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A60144 Practical reflections on the late earthquakes in Jamaica, England, Sicily, Malta, &c., anno 1692 with a particular, historical account of those, and divers other earthquakes / by John Shower. Shower, John, 1657-1715. 1693 (1693) Wing S3680; ESTC R31944 73,148 226

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several Things some whereof are taken notice of by * Mr. Fleming 's Discourse of Earthquakes 8o. some of whose Remarks I here repeat Others that may here very fitly be mentioned as 1. That we have a multitude of such Signs as have been generally esteemed the Fore-runners of publick Calamity It is not the late Earthquake alone but in conjunction with many other things that is the Ground of our Fear And the more Signs we have and the more they are despised the louder is their Voice to those that will consider them We had Signs in the Heavens in 1681. We have had Earthquakes of late in divers Places And God has lately taken Peace from the Earth as to this part of the World by engaging so great a part of Europe in bloody Wars All which has the Appearance of some great Things to be ushered in I durst not be confident as many are what they shall be or the particular Year or Season of their Accomplishment I chuse rather to acknowledg my Ignorance in Prophetick Scripture tho divers Learned Persons say more on that Subject than I am able to answer or refute 2. That the longer the Time is of God's Patience and Forbearance with the distinguishing Mercies and repeated Warnings that we have had the more terrible Judgments are like to follow if we are Unthankful and Impenitent after all Deliverances if not improved are but Reprievals from further Judgment we may not be so much preserved and saved as reserved to greater Misery That Passage seems to record our Doom Psal 106.43 Many times did he deliver them but they provoked him by their Counsel and were brought low for their Iniquity As God will not always contend so neither will he always forbear There is no greater Sign of a final Overthrow than a Misimprovement of past Mercies and Judgments And if God be provoked by National Sins we cannot think his Anger will be turned away while the Cause of it remains that is as much as to say Except we repent we must likewise perish Though a less Repentance may prevent National Judgments than will preserve from Eternal Ruine Is it nothing unto us that God has dealt so severely with other People when our Privileges and Obligations are equal to or greater than theirs There is hardly any one ill Symptom that has ever been upon any People that God has dealt in Severity with but something of it is observable and notorious amongst us I grant we must not set Bounds to the Patience of God any more than to his Power We know not how much longer he may bear with us before he vindicate his own Rights or in what Way or to what Degree he will do so at least in our Time But we have no Ground of Confidence and Security For while we say Peace Peace sudden Destruction yea National Destruction may overtake us as Travail upon a Woman with Child And the rather because all his Warnings hitherto seem to be slighted Our National Preservation and Deliverance so often repeated has not bettered us but our Provocations are rather the more aggravated by all that God has done to Reform Establish and Save us 3. If we are guilty of the like Sins with other People who have been severely punish'd by extraordinary Judgments why may not our continued Impenitence expose us to an equal Punishment And may not England say Are there not with me even with me the same Sins against the Lord The same Sins for which Others have smarted and that with this Aggravation that we sin against more VVarnings God is unchangeably Just as well as Gratious It is Soveraignty alone can preserve us by that he may do so But who can tell whether he will God hates the same Sins in our Days which he hated and punished formerly He is as much or more displeased with our Impurities as with those of other People that are destroyed He loves the same Holiness now which he ever loved he is the same yesterday to day and for ever And why should we think God should go out of his way to spare us As they may encourage themselves by trusting in God who have Examples of God's Deliverance in the like Case of holy Trust in him so they may fear under the like Provocations for which Others have been punished 4. When a Land is full of Sin and