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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A30539 Satans designs defeated ... Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. 1659 (1659) Wing B6022; ESTC R14163 16,232 20

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is in the Saints for the Comforter the spirit of truth is one in it self and the same Though it comforteth the Saints and reproveth the world and the wicked for their sins And men are reconciled to God by Christ for he was in God reconciling to himself and none are reconciled but who walk in the light and followes it for who walkes in the light the blood of Christ cleanseth them from all sin and they are reconciled and none else And the word of God is in the heart as the Scripture saith Deut. 30. Rom. 10. and that is the word of prophesie and that word is sufficient to lead out of all sin unto God if men believe in Jesus and receiveth him and the spirit of truth leadeth into all truth all that follow it That Christ as man is not in heaven yea that he hath ceased to be man and consequently to be Mediator and when I told them he should come in the Clouds in like manner as he ascended and that at his coming the Elements melteth one of their Teachers told me that the clouds were scattered and the Elements melted in him Ans. Christ Jesus is ascended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father yea he is ascended far above all heavens as saith the Scripture but that is utterly false whereas thou saist we say he ceased to be man that is thy lie and so I passe it And we believe according to the Scriptures that he shall come in the Clouds in like manner as he Ascended and at his coming the Elements shall melt And it is not error for a man to say the Clouds were scattered and the Elements melted in him for Clouds are darkness and covers the face of the Sun many times as thou mayest behold in the Firmament But darkness is yet over thy heart and the Elements are not melted away And therefore thou art in thy imaginations putting light for darkness and darkness for light and calling evil good and good evil That the bodies of men shall never rise again after death and that the day of Iudgement is come already and that now the Saints do Iudge the world Ans. We do believe the Resurrection according to the Scriptures for if onely in this life we have hope we were of all men most miserable And we believe that the dead shall arise again after death and every one shall receive according to the deeds done in the body they that have done evil shall arise to Eternal condemnation and they that have done good unto Eternal salvation in the day of Judgement And the Lord cometh with and in ten thousand of his Saints to judge the world and the Saints upon earth do receive the spirit of judgement and do judge the world even all things for the spiritual man judgeth all things even in this present age if thou canst receive it thou mayest They are utterly against water Baptisme and Administering of the Lords Supper with bread and wine Because they say they have the substance of all within Ans. As for Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord we do own it and it is practised of us in the life and power of God but as for your Baptisme that is to say sprinkling of infants calling it the Baptisme into the faith and that they are made members of the Church thereby and that it is a seal of regeneration as you say in your Common-Prayer book and Directory that we do utterly deny and doth say it is no Ordinance of God neither was ever commanded by him or practiced by his Saints but is an Institution of the Whore of Rome And England received it by a Popish Institution and your practice of it is idolatry and not any part of the true worship of God And as for your breaking bread and drinking wine in that manner and form as it is practiced in the Church of England among the unconverted and unregenerated that we utterly deny also to be of God or to be ever commanded of him or practiced by his Saints and this is neither Heresie nor error in us but true bearing witness against your Idolatrous wayes and practices with which the Nations are deceived whom the Whore causeth to drink her cup even all people hath drunk her cup and she hath drunk the blood of them that would not And she hath long sate upon Nations Peoples and multitudes but now she is made bare and discovered and all you her false Ministers And whereas the Author doth say these are some of the strange and horrid opinions which they have audatiously invented c. Answ. It is no strange thing that truth be called Heresie and error and that it be branded with a name of strange and horrid opinions and such like but we do acknowledge that in that way that is called Heresie do we worship the true and living God and wo will be unto them that put light for darkness and darkness for light but when these particular things and their answers are truely read and weighed then let spiritual men judge for this Author must not be judge in his own case whose judgement is corrupted and his wayes abomination And it hath been the work of that generation of those called Ministers I mean for this seven years to cry out to the Magistrates and to send one Paper after another of this nature to them but what hath it advantaged them for hath not the Lord turned their wisdom backward And even the way which they have thought to destroy the heritage of the Lord the Lord hereby hath made his heritage more glorious and so they have striven against the Lord and altogether in vain and their doings shall they eat the fruit of and receive the reward of their own work And whereas the Author further saith such as hath saving work in their souls and that knowes God and Christ c. can not but bless God for keeping them from the great blackness and darkness that hath invaded the souls of these deluded wretches Answ. They that know the saving work in their souls and that knowes God and Christ in truth and righteousness and that calleth upon him with an upright heart we are one with them and they with us And they alone that walkes in the light that Christ hath enlighted them withall are kept from the darkness that doth invade the deluded and as for thy envious reflection as poor deluded wretches and such like these words are to thy self for they have no entrance into our dwellings the Lord hath saved us by his right hand we bear them as his reproaches for righteousness sake And whereas thou sayest it is very sad that after so much Preaching of the Gospel so many should take those things for new lights which are but Antiquated errors c. Ans. It is very sad indeed that the Ministers of this Nation should have so fair a Profession upon them and should put the Nation to so much charge
