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A13042 The abridgement of the English Chronicle, first collected by M. Iohn Stow, and after him augmented with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesticall, vnto the beginning of the yeare, 1618. by E.H. Gentleman. There is a briefe table at the end of the booke; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgments Stow, John, 1525?-1605.; Howes, Edmund, fl. 1607-1631. 1618 (1618) STC 23332; ESTC S117863 314,292 619

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he forthwith tooke shipping though hee were vehemently pet●waded to the contrary for that there was at that time a great tempest to whom hee answered hee neuer heard that any King was drowned At this time hee got more honour then euer hee did in all his life for hee chased his enemies and returned with victory In the Summer blood sprang out of the earth at ●inchamsteed in Barkeshire King William on the morrowe after Lammas day-hunting in the new forrest Sir Walter Tirel shooting at a Deare vnawares hit the King in the breast that hee fell downe dead and neuer spake word his men and especially that Knight gat them away but some came backe againe laide his body vpon a Colyars cart which one silly l●●ne beast did draw to the Citty of Winchester where he was buried He raigned twelue yeares 11. monethes lacking eight dayes Hee gaue vnto the Monkes called de Caritate in Southwarke the great new Church of Saint Sauiour of Barmondes eye and also Barmondes eye it selfe He also founded a good Hospitall in the city of Yorke called Saint Leonards for the sustentation of the poore Henry Bewclarke HEnry brother to William Rufus and the first of that name for his learning called Bewclarke borne at Salby beganne his raigne the 5. of August the yeare of our Lord 1100. He restored the state of the Cleargy asswaged the grieuous paiments reduced againe S. Edwards lawes reformed the olde vntrue measures made a measure by the length of his arme which was called Vlna Iordan Brise Baron founded the house of St Iohn of Ierusalem neare vnto London in Smithfield The same Iordan gaue 14. acres of ground lying in the field next adioyning to Clarkenwell to build thereon a house for Nunnes Robert Duke of Normandy the Kings eldest brother which was now returned from Ierusalem made warre for the crowne of England but by meditation peace was made on condition that Henry should pay 3000. markes yearely to Duke Robert and if the one died without issue the longer liuer should inherit Winchester and Glocester was burnt The Cathedrall Church of Norwich was founded by Robert Bishop of Norwich The priory and Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew in Smithfield was founded by a Minstrell named Reior Robert Duke of Normandy comming into England through the subtilty of King Henry his yonger brother released to him the tribute of 3000. markes of siluer Great malice was kindled betwéene the two brethren Robert and Henry whereupon deadly warre in sued There appeared about the Sunne foure circles and a blazing starre Endo sewer to King Henry founded the Monastery of S. Iohn in Colchester Robert Duke of Normandy came to his brother and friendly desired him to beare brotherly loue towards him But King Henry feeling his conscience accusing him for obtaining the kingdome by defrauding of his eldest brother and fearing men more then God first he reconciled the Nobles of the Realme with faire promises and then pursued his brother into Normandy where betweene them were many sore battailes fought but at the last the valiant man Robert was taken The first Canons entred into the Church of our Lady in Southwarke called Saint Mary Ouery founded by William Pountlarge Knight and William Dancis Normans King Henry returning into England brought with him his brother Robert and William of Morion and put them in perpetuall prison from whence shortly after Duke Robert deceiuing his kéepers sought to escape but he was taken and by his brothers commandement hée had his eyes put out and then kept straighter till his dying day The Church of the holy Trinitie without Algate in London was founded by Mathild the Quéene A great part of Flaunders was drowned by breaking in of the sea which caused many Flemings to come into Englād at length by the kings appointment they tooke vpon them the possession of Rosse a prouince in Wales Henry Emperour of Rome required to haue Maude the Kings daughter in marriage which was graunted and the King tooke thrée shillings of euery hide of land through England This King translated the Abbey of Ely into a Bishopricke King Henry made Robert his bastard sonne the first Earle of Glocester who after builded the Castles of Bristow and Cardife with the Priory of S. Iames in Bristow King Henry went into Normandy to make warre against the Earle of Angion and spoyled the whole countrey This yeare was a great mortalitie of men and murren of beasts The citty of Worcester was burnt The tenth of October the riuer of Medway by no smal number of miles did so faile of water that in the middest of the channell the smallest vessels and boats could not passe The selfe same day the Thames did suffer the like lacke of water for betwéene the Tower of London and the bridge not onely with horse but also a great number of men and children did wade ouer on foote Chichester was burnt many stormes and a blazing starre In March was excéeding lightning and in December thunder and haile and the Moone at both times séemed to be turned into blood Maude the Quéene of England dyed and was buried at Westminster shee builded an Hospitall neare vnto London without Holborn which now is the parrish Church of Saint Giles in the field The order of the Templars Knights began Many sore battailes were fought in France and Normandy betwéene Henry King of England and Lodowicke the French King King Henry hauing tamed the Frenchmen and pacified Normandy returned into England in which voyage William Duke of Normandy and Richard his sonne and Mary his daughter Richard Earle of Chester and his wife with many noble men and to the number of 160. persons were drowned Lybussa daughter of Cracus the second King of Bohemia for a certaine space raigned as Queene ouer them and albeit shee ministred iustice indifferently yet there grewe a great disdaine male-contentment amongst all sortes of people that men should bee gouerned and directed by women and thereupon was spread a generall voyce that foorthwith they would haue a King And to appease the peoples discontent or as some thinke for her owne pleasure shee married a Peasant called Primislaus who gouerned the Bohemians and was the first that builded walles and rampiers about the Citty of Prague in the yeare 995. After the death of the said Lybussa there presently start vp one of her handmaids called Valasque a lusty Lady of wondrous Amazonian boldnesse who very cunningly caused an assembly of all the chiefe Ladies and others of note vnto whom shee made an eloquent Oration and amongst other things shee spake as followeth My most noble and worthy Ladies wee haue lost our Quéene and Mistresse whose high spirit could neuer admit that either wée or our Sexe should in any sort be subiect vnto men if therefore for the euer fréeing of our selues
and our heires you now please to lend me your strong hand I héere promise and assure you that we will haue the supremacy and gouerntment This speach preuailed so farre that instantly the women tooke oath and ioyned their hearts and hands to effect their willes against men and in that fury flew all the men they met then they entred into Armes and for seauen yeares space maintained warres very stoutly and like valiant Amazones all which notwithstanding in the end they were suppressed by Prym●slaus partly by force partly by policy gifts and faire wordes Reade Naucler King Henry married Adelisia the Duke of Louans daughter The Citty of Glocester was burnt Henry Earle of Warwicke and Margaret his wife founded the Colledge of Saint Mary in the towne of warwicke Waleran Earle of Mellent was taken in Normandy by King Henry and hee with many others were imprisoned at Roan The King caused all the Coiners of England to haue their priuy members cut off and also their right hand because they had corrupted the Coine Henry the Emperour being dead Maude the Empresse returned into England Richard Bishop of London founded the Monastery of S. Oseth in Essex At this time men had such a pride in their haire that they contended with women in length of haire King Henry held a Councell at London wherein it was granted him correction of the Cleargie so the King tooke infinite sums of money of Priests and suffered them to doe what they would King Henry gaue his daughter the Empresit vnto Geffrey Plantagenet Earle of Angiou The Citty of Rochester was sore defaced with fire The King made a Bishopricke at Carlile Maude the Empresse did beare vnto Ieffery Plantagenet Earle of Angiou a sonne and named him Henry A great fire beginning at Gilbert Beckets house in west Cheape consumed a great part of London from thence to Algate Henry Bloys Bishop of Winchester builded the Hospitall of S. Crosse neare vnto Winchester Worcester was sore defaced with fire Maude the Empresse brought forth a sonne named Ieffery Robert Cortoise or Short-thigh King Henries brother died in the Castle of Cardife and was buried at Glocester King Henry remaining in Normandy deceased the first day of December Anno 1135. when he had raigned 35. yeares 4. moneths his bowels braines and dies were buried at Roan the rest of his body being powdred with salt and wrapped in Buls hides was buried at Reading an Abbey of his owne foundation Hee founded a Priory at Dunstable and builded the Castle of Windsort with a Colledge there KING STEPHEN STephen Earle of Beloine sonne of the Earle of Blois and Adala William Conquerours daughter Nephew to King Henry the first claimed the kingdome the second day of December Anno 1135. and was consecrated at Westminster on the 26. of December This was a noble man and hardy of passing comely of fauour personage he excelled in martiall policy gentlenes liberality towards all men although he had continuall warre yet he did neuer burden his commons with exactions Fire which began at London Stone consumed eastward to Algate and westward to S. Paules Church King Stephen besieged the castle of Exceter a long time which Balwine de Riuers held against him but at length when they within the Castle wanted necessary things to liue by they compounded King Stephen passed the sea to subdue Normandy where hee tooke many citties and strong Castles Rochester was burnt with all the citty The Archbishops sea in Yorke S. Martins without the walles the Hospitall with 39. Churches were burnt Saint Peters Church at Bath and all the citty was burnt The Nobles sent for Maude the Empresse promising her the possession of the Realme according to their oath made to her Dauid King of Scots purposing to recouer the Crowne of England for the Empresse inuaded Northumberland when by Thurstane Archbishop of Yorke the Scots had an ouerthrowe and were slaine aboue ten tho●●sand Robert Earle of Glocester returned into England with his sister the Empresse and a great A●my which arriued at Portsmouth Robert Earle of Glocester with a great power inuaded the towne of Nottingham and spoiled it the Townsmen were taken slaine or burnt in th● Churches whereunto they fled This yeare 1140. died Iohannes de temporibus he was Page to Charlemaigne King Stephen besieged Lincolne against Rainulph Earle of Chester but Rainulph Eare of G●●●cester came with a great power and rescued the same chased the Kings Army and tooke him prisoner hée was had to Glocester and after to Bristow The Empresse reioycing at this he● good hap departed from Glocester and came to Cicester from thence to Winchester where the Crowne of the Realme was deliuered into her hands Earle Robert being pursued was taken a Sobbrige with Earle Warren and many other at length through meditation peace was concluded that the King should be deliuered to his kingdome and the Earle to his liberty Gaufride de Mandeuil Earle of Essex founded the Abbey of Walden and Sir William de Mountfitchet founded the Abbey of Stratford Langthorne King Stephen hearing the Empresse to lye at Oxford with a great power came and besieged her a two moneths space Earle Robert with Henry Sonne to the Empresse landed at Warham where hee besieged the Castle which was defended by Hubert de Lucie who at length yeelded the same In the meane time the Empresse séeing that shee was voyde of helpe cloathing her selfe and her companie all in white vpon a night went ouer the Thames a foote which was then hard frozen she went to Wallingford and the Castle of Oxford was yéelded to the King William of Ypre founded Boxley Abbey in Kent King Stephen tooke Ieffery Maundeuile Earle of Essex at Saint Albones which Ieffery could not be at libertie till he had deliuered the Tower of London with the Earles of Waldon and Plecy When the Earle was thus spoiled of his holds hee tooke the Church of Ramsey and fortified it King Stephen besieged Wallingford but could not preuaile The Earle of Chester was reconciled to the King and was at the siege with him but shortly after when he came to the Court the King being at Northampton hee was taken and kept prisoner till he had rendred the Castle of Lincolne and other fortresses Earle Robert deceased and was buried at Bristow The Empresse being wearied with the discord of the English nation went ouer into Normandy Quéene Matild builded the hospitall of S. Katherine by the Tower of London for poore brethre● and sisters Henry the Empresse sonne went to Dauid King of Scots of whom he was ioyfully receiued and made Knight England was full of trouble and warre set foorth to fire and rapine through the discord betwixt Stephen and certaine Earles that tooke part with Henry Ieffery Plantagenet Earle of
time lay as rudely as London stréetes which were not all paued in foure hundred yeares after and the north Church-yard of Paules otherwise called the Close and diuers other stréetes in London were not paued vntill the raigne of Quéene Elizabeth In the yeare 1246. the Citty of Luberke was quite consumed with fire whose misfortune made Paris London and other Citties to couer their houses with tile or slate especially if they stood close together and not to vse any thatch which vntill then was vsuall Maude the Empresse mother to King Henry the second deceased shee founded the Abbey of Bordesley Geffery Earle of Britaine the Kings son died and was buried at Paris he left issue two daughters which he had by Constance daughter of Conan Earle of Britaine who also at this time of his death was great with child and after brought a sonne named Arthur A great earthquake threwe downe many buildings among the which the Cathedrall Church at Lincolne was rent in pieces Chichester Cittie was burnt Neare vnto Orford in Suffolke certaine Fishers tooke in their nets a fish hauing the shape of a man which fish was kept by Barthelmew de Glanuile Custos of the Castell of Orford in the same Castell by the space of sixe moneths and more for a wonder he spake not a word all maner of meats he gladly did eate but most greedily raw fish At length he stole away to the sea The towne of Beuerly with the Church of St. Iohn there was burnt Phillip the French King required that his sister which had ben kept in England 22. yeares might be restored vnto Earle Richard as his wife and Earle Richard desired the same but King Henry denied this request and so they got them to armour The French King and Earle Richard pursued the King of England so hard that he was forced to yéeld all the requests as well of the French King as of his sonne Richard This was done at Gisors and so departing came to Zafe where he fell sicke and departed this life the sixth day of Iuly in the yeare of our Lord 1189. when hee had raigned 24. yeares 7. moneths lacking 11. dayes and was buried at Fonteuerald in the Monastery of Nunnes by him founded Richard Coeurdelyon RIchard the first for his valiantnesse surnamed Coeurdelion second sonne to Henry the second began his raigne and was crowned the third of September 1186. He was bigge of stature with a merry countenance he commanded that no Iewes nor women should be at his Coronation for feare of inchantments For breaking of which commandement many were slaine Elianor the old who at the commandement of her husband had béene long kept close prisoner was now set at libertie King Richard gaue ouer the castles of Berwick and Rokesburgh to the Scottish King for the sum of ten thousand pound he also sold to the Bishop of Durham his owne Prouince for a great péece of money and created him Earle of the same He also faigned to haue lost his signet then caused to be proclaimed that whosoeuer would safely enioy those things which before time they had inrolled should come to the new seale He gaue his brother Iohn the Prouinces of Nottingham Deuonshire and Cornewall In this time were many Robbers and Outlawes among whom Robert Hood and little Iohn remained in the woods despoiling and robbing the goods of the rich The saide Robert entertained an hundred tall men and good Archers with such spoiles as he got vpon whō foure hundred men were they neuer so strong durst not giue the onset Poore mens goods hée spared aboundantly relieuing them with that which hee got from Abbies and houses of rich Earles This yeare the Cittizens of London obtained to be gouerned by two Bayliffes or Shriues and a Maior Henry Cornhill Shriue Richard Reynery Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior King Richard betooke the guiding of this land to William Longshanke Bishop of Ely Chancellour of England and transported ouer into Normandy The two Kings of England and of France met at Towers and from thence set forward on their iourney towards Ierusalem The Iewes of Norwich Saint Edmonsbury Lincolne Stamford and Linne were robbed And at Yorke to the number of fiue hundred beside women and children entred a tower of the castle which the people assailing the Iewes cut the throats of their wiues and children and cast them ouer the walles on the Christians heads the residue they locked vp and burnt both the house and themselues William Bishop of Ely builded the outer wall about the Tower of London and caused a déepe ditch to be made Iohn Herlion Shriue Roger Duke Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior King Richard subdued the Isle of Cipres and then ioyned his power with Phillip y e French king in Asia conquered Acon where there grewe betwéene the two Kings a grieuous displeasure for which cause Phillip shortly departed thence and comming into France inuaded Normandy Iohn brother to king Richard tooke on him the kingdome of England King Richard restored to the Christians the citty of Ioppa The bones of king Arthur were found at Glastenbury William Hauerall Shirues Iohn Bucknot Shirues Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior William Bishop of Ely withstood the kings brother who said he wist not if his brother were aliue or not To whom the Bishop answered If King Richard be yet liuing it were vniust to take from him the crowne If he be dead Arthur the elder brothers sonne must enioy the same Nicholas Duke Shriue Peter Newlay Shriue Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior King Richard hauing knowledge that Phillip of France inuaded Normandy and that Iohn his brother had made himselfe King ouer England made peace with the Saladine for thrée yeares with a small company returning homeward he was taken by Leopold Duke of Austria who kept him in straight prison a yeare and fiue moneths Roger Duke Shriue Richard Fitz Alwine Shriue Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior The Kings friends intreating for his deliuerance his ransome was set at 100000. l. wherevpon cōmandement was directed from the Kings Iustices that all Bishops Prelates Earles Barons Abbots and Priors should bring in the 4. part of their reuenewes towards the Kings ransome and besides this the Cleargy brought in their golden and siluer Chalices and fléeced their Shriues all which was coined in mony Iohn the kings brother when he heard of the imprisonment of his brother made great war within the realme and tooke by strength the castles of Windsor Nottingham and others The king was deliuered landed at Sandwich on the 12. of March he was againe solemnly crowned After this hee called into his hands all such things as he had either giuen or sold by patents or otherwise by which meanes he got a great sum of mony and sailed into Normandy where shortly after peace was taken betwéene the two kings Also by
great Army and went towards Scotland as farre as the castle at Northampton where the King of Scots came to them and treated peace for which he gaue 11000. Markes of siluer and deliuered his two daughters for a pledge After this he tooke homage of all fréeholders and swore all men to his allegiance The Arches and Stone bridge ouer the Thames at London was this yeare finished by Serle Mercer and William Alman then Procurators or Maisters of the Bridgeworkes Peter le Losne Shriue William Blund Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior The King commanded all the Iewes both men and women to bee imprisoned because hee would haue their money The king brought Ireland vnder his subiection hee caused the lawes of England to bee execu●●● there and money to be coined he raised a gr●● tax vpon all the Religious in England whom 〈◊〉 caused to pay such a ransome that the sum ca●● to 100000. pound besides 40000. pounds of th● white Monkes William de Brawse was chased out of England and his wife and children murdered at Win●●● Adam Wetley Shriue Stephen la Grace Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior The King went into Wales with a great for●● subdued all the Princes Nobles tooke 28. plages for their subiection and returned There 〈◊〉 him messengers from the Pope which came 〈◊〉 make an vnitie betwixt the King the Bishope Canterbury with the Monkes which were bani●shed but the Ambassadors returned without 〈◊〉 end concluded After this the king tooke of euery knight whi●● was not with him in Wales two markes of ●uer of euery shield Iohn Fitz Peter Shriue Iohn Garland Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior The Welshmen tooke diuers Castles of the King of England cut off the heads of all the souldiers burned many Townes and with a great prey returned The King caused the 28. pledges that th● Welshmen deliuered him to be hanged An Hermit in Yorkshire named Peter prophesie● openly to King Iohn and said that vpon Ascention day next comming he should bee no King but the Crowne should bee transposed to another This Peter was apprehended and put in prison The 10. of Iuly at night the cittie of London vpon the South side of the riuer of Thames with the Church of our Lady of the Canons in Southwarke being a fire and an excéeding great multitude of the people passing the bridge sodainly the North part by blowing of the South winde was also set on fire and the people which were euen now passing the bridg perceiuing the same would haue returned but were stopped with fire and it came to passe that as they protracted time the South end was fired so that people thronging themselues betwixt the two fires there came to aide them many Shippes and vessels into the which the multitude so vndiscreetely pressed that the Shippes being drowned it was saide that there were destroyed about thrée thousand persons Randolph Eland Shriue Constantine Iosue Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Pandulph the Legate admonished the King to restore Stephen Langton to his Sea of Canterbury and the Monkes vnto their Abbey The King calling to minde the manifold dangers hee was in made promise by oath to bee obedient to the Court of Rome Pandulph with the nobles of the realme came together at Douer vpon Ascention euen where the king did resigne his Crowne with the realme of England and Ireland into the Popes hands When the Ascention day was past Peter the Hermite bound to a horse taile was drawne through the stréetes of Warham and there both he and his sonne were hanged Stephen Langton Archbishop of Canterbury and the other that were banished arriued at Douer and went to Winchester to the King and absolued him Richard Pri●●● of Bermonsey builded an house against the wall of the said house of Bermonsey called the Almor● of Hospitall of Conuerts of S. Thomas Henry Fitz Alwin Maior of London deceased who had continued Maior of London foure and twentie yeares Martin Fitz Alis Shriue Peter Bate Shriue Roger Fitz Alwine Maior The ditch without the walles of London 200. foot broad was begun Pope Innocent sent Nicholas Bishop of Tus●●●lane to release the interdiction which had continued 6. yeares 3. moneths and 14. dayes Salomon Basing Shriue Hugh Basing Shriue Searle Mercer Maior S. Edmondsbury was consumed with fire The King met with the Barons in a medow betwixt Stanes and Windsor and there granted the liberties of England without any difficultie the Charter whereof is dated giuen by our hand in Rimming mead betwixt Stanes Windsore the 16. day of Iune the 17. yeare of our raigne vnto which all the whole realme was sworne The King sent vnto the realmes next adioyning to procure him Souldiers promising them large possessions By meanes of Pandulph the Pope disanulled the aforesaid charter liberties granted and also excommunicated the Barons By the other messengers were procured a great number of men of war which landing at Douer the King forthwith besieged Rochester and tooke it Iohn Trauers Shriue Andrew Newland Shriue William Hardel Maior The Pope excōmunicated the Barons by their peculiar names but they notwithstanding sent to Phillip King of France requiring him to send his son Lewis into this realme promising to make him King which the French King refused to doe till the Barons had sent him 24. pledges Gwall● a Legate was sent from the Pope into France to forbid the going of Lewis into Englād b●t his perswasions nothing preuailed he charged them vpon paine of excommunication This notwithstanding Lewis with a great army arriued in the Isle of Thanet King Iohn being then at Douer fled towards Gilford Lewis subdued all the Castles in Kent Douer onely excepted then came he to London where he was honourably receiued of the Nobles Citizens The King marched through Norfolke Suffolke till he came to Linne and appointing Sauarice de Manlion to bée Captaine there began to fortifie the towne but here filling his belly too much he got a surfet and therewith fell into a laske and when the messengers of them that were besieged in Douer were come and had declared their case the disease with griefe conceiued thereat increased Moreouer great sorrow oppressed him for that in his iourney hee had lost the ornaments of his chappel with other treasure carriages at the passage of Welstreame where many of his houshold seruants were drowned in y e water quicksands he died in the castle of Newarke on the 19. of October 1216. where the Captaine of the castle causing his body to be bowelled the same was conueied to Worcester and there honourably buried when he had raigned 17. yeares 5. moneths lacking 8. daies He had issue two sons Henry and Richard and thrée daughters Isabel Elianor and Iane. He founded the Abbey of Bowley in a new forrest of Southampton He builded the Monasteries of Farendon and Hales
