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A67922 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 3,006,471 816

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long after Of some writers it was recorded that he was there slayne wyth the forenamed torment and Edward was conueied by some other to his mother Who fearing the treason of Godwine sent him soone ouer the sea to Normady againe This cruell facte of Godwine and his men against the innocent Normandes whether it came of himselfe or of the kings setting on seemeth to me to be the cause why the iustice of God did shortly after reuenge the quarell of these Normands in conquering subduing the english nation by William Conqueror and the Normandes which came with hym For so iust and right it was that as the Normandes comming with a naturall English Prince were murthered of English men so afterwarde the Englishe men shoulde be slaine and conquered by the Normandes comming with a forraine King being none of their naturall countrey Then it followeth in the storie that this king Canute or Hardeknout when he had reigned ij yeres being mery at Lambeth sodainly was striken dombe fell downe to the ground and within 8. daies after died without issue of his body Who was the last that raigned in England of the blo●d of the Danes This foresaid Godwine had by the daughter of Canutus his wife but one sonne which was drowned Of hys seconde wife he receiued vj. sonnes to wit Suanus Harold Tostius Wilmotus Sirthe or Surth and Leofricus with one daughter Galled Goditha which after was maried to king Edward the Confessor Concerning the story of this Alfred I find it somthing otherwise reported in our english chronicles that it shuld be after the death of Hardeknout forasmuch as the Earles Barons after his death assembled and made a councell that neuer after any of the Danes bloud should be king of England for the despite that they had done to english mē For euermore before if the English men and the Danes had happened to mete vpō a bridge the english men shuld not so hardy to mooue a foote but stande still till the Dane were passed foorth And moreouer if the English men had not bowed downe their heades to doe reuerence vnto the Danes they should haue bene beaten and defiled For the which despites and villanie they were driuen out of the land after the death of Hardeknout for they had no Lorde that might maintaine them And after this maner auoided the Danes England that they neuer came againe The Erles and Barons by their common assent and counsaile sent vnto Normandy for these two brethren Alphred and Edward intending to crowne Alphred the elder brother to make him king of England And to thys the Earles and Barons made their othe but the Earle Godwine of Westsaxe falsly and traiterously thought to slea these two brethren assoone as they came into Englad to that intēt to make Harold his sonne king which sonne he had by his wife Hardeknoutes daughter that was a Dane And so this Godwine went priuily to Southampton to meete there with the two brethren at their landing And thus it fell that the messengers that went saith mine author into Normandie found but onely Alphred the elder brother For Edward his younger brother was gone to Hungarie to speake wyth his cou●in the outlaw which was Edward Ironsides sonne When Alfrede had heard these messengers and perceiued their tidings he thanked God and in all hast sped him to England arriuing at Southampton There Godwin the false traitor hauing knowledge of his comming welcommed receaued him with much ioy pretēding to lead him vnto London where the Barons waited for to make him king And so they together passed forth towarde London But when they came to Guild downe the traitor cōmanded all his men to slea all that were in Alphredes cōpany which came with him from Normandie And after that to take Alphrede to lead him into the Isle of Ely where they shuld put out both his eyes and so they did For they slew all the company that were there to the number of xij Gentlemen which came with Alfrede from Normandie and after that they tooke Alphrede and in the Isle of Ely they executed their commissiō That done they opened his body tooke out his bowels set a stake into the grounde and fastened an end of his bowels therunto with needles of ●●on they pricked his tēder body therby causing him to go about the stake till that all his bowels were drawen out And so died this innocent Alphred or Alured being the right heire of the crowne through treason of wicked Godwyne When the Lordes of Englande heard thereof and how Alphred that should haue ben their king was put to death through the false traitor Godwyne they were wonderous wroth and sware betwene God and them that he should die a worse death then did Edrith which betrayed his Lord Edmund Ironside and wold immediatly haue put him to death but that the Traitour fledde thence into Denmarke and there helde him iiij yeares and more and lost all his landes in England An other Latin story I haue bearing no name which saith that this comming in of Alphred the Normandes was in the time of Harold Canutus sōne And how Godwyne after he pretended great amitie to them sodenly in the night came vpon them at Gilford And after he had tithed the Normandes sent Alfrede to Harold at London who sent him to the Isle of Ely and caused his eyes to be put out And thus much of Canutus and of his sonnes Harold and Hardecanutus Besides these ij sonnes Canutus had also a daughter named Gunilda maried to Henricus the Emperour Of whome some write that she being accused to the emperor of spousebrech and hauing no champion or Knight that woulde fight for her after the maner of that coūtrey for trial of her cause a certaine litle dwarf or boy whom she brought with her out of England stirred vp of God fought in her cause against a mighty bigge Germain of a monstrous greatnesse which sel●e dwarfe cutting ●y chaūce the sinews of his leg after stroke him to the groūd and so cut of his head and saued the life of the Queene if it be true that Gulielmus and Fabianus reporteth Of this Canutus it is storied that he folowing muche the superstition of Achelnotus Archbishop of Cant. went on pilgrimage to Rome and there founded an hospital for English pilgrimes He gaue the Pope pretious gifts and burdened the land with an yerely tribute called the Rome sho●e he shrined the body of Berinus gaue great lands and ornaments to the Cathedrall Churche of Winchester he builded S. Benets in Northfolk which was before an Hermitage Also S. Edmundes bury which king Ethelstane before ordeined for a Colledge of Priests he turned to an Abbey of monkes of S. Benets order Henricus Archdeacon of Huntyngton Lib. 6. maketh mention of thys Canutus as doeth also Polidorus Lib. 7. That he after his comming from Rome walking vppon a tune by
receaue any such at any lay mans hand vnder payne of depriuation 3. That no man shoulde inuade take away or detayne the goodes or possessions of the Churche but that they should remayne firme and perpetuall vnder payne of perpetuall curse 4. That no Bishop or Priest should leaue any ecclesiasticall dignitie or benefice to any by way of inheritance Adding moreouer that for baptisme chrisme anoyling or buriall no mony should be exacted 5. Item that all priests deacons and subdeacons should be vtterly debarred and sequestred from company of their wyues and concubines vnder payne of excluding from al christian communion The actes thus determined were sent estsoones to Hēricus the Emperor to see and try before that breaking vp of the councell whether he would agree to the canonical elections free consecration and inuesting to spiritual persōs and to other Actes of the sayd Councell The Emperour maketh aunswer agayne that he would lose nothing that auncient custome of hys progenitours had geuē him Not withstanding because of the authoritie of the general coūcell he was content to consent to the residue saue only the inuesting of ecclesiasticall function to be taken from hym to that he would neuer agree Upō this at the next returne of the Pope to the Councel that Emperour was appoynted to be excommunicated Which thing when diuers of the Councell did not well like and therefore did seperate thēselues from the rest the Pope applying agaynst them the similitude of the 70. disciples which were offended at the Lord when he taught them of eating his flesh and bloud and therefore deuided themselues from him Declaring moreouer to thē how they which gathered not with hym scattered and they that were not with him were agaynst him by these and such like perswasions reducing them agayne to hys side and so by that Councell Henricus the Emperour was excommunicated It was not long after but the Pope came to Gisortiuin where Henry King of England resorted to him desiring also obtayning of him that he would send henceforth no Legate nor permit any to be sent from Rome to England vnlesse the king himselfe shoulde so require by reason of some occasion of strife which els could not otherwise be decided by his owne bishops at home The cause why the king required this of the Pope was for that certain Romaine legates had bene in England a little before to wiste one Guido and another Romaine named Anselmus and another also called Petrus who had spoyled the realme of great treasure as the customed maner of the Popes proud Legates is woont to do Guliel de pont lib. 1. Also he required of the Pope that he might vse retayne all the customes vsed before of his forefathers in England and in Normandy To these petitions the Pope did easily consent requiring agayne of the king that he would license Thurstinus the Archb. aboue minded no returne with fauour into his realme But that the king vtterly denied vnles he would professe subiectiō to the church of Cant. as his predecessors had done before and excused himselfe by his othe which he before had made To this the Pope answered againe that he by his authoritie Apostolicall both might and woud● also easily dispense with him for his promise or othe Then the king said that he would talke with his 〈◊〉 therof and so send him an answer of his mynd Which aunswere was this That for the loue and request of the Pope hee was content that Thurstinus should receiue his realme and quietly enioy his prelateship vpon this conditiō that he would as his predecessors did professe his subiection to the church of Canter Otherwise sayd he so long as he was king he should neuer sit Archb. of the church of York And thus ended that meeting betwne the king of englād and the Pope for that tyme. The yeare following after that which was an 1120. the foresaid pope Calixtus directeth his letters for Thurstinus to the king and to Radulph Archbish. of Cant. In which epistle by his full power Apostolical he doth interdict both the church of Cant. and the church of Yorke with all the parish churches within the same cities from all divine service from the buriall also of the dead except onely baptising of children and absolution of them that he on dieng vnlesse within a moneth after the rece●te of the same Thurstinus without any exaction of subiection made were receiued and admitted to the sea of Yorke and that the king likewise should doubtlesse bee excommunicated except he would consent vnto the same Whereupō Thurstinus for feare of the Popes curse was immediately sent for reconciled to the king and was placed quietly in his Archiepiscopall see of Yorke It followed not long after within two yeares Radulph Archbishop of Cant. departed in whose see succeeded after him Gulielmus de Turbine About which tyme in the 27. yeare of the kings raigne the gray friers by procuring of the kyng came first into England and had theyr house first at Canterbury About the same season or a little before the kyng called a councel at London where the spiritualtie of England not knowyng to what purpose it was required condescended to the kyng to haue the punishment of maried Priestes by reason of which graunt whereof the spiritualtie afterward much repented the priestes paying a certayne to the kyng were suffred to retayne their wyues still wherby the king gathered no smal summe of mony Rog Houed Guliel Gisburnens At this time beganne first the foundation of the Monastery called Gisburne in Cleueland It was aboue touched how Matild or Maude daughter of king Henry was maried to Henry the 5. Emperor who after the decease of the said Emperor her husband returned about this present time with the Imperiall crown to her father in Normandy bringing with her the hand of S. James For the ioy whereof the king builded the Abbey of Reading where the sayd hand was reposed This Matild was receiued by the sayd councell to be next heyre to the king her father in possession of the English crowne for lacke of issue male And soone after vpon the same was sent ouer to Normandy to mary with Geffrey Plantagenet Erle of Angeow of whō came Henry the second who after Stephen was kyng of England And about this tyme was also founded the priorie of Norton in the Prouince of Chester by one William the sonne of Nichelle In the story of Polychron Iornal and Polydorus is declared how the king was troubled greatly with 3. sundry visions appearing vnto him by night The first was of a great multitude of husbandmen of the country which appeared to flie vpon him with their mattocks and instrumēts requiring of him his debt which he did owe vnto them In the second he saw a great number of souldiers and harnessed men to come fiercely vpon him In the third he sawe a company of
the monke what he had brought He said of his frute and that very good the best that he did euer tast Eate said the king and he toke one of the peares which he did know and did eate Also being bid to take an other did eate lykewise sauerly And so likewise the third Then the king refraining no longer tooke one of the poysoned peares and was therewith poysoned as is before c. In the raigne of this king Iohn the citizens of London first obtained of the king to chose yerely a Maior In whose time also the bridge of London was first builded of stone which before was of woode Rastall * King Henry the third AFter this king Iohn had raigned as some say 17. yeres or as some say though falsly 19. yeres was as is abouesaid poisoned died Thys king left behinde him 4. sonnes and 3. daughters first Henry second Richard and he was Earle of Cornwall Third William of Valentia Fourth Guido Disenay He had also an other sonne who afterward was made bishop Of his daughters first was Isabel maried afterward to Fredericke the Emperour The second named Alinour maried to William earl Marshal The third to Mounfort the Earl of Leicester c. An other story sayth that he had but two daughters Isabel and Elionore or as an other calleth her Ioane which was after Queene of Scotland Ex Chronico vetusto Anglic. This king Iohn being deceased which had many enemies both of Earles Barons especially of the Popish Clergie Henric hys eldest sonne was then of the age of 9. yeares At what time the most of the Lordes of England did adhere to Ludouike or Lewes y● French kings sonne whom they had sent for before in displeasure of king Iohn to be their king and had sworne to him their allegeaunce Then William Earle Marshall a noble man and of great authority and a graue and a sound coūseller friendly and quietly called vnto him diuers Earles and Barons and taking this Henry the young prince sonne of king Iohn setteth him before them vsing these words Behold saith he right honourable and well beloued although we haue * persecuted the father of this yong Prince for his euil demeanour worthely yet this yong childe whome here ye see before you as he is in yeres tender so is he pure and innocent from these his fathers doings Wherfore in as much as euery man is charged only with the burthen of his owne workes and transgressions neither shall the childe as the Scripture teacheth vs beare the iniquity of his father we ought therefore of duetie and conscience to pardone this young and tender Prince and take compassion of his age as ye see And now for so much as he is the kings natural and eldest sonne and must be our soueraigne and king and successor of this kingdom come and let vs appoynt him our king and gouernour and let vs remoue from vs this Lewes the French kings sonne suppresse his people which is a confusion and a shame to our nation and the yoke of their seruitude let vs cast off from our shoulders To these words spake answered the Earle of Glocester And by what reason or right sayd he can we so do seeing we haue called him hether haue sworne to him our feaultie Whereunto the Earle Marshall inferred againe and sayd Good right and reason we haue and ought of duety to do no lesse for that he contrary to our minde and calling hath abused our affiance and feaulties Truthe it is we called him c ment to prefer him to be our chieftaine and gouernor but he estsones surprised in pride hath contemned and despised vs and if we shal so suffer him he will subuert and ouerthrow both vs and our nation and so shall we remaine a spectacle of shame to all men and be as outcastes of all the world At these words all they as inspired from aboue cried altogether with one voice be it so he shal be our king And so the day was appoynted for his coronation which was the day of Simon Iude. This coronation was kept not at Westminster for as much as Westminster the same tune was holde● of the Frenchmen but as Glocester the safest place as was thought at that time in the realme an 1216. by Swallow the Popes Legate through counsel of all the Lords and Barons that held with his rather king Iohn to witte the Bishop of Winchester Bishop or Barn Bishop of Chester and Bishop of Worcester the Earle Radulph of Chester William Earle Marshal William Earl of Pembroke William Tren Earle of Feres William de Bruer Serle or Samarike de mal Baron These were at the crowning of the king at Glocester Many other lords and Barons there were which as yet helde wyth Lewes the French kings sonne to whom they had done their homage before And immediatly after the crowning of thys king he held his coūcell at Bristow at S. Martines least where were assembled 11. Byshops of England Wales with diuers Earles Barons and knights of England All which did sweare feaultie vnto the king After which homage thus done to the king the legate Swalo interdicted Wales because they held with the foresaid Lew●es and also the Barons al other as many as gaue help or counsell to Lewes or any other that moued or stirred any war against Henry the new king he accursed them All which notwithstanding the sayde Lewes did not cease but first laid siege to the Castel or Douer xv daies when he could not preuaile there he tooke the castel of Berkhamsted and also the castel of Hartford doing much harme in the countreis in spoiling robbing the people where they went by reason wherof the Lordes and Commons which held with the king assembled thēselues together to driue Lewes and his men out of the land But some of the Barōs with the Frenchmen in the meane season went to Lincoln and tooke the Citie and held it to the vse of Lewes Which being knowen ensoones a greate power of the kinges parte made thether as the Earle Ranolfe of Chester William Earle Marshal and William de le Brues Earle of Feres with many other Lords and gaue battaile vnto Lewes and his party so that in conclusion Lewes lost the field and of his side were slaine the Earle of Perchis Saer de Quincy Earle of Winchester Henry de la Bohon Erle of Herford and syr Robert le Fizwater with diuers other moe Wherupon Lewes for succour fled to London causing the gates there to be shut kept waiting there for more succour out of France Which assoone as the king had knowledge off immediatly sent to the Maior and Burges of the Citie willing them to render them and their Citie to him as their chiefe lord and king promising to graunt to them againe all their fraunchises and liberties as in times past to confirme the same by his great
sending playne word to the king by solemne message that his grace without all delay should seclude frō him Peter B. of Winchester and other aliens of Pictauia or if he would not they with the common assent of the realme would displace him with his wicked councellours from his kingdome and haue within themselues tractation for choosing a new king The king at the hearing of this message being mightely moued partly to feare partly to indignation especally hauing the late example of king Iohn his father before his eyes was cast in great perplexity doubting what was best to be done But Winchester with his wicked councell so wrought with the king that he proceeded with all seuerity agaynst them In so much that in short time the sparkles of poisoued coūcell kindling more and more grew to a sharpe battayle betweene the king and Richard Earle Marshall with other nobles to the great disquietnesse of the whole Realme The which warre before was presignified by terrible thundering and lightning heard al england ouer in the moneth of march with such aboundaūee of raine and flouds growing vpon the same as cast down milnes ouercouered the fields threw downe houses and did much harine through the whole Realme To prosecute here at large the whole discourse of thys warre betwene the king and Earl Marshall which continued neare the space of two yeares to declare all the parts and circumstances thereof what trouble it brought what damage it wrought to the whole realm what traines were layd what slanghter of men what waste of whole countryes ensued from Wales vnto Shrewsbery how the marshall ioyned himselfe with Leoline Prince of Walles how the Pictauians were almost all slayne destroyd how the king was distressed what forgery wily wint wrought by the kings letters to entrap the Marshall to betray him to the Irishmen among whom he was at length slayne all this I referr to other authors Who at large do entreat of the same as Math. Parisiens Florilegus such other This is to be noted and obserued whithe rather perteineth to our Ecclesiasticall history to see what sedition and continuall disquietnes was in those dayes among all Christen people almost being vnder the popes Catholick obediēce But especially to marke the corrupt doctrine then reigning it is to be maruelled or rather lamented to see the king and the people then so blinded in the principall point and article of their saluation as we finde in storyes which making mention of a house or Monastery of Conuertes builded the same yeare by the king at London do expres in playne wordes that he then did it Pro redemptione animae suae Regis Ioannis patris sui omnium antecessorum suorum i. For the redemptiō of his soule of the soule of king Iohn his father for the soules of all his auncieers c. Whereby may be vnderstand in what palpable darknes of blind ignoraunce the sely soules redeined by Christ were then inwrapped which did not know nor yet wee taught the right doctrine and first principles of their redemption Ex Math. Parisien sipag 86. Mention was made a litle before pag. 275. of dissoluing the election of Iohn Prior of Cāterbury which was chosen by the Monkes to be Archbishop of the sayd churche of Canterbury but by the pope was defeited After whom one Iohn Blūd was elected who trauelling vp to Rome this yeare an 1233. to be confirmed of the Pope was also repealed and vnetected agayne for that it was thought in England so complayned of to the Pope that he had receiued of Peter Bishop of Winchester a thousand markes and had another thousand promised him of the sayd Winchester who by his mony thought to make him of his side and also wrote to the Emperor to helpe forward his promotion in the court of Rome Notwithstanding both he with his geuing and the other with his taking of bribes were both detected and disapoynted of theyr purpose For the Pope hating then the Emperour for the same cause admitted not the election pretending the cause for that he was proued to holde to benefices without his dispensation After whom by the commaundement of the Pope one Edmund Chanon of Salisbury was ordeyned Archbyshop and had his Palle sent to him from the Pope which Edmunde after for his vertues was Canonised of the Popishe Monkes there for a Saynte and called S. Edmund About which time also Robert Brosted was made B. of Lincolne This Edmund accompanied with other Byshoppes during this trouble betwene the king and his nobles being in councell at Westminster in the yeare next ensuing which was 1234. came vetering their minde boldely in the name of the Lords declaring vnto the king as became his saythfull seruantes that his councell which then he folowed was not found nor safe but cruell and daungerous both to him and to the state of the Realme meaning the councell of Peter Winchester and of Peter Riuall with other adherentes 1. FIrst and in primis for that they hate and contemne the English nation calling them traitours and rebels and turning the kings heart from the loue of hys naturall subiectes and the hartes of them from hym as appeareth by the Earle Marschal and other sowing discorde among them 2. Item by the sayd Counsaile to wit by the foresaid bishop and his fellowes king Iohn the kings father lost first the heartes of his Barons after that lost Normandy and afterward other landes also and in the end wasted all hys treasure so that since that tyme the regiment of England had neuer no quiet after 3. By the sayd Counsayle also in their time and memorye the kingdome of England had bene troubled and suspended and in conclusion became tributary she that was before the Prince of Prouincies and so warre insuing vpon the same the sayd Kyng Iohn his father incurred great daunger of death and at last was extinguished lacking both peace of hys kingdome and of his own heart 4. Item by the sayd counsayle the Castle of Bedford was kept long tyme agaynst the king to the great losse both of men treasure beside the losse of Rupella to the shame of the Realme of England 5. Moreouer through their wicked counsayle at this present great perturbation seemed to hang ouer the whole realme for els if it had not bene for their counsayle and that true iustice and iudgement might haue bene ministred vnto the kinges subiects these tumultes had neuer bene stirred and the king might haue had his land vnwasted and his treasure vnconsumed 6. Item in that sayth and alleageance wherwith they were obliged vnto him they protested vnto him that the sayd his councell was not a councell of peace but of deuision and disquietnesse to the end that they which otherwise by peace could not aspire by disturbing and disheriting other might be exalted 7. Item for that all the castles fortes munitions also all the offices of the
tripled besides Annates and Palles whiche all together are thought to make the totall summe yearely goyng out of Fraunce to the Popes coffers ●f late yeares x. Myriades or Milliōs euery Myriade mountyng to x. thousand crownes Now what hath risen besides in other Realmes and Natiōs let other men coniecture Wherfore if the Gospell send vs to the fruites to know the tree I pray you what is to be thought of the Churche of Rome with these fruites of lyfe Or if we will seeke the Church in length and number of yeares where was this Church of Rome with these qualities then at what tyme the Church of Rome was a persecuted Church not a persecutyng Church And when the Byshops therof did not make Martyrs as these do now but were made Martyrs them selues to the number of xxv in order one after an other Or when the Byshops therof were elected exalted not by factiōs conspiring not by power or partes taking not by money or frendes makyng as they be now but by the free voyces of the people of the Clergy with the consent of the Emperour ioyned with all and not by a few cōspired Cardinals closed vp in a corner as they be now c. ANd yet if there were no other difference in the matter but onely corruptiō of life all that we would tollerate or els impute to the common fragilitie of man and charge them no further therein then we might charge our selues Now ouer and beside this deformitie of life wherein they are cleane gone frō the former steppes of the true Church of Rome we haue moreouer to charge them in greater pointes more nearely touchyng the substauntiall ground of the Church as in their iurisdiction presumptuously vsurped in their title falsely grounded and in their doctrine heretically corrupted In all which three pointes this latter pretenced Churche of Rome hath vtter sequestred it selfe from the Image and nature of the auncient and true Church of Rome and haue erected to them selues a new Church of their owne makyng as first vsurping a iurisdiction neuer knowen before to their auncient predecessors For although the Churche of Rome in the old primitiue tyme had his due authoritie and place due vnto that sea among other Patriarchall Churches ouer and vpon such Churches as were within his precinct bordering neare vnto it as appeareth by the Actes of Nicene Coūcell yet the vniuersall fulnesse and plenitude of power in both the regimentes spirituall temporall in deposing dispensing matters of the Church not to him belōging in taking Appeales in geuyng elections inuestyng in benefices in exēpting him selfe from obedience subiection of his ordinary power Magistrate with his coactiue power newly erected in the church of Rome was neuer receaued nor vsed in the old Romane church frō which they disagree in all their doings For although Victor thē bishop of Rome an 200. went about to excōmunicate the East Churches for the obseruation of Easter day yet neither did he proceede therein neither was permitted by Irenaeus so to doe And although Boniface the first likewise writyng to the Byshops of Carthage required of thē to send vp their appellatiōs vnto the Church of Rome alledgyng moreouer the decree of Nicene Coūcell for his authoritie The Byshops Clergy of Carthage assemblyng together in a generall Coūcell called the vj. Councell of Carthage to the nūber of .217 Byshops after they had perused the decrees in the autentike copies of the foresayd Nicene Councell foūd no such matter by the sayd Bonifacius alledged made therefore a publike decree that none out of that countrey should make any appeale ouer the sea c. And what maruell if appeales were forbiddē them to be made to Rome whē as both here in Englād the kyngs of this land would not permit any to Appeale frō them to Rome before king Henry the ij because of the murther of Thomas Becket beyng thereunto compelled by Pope Alexander the iij. And also in Fraunce the like prohibitions were expressely made by Ludouicus Pius an 1268. which did forbid by a publicke instrument called Pragmatica sanctio all exactions of the Popes court within his Realme Also by kyng Philip named Le bel an 1296. the like was done which not only restrayned all sēdyng or goyng vp of his subiectes to Rome but also that no money armour nor subsidy should be transported out of his Realme The like also after him did king Charles the v. surnamed the Wise and his sonne likewise after him Charles the vj. who also punished as traytours certaine seditious persons for appealyng to Rome The like resistaūce moreouer was in the sayd countrey of Fraūce against the Popes reseruatiōs preuētiōs other like practises of his vsurped iurisdictiō in the dayes of pope Martin the v. an 1418. Item when kyng Henry the vj. in England and kyng Charles the 7. in Fraūce did both accord with the Pope in inuesting in collatiō of benefices yet notwithstandyng the highe Court of Parliament in Fraunce did not admit the same but still maintayned the old libertie customes of the French Church In so much that the Duke of Be●hfort came with the kynges letters patēt to haue the Popes procurations reseruations admitted yet the court of Parliamēt would not agree to the same but the kyngs Procurator generall was fayne to go betwixt them as is to be sene in their Registers an 1425. the fift day of Marche In the dayes of the which kyng Charles the vij was setforth in Fraunce Pragmatica san●tio as they call it agaynst the Anna●es reseruations expectatiues and such other proceedyngs of the Popes pretenced iurisdictiō an 1438. Wherfore what maruell if this iurisdiction of the Popes Court in excommunicatyng in takyng Appeales and geuyng of benefices was not vsed in the old Church of Rome when as in these latter dayes it hath bene so much resisted And what should I speake of the forme and maner of elections now vsed in the Church of Rome cleane cōuerted from the maner of the old Church of their predecessors For first in those auncient dayes when as yet the Church remayned in the Apostles onely a few other Disciples the Apostles then with prayer and imposition of handes elected Byshops Ministers as by the Apostles Iames was made Bishop of Hierusalem Paule in Creta elected Titus and Timothe in Ephesus Also Peter ordayned Linus and Clement in Rome c. After which tyme of the Apostles when the Church began more to multiply the election of Byshops and Ministers stode by the Clergie the people with the consent of the chief Magistrate of the place and so continued during all the tyme of the Primitiue Church till the tyme and after the time of Constantine the 4. Emperour which Emperour as writeth Platina and Sabellic Enead 8. lib. 6. published a law concernyng the election of the Romane Byshop that
