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A91267 A seasonable vindication of free-admission, and frequent administration of the Holy Communion to all visible church-members, regenerate or unregenerate. From the institution, precept, president of Christ himself; the doctrine, practice of the primitive Church, fathers, councils, Christians: the confessions, articles, records, chief writers of our own and other reformed churches: the dangerous consequents, effects, schisms arising from the disusage, infrequency, monopoly of this sacrament, to visible or real saints alone; and suspension of all others from it, till approved worthy upon trial. And that upon meer Anabaptistical, and papistical false principles, practices, (here discovered) unadvisedly embraced, imitated, asserted, exceeded by sundry over-rigid, reforming ministers; to our Saviours dishonour, our Churches great disturbance, their own, their peoples prejudice; and the common enemies, and seducers grand advantage. / By Will: Prynne of Swainswick Esq; a bencher of Lincolns InneĀ· Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1656 (1656) Wing P4070; Thomason E495_3; ESTC R203285 81,072 108

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A SEASONABLE VINDICATION Of Free-Admission and Frequent Administration of the HOLY COMMVNION To all Visible Church-members Regenerate or Vnregenerate From the Institution Precept President of Christ himself the Doctrine Practice of the Primitive Church Fathers Councils Christians the Confessions Articles Records Chief Writers of our own and other reformed Churches the dangerous Consequents Effects Schisms arising from the Disusage Infrequency Monopoly of this Sacrament to visible or real Saints alone and Suspension of all others from it till approved Worthy upon trial And that upon meer Anabaptistical and Papistical false Principles Practices here discovered unadvisedly embraced imitated asserted exceeded by sundry over-rigid reforming Ministers to our Saviours dishonour our Churches great disturbance their own their peoples prejudice and the Common Enemies and Seducers grand Advantage By Will Prynne of Swainswick Esq a Bencher of Lincolns Inne 1 Cor. 10. 2 3. 16 17. And did ALL eat the same spiritual meat and did ALL drink the same spiritual drink c. The Cup of blessing which we blesse is it not THE COMMUNION of the Bloud of Christ The Bread which we break is it not THE COMMUNION of the Body of Christ For we being many are one Bread for WE ARE ALL PARTAKERS OF THAT ONE BREAD Aug. Ep●st 179. Non bonum est homini hominem vincere sed bonum est homini ut eum Veritas vincat volentem quia malum est homini ut eum Veritas vincat invitum Nam ipsa vincat necesse est sive Negantem sive Confitentem LONDON Printed by F. Leach for the Author 1656. To the over-sadly divided misguided Ministers of the miserably distracted undermined almost ruined Church of England especially such who in Theory or Practice have swerved from their Duties in casting off the Frequent Administration of the Holy Communion with their peoples Free-Admission thereunto and in other particulars of moment here briefly touched DEar reverend Christian Brethren whom I cordially honour for your a high and heavenly Calling give me leave with that Christian Liberty which becomes me without any fear or flattery to inform you that I have for many years by-past with a bleeding soul and mournfull spirit taken special Notice of some offensive Deviations from and Negligences in your Ministerial Function whereof many of you are guilty which have given great Advantages to your Common Romish and Sectarian Adversaries and just scandal to divers of your best-affected Friends some whereof I formerly endeavoured by seasonable timely b Publications to crush in the very shell and now deem high time to remind you of being grown Epidemical yea almost destructive to your very Ministry as well as perillous to our Church and Religion Not to inlarge upon your own manifold intestine c sad Divisions between and against your selves which have separated you into several Opposite Squadrons that I say not Factions and Battalioes of Presbyterians Episcopalists or Royalists Independents Interdependents openly secretly warring against and seeking to supplant each other by the extravagant power proceedings of illegal Arbitrary Committees and new coyned Orders Ordinances Covenants Engagements with other Machiavilian Devices whereby you have endeavoured to eject sequester suppresse vex ensnare ruine one another under our successive late publike Revolutions of Government By which you have now at last made your selves meer Tenants at will both in respect of your Benefices Tithes Ministry to every New upstart power a derision to your Popish a prey to your Anabaptistical and other Sectarian Adversaries who infinitely increase their Numbers Proselytes by these your unbrotherly feudes and have no special Committees to restrain eject suppresse them but are crept into most Committees and places of power to vex molest discountenance persecute eject sequester many of you at their pleasures and secretly encourage countenance abet our last insolent spreading Romish Sect of Quakers to disturb affront revile your persons Doctrine Ministry both in the Church Streets and all other places and to publish their most rayling scurrillous Invectives against you to accomplish your speedy extirpation by these Instruments of the Pope and Devil which they dare not immediately attempt by themselves In which prosecuted design of your utter speedy extirpation all Anabaptists Sectaries concurre and unite their forces with the Jesuites and Popish party as Iohn Canne demonstrates in his Second voice from the Temple p. 2. where he excites The Supreme Authority of the Nation the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England to whom he dedicates it utterly to extirpate the National Church Ministry Worship Government of England and to starve famish all the Ministers thereof whom he stiles Antichristian Idols by taking away the food and maintenance whereby hitherto and at this present they are ●ourished fed and kept alive In regard of which joynt desperate Co●federacy against you by these your combined common Adversaries I shall now exhort and advise you First of all To lay aside and abandon all private animosities factions feuds contests and persecutions against each other as not only unbeseeming the d Embassadors Ministers of the God Prince Gospel of Peace but as the most probable unavoidable means of your own speedy destruction as these two Gospel Texts will assure you Mat. 12. 25 26. And Iesus said unto them Every kingdom divided against it self is brought to desolation and every City or House divided against it self shall not stand And if Satan cast out Satan or one Min●ster another of a contrary party he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom or Christs where his Ministers are thus divided and cast out one another stand And Gal. 5. 15. But if ye bite and devour one another take heed that you be not consumed one of another Among all the evils that afflict the body politick of the Church or State there is none so pernicious as division especially amongst the Ministers and chief Officers thereof e because it strikes at the very foundation of their being and poisons the original of their life and strength Wherefore I beseech you most especially to avoid detest this destructive sin 2ly Seeing all Ministers and Christians are specially obliged by the f command and will of their Master and by their own welfare safety salvation to continue inseparably united one to another and all together to make up but one harmonious Body I shall exhort beseech advise you all to g live and love like Brethren h To be all of one mind and of one Spirit striving together for the faith of the Gospel i To keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace k To manifest to all the world that you are Christs disciples by loving one another And to pursue this pathetical exhortation of the Apostle to cease the Contentions between the Minister and people in the Church of Corinth 1 Cor. 1. 10. Now I beseech you Brethren in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that ye all speak the same thing and that
