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A07894 A briefe chronicle, of the successe of times, from the creation of the world, to this instant· Containing, the originall & liues of our ancient fore-fathers, before and after the Floude, as also, of all the monarchs, emperours, kinges, popes, kingdomes, common-weales, estates and gouernments, in most nations of this worlde: and how in alteration, or succession, they haue continued to this day. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1611 (1611) STC 18263; ESTC S112963 308,814 636

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Tyrants bed Chamber Turgesius his onely companions at that instant were a few dissolute young men affected like himselfe whom the King had made acquainted with this amorous purchase promising that his lust being satisfied where he liked to make election the rest should remaine at their free disposition No sooner were these disguised yong Gallantes entered the Chamber and the king preparing him-selfe to embrace the Kinge of Meths Daughter but drawing foorthe theyr Skeynes they first cooled the Tyrants heate in his owne bloude and afterwarde his Minions were in like sort serued The fame of this valiant acte being quickely flowne thorough Ireland and the Princes rising in Armes on so apte an aduantage they resolued to free themselues from such seruility as indeede they did and made Omalaghlilen their chiefe King or commander in honor of this their great deliuerance Concerning diuers other inuasions of Ireland afterwarde by the Danes Norwegians Swedens Normans c. reported by Saxo Grammaticus Albert Crantzius and others they are matters no way incident to our present purpose but referred to our generall determination more capeable of such plenty of discourse Therefore passing ouer those former yeares of trouble and disturbance let vs come to Syluester Giraldus Cambrensis his history of the conquest of Ireland when Dermon Mac Morogh K. of Leynster fled out of Ireland to craue succor of Henrie the second King of England who was then in Aquitaine busied with very serious affayres wherein I will be so briefe as I may This Dermon Mac Morough King of Leinster hauing bin from his youth and entrance into the Kingdome tirranous ouer his Nobilitie and full of oppression to all the Gentrie became highly hated and despised and so much the rather for rauishing the wife to Ororike prince of Meth in the absence of her husband Ororike not brooking such an indignity procured Rotherick K. of Connagh and Monarch of all Ireland ouer the other Kings to giue him aid with al the forces that either of them could make Dermon vnderstanding this main opposition fled into Aquitaine where he found Henry the second King of England and such was his distressefull tale to him with Oath of allegeance sworne vnto him to be his true vassaile and subiect that king Henry made kind acceptance of him and took him into his protection graunting him his Letters pattents into England to vse the aide and meanes of his Subiects for recouery of his right in Ireland Beeing returned from King Henry into England he came to Bristow where his letters Patents were many times publickely read and liberall wadges and offers made to such as in this extreamity would giue him assistance All proued in vaine till Richard sonne to Gilbert Earle of Chepstone being promised Dermons Daughter heire in marriage with inheritance and succession in his Kingdome was bounde to visit him with aide in Ireland at the following Spring Robert Fitz-Stephens and Maurice Fitz-gerald had promise also of the Towne of Wexford being the chiefest Towne in Leinster and sixe Cantreds of land to them and theirs for euer to come likewise with their best help at the Spring ensuing Vpon hope of this assistaunce Dermon ventured home among his enimies but in very priuate manner for his owne safety At time appointed Robert Fitz-Stephens accompanied with Maurice Fitz-gerald and with thirtie seruiceable Gentlemen all of his Kinred beside thrée hundred bold Archers the best chosen and onely men of Wales sailed in three sundry barks and landed in thē Calends of May at the Banne in Ireland Whereby an old Prophesy of Merlins was said to be fulfilled viz. A Knight by-parted should enter first with force in Armes and breake the bounds of Ireland Their landing there proued so succesful to Derman that hee kept his word with Fitz-stephens Fitz-gerald for the town of Wexford territories thereto appertaining with the cantreds of land he sent also for Richard Strongbow Earle of Pembroke son to Earle Gilbert of Chepstone who vppon Dermons letters and intelligence of Fitz-Stephens great fortunes with his followers there desiring ernestly to make one in so worthy an imploiment made sute to k. Henry for his passage thither But whither he obtained leaue or no he being of very noble parentage greater in spirit then possessions aiming at the fairest fortunes dreadles of the kings displeasure with such power as hee coulde prouide he landed at Waterford in September Héere it shall not differ much from our purpose to report those Noble mens names who before any other of the English assisted this woorthy Earle Richard Strongbow for Dermon in subduing Ireland to the Crowne of England according as they are recorded in the chancery of Ireland as the learned M. Camden hath also obserued them Robert Fitz-Stephens Haruey de Mont-ma●ish Maurice Prendergest Robert Barr. Meiler Meilerine Maurice Fitz-Gi●ald Redmund Nephew of Fitz-Stephens William Ferrand Miles de Cogan Gualter de Ridensford Gualter Alexander sons of Maurice Fitz-Girald William Notte Robert Fitz-Bernard Hugh de Lacie William Fitz-Adelm VVilliam Marcarell Humfrey Bohun Hugh de Gundeuill Phillip de Hasting Hugh Titell Dauid VValsh Robert Poe● Osbert de Hetloter william de Bendenges Adam de Geruez Griffin Fitz-Stephens Nephew Raulfe Fitz-Stephens VValter de Barry Phillip VValsh Adam de Hereford Iohn Curcy Hugh Contilon Redmund Cau●●more Redmund Fitz-Hugh Miles of S. Dauids VVith diuers other beside Then also was it generally noised that Celidons prophesie was fulfilled viz A little Fire-brand shal go before a great fire and as the sparks kindle the lesser wood so shal the same set the g●et wood on fire There was another prophesy also of Merlins viz. A great fore-runner of a greater follower shall come he shall tread down the heads of Desmond Leinster the waies before opened and made ready hee shall in large Dublin Leinster diuers other places were immediatly won Earle Richard married to Eua Dermons daughter By which marriage he enioyed but one daughter onely who enriched VVilliam Mare●chall with the Earledome of Pembrokes Title faire Lands in Ireland fiue Sonnes all dying childlesse and as many daughters who honored their husbands viz. Hugh Bigod Earle of No folk Guarin Montchensey Gilbert Earle of Glocester VVilliam Ferrars Earle of Derbie and william Breose with children goodly honours and rich possessions Vpon the newes in England of Earl Strongbow and his followers daily preuailing in Ireland King Henry grew offended with him and made a Proclamation against him that none of his Subiectes shoulde further assist Dermon or him But vppon the Earles priuate passage into England and conference with the King at Newham néere to Glocester all displeasure was forgotten and the King hauing then an Armie in readines should passe forthwith into Ireland where all should be deliuered vp into the Kinges possession King Henry landed at Waterford on Saint Lukes day in the seauenth yeare of hys
crowne of England and after much contention being taken and committed Prisoner vnto Cardiffe Castle in VVales after 26. yeares imprisonment hee there dyed and was buried at Glocester Maud King Henries Daughter was maried to the Emperor Henry but his other children William Duke of Normandy his Sister Marie Countesse of Perch Richard Earle of Chester with his Brother Otwell Gouernor to Duke William and the saide Earle of Chester his wife the Kinges Neece with diuers others to the number of 140. persons beside 50. Marriners following the king out of Normandie were all drowned King Henry raigned 35. years died in the Forrest of Lyons in Normandie and was buried in the Abbey of Reading which he had founded In this king Henry first of that name ended the line of the Norman kings concerning their heires male who had raigned about 69. yeares and then began the French by Title of the heyres generall Stephen Earle of Bullen and Mortaigne son to Stephen Earle of Bloys by Adela Daughter to king William the Conquerour vsurped the crowne from Maud the Empresse and her young sonne Henry which caused great Warres betweene him and her and very miserable times to the people till by an assembly of the Lordes at Winchester Articles of peace and agreement were concluded King Stephen raigned eyghteene yeares ten moneths and three and twenty dayes and was buried in the Abby of Feuersham in Kent Henry sur-named Fitz-Empresse and Shortmantle succeeded next in the crown of England He expelled strangers out of the Land and had a long and troublesome contention with Thomas Becket Arch-Bishop of Canterburie Hee crowned his sonne Henry as fellow-fellow-King with him which procured him much mollestation by meanes of his Quéene and his other sonnes In his time was the conquest of Ireland Dublin and Waterford being woon by Earle Strongbow He had diuers Concubines but especially fayre Rosamond whom he kept in a Labyrinth at Woodstock where she was poysoned by Q. Elianor King Henry the second raigned 34. yeares nine months and two dayes and dying was buried at Font-Euerard in the Dutchy of Alanson In him ended the raigne both of the Normans and French-men ouer the Realme of England Richard Earle of Poictiers and second Son to King Henry was crowned King at Westminster He went to the Holy-land and performed many worthy seruices there his brother Iohn in his absence aspired to rule the whole land being prouoked thereto by the French king As King Richard besiedged the Castle of Chalus Cheuerel he was wounded with an impoysoned quarrell shot at him by one Barturam de Gurden or Peter Bazile whereof he dyed hauing raigned nine yeares nine moneths and odde daies and was buried at Font-Euerard Iohn Lord of Ireland Earle of Mortaign and Glocester brother to king Richard was crowned at westm He had long tedious contentions with his Barons as also with the pope by whose meanes Lewes the French kinges sonne was drawne into the businesse had the crowne offered him by the Lords whereon he wrought great spoile in the Land King Iohn raigned 17. years six months and 27. dayes and dying by poyson was buried at VVorcester Henry third of that name and eldest Son to King Iohn succeeded immediately after his Father albeit he was but nine yeares old the Barons and French Lewes being still very mollestuous against whom VVilliam Marshal Earle of Pembroke was chiefe Generall of the Kings forces and preuayled worthily This King Henry raigned 56. yeares and 27. dayes and was buried at Westminster Edward eldest Sonne to King Henrie and Surnamed Long-shankes was crowned at Westminster after his returne home from the Holy Land This King conquered Wales and deuided it into Shyres and banished the Iewes for euer out of England Hauing raigned 34. yeares seauen months and twenty dayes hee dyed and was buried at VVestminster Edward of Carnaruon sonne to King Edward the first succeeded in the kingdome after his Father This king did ouermuch affect an Esquire of Gascoigne called Pierce Gauaston and disshonoured many of his Lords to aduance him as he did the like by the two Spensers the Father and Sonne At length he was imprisoned by his Barons with helpe of the Queene and Prince and then deposed when he had raigned nineteene yeares sixe months and seauenteene dayes Edward the third son to king Edward the second was crowned at Westminster in his Fathers life time Flanders yeelded themselues all their Townes to King Edward and laying claime to the