the whole Body of a Nation a very Few excepted have corrupted themselves and provoked God consider the Punishment of such Sins can be only in this World while the Community lasts This is not to be reserved to the Judgment of the Great Day when every particular Person shall answer for his own Guilt And is not our Nation full of Sin Do not our Provocations reach to Heaven Is there not a Fulness as to Number and Multitude as to Measure and Degree that the Children fill up the Measure of their Fathers Iniquity and as to Strength and Growth that it rises higher and as to Cunning and Dexterity in the Arts of Wickedness in Court City Country Vniversity among all Ranks and Degrees and as to Boldness and Impudence by open bare-fac'd Impiety Many of those Crimes which were formerly Matter of Reproach and Shame are now Alamode and in Fashion and the Character of a Gentleman CHAP. VII Most slight such Warnings What was done in Jamaica had special Relation to us in this Island We in England have had divers Earthquakes formerly Their Wickedness was great so is ours Several Earthquakes have extended as far as ours Sept. 8th tho felt beyond the Seas near the same Time Other Instances of Eathquakes in Europe WE ought to consider the Extraordinary Warnings that we have had by the late Earthquake in Jamaica June the 7th 1692. and here at home September the 8th and what we have lately heard concerning Sicily This is the more to be attended to because the Most are ready to ascribe all to Natural Causes There is an Atheistical and Profane Spirit visible amongst us to disregard any thing of the Hand of God in these Matters as if he did not direct such a Judgment to one Place rather than Another and determine and over-rule the Time and Season and Degree of it Consider what was done in Jamaica had a special Reference to this Nation the Interest and the Inhabitants of that Place being purely English and so a Part of our Nation though at a distance which calls upon us the more to lay it to Heart Neither is it to be despised that they in Jamaica had a Forewarning by a Trembling of the Earth a little before that Desolation overtook them and soon after that we had the Warning of the Earthquake here it followed so close upon the Tidings of that in Jamaica as to be very proper to awaken us to a deeper Sense of it and to make the Warning the more Remarkable So that God may say of us as he did to Moses If they will not hearken to the Voice
he said shall be † Ezek. 5.15 an Instruction and an Astonishment unto the Nations round about So was Pharaoh warned by what had been done to the Proud Assyrian * Ezek. 31.3 Speak unto Pharaoh and to his Multitude Who art thou like in thy Greatness Behold the Assyrian was a Cedar in Lebanon with fair Branches c. In like manner he argues with Ninive from his Severity on No or Alexandria † Nahum 3.5 8. Behold I am against thee Art thou better than populous No that was situate among the Rivers The Punishment of One People or Person should be a VVarning unto All. The Greek ‖ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Matth. 1.19 word for Punishment doth signify Example VVith what Terror doth God threaten not to spare Israel because they continued in their Security and Rebellion (*) Amos 2.6 9. See Jerem. 44.2 7 9. Ezek. 23.5 31. though he had destroyed the Amorite before them May we not fear lest he say of us as Jer. 49.12 13. For thus saith the Lord Behold they whose Judgment was not to drink of the Cup have assuredly drunken and art thou he that shalt altogether go unpunished Thou shalt not go unpunished but thou shalt surely drink of it For I have sworn by my self saith the Lord that Bozrah shall become a Desolation a Reproach a Waste and a Curse and all the Cities thereof shall be perpetual Wastes God hath favoured us hitherto and we consider it not he hath loved Us and hated Others as he loved Jacob and hated Esau and yet we are ready to say Wherein hath he loved us * Malachi 1.2 3. Behold saith the Lord was not Esau Jacob 's Brother Yet I loved Jacob and hated Esau I laid his Mountains and his Heritage waste c. But however God may in Soveraignty deal with us as to publick Deliverance and Preservation and a Good and Speedy Issue of the present VVar whereas we hear of Another Earthquake in Sicily the last Month yet I have shewn in the last Chapter that no particular Person without Repentance shall long escape his Justice 1 Kings 10.17 They that escape the Sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay and they that escape the Sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay That is they shall perish in another World for the Prophet Elisha denounc'd Eternal Judgments on those who escap●d a Temporal Ruine if they continued in their Sins London May 26. 