and undervalue Christs death and passion represented therein than those who in obedience to his Institution make conscience externally to receive it when administred and do neither externally nor internally Sacramentally nor spiritually receive the body of Christ when as the others who receive unworthily receive it externally and Sacramentally at least in the Elements Which Judas likewise did as Bishop Iewel there asserts out of two Quotations in i St. Augustines writings 3ly Consider that when our Saviour sent forth his Apostles and Ministers who succeed them to preach he gave them this Commission Mark 16. 15 16. Go ye into all the World and preach the Gospel to every creature He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved BVT HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT SHALL BE DAMNED Which is likewise seconded John 3. 18 36. 2 Cor. 2. 15 16. If then the damnation of those who believe not the Gospel preached authorizeth not Ministers or Presbyteries to seclude any unbelieving Christians or other unprofitable hearers from hearing the Word and Gospel read or preached in the Church or elsewhere then by the self-same reason this danger of eating and drinking damnation and being guilty of the Lords body and bloud can be no sufficient Authority Ground or Commission for any Classi● Presbytery or Minister whatsoever to seclude any visible unexcommunicated Church-member from the Lords Supper no more than from the Word preached read prayer or any other sacred Ordinance which * God commands them to frequent which no mortals●may or can without the highest presumption usurpation juridically enjoyn them to abstain from or neglect Seeing we ought herein to obey God rather than men as the Apostle themselves have twice resolved Acts 4. 17 18 19 20 29 30 32. c. 5. 20 21 28 29. c. 42. and Daniel long before them Dan. 6. 5. to 18. All which particulars with what else I shall subjoyn in this Vindication duely considered together with that Commission which every Minister publikely received heretofore at his Ordination when he had this power conferred on him Be thou a faithfull Dispenser of the Word of God and OF HIS HOLY SACRAMENTS Take thou Authority to preach the Word of God AND TO MINISTER THE HOLY SACRAMENTS IN THIS CONGREGATION where thou shalt be so appointed And that solemn promise he then openly made k I will by the help of the Lord GIVE MY FAITHFVL DILIGENCE ALWAYS SO TO ADMINISTER THE DOCTRINE AND SACRAMENTS OF CHRIST AS THE LORD HATH COMMANDED AND THIS REALM HATH RECEIVED THE SAME according to the commandements of God will I hope through Gods blessing on them resolve and determine all those distracting needlesse Controversies touching Suspension of particular Persons or whole Parishes from the Lords Supper and remove all New-erected Bars and Rayles to keep the people from Free-admission and accesse to the Lords Table in all plaees where of late years they have been injuriously sequestred from it and restore the frequent Celebration thereof in remembrance of our Saviours Passion And so much the rather because the very Directory it self as well as our old Common Prayer Book in the Section Of the Celebration of the Communion or Sacrament of the Lords Supper resolves thus in the very first lines The Communion or Supper of the Lord is † frequently to be celebrated But how often may be considered and determined by the Ministers and other Church-Governours of each Congregation as they shall find most convenient for the comfort and edification of the people committed to their charge After which it directs When the day is come for administration the Minister shall make a short Exhortation expressing the inestimable benefits we have by the Sacrament together with the ends and use thereof setting forth the great necessity of having our Comfort and Strength renewed thereby in this our Pilgrimage and Warfare which being the things I plead for I cannot but hope all Ministers of the Church of England will henceforth cordially pursue notwithstanding all former Books Cavils Scruples to disswade them from their duties herein * If there be therefore any consolation in Christ if any comfort of love if any fellowship of the Spirit if any bowels and mercies fulfil ye my joy that ye be like minded having the same love being of one accord of one mind herein * Finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise think on these things Those things which ye have both learned received and heard seen in me do the God of Peace shall be with you The Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all Amen So prayes your unfe●gned Christian Friend and Brother in the Lord WILLIAM PRYNNE Swainswick Sept. 1. 1656. A Seasonable Vindication of the frequent Administration of the Holy Communion to all Visible Church-members Regenerate or Vnregenerate HAving heretofore in a several Publications from Divine and Humane Authorities of all sorts largely evinced That the holy Communion of the Lords-Supper belongs equally to all and every visible Member of every particular Church capable of self-examination not actually cut off from it by a legal Excommunication be he regenerate or unregenerate That it ought to be now frequently administred in publick to all congregations as it was in the Primitive Church That it is a powerfully Converting as well as a Confirming Ordinance That Christ himself admitted b Judas to it though a Devil Theef Traytor Covetous wretch selling Christ for money to his Crucifiers at its original institution as well as the holiest Apostles That all Ministers are bound by their Office Duty Christs command to administer and all their people of age of discretion often to receive it That none may or ought to be secluded from it but such as are for their Notorious sins actually excommunicated from Church-Communion and all other Ordinances That sole Suspension from this Sacrament by way of Church-censure with free admission to all other publick Ordinances and Examination by Ministers or Presbyters of other mens fitness by way of Jurisdiction before their admission to the Lords Supper are not warranted by any precept or president in Gods word That neither the Ministers who deliver this Sacrament to unworthy Receivers presenting themselves humbly and earnestly to receive it nor such who receive together with them are guilty of their unworthy receiving but themselves alone nor any wayes partakers with them in their sins Answering likewise all Objections to the contrary Which Mr. John Humfrey in his Sermons Vindications of Free-admission to the Lords Supper and Rejoynder to Dr. Drake hath acutely judiciously solidly backed vindicated since with John Timson in The Barre removed and Answer to Mr. Collings and Mr. Saunders And having newly in my Legal resolution of two Important Quaeres of General pres●nt concernment clearly demonstrated
from our Statute Common and Canon Lawes the bounden Duty of Ministers or Vicars of Parish-Churches to administer the Sacraments as well as Preach to their Parishioners with the Legal Remedies to reclaim them from or punish or remove them for their wilfull obstinacy in denying the Sacraments to them A Theam not formerly handled by any of my Profession generally unversed in such Law-points Which Remedies doubtlesse may will be put in execution against such Anti-Communion refractory sacrilegious Ministers who wilfully rob their Parishioners of their Sacramental Bread and Wine being herein far worse than Popish Priests who deprive their Laicks only of the Cup but freely admit them to the Sacred Bread in the eating of whith alone they likewise misinstruct them c that they also drink Christs Cup and Sacred Bloud And though they oft preach unto their people when they injuriously detain their Tithes Dues Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the Ox that treadeth out the corn Deut. 25. 4. 1 Cor. 9. 