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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A48418 The Life of Michael Adrian de Ruyter, Admiral of Holland 1677 (1677) Wing L2035; ESTC R6337 32,218 120

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sharp conflict with Spragg and Ossory The day began to close before the shot on either side betwixt the Prince and De Ruyter began to do execution but at length the English must confess that to their great wonder they first learned here that the Dutch powder was stronger and the guns longer than their own So Prince Rupert having shifted himself from the Royal Charles into the Old Soverain and Sir Edward Spragg rejoyned the Fleet they fought at distance most part of the night and by break of day both Fleets being out of sight of each other the Prince with the loss of many men and disabled ships made for the Thames and De Ruyter with little loss having had the advantage of the winde and a distant fight stood back for his old station on the Coast of Zeland De Ruyter in this action gave evident proof that he knew when it was time to pursue as well as retreat and that he never turned his back but with intent to shew his face It was now the twentieth of July before the English and French were in condition again to visit the Dutch Coasts and then having discovered De Ruyter with his Fleet eight leagues off of the Coast of Zealand and in posture of Fighting the Royall Navy expected an Engagement but wise De Ruyter who always fought after his own manner knew well the importance of so great a triall and that the affairs of his Countrey so embarrassed on all hands did not require the hazarding of the interest and honour of his Masters or of himself without some probable hopes of saving of both stood in nearer the shoar and bore away along the Coast declining all engagement untill the one and twentieth of August following On the twentieth of August Prince Rupert being informed that the Dutch Fleet were about Goree made thither and towards the evening discovered them but being then late thought best not to attacque them that night In the mean time De Ruyter according to his ordinary conduct improving the benefit of the darkness stood in close to the shoar and bearing up before next morning gained the winde of the English and by seven of the Clock bore down upon them freshly The Prince upon this changing his course stood away S. W. and the French who had the Van engaged Banckert the Prince in the middle De Ruyter and Sir Edward Spragg in the rear after the old manner Van Trump This Fight was so managed between the English and Dutch as if both parties being by some secret instinct acquainted that this was to be the last resolved to prove their utmost and last effects of fortitude and conduct among the French Capt. Martel behaved himself bravely Banckert sent off a few ships to wait the French motion and with the rest of his squadron came in to the assistance of De Ruyter against the Prince who for some time valiantly exchanged their broadsides and behaved themselves with equal courage and success Sir Edward Spragg and Van Trump the two declared Competitiours and Rivals for honour with their squadrons in the mean time persisted in action with such determinate resolution that the Dutch avow the like never to have been seen their own two ships having without touching of a sail strangely endured the fury of three full hours uncessant battery But Sir Edward Spraggs Ship the Prince having lost her masts and being so fearfully torn as to be unfit for more service with his flag displayed in his boat he shifted aboard off the St. George and finding her likewise disabled as he was leaving of her to get into the Royall Charles a cruel shot funk his boat and left him helpless in the Ocean whose power being greater then that of Van Trump by his death chill'd that heat of courage which Trump could never have cooled above water His death was by all even the Dutch themselves bewailed who acknowledged him to have been a brave man and valiant Souldier His Ship couragiously defended by the stout Earl of Ossory notwithstanding all the attempts that Van Trump made to be Master of her was safely towed off by the Hampshire Fregat The Prince and de Ruyter at this time finding themselves at too great distance from the squadrons so hotly engaged who stood both in need of assistance as by mutual consent tacked both and in friendly manner without firing stood towards their respective friends but de Ruyter having joyned Van Trump who was still engaged with the blew before the Prince could could come in fell upon the blew with renewed fury intending to have totally out off that squadron from the rest of the English Fleet but at length the Prince coming in time broke in amongst the Dutch with unanswerable force and Captain Legg with his fireships put them in great disorder and confusion It was believed by all that if the French had made their best use of that winde de Ruyter and his Fleet could not so fairly as they did