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A43617 Curse ye Meroz, or, The fatal doom in a sermon preached in Guild-hall Chappel London, before the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, May the 9th 1680 / by Edmond Hickeringill ... Hickeringill, Edmund, 1631-1708. 1680 (1680) Wing H1803; ESTC R17523 32,578 46

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their practise and designs are contain'd in these Verses Sedes Summa Petri quae Pastoralis honoris Facta caput Mundi quicquid non possidet armis Religione tenet That is the Pope like the Presbyterian does his business with the word or the Sword if one will not do the other shall or they 'le fill the Nations with Blood and Wounds Yet God be thank't the Devil and those Roaring Lyons roaring out their Anathema's their Curses and Excommunications are not always Rampant nor does more harm than the Curse of Pope Julius the second did the French-men who rooted his Army at the Battle of Ravenna Fran à vitoriá a Popish Fryar de ●…ot Eccles ●…elict Sect. ●… p. 39. See Occu●…nen in Rom. in Rom. ep ●…ap 1. Theophy●…ct ●…id Blasp ●…n glossâ ●…e majori●…ate o●…edientiâ The news whereof coming to his Holiness whilst at his Beads by the Fire-side made him in a passion to conclude his Prayers with a Curse in these very words Sit ergo gallus in nomine Diabolorum All the Devils in Hell take the Frenchman I met with one honest Fryar Francis à Victoriâ who confesses that Popes were not always so ambitious and that their pretended Supremacy over all persons and in all causes was but of late usurp't Glossatores hoc dominum dedêrunt Papae cum ipfi essent Pauperes rebus Doctrinâ That this Supremacy and Sovereignty was given to the Pope by Expositors that were as poor as proud with Purses as empty as their Pates and who were as bare of Crowns as their Crowns were bare and Shaven Hence we have cause to think that Pope Pius the Fifth who Excommunicated our Queen Elizabeth Anno 1569. was in Earnest when he said Cum essem Religiosus sperabam benè de salute meâ Cardinalis factus extimui Pontifex creatus paenè despero Which I 'le English thus When I was first made Priest my Soul did well But How when Cardinal I cannot tell Now I am Pope surly my Rome is Hell Optimi putantur Pontifices saith Papyrius Massonius who was a Popish Priest si vel leniter mali vel minus boni quam caeteri Mortales esse solent Methinks saith he we speed well if our Popes be but indifferently bad or but a little worse than other Mortals And the same say I of all that are of the said Antichristian Spirit that trouble and disquiet the Magistrate and their Neighbors putting them in Fears with their Numbers and their darings their Petitions Subscriptions like Muster Rolls Methinks we speed well if they be but indifferently bad or but a little worse than Pagans Indians Turks and Jews if they were as harmless as Indians and Insidels would tell no more Lyes nor carry on no more Bloody Designs than Pagans truly for my part I think we should be very happy in them to what we now are An Indian or Pagan for his Life could not think of such Pride and Insolence as that wherewith Pope Paul the Fifth Treated Dandalus the Venetian Ambassador when he made him Crouch under the Board and eat with the Dogs the Crums that fell from their Masters Table And yet this Bravery though more Insolent yet was less Impious then that Blasphemous Salutation which His Holyness gladly accepted from the Sicilian Ambassador that came to beg his Peace with Domine Deus Papa miserere Nostrum Lord have Mercy upon us Lord God Pope And again Oh Lamb of God that takest away the Sins of the World Grant us thy Peace Thus Christoper Marcellus Complemented the Pope in the Second Councel of Lateran Tu es alter Deus in terris And with like Religion did the Old Romanists Erect an Altar in Rome to Simon Magus with this Inscription Simoni Sancto Deo In honor of Simon the Hely God Not more Atheistical than these was the Painters Motto under the Effigies of Alexander the Great Jupiter assere tibi coelum ego mihi asserui terram But enough of these Insolencies and Blasphemies yet not a jot too much in these days when such Designs are on Foot to make the Crown stoop to the Mitre But for the Crown to Vaile and Lowre to the Stool of Repentance Oh abominable and Vile Forasmuch as 't is much more Honor to be foyl'd by a Lyon than to be baffled by an Ass This is nothing else but to be Persecuted with