Crowne of France in right of his Mother Queen Isabell he entred that land with a puissant army and quartered the Armes of France with his owne of England He deuised the woorthy Order of the Garter and Prince Edward Surnamed the Blacke Prince beside his famous victories in Fraunce reseated Don Peter king of Castile in his kingdom which his bastard Brother Henrie vsurped against him K. Edward the third raigned fifty yeares and fiue monethes and dying at Sheene was buried at Westminster Richard second of that name son to Edward the Blacke Prince being about eleauen yeares old succeeded after his Grand-father King Edward the Duke of Lancaster and the Earle of Cambridge being Protectors of the yong kings person The rebellion of Iacke Straw and Wat Tyler with the Essex and Kentishmen then hapned and the worthy act of William Walworth Lord Maior of London in arresting the traitor Great stormes arose betweene the king and hys Nobles because he had let to Farme the realme of England to Lords that abused the king and much misgouerned him sending abroad blanke Charters c. Whereupon in the end Articles were framed against the king and he committed to the Tower of London Henrie Surnamed Bullingbrooke sonne to Iohn of Gaunt being proclaimed king and Richard quite depryued when he had raigned 22. years three months nine dayes Dying hee was buried at Langley Henry Plantagenet borne at Bullingbroke in the County of Lincolne beeing Cosin-Germaine to king Richard the second succeeded next by Richards depriuation and entailed the crown to him and his heires Owen Glendoure with his VVelchmen entered into Rebellion against the king and did put him in great daunger of his life by Treason by conueying a Caltrop into his bed This king Henry raigned 13. yeares and odde months and was buried at Canterburie with great solemnity Henry of Monmouth sonne and heire to king Henry the fourth succeeded after his father Hee vrged his title to France and fought the famous battell at Agin-court Hee raigned nine yeares sixe months and foure daies and dying at Boys de Vinciennes in France was buried at Westminster Henry of windsore being but nine moneths olde did yet succeed in his lawfull right He was also crowned king of France at Paris and had his time troubled with many grieuous combustions both abroad and at home as also diuers foughten battailes
kingdomes of England and Scotland hath vnited them in one sole Monarchy of Great Britaine Long may hee raigne to Gods glory and comfort of his Kingdomes ¶ A briefe Catalogue of the Princes of Wales from the time that King Edward the first had conquered Wales to this instant 1. EDward borne at Caernaruon therefore called Edward of Caernaruon being Sonne to king Edward of England first of that name was the first Prince of Wales of the English bloud after the death of Prince Lhewelyn and came to Chester in the 29. year of his fathers raigne where he receiued the homage of the frée-holders of Wales 2 Edward of Windsore beeing eldest son to king Edward the second in the 15. yeare of his fathers raigne was created Prince of VVales and Duke of Aquitaine in a Parlament holden at Yorke 3 Edward borne at Woodstock sonne and heyre to king Edward the third in the 17. yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of Wales at London This Prince was surnamed the Blacke Prince hee tooke Iohn the French King prisoner and dyed in the 46. yeare of his age his father yet liuing 4 Richard sonne to Edward the Black Prince was created Prince of Wales at Hauering in the Bower in the fiftie yeare of king Edward the 3. his Grandfather and was afterward king of England by the name of king Richard the second 5 Henry of Monmouth sonne and heire to king Henry the fourth was in the first yeare of his fathers raigne created Prince of Wales at VVestminster 6 Edward of Westminster sonne and heyre to king Henry the sixt in the 31. yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of wales and Earle of Chester at westminster 7 Edward eldest sonne of king Edward the 4. borne in the Sanctuary at Westminster in the 11. yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of Wales and Earle of Chester at London He was afterward king of England by the name of Edward the fift but neuer crowned because both he and his Brother were made away by the treachery of their Vnckle Richard Duke of Glocester that vsurped the Crowne 8 Edward the onely Sonne of king Richard the third being a child of ten years olde in the first yeare of the said kings raign was created prince of wales at London 9 Arthur sonne and heire to king Henrie the seuenth in the fift yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of wales at London dying at Ludlow Castle in the 17. yeare of his fathers raigne was buried with great Funerall solemnity at Worcester 10 Henry Duke of Yorke son to King Henry the seauenth and Brother vnto Prince Arthur was after the saide Princes death in the ninetéenth yeare of his Fathers raigne created Prince of Wales and was afterward King of England by the name of King Henry the 8. In the 26. yeare of his raigne the Principality and Countrey of Wales was by Parliament incorporated and vnited vnto the Kingdome of England and all the Inhabitants thereof made equall in freedomes liberties rightes priuiledges lawes and in all other respects to the naturall subiects of England 11 Edward sonne to King Henry the eight and borne at Hampton Court the Principality of Wales being incorporated as hath bin sayde to the Crowne and kingdome of England was no otherwise Prince of Wales then vnder the generall Title of England as the King his Father was king of England and vnder the name king of Wales as it being a member of England Nor do I read of any other creation or inuesture that he had in that Principality He was King after his Father by the name of K. Edward 6. 1 Marie Daughter to King Henry the eight by the Princesse Katherine Dowager Widdow of Prince Arthur was Princesse of Wales 2 Elizabeth Daughter also to King Henrie t●e eight was in a Parliament in the 25. yeare of her Fathers raigne declared Princesse and Inheretrix of the crowne of England with all dominions to the same belonging and therefore was as her Sister Princesse of Wales All these fore-named Princes of Wales were created solemnely by and in Court of Parliament except three which were Richard the second Edward the fifte and Edward Sonne to Richard the thyrde Those that were created out of Parliament were Princes whose fortunes proued hard and disastrous For Richard the second was deposed and after murdered Edward the fift was also murdered in the Tower of London and Edward sonne to Richard the thirde dyed within three moneths after as a iust iudgement of God for his Fathers wickednesse 12. Henrie sonne and heire to our dread Soueraigne King Iames in the eight yeare of his Fathers raigne ouer England c. was created in the Court of Parliament at Westminster Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Rothsay Earle of Chester and Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter The strong arme of Heauen be his continuall keeper and defender Briefe Obseruations not vnfitly annexed to this our short Summary of England ¶ Of Bishopprickes and their circuites CAnterbury erected first by Augustine the Monke in the time of Ethelbert king of Kent by prouincial regiment reacheth ouer all the South and west parts of this Lande and Ireland also and there are few shyres wherein the Arch-byshop hath not some peculiets But in it selfe as from the beginning was and is proper to the See It extendeth but ouer one parcell of Kent which Rudburne calleth Cantwarland the Iurisdiction of Rochester including the rest so that in this one County both the greatest Archbishopricke and least Bishoppricke are vnited together Canterbury hath vnder it one Arch-deaconry that hath iurisdiction ouer 11. Deanries or 161. Parish Churches In time of popery vndername of first fruites it paide to Rome at euery alienation 10000. Ducats or Florens beside 5000. which the new elect did vsually pay for his pall each ducat being then worth an English Crowne Rochester included within the limits of Kent was erected also by Augustine in the raygne of Ceolrijc ouer the west-Saxons It hath one Arch-Deacon whose gouernement in spirituall causes ruleth 3. Deanries or 132. parish Churches whereby appeareth that in Kent are 393. parish churches whereof the saide two Arch-deacons haue cure and charge It paid to Rome at the bishops admission 1300. Ducats or Florens London was erected at first by king Lucius who made it an Archbishops See as in due place hath already bin remembred and so it continued till Augustine translated that title to Canterbury It includeth Essex Middlesex and parte of Hertfordshire containing in quantity the ancient Kingdome of the East Angles before it was vnited to the West-Saxons It hath foure Arch-deaconries viz. London Essex Middlesex and Colchester that haue vnder them 363. parish Churches beside peculiers The Archdeaconry of S. Albanes was added thereto by king Henry the eight which hath also 25. parishes whereof foure are in Buckingham the rest in Hertfordshire It payed to Rome
him and accompanied with manie other Traytours leuied a great Army wherein Pope Gregory tooke part with them and then they compelled their Father to come and submit himselfe to their mercy bereauing him of his imperiall Ornaments and giuing him the habite of a Monke they caused him to be strictly guarded in the Abbey of Saint Medard de Soissons His Wife they sent as an exile into Italy and his Sonne Charles as a Prisoner to Prouence The Lordes of Fraunce and Allemaigne béeing vnwilling to suffer that such shame and indignity should bee done to an Emperour in the following yeare they gaue him his liberty bringing his Wife and Son againe vnto him Lothaire chéefe causer of his Fathers captiuity was glad to fly thence into Italy The Emperor constrayned his Sonnes to séeke his mercy and then hée fréely forgaue them At Mayence hée dyed hauing raigned twenty sixe yeares and was interred at Metz. 26 In the yeare 843. Charles the Baulde Sonne of Lewes the Méeke was made King by a diuision or partage made with his Bretheren Charles remained King of France Lewes king of Germany and Lothaire had Italy with the Empire Prouence and Austrasia whereof he made a Dutchy calling it Lorraine after his owne name Before the saide partage they had a great battaile néere to Auxerre wherein almost all the Nobility of France lost their liues Which was the cause that the Normans who were risen vnder conduct of two valiant leaders were become Maisters well-néere of all France but in the ende they were expelled by the King who was ●rowned Emperour by Pope Iohn after the decease of his Nephew Lewes the Son of Lothaire In this time he became very high minded contemning the French manner of habite an● wearing the Graecian fashion with a Dalmatian garment hanging down to his héels beside other strange pompous attires Hauing raigned two yeares in the Empire he was poysoned by his Phisition dying at Mantua and buried at Verceillis but seauen years after his body was transported to S. Denis He raigned in all 38. yeares 27 Lewes the second sirnamed the Stutter or Stammerer Sonne of Charles the Bauld succéeded his Father both in the Empire and Kingdome in the yeare 879. Charles the Bauld had thrée sons the first was named Charlon whose eyes hee caused to bee puld out in regard of his wicked gouernment The second was called Charles who dyed before him And the third was this Lewes sir-named the Stammerer because his tongue was somewhat short and made him to falter in his spéech Pope Iohn came into France being escaped out of prison because he● stood against the crowning of Charles le Gros Sonne to Lewes of Bauaria Emperour He Crowned King Lewes the Stutter Emperour which hée enioyed not long in regard of his sicklynesse for he dyed in the second yeare of his raigne leauing his Wife Richeult Sister to the King of England and