1693. J. S. THE CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AN Historical particular Account of the late Earthquakes which gave Occasion to this Discourse The Design thereof proposed from that Passage of the Psalmist My Flesh trembleth for fear of thee and I am afraid of thy Judgments pag. 1. CHAP. I. The Method of the following Discourse Instances of Divine Severity on Others are not to be overlook'd whether in former Times or of later Date on Strangers Neighbours Friends or Enemies They are proper to affect us with an awful Fear of God Earthquakes especially of all other Judgments The Terror of such a Judgment in part described that it is the Effect of Sin p. 35. CHAP. II. Such Instances of Divine Severity should teach us to reverence and adore the Divine Power and Providence should awaken us to Repentance excite most earnest Prayer occasion Thankfulness for our Preservation hitherto and call upon us to trust in God as our only Refuge and to secure his Favour p. 62. CHAP. III. We ought not to censure Others because of such Calamities as greater Sinners than those who escape much less should we pass a Judgment on their Eternal State because they are cut off suddenly by a temporal Judgment p. 84. CHAP. IV. What Fear of Evils to come is lawful how far a Duty and when sinful Of the Penal Fear of future Calamity Instances of it as a Divine Punishment What little Ground we have to expect a much longer Reprieve we have none for Security and Confidence The Doubtfulness of our Case should awaken our utmost Concern and Care to prevent Destruction p. 92. CHAP. V. Of God's Unwillingness to destroy a People Hosea 11.8 9. explained paraphrased and applied to our Nation and City How shall I give thee up Ephraim c. Abraham 's pleading with God for Sodom and Gomorrah Gen. 18. Moral Causes why we may expect and fear National and Publick Calamities p. 103. CHAP. VI. Earthquakes usually reckoned the Forerunners of other Calamities We have had many Signs and Warnings and a long Season of Divine Forbearance tho we are guilty of the like Sins as have brought destructive Judgments on other People The Land full of Sin Publick Societies only punish'd in this World p. 117. CHAP. VII Most slight such Warnings What was done in Jamaica had special Relation to us in this Island We in England have had divers Earthquakes formerly Their Wickedness was great so is ours Several Earthquakes have extended as far as ours Sept. 8th tho felt beyond the Seas near the same Time Other Instances of Earthquakes in Europe p. 128. CHAP. VIII Many Examples of Terrible Earthquakes in other Parts of the World formerly and of late p. 156. CHAP. IX God will yet preserve his Church and enlarge the Kingdom of Christ tho Particular Churches and Countries may be destroyed The Accomplishment of Scripture-Prophecies and Promises usher'd in by great Commotions and by Earthquakes Some Instances thereof p. 166. CHAP. X. Concerning the Fear of Divine Judgments and the Regulation of it What Fear of Evil God hath promised and we may expect to be delivered from and what not Counsels proper to obtain an Interest in those Promises and to experience the fulfilling of them p. 188. CHAP. XI Security a Presage of Temporal and Eternal Ruine to particular Persons whatever God may do as to the Nation in general p. 199. Practical Reflections ON THE Late Earthquakes In Jamaica England Sicily Malta c. Anno 1692. INTRODUCTION An Historical particular Account of the late Earthquakes which gave Occasion to this Discourse The Design thereof proposed from that Passage of the Psalmist My Flesh trembleth for fear of thee and I am afraid of thy Judgments THAT the late Earthquakes may be considered and improved to the best Purposes it will be proper to premise a short Narrative or Historical Account of them according to the order of Time wherein they happened And therefore I begin with that at Jamaica The last Year 1692. on the 7th of June there happened a dreadful Earthquake in the Island of Jamaica which made great Ruines and Devastations throughout the whole Country but especially in the Capital Town of Port-Royal which was almost swallowed up and overflowed by the sinking of the Earth and Irruption of the Sea Two Letters from the Minister of the Place published by Authority give a particular Account of it that it threw down most of the Houses Churches Sugar and Indigo-Works Mills and Bridges throughout the whole Island that it tore the Rocks and Mountains others tell us