Vermine and run the Fate of that German Bishop that was devoured and Hunted to Death with Rats and Mice This is to undergo the Martyrdom of the Primitive Christians that were put in Bears-skins and Baited to Death with Dogs The Pope how bad soever his Designs be yet he is a Temporal Prince of great Territories and Dominions if you reckon only the Countries called the St. Peters Patrimony whether he has got them per fas or nefas whether by Dint of the Sword or Cheat of the Word it comes all to one Reckoning yet still he is a Prince of Ancient Grandeur and the less dishonor to be Subject to him But for a Prince to stoop to Geneva-Upstarts that have nothing Eminent but Ears and Mouth is the vilest of Subjection and sets a value upon Turkish Slavery in Comparison of this Forasmuch as we expect better things from them Not that I commend our King John of England for profering himself and his Kingdom Vassels to the King of Morocco an Infidel rather than endure the Tyranny of Religious Men and the Pope forc't by Pandolphus the Popes Legate to resign his Crown to the Papal Chair which the proud Prelate kept it from him several days and then disdainfully setting his Foot upon it and the Money with which he bought his peace restor'd upon heavy terms the Crown yet certainly such Barbarous usage from Christians pretended Christians makes a great though not a sufficient Apology for him Grass they say never grows where the great Turk sets his Foot I 'me sure Math. Paris an Historian of good credit says that King John us'd to say that when he became the Pope's Footstool he never throve after to use his own words Postquam ut dixi me mea Regna Romanae subjeci Ecclesiae nulla mihi prospera omnia contraria advenêrunt Anno 1213. de Regione liberâ Ancellam fecit per chartum lugubrem saith Mathew Paris by a lamentable Charter King John made England a Bond-slave to the Pope that before was Free But his Son King Hen. 3. had it shortly after repeal'd even in times of Popery by Act of Parliament Read all our Chronicles since William the Conqueror and tell me if ever there were Wars in England but the Clergy had a great hand in them Odo Bishop of Bayeux furnished William the Conqueror with Forty Tall Ships to invade England and the Pope to encourage him sent him a Banner of the Church an Agnus of Gold and one of the Hairs of St. Peter such another Present as that Phoenix Feather which the Pope sent to the
Earl of Tyrone the Irish Rebell Whose Mouths and Lungs blew up the Fire of contention in our late Civil Broiles but the Presbyterians and Covenanters Surely Kings will be warn'd by such Fatal Examples from trusting their Supremacy the Choicest Flower of the Crown out of their own keeping either to Popes or Presbyters that will not be subject to them I mean the exposition of Scriptures and Power of the Keys For all English Bishops and Ministers that are not the Kings Ministers are Emissaries and Ministers of the Devil or the Pope at least grand Impostors Enthusiasts and Cheats For at the upshot all men's Faith must bottom upon some humane Authority or other except what the Prophets and Apostles had which was more properly knowledge than Faith but our Faith and all Faith ever did and ever must rest in humane Authority Indeed all true Faith is the Gift of God as all other Gifts and Graces are for without Gods special Grace no man can believe the truest humane Authority or Church upon Earth to be true But still I say all but Enthusiasts and Papists who believe the former at Random and at all adventures and they know not wherefore the latter by implicit Faith I say all others that are true Believers their Faith is through Gods grace grounded upon some humane Authority or other When therefore any Man believes his Duty to God and the King he must acquiesce either in Enthusiasme or Popery or in the voice of God which voice of God is infallibly to us only in the Holy Scriptures expounded and declared in the Voice of the Laws our Sacred and Christian Laws so admirably contriv'd from the Old and New Testament comprehending all our duty to God to our selves and to our Neighbors that we are the Envy of other Nations happy English-men if they knew their own happiness more happy in our Laws then in our Land and Scituation being an Island without Paralel in the whole World exempt and free from the Arbitrary Government Tyranny Oppression Delusion and Blind Devotion that other Nations groan Under And