Episcopi mensuram omnes institutae sint exequatae per su●m dioecesin Et omne pondus constet secundum dictionem eius si aliquid cōtrouersiarum intersit discernat Episcopus Vniuscuiusque Domini proprium est necesse vt seruis condescendat compatiatur sicut indulgentius poterit Quia Domino Deo viuenti sunt aeque chari seruus liber Et omnes vno eodem pretio redemit omnes sumus Deo necessariò serui Et sic iudicabit nos sicut antè iudicauimus eos in quos potestatem iudicij in terris habebimus Et ideo opus est vt eis parcamus qui nobis parere debent tunc manutenebimur in Dei omnipotentis proprio iudicio Amen The sayde Ethelstane besides prescribed other constitutions also as touching tithes geuing where hee sayeth and proclaimeth Ego Ethelstanus Rex consilio V●felmi Archiepiscopi mei aliorum Episcoporum mando praepositis omnibus in regno meo in nomine Domini sanctorum omnium vt inprimis reddant de meo proprio decimas Deo tam in viuente capitali quàm in mortuis frugibus terrae Episcopi mei similiter faciant de suo proprio Aldermanni mei praepositi mei c. That is I Ethelstane King charge and commaund all my officers through my whole Realme to geue tithes vnto God of my proper good as wel in liuing cattel as in the corne and fruites of the groūd and that my Byshops likewise of their proper goods and mine Aldermen and my officers and headmen shal do the same Item this I wil that my Bishops other headmen doe declare the same to suche as be vnder their subiection that to be accomplished at the terme of S. Iohn the Baptist. Let vs remember what Iacob said vnto the Lord Of all things that thou geuest to me I wil offer tithes vnto the Lord. c. Also what the Lord sayeth in the Gospel of S. Mathewe To him that hath it shal be geuen and he shall aboūd We must also cōsider how terribly it is written in bookes that if we will not offer our tenths from vs ix partes shall be taken away and only the x. part shal be left vs. c. And in the same place after that he hath assigned the Church rightes to be paide in the place whereto they belong it followeth thus Facite etiam vt mihi mea propria cupiatis quae mihi poteritis recté acquirere Nolo vt aliquid mihi iniuste cóquiratis Sed omnia vestra concedo vobis eo tenore quo mihi mea similiter exoptetis Cauete simul vobis eis quos admonere debetis ab ira Dei transgressione mea Among his other lawes ordinances to the nūber of xxxv diuers things be comprehended pertaining as well to the spirituall as also to the temporall iurisdiction Out of the lawes of this King first sprang vp the attachement of theeues such as stoale aboue xij pence and were aboue xij yeares old should not be spared And thus much briefly concerning the historie of King Ethelstane things in his time done who reigned about the space of xvj yeares And because he died without issue therfore after him succeeded his brother Edmund the yere of our Lord. 940. who reigned vj. yeares King Edmund EDmund the sonne of Edwarde the elder by his thirde wife as is declared and brother of Ethelstane being of the age of xx yeares entred his raigne who had by hys Queene Elgina two sonnes Edwyne and Edgarus surnamed Pacificus which both reigned after him as followeth This Edmund continued his reigne vj. yeares a halfe By him were expulsed the Danes Scottes Normandes and all foreine enemies out of the land Such Cities and Townes which before were in the possession of strangers as Lyncolne Nottingham Derby Stafforde and Leycetour he recouered out of their hands Thus the realme being cleared of foreine power for a time then the king set his study and mind in the redressing and maintaining the state of the Church which all stoode then in building of Monasteries and furnishing of Churches eyther with newe possessions or with restoring the olde which were taken away before In the time of thys Edmund thys I find in an old written story borowed of W. Cary a citizen of London a worthy treasurer of moste worthy Monuments of antiquitie The name of the author I can not alledge because the booke beareth no title lacking both the beginning and the latter end But the words therof faithfully recited be these Huius regis tempore facta est dispersio Monachorum Eushmensis coenobij cum substitutione Canonicorum per Althelmum Vlricum laicos Osulphum Episcopum c. That is In the time of this King there was a scattering or dispersion made of the Monkes out of the Monastery of Eusham and Canons substituted in theyr place through the doing of Athelmus Ulricus lay men and of Osulfus Byshop c. Where as concerning this matter betwene Monkes and other of the clergie first it is to be vnderstande that in the realme of England heretofore before the time of Dunstane the Byshops seas and cathedrall churches were replenished with no monkes but wyth priestes and canons called then clerks or men of the clergy After this beginneth to rise a difference or a sect betwixt these two parties in straitnesse of life and in habite so that they which liued after a straiter rule of holines were called monkes professed chastitie that was to liue from wiues for so was chastitie then defined in those blinde daies as though holy matrimony were no chastitie according as Paphnutius did well define it in the councel of Nice The other sort whych were no monkes but priests or men of the clergy called liued more free from these monkish rules and obseruances and were then commōly or at least lawfully maryed and in theyr life and habite came nearer to the secular sorte of other christians By reason wherof great disdaine emulation was among them in so much that in many Cathedral churches where as priests were before there monks were put in And contrary sometime where as Monkes were intruded there priests and canons againe were placed and monkes thrust out wherof more shal appere here after by the grace of Christ when we come to the lyfe of Dunstane In the meane time something to satisfie the cogitation of the reader which peraduenture either is ignorant or els would know of the first cōming in of monks into this realme and Church of England in the Saxones time this is to be noted according as I finde in old Chronicles namely in the latine history of Guliel de gestis pontificum Angl. recorded touching the same That about thys time of king Edmund or shortly after when hardnes and straitnesse of life ioyned with superstition was had in veneration and
Monuments of bookes were consumed In the time whereof the Danes by fauour of some of the citizens entred the citie and slew more then iii M. of the Normanes But not long after King William chased them out and droue them to the ships tooke suche displeasure with the inhabitaūtes of that countrey that he destroied the land from Yorke to Durham so that 9. yeres after the prouince lay wast and vnina●●red onely except S. Iohns land of Beuerley the people theroft so straitly being kept in penurye by the warre of the king that as our English storie sayeth they eate rats cats and dogs and other vermine Also in the fourth yeare of this king Malcolyn king of Scots entred into Northumberland destroyed the coūtrey slew there much of the people both of men women and children after a lamentable sorte and tooke some prisoners But within 2. yeares after king William made such warre vpon the Scottes that he forced Malcolyn theyr king to doe him homage And thus much concerning the outwarde calamities of this Realme vnder this forreine Conquerour Whych is nowe the fifth time that the sayd land with the inhabitaunce thereof hath bene scourged by the hande of God First by the Romaines in the time of Iulius Cesar. Then by the Scottes and Pictes as hath bene shewed afterwarde by the Saxons Againe the Saxons or Englishmen did not enioy the possession of Britain with long quiete but were brought in as much subiection themselues vnder the Danes as they had brought the Britaines before and that muche more in so muche that throughe all England if an Englishe man had mette a Dane vppon a bridge he might not stirre one foote before the Lord Dane otherwise Lurdane were past And then if the Englishe man had not geuen lowe reuerence to the Dane at hys comming by he ●as sure to be sharpely punished wyth more as aboue hath bene declared And this subiection almoste continued from the reigne of Kinge Ethelwolfus 230. yeares till the reigne of king Edwarde And yet the indignation of God thus ceased not but stirred vp the Normandes against them who Conquered and altered the whole Realme after their owne purpose in somuche that besides the innouation of the lawes coignes and possessions there was in no Church of England almoste anye English bishop but only Normands forreiners placed through all their Dioces To suche miserie was this lande then brought vnto that not onely of all the English nobilitie not one house was standing but also it was thought reprochfull to be called an English man This punishmēt of God against the English nation writers do assigne biuersly to diuers causes as partly before is touched of whō some assigne this to be cause as foloweth in the wordes of the storie In primitiua Angliae Ecclesia religio clarissimè splenduit ita vt Reges Reginae Duces Episcopi vel Monachatū vel exilium pro Dei amore appeterent processu verò temporis adeo omnis virtus in eis emarcuit vt gentem nullam proditione nequitia sibi parem esse permitterent c. The meanyng whereof is that whereas Kings and Queenes Dukes and Prelates in the primitiue time of the English church were ready for Religion to forsake either liberty or countrey and giue themselues to a solitarie life In processe of time they grew to such dissolutenes that they left no other realme like vnto them in iniquity c. Again some writing of the vision of king Edward a litle before the inuasion of the Normāds testify how the king reporting of his owne vision should heare that for the great enormitye and misbehauior of the heade Dukes Bishops and Abbats of the realme the kingdome should be geuen to the hand of their enemies after the decease of him for the space of a C. yeres and one day Which space was also seene by William conquerour to be a hundreth yeres fiftie and that his progenie so long should continue Againe some wryters entreating of this so great wrath of God vpon the Englishe people declare the cause therof as foloweth Nam ficut Angl Britones quds Deus disterminate proposuerat peccatis suis exigentibus humiliuerant a term Angliae minus iniustè fugauerant sic ipsi duplici persecutione c. Like as the Englishmen did subdue the Britons whom God proposed for theyr deseruings to exterminate and them vniustly did dispossesse of their land so they should likewise be subdued and scourged with a double persecution first by the Danes and after by the Normanes c. Moreouer to these iniuries and iniqnities done and wrought by the English men hetherto recited let vs adde also the cruell villanie of this nation in murdering and tything of the innocent Normans before who comming as straungers wyth Alfrede the lawfull heire of the Crowne were despitefully put to death Which seemeth to me no little cause why the Lorde whose doings be alwaies iust right did suffer the Normans so to preuaile By the cōming in of the which Normans and by their quarel vnto the Realme iii. things we may note learne First to consider and learne the righteous retribution and wrath of God from heauen vpon all iniquitie and vnrighteous dealing of men Secondly we may thereby note what it is for Princes to leaue no issue or sure succession behinde them Thirdly what daungers often do chaunce to Realmes publiquely by foreine mariage with other Princes c. In the same fourth yeare of this king betwene Easter and Whitsontide was holden a solemne councell at Winchester of that clergy of England At the which counsell were present two Cardinals sent from Pope Alexander 2. Peter Iohn In this counsell the king being there himselfe present were deposed diuers bishops Abbots and priors by the meanes of the king wtout any euident cause to the intent his Normans might be preferred to the rule of the Church as he had preferred his knightes before to the rule of the tēporaltie therby to stand in more surety of the land Amongest whō also Stigandus Archb. of Cant. was put downe for 3. causes against him pretended The first was for that he had holden wrongfully that byshoprike while Robert the Archbishop aboue mētioned pag. 156. was liuing The seconde was for that he had receiued the palle of Benedict byshop of Rome the fifth of that name Whyche Benedict for buying his Popedome had bene deposed as is shewed before The thirde cause for that he occupied the said palle wtout license and lawfull autoritie of the court of Rome Then Stigandus wel proued the beneuolence of king William For where before the king seemed in frendly coūtenance to make much of him and did vnto him great reuerence then he chaunged all his mildenes into sternes excused himselfe by the bishops of Romes autority So that in the ende Stigandus was depriued of his dignitie and kept in
pure from al leauen and malice and wickednesse But nowe after we are come from the olde figure to the newe trueth and eate the vnleauened flesh of Christ that olde figure in breade of which we make that flesh is not necessary for vs. But manifest it is to be better sacrificed of vnleauened then of leauened c. To this letter I haue also adioyned an other Epistle of his to the sayd Valtrame appertaining to matters not much vnlike to the same effect Wherein is entreated touching the varietie and diuers vsages of the sacraments in the church Wherby such as cal and cry so much for vniformitie in the Churche may note peraduenture in the same something for their better vnderstanding ¶ A piece of on other letter of Anselme to the said Valtram bishop of Nur. To the reverende father and his frend Valtram by the grace of God the worshipful bishop of Nurenburgh Anselme the seruant of the Church of Canterbury greeting c. YOur worship complaineth of the Sacraments of the Church that they are not made euery where after one sorte but are handled in diuers places after diuers sortes And truelie if they were ministred after one sorte and agreeing through the whole church it were good and laudable Yet notwithstanding because there be many diuersities which differ not in the summe of the sacrament in the strength of it or in the saith nor els can be gathered into one custome I thinke that they are rather to be borne with in agreement of peace than to be condemned with offence For we haue this from the holy fathers thai if the vnitie of charitie be kept in the Catholique faith the diuersitie of customes hurt nothing But if it be demanded whereof this diuersity of customes doe spring I perceiue no other cause thereof but the diuersitie of mens wits Which although they differ not in strength and truthe of the thing yet they agree not in the fitnesse and comelinesse of the ministring For that which one iudgeth to be meeter oftentimes an other thinketh lesse mete wherefore not to agree in such diuersities I thinke it not to swarue frō the truth of the thing c. Then in the story it followeth after long debating and discussing of these matters in the councell when they had geuen foorth their determination vpon the same And the Pope had blasted out his thundring excommunications against the Grecians all that tooke their parte at length was brought in touching the complaintes and accusation against the king of England Upon the hearing whereof Pope Urbane with his adherents was ready to proceede in excommunication against the king But Anselme kneeling before the Pope after hee had first accused his King then after obtained for him longer time to be geuen vpon further triall Thus the councell breaking vp the Pope returning againe to Rome directeth downe his letters to the King commaunding him that Anselme with all his partakers in speedy wise should be reuested againe into his archbishoprick and al other possessions therunto appertaining To this the king sendeth answere againe by messengers who comming to the Pope declared in the kings behalfe on this wife That the King their maister did not a little meruaile what came in his minde to commaund Anselme to be reuested and relaised againe into his former Archbyshopricke seeing he told him before plainly that if he went out of England without his leaue he woulde so doe vnto him Well saith the Pope haue ye no other matter against Anselmus but onely this No quod they And haue ye taken all this trauel sayth the Pope to come hether so farre to tell me this that the Primate of your countrey is therefore seased and dispossessed because he hath appealed to the sea and iudgement Apostolicall Therefore if thou louest thy Lord speede thee home and tell him if he wil not be excommoned that he quickly reuest Anselme againe to all the he had before And least I make thee to be hanged for thy labour looke to thy terme and see that thou bring me aunswer againe from him into this citie against the next coūcel the third weeke after Easter The messenger or speaker being somewhat astonied at the hearing of this so ragicall aunswere thinking yet to worke something for his King master came secretely to the Pope saying that he would conferre a certaine mysterie from his king priuately wyth his holinesse betwene them two What mysterie that was or what there passed from the king to the Pope the court of Rome mine author doth not shew But so cunningly the mysterie was handled that with a full consent both of the Pope and all the court of Rome a longer day was geuen from Easter to Michaelmas and the popes cholericke heate so asswaged that when the councel came which then was holden in S. Peters Church in Rome albeit great complaintes were then denounced against the King yet such fauour was found that he toke no harme Onely the sentence of excōmunication was there pronounced against such lay persons as gaue inuesture of Churches and them that were so inuested Also against them that doe consecrate such or which geue themselues in subiection to lay mē for ecclesiastical liuings as is before touched c. This Councell being finished the Archbishop seeing the vnstedfastnesse of the Pope which pleased him but a little tooke his iourney to Lions where he continued his abode a long time till the death first of pope Urbane then after of the king Of this king William many things be diuersly recorded some to his commendation some to his discommēdation whereof this is one which some will ascribe to hardines but I rather to rashnes in him As this king vpon a time was in his disport of hunting sodenly worde came to him that Cenourona a Citie in Normandy was besieged The King without longer tarying or aduisement tooke the straight way towarde the sea side sending to his lordes that they should followe after They being come to hys presence aduised him to staie till the time his people were assembled but he would not be stayed saying that such as him loued he knew wold follow him shortly and so went to take ship The shipmaster seeing the weather so darke and cloudie was afraide and counsailed the king to tarrie till the winde did turne about and the weather more fauourable But the King persisting in his iourney commaunded him to make all the speede he might for his life saying that he neuer hearde that any King yet was euer drowned And so passed the sea in safetie and came to Normandie The 13. yeare of his reigne the saide King William hauing the same time in his hand three byshoprickes Cant. Wint. and Saruin● also 12. Abbeyes in farme As he was in his disport of hunting in the new forest by glaunsing of an arrowe shot of a Knight named Walter Eyrell was wounded to death and so
not long after the messengers being nowe returned from Rome but the king as he had promised sped him into Normādy wher he warring against his brother Robert brought both him the Countrey of Normandie at last vnder his subiection But first meting with Anselmus at the Abbey of Becke he cōuented agreed with him in al such poyntes as the Archb. required As first that all hys Churches which before were made tributarie vnto King William his brother now should remaine free from al tribute Item that he should require nothing of the sayd Churches or Prouinces in the time of the seate being vacant Moreouer concerning such Priestes Ministers as had geuē money to the king for their company w e their wiues it was agreed that they shoulde surcease from all Ecclesiastical function the space of 3. yeeres and the the king shoulde take no more after such maner Item that all such goodes feuitēs and possessions as had bene taken away before frō the Archbyshoppricke should be restored at his comming againe into England c. This Anselmus the stout champion of Poperie superstition after this victorie gotten vpon the King for the which he so long fought with ioy and triumph faileth into England hauing al his Popish requests obtained Where first he flieth like a Lion vpon the maried Priests contrary to the woorde of God diuorsing and punishing that by mans authority which the eternal and almighty God had coupled Next he looketh to them which did holde any Church by farme vnder the king Against Simonie likewise and against them that married within the 7. degree he proceedeth with his full pontificall authoritie Shortly after as king Henry had finished his warre in Normandy with victory returned againe into England about the 6. yere of his raigne Anselme Archbishop of Canterbury by the permission of the king assembled a great Councell at Westminster in London of the Clergie and Prelates of England In the which by the Byshop of Romes authoritie he so wrought with the king that at length albeit as the storie sayth not without great difficultie it was newly cōfirmed and enacted that no temporall man after that day shoulde make inuesture with crosse or with ring or wyth pastoral hoke In this Councel sondry and diuers iniunetions were geuen forth to priests and Deacons as diuers other sinodall acts also by the same Anselme had bene concluded in other Councels before And because heere falleth in mention of the actes Synodall concluded in the time of this Anselme I thought here good to packe them al in one general heape together as I finde them in Malmesburie and in other sondry authors scatteringly recited The first thing decreed by this Anselme in his synodal Councels was touching the fault of Simonic whereby diuers both Byshops and Abbotes as is aforesayd were at the same time deposed And lay men forbidden to coufer any Ecclesiastical promotion Also it was decreed that no Byshop should beare any office in secular mens businesse or meetings And that such should not go apparelled as the lay mē did but shuld haue their vestures decent and mete for religious persons And that in all places they shoulde neuer goe without some to beare witnes of their conuersation Item that no Archdeaconries should be let out to ferme Item that no Archdeacon should be vnder the degree of a Deacon Item that no archdeacon priest deacon subdeacon colligener nor Chanon should from thence forth mary a wife nor yet keepe her if he had bene maried to one before Item that euery subdeacon being vnder the degree of achanon after the profession of chastitie marrying a wife should be subiect to the same rule They ordeined also that a Priest keeping cōpany with his wife shuld be reputed vnlawful and that he shuld say no Masse and if he said Masse it should not be heard They charged that none were admitted to orders from that time forward from the degree of a subdeacon vnlesse he did professe chastitie That Priestes sonnes shoulde not claime by heritage the benefices of their fathers as the custome had alwaies bene before Item that no spiritual person should sit in any secular office as to be procurators or iudges of bloud Item that Priestes shoulde not resort to tauernes or banquets nor sit drinking by the fire side That the garmentes of Priestes shoulde be of one colour and that their shoes should be decent Item that Monkes or any other of the Clergy if they forsooke their order eyther to come againe or to be excommunicate Itē that mē of the clergy should weare broad crownes Item that no tythes should be geuen but to the church Item that no Churches or prebends shold be bought That no new Chapels shoulde be made without consent of the Byshop That no Church should be hallowed before the necessary prouision were made for the priest and for the Church to be mayntayned That Abbots should set forth no men to warre that they must both sleepe eate in the same house with their monkes vnlesse some great necessitie do let Item that Monkes do inioyne no penaunce to anye man without the knowledge of hys Abbot And that their Abbots may geue no licence therein but onely for suche persons whose charge they haue of soule That no monkes should be Godfathers Nor Nūnes Godmothers That Monkes should haue no Lordships to ferme Item that Monkes should take no Churches but by the Byshop neyther should so spoyle and oppresse the churches geuen to them with their rentes that sufficient were not left for the ministers of the same That priuy contract betwene man and women without witnes should not stand but be frustrate if each party doe goe from the contract Item that such as were long heare of the clergy be so roūded that part of their eare appeare and that their eyes be not couered Item that there be no matrimoniall copulation wtin the vij degree of kindered nor so to cōtinue if they be maryed but the maryage to be broken And if any being priuy to that incest doe not detect the same he to be giltye of the same cryme Item that no funerall or buryenges be without theyr owne Parishe Church so that the priest therof do lose that which to him is due Item that no man vpon any new fangled rashnes do attribute any reuerence or opiniō of holines to dead mens bodyes to fountaynes or to any other thing as the vse hath bene in tyme past without authoritie of the Bishop Item that no buying and selling be vsed hereafter in England of men as of other cartell Item after the restreint of Priests mariage when filthy Sodomitry begā to come in the place therof then were they forced also to make an act for that which was this With a greuous curse we condemne both them that occupy the vngratious vice of sodomitry and
them also that willingly assist them or be wicked doers with them in the sauie till such time as they may deserue absolution by penance and confession So that whatsoeuer he be that is noised or prooued to be of this wickednesse if he be a religious person he shall from thence foorth be promoted to no degree of honor and that which he hath shal be taken from him If he be a lay person he shal be depriued of all his freedome within the land and be no better then a foreiner And because it shal be known the absolution of such as be secular to belong onely to byshops it was therefore enacted that on euery sonday in euery parish church of England the said excommunication should be published c. But marke in this great matter what followed For as Ranulphus Lestrensis witnesseth this grieuous general curse was soone called backe againe by the sute of certaine which persuaded Anselme that the publication or opening of that vice gaue kindlings to the same in the heartes of lewde persons ministring occasion of more boldnes to thē to do the like And so to stop the occasiō of filthie Sodomitry the publication thereof was takē away but the forbidding and restreinement of Priestes vnlawfull mariage which chiefly was the cause thereof remained still And thus euer since horrible Sodomitry remained in the clergic both for lacke of mariage more vsed and for lack of publication lesse punished Besides all these Synodall acts aboue comprehended and geuen out by Anselmus in his Councels before heeralso in this present Coūcell at Westminster and in the yere of this king aforesaid he also directed other newe Iniuncetions to the Priests First that they and their wiues shoulde neuer more meete in one house neither yet haue dwelling in their territories Item that the Priests deacons and subdeacons shuld keepe no women in their house vnlesse they were of their next kinne Item for suche as had disseuered themselues from the societie of their wiues yet for some honest cause they had to common with them they might so it were without doore and with ij or iij. lawfull witnesses Item if any of them should be accused by ij or iij. witnesses and could not purge himselfe againe by sixe able mē of his owne order if he be a Priest or if he be a Deacon by iiij or if he be a Subdeacon by ij then he should be iudged a transgressor of the statutes depriued of his benefice be made infamous or be put to open reproche of all men Item he that rebelled as in contempt of this new statute held still his wife and presumed to say masse vpon the viij day after if he made not due satisfaction should be solemnly excommunicated Item all Archdeacons and Deacons to be straightly sworne not to wink or dissemble at their meetings nor to beare with them for money And if they would not be sworne to this then to loose their offices without recouery Item such priests as forsaking their wiues were willing to serue still and remaine in their holy order first must cease 40. dayes from their ministration setting Uitars for them in the meane time to serue and taking such penaunce vpon them as by their Bishop should be enioyned them Thus haue ye heard the tedious treatise of the life and doings of Anselmus how superstitious in his Religion how stubburne against his Prince he was what occasion of warre and discorde he ministred by his complaintes if they had ben taken what zeale without right knowledge what feruencie without cause he pretended what paines without profite he tooke Who if he had bestowed that time and trauel in preaching Christ at home to his flock which he tooke in gadding to Rome to complaine of his countrey in my minde he had bene better occupied Moreouer what violent and tyrannical iniunctions he set forth of inuesting and other thinges ye haue heard but specially against the lawfull and godly mariage of Priests Wherin what a vehement aduersary he was here may appeare by these minutes or peeces extracted out of his letters which we haue here annexed in forme and effect as followeth A letter of Anselme Anselme archbishop to his brethren and dearest sonnes the Lord prior and other at Canterburie AS concerning Priests of whom the king cōmanded that they should haue both their Churches their women as they had in the time of his father and of Lanfrancus Archbishop both because the king hath reuested reseazed of the whole Archbishopricke and because so cursed a mariage was forbidden in a Coūcel in the time of his father and of the saide Archbishop Boldely I command by the authoritie which I haue by my Archbishoprike not onely within my Archbishoprike but also throughout England that all Priests which keepe women shal be depriued of their Churches and Ecclesiastical benefices A letter of Pope Paschalis to Anselme Paschal Bishop Seruaunt of Gods Seruants to his reuerend brother Anselme Archb. of Cant. greeting and Apostolical blessing WE beleue your brotherhode is not ignorāt what is decreed in the Romish Church concerning Priests children But because there is so great multitude of such within the Realme of England that almost the greater and better part of the Clerks are reckened to be on this side therfore we commit this dispensation to your care For we graunt these to be promoted to holy offices by reason of the need at this time and for the profit of the church such as learning and life shal commēd among you that yet notwithstanding the preiudice of the Ecclesiasticall decree be taken heede to hereafter c. An other letter of Anselme for Inuesting To the reuerend Lord and louing father Paschal high bishop Anselme seruant of Canterbury church due subiection and continual prayers AFter that I returned to my bishopricke in Englande I shewed the Apostolicall decree which I being present heard in the romish Councel 1. That no man should receiue inuesting of churches of the kinges hand or any lay person or shoulde become his man for it and that no man shoulde presume to consecrate him that did offend herein when the K. and his nobles and the bishops themselues and other of the lower degree hearde these things they tooke them so grieuously that they sayde they woulde in no case agree to the thing and that they woulde driue me out of the kingdome and forsake the Romish Churche rather than keepe this thing wherefore reuerende father I desire your counsell by your letter c. An other letter of Anselme Anselme Archbishop to the reuerend Gudulphus Bishop and to Ernulphus Prior and to William Archdeacon of Canterburie and to all in his Dioces greeting WIlliam our Archdeacon hath writtē to me that some priests that be vnder his custodie taking againe their women that were forbidden haue fallen vnto the vnclennesse from the which they were drawne by wholesome counsel and commaundement
