of Ireland the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas afterward Earle of Kildare and the Lord Arnold Power and every one of them had a great army to war against him and upon the sodaine there arose a dissention amongst them and so they left the field and this dissention hapned upon the 26. day of Ianuary after this hee burnt the Castle of Leye and afterward hee returned into Vlster and besieged the Castle of Knockfergus and slue Thomas Mandevill and Iohn his brother at Downe comming out of England and then returned into Scotland Anno 1316. Edward Bruse before Easter came into Ireland with the Earle of Murry and other armies and besieged the Castle of Knockfergus afterward they went to Castle Knock and there tooke the Baron prisoner and Edward Bruse lay there and Richard Earle of Vlster lay in Saint Maries Abbey neere Dublin Then the Major and Commonalty of the City of Dublin tooke the Earle of Vlster prisoner and put him in the Castle of Dublin and slew his men and spoiled the Abbey Then the said Bruse went as farre as Lymmerick after the Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle and staied there untill after Easter and in the meane time Roger Mortimer the Kings Lievtenant landed at Waterford with a great Army and for feare of him Edward Bruse made haste to goe into the parts of Vlster and Iohn Fitz Thomas was created Earle of Kildare also Oconthir of Conaght and many other of the Irish of Conaght and Meath were slaine neere Athenry by the English there also there was a great slaughter made by Edmond Butler neere Testilldermot upon the Irish and another slaughter by the same Edmund upon Omorthe at Balitcham Anno 1317. The said Lievtenant delivered the Earle of Vlster out of the Castle of Dublin and after Whitsuntide hee banished out of Meath Sir Walter and Sir Hugh de Lacy and gave their lands unto his souldiers and they together with Edward Bruse went back into Scotland and Alexander Bignor was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1318. The Lord Roger Mortimer went againe into England and Alexander Bignor was made Lord Iustice and Edward Bruse and the said Walter and Hugh de Lacy with a great Army landed at Dundalke upon Saint Calixtus the Popes day and there the Lord Iohn Brimingham Richard Tute and Miles Verdon with one thousand three hundred twenty foure men incountred them and slew the said Edward Bruse with eight thousand two hundred seventie foure of his men and the said Iohn Birmingham did cary the head of the said Edward into England and gave it to King Edward and the King gave unto the said Iohn and his heires males the Earledome of Lowth and the Barony of Athirdee to him and his heires also Sir Richard de Clare with foure Knights and many others were slaine in Thomond Anno 1319. The Lord Roger Mortimer came over againe Lord of Iustice of Ireland And the Towne of Athessell and Plebs were burned by the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas brother to the Lord Maurice Fitz Thomas And the Bridge of Kilcolin was built by Maurice I●kis Anno 1320. The Lord Iohn Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare was made Lord Iustice. And the bridge of Leiglin was built by Maurice Iakis Anno 1321. There was a very great slaughter made of the Oconhurs at Balibagan by the English of Leinster and Meath And the said Earle of Lowth was made Lord Iustice Anno 1322. Died the Lord Richard Birmingham Lord of Athenry the Lord Edmund Butler and the Lord Thomas Persivall Moreover the Lord Andrew Birmingham and Sir Richard de la Londe were slaine by Onolan Anno 1323. Iohn Darcy came over Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1325. Deceased Nicolas Fitz Simon Gonvill Anno 1326. The Lord Richard Burgh Earle of Vlster died Edward the third sonne to Edward the second after the Conquest at the age of fifteene yeeres in his fathers life time upon Candlemas day was crowned King at Westminster In the beginning of whose raigne there was great likelyhood of good successe to follow For then also the Earth received fruitfulnesse the Ayre temperature and Sea
calmenesse Anno 1327. Donald sonne to Art Mac Morch and Sir Henry Traharne were taken prisoners Anno 1328. Deceased the Lord Thomas Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare and the Lord Arnold Power and William Earle of Vlster came into Ireland Anno 1329. Iohn Brimingham Earle of Lowth and Peter his brother with many other were slaine on Whitsun even at Balibragan by the men of the Country Also the Lord Thomas Butler and divers other Noble men were slaine by Macgohegan and other Irishmen neere to Molingar Anno 1330. There died Sir Richard Deicetir Also the Earle of Vlster went with a great Army into Mounster upon Obren Also the Prior of the Hospitall then Lord Iustice put the Lord Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond into the custody of the Marshall out of the which hee freely escaped And Sir Hugh de Lacy returned into Ireland and obteined peace of the King Anno 1331. The Earle of Vlster went into England and great slaugher was made upon the Irish in O kenslie also the Castle of Arclow was taken by the Irish and great slaughter made of the English ni the Cowlagh by Otothell where Sir Philip Bryt and many others were slaine and the Lord Anthony Lacy came over Lord Iustice of Ireland and great slaugter was made of the Irish at Thurles by the men of the Country and at Finnath in Meath there were many of them slaine by the English also the Castle of Fernis was taken and burned by the Irish also Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond was apprehended at Limerick by the Lord Iustice upon the day of the Assumption and sent unto the Castle of Dublin Moreover the Lord Iustice tooke Sir William Birmingham and Walter his sonne at Clomell by a wile whilest hee was sick in his bed and sent them likewise unto the Castle of Dublin on the 19. day of Aprill Anno 1332. Sir William Birmingham was hanged at Dublin but Walter his sonne was delivered by reason hee was within orders Also the Castle of Clonmore was taken by the English and the Castle of Bonrath was destroyed by the Irish of Thomond also Henry Mandevill was sent prisoner to Dublin likewise Walter Burgh with two of his brethren were taken in Conaght by the Earle of Vlster and sent to the Castle of Norburgh also the said Lord Iustice was deposed by the King and went into England with his wife and children and Iohn Darcy was made Lord Iustice and great slaughter was made upon Bren Obren and Mac Carthy in Munster by the English of that Country Anno 1333. The Earle of Desmond by the Parliament held at Dublin was sent over into England unto the King and VVilliam Earle of Vlster in going toward Knock fergus upon the seventh day of Iune was treacherously slaine neere to the foords in Vlster by his owne people but his wife with his daughter and heire escaped into England which daughter was married unto the Lord Lionell the Kings sonne and afterward died at Dublin and had a daughter and heire which was afterward married unto Roger Mortimer Earle of March and Lord of Trim And to revenge the death of the said Earle the Lord Iustice of Ireland with a great Army went into Vlster But before that hee came thither the men of that Country had done the revenge and the Lord Iustice with his Army went into Scotland to the King of England because at that time hee was there in warre and hee left the Lord Thomas Burgh his Lievtenant in Ireland also on Saint Margarets Eve great slaughter was made in Scotland by the Irish and so what by the King in one part and the Lord Iustice in another Scotland was Conquered and Edward Balioll was established King of Scotland and Iohn Darcy came back Lord Iustice of Ireland and delivered VValter Birmingham out of the Castle of Dublin Anno 1336. On Saint Laurence day the Irish of Conaght were discomfited and put to flight by the English of the Country there and there were slaine tenne thousand and one Englishman Anno 1342. And in the sixteenth of King Edward the 3. Pope Benedict deceased Clement the sixth succeeded a man truly of great learning but exceeding prodigall so that hee would bestow upon his Cardinals Church livings in England when they were vacant and would goe about to impose new titles for them For which cause the King of England about the yeere 1344. disannulled the provisions so made by the Pope interdicting upon paine of imprisonment and death that none should bring any of them Anno 1348. There was great mortality in all places especially in and about the Court of Rome Avinion and about the sea coastes of England and Ireland Anno 1349. Deceased Alexander Bignor upon the foureteenth day of Iuly and the same yeere was Iohn de Saint Paul consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1355. Died Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond L. Iustice of Ireland Anno 1356. Deceased the Lord Thomas de Rokesbie L. Iustice of Ireland Anno 1357. Began great variance betwixt Master Richard Fitz Ralphe Primat of Ardmagh and the foure Orders of begging Fryers Anno 1360. Deceaded Richard Archbishop of Ardmagh upon the seventeenth day of the Kalends of December in the Popes Court and Richard Kilminton dyed in England therefore the controversie ceased betwixt the Clergie and the orders of begging Fryers Anno 1361 and in the thirty fourth yeere of K. Edward the third about Easter began a great mortalitie of men consuming many men but few women in England and Ireland Also the same yeere the Lord Lionell Sonne to King Edward the third Duke of Clarence came over the Kings lievetenant into Ireland Anno 1362. deceased Iohn de Saint Paule Archbishop of Dublin on the fift day before the Ides of September Anno 1363. Thomas Minot was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1369. the Lord William Windsor came over the Kings Lievetenant in Ireland Anno 1370. there was a third great Pestilence in Ireland And the Lord Gerald Fitz Maurice Earle of Desmond and the Lord Iohn Fitz Richard and the Lord Iohn Fitz Iohn and many other Noble men were taken prisoners and many others were slaine by Obren and Maccoinnard of Thomond in the moneth of Iuly Anno 1372 Sir Robert Asheton came over Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1373. there was great warre betwixt the English of Meth and Offerolle in which warre many upon both sides were slaine Anno 1375. Thomas Archbishop of Dublin departed this life and the same yeere was Richard de Wikeford consecrated Archbishop there Anno 1381 Edmund Mortimer the Kings Lievetenant in Ireland Earle of March and Vlster dyet at Co●ke Anno 1383. the fourth great Pestilence was in Ireland Anno 1385. Dublin Bridge fell Anno 1387. about Martilmas the Peeres of England rose against those that were of the side of King Richard the second but Robert Veer Duke of Ireland came over to Chester and got together many men and put them in array to march backe toward the
King whom the said Peeres met at Rotcotebridge and slue Thomas Molleners and spoyled the rest neverthelesse the Duke of Ireland escaped But in the same yeere on the morrow after Candlemas day a Parliament beganne at London in which were adjudged the Archbishop of Yorke the Duke of Ireland the Earle of Suffolke c. Anno 1388. foure Lord Iustices of England were banished into Ireland by a decree of the Parliament and it was not lawfull for them either to make lawes or to give counsell upon paine of the sentence of death Anno 1390. Robert de Wikeford Archbishop of Dublin departed this life and the same yeere was Robert Waldebie translated unto the Archbishopricke of Dublin being an Augustine Fryer Anno 1394. and in the seaventeenth yeere of King Richard the second died Anne Queene of England and the same yeere about Michaelmas the King crossed the seas over into Ireland and landed at Waterford the second day of the moneth of October and went back about Shrovetide Anno 1397. Fryer Richard de Northalis of the order of the Carmelites was translated to the Archbishopricke of Dublin and died the same yeere Also the same yeere Thomas de Craulie was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin And Sir Thomas Burgh and Sir Walter Birningham slue sixe hundred Irish men with their Captaine Macdowne Moreover Edmund Earle of March Lord lievetenant of Ireland with the aide of the Earle of Ormond wasted Obren's country and at the winning of his chiefe house hee made seaven Knights to wit Sir Christopher Preston Sir Iohn Bedlow Sir Edmund Loundres Sir Iohn Loundres Sir William Nugent Walter de la Hide and Robert Cadell Anno 1398. and in the two and twentieth of King Richard the second on Ascention day the Tothillis slue forty English men Among whom these were accounted as principall Iohn Fitz Williams Thomas Talbot and Thomas Comyn The same yeere upon Saint Margarets day Edmund Earle of March the Kings lievetenant was slaine with divers other by Obren and other Irishmen of Leinster at Kenlis in Leinster Then was Roger Greye elected Lord Iustice of Ireland The same yeere on the feast day of Saint Marke the Pope and Confessor came to Dublin the Noble Duke of Surrey the Kings lievetenant in Ireland and with him came Thomas Crauly Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1399. and of King Richard the three and twentieth on Sunday being the morrow after Saint Petronilla the Virgins day the illustrious King Richard landed at Waterford with two hundred shippes and the Friday after at Ford in Kenlis in the Countie of Kildare there were slaine two hundred Irish men by Ienicho and other English men and the morrow after the Citizens of Dublin brake into Obrens country slue three and thirty of the Irish and tooke fourescore men women and children The same yeere King Richard came to Dublin upon the fourth Kalends of Iuly where hee was advertized of the comming of Henry Duke of Lancaster into England whereupon he also speedily went over into England and a little while after the same King was taken prisoner by the said Henry and brought to London and there a Parliament was holden the morrow after Michaelmas day in which King Richard was deposed from his kingdome and the said Henry Duke of Lancaster was crowned King of England on the feast day of Saint Edward the Confessor Anno 1400. and in the first yeere of the raigne of King Henry the fourth at Whitsontide the Constable of Dublin Castle and divers others at Stranford in Vlster fought at Sea with the Scots where many Englishmen were slaine and drowned The same yeere on the feast of the Assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary King Henry with a great army entred Scotland and there he was advertized that Owen Glendor with the Welsh men had taken armes against him for which cause he hastened his iourney into Wales Anno 1401. in the second yeere of King Henry the fourth Sir Iohn Stanley the kings Lievetenant in the moneth of May went over into England leaving in his roome Sir William Stanley The same yeere on Bartholomew Eeven arrived in Ireland Stephen Scroope Lievetenant unto