9. that so they and theirs may have bread to eat at their own Tables yet themselves against this and other Divine commands still muzzle the mouths of those Oxen their Parishioners whose Tithes and Duties they receive which not only tread out but sow and provide them corn and keep them thus muzzled sundry Moneths nay Years together from eating any Bread at the Lords own Table though he d invites commands compels them by his Word precepts and the presidents of all former ages frequently to resort thereto To prevent which Prosecutions by their injured offended people and reclaim them from this their Sacrilegious obstinacy by all Christian friendly means or else to leave them exposed to the Justice Penalties of our Laws without any colour of Excuse or Plea in bar in Law or Conscience I thought it convenient by way of Corollary to all my former Publications of this subject to recommend to them and others some Passages touching the Lords Communion and it s oft celebration distribution to ALL Church-members in our peerless Bishop Jewel and shining Thomas Becon with certain Observations of my own deduced from them which through Gods blessing may rectifie their erronious Judgements Consciences Practices wherein now they ignorantly act the Parts imitate exceed the extravagances promote the designs of Papists Anabaptists and other Sectaries and by building blindly or unadvisedly upon their Foundations increase their Numbers Churches and decrease subvett their own as we all find by sad experience and themselves will most repent of if now they will not reform their Errors when it will be over-late I shall therefore beseech all such Ministers to lay aside all obstinacy self-interests Prejudices Parties Combinations By respects whatsoever and with sincere unbias●ed docible Spirits to pursue Solomons divine advice Prov. 8. 33. Hear instruction and be wise and refuse it not lest Poverty and shame befall them as they doe those who refuse instruction Prov. 13. 18. and lest they sin wilfully without hope of pardon e Post inspirationem vero et revelationem factam qui in eo quod erraverat perseverat prudens sciens sine venia ignorantiae peccat praesumptione atque obstinatione superatur as S. Cyprian resolves It is a memorable saying of f S. Ambrose touching the Sacrament of the Lords Supper Indignus est Domino qui aliter Mysterium celebrat quam ab eo traditum est Non enim potest devotus esse qui aliter praesumit quam datum est ab Authore Which had those Ministers I now deal with duly pondered they would never have presumed to advance their own new Crochits above the Precept against the express President of the very Author of this Mystery Which how great a Crime it is that old blessed Martyr g St. Cyprian will inform them in these positive words Not to doe that thing that the Lord did what is it else but to cast off his word and to despise his Discipline and to commit not worldly but SPIRITUAL ROBBERY AND ADULTERY while as a man from the truth of the Gospel STEALETH AWAY BOTH THE SAYINGS AND DOINGS OF THE LORD and corrupteth and defileth Gods Commandements And is not their peremptory denyal to administer the Communion to their people year after year their stealing away the Body Bloud Bread Cup Table whole Supper of the Lord himself from their Parishioners and corrupting wresting defiling sundry Scriptures to justifie this their practice a casting off his Word a despising of his Discipline a committing not of worldly but spiritual Robbery Adultery yea a stealing away of the sayings and doings of the Lord worse than that of the h Aquar●i of whom he writes who did oft consecrate the Sacram. and deliver it to the people Yet vel ignoranter vel simpliciter in Calice Dominico sanctificando ET PLEBI MINISTRANDO non hoc faciunt quod Jesus Christus Dominus Deus noster hujus Sacrificii Author Doctor fecit docuit consecrating and ministring water to the people instead of wine And if St. Cyprian might well write this against the Hereticks called Aquarii which in the holy ministration would use no wine but instead thereof did consecrate water and ministred it unto the people MUCH MORE MAY WE SAY THE SAME AGAINST OUR ADVERSARIES WHICH CONSECRATE AND MINISTER UNTO THE PEOPLE NO CUP AT ALL writes venerable Jewel as these now do consecrate minister to them no Sacrament at all which is far worse I shall desire these Sacrilegious novellizing Ministers for the most part unacquainted with Antiquity seriously to ponder what this imcomparably learned most judicious pious Bishop Jewel in the name and defence of the Church of England after all his sufferings and exile for Religion hath written of the Holy Communion c. against Mr. Harding in his i Reply Article 1. of Private Masse where he informs us in positive terms 1. * That the holy Communion was so OFTEN so GENERALLY FREQUENTED AMONGST ALL CHRISTIANS IN THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH IN ALL THEIR ASSEMBLIES and CONGREGATIONS that at length the very company and fellowship of them was called COMMUNIO taking name of that action which was most solemnly used among them at their meetings which he there proves by sundry instances out of S. Aug. k S. Hierom and others which l Aug. like as also m S. Hier. and others witnesseth the whole people DAYLY RECEIVED TOGETHER n Hugo Cardinalis saith further Vel aic●tur Communio quia in Primitiva Ecclesia populus communicabat quolibet die It is called the Communion for that the people in the Primitive Church DID COMMUNICATE EVERY DAY In the primitive Church they in their health RECEIVED DAILY and in their sicknesse o had the Sacrament sent home unto them From whence he thus objects against Mr. Harding his Private Masse and censures the negligence of the Priests in the Church of Rome in administring the Communion and in not exciting
the Father through the Son his passion and death The custom of the Popes Church is that the people receive the Sacrament usually but once a year that is to say at Easter By which ●eans the Commandement of Christ is broken the Sacrament neglected the death of Christ not so earnestly remembred the people become unthankfull Dissolution of life breaketh in Vice increaseth Virtue decreaseth From these with sundry other like Passages of Bishop Iewel and Thomas Beacon incomparably eminent both for their Learning and Piety it is irrefragable 1. That in the Apostles days as some from Acts 2. 46 47. c. 20. 7. 11. 1 Cor. 10. 16 17 21. c. 11. 17. to 34. resolve and in the l Primitive Church for many hundreds of years next after the Apostles and among the Greeks and Christians under Precious Iohn at this day all Christians and visible Members of the Church of years of discretion to examine themselves constantly received the Communion all together every day or Lords day at the least when ever they met to pray hear the Word or perform any other publike Duties of Religious Worship unto God and that out of meer duty piety devotion zeal and love to Christ m Bishop Iewel in his Defence of the Apology of the Church of England proves this more fully by the confession and testimonies of sundry Popish Authors Thomas Aquine saith In Primitiva Ecclesia quando magna vigebat devotio Fidei Christianae Statutum suit ut fideles quotidie communicarent In the Primitive Church when great Devotion of the Christian Faith was in strength it was ordained that the faithfull should receive the Communion every day n Durandus saith In the Primitive Church all the faithfull daily received the Communion o Hugo Cardinalis saith In the Primitive Church All as many as were present at the Canon of the Masse did daily communicate and if they would not they departed out of the Offertory If ye think these Authorities are not sufficient p Iohannes Cochlaeus saith Omnes olim c. In old time both all the Priests and all the say people received the Communion with the Minister that had made the Oblation as is plainly perceived by the Canons of the Apostles and by the Books of the antient Doctors of the Church c. Likewise saith q Iodocus Clichthovius In Primitiva Ecclesia c. In the Primitive Church the faithful received the Communion every day Likewise it is noted in the Margin upon the Apostles Canons Omnes olim qui intererant communicabant In old time all that were present did communicate In the Council of Antioch Can. 2. Concil. Aquisgran cap 70. Omnes c. All that come into the Church of God and hear the Holy Scriptures and refuse the receiving of the Lords Sacrament let them be put from the Church These Decrees reach not only to the Ministers of the Church but to the whole People r St. Ambrose saith Munus obla●um totius populi fit c. The oblation offered is made the whole peoples For that in me bread all are signified For in that we are all one we must all receive of one bread In imitation hereof the Protestant Churches in forein parts did frequently receive the Lords Supper all together witness the ſ Former Confession of Helvetia Artic. 