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B10212 The remonstrance from the Reverend Father in God, Francis Lord Bishop of Ely, and several others, the most eminent divines of the Church of England, against the proceedings of the P: O. and the lords spiritual and temporal, that invited him. Being an adress [sic], from the pulpit to the King, in fifteen sermons; denouncing damnation, &c. to the abdicators of God's annoynted, and abettors of this rebellion. Turner, Francis, 1638?-1700. 1689 (1689) Wing T3279; ESTC R185788 60,696 114

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always attended with Loyalty This will clear the Profession of Religion from the a●persion of ungovernableness and set Us forward to that Kingdom where He by whom Kings Reign shall rule over all and be all in all LONDON Printed for Joanna Browne at the Gun at the West-End of St. Paul's A Sermon Preached by Benjamin Calamy D. D. on the 9th Septemb. 1683. Ecclesiastes 10. Verse 20. Curse not the King no not in thy thought c. OF all Rebels they are certainly the worst that are such out of conscience and no such desperate Villains as those who think to please God by Murders and Massacres Other wicked men may be often checked are sometimes restrain'd by their consciences and dread of a future Judgment but what evils shall they ever boggle at who commit such gross wickedness out of complyance with their conscience out of obedience to God and expect to be rewarded for it in another world And is it possible by any thing We can do to bring greater dishonour to our Religion or more effectually to prejudice Rulers and Governors against it than by making it to patronize and countenance Faction and Rebellion If this were the true genious of Religion To make men Unpeaceable Turbulent Mutinous Seditious c. It would then become the great interest of Princes to guard themselves against It as the very Pest of Humane Society and dangerous to the Civil Government But thanks be to God This is not the temper of Our Christianity Our Saviour's Religion begets in men the most gentle and meek patient and Governable Spirits and is so far from being inconsistent with Loyalty to our Prince that it is th● greatest ●ye and Obligation to it in the World And there is no one can through off his Allegiance to his Earthly Soveraign but at the same time He Renounces all duty and Conscience towards God. The Doctrine and discipline of the Church of England We all know what it is It is stated and defin'd and we are sure that it condemns all disloyal Seditious practices on any pretence whatever We must not compass imagine desire or contrive Or invite any thing that tends to the damage and prejudice either of our Soveraign Lord the King or of any that are Commission'd or Authoriz'd by him Soveraign Kings and Princes are God's Deputies and Vicegerents set up by himself and They derive their Power and Authority from him alone God Almighty the maker of us all is the only absolute Lord and uncontroulable Soveraign of Men and Angels part of his own Power and Authority which he hath over his Creatures he hath Delegated and Committed to Kings who are the most Principal instruments and Ministers of his providence in the World Hence are they call'd Gods and Children of the most High Psal 82 6. God hath invested them with some part of his own Majesty stamped his own Character upon them and appointed Them in His place to perform and administer even some part of his Divine Office if I may so speak amongst men Thus constituting Them Earhly Gods as to their persons sacred and as to their Actions Accountable to None but that Supereminent Divine Authority that gave them Commission This is not any new coyned Divinity invented in favour of Arbitra●y Power but is expresly delivered in holy Scriptures was professed own'd and taught by the primitive Christians and hath been the constant Doctrine of the Reformed Church of England Nay it is agreeable to the general sence of mankind and might be made out by Rational Evidence if we had no other confirmation of it That Supreme Governours have their Power and Authority from God alone is expresly delivered in Scripture and that not only of the Kings of Israel who were evidently established by God's appointment but in general we are told Prov 8. 15. 16. By me Kings reign and Princes decree Justice By me Princes Rule and Nobles even all the Judges o● the Earth Thus Cyrus an Heathen Emperour is call'd God's Annointed Isa 45. 