the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings Lievetenant of Ireland The same yeere on Saint Brices day the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings Sonne and Lord Lievetenant of Ireland arrived at Dublin Anno 1402. on the fift Ides of Iuly was the dedication of the Church of the Fryers Preachers in Dublin by the Archbishop of Dublin And the same day the Maior of Dublin namely Iohn Drake with the citizens and townesmen neere to Bre slue of the Irish foure hundred ninety three being all men of warre The same yeere in September a Parliament was held at Dublin during the which in Vrgile Sir Bartholomew Verdon knight Iames White Stephen Gernond and their complies slue Iohn Dowdall Sheriffe of Lowth Anno 1403. in the fourth yeere of king Henry in the moneth of May Sir Walter Betterley Steward of Vlster a right valiant knight was slaine and to the number of thirty other with him The same yeere on Saint Ma●dlins Eeven neere unto Shrewesbury a battell was fought betweene king Henry and Henry Percy and Thomas Percy then Earle of Worcester which Percyes were slaine and on both sides there were sixe thousand and more slaine in the battaile The same yeere about Martlemas the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings Sonne went over into England leaving Stephen Scroope his Deputy there who also in the beginning of Lent sayled over into England and then the Lords of the land chose the Earle of Ormond to be Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1404. in the fift yeere of king Henry Iohn Colton Archbishop of Armagh departed this life upon the fift of May unto whom Nicholas Flemming succeeded The same yeere on the day of Saint Vitall the Martyr the Parliament began at Dublin before the Earle of Ormond then Lord Iustice of Ireland where the Statutes of Kilkenny and Dublin were confirmed and likewise the Charter of Ireland The same yeere Patricke Savage was treacherously slaine in Vlster by Mac Kilmori and his brother Richard was given for a pledge who was murthered in the prison after hee had paid two thousand markes The same yeere upon Martilmas day deceased Nicholas Houth Lord of Houth a man of singular honesty Anno 1405. in the sixt yeere of King Henry in the moneth of May three Scottish Barkes were taken two at Greenecastle and one at Dalkay with Captaine Thomas Macgolagh The same yeere the Merchants of Droghedah entred Scotland and tooke pledges and preyes The same yeere on the Eeven of the feast day of the seaven brethren Oghgard was burnt by the Irish. The same yeere in the moneth of Iune Stephen Scroope crossed the seas over into England leaving the Earle of Ormond Lord Iustice of Ireland The same yeere in the moneth of Iune they of Dublin entred Scotland at Saint Ninian and valiantly behaved themselves and afterward they entred Wales and there did much
Duvenaldus Prince of Limericke vvhom Dermot his father holpe in field foyled the enemy and then vvithdrevv his obedience from the Monarch Shamefull was Roderickes flight and Dermot insinuated into the favour of his people began to recount the confederates of his first misfortune and consulted with the two Captaines for the invasion of Connaght finding them prest he wrote over to the Earle Strongbow renewed their covenants prayed his helpe Richard Earle Strongbow whose auncestors came in vvith the Conquest but commonly of the King and his successors disfavoured having read the letters he passed to King Henry besought him either to answere him his rightfull heritage vvhich other men occupied or to licence him else vvhere in uncouth lands to seeke his fortune The King halfe in derision bad him on in the name of God even as farre as his feete could beare him The Earle dissembling to perceive the hollovvnes of the king furnished his Cousin Reymond le Grose Nephevv to the brethren aforesaid vvith ten Knights and 70. Bovvmen himselfe ensued vvith about 200. Knights and 1000. lusty Welchmen tryed Souldiours shortly they vvanne the Citty of Waterford and then immediately Mac Murrough accomplished his convention gave to the Earle in marriage his daughter Eve with the succession of his Kingdome When Waterford was gotten and Leinster pacified and the Princes of Ossory tamed and a chosen band ever in garrison Mac Murrough became so terrible that none durst encounter him The Cleargy assembled themselves at Ardmagh and with one accord did protest that for all their sinnes and especially for the Turkish kinde of Tyrany which they used in buying and selling and with vile slaveries oppressing the bodies of the English whom their pyrats tooke their land was like to be translated to that nation whose captives they handled so cruelly To appease in part the indignation of God they decreed that all English wheresoever in hold within the realme should forthwith be loosed Further if it pleased God to scourge them it should be meekely suffered as farre beneath the debt of their deserts King Henry though he was well apayed that the Earle should be from him yet he liked no deale his growing in Ireland to such power as percase in time to come with his faction in Wales then living under a Prince of their owne he might be able to face the Crowne of England An edict was therefore drawne whereby all subjects were charged upon their perill to reverte into England by a day and a caveat annexed that upon paine of death none should presume to passe over without a nevv warrant nor ship over any wares money munition or victuals into Ireland Thus had the Irish a breathing space and would perhaps have picked greater benefits thereby had not the Normans beene in their top immediately after Great force they laide to Divelin but vvere valiantly repelled and their Captaine Hasculphus taken prisoner who being calmely intreated began to overview himselfe and to imagine that the Citizens durst not use him extreamely once in open audience brake forth his unseasonable courage in these wordes Take this quoth he but for hansell the game is to come which heard they delayed him no longer but pusht him downe on a blocke and swapped off his head Strongbow perceiving the Kings jealously not yet allayed having wel-nigh spent his army in defence of diverse good townes impugned by Rodericke and the Irish left sufficient warde till his returne and met the King at Gloucester To whom he writeth declaring the envy that lurked in his preferment yeelded the tittle of all his winnings craved good countenance with his grace contented himselfe with any portion whatsoever his Majesty should relinquish a finall quietnesse was driven betweene them Dublin with th' appurtenances and all port townes of Leinster all fortresses reserved to the King The Earle should enjoy with good leave whatsoever he had gotten beside This yeare dyed Mac Murrow and the Abbey de Castro Dei was founded Soone after the King with five hundred Knights with archers and horsemen many more tooke shore at Waterford and was such a terrour to the Irish that incontinently all Mounster submitted themselves to his peace There the men of Wexford to feede the surmises of Henry conceived against the gentlemen betrayed their Lord Fitz Stephens and him delivered to the King The King to gratifie them for a while tremely chained and hampered the prisoner quarrelling with him notwithstanding the inhibition he had proceeded in atchieving the conquest of Ireland but shortly hee enlarged him and ratified the grants of Wexford above-mentioned These Princes of the South sware fidelity and tribute to Henry Dermot Car●ye King of Corke Donald Obrene king of Limericke Donald and Omalaghlien puissant Lords of Ossory and in briefe all the states of Mounster from thence hee journeyed to Dublin where in like manner all the Captaines of Leinster and Ororicke king of Meth and Rodericke Oconor king of Connaght and of all Ireland for himselfe and the whole Iland humbly recognized his soveraignety finally no man there was of name in the land except them of Vlster but they to him bowed and sware obeysance All which he feasted royally with a dinner of Cranes flesh a fowle till then utterly abhorred of the Irish. Merlin had prophesied that five should meete and the sixt should scourge them This sixt they now construed to be Henry in whom the five pettie Kingdomes were united Of the same conquest prophesied their foure notable Saints Patricke Brachon Colme and Moling The King not unmindfull of his charge enjoyned by the Popes Adrian and Alexander entred into a reformation of the Church and mooved the famous Bishop of Lismore Saint Christian their Legate to call a Synode at Cashell wherein they defined Eight Articles 1. First that their people should abandon unlawfull contracts of their cousins and allyes and observe the Canons of Matrimonie 2. That their Infants should be primestened of the Priests hand at the Church dore and then baptized in the font of their mother Church 3. That all faithfull duely pay their Tithes 4. That holy Church be for ever quit of those cursed exactions of diet and harborow whereunto they had beene accustomably strayned foure seasons in the yeare and else against right 5. That the fine levyed for manslaughter be not borne by the Clearkes and kinsmen to the malefactour but if he were accessary or faulty to the deed doing 6. That the sicke doe his Testament to be made or read in the presence of credible persons 7. That the funerals of the dead be devoutly and solemnly kept 8. That forasmuch as GOD hath universally delivered them into the government of the English they should in all points rights and ceremonies accord with the Church of England To these things Gelasius Primate of Ardmagh because he was old and impotent gave his consent at Divelin in the presence of the King he died two yeares after
victory culled out fifteene thousand Souldiours and met the Scots at Kenles where he was shamefully foyled his men as folke supposed willfully forsaking him and bearing false hearts Vp start the Irish of Mounster at these newes the Ocooles Obrines and Omores and wasted with fire and sword from Arkloe to Leix with them coped the Lord Iustice and made a great slaughter fourescore of their heads were set upon Divelin Castle The meane while Edward Bruise raigned in Vlster held his courts pronounced his enemies traytors abandoned the English blood exhorted the Irish of Leinster to doe the like whereupon Donald the sonne of Arthur Mac Morrow a slip of the royall family displayed his banner within two miles of Divelin but him Traherone tooke prisoner sent him to the castle of Dublin whence he escaped slyding downe from the Turret by a cord that one Adam Maugle brought him The said Maugle was drawne and hanged Roger Mortimer Lord Iustice pacified the displeasure betweene Richard Earle of Vlster and the Nobles that had put the said Earle under surety misdeeming him of certaine riots cōmitted against the kings subjects wherby the Scots caught strength and courage whose ravening caused such horrible scarcity in Vlster that the Souldiours which in the yeare before abused the Kings authority to purvey themselves of wanton fare surfeited with flesh and aquavitae all the Lent long prolled and pilled insatiably without neede and without regard of poore people whose onely provision they devoured Those I say now living in slavery under Le Bruise starved for hunger when they had first experienced many lamentable shifts as in scratching the dead bodyes out of their graves in whose skulls they boyled the same flesh and fed thereof Mortymer went over to the King indebted to the Citizens of Divelin for his viands a thousand poundes whereof he payde not one smulkin and many a bitter curse carried with him to the sea VVilliam Archbishop of Cashell Lord Chancellor was left Lord Warden of Ireland in whose time Bermingham aforesaid being generall of the field and under him Captains Tute Verdon Tripton Sutton Cusacke and Manpas led forth the Kings power against Edward Bruise pitching by Dundalke the Primate of Ardmagh personally accompanying our souldiours blessing their enterprise and assoyling them all ere ever they began to encounter In this conflict the Scots were vanquished full whole 2000. slaine Manpas that pressed into the throng to meet with Bruise was found in the search dead covering the dead body of Bruise Thus dissolved the Scottish Kingdome in Ireland and Bermingham sending his head to the King received in recompence the Earledome of Lowth and to his heires for ever the Barony of Ardee and Athenry Alexander Bigmore Archbishop of Divelin sued to Pope Iohn the 21. so I reckon omitting the scismaticke and dame Ioane for priviledge of an Vniversitie to bee ordained in Divelin which tooke effect and the first three Doctors of Divinity the said Bishop did create VVilliam Hardit a Fryar preacher Henry Coggy a Fryar minor Fryar Edmund Kermerdin one Doctor of the Canon law VVilliam Rodiard Deane of S. Patricks Chancellour of the said Vniversity who kept their termes commencements solemnely neither was the same ever disfranchised but onely through variety of time discontinued and now since the subversion of monasteries utterly extinct vvherin the Divines vvere cherished and open exercise maintained A motion vvas made in this last Parliament to erect it againe contributions layde together Sir Henry Sidney then Lord Deputy proffered 20. pound lands one hundred pounds in money others follovved after their abilities devotions the name devised Master Acworth Plantolinum of Plantagenet and Bullyne But vvhile they disputed of a convenient place for it and of other circumstances they let fall the principall Thomas Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare Lord Iustice to vvhom succeeded Bermingham Earle of Lourh and to him Sir Iohn Darcy At this time lived in the Diocesse of Ossorye the Lady Alice Kettle vvhom the Bishop ascited to purge the fame of inchaunting and Witch-craft objected to her and to Petronilla and Basill her complices They charged her mightily to have carnall conference vvith a spirit called Robin Artison to whom shee sacrifized in the high way nine redde Cockes and nine Peacockes eyes shee swept the streetes of Kilkenny betweene compleere and twilight raking all the filth towards the doores of her sonne VVilliam Outlawe murmuring these wordes To the house of VVilliam my sonne hye all the wealth of Kilkenny towne At the first conviction they abjured and accepted pennance but were very shortly found in relapse and then Petronilla was burned at Kilkenny the other twayne could not be had shee at the houre of her death accused the said VVilliam as privy to their sorceryes whom the Bishop helde in durance nine weekes forbidding his keepers to eate or drink with him or to speake with him more then once in the day by procurement of Arnold le Power then Senischall of Kilkenny hee was delivered corrupted the Senischall to vexe the Bishop which he did thrusting him into prison for three moneths In ryfling the closet of Alice they found a wafer of Sacramentall bread having the devils name stamped thereon in stead of IESUS and a pype of oyntment wherewith shee greased a staffe whereon shee ambled through thicke and thinne when and how shee listed This businesse troubled all the Cleargy of Ireland the rather for that the Lady was supported by Noble men and lastly conveyed into England since which time no man wotteth what became of her CAP. VI. Edward the third and Richard the second SCarcely vvas this businesse ended but another devill possessed another franticke gentleman of the nation of the O-tooles in Leinster named Adam Duffe vvho denyed obstinately the Incarnation of Christ the Trinity of persons in unity of the God-head the resurrection of the flesh Hee called the Holy Scripture a fable the blessed Virgin a vvhore the See Apostolick erroneous for vvhich assertions he was burned in Hogging greene besides Divelin Roger Outlaw Prior of S Iohns of Ierusalem at Kilmainam became Lord Iustice. Great variance arising betvveene the Geraldines Butlers and Berminghams on the one side and the Powers and Burkes on the other side for tearming the Earle of Kildare a Rymer The Lord Iustice summoned a Parliament to accord them wherein he himselfe was faine to cleare the slaunder of heresie fathered upon him by Richard Ledred Bishop of Ossory The Bishoppe had given a declaration against Arnold le Power convented and convict in his consistory of certaine hereticall opinions but because the beginning of Powers accusations concerned the Iustices kinsman and the Bishop was mistrusted to prosecute his owne wrong and the person of the man rather then the fault a day was limited for the justifying of the bill the party being apprehended and respited thereunto This dealing the Bishop who