Whittington Mereer Maior Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury was banished the Realme The King caused the great hall at Westminster to be repaired with a maruellous costly worke Henry Duke of Hereford accused Thomas Duke of Norfolke of certaine words by him spoken tending to the reproach of the kings person which the Duke of Norfolke vtterly denied whereupon a combat was granted them but the king taking vp the quarrell banished the Duke of Hereford for 10. yeares and the Duke of Norfolke for euer Iohn Wade Shriue Iohn Warnar Shriue Drew Barentine Goldsmith Maior Ihon of Gaunt D. of Lancaster deceased was honourably buried in S. Pauls Church at London The King exacted great sums of money of xvii shires of the realme and laid to their charges that they had béene against him with the Duke of Glocester the Earles of Arundell and Warwicke wherefore he sent to induce the Lords both spirituall and temporall to make a submission by writing acknowledging themselues to be traitors to the King though they neuer offended him Moreouer he compelled them to set their hands to blankes to the ende that so often as it pleased him he might oppresse them About Whitsontide King Richard sailed towards Ireland In the meane season Henry Duke of Hereford of Lancaster arriued in Yorkeshire demanding the inheritance due to him by the death of his Father There came to him Henry Percie Earle of Northumberland Ralph Neuill Earle of Westmerland and many other Lords with their powers and went to Bristow and besieged the Castle where they tooke W. Scrope Iohn Bushy and Thomas Greene and beheaded them King Richard hearing of the Dukes arriuall forthwith tooke shipping and arriued at Milford hauen but when hee vnderstood what preparation the Duke had made he placed himselfe in the castle of Conway desiring to talke with T. Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury and the Earle of Northumberland which being granted he came to the castle of flint where hee had a briefe communication with the Duke of Lancaster They tooke horse that night came to y e castle of Chester from thence to Westminster and from thence the King was sent to the tower of London where he remained till the next Parliament which was begun the morrow after Michaelmas day at which time hee resigned to Henry Duke of Hereford and Lancaster all his power knightly title to the Crowne of England and France when hee had raigned 22. yeares 3. moneths and odde daies HEnry the fourth son to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster was ordained king of England more by force then by lawful succession or election He began his raigne the 29. of September in the yeare 1399. William Walden Shriue William Hide Shriue Thomas Knowles Grocer Maior The King caused the blancke charters made to King Richard to be burnt Iohn Holland late Duke of Exceter Thomas Holland Duke of Surrey Edward Duke of Awmarle Iohn Montacute Earle of Salisbury Thomas Spencer Sir Ralph Lumley Sir Thomas Blunt Sir Benedict Cely Knights with others conspired against King Henry and appointed priuily to murder him but their treason being disclosed they were all put to death King Richard being in Pomfret castle died the 14. day of February his body was brought to London so through the Citie to Pauls C. bare faced where he stood 3. daies for all beholders frō thence he was carried to Langley there buried The Welshmen rebell by the setting on of Owen Glendouerdew whereof the King being certified went into Wales but the Welshmen fled Iohn Wakell Shriue William Ebot Shriue Iohn Frances Goldsmith Maior This time was vsed exceeding pride in garments gownes with déepe and broad sléeues commonly called peake sléeues whereof some hung downe to the féete and at least to the knées ful of cuts and iagges William Venor Shriue Iohn Eremingham Shriue Iohn Chadworth Mercer Maior The Conduit vpon Gornehill in London was made Certaine men affirmed King Richard to be aliue for the which a Priest was taken at Warwicke who was drawne hanged and quartered Walter Waldocke Prior of Land was likewise hanged and headed Certaine grey Friars were taken of the which one Richard Fresby Doctour of Diuinitie was drawne and hanged Sir Roger Clarindon Knight a Squire and a Yeoman were beheaded eight gray friars hanged and beheaded at London and two at Leicester all which had published King Richard to be aliue Owen Glendouerdew inuaded all the shires that bordered neare vnto him The K. went with a great power into Wales where he profited nothing This yeare 1402. died Iohn Galias of Galiaso the first Duke of Millaine being at first but viscount of Millaine as his auncestors had béene before him he was created Duke by Wencessaus the Emperour for ayding him with a great army against Robert of Bauiere otherwise called Rupert Duke of Bauaria Compotior vnto the Emperiall dignitie Wencessaus was despised of many and his lose gouernment generally misliked euen of his own brother Sigismond with whom he had sharpe warres and was by him taken and kept prisoner vntill he died of an Apoplexie After his death Robert became sole Emperour in the yeare 1400. who with all expedition fury as well in respect of his owne particular malice as in pretence of a speciall fauour towards his olde tryed friends the Florentines he came into Italy with a very strōg army with full purpose to vanquish and be auenged of Galeaso the new Duke of Millaine but the Duke so stoutly resisted the Emperour and all his adherents as hée caused him to retire into Germany Notwithstanding the importunate sute of the Florentines vnto the Emperor that he should not depart out of Italy and leaue them in all apparence of extreame daunger of their enemies whom they had so many wayes vexed in reuenge whereof the said Iohn Galeazo entred into armes but first slewe his Vncle Barnabas then posiest himselfe of his vncles wealth and authority and conquered Verona Vincentia Padua Parma many other Italian Cities territories he made a large Parke for all sorts of beastes and in the middle thereof he builded a stately Monastery He was very faire learned eloquent but how long he raigned is vncertaine because the Archbishop of Florence and the supplement of Chronicles and Paulus Iouius differ about the beginning of his raigne the Archbishop saith hee began in the yeare 1385. the Supplement saith in the yeare 1382. and Iouius saith in the yeare 1378. He raigned 24. yeares died at 55. yeares of age his son Iohn Maria being very yong succéeded him in the yeare 1402. and was in his minority brought vp by his mother after that he became tyrannous he put to death many honest vertuous people and caused many of his enemies to bee eaten by dogs he imprisoned his kind mother where he constrained her to end her daies with great misery he was slaine by his owne seruants as he
Dunstons in the East of London a great fray happened wherethrough many people were sore wounded Thomas Petwarden Fishmonger slaine out of hand The beginners of the fray which was the Lord Strange sir Iohn Russel knight through the quarrell of their two wiues were brought to the counter in the Poultry excōmunicated at P. Crosse King Henry sailed into Normandy and tooke the Castle of Tonke and shortly after get Caen Beyonx and many other Townes and Castles Henry Read shriue Iohn Gedney shriue Richard Marlow Ironmonger Maior Sir Iohn Oldcastle was sent vnto London by the Lord Powes out of Wales which sir Iohn was conuict by Parliament drawne to S. Giles field hanged and consumed with fire The Parson of Wrotham in Norfolke which had haunted New-Market-heath and there robbed and spoiled many was with his concubine brought to Newgate of London where he died Iohn Brian Ralph Barton Brian deceased Shriue Iohn Pernesse succeeded Shriue William Seuenoke Grocer Maior This William Seuenoke founded in the towne of Seuenocke in Kent where hee had béene nourished a frée schoole and xii almes houses King Henry besieged the Citty of Roan halfe a yeare and more which was yéelded to him Richard Whitingham shriue Iohn Butler shriue Richard Whittington Mercer Maior This Richard Whittington builded the library in the Gray Friars Church in London his Excecutors of his goods builded Whittington Colledge they repaired S. Bartholomews Hospitall in Smithfield they bare some charges to the pauing and glazing of the Guildhall and also of the library there they new builded the West gate of London of old time called Newgate K. Henry was made Regent of France wedded Lady Katherine the Kings daughter of France at Troys in Champaine the feast being finished the King besieged and won many townes in France Iohn Burler Shriue Iohn Welles Shriue William Cambrige Grocer Maior The King suppressed the French houses of religious Monks Friars and such like in England A Subsidie was demaunded but the Bishop of Winchester lent the King 20000. pound to ●●ay the matter The King sailed into France Richard Goslin Shriue William Weston Shriue Robert Chichely Grocer Maior This Robert Chichely w●lled in his testament that vpon his mind day a competent dinner shuld be ordained for 2420. poore men housholders of the Citty and 20. pound in money to distribute amongst them which was to euery man two pence At this time such was the generall capital command sway of the King of England in France as her own Chronicles testifie that in the Court of Chancery in Paris all things were sealed with the seale of King Henry of England and the great seale of England was there new made and vsed wherein was the Armes of France England and as the King sate in his chaire of state he held two Scepters in his hands that is to say in his right hand was a scepter smooth plaine only the proportion of the French coine commonly called a French crowne in his left hand he held a scepter full of curious arts carued and wrought with the armes of England as is vsed in the English mony and on the top thereof a Crosse Presently vpon this the french were so vexed with the english gouernmēt that they practised al meanes to extirp the English as well by praiers as otherwise and neuer ceased vntill they had obtained their desire Calice onely excepted which was English many yeares after Henry the Kings sonne was borne at Windsor on the 6. day of December K. Henry being at Boys S. Vincent waxed sicke died the last of August in the yeare 1422. when he had raigned 9. yeares 5. moneths odde daies hee founded two Monasteries vpon the Thames the one of the Religion of the Carthusians which he named Bethlem the other of religious men women of S. Briget which he named Sion Hee founded Garter principall King of Armes He lieth buried at Westminster Henry of Windsor HEnry the 6. being an infant of 8. moneths olde began his raigne the last of August in the yeare 1422. the gouernance of the Realme was committed to the Duke of Glocester and the guard of his person to the Duke of Exceter to the Duke of Bedford was giuen the the regiment of France William Eastfield Shriue Robert Tatarsall Shriue William Walderne Mercer Maior The xxi of October died Charles King of France by reason whereof the kingdome of France should come to King Henry and the Nobles of France except a few that held with the Dolphine deliuered the possession thereof to the Duke of Bedford to the vse of King Henry A subsidy was granted for thrée yeares fiue nobles for euery sacke of woolle that should passe out of the land This yeare the West gate of London called Newgate was new builded by the Excecutors of Richard Whittington Nicholas Iames Shriue Thomas VVadford Shriue VVilliam Cromer Draper Maior Iames the yong King of Scots who was taken by the Englishmen in the 8. yeare of Henry the 4. and had remained in England prisoner till this time was now deliuered and maried in S. Mary Oueries in Southwarke to the Lady Iane daughter the Earle of Somerset The battell at Vernoill in Perch betwéene the Duke of Bedford Regent of France and the Arminakes but the English party preuailed Simon Seman shriue Iohn Bywater shriue Iohn Michael Stockefishmonger Maior By a Parliament was granted to the King for 3. yeares to helpe him in his warres a subsidie of 12. d. the pound of all Marchandise brought in or carried out of the Realme and 3. s. of euery tun of wine which was called tonage or poundage but since it hath béene renewed at sundry Parliaments and now called custome It was enacted that all the Marchant strangers should be lodged with English hosts and within 40. dayes to make sale of all they brought or else what remained to be forfeit to the King William M●ldred shriue Iohn Brok●●ll shriue Iohn Couentry Mercer Maior The morrow after Simon Iudes day the Maior caused a great watch to be kept with most part of the citizens in armor to stand by the duke of Glocester against the Bishop of Winchester who lay in Southwark with a great power of Lancashire and Cheshire men but the matter was appeased by the Archbishop of Canterbury The 28. of September was an earthquake which continued the space of two houres Iohn Arnold Shriue Iohn Higham Shriue Iohn Rainwell Fishmonger Maior This Iohn Rainwell gaue certaine tenements to the citie of London for the which the same citie is bound to pay foreuer such Fifteenes as well bee granted to the K. for Downgate Bill●ngsgate and Algate ward c. This yeare the tower of the drawbridge of London was begun by the same Maior Henry Frowicke shriue Robert Otley shriue Iohn Godney Draper Maior From the beginning of Aprill vnto Hallontide
restored Abbies of Walden Stratford 1142 Warham Castle besieged The Empres flieth An reg 8. 1143 An reg 9. Boxley 1144 An reg 10 1145 Wallingford besieged An reg 11 1146 An reg 12. 1147 An reg 13. The Empresse went into Normandy 1148 An reg 14. S. Katerins 1150 An reg 16. 1151 An reg 17 1152 An reg 18. Norwich increased 1153 An reg 19. K. Stephen adopted K. Henry 1154 K Stephen died An reg 1. 1155 Line of the Saxons repaired An reg 2. 1156 An reg 3. 1157 An reg 4 K. Henry reedified Castles 1158 An reg 5. 1159 An reg 6. 1160 An reg 7. 1161 An reg 8. Publicanes whipped An reg 9. 1162 An reg 10. 1163 London bridge made of timber 1164 An. reg 11 1165 An. reg 12. Earthquake 1166 An. reg 13. 1167 An reg 14. 1168 An reg 15 Gerendon Leicester and Eaton An reg 16. Henry the Kings son crowned 1169 K. Henry Lord of Ireland An reg 18. 1172 An reg 19. 1173 An reg 20. 1174 Leicester burnt King of Scots taken Canterbury burnt An reg 21. 1175 An reg 22 1176 An reg 23. 1177 An reg 24 1178 Lesnes An reg 25 1179 An reg 26. 1180 An reg 27. Vsurers punished 1181 An reg 28. 1182 An reg 29. 1183 An reg 30 K. Henry the yonger deceased 1184 Glastenbury burnt An reg 31. Heraclius the patriark Paris paued London paued Lubecke destroyed The cities take warning Tile or slate generally vsed in the Citties The Empres deceased An reg 32 1180 Geffery earle of Britaine dieth Chichester burne An reg 33. 1151 A fish like a man An reg 34. 1189 Beuerly burnt An reg 35. 1190 Death of Henry the second Outlaws in England 1190 Voyage to Ierusalem Ditch about the Tower of London 1191 Ann. reg 3. Iohn the Kings brother rebelled 1192 An reg 4. K. Richard was taken prisoner 1193 An reg 5 Kings ransome 1194 K. R. the second time crowned An reg 6. 1195 An reg 6. William with the heard A false accuser of his elder brother in the end was hanged God amend or shortly send such an end to such false brethren 1197 An reg 9. An reg 10. 1198 1199 K. Richard wounded to death An reg 1. Shriuewick of London put to farm 1200 An reg 2 Tax K. of Scots did homage 1201 An reg 3 1202 An reg 4. Arthur earl of Britaine ●●ken 1203 An reg 5. Earle of Britaine murdered 1204 An reg 6. Great frost Dearth of corne An. reg 7 1206 An reg 8. 1207 An reg ● The originall of the Kings of Tartary 1208 England interdicted An reg 10 Maior of London yearely chosen Exchequer at Northhampton Homage of freeholders An reg 11. London bridge builded of stone Iewes ransome An reg 12 A mint in Ireland Taxe 1211 Army into Wales Legate frō Rome A great tax Welsh inuaded England 1211 Pledges hanged Peter of Pomfret An reg 14. London bridge perished with fire 1213 K. Iohn resigned the Crowne Peter of Pomfret An reg 15. Stephen Langton returned The King absolued S. Thomas hospitall Maior of London 24. yeares A ditch about London 1214 An reg 16. Saint Edmondsbury burnt An reg 17. 1215 The King meeteth the Barons The Barons excommunicated 1216 The Barons sent for Lodowick An reg 18. Lewis arriued in England The Kings treasure drowned King Iohn died Issue of K. Iohn Farendon Hales Godstow and Knarisbrough An reg 1. 1217 An reg 2 1218 An reg 3 Earle Marshall died An reg 4. 1220 K. Henry crowned at Westminster Castles of Chartley. Beston Delacresse An reg 5. 1221 Welshmen subdued An reg 6. 1222 Counterfeit Mary and Christ Feete and hands cut off An reg 7. 1223 King of Ierusalem An reg 8. 1224 Gray friers An reg 9. 1225 A fifteene Great charter confirmed An reg 10. Free warrē An reg 11. Free tole 1227 Cancelled An reg 12 1228 An. reg 13. 1229 An. reg 14. 1230 Darknesse in Pauls Church An reg 15 1231 An reg 16. 1232 An. reg 17 1233 Likenes of fiue Suns Houses of Conuerts Hospitall at Oxford An reg 18 1234 Salisbury burnt An reg 19. 1235 S. Mary Spittle An reg 20 1236 High waters Statutes of Marton An reg 21. 1237 1238 Legate put to his shift● Schollers did penance King in danger An reg 23 1239 Tower of London An reg 24 1240 Bulwarke by the Tower Monstrous fishes Aldermen An reg 125 1241 Bulwarke by the Tower An reg 26. An. reg 27. 1242 1263 Great flouds 1244 Miserable death of Griffin Robert Grofted An reg 29. 1245 An reg 30 1246 Canterbury burnt An reg 31 1247 Queene hiue Pestilence An reg 32. 1248 Earthquake An reg 33 1249 A Mart at Westminster An reg 34. 1250 Tempests Winchelsea drowned An reg 35. 1251 Maior of London sworne An reg 36. 1252 Shepheards assembled An reg 37. 1253 Liberties of London seized An reg 38. 1254 An reg 39. 1255 An reg 40. Iewes hanged 1256 An reg 41 1257 King of Almaine Walles of London repaired An reg 42. 1258 Mad Parliament Twelue Peeres A Iew drowned An. reg 43. 1259 Oath to the King An reg 44. Parliament An reg 45 1261 K Henry absolued An reg 46 Barons in armour 1262 An reg 47 1263 Sarazens attempt to conquer Christendome A blazing starre Earle of Cornwall chosen Emperour Thomas Aquinas 1263 Iewes slain for vsury An reg 48. 1264 Battell at Lewes The King taken An reg 49. 1265 Battell at Eu●sham Parliament at winchester An reg 50 1266 Battell of Chesterfild An reg 51. 1267 An reg 52. 1268 An reg 53 Great frost 1269 An. reg 54. 1270 An reg 55. 1271 An reg 56. 1272 Riot at Norwich An reg 57. An reg 1. 1273 An reg 2 1274 An reg 3 Vsury forbidden 1275 First rot of sheepe Castle of Flint An reg 4. 1276 Blacke Friers in London An reg 5. 1277 An reg 6. 1278 An reg 7. 1279 Iewes executed First halfepence and farthings round 1280 An reg 9. 1281 Bridges broken downe An reg 11 1282 Corne sold by waight The tonne in Cornhill The stocks market 1283 The Iewes sinagogues destroied An reg 12 1284 An reg 13. 1283 Knights Templars supprest Knights of the Rhods ordained Ducket hanged vp in Bow Church An reg 14. 1286 Faire at Boston spoiled An reg 15 Yarmouth D●nwich Ipswich perished 1287 An reg 16. 1288 An reg 17. 1289 An reg 18 1290 An reg 19 1291 Iewes banished An reg 20 1292 An reg 21 Iohn Ballioll did homage for Scotland 1293 Queene deceased The Minoresse An reg 22 1294 An reg 23 1295 An reg 24 Castle of Beawmarish 1296 An reg 25. 1297 K. Edward won Barwicke An reg 2● 1298 An reg 27. 1299 The King● p●llace burnt S Martins in the Vintry An reg 2● Falle mony 1300 An reg 29. 1301 An reg 30 1302 An reg 31 1303
daughter married Lewis the fourth of that name King of France And about the yeare 962. the people of Denmarke were conuerted to the Christian faith by Popynus the Popes Chaplaine and shortly after that the said Otto made fierce wars vpon Denmarke and tooke their King Aleadus prisoner and caused him and all his children to bee baptized EDward surnamed Senior the sonne of Alfreed was annointed King hee builded Hertford another towne at Wittham in Essex hee builded a new Towne against the old Towne of Nottingham on the south side of the Riuer of Trent and made a bridge ouer the said Riuer betweene two townes Hee subdued the King of Scotland and Wales he also builded Thilwall and repaired Manchester hee was buried at Winchester when hee had raigned foure twenty yeares ADelstane after Edward his father was crowned at Kingstone hee brought this land into one Monarchy for hee expelled the Danes and quieted the Welshmen Hee caused them to pay to him yearly for a tribute twenty pound of gold 300. pound of siluer 2500. head of neate with hounds and hawkes to a certaine number Hee conquered Scotland Hee raigned 15. yeares and lyeth at Malmesbury Guy Earle of Warwicke side the Danish Giant in Hide meade nigh vnto Winchester EDmund brother to Adelstane tooke on him the gouernance of this realme who was slaine when he had raigned 5 yeares and was buried at Glastenbury About this time the Empire of Gréece was translated from Constantinople into Germany in the time of Otto the Emperour And at this time began the Princes Electors And the Citty Magdeburge in Germany was also founded read my larger booke ELdred succéeded Edmund his brother he tooke on him but a protectour but afterward hée was crowned at Kingstone he quieted and kept in due obeisance the Northumbers and Scots and exiled the Danes He raigned 9. yeares and was buried at Winchester EDwine succéeded his vncle Eldred he was crowned at Kingstone In the selfe same day of his coronation he rauished his owne kinswoman the wife of a noble man and afterward slew her husband Which act and for banishing Dunstan who rebuked him he became odible to his subiects and was depriued when hee had raigned 4. yeares EDgar brother to Edwine was crowned at Bathe Hée was excellent in iustice and sharpe in correction of vices that neuer before his dayes was vsed lesse Fellonie by Robbers or Extortion by false Officers Hee chastised the great negligence and vicious liuing of the Cleargy he prepared a great Nauy of ships which he disposed in thrée parts of this Realme and had Souldiers alwaies ready prest and ready against the incursions of forraine enemies King Edgar hauing restored and new founded eight and fourtie Monasteries which before had béene destroyed and confirmed the Monasterie of Worcester which Osnalde then Bishoppe of Worcester by the Kings consent had inlarged and made the Cathedrall Church of that shire Alwinus Alderman Earle of Eastangle founded the Abbey of Ramsey King Edgar raigned 16. yeares and was buried at Glastenbury EDward the sonne of Edgar was crowned at Kingstone by the counsell of his Stepmother Elfreed hee was traiterously murdered when he had raigned 3. yeares Buried at Shaftsbury At this time died S. Dunstan Etheldred the sonne of Edgar was crowned at Kingstone but because he came to the kingdome by killing his brother he could neuer get the good will of his people A great part of the city of London was burnt At this time saith Sigibert the Historian flourished Guydo Aretine he was the first that taught the Gamuth for prick-song King Etheldred erected the Bishopricke of Exeter he caused all the Danes in England to bee slaine In reuenge whereof Swaxe King of Denmarke inuaded England with fire sword Etheldred died when hee had raigned eight and thirty yeares and was buried in Paules Church in London EDmund the sonne of Etheldred succéeded in the kingdome who was surnamed Ieronside and whiles betwéene him and Canutus striuing for the Empire many bloody battailes were fought the Kings themselues attempted to fight hand to hand for the title of the kingdome in which combate after long and doubtfull fight they both being weari●d fell to a couenant to diuide the same Edmund not long after was slaine by the treason of one Ederick of Staton Edrick making vaunt thereof to Canutus Canutus answered saying and thou shall die as well thou art worthy straight wayes the traitor was tormented to death and cast into a ditch About this time ended the race of Charlemaigne and then began the line of Hugh Caper in France Canutus the Dane challenging all England to himselfe slew his brother Edmond he procured to haue giuen him in mariage Emma the Widdow of King Etheldred who at that time was with Edward and allured her sons to exile with Duke Richard in Normandie She did beare Canutus a sonne of his owne name by his affinitie and alliance the Danes became of the more strength and power His subdued the Scots whereby he was King of England Scotland Denmarke Norway Hee founded the Monastery of Saint Edmondes-Burie when hee had raigned twenty yeares hée deceased and was buried at Winchester HArold Harefoot vsing the force of the Danes that dwelt in England inuaded the Realme while his brother Hardicanutus gouerned in Denmarke And not being vnmindfull by whose aide hee came to the kingdome rewarded the Danes with great dignitie in this Realme he constrained his mother in law Emma to flye and prouide for her selfe hee tormented to death Alured the sonne of Emma which she had by King Etheldred who then was come out of Normandy to visit his mother He raigned 3. yeares died at Oxford and was buried at Westminster HArdicanutus sonne of Canutus and Emma as soone as hee had gotten his fathers kingdome fetched his mother out of exile And in reuenge of displeasure that was done to her and of the murder of his brother Alured hée commanded the carkas of Harold to bee digged out of the earth and to be thrown into the riuer of Thames where by a fisher it was taken vp brought to the Danes who buried it in a Churchyard which they had at London In the midst of his cups he departed this life the 3. yeare of his riagne and was buried at Winchester EDward the sonne of Etheldred was crowned at Westchester hee released the tribute of 4000. pounds called Dane-gelt which the English people from the beginning of the raigne of the Danes was compelled to pay their King euery yeare he tooke to wife Edgitha the daughter of Earle Goodwine hee sent for home into England his Nephew Edward the sonne of King Edmond his brother who brought with him Agatha his wife Edgar Margaret and Christian his children borne in Pannonia where hee liued but a while Thus Edward being disappointed both of his Nephew and his heire pronounced
Angiou and Duke of Normandy deceased and left his sonne Hen●● his heire About this time died Gratianus hee compos●● the great Decretals Henry Duke of Normandy married Elion●● whom Lewis King of France had diuorced from him and had by her a sonne named William Quéene Maude deceased and was buried● Feuersham The King commanded the Nobles to méete a● Winchester where the Duke being receiue● with great ioy the King in sight of all men adopted him his sonne and confirmed to him the principalitie of England The Duke receiued him in place of a father granting to him all the dayes of his life to enioy the name and seate of the King Duke Henry came with the King to Oxford where the Earles and Barons by the Kings commandement sware fealty to Duke Henry sauing the Kings honour so long as he liued King Stephen died the 25. of October when he had raigned eighteene yeares ten moneths and odde daies He founded the Abbeies of Cogshall in Essex of Furnes in Lancastershire and Feuersham in Kent where his body was buried Henry the second HEnry the sonne of Ieffery Plantagenet and Maude the Empresse began his raigne ouer this Realme of England the 17. day of December and was crowned the the same day in the yeare of our Lord 1154. he was somewhat red of face short of body and therewith fat well learned noble in chiualry wise in counsell stedfast of promise and a wedlocke breaker William of Ipres and all the Flemings that had flocked into England fearing the indignation of the new king departed the land and the castles that had béene builded to pill the rich and spoile the poore were by the Kings Commandement throwne downe Quéene Elianor did beare a sonne called Henry after his father King Henry went into Normandy where with long siege he tooke diuers Castles King Henry with an Army went against the Welshmen where he felled their woods fortified the Castle of Rutland and reedified the Castle 〈◊〉 Basingwirke Quéene Elianor brought foorth a sonne named Ieffery A new coine was made in England King Henry tooke escuage of the Englishmen the sum whereof grewe to 124. thousand pounds of siluer Henry the Kings sonne not seuen yeares olde married Margar●t the French Kings daughter not two yeares old Thomas the Kings Chancellour was elect● Archbishop of Canterbury There came into England thirty Germanes as well men as women who called themselu●● Publicanes they denied Matrimony Baptism and the Lords Supper Being apprehended th● King caused they should bee marked with an ho●● Iron in the forehead and whipped them an● that no man should succour them Thus being whipped and thrust out in the winter they di● for cold London bridge was new made of timber 〈◊〉 Peter a Priest of Colchurch Malcolme the Scottish King and Kefus Prince of Southwales did homage to King Henry and his sonne Henry A Councell was holden at Claringdon in presence of the King and the Archbishops Bishops Lords Barons c. wherein was by their oathes confirmed many ordinances Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury being sworne to the same shortly after sore repented and fled the Realme A great earthquake in Ely Norfolke and Suffolke so that it ouerthrew them that stood vpon their féete and caused the bels to ring Quéene Elianor brought foorth a sonne named Iohn The warre was receiued betwixt the King of England and the French King for the Citty of Tholouse Conan Earle of little Britaine died and left his heire a daughter named Constance which hee had by the King of Scots sister which Constance King Henry married to his sonne Geffery Robert de Boscue Earle of Leicester founded the Monasteries of Gerendon of Monkes of Leiceister of Canons regular and Eaton of Nunnes was founded by Amicia his wife King Henry caused his sonne Henry to be crowned as hee thought to the quietnesse of himselfe and his realme but it proued otherwise Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury the eightéenth day of December was slaine by William Tracie Reignold Fitzs Vrse Hugh Moruil and Richard Briton Knights Nicholas Bree●espeare an Englishman who was chosen Pope by the name of Adrian the 4. He graunted the Regiment of Ireland to the King of England whereupon King Henry tooke ship at Pembroke and sailed thither King Henry the son with his wife the French Kings daughter were both together crowned at Winchester King Henry the elder was assoiled of the death of Thomas the Archbishop vpon his oath made that he was not priuy to it King Henry married the eldest daughter of He●bert Earle Morton vnto his sonne Iohn King Henry the elder returning into England in short time subdued his rebels The citie of Leicester by his commandement was burnt the wals and castle rased and the inhabitants dispersed into other cities The King of Scots was taken by King Henry led into Normandy where he compounded for his ransome Christs Church in Canterbury was burned King Henry the sonne with his brethren and others were reconciled to King Henry the Father The Kings of England both father and sonne went together to visite the tombe of Thomas late Archbishop of Canterbury The stone bridge ouer the Thames at London was began to be foūded A Cardinall and the Archbishop of Canterbury gaue 1000. Marks towards the same foundation There chanced some discord betwixt the Kings of England and France about the marriage of Richard Earle of Poitow with the French Kings daughter Richard Lucie the Kings Iusticiar layed the foundation of the conuentuall Church in a place which is called Lesnes in the Territorie of Rochester The Citie of Yorke was burned The Church of St. Andrew in Rochester was consumed with fire The Vsurers of England grieuously punished Geffery the Kings bastard sonne resigned the Bishopricke of Lincolne was made the Kings Chancellour Robert Harding a Burges of Bristow to whom king Henry gaue the Barony of Barkeley builded the Monasterie of Saint Augustines in Bristow They of Aquitane hated their Duke Richard for his crueltie and were minded to driue him out of his Earledome of Poitow and Dukedome of Aquitane and transpose those estates to his brother King Henry the younger but all men looking for victory to the young King hee fell miserably sicke and died and was buried at Roan King Henry sent many men of warre into Wales for the Welshmen emboldened by the Kings absence had slaine Many Englishmen The Abbey of Glastenbury burnt Heraclius Patriarch of Ierusalem came to king Henry desiring him of aide against the Turke but the King because of the cruelty of his sonnes was counselled not to leaue his dominion in hazard and to goe farre off This Patriarch dedicated the new Temple then builded in the west part of London This yeare 1186. The citty of Paris was paued whose stréetes vntill this