22. Of the Lords Supper We do therefore use the holy meat oftentimes because that being admonished hereby we do by the eys of faith behold the death and bloud of Christ crucified and meditating upon our salvation not without a tast of heavenly life and a true sense of life eternal we are refreshed with this spiritual lively and inward food with an unspeakable sweetnesse and we do rejoyce with a joy that cannot be expressed with words for that life which we have found and we do wholly and with all our strength pour out our thankssgivings for so wonderfull a benefit of Christ bestowed upon us And this t Confession of Sweveland of their practise Our men do often times with as great reverence as they may receive the Sacrament to be the lively food of their souls and to stir up in them a gratefull remembrance of so great a benefit The which thing also useth now to be done among us much more often and reverently than heretofore was used to wit in times of Popery With the u Confession of Auspurg in these words Therefore the Masse to wit the celebration of the Lords Supper must be used to this end that there the Sacrament may be reached unto them that have need of comfort As Ambrose saith Because I do alwayes sin therefore I ought alwayes to receive a medicin And seeing the Masse is such a Communion of the Sacrament we do observe one common masse every Holy-day and on other dayes if any will use the Sacrament when it is offered to them which desired it Neither is this custom newly brought into the Church With what * hearts of adamant browes of brasse searedness not tenderness of Conscience then can or dare any Protestant Ministers Parsons or Vicars now who have Cure of Souls obstinately deny peremptorily refuse to deliver the Lords Supper to themselves or any or all of their Parishioners and Church members when they earnestly desire it at their hands not only for sundry dayes weeks months but years together and that under a new monstrous x pretext of extraordinary Zeal Piety Devotion Sanctity tendernesse of conscience transcendent Love to Christ his Sacraments their own and their peoples souls Or with what colour will such Pastors be able to justifie or excuse themselves before any Tribunals of God or men when legally accused convicted for this notorious detestable Sacrilege and Apostacy from the custom of the Primitive and Protestant Churches if they presently repent not of it with confusion of face and redemption of their former wilfull neglect herein by constant frequent publike Communions henceforth delivered to all their people in Common without future seclusions of any unexcommunicate persons from it who unfeignedly desire it 2. That the Apostles Primitive Christians Fathers Authors with these two most judicious Divines believed asserted both by their preaching writing practise y That the Sacrament belonged to and ought to be administred to every visible Christian and Church-member alike to all the whole Congregation in common and that none ought to be secluded suspended from it but persons actually z excommunicated from Church-communion and all other publike Ordinances for notorious scandalous offences That upon this ground and its frequent common reception by all it was stiled The Communion both by the Fathers Primitive and Modern Christian Church-writers of all sorts This is the express doctrine of the whole Church of England confirmed by a Parliament and subscribed assented to by all true Ministers Pastors of the Church of England admitted to any Pastoral Charge Article 30. The Cup of the Lord is not
neglectful of due preparation when they repair to the Lords Table but to stirr all up to a like conscientious holy preparation in all their publike or private approaches to God in other duties to rectifie this common superstitious epidemical errour that most think they are unworthy unprepared for the Lords Supper only even then when they deem themselves not so for all or any other sacred publike duties and thereupon approach not to it when it invited or so frequently as they ought and that henceforth none may deem themselves only worthy to receive the Lords Supper once or twice a year but unworthy at all other seasons they being not worthy to receive it once a year if they be not worthy every day according to St. Ambrose doctrine Who writeth thus of the custom of the Latine Church in his time as d Bishop Jewel records his words e Every week we must celebrate the oblation although not every day unto strangers yet for the Inhabitants yea sometimes twice in the week who then as frequently received the Communion as they heard the Word or prayed and deemed the self-same preparation sufficient for all three Ordinances then conjoyned as unseparable in point of usual practice The reason why Christ instituted the Sacrament of this Supper in the most common daily Elements of Bread and Wine was that so they might be commonly and frequently received by all at his Table for the spiritual nourishment of their Souls as well as daily and frequently received for the nutriment of their bodies at their private Tables 4ly That Christ himself his Apostles the Primitive Fathers Christians with all others who thus pressed practised the daily administring and receiving of the Lords Supper reputed it a converting as well as confirming Ordinance f begetting quickning grace in unregenerate as well as confirming inoreasing Grace in regenerate Christians as the Word read and preached doth This g St. Augustines forecited words For Christs Supper is a Sermon and the Priest therein preacheth and uttereth the death of the Lord with sundry others who stile it a visible Word a means of quickning and begetting Grace c. sufficiently manifest and I have h elsewhere proved at large How dare then any Novellers Ministers or others deny it to any unconverted unregenerated Christians as a meer deadly poyson only to them being the most probable effectual lively means of their humiliation compunction regeneration conversion unto God prescribed as the chiefest balsom cordial to heal their wounded sin-sick Souls and support their despairing languishing Spirits Or how dare any such Souls Spirits Christians though laden heavy laden with the greatest Crimes abstain from this most Soveraign Medicin to effect and perfect their Spiritual cure upon pretence of their own unfitness unworthiness unpreparedness when as the more dangerous more desperate mortal their Wounds Maladies are the more more speedily they need the fitter they are for this Spiritual Basilicon this heavenly Electuary which they i then most deferre neglect when they need it most and would first be healed cured by some other means before they resort to this most precious healing Physick which most effectually applies Christs passion bloud merits to their despairing dying Souls of all other Ordinances whatsoever If all in desperate corporal wounds diseases resort presently to the most effectual healing Medicaments why not then in Spiritual likewise but be enjoyned perswaded enforced under pain of damnation to defer and forbear them 5ly That it k was the constant practice duty of the Primitive Fathers Bishops Pastors and of the Protestant Churches Ministers in the beginning of Reformation to invite excite and stirre up all their people when backward negligent undevout to the frequent constant rec●ption of the Lords Supper reputing all such who neglected this duty to be malapert impudent unworthy of Christian Communion and rebuking censuring excommunicating them as such till they repented of this sinne as the premises largely manifest together with that pathetical Exhortation in our Book of Common Prayer prescribed by the whole Church Parliament of England to be used by all Ministers * and read in Churches when they shall see the people negligent to come to the Holy Communion which I shall desire all our Ministers and Negligent Communicants oft to read ponder at their leisures for their better information and conviction With what consciences reason equity Piety then can any who professe themselves the only true faithful orthodox Ministers of Jesus Christ yea the holiest and devoutest Zealots of all others now make it their chiefest busines their greatest glory praise the argument of their ferventest zeal and devotion by preaching writing disputing not to exhort provoke encourage invite compel their people to but to dehort deter s●quester debar their Parishioners others from the Lords Table and their holy Communion with Christ and one another in this Ordinance for whole moneths yea years together l advising them to abstain fly from it as a most certain deadly poison damnation to their souls and instead of discharging their Pastoral duties in excommunicating all such who prophanely neglect to repair to it seclude excommunicate themselves and all their Parishioners from it though they earnestly importune them to be admitted to it month after month year after year against all Lawes of God