the childe first into Scotland then into France and misdoubting the French into Italy vvhere Cardinall Pole his neere kinsman preserved him till the raigne of Edward the sixt vvith vvhom hee entred into high favour and obtayned of him his olde Inheritance of Meinothe Lastly by meanes of the said Cardinall and Sir Anthony Browne Lord Mountague whose sister hee marryed a woman worthy of such a brother Queene Mary Founder and restorer of many Noble houses repealed his attainder and set him in his fathers Earledome wherein since that time he hath shewed himselfe sundry wayes officious and serviceable towards his Common-wealth and the Crowne of England beside other good qualities of honour and curtesie they repute him heere for the best horseman in these parts of Christendome With this escape of yong Fitz Gerald the Lord Leonard Gray his Vncle on the mothers side was held suspect the same was one speciall article urged against him when hee lost his head Anno 1542. Sir VVilliam Skevington a vvorthy Governour and among all vertues very just of his vvord deceased Lord Deputy at Kilmaynam the Lord Leonard Gray succeeded him Oneale and Odonill colourably required a parley vvith the Deputy but in the vvay as they rode they burned the Navan and the tovvne of Ardee Wherefore the Deputy vvith the helpe of the Maior of Divelin Iames Fitz Symonds and the Maior of Droghedagh and the English pale met them flighted them slevv 400. of their trayne and there the Maior of Divelin for notable service in that journey vvas knighted Sir Anthony Seintleger Knight of the Garter Lord Deputy He summoned a Parliament vvherein the Geraldines vvere attainted Abbeyes suppressed the King named supreme head and King of Ireland because he recognized no longer to hold it of the Pope At this Parliament appeared Irish Lords Mac Gilpatricke Lord Barry Mac Cartimore O-Brene and diverse more vvhom follovved Con Oneale submitting himselfe to the Kings Deputy and after to the King himselfe vvho returned him richly plated created him Earle of Tyrone his base sonne Matthew Oneale Baron of Donganon As for Shane Oneale the onely sonne of his body mulier begotten hee vvas then little esteemed and of no proofe The same time Iames Earle of Desmond came to the King and vvas of him both Princely entertained and revvarded CAP. X. Edward the 6. Mary and Elizabeth BEfore the decease of Henry the 8. Seintleger was twice in England leaving at both times Sir VVilliam Brabason Lord Iustice. In his second returne An. 1546. Sir Edward Bellingham Captaine generall landed at Waterford and skowred the coast where Omore and Ocomore used to prey This yeare the city of Divelin obtained a Charter for two Sheriffes in stead of Bayliffes The Geraldines Out-lawes were taken and executed Bellingham appointed Lord Deputye erected a Mint within the Castle of Divelin which quickely wearyed them for want of fuell Andrew Brereton with 300. horsemen and 40. footemen inhabited the North as farre as Lecale where hee with 35. horsemen gave the charge upon 240. Scotts that from the out Islandes came to succour the Irish and wasted the Countrey In one yeare hee cleered those quarters that the Kings subiects might passe in peace Sir Frauncis Bryan the Kings Mynion was left Lord Iustice vvhile Bellingham repayred into England vvhere he dyed a man made up by service in the vvarres by continuall toyle therein diseased and feebled but of courage a lyon to his dying day true as steele as farre from flattery as from hearing flatterers an exceeding fervent Protestant very zealous and carefull in tendring the vvealth of Ireland vvherein the countrey giveth him the praise over all his predecessours and successours vvithin memory he spent his vvhole allovvance in hospitality calling the same his deare Masters meate none of his ovvne cost Letters commendatory offered him by the Councell vvhen Brian had vvrought his trouble before the nobility of England hee rejected as vaine and superfluous professing that if of his owne innocencie he could not uphold him hee would never seeke other shift then Credo resurrectionem mortuorum for quoth he well they may kill mee but they shall never conquer mee Sowre he was and thundering in words indeed very temperate applyed himselfe altogether to severity Lordlinesse and terrour Brian dyed within sixe weekes and Brabason became Lord Iustice till Saintleger the fourth time was sent over Deputye To him crept Mac Cartye that had lately roved and denyed his obedience with an halter about his necke and got his pardon Vpon Saintleger came Sir Iames Croftes of whose bounty and honourable dealing towards them they yeeld at this day a generall good report Crofts tarryed in office two yeares and left Sir Thomas Cusack who dyed five houres before the writing heereof and Gerald Ailmer while they both were coursing Oneale from Dundalke Queene Mary established in her Crowne committed her government once more to Saintleger whom sundry Noblemen pelted and lifted at till they shouldered him quite out of all credite He to be counted forward and plyable to the taste of King Edward the sixt his raigne rymed against the Reall Presence for his pastime and let the papers fall where Courtiers might light thereon vvho greatly magnified the pith and conveyance of that noble sonnet But the originall of his own hand-vvriting had the same firmely though contrary to his ovvne Iudgement vvandering in so many hands that his adversary caught it and tripped it in his vvay the spot vvhereof he could never vvipe out Thus vvas he removed a discreete Gentleman very studious of the State of Ireland enriched stout enough vvithout gall While the Deputy staggered uncertaine of continuance the Tooles and the Cavenaghes vvaxed cockish in the Countie of Divelin rangeing in flockes of seven or eight score on vvhom set forth the Marshall and the Sheriffes of Divelin Buckley and Gygen vvith the citties helpe and over-layde them in sudden skirmishes of which threescore were executed for example Thomas Earle of Sussex Lord Deputy with whom came his Brother in law Sir Henry Sidney Treasurer This Deputy to the inestimable benefite of the Realme brought under obedience the disordered countreyes of Leix Slewmarge Ofalie Irrye and Glinmalire then late possessed by the Oconnore Omores Odempsyes and other Irish rebels Hee molested Iames Mac Conell the Scottish Islander that in those dayes joyned with the Irish and disquieted Vlster In which voyage Divelin assisted the Governour with a faire company conducted by Iohn Vsher Sheriffe and Patrick Buckley He held a Parliament wherein it was made high Treason to retaine Scots for souldiours and fellony to contract with them matrimony At his returne from England in which time Sir Henry Sidney vvas Lord Iustice hee pursued the Scots to their Ilands and there entred did them much skathe vvanne himselfe full great commendation of hardinesse sayled backe vvith the glory of that adventure vvherein I trovv tvvo more
for the erecting of Grammer Schooles within every diocesse the stipends to be levied in such proportion as in the late act hath beene devised whereunto the royall assent is already granted and yet the point in no forwardnes nor in none is like to be except by some good meanes the onset be given freshly followed surely might one generation sippe a little of this liquor and so bee induced to long for more both our country men that live obeysant would ensue with a courage the fruites of peace whereby good learning is supported and our unquiet neighbours would finde such sweetenesse in the taste thereof as it should bee a ready way to reclaime them In mine experience who have not yet seene much more then forty yeares I am able to say that our Realme is at this day an halfe deale more civill then it was since noble men and worshipfull with others of ability have used to send their sonnes into England to the Law to Vniversities or to Schooles Now when the same Schooles shall bee brought home to their doores that all that will may repaire unto them I doubt not considering the numbers brought up beyond the Seas and the good already done in those few places where learning is professed but this addition discreetly made will foster a young frye likely to prove good members of this common wealth and desirous to traine their children the same way Neither were it a small helpe to the assurance of the Crowne of England when Babes from their Craddles should be inured under learned Schoole-masters with a pure English tongue habite fashion discipline and in time utterly forget the affinity of their unbroken borderers who possibly might be wonne by this example or at the least wise loose the opportunity which novv they have to infect others And seeing our hap is not yet to plant an Vniversity here at home which attempt can never bee remembred without many thankes to your good Lordship for your bountifull offer me seemeth it is the more expedient to enter so farre forth as our commission reacheth and to hope for the rest I have said enough especially to a learned governour to whom an inckling were sufficient in such a plausible and needfull motion It resteth that wee pray your Lordship to folde up whatsoever squarings or diversities of Iudgements wise men have heere uttered in our often meetings and by the sequele of all our doings to measure the good meaning of every severall person When the Speaker had done the Deputy having a rich and plentifull kinde of utterance meere naturall but not without judgement answered at length as he that knew no end of his good the points whereof as I can remember were these In good faith M. Speaker I cannot lesse doe but recorde and testifie the readines travaile and good service of you all and namely of your selfe who in the whole course of this Parliament now lastly in this charitable request for trayning your youth have confirmed the opinion which my selfe and the generall voyce long since retained of your rare vertues devotion wisedome learning and modestie so as the case cannot be misdoubted that is preferred by such a Proctor the substance whereof toucheth you my Lords spirituall and temporall you the knights and worshipfull of every Shire to you belongeth the quickening of this godly statute which heere againe I recommend unto you will not let to enquire after your diligence therein from time to time the most effectuall order that may be for this purpose shall assuredly be taken in place convenient Shew your selves forvvard and franke in advancing the honour wealth ease and credit of your countryes envy not to your posterity the same path that your selves have troden and namely you that flourish at this day in the light eye of your cōmon-wealth Had your opinions matched with mine concerning the Vniversity which M. Speaker remembreth no doubt the name and reputation thereof would have bin a spurre to these erections as nurses for babes to suck in till they might repaire thither to be wained But I trust your consents therein are only suspended for a time and that so much good labour shall not be utterly lost and frustrate What though certaine imperfections cannot as yet be salved What though the summe arise not to make a muster of Colledges at the first day What though the place be not also commodious What though other circumstances inferre a feeble and rawe foundation These are indeede objections of the multitude whose backewardnesse breedeth an unnecessary stoppe in this our purpose But your wisedomes can easily consider that time must ripen a weake beginning that other Vniversities began with lesse that all experience telleth us so shall wee be so curious or so testy that nothing will please us but all in all all absolute all excellent all furnished all beautified all fortified in the prime and infancie thereof I remember a tale of Apuleius asse who being indifferently placed betweene two bottles of haye because he could not reach them both at once forbare them both Let us not so doe but content our selves by little and little to bee fedde as the case requireth The rest of your Bills debated and passed by your wisedomes in this Parliament I must confesse they are as you say beneficiall to the Queene my Mistris and to her Crowne but how Verily as the Husband-man soweth his seede and reapeth much more then he layde downe so whatsoever this benefite amounteth unto it returneth to your selves in a circle heere it groweth heere it is eaten heere it multiplyeth heere it is spent they have their due the Prince is bettered you are quieted Iustice executed malefactours terrifyed Were they never so deare collopps of your owne flesh and bloud I see not how you could either have coloured their offence or qualifyed their punishment the one so notorious that it cannot be dissembled the other so ordinary that course of law prescribeth it Therefore as you have well done so you have done but your duties allowed an inch to receive an ell abridged your owne foes avenged your own Injuryes condemned your owne oppressors And yet this duty being on your parts so cheerefully and painfully so lovingly and advisedly performed deserveth great thankes and shall finde it too If I bee the man either in office able to consider you or out of office in place to friend you I am to depart into England shortly lay your heads together and article the points whereby this Realme may be furthered use mee either as a mouth to speake for you or an eye to direct you or as a hand to under-prop you aut consilio aut auxilio Besides the generall care vvhich I ought to have for you all as your governour and yoked together under one obedience English blouds and English hearts I am linked to you as to my continuall acquaintance these many yeares hither I came in my spring heere I have spent my summer I