secular iurisdiction Becket therfore like a valiāt champion fighting for his liberties and hauing the Pope on his side would not permit his clerkes infamed otherwise to be conuēted then before ecclesiastical iudges there to be examined depriued for their excesse and no seculare iudge to proceede against them So that after their depriuation if they should incurre the like offence agayne then the temporall iudge to take hold vpō them otherwise not This obstinate and stubburne rebellion of the Archb. stirred vp much anger and vexation in their king not only in him but also in the nobles and in al the bishops for the greater part that almost he was alone a wonderment to all the realme The kings wrath daily increased more and more against him as no meruaile was and caused him to be cited vp to appeare by a certaine day at the town of Northhampton there to make answer to such things as should be layd to his charge So when the day was come all the Pieres and nobles with the prelates of the Realme vpon the kings proclamation beyng assembled in the Castle of Northhampton great fault was sound with the Archb. for that he personally cited to appeare came not hymself but sent another for him The cause why he came not Houeden assigneth to be this for that the king had placed his horse and horsemen in the Archb. lodging whiche was a house there of Chanons wherwith he being offended sent word agayne that he would not appeare vnlesse hys lodgyng were voyded of the kynges horsemen c. Wherupon by the publike sentence as well of all the Nobles as of the bishops all his moueables were adiudged to be confiscate for the kyng vnlesse the kyngs clemency would remit the penaltie The stubburne Archbishop agayne for his part quarellyng agaynst the order forme of the iudgement complayneth alleagyng for himself seyng he is their Primate and spirituall father not onely of all other in the realme but also of the king hymselfe not to be conuenient the father so to be iudged of his children nor the pastor of his flocke so to be condened saying moreouer that the ages to come should know what iudgement was done c. But especially he complaineth of his fellow bishops when they should rather haue taken his part so to sit in iudgement against their Metropolitane and this was the first dayes action The next day following the king layd an actiō against him in the behalfe of one that was his Marshall called Iohn for certaine iniury done to hym and required of the said Archb. the repaying agayne of certayne money which he as is sayd had lent vnto him being Chauncellor the summe wherof came to 500. markes This mony the Archb. denyed not but he had receiued of the kyng howbeit by the way and title of gift as he tooke it though hee coulde bring no probation thereof Wherupon the king required him to put in assuraunce for the payment therof whereat the Archbish. makyng delayes not well contented at the matter was so cald vpon that either he should be countable to the kyng for the mony or els he should incur present daunger the king beyng so bent against hym The Archbishop being brought to such a straite and destitute of his owne suffragans could here by no meanes haue escaped had not v. persons of their owne accord stepped in beyng bound for him euery man for one C. markes a piece And this was vpon the second day concluded The morrow after which was the third day of the councell as the Archb. was sitting below in a certain cōclaue with his fellow bishops about him consulting together the dores fast locked to them as the king had willed commaunded it was propounded vnto him in the behalfe of the king that he had had diuers bishoprikes Abbarikes in his hand which were vacant with the fruites and reuenues therof due vnto the king for certaine yeres whereof he had rendred as yet no accompt to the kyng wherfore it was demaunded of him to bring in a full and a cleare reckoning of the same This with other such lyke declared to all the councel great displeasure to be in the king and no lesse danger toward the Archbishop The aduise of the bishops for Thomas Becket THus while the bishops and prelates were in councell aduising and deliberating what was to bee done at length it came to voyces euery man to say his mynd and to geue sentence what were the best way for their Archb. to take First began Henry bishop of Winchester who thē tooke part with Becket so much as he durst for feare of the king who sayd he remembred that the sayd Archb first beyng Archdeacon and then Lord Chancellor at what time as he was promooted to the church of Caunterbury was discharged from all bandes and reckonings of the temporall court as all the other bishops could not but beare record to the same Next spake Gilbert bishop of London exhortyng and motioning the Archbishop that he should cal with himself to mynde from whence the kyng tooke hym and set hym vp what and how great things he had done for him also that he should consider with himselfe the dangers and perils of the tyme and what ruine he might bring vpon the whole church and vpon them all there present if he resisted the kings mynde in the things he required And if it were to render vp his Archbishoprike although it were x. tymes better then it is yet he should not sticke with the kyng in the matter In so doing it might happen the kyng seyng that submission and humilitie in him would release him peraduenture of all the rest To this the Archbishop aunswering well well sayth he I perceiue wel inough my Lord whether you tend where about you go Then spake Winchester inferring vpon the same This forme of councell sayth he seemeth to me very pernicious to the Catholike Church tending to our subuersion and to the confusion of vs all For if our Archbishop and Primate of all England do leaue to this example that euery Byshop should geue ouer his authoritie and the charge of the flock committed to him at commaundement threatning of the prince to what state shall the Church be brought thē but that all should be confounded at his pleasure and arbitrement and nothing to stand certaine by any order of lawe and so as the priest is so shall the people be Hilarie the bishop of Chichester replieth again to this saying If it were not that the instance and the great perturbation of tyme did otherwise require and force vs I would thinke this counsail here geuen were good to be folowed But now seing the authoritie of our canon fayleth cannot serue vs I iudge it not best to go so straightly to worke but so to moderate our proceedings that dispensation with suffrance may win that which seuere correction may destroy
and ordained the king with 400. great shippes taketh hys iourney to Irelande where he subdued in short tyme the whole land vnto hym which at that tyme was gouerned vnder diuers kings to the number of v. Of whome foure submitted themselues vnto the sayd kyng Henry onely the fifth who was the kyng of Ionacta denyed to be subdued keeping him in woodes and Marishes In the meane season while the king was thus occupied in Ireland the two Cardinals that were sent from the Pope Thedinus and Albertus were come to Normādy Unto whom the king the next yeare following resorted about the month of October an 1172. But before during the time of the kinges being in Ireland the Bish. of London and Ioceline v. of Salisbury had sent to Rome and procured their absolution from the pope The K. returning out of Ireland by Wales into England from thence to Normandy there made his purgation before the Popes legates as touching the death of the foresayd Becket to the which he sware he was neither ayding or consenting but onely that he spoke rigorous wordes against hym for that his knightes would not auenge him against the sayd Thomas For the which cause this penaunce was ouioyned him vnder his othe First that he should send so much to the holy lande as would find two C. knightes or souldiours for the defence of that land Also that frō Christmas day next folowing he should set forth hys owne person to light for the holy land that space of 3. yeares together vnlesse he should be otherwise dispesed withall by the Pope Item that if he would make hys iorney into Spaine as hys present necessitie did require there he to fight agaynst the Saracens And as long tyme as he shuld there abide so long space might he take in prolonging his iorney toward Ierusalem Item y● hee should not hinder nor cause to be hindred by hym any appellations made to the Pope of Rome Item that neyther he nor hys sonne should depart or disseuer from pope Alexander or from his catholicke successors so long as they should recount him or his sonne for kinges catholike Item that the goodes and possessions taken from the Church of Caunterbury should be restored agayne fully and amply as they stode the yeare before Thom. Becket departed the realme and that free libertie should be graūto all such as were outlawed for Beckets cause to returne agayne Item that the foresayd customes decrees by him established against the Church should be extinct and repelled such onely except that concerned his own person c besides other secret fastinges and almes enioyned hym All these former conditions the king with his sonne did both agree vnto debasing himselfe in such sorte of submission before the two Cardinals by the occasion wherof the Cardinall took no little glory vsing thys verse of the Psalme Qui respicit terram facit eam tremere qui tangit montes fumigant That is which looketh vpon the earth and maketh it to tremble which toucheth the hilles and they smoke c. Moreouer it is mētioned in histories of the sayd king that a little after William king of Scots with hys army had made a rode into the realme he returning out of Normandy into England came first to Caunterbury who by the way so soone as he came to the sight of Beckets church lighting of his horse and putting of hys shoes went barefoote to his tombe whose steppes were found bloudy through the roughnes of the stones And not onely that but also receaued further penance by euery mōke of the cloyster certayn discipline of a rod. By whiche so great deiection of the K. if it were true thou mayest see the blind and lamentable superstition and ignorance of those daies If it were pretensed as might so be in tyme of warre to get the hartes of the people yet mayest thou learned Reader see what slauery kinges and Princes were brought into at that tyme vnder the popes Clergy The same yeare as Houeden writeth which was 1174. the whole citty of Caunterbury was almost al consumed with fire and the sayd minster Church cleane burnt The next yeare insuing which was 1175. a conuocation of Bishops was holden at Westminster by Rich. archbishop of Cant. In which conuenticle all the byshops Abbots of the prouince of Canterbury and of Yorke being present determined as it had done a little before in king Henry 1 dayes an 1113. about the obedience that Yorke should doe to Caunterbury That is whether the Archb. of Yorke might beare hys Crosse in the diocesse of Cant. or not whereof something was touched before in the former processe of this history Also about the Bishopricke of Lincolne of Chichister of Worcester of Herford whether these churches were vnder the iurisdiction of the see of Yorke or not c. Upon these and other like matters rose such controuersie betweene these 2. seas that the one appealed the other to the presence of the Bishop of Rome In these and suche causes like howe much better had it bene if the supremacy had remayned more nere in the kinges handes at home whereby not onely much labour trauell had bene saued but also the great and was●full expences bestowed at Rome might with muche more fruite and thanke haue beene conuerted to their cures and flockes committed vnto thē and also percase their cause no lesse indifferently heard at least more speedely might haue bene decided but to the purpose again In this cōtrouersie diuerse of that bishop of Yorks clergy such as were of Gloucester belong to the church of S. Oswald were excōmunicate by the Archb. of Cant. because they being sommoned refused to appeare before hym c. At length the same yeare which was 1175. there was a Cardinall sent downe from Rome by the kinges procurement who studyed to set a peace betwene the two archbishops Whereupon this way of agreement was takē by the meanes of the king at Winchester that as touching the church of S. Oswald at Glocester the Archbishop of Canterb. should cease of hys clayme therof molesting the see of Yorke no more therein Also should absolue agayne the Clerkes thereof whom he had excommunicated before And as concerning the bearing of the crosse and all other matters it was referred to the Archbishop of Rhotomage and of other Bishops in Fraunce so that for fiue yeares a league or truce was taken betwixt them till they should haue a full determination of their cause The next yeare following the foresayd king Henry the 2. deuiding the realme of England into 6. partes ordeyned vpon ouery part 3. Iustices of assise The circuit or limitation of which Iustices was thus disposed The first vpon Northfolke Suffolke Cantebridshire Huntendūshire Bedfordshyre Buckinghamshire Essex Hertfordshire 2. Vpon Lincolnshire Notinghamshire Darbishire Stamfordshyre Warwickshire Northamptonshire Leicestershire 3. Upon Kent Surrey Southamptonshyre Southsaxe Barkeshire Oxfordshire 4.
some lawfull canonicall ●●peehment The palace of the Apostles onery thied yeare I shall visi●e either by myselfe or my messenger except other wise being licensed by the sea Apostolicke All such possessio●s as belōg to the table and dyet of my Bishopricke I shall neither sell nor geue nor lay to morgage nor lesse out or ●●●due away by any maner of meanes without that consent knowledge of the Byshop of Rome so God help me and the holie Gospels of God A note vpon the same ¶ Hereby thou hast by the way gentle Reader to note and consider among other thinges which here may be vnderstand that since the time the othe began to be layd and must vpō Byshops all generall Coūcels began to loose they robery For how could any freedome remayn for men to speake theyr knowledge in redresse of things being by their othe so bound to the Pope to speake nothing but on his side to maintayne the Papacy and the church of Rome in all times and places Coniecture by thy selfe Christen Reader what is more hereby to be considered BEsides this it was also decreed in the sayd Councell at Rome of 310. Byshops by pope Alexander that no mā should haue any spirituall promotion except he were of lawful age and born in wedlock That no parish Church should be voyd aboue 6. moneths That none within orders should meddle with temporall busines That priests should haue but one benefice And that the Bishop should be charged to finde the priest a liuing till he be promoted That open vsurers should not cōmunicate at Easter ●or be buried within the Churchyard That nothing should be taken for ministring Sacraments or burying Item that euery cathedrall church should haue a master to teach children freely without taking any thing for the same In this councell the vow of chastitye was obstruded layd vpon Priestes Thomas Becket also and Bernard were canonised for Saintes During the raigne and time of this king Henry the second the City of Norwich was destroyd and burnt by the men of Flaunders Also the town of Lecester Notingham wasted and the Burgeses slayne by the Earle of Ferers The towne of Barwick destroyd by the Scots The king of Scottes was taken in warre by Englishmen an 1174. The towne of Huntington taken and burned The towne of Canterbury by casualty of fire burnt with all the Churches specially with the Trinity church where Becket was worshipped an eod The yeare of our Lord. 1170 Willia king of Scots with Dauid his brother and all the Barons of the realm did homage to the king of England Ireland made subiect to England Decreed in a councell in Normandy that no boyes or childrē should posses any benefice A coūcell of Lateran was holdē at Rome where were 33. articles cōcluded an 1179. The French king came in pilgri●nage to Thomas Becket the king of England meeting him by the way an 1184. After the death of Richard Archbishoppe of Caunterbury who followed after Thomas Becket succeeded Baldwinus who of a Cistercian monk being made a byshop is sayd neuer to eat flesh in his life To whom a certein poore woman bare lean meeting him in the street desired to know of him whether it were true that was sayd of him that he neuer eat flesh Which thing when he had affirmed to be true Nay sayth she that is false for ye haue eaten my flesh vnto the bone For I had but one cow wherewith I was sustayned and that hath your Deanes taken from me True true sayd the Bishop and thou shalt haue an other Cow as good as that c. Iornalens Moreouer in the raigne of the sayd king Henry about the yeare of our Lord. 1178. I find in the story of Rog. Noueden and other that in the city of Tholouse was a great multitude of men and womē whom the popes Commissioners to wit Peter Cardinal of S. Crisogoim and the Popes Legate with the Archbishops of Narbone Byturiensis Reginald Bishop of Bathe Iohn Bishoppe of Pictauia Henry Abbot Clareuallēsis c. did persecute condēne for hereticks Of whom some were scourged naked some chased away some compelled to abiure Concerning whose articles opinions I haue no firme groūd to make any certain relation for so much as I see the Papistes many times so false in their quareling accusatiōs vntruly collecting mens sayinges not as they ment meanings not as they sayd but wresting and deprauing simple mēs assertions after such a subtle sort as they iust themselues to take them But this I finde how one of the sayd commissioners or Inquisitors Henry the Abbot in a certaine letter of his writ thus of them Nam panem sanctum vitae aeternae sacerdotis ministerio in verbo Domini consecratum non esse corpus Domini nouo dogmate contendebat asserere That is After a new 〈◊〉 he affirmed that the holy bread of eternall life 〈◊〉 by the ministery of the Priest was not the body of the 〈◊〉 In the time of this Alexander Sprung vp the doctrine and name of them which were then 〈◊〉 Pauperes de Lugduno which of one waldus a chiefe Se●●tour in Lyons were named Wilden ●item Leonishae Infabbatati about the yeare of our Lord 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 us writeth an 1170. Not long before this time as is exprest aboue rose ●● Gratianus maister of the decrees Petrus Lombardus mai●●er of the sentence both arch●ilers of all papistry After whom followed also two as cuill ● worse then they Franci●eus and Domi●cus maintayning blinde hypocrisie no lesse thē the other maintayned proud prelacy As these labored one way by superstition and worldly aduaū cement to corrupt the sincerity of Religion So it pleased Christ the contrary way laboring against these to cause vp therfore the sayd Maldēsians against he pride and hypocrisy of the other Thus we neuer see any great corruptiō in the church but that some sparkle yet of the true light of the Gospell by Gods prouidence doth remayne Whatsoeuer Doctor Augustinus Remerius Siluius Cranzius with other in their popish histories do write of them defaming them through misreport and accusing them to Magistrates as disobedient to orders rebels to the Catholick church and contemners of the virgin Mary yee they that cary iudgement indifferent rather trusting trueth then wauer●ng with times in weying their Articles shall finde it otherwise that they mayntayned nothing els but the same doctrine which is now defended in the Church And yet I suppose not contrary but as they did with the Articles of Wickliffe and Hus so the Papists did in like maner with their articles also in gathering and wrasting them otherwise then they were ment The history of the Valdenses concerning their originall and doctrine with their persecutions THe first originall of these Valdenses came of one Waldus a man both of great substance and no lesse calling in the City of Lyons the occasion whereof is declared of diuers writers
to Northhampton where he held his Parliament saluting him sayd they came from the Pope of Rome to reforme that peace of holy church And first sayd they we monish you in the popes behalfe that ye make full restitution of the goods of the land that ye haue rauished holy church of and that ye receiue Stephen the Archb● of Cant. into his dignity and Prior of Cant. and his monkes And that ye yelde agayne vnto the Archb. all his landes and rentes without any withholding And sir yet moreouer that ye shall make such restitution to them as the Church shall thinkk sufficient Then aunswered the K. as touching the Prior and his Monkes of Cant. all that ye haue said I would gladly do and all thing els that ye would ordaine but as touching the Archb. I shall tell you as it lieth in my hart Let the Archbishop leaue his bishopricke and if the pope then shal entreat for him peraduenture I may like to geue him some other bishopricke in England And vpon this condition I will receiue and admit him Then sayd Pandulph vnto the K. holy Church was wont neuer to disgrade Archb. without cause reasonable but euer she was wont to correct princes that were disobedient to her What how now quoth the K. threaten ye me Nay sayd Pandolph but ye haue now opēly told vs as it standeth in your hart and now we will tell you what is the popes will and thus it standeth He hath wholy interdicted cursed you for the wrongs ye haue done to the holye church and to the Clergy And forasmuch as ye will dwell still in your malice and will come to no amendement ye shall vnderstand that from this time forward the sentences vpon you geuen haue force and strength And all those that with you haue commoned before this time whether that they be Earles Barons or Knightes or any other whatsoeuer they be we assoyle them safely from their sins vnto this day And from this time forward of what condition soeuer they be we accurse them openly and specially by this our sentence that do with you common And we assoyle moreouer Earles Barons knightes and all other maner of men of theyr homages seruice and sealties that they should do vnto you And this thing to confirme we geue playne power to the B. of Winchester and to the B. of Norwich And the same power we geue agaynst Scotland to the B. of Rochester of Salisbury And in Wales we geue the same power to the Bishops of S. Dauid and of Landaffe and of S. Asse Also Sir K. quoth Pandolph all the kinges princes and the great Dukes christened haue labored to the pope to haue licence to crosse themselues and to warre agaynst thee as vpon Gods enemy and winne thy lande and to make K. whom it pleaseth the pope And we here now assoile all those of their sinnes that will arise agaynst thee here in thine owne land Then the K. hearing this answered What shame may ye do more to me then this Pandolph agayne we say to you in verbo Dei that neither you nor any heir that you haue after this day shall be crowned So the king sayd by him that is almighty God if I had known of this thing before ye came into this lād and that he had brought me such newes I should haue made you tary out these xii monthes Then aunswered Pandolph Full well we thought at our first comming that ye would haue bene obedient to God and to holy church haue fulfilled the popes commaundement which we haue shewed and pronounced to you as we were charged therewith And now ye say that if ye had wi lt the cause of our comming ye would haue made vs tary out a whole yere which might as well say that ye would haue taken a whole yeares respite without the popes leaue But for to suffer what death that ye can ordeine we shall not spare to tell you all the popes message and will that he gaue vs in charge In an other chronicle I finde the wordes betwene the King and Pandolph something otherwise described as though the king should first threaten him with hanging if he had foreknown of his comming in To whom pādolph againe should answer that he loked for nothing els at his hand but to suffer for the Churches right Wherupon the K. being mightely incēsed departed The k. the same tune being at Northhampton willed the shirifs and bailifes to bring foorth all the prisoners there that such as had deserued shoulde be put to death to the entent as some thinke to make Pandolfus afraide Among whome was a certaine Clerke who for counterfaiting the kings coyne was also condemned to be hanged drawn quartered And moreouer by the king was commanded therby to anger Pandolfus the more as may be thought to be hanged vp hiest aboue the rest Pādolphus hearing therof notwtstanding he somwhat began to feare least he should be hanged himselfe yet with such courage as he had he went to the church to set out booke bel and candle charging that no man vnder pain of accursing should lay hands vpon the cleark Vppon this the K. and the Cardinall departed in no litle anger And Pandolfe went to Rome reported to the pope and the Cardinals what had bene done Then the pope summoned al the bishops abbots and clarkes of England to come and repaire to Rome to consult what was to be done therein This councel began the first day of October In the which councel it was decreed by the pope and his assembly that Iohn king of England should be accursed with all such as helde with him euery day so long as that Councel endured Albeit this was not yet graunted that the people shoulde be crossed to fight against him because as yet he had shed no bloud But afterward the sayd Pope Innocent seeing that K. Iohn by no meanes would stoupe vnder his subiection nor vnder the rule of his popish see he sent vnto the French king vpon remission of all his sinnes and of all that went with hym that he should take with him all the power he might and so to inuade the realme of England to destroy K. Iohn This occasion geuen Pope Innocent yet once againe commanded in paine of his great curse that no man shuld obey King Iohn neither yet keepe company with him he forbad all persons to eate and drinke with him to talke with him to commune or coūsell with him yea his owne familiar houshold to do him any kinde of seruice either at bed or at boord in church hall or stable And what folowed therof The greater parte of them which after such sort fled from him by the ordinance of God of diuers and sundry diseases the same yeare died And betweene both nations English and French sell that yeare great amitie but secret subtil and false to the bitter betraying of England Neither was the pope