and Man and by most absurd unchristian unreasonable whimsical conceits and pervertions of Scriptures endeavour to justifie in Presse and Pulpit this their most sacrilegious unchristian impious Papal Antichristian practi●e before all the world m censuring all others as professed Enemies to Reformation Christs Covenant and Kingdom Prophane Licentious Libertius Erastian Hereticks Men of loose Principles void of piety devotion holinesse c. who either concurre not with or publikely oppose them in these their irreligious Innovations and tyrannous usurpations diametrically contrary to the Doctrine Practice of all former Christian Bishops Pastors Ministers Churches from the Apostles dayes till this day The Lord now convince rebuke humble them for these their scandalous Practices Publications and reclame them for the future for their poor oppressed peoples spiritual welfare and our Churches future peace and settlement in these distracted times 6ly Bishop Jewel and Thomas Beacon in their forecited passages charge these particulars on the Church and Clergy of Rome as antichristian Papal Practices Innovations Errors Crimes contrary to the institution doctrine Practice of Christ his Apostles the Primitive Church Fathers Christians and of all reformed Protestant Churches Ministers in which most of our Anabaptistical and Independent Ministers yea many Presbyterians now imitate equal and farre exceed them 1. That the Custom of the Popes Church and Popish Clergy is usually to administer the Lords Supper to the People but once or twice a year by which means the commandement of Christ is broken the Sacrament of Christ neglected the death of Christ not so earnestly remembred the people become unthankefull dissolute in life vice
communicating with him contrary to the nature and institution of the Communion than suffer the party to die in discomfort and be swallowed up in despair without it But many of our Ministers are now so cruel and hard-hearted to their Parishioners that they will upon no terms or intreaties daily frequently or yet at all deliver the Communion publikely to them in the Church in their healths that so they might not stand so much in need of it in their sickness as i Bishop Jewel adviseth to prevent this Popish Mischief and the Primitive Christians Fathers practised Neither will they administer or send it privately to them at their deaths as the Primitive Fathers did even to excommunicate persons on their death-beds to comfort their hearts strengthen their faiths and keep their souls from sinking in despair In this therefore they are more uncharitable injurious tyrannical than the very rigidest Popish Priests and Popes unto their People 9ly That k the Popes and Popish Priests having discontinued the daily Communion of the Lords Supper with the people have instead thereof set up Private Masses wherein the people stand by only as Ga●ers and Spectators onely of the Priests eating and drinking but yet must not eat drink or communicate with them at the Altar or Lords Table they ●either calling them thereto by words or gestures nor having any preparation for them if called making them believe the hearing and seeing of what they do is sufficient whereby they increase the Negligence of the people and discourage them from the Holy Commnion Which Practice though meerly Popish and Antichristian l contrary to the precept and practice of Christ and his Apostles the Custom Doctrine Canons of the Primitive Fathers Churches the m Confessions Articles of all forein Churches and of the n Church of England professedly condemned declamed against by the Exhortation prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer ratified by sundry Acts of our Protestant Parliaments by Bishop Jewel and all former Protestant orthodox Writers Yet Dr. Drake in his Antiquaeries Preface p. 6. and his Boundary to the holy Mount p. 160 161 c. herein plays the down-right Pope Popish Priest not only in imitating but thus justifying pleading for this Practice as fit to be introduced in all our Protestant Churches Scandalous Persons yea Heathens may be present at the Lords Supper and all Sacramental actions and that with a great deal of profit The fruit of the visible and audible Word may here be attained by bare presence c. But they must not be admitted to but debarred from the participation of the Sacramental Bread and Wine Mark his reason By presence benefit may be gained but the Danger of eating and drinking unworthily cannot be incurred without actual receiving A better solider Argument for Private Popish Masses if true than any produced by Mr. Harding Bellarmine or any Romish Pope or Priest In which passage he proclaims open war against the o Institution Practice Doe this c. of our Saviour who instituted this Sacrament not to be Gazed upon but eaten and drunken by all present admitted no bare Spectators but Gave it to ALL his Disciples Yea he therein bids defiance to the Holy Ghost and St. Paul himself 1 Cor. 10. 2 3 4. 16 17. c. 11. 22. to 34 to the p Ite Missa est Qui non communicat det locum Custom Doctrine of the whole Primitive Church Fathers Christians as Bishop Iewel will at large instruct him and more particularly to the 25 Article of the Church of England The Sacraments were not ordained of Christ to be gazed upon or to be carried about but that we should duly use them And this Exhortation Resolution in our English Liturgy Whereas you offend God so sore in refusing his holy Banquet I admonish exhort and beseech you that unto this unkindnesse you will not adde any more Which thing you shall do let this Doctor and others mark it well if ye stand by as Gazers and lookers on those that do communicate and be not partakers of the same your self this makes the fault much greater and is a further contempt having the Mysteries of Christ in derision Is it not said Take ye and eat Take and drink ye all of this With what face then will ye hear these words Will not this be a neglecting despising and mocking the Testament of Iesus Christ c Wherewith other * Protestant Churches in their very confessions accord And St. Chrysostom long before them ad Ephe●●o● Hom. 3. Whosoever standeth by refusing to communicate is wicked and shameless and unworthy to be partaker of the Prayers Thou wil● say I am unworthy to be partaker of Christs Mysteries thou art then unworthy to be partaker of the Prayers Thou mais● no more stand here th●n one of the Catechumeni or Novices that was never Christened Thus Dum stulti vitia vitant in contraria currunt This New Doctor will on no means admit ignorant scandalous or unregenerate Christians to receive the Sacrament for fear they should eat and drink their own damnation but yet defines they may be present at it and all the Sacramental actions without receiving and that too with a great deal of Profit What I pray To make their fault much greater to commit a further contempt than if they unworthily received them by having the Mysteries of Christ in derision and neglecting despising and mocking the Testament of Jesus Christ as our whole Church resolves against this his Popish Whimsy contradictory to it self For if they may see and hear the Sacramental actions and administrations worthil● and with a great deal of profit no doubt they may also receive it with much more profit and comfort too and it will Nonplus this grand Rabbi to resolve us how any can be a fit a worthy a profitable Auditor and Spectator of this Sacrament and yet an unfit unworthy unprofitable yea damned Receiver Let him therefore not disown retract this his Popish Dotage Contradiction Absurdity to which he is driven to avoid the dint of my q former Arguments against his absurd new-found Suspension and excommunication of men by way of Church censure for notorious Scandals only from the actual reception of the Lords Supper but not from being Spectators at it and freely admitting them as unexcommunicate true Churchmembers to all other Ordinances without the least seclusion from them For which Mr. Iohn Humfrey hath since sufficiently schooled him in his Rejoynder to his Boundary 10ly That the Popish Priests having abolished daily weekly frequent Communions together with their people in the Church who ought to receive the Sacrament and remember the death Passion of our Saviour as often as the Priests themselves do yet to keep a perpetual remembrance of Christs death oblige themselves to say Privase Masses daily communicate alone without the people and offer up Christ daily in sacrifice to his Father wherein appeareth their wanton folly that they