But I may not so leave my Prelates they synodically decreed as followeth that all the English men within the land whatsoever they were should bee manumised a worshipfull piece of worke and no thanke to them all for the English sword was then ready to cut off the Irish heads this reformation was but a sweeping of a house with a Foxes tayle The prosperous successes of Earle Richard surnamed Strangbow were no sooner effected but fame flyed abroad and flatterers carried it to Henry the seconds eares and made him jealous as Kings commonly are that a subject as Richard was should not onely in the right of his wife content himselfe with Leinster but most presumptuously without licence as the King alledged attempt the conquest of a kingdome where he formerly by grant of Adrian was interessed Whereupon the King in his iealous rage indeavouring to stop the Springs and Water-courses proclaimed We Henry c. Forbid and inhibit that from henceforth no shippe from any place of our dominio● shall traffique or passe into Ireland and likewise charge that all our subjects upon their dutie of allegiance which are there commorant shall returne from thence into England before Easter next following upon paine of forfeiture of all their lands and the persons so disobeying to be banished our land and exiled for ever The Earle seeing himselfe in this distresse being in perill to lose his friends and to want his necessaries out of his native soile by entercourse of Merchants calleth a Councell where it was agreed and concluded that Sir Reimond Legrosse should bee sent over to pacifie the King who then was in Aquitaine with these letters Most puissant Prince and my dread Soveraigne I came into this land with your Majesties leave and savour as farre as I remember to aide your servant Dermot Mac Morogh what I have wonne was with the sword what is given me I give you I am yours life and living at your command Vpon the receit of these letters there fell of all sides three disasters the King was mightily incensed against Earle Richard and therefore delayed Sir Reimond Legrosse and gave him no answer secondly the death of Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury troubled him exceedingly and to helpe the readers memory with the time it was as the rime delivereth Annus millenus centenus septuagenus Primus erat primas quo ruit ense Thomas The third was that Dermot Mac Morogh a most bountifull Prince died and was buried at Fernes Anno 1171. Hastulpus late Governour of Dublin of whom I have formerly spoken returneth and entreth the haven of Dublin with threescore saile to his aide of Ilanders Norwegians and Esterlings they forthwith landed and unshipped themselves and had to their Captaine saith Cambrensis one Iohn Wood some call him mad Iohn for the prankes he playd for wood and mad beare one sense Stanihurst calleth him Pewood Douling Heywood They were all mighty men of warre and well appointed after the Danish manner being harnessed with good Brigandines jackes and shirts of maile their Shields Bucklers and Targets were round and coloured red and bound about with iron and as they seemed in armes so were they no lesse in mindes iron-strong and mighty they marched in battaile array towards the East gate of the Citie Miles Cogan the Governour with a faire company yet but a handfull to the number of the enemy sallied forth and gave them battaile where both sides lost many a tall man Miles Cogan seeing himselfe overlaid with the furious rage and multitude of his adversaries gave backe and retired into the towne by this time Richard Cogan his brother had secretly issued out with a good company at the South posterne gate compassed the Danes and being at the foot of the rereward made mighty cry and shout whereat the Danes were amazed and the two brethren had the killing of them before and behinde The Danes brake their array threw their Armes away fled towards their ships where many also for haste were drowned In this skirmish Iohn Wood was slaine and Hastulphus taken prisoner and put to his ransome The prodigalitie of this Hastulphus was such that he contented not himselfe with life but braved and bragged of his exploits in the hearing of Miles Cogan and therewithall delivered that that attempt was nothing but a taste or proofe of the Irish valour and shortly they should see another manner of forces assault them What saith Miles Cogan is it not enough for him to have his life but he must threaten us with further rebellion goe take him and cut off his head And thus the blabbe of his tongue turned to his confusion Shortly after the Irish and country birth lying aloofe wayting for all opportunities and understanding of some unkindenesse and displeasure conceived by King Henry the second against Earle Richard and in that quarrell generally against all the Britaines and invaders of Ireland they put their heads together they plot they draw their draughts and devices to lay siege to recover the Citie of Dublin and the chiefest instrument was Laurence O Toole Archbishop of Dublin who wrote unto Roderic King of Connaght unto Gotred alias Godfrey King of Man and to all the Princes of Ireland that it would please them some in regard of neighbourhood othersome in regard of naturall affection unto their native soile and distressed country men of Irish birth put to their helping hand ioyne their forces together lay siege to the Citie of Dublin by sea and by land relieve their brethren rid them from the Britaines hands and restore them to their former liberty The Bishop for the good opinion that was held of his learning gravitie and sanctitie prevailed insomuch that Gotred King of Man came into the harbour of Dublin with thirty saile Roderic the Monarch and forces of Ireland came by land and incamped within sight of the towne Within the towne were Earle Richard Strangbow Maurice Fitz Gerald Reimond Legrosse lately arrived from out of England Miles Cogan Richard Cogan with other worthy men and Citizens to the number of thirty thousand fighting men As they were prepared for battaile as commonly one mischiefe falleth in the necke of another Donald the base sonne of Dermot Mac Morogh came in post to the Earle and delivered how that Robert Fitz Stephens in his Fort of Carreck by Wexford was besieged with three thousand men of Wexford and Kinsele by the conduct of Donald Prince of Limeric sonne in law to Dermot Mac Morogh who before time in his extremity and in the warres betweene him and Roderic the Monarch for chiefery at the request of Dermot Mac Morogh was relieved by Robert Fitz Stephens and so aided that he foiled his enemy and thus good is recompenced with evill In this perplexitie and doubtfull danger Maurice Fitz Gerald full of courage turneth him to the Earle and the martiall men in these words you most valiant men wee came not into this land neither were we procured hither to be idle or to live
sister or demaund ward then the inheritance should seeme to be divided so that the eldest sister should seeme to be segnioresse and tennant of inheritance simul semel that is to say heire of her owne part and segnioresse to her sisters which could not stand well together in this case for the eldest can demaund no more then her sisters but the chiefe mease by reason of her auncienty Moreover if the eldest sister should take homage of the yonger she should be as a segnioresse to them all and should have the ward of them and their heires which should be none other but but to cast the Lambe to the Wolfe to be devoured And therefore wee command you that you cause the aforesaid customes that bee used within our Realme of England in this case to bee proclaimed throughout our dominions of Ireland and to be straightly kept and observed in testimony whereof c. I witnesse my selfe at Westminster the ninth of February the thirteeneth yeere of our Raigne Anno 1233. or as some will have it 1234. the 7. of Aprill there appeared as it were foure Sunnes besides the naturall Sunne of a red colour and a great Circle of Christall colour from the sides whereof went out halfe Circles in the divisions whereof the foure Sunnes went forth There followed that yeere great warre and cruell bloodshed general great disturbance throughout England Wales and Ireland so write Matthew Paris and Stow. This troublesome yeere died Gualter Lacy Lord of Meath leaving behind him two daughters coheires to inherit his possession to wit Margret that was maried to the Lord Theobald Verdon and Mathilda married to Ieffray Genevile Amids these troubles in the flourishing daies of Maurice Fitz Gerald Hubert de Burgo Ieffray de Morisco and Gualter de Lacy whose ends followed according The Noble Earle Richard Maxfield Lord Maxfield Earle Marshall of England spoken of before and being by them maligned was traitorously cut off by sundry devilish draughts Matthew Paris wrot the Story at large laid downe their practise on both the sides of the seas their forged letters and secretly as it were by stealth fixing thereto the Kings seale Hee calleth them traitors Iudasses and Ieffery de Morisco he termeth Achitophell that gave wicked counsell Hubert had a lamentable end Ieffery dyed in misery Lacy was shortly cut off and Maurice Fitz Girald was with dishonour removed from his Iusticeship This Maurice of the King desired to bee reconciled to Gilbert Marshall his brother whom he greatly feared and offered in satisfaction to build with all speed a noble Monastery and to endow the same with large possessions and to furnish it with a reverent covent to pray for the soule of Richard Marshall at length with much adoe and importunate intreaty of the King and Nobility of England Gilbert Marshall granted him peace but of Earle Richards end I have spoken somewhat before About the yeere 1233. or 34. Hugh Mapleton Bishop of Ossorie whose Episcopall see was then at Achboo in upper Ossorie began the foundation of the Cathedrall Church now standing in the Irish towne of Kilkenny in the honour of God and Saint Canicus of whom the towne of Kilkenny hath the name and is reckoned the first founder Hee ordained three Canons for the service hee gave them divers Churches and tithes for their maintenance as in the foundation of those Chanons more at large doth appeare He builded the Bishops Court of Aghor adding thereto fish-ponds fishings and other necessaries Such good men lived in those dayes At the same time came the King of Connaught exhibiting a grievous complaint unto Henry the third saith Mathew Paris against Iohn de Burgo the sonne as I suppose of Hubert de Burgo before spoken of that he had entred his country with forces and wasted the same with fire and sword that it would please his Majestie to doe him justice and command such rash attempts to be bridled alledging that he was his loyall subject and paid for his kingdome an annuall pension mounting to the summe of 5000 marks ever since King Iohn had subdued his kingdome and that he would rid him of that base upstart or new commer which sought unjustly to disherit him The King tendred his reasonable requests and commanded Maurice Fitz Girald then present to plucke up by the roote the fruitlesse Plant the which Hubert Earle of Kent had sometime planted in those parts while he was in Ruffe that it might budde no more Hee wrote also unto the Nobilitie of Ireland that they should banish the said Iohn de Burgo and peaceably establish the King in his kingdome who with these princely favours joyfully returned into his country Anno 1235. saith Cooper the Irish men rebelled so hee left it and so I leave it too Anno 1236. Mathew Paris doth write that in the North parts not farre from the Abbey of Rochor Rupie and also in Ireland and the parts there abouts more apparantly strange and wonderfull sights were seene which amazed the beholders to wit there appeared comming forth of the earth companies of armed men on horseback with Speare Shield Sword and banners displaid in sundry formes and shapes riding in battaile array and encountring together and this sight appeared sundry dayes each after other sometimes they seemed to joyne as it had beene in battaile and fought sore and sometimes they seemed to just and breake staves as if it had beene at some triumphant justs of torny The people of the country beheld them a farre off with great wonder for the skirmish shewed it selfe so lively that now and then they might see them come with their empty horses sore wounded and hurt and likewise men mangled and bleeding A pittifull fight to behold and that which seemed more strange and most to be mervailed at after they vanished away the prints of their feet appeared in the ground and the grasse trodden in those places where they had beene seene Anno 1240. Petrus de Supino came from Pope Gregory into Ireland with an authenticke papall mandate requiring under paine of Excommunication and other censures ecclesiasticall the twentieth part part of the whole land besides donatives and private gratuities to the maintenance of his warres against Fredericke the Emperour where he extorted saith Mathew Paris a thousand and five hundred markes and above saith Florilegus at which time also one Petrus Pubeus intitled the Popes Familiar and kinsman and both bastards saith Bale filled in like sort his fardles in Scotland These Nuntioes were so crafty that they needed no Brokers they secretly understood by Posts and Cursitors the state of the Court of Rome which quailed them full sore that the Pope was either gone or panted for life secretly by the conduct of the Monkes of Canterbury they were conveyed to Dover where they tooke shipping and crossed the seas The Emperour Fredericke against whom this provision was made having intelligence thereof and secretly acquainted with the Popes state wrote to the King of England