PRACTICAL REFLECTIONS On the Late Earthquakes IN Jamaica England Sicily Malta c. Anno 1692. With a Particular Historical Account of those and divers other EARTHQUAKES By JOHN SHOWER London Printed for John Salusbury at the Rising Sun in Cornhill and Abraham Chandler at the Chirurgion's Arms in Aldersgate-street MDCXCIII THE PREFACE TO THE READER THE late Earthquakes abroad in America and Sicily with that we had here last September made so much Discourse amongst all sorts of People that I endeavoured the serious Improvement of 'em in a Sermon on that Occasion which at the Desire of many is now enlarged with many Historical Passages of other Earthquakes and moral Reflections relating to our own Countrey As to the Authors I have cited I have consulted the Originals as to the most of 'em and am well satisfied of the Truth of those few Others which I had not the Leisure or Opportunity to look into In some Chronological Differences between Historians I have mentioned that Year which I thought the most Probable but if the Matter of Fact be truly related though I should mistake the Year the Reader is not much concerned Philosophically to discuss the Nature of Earthquakes many Others whom I need not name have attempted Such a Narration concerning the late Extraordinary one in Sicily I am inform'd we may expect shortly from the Learned Malpighius We cannot wonder if the Concernedness of the Heathen World upon any such violent Motions of the Earth did degenerate into Superstition Owning a Multiplicity of Gods they knew not to which of 'em to ascribe such Events and therefore we read of the Ancient Romans that upon those Occasions they never address'd their Prayers and Vows to any one particular Deity as in other Cases they were wont to do lest saith * Quoniam quâ vi per quem Deorum Dearumve Terra tremuit incertum esset Aul. Gell. Noct. Art l. 2. c. 28. Varro they should mistake because they knew not by whose Influence the Earth was shaken To that Modesty or Ignorance of the Romans we may oppose the Vanity of the Greeks who boasted they could foretel Earthquakes as is pretended to have been done by † Diog. Laert. in Vit. Pherec See more Instances La Mothe le Vayer Lett. LXXV des Trembl de Terre Pherecydes the Master of Pythagoras But when Earthquakes happened they were all wont to quit their ‖ Anno 3861. Crebris Terrae motibus undique nunciatis tam multae sunt indictae Feriae Romae ad placandos Coelestes ut nec Senatus haberi nec administrari Respublica posset Consulibus Sacrificando Expiandoque occupatis Lefcoloper in Ciceron p. 229. Imperante Gordiano tertio fuit Terrae motus eousque gravis ut Civitates etiam Terrae hiatu cum Populis deperitent ob quae Sacrificia per totam Urbem totumque orbem Terrarum ingentia celebrata sunt Histor August Scriptores Jul. Capitol Gordianus tertius Tom. 2. 8o. Civil and Common Affairs and betake themselves to their Devotions and by Prayers and Sacrifices endeavour to appease the Anger of the Gods Concerning the late Earthquakes in Sicily it hath been observ'd that * Present State of Europe March 1693. p. 86. Messina received less Damage than some other Cities The People in that Country being very superstitious the Monks made advantage of their Simplicity and spread abroad a Report at the time of the Earthquake that the B. Virgin had revealed to a young Girl of nine Years old her particular Favourite that by means of her Intercession she had obtain'd that the City of Messina which is under her Protection should not be swallowed up This for a little while somewhat reviv'd their Spirits But the Intercession of S. Agatha could not procure the same Favour for the City of Catanea whereof she is Patroness For when the Earthquake began the People flew to the Cathedral where one of the Canons carried about the Relicks of the Saint But neither the Relicks nor the Prayers of the Saint could stop the Thunderbolt which fell upon that City but it was overturn'd as in a Moment and not one House left standing And besides wounded and maimed that were digg'd out of the Ruines eighteen Thousand are supposed to have perished there The Kingdom of Naples hath had a Share in that Earthquake as well as the Island of Malta Our great Difficulty in