1. Thus saith the Lord to his Annointed to Cyrus and in the last verse of the preceding Chapter he is call'd God's Shepheard Prin ces being often by reason of the Resemblance betwixt the Pastoral Offic● and Government call'd Shepheard● I have made the Earth saith God by the Prophet Jeremiah 27 5 6. and given it to whome it seemed meet unto me And now have I given all these lands into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon my servant Thus Daniel declareth that the Most High Ruleth in the Kingdoms of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will. And he tells Nebuchadnezzar Chap. 2 37. that it was the God of Heaven that had given him a Kingdom Power and Strength and Glory In the new Testament nothing can be plainer than the begining of the 13 Rom where St. Paul tells us that there is no Power but of God that the Powers that be are ordain'd of God whence in the next verse he styleth Magistracy or Government the Ordinance of God and in the 4th verse the Ruler is Called the Minister of God To execute his vengeance upon Them that do Evil. It is plain that this was always the Doctrine of the Church of England as appears from the Booke of Homilies wherein we are taught That the High Powers are set in Authority by God that they are God's Lieutenants God's Presidents God's Officers God s Commissioners God's Judges Ordain'd of God himself Nay it hath been directly asserted in our Church that the most High and Sacred Order of Kings is of Divine right being the Ordinance of God himself founded in the prime law of nature and clearly establish'd by express Texts both of the Old and New Testament Nor indeed can it be well Conceiv'd or Reasonably imagin'd from whence Kings and Soveraign Princes should have right to Govern and Command but from God alone since He is the undoubted Lord of the whole Earth and alone hath full Power and Right to Govern it I cannot see but that whoever shall goe about to Confer any Power of Government or take upon himself any such Authority over others were it not ●y God's Appointment and insti●ution he would thereby put himself upo● disposing of Gods Right without his leave or ordering so that Government or Supriority of o●e or more over others is all Tyrany and Usurpation upon God's Right or els it must be granted to be Ordain'd by God himself And whatever the form of Government may be or whatever hand the People may have in Choosing or Designing the person or persons that shall be invested with this Supreme Authority yet the Power and Authority it self is deriv'd only from God and is neither Received of the People in Trust nor is the Soveraign Power answerable to them for the Administration of it which is sometimes illustrated thus Tho' the Wife may choose what person she pleaseth to make her Husband Yet his Authority over the Wife is not owing to her nor doth
THE REMONSTRANCE From the Reverend Father in God FRANCIS LORD BISHOP Of ELY And several others The most Eminent DIVINES Of the CHURCH Of ENGLAND Against The Proceedings of the P O. And The Lords Spiritual and Temporal That Invited Him. Being an ADRESS from the PVLPIT to the KING in fifteen Sermons Denouncing Damnation c. To the Abdicators of God's Annoynted and the Abettors of this Rebellion Concilia callida et Inhonesta pri 〈◊〉 Fronte loeta Tractatudura Eventu tristia Tacitus Dublin Printed for Alderman James Malone Book-seller in Skinner-Row 1689. TO THE SACRED MAJESTY OF God's Annointed AND Vice-Gerent to the Almighty IAMES The Second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland KING In Vindication of the Principles of Obedience and Loyalty always Taught by the Church of ENGLAND This Remonstrance is most humbly Dedicated By your Majesties ever Loyal and Dutiful Subject JOHN YALDEN. To the Reader Christian Reader PArdon me if I presume to use the King words at his Majesties first Accession to t●● Crown viz. I know the Principles of t●● Church of England are for Loyalty And I m●● tell I hee too that Loyalty will be always co●stant where it is accompanied with True Re●●gion If thou doest enquire of me whether the Preachers of the Gospel have fully practice those indispensible principles of primitive a●● pure Christianity herein taught and avowed 〈◊〉 them to the whole world I can only tell Th●● with the Heathen Orator Omnis laus virtut●s actione consistit If any of them have acted contra●● to what they delivered to the People from t●● Pulpit where none but Sacred Oracles should dispenced it is they only are too blame And t● I am affraid Even my Bishop here cannot throughly excuse himself yet such as are innocent ca●not ought not in Justice to share in those Bit● Reproaches which are most justly due to t●● Guilty Tho the late Defection in England was ve●● general and spread it self over his Majesties ●●minions like the poisonous infection of an Epi●●mical Contagion yet I know there are many l●● and those Protestants too that have not bo●● their knees to Baal nor worshiped the G●● Calf that others have sett up such as will most assuredly joyn with the King upon afair opportunity and do now really believe it to be a kind of Idolatry to obey the Vsurper This Remonstrance hath followed his Majestie through all the Meanders of his most Barbarous Exile and is design'd chiefly to reclaim such of his Subjects to their duty as have been