by the said heire of Vlster had issue Walter and hee had issue five daughters 1. Ellen that married Robert le Bruse King of Scotland 2. Elizabeth that married the Earle of Gloster 3. Iohan that married Thomas Earle of Kildare 4. Katherine that married the Earle of Louth 5. Margaret that married the Earle of Desmond the 6. Ellinor that married with the Lord Multon notwithstanding these honourable matches and amity concluded in the outward sight of the world there rose deadly warres between the Giraldins and Burks which wrought blood sheds troubles by partaking throughout the Realme of Ireland at the same time the fury of the Giraldins was so outragious in so much that Morice Fitz Maurice the second Earle of Desmond opposed himselfe against the sword and tooke at Trisledermote now called Castle Dermocke Richard de Capella the Lord Iustice Theoball le Butler and Iohn or Millis de Cogan and committed them to the prisons in Leix and Donamus but the yeere following Henry the third not pleased with these commotions and hurly burlies by mature advice taken of his Councell pacified the variance betweene them discharged Denny of his Iusticeship and appointed David Barry Lord Iustice in his place Anno 1267. David Barry tooke by the appointment of the King the sword of Iusticeship and the command of Ireland and quelled or tamed saith the English Anonymos the insolent dealing of Morice Fitz Maurice Cousin german to Girald The same yeere saith Iohn Clinne the Fryers Preachers first of all settled themselves at Rosse in Wexford and the Minors at Kilkennie and two yeeres after at Clonemell Anno 1268. Conochur Obrian was slaine by Dermot Mac Monard and the same yeere saith Felcon and Clinne Maurice Fitz Gerald Earle of Desmond was drowned crossing the seas between England and Ireland leaving behind him a sonne and heire of the age of 3. yeeres and a halfe The same yeere Robert Vfford became Lord Iustice of Ireland and began to build the Castle of Roscommon Anno 1269. Richard de Excester was made Lord Iustice who dyed the same yeere together with his wife Margery de Say the same yeere saith Florilegus Othobone the Popes Legat held a Councell at Paules in London where he called before him the Clergy of England Wales Ireland and Scotland and left among them certaine constitutions which were afterward commended by Linwood and are at this day in request the which constitutions of Otho and Othobon were afterwards confirmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Ed. 1. raigne Holinshead Anno 1270. The Lord Iames Audley was made Lord Iustice of Ireland and dyed with the fall of a horse in his time Florilegus and Holinshead note there was great commotion in Ireland the Irish tooke Armes against the English burned spoiled destroied and slue as well the Magistrates as others Clinne goeth more particularly to worke and delivereth how that the King of Conaght by force of Armes in the plaine field overthrew Walter Burke Earle of Vlster who hardly escaped with life yet dyed the yeere following and slue a great number of Nobles and Knights that held with the Burk and among others by especiall name the Lord Richard Verdon and the Lord Iohn Verdon and that there ensued over all Ireland great famine and pestilence as the sequell of warres About this time say our Antiquaries the Bishop of Rome sent to Ireland requiring the tithes of all spirituall promotions for 3. yeeres to come to maintaine his warres against the King of Aragon the which was greatly murmured at and gainesaid yet the Nuntio went not empty away Anno 1272. the most renowned King Henry the third having lived 65. yeeres and raigned 56. and 28 dayes ended his dayes and was buried at Westminster Edward the first of that name sonne of King Henry the third surnamed Long-shankes of the age of 35. yeers began his raigne Anno 1272. Anno 1272. and the first of Edward the first his raigne Maurice Fitz Maurice was made Lord Iustice in whose time the Irish brake out into cruell rebellion rased and destroyed the Castles of Aldleeke Roscommon Scheligath and Randon this Maurice saith Clyn not long after was betrayed by his owne followers in Ophali taken and imprisoned Anno 1273. the Lord Walter Genvill who lately returned home from the Holy Land was sent into Ireland and appointed Lord Iustice in his time so write Dowlinge and Grace the Scots and Red-shankes out of the high land crossed the seas burned townes and villages most cruelly killed man woman and childe tooke a great prey and returned home afore the country could make preparation to pursue them but in a while after to bee revenged of them Vlster and Connaught mustred a great Armie under the leading of Richardus de Burgo and Sir Eustacele Poer knight made after them entred the Islands and high land of Scotland slue as many as they could finde burned their Cabbans and Cottages and such as dwelt in caves and rockes under ground as the manner is to denne out Foxes they fired and smothered to death covering their entrances into the ground with great and huge stones and so returned into Ireland Anno 1276. what time Thomas Clare came into Ireland and married the daughter of Maurice Fitz Maurice The Castle of Roscommon was taken by the Irish and a great overthrow given vnto the English men at Glynburry Glandelory saith Clyn where William Fitz Roger Prior of the Kings hospitallers and many others were taken prisoners and a great number of others were slaine at what time also Ralph Pepard and Otholand gave O Neale a sore battaile Anno 1277. Walter Lord Genuill was sent for into England and Robert Vfford the second time tooke the office of Iusticeship at this time Muridath or Murtagh a notable rebell was taken at the Noraght by Gualter de Fant and executed Thomas Clare likewise in this rebellion slue Obryan Roe King of Thomond and yet after this the Irish drew such a draught that they closed him up in Slew Banny together with Maurice Fitz Maurice his father in law and all their forces untill they gave hostages to escape with their lives upon condition to make satisfaction for the death of O brian and his followers and in the meane while to yeeld them up the Castle of Roscommon although the conditions seemed hard prejudiciall to the Kings Maiesty yet were they driven for safeguard of their lives to condiscend thereunto In this rebellious season to cleere himselfe that in his owne person he came not to daunt the enemy Robert Vfford the Lord Iustice was sent for into England who substituted in his roome one Fryer Robert Fulborne Bishop of Waterford who when he had cleered himselfe came and resigned his place of Iusticeship Anno 1278. there rose civill warres no better then rebellion betweene Mac Dermot de Moylargo and Cathgur O Conoghor King of Connaught where there was great slaughter and bloud-shed on both
sides and the King of Connaught slaine Raphaell Holinshed in his Irish collection thinketh that there were slaine at that time above two thousand persons The King of England hearing thereof was mightily displeased with the Lord Iustice and sent for him into England to yeeld reason why he would permit such shamefull enormities under his governement Robert Vfford substituted Robert Fulborne as before satisfied the King that all was not true that hee was charged withall and for further contentment yeelded this reason that in policie he thought it expedient to winke at one knave cutting off another and that would save the Kings Coffers and purchase peace to the land whereat the King smiled and bid him returne to Ireland Anno 1279. Stow is mine Author King Edward commanded groats of foure pence a piece pence halfe pence and farthings to be coyned and to be currant through England and Ireland not decrying the old whereupon saith he these verses were made Edward did smite round penny halfe penny farthing The crosse passes the bond of all throughout the ring The Kings side was his head and his name written The crosse side what Citie it was made in coyned and smitten The poore man ne to Priest the penny frayses nothing Men give God aye the least they feast him with a farthing A thousand two hundred fourescore yeeres and moe On this money men wondred when it first began to goe Anno 1280. the Citie of Waterford saith Clyn through some foule mischance was all set on fire others report that some Merchant stranger being wronged as they thought by the Citizens brought bagges of powder out of their ships and threw them in the night season in at their sellers windowes and coales of fire after them and spoyled the City in that sort that it was long after ere they could recover themselves Anno 1281. Robert Fulborne Bishop of Waterford was by direction from the King ordained Lord Iustice of Ireland This yeere there was a great rebellion in Connaught and in upper Ossory and in Archloe which cost many mens lives but the ringleaders were cut off Adam Cusack slue William Barret and his brethren which contended about lands In Connaught Hogken Mac Gill Patricke was cut off in Vppsory Murtough Mac Muroch with Art his brother lost their heads at Wickloe another saith at Artchloe so Clyn and Dowlinge doe report Anno 1283. it is remembred by Clyn and others that a great part of Dublin was burned Campanile Capitulum sanctae Trinitatis saith mine Author the belfrie or steeple and Chapter house of the blessed Trinity with the Dormiture and Cloyster Others write that certaine Scots to be revenged upon some Citizens for wronging of them set Skinner-Row a fire and by that meanes the fire ranne into Christ Church but the citizens of Dublin therein greatly to bee commended before they went about to repaire their owne private houses agreed together to make a collection for repayring the ruine of that antient Church Anno 1284. flourished Ieffery or as Clyn writeth Galfridus de sancto Leodegario Bishop of Ossorie the second founder of the Cathedrall Church of Setus Canicus and the first founder of the Colledge of the Vicars of the same Church who gave unto the Colledge and vickars of the same Church for the maintenance of divine Service his Manse and lodging with the edifices thereunto adjoyning the rectory of Kilkesh and revenue de manubrinnio one marke sterling of the Abbot of Duiske for the land of Scomberlowaie with other revenues The said Ieffery by combate the combatants I finde not recorded anno 1284. recovered the Mannor of Sirekeran in Elly now Ocarolls country He builded part of the Mannors of Aghboo and Dorogh he builded a great part of the Church of Saint Canicus formerly begunne by Hugh Mapilton his Predecessor hee exchanged the towne Scomkarthie for the towne of Killamerry with William Marshall the Earle of Penbroke in his kinde of devotion he injoyned the collegiat Vicars of Kilkenny to celebrate the universary and aniversary of the reverend fathers his predecessors Walter Barkeley Galfrid Turvill Hugh Mapilton and others and his successors and Canons in the said Church of Ossory He established other things for the good of the Burgesses of Crosse ..... in the Irish towne of Kilkenny as in the foundation of the Burgesses there more at large doth appeare he dyed Anno 1286. and lyeth buried before the Chappell of our Lady in the Cathedrall Church Thus farre the Collections of Doctor Hanmer the Continuation following is taken out of the Chronicles of Henry Marleburrough HENRY MARLEBVRROVGH'S CHRONICLE OF IRELAND ANno 1285. the Lord Theobald Butler fled from Dublin and died shortly after and the Lord Theobald Verdon lost his men and horses going towards Ophali and the next morning Girald Fitz Maurice was taken prisoner and Iohn Samforde was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin and the Lord Ieffery Genuill fled and Sir Gerard Doget and Ralph Petit were slaine Anno 1287. deceased Richard Decetir Girald Fitz Maurice Thomas de Clare Richard Taff and Nicholas Telinge Knights Anno 1288. In England a bushell of Wheate was at foure pence And Fryer Stephen Fulburne Lord Iustice of Ireland dyed And Iohn Samford Archbishop of Dublin was made Lord Iustice. And the Lord Richard Burgh Earle of Vlster besieged Theobald Verdon in the Castle of Aloan and came to Trymm with a great power by the working of Walter Lacy. Anno 1290. Was the chase or discomfiture of Ophaly and divers Englishmen were slaine And Mac Coghlan slue O●olaghlin And William Bourgh was discomfited at Delvin by Mac Coghlan And Gilbert Earle of Glocester married the daughter of King Iohn le Bayloll King of Scotland And Sir William Vescy was made Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1294. Deceased Iohn de Samford Archbishop of Dublin and Iohn Fitz Thomas and Iohn de la Mare tooke prisoners Richard Bourgh Earle of Vlster and William Bourgh in Meath And the Castle of Kildare was taken and by the English and Irish the whole countrie was wasted And Calwagh burnt all the rolles and tallyes of that countie And Richard was delivered out of the Castle of Leye for his two sonnes And Iohn Fitz Thomas with a great armie came into Meath Anno 1295. William Dodinsell Lord Iustice of Ireland dyed and the Lord Thomas Fitz Maurice was made Lord Iustice. Anno 1296. Fryer William de Hothum was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1298. The Lord Thomas Fitz Maurice dyed and an agreement was made betwixt the Earle of Vlster and the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas and Sir Iohn Wogan was made Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1299. William Archbishop of Dublin dyed and Richard de Feringes was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1302. The King of England Edward the first went into Scotland and there Sir Iohn Wogan Lord Iustice of Ireland and the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas with many others met with him Anno 1305. King Edward made the