did the Popes Legate and Cardinall Nicolaus Tusculanus much fauor his doings allow his procedings Wherfore they reported of him that he was exceding parcial regarded not their matters ecclesiastical as he shuld haue done for leauing the accompt of their restitiōs He went with the kings officers as the kings pleasure was to the Cathedral minsters abbeys priories deanries and great Churches vacant And there for the next incumbent alwaies he appointed two one for that king an other for the parties But vpon him only whome the king nominated he compelled most commonly the election to passe whych vexed them wonderfully Upon this therefore they raised a new cōspiracy against the kings person by helpe of their bishops seditious prelates such noble men as they had drawen to their parties We beheld sayth Houeden about the same time many noble houses and assemblies deuided in many places the fathers and the aged men stoode vpon that kings part but the yonger sort contrary And some there were that for loue of their kindred and in other sondry respects forsoke the king again yea and the same went that time sayth he that they were cōfederated with Alexander the Scottish king and Ieoline the Prince of Wales to woorke him an vtter mischiefe A councell at Oxforde the Archb. called where at some would not tary considering the confusion therof the other sort hauing very obstinate hearts reuiled the king most spitefully behind his backe and sayd that from thenceforth he ought to be taken for no gouernour of theirs Their outragious and franticke clamours so much preuailed in those daies that it grewe to a grieuous tumult and a most perillous commotion In the yeare of our Lorde 1215. as wytnesseth Paulus Aemilius other hystories Pope Innocent the third helde a general Synode at Rome called the councell Laterane The chiefe causes of that councell were these In the daies of this Innocent heresie as he calleth the truth of God or the doctrine that rebuketh sinne began to rise vp very high and to spread forth his braunches abroad By reason wherof many Princes were excommunicate as Otho the Emperour Iohn the king of England Peter king of Aragon Raimund the Earle of Tholouse Aquitania Sataloni and such other like as is said afore So that it could be no otherwise sayth Doueden but with the sharp axe of the gospel so called the pope his excommunications they ought of necessitie to haue bene cut off from the Churche Therfore was this coūcell prouided proclaimed and prelates from al nations therunto called And to colour those mischiefes which he then went about hee caused it by hys Legates and Cardinals very craftie marchauntes to be noised abroad that his entent was therin only to haue the Church vniuersally reformed and the holy land from the Turkes handes recouered But all this was craft falsehode as that sequele therof hath manifestly declared For hys purpose thereby was to subdue all Princes and to make himselfe rich and wealthy for there he made this antichristian act and established it by publicke decree that that pope should haue from thenceforth the correction of all christian Princes and that no Emperor should be admitted except he were sworne before and were also crowned of him He ordained moreouer that whatsoeuer he were that should speake euil of the pope he shuld be punished in hel with eternall damnation Conradus Vrspergensis Hieronimus Marius He prouided confession to helpe these matters he alowed theyr bread a pixe to couer him and a bell when hee goeth abroad and made the masse equal with Christes Gospell In this Councell was first inuented and brought in Transubstantiatiō of which Ioannes Scotus whō we call Dims maketh mention in his 4. Booke wryting in these wordes The words of the scripture might be expounded more easily more plainly without transubstantiatiō But the church did chuse this sense which is more hard being mooued thereto as it seemeth chiefly because that of the Sacraments men ought to holde as the holy Churche of Rome holdeth c. And in the same place maketh mention of Innocentius the third Moreouer in the said Councel was stablished and ratified the wretched and impious act compelling Priestes to abiure lawful Matrimonie Whereupon these meeters or verses were made the same time against hym whych here folow vnder wrytten Non est Innocentius imo nocens verè Qui quod facto docuit verbo vult delere Et quodolim inuenis voluit habere Modò vetus pontifex studet prohib●re Zacharias habuit prolem vzorem Per viru●n quem genuit adeptus honorem Baptizauit etenim mundi saluatorem Pereat qui teneat nouum hunc errorem Paulus coelos rapitur ad superiores Vbi multas didicit res secretiores Adnos tandem rediens instruensque mores Suas inquit habeant quilibet vxores Propter haec alia dogmata doctorum Reor esse melius magis decorum Quisque suam habeat non proximorum Ne incurrat odium vel iram eorum Proximorum foeminas filias neptes Violare nefas est quare nil doceptes Verè tuam habeas in hac delectes Diem vt sic vltimum tutiùs expectes Nocent not innocent he is that seeketh to deface By word the thing that he by deed hath taught men to embrace Which being now a Bishop old doth study to destroy The thing which he a young man once did couet to enioy Priest Zachary both had a wife and had a childe also By mean of whō there did to him great praise and honour grow For he did baptise him which was the sauer of mankinde Ill him befall that holdeth this new error in his minde Into the higher heauens good Paul was lifted from below And many secrete hidden things he learned there to know Returnde at length from thence to vs and teaching rules of life He said let eche man haue his owne and onely wedded wife For this and other documents of them that learned be Much better and more comely eke it seemeth vnto me That eche should haue hys own alone not his neighbors wife Least with his neighbour he do fall in hate and wrathfull strife Thy neighbours daughters or their wiues or nieces to defile Vnlawfull is therefore beware do not thy selfe beguile Haue thou thine owne true wedded wife delite in her alway With safer minde that thou maiest looke to see the latter day Now let vs returne to K Iohn againe marke how the priests their adherents were plagued for their humble handlings of his maiesties wil. In y● forsaid councel of Laterane and the same yeare was Steuen Langton the Archb. of Cant. excommunicated of pope Innocent with all those bishops prelates priests barons cōmons which had bene of counsail with him in the former rebellion And when the sayde Archb. had made instant sute of him to be absolued anone he made him this answer with great indignation Brother mine I sweare
filling the Popes coffers But as touching this visitation to make short sayth the story it tended not to any reformation so much as to the deformatiō of the vniuersal order Dum omnes qui in diuersis or bis partibus vnicam Benedicti secuti fuerant regulam per nouas constitutiones ita inueniantur vbique discordes quòd ex omnibus coenobijs vel alijs religiosorum Ecclesijs vix duo habeantur in norma viuendi cōcordes i. While all they which before through all partes of the world followed onely the rule of Benedict now through new deuised constitutions are found in all places so deuided diuers that of all monasteryes and other churches of religion scarse may two be foūd which do agree in one rule and institution of life All this while that Hubert aboue mentioned was secluded from the king Peter B. of Winchester bare all the rule and aboue al other alone was accepted This bishop being in such principall fauor with the king as by whose councell all thinges were administred remoued the naturall seruitours that were Englishmen out of their offices and placed other straungers namely of Pictauia and of other countryes in theyr roome Amōg whom was thrust out William the Undermarshall which supplyed the roome of Richard Lord great Marshall of England for the which cause the sayd Lord Richard was mightely offended Also Walter Treasurer of the kinges house was not onely expelled but also mersed at an hundreth pound put frō all his holdes and munitions which he had by the kinges patent graunted to him Moreouer by the counsell of the sayd Bishop of Winchester all the olde councellers as well Bishops as other Earles and Barons and all the nobles were reiected frō the king in such sort that he would heare folow no mās councell but onely the sayd Peter Bishop of Winchester and his cosin Peter de Riuallis Whereby it came to passe that all the greatest holdes and munitions in the Realme were taken from the old kepers and committed to the custodye of the sayd Peter Then the Bishop of Winchester to plant and pitch himselfe more strongly in the kings fauor adioyned to his felowship Stephen Segraue succeeding in the place of Hubert the iustice also Robert Passelew who had the keeping of the treasure vnder the foresayd Peter Riuall So by these three all the affayres of the realme were ordred Moreouer to make theyr party more sure by them was prouided that souldiours and seruitors from beyond the Sea as Pictauians and Britans were sent for to the number of two thousand which were placed partly about the king partly were set in Castles holdes within the Realme and had the ouersight and gouernment of Shyres and Baronies who then oppressed the nobles of the land accusing them to the king for traytours whom the simple king did lightly beleue committing to them the custodye of his Treasures the sitting in iudgements and the doing in all thinges And when the nobles thus oppressed came to complayn of their iniuries to the king by the meanes of the Byshop of Winchester theyr cause was nothing regarded In so muche that the sayd Winchester moreouer accused certayne Bishops also to the king so that he did flee and shunne them as open traytors and rebels These things standing thus out of order Richard the noble Marshal of England with other of the nobles ioyning with him seing these oppressions and iniuries dayly growing contrary to the lawes and wealth of the realm came to the king and blamed him for retayning such peruerse counsell about him of the Pictanians and other foreners to the great preiudice of his naturall subiects and of the liberties of the Realme humbly desiring and beseeching him that he with as much speed as might be would reforme redresse such excesses whereby the whole realme seemed to lie in daunger of subuersion Otherwise if he refused to see correction thereof he with other peeres and nobles would withdraw themselues from his counsell so long as he maintayned the societie of those foreners and strangers about him To this Peter Winchester aunswering agayne sayde that the king right wel might cal vnto him what foreners and straungers him listed for the defence both of his kingdome and of his crowne and what number of them he would as by whom he might be able to bridle his proude and rebellious subiectes and so to keepe them in awe and good order Whē the Earle and the nobles could get no other aunswere of him in great perturbatiō they departed promising among themselues in this cause which so touched the state of the whole Realme the would constantly ioyne together to the parting of their life After this the foresayd Petrus Bishoppe of Winchester with his cōplices ceased not by all meanes to inflame the kinges hart to hatred and contempt of his naturall people whom they so vehemently peruerted that he coūting them no other then his enemies sought by all diligence the vtter destruction of thē sending dayly for moe garisons of the Pictauians that in short space they replenished weineare the whole land whose defence the king onely trusted vnto neither was any thing disposed in the Realme but through the guiding of this Peter and of the Pictauians The king thus garded and strengthened with these foreine aliens and straungers proclaimed aparliamēt to be holden at Oxford where the nobles were warned to be present They considering the indignation of the king cōceiued would not appeare Agayn they were required the first second and third tune to present themselues The assembly proceeded but they came not for whom the king looked In this assembly or Parliament it was playnely told the king by a Dominick Fryer preaching before him that unlesse he remoued from him the Bishop of Winchester and Peter Riuall his kinsma he should neither could long enioy peace in his kingdome This although it was bluntly spoken of the Frier against the Bishop yet this remedy he had the frier had nothing to lose Yet was ther another Chaplein of the Court who preceiuing the king somewhat instigated by the former preaching and after a courtlike dexterity handling his matter being a pleasaunt conceited man thus merely came to the king asking a question what was the thing most pernitious daungerous of all other thinges to them that trauaile by the seas That sayd the king is best knowne to suche as trauayle in that kinde of trafficke Nay sayth he this is easy to be folde The king demaunding what it was forsooth quoth he stones and rockes alluding merely but yet truely to the Bishop of Winchester whose name and surname was Petrus de Rupibus For so Petrae in Latine signifieth stones Rupes rockes Notwithstanding the king either not perceiuing the meaning or not amending the fault again signifieth to his nobles to speake with him at Westminster But they fearing some trayne to be layd for them refused to appeare
so continued in Fraunce dyed at Pontinia Ex Mat. Parisi fol. 134. b. which Edmund was afterward made a Saint and canonised by Pope Innocent 4. This done then went Petrus Rubeus the popes nūcio and Ruffinus into scotland frō whence they brought with them 3000. poundes to the popes vse about all hallowtide the same yeare At which time moreouer cōmeth an other harpar from the Pope to England named Mumelius bringing with him 23. Romaines here into the Realme to be beneficed Thus what by the king on the one side and what by Cardinall Otho Petrus Rubens Ruffinus and Mumelius on the other side poore Englād was in a wretched case Mat. Parisiens fol. 137. An other prety practise of the pope to prolle for mony was this The foresayd Petrus Rubeus cōming into religious houses and into their Chapters caused thē to contribute to the Popes holynes by the example of this Byshop and that Abbot pretending that he he of their own voluntary deuotiō had geuē so much so much so seduced them Paris fol. 134 Also the pope craftely subborned cer teine Friers authorised with full indulgence that whosoeuer had vowed to fight in the holy land and was disposed to be released of his vowe needed not to repayre to Rome for absolution but paying so much money as hys charges would come to going thether he resorting to the sayd Friers might be assoyled at house The next yeare folowing which was 1241. came a cōmaūdement Apostolicall to the house of Peterborow that they at the Popes contemplation must needes graūt him some benefice lying in their donation the fruites whereof at least being worth an hundreth poundes and if it were more it should be the better welcome so that they shoulde be as the fermers he to receiue the profites In fine the Louent excused themselues by the Abbot being then not at home The Abbot when he came home excused himselfe by the king being the patron and foūder of the house The king being agreeued with the vnreasonable rauening of these Romanistes vtterly forbad any such example to be geuen Ex Parisiēs fol. 143. But what happened The Abbot being therfore accused to the Pope by one of the Legates and comming vp about foure yeares after in the time of Pope Innocent to the Councell of Lyons was so rated and reuiled so shamefully thrust out of the popes court that for sorrow he fell sicke vpon the same and there died Parisiens fol. 184. In the time of which councell of Lyons Pope Innocent 4. for somuch as the instrument or obligatiō whereby the realm of England stood tributary to the pope was thought to be burned in the popes chamber a litle before brought forth either the same or an other charte like vnto it whereunto he straitly charged commaunded euery english Bishop being there present at the councell seuerallie to set to his band seale Which vnresonable petition of y● pope albeit it went fore against y● hartes of the bishops yet see in what miserable subiection the pope had all the bishops vnder him none of them durst otherwise do but ac complish the Popes request therein both to their owne shame preiudice to the publicke freedome of the Realm Amongest which Bishops the longest that held out and last that put to his seale was the Bishop of Londō Which Act when the king and the nobility vnderstood they were mightely and worthely therwith all offended Ex. Parisiens fol. 192. an 1245. After what time Cardinall Otho was sēt for by pope Gregory in all haste to come to the generall councel 1. other in his roome here reimayned whose names were Petrus Rubeus and Petrus de Supino Of whem the one bearing himselfe for the Popes kinsman brought out his B●lles and Bulles vnder the Popes authority to such an Abbot or to such a Prior or to such and such a Bishop and so extorted from them a great quantity of gold and siluer The other to wit Petrus de Supino say●ed to Ireland from whence be brought with him a thousand and 5. hundreth marks to the popes vse an 1241. Ex Par. fol. 247. b. All which mony notwithstanding gotten by both the collectors in the cariage vp to Rome about the death of Pope Gregory happened into the hands of Frederick the Emperor who caused it agayne to be restored as neare as he could to them of whom it was taken Parisiens fol. 151. After these came in then M. Martinus a new Marchaunt from the new pope Innocent the fourth an 1244. armed with full power to suspend all Prelats in England from geuing benefices til the popes kinsmē were first pre ferred Neither would he take the fruites of any benefice vnlesse it were aboue the value of 30. markes At his first comming he required of prelates especially of religious houses to furnish him with horses palfryes such as wer conuenient for the popes especiall chaplain and Legate to sit vpon Also with plate raiment prouision for his kitchin and celler c and such as denied or excussed he suspēded as the Abbot of Malinesbury and the Prior of Merton All prebendes that were voyd he sought out reserued them for the Popes behoofe Among which was the golden prebend of Saruin belonging to the Chauncellor of the Queere whom he preferred to the Byshopricke of Bathe and so seised vpon the prebend being voyd against the willes both of the Byshop and the Chapter Paris fol. 167.180 Moreouer he brought with him blankes in paper parchment sigued in the popes chamber with his stamp and seale wherin he might afterward write to whom and what he would Parisiens fol. 178. b. requiring furthermore of the king in the popes behalf to help his holiues with a contribution to be taxed amongest his Clergy at least of 10000. Markes Ibid. And to the end that the Pope might win the king sooner to his deuotiō he writeth in y● kinges behoofe to the nobles and commons of the Realm that they should not faile vpon payue of his great curse to cōferre such subsidy of money to the subuention of the king as he then had demaunded of them but they stood striffe in not graunting to him While the insatiable auarice of the pope thus made no end in gathering riches and goods together in England the nobles Barons with the community as well of the Clergy as the laity weying the miserable state of the Realme and namely of the church which now neither had liberty left thē to choose their owne ministers nor yet could enioy their owne liuings layd theyr heades together and so exhibited an earnest intimatiō to y● king beseching him to consider the pitifull affliction and oppression of his subiectes vnder the popes extortion liuing in more thraldōe thē euer did the people of Israel vnder Pharao Wherupon the king beginning at last to looke vp to consider the
the whole summe whereof was found yerely to be three score thousād Markes to the which summe the reuenues of the whole crowne of England and not extend Ex Math. Parisiens fol 185. a. The Nobles then vnderstanding the miserable oppression of the Realme being assembled together at Dinistable for certayne causes sent one Fulco in the name of the whole nobility vnto M. Martinus the Popes Marchaunt with this message that he iudelayedly vpon the same warning should prepare himselfe to be gone out of the realme vnder payn of being cut all to pieces At which message the Legate being sore aga● went straight to the king to know whether his consēt was to the same or not Of whom when he found litle better comfort he tooke hys leaue of the king who had him adue in the deuils name faith M. Paris and thus was the realme rid of M. Martinus Ex Mat. Paris 185. b. an 1245. As soone as Pope Innocent had hereof intelligence by the cōplaynt of his Legate he was in a mighty rage And furthermore remembring how y● french king the king of Arragon not long before had denied him entraunce into theyr land and being therfore in displeasure with thē likewise began in great anger to knit his browes and said it is best that we fall in agreement with our prince whereby we may the sooner bring vnder these little petty kinges and so the great Dragon being pacified these litle serpents we shall handle at our owne pleasure as we lift After this immediarly thē folowed the generall councell of Lions to the which councell the states and Lordes of the Realme with the consent of the communaltye sent two Bulles One conteining a generall suplication to the Pope and the councell the other with the Articles of such greuaunces which they desired to be redressed whereof relation is made sufficiently before pag. 267. The other bill of the Supplication because it is not before expressed I thought here to exhibite for two causes First that men now in these dayes may see the pitifull blindnesse of those ignoraunt dayes wherein our English nation here did so blindely humble themselues and stand to the Popes curtesy Whom rather they should haue shaken of as the Grecians did Secondly that the pride of the Pope might the better appeare in his coulours who so disdaynefully reiected the humble sute of our Lordes and Nobles when they had much more cause to disdayne rather to stampe him vnder their feet The tenour of the Supplicatiō was this ¶ The copy of the Supplication written in the names of all the nobles and commons of England to Pope Innocent the 4. in the generall Councell at Lyons anno 1245. ¶ To the reuerend Father in Christ Pope Innocent chiefe Byshop the nobles with the whole comminaltye of the Realme of England sendeth commendation with kissing of his blessed feet OVr mother the Church of Rome we loue with all our hartes as our duety is and couet the encrease of her honour with so much affection as we may as to whome we ought alwayes to flye for refuge whereby the griefe lying vpon the childe maye finde comfort at the mothers hand Which succour the mother is bound so much the rather to imparte to her childe how muche more kinde and beneficial she findeth him in relieuing her necessitiee Neither is it to the sayd our mother vnknowne how beneficiall and bountifull a geuer the Realme of England hath bene now of long tyme for the more amplifying of her exaltation as appeared by our yerely subsidie whiche we terme by the name of Peterpence Now the sayd Church not contented with this yearly subsidie hath sent diuers Legates for other contributions at diuers and sondry times to be taxed and leuyed out of the same Realme al which contributions and taxes notwithstanding haue bene louingly and liberally graunted Furthermore neither is it vnknowne to your fatherhood how our forefathers like good Catholickes both louing and fearing their maker for the soules health as well of themselues as of their progenitours and successors also haue founded Monasteryes and largely haue endued the same both with their owne proper landes and also patronages of benefices whereby suche religious persons prosessing the first and chiefest perfection of holy Religion in theyr Monasteries might with more peace and tranquillitie occupy themselues deuoutly in Gods seruice as to the order appertained And also their Clearkes presented by them into their benefices might sustaine the other exteriour labours for them in that seconde order of religion and so discharge and defend them from all hasardes so that the saide religious monasteries cannot be defrauded of those their patronages and collations of benefices but the same must touche vs also very neare and worke intollerable griefe vnto our hearts And now see we beseche you which is lamentable to behold what iniuries we sustaine by you and your predecessors who not considering those our subsidies and cōtributions aboue remembred doe suffer also your Italians and forreiners whych be out of number to be possessed in our Churches and benefices in Englande pertaining to the right and patronage of those monasteries aforesayde which forreiners neither defending the sayd religious persones whome they ought to see to nor yet hauing the language whereby they may instructe the flocke take no regarde of their soules but vtterly leaue them of wilde wolues to be deuoured Wherefore it may truely be said of them that they are no good shepheards where as neither they know their shepe nor the shepe do know the voyce of their shepherds neither do they kepe any hospitalitie but only take vp the rents of those benefices carying them out of the Realme wherewith our brethren our nephewes and our kinsfolkes might be susteined who coulde and woulde dwell uppon them and employ such exercises of mercie hospitalitie as their dutie required Whereof a great nūber now for mere necessitie are lay men and faine to flie out of the realme And now to the entēt more fully to certify you of the truth ye shall vnderstand that the sayd Italians and strangers receiuing of yerely rentes out of Englande not so little as 60000. Markes by yeare besides other auailes and exises deducted doe reape in the said our kingdome of England more emoluments of meere rents then doth the king himselfe being both the tutour of the Church and gouernour of the land Furthermore where as at the first creation of your Papacie we were in good hope and yet are that by meanes of your fatherly goodnesse we shoulde enioy our franchises and free collation of our benefices and donatiues to be reduced againe to the former state nowe commeth an other greeuance which we cannot but signifie vnto yo●●ressing vs aboue measure which we receiue by M. Martinus● who entring late into our lande without leaue of our king with greater power then euer was sene before in any Legate although he beareth not
that came to intreat for peace but reiected and despised his most courteous and equal demaundes neither yet had left any wily pollicy vnattempted or force vnpractised that with his confederates he thought himself either able to reuenge or els resist Hee by his Legates calleth to a Councell at Rome all such Prelates out of Italy Fraunce and England as he thought to fauor him and his proceedings that hereby as his last shift and onely refuge he by their helpes might depriue Fredericke of his Empire as an vtter enemie to God and to the Church All which things Fredericus hauing vnderstanding of knowing that these assemblies shuld be but to the destruction supplanting of him determined to stop and let their passages to Rome as wel by sea as by lande in all that euer he might So that all the passages by land being now stopped preuented he commanded his sonne Henry with certaine gallies to goe and keepe the coastes of Sardinia which kingdom the Italians cal Entimum and from thence to Pisas and with the Pisans to rigge out a nauie to meete with if it were possible such as shoulde come to aide the Pope at Rome The Popes champions vnderstanding that by land they could not safely repaire to Rome they procured of Gallies and shippes of Genua hauing Gulielmus Graccius for their chiefe Capitaine or Admirall for fortie saile their defence thinking hereby that if they should fortune to meete with any of the Emperours ships or galleis which shoulde lye for them in wait they should be able to make their part in good and geue them also the repulse Encius in like maner and Huglinus being Captaine and admirall of the Pisan nauie for the Emperour launched foorth to sea with 40. ships and gallies and betwixt the Iles of Lilium and Mons Christi which lie betweene Liburnium and Corsica they met with the Genewes ships and straightwaies fiersly began to grapple with them bourd thē in which sight at lēgth were 3. of the Genewes ships with boulged and sonke and 22. taken and brought away with all the riches and treasure in them In these were taken 3. Legates of the Popes wherof were 2. Cardinals Iacobus Columna Otho Marchio Gregorius de Romania all cruell enemies against the Emperour and many other Prelates mor besides a great number of Legates and procuratours of cities with an infinite number of Monkes Priests beside of Genewes souldiours 6000. with diuers others Pandolphus Colonutius in describing the circumstances of the great losse and misfortune of these champions of the Pope by sea amongest the rest declareth that besides the great pray and bootie which the takers had from them they also founde many wrytings and letters against Fredericke which much holpe him in the defence of those causes wherein they had laboured against him The like mischance also almost about that time happened on the popes side by the Emperours soldieurs which lay in garrison at Ticinum thus There went forth vpon a time out of Ticinum into the borders of Genewes certaine bandes to geue them larums in the countrey which bandes the scuriers of Mediolanum where lay a great garrison of the Popes discrying tolde the Captaine of the towne that nowe a very opportune and fitte time was to geue an assault to Ticinum for that say they the greatest part are nowe gone a foraging Whereupon they immediatly calling together the captains and such as had charge set their souldiours in aray and marched forewarde to Ticinum And now when they were come almost thether the Ticinian bandes whome they thought to haue bene farre a foraging were returned and met with them fiersly gaue a ful charge vpon them who being dismaied at the sodennesse of the matter fought not long but gaue ouer and fled In which skirmish was taken besides those the were slain 350. captaines and brought prisoners into Ticinum with all their ensignes with them Newes hereof was brought to the Emperor not long after who then was remouing from the siege of Fauentia as ye heard to the citie of Gononium thinking to haue destroied the same But vpon the hearing of these good newes hee altereth his purpose and thinking to haue heereafter a more cōuenient time therunto leadeth his army towards Rome and in the way he reconciled to him the Citie Pisaurum But Fanum for that the townes men shut theyr gates and would not suffer the Emperour to come in hee tooke by force and destroyed For the Emperour seing that neither by petition made to the pope nor yet by his lawful excusation be coulde doe any good with him thought that by his sodaine comming thether and with feare of the perill imminent he might be brought to some vniformitie caused to leaue of his accustomed pertinacie And although the Emperor was too strong for him yet for that he regarded nothing more then the publike tranquillitie of the Empire and that hee might then take the Tartarian warres in hand if he could by any meanes conclude he refused not so to intreate a peace with him as though he had bene both in force and fortune much his inferiour Whilest that this ruffle was betwixt the Emperor and the Pope Ochodarius the Emperour of the Tartarians his sonne with a great power prouision made and inuaded the borders next adioyning vnto him there wan Roxolanum Godolium Mudanum with d●uers other cities townes and villages destroying wasting burning the countreis al about killing and slaying man woman and childe sparing none of any sexe or age At whose sodeine inuasion the people being in such feare perplexitie hauing no citie no refuge nor aide to stande in defence for them were saine to leaue all that euer they had and disperse themselues into woodes and flee into marishes and mountaines or where soeuer any succoure els did offer it selfe to them And by this time the Tartarian hoste was come as farre as Uratislauia where Henricus of Polonia and the Duke of Silesia with their army met with them who for the inequality of the nomber smal strength they were of had soone an ouerthrow and almost all their souldiours being slaine they themselues were taken and put to the sword From thence they came to Morauia from thence to the kingdome of Boiemia which Countrey while the king kept himselfe in strong defenced fortes and durst not come abroade he inuaded destroied all Ungary putting to flight and vanquishing Colmannus the brother of Belus the 4. king of Ungary by whome also was great spoyle made in both the Pannonias Mesiarum Bulgaria and Seruia whē Belus the king of Ungary had gottē to Pola which is a citie of Histria vnto Otho the duke of Dalmatia He sent his Legates to Fredericke the Emperour promising that if he would send him aid that the Tartarians might be expelled that Ungary shoulde euer after be vnder the iurisdiction of the Emperour which