mislead bring them to a due consideration of that natural and sworn Allegiance which for the most part both ways They owe the King And to assure the Obstinat persisting Rebell that his Portion shall be amidst all the dire effects of Eternal vengeance accompanied with the Cursed Crew of Appostat Angels still Cursing God as they Curse the King because They can expect no Mercy by being Sunk below the Depth of all Repentance The first 14 of these Sermons were preach'd on the 9th of September 1683 being a day set apart for the most Solemn worship of God Almighty a day of Thanksgiving for the great deliverance of his Majestie and his Royal Brother from the Rye house Regicides c. And the last for the Defeat of Monmo●th's Rebellion So that Sermons Preached upon such Occasions may be truly taken as from persons filled with Extraordinary Devotion and inspired with a true zeal for the Honour of Christianity To have printed the whole of each Sermon would have been too voluminous as-well too chargable to thee But in this Abstact is contain'd the matter and designe of the several Discourses the Force and Strength of all their Arguments where any thing is added it is only to make a Connection and comes generally betwixt these two marks And as the Divinity of these Preachers doth extend itself to an universal Obedience So I hope the Reader will pardon me where I apply such Doctrines to the case of this Rebellion In fine I challenge any man to shew me that I have wrested any thing contrary to the true sence of my Authors Tho' perhaps Some Mens own words at this time a day will be unsavory even to themselves but such deserve the Character of Atheists much better than that of Honest Christians And to that purpose I have directed the most Malicious Critick where to find the Sermons by telling him for whom they were Printed A SERMON ENTITULED The Duties of Fearing God and The King Preach'd on the 9th of September 1683. by John Fitz William D. D. Prov. 24. vers 21 22. My Son Fear thou the Lord and the King and meddle not with them that are given to change For their calamity shall rise suddenly and who knoweth the ruine of them both FEaring God and the King are Duties inseparable Indeed all the Commands are so chain'd together that he who loosens but a single link dissolves the whole chain who transgresseth one is guilty of all For tho they were wrote in two distinct Tables and distributed under ten heads or words as the Jewish Docters speak by God himself yet his Authority being the soul which quickned them like the soul animating the several members of the body gave them all but one common life and being So that a particular violation of one becomes of accessity an universal destruction to all And as the Commands so our obligations to observe them are connext if not after that manner as Zeno affirm'd all virtues were who promiscuously confounded them together yet so as Ch●ysippus hath explain'd that Stoical Doctrine That a man could not be truly Brave without the conduct of Prudence nor Prudent without attending to Justice nor Just without the regulation of Temperance So in like manner a man cannot be piously affected towards God without being honestly affected towards Men cannot express his Love towards the one in the instances belonging to him without shewing it towards the other in all points which concern them and he who pretends to the former And neglects the latter proclaims himself a liar The reason of this is plain and obvious because if I perform the first from a right principle out of conscience of my duty towards God requiring it the same principle will engage me to do the second because he demands that likewise And on the other side if the motive of my love to my fellow Creature man be his bearing the image of God I cannot but love and reverence that God who fashion'd him after his own likeness And as there is no dividing so there is no commuting of duties our zeal in one kind will not make attonement for our remisness in another our Piety for Injustice But tho'all the commands are inseparably conjoyn'd yet there is a closer and more indissoluble union between these two particular ones of ●earing God and the King by how much Kings are more lively expressions of God's Majesty and Power than ordinary