who was returned home to her Brother great with Child of a Son that was afterward called Charles the Simple He appointed as his Guardian Odo Sonne to the Earle of Aniou hoping great comfort of the fruit in her Womb. Hee left also two Bastard Sons Lewes and Carlon During his raigne the Normans were valiantly repulsed hee lyeth buried at Compeigne 28 Carlon and Lewes the illegitimate sons of Lewes le Begue were Kings after his decease in the yeare 881. not hauing any other heire to succéed him Some sought to giue the kingdom to Boson King of Prouence and others to Charls the Emperor king of Germany Carlon Lewes neuerthelesse were crowned Kings and carried themselues valiantly against the Normans who for fiue years space made very great enterprises on France In the battaile which they had néere to Chinon they fought manfully vpon the riuer of Vienna there nine thousand were slaine beside them that were drowned in flight They expelled also the fore-named Boson and Charls the Emperor séeking to make themselues Kinges of France These two brethren died strangely Lewes pursuing a wilde Beare with his Iaueling was shot thorow with an arrow which one of his traine did let fly at the beast so he died in the 4. yeare of his raigne Carlon died a yeare after as vnluckily for hee being one day very pleasant on horse-back galloping after a faire Damsell who ran for her safety into a small Country cottage he not staying his horse nor minding the impossibility of his passage brake his necke at the doors entrance Now because he was the eldest and suruiued his Brother the name of King is atttibuted to him as if that he had raigned alone They were both buried at S. Denis 29 Lewes the third sirnamed Fai-neant Do nothing after the death of Carlon his Father was made King in the yeare 886. This man being altogether carelesse albeit hee hadde a great number of men which his Father had assembled to resist the Normans who wasted the kingdome very much would not vse any resistance but like one fearefull and negligent made agréement with them and promised to giue them 12. thousand pounds of Money yearely till twelue yeares should bee expired Whereuppon the French disdaining to bée tributary to the Normans deposed the said Doe nothing and made him a shauen Monke at Saint Denis And the rather they did it because he had taken a Nunne from Challes S. Baudour néere Paris married her whether she would or no. To resist the Normans the French sent for Charles le Gros Emperor of Rome Nephew also to Charles the bald and him they made King The Normans kept Paris besiedged with forty thousand men who were in such sort foyled as not a man of them escaped aliue Neuerthelesse to containe them in some more moderation hee made alliance and agréement with their Dukes Which raised such strange garboiles in the Realme so displeased the people and incensed them with such hatred against him that they expulsed him both out of the Empire and Kingdome and hee dyed in a poore Village of Suauba very poore and miserably Yet the fiue yeares of this raigne are attributed to him and not to Lewes Doe nothing 30 Odo or Eudes Sonne to Robert Earle of Angiers was made King in the yeare 891. after Charles le Gros by aduise of the Princes albeit hee was not of the race of Charlemaigne but onely Tutour to Charles the Simple and he was preferred by Arnould the Emperour successour to Charles le Gros who would haue had the Kingdome himselfe During his raigne the Normans breaking their agréement made with Charles le Gros began to warre againe much more cruelly then before and now the second time besiedged Paris But Odo carried himselfe so vndauntedly that he ouer-came them manie times In this while certaine Barons of the Realme had sent for Charles the Simple into England and Crowned him King of Fraunce at the age of fouretéene yeares Odo who
was then in Aquitaine hardly brooking this disgrace mooued great warre against Charles the Simple which continued for long time Neuerthelesse at the houre of his death hee entreated the Princes of Fraunce that they should restore the saide Charles to the Kingdome because in true right it appertained to him This Odo brought vp as a noueltie to haue a great many Floure-de-Luces without any direct number in the Armes of Fraunce which continued so till the time of Charles the sixt He raigned nine years and lieth buried at S. Denis 31 Charles the third sirnamed the Simple son of Lewes le Begue or the Stammerer began to raigne soly in the yeare 900. After his Tutours death who had held the kingdome in the minority of his yeares The warre of the Normans continued stil yet the king fel into acquaintance with Raoull or Rollo their Duke and gaue him his daughter in marriage endowed with all the Land which then was called Neustria and afterward made a dutchy and named Normandy with especial condition that he should be baptized Robert Earle of Paris Brother to Odo lately deceased pretended to vsurp the kingdom and drawing many Lords into his faction crowned himselfe King But Charles with the ayde of the Emperour Henrie gaue him battaile néere to Soissons wherein the saide Robert was vanquished and slaine Héereat Hebert Earle of Vermandois his Brother in Law was highlie displeased yet hee dissembled it for an apt time and one day pretending to feast the King he entreated him to lodge in his castle of Peronne No sooner was he entred but he did shut him vp in a Tower where hee dyed compelling him to resigne the Kingdome to Raoull Brother to the Duke of Burgundy Hee left by Theargina his Wife a Sonne named Lewes who fledde for his safetie into England This King raigned alone 14. yeares and lyeth enterred at Peronne 32 Raoull of Burgundy Sonne to Richard Duke of Burgundy was made King in the year 917. This man not being of the linage of kings would néedes bée crowned at Soissons as well by fauour of Hugh the great Earle of Paris as also of Hebert Earle of Vermandois who then kept King Charles the Simple Prisoner seazing his person vnder coulour of feasting him and constrayning him before his death to resigne his Kingdome in presence of many Lords and to giue it as a frée guift to the sayde Raoull which yéelded the greater authority to his raigne The Quéene Theargina wife to King Charles the Simple séeing such troubles in France made her retirement into England to the King her Brother with her Son Lewes called Lewes of beyond the Sea Raoull made a voyage into Italy pretending to get the Empire which was then in strife and there he vanquished Berengarius an Italian Prince who laide some claime thereto But finding himselfe not wel affected of the Italians hee with-drew thence into France where hee dyed of a very strange disease béeing eaten with wormes notwithstanding all remedies applied by his Phisitions He raigned about tenne yeares died at Auxerre and was buried at S. Colombe néere Sens. 33 Lewes fourth of that name sir-named Lewes d'Outre-mer or of beyond the Sea Son of Charles the Simple was made K. in the yeare 929. being then in England with the K. his vnckle the Princes Prelats and Barons of France sent for him into England whither his Mother Theargina had carried him for refuge when Hebert had betraied King Charles her Husband he was crowned at Laon. The King had debate with Raoul of Burgundy about the Kingdome and made warre vppon the Emperour Otho for the Dutchy of Lorraine but peace being made betwéene them he tooke to Wife Herberge Sister to the said Emperour At his returne home into Fraunce hee caused Hebert Earle of Vermandois to bee hanged who had procured his Father to dye in Prison Hugh the great Earle of Paris who then held the full sayle of the kingdome raised the Normans to rebell against the King But the King drawing him to his side he rebelled from him again because he had made an agréement with the Normans without him and caused them also to alter their purpose with a fresh begunne warre wherein the King was taken Prisoner and carried to Rouen Afterward he was deliuered to the great Earle Hugh who detained him at Laon but the Emperour Otho came to his succour deliuered him Lewes raigned twenty seauen yeares and lieth buryed at S. Remy of Rheimes 34 Lothaire Sonne of Lewes d' Outremer or of beyond the Sea was made King in the yeare 956. At the beginning of his raigne Hugh the great Earle of Paris gouerned all the affaires of France but he dyed soone after leauing thrée Sonnes to wit Hugh Capet who afterward vsurped the kingdom Otho and Henry who were successiuely Dukes of Burgundy and was sumptuously enterred at Saint Denis Lothaire raigned 31. yeares and lieth buried at S. Remy of Rheimes 35 After King Lothaire Lewes his Sonne fift of that name succéeded in the gouernment in the yeare 986. He raigned but one yeare died without any heire and was the last King of the race or linage of Charles the great his burial was at Compeigne Charles Duke of Lorraine who was his Unckle and néerest Heire hearing of his death would néedes passe into France to make himselfe King But the French hated him extreamely as well because he had continually pertaken with the Allemaignes sworne enemies then to the French as also in regard hee was a bad Prince to his owne Subiectes So that they would not receiue him for their King but wholy ranne to Hugh Capet then Maire of the pallace a very wise and woorthy man Hee perceiuing that the French fauoured and affected him knew well enough how to sow both in their eares and hearts an vnliking opinion of Charles Duke of Lorrain to make him the more hatefull to them He first laid before them how hee had permitted the Allemaignes frée passage when they came and warred on France Next that he had maintained the chéefe enemies to the crown of France wherein hee stood guilty of high treason And so by consequent was disabled of any succession to the said Crowne ¶ Heere endeth the second generation of the Kinges of France in the ligne Masculine being the race of the Carlouingians and which continued after Pepin for the space of 233. yeares HVgh Capet Sonne to Hugh the great Earle of Paris possessed himself of the Crown of France in the yeare 987. He was by some of the French proclaymed King at Noyon first of al soone after in the Citty of Rheimes partly by fauour and partly perforce Crowned King of Fraunce and made his entrance into Paris whereuppon Charles Duke of Lorraine took Rheimes Laon and Soissons Hugh Capet with a potent Armie besiedged Laon where hee tooke Charles with his Wife and Children by Treason in the Byshop of