the city by the Barons and Citizens for the space of 40. dayes And Octobonus the Legate who for feare was fled into the Tower they narowly layd for that he shoulde not escape At length by the intreaty of the Earle of Gloucester and other Earles that were his friendes both the Barons and Cittizens were pardoned and admitted to the kinges fauour And 4. Byshops and 8. other noble men were chosen such as were at Couentry first nominated that they should order and dispose all matters betweene the King and suche as had lost theyr inheritaunce as also the forme of theyr peace and raunsome And proclamation was made vppon the feast of all Sainctes of perfect peace and record throughout al the Realme The 52. yeare of this king Henries raigue 8. daies after the feast of S. Martin he held a parliament at Marlberge in the yeare of our Lord aboue recited where by the aduise of wise and discrete men with all the consentes of the nobles he ordeined and enacted diuers good and profitable statutes for the reformation and bettering of the state of the realme execution of common iustice which are called the statutes of Marleberge The same yeare vpon S. Gregoryes day Octobonus the Legate called a Councell at London where were fine Archbishops and a great number of Byshops Abbots other Prelates which Councell also within three dayes brake vp agayne The same yeare vpon S. Iohns day the Baptist Edward the kinges sonne diuers other noble men of England took vpon thē the crosse by the legates hands at Northhampton to the reliefe of the holy land and the subuersion of the enemies of the crosse of Christ which done the legate that same yeare wēt out of England not purposing after that to returne agayne This holy Legate sayth mine author whiche might well bee resembled to Lynx the monstrous beast whose quicke sight penetrateth euery thing enrolled to perpetuall memorye the valuation of all the churches in the realme of England so narowly as by any meanes possible be might enquire the certainty thereof The same was he that made all the Cathedral Conuentuall Churches to pay pencions so that those Churches whiche gaue not the vacancie of their benefices to their Clerkes and straungers should pay vnto them a certein yearly pencion during the vacācy of the benefices which they should haue The same yeare died Pope Clement 4. after whose death the Church of Rome was two yeares vacant then was chosen an archdeacon Cardinall whose name was Theardus as hee was taking hys iourny into the holy lande and called hym Gregory the 10. Then also dyd Edmunde Earle of Lancaster and Leicester and seconde sonne of king Henry take to wife the Earle of Albemark his daughter and the Niece of y● Earle of Gloucester at whiche maryage was the king and the Queene and all the Nobilitie of England The same yeare was the body of S. Edward the king Confessour by Walter Gifford Archbishop of Yorke and other Bishops intombed in a new rich Schrine of golde and siluer beset with precious stones in the presēce of Hēry the king of Englād In which yeare also fel great rayne and inundation of waters suche as hath not lightly bene seene which increased and continued the space of 40. dayes and more The same yeare died Walter de Lawile Bishop of Sarum the third day before the nones of Ianuary After whō succeeded Robert of Northampton the Deane of the same Church And because the see of Cant. was then vacant he was confirmed by the Chapter of Canterbury whiche Chapter had alwayes the iurisdiction in spirituall causes during the vacancy of that see in as ample maner as the Byshop hymselfe had beyng aliue After thys the Byshop elect comming thither thinking to haue had hys consecration was notwithstanding put backe for two causes one was for that there was present then no more but one Byshop the other was for that all the other Bishops had appealed that he might not be consecrated to their preiudice that is by the authoritie of the Chapter of Cant. saying that they would not be vnder the obedience of the monks After this solempne Messengers were for this cause sent to the Cardinals of Rome for that then that see of Rome was vacant who receiued aunswere that during the vacation of that see the confirmation and consecration of the Byshop elect pertayned to the foresayd Chapter of Caunterbury The same yeare also was the Lord Henry the sonne heyre of the Lord Richard king of Almayne and brother to king Henry 2. slayne at Uiterbium in a certayne Chappel hearing Masse by the Lord Simō and Buido the sonnes of the Lord Simon Mountfort Earle of Leister During this kinges raigne there was made a great generall expedition of diuers and sondry Christian princes to Ierusalem taking vpon them the Lords character that is the Crosse among whome was also Edward the kings sonne one to the which expeditiō was graunted him a subsidie throughout al the realme And the month of May the yeare of our Lord. 1270. or as sayth Florilogus an 1269. he set forward on his iourny About the time when Prince Edward was preparing his iourny toward Asia Boniface the Archbishop of Canterbury ended his life in the country of Sebaudia goyng belike to Rome or comming thence After whose death the Monks of Canterbury proceeding to a new election grāted by the king agreed vppon the Prior of their house named Adam Chelendene But the king his sonne Prince Edward consenting and speaking in the behalfe of Robert Burnell theyr Chauncellour did sollicite the matter with the Monkes partly intreating partly threatning them to chuse the said Robert to be Archbishop Notwithstanding the Monkes being stoute woulde neyther relent to their curteous request nor yet bow to theyr boystrous threates but constantly persisting in their former election appealed from the king and prince to the Pope Prince Edward being now on his iourny and seing himselfe thus frustrated of the Monkes writeth backe to the king his father deuoutly praying and beseching in no wise to admit the election of the foresayd Monks And so passing to Douer with Hēry the sonne of Rich. his vncle king of Romanes with their wiues tooke their passage in the month of August After this the Prior thus elected as is foretold but not admitted by the king to be Archbishop went vp to Rome In the meane tyme the Monkes in the absence of their elect ordayned one Geoffrey Pomenall to be theyr Official who seing himself aduaunced to that dignity bearing belike some old grudge agaynst the Prior of Douer caused him to be cited vp to appeare in the Chapter house of Canterbury The Prior of Douer seing this citation to be preiudiciall to him and to the Church of Douer whereas the Monkes of Cant. haue no such iurisdiction the see of
the Englishmen calling them cowards dastards with many such approbrious words tending to that effect The king not knowing whereunto the words of the foole did appertayne asked the foole why he called the Englishmen such weakelings and cowards c. why sayth the foole Because the fearefull and cowardly Englishmen had not the hartes to leape into the sea so lustely as our Normands Gentlemen of Fraunce had Whereby the French kyng began to vnderstand the victory of his part to be lost and the Englishmē to be victorers This victory atchieued the fame therof spreading abroad in England first was not beleued till letters thereof came from the king to Prince Edward his sonne being then at Waltham directed to the bishops prelates of the realme the effect of which letters here followeth vnder written THe bountifull benignitie of Gods great clemency powred vpon vs of late for your true certification and reioycing we thought good to intimate vnto you It is not vnknowne we suppose to you and to other our faythfull subiectes which also haue bene partakers with vs of the same with what stormes of boysterous warres of late we haue bene tossed and shaken as in the great Ocean But although the rising surgies of the sea be merueilous yet more merueilous is the Lord aboue who turning the tempest into calme in so great daungers so mercifully hath respected vs. For where as we of late did ordaine our passage vpon vrgent causes into Flaunders the Lord Phillip de Valoys our bitter enemye vnderstanding thereof layd agaynst vs a mighty nauy of ships entending thereby eyther to take vs or at least to stop our voyage Which voyage if it had bene stayd it had bene the cutting of of all the great enterprises by vs intended and taken in hande moreouer we our selues brought to a great confusion But the God of mercies seing vs so distressed in such perils and dangers hath gratiously aud beyond mans expectation sent to vs great succour strength of fighting souldiours and a prosperous wynde after our owne desires By the meanes and helpe whereof we set out of the hauen into the seas where we estsoones perceaued our enemies well appointed and prepared with a mayne multitude to set vpon vs vpon midsommer day last past Agaynst whome notwithstansting Christ our Lord and Sauiour hath rendered to vs the victory through a strong and vehement conflict In the which conflict a mighty number of our enemies were destroyed and well neare all theyr whole Nauy was taken with some losse also of our part but nothing like in comparison to theirs By reason whereof we doubt not but our passage by the seas hereafter shal be more quiet and safe for our subiectes and also many other commodities shall ensue therof as we haue good cause to hope well of the same For which cause we deuoutly considering the heauenly grace so mercifully wrought vpon vs do render most humble thankes praise to Christ our Lord and sauior Beseeching him thar as he hath ben and alwayes is ready to preuent our necessities in time of oportunitie so he will continue hys helping hand euer towardes vs so to direct vs here temporally that we may raigne and ioy with him in heauen eternally And in like sort we require your charitie that you also with vs rising vp to the prayse of God alone who hath begon so fauourably to worke with vs to our goodnesse in your prayers and deuine seruice do instantly recommend vs vnto the Lord traueiling here in these foreigne countries and studying to recouer not onely our right here in Fraunce but also to aduaunce the whole Catholicke Churche of Christ and to rule our people in iustice And that also ye call vpon the Clergy and people euery one through his diocesse to do the same inuocating the name of our Sauiour that of hys mercy he will geue to vs his hūble seruaunt a docible hart so to iudge and rule hereupon rightly doing that which he hath commaunded that at length we may attaine to that which he hath promised c. Which letter was written to the Byshops and prelates an 1340. After this foresayd victory vpon the sea newes therof with due thanks to our Sauiour sent into England the Kyng striking into Flaunders came to Gaunt in Brabaute where hee had left the Queene who ioyfully receaued him being a little before purified or churched as we terme it of her fourth sonne whose name was Iohn and commonly called Iohn of Gaunt and was Erle of Richmonde and Duke of Lancaster At Uillenorth the king assembled his councell whereat the noble men of Fraunce Brabant and Hennalt conioyning together in most firme league the one to helpe and defend the other with the king of England agaynst the French king purposing and determining from thence to march toward Turncy it to besiege But the French king vnderstanding theyr counsell fortified and victualed the same before theyr comming thither Furthermore the sayd Frenche king the same tyme to stop the sige of king Edward sent with king Dauid of Scotland a great power to that intent to make inuasiō in England thereby the sooner to cause the king to remoue hys siege In the meane time while king Edwarde wrote his letters to Philip de Ualous making vnto him certain requestes as in the same his letters here folowing is to be seen who for the he wrote not vnto him as K. of France but by the name of Philip de Ualous refused to answer him touching the same as by their letters here placed may be seene * The letter of the king of England to Phillip de Valous the French king goyng to the siege of Turney PHillip de Valous of long time we haue gently requested you by our Embassadours by all the reasonable meanes we might to that intent you should haue rendered vnto vs our lawful right and inheritaunce to the crowne of Fraunce which from vs a long time you haue by great wrong and force deteined And for that we well perceaue you meane to perseuere in the same your purpose and iniurous detinue without making any reasonable aunswere to our demaund We let you vnderstand that we are entred into the country of Flaunders as the soueraigne Lord of the same and so passe through the country and further signifie vnto you how that by the helpe of our Sauiour Iesus Christ and our righteous cause therein and with the power of the sayd country our people and allyes we purpose to recouer the right which we haue to that inheritaunce you deteine from vs by your iniurious force and therefore approche we towardes you to make a shorte end of this our rightfull challenge if you also will doe the like And for that so great an host assēbled which we bring with vs on our part supposing you also on the other part to doe the like cannot lōg remayne together without great destruction both to our people and country
Vrbanus 6. 11. 8. Clement 11 Bonifacius 9. 14. 9. Benedictus 13. 26. Innocentius 8. 2. 0.     Gregorius 12. 2. 7     Alexander 5. 0. 11.     Iohannes 13. 5. 10     As touching thys pestilent most miserable schisme it would require heere an other Ileade to comprehend in order all the circumstaunces and tragicall partes thereof what trouble in the whole Church what partes taking in euery Countrey what apprehending and imprysoning of priests prelates takē by land and sea what sheddyng of bloud did folow therof How Ottho duke of Brunsewyke Prince of Tarentum was taken and murthered Howe Ioane Queene of Hierusalem and Sicilia his wife who before had sent to Pope Urbane beside other gifts at hys coronation xl M. Duckets in pure gold after by the sayd Urbane was committed to prison and in the same pryson strangled What Cardinalles were racked and miserably wythout all mercy tormented on gibbettes to death what slaughter of men what battails were fought betwene the two Popes whereof 5000. on the one side were slaine beside the number of them which were taken prisoners Of the beheading of 5. cardinals together after long tormēts and how the bishop Aquilonensis being suspected of pope Urbane for not riding faster with the Pope his horse being not good was there slaine by the Popes commaundement sending his soldiours vnto him to slay him and cut hym in peeces All whych things with other diuers moe acts of horrible cruelty happening in the time of thys abhominable schisme because they are aboundantly discoursed at full by Theodorike Niem who was neare to the sayde Pope Urbane and present at all his doings therefore as a thing needlesse I here pretermit referring them who couet to be certified more amply herein vnto the 3. bookes of the sayd Theodorike aboue mentioned About the same time also about 3. yeres after there fel a cruell dissention in England betwene the common people and the nobilitie the which did not a little disturbe and trouble the common wealth In thys tumult Symon of Sudbury Archbyshop of Canterbury was taken by the rustical rude people and was beheaded In whose place after succeeded William Courtney which was no lesse diligent then his predecessor had ben before him in doing his diligence to roote out heretickes Notwithstanding in the meane season Wickleffes secte increased priuely and daily grewe to greater force vntill the time that William Barton Uicechancellor of Oxford about the yeare of our Lord 1380. had the whole rule of that vniuersitie who callyng together 8. monastical doctors and 4. other with the consent of the rest of hys affinitie putting the common seale of the vniuersitie vnto certaine wrytings he set foorth an Edict declaring vnto euery man and threatning them vnder a greeuous penaltie that no men should be so hardie hereafter to associate thēselues wyth any of Wickliffs fautors or fauourers and vnto Wickliffe himselfe he threatned the greater excommunication and farther imprisonment and to all his fautors vnles that they after 3. dayes canonical admonitiō or warning or as they cal it peremptory did repent amend The which thing whē Wickliffe vnderstood forsaking the pope all the clergy he thought to appeale vnto the kings maiestie but the Duke of Lancaster comming betweene forbad hym that he shoulde not heereafter attempt or begin any such matters but rather submit himselfe vnto the censure and iudgement of his ordinary Whereby Wickliffe being beset wyth troubles and vexations as it were in the middest of the waues he was forced once againe to make cōfession of his doctrine in the whych his confession to auoid the rigor of things he aunswered as is aforesaide making his declaration and qualifying his assertions after such a sorte that he did mitigate and asswage the rigor of hys enemies The next yere after whych was 1382. by the commandement of William Arch. of Cant. there was a conuocation holden at London where as Iohn Wickliffe was also commanded to be present But whether he there appeared personally or not I find it not in story certainly affirmed The mandate of the Archb. Wil. Courtney sent abrode for the conuenting together of this councell heere followeth vnder wrytten truely copied out of his owne registers Memorandum that where as well amongest the nobles as commons of this realme of England there hath a certain brute ben spread of diuers cōclusions both erroneous also repugnant to the determination of the Church which tend to the subuersion of the whole Church and to our prouince of Canterburie and also to the subuersion of the whole realme being preached in diuers sundry places of our sayd prouince generally commonly publikely We William by Gods permission Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of all England and Legate of the sea Apostolicall beeing minded to execute our office and duetie heerein haue conuocated or called together certaine our fellow brethren others a great many as well Doctours and Bachelers of diuinitie as doctours of the Canon and ciuil law and those whome we thought to be the most famous men skilfullest men and men of soundest iudgemēt in religion that were in all the realme whose names here vnder ensue And the same being the 17. day of the month of May in the yere of our Lord 1382. in a certaine chamber within the territories of the priory of the friers preachers of London before vs and our foresayd fellow brethren assembled then and there personally present After that the sayd conclusions the tenour whereof here vnder ensueth were opēly proponed and distinctly and plainly read We burdened our foresayd fellow brethren doctours and bachelers in the faith wherin they stode bound to our Lorde Iesus Christ and as they would aunswer before the hygh iudge in the day of iudgement that they shuld speake their opinions touching the sayde conclusions and what euery of them thinketh therein And at length after good deliberation had vppon the premisses the foresaid our brethren the bishops doctours Bachelers reassembled before vs the 21. day of the same moneth in the foresayd chamber the foresayde conclusions being againe and againe repeated and plainly read by vs and by the common consents of vs all it remaineth published and declared that some of the said conclusions are hereticall and other some erroneous and contrary to the determination of the Church as heereafter most manifestly shall appeare And for as much as by sufficient information we finde perceiue that the sayd conclusions in many places of our sayde prouince haue bene as is sayde bothe taught preached and that diuers other persons do hold and maintaine the same and be of heresie vehemently and notoriously suspected haue thought good as wel generally as specially to send out thys processe vnder wrytten ¶ The names of the Iurers were these IN primis viij Bishops Canterbury Winchester Durram Exeter Herforde Sarum Rochester and Fryer Botlesham B. Item 3.
if that you shall apprehend by personall citation the sayd Nicholas and Phillip or either of them or whither they shall be absent and hide themselues as of euery thing els which in this behalfe you shall thinke meete to be done that betweene this and the feast of S Laurence you clerely certifie vs by your letters patentes contayning the effect of these thinges Fare ye well At our Manour of Lambeth the 13. day of Iuly the yeare of our Lord. 1382. and first yeare of our translation * The names of the Doctours and Fryers assistentes at this sitting Seculars M. William Blankpayne M. Wil. Barton Friers Carmelits Robert Euery prior Iohn Reningham prior and Iohn Lunne Friors Minors William Barnwel Iohn Ryddin and William Brunscombe Friers Augustines Iohn Court Patrington Tomson and Reepes Against this blind excommunication of the said archb the parties excommunicate commēced and exhibited their appeale vnto the bishop of Rome Which appeale of theirs as insufficient or rather to him vnpleasaunt the said archbishop vtterly reiected as might oftētimes ouercommeth right proceeding in his preconceaued excommunication against thē and writing moreouer his letters to hym that should preach next at Paules crosse as is aforesaid to denounce and to publishe openly the said Nicholas Herford and Phillip Repington to be excommunicate for that not appearing and theyr terme assigned Which was in the 13. day of the month of Iuly Which archbishop moreouer the said yeare month and day aforesaid sent also an other letter to M. Rigge Commissary of Oxford straightly enioyning and charging him not onely to denounce the sayd sentence of excommunication and to geue out publique citation against them but also to make dilligent search and inquisition through all Oxford for them to haue them apprehended and sent vp to him personally before him to appeare at a certain day prescribed for the same Wherby may appeare howe busie this Bish. was in disquieting persecuting these poremē whō rather he should haue nourished and cherished vs his brethren But as his labour is past so his reward will follow at what day the great Archbishop of our soules shall iudicially appeare in his tribunall seat to iudge both the quick and the dead The archb yet not contented with this doth moreouer by all meanes possible sollicite the king to ioyne withall the power of his temporall sword for that he well perceaued that hitherto as yet the popishe Clergy had no authoritie sufficient by any publique law or Statute of thys land to proceede vnto death against anye person whatsoeuer in case of Religion but onely by the vsurped tyranny and example of the court of Rome Where note gentle reader for thy better vnderstanding the practise of the romish prelates in seeking the kinges help to further their bloudy purpose against the good saintes of God Which king being but young and vnder yeares of ripe iudgement partly enduced or rather seduced by importune suite of the foresayd Archbishop partly also eyther for feare of the Bishoppes for kings cannot alwayes doe in their realmes what they will or els perhaps entised by some hope of subsidie to be gathered by the Clergy was contented to adioyne his priuate assent such as it was to the setting downe of an ordinaunce which was in deede the very first lawe that is to be found made against Religion and the professors thereof bearing the name of an Acre made in the Parliament holden at Westminster Anno. 5. Rich. 2. where among sundry other Statutes then published and yet remayning in the printed bookes of Statutes this supposed Statute is to be found Cap. 5. vltimo as followeth Item forasmuch as it is openly knowne that there be diuerse euill persons within the realme going from county to countie and from Towne to Towne in certayne habites vnder dissimulation of great holinesse and without the licence of the ordinaries of the places or other sufficient authoritie preaching dayly not onely in Churches churchyardes but also in markets fayres and other open places where a great congregation of people is diuers sermons contayning heresies and notorious errours to the great emblemishing of Christen fayth and destruction of the lawes and of the estate of holy Churche to the great perill of the soules of the people and of all the realme of England as more plainly is found and sufficiently proued before the reuerend father in God the Archbishop of Caunterbury and the bishops and other prelates maisters of Diuinitie and doctors of Canon of ciuil law and a great part of the clergy of the said Realme specially assembled for this great cause which persons do also preach diuers matters of slander to engender discorde and discention betwixt diuers estates of the said realme as well spirituall as temporall in exciting of the people to the great perill of all the Realme which preachers cited or summoned before the ordinaries of the places thereto aunswere of that whereof they be impeached they will not obey to their sommons commandementes nor care not for their monitions nor censures of the holy Church but expressely despise them And moreouer by their subtile and ingenious wordes doe drawe the people to heare theire Sermons and doe mayntayne them in their errours by strong hand and by great rowtes It is ordayned assented in this present parliament that the kinges commissions be made and directed to the Sheriffes and other ministers of our soueraigne Lord the king or other sufficiēt persons learned and according to the certifications of the prelates therof to be made in the Chauncery from time to time to arest all such preachers and also their fautours mayntaynours and abbertours and doe hold them in arrest and strong prison till they wil iustify to them according to the law and reason of holy Church And the king will and commaund that the Chauncellour make such commissions at all times that he by the Prelates or any of them shal bee certified and thereof required as is aforesaid An examination of the foresayd supposed Statute and of the inualiditie therof WHich supposed statute for as muche as it was the principall ground whereuppon proceeded all the persecution of that time it is therefore not impertinent to examine the same more perticularly wherby shall appeare that as the same was fraudulently and vnduly deuised by the Prelates onely so was it in like maner most iniuriously and vnorderly executed by them For immediately vpon the publishing of this lawe without further warrant eyther from the king or his councell commissions vnder the great seale of England were made in this forme Richard by the grace of God c. vt patet act pag. 541. Witnesse my self at Westminster the 26. day of Iune in the sixt yeare of our raigne Without more wordes of warrant vnder written such as in like cases are both vsuall and requisite Viz. per ipsum Regem per Regem Concilium or per breue de priuato
of an Accolite Also we Thomas Archb. aforesayd by assent counsel and authority whych vppon thee the foresayd William we haue an Exorcist pretensed in the habite of an Exorcist or holy water clarke being an hereticke twise fallen and by our sentence as is aforesayd condemned we doe degrade depose thee from the order of an Exorcist and in token of thys thy degradation and actuall deposition we take from the booke of coniurations and doe depriue thee of all and singular dignity of an Exorcist Also we Thomas Archbish. aforesayd by assent counsaile and authority as is aboue sayd doe degrade depose thee the foresayde William reader pretensed clothed in the habit of a reader an hereticke twise fallen and by our sentence as is aforesayd condēned from the order of a reader And in token of this thy degradation and actuall deposition we take from thee the booke of the deuine sections that is the booke of the Church legende and doe depriue thee of all and singular maner of dignity of such a reader Item we Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury aforesayd by authority counsaile and assent the which we haue as is aforesaid do degrade and put thee foresayd William Sawtre sexten pretensed in the habite of a sexten and wearing a surplice being an hereticke twise fallen by our sentence difinitiue condemned as aforesaid from the order of a Sexten And in token of thys thy degradation and actuall deposition for the causes aforesayd we take from thee the keyes of the Church doore and thy surplice and doe depriue thee of all and singular maner of commodityes of a doore keeper And also by the authority of omnipotent God the father the sonne and holy ghost and by our authority counsaile assent of our whole councel prouinciall aboue written we do degrade thee and depose thee being heere personally present before vs from orders benefices priuilegies and habite in the church and for thy pertinacie incorrigible we doe disgrade thee before the secular Court of the hygh Constable and marshal of England here being personally present and do depose thee from all and singular clerkely honours and dignities whatsoeuer by these wrytings Also in token of thy degradation and deposition here actually wee haue caused thy crowne and ecclesiastical tonsure in our presence to be rased away vtterly to be abolished lyke vnto the forme of a seculare lay man and here doe put vpon the head of thee the foresayd William the cap of a lay secular person beseeching the court aforesaid that they wil receaue fauourably the sayde William vnto them thus recommitted Thus William Sawtre the seruaunt of Christ being vtterly thrust out of the Popes kingdome and metamorphosed from a clerke to a secular lay man was committed as ye haue heard vnto the secular power Which so done the Byshops yet not heerewith contented cease not to call vpō the king to cause him to be brought forth to spedy execution Whereupon the king ready inough and to much to gratify the cleargy and to retaine their fauours directeth out a terrible decree against the said William Sawtre and sent it to the Maior and Sheriffes of London to be put in execution the tenour wherof here vnder emueth ¶ The decree of the king against William Sawtre THe decree of our soueraigne Lord the king his counsel in the Parliament against a certaine new sprong vp hereticke To the Maior Sheriffs of London c. Where as the reuerend father Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury primate of all England and Legate of the Apostolicke sea by the assent consent counsell of other byshops and his brethren Suffraganes and also of all the whole Clergy within his prouince or dioces gathered together in his prouincial counsel the due order of the law being obserued in al poynts in this behalfe hath pronounced and declared by his definitiue sentence W. Sautre somtime chaplain to be fallen again into his most dānable heresy the which before time the sayde W. had abiured thereupon to be a most manifest heretike and therfore hath decreed that he should be disgraded hath for the same cause really disgraded him frō al prerogatiue priuilege of the clergie decreing to leaue him vnto the secular power and hath really so left him according to the lawes canonicall sanctions set forth in this behalfe and also that our holy mother the Church hath no further to do in the premisses We therfore being zelous in religion and reuerent louers of the catholike fayth willing and minding to mainteine defend the holy church the lawes liberties of the same to roote al such errours heresies out of our kingdome of Englād with cōdigne punishmēt to correct punish all heretiques or such as be cōuict Prouided alwaies that both according to the lawe of God mā and the canonical institutions in this behalfe accustomed that such hereticks conuict condēned in forme aforesaid ought to be burned with fire We command you as straigtly as we may or can firmely enioyning you that you do cause the said Williā being in your custody in some publike or opē place within the liberties of your citie aforesaid the cause aforesaid being published vnto the people to be put into the fire and there in the same fire really to be burned to the great horrour of his offence and the manifest example of other Christians Faile not in the execution hereof vpon the perill that will fall thereupon Teste rege apud Westmonast 26. Februar an regni sui ¶ The burning of William Sawtre Thus it may appeare how kinges and princes haue bin blinded and abused by the false Prelates of the Church in so much that they haue bene their slaues and butchers to slay Christes poore innocent members See therefore what danger it is for Princes not to haue knowledge and vnderstanding themselues but to be led by other mens eies specially trusting to such guides who through hipocrisie both deceiue them through crueltie deuour the people As king Henry the fourth who was the deposer of king Richard was the first of all English kings that began the vnmercifull burning of Christes saints for standing against the Pope so was this William Sawtre the true and faithfull martyr of Christ the first of all them in Wickliffes time which I find to be burned in the raigne of the foresaid king which was in the yeare of our Lord. 1400. After the martyrdome of this godly man the rest of the same company began to keepe themselues more closely for feare of the king who was altogether bent to hold with the Popes prelacy Such was the raigne of this Prince that to the godly he was euer terrible in his actions immesurable to few men hartely beloued but Princes neuer lacke flatterers about them Neither was the time of his raigne very quiet but full of trouble of bloud and misery Such was their desire of K.