either disanulled or quite prevaricated thorough change and alteration of times yet are they good still in themselves but in that commō-wealth which is ruled by them they worke not that good which they should and sometimes also that evill which they would not Eudox. Whether doe you meane this by the Common-Lawes of that Realme or by the Statute Lawes and Acts of Parliaments Iren. Surely by them both for even the Common law being that which William of Normandy brought in with his conquest and laid upon the neck of England though perhaps it fitted well with the state of England then being and was readily obeyed thorough the power of the Commander which had before subdued the people unto him made easie way to the setling of his will yet with the state of Ireland peradventure it doth not so well agree being a people very stubborne and untamed or if it were ever tamed yet now lately having quite shooken off their yoake broken the bonds of their obedience For England before the entrance of the Conqueror was a peaceable Kingdome and but lately inured to the milde and goodly government of Edward surnamed the Confessor besides now lately growne into a loathing and detestation of the unjust and tyrannous rule of Harold an usurper which made them the more willing to accept of any reasonable conditiōs order of the new victor thinking surely that it could be no worse then the latter and hoping well it would be as good as the former yet what the proofe of first bringing in establishing of those lawes was was to many full bitterly made knowne But with Ireland it is farre otherwise for it is a Nation ever acquainted with warres though but amongst themselves in their owne kinde of military discipline trayned up ever from their youthes which they have never yet beene taught to lay aside nor made to learne obedience unto Lawes scarcely to know the name of Law but in stead thereof have alwayes preserved and kept their owne Law which is the Brehon Law Eudox. What is that which you call the Brehon law it is a word unto us altogether unknowne Iren. It is a rule of right unwritten but delivered by tradition from one to another in which oftentimes there appeareth great shew of equity in determining the right betweene party and party but in many things repugning quite both to Gods Law and mans As for example in the case of murder the Brehon that is their judge will compound betweene the murderer and the friends of the party murdered which prosecute the action that the malefactor shall give unto them or to the child or wife of him that is slain a recompence which they call an Eriach By which vilde law of theirs many murders amongst them are made up and smothered And this Iudge being as hee is called the Lords Brehon adjudgeth for the most part a better share unto his Lord that is the Lord of the soyle or the head of that Sept and also unto himselfe for his judgement a greater portion then unto the Plantiffes or parties greived Eudox. This is a most wicked law indeed But I trust it is not now used in Ireland since the Kings of England have had the absolute dominion thereof and established their owne Lawes there Iren. Yes truly for there be many wide countries in Ireland which the lawes of England were never established in nor any acknowledgment of subjection made also even in those which are subdued seeme to acknowledge subjection yet the same Brehon law is practised among themselues by reason that dwelling as they doe whole nations and septs of the Irish together without any Englishman amongst them they may doe what they list and compound or altogether conceale amongst themselves their owne crimes of which no notice can be had by them which would and might amend the same by the rule of the Lawes of England Eudox. What is this which you say And is there any part of that Realme or any Nation therein which have not yet beene subdued to the Crowne of England Did not the whole Realme universally accept and acknowledge our late Prince of famous memory Henry the Viiith for their onely King and Leige Lord Iren. Yes verily in a Parliament holden in the time of Sir Anthony Saint-Leger then Lord Deputy all the Irish Lords and principall men came in and being by faire meanes wrought thereunto acknowledged King Henry for their Soveraigne Lord reserving yet as some say unto themselves all their owne former priviledges and Seignories inviolate Eudox. Then by that acceptance of his Soveraignty they also accepted of his lawes Why then should any other lawes be now used amongst them Iren. True it is that thereby they bound themselves to his lawes obedience and in case it had beene followed upon them as it should have beene and a government thereupon setled among them agreeable thereunto they should have beene reduced to perpetuall civilitie and contained in continuall dutie But what bootes it to breake a Colte and to let him straight runne loose at randome So were these people at first well handled and wisely brought to acknowledge allegiance to the Kings of England but being straight left unto themselves and their owne inordinate life and manners they eftsoones forgot what before they were taught and so soone as they were out of sight by themselves shooke off their bridles and beganne to colte anew more licentiously then before Eudox. It is a great pittie that so good an oportunity was omitted and so happie an occasion fore-slacked that might have beene the eternall good of the Land But doe they not still acknowledge that submission Iren. No they doe not for now the heires and posterity of them which yeelded the same are as they say either ignorant thereof or doe wilfully deny or stedfastly disavow it Eudox. How can they so doe justly Doth not the act of the Parent in any lawfull graunt or conveyance bind their heires for ever thereunto Sith then the Auncestors of those that now live yeelded themselves then subjects and Liegemen shall it not tye their Children to the same subiection Iren. They say no for their Auncestours had no estate in any their Lands Seigniories or Hereditaments longer then during their own lifes as they alledge for all the Irish doe hold their Land by Tanistrie which is say they no more but a personall estate for his life time that is Tanist by reason that he is admitted thereunto by election of the Countrey Eudox. What is this which you call Tanist and Tanistry They be names and termes never heard of nor knowne to us Iren. It is a custome amongst all the Irish that presently after the death of any of their chiefe Lords or Captaines they doe presently assemble themselves to a place generally appointed knowne unto them to choose another in his steed where they doe nominate and elect for the most part not the eldest sonne nor any of the children
having beene once so low brought and thoroughly subjected they afterwards lifted up themselves so strongly againe and sithence doe stand so stiffely against all rule and government Iren. They say that they continued in that lowlinesse untill the time that the division between the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke arose for the Crowne of England at which time all the great English Lords and Gentlemen which had great possessions in Ireland repaired over hither into England some to succour their Friends here and to strengthen their partie for to obtaine the Crowne others to defend their lands and possessions here against such as hovered after the same upon hope of the alteration of the kingdome and successe of that side which they favoured and affected Then the Irish whom before they had banished into the mountaines where they lived onely upon whitt meates as it is recorded seeing now their lands so dispeopled and weakened came downe into all the plaines adjoyning and thence expelling those few English that remained repossessed them againe since which they have remained in them and growing greater have brought under them many of the English which were before their Lords This was one of the occasions by which all those Countreyes which lying neere unto any Mountaines or Irish desarts had beene planted with English were shortly displanted and lost As namely in Mounster all the lands adjoyning unto Slewlogher Arlo and the bog of Allon In Connaght all the Countries bordering upon the Curlues Mointerolis and Orourkes Countrey In Leinster all the lands bordering unto the Mountaines of Glanmalour unto Shillelah unto the Brackenah and Polmonte In Vlster all the Countreyes neere unto Tirconnel Tyrone and the Scottes Eudox. Surely this was a great violence but yet by your speach it seemeth that onely the Countreyes and valleyes neere adjoyning unto those mountaines and desarts were thus recovered by the Irish but how comes it now that we see almost all that Realme repossessed of them was there any more such evill occasions growing by the troubles of England Or did the Irish out of those places so by them gotten breake further and stretch themselves out thorough the whole land for now for ought that I can understand there is no part but the bare English Pale in which the Irish have not the greatest footing Iren. But out of these small beginings by them gotten neare to the mountaines did they spread themselves into the Inland and also to their further advantage there did other like unhappy accidents happen out of England which gave heart and good opportunity to them to regaine their old possessions For in the raigne of King Edward the fourth things remained yet in the same state that they were after the late breaking out of the Irish which I spake of and that noble Prince began to cast an Eye unto Ireland and to minde the reformation of things there runne amisse for he sent over his brother the worthy Duke of Clarence who having married the heire of the Earle of Vlster and by her having all the Earledome of Vlster and much in Meath and in Mounster very carefully went about the redressing of all those late evills and though he could not beate out the Irish againe by reason of his short continuance yet hee did shut them up within those narrow corners and glynnes under the mountaines foote in which they lurked and so kept them from breaking any further by building strong holdes upon every border and fortifying all passages Amongst the which hee repaired the Castle of Clare in Thomond of which Countrey he had the inheritance and of Mortimers lands adjoyning which is now by the Irish called Killaloe But the times of that good King growing also troublesome did lett the thorough reformation of all things And thereunto soone after was added another fatall mischeife which wrought a greater calamity then all the former For the said Duke of Clarence then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland was by practise of evill persons about the King his brother called thence away and soone after by sinister meanes was cleane made away Presently after whose death all the North revolting did set up Oneale for their Captaine being before that of small power and regard and there arose in that part of Thomond one of the O-Briens called Murrogh en-Ranagh that is Morrice of the Ferne or wast wilde places who gathering unto him all the reliques of the discontented Irish eftsoones surprised the said Castle of Clare burnt and spoyled all the English there dwelling and in short space possessed all that countrey beyond the River of Shanan and neere adjoyning Whence shortly breaking forth like a suddaine tempest he over-ran all Mounster and Connaght breaking downe all the holds and fortresses of the English defacing and utterly subverting all corporate Townes that were not strongly walled for those he had no meanes nor Engines to overthrow neither indeed would hee stay at all about them but speedily ran forward counting his suddennesse his most advantage that he might overtake the English before they could fortifie or gather themselves together So in short space hee cleane wyped out many great Townes as first Inchequin then Killalow before called Clariford also Thurles Mourne Buttevant and many others whose names I cannot remember and of some of which there is now no memory nor signe remaining Vpon report whereof there flocked unto him all the scumme of the Irish out of all places that ere long he had a mighty Army and thence marched foorth into Leinster where he wrought great out-rages wasting all the Countrey where he went for it was his policie to leave no hold behinde him but to make all plaine and waste In the which he soone after created himselfe King and was called King of all Ireland which before him I doe not reade that any did so generally but onely Edward le Bruce Eudox. What was there ever any generall King of all Ireland I never heard it before but that it was alwayes whilst it was under the Irish divided into foure and sometimes into five kingdomes or dominions But this Edward le Bruce what was hee that could make himselfe King of all Ireland Iren. I would tell you in case you would not challenge me anon for forgetting the matter which I had in hand that is the inconvenience and unfitnesse which I supposed to be in the lawes of the Land Eudox. No surely I have no cause for neither is this impertinent thereunto for sithence you did set your course as I remember in your first part to treate of the evils which hindered the peace and good ordering of that Land amongst which that of the inconvenience in the lawes was the first which you had in hand this discourse of the over-running wasting of the Realme is very materiall thereunto for that it was the begining of al the other evils which sithence have afflicted that land opened a way unto the Irish to recover their possession to beat out the English which had
formerly wonne the same And besides it will give a great light both unto the second and third part which is the redressing of those evils planting of some good forme or policy therin by renewing the remembrance of these occasiōs accidents by which those ruines hapned laying before us the ensamples of those times to be cōpared to ours to be warned by those which shall have to doe in the like Therefore I pray you tell them unto us and as for the point where you left I will not forget afterwards to call you backe againe thereunto Iren. This Edw. le Bruce was brother of Robert le Bruce who was King of Scotland at such time as K. Edward the second raigned here in England and bare a most malicious and spightfull minde against K. Edward doing him all the scathe that hee could and annoying his Territoryes of England whilest hee was troubled with civill warres of his Barons at home Hee also to worke him the more mischiefe sent over his said brother Edward with a power of Scottes and Red-shankes into Ireland where by the meanes of the Lacies and of the Irish with whom they combined they gave footing and gathering unto him all the scatterlings and out-lawes out of all the woods and mountaines in which they long had lurked marched foorth into the English pale which then was chiefly in the North from the point of Donluce and beyond unto Dublin Having in the middest of her Knockfergus Belfast Armagh and Carlingford which are now the most out-bounds and abandoned places in the English Pale and indeede not counted of the English Pale at all for it stretcheth now no further then Dundalke towardes the North. There the said Edward le Bruce spoyled and burnt all the olde English Pale Inhabitants and sacked and rased all Citties and Corporate Townes no lesse then Murrough en Ranagh of whom I earst tolde you For hee wasted Belfast Greene-Castle Kelles Bellturbut Castletowne Newton and many other very good Townes and strong holdes hee rooted out the noble Families of the Audlies Talbotts Tuchets Chamberlaines Maundevills and the Savages out of Ardes though of the Lo Savage there remaineth yet an heire that is now a poore Gentleman of very meane condition yet dwelling in the Ardes And comming lastly to Dundalke hee there made himselfe King and raigned the space of one whole yeare untill that Edward King of England having set some quiet in his affaires at home sent over the Lord Iohn Birmingham to bee Generall of the Warres against him who incountering him neere to Dundalke over-threw his Army and slew him Also hee presently followed the victory so hotly upon the Scottes that hee suffered them not to breathe or gather themselves together againe untill they came to the Sea-coast Notwithstanding all the way that they fledde for very rancor and despight in their returne they utterly consumed and wasted whatsoever they had before left unspoyled so as of all Townes Castles Forts Bridges and Habitations they left not any sticke standing nor any people remayning for those few which yet survived fledde from their fury further into the English Pale that now is Thus was all that goodly countrey utterly wasted And sure it is yet a most beautifull and sweet Countrey as any is under Heaven being stored throughout with many goodly Rivers replenished with all sorts of Fish most abundantly sprinkled with many very sweet Ilands and goodly Lakes like little inland Seas that will carry even shippes upon their waters adorned with goodly woods even fit for building of houses ships so commodiously as that if some