kings treasury was hanged at Mont-faucon which hee himselfe first caused to be made Lewes tooke first to wife Margaret Daughter to Robert Duke of Burgundy by whom he had a Daughter Next he married Constance whom he left with child of a Sonne named Iohn that liued but eyght daies This King raigned but xviij months died at Boys de Vinciennes and is buried at S. Denis 48 Phillip the fift Surnamed the Long succéeded after his Brother Lewes Hutin in the kingdome being called Long in regard of his tal stature and slendernesse The Duke of Burgundie would haue troubled his possession of the crown in regarde of his Daughters Daughter but the Salique Law did not fauour him therein This King Phillip married Iane Daughter to Otholine Earle of Burgundy by whom hee had three daughters The first married with the Sonne to the Duke of Burgundy the second the Sonne to the Earle of Flaunders and the thirde to the Daulphine of Viennois by which marriages all Warres were asswaged in Fraunce During his raigne diuers Leapers and Lazers procured thereunto by the Iewes poysoned all the welles which caused a great Pestilence thorough the Kingdom but both the one and other were grieuously punnished therefore Neuer coulde this King obtaine of his people any impost or Taxation by him leuied He made a Law that there shold be in his kingdom but one kind of weight one measure and one money commanding that it should be duely kept But while this was in execution he died without any heires male hauing raigned fiue yeares in peace and lieth buried at S. Denis In these times certaine Troopes of Countrey people that were called Pastors and Shepherds arose againe in Fraunce as formerly some had done in the time of King Lewes the ninth These men made their vaunt that they would crosse the Seas and go warre against the Infidels They had two chiefe men of marke among them and wel beseeming such an assembly to wit a Priest that for his mis-behauiour was expulsed his Church and an Apostata Monke of the Order of S. Bennet These two fellowes so abused the hearts and beléefe of the poore popularity that silly Shepheards left their Flocks and Laborers their Manuall trades to follow these two impostures who made them verily beleeue that the Holy Land could be recouered by none but them In conclusion this heape of Rascality was quailed in Languedoc because in stead of preparing their fury against the Infidels and passing the Seas they fell vpon the Iewes whom the king had repealed into France 49 Charles le Bell Son to Phillip the fourth succéeded after his Brother in the year 1321. and likewise was King of Nauarre as his thrée predecessors had bin He had thrée wiues Blaunch whom he diuorced for her adultery Marie and Margaret Iourdain de l'Isle albeit hee was Nephew to Pope Iohn the two and twentieth was hanged and strangled at Paris for his strange offences This King fel to concord with the English appeased the Earle of Flaunders and drewe his people to a mutuall Reconciliation He was a great Iusticer raigned seauen yeares dyed at Boys de Vinciennes and is buried at Saint Denis By his death the second branch of the Capets called De Valois came to the Royalty and began in 50 PHillip de Valois Coozin Germaine to the thrée precedent Kings dying without heire male his succession was in the yeare 1328. His right to the Crowne was dearely disputed betweene him and King Edward the third of England Son to the Sister of the thrée forenamed Kings who preferring his Mothers Title would néeds be King of France contrary to the Decrée of the Law Salique and consent of al the States He did king Phillip homage for Guyenne and Ponthieu but being not well pleased therewith cut him off quite from Flanders Bretaigne Germany Crecy where Phillip lost the day with the very flower of al the French Nobility taking Calais also by their flight Truce being taken betwéene both the Kings Edward of England had both the Title of king and Armes of France or conquest which euer after was attributed to him his Phillip raigned 22. yeares died at Nogent and lieth buried at S. Denis 51 Iohn Sonne to Phillip de Valois succee-his Father in the yeare 1350. proouing as vnfortunate in those tempestuous times as his father had done before him He married Ioane Countesse of Bolongne by whom he had foure sonnes and one Daughter Raoull the Constable of France was beheaded in prison In the day at Poictiers King Iohn was taken by the English and carried into England which imprisonment of his caused many pittifull Tragedies the most furious whereof were acted in the chiefe Citties of France Foure yeares after King Iohn passed into England for the fréedome of his Ostages but there he died at London hauing raigned 13. yeares His sonne caused his body to be brought to S. Denis 52 Charles the fift Sonne to King Iohn succéeded his Father in the yeare 1364. Hee sustained very great troubles during the captiuitie of his father by a commotion which the k. of Nauar raised at Paris who was aided by the merchants of the saide Citty and woulde haue had the Regency but that Charles being then Daulphine made opposition against him He dealte for the ransome and deliueraunce of his Father after whose decease he was crowned King Hee tooke to Wife Ioane Daughter to Charles Duke of Burbon by whom he had three Sonnes and one daughter He maintained great warres against the English hauing at one instant fiue seueral Armies in field against them because they were such potent enemies And to supply so mightie a charge he was faine to lay a heauie taxation vpon wine and Salt Bertrand de Guesclin a most worthy Knight was then his high Constable And the Bastille at Paris was then builded A sedition happened at Montpellier and six hundred of the seditious were executed This King was surnamed the Wise for his deep discretion goodnesse and gouernment He so loued Learning that he caused the Holy Bible to be translated into the French Language which remaineth yet in the Royal Cabinet of the Louure with many other good Bookes beside Hee had stil an eye to Iustice sitting daily to hear causes and ordering all his affayres by Counsel With much adoo he regained some Townes from the English in Poictu and Xaintonge Hee raigned sixteene yeares yeelded his soule to God at Chasteau de Beaute and lieth buried at S. Denis The Sect of the Turlupins was then abolished See Emil. Lib. 9. 52 Charles the sixt sonne of Charles the fift was crowned King at the age of fouretéen years being vnder the gouernment of his Vnckles the Dukes of Berry Burgundy and the Duke of Aniou who got into their custody many millions of Gold left by the King deceast And then no Money being to bee found the people were charged with heauy
raigne the 41. of his age and of our Lord 1172. Dermon Mac Morogh beeing deade some short while before The King beeing Royally welcommed into Ireland Dermon or Mac Carti Prince of Corke Donald O Bren Prince of Limerick Donold O Carel Prince of Ossorie and Macleighlin O Felin Prince of the Decies or Ophalie O Ro●ke K. of Meth Oneale King of Vlster with Rotherick O Conor Dun the Brown Monarch of Ireland came al submitted themselues to k. Henry swearing fealty to be tributaries to him Al matters being ordered in Ireland to the Kings good lyking he departed thence to England hauing made Earle Strong-bow Earle of Pembroke the first Lorde Gouernor of Ireland ioyning Reimond le Grace in Commission with him in the yeare 1174. ¶ The names of the Gouernors Lieutenants Lord Iustices and Deputies of Ireland since the conquest thereof by King Henry the second RIchard Strongbow Earle of Pembroke Gouernor Reimond le Grace being ioyned for his more ease in commission with him Reimond le Grace Lieutenant by himselfe William Fitz Adelme Lieutenant hauing Iohn de Curcy Robert Fitzstephans and Miles Cogan ioyned in Commission with him Hugh Lacie Lieutenant Iohn Lacy Constable of Chester and Richard de Peche Gouernours Hugh Lacy againe Lieutenant Hugh Lacy the younger Lord Iustice Henry Loandoris Arch-bishop of Dublin Lord Iustice Maurice Fitzgirald Lord Iustice Iohn Fitzgeffery Knight Lord Iustice Alain de la Zouch Lord Iustice Stephen de Long Espe Lord Iustice William Deane Lord Iustice Sir Richard Rochell or Capell Lord Iustice Dauid Barry Lord Iustice Robert Vfford Lord Iustice Richard de Excester Lord Iustice Iames Lord Audley Lord Iustice Maurice Fitzmaurice Lord Iustice Walter Lord Genuille Lord Iustice Robert Vfford againe lord Iustice Fulborne Byshoppe of Waterford Lorde Iustice Iohn Stamford Arch-Bishop of Dublin Lorde Iustice William Vescie Lord Iustice VVilliam Dodingsels lord Iustice Thomas Fitz-Maurice Lord Iustice Iohn Wogan lord Iustice Theobald Verdo● lord Iustice Edmund Butler lord Iustice Roger Lord Mortimer Lord Iustice Alexander Bignor Arch-Bishoppe of Dubline Lord Iustice Roger lord Mortimer the second time lord Iustice Thomas Fitz-Iohn Earle of Kildare lorde Iustice Iohn Birmingham Earle of Louth lorde Iustice Iohn Lord Darcy Lord Iustice Roger Outlaw Prior of Kilmainan lorde Iustice Anthony lord Lucy lord Iustice Iohn lord Darcy second time lord Iustice Iohn lord Charleton lord Iustice Thomas Bishop of Hereford lord Iustice Iohn Lord Darcy ordayned lord Iustice by Patent during his life by King Edward the third Raphe Vfford lord Iustire Robert Darcy lord Iustice Iohn Fitz-Maurice lord Iustice VValter lord Birmingham Lorde Iustice his Deputies were Iohn Archer Priour of Kilmainan and Baron Carew with Sir ThoRokesby Maurice Fitz-Thomas Earle of Desmond had the Office of Lord Iustice for tearme of his life by the graunt of King Edward the third Thomas Rokesby Knight lord Iustice Almericke de S. Amand. appointed Lord Iustices by turnes Iohn Butler Earle of Ormund appointed Lord Iustices by turnes Maurice Fitz-Henry Earle of Kildare appointed Lord Iustices by turnes Lionell Duke of Clarence Lord Iustice Gerald Fitz-Maurice Earle of Desmond lorde Iustice VVilliam lord Windsor the first Lieutenant in Ireland Roger Ashton lord Iustice Roger Mortimer Iustices and Lieutenaunts especially recorded in the dayes of King Richard the second Phillip Courtney Iustices and Lieutenaunts especially recorded in the dayes of King Richard the second Iames Earl of Ormund Iustices and Lieutenaunts especially recorded in the dayes of King Richard the second Robert Vere Earle of Oxford Marquesse of Dublin created Duke of Ireland Roger Mortimer Earle of March Lieutenant Roger Mortimer Earle of March and Vlster lieutenant Roger Grey lord Iustice Iohn Stanley Knight lord lieutenant Thomas of Lancaster brother to king Henry the fourth lord Lieutenant whose Deputies at sundry times were Alexander Bishop of Meth Stephen Scrope knight the Prior of Kilmainan Iames Butler Earle of Ormond Lord Iustice Gerald Earle of Kildare Lord Iustice Iames Butler Earle of Ormond Son to the foresaid Iames Lord Iustice Iohn Stanley againe Lord Lieutenant Thomas Cranley Arch-Bishop of Dublin Lord Iustice Iohn Lord Talbot of Shefield Lieutenant Iames Butler Earle of Ormond the second time Lieutenant Edmund Earle of March Iames Earl of Ormond his Deputy Lieutenants to K. Henrie the sixt Iohn Sutton Lord Dudly Sir Thomas Strange his Deputy Lieutenants to K. Henrie the sixt Sir Thomas Stanley Sir Christopher Plunket his Deputy Lieutenants to K. Henrie the sixt Lion Lorde Welles Deputy to the Earle of Ormond Lieutenants to K. Henrie the sixt Iames Earle of Ormond by himselfe Lieutenants to K. Henrie the sixt Iohn Earl of Shrewsbury the Archbishop of Dublin in his absence Lord Iustice Lieutenants to K. Henrie the sixt Richard Plantagenet Duke of York Father to King Edw the fourth had the Office of Lieutenant by letters patents from king Henry the sixt for tenne years His Deputies at sundry times were the Baron of Deluin Richard Fits-Eustace Knight Iames Earle of Ormond and Thomas Fitzmoris Earl of Kildare Thomas Fitzmoris Earle of Kildare Lord Iustice in the daies of King Edward the fourth vntill the third yeare of his raigne After whom George Duke of Clarence brother to the King had the office of Lieutenant during his life and made his Deputies at sundry times these Men following Thomas Earle of Desmond Deputies to the duke of Clarence Iohn Tiptoft Earle of Worcester Deputies to the duke of Clarence Thomas Earle of Kildare Deputies to the duke of Clarence Henry Lord Gray of Ruthine Deputies to the duke of Clarence Sir Rowland Eustace Lord Deputy Richard Duke of Yorke younger son to King Edward the fourth Lieutenant Edward Son to K. Richard the 3. Lieutenant his Deputy was Gerald Earle of Kildare Iasper Duke of Bedford Earl of Pembroke Lieutenant his Deputy was Walter Archbishop of Dublin Edward Poynings Knight Lord Deputy Henry Duke of Yorke afterward King by the name of Henry the eight Lieutenant his Deputy was Gerald Earle of Kildare Gerald Fitz-gerald Earl of Kildare L. Deputy Thomas Howard Earle of Surry afterwarde Duke of Norffolke Lieutenant Piers Butler Earle of Ossorie Lord Deputy Geralde Fitzgeralde Earle of Kildare againe Lord Deputy The Baron of Dublin Lord Deputy Piers Butler Earle of Ossorie again L. Deputy William Skeffington Knight Lord Deputy Gerald Fitzgerald Earle of Kildare the third time Lord Deputy William Skeffington againe Lord Deputy Leonard Lord Gray Lord Deputy Sir William Brereton Knight Lord Iustice Sir Anthony Sentleger Knight Lord Deputy ¶ The names of all the Lordes Deputies and Iustices in Ireland since the death of King Henry the eight who died in Ianuary 1546. SIr Anthony Sentleger knight by Patent dated 24.