reflecting on such Providences will be to avoid the two Extreams of Atheism on the one hand and Superstition on the other not to make too little or too much of such Events not to overlook the Divine Agency and Warning thereby as if they had no meaning nor on the other hand to be bold and positive and particular in determining what they signify and what we may expect to follow I have given divers Instances of other publick Calamities which have been preceded by Earthquakes If National Repentance and Reformation do not prevent it we have reason to expect such from moral Prognostications had we no such Call as by the late Earthquakes to consider our Ways Few we may fear do practically Acknowledg God's Government and own his Agency in these things The most are Confident and Careless as if they carried nothing in them either of Presage or Admonition or at least nothing but good News VVe have been told in * Philosophical Discourse of Earthquakes by C. H. 4o. Print That if any thing can be collected from the late Earthquake here September the 8th it is this That as we had a long and calm Serenity of Weather after it so a lasting Peace and Tranquillity will be settled in the World by the Conduct and Victorious Arms of King VVILLIAM whom God long preserve How little Ground we have to expect this without Reformation I leave to the Consideration of all who seriously believe God's Government of the VVorld and know what he hath done to other Nations and People I may promise my self the Concurrence of all Good Men in our Improvement of the late Earthquakes which I endeavour to perswade to viz. Thankfully to own our publick National Mercies while other Countries are made Desolate That Trembling of the Earth in England 't is true was not a Prodigy in one sense because we were not destroyed by it But then it had not been a Warning but an Execution as to Vs not the Signal but the Judgment Vpon the Account of a Deliverance from a threatning Earthquake Anno Christi 365. we find the City of * Sozomen l. 6. c. 2. Amm. Marcell Le Sieur Alexandria observed an Annual Feast in Commemoration of it VVhen some are made Examples and Signs to us God expects we should own his Goodness that we are spared and take heed that we provoke not his Anger by the like and further Transgressions VVhen our Saviour exhorts us to remember Lot 's Wife we may suppose it was not the Miracle so much as the Moral he intended God's Judgments on Jerusalem
of the first Sign they may yet hearken to the Voice of the second and the dismal Account since that of the Earthquake in Sicily makes a Third if that of Malta may not be reckon'd a Fourth We do not read of any Instance of Earthquakes before in that Island of Jamaica since it was under the English Power nor before while under the Spaniard But we have had several Instances of Earthquakes amongst Vs formerly in England and these Parts of Europe tho more seldom than in the East therefore it is not unreasonable for us to Expect and Fear the like 'T is true those Countries which are very hot or very cold are least subject to Earthquakes and therefore it hath been matter of Wonder in Egypt or in * Herodot 1.4 Scythia to have the Earth tremble Great Britain and Ireland are reckoned among those Parts of Europe least liable to violent Earthquakes and yet our Historians mention several as Anno Dom. 1081. April 6. in the time of † Matthew Paris Speed 's Chron. p. 446. King William the First or the Conqueror was an Earthquake here with a great Noise in the 15th Year of his Reign and followed within a few Years with many Calamities In Henry the First 's Time * Baker 's Chron. p. 43. the Earth moved with so great a Violence that many Buildings were shaken down and Malmesbury saith that the House wherein he sate was lifted up with a double Remove and at the third time settled again in the proper Place And in divers Places it gave forth a hideous Noise and cast forth Flames at certain Rifts many days together which neither by Water nor by other Means could be suppress'd In Lombardy the same Year was an Earthquake that continued for 40 days and remov'd a Town from the Place where it stood a great way off An. 1133. Matthew Paris mentions a great Darkness in England and an Earthquake at the same time An. 1165. He mentions another Earthquake in the 11th Year of Henry the Second January the 26th in Ely Norfolk and Suffolk which threw down many Persons who were standing or walking and made the Clocks to strike and Bells to ring in the