meanes of Elionar the old Quéene Earle Iohn was reconciled to his brother William fitz Isable Shriue William fitz Arnold Shriue Henry fitz Alwine Maior K. Richard sent messengers to the Pope complaining vpon the Duke of Austrich for misusing of him his as they came by distresse of weather through his country whereupon the Pope excommunicated the Duke inioined him to release the couenants that be constrained the King to make Robert Beasaunt Shriue Iokt Ieiouse Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior William with the beard mooued the common people to séeke their libertie not to be subiect to the rich and mightie by which meanes he drew to him many great companies The King being warned of this tumult commanded him to cease from those attempts but the people still followed him He was taken in Bow Church in Cheape but not without shedding of blood for he was forced by fire and smoake to forsake the Church Hée with nine of his adherents had sentence of death and were hanged This counterfeit friend to the poore slew one man with his own hands polluted Bow Church with his Concubine and amongst other his detestable facts one was hee falsely accused his elder brother of treason which elder brother had in his youth brought him vp in learning and done many things for his preferment Gerard de Antiloch Shriue Robert Durant Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Richard and the Earle of Flaunders confederated together Roger Blunt Shriue Nicholas Duket Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Richard ●ooke of euery hide of land through England 5. s. The French King was intercepted by the army of King Richard so that with much a doe he escaped into Cipres Constantine Fitz Arnold Shriue Robert de Beaw Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Richard turned his armes against the Barons of Poictow that rebelled against him he set their Cities Townes on fire spoiled their country slew many of his aduersaries cruelly at the last came to the Dukedome of Aquitane and besieged the Castle of Chalne where one Bertraine de Gordon smote him with a venowmed dart which stripe the king litle regarded but inuading the Castle wan it and put the souldiers in prison of this wound aforesaide hee died the 6. day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord 1199. when he had raigned 9. yeares 7. moneths and was buried at Founteuerard his heart was buried at Roan and his bowels at the aforesaid Chalne King Iohn IOhn brother to Richard began his raigne the 26. day of May in the yeare of our Lord 1199. Of person he was indifferent but of melancholy complexion Phillip king of France in a quarrell of Arthur the sonne of Ieffery Iohns eldest brother Duke of Britaine made warre vpon King Iohn in Normandy and tooke from him diuers Castles and Townes K. Iohn granted the Shrifewick of London and Middlesex to the Citizens thereof for 300. pound yearely to be paide as of ancient time Arnold Fitz Arnold Shriue Richard Fitz Barthelmew Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Iohn required of euery Plow land 3. s. The king being diuorced from his wife Isabel the Earle of Glocesters daughter he passed ouer the sea paied forty thousand markes to the French King and returned into England with Isabel his wife daughter to the Earle of Angolesme Roger Dormer Shriue Iames Bartilmew Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior K. Iohn wēt to Lincolne where he met with William king of Scots Rotlond Lord of Gallowy and many other noble men which did to him homage Walter Fitz Alis Shriue Simon de Aldermanbury Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Arthur Earle of Britaine being made Knight by the French King whose yonger daughter he had fianced besieged the Castle of Mirable in which Quéene Elianor was inclosed but King Iohn came with a power and deliuered his mother from danger he tooke there his Nephew Arthur William de Brawsa Hugh Brune and many others Haile as bigge as hens egges c. Normand Brundel Shriue Iohn de Ely Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Arthur Earle of Britaine from Falaise was brought to Roan and put in the Tower vnder the custody of Robert de Veypont where shortly after he was dispatched of his life The King of France tooke Lisie Dandely with the castle and vale de Ruell in which were Robert Fitz Water Sayer de Quincie and many others hée tooke the strong Castle vpon Seyne builded by King Richard Water Browne Shriue William Chamberlaine Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Normandy Angiou Britaine Maine Poitow and Touraine were within a short time deliuered to King Phillip King Iohn married Iane his bastard daughter to Lewelin Prince of Wales and gaue with her the castle and Lordship of Elinsmore in the Marches of South Wales Thomas Hauarell Shriue Hamond Brond Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior The 14. of Ianuary began a frost which continued till the 22. day of March so that the ground could not be tilled whereof it came to passe that in Summer following a quarter of wheat was sold for a Marke which in the dayes of Henry the second was sold for twelue pence Iohn Walgraue Shriue Richard Winchester Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Great thunders and lightnings were séene so that many men and women were destroied be●sides cattell and houses ouerthrowne and burne● corne in the fieldes was beaten downe with hai●● stones as bigge as goose egges Iohn Holland Shriue Edmond Fitz Garrard Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Iohn tooke the 13. part of all mouable goods both of Lay Religious throughout England The Monkes of Canterbury elected Stephen Langton to be their Archbishop The Pope sent letters to King Iohn humbly exhorting him to receiue the saide Stephen being thereunto canonically elected the rather because he was an Englishman borne and a Doctor of Diuinitie c. but king Iohn being greatly offended with the prom●ting of the said Stephen sent men in armour to expell the Monkes of Canterbury and condemned them of treason At this time began the kingdome of Tartars in Tartaria Quéene Isabel was deliuered of her first sonne named Henry Roger Winchester Shriue Edmond Hardwell Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior W. B. of London and E B. of Ely and M. B. of Winchester by the Popes commaundement executed the interdiction vpon the whole realme and they ceased through all England to ministring of Ecclesiasticall Sacraments sauing of them that were in perill of death and Baptisme to children The King set all the Bishoprickes and Abbies in the Realme into the custodie of Lay-men and commanded all Ecclesiastical reuenewes to be confiscated This yeare was granted to the citizens of London by the kings letters patents that they should yearely choose to them a Maior Peter Duke Shriue Thomas Neale Shriue Hen Fitz Alwin Maior The Exchequer was remoued to Northampton by the Kings commandement hee also gathered a
Owen he reedified the castle of Godstow and Wroxal and encreased the chappell of Knarisbrough Henry of Winchester HEnry the eldest son of Iohn of the age of 9. yeares began his raigne the 19. of October in the yeare 1216. hee was crowned at Glocester in the presence of Wallow the Legate He remained in the custody of William Marshall Earle of Pembrooke Bennet Seinturer Shriue William Bluntiuers Shriue Iames Alderman Maior When Lewis heard this hee wist not what to doe whereupon compelled by necessitie he sued for peace and returned into France Thomas Boxerell Shriue Raph Eiland Shriue Serle Mercer Maior Ranulph Earle of Chester Saer de Quincie Earle of Winchester with others tooke their iourney towards Ierusalem Iohn de Viel Shriue Iohn le Spicer Shriue Serle Mercer Maior W. Marshall died and was buried at London in the new Temple after whose death the King was gouerned by Peter Bishop of Winchester Richard Wimbleton Shriue Iohn Viel Shriue Serle Mercer Maior King Henry was crowned at Westminster by Stephen Langton Archbishop of Canterbury The new worke of our Lady Chappell at Westminster was begun by King Henry Ranulph Earle of Chester builded the Castles of Chartley Bestone and the Abbey of Delacresse Richard Renger Shriue Iohn Viel Shriue Serle Mercer Maior K. Henry subdued the Welshmen which rebelled The Nobles granted to the king two markes of euery hide of land William Earle of Arundell died buried at Wimondham a Priory of his foundation Richard Renger Shriue Thomas Lambert Shriue Serle Mercer Maior A young man was brought before the Archbishop of Canterbury who willed himselfe to bee crucified and to be called Iesus And the old woman that had bewitched the young man to such madnesse and procured herselfe to be called Mary the mother of Christ They were both closed vp betwéene two walles of stone where they ended their liues in misery The citizens of London falling out with the Bailise of Westminster and the men of the suburbs at a game of wrastling made a great tumult against the Abbot of Westminster for the which their Captaine Constantine with other were hanged the other that were culpable had their féete and hands cut off Richard Renger Shriue Thomas Lambert Shriue Serle Mercer Maior Iohn de Brennes King of Ierusalem and chiefe maister of the Hospitall there came into England and required aid to win Ierusalem but returned with small comfort Iohn Trauers shriue Andrew Bokerel shriue Richard Renger Maior The Friars minours first ariued at Douer 9. in number 5. of them remained at Canterbury did there build the first couent of friars minours that euer was in England the other 4. came to London and hired an house in Cornehill of Iohn Trenars they were by the Citizens remoued to a place in St. Nicholas shambles which Iohn Iwyn Cittizen and Mercer of London appropriated vnto the Communaltie of the Citie to the vse of the saide Friars The whole Church was builded at that time by diuers Citizens The King granted to the Commonaltie of the Citty of London to haue a common seale Iohn Trauers shriues Andrew Bokerel shriue Richard Renger Maior The 15. part of all mens goods moueable within the realme as well of the Clergy as of the Laitie was granted to the King and the King granted to the Barons and people the libertie which they long time had sued for Roger Duke shriues Martin Fitz William shriue Richard Renger Maior The King granted to the Citizens of London frée warren that is to say frée libertie to hunt a certaine circuite about the city And also that the Citizens of London should passe tol-frée throughout all England and that all weares in Thames should be destroyed for euer Roger Duke shriue Martin Fitz William shriue Richard Renger Maior The king made all the Charters of the liberties and forrests to be frustrate alleadging that they were granted whiles he was vnder ward of other so it followed that who so would enioy the liberties afore granted must renew their Charters of the Kings new seale Stephen Boxerell Shriue Henry Cocham Shriue Roger Duke Maior The king corrected the measures and weights Great thunder and lightning burnt many houses and slew both men add beasts William Winchester Shriue Robert Fitz Iohn Shriue Roger Duke Maior Robert Bingham Bishop of Sarisbury by the kings helpe prosecuted the building of the new Church at Sarisbury which his predecessor Richard did translate Stephen Bokerell Shirues Henry Cocham Shirues Roger Duke Maior Vpon the day of Saint Paul when Roger Niger Bishop of London was at Masse in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul suddenly the weather waxed darke and an horrible thunder-clay lighted on the Church the same was shaken as though it would haue fallen out of a darke cloud came such lightning that all the Church séemed to be on fire all men thought they should haue died thousands of men and women ran out of the Church and being astonished fell vpon the ground void of all vnderstanding none of all the multitude tarried in the Church saue the Bishop and one Deacon which stood still at the high Altar Richard Walter Shrieues Iohn Woborne Shrieues Roger Duke Maior Richard the kings brother married Isabel Countesse of Glocester late wife to Gilbert Earle of Glocester late wife to William Marshall Earle of Pembrooke and the marriage being scantly finished the said William dyed and was buried in the new Temple in London Michael of S. Helen Shriue Walter de Russel Shriue Andrew Bokerel Pepperer Maior The morrow after S. Martins day began thunders very horrible which lasted 15. daies Henry Edmonton Shriue Gerard Bar Shriue Andrew Bokerell Pepperer Maior The 7. of Aprill there appeared as it were foure Suns beside the naturall Sun of a red colour and a great circle of Christall colour The king builded a faire Church many houses adioyning therunto in the city of London not farre from the new Temple In which house all the Iewes and Infidels that did conuert to the faith of Christ might haue vnder an honest rule of life sufficient liuing whereby it came to passe that in short time there was gathered a great number of Conuerts which were baptized and instructed in the lawes of Christ He also builded the hospitall of S. Iohn without the East gate of Oxford for sicke and strangers to be receiued in Simon Fitz Mary Shriue Roger Blunt Shriue Andrew Bokerel Pepperer Maior Richard Marshall and Leolyne Prince of Northwales with a great force inuaded the kings lande and destroyed the same with fire and sword from the coasts of Wales to Salisbury which tow● also they set on fire This yeare was a great dearth and pestilence so that many poore folks died for want of victuals Ralph Ashy Shriue Iohn Norman Shriue Andrew Bokerell Pepperer Maior The Iewes at Norwich stole a boy and circumcised him meaning to
〈◊〉 London and punished the bakers vpon the Tu●●berell and did many other things contrary to th● lawes of the Cittie The King caused the walles of the Cittie 〈◊〉 London to be repaired Richard Owell shriue William Skwie shriue Richard Hardel Draper Maior The Lords held a Parliament at Oxford whe● were chosen 12. Péeres which had authoritie● correct the breakers of these ordinances the King his brethren the Noble men and Barons taking their oath to sée the same obserued A Iewe 〈◊〉 Tukesbury fell into a priuy vpon the Saturd●● and would not for reuerence of his Sabboath 〈◊〉 plucked out wherefore Richard of Clare Earle 〈◊〉 Glocester kept him there till Munday at whi●● time he was dead Robert Cornehill Shriue Iohn Adrian Shriue Richard Hardel Draper Maior The king cōmanded the Maior that he shuld ca● to be sworne euery stripling of 12. yeares of a●● or vpward to be true to y e king his heires th●● the gates of y e city should be kept w t harnessed 〈◊〉 Iohn Adrian Shriue Robert Cornhill Shriue Iohn Gisors Pepperer Maior The Barons nobles of the realme held a Parliament at London in the new Temple and the King held himselfe in the Tower of London Adam Browning Shriue Henry Couentry Shriue William Fitz Richard Maior K. Henry published at Pauls crosse the Popes absolution for him all his that were sworne to maintain y e articles made in the parliament at Oxford Iohn Northampton Shriue Richard Pickard Shriue William Fitz Richard Maior The Barons armed men against the King and all this yeare houered about London without any notable of act rebellion This yeare 1263. all Christian nations on the other side the sea sustained great dangers outrages by the miscreant Sarazens so as the Christians was constrained to vse their best meanes to suppresse them And in Paris there was a great Councell held of Prelates and Barons to deuise means for their countries safety In the 10. yeare of the raigne of Richard the Emperour there was a blazing star séene 3. moneths At this time there was a Schisme amongst the Princes Electors in Germany and they elected Richard Earle of Cornwall brother to K. Henry of England he was chosen in the yeare 1257. or as some say in the yeare 1255. with him was likewise chosen A●phonso King of Castile he raigned 18. yeares in his time flourished the great Clarke S. Thomas Aquinas I●hn Taylor shriue Richard Walbroke shriue Thomas Fitz Thomas Maior There was slaine of Iewes in London to the number of 700. the rest were spoiled their Synagogues defaced because one Iewe would haue forced a Christian man to haue paid more then 2. d. for the vsury of 20. s. the wéeke Robert Monpilet Shriue Osbert Suffolke Shriue Thomas Fitz Thomas Maior A battell at Lewis betwéene K. Henry the Barons in which battell the King with his son Edward Richard Earle of Cornwall with many other Lords were taken by Simon of Mountford Earle of Leicester and the Barons Gregory Rokesley shriue Thomas of Lafford shriue Thomas Fits Thomas Maior Edward being now at libertie allied him with the Earle of Glocester gathering to him a great power warred so freshly vpon Simon of Leicester that at the end he with many other of the nobles were slaine in the battell at Euisham A parliament was holden at Winchester when all the statutes made at Oxford were disanulled London was in great danger to haue bin destroyed by the K. for displeasure he had conceiued but the Citizens wholly submitted both liues goods in●● the kings hands The King gaue vnto his son Edward the Maior and 4. Aldermen many other were committed to seuerall prisons Edward Blund Shriue Peter Anger Shriue Thomas Fitz Thomas Fitz Richard Maior The king gaue to diuers of his houshold seruants about the number of 60. houses housholds within the Cittie so that the owners were compelled to redéeme their houses and goods or else to auoid them The 11. of May was the battell of Chesterfield against them that were disherited where many were slaine Iohn hinde shriue Iohn Walrauen shriue William Richard Maior Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester allying himselfe with the exiled Gentlemen rose against the K. the 8. of April with an army entred the city of London therein builded bulwarkes cast trenches in diuers places the King gathered an army came towards London pitched his tents at Stafford and taried there the space of one moneth The sixt of Iune the Earle of Glocester in peaceable manner rendred the Citie vnto the King Iohn Adrian shriue Lucas Ba●ecourt shriue Alin Souch Maior Variance fell betweene the fellowship of Goldsmiths and Taylers of London causing great rufflings in the City and many men to be slaine For which riot twelue of the chiefe Captaines were hanges Walter Haruie Shriue William Duresme Shriue Sir Stephen de Edward Maior The riuer of Thames was so hard frozen from S. Adrewes tide to Candlemas that men beasts passed on foote from Lambeth to Westminster the marchandise was carried from Sandwich and other hauens to London by land Thomas Basing Shriue Robert Cornehill Shriue Hugh Fitz Otonis Maior The Nobles of England assembled at London to entreate of diuers matters whereof there arose discord betwixt Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey and Alin de la Souch Lord Iustice of Ireland before the Iustice of the Bench where the saide Alin Souch was wounded to death Walter Potter Shriue Taylor Shriue Iohn Adrian Vintner Maior The stéeple of Bow in Cheape fell downe and slew many people men and women Richard King of Almaine and Earle of Cornwall brother to K. Henry deceased and was buried at Hailes Gregory Rokesly Shriue Henry Walis Shriue Iohn Adrian Vintner Maior In Iune began a great riot in the City of Norwich through the which the monastery of the Trinity was burned wherupon the King rod downe and making inquirie for the chiefe doers thereof caused 30. of them to be condemned drawne hanged and burnt Richard Paris shriue Iohn Bedell shriue Sir Walter Haruie Maior K. Henry died in the 16. of Nouember in the yeare 1272. whē he had raigned 56. yeares 28. daies he was buried at Westminster he builded a great part of the same Church he left for his heire his eldest son Edward Edmond Crowchbacke Earle of Leicester and Lancaster and two daughters Beatrice and Margaret King Edward surnamed Longshankes EDward the first after the Conquest sonne to Henry the third surnamed Longshanke began his raigne the 16. of Nouember in the yeare 1272. being then beyond the sea Iohn Horne shriue Walter Potter shriue Sir Walter Haruie Knight Maior This yeare fell a great variance at Oxford betwéene the Northerne and Irishmen wherein many Irishmen were slaine Nicholas Winchester Shriue Henry Couentry Shriue Henry Walles Maior On St. Nicholas euen were great
tooke many of the Noble men prisoners and brought Scotland into such obedience as he gaue of the lands therof to his subiects of England with Markets Faires Warrens Among other I haue séene vnder the broade seale of the said King Edward a Mannour called Retnes in the County of Forfaire in Scotland neare the furthest part of the same nation Northward giuen to Iohn Ewer and his heires auncestors to the Lord Ewer that now is for the seruice done in those parts with market euery munday Faire for 3. dayes euery yeare at Michaelmas and free warren for the same dated at Lauereost the xx day of October Anno Reg. 34. William Coser Shriue Reginald Thunderle Shriue Sir Iohn Blunt Maior This yeare 1306. vpon sundry complaints of many of the Cleargy Nobilitie resorting to the city of London touching the great anoiance danger of contagion growing by reason of the french of burning sea-coale which diuers fire makers in Southwarke Wapping East Smithfield now vsed to make their common fires because of cheapnes hereof to forbeare the burning of bauin and fire coale the King expresly commanded the Maior and Shriues of London for with to make proclamation that all those fire-makers should cease their burning of sea-coale and make their fires of such fuell of wood and coale as had béene formerly vsed Reade the Record The great new Church of the gray Friers in London was begunne to bee builded by the Lady Margaret Quéene second wife to Edward the first Iohn of Briton Earle of Richmond builded the body of the church the residue was finished by the Lady Mary Countesse of Pembroke Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester Margaret Countesse of Glocester Elianor Spencer Elizabeth Bourgh sisters to Gilbert de Clare King Edward sent messengers into England commanded that all that ought him seruice should be ready at Carlile within 3. wéekes after the feast of S. Iohn Baptist But himselfe being vexed with a bloody flixe the 7. of Iuly departed this life at Burgh vpon the sands in the yeare of our Lord 1307. when he had raigned 34. yeares seuen moneths and odde daies his body was buried at Westminster vnto the which Church hee had giuen landes to the value of an hundred pound by yeare 20. pound thereof yearely to be distributed to the poore Edward of Carnaruan EDward the second sonne to the first Edward borne at Carnaruan began his raigne the 7. of Iuly in the yeare 1307. he was faire of body but vnstedfast of maners not regarding to gouerne his commonweale by discretion iustice which caused great variance betwéene him and the Lords Nicholas Pigot Shriue Nigellus Drurie Shriue Sir Iohn Blunt Maior The King married Isabel the French Kings daughter The Lords enuying Pierce of Gauestone Earle of Cornwall a stranger borne banished him the land William Basing shriue Iames Borener shriue Nicholas Faringdon Goldsmith Maior The King sent for Pierce of Gaueston out of Ireland and gaue him the Earle of Glocesters sister in marriage which caused him againe to rise in pride scorning the Nobles of the realme The Barons therefore declared to the King that except he would expell the saide Pierce from his company they would rise against him as against a periured Prince whereupon once againe hee caused Pierce to abiure Iames of S. Edmond shriue Roger Palmer shriue Thomas Romane Maior Pierce of Gauestone returned into England and came to y e kings presence who forgetting al oaths and promises receiued him as a heauenly gift The Church of Middleton in Dorsetshire was consumed with lightning the Monkes being at mattens Simon de Corpe shriue Peter Blackney shriue Richard Reffam Mercer Maior Templars in England vpon heresie and other filthy Articles whereof they were accused were condemned to perpetuall penance in seuerall Monasteries The Barons of England being confederated against Pierce of Gauestone besieged him at the castle of Scarborough where they tooke him and brought him to Warwicke castle and caused his head to be stricken off Simon Mermood shriue Richard Gilford shriue Sir Iohn Gisors Pepperer Maior Quéene Isabel was deliuered of her first sonne named Edward at Windsor The Knights of the order of S. Iohn Baptist called S. Iohn of Ierusalem put the Turkes out of the Isle of Rhodes and after that wan vpon the saide Turkes daily for a long time Iohn Lambyn Shriue Richard Gilford Shriue Sir Iohn Gisors Pepperer Maior King Edward gathering a great power marched towards Scotland to breake the siege of the Castle of Streuelin where hee and his power encountred with Robert Bruce and the Scots in the end whereof the English men were discomfited and so eagerly pursued by the Scots that many of the Noble men were slaine This yeare 1313. according to the Chronicles of Germany Phillip king of France surnamed the Faire hauing his body full of venemous scabs manginesse caused all such of his subiects as well women as men both in France and Flaunders as had either the leaprosie or meazelrie to be burned The cause of this his tyrannous rigour was because he had beene informed that the saide lazar or pockey people had wilfully poysoned all the chiefe wels and standing waters Some say that this visitation was the diuine iustice of God vpon the King for suppressing the Knights Templars And in the yeare 1403. all the Iewes in Germany were burned because they had poisoned all the wels and standing waters It appeareth by forraine Chronicles that the Iewes had a generall purpose to poison the Christians for the Iewes in France did poyson the waters likewise and were seuerely punished Robert Gurdome Shriue Hugh Garton Shriue Nicholas Farendon Goldsmith Maior The King caused his writs to be published for victuals that no Oxe stalled or corne fed bee solde for more then 24. s. no grasse fed oxe for more then 16. s. a fat stalled cow at 12. s. another cow at 10. shillings A fat mutton corne fed or whose wooll is well growne at 20. pence another fat mutton shorne at 14. d. A fat hog of 2. yeares olde at 3. s. 4. d. A fat goose at 2. d. halfe peny in the city at 3 d. A fat Capon at 2. d. in the citty at 2. d. halfe peny A fat hen at one peny in the citty at one peny halfe peny Two chickins a peny in the citie on peny halfe peny Foure pigeons for one peny in the citty three pigeons for one peny 24. egges a peny in the citty 20. egges a peny c. Stephen Abingdon Shriue Hamond Chigwell Shriue Sir Iohn Gisors pepp●rer Maior A Tanners son of Exceter named himselfe the sonne of Edward the first for the which hee was hanged at Northampton The dea●th increased through the abundance of raine that fell in haruest so y t a quarter of wheat or salt was sold for xl s. There followed this famine a grieuous mortalitie of people
so that the quicke might vnneth bury the dead The beasts cattel also by the corruptnesse of the grasse whereof they fed died horse-flesh was counted great delicates the poore stole fat dogs to eate some in hid places did eate the flesh of their owne children The Théeues that were in prison did plucke in péeces those that were newly brought amongst them and gréedily deuoured them halfe aliue Hamond Goodcheape Shriue William Bodele Shriue Stephen Abingdon Maior There arriued in England two Cardinals to make peace betwéene England Scotland and to reconcile vnto the K. Thomas Earle of Lancaster When they came neare vnto the towne of Derlington certaine robbers Gilbert Middleton and Walter Selbie being their Captaines suddenly set vpon the family of the Cardinals robbed them of their treasure but the Cardinals came to Dirham where they tarried a few daies for answere of the Scots and so returned to Yorke Gilbert Middleton was taken carried to London and there drawne and hanged Sir Iosseline Denuile his brother Robert with 220. in the habite of Friers did many notable robberies they spoyled the Bishop of Dirhams pallaces leauing in them nothing but bare wals for the which they were hanged at Yorke William Causton Shriue Ralph Ballancers Shriue Iohn Wengraue Maior The new worke of the Chappell on the South side of the Church of S. Paul in London being begunne there were found in the foundation more then 100. heades of Oxen and Kine which then confirmed greatly the opinion of those who haue reported that of olde time it had béene the Temple of Iupiter and that there was the sacrifice of beasts Edward de Bruse the king of Scots brother who by the space of 3. yeares had assaulted Ireland and had crowned himselfe King was taken by English men and beheaded at Dundalke Iohn Brior shriue William Furneis shriue Iohn Wengraue Maior The towne of Barwicke was betraied to the Scots through the treason of Peter Spalding A great murrain of kine happened dogs rauens eating of the kine were poysoned and did swell to death so that no man durst eate any béefe Iohn Pounting Shriue Iohn Dalling Shriue Iohn Wengraue Maior The king being at Yorke the Scots entred England came to Yorke and burnt the suburbs of the citty tooke sir Iohn of Britaine Earle of Richmond prisoner with many other Many herdsmen certaine women of England would goe séeke the holy land to kill the enemies of Christ as they saide but because they should not passe ouer the great sea they slew many Iewes in the parts of Tolose and Gascoine wherefore many of them were taken and put to death Simon Abingdon shriue Iohn Preston shriue Hamond Chickwell pepperer Maior Thomas Earle of Lancaster with many Earles and Barons came to Sherborn and from thence with baners displaied to S. Albones from thence they sent to the King being at London requiring him to banish the two Hugh Spencers At length the King granted to their petition so that Hugh Spencer the elder was banished but the yonger Hugh could not be taken Reginald at Conduit Shriue William Prodom Shriue Nicholas Farendon Goldsmith Maior Certaine leapers who had couenanted with the Iewes to poison all the Christians in Europe laid poyson in Iewels springs and pits for the which many were burnt Roger Mortimer the Earles of Richmond and Arundell submitting themselues to the King were sent to the Tower of London After this when the Kings Army and the Army of the Barons met neare vnto Burton vpon Trent the Earle of Lancaster fled and the King pursuing them to Burbrige Thomas Earle of Lancaster was taken and beheaded at Pomfret Richard Constantine Shriue Richard Harkeny Shriue Hamond Chickwell pepperer Maior Andrew Harkeley Earle of Carleil was charged with treason for making peace with the Scots for which he was sent to Yorke hanged headed and quartered Iohn Grantham Shriue Richard of Ely Shriue Hamond Chickewell pepperer Maior Roger Mortimer Lord of Wigmore gaue his kéepers a sléepy drinke escaped through all the watches of the Tower and passed into France Adam of Sarisbury Shriue Iohn of Oxford Shriue Nicholas Farendon Goldsmith Maior King Edward sent the Quéene his wife vnto her brother the French King to establish the peace who went ouer with a small company by her mediation a peace was fully finished whereupon Edward the Kings sonne went ouer Bennet of Fulsham Shriue Iohn Cawson Shriue Hamond Chickwell pepperer Maior Whiles the Quéene with her sonne remained in France longer then the Kings pleasure was would not come againe without Roger Mortimer and other Noble men that were fled out of England the King banished them both and all o●●●r that tooke their parts Gilbert Morden shriue Iohn Cotten shriue Richard Britaine Goldsmith Maior Isabell the Queene with her sonne Edward Edmond of Woodstooke the Kings brother Roger Mortimer and many other Noble men that were fled out of England arriued at Orwell besides Harwich in Essex immediately the Earle Marshall the Earle of Leicester the Bishops of Lincolne Hereford Diuelin and Ely being ioyned to the Quéene made a great army The Cittizens of London beheaded such as they tooke to be the Quéenes enemies they tooke also Walter Stapleton Bishop of Exceter and beheaded him and two of his seruants because hee gathered a great army to withstand the Quéene Richard Rothing shriue Roger Chanticle shriue Richard Britaine Goldsmith Maior This Richard Rothing Sheriffe builded 〈◊〉 Parrish Church of Saint Iames at Garlick 〈◊〉 in London The Quéene besieged Bristow wh●● was seene rendred and the morrow after her c●●ming Hugh Spencer the elder was drawne 〈◊〉 hanged The King Hugh Spencer the younger and Robert Baldocke determined to flye into 〈◊〉 Isle of Lombardy but being in great danger 〈◊〉 the sea at last arriued in Wales where they 〈◊〉 taken the King was committed to Henry 〈◊〉 of Lancaster his kinsman Hugh Spencer was condemned at Herefor● where he was drawne hanged headed and quartered Simon Reading was drawne and hanged Robert Baldocke died in Newgate The Quéene with her sonne Edward Roger Mortimer and other went to Wallingford Castle and before the twelfth day came to London where they were ioyfully receiued On the morrow after they held a Parliament where by common decrée they deposed the King and elected Edward his eldest sonne He was thus deposed when he had raigned ninetéene yeares sixe moneths and odde dayes Edward the third EDward the third about the age of fourtéene yeares beganne his raigne the twenty fiue of Ianuary in the yeare of our Lord. 1326. In feates of Armes he was very expert At the beginning of his raigne hee was chiefely ordered by his Mother Isabell The inhabitants of the Towne of Bury besieged the Abbey burnt the gates wounded the Monkes bare out all the gold and siluer ornaments bookes charters the assay to their coine stamps and all