constancy in promise that he sildome spake the word which hee not performed Such an obseruer of Iustice was he also that he would not remoue from any place but Proclamation was first made that if any of his men or officers did take any thing vnpaid for the partie to whome the debt was due should come in and imediatelie satisfied he willinglie heard the complaints of the poore and was as diligent in seeing their wrongs redressed Iohn Stuart Earle of Carrike and sonne to King Robert before named was crowned king but because Iohn was iudged to bee an vnfortunate name for Kings they changed it and called him Robert after his Fathers name and so hee was King Robert the third Then was the first creation of Dukes in Scotland for the king made his eldest Sonne Dauid Duke of Rothsay and his Brother Robert Duke of Albanie yet neyther of these sonnes succéeded their father but another son who was named Iames. This King Robert raigned 16. yeares Iames Sonne to King Robert succéeded his Father in the kingdome of Scotland his Quéen was deliuered of two Sonnes at a birth named Alexander and Iames Alexander dyed in his infancy but Iames liued and succéeded hys Father This King Iames the first raigned thirtéene yeares Of whom it is written that he was a very seuere and vpright Iusticer yet so milde and swéete of Nature that not any of their Princes did more reuerently embrace peace at home among his subiects or more willingly conclude it abroad with strangers then he His Wisedome appeared so manifestly in many very great and especiall affaires that Kinges of other Nations did louingly ioyne in league and friendship with him He had bin so wel educated in all Sciences and Gentlemanly actiuity by the carefull dilligence of the best Schoole-maisters that it coulde not be easily iudged in which hee was most perfect For hee was an excellent Musitian a rare Poet a most elequent Orator so exactly both in minde and memory he comprehended the depth of Diuinity and Lawe that for all these in his time he gaue not place to any one Lastly he was not onely a beauty to his Countrey in prouiding his peoples quiet at home but fought also for their defence against their enemies abroad The inuention of Gunnes happened in his time and he caused diuers pieces of Artillery to be made in Flanders one of which being a great and goodly Piece he called the Lyon whereon these verses he caused to be engranen Illustri Iacobo Scotorum Principi digno Regs magnifico dum fulmin● castra a reduce Factus sum subito nuncuper ergo Leo. Iames the second son to King Iames the first being but sixe yeares olde succéeded his Father in the Crown and was the 103. King of Scotland from Fergusius the first In this Kings time was the famous Art of Printing inuented in the Citty of Mentz in Germany This King raygned 24. yeares among his Subiects in the Camp hee carried himselfe so gently towards all men that they seemed not to feare him as their King but reuerenced and loued him like a father Hee would ride vp and downe amongst them and eat and drinke with them euen as if hee had bin fellow-like with the meanest Iames the third Sonne to King Iames the second being but seauen years of age succéeded his father in the kingdome and raigned 29. yeares Iames the fourth son to King Iames the third was crowned King of Scotland the 24. day of Iune 1488. he being then aged xvi yeares This King Iames the fourth married the Princesse Margaret eldest Daughter vnto Henry the seauenth King of England and raigned fiue and twenty yeares deseruing to be ranked and numbred amongst the best princes that euer there gouerned for his polliticke rule and administration of Iustice Iames the fift being a Childe aged one yeare fiue moneths and ten daies and sonne to king Iames the fourth was Crowned King of Scotland the one and twentieth day of September 1513. his Mother the Quéene being appoynted Regent of the Realme This King raigned 32. yeares being an obseruice of Iustice a defender of the Law and a sound shielde for the poore and innocent in which regard of his Nobility hee was called King of the Commoners He would set at libertie the poore oppressed with the tyranny of the rich and represse the rich from spoyling the poore All which he did with a kinde of seueritie but yet in such sort as therein appeared a woonderfull gentlenesse in his naturall disposition because he seldom did put any of them to death but did eyther by inprisonment or mulct punish the offence For it was his vsuall saying That he would neuer take life from any but onelie to keepe the Lawe sound for example to others and to keepe downe their boldnesse that dwelt about the borders His death was great lamented of his subiects to whom he was a perfect Patron and a louing Father Mary Daughter and heire to King Iames the fift began her raigne ouer Scotland the 18. of December 1542. She was but seauen daies old when the King her Father died and left her his kingdome hir mother then lying in child-bed in the Castle of Lithquo of which place the Lorde Leuingston being then Captaine had the charge both of mother and daughter committed to him with the mothers good liking frée consent This Q. Mary maried Frances the Dolphin of France who after his fathers death was king of France but King Frances dying Mary Qu. of Scotland and Dowager of France returned home againe into Scotland where hir Mother had bin Regent al the time of hir absence I meane vntill the x. of Iune 1560. on which day the Queen Mother of Scotland died Afterward Mary Q. of Scots maried Henry Stuart Lord Darnley Earl of Rosse Duke of Albanie son to the Earle of Lennox who was proclaimed king at the Market Crosse in Edenburgh the 28. of Iuly 1564. and on the tenth of February 1566. he was made Knight of the Order of S. Michael in the Chappel of Holirood house with great reuerence and solemnitie In the month of Iune next folowing the 19. day and betwéen the houres of x. and xi before noone Quéene Mary was deliuered of a goodlie young Prince who afterwarde was crowned King of Scotland by the name of Iames the sixt Iames the sixt Sonne to King Henry and Q. Mary being about a yeare old began his raigne ouer Scotland and was crowned King thereof the 19. of July 1567. Hee succéeded also in his rightfull inheritance of the Crowne of England after the decease of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory the 24. day of March 1602. gloriously vniting those kingdomes in one which formerly by Brute had bin long time deuided ¶ Of the Island of Albion before Brutes arriuall there and tearming it Brittaine after his owne name Also what Kinges raigned there before he came thither ¶ To
or Hauren in the Riuer of Seuerne so called after her name Locrine raigned twenty yeares and left a Sonne named Madan Madan sonne of Locrine and Guendolen began his raigne ouer the Britons an mundi 2909 He vsed great tyranny among his people builded Madancaistre now called Dancaster Hauing ruled this land 40. yeares hee was deuoured of Wolues other wild beasts as he was abroad in hunting He left 2. sons Mempricius Manlius Mempricius eldest sonne of Madan succéeded his Father and slew his Brother Manlius for better confirmation of his gouernement He fell into vnlawfull lusting after women so that hee forced his peoples wiues and daughters and albeit he had a wife and many Concubines yet he vsed the abhominable sinne of Sodome So that becomming hatefull both to God and man being one day lost of his people as he was hunting hee as his father was eaten of wilde beastes after he had raigned 20. yeares Ebranke sonne of Mempricius by his lawfull wife succéeded in rule ouer the Britons Hee had one and twenty wiues on whom he begat twenty Sonnes and thirty Daughters He was the first Prince of this Land that euer inuaded Gallia now called France from whence he returned with great riches and triumph Hee builded the Citty of Caerbranke nowe called Yorke about the 14. yeare of his raigne in Albania or Scotland hee builded also the Castle of Maidens and the Cittie of Alclud He gouerned Brittain very nobly forty yeares and lieth buried at Caerbranke or Yorke Brute Tarianlas or Greeneshield Sonne of Ebranke succéeded his Father in the regiment of Brittaine Hee sought to bring all Gallia vnder his subiection and some do auouch that hee performed it albeit Brinchild gaue him a great foile in Henault He raigned twelue yeares and was buried by his father at Yorke Leill the sonne of Brute Greenshield raigned after his Father He builded the Citty called Caerleil that is to say Leill his Citty or the Citty of Leill and repaired also Carleon now called Chester which is saide to bee built before Brutes entrance into this land by a Gyant named Leon Gauer Leill raigned 25. yeares and was buried at Carleill Lud or Ludhurdibras the Son of Leill ruled Britaine after his Father He builded the Citty of Kaerkin now called Canterbury the Citty of Caerguent now called Winchester and Mount Paladour now cald Shaftsbury Aquila a Prophet or Bardh of the British nation wrote diuers Prophesies concerning the building of Shaftsbury Lud raigned 29. yeares and was buryed at Canterbury Baldus or Bladus son of Lud-hurdibras succéeded his Father in the rule of Brittaine Hee was skilfull in the Sciences of Astronomy and Nigromancy he builded the Citty of Caerbran now called Bathe and made there hot Bathes though William of Malmsbury is of the mind that Iulius Caesar made those baths which cannot bée so because Iulius Caesar neuer went so farre that way into the Land This Bladud was so proud of his art that he would needes presume to fly in the aire but hee fell on the Temple of Apollo in Troy-nouant and was there torne in pieces hauing raigned twenty yeares Leir the Son of Bladud followed his Father in Britaines gouernment being a Prince of most Noble Nature and gouerned his Subiectes very royally He builded the Towne of Caerleir now called Leircester And because the History of his thrée Daughters Gonorill Regan Cordeilla with their seuerall marriages to Henuinus duke of Cornewall Maglanus Duke of Albania and Agauippus prince of Gallia is very wel known and all the fortunes