by the favour of the night have taken their leave of this and all other publick action with the English during this War The losses in this last Fight were great on both sides many brave Commanders and Vast number of men killed and wounded but both so positively pretending to victory it is hard to determine who had the better yet the Dutch by Sir Edward Spraggs death thinking their title good made the whole Countrey so merry with the ringing noise of Victory that the States changed the following day of Humiliation into thanksgiving and in stead of fasting drunk and sung Psalms The singular prudence and conduct of Admiral de Ruyter in the several passages of this War rendred him so useful to his Countrey of whose tottering and decaying state he seemed the Atlas and guardian and so considerable to his enemies who by experience found it not easy to triumph-over him that notwithstanding the powerful efforts made for that end the success of affairs remained so little inclined to either side that the one had no reason to despair nor the other to scorn the prossers of accommodation made way for a Treaty of peace with England and the States of Holland catching their opportunity when the vigorous intercession of the Crown and Ministers of Spain concurred so pat with the publick good offices of their friends in England they so effectually pursued the necessary and advantagious concern of peace with that kingdom that by the frequent sollicitations and busy importunities of one and other the King of Great Britain did at length condescend to a peace with the Dutch which was concluded at Westminster the Ninth of February 1674. to the unspeakable joy of the States and perpetual renown of de Ruyter in such a pinching nick of time that the Dutch had good reason to be thankfull for so seasonable an accomodation Janus Temple being thus half shut and the States General having now but one way to look resolved to bend all their forces against the
brave General Montague afterward Earl of Sandwich with fourty Men of Warr well mann'd and some Fire-ships who on the twenty seventh of April arrived in the Sound Shortly after came also De Ruyter with a strong Fleet from Holland whose presence relieved Copenhagen and Opdams Fleet For the Swedes not being able alone to come to a tryall the English refusing to fight until they were satisfied in some demands and the news of the alteration of Government in England Richard the Protector being turned out of power supervening at the same instant which called them home again relieved the Besieged and hindred a new rupture betwixt the English and the Dutch which in all probability must have immediately ensued The King of Denmark by this timely succour revived and the English Fleet returned to England and Opdam to Holland De Ruyter with the Dutch and Danish Fleet continued Master of the Seas ready for some Land-undertaking since the Swedes then too weak declined all engaging at Sea The Island of Funnen in the Baltick Sea of the ancient inheritance of the Danes but then in the possession of the Swedes being taken by them some years before offered a necessary occasion And for that purpose General Schaack with seven thousand men being put aboard of the Fleet at Kiel were by De Ruyter conducted and on the last of October landed at Kortemundor in the Island of Funnen The Swedes made brave resistance but De Ruyter diverting their Forces with alarming at the same time other parts of the Island and with a stout example he himself standing in the water encouraging the Souldiers to land whom in great numbers they poured ashoar The Swedes were overthrown with great losse and the Island regained to the Danes This brave action of De Ruyter gained him more reputation from his Countrey and honour from his masters then all which before that time he had atchieved and so endeared him to the favour and esteem of the King of Denmark that he honoured him with the highest Order of Knighthood of that Kingdom being that of the Elephant and presented him with a Chain and Meddal of Gold which afterward he wore and having remained there among the Swedes untill the Peace between the Danes and them in May. 1660. was ratified he with great applause returned with his Fleet home The War betwixt the Danes and Swedes ended and De Ruyter with his Fleet safely returned into Holland new losses from the Pirates of Argiers Tripoli and Tunis called afresh to the States for remedy The vigilant and successful De Ruyter was by the States designed for that charge whose good services on the like occasion even in the infancy of his Sea-command had been remarkable in those Seas and is therefore dispatcht with a Squadron of Ships into the Streights where he kept ranging with his Fleet pursuing and pressing those Gorsairs with so great care and success that the benefit of his constant pains and valour became sensible to all the Merchants who traded there whereby he confirmed to himself that fame and reputation which he had heretofore so justly merited until matters of greater concern