all the world preach the Gospel to every Creature He that believeth the Gospel preached and is baptized shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned To which he superaddes Mat. 20. 14 15. c. 11. 20. to 25. Mar. 6. 11. And whosoever will not receive you nor hear your words when ye depart out of that house or City shake off the dust of your feet Verily I say unto you it shall be more tolerable for the Land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgement than for that City 2 Cor. 2. 15 16. For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ in preaching the Word as well as administring the Sacraments in them that are saved as in them that perish To the one we are the savour of death unto death and to the other we are the savour of life unto life By which it is apparent that there is as much danger judgement damnation incurred by every man by his unworthy receiving of Baptism and unprofitable hearing and contemning the Word preached as by his unworthy receiving the Lords Supper as also by his unworthy praying which is an abomination unto the Lord and turned into sinne Psal. 109. 7. Prov. 28. 9. Isa. 66. 3. Upon which account all unregenerate ignorant impenitent scandalous persons should be totally secluded from Baptism preaching hearing of the Word and Prayer as well as the Lords Supper by our Ministers So this Erroneous Popish opinion refuted at large by Dr. Ames in his Bellarminus Enervatus Tom. 3. l. 1. c. 4. De Saramentorum Comparatione hath severed the ordinary daily use of the Lords Supper used in the Primitive times from the ordinary publike Prayers and preaching the Word which it alwaies accompanied in the best and purest times and ingendred a world of unnecessary unchristian Controversies Schisms Sect in the Church of God especially in our own of later times And therefore ought now to be duely considered reformed exploded as well as that Monster of Transubstantiation which originally introduced these fond superstitious Popish Errors that now so much intoxicate the brains perplex the consciences both of Protestant Ministers and People and are like to prove our Churches ruine The Church of England in her 13 Article with our Protestant Writers Divines doe all Generally condemn the Popish doctrine of Merit of Congruity Yet most of them now really embrace justify preach teach print it in their extraordinary Preparations for the Lords Supper They all generally now teach and exact a visible or real worthinesse as absolutely necessary for every Communicant without which he must in no wise approach to the Lords Supper for then it will certainly prove meer poyson to him and he shall only eat and drink thereat his own damnation But if he be so really so visibly worthy and prepared as they prescribe and require hi● to be then he may certainly assure himself that God will accompany this ordinance with his special presence Grace blessing so as he shall assuredly reap much Grace encrease confirmation of his Faith Ioy Peace Assurance and all other Graces by it Whether this be not the Popish Schoolmens meriting Grace of Congruity and tying of Gods Grace Spirit to our Worthinesse Merits Preparations for our own inherent Worthinesse and Preparation sake let all judicious Protestants resolve Verily when I seriously ponder that Memorable Passage of Martin Luther in his Greater Catechism i That this Sacrament was not institnted for those that are worthy and purely clensed from their sins but clean contrary even for miserable and wretched sinners sensible of nothing but their own unworthinesse Therefore let such a one say Lord I would very willingly be worthy of this Supper but yet I come unto it induced by no worthines of mine own but trusting on thy Word alone because thou hast commanded me to come c. For the Sacrament is not to be looked on as an hurtfull thing from which we should run with both our feet but as a saving and wholesome Medicin which may heal thy diseases and give life both to thy Soul and Body Why then do we so shun it as if it were a Poison which being received would bring present death unto us Yea but some may say I am not so sensible of my sins and unworthinesse as I should be To such as are in this condition I can give no better advice than to look into their own hearts and to see whether they be not flesh and blood and may not say with Paul Rom. 7. I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no thing that is good In summe by how much lesse sensible thou art of thy sins and defects the more reasons thou hast of comming and frequent seeking Help and Physick And when I consider these Passages in the Practice of Piety so much approved by all our Divines and pious Christians concerning the due manner of Practicing Piety in receiving the Holy Supper of the Lord k That no man living is of himself worthy to be a Guest at so holy a Banquet The Rules there prescribed How to consider and perceive our own unworthinesse by examining our lives according to Gods Commandement With these ensuing Meditations prescribed to every Communicant to ponder both before and at this Sacrament l Ponder then with what face darest thou offer to touch so holy a body with such defiled hands Or to drink such precious blood with so lewd and lying mouths Or to lodge so blessed a Guest in so unclean a Stable For if the m Bethshemites were slain for but looking irreverently to the Ark of the Old Testament what judgement maist thou justly expect who with such impure eyes and heart art come to see and receive the Ark of the New Testament in which n dwelleth all the fullnesse of the Godhead bodily c. If John Baptist the holiest man that was boru of a woman thought himself o unworthy to bear his shooes O Lord how unworthy is such a prophane wretch as thou art to eat his flesh and to drink his precious bloud If the blessed Apostle St. Peter seeing but a glympse of Christs almighty power thought himself p unworthy to stand in the same boat with him How unworthy art thou to sit with Christ at the same Table where thou maist behold the infinitenesse of his Grace and Mercy displayed If the q Centurion thought that the roof of his House was not worthy to harbour so divine a Guest What room can there be fit under thy Ribbs for Christs Holinesse to dwell in If the r bloud-issued sick woman feared to touch the hem of his garment How shouldest thou tremble to eat his flesh and to drink his All-healing bloud Yet if thou comest humbly in Faith Repentance and Charity abhorring thy sins past and purposing unfeignedly to amend thy life henceforth let not thy former sins affright thee for they shall never be laid to thy charge and
examin their fitnesse and suspend them from the Communion they have by divine retaliating Iustice or Providence at least and I desire them to observe it sodeinly unexpectedly beyond all humane probability by an unparalleld sacrilege lost most of their Church revenues Tithes Duties either seised or detained from them by their people from whom the● detain this Sacrament yea lost both their intended Presbyterial Government Classes Iudicatories Reputations Credits Reverend esteem the love and affections of the Generality of their Parishioners and rendred their Persons Function Ministry generally odious contemptible opprobrious throughout the whole Nation as themselves experimentally feel complain of and all intelligent men observe Which being an undeniable experimental truth there can be no better speedier means used to regain their former honor love respect and reduce their straying flocks from their several Schisms Sects Conventicles unto their Parochial Congregations Assemblies Ministry but to renounce those Anabaptistical Errors Practices they have unadvisedly taken up and strenuously defended to restore the frequent weekly monthly use at least of the holy Communion the principal bond of Christian Amitie Peace Vnity * serving instead of ANOATH to bind them all together in the true Profession of Christianity to re-gather their people together and re-unite and keep them close to themselves and one another and to grant a free admission unto all visible Church members able to examine themselves to the holy Communion as well as to all other Ordinances as Christ his Apostles the Primitive Fathers Christians did and the premises undeniably manifest they are bound to doe and to endeavour by preaching writing exhortations and all good Christian means to prepare and excite all persons capable to the frequent participation