other things appertaining to their mint c. The King confirmed the liberties of the Citty of London The 22. of September at night King Edward the second was cruelly murthered in the Castle o● Barkeley by the practise of the Quéene his wife the Lord Mortimer and the Bishop of Herefor● He was buried at Glocester Henry Darcy Shriue Iohn Hauten Shriue Hamond Chickwell Grocer Maior Peace was made betwixt the Englishmen and Scots so that Dauid the sonne of Robert Brce married Ioane of the Tower King Edwards sister By procurement of the old Quéene and Roge● Mortimer Edmond of Woodstocke Earle of Kent the Kings Vncle was beheaded at Winchester Richard Laz●r Shriue Henry Gisors Shriue Iohn Stanland Maior Roger Mortimer was taken by William M●●tacute and sent to London where he was condem●ned and hanged The 15. day of Iune was borne Edward 〈◊〉 blacke Prince Robert of Ely Shriue Thomas Whoorwood Shriue Sir Iohn Pultney Draper Maior This Sir Iohn Pultney builded the Colledge 〈◊〉 London called Saint Laurence Pultney and ●●tle Alhalowes a Parish Church in Tha●● stréete and also the Carmelite Fryars Church 〈◊〉 Couentry Iohn Motking Shriue Andrew Aubury Shriue Sir Iohn Pultney Draper Maior Henry Earle of Lancaster and of Leicester founded the new Hospitall by the Castle of Leicester wherein were an hundred poore impotent persons The King of England with force came before Berwicke where they that kept the Castle and Towne vsed many deceitfull treaties Nicholas Pike Shriue Iohn Husband Shriue Iohn Preston Draper Maior The Scots came with great multitudes minding to dissolue the siege of Berwicke whom the King couragiously met and slewe of them eight Earles 1300. horsemen and of the common souldiers 35000. neare vnto Halidon The townsemen of Berwicke yéelded to the King of England both the castle the towne who placing garisons there he sent Edward Baliol and other Nobles to kéepe the Realme of Scotland Iohn Haman Shriue William Hansard Shriue Sir Iohn Pultney Draper Maior Edward Baliol king of Scots did homage to king Edward at ●ew Castle vpon Tyne and shortly after he receiued homage of the Duke of Britaine or his Earledome of Richmond Iohn Kingstone Shriue Walter Turke Shriue Reginald at Conduit Vintner Maior Part of the Vniuersitie of Oxford went t● Stamford because of a variance that fell be wée● the Northerne and Southerne Schollers The Sea bankes brake in through all England but specially in the Thames so that all the cas● and beasts neare thereunto were drowned Walter Morden Shriue Richard Vpton Shriue Richard Wotton Maior King Edward made his eldest sonne Ed●● Earle of Chester and Duke of Cornewall It was enacted that no wool should be conuai● out of the Realme Iohn Clarke shriue William Curtis shriue Sir Iohn Pultney Draper Maior The Towne of Southampton was burnt 〈◊〉 the French Kings Galleys It was enacted that whatsoeuer Clothwor● of Flanders or of other countries would d●● and inhabite in England should come quietly 〈◊〉 the most conuenient places should bee asigned 〈◊〉 them with great liberties and priuiledges This yeare 1338. as saith the French Chro●●●cle there happened in Auignon so strange te●ble mortalitie that brooks riuers were red 〈◊〉 bloud And that from the graues and sepulch●● of the dead there issued streames of bloud 〈◊〉 vnheard of mortalitie was foretold the Fren● by father Robert a Iacobin Frier who hear● bewailed the sinnes and wickednesse of this C●●ty and other places for the which hee often pr●thed vnto them that God would surely visite them vnlesse they speedily repented but they obeyed not his doctrine This sickenesse continued a long time and dispersed into Germany and other nations many a yeare after Also it was enacted that none should weare any cloth made without the realme the K. the Quéen and their children onely excepted The king caused to confiscate all the goods of the Lumbards and also all the Monks of the order of Clume and Citiaux through the whole Realme Walter Beale shriue Nicholas Craine shriue Henry Darcy Maior King Edward with Quéene Phillip his wife and a great army passed the Seas into Flanders and so to Colleine where he made friendship with the Emperour and was made his vicegerent Hee quartered the armes of England and France William of Pomfret Shriue Hugh Marberell Shriue Henry Darcy Maior A sudden inundation of water at New Castle ●pon Tine bare downe a péece of the Towne ●all where an hundred and twenty men and wo●en were drowned The King appointed himselfe to be called King of England and of France William Thorney Shriue Roger Fresham Shriue Andrew Aubery Grocer Maior The King gathered a Nauy of two hundred and sailed towards Flanders where hee fought with the enemies a most cruell battell by sea in the which the Frenchmen were ouercome and slaine of them 30000. men There was ta●en 200 ships and the rest fled By the assistance of the Duke of Brabant and the Earle of Hainalt with them of Gaunt and Cypres he entred the North parts of France and besieged the Citty of Turney In the meane season the Earle of Henalt Sir Walter Manny and Reignold Cobham burnt 300. Townes great and small taking preyes Adam Lucas Shriue Bartholomew Maris Shriue Andrew Aubury Grocer Maior Two Cardinals were sent from the Pope who demanded a truce for thrée yeares betwixt the two Kings in which space the title that the King of England pretended might be discussed Richard of Barking shriue Iohn of Rokesley shriue Iohn of Oxford Vintener Maior King Edward sailed ouer into Britaine when he tooke diuers castles and other strong holds that resisted him After this he besieged Vannes and though Phillip de Valois came downe with a great multitude of people yet a truce was taken and Vannes remained to the King of England Iohn Loukin Shriue Richard Keslinbury Shriue Simon Frances Mercer Maior King Edward commanded florences of Gold to be made the penny of the value of vi s. viii pence the halpeny and farthing after the rate William Mountacute Earle of Salisbury conquered the Isle of Man from the Scots which Isle Edward the third gaue the same Earle and caused him to be crowned King of Man Iohn Steward shriue Iohn Alisham shriue Iohn Hamond Maior King Edward held a solemne feast at his Castle at Windsor where he established the most honourable order of the Garter to the number of 26. Knights which were chosen of the most noble and valiant persons of this Realme He also augmented the Cappell which his progenitors Kings of England had before erected with 8. Canons in the Castle of Windsor adding a Deane and 15. Canons more 24. poore knights with other Ministers Geffery Wickingham shriue Thomas Legge shriue Iohn Hamond Maior The Scots to the number of 30000. William Dowglas being their leader entred into Westmerland and burnt Carlile and
Scotland besieged Barwicke which was shortly rendred vnto him Edward Prince of Wales returned into England with Iohn King of France and Phillip his son Roial Iusts were holden in Smithfield before the Kings of England France and Scotland Stephen Candish Shriue Bartholomew Frostling Shriue Sir Iohn Stodie Vintner Maior This Sir Iohn Stody gaue vnto the Vintners of London all the quadrant wherein the Vintners hal now stādeth with the tenements round about where he founded 13. houses for 13. poore people which are there kept of charitie rent-free Dauid le Bruce King of Scots was deliuered from the long imprisonment he had béene in his ransome being set at 100000. markes to be paaid the next 10. yeares following Iohn Barnes Shriue Iohn Buris Shriue Iohn Loukin Stock fishmonger Maior King Edward with a Nauy of ships passed the sea to Calice so into Burgundy In the meane season the Normans with a smal Nauy arriued at Winchelsea partly burnt the town slewe such as did withstand them wherefore the Prelates of England assembled in armor but the french were gone Simond of Benington shriue Iohn Chichester shriue Simon Dolfeby Grocer Maior A finall peace was concluded King Edward came into England and straight to the Tower to sée the French King where hee appointed his ransome to be thrée millions of Florences and so deliuered him out of all imprisonment Iohn Penis Shriue Walter Berney Shriue Iohn Wroth Fishmonger Maior Men and beasts perished in England in diuers places with thunder and lightning Friends were séene and spake vnto men as they trauelled William Holbech shriue Iames Tame shriue Iohn Peach Fishmonger Maior A great death pestilence in England in which died Henry Duke of Lancaster who was buried at Leicester King Edward commanded all Pleas to be made in English and not in French This time was granted to the K. for 3. yeares 26. shillings 8. pence of euery sacke of wooll Iohn of S. Albons Shriue Iames Andrew Shriue Stephen Candish Draper Maior A great winde in England ouerturned many stéeples and townes The French King the King of Cypres and the king of Scotland came all into England to speake with King Edward who receiued them with great honour and gaue them great gifts A frost in England lasted from the mids of September to the moneth of Aprill Richard Croydon Shriue Iohn Hiltofte Shriue Iohn Notte Pepperer Maior The ix day of Aprill died Iohn King of France at the Sauoy beside Westminster his corps was honourably conueyed to Saint Denis in France Iohn de Mitford Shriue Simon de Mordon Shriue Adam of Bury Skinner Maior Ingram Lord of Cowsey married Lady Isabell the Kings daughter Iohn Buckleworth Shriue Thomas Ireland Shriue Iohn Loukin Fishmonger Maior The King commaunded that peter-pence should no more be paide to Rome The 3. day of Aprill was borne at Burdeaux Richard son to Edward the blacke Prince who was after King of England Iohn Ward Shriue Thomas Attalie Shriue Iohn Loukin Fishmonger Maior This Iohn Loukin stockfishmonger foure times Maior of London builded a chappell called Magdalenes at Kingston vpon Thames to the which he ioyned an hospitall wherein was a master two Priests and certaine poore men he builded the parish Church of S. Michael in crooked lane Edward Prince of Wales taking compassion vpon Peter K. of Spaine who was driuen out of his Kingdome by Henry his bastard brother entered Spaine with a great puissance and in a battell at Nazers put to flight the foresaid bastard he restored the foresaide Peter to his former dignity but not long after Henry the bastard whiles K. Peter sate at a table suddenly thrust him through with a speare Robert Girdler Shriue Adam Wimondhom Shriue Simon Mordin stock fishmonger Maior The third pestilence was this yeare a bushell of wheat at London sold for 2. s. 6. d. Iohn Piel Shriue Hugh Holditch Shriue Iohn Chichester Goldsmith Maior A great part of Gascoine fell from the Prince because of y e exactions he laid vpon them also sicknes increasing vpon him he returned into England William Walworth shriue Robert Gayron shriue Iohn Barnes Mercer Maior This Iohn Barnes gaue a chest with 3. lockes 1000. Markes to be lent to yong men vpon sufficient gage The King demanded of the Cleargie and cōmonaltie a subsidie of 10000 pounds The Bishops were remoued from the Chancelor treasurer priuy scale Lay men put in their stead Robert Hatfield Shriue Adam Staple Shriue Iohn Barnes Mercer Maior The Frenchmen besieged Rochell to the remouing whereof was sent the Earle of Pembroke with a number of men of armes vpon whom fell the Spanish Nauy who slew and tooke the Englishmen and burnt their Nauy the Earle and many Noble men were carried into Spaine Iohn Philpots shriue Nicholas Brember shriue Iohn Piel Mercer Maior Iohn Duke of Lancaster entred France with a strong power passed through y e realme without battell but in the deserts and mountaines of Aluerne for lack of victuals many of his army died Iohn Awbry shriue Iohn Fished shriue Adam of Bury Skinner Maior This yeare 1374. died the most famous learned Poet Francis Petrarch borne in Tuscany he was of singular iudgement in al acts sciences a great Philosopher and an excellent Poet Orator hee was very religious and vertuous he despised the worlds vain-glory he died in his hermitage neare Pauia And about the same time died the renowned Iohn Boccace This Boccace was a famous Poet borne in Florence he wrote many excellent eloquent histories in diuers languages Iohn Duke of Lancaster with Simon de Sudbury and other assembled at Brudges to treate of peace betwéene the realms of England France This treaty continued almost two yeares and ended without conclusion of peace Richard Lyons Shriue William Woodhouse Shriue William Walworth Fishmonger Maior Iohn hastings Earle of Pembroke comming into England after hee had ransomed himselfe for a great masse of mony which he neuer paied died Iohn Hadle Shriues William Newport Shriue Iohn Ware Grocer Maior Richard Lions Adam of Bury citizens of London were accused by the Commoners of diuers frauds deceits which they had done to the King Richard Lions for mony did wisely compound and escaped the other conueied himselfe into Flanders Prince Edward departed out of this life was buried at Canterbury and then king Edward created Richard sonne of Prince Edward Earle of Chester Duke of Cornwall Prince of Wales and because the King waxed féeble and sickly hee betooke the rule of the land to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster Iohn Northampton shriue Robert Laund shriue Adam Staple Mercer Maior King Edward ended his life at his manour of Shene the 21. day of Iune in y e yeare 1377. when he had raigned 50. yeares 4. moneths od daies whose body was buried at Westminster He builded
Nottingham considering how this land was misgouerned by a few persons about the K. intending reformation of the same assembled at Radcote Bridge with a power of forty thousand came to London and pitched in the fields neare to the tower where the King kept his Christmas Shortly after they caused the King to call a parliament whereof hearing Alexander Neuell Archbishop of Yorke Robert Ver Duke of Ireland and Michael de la Poole Earle of Suffolke fled the land died in strange countries The king by the counsell of the aboue named Lords caused to be taken Sir Robert Tresilian chiefe Iustice of England sir Nicholas Brember late Maior of London sir Iohn Salisbury knight sir Iohn Beauchamp sir Simon Burghley sir Iames Barnes knight Iohn Vske a Serieant at Armes which by the authoritie of the said Parliament were conuict of treason and put to death Robert Belknap Iohn holt Iohn Locton Richard Gray William Burgh and Robert Fulthrope Iustices with the Lords which before had voided the land were banished for euer Thomas Austen shriue Adam Carlohul shriue Nicholas Twyford Goldsmith Maior Statutes made of the Staple to bee brought from Middleborow to Calice Iohn Walcot Shriue Iohn Louely Shriue William Venour Grocer Maior In Oxford the Welsh and Southerne schollers assailed the Northerne whereby many murders were done on each side Iohn Francis shriue Thomas Viuent shriue Adam Bawne Goldsmith Maior This Adam Bawne prouided that from parts beyond the seas was corne brought to London plentifully to the furtherance of which good work the Maior and Citizens tooke out of the Orphans chest in their Guild-hall 2000. markes to buy corne and the Aldermen laid out each of them 20. pound to the like purpose The good man of the Cock in Cheape at the litle conduit was murdered in y e night time by a thiefe that came in at a gutter window as it was known long after by the same thiefe when he was at the Gallowes to be hanged for fellony but his wife was burnt therefore and thrée of his men drawne to Tyborne and there hanged wrongfully Iohn Chadworth Shriue Henry Venor Shriue Iohn Hinde Draper Maior Vpon Christmas day a Dolphin came vp the riuer of Thames to London bridge foreshewing the tempests that followed shortly after or else the disturbance of the Citizens which through y e Kings displeasure they came into because the Londoners had denied the lending of 1000. pound which the king demanded of them Hee caused the Maior Shriues Aldermen to be summoned to a Counsell at Nottingham there imprisoned them disanulling all their liberties and made sir Edward Dalengrige Warden of London Gilbert Maghfield Shriue Thomas Newington Shriue William Stondon Grocer Maior When the King saw the Londoners sore repent their trespasses he came to London where the citizens receiued him with so great glory as might haue séemed to receiue an Emperour in his triumph with such gifts did honour him that the worth thereof could not bee estéemed By this meanes the King became more tractable to grant them their liberties and then the Kings Bench from Yorke and the Chancery from Nottingh●● were returned to London Drew Barentine shriue Richard Whiting●on shriue Iohn Hatley Grocer Maior Qéene Anne died at Shene in Southery and was buried at Westminster William Brumstone Shriue Thomas Knowles Shriue Iohn Froshie Mercer Maior King Richard made a chargeable voyage into Ireland which came to small effect Roger Ellis Shriue William Skirrington Shriue William Moore Vintner Maior The Kings of England and of France met besides Calice and there concluded a peace King Richard tooke to his wife Isabell daughter to the French King Thomas Wilford Shriue William Parker Shriue Adam Bawne Goldsmith and Richard Whittington Mercer Maiors This yeare 1397. Tamberlaine being Lord of a a certaine wast countrey and rude people in the East who not long before had assembled great numbers of strangers vnto his aid ouerthrown the Persians vnderstanding that Baiazeth the Turkish Emperour had won diuers kingdomes and many strong Citties from the Christians as also discomfited the Christian Emperiall army which consisted of Gréekes Italians Germanes Hungarions Seruians Myssians Frenchmen and others and that he still persisted in extreame pride of his inuincible strength fortune with a mightie hoast had besieged Constantinople eight yeares being fully perswaded that there was no power vpon earth that could redéeme the Cittie out of his hands because he knew the Princes of Christendome to bee at dissention among themselues And therupon secured himselfe y t if Europ could not preuaile against him there was no other power that durst encounter him And whilest hée thus thought the saide Tamberlaine the yeare alone written came vpon him with a very mighty hoast in a set battell vpon Mount Stella where Pompey fought with Mithridates hee ouercame this Baiazeth being the fourth of that name flew two hundred thousand Turkes tooke him prisoner put him in an iron cage and so carried him in triumph from place to place This Baiazeth was crowned in the yeare 1373. Amurah the second was crowned 1414. he was the first that ordained the Emperiall Band or guarde of renegate Christians commonly called Ianezaries And in the yeare 1447. Constantine the 7. was crowned Emperour of Constantinople being before that K. of Morea he was surnamed the Dragon for his cruelty which he exercised vpon the Turkes for reuenge whereof other ancient grudges Mahomet sonne of Amurat the 2. in the yeare 1452. after hee had done great spoiles and damage vpon Gréece hee also conquered their chiefe Citie Constantinople tooke Constantine the Christian Emperour prisoner then cōmanded his head to be cut-off and with great derision caused his head to bee showne throughout all the Turkish campe And among other things of worthy note and obseruation you shall vnderstand that whereas the famous Citie Constantinople was at first dignified reedified enriched aduanced by a Constantine whose mothers name was S. Helen the same Citie was lost subiugated vnto Turkish slauery by a Constantine whose mothers name was likewise Helen This Mahomet was the second of that name and the eight in ranke of Turkish Emperours was the first that arrogated to his title the name of Great whose successors euer since haue béene called the great Turke or grand Signor Therefore Baiazeth the fourth by reason of sundry his victories against the Christians and cruell murthers which he had performed on his kindred friendes was surnamed the whirlwinde or thunderbolt of heauen And Tamberlaine after his conquest calling to minde all his fortunes considering how many mighty Princes he had subdued surnamed himselfe the scourge of God Thomas Duke of Glocester King Richards Vncle was murdered at Calice The Earle of Arundell and many other were put to death for that they rebuked the King in certaine matters somewhat liberally Richard Askam Shriue Iohn Woodcocke Shriue Richard
was at Church hauing raigned ten yeares Reade the supplement of Chronicles The Dukedome of Ferrara for want of heires male returned to the Church againe about the yeare 1596. and Pope Clement the 8. tooke possession thereof and conuerted it to a commonwealth retaining the regall power thereof vnto himselfe and his successors The Scots were ouerthrowne at Hallidon Hill Earle Dowglas was taken many other there were drowned in the riuer of Twéed about 500. Richard Marlew Shriue Robert Chicheley Shriue Iohn Walcot Draper Maior A great battell was fought neare vnto Shrewesbury betwéene King Henry and Henry Percy the yonger vnto whom was ioyned sir Thomas Percy Earle of Worcester vncle to the said Henry almost all the Gentlemen of Ches-shire Sir Henry Percy was slaine sir Thomas Percy taken and beheaded and of the commons on both sides about 5000. slaine The town of Plimouth was burnt by y e Britons Thomas Falconer shriue Thomas Poole shriue William Askam Fishmonger Maior The Frenchmen came to the Isle of Wight but those of the Isle rising against them they were glad to depart The Lord of Cassels in Britain arriued at Black poole 2. mile out of Dartmouth with a great Nauy Where of the rusticall people hee was slaine and xvii ships were taken fraught with wines William Louth Shriue Stephen Spilman Shriue Iohn Hinde Draper Maior The sonne of Owen Glendouerdew was taken and 150. with him were taken and slaine Richard Scrope Archbishop of Yorke and Thomas Monbray Earle Marshall imagined diuers articles against the King because he had put downe King Richard offering themselues for those articles to liue and die which caused great numbers of people to resort to them but they were taken and presented to the King at Yorke where they were both beheaded Henry Berton Shriue William Cromer Shriue Iohn Woodstocke Mercer Maior Iames the sonne of Robert King of Scots being nine yeares old sayling towards France was by tempest of weather driuen vpon the coast of England where being taken he was presented to the King and remained prisoner till the second yeare of Henry the sixth Nicholas Wotton shriue Geffery Brooke shriue Richard Whittington Maior A pestilence consumed in the Citty of London about 30000. Sir Robert Knowles Knight deceased he builded anew the bridge of Rochester hee reedified the Church of the white Friars at London where hée was buried he founded a colledge at Pomfret c. Henry Pomfret Shriue William Hallon Shriue William Stonden Grocer Maior A frost lasted 15. wéekes Henry Earle of Northumberland and the Lord Bardolph came into England with a great company pretending by proclaimation to deliuer the people from the great suppression that they well burdned with but by sir Thomas Rokeby Shriue of Yorkeshire he was encounted at Bramhaunnor there slaine the Lord Bardolph was wounded to death Thomas Dacke Shriue William Norton Shriue Drew Barentine Goldsmith Maior This yeare was a great play at Skinners well neare vnto Clarken well besides London was of matter from y e creation of the world there were to behold the same the most part of Nobles and Gentiles in England and forthwith after began a royall Iousting in Smithfield betwéene the H●nowayes and our English Lords Iohn Law shriue William Chichely shriue Richard Marlow Irenmonger Maior Vpon the euen of S. Iohn Baptist Iohn the Kings son being in East Cheape after midnight a great debate happened betwéene his men men of the Court till the Maior with other Citizens ceased the same K. Henry founded a Colledge at Battlefield in Shropshire where he ouercame Sir Henry Percy and other Iohn Penne shriue Thomas Pike shriue Thomas Knowles Grocer Maior The guild Hall in London was began to be made newly by the foresaid Maior Aldermē A squier of Wales named Rice ap Dee which had long time rebelled against the King was brought to London and there drawne hanged and quartered Iohn Rainewill Shriue William Cotton Shriue Robert Chichely Grocer Maior The K. caused a new coine of nobles to be made which were of lesse value then the old by 4. d. in a Noble King Henry founded the Colledge of Fadringhey in Northamptonshire Ralph Leuenhinde shriue William Seuenoke shriue William Waldren Mercer Maior● After the fortunate chances happened to K. Henry being deliuered of all ciuill diuision he was taken with sicknesse yéelded to God his spirit the 10. of March Anno 1412. when he had raigned 13 yeares 6. moneths and odde daies he was buried at Canterbury H●●ry the fifth began his raigne the 20. of March in the yeare 1412. This Prince excéeded the meane stature of men he was beautious of visage his neck long body slender and leane and his bones smal neuertheles he was of maruellous great strength and passing swift in running Sir Iohn Old Castle for diuers points touching the Sacrament before the Archbishop of Canterbury the Bishop of London Winchester and other was conuict and committed to the Tower of London out of the which he brake Iohn Stotton Shriue Iohn Michael Shriue William Cromer Draper Maior Certaine adherents of Sir Iohn Olde Castle assembled them in Thickets field neare vnto the citie of London but the King being warned tooke the field afore them and so took of them such numbers that all the prisoners about London were ●●●led diuers of them were after executed Iohn N●anset Esquire with 9. of his men slew Iohn Tibbey Clarke Chancellour to the Quéene for the which déed the said Esquier and foure of his men fled to S. Anns Church within Aldersgate and after for swore the land Iohn Michael Shriue Thomas Allin Shriue Thomas Fawconer Mercer Maior This Thomas Fawconer caused to breake the wall of London neare vnto Colman stréet and there to make a gate vpon the moore side where was none before He also caused the ditch to be cleansed The King rode to Southhampton where was discouered a great conspiracy against him by Richard Earle of Cambridge sir Thomas Gray and Henry Scrope with other who were executed at Southhampton The King entred the sea with 1000. saile and the third night after arriued in Normandy He laid siege to Hartflew which was yéelded to him Hee sought the battell at Agincourt where hee had a maruellous victory About this time Philip the French King began to set a custome or impost vpon Salt which was neuer before William Cambridge Shriue Allen Euerard Shriue Nicholas Wotton Draper Maior K. Henry arriued at Douer The Maior of London with the Aldermen and crafts riding in red with hoods red and white met with the King on blacke Richard Whittington Shriue Iohn Couentry Shriue Henry Barton Skinner Maior This yeare it was decréed by a court of common counsaile that a lantherne candle light should be hanged out at euery doore in the city in the winter On Easter day at a Sermon in S.