called him thence upon the occasion following After the wonderfull and long-wished-for re-establishment of his Majesty the King of Great Brittain in the Throne of his Ancestors from which by the madness of his Subjects he had been long banished the States of the United Provinces overgrown with the wealth and prosperity of many years peace the ordinary promoters of ambition being conscious to themselves that their carriage towards their Neighbors especially the English however cloaked could not but breed such jealousies as must in time break forth into open enmity and perceiving his Majesty of Great Brittain already so dissatisfied with their disguised practises as could not but of necessty produce a War resolved to bring it to a tryall as soon as possibly they could by giving the first occasion of rupture under the pretext of being provok'd by injuries received upon the Coast of Guiny and elsewhere Hereupon they Ordered Admiral De Ruyter with a squardron of thirteen Men of War then at Gibraltor in Spain to make sail for the Coast of Guiny and to set upon the English there This he so effectually performed that in a short time he destroyed most of their Factories took Cormanteen Castle with other places severall Ships and goods belonging to the English That action so incensed his Majesty of Great Britain that war was thereupon in anno 1664. publickly proclaimed against the States General of the United Provinces impowering all his Majesties Subjects to use against them their subjects and people all acts of hostility but whilst this was doing at home De Ruyter diligent in the pursuance of his Commission abroad attempted the burning of the English Ships at Barbadoes but in vain and from thence sailing to New-found land took several Merchants Ships stript the men and left them without provisions an act unworthy the name of so brave a man Thus whilst Opdam Admirall of the Dutch Fleet in June 1665 having engaged his Royall Highness the Duke of York was in fire and smoak hurried out of this world and his Fleet beat home with great loss of Ships and men De Rayter remained at Sea annoying the Ships and Foreign Plantations of the English But Opdams death rendred his presence at home absolutely necessary his experience and success in War being so well known to all that the universal voice of the people daily called his Name whom according to the interest and power they pretend to upon the Seas they adopted and intitled Son of Neptune Advice was therefore sent to him that he should with his Fleet hasten home with all expedition which he obeying slily slipt by the English Fleet wrapt in mist as men with their cloaks about their mouths shun the company of those whom they are not willing to meet And on the last of July 1665. safely arrived in the Emmes his arrival was congratulated by the States and he thereupon made Admiral but with authority not so absolute but that he was subordinate to the Triumvirate of De Witt Huygens and Bureel who according to a new Model had the superintendency of the Navall affairs He was no sooner installed in his new Command but August 13. with a Fleet of Ninety Sail of Men of War he was Ordered out from the Texel to secure and convoy home the East-India Fleet and many other rich Merchant-men which stopt at Bergen for fear of the English Fleet then at Sea under the Command of the Earl of Sandwich and who had been put in great alarm by the brave but fruitless attempt of Sir Thomas Tiddyman who was sent out to have seized them in their harbour In his going he met not with the English Fleet but in his return was discovered and attacqued by the Earl of Sandwich who finding himself too weak his charge great and the windes very high with a running Fight he made the best
the Countrey whilst he remained on these Coasts The Earl of Bath afterward presented him with such provisions and necessaries as the Countrey and season of the year afforded which he courteously received and in signe of gratitude fired several guns and so departed but notwithstanding the promises of indemnity given after his departure from Plymouth two of his Fleet advancing toward Foy for some time lay annoying and battering the harbour and shoar with great shot till having received dammage in their hulls and one of them having lost his main topmast they desisted and went off whether this was by the Generals Order or not is not known there having been no enquiry ever made in the action by reason of the peace that immediatly followed but it is believed that De Ruyter had no hand in it This long expected Peace concluded at Breda the 21 of June and at length the 14th of August 1667. ratified in England rather by the exigency and necessity of the times than the intire and full satisfaction of both parties as appeared within few years afterward gave respite to both Nations to breathe a little and recruit their mutual past losses by industrious prosecuting their traffick the hugg'd darling of both people and to consider in cold blood what had been done amisse by either