King's Son hid in the house of the Lord for six years space is brought forth by the loyal Jehojada the High Priest and proclaimed King and the Traytoress Athaliah is justly slain And in our English Annals we may find Examples enough of this kind Let John usurp the Throne due to Arthur his elder Brother's Son he taught but his Subjects to rebel against him and after he had numbred as many troubles as days of his Reign he is thought to end his life by poyson Edward the Third tho otherwise a brave Prince yet because he Dispossessed his Father of the Crown shall rue it in his Grandson his immediate Successor whom H. 4 another Usurper bereaves first of his Throne and a little after of his life too But Divine v●ngeance meets with him likewise in his Posterity for H. 6. his Grandson tho as innocent and harmless a Prince as ever before him that enjoyed the Imperial Crown of England hath his own Son stabb'd before his face and himself some time after butcher'd by the same hand● Let Rich. 3. murder his innocent Nephews in the Tower let him poyson his own Wife that so he might marry his Neece the only Heiress to the Throne yet God blasts his designs and blesseth this Nation both with his death and the happy Union of the York and Lancaster Families in the persons of Eliz and Henry the Seventh Which Contest had cost more Blood than twice Conquer'd France Which One would think should make all true Englishmen pray for the Succession of the Crown in a true lineal descent From these let us come some what nearer and behold Edward the 6th upon his death bed whom Northumberland works and imposeth to declare the Lady Jane Gray his Successor The secu●ity of the Protestant Religion was then as now pretended To which They knew Mary was averse And so soon as the King was Dead the Lady Gray against her own will is proclaimed Queen in London and her Ambitious Father in Law Northumberland thinks all safe as having nothing to oppose him but a Naked and defenceless Tho a true Title when no sooner Mary tho' a Papist asserts her Right to the Crown but her Subjects tho' they were Protestants as one man rise up in Arms to Defend not to oppose or invade the Succession They knew how many thousand lives the dispute about the Crown had cost but a little before Neither could they finde any motive then no more than We can now in the Church of England That gave any Encouragement against the Lawfull Heire P●●secution they might dread but they would commit that Cause to God and they had rather undergo the flames of Martyrdom than be stigmatiz'd with the brand of Rebellion Upon this the Conspirators were defeated and that without a Battle taken and Executed I might tell you of Wyat's Conspiracy in the same Queens time and of many others in Her Sisters Reign And as we often see Treason Severely punished in this World so it is much more dangerous to the Actors thereof in the World to come I am sure St. Paul tells Us so Rom 13. 2. They that Resist shall Receive to Themselves Damnation a very small Encouragement God knows for Conspirator and Usurpers to rise up against and Dethrone a Lawfull King Fortho ' we should grant which seldom happens that many Traytors might so far prosper here as to secure themselves from the hands of Justice yet there is a King of Kings from whom no power can shelter Conspirators or such whether they be Lords Spiritual or Temporal that shall any ways Invite or encourage an Invader against their Lawfull Soveraign And this Damnation in the close of all will prove a sad Prize of the most Fortunate or Succesfull Treason whatsoever And in the 49 verse of this Chapter we may find no less than 14700 destroy'd because they maliciously cryed our against Moses and Aaron that they had killed the People of the Lord And what People were they why even the Blessed Conspirators Corah and his Accomplices Good God! that any should be so bold or Foolish to call those whom the Holy Ghost in my Text brands with the character of wicked Men The People of the Lord No! No! They never were nor can be the People of the Lord who Resist Lawfull Authority London Printed for James Norris at the Kings-Arms without Temple Bar A SERMON Preached at Petworth in Sussex by John Price D. D. 1 Corinth 10 10. Neither Murmer Ye as some of them also Murmured and were destroyed of the Destroyer NEither the sense of a natural allegiance nor the Sacred Tyes of Oaths nor Preferments nor Honours nor Riches could keep Some men in the dutifull station of Subjects St. Paul would have the Corinthians take warning from the Israelites whose Murmurings and discontents are recorded in Scripture and recorded there not only To ubraid their ingratitude but as the Appostle speaks verse 11. These things happened to them for Examples and they are written for Our admonition upon whom the Ends of the World are come Solomon gives a Caveat Say not thou what is the cause that the former dayes were better than These For thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this matter The Murmuring Questionists of his Age had the like before them and they have been since and ever will be so long as time is men will complain of the times and the little portion of Happiness that God gives Us in this life is di●●urbed by our own Restless and Repining nature any little petry accident at present doth more disturb Us than a load that is past and gon off our shoulders Israel was under the Miraculous protection and deliverance of Heaven but wants some little convenience and presently we read of a loud and clamarous Murmuring would