Blacksmith and Flamocke were hanged headed and quartered at Tiborne The King sent an Army into Scotland vnder the Earle of Surrey and the Lord Neuell which made sharpe warre vpon the Scots In Bedfordshire at the Towne of S. Néedes fell hailstones 18. inches about Perkin Warbecke landed in Cornwall went to Bodman where being accompanied with thrée or foure thousand men hee proclaimed himselfe King Richard the fourth second sonne to Edward the fourth From thence he went to Exceter and besieged it which Cittie was valiantly defended by the inhabitants but many of the rebels being slaine they withdrew them to Taunton from thence Perkin fled to Bewdley where he tooke sanctuary and was after taken and pardoned his life Bartholmew Rede shriue Thomas Windought shriue William Purchas Mercer Maior Perkin Warbecke was conueied vpon horsebacke through Cheap and Cornehill vnto the Tower of London and from thence backe againe through Candlewick stréete to Westminster with much wondring All the Gardens in Moore field which had continued time out of minde were destroyed and of them was made a plaine field for archers to shoote in Thomas Bradbury Shriue Stephen Ienings Shriue Sir Iohn Perciuaile Tailor Maior A Shoomakers sonne was hanged at S. Thomas Watrings for naming himselfe to be Edward Earle of Warwick sonne to George Duke of Clarence which Edward Earle of Warwicke was then kept secret prisoner in the Tower of London Gascoine Wine was sold at London for 40. s. the tune A Quarter of wheate 4. s. and bay salt 4. d. the bushell Iames wilford Shriue Richard Brond Shriue Nicholas Alwine Mercer Maior Perkin Warbeck and Iohn a Water were executed at Tiborne Edward Plantagenet Earle of Warwicke sonne to George Duke of Clarence was beheaded at Tower hill Shortly after Blewet Astwood were hanged at Tiborne Iohn Hawes shriue William Stede shriue William Remington Fishmonger Maior The King builded new his Manour at Shéene and named it Richmond Hee also new builded Bainards Castle in London and repaired Gréenwich Laurence Ailmer Shriue Henry Hede Shriue Iohn Shaw Goldsmith Maior The Maior caused his brethren the Aldermen to ride from the Guild-hall vnto the water side when hee went to Westminster to bee presented in the Exchequer He kept his feast in Guild-hall whereas before the Maiors feast had béene kept in the Maiors house or in the Grocers or Tailors hall He afterwards caused the Archhouse and other houses of Office to be builded at the Guild-hall where since the feasts haue ben vsually kept This Maior euery afternoone held a Court and called before him matters redressed them without expence of money hee was a man of sharpe wit bold spirit by reason of the fauour he stood in with the King Quéene and other estates insomuch that hee was sworne one of the Kings Counsell The 14. of Nouember Prince Arthur was married in S. Pauls Church at London to Katherine daughter to Ferdinando King of Spaine which Arthur the 2. of Aprill deceased at Ludlow and was buried at Worcester The 25. of Ianuary at Pauls crosse was published the assurance of Iames King of Scots and of the Lady Margaret eldest daughter to King Henry of England in reioycing whereof Te Deum was sung bonefires made through the Citty and at 12. of the bonefires were set 12. hogshead● of Gascoine to be drunke of all men freely The dike called Turnmill brooke and all the course of Fléete dike and other were so scou●● down to the Thaines that boats and fish fewe● were rowed vp to Holborne bridge as they had of olde time béene accustomed Henry Kebel Shriue Nicholas Ninns Shriue Bartholmew Rede Goldsmith Maior The Chappell of our Lady at Westminsterd a Tauerne neare adioyning were put downe in which place a most beautifull Chappell is builded by King Henry the seuenth Elizabeth Quéene of England died in childbed and was buried at Westminster King Henry the seuenth being himselfe a bro●ther of the Tailors and linnen Armorers in London as diuers of his predecessors Kings before him had béene to wit Richard the third Ed●●●● the fourth Henry the sixth Henry the fifth H● the fourth and Richard the second Also Du● 11. Earles 28. and Lords ●5 Hee now ga● them by this great Charter the Title of M●●●chant Tailors as a name of worship to end● for euer The 8. of August Iames the 4. King of Sco● married Margaret the eldest daughter to He● the 7. at Edenbrough Christopher Hawes Shriue Robert Wats T. Granger Shriue Sir Willlam Capell Draper Maior The 21. of Nouember at night a perillous fire began vpon London bridge neare Saint Magnus Church where 6. tenements were burnt The 7. of Februry certaine houses more consumed with ●●e against S. Buttelphes Church in Thames stréet The 29. of Ianuary began a Parliament at Westminster Edmond Dudley was speaker for the Commons wherein was granted to the King of lands 6. d. in the pound and of goods valued ten marks 6. d. and so vpwards which in all rose to the quantitie of a Fiftéene A new coine is ordained that is to say great ●nd halfe great which bare but halfe faces some greater of the value 12. d. were coined Robert Acheley shriue William Browne shriue Iohn Winger Grocer Maior The prisoners of the Marshalsey in Southwark ●●ake out and many of them being shortly after taken were put to execution especially those that ●●d laine for felony Richard Shore Shriue Roger Groue Shriue Thomas Knesworth Fishmonger Maior This Thomas Knesworth builded the Conduit at Bishopsgate he gaue to the Fishmongers certaine tenements for the which they bee bound to finde foure schollers at Oxford at Cambridge euery of them 4. pound the yeare Also to giue to twentie aged poore people of their Company to euery of them a winter garment for euer Also to giue the prisoners of Ludgate and Newgate euery yeare 40. s. Philip King of Castile and his wife were w●●ther driuen into England as they were passing toward Spaine who were honourably receiued 〈◊〉 the Earle of Arundell William Copinger shriue Thomas Iohnson shriue These Shriues being presented before the ●●rons of the Exchequer one William Copinger was admitted and sworne but Thomas Iohn● was put backe till they knew further of the Ki●● pleasure On the 10. of October a commaun●●ment was brought from the King to the 〈◊〉 Maior that he should cause an election to be 〈◊〉 for a new Shriue at which day came into 〈◊〉 Guild hall M. Edmond Dudley the Kings P●●dent and there shewed the Kings letters that 〈◊〉 Commons should name for the Kings pleas● William Fitz William Marchant Taylor and ●●derman for the yeare ensuing which with 〈◊〉 difficultie was granted This William fitz Wil● for the Kings gracious fauour to bee Shriue 〈◊〉 yeare gaue to the King 100. pound in ready ●●ney and hee was afterward of counsell to H● the eight Sir Richard
Mary the Kings sister of England Iames Yerford Shriue Iohn Munda● Shriue George Monox Draper Maior This George Monox repaired the parish Church of Waltham-stowe in the County of Essex and founded there an almes house for the poore men and women and a frée schoole for children Richard Hunne a Marchant Tailor of S. Margarets parish in Brigestréete who had béene put in the Lollards Tower about the ende of October was now the 5. of December found hanged in the said Tower and after burned in Smithfield On New yeares Euen died the French K. Lewis the 12. And the 9. of Aprill a n●w peace was concluded betwéene the King of England and Frances the new King of France In the moneth of May Charles Duke of Suffolke ●●dded the Lady Mary the kings sister late Quéene of France Henry Worley Shriue Richard Gray W. Baily Shriue William Butler Grocer Maior Lady Mary King Henries daughter was borne at Gréenewich on the xi of February Margaret Quéene of Scots King Henries eldest sister who had after the death of her first husband Iames King of Scots slaine at Bramston married Archibald Douglas Earle of Anguish fled into England and lay at Harbottle where shee was deliuered of a child called Margaret Thomas Seimer Shriue Iohn Th●●ston Shriue Iohn Rost Grocer Maior The Thames was frozen that men with horse and carts might passe betwixt Westminster and Lambeth On May euen was an insurrection of young persons and apprentises of London against Aliens of the which diuers were hanged with their Captaine Iohn Lincolne a Broker the residue to the number of 400. men and 11. women tied in ropes all along one after another in their shirts came to Westminster hall with halters about their neckes and were pardoned Margaret Quéene of Scots returned into Scotland to the Earle of Anguish her husband Thomas Baldry Shriue Ralph Simon Shriue Sir Thomas Exmew Goldsmith Maior Many dyed in E●gland of the sweating sicknesse especially about London wherefore Trinitie tearme was one day at Oxford and then adiourned to Westminster The Cittie of Turney was deliuered to the French King Iohn All●n shriue Iames Spencer shriue Thomas Mirsine Skinner Maior The Earle of Surrey was sent into Ireland as 〈◊〉 there and the Earle of Kildare was 〈…〉 of that office In Iuly Cardinall Campaius came into England from the Pope to exhort King Henry to make warres on the Turkes Iohn Wilkinson Shriue Nicolas Partridge Shriue Sir Iames Yarfords Mercer Maior As K. Henry was at Canterbury with the Quéene in readinesse to haue passed the sea he heard of the Emperour Charles cōming with whom he met at Douer accompanied him to Canterbury where after the Emperour had saluted the Quéene his aunt hee tooke shipping into Flanders The last day of May King Henry passed ouer to Calice and met with Francis the French King at the Campe betwéene Arde and Guines where were many great triumphs and goodly sights Imediately after hee met with the Emperour with whom hee went to Grauelin and the Emperour returned with him to Calice where he had great cheare Iohn Skenington shriue Iohn Kyeme shriue Sir Iohn Burges Draper Maior The 27. of May was Edward Duke of Buckingham beheaded King Henry wrote a booke against Luther and therefore the Bishop of Rome named him defender of the Faith Iohn Britane Shriue Thomas Pergetter Shriue Sir Iohn Milborne Draper Maior This sir Iohn Milborne builded certaine almes houses adioyning to the Crotched friers church in London wherein he placed 14. aged poore people The 6. of March the French King attached all Englishmens goods And all Frenchmens bodies and goods were attached at London Charles the 5. Emperour came into England was honorably receiued into London by y e Maior Aldermen commons of the City the 6. of Iune the King accompanying him from thence he went to Windsor and sate in the Stall of the Garter After great feasts iustes and honourable entertainment hee departed to Hampton and sailed from thence into Spaine During this time the Earle of Surrey Lord Admirall burnt Morles in Britaine not long after entred Picardy burnt diuers towns castles Iohn Rudstone Shriue Iohn Champneis Shriue Sir Iohn Munday Goldsmith Maior The Lord Rosse the Lord Dacres of the North burned the towne of Kelsey in Scotland with 80. villages and ouerthrew 18. Towers of stone The Emperour Charles King Henry Ferdinando Duke of Austrich the Pope the Cittie of Venice and diuers others in Italy were confederate against the Frenchmen The Turks besieged the I le of Rhodes on Christmas day tooke it to the rebuke of Christendome for their dissention and negligence The Earle of Surrey burned 37. villages in Scotland dispoiled the Countrey from the East Marches to the West A Parliament at the Blacke Friars in London wherein was granted a great Subsidy Christ●en King of Denmarke and his Quéen● arriued at Douer the 22. of Iune came to London and were lodged in the Bishop of Bathe● place The Duke of Suffolke was sent into France with an army of 10000. men who passing the water of Some without battaile tooke diuer Townes and Castles Michael English shriue Nicholas Ienings shriue Sir Thomas Baldry Mercer Maior In December at the Citty of Couentry Fra●●cis Philip Christopher Pickering and Anthon● Mainyle intended to haue taken the Kings trea●sure of his subsidie as the same came toward● London therwith to haue raised men and to haue taken the castle of Killingworth and then to h●●● made battell against the King for the which they were drawen hanged and quartered at Tiborne the other of their conspiracy were executed at Couentry Ralph Dodmer Shriue William Roch Shriue Sir William Baoly Draper Maior The 9. of March was great triumph made in England for the taking of the French King before the Citty o●●auie Cardinall Wolsey obtained licence of the Pope to surpr●sie certaine small Priories to the intent to erect two Colledges at Oxford and Ipswich The Tower of Greenwich was builded A truce betweene England and France Iohn Caunton shriue Christopher ●skew shriue Sir Iohn Allen Mercer Maior The xi of February foure Marchants of the Stilyard did penance at Paules Doctor Barnes bare a fagot This yeare 1526. Charles the sonne of Gilb●rt Earle of Moun●pensier who not long before had married the Lady Iane sole heire to the Dutchy of Burbon in whose right hee was Duke of Burbon vpon priuate discontent reuolted from his King Charles the 8. and then serued vnder the Emperour the King of England and after that the said Duke the yeare aforesaid besieged Rome sackt it did great spoiles extremities vnto the Cleargy forced the Pope to flie into Castle-Angelo but himselfe was there slaine by a Friar with the shot of a Caliuer The 6. of September was proclamation for gold the French Crowne 4. s. 6. d. The Angell 7.
s. 6. d. The Royall 11. s. 3. d. c. Stephen Pecocke Shriue Nicholas Lambert Shriue Sir Thomas Seymer Mercer Maior In Nouember December Ianuary fell such raine that thereof ensued great floods which destroied corne fields pasture beasts Then was it dry till the 12. of April from that nime it rained euery day and night till the 3. of Iune Such scarsitie of bread was at London and all England that many died for default thereof The bread carts comming from Stratford towards London were met at the Miles end by the citizens so that the Maior Shriues were forced to goe rescue the same to sée them brought to the markets appointed Wheate was then at xv s. the quarter Shortly after the Marchants of the Stilyard brought from Danske such store of wheate rye that it was better cheape at London then in any other part of the Realme Iohn Hardie Shriue William Hollis Shriue Sir Iames Spencer Vintner Maior A French Craer of 30. tun being manned with 38. Frenchmen and a Flemish Craer of 27. tun and 24. Flemings méeting at Margate the one chased the other along the Riuer of Thames to the Tower-wharfe of London where Sir Edmond Walsingham Lieutenant of the Tower staied them and tooke their Captaines and men The xvii of Iune the terme was adiourned till Michaelmas because of the sweating sicknes that then reigned there was no such watch in London at Midsomer as before had béen accustomed Ralph Warren Shriue Iohn Long. Shriue Sir Iohn Rudstone Draper Maior In April May Iune Iuly Cardinal Campaius with Cardinal Woolsey sate at the Blacke friars in London where before them was brought in question the kings mariage with Quéene Katherine as to be vnlawfull but they long time protracted the conclusion of the matter which delay King Henry tooke very displeasantly Cardinal Campaius departed towards Rome and shortly after Cardinall Woolsey was discharged of the Chancellorship and the king seised all his goods with his palace at Westminster called Yorke palace into his hands Sir Thomas Moore was made Chancellor of England Michael Dormer Shriues Walter Champion Shriue Sir Ralph Dodmer Mercer Maior William Tindall translated the new Testament into English printed the same beyond the seas A peace was agreed betwéene King Henry of England the Emperour the Frence King the King of Boheme and Hungary In the moneth of October the King came to the blacke Friars and began there a Parliament King Henry commanded the Bishops to call in Tindals translation of the new Testament and to sée another truly translated to be set forth King Henry vpon occasion of delay made by the Pope in his controuersie of diuorsment caused proclamatiō to be made forbidding all his subiects to purchase any thing from the Court of Rome The plague of pest being hot in the Cittie of London blew crosses called Per signum Tau were commanded to bee set ouer the doores of houses infected It was proclaimed that no Gascoine wine should be retailed aboue 8. d. the Galon Also that taules calued betwixt the first of Ianury and the first of May should not be killed but reared vp William Dancy Shriue Richard Choping Shriue Sir Thomas Pargetor Salter Maior The Cardinall being conuict of a premunire was arested by the Earle of Northumberland deliuered to the Earle of Shrewsbury and brought to Leicester Abbey where he deceased the 29. of Nouember and was there buried The whole Cleargy of England being iudged to be in the premunire in their conuocation concluded a submission wherein they called the King supreame head of the Church of England and were contented to giue the King 100000. pound to pardon their offence Richard Rise a Cooke was boiled in Smithfield for poysoning diuers persons at the Bishop of Rochesters place The xi of Aprill vii men with their horses and a Ferriman were all drowned at Lambeth Thomas Bilney was burned at Norwich Richard Gressam Shriue Edward Altam Shriue Sir Nicholas Lambert Grocer Maior In the moneth of Nouember a Serieants feast was held at Ely house in Holborne Looke more in the Suruey of London The 25. of May was taken betwéene London and Gréenewich two great Fishes called Hurl●pooles The oath which the Clergy had vsed to make to the Bishop of Rome was made voide by statute and a new oath confirmed wherein they confessed the King to be supreame head Sir Thomas Moore after suite made was discharged of the Chancellorship Thomas Audley Knight made Lord Chancellor Fiue men were hanged and quartered at Tower hill for coyning and clipping This yeare 1532. Alexander sonne of Lawrence of Medicis Duke of Vrban was by the speciall sauour of his vncle Pope Clement the 7. made the first Duke of Florence By the aduice of his vncle he gouerned his countrey and exercised great iustice vpon his people sate personally in the seate of iudgement and gaue sentence whereby he gained high estimation hee married the Emperours daughter and had no issue but in the end hee inclined to lust offered violence vnto modest Ladies And for his reward his kinsman Lawrence slew him by treason Anno. 1537. After him succéeded Gosmo de Medicis who tooke wa●ning by the others folly and gouerned his people very peaceably and did many acts worthy of memory he builded a colledge in Pisa for the aduancement of poore mens children The King suppressed the Priory of Christchurch in London and gaue their Church place lands to Sir Thomas Audley The xix of August William Warham Archbishop of Canterbury deceased The King repaired the Tower of London Lady Anne Bullein was made Marchiones of Pembroke King Henry went to Calice and so to Bulletin where hee met with the French King R. Rainold N. Pichon Shriue Iohn Martin Shriue Sir Stephen Pecocke Haberdasher Maior The 12. of Aprill being Easter euen the Lady Anne Bolein who had béene priuily married to K. Henry was proclaimed Quéene of England and on Whitsonday with solemnitie crowned at westminster The 5. of Iuly Quéene Katherine was proclaimed Prince Arthurs widow It was enacted that Butchers should sell their béefe and mutton by waight béefe for an halfe peny the pound and mutton thrée farthings at that time fat oxen were sold for 26. s. 8. d. the péece fat weathers for 3 s. 4. d. the péece fat Calues the like price a fat lambe for twelue pence The Butchers of London sold peny péeces of béefe for the reliefe of the poore euery péece two pound and a halfe sometime thrée pound for a peny and 13. sometime 14. of those péeces for twelue pence mutton 8. d. the quarter and an hundred weight of béefe for 4. s. 8. d. The 7. of September betwéene the houres of 3. 4. of the clocke in the afternoone was the Lady Elizabeth daughter to K. Henry borne at Gréenwich and there christened in the Fryars Church
in England named Knights of the Rhodes was dissolued whose reuenewes were wondrous great In May was sent to the Tower Doctor Wilson and Doctor Sampson Bishop of Chicester for relieuing certaine prisoners which d●nied the kings supremacy For the same offence Richard Farmer Grocer of London a wealthy man was committed to the Marshalsey attainted in the premunire and lost all his goods The 9. of Iuly Thomas Lord Cromwell Earle of Essex committed to the Tower of London the 28. of Iuly hee was beheaded on the Tower hillwith the Lord Walter Hungerford King Henry was diuorced from Lady Anne of Cleue The 30. of Iuly Robert Barnes Thomas Gerard William Ierome Priestes were burned in Smithfield The same day Thomas Abell Edward Powell and Richard Fetherstone were hanged and quartered for denying the Kings supremacy The fourth of August were drawne to Tiburne sixe persons one led Laurence Cooke Prior of Doncaster William Horne a lay brother of the Charterhouse Giles Horne Gentleman Clement Philpot Edmond Bromham Darby Kenham Robert Birde Geruace Carrow all put to death for denying the supremacie The eight of August Lady Katherine Howard was shewed openly as Queene at Hampton Court Great drought and a great death of hote burning agues and flixes The salt water flowed aboue London bridge William Laxton Martin Bowes Sir William Roch Draper Ralph Egerton and Thomas Harman put to death for counterfaiting the Kings great scale In Aprill certaine persons began a new rebellion in Yorkeshire which were shortly taken and put to execution in diuers places of which Leigh Tatersall and Thronton were put to death at London Sir Iohn Neuell Knight and ten persons more were put to death at Yorke Barbarossa the King of Argier his mother was a Christian and in his youth through extreame pouertie was constrained to wander like a pedler carrying chéeses and other like meane commodities into Spaine to get a poore liuing and after that he gaue himselfe to Piracy vpon the sea by which theft he enriched himselfe and then consorted with other strong théeues and robbers by meanes whereof hee grew very strong and well furnished with many exiles and wicked persons and then hee assailed and surprised Argier which is in Mauritania otherwise called Barbaria then he ioyned with the great Turke and made fierce warres by sea wherein hee was wondrous fortunate he did very great damage vnto Spaine and chased Foratine Muleasem the king of Tunis out of his kingdome but not being able to Maintaine his fortunes against the Emperour Carolus quintus the King of Tunis and others by reason hée wanted money and skilfull warriours the forenamed Muleasem in the yeare 1535. was by Carolus quintus reestablished in his Kingdome of Tunis for which kindnesse Muleasem permitted the preaching of the Christian faith and in the yeare 1541. Carolus and Muleasem made a strong attempt either to take or to extirpe the forenamed Barbarosso out of his Kingdome of Argier but it tooke no effect yet neuerthelesse forasmuch as they had crost the sea to that intent they meant to continue the siege which they had already planted before his chiefe city bordering vpon the Sea but vpon the sudden there arose a most great and terrible tempest with fierce showers of haile and raine which did the assailants extreame annoyance which the Argierians well perceiuing issued forth with great courage made as great slaughter of their enemies who were in a manner bea●● and almost ouercome with the fury of the tempest this was done about the beginning of October the yeare last mentioned the Emperour hereupon was constrained instantly to retire with mighty losse of men ships and gallies Read Gua●● and Paulus Iouius The Countesse of Sarisbury was beheaded in the tower of London Damport and Chapman two of the Kings guard were hanged at Greenewich in robbery The 28. of Iune Lord Leonard Gray Deputie 〈◊〉 Ireland was beheaded on the Tower hill The ●●me day were hanged at Saint Thomas Wa●●ings Mantile Royden and Frowds Gentlemen for spoile and murther they had done in Nicholas Pelhams Parke the Lord of Dacres of the South being in company and on St. Peters day the Lord Dacres led led from the Tower to Tiburne and there hanged In August the King tooke his Progresse towards Yorke Rowland Hill Henry Sucley Sir M●chaell Dormer Mercer On Christmas euen at night began a great fire in the house called Elsing spittle nigh Cripplegate in London which at that time was the house of Sir Iohn Williams Master of the Kings Iewels where many of those Iewels were burnt more imbezeled The Lady Katherine Howard whom the King had married for her vnchast liuing committed with Thomas Culpeper and Francis De●●ham was by Parliament attainted C●lpeper and Derham were put to death at Tiburne The 2● of Ianuary the King was proclaimed king of Ireland The 13. of February were beheaded with●● the Tower the Lady Howard otherwise called Queene Katherine and the Lady Rochford The 17. of March Margaret Dauie was boil●● in Smithfield for poysoning thrée housholds th● she had dwelled in In the moneth of August Iames Earle of Des●mond in Ireland submitted himselfe to the King The first of October the great Onele of Ireland was created Earle of Tiron and his base 〈◊〉 Mathewe Onele Barron of Dongaman 〈◊〉 Duke of Northfolke entred Scotland the 21. 〈◊〉 October burning wasting all the Marches and there tarried till the midst of Nouember Sir Henry Hublethorne Henry Amcots Iohn Coates Salter The King of Scots made a Roade into England and did much harme but at the last Sir Thomas Wharton sir William Musgraue with a few of the borderers met the Scots where they being in number 15000. were ouerthrowne in which con●●ict was taken the Lord Maxwell the Earles of ●lencarne and Sassilles with all the Captaines of the Army on St. Thomas euen were brought into the Tower of London At new-yeares-tide they were sent home againe The third of Iune the Obrine a Lord in Ireland and diuers of the wild Irish submitted them to King Henry the said Obrine was created Earle of Clawdicard The 12. of Iuly King Henry married Lady Katherine Parre late wife to the Lord Latimer King Henry sent ouer 6000. men to Landersey ●hither also came the Emperour with a great army and shortly after came downe the French K. with a great Army and offered to giue battaile to the Emperour by reason whereof the siege was raised Anthony Person Robert Testwood and Henry Fil●er were burnt at Windsor A great pestilence was at London and there●●re Michaelmas terme was adiourned to Saint Albons Iohn Towles Richard Dobs Shriues Sir William Bowyer Draper Sir Ra. Warren At Hallontide a roade was made into Scotland by the Garrison there who burned 60. villages and tooke great preyes This yeare chanced foure Eclipses one of the Sunne the 24.