side during the War that from so seasonable a peace they might pick the necessary means of future reparation And now De Ruyter having safely reconducted his Fleet into harbour was received by the States with thanks and honours suitable to his merit and with the universal acclamations and applause of the Countrey and was judged by all discreet men to have understood as well the measures of a General in that Common-wealth as any whosoever by his never giving way to the transports of vain-glory or rage in the heat of action but by timely retreat or advantagious fighting like the Roman Fabius Maximus Cunctando restituit rem The States having now no more need of so eminent a Commander at sea the great and dreadfull War being over but occasion still of a wise and practised Statesman at home admitted the Heer De Ruyter with no less expectation into their Councils of difficult affairs then they had formerly impowred him as General at sea wherein he so answered their hopes that during the four years peace or rather cessation of arms betwixt England and Holland he gave so signal proofs of his prudence that they were only fain to dispence with his being at home because they could not finde a Successour for him abroad which the businesse of the year 1672. urgently required The French King in anno 1671. with a considerable army came to Dunkirk in Flanders this progresse in a time of peace being accompanied with great preparations for War gave apprehensions to all his Neighbours but especially to the States of the United Provinces who suspecting that his approach so near them was to shew them the rod with which he intended to chastise the rudeness and insolency which the States were said to have used towards his Majesty began to arm and make ready for their own defence The King of Great Britain likewise seeing his potent and most dangerous competitors so busy and earnest at work the designe of which was not as yet made publick thought it time to look to the security of his subjects and to put his Kingdoms out of danger of a surprise and so at the same time as by an influence of destiny most States of Christendome seemed to prepare for war The French who pretended to teach civility and good manners to those who oftentimes are not willing to learn thought the Dutch stood in need of some documents and the partial and slow performances made by the States to the King of England and his subjects of the Articles of their last Peace and the quarrel of the Dutch fishing anciently in the English seas and more lately in their rivers being neither so well adjusted nor digested as might stand with the honour and security of publick interest the King herewith provoked and by reviling Pamphlets against his Royal Person joyned with the French King in a strict League of pursuing by arms their mutual pretentions against the Dutch And having first friendly demanded satisfaction of the past abuses by his Embassadour Sir George Downing his Majesty resolved to summon them to their duty by a more effectual Method On the thirteenth of January two parties meeting and the Dutch refusing to strike there followed an engagement and this first blow being thus given the King of Great Brittain publisheth his Declaration against the States of the United Provinces to this effect That the dissatisfaction which his Majesty had from the carriage of the States General of the United Provinces towards him for some years past being such that he could no longer without diminution of his own honour dissemble the indignation raised in him by a treatment too unsuitable to the great obligations which he and his Predecessours had so liberally heaped upon them He was resolved to declare war against them forbidding all his Subjects to hold correspondence with them upon pain of death This Declaration being with the usuall solemnities proclaimed in London and Westminster was seconded by the French King with actions previous to a rupture with that Crown also he having laid great taxes and customes upon all Dutch goods in his kingdom and raised an imposition of fifty per cent upon salt and other merchandises of France exported by the Dutch and upon all herrings spices and other goods imported into his dominions by them prohibiting all his subjects to lade any brandy aboard of any Holland or Dutch Vessells and shortly after publickly and in good earnest declared war The States of Holland foreseeing the storm which now began to break upon them had so fortified themselves with the powerfull alliances of Spain Germany and Denmark that they seemed not unequally matched with their mighty enemies in so great a conjunction so that in the year 1672. the greatest part of the States of Christendome became involved in a bloody and expensive War which is not yet ended Matters thus advancing toward action the Dutch who were not behinde in their preparations but wanting a head resolved to gratifie both Kings in the choice of their General and so in a full Assembly of the States the Prince of Orange is unanimously elected Generallissimo of all their Forces both by Sea and Land for that years expedition with promise to renew his authority after expiration during life and Jan De Wit and the Rereward van Putten the two unfortunate brothers that were afterward barbarously murthered in a tumult of the incensed rabble at the Hague with some others appointed as Commissioners to assist him Under him De Ruyter was made Lieutenant-Admiral whose power notwithstanding of his many tried services such is the fear of that State of an absolute authority was stinted having the Rereward Van Putten placed