be noted at written by Nicholas Clemangis o● a certayne spirite which ruled the Popish Councelles hys worde are these The same pope called a Coūcell at Rome about foure yeares before at the earnest sute of diuers men And a mas of the holy Ghost being sayd at the entraunce into the sayd Councell according to the accustomed maner the Councell being set and the sayde Iohn sitting highest in a chayre prepared for him for that purpose Behold a ougly dread full Owle or as the common prouerbe is the euill signe of some mischaunce of death to followe comming out of the backe halfe of him flew to and fro with her euill fauoured voyce and standing vpon the middle beame of the church cast her staring eyes vpon the Pope sitting the whole cōpany began to maruell to see the night Crowe whiche is wont to abide no light how she should in the midday come in the face of such a multitude iudged not without cause that it was an illfauored token For beholde sayde they whispering one in on others eare the spirite appereth in the shape of an Owle And as the stoode beholding one an other and aduising the pope scarcely could keep their coūtenaunce from laughter Iohn himselfe vppon whom the Owle stedfastly looked blushing at the matter beganne to sweate and to fret and fume with himselfe and not finding by what other meanes he might salue the matter being so confused dissoluing the Councell rose vp and departed After that there followed an other session In the whiche the Owle again after the maner aforesayd although as I beleue not called was present looking s●edfastly vpon the bishop whom he beholding to become agayne was more ashamed then he was before and iustly saying he could no longer abide the sight of her commaūded that she should be driuen away with battes and shottinges but she being a●rayde neither with their noyse neither of any thing els would not away vntill that with the strokes of the sticks which were throwne at her she fell downe dead before thē all This I learned of a faythfull frend who at the same time came to Rome the which thing I scarsely crediting for the rarenes of the matter he affirmed by his othe that it was most certayn true adding moreouer that all there present were much offēded did greatly deride that Coūcell called for such a purpose and by little and litle the Coūcel was dissolued nothing done ther as he saith Although it hath not bene alwayes seene that such spirituall Doues haue bene present with Popes and their Councels gouerned thē yet their euill doctrine declareth no lesse Read gentle reader the booke of Clemangis and thou shalt not thinke thy labor euill bestowed For he hath both learnedly truely freely and godly bewayled the filthines of Antichrist and his ministers their wickednes impiety and cruelty and the miserable state and face of the Church c. And thus much for Pope Iohn ¶ The Councell of Constance HEre by the way is to be noted and vnderstand that during all this time of Pope Iohn there were 3. Popes raigning together neither was yet the the schisme ceased which so long time had continued the space as I sayde of 29. yeares By the reason wherof a generall Councel was ordeined holden at Constance in the same yeare an 1414. being called by Sigismund the Emperor and Pope Iohn the 23. for the pacifiyng of the foresayd schisme which was then betweene three Popes striuing for the Popedome The first whereof was Iohn whom the Italians set vp The second was Gregory whom the Frenchmen set vp The third was Benedict whom the Spaniardes placed In this schismaticall ambitious conflict euery one defended his Pope to the great disturbans of christian nations This councell endured foure yeares long wherin all their matters were decided most by foure natiōs to say the English Germaine French Italian nation Out of which ●oure nations were apoynted chosen foure Presidentes to iudge and determine the matters of the Councell The names of which Presidentes were these Iohn the Patriarke of Antioche for Fraunce Anthony Archbishop of Rigen for Italy Nicholas Archbishoppe of Genesuensis for Germany and Nicholas Bishop of Bathe for England by whom many great and profitable things to the glory of God and publike profit might haue bene concluded if the rotten flesh of the churchmen could haue bidden the salt of the Gospell and if they had loued the truth but as Gregogorius Nazienzenus writeth there lightly come few generall Councels but they end more with disturbance then tranquility So it happened in this councell for wheras Iohn the 13. in the first Session exhorteth them by these wordes taken out of the 8. of Zachary Viritatem diligite that is to say Lone the truth further monishing them and specially the Deuines euery man to do his endeuour for the vnitye of the Church and to speake their minde freely but howe soone this his exhortation was forgottē it appeared shortly after by the despising of the Prophetes and persecuting of Christ in his mēbers as by the grace of Christ shall appeare hereafter in the processe of this story First this Iohn did resigne his Papacy the Emperor geuing him thankes kissed his feet Afterward the sayd Iohn repenting him that he had so done sought meanes to flee whereunto Fredericke Duke of Austrich did assist him for he chaunging his garments fled by night with a small cōpany And when he was now come vnto Schaffe house to goe into Italy the Emperour pursuing tooke him and proclaymed Fredericke traytour for that cause tooke away certayne Cittyes from him At the last the matter was appeased vnder this cōdition that Fredericke should require grace of the Emperour and resigne all his possessions vnto him Wherupō the Emperor receiued him againe into fauor restored him to his dukedome This pope being thus deposed was committed vnto the County Pallatine and by him caried to the Castle of Manheime where he was kept prisoner by the space of 3. yeares Afterward he was agayne by Pope Martine admitted to the number of Cardinals This Pope Iohn was deposed by the decree of y● coūcell more then 40. most greuous and haynous crimes being obiected and proued agaynst him as that he had hyred Marcilus Permensis a Ph●sition to poyson Alexander his predecessour Further that he was an heretick a simoniake a lyer an hipocrite a murderer an inchaūter a dice-player an adulterer and a sodomite finally what crime is it that he was not infected withall And now to returne vnto the councell first we wil declare the order of their Sessions with things therin concluded in generall then we will Christ willing adioyne the speciall tractation of such matters as perteyne to the story of the Bohemians and Iohn Hus and Hierome of Prage who in the same vngodlye councell were condemned and burned This councell therfore of Constance which was
infect and trouble the Church of God as also concerning the occasions through the which he hath presumed might doe the same because the Prelates do abuse the ecclesiasticall censures as well the Prelates as those that are vnder them d ee not keepe and obserue the order of the churche whych is appoynted them by God whereby it commeth to passe that whylest they themselues do walke the broken vnknowne paths their flocke falleth headlong into the ditch Wherefore let our soueraigne Lord the Pope and this most sacred Councel ordaine and depute Commissioners the which may examine the sayd Iohn Hus vpon all afore wrytten and other thyngs in the presence of them whych knowe the matter Let there be also certaine Doctors and Maisters appoynted to reade ouer and peruse hys bookes which he hath written whereof some are here present that the churche may be spedily purged and cleansed from these errours Upon this hys accusation they ordeined and appoynted 3. commissioners or iudges that is to say the patriark of Constantinople and the byshop of Castle the byshop of Lybusse The which prelates being thus deputed hard the accusation the witnes which was brought in by certaine babling priestes of Prage confirmed by theyr othes afterward recited the sayd accusation vnto the sayd Hus in the prisone at suche time as hys ague was feruent and extremely vpō him Uppon thys Iohn Hus required to haue an aduocate to answer for hym the whych was plainly and vtterly denied him And the reason that the masters Commissioners brought against it was this that the plain canon doth forbid that any man should be a defender of any cause of hys which is suspect of any kind of heresy The vanity and foly of the witnesses was suche that if in case they had not bene both the accusers and iudges themselues there shuld haue needed no distinct confutation I would haue rehersed the testimonies in thys place but that I knew them to to be such as the prudent and wise reader coulde not haue red without great tediousnes Nowheit some of them shal be declared when we come to the processe of hys iudgement Afterwarde when Iohn Husse had recouered lyttle strength or health by the commandement of the three commissioners there was presented vnto hym certaine Articles many in number which they sayd they had gathered out of his booke which he made of the Churche of whych articles some were forged and inuented by maister Palletz other some were gathered onely by halues as shall be more plainly declared hereafter whē we come to speake of the iudgement pronounced and geuen against the sayde Hus. Thus Iohn Hus remained in the prison of the couent of the Franciscanes vntill the Wednesday before Palme Sonday and certaine appoynted to keepe hym and in the meane season to employ and spende his time wythall he wrote certaine bookes That is to say of the ten commandements of the loue and knowledge of God of Matrimony of Penaunce of the three enemies of mankinde of the prayer of our Lord and of the Supper of our Lord. The same day Pope Iohn the 23 chaūged his apparell conucyed himselfe secretly out of Constance fearing the iudgemēt by the which afterward he was depriued of his Papall dignitie by meanes of most execrable abhominable forfaites and doynges This was the cause that Iohn Hus was trāsported and caried vnto an other prison for the Popes seruauntes which had the charge and keeping of Iohn Hus vnderstanding that their Maister was fled gone deliuered vp the keyes of the prison vnto the Emperour Sigismund and to the Cardinals and followed their Maister the Pope Then by the whole cōsent of the Councell the sayd Iohn Hus was put into the handes of the Byshop of Constance who sent him to a Castle on the other side of the Riuer of Rhine not very farre from Cōstance whereas he was shut vp in a Tower with fetters on his legges that he could scarse walke in the day tyme and at night hee was fastened vp to a racke agaynst the wall hard by his bed In the meane season certaine noble men and Gentlemen of Pole Boheme did al their indeuour to purchase his deliueraunce hauing respect to the good renowne of all the Realme the which was wonderfully defamed and slaundered by certaine naughty persons The matter was growne vnto this pointe that all they which were in the towne of Constance that seemed to beare any fauour vnto I. Hus were made as mockyng stocks and derided of all men yea euen of the slaues and base people Wherfore they tooke counsell and cōcluded together to present their request in writing vnto the whole Coūcell or at the least vnto the foure nations of Almaine Italie Fraunce and England this request was presented the 14. day of May. an 1415. The tenour here ensueth ¶ The first schedule or Bill whiche the nobles of Boheme deliuered vp to the Councell for the deliueraunce of Iohn Hus the 14. day of May. Anno. 1415. MOst reuerēd Fathers and Lordes The Nobles and Lordes of Boheme and Pole here present by this their present writynges doe shew and declare vnto your Fatherly reuerences how that the most noble Kyng and Lord the Lord Sigismund kyng of Romaines alwayes Augustus kyng of Hungary Croatia Dasmatia c. hearyng of the great dissention that was in the kyngdome of Boheme as heyre Kyng and Lord successour willyng mynding to foresee and prouide for his owne honour he sent these Noble men Maister Wenceslate de Duba and Iohn de Clum here present that they would bryng and assure Maister Iohn Hus vnder the kyng his name and safe conduct So that he would come to the sacred generall Councell of Constance vnder the safe conduct of the sayd kyng and the protection of the sacred Empire openly geuen and graunted vnto the sayd Maister Iohn Hus that hee might purge himselfe and the kyngdome of Boheme from the slaunder that was raysed vpon them and there to make an open declaration of his Fayth to euery man that would lay any thyng to his charge The which the sayd Nobles with the forenamed Maister Iohn Hus haue performed and done accordyng to the kynges commaundement When as the sayd Maister Iohn Hus was freely of his owne accorde come vnto Constance vnder the sayd safe conduct greuously imprisoned before he was heard and at this present is tormented both with fetters and also with hunger and thirst Albeit that in tymes past at the Councell holden at Paysan 1410. yeare of our Lord the heretickes whiche were condemned were suffered to remayne there at libertie and to depart home freely Notwithstandyng this Maister Iohn Husse neither beyng conuicted nor condemned no not so much as once heard is taken and imprisoned when as neither any kyng or any Prince Elector either any Embassadour of any Uniuersitie was yet come or present And albeit the Lord the Kyng together
speciall licēce the word of God and that those that do agaynst the same should suffer the ecclesiasticall censurs 8. Item I confesse that priuate religiōs as wel of monks canons and other as also of the begging Friers being allowed by the church of Rome are profitable to the vniuersall church and in no meanes contrary to Gods law but rather founded and authorised thereon 9. Item I promise and sweare vpon these holy Euangelies which I hold here in my hands that I will hēceforth neuer hold affirme nor by any meanes teach any thing cōtrary vnto the premisses either openly or priuately After the setting out of the constitution aforesaid in the dayes of the aboue named Henry Chichesley Arbishop of Caunterbury great inquisition hereupon followed in England and many good men whose harts began to be won to the Gospell were brought to much vexation and caused outwardly to abiure Thus while Christ had the inward hartes of men yet the Catholicke Antichrist would needes possesse their outward bodyes and make them sing after his song In the number of whom being compelled to abiure besides the other aforesayd was also I. Taylor of the parishe of Saynt Michaels at Duerne William Iames maister of Art and Phisition who had long remained in prison and at length after abiuration was licēced with his keper to practise his Phisicke Also Ioh. Dwerf so named for his low stature which was sent by the Duke of Bedford to the foresayd Chichesly and other bishops to be examined before them in the cōuocation there he at length reuolting from his doctrine recanted and did penaunce In like maner Iohn Iourdelay of Lincolnshire well commended in the registers for his learning accused by the priestes of Lincoln for a certayn book which he contrary to the former decree of the bishops did conceale dyd not exhibite vnto thē was therfore enforced to abiure After whō was brought likewise before the Byshops one Katharin Dertford a Spinster who being accused and examined vpon these 3. articles concerning the Sacrament of the popes altar adoration of Images and of pilgrimage answered that she was not able being vnlearned to answere to such high matters neither had she any further skil but only her Creed and x. commaundements and so was she committed to the vicar general of the B. of Wint. for that she was of the same dioces to be kept and further to be examined of the same Ex Regist. Hen. Chichesley At the same sitting was also brought before the sayde Archb. and his fellow bishops by the liuetenant of the Tower the person of Heggely in Lincolneshyre named M. Robert who being long kept in the tower at lēgth by the kinges writte was brought and examined the same tyme vpon the like articles to witte touching the sacrament of their aultar peregrinatiō adoration of images whether it was lawfull for spirituall men to enioy temporall Lordships c. To the which articles he answered saith the Register doublely and mockingly saue onely in the sacramēt he semed something more conformable albeit not yet fully to their contētation Wherfore being committed to the custody and examination of Richard Bishopp of Lincolne where in the end he was also induced to submit himselfe The same likewise did W. Henry of Tenterden being suspected and arested for company keping with thē whom the Bishops called Lollardes and for hauing suspected bookes Besides these diuers other there were also which in the same conuocation were conuented and reuoked theyr opinions as Iohn Galle a Priest of London for hauing a booke in English intituled A booke of the new law Item Richard Monke vicar of Chesham in Lincolnshyre who submitted himselfe likewise In this race and number followed moreouer Bartholomew Cormnonger Nic Hoper seruaunt to the Lord Cobham Tho. Granter with other mo mentioned in the foresayd register Among the rest which were at this time troubled for theyr fayth was one Radulph Mungin priest who for the same doctrine was arested and sent vp by the L. Chancellor of England to the foresayd Arch. and by him committed to Dauid Price Uicar generall to the B. of London Where after he had endured 4. moneths in prison he was by the sayd Dauid presented to the conuocation agaynst whom diuers articles were obiected But for the better explaining of the matter first here is to be noted that during the time of this conuocation prouinciall Pope Martine had sent downe to the Clergye of Englande for a subsidye to be gathered of the Church to mayntayne the Popes warre agaynst the Lolards so the Papistes did terme them of Bohemia Also an other subsidy was demaunded to persecute one Peter Clerke mayster of art of Oxford who flying out of England was at the councell of Basill disputing on the Bohemians side And thirdly an other subsidy was also required to persecute W. Russell Warden of the Gray Friers in London who the same time was fled from England to Rome to mayntayne his opinion before the Pope and there escaped out of prison c. of whom more largely hereafter Christ willing we shall entreat In the meane time marke here the preey shiftes of the Pope to hooke in the English mony by all maner of pretences possible Thus Rafe Mungyn the foresayd examinate appearing before the bishops in the conuocation it was articulated agaynst him first that he should affirme and hold not to be lawfull for any Christian to fight and make warre agaynst the heretickes of Bohemia Item it was to him obiected that he did holde say not to be lawfull for any man to haue propriety of goodes but the same to be cōmon which he expressely denyed that euer he so sayd or affirmed Whereby we haue to obserue how the crafty malice of these aduersaries vseth falsely to collect and surmise of men what they neuer spake wherby to oppresse them wrongfully whom by playne trueth they cannot expugne Moreouer they obiected agaynst him that he shoulde keepe company with Mayster Clarke aforesayde and also that he dispersed in the City of London certayn bookes of Iohn Wickliffe and of Peter Clarke namely the booke Trialogus and the Gospels of Iohn Wickleffe c. He was charged moreouer to haue spoken agaynst the Popes indulgences for that the Pope had no more power to geue indulgences then he had Upon these and other such Articles obiected the sayde Mungyn being asked if he would reuoke aunswered that it seemed to him not iust or meet so to doe whiche dyd not know himself guilty of any heresy Thus he being respited for that time was cōmitted to prison till the next sitting who then being called diuers and sundry times afterward before the Bishops after long inquisition and straight examination made also depositions brought in agaynst him so much as they could search out he notwithstanding styll denyed as before to recant Wherefore the foresayd Henry the Archbishop proceeding to his sentence
he was repulsed in so many battailes to his great dishonour during all the life of Zisca of Procopius as is afore more at lēgth expressed who was so beaten both of the Turkes at home of his owne people that he neuer did encounter with the Turkes after Then followed the Councell of Basill after the beginnyng wherof within vi yeares this Sigismūdus which was Emperour king of Hungary and kyng of Boheme dyed in Morauia an 1437. ¶ Albertus Emperour THis Sigismund left behinde him one only daughter Elizabeth who was married to Albert Duke of Austrich by reason whereof he was aduanced to the Empire and so was both Duke of Austrich Emperour king of Hungary and king also of Boheme But this Albert as is afore declared being an enemy and a disquieter to the Bohemians and especially to the good men of Thabor as he was preparing and setting foorth against the Turkes in the meane time died in the second yeare of his Empire an 1439. leauing his wife great with child who lieng then in Hungary and thinking to be great with a daughter called to her the Princes and chiefetaines of the Realme declaring to them that she was but a woman and vnsufficient to the gouernāce of such a state and moreouer how she thought her selfe to be but with childe of a daughter and therefore required them to prouide among them such a Prince and gouernour reseruing the right of the Kingdome to hir selfe as were fit and able vnder her to haue the regiment of the land committed The Turke in the meane while being eleuated and encouraged with his prosperous victories against Sigismundus aforesaide began then more fiercely to inuade Hungary and those parties of Christendome Wherefore the Hungarians making the more haste consulted among themselues to make Duke Uladislaus brother to Casimi●us King of Polony their King But while this was in working betwene the Hungarians and Uladislaus the Duke in the meane space Elizabeth brought forth a sonne called Ladislaus who being the lawfull heire of the kingdome the Queene calleth backe againe her former word minding to reserue the kingdome for her sonne being the true heire thereof and therefore refuseth marriage with the saide Uladislaus which she had before pretended But Uladislaus ioyning with a great part of the Hungarians persisting stil in the condition before graunted would not geue ouer by reason whereof great contention and diuision kindling amōg the people of Hungary Amurathes y● great Turke taking his aduantage of their discord and partly surpressed with pride of his former successe against Sigismund aforesaid with his whole maine force inuaded the realme of Hūgary where Huniades surnamed Uaiuoda Prince of Transiluania ioining with the new King Uladislaus did both together set against the Turke anno 1444. and there Uladislaus the new King of Hungary the fourth yeare of his kingdome was slaine Elizabeth with her sonne was fled in y● meane while to Fridericke the Emperour Of Huniades Uaiuoda the noble Captaine and of his Actes and also of Ladislaus Christ willing more shall be sayd heereafter in his time and place ¶ Fridericus the third Emperour AFter the deceasse of Albert succeeded in the Empyre Fridericus the third Duke of Austria an 1440. By whome it was procured as we haue before signified that Pope Foelix elected by the Councell of Basill did resigne his Popedome to Pope Nicholas the fift vpon this condition that the said Pope Nicholas should ratife the acts decreed in the said Councell of Basil. In the daies of this Emperour much warre and dissention raged almost thorough all Christian Realmes in Austria Hungaria Polonia in France in Burgoine and also heere in Englād betweene King Henry the sixt and King Edward the fourth as ye haue already heard whereby it had bene easie for the Turke with little maistry to haue ouerrunne all the Christian Realmes in Europe had not the prouidence of our mercifull Lord otherwise prouided to keepe Amurates the Turke occupied in other ciuill warres at home in the meane while Unto this Fridericke came Elizabeth as is aforesaide with Ladislaus her sonne by whome he was nourished enterteined a certaine space till at length after the death of Uladislaus aforesaid king of Ungarie which was slaine in battaile by the Turkes the men of Austria through the instigation of Ulricus Eizingerus and of Ulricus Earle of Cilicia rising vp in armour required of Fridericke the Emperour either to giue thē their yong king or els to stād to his own defence When Fridericke heard this neither would he render to them a sodaine answere neither would they abide any longer delay and so the matter growing to warre the new Citie was besieged where many were slaine and much harme done At length the Emperours part beyng y● weaker the Emperour through the interuētion of certaine Nobles of Germany restored Ladislaus vnto their hands who being yet vnder age committed his in kingdomes to three gouernours Whereof Iohn Huniades the worthy Captaine aboue mentioned had the ruling of Ungarie George Pogiebracius had Boheme and Ulricus the Earle of Cilicia had Austria Which Ulrice hauing the chiefe custody of the King bare the greatest authority aboue the rest a man as much full of ambitiō and tirannie as he was hated almost of all the Austrians and shortly after by the meanes of Eizingerus was excluded also from the King and the Court but afterwarde restored againe and Eizingerus thrust out Such is the vnstable condition of them which be next in place aboute Princes But this contention betwene them I ouerpasse Not long after Ladislaus the yong King went to Boheme there to be crowned where George Pogiebracius as is said had the gouernaunce But Ladislaus during all the time of his being there though being much requested yet would neither enter into the Churches nor heare the seruice of them which did draw after the doctrine of Hus. In somuch that when a certaine Priest in the hygh tower of Prage was appointed and addressed after the maner of Priests to say seruice before the King beeyng knowne to hold with Iohn Hus and Rochezaua the King disdaining at him commaunded him to giue place and depart or else he woulde sende him downe headlong from the rocke of the Tower and so the good minister repulsed by the King departed Also another time the sayde Ladislaus seeing the Sacrament carried by a Minister of that side whome they called then Huslites woulde doo thereunto no reuerence Ex Aene. Syluio At length the long abode of the King although it was not very long yet seemed to the godly disposed to be lōger then they wished and that was not to y● king vnknowen which made him to make the more hast away But before he departed he thought first to visit the noble Citie Uratislauia in Schlesia In the which Citie the foresaid King Ladislaus being there in the high Church at seruice many great Princes were about him Among whome was