to God We had dyed in Egypt The hard Bondage they had felt was gon off now and the want but of a meals meat in the Wilderne●s put them to Murmur against God and their Gover●ors As if it were not enough that man was born to labour as the sparks fly upward but we ad sparks to the fire when we are Children and under the disciplin of the Rod we complain that we were not born sooner and past the Correction of our Master and when we are Old we think we ware never so happy as when we were Children indeed we are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Those phansies that pleas'd Us we are soon weary of and seek for new somthing it is that would please Us better but what it is we know not Nev●bus atque Quadrigis petimus bene Vivere c. To Represent unto you the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Murmurer first he is an Heretick St. Inde speaking of false Teachers says that they are Murmurers Complainers c. Iquietoe Hereticorum Curiositates says Tertulian They are always Restless and always Prying Creep into Houses and then into affections till their Murmuring discontents at last break out into open Factions Secondly
mischief these and such like destructive principles have done We all know and are now like sadly to smart under the miserable consequence of them But when shall the Prophecy of the Royal Martyr be accomplished among Us who told his Son our Soveraign Lord That when the mask of Religion should be Pull'd off the Face of Rebellion He might then see happy Days But instead of that Doe We not now see three Kingdoms imbroyl'd in the most unnatural War or which is worse made Slaves to the most unnatural Tyrants Tho' we have not yet heard the sad Tydings of Cities lay in Ashes or of Fields covered with the Slain yet We have just alas too just reason to fear that destruction attends Us at our very dores And We have seen that the Innocent and Loyal have been every where made a Prey to Satiate the Malice of a Revengful Faction And for their sakes the Nation is Now again become the Reproach of Christianity and Scorn of Man-kind LONDON Printed for Walter Kettilby A SERMON Preach'd before the University of Cambridge by Miles Barnes D. D. St. Luke 19. V. 14. But his Citizens hated Him and sent a Message afoer Him saying We will not have this Man to Reign over Us. THe Jews were always a Moody Head-strong People Impatient of any kind of Government Theocracy it self could not please them They Murmured against Moses and Aaron c. And when the Messias appears as Moses had don before in this great Juncture of hardship They adhere to their Oppressors and shamefully reject the●r Saviour by Libelling his Government in general by throwing contempt upon his person in particular Is not this the Carpenters Son by traducing his life and conversation making him a Winebibber a Friend of Publicans and Sinners by making base Reflections on his Disciples and chief Ministers by undervaluing his Doctrine as inconsistent which the Pomp and Grandeur of the Roman Empire by making him an Innovator a disturber of the Establish'd Religion and lastly as the Height of their Malice by Proclaiming him a Traytor and Enemy to Caesar as having Si●ister ends to set up a Fi●th Monarchy in opposition to the Fourth And when all their pretences were Ba●●●ed and they Reduc'd to the last effort of Obstinate Rebels to own Rebellion for Rebellions sake then They Magisteriously resolve themselves into the Soveraignty of their own Wills and conclude against all Government in a direct Nolumus Hun● We will not have this man to Reign over Us But can they think he will not Reign over them Yes he does and will too at his last terrible Advent when he shall come with all the Solemnities of Majesty to Judge the World Pronounce Sentence upon These Wicked Citti●ens and make Them the Vassals of Eternal vengeance The certain Doom of all unrepenting Rebels I am sorry to tell you that the frequent Tumults and Insurrections which have infested the Reigns of our British Kings gave occasion to that Sarcastical saying Rex Angliae Rex Diabolorum but you may tell your selves that These Devils never Acted more like Devils than since They were possessed and guided by the Turbulent Spirit of our Modern Pharisees the Presbyterians who are the very Cittizens that from their first Institution have shewn their hatred against Monarchs and Monarchy John Calvin founded his Presbytery in Treason and Rebellion the Cittizens having prepared his way by expelling from Geneva their Lawful Prince and Governor Which violent Act was Encouraged approved and confirmed by Calvin and it has ever since been carried on by Schism and Sedition Never was it Received into any Church but it presently dissolv'd the Catholick unity of Faith and broke the Bond of Peace never into any State which it did not embroil and throw into very dangerous Convulsions never into any Family which it did not