Sieur de Quesny by another way round the Island unperceived by the Dutch had conveyed the destin'd succours into Messina and foreseeing well the bad consequences of the disappointment being much displeased with the slow proceedings of the Spanish grave Phlegmatick circumspection and their conduct of affairs thought it not convenient further to pursue the French nor to abide longer in these quarters the six Moneths appointed by the States his Masters for that expedition being now expired and therefore having rejoyned Montesarchio with his eight Spanish Men of War he took his leave of him in order to his returning homeward This sudden departure threatned by de Ruyter put the Viceroys of Sicily and Naples in great perplexity and the Court of Spain in much trouble who judged thereby the businesse of Messina almost desperate so that all means possible were used by the Agents of Spain to retain him in these parts and particularly importunate instances in Holland for the prolonging the time of his Commission which prevailed New Orders from Holland being arrived at Naples the Viceroy the Duke de los Velos fearing that de Ruyter might pass without touching there and so misse of receiving of his Letters of so great concern to the Spanish interest sent off the Dutch Consul with some Galleys to meet him and to acquaint him with the will of the States and to invite him to Naples This occasioned de Ruyters coming to Naples where he was splendidly entertained by the Vice-roy and in visiting the City treated with the same honours as are usually rendred to his own person but hastened again aboard The advice sent from Holland of his Commission renewed and a re-inforcement of his Fleet promised set him at work to animate and push forward the slow and heavy march of the Spaniards in the execution of their Gounsils and so having cruised with his Fleet some time at Palermo and some time at Melazzo and had conference with the Viceroy of Sicily It was condescended on that Augusta a place that held for the Rebels should be invested by Sea and Land and accordingly de Ruyter with his fleet made haste for the Bay of Augusta a place to him too satal for so famous a name whilest he was there intelligence was brought him that the French were at Sea whereupon that night he sailed and next morning got sight of the Enemy they being about the Cape Spartivento and he himself with his fleet three Leagues from Augusta The morning was calm so that he could not come up with the Enemy but in the afternoon a fresh gale blowing from S. E. brought both fleets nearer together De Ruyter being in the Van the Spaniards in the body and Vice-Admiral de Haen in the Rear of the fleet which besides the Spanish consisted but of seventeen Dutch Men of War with other galleys fire-ships and small craft They bore down with great eagerness upon the French consisting of thirty Men of war and seven fireships with galleys and other Tenders About four in the afternoon the fight began and lasted till seven with obstinate resolution and courage betwixt the Dutch and French who sustained the whole brunt of this Engagement for the Spanish did but little only kept themselves out of harms way and did what mischief they could at a distance The Dutch had in this Engagement three Ships so disabled as to be towed off and one Captain killed but smaller losses are undiscernable when the great De Ruyter fell For here it was that pressing the French at the latter end of the Fight so as to make them give way a bold bullet from the Enemies Fleet stopt him in his carreer which having carried away part of his left foot and broke his left leg above the ancle threw him on the deck so as by his fall he was wounded in the head The Fleet hereupon slackened sail and stood for the Bay of Syracusa The wounded General was carried ashoar for the more conveniency of cure which then did not seem desperate but the greatness of his minde unacquainted with such checks of fortune encreased so that distemper of body which it patiently bore that the nineteenth of April having been speechless a day before between nine and ten of the Clock at night in the Seveniteth year and Second Moneth of his Age at the first violent summons of Fortune yeelded his last Duty to Nature and as he had lived died in the embraces of beloved honour This his Death as it filled his friends and Countrey with grief and lamentation and all men with pitty and regret so being a losse great enough to cast