Princes in the world had them they would soone hope to be Lords of all the Seas and ere long of all the world also full of very good Ports and Havens opening upon England as inviting us to come unto them to see what excellent cōmodities that Countrey can afford besides the soyle it selfe most fertile fit to yeeld all kinde of fruit that shall be committed thereunto And lastly the Heavens most milde and temperate though somwhat more moist then the parts towards the West Eudox. Truly Iren. what with your praises of the countrey and what with your discourse of the lamentable desolation therof made by those Scottes you have filled mee with a great compassion of their calamities that I doe much pitty that sweet Land to be subiect to so many evills as I see more and more to bee layde upon her and doe halfe beginne to thinke that it is as you said at the beginning her fatall misfortune above all other Countreyes that I know to bee thus miserably tossed and turmoyled with these variable stormes of affliction But since wee are thus farre entred into the consideration of her mishaps tell mee have there beene any more such tempests as you terme them wherein she hath thus wretchedly beene wracked Iren. Many more God wot have there beene in which principall parts have beene rent and torne asunder but none as I can remember so universall as this And yet the rebellion of Thomas fitz Garret did well-nye stretch it selfe into all parts of Ireland But that which was in the time of the government of the Lord Grey was surely no lesse generall then all those for there was no part free from the contagion but all conspired in one to cast off their subiection to the Crowne of England Neverthelesse thorough the most wise and valiant handling of that right noble Lord it got not the head which the former evills found for in them the Realme was left like a ship in a storme amidst all the raging surges unruled and undirected of any for they to whom she was committed either fainted in their labour or forsooke their charge But hee like a most wise Pilote kept her course carefully and held her most strongly even against those roaring billowes that he safely brought her out of all so as long after even by the space of 12. or 13. whole yeares she roade at peace thorough his onely paines and excellent indurance how ever envy list to blatter against him But of this wee shall have more occasion to speake in another place Now if you please let us returne againe unto our first course Eudox. Truely I am very glad to heare your iudgement of the government of that honorable man so soundly for I have heard it oftentimes maligned and his doings depraved of some who I perceive did rather of malicious minde or private grievance seeke to detract from the honour of his deeds and Counsels then of any iust cause but hee was neverthelesse in the iudgements of all good and wise men defended and maintained And now that hee is dead his immortall fame surviveth and flourisheth in the mouthes of all people that even those which did backbite him are checked with their owne venome and breake their galls to heare his so honorable report But let him rest in peace and turne we to our more troublesome matters of discourse of which
particulars but the truth may be found out by tryall and reasonable insight into some of their doings And if I should say there is some blame thereof in the principall Governours I thinke I might also shew some reasonable proofe of my speech As for example some of them seeing the end of their government to draw nigh and some mischiefes and troublous practice growing up which afterwardes may worke trouble to the next succeeding Governour will not attempt the redresse or cutting off thereof either for feare they should leave the Realme unquiet at the end of their government or that the next that commeth should receive the same too quiet and so happily winne more prayse thereof then they before And therefore they will not as I said seeke at all to represse that evill but will either by graunting protection for a time or holding some emparlance with the Rebell or by treatie of Commissioners or by other like devices onely smother and keepe downe the flame of the mischiefe so as it may not breake out in their time of government what comes afterwards they care not or rather wish the worst This course hath beene noted in some Governors Eudox. Surely Irenaeus This if it were true should bee worthy of an heavy iudgment But it is hardly to bee thought that any Governour should so much either envie the good of that Realme which is put into his hand or defraude her Maiestie who trusteth him so much or maligne his successour which shall possesse his place as to suffer an evill to grow up which he might timely have kept under or perhaps to nourish it with coloured countenance or such sinister meanes Iren. I doe not certainely avouch so much Eudoxus but the sequele of things doth in a manner proove and plainly speake so much that the Governours usually are envious one of anothers greater glory which if they would seeke to excell by better governing it should bee a most laudable emulation But they doe quite otherwise For this as you may marke is the common order of them that who commeth next in place will not follow that course of government how ever good which his predecessors held either for disdaine of himselfe or doubt to have his doings drowned in an other mans praise but will straight take a way quite contrary to the former As if the former thought by keeping under the Irish to reforme them the next by discountenancing the English will curry favour with the Irish and so make his government seeme plausible as having all the Irish at his commaund But he that comes after will perhappes follow neither the one nor the other but will dandle the the one and the other in such sort as hee will sucke sweete out of them both and leave bitternesse to the poore Countrey which if he that comes after shall seeke to redresse he shall perhappes finde such crosses as hee shall hardly bee able to beare or doe any good that might worke the disgrace of his predecessors Examples you may see hereof in the governours of late times sufficiently and in others of former times more manifestly w●en the government of that Realme was committed sometimes to the Geraldines as when the house of Yorke had the Crowne of England sometimes to the Butlers as when the house of Laencaster got the same And other whiles when an English Governour was appointed hee perhaps found enemies of both Eudox. I am sorry to heare so much as you report and now I begin to conceive somewhat more of the cause of her continuall wretchednes then heeretofore I found and wish that this inconvenience were well looked into for sure me thinkes it is more weightie then all the former and more hardly to be redressed in the governor then in the governed as a malady in a vitall part is more incurable then in an externall Iren. You say very true but now that we have thus ended all the abuses and inconveniences of that government which was our first part It followeth now that we passe unto the second part which was of the meanes to cure and redresse the same which wee must labour to reduce to the first beginning thereof Eudox. Right so Irenaeus for by that which I have noted in all this your discourse you suppose that the whole ordinance and institution of that Realmes government was both at first when it was placed evill plotted and also sithence thorough other over-sights came more out of square to that disorder which it is now come unto like as two indirect lines the further that they are drawne out the further they goe asunder Iren. I doe see Eudoxus and as you say so thinke that the longer that government thus continueth in the worse course will the Realme be for it is all in vaine that they now strive and endeavour by faire meanes and peaceable plotts to redresse the same without first remmooving all those inconveniences and new framing as it were in the forge all that is worne out of fashion For all other meanes will be but as lost labour by patching up one hole to make many for the Irish doe strongly hate and abhorre all reformation and subjection to the English by reason that having beene once subdued by them they were thrust out of all their possessions So as now they feare that if they were againe brought under they should bee likewise expelled out of all which is the cause that they hate the English government according to the saying Quem metuunt oderunt Therefore the reformation must now bee the strength of a greater power Eudox. But me thinkes that might be by making of good lawes and establishing of new Statutes with sharpe penalties and punishments for amending of all that is presently amisse and not as you suppose to beginne all as it were anew and to alter the whole forme of the governement which how dangerous a thing it is to attempt you your selfe must needes confesse and they which have the managing of the Realmes whole policy cannot without great cause feare and refraine for all innovation is perillous insomuch as though it bee meant for the better yet so many accidents and fearefull events may come betweene as that it may hazard the losse of the whole Iren. Very true Eudoxus all change is to be shunned where the affaires stand in such sort as that they may continue in quietnes or be assured at all to abide as they are But that in the Realme of Ireland we see much otherwise for every day wee perceive the troubles growing more upon us and one evill growing upon another insomuch as there is no part now sound or ascertained but all have their cares upright wayting when the watch-word shall come that they should all arise generally into rebellion and cast away the English subjection To which there now little wanteth for I thinke the word be already given and there wanteth nothing but oportunitie which truely is the death of one noble person who being himselfe most
maintaine play which he setting unto him againe shortly thereby winneth all from the winner Eudox. Was this Rebell then set up at first by the Queene as you say and now become so undutifull Iren. He was I assure you the most outcast of all the O-Neales then and lifted up by her Majesty out of the dust to that he hath now wrought himselfe unto and now hee playeth like the frozen snake who being for compassion releived by the husbandman soone after he was warme began to hisse and threaten danger even to him and his Eudox. He surely then deserveth the punishment of that snake should worthily be hewed to peeces But if you like not the letting forth of Shane O-Neales sonnes against him what say you then of that advice which I heard was given by some to draw in Scotts to serve against him how like you that advice Iren. Much worse then the former for who that is experienced in those parts knoweth not that the O-Neales are neerely allyed unto the Mac-Neiles of Scotland and to the Earle of Argyle from whence they use to have all their succours of those Scottes and Redshanckes Besides all these Scottes are through long continuance intermingled and allyed to all the inhabitants of the north So as there is no hope that they will ever be wrought to serve faithfully against their old friends and kinsmen And though they would how when they have overthrowne him and the warres are finished shall they themselves be put out doe we not all know that the Scottes were the first inhabitants of all the north and that those which now are called the north Irish are indeed very Scottes which challenge the ancient inheritance and dominion of that Countrey to be their owne aunciently This then were but to leap out of the pan into the fire For the cheifest caveat and provision in reformation of the north must be to keep out those Scottes Eudox. Indeede I remember that in your discourse of the first peopling of Ireland you shewed that the Scythians or Scottes were the first that sate downe in the north whereby it seemes that they may challenge some right therein How comes it then that O-Neales claimes the dominion thereof and this Earle of Tyrone saith that the right is in him I pray you resolve me herein for it is very needefull to be knowne and maketh unto the right of the warre against him whose successe useth commonly to be according to the justnes of the cause for which it is made For if Tyrone have any right in that Seigniory me thinkes it should be wrong to thrust him out Or if as I remember you said in the beginning that O-Neale when he acknowledged the King of England for his Leige Lord and Soveraigne did as he alleadgeth reserve in the same submission his Seigniories and rights unto himselfe what should it be accounted to thrust him out of the same Iren. For the right of O-Neale in the seigniory of the north it is surely none at all For besides that the Kings of England conquered all the Realme and thereby assumed and invested all the right of that land to themselves and their heires and successours for ever So as nothing was left in O-Neale but what he received backe from them O-Neale himselfe never had any ancient Seigniory over that country but what by usurpation and incroachment after the death of the Duke of Clarence he got upon the English whose lands and possessions being formerly wasted by the Scottes under the leading of Edward le Bruce as I formerly declared unto you he eft-soones entred into and sithence hath wrongfully detained through the other occupations and great affaires which the Kings of England soone after fell into here at home so as they could not intend to the recovery of that Countrey of the north nor restraine the insolency of O-Neale who finding none now to withstand him raigned in that desolation and made himselfe Lord of those few people that remained there upon whom ever sithence he hath continued his first usurped power and now exacteth and extorteth upon all men what he list So that now to subdue or expell an usurper should bee no unjust enterprise or wrongfull warre but a restitution of auncient right unto the Crowne of England from whence they were most unjustly expelled and long kept out Eudox. I am very glad herein to be thus satisfied by you that I may the better satisfie them whom I have often heard to object these doubts and slaunderously to barke at the courses which are held against that trayterous Earle and his adherents But now that you have thus settled your service for Vlster and Connaght I would bee glad to heare your opinion for the prosecuting of Feagh Mac Hugh who being but a base villaine and of himselfe of no power yet so continually troubleth the State notwithstanding that he lyeth under their nose that I disdaine his bold arrogancy and thinke it to be the greatest indignity to the Queene that may be to suffer such a caytiffe to play such Rex and by his ensample not onely to give heart and incouragement to all such bad Rebells but also to yeeld them succour and refuge against her Majesty whensoever they fly unto his Comericke whereof I would first wish before you enter into your plot of service against him that you should lay open by what meanes he being so base first lifted himselfe up to this dangerous greatnes and how he maintaineth his part against the Queene and her power notwithstanding all that hath beene done and attempted against him And whether also hee have any pretence of right in the lands which he houldeth or in the warres that he maketh for the same Iren. I will so at your pleasure and will further declare not only the first beginning of his private house but also the originall of the sept of the Birnes and Tooles so farre as I have learned the same from some of themselves and gathered the rest by reading The people of the Birnes and Tooles as before I shewed unto you my conjecture descended from the auncient Brittaines which first inhabited all those easterne parts of Ireland as their names doe betoken for Brin in the Brittish language signifieth wooddy and Toole hilly which names it seemeth they tooke of the Countryes which they inhabited which is all very mountainous and woody In the which it seemeth that ever since the comming in of the English with Dermot ni-Gall they have continued Whether that their countrey being so rude and mountainous was of them despised and thought unworthy the inhabiting or that that they were received to grace by them and suffered to enjoy their lands as unfit for any other yet it seemeth that in some places of the same they have put foote and fortified with sundry Castles of which the ruines onely doe there now remaine since which time they are growne to that strength that they are able to lift up hand