divide and set at variance never did it get possession of any single man whom it did not strangely transform with Pride and Morosness made him unfit for Civil Society and Common Conversation Have the Presbyteria●s in any of their Synods censured or condemn'd the pernitious Tenets of Calvin or Beza has Any of them had the grace to disown or write against their Dethroning Doctrines if they have their Books have proved very ineffectual for if We pass from their Principles to Their Practices We shall find that They have always been of a Turbulent Imperious and Bloody Spirit And there have not been wanting Some Church Trimmers still retaining a Fellow-feeling for the Cause who from the Pulpit have endeavour'd to clear them and ●ay the guilt of their Horrid Murthers chiefly upon the Popish Priests though they cannot finde the name of one Papist in the whole List of True Protestant Regicides The Principle of De●●roning or Deposing Kings charged upon the Jesui●s has been publickly censur'd and condemn'd as impious and erroneous in several Forreign Unsversities written against by men of the Romish Communion and is most solidly and unanswerably confuted by Barclay in his excellent Book De potestate Pap● c. which book is dedicated to Clement the Eighth The Prerogative never suffer'd no great Statesman has ever been disgrac'd nor the Church of England it self nay the Libertys of the People ever Wounded But a dreadful Outcry of Popery has 〈…〉 ceded No man could shew his Fidelity to the Monarchy but he was presently blasted with the odious Title of a Court or a Church Papist Speaking against the Bill design'd to exclude his Royal Highness the Duke of York now King says this Reverend Divine To say nothing to the Rude form observ'd in the penning of this Bill that 't was drawn up by a person since accused of High Treason And to pass by the Ingratitude of the Contrivers against a Prince of such Eminent virtues who has ventured his Royal Blood as frankly for the good of his Country as the meanest Subject in it who was even then actually manifesting his unalterable Loyalty and affection to his Soveraign in Reducing Scotland to their Obedience and We have at this hower great reason to be thankful to him for his Wise and Prosperous Conduct in that affaire And I do here publickly declare what was always my judgment that I doe believe no human Acts or Power in the World can de jure hinder the descent of the Crown upon the next Heire which is his unalterable Right by Religion Law History and Reason And now if We consider the quality of This Hellish Conspiracy It is compounded of so many malignant Ingredients that it looks more like a confederacy against Religion Morality and the Common Sentiments of Humanity than a Conspiracy against the Frame Constitution and Administration of the Government Ambition avarice and Revenge have often lead men and bewitch●d them into Treasonable Associations But This seems to be the sole result of abstracted malice of men abandon'd to the curse of a Reprobate minde who after having Travell'd through all the slow methods of Sedition
power obey it All the Commands of God must be punctually obey'd Men may not cull out this or another according to their own Fancies since the Rule is infallibly Authentick Iam. 2 10. That whosoever shall keep the whole Law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all The reason is because he breaks that very Foundation he builds upon viz. The confession of a God and our duty to Him The Apostle makes the inference verse the 11 For He that said do not commit Ad●l●ery said also do not Kill now if thou commit no Adultery yet if thou Kill Thou art become a ●ransgressor of the Law so then if any man pretend out of a sense of his duty to God to do one or more things and yet mindes not some other things which God has commanded aswell as those His whole Obedience is nothing and his whole pretence a Lye he really with the Fool says in his heart there is no God. But if at last we look into the word of God we shall find that as he has commanded us to abstain from all Immoralities even from whatsoever has the least appearance of Evil so he has by the Apostle enjoyn'd Us to mark to set a brand of infamy on Those which cause Divisions and Offences contrary to the Doctrine We have learned and to avoid them 1 Thes 5 22. For They that are such serve not the Lord Jesus Christ but their own Belly and by good words and fair speeches Deceive the Hearts of the People Rom 16 17 18. It is not the openess of a Sin that makes it comparitively the greater Malice is as bad as Theft yet it lys close conceal'd within the dark Recesses of the heart Witchcraft is an obscure Sin few know what it is yet every one believes it worse than Drunkeness Adultery Covetuousness c. And Treason tho' it hates the light is as had as Profaness To Curse the King in Our hearts tho' never so secretly is a Damnable Sin And 't is the same To contrive Tumults and Rebellions in the State against Our Lawful Soveraign But these last admit of one particular aggrava●ion beyond all bare Immoralities whatsoever and it is this every one who pretends to Conscience acknowledges it to be his duty to abjure all Immoralities while many pretend to be active in the other only for Conscience sake And when Sin is once abetted by that which men call Conscience the mischievous effects of it know no bounds Presently after the King's Restauration before things wre fully settled Tong Phillips Stubbs Hind Sallers Gibbs all of 'Em men pretending to tender Consciences were executed at Tyburn 22 Decemb. 