of this Sacrament and not dehort deterre any such from it as they have done of later years and thereby driven them both from their Churches and Ministry Remember what f Bishop Jewel in his forecited words replies to Mr. Harding O miserable is that Chdrch wherein no man no not so much as one is well disposed and fit to communicate at the Lords Table What conscientious zealous Christian can with comfort continue in such a Church or what Minister with comfort or conscience continue in his Pastoral charge over it and not remove or separate from it to some other Church and people better qualified for Christian Communion at Christs heavenly Feast Such Churches these Ministers declare their own to be by their practice to whom they pretend they cannot dare not administer the holy Communion at all as having no right unto it to the peoples scandal and their own And how many such Parochial Churches have we now in England who have had no Sacrament of the Lords Supper publikely administred in them for divers years last past though the more sinfull and worse they are the more they need this Soveraign Medicine this Sinne-clensing Soul-recovering Antidote to cure their Spiritual Maladies and diseased Souls the with-holding whereof from them instead of working their Spiritual cures hath f but only lengthned increased their diseases and made them more sinfull obstinate vicious irreligious sacrilegious prophane undevout atheistical neglectful contemptuom of this and all other sacred Ordinances than before and banished the serious frequent meditation of Christs precious bloudshed and benefits of his passion quite out of their remembrance As therefore the h Anabaptists and Independents seclude none from their Sacraments whom they deem visible members of their selected refined gathered Congregations upon this account That none are or ought to be members of their Churches but such who have an equal right and free admission to all Gods Ordinances So let our Presbyterian Ministers now upon the same account either separate from their Churches as no true visible Churches of Christ or else admit all the visible actual Members of their Parochial Congregations to this holy Communion as well as to all other Ordinances wherein they have all an equal interest as Church-members lest all their people withdraw and separate from them as many thousands have lately done and will do must else doe more and more till this Sacrament be restored to them That being no true visible Church of Christ nor true Christian Congregation wherein the Sacraments are not duly frequently administred as well as the Gospel preached as all i Protestant Churches Confessions Writers unanimously resolve And those Churches must needs be full of Schisms factions Contentions Animosities hatreds void of Christian love unity and in a most desperate sad condition where the Supper of the Lord the k sign and bond of the love peace unity amity that Christians ought to have amongst themselves and Sacrament of their redemption by Christs death is wholly cast aside kept from them by their Ministers Which the Lord give all such obstinate Church-distracting Church-destroying Ministers grace now timely to consider reform for their own their peoples the Churches benefit union Peace and future Settlement upon serious perusal of all the premises compiled published for this much-desired end alone For a close of all I shall desire all proud Pharisaical supercilious over-severe Ministers and other Christians puffed up with such a swelling conceit of their own transcendent Holinesse worthinesse and most others unworthinesse that they think them altogether unworthy to communicate with them at the Lords Table to consider seriously with themselves these few particulars which may abate this their spiritual pride and uncharitablenesse and reform their erronious practices in this kind 1. Advisedly ruminate upon Christs own parable of the boasting Pharisee and humbled sinfull Publican who went both up together into the Temple to pray and which of these two Christ himself justified Luke 18. 9. to 15. Which Parable he spake unto certain who trusted in themselves as being righteous and despised others v. 9. This alone methinks should at least abate if not fully cure this their overweaning self-conceit Compared with those Isay 65. 5. Which say to others stand by thy self come not near to me FOR I AM HOLIER THAN THOV These are a smoak in my nose a fire that burneth all the day Behold it is written before me I will not keep silence even recompence into their bosoms Let all such pure Justiciaries take heed they come not within the verge and censure of Prov. 30. 12. 13. There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet are not washed from their fillhinesse O how lofty are their eyes and their eye lids are lifted up with spiritual pride Withall let them remember that of Jam. 4. 5. and 1 Pet. 5. 5. Yea all of you be cloathed with humility for God resisteth the proud and giveth grace unto the humble With that of Phil. 2. 3. Let nothing be done through strife or vain-glory but in lowlinesse of mind let each esteem other BETTER THAN HIMSELF And then they would seclude none from the Lords Table especially before a legal conviction trial and sentence of
Excommunication judicially passed against them as unworthy to bear them company being as good or better than themselves in the judgement of true Christian Charity and Humility if they pursue this Apostolical precept 2ly Let them Ponder our Saviours own precept Mat. 7. 1. Luke 6. 37. Judge not that ye not judged Condemn not and ye shall not be condemned With that of Rom. 14 4 10. c. Who art thou that judgest another mans servant to his own Master he staudeth or falleth But why dost thou judge thy Brother or why dost thou set at nought thy Brother yea count call him a meer Dogg or Swine and seclude him from Christs Table as such before any legal trial or conviction of him as such We shall all stand before the judgement sent of Christ c. So then every one of us shall give an account of himself to God LET VS NOT THEREFORE IVDGE ONE ANOTHER ANY MORE Compared with 1 Corinth 4. 3 4 5 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you or of mans day or judgement yea I judge not my self but he that judgeth me is the Lord Therefore IVDGE NOTHING BEFORE THE TIME until the Lord come who will both bring to light the hidden things of darknes wil make manifest the counsel of the hearts then shall every man have praise of God Jam. 2. 12 13. So speak and so do as they that shall be judged by the Law of Liberty For he shall have judgement without mercy that hath shewed no mercy and mercy rejoyceth against judgment John 7. 51. Doth our Law judge any man before it bear him and know what he doth Which texts duly weighed would take off all rash censorious private illegal judgements passed upon whole Parishes hearts and spiritual estates and suspensions of them from the Lords Table upon bare surmises before any judicial hearing trial conviction of their scandalous Crimes and Offences deserving such a severe unchristian censure by those who have no divine nor humane Authority to inflict it as now they doe 3ly Let such remember that as Christ himself never erected any private Consistory in himself his Apostles Ministers or Presbyterian Classis for the trial examination of any mans knowledge preparation worthinesse Graces before they came to the hearing of the Word Prayer or other publike Ordinances of his worship but injoyned every man only to examine prove himself and search try his own heart wayes Lam 3. 40 41. Psal. 4. 4. 2 Cor. 13. 5. compared with Ier. 8. ●6 c. 31. 18 19. and to judge himself not others whose hearts states he cannot certainly know 1 Cor. 11. 28. 31. Rom. 14. 