thereto belonging I am the easier induced to passe it ouer with all the troubles happening to King Leir through his owne weaknesse Leir raigned forty yeares and was buried at Leircester Cordeilla youngest daughter to K. Leir succéeded as Quéen and Gouernesse of Britain but her two Nephewes Cunedagius and Morgan sons to hir as vnkind Sisters made short hir time of gouernment after the decease of her Husband Aganippus For they imprisoning her and shee being a Lady of vnconquerable courage gréefe and despaire of liberty made her there to slay her selfe after she had ruled fiue yeares Cunedagius and Morgan deuided the whole land between them after Cordeillas death But enuy and couetous desire in either to rule alone raised them in armes against each other Morgan was slaine in Cambria by Cunedagius and the place of his death is yet called Glan-Morgan Morgans land he not hauing raigned aboue two yeares with his Brother who afterward builded thrée temples one to Mars at Perth in Scotland another to Mercury at Bangor in Cambria and the third to Apollo in Cornwall He raigned 33. yeares and was buried at Troy-nouant Riuallus Son of Cunedagius next ruled Britaine in whose time it rained blood 3. daies together which blood engendered such multitudes of Horseflies that many people were stung to death by them In his time was the City of Rome builded he raigned 46. yeares was buried at York Gurgustius son of Riuallus raigned 37. years Sysillius or Cecilius Brother of Gurgustius 49. yeares Iago or Lago Cozin to Gurgustius twentie eight yeares Kinimacus or Kinmarus Son of Sisillius 54. yeares Corbodug Son of Kinimacus 43. yeares or by some 62. yeares Ferrex and Porrex Sons or Gorbodug raigned ioyntly till ambition deuided them Ferrex being slaine in battaile the Mother of them both wrought afterward the death of Porrex After which great troubles endured for the space of fifty yeares for the Sole-Monarchie of this land became then a Pentarchie as deuided betwixt fiue Kinges or Rulers And héere ended the line of Brute The Pentarchy 1. Rudacus King of Cambria or Wales 2. Cloton King of Cornewall 3. Pinnor King of Loegria 4. Staterus King of Aibania 5. Yewan or Owen King of Northumberland Mulmutius Dunwallo the Sonne of Cloton who was allowed for most rightfull Heire hee succéeded as Sole-Monarch of Britaine after his Father This Mulmutius builded a Temple in Troy-nouant cald the Temple of Peace which some do hold to be that ancient monument called Blackwell-Hall He builded also two Townes Malmsbury and the Vies and was the first king that was crowned with a Crowne of Gold He made diuers good Lawes which long time after were called Mulmutius lawes being turned out of British into Latine by Gildas Priscus long time after translated out of Latine into English by Alfred K. of England and mingled among his statutes He began to make the foure great high waies of Britain and gaue priueledges to Temples Ploughes Citties high waies leading to them so that whosoeuer fled to them should bee in safety from bodily harme and thence he might depart without preiudice to his person In regard that he was the first king crowned with a golden Crowne most writers giue him the name of the first King
hundered shippes alwayes in readinesse and sayled therewith once a yeare about all great Britaine Hee had the whole Isle and all the Kinges thereof in subiection to him and was rowed vp and downe the Riuer of Dee by seauen Kings his vassailes Luduall one of those Kings did pay him a yearly tribute of Wolues He raigned 16. yeares and was buried at Glastenburie Edward eldest Sonne to King Edgar succeeded his Father being crowned at Kingston but by Counsell of Elfrith his Step-mother he was treacherously murdered when hee had raygned three yeares and was buried at Shaftesbury Ethelred or Egelred second Sonne to King Edgar was crowned at Kingstone but because his comming to the Crown was by his brothers murder he could neuer obtaine his peoples affection Al the Danes in England by the command of King Ethelred were murdered in one night He raigned 38. yeares and was buried in Saint Paules Church in London Edmund Son to King Ethelred and Surnamed Ironside was immediately proclaimed K. after his Fathers death as the Cleargy and Nobility did the like to Canutus because they hadde sworne fealty to his Father Swaine or Sweno whereon three great battailes were fought betwixt King Edmund and Canutus the Danes ouerthrowne at Otford in Kent beside the great battell at Ashdone in Essex neere Saffron walden where the Englishmen were foyled by the Danes and the Land once againe deuided betweene Canutus and King Edmund who was treacherously slaine at Oxford hauing raigned but one yeare and some few months and was buried at Glastenbury Canutus the Dane challenging all England to himselfe was crowned King in Saint Paules Church in London and maried Quéen Emma the widdow of king Etheldred hee raigned xx yeares and was buried at Winchester Harold surnamed Harefoot vsing the power of the Danes in England inuaded the Realme while his brother Hardi-kenutus Gouerned in Denmarke Hee raigned foure yeares dyed at Oxford and was buried at Westminster Hardikenutus or Hardy-Canutus Sonne of King Canutus and his Quéene Emma obtayning his Fathers Kingdome sent for his mother from exile He died with the cup in his hand as he sat merrily disposed at his Table in the third yeare of his raigne and was buried at Winchester With this Hardy-Canutus ended the dominion of the Danes in England who had grieuously oppressed this nation for the space of 250. yeares Edward the sonne of Ethelred and Emma was next crowned King at Winchester all the Danes being then quite expulsed the land This Edward was Surnamed the Confessor for hys vertuous life and worthy Lawes also he is saide to be the first that cured the Disease called The Kinges Euill Hee raigned three and twentie yeares and was buried at Westminster which in his life time hee had most sumptuouslye repayred Harold sonne of Earle Goodwin tooke vpon him the gouernment of the kingdome but William Duke of Normandy came into England with a powerfull Army and in battell Harold was shot through the braines with an Arrowe hauing raigned but nine months and was buried in the Monastery of Waltham in Essex by whose death Duke William obtained his Conquest of England William Duke of Normandy base Sonne of Robert Duke of Normandie and Nephew to King Edward the Confessor whom he perceiued more addicted to vertue then policy and through debility of body not like to liue long contryued his owne attaining to the crowne of this land after the decease of the aged King For hee placed diuers Normans in the cheefest roomes about him while he liued and when he was dead leuied an Army of diuers Nations and there-with pretending the Patronage of England agaynst Harold Earle Godwins Sonne who vsurped the Kingdome first fought with him and flewe him at a place now called Battell in Sussex and then tooke the Crowne on him by election of the Estates Seeking next to barre Titles he imprisoned Edgar Etheling the onely true heire of the Saxons bloud and by means of Ethelbert Arch-bishop of Hamborow procured Sweno King of Denmark for money to cease the Danes claime Hee builded foure strong Castles one at Nottingham another at Lincoln the third at York and the fourth neere to Haftings where he landed at his first arriuall in England Hee deuised the Couer le feu Bell to bee Rung nightly at eight of the clocke in all Citties Townes and Villages for preuention of mighty tumults He ordained the Tearmes and that they shoulde be kept foure times in the yeare and Iudges to sit in seuerall Courtes for desciding controuersiall matters betwixt party and party as is vsed vnto this day He appointed Sheriffes in euery shyre and Iustices of the peace to see offenders punnished and the Countries kept in quiet He ordained the Court of Exchequer with the Barons Clarkes and Officers thereto belonging as also the high Court of Chancery with the Booke then called The Rowle of Winchester nowe The Doomesday Booke whereby the whole Land was taxed and euery mans estate and wealth thoroughly knowne He raigned twenty yeares ten months and 26. dayes and was buried in the Abbey of Saint Stephen at Ca●n in Normandy which he had founded And this is well worthy memory that hee being so great a Conqueror yet after his death coulde not haue so much ground to bury his dead body without wronging some other vntill that by his Executors it was bought for him William Rufus second sonne to the Conqueror by his Fathers appointment succeeded him in the Kingdom and was crowned at Westminster Robert elder Brother to King William Duke of Normandy went with Godfrey Duke of Bullen and other Christian Princes to the Holy-land to recouer it from the Sarazi●s This King William Rufus caused new Walles to be builded about the Tower of London and layed the foundation of Westminster Hall Hee raigned thirteene yeares and was slain with an Arrow by one Sir Walter Tyrel a French knight in the New Forrest in Hampshire his body being buried at VVinchester In which Forrest not many yeares before had stoode 36. Parish Churches diuers faire Townes Villages and Hamlets containing thirty miles in circuite all which was laide wast by the Conqueror the poor inhabitants expelled thence and it was made a place for wilde beastes to liue in It was somewhat strange that in that very place the King should bee so vnfortunately slaine Richard his Brother blasted to death and Henry the Conquerors Nephew by his eldest Sonne Robert as hee ouer-earnestly pursued the game in the the bushes like to another Absolon straungely strangled to death vengeaunce from God as was thought punnishing the fathers offence in his posterity Henry sur-named Beauclerke for his Learning and youngest sonne to the Conqueror succeeded his Brother King William was crowned at VVestminster Robert Duke of Normandy being returned from the Holie-Lande warred with his Brother Henry for his right in the