1662. for no meaner a design than Cutting off Root and Branch Kings Queens Dukes Bishop all were to go one way That there should be no Runing beyond Seas or parlyes there but a Total destruction of the King Lords Bishops and Gentry The Plot when effected to be Charged upon the Papists and the People to be excited to Rise in Arms under pretence of a Popish Massacre And the Godly party in the year following were Plotting again in the Northern parts to carry on the same work their Brethren had failed in before Of which Treasonable Plot His Majesty told the two Houses That it was of a large extent and very near execution had not he by God's goodness come to the knowledg of the Principal contrivers and so secured them from doing their intended mischief But still the Evil Spirit was not quite lay'd In the year 1666 the several Parties ventur'd once more upon a Plot To Murder His Majesty Overthrow the Government Surprise the Tower Kill the Lord General and to Fire the City of London which Plot was to have been executed September the third of that year Mony was distributed to the Conspirators and a Council of the Heads setled at London for the Management of affairs For which Hellish Plot Rathbone Saunders Tuck●r Flint Evans Myles Westcot and Cole were executed And tho' so many suffered yet one part of the Plot was unhappily effected in that dreadful Conflagration wherein the great Metropolis of the Kingdom was lay'd in Ashes This being disappointed the Devil of Sedition flew into Sc●tland when in the same year the Old Covenanters broke out into Rebellion at Pentland hills soon after Iames Mitchel a Covenanting Minister attempted the Assassination of Dr. Sharp the most Reverend Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews and in the attempt mortally wounded the Bishop of O●k●●y But the poor Arch-bishop escaped not so Implacable Fanatis●n pursued 'till he was effectually Murdered by some of the Crew with the most inexpressible barbarity 3d May 1679 The same month a new Rebellion under the Banner of the Covenant broke out at Bothwell Bridge where Their Powers were crush'd once again From which blow God grant They never more return But all these ill Successes have not yet It seems so tamed our numerous Sectaries and their Favourers but that Religious Treason has once more made its Entry among Us The King himself the Duke the great Officers of State the Loyal Magistrates of the City of London all doom'd to Slaughter c. No ●op●p● No Slave●y has been the Common Cry They acting therein like those Sabtle villains who when they have Killed a man themselves are the most busie to find out the Murderers Same tell us that he Members of the last Parliament at Westminster were All Church Men But what ●hey were their horrid actions declared Such Church Men the true Church of England will always disown as only fit Associats for Conspirators and Rebells Is † This the True Protestancy some have boasted so much of Or are all P●pishly aff●ted who declar can Hearty The Rebellion now on Foc● abhorrence of all such D●●ilish Principles and P●atices May We all bear that reproac●ful Character rather than for a Popular Ti●le run headlong to the Devil And let all Persons who profess Loyalty to their Soveraign be truly Loyal to that God who is the great preserver of Princes Let the world be convinced that even s●eming virtues which render Schismaticks plausible are solid and real in all Thos● who maintain God's ancient solemn r●g●lar worship Let Us Fear God and Honour and Trust our Soveraign Let no Subtle Emissarles of Faction make Us suspicious of our Superiours or of one another That so We preserving the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace and Righteousness of Life the wo●k of God may prosper in Our hands That Plots Treasons and Rebellions against Our Lawful Prince may for ever be execra●ed and accursed And all England may hear and fear And no such W●ckedness may be hea●d of among Us any more London Printed for Walter Kettilby A Sermon Preach'd at Westminster Abby on the 29th of July 1685 being the Thanksgiving day for Quelling Monmouth's Rebellion by Edward Pelling Chaplain to the Duke of Somersett Psal 124. 6. Blessed be the Lord who hath not given us as a Prey