haue meat drinke lodging and cloth of the almes of the Citie On Christmas day in the afternoone when the Lord Maior and Aldermen rode to Pauls the children of Christs Hospitall stood from St. Laurence lane in Cheape towards Pauls all in russet cotton the masters of the hospitall formost next the Physitians and Surgeons which children were in number 340. King Edward kept his Christmas with open houshold at Gréenewich George Ferrers Gentleman being Lord of merry disports al the xii daies who so pleasantly and wisely behaued himselfe that the King had great delight in his pastimes On the fourth of Ianuary the saide Lord of merry disports came by water to the Tower where hee entred and after rode through Tower stréete where he was met and receiued by Sergeant Vaus Lord of misrule to master Iohn Mainard one of the Shriues of London so conducted thorow the Cittie with a great company of young Lords and Gentlemen to the house of sir George Barne Lord Maior where he with the chiefe of his company dined and at his departure the Lord Maior gaue him a standing Cuppe with a couer siluer and gilt of the value of x. pound the residue of his Gentlemen and seruants dined at other Aldermens houses and with the Shrieues In the Moneth of Ianuary the King fell sicke of a cough which grieuously increased and at the last ended in a consumption of the lights The first of March began a Parliament at Westminster and brake vp on the 31. of March then being Good-friday a subsidie was granted of 4. shillings the pound lands and two shillings eight pence goods The third of Aprill being Munday after Easter day the children of Christs Hospitall in London came from thence through the City to the sermon at saint Mary spittle all cloathed in pl●nket coats with red caps and the mayden children in the same liuery with karchiefes all which were there placed on the scaffold of eight stages and there sate the Sermon time The tenth of Aprill the Lord Maior was sent for to the Court and at that time the King gaue to him for a workhouse for the poore and idle persons of the Citie of London his place of Bridewell and seuen hundred marks lands of the Sauoy rents with all the beds and bedding of the Hospitall of the Sauoy toward the maintenance of the said workehouse The 20. of May by the encouragement of one Sebastian Cabot thrée great ships well furnished were sent forth for the aduenture of the vnknown voiage to Muscouia and other east parts of the North seas King Edward being about the age of sixtéene yeares ended his life at Gréenewich on the sixt of Iuly when he had raigned 6. yeares 5. moneths and odde daies and was buried at Westminster The tenth of Iuly was proclamation made of the death of King Edward and how he had ordained that the Lady Iane daughter to Francis Dutchesse of Suffolke which Lady Iane was married to the Lord Gilford Dudley fourth sonne to the Duke of Northumberland should be heire to the Crowne of England The 11. of Iuly Gilbert Pot Drawer to Ninion Sanders Vintner dwelling at Saint Iohns head within Ludgate was set on the pillory in Cheape with both his eares nailed and cleane cut off for words speaking at the time of the Proclamation of the Lady Iane. Lady Mary eldest daughter to King Henry the eight fled into Framingham Castle in Suffolke where the people in the country almost wholly resorted to her In Oxford Sir Iohn Williams in Buckinghamshire Sir Edmond Pecham and in diuers other places many men of worship offering themselues as guides to the common people gathered great powers and with all spéede made toward Suffolke where Lady Mary was Also the 13. of Iuly by appointment of the Counsell the duke of Northumberland the Earle of Huntington the Lord Gray of Wilton and diuers other with a great number of men of armes set forward to fetch the Lady Marie by force and were on their way as farre as Bury The 19. of Iuly the Counsell assembled themselues at Baynards Castle where they commoned with the Earle of Pembrooke and immediately with the Maior of London certaine Aldermen and the Shriues Garter King of armes and a Trumpet came into Cheape where they proclaimed the Lady Mary daughter to King Henry the eight and Quéene Katherine Quéene of England France and Ireland The 20. of Iuly Iohn Duke of Northumberland being at Saint Edmonsbury and hauing sure knowledge that the Lady Mary was at London proclaimed Quéene returned backe againe to Cambridge and about fiue of the Clocke in the euening he came to the market crosse and caused the Lady Mary to be likewise proclaimed Quéene of England but shortly after he was arrested in the Kings Colledge And the 25. of Iuly hee with other was brought vp to the Tower of London vnder the conduct of Henry Earle of Arundell Thus was the matter ended without bloodshed which men feared would haue brought the death of many thousands Queene Mary MAry the eldest daughter to K. Henry the eight beganne her raigne the sixt of Iuly in the yeare 1553. she came to London and was receiued with great ioy entred the tower the third of August where Thomas Duke of Norffolke Doctor Gardiner late Bishop of Winchester and Edward Courtney sonne and heire to Henry Marquesse of Excester prisoners in the Tower discharged The fifth of August Edmond Bonner late Bishop of London prisoner in the Marshalsey and Cuthbert Tunstall Bishop of Durham prisoner in the Kings Bench were restored to their Seas shortly after all the Bishops which had béene depriued in the time of King Edward the sixt were restored to their Bishoprickes also all beneficed men that were married or would not forsake their opinion were put out of their liuings others set in the same The 11. of August certaine Gentlemen minding to passe vnder London bridge in a whirrie were there ouerturned and 6. of them drowned The 13. of August maister Bourne a Canon of Paules preaching at Pauls Crosse so offended sonne of the audience that they breaking silence cried pull him out and one threw a dagger at him whereupon master Bradford and Iohn Rogers two Preachers of King Edwards time with much labour conuaied the saide master Bourne out of the audience into Paules Schoole The 22. of August Iohn Duke of Northumberland Sir Iohn Gates sir Thomas Palmer knights were beheaded on the Tower hill The 4. of September was proclaimed certaine new coines a soueraine of gold of 30. s. the halfe soueraine 15. s. an Angell x. s. the halfe angell 5. s. Of siluer the great halfe groat and peny Also bas● coines to be currant as before At the same day by proclamation was pardoned the Subsidie of foure shillings the pound lands and 2. s. 8. d. the pound of moueable goods granted in the last Parliament of King
a like treaty of amity with Spaine To the effecting whereof he had procured the consent of the K. of Spaine then liuing After whose decease Philip the third succéeding his Father in the Crowne the same was againe reuiued and solicited by Andreas of Austria the Gouernour of the Low Countries and the Bishop of Constance both for the house of Burgundy and Kingdome of Spaine afterwards ratified by the Arch-duke Albert returned out of Spaine with the Infanta his wife Vpon which former promise made vnto her Maiesty shee was at length induced to condiscend vnto a treaty of peace at Bolaigne in France a place chosen by mutuall agreement on either side with the assent and good liking of the French King whether both Princes sent their Ambassadors furnished with ample power and authority in that behalfe where the English Ambassadors arriued the sixtéenth day of May in this present yeare 1600 being the day prefixed for this assembly and the Spanish the seuentéenth of the same moneth The Commissioners on the English side were these Sir Henry Neuel Knight her Maiesties ordinary Ambassador resident with the French King Iohn Harbert Esquire her Maiesties Secretary in the North part and Thomas Edmonds Esquire her Maiesties Secretary for the French tongue The Commissioners for Spaine were Baltazar de Caniga and Fonseca Ambassador resident for the King of Spaine with the Arch-duke of Austria in the Low Countries and Ferdinando Carillo Doctor of the ciuill Law vnto whom were adioyned on the Arch-dukes part Iohn Richardot President of the counsell of the said Arch-duke and Lewis Verraken the said Arch-dukes Audiencer The Commissioners on both sides being viewed and considered of some question for the presidencie and superiority of place fell into disputation and debate her Maiesty challenging the same as due vnto her before the time of the Emperour Charles as appeareth by Volateran in the time of King Henry the seuenth her Highnes Grandfather when this self-same difference betwéene both those Crownes comming into question the Pope preferred England and adiudged vnto this Crowne the most honourable place but forasmuch as the same was contradicted by the Spanish Commissioners who not onely refused to yéeld presiansie vnto her Maiesty but also to admit an equality or of any other indifferent and middle course whereby the honour of her Maiesty might bee preferred the present treaty which hitherto was perfourmed onely by some priuate visitations and conferences of some one or two of the Commissioners on either side without comming to any generall méeting or colloquie was on the second day of August in the yeere aforesaid for this time delayed and by mutuall assent of the Commissioners on both sides according to their seuerall authorities respectiuely granted vnto them in that behalfe suspended vntill the the end of sixtie dayes following in which meane while it might be vnderstood what should be the determination of both Princes for a further ● preceeding in the said colloquie of peace at some other time and place wherein as yet no certaine resolution hath béene hitherto taken The 8 of August 1600 came Ambassadors from Abdela Wayhetanow King of Barbary the chiefe whereof was his Secretary diuers in commission with him were Artificers and Trades-men they were very bountifully entertained at the Quéenes charges during their sixe monthes abode they were very subtle and vnthankfull they abhorred to giue any manner of Almes vnto any poore Christians they sold their broken meat vnto such as would giue most for it they killed all their owne meat in the Ambassadors house as Lambes and all kinde of Pullen c. which they vsually killed turning their faces towards the East they vsed to wash their owne féete twice or thrice aday and sometimes to wash their bodies they vse beades and pray to Turkish Saints they diligently obserued the manner of our weights and measures and all things else that might auaile their natiue Marchants and preiudice the English Nation The 18 of September came Embassadours from Borris Pheodorwich Emperour of Russia which said Borris was newly come vnto that dignity by vsurpation onely by meanes of his greatnesse in popularity hauing as he supposed long before made away the late immediat Heire Demetrius second sonne to old Ivan Vasselowich and yonger brother to the late Pheodor Vasselowich This Borris at his first comming to the crowne was as bounteous and liberall vnto all sorts of people as he was when he was a subiect but within a while after he grew very couetous and desirous to fill his treasure by meanes whereof within sixe yéeres hee was as generally hated of all the Russians as euer he was beloued of whose sudden and vnexspected downefall you may reade at large in the third yeare of King Iames. About the last of August Robert Earle of Essex was set at liberty The 10 of September the said Embassadors of Barbary were againe conueyed to the Court at Oatlands there to take their leaue of her Maiesty but were required to stay to sée the Iusting and other triumphs at Westminster on the 17. of Nouember In the moneth of September souldiers prest in and about the City of London to the number of 350. and likewise out of diuers shires were sent towards Ireland wherof diuers running from their Captaines and colours were afterward taken and hanged for example to others The 18. of September Ambassadors from Muscouia or Russia landing at Tower wharfe were there receiued by the Aldermen of London in scarlets the Muscouy Marchants and a number about two hundred of the principall companies in veluet Coats and chaines of gold all well mounted conueied them in c●aches from the Tower to the house sometime pertayning to Sir Cuthbert Buckell Maior The 14. of October the said Ambassadors rode to the Court and had audience before the Quéene This yeare the most Reuerend Father in God Iohn Whitgift Archbishop of Canterbury did finish that notable monument of our time to wit his Hospitall of the holy Trinity in Croydon in the County of Surry by him there founded builded of stone and bricke for the releise and sustentation of certaine poore people As also a faire Schoole-house for the increase of literature together with a large dwelling house for the Schoolemaster and these premisses he hath through Gods assistance in his owne life time performed for as my selfe haue heard him say he would not be to his Executors a cause of their damnation remembring the good aduice that an ancient Father hath left to all posterity Tutior via est vt bonum quod quisquis post mortem sperat agi per alios agat dum viuit ipse per se It is a way farre more safe for a man to do● good and charitable déedes by himselfe whilst he liueth then to hope that others will do the same for him after his death Thomas Smith Thomas Cambell the 28 of September William Crauen the fourteenth of Februarie Sir
arraigned and condemned of high treason The fift of Iuly arriued at London Prince George Lodwicke Langraue of Lutenburgh c. being sent Ambassador from Rodolphus the second of that name Emperour of the Romans vnto the Kings Maiestie to congratulate his peacefull enioying this Kingdome and the rest of his lawfull inheritance and for continuance of ancient amity with the King of Great Brittaine and the Emperours emperiall dignity this Ambassador was accompanied with thrée Earles and 24 Knights and Gentlemen he had a guard of muskets and an hundred other common persons and returned the 22 of Iuly The 8 of Iuly proclamation was made against Pirats and other English Mariners and Souldiers who vnder pretence of seruing the States robbed diuers Englishmen and other Nations who made complaint thereof vnto his Maiesty This is the third Proclamation against Pirats The 24 of Iuly died shireiffe Iones and two daies after Oliuer Stile Grocer was chosen shiriffe for the remainder of that yeare but the said Oliuer Stile was not chosen Alderman but remained as a Commoner because he had paid a fine before to acquite himselfe thereof and as he supposed of all other publicke offices wherein he deceiued himselfe The first of August died Sir Edmond Anderson Lord Chiefe Iustice of the 〈◊〉 Pleas a man very famous for Law Equity and Conscience he sate Iudge of that High Court thrée and twenty yeares he abhorred briberie he was vtterly against all Monopolies and Polipragmaes in concealements after him succéeded Sir Francis Gawdie a most iust Iudge and a great Lawier he died the 15 of December next following The 11 of August the King made Proclamation to redresse the misimployment of lands and goods and other things giuen to charitable vses William Caluerley of Caluerley in Yorkeshire Esquier murdered two of his owne children in his owne house then stabd his wife into the body with full entent to haue killed her and then instantly with like fury went from his house to haue slaine his youngest Child at nurse but was preuented he was prest to death in Yorke the 5 of August The 27 of August the King Quéene Prince with many of the Nobility being accompanied with the Ambassadors of Spaine and the Archduke were very royally receiued into Oxford where the King heard sundry disputations and himselfe made an Oration in Latine in presence of the whole assembly and for thrée daies space they were most sumptuously feasted by the Earle of Dorset Lord Treasurer of England and Chancellour of that Vniuersity who also gaue frée entertainement vnto all commers from morning vntill night during the Kings abode in Oxford The 29 of August 1605. the King by his Letters Pattents did incorporate the Woodmongers and Carmen of London and the Suburbes to be a Body Corporate and Politicke for euer by the name of Master Wardens and Fellowship of Woodmongers Thomas Hunt and Marke Snelling and Cuthbert Coleman were the first Master and Wardens thereof The last of August arriued at London Henricus Remelyus Principall Secretary of Estrate vnto Christianus the 4 King of Denmarke to be enstalled Knight of the Garter in his Kings right to whom the order of the Garter was sent two yeares before he returned the 28 of September The 29 of September the L. Archbishop of Canterbury was sworne a Priuy Counsellor of Estate at Hampton Court About the 20 of September sir Thomas Smith returned out of Russia being sent thither Ambassador the last yeare vnto the Emperour Boris Pheodorowich Godonoua at whose arriuall there he found the country in vprore and the Emperour in open warres against Demetrius who claimed the crowne then entered his territories with an armie of Polonians and seconded by certaine discontented Russians all which notwithstanding the Emperour vsed and entreated him very respectiuely and became so gratious with him as the Emperour graunted all that he desired and being returned from Mosco to Vollogda to embarke for England he vnderstood that the said Boris Pheodor had poisoned himselfe and that his sonne Pheodor Borossowich succéeded him who vpon knowledge that the English Ambassador was not yet departed dealt as kindly with him as his father had done as well in accepting his letters as promising to confirme whatsoeuer his father graunted but this yong Emperour died within eight wéekes after his coronation and the forenamed Demetrius the supposed sonne to the ancient Euan Vaselowich obtained the crowne which said Demetrius after his counsell had duely informed him of the serious purposed and discreet carriage of the English Ambassador from the King of England and that he remayned yet in Russia with all spéed sent Gauarillo Salmanoue a great Courtier vnto his Lordship with commission to giue him a honourable dispatch and to signifie his Maiesties most earnest desire to be in loue and amity with King Iames of England aboue all the Kings in the world Thomas Pearcy Robert Catesby Thomas Winter and others in the last yeare of the raigne of Quéene Elizabeth by the instigation of certaine Iesuits practised with the king of Spain to send a well furnished Army vpon England promising him great aide to entertaine them at their arriuall at Milford Hauen to that purpose the King promised to send them fifty thousand pound for leuying of horse and ●oot and preparation of Munition in England to second them but whilst this was in a manner concluded Quéene Elizabeth died and the King of Spaine vpon certaine knowledge that King Iames was established dispatched his Ambassadors and Commissioners for England for confirmation of a lasting Peace betweene them yet neuerthelesse the said Robert Catesbie sent Thomas Winter againe to the King of Spaine to resolicite their former proiect but the King answered him your old Queene is dead with whom I had warres and you haue a new King with whom I haue euer beene in good peace and amity and for continuance thereof I haue sent my speciall Commissioners and vntill I sée what will become thereof I will not hearken vnto any other course whatsoeuer When Winter returned and made this knowne vnto Catesby Pearcy and the rest then they beganne to cast about what they might doe of themselues to aduance the Roman Catholicke Religion but first they would see the euent of the first Parliament if that would mitigate any former Lawes and trie what good the Conclusion of Peace with Spaine would doe vnto them before they attempted any further but when they perceiued that neither Parliament nor publicke Peace sorted in any part to their desire and that the Peace concluded was rather a more ready meanes for the Law to proceede against them then otherwise because the Peace concerned onely the Amitie of Christian Princes for the generall good of Christendome without any particular or priuate respect then Catesby told the rest hee had a deuice in his head that should free them and the rest of the English Catholiques from their oppressions
THE Abridgement of the English Chronicle First collected by M. Iohn Stow and after him augmented with very many memorable Antiquities and continued with matters forreine and domesticall vnto the beginning of the yeare 1618. By E.H. Gentleman There is a briefe Table at the end of the Booke Imprinted at London for the Company of Stationers 1618. Dextera Domini me exalt abit To the Right Honorable Sir George Bolles Knight Lord Maior of the Citie of London and to the Right worshipfull the Aldermen his brethren And to Sir Anthony Benn Knight Recorder of the same Citie Edmond Howes Gentleman wisheth all health and felicitie RIght Honourable and graue Senators the blessed and peaceful entrance into this land and ioyfull possession of our Leige Lord of his immediate right of the Imperiall crowne of England and the vtter banishment of all doubt in the Regall succession with the vniuersall hearts applause of all his Highnesse English subiects who with one consent acknowledged their loue and dutie vnto his lawfull right in Soueraigntie all which in the speedy effecting and establishing of peace in this kingdome was much more then either our neighbour Nations held possible to bee so easily performed A appeared by their great admiration vpon the certaine knowledge thereof or was rightly vnderstood of the multitude that wholly enioyes the benefite as too plainely appeareth by their wilful ingratitude forgetfulnes seeing their long continued feare so quickely supprest and beyond all expectation conuerted into as great freedome and tranquilitie as either their hearts could wish or is enioyed by any other nation All these and many other high blessings of Almightie God still succeeded one another no man would once hold vp his finger to make present acknowledgement or publicke vnderstanding vnto posterities of the boundlesse and wondrous workes of God in these our daies as also of the manifold remarkable accidents which haue happened of late yeares These motiues I say with the earnest perswasions of diuers graue and honourable personages who neuer ceased to accite mee vnto this present Act of Chronologie haue directly caused mee to performe this generall businesse in which my tedious labours I haue been intollerably abused and scandalized by Thraso Momus Zoylus and other backebiters detractors concerning whom sith it is the least of offences to offend offenders I will neither vexe my selfe nor trouble your patience in seeking to please the enuious and insatiate But forasmuch as I highly prize the good content of the honest wise and vertuous thus was the course and manner of my proceeding herein After I had well obserued that no man would lend a helping hand vnto the late aged painefull chronicler neither in many moneths after his death that any would expose or shewe themselues to prosecute so good a worke and albeit that in this interim before there were many named to haue already entred into this Labyrinth yet not one appeared whereupon I remembred the saying of the Philosopher That the naming of many friends is a maine impediment vnto friendship And as in that so in this then for my own cleare satisfaction full assurance that I would neither preiudice nor preuent any others better proceeding I entered into particular conference with euery man whose names had beene diuulged Some of them of honourable rancke and reuerent qualitie all of them learned of good sufficiency some whereof answered me they thought that the giuing out of their names in this sort was rather done by their secret enemies of purpose to draw them into capitall displeasure and to bring their names liues into a generall question then for any other intent of good other saide who doth this worke must flatter which I cannot neither will I wilfully leaue a scandall vnto my posteritie Another said I cannot see how in any ciuil action a man should spend his trauell time mony worse then in that which acquires no regard nor reward except backebiting detraction And one amongst the rest after he had sworne an oath saide I thanke God that I am not yet madde to wast my time spend two hundred pound a yeare trouble my selfe all my friends onely to gaine assurance of endlesse reproch losse of libertie and bring all my dayes in question like as these spake so did many others And in conclusion I sawe it vtterly refused of all And by this time it was generally obserued that this worke was wholly neglected Then many of my friends began againe to animate me and very seriously required me to make supplement whose kinde perswasions preuailed so farre that I promised them to doe my indeuour onely for one yeares space wherein my good will exceeded my best experience as I found afterwards for that it is not a yeare or two wherein a man may obtaine the particularities of truth neither accomplish any thing to the effect in this solide and variable imploiment Then forthwith I repaired to the most honourable superiours vnto whom I humbly signified my zealous loue dutie and diligence in this generall seruice of my Prince and Country Of whom I receiued very gracious incouragement honorable instructions And after that vpon conference with diuers graue Elders louers of vertue and fauourers of the Cities honour by whose direction with all meekenesse I manifested my willingnesse vnto the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen being then resolued neither to breake my former promise nor to neglect so great and generall a good for any deprauing speeches or maleuolent aspects with all integritie since which time I haue spent in this busines sixteene yeares without any great cause of encouragement May it therefore please your wisedomes rightly to vnderstand that in all my proceedings I haue neither presumed too farre of my selfe nor done ought that might discourage or preuent any other And thus much for the cause and maner of my proceeding Now right honourable and most worthy Elders whose state and gouernment is renowned through the world what is hee that hath any vnderstanding and knowes not London to bee the most flourishing and peacefull Cittie of Europe of greatest antiquitie happiest in countinuance most increased chiefe in prosperitie and most stored with plentie and here I might alleadge many ancient presidents of pleasures profits time and state whereof neuer any subordinate Magistrates could equall yours But seeing few wordes to the wise suffice I will onely speake a word or two by the way The promised blessing vnto the ancient Israelites to possesse a land that flowed with milke and hony is with seuen fold measure heaped on your heads your citty filled more aboundantly with all sorts of silkes fine linnen oyles wines and spices perfection of Arts all costly ornaments and curious workemanship then any other Prouince so as London well deserues to beare the name of the choicest storehouse in the world and to keepe ranke with any royall Cittie in Europe her Cittizens rich and bounteous witnesse their franke-giuing of more then
natiuitie 1108. wherein he first beganne to raigne and named it after his owne name Britan he builded the Citty of new Troy now called London he diuided the whole Island among his thrée sonnes Vnto Locrine his eldest sonne hée gaue the middle part called Loegria to Camber Cambria to Albanact Albania he deceased when he had raigned 24. yeares LOcrine raigned 20. yeares he chased the Hunnes which inuad●● this realme pursued them so sharpely that many of them with their King were drowned in a riuer named Humber Locrine had to wife Guendoline daughter to Corineus Duke of Cornwall by whom hee had a sonne named Madan hée also kept Estrild by whom hee had a daughter named Sabrine but Guendoline gathering a great power fought with King Locrine and stewe him Shée drowned Estrild with her daughter Sabrine in a Riuer called Seuerne GVendoline discréetly ruled 15. yeares and left the same to her sonne Madan MAdan was deuoured by wild woules when he had raigned 11. yeares MEmpricius slewe his brother Manlius taking the wiues daughters of his subiects but was destroyed of wolues when he had raigned 20. yeares EBranke founded Alclud in Scotland he made the Castle of Edenbrough and Bambrought hee builded Rayrbranke now called Yorke hée raigned 40. yeares Brutus surnamed Greeneshield raigned twelue yeares LEil builded Carlill now called Cestria hée raigned 25. yeares RVdhudribras builded Canterbury Winchester and Shaftsbury He raigned twentynine yeares BLadud who had long studied at Athens broght Philosophers to kéepe schooles in Britaine hée builded Bath and presumed to flie but brake his necke when he had raigned 20. yeares LEile builded Caer Lair now called Leicester Hée had thrée daughters Gonorell Ragan and Cordelle which Cordelle succéeded him in the Kingdome when he had raigned fourtie yeares COrdelle was sore vexed by her two Nephews Morgan of Albanie and Conedagus of Camber who cast her into prison where shée flew her selfe when she had raigned 5. yeares MOrgan warred on his Nephewe Conedagus but Conedagus slue Morgan and then was King of all Britaine He raigned thrée and thirty yeares RIuallo in whose time it rained bloud three dayes And then a great mortalitie caused almost desolation He raigned 46. yeares GVrgustus a common drunkard whereof followed other vices raigned 37. yeares SIcilius the brother of Gurgustus raigned fortie nine yeares IAgo Cousin to Gurgustus raigned fiue and twenty yeares Kimmacus raigned 53. yeares Gorbodug raigned 43. yeares FErrex with his brother Porrex ruled Britain● fiue yeares they fell at ciuill discord for the soueraigne dominion in which Ferrex was slaine and Porrex afterward was killed MVlmutius Dunwallo constituted good lawes which long after were called Mulmutius lawes he gaue priuiledges vnto Temples and ploughes and began to make the foure notable wayes in Britaine he raigned 40. yeares BElinus Brennus diuided this Isle of Britaine Vnto Belme was appointed England Wales and Cornwall Vnto the other the part beyond Humber This Brennus raised warre against B●line but in conclusion Brennus went amongst the Gaules where for his excellent qualities hée was their soueraigne Captaine with whom he passed into Italy sacked Rome Belinus raigned xxvi yeares Gurgustus subdued Denmarke and in his returne met with a fléete comming from the parts of Spaine which were séeking for habitations to whom he granted the Isle of Ireland to inhabite He raigned xix yeares GVinthelinus had to wife a notable womā named Mercia Shee diuised certaine lawes named Mercians lawes He raigned xxvi yeares CEcilius raigned seuen yeares a people called Picts arriued here in Britaine and possessed those parts which now be the Marches of both Realmes England and Scotland KImarus raigned 3. yeares and was slaine as he was hunting Elanius was King of Britaine 9. yeares MOrindus in whose time out of the Irish seas came a wonderfull monster which destroyed much people whereof the King hearing would needes fight with it by which hee was deuoured when he had raigned 8. yeares GOrbomannus raigned 11. yeares He builded Grantham ARchigallo extorted from men their goods to enrich his treasure for which cause he was depriued when he had raigned 5. yeares Elidurus raigned 5. yeares ARchigallo restored ruled the people quietly ten yeares ELidurus after the death of his brother raigned not passing two yeares but that his younger brother Vigenius tooke and cast him into prison VIgenius raigned seuen yeares and Pereduries raigned after 2. yeares He builded the town of Pickering Elidurus the third time raigned foure yeares Gorbonian raigned ten yeares Morgan guided the Realme 14. yeares EMerianus when he had tyrannously raigned 7. yeares was deposed Iuall gouerned peaceably 20. yeares Rimo gouerned this Realme 16. yeares Gernuntius raigned 20. yeares CAtillus raigned ten yeares he hung vp all oppressors of the poore Coilus quietly raigned 20. yeares Porrex a vertuous Prince raigned 5. yeares CHierennus through his darkenesse raigned but one yeare Fulgen his sonne raigned but two yeares Eldred raigned but one yeare Androgius likewise raigned one yeare Varianus raigned thrée yeares Eliud a great Astronomer raigned 5. yeares Dedantius raigned fiue yeares Detonus raigned in the land two yeares Gurginus raigned thrée yeares Merianus was King two yeares Blandumus gouerned two yeares Capenus raigned thrée yeares Quinus ruled this land two yeares Silius raigned two yeares Bledgabredus raigned ten yeares Archemalus was King two yeares Eldelus raigned foure yeares Rodianus was King two yeares Redargius raigned thrée yeares Samulius raigned two yeares Penisellus was King thrée yeares Pyrhus ruled this land two yeares Caporus was King two yeares Diuellus gouerned foure yeares Helius raigned not full one yeare LVd repaired the city of new Troy builded on the west part thereof Ludgate leauing after him two sons Androgius and Theomancius who being not of age to gouerne their Vncle Cassibelan obtained the crown London tooke the name of Lud and was called Ludstowne Thus farre Ieffery Munmouth CAssibelanus ruled 19. yeares In the 8. yeare of his raigne Iulius Caesar sailed into Britain whereat the first being wearied with an hard sharpe battaile after with sudden tempest and his nauy almost destroied he returned againe into France the next spring which was the yeare before Christ 51. hée passed the seas againe with a great army But whiles he went towards his armies ●nland his shippes lying at anker with force of tempest were destroyed so that 40. were lost Vpon land also his horsemen at the first encounter were vanquished At the second conflict hee put the Britaine 's to flight From thence hée went vnto the riuer of thames on the further side whereof Cassibelanus with a great multitude of people was kéeping the bankes