Queene Elizabeth The trayterous murdering of the Lord Iames Regent of Scotland Martyr The chiefe cause of al these latter persecution in the Church is onely the priuate quarrell of the Bishop of Rome The plantation of the Popes supremacie proued not to be of God Iohn 8. Luke 18. The 3. question Apocal. 13. The two beastes in the booke of Reuelatiō described The second beast with the hornes like a Lambe The misterie of the first beast rising out of the Sea applied The Image of the beast resembled to the Monarchie of Rome Apocall 13. Of these 42. monethes and the exposition thereof read page 101. The wounded head of the beast in the reuelation what it meaneth The second beast rising out of the land pretending the hornes of a Lambe what it meaneth Apocall 13. The Misterie of the 13. chapter of the Reuelations expounded Ex platina in vita Grego●ij 7. The Image of the old Monarchie reuiued by the Bishop of Rome Power to doe the workes of the beast before his sight Apocal. 13. The 4. question 2. Thess. 2. Religion of Christ spiritual and not corporall The Pope turneth the spirituall religion of Christ to a corporall religion The whole summe of the Popes Catholicke religion set forth in partes A man may be Catholique by the Popes religion without any working of the holy ghost The nature of t●ue Christian Religion described Saluation of man standeth onely in fayth of Christ. Fayth in Christ no light matter to fleshe and bloud Many thinges incident to saluation besides fayth but not as causes thereof Workes of sanctification how they come and follow fayth Esay 58. Math. 25. Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 1. Plat. de rep 8. Hippocrates Constantinus erus Ad Martyres Ad deum de inundantibus bellorum procellis Math. 16. Three thinges noted in Christes wordes The order of the disposition of this history 1 The suffering time of the church 2 The florishing time of the Church 3 The declining time of the church 4 The time of Antichrist in the Church 5 The reformation of the Church Church of Rome Foure thinges to be considered in the Church of Rome 1. Title 2. Iurisdiction 3. Lyfe 4. Doctrine The title of the Pope The iurisdiction of the Pope The iurisdiction of the Pope The properties of life in the Romish Clergy The doctrine of the Pope Pope siluester the second Pope Gregory 7. called Hildebrand Pope innocentius the third Pope Bonifatius the eight Equinocé That is in name onely and not in very deede Vutuocè That is both in ●ame and also in definition and effect agreeing with the name The Church of Rome as now it is is not Apostolicall but onely aequiuocè The argument of Pighius Hosius and Eckius for the aucthoritie of the Church of Rome Aunswere Fallacia aquiuoci The minor examined The maior examined A distinction The church of Rome distincted into a double consideration of tymes The 〈◊〉 of Rome how it was commend●d of the 〈◊〉 Doctours The principall obiection of the Papistes agaynst the Protestants Aunswere to the obiection The church of Rome reuolted from the Church of Rome An other obiection of the papists An answere to the obiection No man bound to follow the opinions of hys Godfathers in all poyntes vnlesse they be consonant in al things The church of Rome distincted frō the Church of Rome Two times of the Church of Rome considered and examined The first poynt The enormities of life in the latter Churche of Rome described Policies and practises of Rome to get mony XV. Practises of the newe Churche of Rome to get mony Summa totalis The iurisdiction and power of this new church of Rome examined This ●ewe Church of Rome in three poyntes challenged Nicen. Con. Cap. 6. Victor stopped from his excommunication by Ireneus Boniface the first falsefieth the Councell of Nice The 6. Councell of Carthage Appellations to Rome forbidden in England Appellations to Rome forbiddē in Fraunce Ex Annonio de gestis Frācorum Lib 5. Cap. 33. The Popes iurisdiction resisted in Fraunce Pragmatica sanctio The Popes iurisdiction concerning elections examined Platina Sabel Enead 8. lib. 6. Constātine the 4. Emperour of Constantinople The Popes bibliothe carie suspected The constitution of Constantine the 4. Emperour of Constātinople examined Rubrica de ordinatione Episcopi ex Caelestino Papa dist 63. Cap. Cleri Dist. 63. Cap. Sacrorum Libertie graunted to the Clergy and to the people to chuse their Bishop Carolus Magnus Ludouicus P●us The decree Ego Ludocus dist 63. suspected Gratianus Vol●teranus what ground they haue of their recordes Dist. 63. ca. Ego Ludouicus Election of the Bishop of Rome standeth vpon the cōsent of the Clergy and the people of Rome The decree Ego Ludouicus proued fals Dist. 23. ca. In Nomine Domini The iudiciarie power of the Pope examined Georg. Turonens in Francorum hist. lib. 10. ca. 18. The Popes jurisdiction vsurped in geuing and disposing ecclesiastical promotions 16. q. 7. cap. emnes Basilicae The Councell of Nice cap ● The generall Councell of Antioch cap. 9. 9. q. 3. cap. per singulas Pragmatica sanctio sancti Ludouici Impropriations and first finites of benefices Institutiones canonicae sub Ludouico Pio. The wordes of Prosper Aug. ad Bonifac Vowsons and pluralities of benefices Three points wherein the Popes Church erreth in his iurisdiction 1 Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction falsly restrained impropriate to the Church of Rome which ought to be generally equall to all Churches Christian. 2 Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction abused and extended in the church of Rome further then the word limiteth Christening of Bels. 3 The iurisdiction of the Pope abused and vsurped in temporal matters where he hath nothing to doe Popes submitted in the olde tyme to Emperours Ex cap. 1. de iuramentis calumniat Dist. 97. cap. 1. Plat. in vita Euge. 2. Euidences prouing ecclesiasticall persons to haue bene subiect to their Magistrates in causes both Ecclesiasticall temporall Euidences out of the Scripture Dauid 1. Par. cap. 30.31 Ezechias 4. Reg. 18. The order of Abias was the eight order among the Priests 1. Par. 24. Salomon Iudas Machabeus 1. Mac. 10. 1. Mac. 14. Iosaphat 2. Par. 19. Iohn 19. Rom. 13. Theophilactus Aug. ad Bonifacium Aug. contra Cresconiū li. 3. cap. 5. Thomas de regim princip li. ● cap. 32. 1. Pet. 2. Gregor ad Maurit Aug. lib. 3. epist. 61. The Pope calleth king Lucius Christes Vicar 23. q. cap. 5. principes cap. Administratores Dist. 97. ca. ecclesiae cap. Victor Dist. 79. ca. Si duo 24. q. 3. cap. De illicita Ex Nouel 5. Iustinian Diuine seruice vsed in the vulgare tongue Clodoueus Concilium Aureliense Carolus Magnus Canonicall Scripture onely to be read in Churches Conc. Cartha 3. cap. 47. Bishops and Priests charged to p●each with diligence Superstition in Funerals forbidden Ex. Ansegiso Abbate lib. 1. cap. 76. Ludouicus Pius Ex Ans. lib. 1. cap. 20. Lib. 2. C de
miracles what straunge sightes this Berthwalde or Drithelm did see after hys death read the ix booke of Henr. Huntington King Etheldred made Abbot of Bardney Adelmus Gu. Malmes● lib. 5. de pontifi● Lying miracles Malmesbery commended for hys stile Lying miracles reproued Aldelme Byshop Swithune Bishop of Wine Bedo lib. 5. cap. 23. Ex historia Iornalensi do regib us Northumb S. Iohn of Beuerlay Anno. 717. Annother lying fable of Sainct Eguyne Ranulphus in Polychro lib. 5. cap. 23. Beda lib. 5. de gestes Angl. Polycron lib. 5. cap. 17. A generall rule seruing for the obseruation of Easter day This rule of Easter seemeth to be taken out of the booke of Numer And they going out of Ramesse the 15. day of the first moneth the next day after held their Easter c. Why priestes crownes were shauen Bede de gest lib. 5. The copy of a Monkish letter of Colfride to King Naiton for the shauing of Priestes crownes How proueth he that the Apostles Iob and Ioseph were shauen Much sayd nothing proued Diuersitie of rites hurteth not the Church See how these shauelinges would father their shauing vpon Peter which is neyther found in Scripture nor in any approued story but onely in paynted clothes Why Priestes and Monkes be shauen in the crowne The shauing of the crowne what it representeth How doth the signe of the crosse defend Churches from euill spirites when it cannot keepe them from euill Priestes If shauing of the crown doth each men patience in suffering how commeth it that we see none more washpish and irefull then these shorne generations of Monkish vipers Simon Magus 〈◊〉 as he say● The difference betweene the shauing of Peter and Simon Magus In outward habite christians ought not to reli●●ble wicked doers * There is but one mediator betweene God and man Christ Iesus The Scottish monke and the Englishe monkes differed in their shauing If Peter shall let in the elect of God into heauen Christ the● serueth in little stede A note to admonish the reader Fabia cap. 141. Guliel Malmesb de Reg. An. 724. Ethelburge the Queene perswadeth her husbād to be a monke The crafty head of a woman King Iue resigning hys kingdome went to Rome and became a Monke Ethelburga the Queene made Nūne of Barking Peter pence first graunted and payd to Rome The lawes made by King Iue to his people Celulphus King of Northumberland Bede An. 729. The life of Bede briefly described This Benedict maister to Bede was the first that brought in the vse of glasse windowes into England Also the sayd Benet 〈…〉 An Epistle of Pope Sergius The famous learning of Bede Bede commended for integritie of lyfe Anno. 735. S. Iohns Gospell translated into English by Bede Celulfus of a King made a Monke Egbert Kyng of Northumberland Anno. 747. Ex Malmesb. lib. de gestis pontifi Anglo Cutbert Archbishop of Caunterbury The rogation dayes had not then that superstition in them as they had afterward Boniface an English man Archb. of Mentz Ethelwold kyng of Merceland Edelhim a strong 〈◊〉 valiant warriour Pride ouer●throwne A letter of Boniface otherwise called Winfrid● sent to kyng Ethelbald Nihil factum quod non factum prius The corrupt lyfe of Nunnes noted The popish actes and doynges of Boniface Archbishop of Magunce The Monastery of Fulda in Germany builded by Boniface Childericus The French king deposed and Pipinus intruded Dist. xl cap Si Papa Images in Churches subuerted by Emperours mayntained by Popes Philippicus for holding agaynst Images lost hys Empyre his eyes The author of the book called the dialogues of Gregory Memoriall of reliques offring and sacrifice for the dead brought into the masse Canon The Popes feete first kissed of the Emperours Segebert king of Westsaxons Sigebert slayne Cruell tyranny with like cruelty reuenged Kenulphus king of Westsaxons Anno. 748. Murder reuenged with murder Offa King of Mercia An vntruth noted in the story of Fabianus The primacy of Canterbury remoued to Lichfield Lambrith Archbishop of Cant. This Alcuinus is commended for hys learning nex to Adelmus and Bede aboue all Saxons Ethelbert king of Eastangles wrongfully murdered by Offa. The vayne suspicion and wicked counsell of a woeman Ex historia Iornalensi Malmesocriensi Cruell murder reuenged Offa and Kenredus of Kinges made monkes at Rom● Egfretus King of Mercia Alcuinus Osb●● to patritio The fathers fault punished in the childe Egbert King of Kent taken prisoner A princely example of clemency in a noble king The Church of Winchcombe builded by K. Kenulphus Egbert King of Kent released out of prison A place of Fabian doubted Pope Steuen the second The donation of Pipinus falsely taken to be the donation of Constantine Ex polyer lib. 5. cap. 25. Pope Paule the first Images agayne mayntayned by the Pope agaynst the Emperour A lay man pope who was deposed and had hys eyes put out Pope Steuen the third The counsell of Constantinople the 7. condemned of the Pope for condemning Images The pope also ordayned Gloria in Excelsis to be song in the masse at S. Peters altar by the Cardinals Pope Hadrian the first Images agayne mayntayned by the Pope to be mens Kalenders The body of S. Peter clothed i● siluer The order of the Romish masse book when it came in Ex Dura●do Nau●●ro Iacob●● Voragine in vita Greg. Et tame● ipsis commentum placet Terent Note well the practise of Prelates in planting their popish masse Gregories masse taketh place in Europe Carolus Magnus beneficiall to the sea of Rome Rex Christianissimus intituled to Fraunce A letter of Charles the great sent to king Offa. How the Pope heareth the cry of poore widowes and Orphanes The Empire translated from Greece to Fraunce Images written agaynst as contrary to the true fayth This Albinus was Alcuinus aboue mentioned The Bishops and Princes of England against Images King Egbert made a monke Anno. 757. Osulphus Mollo otherwise called Adelwold Alcredus or Aluredus Ethelbert otherwise named Adelred or Eardulphe Alfweld Osredus Adelred agayn kinges of Northumberland Anno. 764. Northumberland kingdome ceaseth Alcuinus otherwise called Albinus The troubles of the kingdome of Northumberland and described by Alcuinus Ex Historia Malmesberiēsi How it rayned bloud in Yorke Anno. 780. Brigthricus K. of Westsaxons Edelburga daughter to Offa poysoned her husband Wickednes reuenged Irene Anno. 784. Images restored agayne by Irene at Constantinople The second councell at Nicea The wickednes of Irene condingly rewarded Kenelmus king of Mercia innocently slayne Celulphus Ceolulphus Bernulphus kings of Mercia The kingdome of Mercia ceaceth Vniust dealinges of men iustly rewarded Paules Church The first aultar and crosse set vp in England The church of Winchester The church of Lincolne The church of Westminster The scholes at Cambridge Abbey of Knouisburgh Malmesb. Abbey of Glocester Mailrose Heorenton Hetesey The monastery of S. Martin at Douer Lestingey Whitbie This Hilda was first conuerted to the fayth by Paulinus a godly and learned
confirmation of the Emperour Pope Clemens the. 2. Pope Damasus the 2. Pope Leo the 9. Concilium Moguntinum Nauclerus Crantz Alb. Cranz Saxo. lib. 4. Cap. 45. Pope victor the 2. Concilium Florentinum Pope Stephan the ix The Church of Millan first brought vnder the Church of Rome The Emperour accused of heresie Hildebrand sent in commission for simonie Hildeb●●●● beginne●● to stune Pope Benedictus 10. Pope Nicolaus the 2. Two Popes together at Rome Pope Ben● vnpopeth himselfe The glose of the popes decrees ●●futed Concilium Lateranū Anno 1059. Dist. 23. cap. In no. A terrible curse of Pope Nicolaus Berengarius driuen to recantation Transubstantiation brought into the Church Nauclerus Platina Eneas Sil. Potentia papa Coactina standeth not with the Gospell Anno. 1062. Henricus 4. Emperour The Popes curse compared to Domicianus thunder Aldredus Archbishop of Yorke Tostius how he perswaded the Pope Cadolus a Lombard made Pope by the Emperour Pope Alexander the .2 Two battayles betwixt two Popes for S. Peters seate Concilium Mantuanū Alleluya suspended in the time of Lent A decree that no secular man should geue a spirituall promotion Benno Cardinalis Pope Alexander knockt about the pa●e by Hildebrand Psal. 43. Gene ●4 Exod. 32. Nume 25. Actes 5.8 Deut. 33. The ignora●nce and superstition of the tyme of K. Edgar noted The doctrine of iustification vnknowne Iustification by fayth in Christ. S. Dunstanes harpe vpon the wall fast by a pinne did hang ● Without mans helpe with lye and all and by it self did twang● William Conquerour Anno. 1067. A blasing staire Tribute Rebellion Erle Marcarus and Eerle Edwyne Edgar Atheling with hys mother ij sisters Margaret and Christian fled into Scotland New king new lawes King William forsworne in abolishing King Edwardes lawes Yorke with the minster of S. Peter brent The north countrey wasted Horrible famine in the north partes Slaughter of Northumbland men Scots subdued to K. William The continuall affliction and disquietnes of this Realme of England Fiue conquestes which haue bene in this Realme Romaines Scots and pictes Saxons Danes Normandes Ex Henr. Huntington Lib. 6. Ex histor lornalens England afflicted and scourged for iniquitie The vision of K. Edward Englishmen scourged for their vniust oppression of the Britaines Englishmen iustly scourged for their vniust cruelty against the Normands Three thinges in this conquest to be noted Gods iust iudgement Lacke of succession Foreine mariage Anno. 1070. A councell holden at Winchester Might ouercommeth right Diuers Bishops Abbots and priours deposed in England Stigandus Archb. of Cant. depriued and the causes why Faire countenaunce not to be trusted A couetous Byshop Thomas made Archb. of York Lanfrancus an Italian Archb. of Canterb. The minster of Yorke builded The geuing of the palle Dist. 100 Cap. Prisca Dist. 100. cap. Nouit Ex Lib. grauaminum nationis Germanicae Iacobus Archb. of Mentz Eneas Siluius writeth to be 50. Bishoprickes n Germany Lucius the first king 〈◊〉 Britanie christened Theonus first Archb. of London Ex Chron● Sigeber●● Douer the head citie Kent This was about 150. yeares after the comming of the Saxons Lancfrancus replyeth Thomas argueth Lancfrancus replyeth The dignitie of Cant. confirmed by priuileges Well replyed of an Italian If this similitude were formed into a silogisme neyther were the Maior true And specially the minor were vtterly false Order 〈◊〉 betw●n● 〈◊〉 〈…〉 Canterbury 〈◊〉 Thomas 〈◊〉 of Yorke A letter of Lanfrancus sent to Pope Alexander Byshops seates translated into England Dorobernia and Canterbury takē both for one A councell holden at London and what were the actes thereof Bishops of England about to driue out Monkes and to place priestes agayne in their steede Opus Scintillarum Lanfranci Anno. 1074. Hildebrandus seu Gregor 7. Hildebrand the cause of all this stoutnes and pride in prelates The obedience of Bishops in auncient tyme to Emperours What Popes haue done Popes 〈◊〉 then Princes Fridericus primus shent for holding the Popes left stirrup Ex 〈◊〉 no al●s Gregory 7. Ex 〈◊〉 The state and maner of the olde Church in tymes past Reuerend and obedience in old time geuen to princes The maners and vertue of the forefathers described The ambitious presumption of Hildebrand Ex Auentino qui inuenit in instrumentis donationū Priestes wiues called praesbiterissae in old chapter seales Hildebrand a mortall enemy agaynst Priestes mariage Priestes maryage made heresie Ottho Bishop of Cōstance Ottho cited to appeare for suffering priestes with their lawfull wyues The Pope dispenseth for disobedience Three thinges enacted by Hildebrand Here commeth in the vow of chastitie The Clergy of Fraunce repugning for deuorcing from th●● wyues By●hop of Mentz Ex Lambeyto Scaf●abut gensi in Histo. Germanorum The Priestes of Germany stout agaynst the popes vnlawfull proceedinges Single priesthoode how it began E●emples of 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 Ex Benno Cardinali Pope Hildebrand forsaken of diuers of 〈◊〉 Cardinals Pope Hildebrand compelle●● the Bishop● and priestes of Rome to sweare vnto him Pope Hildebrand vnorderly made Pope The Emperour wrōgfully excommunicated The Popes chaire brake vnder him as he rose to excommunicate the Empeperour The Pope deuideth the vnitie of the Church Of this miracle we read in no approued history The pope hyreth one to slay the Emperour Hildebrand casteth the sacrament of the Lordes body in the fire because it woulde geue him no answere The Pope a false prophet The Pope seeketh agayne to murther the Emperour The Pope by hys own mouth condemned for an heretick The Emperour preserued by the power of God frō the Pope A suttle shift of Hildebrand to saue hys lying prophesie Three persons before they were conuict put to execution by Hildebrand agaynst all law Centius taken by the Pope and put into a barrell of nayles The Pope taken of Centius Centius executed by the pope contrary to p●omise and fayth The villany of the pope in killing a widowes sonne whiche before had done hys penance Another letter of Benno A deuilish practise of Hildebrand in setting the Bishops agaynst the Emperour The Emperour caused by Hildebrand to accuse himselfe The great patience of the godly Emperour Mēdaciū quid Pope Hildebrand a worker of sorcery and coniuring Much 〈◊〉 made of Peters throne 〈◊〉 his life they let alon● Herma●●● excommunicate of Hildebrād Centius Hildebra●● cast in the tower Guibert●● Archbishop of Rauenn● The counsell of Wormes agaynst the Pope The counsel of Rome against the councell of Wormes Henricus the Emperour excommunicated by Hildebrand Ex Plati●● Ma●ke this 〈◊〉 papistes that ●ay the Pope cannot erre The pope threatneth kindenes of S. Peter Quis tulerit gracchos de seditione querentes luuen The Saxons take the popes part agaynst the Emperour Peace disturbed through wicked counsell A wonderous submission of a valiaunt Emperour to a vile Pope Notable patience in a noble Emperour Proud conditions of the Pope Pope both accuser and iudge Here the beast of the Apocalips appeareth in his colors The