if it were not that the Wisedom of our Ancestors knowing their own Felicities had not made an Act that no Alien should purchase or inherit Lands in England the goodness of our Laws and Religion as well as the conveniency of our Scituation and Soil had expos'd us to be overstock't with strangers without Room sufficient for the happy Natives But some will hear object and say what if the King and his Laws should command us to do somewhat that at least in our opinion is contrary to Gods Law to obey assist and help him herein can this possibly be called the help of the Lord or meant in this Text as for Instance there is a Law that no Minister who does not conform shall not Preach within Five Miles of a Corporation Town or City or within Five Miles of the Benefice he left and lost through Non-Conformity the Law and the King says do not Preach there but say they wo be to us if we Preach not the Gospel for we cannot but speak the things that we have seen and heard and whether it be right to obey you rather than God Judge ye as said St. Peter and St. John This is no wild chymerical supposal and objection of my own making but it is the known and common Apology of the Non-conformists to justifie their disobedience and vouch their confidence in standing it out and bidding Defyance to the King and his Laws nor is it less useful then necessary to give a plain and full answer to this objection under which all Disobedience Disloyalty and opposition of Authority does lurk and shelter to this Day The King and his Laws give the word of Command bids them March and be gone at your Peril but they rejoyn we are Preachers of the Gospel 1 Cor 9 16 necessity is laid upon us and wo be to us if we Preach not the Gospel as said St. Paul Acts 4.19.20 and whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God judge ye For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard Ans 1. This is an excuse that abominably aggravates the Crime to all knowing Christians Oh Impudence and Imposture not to be named amongst sober and modest Men and Christians What shall these Wretches that truckle and drudge for a few Pence and a gathering amongst the Silly Men and Women shall these Preachers that with such a Text as this have against the plain and easie sence wrested the same to the ruin of their Auditors Body Soul and Estate shall these Posci nummia these Crumeni mulgae these Pick-pockets and Petticoat Preachers that lead Captive silly Women compare themselves with St. Peter and St. John and St. Paul That which was from the beginning which we have heard 1 Jo. 1.1 3. which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of Life That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you Saith St. John Now no Man can in truth and in sober fence without Raving Cheat Imposture and palpable Enthusiasme say these words at this day and apply the same to himself as that which he hath seen and heard and handled St. John St. Peter and the rest of the Apostles nay St. Paul in a Vision and an Apostle and witness as well as the rest though born out of due time saw and witnessed what they saw namely our Saviour's Resurrection the great Seal and Confirmation of the truth of the Gospel and wo be to them if they had not told the World what they saw and heard and felt and handled and knew that we might have Faith the evidence of things not seen but believing their Testimony and Witness through the Grace of God enabling us to believe what such good Men and true did depose upon their own Knowledg Faith is the Life of a Christian but how few understand it To say with the Pharisees that we know that God spake by Moses 't is false we do not know it nor they did not know it It had been modestly and more truly said we believe that God spake by Moses Jo. 9.29 for Knowledge is the Evidence of things seen Faith the Evidence of things not seen Knowledge is the Grace and Glory of the Church Triumphant Faith is the Grace and Glory of the Church Militant and therefore let us not like those silly conceited Pharisees or good Mr. Calvin say we know a thing to be true when we only believe it to be so For Calvin like those Pharisees and the Presbyterians that follow him defines Faith 2. lib Institut 16. Sect. 7. a stedfast and an assured knowledge of Gods kindness c Why should Men cheat the World and themselves too by pretending a Religion that God never made nor does not require God requir'd no more of the Jews than that they