haue crucified him at Easter for which fact they were conuicted Walter Brune a Citizen of London and Rosia his wife founded the Hospitall of our Lady without Bishops-gate of London Gerard Bate Shriue Robert Hardell Shriue Andrew Bakerell Pepperer Maior K. Henry tooke to wife Elianor daughter to Raymond Earle of Prouince The Thames ouerflowed the banks so that in the great Palace of Westminster men did rowe with wherries in the midst of the Hall A Parliament at Marton wherein was made the statutes of Marton Henry Cocham Shriue Iordan of Couentry Shriue Andrew Bokerell Pepperer Maior Octobon a Cardinall came into England as a Legate from the Pope This yeare passed stormy and troublesome weather and very vnhealthfull Iohn Toloson Shriues Geruas the Cordwaiuer Shriue Andrew Bokerell Pepperer Maior Octobon being lodged in the Abbey of Osney the scollers of Oxford slew his master Cooke the Legate for feare got him into the stéeple of the church where he held him till the kings Officers cōming from Abingdon conueied him to Wallingford where hee accursed the misdoers Otho de Kilkeuney a standard bearer to the schollers was taken with 12. other cast into prison long after went from S. Pauls Church in London to the Legates house bare footed bare headed where they asked him forgiuenes A Scholer of Oxford enterprised to haue slaine the King in his chamber at Woodstocke was taken and pulled in péeces with horses Iohn Coders Shriue Iohn de Wilchale Shriue Richard Renger Maior The K. gaue the Earledome of Lecester to Simon Mountford The Tower of London was fortified which the citizens feared lest it were done to their detriment Roger Bongry shriue Ralph Ashy shriue William Ioyner Maior The stone gate bulwarke which the king caused to be builded by the tower of London was shaken with an earthquake fel down but the king commaunded the same to bee builded againe Many strange fishes came a shore wherof 40. were Seabuls and one of a huge bignes passed through the bridge of London vnhurt til he came as farre as kings house at Mortlacke where he was killed Aldermen of London which had the rule of the wards of the Citty were euery yeare changed Iohn Gisers Shriue Michael Tony. Shriue Gerard Bat Maior The Iewes were constrained to pay 2000. markes at two tearmes in the yeare or else to be kept in perpetuall prison The walles and bulwarkes that were newly builded about the tower of London were againe throwne downe as it were with an earthquake Iohn Viel Shriue Thomas Duresme Shriue Reginald Bongey Maior K. Henry with a great army sailed into Normandy purposing to recouer Poiters Guien and other countries but after many bickerings to the losse of Englishmen he treated peace Iohn Fitz Iohn Shriue Ralph Asswaie Shriue Reginald Bongey Maior The Thames ouerflowed the bankes about Lambeth drowned houses and fields the spa● of 6. miles and in the great hall at Westminster men tooke their horses backes Hugh Blunt Shriue Adam Basing Shriue Ralph Ashwie Pepperer Maior Griffin the eldest son of Leoline prince of Northwales which was kept prisoner in the Tower of London made of y e hangings shéets towels c. a long line put himselfe downe from the top of the tower but being a very big man the rope brake and he fell on his necke Robert Grosted Bishop of Lincolne with other Prelates complained to the king of the waste made of the Church goods by alian Bishops and Clearkes Ralph Foster Shriue Nicholas Bat Shriue Michiael Tony. Maior The King enlarged the Church of S. Peters in Westminster pulling downe the old walles and stéeple and caused them to be made more comely Robert of Cornehill Shriue Adam of Bentley Shriue Iohn Gisers Pepperer Maior The Church of S. Mildred in Canterbury and a great part of the Citie was burnt Simon Fitz Marie shriue Laurence Froike shriue Iohn Gisers Pepperer Maior King Henry let to f●rme the Quéene-hiue in London to Iohn Gisors then Maior and his successors and cōminalty of London for euer for the summe of 50. pounds the yeare A great plague was in England Iohn Viell shriues Nicholas Bat shriue Peter Fitz Alwin Maior By reason of the embasing of the coine a great penury followed The towne of Newcastle vpon Tine was burned bridge and all By a strange earthquake the toppes of houses were throwne downe wals did cleaue the heade of chimneyes and towers were shaken Nicholas Fitz Iosey shriue Geffery Winchester shriue Michael Toney Maior The King made a Mart at Westminster to la●● 15. daies which the citizens were faine to redéeme with 1000. pounds Richard Hardell Shriue Iohn Tolason Shriue Roger Fitz Roger Maior In October the sea flowing twise without ebbe made so horrible a noise that it was heard a great way into England beside this in a darke night the sea séemed to be on a light fire and the wa●s to fight one with another so that the Marriners were not able to saue their ships And at Winche●●sea besides cottages for salt fishermens houses bridges mils aboue 300. houses in that towne with certaine Churches through the violent rising of the sea were drowned Humfrey Beas shriue William Fitz Richard shriue Iohn Norman Maior K. Henry granted that where before the citizens of London did presēt their Maior before the king wheresoeuer he were and so to be admitted now should come only before y e Barons of y e Exchequer Lawrence Froicke shriue Nicholas Bat shriue Adam Basing Maior A great drought from Easter to Michaelmas The shepheards of France England took their iourney towards the holy land to the number of 30000. but their number vanished in short time William Durham shriue Thomas Wimborn shriue Iohn Toloson Draper Maior The liberties of London were seized by y e means of Richard Earle of Cornwall who charged the Maior that hee looked not to the Bakers for their ●ses of bread so that the citty was forced to please the Earle with 600. Markes and were restored Iohn Northampton shriue Richard Pickard shriue Richard Hardell Draper Maior Edward the kings son wedded Elianor the kings daughter of Spaine his father gaue him y e Earledome of Chester the gouernance of Gwien and Ireland Ralph Ashy shriue Robert of Limon shriue Richard Hardell Druper Maior 142. Iewes were brought to Westminster which were accused of crucifying a child at Lincolne 18. of them were hanged the rest remained long prisoners Stephen Do shriue Henry Walmond shriue Richard Hardell Draper Maior The Maior and diuers Aldermen of London and the Sherifes were depriued of their offices the gouernance of the Cittie committed to other Michael Bokerell Shriue Iohn the Minor Shriue Richard Hardel Draper Maior Hugh Bigot chiefe Iustice of England Rog● Turkleby kept their Courts in the Guild hall
Penreth with many other townes wherefore the Bishop of Carlile with Thomas Lucy Robert Ogle and a great number compassed them in the night season and with lights and noises so disquieted them that they neither durst goe out for victuals nor giue their bodies to sléepe but at the last Alexander Stragon stoutly prepared to goe out for victuals whom the Bishop and Robert Ogle met and with a speare thrust him through the body so that the Scots were ouercome and slaine Edmond Hemenball shriue Iohn of Glocester shriue Richard Leger Maior King Edward tooke shipping and arriued at Hogges in Normandy from thence hee went to Caen in which iourney he burned the ships in all the hauens round about hee spoiled Caen to the bare wals and tooke many prisoners Hee besieged Calice Dauid le Bruce with all his power entred the borders of Northumberlād came to Bere Parke by Neuels crosse nigh Durham spoyling and killing all that met them then William Souch Archbishop of Yorke the Lords Percy M●nbray Ralph Neuell gaue them a sharpe battell wherein the Englishmen had the victory the Scots put to slight In the chase were taken Dauid le Bruce the Earles of Meney of Stradermes of Fife with others Iohn Croyden Shriue William Clopton Shriue Geffery Witchingham Maior When King Edward had long time besieged Calice the French King came to breake the seege but when he saw he could not fulfill his desire hee set fire in the tents and went his way which whē the men of Calice perceiued they yéelded the town and Castle This yeare 1347. Lewis the fourth Emperour of that name fell from his horse and died thereof And in the yeare 1390. Iohn King of Spaine as he was hunting a hart fell from his horse brake his neck In the yeare 1395. in diuers parts were seene one great starre and fiue little starres which séemed to fight with the great starre and to pursue it by the space of an hower and after that there were diuers voyces heard in the aire like cryes and after that a man was séene in the aire like copper holding a launce in his hand and hee threw fire after the starre and suddenly all these sights vanished In some places there were heard loud voices and great sounds of men fighting and ratling of Armour wherewith the people were much astonished These prodigies came before a great battell which was fought this yeare in Hungary where the Hungarians at this time had the victory slew of their enemies the Sarazens almost an hundred thousand but the next yeare following the Turkes Sarazens had a mighty victory vpon Sigismond King of Hungary and vpon the rest of the Christian army Which discomfiture of the Christians the French Chronicles very honestly records to be long of the proud disordered Princes and Gentry of France who obstinately inclined more to their seuerall losses and riotous desires then to their obedience in this speciall seruice of God It happned this yeare also being the yeare 1396. that the King of Arragon riding after a Hart fel from his horse brake his necke and not long after this King Richard came to vntimely death And in the 400. the Duke of Brunswicke was murthered by a Knight And this yeare in france there were hailestones as big as goose egs About this time was that Vniuersitie of Lypsicke founded K. Edward was by the Princes Electors chosen Emperour but he refusing it attended the wars in France Adam Broson Shriue Richard Bas Shriue Thomas Leggy skinner Maior Gualter Many founded the Charterhouse besides London neare to Smithfield and was there buried The pestilence beganne in England about Lammas so that very many that were whole in the morning died before noone In one day there was 20.40.60 and many times more dead bodies buried in one pit About the feast of all Saints it came to London and increased so much that from Candlemas vntill Easter in the Charterhouse Churchyard neare vnto Smithfield more then 200. dead corps besides the bodies that were buried in other Churchyards where there euery day buried Henry Pichard Shriue Simon Dolseby Shriue Iohn Loukin Fishmonger Maior More then 120. persons of Zealand and Holland comming out of Flanders to London sometime in the Church of S. Paul sometime in oth●● places of the Cittie twise in the day in the sight of the people from the loines to the héeles couered with linnen cloath euery one in their hand a whip with thrée cordes beat themselues on their bodies going in procession 4. of them singing in their own language all the other answering them Adam of Bury Shriue Ralph of Linne Shriue Walter Turke Fishmonger Maior In Oxfordshire neare to Chippingnorton was found a Serpent hauing two heads and two faces like women one face attired of the new fashion of womens attire the other face like the old array and had wings like a bat King Edward met the Spaniards vpon the Sea by Winchelsea Romney and slew them and tooke 26. great shippes Iohn Notte Shriue William Worcester Shriue Richard Killingbury Maior A new coine called a groate and halfe groate were coyned but these were of lesse waight then the Easterlings by reason whereof victuals and marchandise became the dearer Iohn Wroth Shriue Gilbert Stinesthorpe Shriue Andrew Aubery Grocer Maior The Castle of Guines was yéelded to the Englishmen dwelling in Callis Iohn Peach Shriue Iohn Stotley Shriue Adam Frances Maior King Edward altered the Chappell which his progenitours before time had founded of S. Stephens at Westminster into a Colledge of xii secular Canons xii vicars other ministers accordingly This sommer was called the dry sommer William Wolde Shriue Iohn Little Shriue Adam Frances Mercer Maior The staple of wooll was remoued from Flanders and established sundry places of England to wit at Westminster Canterbury Chichester Bristow Lincolne and Hull William Totingham shriue Richard Smelt shriue Thomas Leggy Skinner Maior A great dissension fell in Oxford betwéene a scholler a vintner for a quart of wine so that the scholler powred the wine vpon the vintners head and brake his head with the pot by reason wherof a great conflict was made betwéene the schollers and the Lay people of the Towne Walter Frost shriue Thomas Brandon shriue Simon Frances Mercer Maior Edward Prince of Wales nigh to the Citty of Poytiers ioyned battell with K. Iohn of France of whom the Prince by his martiall policy won a noble victory In this conflict King Iohn was taken with his young son and many of his Nobles Richard Notingham shriue Thomas Dolsel shriue Henry Pichard Vintner Maior This Henry Pichard Vintner Maior of London in one day sumptuously feasted Edward King of England Iohn king of France the King of Cipres then arriued in England Dauid King of Scots Edward Prince of Wales with many other Noble men c. The King taking his iourney towards
ordained a number of chosen archers to giue daily attendance on his person whom he named Yeomen of the Guard King Henry sent vnto the Lord Maior of London requiring him and his Citizens of a prest of 6000. markes Wherefore the Maior with his Brethren and Commons granted 2000. pound which prest was repaied againe the next yeare following Wheate was sold for 3. s. the bushell and bay salt at the like price The Crosse in Cheape was new builded Iohn Perciuall Shriue Hugh Clopton Shriue Henry Collet Mercer Maior Iohn Perciuall being the Maiors Caruer was by Hugh Brice late Maior chosen Shriue of London for the yeare following The king married Elizabeth the eldest daughter al Edward the fourth by which meanes the two families of Yorke and Lancaster were vnited Francis Louel and Humphrey Stafford rebelled in the North which commotion was quieted by the Duke of Bedford there was slaine Iohn Earle of Lincolne the Lord Louell Martine Swart and other there aboue foure thousand This battel was sought high to a village called Stoke On the twenty one of September Quéene Elizabeth brought foorth her first sonne named Arthur Iohn Fenkill Shriue William Remington Shriue William Horne Salter Maior King Henry comming to London made W. Horne Maior of London and Iohn Perciuall Alderman Knights betwixt Hornsey and Iseldon A prest for the King in the Citie of London of 4000. pound and shortly after was another prest of 2000. pound which were both repaied againe the next yeare William Isaake Shriue Ralph Tinle● Shriue Robert Ta●e Mercer Maior A taske of the tenth peny of all mens goods and lands was granted to K. Henry to aide the Duke of Britaine against the French King through which taske the commons of the North made all insurrection and slew the Earle of Northemberland wherefore Iohn Achamber their Captaine with other were hanged at Yorke William Capel Shriue Iohn Brooke Shriue William White Draper Ma●or Roger Shauelocke a Taylor within Ludgate of London being a ma● of great wealth flew himselfe for whose goods was great busines betwéene the Kings Alm●er and the Shriues of London H. Coote ● Reuil Shriue Hugh Pemberton Shriue Iohn Mathew Mercer Maior King Henry required a beneuolence which was granted towards his iourney into France Henry the Kings second sonne borne at Gréenwich the 22. of Iune The Conduit in Grace stréet was begun to bee builded by the Excecutors of Thomas Hill late Maior Wheate was sold at London for twentie pence the bushell Thomas Wood Shriue William Browne Shriue Hugh Clopton Mercer Maior This Hugh Clopton during his life a Batcheler builded a stone bridge at Stratford vpon Anon. King Henry tooke his voyage into France with a great Army to aide the Britons against the French King William Purchase Shriue William Welbecke Shriue William Martin Skinner Maior King Henry returned into England Two Pardone ●s were set on the Pillory in Cornehill thrée market dayes for forging of false pardons and for that one of them had fained himselfe to be a Priest he was sent to Newgate where he died the other was driuen out of London with shame enough A riot made vpon the Easterlings or Stilliard men by Mercers seruants and others of the City of London for the which many of them were sore punished Robert Fabian shriue Iohn Winger shriue Sir Ralph Austrie Fishmonger Maior This Ralph Austrie roofed with timber couered with lead the Parish Church of S. Martin in the Vintry and also glazed the same Church c. King Henry holding his roial feast at Christmas at Westminster on the twelfth day feasted the Maior of London Ralph Austry and his brethren the Aldermen Commoners after dinner he dubbed the Maior Knight and caused him his brethren to tary behold the disguisings other disports in the night following shewed in the great hall hanged with arras staged all along on both sides which disports being ended the K. Quéene and Ambassadors and other States being set at a Table of stone 60. Knights Esquires serued 60 dishes to the Kings messe and as many to the Quéenes neither fish nor flesh the Maior with 24. dishes to his messe of the same maner seruice with sundry wines in most plenteous wise Finally the King and Quéene being conueied into the Pallace the Maior with his company in barges returned and came to London by the breake of the next day Wheat was sold at London at 6. d. the bushell bay salt for 3. d. halfe peny Nantwich salt for sixe pence the bushell white herring for 6. s. the barrell red herring at 3. s. the cade red sprats 6. d. the Cade and Gascoine wine at 6. l. the tun Nicholas Alwine Shriue Iohn Warner Shriue Richard Chaurie Salter Maior Sir William Stanley was beheaded on tower hill White herring being good were sold for 3. s. 4. d. the barrell at London Perkin Warbecke arriued at Deale in Kent where when hee and his company saw they could haue no comfort of the country they withdrewe to their ships againe but the Maior of Sandwich with certaine commons of the countrey vickered with the residue that were vpon the land and tooke aliue of them 169. persons who were hanged in Kent Essex Sussex and Norfolke Thomas Knesworth Shriue Henry Somer Shriue Sir Henry Coliet Mercer Maior The 16. of Nouember was holden the Serieants feast at the Bishops place of Ely in Holborne where dined the King Quéene and all the chiefe Lords of England In Aprill was concluded an amitie and entercourse betwéene this land and the countrey of Flanders c. The Scots entred England and by the setting on of Perkin Warbecke did much harme Iohn Shaw Shriue Richard Haddon Shriue Sir Iohn Tate Mercer Maior This Iohn Tate newly builded and enlarged S. Anthonies Church in London a Colledge of a goodly foundation with a frée Schoole and certaine almes houses for ●oore men Sir Reignald Bray with others of the Kings Counsell declared to the Maior of London that the K. desired to borrow of the Citizens 10000. li. The Maior desired respite till the 5. day following at which time was assembled at the Guild-hall the common counsell thither came the forenamed sir Reignald Bray with other of the Kings Councel at which day with great submission and praier made vnto them to bee good meanes for the Citty vnto the Kings Grace the commons lastly granted to lend vnto the King 4000. li. which of his Grace was well and thankfully accepted and truly repaied By meanes of a Parliament that was granted to the King a commotion was made by the Commons of Cornewall which vnder the leading of Iames Lord Audley with Michel a Blacksmith and other came to Blacke-heath where the King met with them discomfited and tooke their Captaines there was slaine of the rebels about 300. and taken about 1500. The Lord Audley was beheaded on the Towerhill the
the Counsell the effect whereof was that the Bishop of London should cause Te Deum to bée sung in all the Churches of his Diocesse with continuall prayer for the Quéene which was conceiued and quicke with child as was thought the letter being read he began his Sermon with this theame Ne timeas Maria inuenisti enim gratiam apud Deum which Sermon being ended Te deum was sung The second of December Cardinall Poole came to Paules Church where hée tarried till the King came from Westminster and then the Lord Chancellour entred Paules Crosse and preached a Sermon In the which Sermon hée declared that the King and Quéene had restored the Pope to his supremacy and thrée Estates assembled in the Parliament submitting themselues to the same The 27. of December Emmanuel Prince of Piemount with other Lords were receiued at Grauesend and so conueied to Westminster The 9. of Ianuary the Prince of Orenge landed at London The 4 of February Iohn Rogers Vicar of Saint Sepulchres was burnt in Smithfield The 22. of February ninetie nine horses and two Carriers laden with treasure of gold and siluer brought out of Spaine was conuayed thorow the City to the Tower of London vnder the donduct of sir Thomas Gresham the Queenes Marchant and others Against Easter the Earle of Deuonshire came to the Court and about ten dayes after the Lady Elizabeth came likewise to the Queene This yeere Walter Ripon made a Coach for the Earle of Rutland which was the first Coach saith he that euer was made in England since to wit in Anno 1564. the said Walter Ripon made the first hollow turning Coach with pillars and arches for her Maiestie being then her seruant Also in Anno 1584. a chariot throne with foure pillars behind to beare a Canopy with a Crowne imperiall on the toppe and before two lower pillars whereon stood a Lion and a Dragon the supporters of the Armes of England On Easter day a Priest named William Flower with a wood knife wounded another Priest as he was ministring the Sacrament to the people in S. Margarets Church at Westminster for the which fact the said William the 24. of Aprill had his right hand smitten off and for opinions in ●atters of Religion was burned nigh vnto S. Margarets Churchyard The tenth of May William Constable who had named himselfe to bee King Edward the sixt was sent to the Marshalsey and the 22. of May hee was carryed about Westminster Hall before the Iudges whipped about the Pallace and then through Westminster into Smithfield The first of Iuly Iohn Bradford was burned in Smithfield for Religion In this moneth of August was brought to Lin a monstrous fish of forty foote in length King Philip went to Brussels in Brabant to visit the Emperour his father Thomas Leigh Iohn Machill Shriues In October fell such aboundance of raine that for the space of sixe dayes men might row with boats in Saint Georges fieldes water came into Westminster hall halfe a yard déepe The 26. of October Doctor Ridley and Doctor Latimer was burned at Oxford for Religion Sir William Garrard Haberdasher Maior The Quéene yéelded vp to the spirituall men the first fruits and tenths of all Bishopricks Benefices and Ecclesiasticall liuings In this Parliament was granted to the Quéene a Subsidy of the Laity from fiue pound to ten pound 8. pence of the pound from ten pound to twenty pound 12 pence of the pound and from twenty pound vpward 16. pence of the pound and all strangers double and the Cleargy granted 6. shillings of the pound St●●●● Gardiner Bishop of Winchester chancellor of England died the ninth of Nouember and was 〈…〉 Winchester William Con●le who had caused letters to be cast abroad th●● King Edward was aliue and to some shewed himselfe to be King Edward the 13. of March was drawne hanged and quartered at Tiborne The 21. of March Doctor Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury was burned at Oxford for Religion Cardinall Poole on Sunday next was consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury The 28. of March a part of Newgate called Mannings hall was burnt Certaine persons purposed to haue robbed the Quéenes Exchequer to the intent they might bee able to maintaine warre against her Vdall Throgmorton Peeham Daniel and Stanton were apprehended and diuers others fle● The 28. of Aprill Throgmorton and Richard Vdall were drawne to Tiburne and there hanged and quartered The 12. of May a ship loaden with herneshaws was brought out of Brabant to Billinsgate and the herons were there sold for xii pence or xiiii the best The ninetéenth of May Stanton was likewise executed The eight of Iune Rossey Detike and Bedell were executed at Tiborne The 11 of Iune Sandes a younger sonne of Lord Sandes was hanged at Saint Thomas of Waterings for a robbery The 27. of Iune 13. persons were burnt at Stratford the Bow The eight of Iuly Henry Peckam and Thomas Daniel were hanged and headed on the tower hill for conspiracy This yeare in the moneth of August sir William Garrard Maior of London being inuited dined with the reader in the middle Temple from whence when the Maior departed certaine Gentlemen of the yonger sort as well of that house as of the inner Temple by force put and held downe the sword before the Maior till hée came to the outer gate next the stréete for the which fact within foure daies after the two Readers with all their Companies of both houses were sent for to the Rolles in Chancerie lane where sate the Marquesse of Winchester Lord Treasurer assisted with xi other of the Quéenes Priuy Counsell These commaunded the two Readers to deliuer the names of the principall doers in the fore-expressed action the which if they refused to doe themselues should bée committed Whereupon consulting a little they presented the names of twentie whereof the Lord committed fourtéene to the Fléete and tooke bonds of the rest to appeare in the Starre-Chamber the first day of the next Tearme at the which day appearance being made as well by those committed as the other that were in bonds through humble intercession of all the head and chiefe learned men of euery Bench and Barre in the foure Innes of Court their punishment was referred to the discretions of the Benches of those houses where the faults were committed and so all was ended in that course and the prisoners with the rest discharged which notwithstanding were after for the most part expelled their houses till vpon great submission and long suit they were restored by degrées and times Cleba a Schoolemaster and thrée of Lincolnes Inne being brethren in Norfolke were hanged and quartered at Burie for conspiracy The last yeare began the hote burning feuers whereof died many olde persons so that in London died seuen Aldermen in the space of tenne moneths The 19. of September the Rose pence being a base
were now quite suppressed In August following all auncient Church reliques and new made Images in Queene Maries raigne were beaten downe and burned in the open streetes The eight of September a solemne obsequie was kept in Pauls Church for the French King Henry the second who died of a wound which hee receiued in running at tilt in Paris Thomas Lodge Roger Martin Shriues Sir William Hewet Clothworker Maior The Duke of Norffolke is sent towards Scotland to encounter with the French faction which at this time was growne very strong in diuers parts of Scotland In Aprill the Lord Gray entred Scotland with ten thousand men and besieged Leeth where betwéene the French and the English were many hot skirmishes and many slaine on either part In May a noble man of France vpon his earnest sute obtained of the Quéene to send sir William Cecill her principall Secretary and Doctor Wotton to treat with the French men in Scotland by whose wisedome the Scottish faction preuailed and the French agreed to depart The 5. of Iuly through shooting of a Gun in a house in crooked lane a barrell of powder was set on fire which blew vp foure houses shattered diuers others slew twenty persons outright and hurt as many besides great damage to houses and goods This yeare the Quéene by consent of her councell made Proclamation for the vtter abolishing and suppression of all manner of base copper monies which vntill this time had béene currant throughout the Realme in diuers Kings raignes and after this publication there was not any base mettall coined in England Christopher Draper Thomas Roo Shriues Sir William Chester Draper Maior The 21. of March the wardens and assistants of the Marchant-tailors in London founded the famous frée schoole in the Parrish of S. Laurence Pounteney and M. Richard H●ls of the same company gaue 500. l. towards the purchase wherein the saide Schoole is kept The x. of Aprill W Geffery was whipped from the Marshalsey vnto Bedlam for publishing that one Iohn Moore was Iesus Christ which said Iohn Moore after he had béene well whipped confessed himselfe a cosening knaue The 4. of Iune betwéene 4. and 5. a clock in the after noone there chanced a terrible tempest of thunder and lightning and chiefly about London where amongst many harmes it fired the loftie spire of Pauls stéeple and began about the toppe thereof which was two hundred foote hie from the top of the stone battlemenes the fire ceased not vntill it came down to the roofe of the Church and consumed all the bels lead and timber worke Alexander Auenon Humfrey Baskeruile Sir william Harper Marchant-tailor This Sir William Harpes founded a frée Schoole in the towne of Bedford where he was borne The 15. of Nouember the Quéenes Maiestie published a Proclamation wherein the restored to the Realme diuers small péeces of siluer money as the péece of sixe pence foure pence thrée pence two pence and a peny thrée halfe pence and thrée farthings and also forbad all forraine coines In March a Mare brought forth a foale with one body and two heads and a long taile growing out betwéene the two heads A Sow forrowed a Pigge with foure legges like to the armes of a man child with hands and fingers c. In Aprill a Sow farrowed a Pigge with two bodies eight feete and but one head many calues and lambs were monstrous some with collers of skin about their neckes like to the double cuffes of shirts and neckerchiefes then vsed The 14. of May a man child was borne at Ch●chester in Sussex the head armes and legs whereof were like an Anatomie the brest and belly big from the nauill a long string hanging about the necke a coller of flesh like the ruffe of a nekerchiefe comming vp about the eares The Quéenes Maiestie in September addressed a band of her subiects to the towne of Newhauen in Normandy vpon whose arriual the towns men and inhabitants ioyfully surrendred themselues and their townes which was kept by Englishmen from September 1562. to the twentie nine of Iuly 1563. The gouernour of which band was the Earle of Warwicke who with the Captaines seruing there souldiers trained by them to knowledge of seruice together with part of the old approued garrison of Barwicke and at that time both manfully defend the place and valiantly encountred by sundry skirmishes with Countie Ringraue and his band the most part wherof were atchieued to the great ouerthrows of the aduersaries part and singular commendations of ours William Allin Richard Chamberlaine Shriues Sir Thomas Lodge Grocer Maior The 16. of Ianuary great tempest of wind and thunder happened in the towne of Leicester which vncouered 411. baies of houses and ouerturned many When the Frenchmen with huge Armies assembled out of all parts of France to recouer the place of passage the stopping whereof by our power was the double woe of their common wealth there bred through the season of the yeare and putrification of the aire a miserable plague among our men which maruellously increased with the death of diuers of the best Captaines and Souldiers wherewithall there followed a cruell quicke siege whereat was present the young King himselfe the Constable and the best tried number of warlike Souldiers within the whole Country The Cannons were placed the Castle and walles were battered and sundry breaches made beyond expectation howbeit they were rewarded by our Sunners our Captaines and souldiers in couragious order standing at seuerall breaches ready to defend their assaults which perceiued by the enemy they caused their trumpeters to sound the blast of emparle that composition might be made wherein both parties concluded the towne was deliuered the 29. of Iuly The plague of pestilence being in the towne of Newhauen through the number of souldiers that returned into England the infection thereof spred into diuers parts of this realme but especially the Citie of London was so infected that in the same whole yeare that is to say from the first of Ianuary 1562. vntil the last of December in An. 1563 the whole number of all that died of all diseases as well within the city liberties as in all out parishes was 23660 of thē there died of the plague twentie thousand one hundred thirty sixe The 8. of Iuly happened a great tempest of lightning and thunder where-through a woman and thrée kine were slaine in the Couent garden neare Charing Crosse in Essex a man was torne in péeces his barne borne downe and his hay burnt There was no tearme kept at Michaelmas An Earthquake in the moneth of Seytember specially in Lincolne and Northampton shires Edward Bankes Rowland Hayward Shriues Sir Iohn Whight Grocer Maior The new Maior kept his feast at Guildhall and tooke his oath at the outermost gate of the Tower of London From the first of December to the twelfth was such continuall