by giving them tythes and Stipends and mony and hath spoiled Peoples goods and cast their bodies into prisons even of many hundreds that would not pay them And yet the Nation should be left in darkness and like a untilled wilderness notwithstanding all the Profession of Preaching the Gospel for the Nation hath been like an untilled field and like People like Priest like shepherd like sheep as it is especially amongst them where Shepherds and sheep are risen in Rebellion against the Nation and hath joyned with the old Caveliers but this shewes that your Preaching hath been for ends to your selves and for mony and that you have been Ministers of the Letter and not of the spirit nor of the power of God for had you been in the life and Preachers of the true Gospel the Nations had been as a garden at this day and not like an unploughed field as we see they are people abounding in ungodliness and in all pride and vanity which is a shame to Christianity now People and Ministers hath made a shew of the Gospel but hath been without the power in the form of godliness and have had the form but resisted the power And indeed the ignorance of the people will lie upon their Ministers who hath been crying peace to them that have walked after the imaginations of their own hearts and hath not turned the wicked from his wicked way and the Scriptures are fulfilled upon them they have run but God hath not sent them therefore the people hath not at all been profited by them but the light of the glorious Gospel is risen in mens hearts and your folly and vanity is discovered and that makes you rage and swell like a foaming Sea now when your shame is seen you are casting out slanders and reproaches thinking thereby to seduce the minds of people thinking alwayes to keep the Magistrates on your side and to ride upon them and that they will establish you in freedom and destroy them that are against you but the Lord is opening their eyes to behold your deceit and madness and you will be left unto your selves and fall into the pit that you have digged for others And whereas this Author doth further compare this poor people which he in scorn calls Quakers with several pestilent Hereticks as he calls them that have disturbed the Church and saith he they agree with the Adamites and Pharisees and Sadduces and with the Mannachies with the Jewes Turkes Servebus and with the Soscinians and many more which he names and saith we agree with them and this is to render us odious and as abominable as he can to men in Authority To all which I do answer what we do profess and practise for Religion we have not been learnt from man nor been taught it by men not our Gospel nor Religion but we have received it from the Lord and of him are we taught and by the spirit lead into all truth and though thou hast done as the Pharisees did they reckoned Christ with transgressors and crucified him betwixt two thieves so though thou hast compared us with such and such whom thou callest Hereticks and it is possible many of them might be so and so thou hast shewed the spirit of the Pharisees and of the murtherers that denyed Christ and we are known unto the Lord what we are though not unto mortal mans wisdom that perisheth And to whom shall we more truely compare the Ministers of England are they not like those which Isaiah cryed against that sought for their gain from their quarter that were greedy dumb dogs And like them that Ieremiah cryed against that said thus saith the Lord when the Lord had never spoken to them nor sent them and are not you all like them that Micah cryed against chap. 3. that Preached for hire and Divined for mony and that prepared war against those that would not put into their mouthes as you do at this day and are not you like them that Ezekiel cryed against that made a prey upon the flock and made merchandize of souls and fed themselves with the fat and did not feed the flock but ruled over them with force and cruelty And are you not like such as Christ cryed wo against that were called of men Master that went in long robes and love greeting in the markets and uppermost roomes at feasts for you act those things which Christ cryed wo against the Pharisees who did the same things And are not you like them that Paul spoke of that are headdy and high minded men and covetous and proud and went in the way of Baalam for gifts and rewards and that through coveteousness with fained words made Merchandize of souls And Are not you like them that Iohn saw was coming in in his dayes that went out from them and that went into the world that were of the world and spoke of the world and the world heard them and which the world went after And are not you of them that hath deceived the whole world that hath been of the Whore that causeth all Nations to drink her cup and of them that hath made war against the Saints and against the Lamb of that stock of the false Prophets that wrought miracles in the sight of the beast And the world wonders after the beast and the beast hath carried the Whore and he hath compelled and caused all to worship him and the Whore caused all to drink of the cup of her fornication are not these things so may not the witness of God in all mens consciences truely answer hereunto and condemn you to be such as were the false prophets and the hirelings and the deceivers against whom the Prophets Christ and the Apostles gave witness yea it is manifest that you are in the same way and of the same generation and that you follow the same spirit because you shew forth the same works and are not you like the Papist and the Jesuites was it not by the Authority of the Pope of Rome that your very way of making Ministers was ordained at Schools and Colledges and were it not the Papists and in their dayes that the general part of your Church Discipline and Government the call of your Ministers and practice of them and maintenance of them was it not first set up by the Papists was not this way of Tythes first established by the Church of Rome and do you not follow the Papists herein in receiving tythes Gleab Lands and Easter reckonings and Midsumer dues which you hold up and would destroy them that will not give you such things And therefore are not you like unto the Papists and Jesuites yea we know that the Church of England is but newly come out of the womb of Popery and hath the Symtomes thereof upon her at this very day in many things yea the Testimony of God in all people may witnes hereunto and so it is the very trick of the Whore to cry out against