Steeples And in the 24th Year of his Reign in the Territory of Derlington in the Bishoprick of * Baker 's Chron. p. 58. Durham the Earth lifted up her self in manner of an high Tower and so remained unmoveable from Morning till Evening and then fell with so horrible a Noise as frighted the Inhabitants thereabouts and the Earth swallowing it up made there a deep Pit which is seen at this day The Pits in that Place are commonly called Hellkettles An. 1180. A great Earthquake threw down many Buildings amongst which the Cathedral Church of Lincoln was rent in pieces April 25th An. 1247. There was an † Matthew Paris Earthquake in April at London especially felt on the Banks of the River Thames which shook and threw down many Buildings and was the more terrible because these Western Parts are less accustom'd to Earthquakes And the same Year there was little Ebbing or Flowing of the Sea observable as at other times for about three Months An. 1248. The same Historian mentions another Earthquake which did a great deal of Mischief especially in the Diocess of Bath the Bishop whereof gave him an Account of it And this was the third which had happen'd within three Years on this side the Alpes one in some Parts of Savoy and two in England which was the more Terrible because the like not known before in these Parts He takes notice of another Earthquake in England afterward in the Year 1250. In the thirteenth Year of Queen Elizabeth a prodigious * Cambden 's Eliz. p. 158 159. Baker 's Chron. p. 399. Earthquake happened in the East Parts of Herefordshire near a little Town called Kinaston On the 17th of February at six a clock in the Evening the Earth began to open and an Hill with a Rock under it making at first a great bellowing Noise which was heard a great way off lifted it self up a great Height and began to travel bearing along with it the Trees that grew upon it the Sheepfolds and Flocks of Sheep abiding there at the same time In the Place from whence it was first moved it left a gaping Distance forty Foot broad and fourscore Ells long the whole Field was about twenty Acres Passing along it overthrew a Chappel standing in the way removed an Yew Tree planted in a Church-yard from the West unto the East with the like Force it thrust before it High-ways Sheepfolds Hedges and Trees made tilled Ground Pasture and again turned Pasture into Tillage Having walk'd in this sort from Saturday in the Evening till Monday Noon it then stood still An. 1588. The like Prodigy hapned in * Cambden 's Eliz. p. 244. Baker 's Chron. p. 400. Dorsetshire as in the Year 1571 in Herefordshire A Field of three Acres with the Trees and Fences in Blackmore moved from its Place and passed over another Field travelling in the High-way that goeth to Herne and there stayed In the 23d of Q. Elizabeth An. 1580. in the beginning of April about six in the Afternoon happened an † Cambden Ibid. p. 286. Earthquake not far from York which in some places struck the very Stones out of the Buildings and made the Bells in Churches to jingle The Night following the Earth trembled once or twice in Kent and again the first of May. This Earthquake was felt at London so as to give Occasion to an Order of Prayer and a Godly Admonition concerning it appointed ‖ Recited by Mr. D. Earthquakes Explain'd and Improv'd 8o. p. 134. to be read for the turning of God's Wrath from the Nation threatned by the Earthquake by Order of the Queen and her Privy-Council to be used in all Churches and Housholds throughout the Realm An. 1657. On the 8th day of July there was an * Heath 's Chronicle p. 395. Earthquake at Bickley in Cheshire Germany and France and the Netherlands have also felt Earthquakes In April 1640 all the Low Countries and a great part of Germany were shaken by a sudden Earthquake Which sort of Prodigy was very unusual saith † Cluverius p. 743. Cluverius in those Parts An. 1117. In the 17th Year of the Emperor ‖ Cluver ad An. 1117. p. 434. Henry the 5th the World was shook by terrible Earthquakes Cities Castles Villages and a multitude of People were swallowed up in the Caverns of the Earth Many at Liege or Luyk were destroyed by Thunder while they were paying their Veneration to the Saints for Safety Mountains were cleft Rivers dried up c. So lately as the Year 1660 France had experience of * Letters writ by a Spy at Paris Vol. 6. p. 58 67. an Earthquake which the Turkish Spy mentions who was then at Paris We have felt the Menaces saith he of a terrible Earthquake this