being opened there were found about him diuellish bookes of coniuration and abominable practices a picture of a man hauing thrée dice in his hand and this writing Chance dice fortunately and diuers papers of such like matters as hee had dealt in for men such as are mentioned in Leuiticus the 20 chapter the 6 verse If any soule turne himselfe after such as worke with spirits and after southsayers to go awhooring saith the Lord I will put my face against that soule and will cut him off from among my people The 3 of February Iohn Nelson for denying the Quéenes supremacy was drawen to Tiburne and there hanged and quartered The 10 of March deceased the Lady Margaret Countesse of Lineaux and was buried at Westminster The 31 of May Martine Frobisher with fiftéene saile of good ships well appointed departed from Harwich in Essex on his third voyage towards Cathay The 31 of Iuly after many attempts and sundry times being put backe by Ilands of Ice in his straites he came to anker in the Ilands now by her Maiesty named Meta incognita wheras in the yere before they fraght their shippes with the like Ore and then on the last of August returning thence arriued safely in England about the first of October George Bond Thomas Starky Sir Richard Pipe Draper The 22 of Ianuary about 7 of the clocke at night Iohn Cassimere Count Palatine of the Rhene and Duke of Bauaria landing at the Tower of London was there by diuers Noble men and others honorably receiued and conueyed by cresset-light and torch-light to Sir Thomas Gressams house in Bishops-gate stréet where hee was feasted and lodged till Sunday next and then by the Nobility brought to the court at Westminster and after lodged in Sommerset-house On the eight of February he was made Knight of the Garter and on the fourtéenth of February departed from London homewards with great rewards giuen by the Quéenes Maiesty the Nobility and men of honour The fourth of February and the night following fell such abundance of snow that on the fift in the morning the same was found at London to be two foot déepe in the shallowest and otherwise being driuen by the winde very boistrous in the Northeast on bankes an ell or yard and a halfe déepe in the which drifts of snow in the countries many cattell and some men and women were ouer-whelmed and lost it snowed till the eight day and fréezed till the tenth When following a thaw with continuall raine a long time after which caused such high floods that the Marshes and low grounds being drowned the water rose so high in Westminster hall that after the fall thereof some fishes were found there to remaine The 20 of February deceased sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Kéeper of the great Seale of England who was honourably buried vnder a sumptuous monument in Pauls Church of London the 9 of March. The 25 of Aprill sir Thomas Bromley knight was made Lord Chancellor of England The 14 of Aprill Matthew Hamont of Hithersey thrée miles from Norwich plough-wright for denying Christ to be our Sauiour and publishing diuers other horrible heresies was conuented before the Bishop of Norwich condemned in the consistorie and deliuered to the Shrieues of Norwich to bée executed but because he had spoken words of blasphemy against the Quéenes Maiesty and other of her Counsell he was by the Maior Sir Robert Wood and Sergeant Windam Recorder condemned to lose his eares which were cut off the thirtéenth of May in the Market place of Norwich and on the 20 of May he was burnt in the Castle ditch there This yeare Marke Scalior Blackesmith of London for triall of his workemanship made one hanging locke of Iron stéele and brasse of eleuen seuerall péeces and a pipe key all cleane wrought which waied but one graine of gold He also at the same time made a chaine of gold of forty thrée linkes to which chaine the locke and key being fastned and put about a fleas necke she drew the same with ease All which locke and key chaine and flea wayed but one graine and a halfe a thing most incredible but that I my selfe haue séene it The 17. of Iuly the Quéenes Maiesty being on the riuer of Thames betwixt her Mannor of Gréenwich and Depford in her priuy barge accompanied with the French Ambassadour the Earle of Lincolne and others it chanced that one Thomas Appletree seruingman in the company of others rowing vp and downe the Thames hauing a Calliuer charged with a bullet shooting at randon by misfortune shot one of the watermen the second next vnto the bales of the said barge which sate within sixe foote of her Highnesse cleane through both armes for the which fact the said Thomas was on the 21 of Iuly brought to the water side where was a Gibbet set vp and when the hangman had put the rope about his necke he was by the Quéenes pardon deliuered from execution This years Iohn Foxe of Woodbridge William Wicnor Robert Moore Englishmen hauing béene prisoners in Turkey about the space of thirtéene yeares with more than 260 other Christians of diuers nations by killing of their kéeper meruailously escaped and returned to their natiue countries In the month of September and October fell great winds and raging floods in sundry places of this Realme where through many men cattle houses were drowned In y e town of Newport the cottages were borne downe and the corne lost pasture ground ouerwhelmed cattell drowned In the towne of Bedford the water came vp into the Market place where cubbords chests and formes swam about the houses their fuell corne and hay was wract and borne away Also the towne of Saint Edes in Huntingtonshire was ouerflowed suddenly in the night when all men were at rest the waters brake in with such force that the towne was all defaced the Swannes swam downe the Market place and all the towne about the boates did floate Gormanchester was suddenly supprest their houses full of water and their cattell destroied Martin Calthorpe Iohn Hart. Sir Nicholas Woodroofe Haberdasher On the 21 of September Sir Thomas Gresham knight agent to the Quéene who had builded the Royall exchange in London deceased suddenly at his house in Bishops gate stéets of London and was buried in the parish Church of S. Elen there The 6 of Aprill being Wednesday in Easter weeke about sixe of the clocke towards the euening a sudden earthquake happened at London and generally throughout England by violence whereof the great clocke bell at Westminster strooke against the hammers as diuers clocks and bells against their hammers and clappers both in the City and country did the like In London a péece of the Temple Church fell downe In the late dissolued Church of the Gray Friars now called Christs Church in the Sermon time one falling from the top killed a
23 of May the Lord Admirall came to Plimouth with the Fléet aforesaid finding there Sir Francis Drake in a readinesse with more then 50 ships and pinnaces The 24 of Iune the Lord Admirall issued out toward the Sea from Plimmouth he diuided her Maiesties Fléet into thrée parts viz. Sir Francis Drake Vice Admirall in the Reuenge with other towards the Islands of Sillie Iohn Hawkens Rere-Admirall in the Victory with other toward the Isles of Vshent And the Lord Admirall with the rest remayning in the sléeue appointed other there all to discerne if the Spanish forces did any way passe The 19 of Iuly intelligence was brought to the Lord Admirall by a pyrate Pinnis whose captaine was Thomas Fleming that the Spanish Fléete was séene in the sea The 20 of Iuly the Lord Admirall made toward the Sea and the same day had sight of the Spanish Fléete in number by estimation 158 sailes The Lord Admirall cast about toward the Land to interrupt them from approaching hauing got the wind of them prosecuted them all that night and so continually from place to place vntill the second of August in which space hauing by the power GOD wonderfully ouercome them he returned to Margate in Kent Now the Campe being kept at Tilbury in Essex vnder the charge of the Earle of Leicester the ninth of August her Maiesty repaired thither where all the whole Campe being set in order of Battaile she passed through euery rank of them to their great reioycing lodged that night and the night following in the house of Master Edward Rich a Iustice in the Parish of Hornedon On the next morrow her Maiestie returned to the Campe and on the twelfth returned to Saint Iames and shortly after the Campe was dissolued Sonday the 20 of August Master Nowell Deane of Pauls at Pauls Crosse in the presence of the Lord Maior the Aldermen in Scarlet the Companies in their liueries preached mouing them to giue land vnto God for the great victory giuen to our English Nation by the ouerthrow of the Spanish Fléete The 26 of August at the Sessions hall neare vnto Newgate were condemned 8 persons for being made Priests beyond the Seas and remayning in this Realme contrary to a Statute foure Temporall men for being reconciled to the Romish Church and foure other for relieuing the others The 28 W. Deane and H. Welby were hanged at the Miles end W. Hunter R. Morton and Hugh More at Lincolnes Inne fields T. Acton at Clarken well T. Fulton and Iames Clarkeson betwéene Brainford and Hounslow The 30 Richard Flower G. Shesley Richard Leigh Richard Martin Iohn Roch and Margaret Warde gentlewoman who had conueied a cord to a Priest in Bridewell whereby he escaped from thence were hanged at Tiborne This yeare 1588 the Patriarke of the Gréeke Church came from Chyo alias Syo in Gréece vnto the City Mosco in Russia and for a certaine summe of money resigned all his Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction state stile and dignity vnto the Metropolitan of Mosco and his successors for euer which done the old Patriarke left Mosco and in his returne towards Grecia the Turkes robbed him of all his treasure and slue him A iust reward for his cowardise and couetousnesse The 2 of September at night a vehement fire brake foorth against the Dutch Church in London to the great terrour of the whole City but by the burning of one house and pulling downe of some other the fire was quenched The 4 of September deceased Robert Dudley Earle of Leicester Lord Steward of her Maiesties houshold lieutenant generall and Marshal of England at Cornebury in Orfordshire from whence hée was conuaied to his Castle of Kenelworth and from thence to Warwicke where hee was honourably interred He had in his towne of Warwicke founded one Hospitall of an old guilde giuen him by the townes for twelue poore men endowing the same with lands to the yearely value of 200. pound and fifty load of Wood out of Killingworth Parke and gaue to the same Hospitall by his Testament 200 pounds in money for a stocke hée was extreame tyrannous in authority Vhe 8 of September the Preacher of Pauls Crosse moued the people to giue God thankes for the ouerthrow of our enemies the Spaniards and there were shewed 11 ensignes or banners takn in the Spanish ships by our men and on the next morrow hanged on London bridge towards Southwarke where then the Faire was kept being our Lady day Hugh Offley Richard Saltonstall Sir Martin Calthorp Drapor The 5 of October Iohn Welden and William Hartley made Priests in France were hanged the one at Miles end the other at Holliwell Robert Sutton for being reconciled to the Church of Rome was hanged at Clarkenwell The 8 of October at night was burnt one stable with horses about the number of twenty at Drury house neare to the Strand The 19 of Nouember was this yeare kept holy day throughout the Realme with sermons singing of Psalmes Bone fires c. for ioy and thanksgiuing vnto God for the ouerthrow of the Spaniards our enemies on the sea and the Cittizens of London assembled in their Liueries that day at a Sermon at Pauls Crosse tending to that end The 24 of Nouember being Sunday the Quéenes Maiesty hauing attendants vpon her the Priuy-Counsel Nobility and other honorable persons aswell spirituall as temporall in great number all on horse backe did come in a chariot throne made with foure pillars behind to haue a Canopy on the top wherof was made a crowne imperiall and two lower pillars before whereon stood a Lion and a Dragon supporters of the Armes of England drawne by two white stéeds from Somerset house to the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul c. At the temple Barre the Lord Maior and his Brethren the Aldermen in Scarlet receiued and welcomed her Maiesty to her city deliuering to her hands the Scepter which her Highnesse deliuered to the Maior who bare the same before her The Companies in their Liueries stood along to Pauls Church where at the great west dore she dismounted about 12 of the clock and was receiued vnder a canopy by the Bishop of London the Deane others of the Clergy to the number of more then 50. all in rich Coapes and by them brought to a Closet towards the Pulpit Crosse where she heard a Sermon made by Doctor Pierce Bishop of Salisbury and then returned to the Bishops Pallace where she dined and returned to Somerset house by Torchlight The 5 of Ianuary at night a great wind in the Northeast ouerturned trées and otherwaies did great harme in very many places The 30 of Ianuary the Quéenes Maiesty came from Richmond to Chelrich and so to Westminster and was receiued by the Maior Aldermen and commoners of her city of London in coates of veluet and chaines of gold all on horse-backe with the Captaines of the citty betwixt 5. and 6. of
other things by ingines or stéele Loomes by William Lee somtime Master of Arts of Saint Iohns colledge of Cambridge and sixtéen yéeres after this he went into France and taught it to the French because he was not regarded in England The 5 of March a Wench was burned in Saint Georges field without Southwarke for poysoning her Mistris and other This yeare 1589 Henry Duke of Guise and his brother the Cardinall Guise were both slaine by commaundement of the French King Henry the third This Duke was wonderously beloued of the Clergy and of the Peeres and commons of France he was also very highly estéemed of the Conclaue and of many other forraine Princes The manner of his death was taken very grieuously especially by such as had combinde themselues in league to suppresse the Protestants and preferre the Romane Catholike Religion Within a while after the said King Henry the third was also slaine by a Frier in reuenge of the death of the two brethren before named and the Frier himselfe was instantly slaine by such as were about the King who slew him with the said enuenomed knife wherewith hee stabd the King This Henry the third was the last of the house of Valois And presently vpon his death Henry of Burbon King of Nauarre laid iust claime to the crowne who with great difficultie and almost eight yeares sharpe warres with the Leagers he got peaceable possession of the whole Kingdome But at the first the Leagers droue him into diuers extremities and forced him to flie into Déepe where he was ready to haue embarked for England if the Quéene had not spéedily sent a resolute Armie vnto him vnder command of the Lord Willowby And from that time the Quéene ayded him with diuers Armies vnder the commaund of the Earle of Essex Generall Norris sir Roger Williams and many others besides incessant supplies vpon sudden occasions from London Kent Essex Suffolke Surrey Sussex and Hamhshire both of horse men and munition The next yeare following the great and ancient Citie of Paris was besieged by their new King Henry the fourth which City vntill their day of visitation was a glorious and a flourishing City and the most populous of all the cities in Europe vntill for their better defence they were constrained to pull downe all their suburbes and albeit the siege held not full fiue moneths yet such was the extremitie of famine vnto all the inhabitants as it may well be said to be greater and more miserable then either the siege of Samaria or Ierusalem for after they had eaten vp all manner of herbage and carrian and all manner of moist leather with whatsoeuer else they could get to eate they did eate many children concerning which and many other memorable and capitall Accidents you may reade more at large in my larger Chronicle Yet sith I haue speken thus much of France I will also for thy further delight giue thee a touch of some of the chiefe ancient Kings thereof Faramond was the first King of France in the yeere 431 and raigned 11 yéeres Clodouius alias Clouis was the fift King of France in the yeare 485 he was the first King of France that was christened he was baptized by S. Remy Arch-bishop of Reynes after diuers victories vpon his enemies and had enlarged his territories Pope Anastasius sent him the name and title of Patrician and Consull with a crowne of gold richly adorned with precious stones At this time the Arrian heresie much troubled Christendome Clotarius alias Cotane the first seuēth King of France his son Cranus w t a strong faction rebelled against him whō he ouerthrew in battaile tooke him prisoner burned him his wife and children and the chiefe of his seruants Pepinus alias Pepin the Briefe began in the yeere 750. He instituted the Parliament at Paris Carolus Magnus alias Charles le Maine so called for his many noble Acts which he did for the generall good of Christendome beganne his raigne in the yéere 800 hee was King of France forty six yeares and Emperor thirtéene yeares and died at 71 yeares of age On Wednesday in Easter wéeke by shooting of a Gunne in the Towne of Vlfringhampton in Staffordshire about the number of 80 houses were burned In the moneth of April 3000 footmen were sent from hence into Britaine in France vnder the conduct of Sir Iohn Norris Knight to ioyne with the Prince sonne of the Duke Mountpoinsier and Generall of the French Kings forces in the Prouince which company were often since supplied About this time as I am informed Robert Iohnson a zealous Minister Preacher and Parson of Northlumffingham in the County of Rutland finding the poore of those quarters to be vnprouided for and no Grammer Schoole erected in that country for edification of youth at his owne proper costs and charges caused two faire free Gramer Schools to be builded in Okam and Vppingham the two market townes of that shire and in each of them prouided a Schoolemaster and an Vsher more he caused Hospitals to be builded in the said Towns both called Christs Hospitall in euery of which may be placed twenty foure poore people and for their maintenance héere he bought and procured lands of the Quéen with a corporation mortmaine for the same This man hath left a good example to the other Ministers and Preachers to the glory of God for hee preached both by word and life not to inrich himselfe but was bountifull to the poore both in his own Parish where he was maried and kéepeth a good house and also in the Towne of Stamford where hee was borne in which Towne for many yeares together hee caused forty poore mens children to be taught at his charges The 21 of September being the Feast of Saint Mathew in the afternoone was a great stir at Lincolnes Inne by Prentisrs and others against young Gentlemen students at Law there for some rude demeanore late before by them done against the inhabitants of Chancerie Lane which had like to haue growne to great mischiefe had not the same béene by wise Magistrats soone appeased for the vprore grew great and violent suddenly Nicholas Mosley Robert Brooke Sir Iohn Allot Fishmonger the 28 of Oct Hee deceased in the moneth of September next following and sir Rowland Heyward clothworker serued out the rest of that yéere In the moneth of Ianuarie one Nichols a Purueyer for conuerting to his owne vse certaine prouision taken for her Maiesty was hanged for example to other the like purueyers The 16 of Iuly Edmond Copinger and Henry Artington Gentlemen came into Cheap and there in a carre proclaimed newes from heauen as they said to wit that one William Hacket Yeoman represented Christ by partaking his glorified body by his principall spirit and that they were two Prophets the one of mercie the other of Iudgment called and sent of God to assist him in his great work
a Councell to him and taking order for setting all things in his realme of Scotland began his voyage towards England King IAMES PResently vpon the death of Queene Elizabeth of famous memory the Nobilitie of this Land and Priuy Counsellors of Estate vnto the said Queene acknowledged the immediate right of Iames the sixt then King of Scots and within sixe houres after her death the said Lords and Counsellors gaue full satisfaction vnto the people by three Proclamations the first at the Court gate the second at the high Crosse in Cheape and the third at the Tower by the name of Iames the 1. King of England Scotland France and Ireland defendor of the Faith c. The King being then full 36 yeares of age and crowned King of Scots in his infancy began his raigne ouer the great Isle of Britaine the 24 of March 1602. The Nobility and State aforesaid with all speed sent Sir Charles Pearcy and Master Thomas Sommerset with letters vnto the King signifying the death of the Queene and tender of all their duties loue and allegiance but Sir Robert Cary rid poste and brought the first newes to the King and as he rode gaue knowledge vnto his brother Sir Iohn Cary then Gouernor of Barwicke This calme and discréet course of the English Lords in proclaiming the King and quiet setling the whole Estate without faction or interruption was as plausible vnto all his Highnesse Subiects as admited of all forraine nations The 5. of Aprill the King came from Edenborough to Dunglasse and the next day to Barwicke and vpon the morrow after came newes of many disordered persons that were in Armes in the borders whereat the King was somewhat troubled and forthwith there was power sent to suppresse them and after that when the King came to London he with the aduice of the Lords of his Counsell set all the parts of the northborders in as good condition as any other part of his dominions The 8. of Aprill the King went from Barwicke to Wytherington and then to Newcastle and from thence to Durham to Yorke to Grimstone to Dancester to Newarke vpon Trent to Beuercastle to Burleigh to Hinchingbrooke to Godmanchester to Royston to Standon to Theobalos where the Lords and ether of the Priuie Councell and many other of the Nobility attended his comming and did their homage vnto his Maiesty And here the King made of his Priuie Councell the Lord Henry Howard the L. Tho. Howard who was also made L. Chamberlaine and the L. Mountioy there the King made 28 knights The 10 of Aprill diuers prisoners were discharged out of the Tower among whom the Earle of Southamton was the chiefest The 27 of Aprill there were thirtéene persons slaine and blowne in peeces by misfortune at the Gunpowder mill at Redriffe The 7 of May his Maiesty came from Theobalds to London against which time Master Iames Pemberton and Master Iohn Swinnarton shrieues of London and Middlesexe had furnished themselues with 80 men on horse backe in faire Liueries but Master Pemberton being sicke M. Swinnarton with the whole traine attended at Waltham to receiue his Maiesty as the shrieues of other Coūties had formerly done in all the Kings progresse from Scotland And at Stanford hill three miles from London the L. Maior Aldermen in scarlet robes accompanied with the chiefe officers councellors of the City 500. graue Citizens in veluet coats and chains of gold wel moūted attēded his Maiesty there met him also diuers his Highnes officers as Sergeants at armes Heralds Trūpeters euery one in due place y e Duke of Lenox bare the sword the L. Tho. Howard receiued his Maiesty into the Charterhouse where he staied 4 daies made 80 knights you shall vnderstand y e whilst the King was in his iourney many prisoners were released out of diuers prisons the Maūdy very solemnly performed And the 28 of Aprill at Westminster a very Royall obsequy for the late Quéene Elizabeth according to the Kings appointment by his letters to the Lords of the Priuy Councell all auncient English rites and customes were fully obserued except only the feast of Saint George which his Maiesty deferred vntill his personall comming vnto some of his owne palaces The 7 of May proclamation was made for suppression of all manner of former Monopolies that hindered commerce and protections that impeached mens suits in Law and against the annoyance and oppressions done by y e Salt-peter men Purueyors and Cardmakers The 11 of May the King rode priuately from the Charterhouse to White-hall and went from thence by water to the Tower of London and there the 13 of the same he made Barons viz. Robert Lord Cecill Baren of Essenden Robert Lord Sydney Baron of Penshurst William Lord Knowles Baron of Graies Edward Lord Wotton Baron of Marley he also made xi knights The 16 of May Proclamation was made to prohibite all manner of persons from killing of Déere and all wilde foule according to the Tenour of diuers statutes for preseruation of the Kings game of hunting and hawking The 19 of May proclamation was made for the suppression of disordered persons in the North-borders and for the mutuall peace and amity of both Kingdomes The 20 of May the King made Knights sir Iulius Caesar sir Roger Wilbram masters of the requests sir William Waad sir Thomas Smith sir Thomas Edmonds clerks of the priuy Councell and sir Thomas Lake Clerke of the Signet The twenty two of May the King knighte● sir Robert Lee Maior of London sir Iohn Crooke Recorder and sir Edward Cooke his Highnes Atturney generall And that day the King made a great feast and was serued with great state and at night sundry fire-workes vpon the Thames the Court being at Gréenewich In the last yéere and last terme of Quéene Elizabeth there was a call of Sergeants at Law viz. Thomas Couentrie Robert Houghton Laurence Tanfield I. Crooke Thomas Foster Edward Philips Thomas Harris Iames Altham Henry Hubert Augustine Nichols and Robert Barker these receiued writs from the Quéene de statu gradu seruientum ad legem suscipiendi returnable tres Pascae next following being the second returne in Easter terme but the Quéene dying in the meane time their Writtes abated which notwithstanding the King being aduertised thereof in Scotland from the Councell of England of their late election gaue order for the rest of their procéedings according to their ancient laudable customes so far forth as that they procéed by new Writs in his name returnable the day aforesaid and added vnto their number thrée others viz. Iohn Sherly George Snig and Richard Hutton these fouretéene vpon Tuesday the seuenth of May being the next day after the returne of their writs made their appearance before sir Thomas Egerton Lord Kéeper of the great Seale in the high Court of Chancerie and were then sworne Sergeants at Law and vpon Tuesday
Lady Elizabeth daughter to our Soueraign the Lady Arabella the Countesse of Arondel the Countes of Darby the Countes of Essex the Countes of Dorset the Countes of Mountgomery the Viscounts of Haddington the Lady Elizabeth Gray the Lady Elizabeth Guilford the Lady Katherine Peter the Lady Winter and the Lady Winsor and vpon Wednesday in the afternoon in the Tilt-yard there were diuers Earles Barons and others being in rich and glorious armour and hauing most costly caparisons wondrous curiously imbrodered with pearle gold and siluer the like rich abiliments for horses were neuer séene before presented their seuerall ingenious Trophies before the King Quéene and Prince and then ran at Tilt where there was a world of people assembled to behold their trophies and that night there were other triumphes vpon the water with ships of warre and Gallies fighting one against an other and against a great Castle builded vpon the water and after these battailes then for an houres space there were many strange and variable fire workes in the castle and in all the ships and gallies The Knights of the Bath The Earle of Oxford The Lord Gourdon The Lord Clifford The Lord Fitzwalter The Lord Fitzwarren The Lord Hay The Lord Erskine The Lord Winsor The Lord Wentworth Sir Charles Somerset Sir Edward Somerset Sir Francis Stewart Sir Ferdinando Dudley Sir Henry Cary. Sir Oliuer Saint Iohn Sir Gilbert Gerrard Sir Charles Stanhope Sir Edward Bruce Sir William Stewart Sir Robert Sydney Sir Ferdinando Tuchet Sir Peregrine Bartye Sir Henry Rich. Sir Edward Sheffield Sir William Cauendish The 4 of Iune Proclamation was made commanding all Roman Priests Iesuits and Seminaries to depart this Kingdome by the 4 day of Iuly next and not to returne vpon paine of the seuerity of the law also by this proclamation the King straightly commaunds all Recusants to returne home to their dwellings and not to remaine in London nor to come within ten miles of the Court without especiall licence but to depart from London and the Court by the last day of this moneth and to remaine confined according to the tenor of the statute in that behalfe prouided Presently after that the oth of allegiance was ministred vnto all officers atturneyes Clerks belonging to any of the Courts of Westminster hall and the Exchequer and vnto all Aduocats and Proctors of the spirituall Courts This oth was also ministred vnto all Lawyers and Students in the Innes of Court and Chancerie and vnto all Studients and Schollers in both the Vniuersities The 25 of Iuly 1610. the Lord Henry Clifford sonne to Frances Earle of Cumberland maried the Lady Francis Cecill daughter to Robert Earle of Salisbury Lord high Treasurer of England This yeare the King builded a most stately ship for war the Kéele whereof was an hundred and 14 foot long and the crosse beame was forty and foure foot long she will beare 64 péeces of great Ordnance and is of the burthen of 1400 tunne This royall ship is double built and is most sumptuously adorned both within and without with all manner of curious caruing painting and rich gilding being in all respects the greatest and goodliest shippe that euer was builded in England and this glorious ship the King gaue vnto his sonne Henry Prince of Wales and the 24 of September the King the Quéene the Prince of Wales the Duke of Yorke and the Lady Elizabeth with many great Lords went to Wollwich to sée it lanched but because of the narrownesse of the Docke it could not then be launched whereupon the Prince came the next morning by thrée a clocke and then at the launching thereof the Prince named it after his owne dignity and called it the Prince Master Phynyes Pet. was Warden and chiefe worke master in building this ship The King sent the Lord Wotton Ambassador into France to take the oath of the young King and of the Quéene Regent his mother for performance of a league newly made betwéene the two Kingdomes he arriued at Callis the 28 of August and came to Paris the 7 of September and the King was sworne the 12 of the same moneth And the Ambassador returned into England the 7 of October And the French King viz. Lewis the 13. was crowned the sixth of October at Reynes in Champaigne Sunday the 21 of October by Commission from the King to the Lord Bishop of London the Lord Bishop of Elye the Lord Bishop of Worcester and to the Lord Bishop of Rochester they did consecrate in the Chappell of the Lord Bishop of London Master Iohn Spottyswod Archbishop of Glasco Master Gawen Hamelton Bishop of Galloway and M. Andrew Lambe Bishop of Breachyn which consecration was performed mutatis mutandis according to the forme of the Church of England Richard Pyot Francis Ihones Shreeues Sir William Crauen Merchantaylor Maior The Triumphes Trophies and pleasant deuices at this time in honour of the Lord Maior and Citie of London were extraordinarie great being in a manner twice so much as hath béene vsuall within the Citie and so likewise were the stately shewes and ingenious deuices vpon the water at the charges of the Company of Marchantaylors Notwithstanding the Citie of Londons former plentifull prouision of sundry Granaries and other Storehouses for the generall seruice thereof and for preuention of sudden famine yet such is the late vnspeakeable increase of people within and about the City as well of strangers as Natiues so as the Magistrates in their prouidence for preuention of famine and for prouision for the poore very carefully about two yeares past beganne to build a Bridewell twelue new faire Granaries being sufficient to kéepe sixe thousand quarters of Corne and two store houses for sea-coale for the poore which will keepe foure thousand loade of coales These necessary houses were not finished vntill this time Master Alderman Leman vsed great paines and diligence in the contriuing and accomplishing of this memorable worke This last Summer there were warres in Cleueland and the vnited protestant Princes with their seuerall forces aided the Marquesse of Brandenberg in his claime to that Dukedome and the Dukedome of Gulich in which wars and at the taking the Citie of Gulich Christianus Prince of Anhalt was chiefe Generall of all the vnited forces and sir Edward Cecyll otherwise called Colonell Cecyll was then Lord Generall of the English and Scottish Army This Prince Christanus arriued of late at Douer and came to sée the King who entertained and feasted him and all his traine very roially He tooke great pleasure to view the Citie of London he beheld the pleasant triumphs vpon the water and within the City which were then extraordinary in honor of the Lord Maior and Citizens and that day this Prince with all his German traine were feasted in the Guild hall where he manifested his princely former admiration touching the greatnesse scituation state and wealth of the City and then he also admired