to the effusion of much blood He raigned 38. yeares sixe months and foure daies and was buried first at Chertsey and afterwarde remoued to windsore Edward Earle of March tooke on him the gouernment of the Realm being son to Richard Duke of Yorke that was slaine at Wakefield His raigne also was filled with many troubles broyles and Rebellions yet hee gouerned 22. years one month and eight daies and was buried at Windsore Edward the fift son to king Edward the fourth succeeded after his father being neuer crowned but deposed by his Vnckle Richard Duke of Glocester when he had raigned two months eleuen dayes and with his brother was murdered in the Tower of London where both theyr bodies were obscurely buried Richard Duke of Glocester vsurped the kingdome two years two months and one day and was slaine in battell at Bosworth fielde by Henrie Earle of Richmond and buried at Leicester In him ended the line of the Plantagenets Henry Earle of Richmond surnamed Tudor son to Edmund of Hadham Earle of Richmond who was son of Owen ap Meredyth and Queene Katherine the French kings daughter wife to king Henry the fift This king Henrie builded and repayred in his life time many goodly houses beside his Mannor of Richmond and his Chappell at Westminster as Baynards Castle in London the goodly Hospitall of the Sauoy neere Charing-Crosse to which hee gaue lands for releefe of an hundred poore people Sir Religious houses for Franciscan Friers of the Obseruant and Couentall orders viz. at Richmond at Greenwich and at Newarke for Obseruants at Canterbury New-Castle South-hampton for Couentals Hee gaue also manie sums of money to good and godly vses And for that one of the goodliest Chappelles in Europe was by his meanes finished formerly begun by king Henry the sixt called the Kings colledge Chappell in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge I cannot omit the summe he gaue to accomplish the same which was 10000. lt viz. 5000. pounds in his life time and the rest by will at his death vnder his great Seale of England which was truely paide as is yet to be seen in the same Colledge Hee married his eldest daughter Margaret to Iames the fourth King af Scots of which happy marriage we enioy our dread Soueraign now raigning King Iames the sixt King Hentie raigned 23. yeares and somwhat more then 8. months and was buried in his new Chappell at Westminster Henry the eight sonne of king Henry the seauenth succeeded next in the kingdome after hys father He banished the Popes authority out of England and was proclaimed King of Ireland because the former Kinges were onely called Lords of Ireland He wun Terwin Tourney and Bullen in Fraunce and gaue the Church of the Gray Fryers in London to the Cittie to bee a place of releefe for poore people S. Bartholomewes Spittle the Gray Fryers and two parish Churches the one called S. Nicholas in the Shambles the other S. Ewin in Newgate Market were then made all one parish Church and he gaue in Lands for maintenance thereof fiue hundred Markes by the yeare for euer He raigned 37. years 9. months and 5. daies and was buried at Windsore Edward the sixt onely son to king Henry the eight was crowned king at Westminster Hée caused the Masse to be vtterly abolished Images to be defaced in Churches and the Lords supper to be ministred in both kindes There was then good orders deuised for the poores reliefe poore people were distinguished by thrée seuerall degrées in manner following Three degrees of poore 1. The poore by impotency 2. Poore by casualty 3. Thristlesse poore 1. The poore by impotency were also diuided into 3 kinds 1. The fatherles pore mans ch●●d 2. The aged blinde and lame 3. The diseased person by leprosie dropsie c. 2. The poore by casualty were also of three kinds 1. The wounded Souldior 2. The decayed Housholder 3. The visited with grieuous disease 3. The thriftlesse poore were likewise of 3. kinds 1. The Riotor that cons●meth all 2. The Vagabond that will abyde in no place 3. The ydle ●erson as Strumpets and others 1 Christs Hospitall was appointed for the innocent and fatherlesse childe to be trained vp in knowledge of God and vertuous exercises 2 Saint Thomas Hospitall in Southwark was appointed for reliefe of the aged blinde and lame 3 Bridewel was also appointed for the Vagabond ydle strumpet and vnthrift Of all which seuerall Hospitals this Vertuous yong k. Edward was the founder and gaue the lands of the Sauoy which then serued as a harbour to Loyterers Vagabonds and strumpets that lay all day in the fieldes and at Night were harboured there to the maintenance of these houses which Lands were of the yearelie value of sixe hundred pounds and he gaue 4000 Markes beside of Lands taken in M●●tmaine so yearely valewed This worthy young King raigned sixe years fiue months and eight dayes and was buried at Westminster Mary eldest daughter to King Henry the eight and Sister to King Edward succeeded after her Brother She married with the Prince of Spain who was afterward king and raigning 5. years fiue monethes and tenne dayes was buried at Westminster Elizabeth second Daughter to king Henrie the eight and Sister also to king Edward came next to her right in the Crowne of England To write of the Princely life and raigne of that Virgin Empresse and matchlesse Queene woulde require large Volumes yet all too little for her high deseruing merit Hauing liued well neere threescore and ten years and happily raigned 44. yeares 4. months and od dayes she died the 24 of March 1602. was buried at Westm The lines engrauen on her Tombe may serue for her further memory A Sacrifice to Posterity HAuing restored Religion to the Primitiue sincerity established Peace reduced coine to the iust valew reuenged Domestical rebellion succored France greeued by ciuill war supported Belgia ouer-come the Spanish inuincible Nauy pacified Ireland by driuing out the Spaniards and compelling the Rebels to yeeld to her pardon increased very much the Reuennewes of both Vniuersities by a Law for theyr prouision of Victuall enriched all England administring most prudently the Imperial state thereof 45. yeares in true piety in the seauenty yeare of her age in most happy peaceable maner departed this life leauing heere hir mortal parts enterred in this famous and renowned Church by her conserued til by the command of Christ they rise againe immortall Iames king of England Scotland Fraunce and Ireland first Monarch of the whole Islands or Countrey was proclaimed king the 24. of March 1602. being the onely inheritour to k. Henry the seauenth and Elizabeth his Queene issuing from Lady Margaret eldest Daughter to them both In whose happy marriage ended the long ciuill dissentions of the two deuided families of Yorke and Lancaster And by his most rightfull succession in the deuided
1555 1556. Elizabeth Q of England 1559 The Spanish Inquition 1565 1568 1574 Wil. Prince of Orange The Commaunder of Castile 1575 Don Iohn of Austria 1577. The Arch-Duke Mathias 1578. The Prince of Parma 1580. The Duke of Aniou 1581. The States for themselues 1582 The prince of Orange shot 1584 The Prince of Orange murdered 1585 The Earle of Leicester Sir Phillip Sidney slain 1587 Sluice The Lord willoughby 158● Prince Maurice 1592 Ernestus D. of Austria 1594. Prince Maurice shoulde be murdered twice Sir Frances Vere 1595. Albertus Arch duke of Austria 〈…〉 1596 Hulst besiedged 1597 Tournhoult 1598 The Iesuits conspire the death of Prince Maurice The death of K. Phillip 1599 1600 The battaile of Nicuport Prince Maurice and the states losse 1601 1602. 1604 The long siedge at Oastend The Arch-dukes losse at Oastend 1605. 1606 1607 1608 1069 1610. The Originall of the Irish Leyland in Cyg Ca●t Scotach or Scota the wife of Gathelus An. mund 2●33 Camb●e● Lib. 1. dict 3. rub 5 6. The first K. of Ireland Roderick K. of the Picts Turgesius the Tyrant The iust punishment of a lasciuious Tyrant Saxo Grammat Albert. Crantz Syluest Girald Cambrensis O Dermon Mac Morogh Dermon sweareth allegiance to K Henry Gilbert Earl of Chepstone Robert Fitz Stephens Maurice Fitz-gerard Fitzstephens his men passe into Ireland A prophes● of Merlin● Richard Strongbow Earle of Chepstone and Pembroke Celidons prophesye Merlins Prophesie King Henry offended with Earle Strongbow The princes of Ireland sweare fealty to King Henry The yeares of our Lord 1174 1177 1182 1227 1228. 1253 1258 1261. 1267 1268 1269 1270 1272 1281 1295 1293 1314 1315 1317. 1319 1320 1321 1323 1327 1332 1338 1339 1346. 1355 1357 1361 1367 1369 1372 1381 1394 1401. 1403 1407 1413 1414 1420. 1470 1494 1501 1520 1523 1529 1534. 1540 1541 1546. 1546 1547 1548. 1549 1550 1551 1553 1555 1556 1556. 1557 1558 1559 1564 1565 1567 1568. 1570 1571 1572 1579. 1580. 1580. 1582 1584. 1588 1595 1597 1599 1600 1602. 1604. Gathelus a noble Grecian An. Mund. 2416 Ioseph Lib. 2 Cap. 7. Gathelus his departure out of Egypt He landed in Portingale The Citty Brachara builded Campostella builded The Scots foyleth the spaniards Gathelus his Marble stone The inscription on the stone of Gathelus Gathelus his people doo greatly a-abound Gathelus his two sonnes come into Ireland The death of Gathelus and valor of his son Hiberus Scottes and Spaniardes one nation Simon Brechus in Ireland first K. ouer the Scots Fandufus his issue Rothsay transporteth his Scots into the western Isles Argathelia in remembraunce of Gathelus The Pictes come into Albion Ferguhardus in Ireland Fergusius the first king of Scotland Feritharis the second k. of Scotland Howe the first kinges of s●ottes succeded each other The birth of our Sauiour Iesus Christ 54 58 71 75 131 133 162 176 207 211 216 242 252 273 287 322 358 360 363 369 424. 440 The Brittaines tributary to the Scots and Picts 470 481 501 521 531 The death of King Arthur Mordred c. 578 588 England made seuen kingdomes 606 620. 632 645 664 684 A generall Pestilence 688 697 Strange visions in Albion 6●9 716 The Histories of the Kings liues written 734 762 767 769 788 819 824 830. 833 839 The vtter s●buersion of the Picts Translation of the Marble stone 860. 874 A vertuous King 876. 893. 903 943. 959 968 972 976 1000 1002 1010. 1034 1046. 