person with such an unknowne marke Eudox. Surely these ordinances seeme very expedient but specially that of free townes of which I wonder there is so small store in Ireland and that in the first peopling and planting thereof they were neglected and omitted Iren. They were not omitted for there were through all places of the Country convenient many good townes seated which thorough that inundation of the Irish which I first told you of were utterly wasted and defaced of which the ruines are yet in many places to be seene and of some no signe at all remaining save onely their bare names but their seates are not to be found Eudox. But how then commeth it to passe that they have never since beene recovered nor their habitations reedified as of the rest which have beene no lesse spoyled and wasted Iren. The cause thereof was for that after their desolation they were begged by Gentlemen of the Kings under colour to repaire them and gather the poore reliques of the people againe together of whom having obtained them they were so farre from reedifying of them as that by all meanes they have endeavoured to keepe them waste least that being repaired their Charters might be renewed and their Burgesses restored to their lands which they had now in their possession much like as in those old monuments of Abbeyes and religious houses we see them likewise use to doe For which cause it is judged that King Henry the eight bestowed them upon them conceiving that thereby they should never bee able to rise againe And even so doe these Lords in these poore old corporate townes of which I could name divers but for kindling of displeasure Therefore as I wished many corporate townes to be erected so would I againe wish them to be free not depending upon the service nor under the commaund of any but the Governour And being so they will both strengthen all the Country round about them which by their meanes will be the better replenished and enriched and also be as continuall houldes for her Majesty if the people should revolt or breake out againe for without such it is easie to forrage and over-run the whole land Let be for ensample all those Free-boroughes in the Low-Countryes which are now all the strength thereof These and other like ordinances might be delivered for the good establishment of the Realme after it is once subdued and reformed in which it might afterwards be very easily kept and maintained with small ca●e of the Governours and Councell there appointed so as it should in short space yeeld a plentifull revenue to the Crowne of England which now doth but sucke consume the treasure thereof through those unsound plots and changefull orders which are dayly devised for her good yet never effectually prosecuted or performed Eudox. But in all this your discourse I have not marked any thing by you spoken touching the appointment of the principall Officer to whom you wish the charge and performance of all this to be committed Onely I observed some fowle abuses by you noted in some of the late Governours the reformation whereof you left of for this present place Iren. I delight not to lay open the blames of great Magistrates to the rebuke of the world and therefore their reformation I will not meddle with but leave unto the wisedome of greater heads to be considered only thus much I will speake generally thereof to satisfie your desire that the government and cheife Magistracy I wish to continue as it doth to wit that it be ruled by a Lord Deputy or Iustice for that it is a very safe kinde of rule but there withall I wish that over him there were placed also a Lord Lieutenant of some of the greatest personages in England such a one I could name upon whom the eye of all England is fixed and our last hopes now rest who being intituled with that dignity and being here alwayes resident may backe and defend the good course of that government against all maligners which else will through their cunning working under hand deprave and pull backe what ever thing shall be begun or intended there as we commonly see by experience at this day to the utter ruine and desolation of that poore Realme and this Leiutenancie should be no discountenancing of the Lord Deputy but rather a strengthning of all his doings for now the cheife evill in that government is that no Governour is suffered to goe on with any one course but upon the least information here of this or that hee is either stopped and crossed or other courses appointed him from hence which he shall run which how inconvenient it is is at this houre too well felt And therefore this should be one principall in the appointing of the Lord Deputies authority that it should bee more ample and absolute then it is and that he should have uncontrouled power to doe any thing that he with the advisement of the Councell should thinke meete to be done For it is not possible for the Councell here to direct a Governour there who shall be forced oftentimes to follow the necessitie of present actions and to take the suddaine advantage of time which being once lost will not bee recovered whilst through expecting direction from hence the delayes whereof are oftentimes through other greater affaires most irkesome the oportunityes there in the meane time passe away and great danger often groweth which by such timely prevention might easily bee stopped And this I remember is worthily observed by Machiavel in his discourses upon Livie where he commendeth the manner of the Romans government in giving absolute power to all their Councellors and Governours which if they abused they should afterwards dearely answere And the contrary thereof he reprehendeth in the States of Venice of Florence and many other principalityes of Italy who use to limit their cheife Officers so strictly as that thereby they have oftentimes lost such happy occasions as they could never come unto againe The like whereof who so hath beene conversant in that government of Ireland hath too often seene to their great hinderance and hurt Therefore this I could wish to be redressed and yet not so but that in particular things he should be restrained though not in the generall government as namely in this that no offices should bee sould by the Lord Deputy for money nor no pardons nor no protections bought for reward nor no beoves taken for Captainries of Countryes nor no shares of Bishopricks for nominating of Bishops nor no forfeytures nor dispensations with poenall Statutes given to their servants or friends nor no selling of licences for transportation of prohibited wares and specially of corne and flesh with many the like which neede some manner of restrainte or else very great trust in the honorable disposition of the Lord Deputy Thus I have Eudoxus as briefly as I could and as my memorie would serve me run through the state of that whole Country both to
Brachanus sonne of Haulaph King of Ireland Beda eccles hist. lib. 3. cap. 26. Grafton Priests of former ages Saint Dympna the Virgin Saint Bertwin Hub Tho Comment de Tungris Eburonibus Livinus Molanus nat Sanctori Belgij Chron lib. 13. Arbogastus Anno 646. Fortanus Vltanus Egbertus Wicbertus Willibrodus Saint Switberd Werda given to Saint Switbert Beda lib. 5. cap. 10. Willibrode Switbert Fursaeus Foilanus Vltanus Many other learned men of Irish birth contemporane with Fursaeus Foilanus Fredegand Mombolus Eloquius Saint Autbert Saint Chilian Saint Fiacre Saint Cataldus Saint Finan Saint Sacodine King Indrake Dominica Muriardachus Monarch of Ireland Saint Cuthbert Meldan and Eatan Bishops sonnes to the Monarch of Ireland Anno 684. Saxons in Ireland Beda eccles hist. lib. 4. cap 26. Anno 701. Adamannus his life Gualafer Bishop Saint Rumold Zachar. Lip de vitis Sanct. tom 3. Io. Molanus nat Scotorum Belgi● ex Martyrologo Mechlin Virgilius solivagus· Invasions of Norwegian● and Danes Anno 799. Turgesius came to Ireland Anno 832. Turgesius slaine Iacob Grace Thad Douling Amelanus Sitaracus and Ivorus Patricke the Abbot Saint Patricks Purgatory Albertus Krantz Dan. lib. 2. Ant. chron p 2. tit 11. cap. 1● Evill Ficus Modwen Anno 877. Brian and Cornelius Scots at the Band overthrow the Irish. Dublin receive the Scots Cormack Bishop of Dublin Anno 899. Strange wormes Anno Dom. 900. Danes in Ireland Anglesey spoyled by them of Dublin Hawlaffe King of Ireland Bromford saith Grafton Saint Maries Abbey founded by Dublin Forananus his life Scots in Ireland Battaile of Clantarfe Bri●n Boroave The cause of the field of Clantarfe out of the booke of Houth Saint Pappan Or Midleton Or Llechryd Saint Michan lived Anno 1095. Samuel Bishop of Dublin Malchus first Bishop of Waterford Celsus Bishop of Armagh Malachias Bishop of Armagh The battaile of Monad more Henry 2 was crowned King of England 1154. Anno 1170. Anno 1172. A Charter of agreement betweene Henry 2. K●ng of England and Roderic King of Connoght Castles builded by Sir H de Lacy. Sir H de Lacy. the yonger L. Iustice of lie Oconnor K. of Conaght with 20000. men The conceit is that Chalus was casus lucis A rebellion in Thurles Blacke Monday King Iohn in Ireland Iohn Graye B. of Norwich L. Deputy Castle of Dublin buildeth Schorchbill Maurice Fitz Girald Lord Iustice. Petrus de Supino Petrus Rubeus Pope Gregories agents in Ireland and Scotland were rifled of all they had by the Emperour Andelmus Primate of Armagh The Castle of Sligoe builded Girald Fitz Maurice Ricardus de Burgo in Gascoigne Iohn Fitz Ieffery Lord Iustice Anno 1245. A great Earthquake The Irish comming to aid Ed. Earle of Chester were slaine and their ships suncke The life of Ioannes de Sacro Bosco The Epitaph of Iohannes de Sacro Bosco Stepham Espee Lord Iustice of Ireland The battell of Downe S. Willi. Denne Lord Iustice Anno 1260. Richardus de Chappella Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1261. David Barry Lord Iustice Anno 1207. The Fryers Preachers and Minors came to Ireland Maurice Fitz Girald Earle of Desmond drowned Robert Vfford Lord Iustice Anno 1268. The Castle of Roscommon Ric. de Exester Lord Iustice Anno 1269. Othobone the Popes Legat. Iames L. Audley Lord Iustice Anno 1270. The Irish rebels Maurice Fitz Maurice Lord Iustice Anno 1272. called Rochfallath Walter Lord Genevill Lord Iustice Anno 1273. Robert Vfford Lord Iustice Anno 1277. Robert Vfford going into England substituted Fulborne Bishop of Waterford The groats pence halfe pence and farthings were made Waterford burned Robert Fulborne Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1281. Dublin burned Galfridus de sancto Leodegario a a Annal. r●r Anglic. Hibern pag. 729 edit 1625. b b Ex Bibliothecâ Remi in Christo patris D. Iacobi Vsserij Archiep Armachani c c Vid. lib. Status Hiborn edit Dubl an 1621. pag. 427. d d Floruit subinitium reg Edw. 4 e e Floruit sub Hen. 8. * * The originall of the very name of Scythians seemeth to come from shooting vide Selden annot in Poly. olb ex Gorop Becan ●eccesel et Aluvedi l●g pag. 122. * * Not he but Herodotus in the life of Homer ** ** These families of Mac-mahones and Mac-swines are by others held to be of the ancient Irish. * * vide anno● pag. praeced * * Others hould that he was beheaded at Tredagh 15. Febr. 146● by the command of Iohn Tip●of● Earle of Worcester then Lo Deputy of Ireland for exacting of Coyne and Livery vid. Ca●den Britan. pag. 738 edit 〈◊〉 an 1607 * * The like reason may be given for the making of such Rathes in Ireland by the Danes or Norwegians vid. Gir. Cambr. top●g H●b distinct 3. cap. 37. * * Trinity Colledge by Dublin which was founded by Queene Eliz 3 Martij 159● The 13. of the same moneth its first stone was laide by Thomas Smyth then Mayor of Dublin and the 9. of Ian 1593. it first admitted Students * * Consulat s● place● Camden annal rerum Anglic Hiber ad an 1520. * * The causes of these feares have been amputated since the happy union of England and Scotland established by his late Majesty * * vide ●ed Eccles Hist. lib. 1. cap. 1. * * In Richard Creagh's booke de lingua Hibernica there is a very plentifull collection of Irish words derived from the Brittish or Welch tongue which doth much strengthen the Authors opinion in houlding that the B●rnes Tooles and Cavenaghs with other the ancient inhabitants of the easterne parts were originally Brittish Colonyes vid pag. 32 33. * * Dermot Mac Murrogh King of Leinster who was surnamed also ni-Gall as being a friend to the English and a cheife instrument in inciting them to the conquest of Ireland o● O-Birn● * * vide Camdeni annales sub senem anni 1594. * * This carrieth no fit proportion for the transplantation intended by the Author considering the large extent of Vlster and the narrow bounds heere limited * * This is now part of the Countie of London-derry * * The County of Clare was anciently accounted part of the Province of Mounster whence it hath the name of Tuadmuan or Thomond which signifieth north Mounster and hath at this day its peculiar Governour as being exempted from the Presidencies of Mounster and Connaght * * This is part of the county of Wexford * * De bis qui plura scire avet consulat D. Hen Spelmanni eq aur Archaeologum in Borsholder Hundred * * Livie speaking of Romulus hath it thus Populū in curias 30. divisit c. Eodem tempore centuriae tres equitum conscriptae sunt And so we have it in Sextus Aurel. Victor's booke de viris illustribus urbis Romae Tres equitum centurias instituit saith he Plebem in triginta curias distribuit * * Richard ●he 2. * * This