the ballance of advantage even to the most forlorn and despairing side gave the French a Victory not equalled by their confederate Adversaries unless when last year Triumphant Turene the only Paragon of his worth and fame upon a different Stage played his last Act which two great Champions much unlike in their Original the one being born to a great share of his honour and the other to make all his own did so resemble each other in the course of their Lives and Fortune and manner and Circumstances of dying that it seemed nature had framed them for two Subjects whereon Fortune might shew her skill in dispencing equally her inclinations to great and powerfull adversaries in the highest pitch of competition For as either had been the constant Favourite of their respective Masters and the often and long experieneed prop of their Victorious hopes the one at Land and the other at Sea so both fell by an interchanged great Shot in such a point of time when their actions gave great hopes and confidence to their several Parties and their death was attended with remarkable and dangerous consequences to either side and had Fortune proceeded from the beginning and should she still continue with so even and impartial a hand in all the occurrences and transactions of this formidable war both parties might have occasion to celebrate their triumphs with tears and with drawn stakes sit down and mutually confess that Iam sumus ergo pares De Ruyter was a person as most brave men have been of a middle stature a strong and well compacted body not fat but fleshy of a gracefull and majestick countenance his aspect pleasant and chearfull not terrible by too much fierceness nor by too great mildeness unawful of a complexion sanguine and a constitution temperate and healthfull sober in his diet and moderate though free in his words neither sullen with rigid and morose reservedness nor by loquacity affected or vain his gestures manly and natural and generally of a frame of temper so even and harmonious as rendred him sedate and constant and altogether free from the mistakes and waverings that accompany fickle and light natures in the greater vicissitudes of fortune He advanced to the height of Honour by the regular steps of merit and patience never importuning his destiny by untimely and precipitant ambition nor slighting or being out of the way when Fortune called him to preferment which he conducted by such wise and prudent measures as made him acceptable to all not staining the reputation of his great actions by vain-glorious ostentation and overweening pride but by being dutiful to his superiours respectfull to his equalls gratefull to his benefactors affable and courteous to his inferiours and in a word obliging to all he gained the love and esteem of all that knew him entertaining even the meanest of the acquaintances of his low estate with that civility that if in the top of honour they enjoyed not the ancient familiarity of his baser fortune they easily saw that it was his place and dignity and not the change of humour that altered the stile In fine he was so good a man so devout and pious a Christian so stout a Souldier so wise expert and successfull a General and so faithfull trusty and honest a Lover of his Countrey that he deserves justly to be recommended to Posterity as an ornament of his Age the darling of the Seas and the delight and honour of his Countrey FINIS These Books are Sold by Dorm Newman at the Kings Arms in the Poultrey Tachmas Prince of Persia an historical Novel which happened under the Sophy Seliman who reigns at this day A Treatise of the Gout Written originally in the French Tongue by Theodor Turquet de Mayerne Kt. Baron of Aubonne Counsellour and Chief Physician to the late King and Queen of England Englished by Tho. Sherly Physician in Ordinary to his Majesty Whereto is added Advice about Hypochoudriacal fits By the same Author A New and Easie English Grammar Dictionary and Nomenclator English and Dutch The Doctrine of Devils proved to be the grand Apostacy of these latter times An Essay tending to rectifie those undue notions men have about Daemons and evil Spirits Truth Vnveyled in behalf of the Church of England giving particular Instances of such amongst her profest Sons as have ventured upon Innovations in her Doctrine being a Vindication of Mr. Standish his Sermon before the King and published by his Majesties special Command By a Person of Quality The whole Body of Arithmetick made Easie wherein the Rules of that Art are briefly explained and illustrated with such familiar examples as may reach the capacity of any that desire to learn Dr Robert Bayfields Anatomy Kitchin Physick With Rules to prevent sickness and cure diseases by diet and such things as are daily sold in the Market By Tho Cocke Whereunto is added A Discourse of Stoving Letters of Advice from two Reverend Divines to a young Gentleman about a Case of Conscience The School of the Heart in 47 Emblemes Sixteen Sermons Preached on Sever all Occasions By Edvv. Boys B. D.