crafty conspiracy of the Cardinals agaynst the Emperour The verse The glose vpon the verse of Hildebrand The Pope proued a double lyer The Pope traytor to the Emperour Great 〈◊〉 stirred vp by the pope O pestiferous hipocrite The Pope prayeth S. Peter to dishonor hys king And S. Peter byndeth the Pope to honour hys king Crocodili lachryma Scripture well applyed A figure called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cuius contrarium verum est Vim faciunt scripturis vt plenitudinem accipiant potestatis Let all Pap●●● marke here well the holines of their holy father As though he were not set vp by you rather then by them The more to blame Emperours to suffer you to be so saucie with them Nego argumentum Confer this clause with the history of the story hereafter following O double hipocrite Guibertus Archbishop depriued The 4. battell betwixt Henry and Rodulph Henricus rectors Rodulphus at hys death repenting The Pope geueth war but God geueth victory Conciliam Brixonse Anno. 1083. No Bishop of Rome to be chosen without the assent of the Emperour Abbas Vrspergensis Henricus Mutius Note here the Pope iudged and deposed of the councell The Pope seeketh succour of hys paramour The first example to fight for remission of sinnes began in Hildebrand Platina Nauclerus Sabellicus Crantzius Benno c. Hildebrand the first author and patrone of all misrule that followed in Popes The death of William Conquerour Pestilence in England and 〈◊〉 of beastes London with the Church of Paules brent Wolstane Byshop of Worcester England peaceable frō thee●●● The Abbey of battayle The Abbey of Barmo●desay The first byshop of Salisbury Osmund Bishop of Sarum Ordinale ecclesiastici officy Secundū●sum Sarum Ex Eulogio historico Lib. 3. The vse and ordinary of Sarum how and when it was deuised Example of Gods iust iudgment vpon a Byshop who being unmercifull to the poore was eaten with rattes and myse Anno. 1088. William Rufus Wolstane Byshop of Worcester Anno. ● 1091. The death of Lanfras cus Archb. of Canter● Remigios Byshop of Lincolne Lincolne minster builded Stow Abbey builded Anno. 1092. Wynchecombe steeple brent with lightning Vi. hundreth houses blowne down with wynde The roofe of Bowe Church ouerthrown Robert Bleuet paydv thousand markes for hys Bishoppricke Herbert Losinga Byshop of Norwiche Losinga 1. adulator Norwiche mynster builded by Herbert Pope victor the 3. Pope victor poysoned in his chalice A comparisō betwene Hildebrand Pope of Rome and Ieroboam king of Israell The order of Charter monkes began Pope Vrbanus 2. Two Popes in Rome The order of Cistercian or whyte monkes beganne Synodus Romana vel Placentina Synodus Claromantana The viage vnto the holy land The number that went The captaynes of thé whiche went to the holy land Anno. 1096. The actes of the Christians in their viage to win Hierusalem Antioch taken of the Christians Anno. 1098. The slaughter of the Persian infidels Hierusalem conquered by the Christians Ex Henrie li. 7. The king of Englands iudgment agaynst the Pope Ex Math. paris Decrees of pops Vibanus Ioan Stella Nauclerus Dist. 31. Eos qui 15. 9.6 Iuratos 30. q. 8. quod autem Example of Gods rightfull iudgement in punishing cruel murther Anselmus made Archbishop of Cant. The saying of Anselme pondered The vice of singularitie Anselme ill willing to take the Archbishop prick Canterbury first geuen to the Archbishop wholy Strife and contention betweene the king and Anselmus Anselme stopped from hys consecration Anselme consecrated Anselme doth homage to K. William Vrbanus and Clemens striuing for the papacie England fauoured Clemens Anselmus holdeth with Vrbanus Anselme denied leaue to goe to Rome Anselme appealeth from the K. to the Pope Anselme charged for a traytour The kinges argument agaynst Anselme The custome of England from William Conquerours time not to Appeale to the Pope Anselmus reply against the king The reasons of Anselme to proue the popes authority aboue other kings Anselme here ignorauntly calleth the Pope the vicare of S. Peter where the Cānon lawe calleth him but the successour of Peter and vicare of Christ. All the Bishops of the Realme stoode of the kinges side agaynst Anselmus William Byshop of Duresine Gualter●● the Popes legate cummeth to England Anselme could not be remoued by the king The pope taketh this no fault for a subiect to repugne agaynst hys king The stoatnes of Anselme standing agay● hys king The mane● of bringing in Anselme palle into Cant. An other quarrell of the king against Anselme Anselme agayne appealeth to Rome The king ●● aunswere to Anselme for hys appealing to Rome The custome of England no prelate or noble man to goe to Rome with out the kinges sending The answer of Anselme to the king Note the bye reasons of Anselm The Byshops left Anselme alone Anselme flying out of England Anselme searched by the kinges officer for letten A fragment or portion of a letter of Anselme to Pope Paschalts Et ex legenda Ans. aut Edmero Ex Epistol Anselm 36. The king would not haue the pope receaued nor appealed vnto in England Anselme complayneth of the K. of hys suffragane Byshops The king contemneth the Popes warning Concilium Baronēse Anselme and hys successours of Cant. placed at the right foot of the pope in generall councels De processione spiritus sancti The difference betweene the greeke Church and the latine Ex Registro eccles Herefordensis The articles and opinions of the greeke Church differing from the Latine church of Rome My copy here seemed to want somewhat This article seemeth not to be rightly collected out of the Grecians Anselme stout champion aga●●● the Grecians A letter of Anselme sent to Valtrā Bishop of Nurenburgh Ex Epi● Adsel ●●● Bread in the communion to be vnleauened is not necessary Ex Epist. Anselme 327. An other letter Diuersitie of vsages is the Church to be borne with peace rather than to be condemned with offēce Diuers customes in the Church hurt nothing Excommunication denounced agaynst the Grecians Excommunication bent agaynst K. William First breake hys head and then geue him a playster Message betweene the K. and the Pope A loude cracke of thunder but without a thunderbolt A bribing mistery handled at Rome Concilium Romanum ●ptimus ●ansidicus ●ummus Actes of the councel of Rome The hardnes or rather rashnes of K. Wil. The saying of K. Wil. how he neuer knew any K. drowned The death of William Rufus Walter Tirrell The new forres+ Example of the iust hand of God reuenging the faultes of Kinges in their posteritie Couetousnes noted in king William A famous example of bribes refused Two bribing monkes both disapoynted Vrbane excommunicated Henry the 4. Emperour Henry the 4. Emperour by 4● Popes excommunicated Ludouicus erle conspiring and rebellious agaynst the Emperour Anno. 1090. Ex appendica Mariani Sc●ts Concorde and iust obedience necessary in a common wealth Disobedience punished of God Gal. Iohn Rom. A rayling aunswere to the former
pontif Lib. 4. Ex Roger. Ho 〈◊〉 Eabia c. Anno. 1116. Assemble of the nobles at Salisbury Thurstine refuseth to professe subiection to the Arch. of Cant. Thurstine promiseth to renounce hys archbishopricke Anno. 1118. Pope Calixtus breaketh promise with the king Thurstine sacred archbishop of Yorke by the Pope agaynst the kinges minde Concision Rhemense Actes of the councell of Rhemes The Actes sent to the Emperour The Emperour agreeth not to the popes inuesting The councell deuided Ex Rog. Houed Henry the Emperour excommunicated Agreed that England shoulde haue no other Legate from Rome but onely the Archb. of Cant. England spoyld by the popes legates All the custome of the Realme graunted of the pope Anno. 1120. The popes letter to the King The king compelled to receaue Thurstinus for feare of the popes curse Thurstinus restored Anno. 1122. Wil. Archb. of Cant. The gray Friers first came into England Anno. 1125. Priestes payd for their wiues Ex Roger. Houed El Guliel Gisburnēsi Ex Henrie Hunting lib. 7. The Abbey of Gilburne bailded S. la ues hand Reading Abbey foūded Matilde daughter of K. Henry heyre to the crowne Geffry Plātagenet Henry 2. borne of Matilde the Empresse Anno. 1130. The priorie of Norton founded Three terrible visiōs of the king Three vowes made of King Henry Anno. 1131. Danegelt released The Church relieued Iustice rightly administred Bishoprike of Carlile newly erected by king Henry The Citie and Paules Church of London burned Honorius the 2. Mathaeus Partsiensis A romishe statute concerning priestes wiues and Concubines Mariage forbid to the seuenth degree The Popes Legate geuing preceptes of chastitie was found with an harlot Lotharius Emperour Arnulphus Martyred at Rome The history of Arnulphus Arnulphus Martyr Ex Tretimio A booke called Tripartitum written 400. yeares agoe Number of holy dayes Curious singing in Cathedrall Churches The world ouercharged with begging Religions Promotion of euill prelates Supersluitie of apparell in Bishops families Byshops seales abused to get mony Non residentes in benefices Rash bestowing of benefices Wastefull spending of the Church goods Old bookes of Councels lost by the negligence of the clerkes The vnchaste lyfe of priestes condemned by the nature of the storkes Amendment of lyfe ought first to begin with the priestes The realme of Fraunce interdited King of Portingale deposed The Knights of the Rhodes and Templars Pope 〈◊〉 centius the second Hurly 〈◊〉 betweene Popes The pope curse proclaymed agaynst 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 any priest The death of K. Henry Anno. 1135. Periury iustly punished Ex Chris. Anglico in certi aut●ris The Bishop of Sarum and of Lincolne take● prisoners of the king and led with ropes about their neckes Roger. ●eued in 〈◊〉 Steph. Ex Fabian In vita Step. Anno. 1136. K. Stephen Building of Castles in England The cruelty of the Scots agaynst the Englishe man Anno. 1140. Maude the Empresse came into England agaynst Steuen King Steuē●ken prisoner What it is for princes to be hard and straite to their subjectes K. Stephen and Robert Erle of Glocester deliuered by exchaunge Ex incerti autoris chronise The decease of Geffry Plantagenet Henry Duke of Normandy Henry entereth into England Theobalde Archbishop of Cant. Peace betwene king Steuen and Duke Henry concluded The death of K. Steuen S. William of Yorke Gracianns the compiler of the popes decrees Petrus Lombardus maister of the sentence Petrus Comestet Hugo de sancto Victore Bernardus Clareualensis Hildegare Ioannes detemporibus The fewes crucified a christen body at Norwich The order of the Gilbertines The Lordes prayer and the Creede in Englishe Matthaeus Pariensis lib. Chron. 4. Steuen king of England Cursing with booke bell and candle Anno. 1138. Pope Lucius the ij warring agaynst the Senators Spirituall excommunication abused in temporall causes Hadrianus a Pope an Englishman Anno. 1154. King Henry the second Thomas Becket chauncellor of England Anno. 〈◊〉 Gerhardus Dulcinus Preaches agaynst Antichrist of Rome Ex 〈◊〉 Gisbaron si Anno. 11●● Fredericus Barbarosa Emperor The pope displeased that the Emperour did not held his right stirrup The Emperour holdeth the Popes stirrup The Popes old practice in setting Princes together by the eares War more gaynefull to the Pope then peace Warre stirred vp by the Pope The pope driuen to entreate for peace The godly proceedings of Frederick the Emperour agaynst the pope A letter of Pope Hadrian to the Emperour Fredericke The Emperours name before the Popes A seditious and proud letter of the pope to the Bishops of Germany Well bragged and like a Pope Scripture well wrasted Ex Radenuico in appendice Frisingensis See the ambitious presumption of a proude priest Note here a couragious hart in a valiaunt Emperour An example for all princes to follow Note The order of Erenu●● Anno. 1159. The saying and iudgement of P. Adrianus of the papall sea The popes rather successors to Romulus then to Peter Pope Alexander the third Alexander curseth the Emperour Anno. 1164. Volateran ●ken with a ●tradiction Concilium 〈◊〉 The clergie ●ounde to ●he vowe of ●hastitie Papi●tes are not so much in pro 〈◊〉 chastitie as in desining chastitie Tho. Becket Archb. at Cant. Becket no martyr Herberturde busebam Ioan. Charnot A lanus Abbot of Tenchbury Gulselmus Cantuariensis Tho. Becked described What commeth of blinde zeale destitute of right knowledge The life of Tho. Becket Polydorus mistaketh the mother of Becket Ex Roberto Cri●eladensi Ex Florilego 〈…〉 The 〈◊〉 of van●● recited betweene 〈◊〉 king 〈◊〉 Archb. The kings custome Out of an Englishe Chronic●● as it appearreth 〈◊〉 en cured French●● Erle ●●lord 〈◊〉 The lawes of Claredoun Beckets additiō Saluo ordine suo The Bishop of Chichester The stubberne wilfulnes of T. Becket T. Becket relenteth to the king Becket yeldeth to the king Saluo ordine left out in the composition Becket repenteth of hys good deede A letter of pope Alexander to T. Becket Becket enterprising agaynst the king● 〈◊〉 to flye out of the realme Becket taunted of the king Ex Rogero Houed pr● parte historia continuas a post Bedam The kinge to be the Pope Legate The ce●sty dissimulation of the Pope The popes secret letters to Becket More then an C. murthers done by the clergye Guliel Neuburg lib. 2. ca. 16. Becket cited to Northampton The Archbish. condemned in the Councell of Northamtō in the lo●●e of all hys moueables Becket required to geue an accompt The verdite of Winchester The counsell of the Bishop of London Canterbury Winchester Chichester Moderate counsell Lincolne Exceter Worcester Becket the Archbishop replyeth agaynst the Byshops A great ●●ielle growen in the church because that Byshop may no●●● aboue 〈◊〉 and prince Becket destitute and forsaken Becket 〈◊〉 with 〈◊〉 nes when he should appeale A masse of S. Steuen 〈◊〉 saue hym from hys enemies Becket answere to the Bishops ●●c●●t appealeth to Rome London appealeth from the Archbish. A masse to charme away persecutors Becket caryeth with hym the sacrament going
his Castels The B of Ely clotheth himself in a womans apparell A Fisherman taketh the B. of Ely to be a woman The B. of Ely in a womans apparell found to be a man Bayted of women by the Seas side Cast in a darke cellar in stead of a prison Set at libertie by Iohn Earle of Morton The B of Ely giueth lx markes to be receiued with procession The Bish. of Ely complayneth to the King and the Pope The letter of Pope Celestine in the behalfe of the Bish. of Ely his Legate The B. of Ely bold vpon the Popes fauour The names of many which stoode against the B. of Ely appointed to be excommunicated The Bish of Ely complayneth to the king of the Earle of Morton his brother Anno. 1192. Strife betweene the B. of Ely the Archb. of Roan Pope Celestine standeth in excuse of the Bish. of Ely The Bish. of Ely with the kinges letters commeth again into England What discord doth The french king returneth from Palestina Ann. 1193. K Richard returneth from Palestina Confederacy of the French 〈◊〉 and Earle Iohn against king Richard Earle Iohn besieged a● Wyndsore Anno. 1195. Ex Chro●●● cui titulus Eulogium The iust punishment 〈◊〉 God vpon the Duke● Austrige An. 1196. The answer of k. Richard to his brother Anno. 1197. 3. daughters of the king ●oted He that all would haue shall all forgoe Couetous greedines plagued The death of k. Richard the first K. Richard forgeueth him that killed him Ex bibliotheca Cariensi Ex Gualtero Hemyngford monacho Gisbur●ensi Vaine feare of purgatory Ex Iornal Gisburnensi alijs Monks put ou● and secular priestes receiued King Iohn Arthur of Britayne A communication betweene the king of england and the French king Marlage in the 3. degree forbidden by the pope Anno. 1200. Anno. 1202. Nat. Paretti in vita Ioannis Regis Arthur Anno. 1203. Normandy lost and gotten by the French mē Anno. 1205. Striuing for the election of the Archb. of Cant. Anno. 1206. Prelates of the Church had thē money inough belike that they could keepe play at Rome against their prince Which thing caused the princes after to seeke such meanes to cut them short Anno. 1207. Disse●●● among the Mon●es 〈◊〉 Cant 〈◊〉 the elec●●● of the 〈◊〉 The pride and tyran●● of the Pope Stephen Langton made archb of Canterbury The king doth expostulate with the Pope 〈◊〉 consecrating Stephen Langton Archb. of Cant. The Popes letters ans●●●ng K. John It is pity but this Pope should be honoured of kinges and princes A pitifull case that a king cannot constitute an archb within his owne realme who him most liketh Note the proceedings of this ambitious pope Tho. Becket he meaneth Princes must be subiect to the pope Foure byshops appointed to interdict the realme England interdicted by the pope Discipline of the church abused for priuate reuenge The inconsiderate stoutnes of the prelates against the king Stephen Lāghton stout against his kyng The king moued against the Archb. Langton Two legates sent from the Pope Restitution required of the king Sentence of the popes curse pronounced against the king The Pope author of rebellion and disobedience of subiectes towardes their prince Like master lyke man Pandolph worse ai● then hurt The Po●● great curse The iust punishment of God vpon disobedient subiecte● The Pope founde a murtherer Anno. 1212. French ship● takē by englishmen Peter the false Prophet The false prophet foūd a lyar The false prophet proue● a lyer of K. Iohn The false prophet hanged K. Iohn submitteth him selfe to the Pope K. Iohn entreateth for peace with the Pope K Iohn submitteth himselfe and resigneth his crowne The draught of instrument ●bligatory where in king Iohn resigneth his kyngdome to the Popes hand Christ was off●red a kingdom and would none of it but the Pope d●th not refuse it The vnreasonablenes of the clergy against their naturall Prince Anno. 1215. The councell of Lateran holden by pope Innocent The Pope to haue iurisdictiō of all Churches Ioánes Scotus Transub●●●tiation 〈◊〉 brought Mariage of priestes forbidden by Pope Ino●cent Stephen Langhton suspended out of the Church Appeale to the genera●l councell Ann. 1215. The discord betwene the nobles and the kyng Gualo Cardinall sent into Englād The French kyng and his sonne reasoning about England Prelates and pri●stes conspiring against the kyng Anno. 1216. Walter Gray Archb. of York Gualo the popes Legate Radul Niger cap. 43. 44. The popes curse laught to scorn Pandulphus the Popes collector made bishop of Norwich Mat. Paris Radul Niger cap. 47. The great prouidence of God for the helpe of Englande Pope Innocent the third dyeth K. Iohn poysoned by a Monke Ex Chronico cui titulus Eulogium Ex Math. Paris The saying of K. Iohn deryding the Masse Ex Caxtono lib. 7. Woebe●● you that 〈◊〉 good eui●l and euill good Simō Mon●● absolued o● his Abbot for poysoning hi●●ing The 〈◊〉 dyeth 〈◊〉 own 〈◊〉 The 〈◊〉 of K. 〈◊〉 A 〈◊〉 be 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 K. 〈◊〉 ried 〈◊〉 ceter 〈◊〉 12●● The word● K. Iohn Another description of kyng Iohns death Ex histor G●alt Hemyngford ●isburnensi ●he first ●aior of Lō●on 〈◊〉 Henry the 〈◊〉 rd ●●e issue of 〈◊〉 g Iohn 〈◊〉 example 〈◊〉 worthy 〈◊〉 faithfull ●nsailour 〈◊〉 oration ●he Earle shall for 〈◊〉 ng kyng 〈◊〉 ty 〈◊〉 ly said 〈◊〉 you per 〈◊〉 ed him 〈◊〉 ersecu 〈◊〉 ye were 〈◊〉 true mā 〈◊〉 ur own 〈◊〉 al king 〈◊〉 well 〈◊〉 Eng 〈◊〉 cry out 〈◊〉 urblind 〈◊〉 es and 〈◊〉 s on 〈◊〉 Chron. 〈◊〉 Gis 〈◊〉 K. Henry the 3. crowned Berkhamstead and Hartford taken by Lewes Lincolne taken by Lewes Anno. 1217. This Eustace some say he was a Spanyard A noble victory by Gods grace giuē to K. Iohns sonne Ex Math. Parisiensi Lewes the frēch kings sonne ●●●uen out of Englande The answere of the French king concerning his sonne Lewes Ex Florilego An admonition to Englishmen not to admit foreine rulers into the realme It is a bad wind that bloweth no man profit Money cōming into the Pope and Cardinall Hugo B. of Lincolne redemeth his Bishopricke for a 1000. marks Ex Mat. Paris in vita Reg. Henri 3. Pope innocent the third Pope Honorius the third The effect of the letter of Pope Honorius the 3. to king Henry the 3. Ex parisien A straunge tale of pope Honorius if it be true Ex Abbate Vrsperg in Chronico An. 1218. K. Henry ●firmed 〈◊〉 liberties ●●●ted by 〈◊〉 Iohn Two ●●●lings of ●●ry pl●●●● land gr●●ted to 〈◊〉 Henry T●●● Becket ●●●ned Ex histor D. Scales W. Marshal dieth and was buried at the Te●ple Anno. 1219. Aliens comaunde● out of E●●lande Faukes de Breut ●●●leth a 〈◊〉 king He●●● Ex Par●ens Anno. 1220. K. Henry crowned 〈◊〉 second 〈◊〉 at Wes●●●ster Pope Innocentius The deedes and decrees of pope Innocent 3. Almerieus condemned Ioachim Ab bas condemned Priuate riches brought in Bell and cādle before the sacramēt Canon of the masse
authorised Transubstātiation Mariage in the 3. degree forbidden The pope setteth kings and Emperours together by the eares Philip the Emperour deposed Otho the Emperour deposed The councel of Lateran Martyrs of Alsatia to the number of all 100. burned in one day Ex Herm. Mutio. Collectes sent from the brethrē of Millane to them of Alsatia Obseruant Friers begā Dominick Friers vpholders of the popes Church The Minorite Friers discended from Sainct Fraunces Diuers sectes of Franciscans The table of all religious orders A prophe● for the dee● of the Remish church ●ildegardis ●●ophecying ●rier and ●onkes Crossebearer Fryer● Albingenses A letter of the Bishop Portinensis concerning the Albingenses The blind ignorance of fryers described The fruites of Antichrist Antichrist his broode Patience proueth M. Fryer The Fryer must answere according to Gods worde Friers may better breake Gods law then mans lawe There is but one religion The Frier more bound to his habite then the man to his wife If the habite make the Fryer religious as his habit weareth so doth his religion Holines of all hipocrites consisteth in clothing and outward appearāce All Fry● found 〈◊〉 Fryers be dead men and 〈◊〉 begga● Gra●es 〈◊〉 for de● 〈◊〉 and no● courtly 〈◊〉 Friers 〈◊〉 the king● liege 〈◊〉 Friers 〈◊〉 no m●s p●ers Friers gra●ter and beter thé 〈◊〉 O vnch●● table Fri●● Friers stealers of me● children Shrift an● burials 〈◊〉 more ga●full then 〈◊〉 ministring of the sacr●ments Poore 〈◊〉 haue no soules says my fello● Fryer These be they that will not ●●ter themselues no● suffer othe● men that would The Frier getteth by In prine●● yet hateth the Gospe● Iudas for ● pence but the priest ● Frier for 4. pence selleth Christ. A compari●on betwene ●u●as the ●rier The Frier writeth be●ause God ●orgetteth ● is better ● labour ●eue then ● loiter and ●g M. Frier ●lers begge ●om al men 〈◊〉 make the ●ope rich 〈◊〉 it be im●erfectiō to ●e rich why ●o the friers ●esire to ●ake the ●ope vnper●●ct Fraunces ●der be cō●ary to Christ his ●●stament 〈◊〉 is Fran●s accursed He that is more holy in hand th● in heart is false to God A subiect to exempt him selfe from the lawes of his prince smelleth o● treason Friers are forced to be theeues Workes of supererogation God is the limiter of n●eede and reward and not the Frier Friers will not pray but for them that be of their fraternitie Friers doe make Apostataes The number of Friers are superfluous as necessary as ten fingers on one hande See so fast the Frier followeth Christ in his pouertie Friers are the letters of preaching the Gospell What holynes is in a friers coat The stouter begger the nobler Fryer Why fryers so much desire to haue rich men buryed in their frieries Friers behestes are false deceits Friers desire to be Lordes and Ladies confessors Fryers and Pharises say one and doe another Dilemma Which is the best order of Friers Friers neuer agree one with an other The Frye● thinkes 〈◊〉 rule pe●●ter the ●●stes bee●● be lea●● the one 〈◊〉 follow 〈◊〉 the other Dilemma Fryers 〈◊〉 sit in 〈◊〉 aboue the Apostles Otho the Empero● set vp 〈◊〉 deposed againe by 〈◊〉 Pope A complaint of the nobles of England against the couetousnes of Rome Example reaching neuer to take part against their king with foreigne power Cardinall Otho Legat The pope requireth two prebēdships in euery cathedrall Church Note the cause why the pope is compelled to craue money of other countries A councell at London called Great rewardes giuen to the Cardinall Contention for sitting on the right hand of the Cardinall Why Saint Paul standeth on the right hand of the popes crosse Why the archb of Cant. hath the right hand and the archb of Yorke the left hande Note the theam of the Cardinall applyed to God howe he applyeth it to him selfe Scripture clerkly applyed A letter of the Cardinal to bishops and archdeacons Censure of the Church well applyed Foure markes to be paide to the Pope of euery procuration Note the craftie practise of the Romish prelats to proyle for money * Note the stile of Rome * mmo malesicium naufragiū pecuniae Fredericke the Emperour maried king Iohns daughter The fifth part of euery spirituall mans liuing giuen to the Pope Three hundred Romanes to be placed in the best benefices of England Petrus R●beus the Popes age● A Romish sleight of 〈◊〉 pope to ge● English m●ney Exceptio●● alledged fo● not contributing to the Pope Articles exhibited in the councel of Lugdun● for the greuances susteined by the pope The 1. greuance The secon● The third The fourth The fifth He meaneth ●ercase O●ho or mai●er Marti●●s The sixte The seuenth The Babilo●icall capti●●tie sla●ery of Englande vnder the Pope The letter of K. Hēry the third to the Byshops K. Henry the ● commaundeth no taxe nor tallage to be sent to the pope The popes saying against kyng Henry K. Henry againe restraineth the popes taxes The pope taketh against the king The kyng compelled for feare to gyue ouer to the pope The pope asketh the 3 part of the church goods A story of Cardinall Otho at Oxford A skirmish betwene the scholers of Oxford and the Cardinals men The Cardinall runneth away Thirtie scholers taken and had to prison Three score thousand Florens contributed to the pope in one yeare of the clergic Ludouicke the French kyng Ludouicke fighteth against Albingenses Ludouicke besiegeth Tholouse The hand of God fighting for his people Ex Mat. Pariensian vita Henrici 3. The generall of the army slaine The siege against Albingenses broke vp The expugnation of a certaine strong castle of Dami●ta in Egypt by the Christians Damieta taken by the christiās The story of S. Elizabeth Elizabeth daughter of the kyng of Hungary S. Elizabeth prouoketh her husband to goe and fight for the holy lande The mother of S. Elizabeth accused of adulterye The sentence of a double meaning The 〈…〉 of a 〈◊〉 sentence Elizabe●● Can●●● Saint 〈◊〉 mayne Ann. 1221. Ex 〈◊〉 pens●● dius 〈◊〉 The gray●●ers ●●tred into England The 〈◊〉 Gray 〈◊〉 first c●●med Ioannes o● Egideo Alexan●● de Ha●● Charterhouse 〈◊〉 founded by Williā 〈◊〉 Ela so●dre 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 of La●●●● Two 〈◊〉 ned at 〈◊〉 cell in Oxford Ex Nic. ●●uet Dissent●● betweene the Citiz● of London of Wesminster Wholsome counsayle of the Maior of London refused of wilde heads Constantine executed at London for ryot Hubert lord chiefe iustice of England Ex Math. Parisiensi Discord and contention amōg church men Ex Math. Paris ex Florilego Whether the monastery of Westminster be exemted from the subiection of the bish of London or not Anno. 1222. horrible tēpest in Englande A woman with 8. of her householde slaine with thunder Grantham church burned with lightning Anno. 1223. Lewes king of Fraunce The French king false of his promise Anno. 1224. Wardship first graunted to the kyng Ex Gisburnensi aelijs Magna