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england_n crown_n king_n realm_n 5,962 5 8.3139 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15701 The castell of Christians and fortresse of the faithfull beseiged, and defended, now almost sixe thowsand yeares. VVritten by Iohn VVolton, on e of the Cathederal Church in Exetor. Woolton, John, 1535?-1594. 1577 (1577) STC 25975; ESTC S103316 80,248 214

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man nor shal be vnto vvhom heapes of euylles are not conioyned immediatly after his byrth Yee the greatest estates are incombred vvith the greatest euyls The meane subiect enioyeth more quietnesse hartes ease then their Lordes and sléepe soundlye in their pleasaunt beddes whyles their Lordes passe the long nightes with open eyes in consuming cares and thoughts Which moued Xenophon to saye Peace is an especiall blessing but the least part thereof redoundeth to Kinges and vvarre is a great curse vvhereof Kings are the greatest partakers And to the ende that subiectes maye lyue in quiet rest the good Magistrate susteineth many long iourneyes daungerous conferences and chargeable Ambassageons Let vs therefore loue and blesse the Magistrat with tongue hart vnto whose power and dignitie there are ioyned so many peryls and daungers We maye adde vnto the premisses greater inconueuiences which maye and offer doo aryse by emulation enuie amongst men in great aucthoritie as happened betwéene Darius and Cyrus Sylla and Marius Pompei and Caesar It commeth to passe also nowe and then that among thyrtie or fortie Colleges in administration of the cōmon wealth there are scarce two that are lynked together in perfite friendshyp respect the publique profit And sometyme those carie the chiefe swinge that saye and do all things after their owne selfe wyll and luste not admytting any mans counsayle and if any of a good meaning dissent from them they either banish them or destroye them Alexander the great when he was dronke murdred Clitus that had deserued verie well of the whole Empyre because hee dealt with him plainely and faithfully Caligula and Domitianus Nero executed many noble and verteous counsaylers and so dyd Caracalla and amongst others that famous vpright Lawier Rapinianus because he woulde not excuse Parricyde Moreouer we maye sée oftentimes that which is more lamentable howe many Parentes destroye theyr Chyldren many Children their Parentes through ambicious desyre of a Kingdome and for the same cause the brother to sley the brother Adonius was wont to saye That to obtaine a kingdome be vvould burne his owne Cittie his father and mother Whereof Xenophon wryteth notably after this manner The amitie and friendshippe that is betweene the Parent and the Childe the brother and brother the husbande and vvife is most constant and faithfull And if vve vvyll consider the matter dyllygently vve shall finde the same fast and firme betweene priuate persons but wauering and vnconstaunt amongst those that be in rule and aucthority vvhyles many Princes haue murdred their naturall sonnes and againe many haue beene murdred of their sonnes the brother to haue destroyed the brother and the wife her husband And finally many haue oppressed theyr fellowes and companions vnto whom they shewed a friendly face and countenaunce Histories of all tymes doo testify these thinges with great store of examples Solymāne the twelfth Turkish Emperor who besieged Vienna An. Do. 1529. and gaue theyr 21. terryble assaultes murdred his sonne Mustapha suspected to aspyre vnto the Empyre And Selym father to Solymanne poisoned his father and so obtained the Empire An. Do. 1512. The two Brethren Polynices and Etocles slewe one another in that warre which themselues moued for dominion and rule Antonius Bassianus Caracalla murdred his Brother Geta hanging about his mother Iullo her necke crying Helpe helpe mother for I dye the death And the mother was not onely sprinkled with her sōnes blood but also receaued a wounde in her hande Domitian also poysoned his brother Titus Vespasianus that notable valiant Captaine Iulius Caesar perished with the daggers of Cassius and Brutus whome hee had aduaunced to great aucthoritie and accoumpted his faythfull friends Wherby this Epitaph was afterward ingraued on his Toumbe Haue I therefore preserued them to destroy mee And Moses the sixt Turkish Emperour slew Orcanes his brothers sonne and so set the Crowne vpon his owne head And to come to our owne Realme letting therein passe both Bryttons Daines and Saxons we maye finde therein many myserable and Tragical examples For Wylliam Rufus the seconde King of Englande after the Conquest eyther by mallice or mysaduenture was slaine in the new Forest as he was hunting by Walter Tyrrell with the shotte of an Arrowe Robert Duke of Normandie eldest sonne to Wylliam Conqueror depriued of his inheritaunce of Englande by the sayde Wylliam Rufus his seconde Brother and after by Henrie his youngest Brother hauinge both his eyes put out myserablye imprisonned in Cardlyffe Castell where he dyed Lykewyse the most lamentable case of Wylliam Rycharde and Marie chyldren of the sayde Henrie drowned vpon the Sea. And king Richarde the first slaine at a quarell in his chiefe prosperitie Also king Iohn his brother as some saye poysoned besydes these the cruell murder of Edwarde and Richarde the sonnes of Edwarde the fourth by their owne Unckle Richarde Duke of Glocester was most monstrous and vnnaturall whereby we maye sée that no Nation nor kingdom wanteth r●wfull and tragicall examples Last of all looke vpon the Ecclesiasticall regiment and state of the Church you shal finde therin also so many great and gréeuous inconueniences betwéene the shepheard the shéepe that you cannot tell which waye to turne you And fyrst to speake of the Pastors we see and heare of many that ignorauntly or maliciously corrupt the doctrine of the essence and vvyll of the lyuing God of sinne of the lawe of grace of good workes of repentaunce of inuocation of the true vse of Sacraments of Christiā lybertie of mariage of Magistrates c. Such Pastors and Shepheardes haue bene alwayes since Cains tyme euen to this our age Such are called of Christ theeues and murderers who with their false doctrine do not onely steale the hartes of the hearers and drawe them from the lyuing God with their subtyle practises as Absolon dyd the people from his Father but they murder also the soules of their hearers and throwe them into euerlasting destruction That monster Arius who powred out his bowelles when he sate at the stole reuiueth againe in Hungarie and Polonie And besides many theeues of the soule which Italey bréedeth being as it were another Africk in these kinde of monsters the scholers of Martion are most plentifull who with the Saduces deny the immortalyty of the soule and the resurrection of the flesh In Italye Germany Fraunce Spayne west India there are great swarmes and droues of a new and straunge kind of cattell vnknowen to our forefathers the Mounkyshe lesuites or rather to tearme them truly the Esauits who weery of the honorable name of Christians tremble not to commyt blasphemy and spirituall robbery in assuming that to them which is proper to Iesus only to vvitte to be a Sauiour In this our countrey the Annabaptists and fellowshippe of loue begunne to graffe plant but Gods name be praysed therfore by the dylligence of the minysters and magistrates they