3. to 14. So in our approaches to the Lords Supper he gives no Commission to any Classis Minister in or by his word to try or examine any others fitnesse ere they be admitted to the Lords Supper but only commands every man to * examine and judge himself alone not any other The reason is there rendred For he tkat eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh judgement ordamnation to himself alone not to any other For if we would judge our selves we should not be judged v. 31. The Fathers with other Commentators generally on from this Text presse all to examin themselves before they receive this Sacrament And the Churches of * Helvetia Bohemia Belgia Sax●ny in their publike Confessions and Church of England in her publike Liturgy from this Text Exhort all Communicants diligently to examine themselves before they eat the Sacramental Bread or drink of that Cup but injoyn not their Ministers or Classes juridically to examin or approve them as worthy Communicants before they admit them introduced originally by Popish Priests who called their people to * Auricular Confes●ion and shrift before they would admit them to the Sacrament which the Fathers in the Primitive times exacted not as Bishop Jewel formerly manifests And this will still their Polypragmatical Humor of * playing the Bishops in other mens Dioceses and Popes in other mens consciences instead of examining their own Hearts Lives Actions Consciences Faith Love Repentance and other Graces especially their own Charity Humility Gentlenesse and Long-suffering towards their Brethren whom they thus seclude from the Sacrament without any legal Commission from God or Man which will hardly consist with that true Christian brotherly love charity humility gentlenesse meeknesse and forbearance which is required in all worthy Communicants as they deem themselves 4ly Let such Divines and others who make the truth of Grace or real visible Saintship the onely condition qualification of rightfull admission of any to the Lords Supper consider these sad inevitable consequences of this their Error 1. That no Minister person whatsoever without immediate revelation from God can x certainly or infallibly know the hearts or truth of any Parishioners Graces and therefore by this rule he neither can nor dares administer it to any de fide because y God only knows their hearts and truth of Graces 2ly That many who appear and seem to be real Saint for a time appear at last to be wicked z Hypocrites and many thousands who appear not outwardly to be Saints even to the most eminent a inspired Prophets of God are yet real Saints in truth and Gods esteem Rom. 11. 3 4 5. If this then should be the only rule of admission to the Sacrament many false Hypocrites should be admitted to and thousands of real Sain●s secluded from it 3ly All new converted or tender-hearted humble doubting Christians labouring under the burthen of their corruptions or Sathans temptations not fully assured of the truth of their ●eal conversion Graces should then necessarily sequester themselves from this Sacrament when they need it most though their Ministers should deem them fit and worthy because unresolved of the truth and reality of their own saving Graces and so unworthy to communicate in their own resolutions 4ly If truth of Grace be necessarily requisite in all Receivers then much more or at least equally requisite in all Ministers who consecrate and administer to as well as receive it first of all with their Parishioners And then if the Parishioners doubt * deny or have no certain assurance of the truth of Grace in their Ministers by this rule they neither may can nor will receive at all And so Ministers having no certain infallible assurance of their Parishioners true conversion or Graces nor they of their Ministers this Sacrament must be wholly exploded and laid quite aside Upon which Consideration the Church of England in the 26. Article and the Protestant reformed foreign Churches in their b Confessions resolve That the unworthinesse of the Ministers doth not hinder or take away the efficacy of Gods word Sacraments Ordinances which are effectual because of Christs institution and promise although they be ministred by wicked men which will be ever mingled with the good in the visible Church
12. Joel 3. 3. Amos 7. 8. 15. c. 9. 13. Obad. 13. Mich. 2. 4 8 9 c. 3. 3. 5. c. 6. 2 3 5. Zeph. 2. 9 10. Zech. 8. 7 8. f Mr. Rutherford Divine Right of Church-Gov p. 280. Dr. D●●k●s Bound●y Mr. Collings Suspension g Dr. Drakes Boundary p. 113 114 115 c. See Mr. Hum●ryes Rejoynder to it p. 159 160 c. h Mat. 15. 27. * Isay 1. 2. * Extrav. de Concessione Praehendâ c. in Glossa Reply to Harding p. 234. i Reply to Harding p. 24. 100. k Bishop Jewels Reply to Harding p. 12 13 18. Defence of the Apology p. 226. l Bish. Iew●l ibid. p. 3. to 12. 279 280 281. 365 366. m Harmony of Confessions sect. 12. 14. n Artic. 25. o Mat. 26. 26 27. Mar. 14. 22 23. 1 Cor. 11. 23 c. p Gregor. dial l. 2. c. 23. Bishop Jewels Reply to Harding p. 365. Mr. Fox Acts and Monuments Vol. 3. p. 1 2. * Harmony of Confessions sect. 14. q In my 12. Queries My Vindication of 4 Serious Questions And Suspension suspended r Dr. Drakes Boundary Mr. Collings in his Suspension ſ Primum l●gant deinde causas in cos quaerunt Cyril in Johan l. 12. c. 45 Iust. ●yd●ord Law Iew●ls Reply to Harding p. 358 t Mr. Harding against Jew●l See ●is D●fence of the ●ipology p. 263 264. ●●ss●le Romanum Pontificale Romanum Ho●ae ●eatae Mariae L●desma his catechism Bel●armine De Veneratione Eucharistiae Bishop Jewels Reply to Harding p. 283 284. Amesius Bellarmin Enervatus Tom. 3. l. 4. c. 8 u ●ish Iewels Reply to Harding p. 282 283 284. 305 306. 453. Bishop Morton against Masse-Ceremonies x Defence of the Apology of the Church of England ch. 14. divis 2. p. 260 261 264. y In Johan Tract. 50. z In Epist. ad Ephes. Hom. 20. a Super Missus est Hom. 3. b In Serm. de 4 Feria c. 1 c Beda in 1 Cor. 10. d Reply to Harding p. 284. e In Malac●i c. 1. f See Bishop Jewels Reply to Harding p. 283 284 c. g Dr. Drake his Boundary Mr. Collings Mr. Rogers Of Preparation to the Sacrament The Practice of Piety touching Preparation for the Sacrament ●ntidote against 4. Qestions h Bonavent in 3. Sent. dist. 4. art 2. qu. 2. and others thereon Summa Angelica Tit. Meritum i Concordia Lutherana p. 242. to 252. Nota. k Edit. 31. p. 402. 435. l Page 451 452 453. m 1 Sam. 6. 19. n Col. 2. 39. o Mat. 3. 11. p Luke 5. 8. q Matt. 8. 8. r Mal. 9. 20. 21. ſ Mat. 9. 12. 13. c 11. 28. t Ibid. p. 458 u Rom. 7. 14. 24. x Mat. 9 13. c 11. 28. c. 22. 1. c. y Ibid. p. 408. * Nam 9. 11. Heb. 2. 9. Mat. 22. z Mat. 26 26 1 Cor. 11. a John 13. 1. b Heb. 10. 28 29. c ●poc 19. 9. c Dr. Drake his Boundary Mr. Collings his Juridical Suspension f Apology of the Church of England c. 12. Divis 3. Defence of the Apology p. 228 229 c. Reply to He●ding p. 71 72 73 74 75 c. 82. 108 109. Dr. Fea●lies Grand Sacrilege of the Church of Rome g In Tractatu contr. Haeresin communicandi Laicos sub utraque specie h Reply to Harding p. 73. i Gratian de Consecr. Dist. 2. c. k 1 E. 6. c. 1. 5 6. E. 6. c. 1. 1 Eliz. c. 2. 3. Iac. c. 4 5. l See Dr. Drakes Boundary Mr. Collings his Iuridical Suspension The Divines of Syon College Consid●rations and Cautions Iune 9. 1646. p. 5. c. m Luke 22. 19 1 Cor. 11. 24 25 26. Mat. 26. 26. c. n 2 Chron. 30. 8. o Gal. 16. p Psal. 141. 5. 1 Sam. 25. 32 33 c. Prov. 9. 8. c. 24. 25. c. 28. 23. q Tit. 1. 13. r Rev. 2. 5. ſ Reply to Harding p. 20. 21. 93. 112. Harmony of Confessions sect. 12 13 14 15. Articles of England 28. Harmony of Confessions sect 14. August de Consensu Evangel. l. 3. c. 25. t Contr. Faustum Manich l. 19. c. 11. * Harmony of Confessions p. 306. 310. * Ibid. sect. 15. p. 360. u See Lucas Osiander Contra Anabaptist De Ecclesia c. 6. quaest. 3. c. Harmony of Confessions Sect. 10. to 16. x Mr. Rutherford Divine Right of Church Gov. p. 280. Dr. Drakes Anti-queries and Boundary Mr. Collings Juridical Suspension Mr. Gillespy and others y 〈◊〉 13 〈◊〉 Conc●● ●om 3. p. 821 822. See Harmony of Confessions sect. 14 ● 324 325 330 340 351. Bishop Jewels Reply to Harding p. 72. Ae●aeas Sylvius Hist. Concilii Basiliensis Fox Acts and Monuments Vol. 1. p. 905. to 912. History of the Council of Trent * Fox Acts and Monuments Vol. 1. p. 909. a Fox 〈◊〉 Monument● Vol. 2 p 87 〈…〉 c. 〈…〉 and the Letters of 〈…〉 b 〈…〉 against the Anabaptists Harmony of Confessions sect. 10. ●0 15 Articles of England art ●6 c See A Reply of 2. of the Brethren to ●● Mr. Burtons 〈◊〉 of Independency Mr. Edward Gangraenaes d See Mr. Rutherford Gillespy D● D●●ke 〈◊〉 Colling● Syon College the 〈…〉 Ministers 〈◊〉 Books of this subject e See Mr. Edwards Gangraenacs * Harmony of Conf●ssions sect. 14 and Practice of 〈◊〉 f Reply 〈…〉 18. f See Concordia Lutherana p. 542. My Suspension suspended p. 36. h See Mr. Humfrey his Reply to Dr. Drake p. 154. i See the Harmony of Confession● section 10 11 12 13 14 15. Articles of England art 19. 26. k Articles of England artic ●8 * 1 Cor. 1● 28. 31. * Harmony of Con●●ssio●s s●ct 14. 308 310 314 315 322 339. * See my N●w Discovery p. 38 39. * 1 Pet. 4. 15. 1 Thess. 4. 12. x Jer. 17. 9. 10. 1 Sam. 16. 6 7. Acts 1. 24. y 1 ●●ro 28. 9. 9. 1 Kings 8. 39. 2 Tim. 2. 19. z Mat. 23. 27. 28. