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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02807 An expostulation or complaynte agaynste the blasphemyes of a franticke papyst of Hamshyre. Co[m]piled by Iohan Bale Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1552 (1552) STC 1294; ESTC S114384 18,692 48

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frenesie came sodenly vpon him In y t heat wherof he most shamefully reuyled a seruaūt of that house calling hym heretyke aud knaue because he had begonne to studie a parte in suche a Comedie as myghtely rebuked the abhomynacyons and fowle fylthie occupienges of the Bishopp of Rome Moreouer he requyred hym in hys own stought name to do a lewde massage whych was to call the compiler of that Comedie both heretike and knaue concludynge that it was a boke of most perniciouse heresie That boke was imprynted about .vi. yeares a go and hath bene abroad euer sens to be both seane and iudged of men what it cōtayneth And thys is the name therof A Comedie concerning iii. lawes of nature Moyses Christ. etc Therin is it largely declared how y t faythe lesse Antichrist of Rome with his clergye hath bene a blemysher darkener confounder and poysener of all wholsom lawes And that wyth ydolatricall Sodometrie he hath defyled nature by ambytyouse Auarice he hath made Gods commaundemēts of non effecte and with hypocrytycall doctryne peruerted Christes moste holye Gospell Thys is wele knowne to al men How commeth than an heresye thus to report or wryte By lyke this fonde fellaw hath learned of Lanfrancus and fryre Walden that he is only an heretyke whych in doctryne dyssenteth from the synagoge of Rome Or els of fryre Guido in hys boke De heresibus that he is a most perniciouse heretyke whych sayth that the Romysh pope is not heade of the christen churche neyther maye make lawes for the christyanyte But he neuer yet marked the wurdes of Athanasius that they are the most wycked sorte of heretykes whyche persecuteth Christes true seruauntes Other argumentes are there els to proue thys wycked fellawe a natural child of that father mother so a most spyghtfull Papyst In the tyme that stought Steuen Gardyner was Byshopp of Wynchestre and made hauocke of Christes poore stocke no mā was so madde as thys madde fellawe to searche and to seke to accuse to reuyle to shame and to brynge menne in daunger of deathe for their Christen beleues sake No where was anye sessyons wythin Hamshire but he was alwayes there agaynst them conducted by y t prestes pratynge and scoldynge stuttinge and stam berynge with frothe yssuynge out on both sydes of hys mouthe for anger The supersticyouse Nonnes of Wynchestre dysobeyenge both the Byshopp and hys chaunceller concernynge their apparell and vtterly contempning the preachinges that are now had their daily resortes to him and became as flickering culuers about hys house The preachers of Gods wurde there were nothynge els wyth hym as he fat on the ale bēches but heretykes knaues vagaboūdes traiters apostataes runnegates w t bloud and soule that he wold laye hys dagger on their faces No mā knoweth this to be more true then I do vpon whome he not only bestowed these vncomelye names and that a great sort of tymes but also in y t opē streate at Wynchestre cōming sodenly out of an house of purpose vpon me he sette hys one hande vpon my Bearde and bosome and hys other hande sometyme on hys Dagger and sometyme bent it ouer my heade as thoughe he wolde haue buffetted me on the face wyth suche madde exclamacions as I neuer hearde of man of Bedlem besydes the vnreasonable spoyle that he had made afore that of my house Yet neuer in my life ded I offende hym to my knowledge neyther in my dede nor my wurde Not thus yet satled in all thys ragynge furye he procured the clarke of my parrish of bishops Stoke a man y t knoweth not his A. B. C. .ii. more as vnlearned and popish as he was to indyghte me at Wynchestre sessions for not hallowing the funte at the baptyme of a Childe wyth candel lyghte salt oyle creame and waxe droppinges as in the popysh tyme notwythstandyng the kynges inhybycion concernynge all suche papystycall beggeryes He caused them to report there to the rediculouse wondermēt of all men learned that I should haue sayd than that the wurd of God was hallowed ynough alredy But that Gods wurd at any tyme should be prophane and nede hallowyng or els that it hath bene hallowed it is their blasphemouse and beastly opynion and not myne I thynke a more folysh vnlearned a sentence was neuer vttered of any man Se how depely the Lord hath permytted these papystes to spew fourth their owne rydyculouse shame Yet was it not so doltish and brutish but it toke place there and was wele allowed They that could do nothynge in matters of truthe for the kyng at the sessyons afore coulde in the popes secrete quarell at that sessions for falshehode fynde me wurthy an indightment wurkmanly made it out And it wanted no circūstaunce that myght be deuysed to aggrauat the matter For there was I called an obstynate persone a sedycyouse fellowe a trobler of thys whole realme a prophaner of of the sacramentes a deprauer of the kynges boke a slaunderer of hys procedinges an abhominable example gyuer a contēpner of the kynge and hys crowne Al the papystes of England had neuer at that bench so muche layed agaynst thē And all for pretermyttynge y t one poynte of olde papistrie If thys conueyaunce be not sūwhat wurth I report me Well he hath made his boast that for doynge of suche feates he can lacke no lyuyng Twētie prestes within Hāshire he saithe wyll rather giue me vp their personages and profyghtes vpon a small pensyon than I shulde be without a dwellinge house And he y t shall seke hym at thys day shall fynde him tabernacled in one of their personages what though he hath protested by othe that he wyll be no longer a papyst Thus haue I set out thys frantyck papyst in hys owne lyuely colours agreynge to hys most maliciouse frutes to make him knowne to others and to cause hys other companyons to be a shamed of hys lewde lunitick waies If he be not a papist which with poluted mouth in defence of papistrie blasphemeth the kynges Maiestie his honourable counsell the preachers of gods wurd signified by Gods name Gods tabernacle and thē that dwell in heauē who is a wicked papist If he be not a false prophet that euometeth such .iii. filthy frogges at ones as this busy babler hath done here in one blasphemouse sētence who is a false prophet If he be not a malignaunt mēbre of Antichrist that so malicyously and madlye defendeth hys noughtye quarell wyth pratlynges and scoldynges stuttynges and stamberynges supportynge supersticiouse Noōnes and other Idolaters in theyr open Idolatries conteptuouslye reuylynge the preachers wyth dagger in hande or fyst on theyr faces besides indightmentes I wold fayne knowe who were a member of Antichist Thau shall it be no slaundre to thys frātyck fellow to be called a papyst a false prophete