1057 1092 * Thaines were as Barons 1101 1109 The beginning of the Knights of Rhodes 1153 The vertuous life and raigne of K. Dauid 1165 1214 1249 1290 The seueral claimes of Iohn Baliol and Robert Bruse 1250 The firste comming of the Stuarts to the Crowne 1390 The Kings name changed 1424 The inuention of guns in this kings time 1436. The Arte of Printing found out 1461 1488. King Iames married the eldest daughter to Henry 7. King of England 1513 1542 Mary Dowager of France returneth backe into Scotland 1567 Geog. Com. lib. Beros an t Lib. 1. Annius de Viter in Cōment sup 4. Lib. Beros de aut Lib. 1 Iohannes Bodin ad fact hist cogn Franciscus Tarapha Samothes first King of Celtica Wolfang Lazius demigr gen Lib. de Magic success Lib. 22. De ant Cāt. ce●t Lib. 1. Script Brit. ce●t 1. Magus second King Sarron third King Druis 4. K. De bello Gal gic● Lib. 9. Lib. 6. Anti. Lib. 5 Bardus fift King The Celtes subiected by Albion the Gyant Bergion ruled in Ireland Britania of Britona and Britomartis Diana Britonas Oracle Albania Calydonia Aetolia Britannia a Wildernes Ferarum altrix Wilde Buls and Kine Calydon was the son of Aetolus Mars the father of Etolus Parthaon Britona Parthaon now Perth in Aetolia Aetolia now Athol Calydon wood Calydoniū Cathnesse Calydon Aetolia Parthaon Britannia of Britona Albania of Albania Chronicles and written Records of Brute Dianas Temple at Troia noua Diana Tauropolia Theonte● Dea. Diana Bellona of Yorke Briges Phryges Brigantes Abus Aestuarium Abij Alba●i Agathyrsi Troyans called Taurini Tauroscythi Taurus the mansion of Venus Riuers of Britaine are Recordes of Brute Towns and Citties Recordes of Brute Diuers Nations and people of Britain Recordes of Brute Princes Noblemen and Gentlemen Recordes of Brute Brute slewe his Father Siluius Brute met with Corineus Brutes resistance in Gallia Brutes landing in Albion The building of London The deuision of Brittaine by Brute to his sonnes The death of Albanact The death of k. Locrine Madan deuoured by Wolues 2949 Memprecius deuoured by wild beasts 2969 The building of York 3009 3021 The building of Carleill 3046. The building of Cāterbury Winchester and Shaftsbury 3085 The building of Bath 3105. The building of Leircester on the Riuer of Sore 3155 ●150 Britaine deuided the second time Cunedagius builded 3. Temples 3203. The building of Rome 3249 3287 3336 3364 3418 3476. The Pentarchy of fiue Kings 3529 The building of Blackwell hall Malmsbury and the vies builded Mulmutius Lawes The 4 high waies of England The beginning of sanctuary Waights measures to buy and sell by 3574 Britaine againe diuided The names of the foure high wayes of England Belines-gate The building of the Tovver of London 3596 The foundation of Cambridge 3614 3657 The arriual of the Picts 3663. 3669 3670 3676 3686 33. Kinges betwixt Elidurus and Lud. The Isle of Ely 3895 Luds-gate Troy-nouant altered to Luds Towne 3508 The Romā comming into Britain with Caesar Four Kings in Kent 3921 3944 The birth of Iesus Christ The year of Christ 17 Guideruis slaine at Portchester How South hampton became so named 46 Ioseph of Arimathia came into Brittaine Britain gouerned by Romayne Deputies 73 The Pictes comming into Britain Westmaria Westmerland 125 Colchester builded 16● Britain conuerted to the Christian faith Arch-byshops Bishops appointed in Britaine S. Peters Churches at Westminster London in Corne-hill The Wall of Adrian 207 A Trench cast in Brittaine from sea to sea
and a marriage concluded of Alice the daughter of Lewes to the son of England The King died at Paris hauing raigned 43. yeares and lieth buried in the Abbay of Barbeau which was founded by him 42 Phillip Augustus sir-named Dieu-donne Gods gift succéeded after his Father in the year 1181. He banished all the Iewes out of Fraunce and yet afterward permitted them entraunce againe ordaining many Edicts against Blasphemers as also the vsury of the Iewes He did put to death the Albigeois Heretiques and them of Besiers augmenting greatly the Cittie of Paris instituting Sheriffes and Alder-men commaunding the stréetes to be paued building also the Halles for Studentes and the Church-yard of S. Innocent and enclosing with wals the Vniuersity side Hée went to recouer the Citty of Hierusalem with Richard Cueur de Lyon King of England and falling off from him returned home into France Hee hadde afterward great wars against the said K. Richard and Iohn without Land his brother who succéeded him about the titles of Normandy Aquitain Poictu Maine Aniou Auuergne He won the battaile at Bouines against the Emperor Otho and other French Lords who were entred into rebellion against him In which battell perished fifty thousand men and Otho himselfe was enforced to flight the Earle of Flanders and the Earl of Bolongne being taken Prisoners by which reason the king was called the Conqueror He raigned 43. yeares died at Mante aged 59. lieth buried at S. Denis leauing two sons and a daughter 43 Lewes the eyght succéeded after his Father in the yeare 1224. In the life time of his Father hee crossed the Seas and made Warre in England attayning to no such successe as hee expected Hee renewed kindnesse and Brotherhood betwéene the French and Germaines tooke Auignon and warred vpon the Albigeois He raigned thrée yeares and lyeth buryed at Saint Denis 44 Lewes the ninth succeeded his Father Lewes the eyght in the yeare 1227. Blaunche his Mother in regard of his young yeares was appointed to bée Regent whereat some Lords were discontented but she tooke order sufficiently with them She maintained the warre against the English and agréement was made with them vpon solemne Oath to holde Aquitaine doing homage and to yéelde vp Normandie Ponthieu Maine and Poictiers The king being in peace exercised himselfe to liue Religiously building Churches Hospitals and Monasteries enriching them with rents reuennues In the 24. yeare of his raigne hee went to recouer the Holy Land descended into Egypt and tooke Damieta He was afterward so rudely assayled that he was taken by the Soldane but deliuered againe vppon his restoring Damieta and paying a great ransome Hee bought of the Venetians the Crown of Thornes as was supposed with other Relickes of the passion caused them to be safely kept in the holy Chappel at Paris Many Shepheards vnderstanding that the King was prisoner arose vp in armes and made great spoile in France but they were foyled by them of Orleance and Bourges The king at his returne did very seuerely chastise blasphemers And passing afterward into Affrica tooke Carthage and assailed Thunis where the Pestilence happening in his Campe he died of a flux of blood He raigned 34. yeares and lieth buried at S. Denis Behold briefely the life and death of King Lewes ninth of that name who afterward by Pope Boniface the eight in the time of Phillip le Bel was cannonized among the number of Saints in Romes Kalender and called S. Lewes His raigne was truely in piety religion sanctitie and iustice His youth was much tormented with rebellions subleuations seditions of some Lords but his manly yeares did disperse them as the Sunne doth dimme clouds Hee was deuoute vpright valiant liberal seuere and yet clement vsing all these Vertues according as hee knewe them to be néedfull 45 Phillip the third Son of S. Lewes was proclaimed King in the Campe before Thunis in the yeare 1271. but was afterward Sacred at Rheimes He was Sur-named Phillip the hardie and at his comming back into France he had many difficulties about the death of Phillip his impoysoned Sonne in the Warres of Foix and Terracon Vpon an Easter day in the euening houre all the French being then in Sicily were euery one slaine whereon grew the By-word of the Sicilian Vespres or Euening The king died at Parpignan in the fortith yeare of his age and lieth buried at Saint Denis hee married Isabel Daughter to Peter of Arragon by whom he had Phillip Charles and Marie And then remarrying Marie Daughter vnto Henrie Duke of Brabant he hadde by her Lewes and Margaret 46 Phillip the fourth Sur-named le Bell or the Fayre Sonne to the fore-named Phillip succéeded his Father in the yeare 1286. both in the Kingdome of France and Nauarre in right of his wife In his younger daies he had a Schoolemaister a Roman borne and a great Diuine named Gilles who caused the King to write an excellent worke yet to be séene called The Institution of Princes As the King was at Paris being returned from his Corronation at Rheimes this Diuine according to the Vniuersities ancient custome which was to make a learned spéech after the kings sacring made a singuler Oratiō to him to encrease his desire in following Vertue piety preseruing his subiects in peace and tranquility He built the sumptuous Pallace of Paris subdued the Flemings who had forsaken his part giuen aide to the English against him the Earle of Flanders and his two sons beeing then taken prisoners The King left a Garrison in the countrey but they were slaine in a commotion of the people Whereupon the Earle of Flanders hauing giuen his faith to the King was sent thyther with one of his sons but being able to do no good he returned backe againe to the King and died soon after at Compeign The k. went thither himselfe in person at the first had no better successe but at length he charged them so furiously that he foiled 36000. wheron they were constrained to make attonement and pay him 200000. Crownes The day of Coutray was afterward fauourable to the Flemmings but deplorable to the French the English preuayling mightily against them Then came the Bulles of Pope Boniface against Phillippe but they were burned in the Court of the Pallace which made Boniface to excommunicate the King but Bennet his Successour absolued him againe In his time was the Papall See trans-ferred to Auignon where it continued thréescore ten yeares Rome being then gouerned by Legates The king died at Fountainebleu which was the place of his byrth hauing raigned 28. years and lieth buried at S. Denis 47 Lewes the tenth Sur-named Hutin after the conformity of his manners succéeded his Father in the yeare 1314. and had his right also after his Mother in the kingdome of Nauarre Enguerrand de Marigni General of the Finances being accused to haue robbed the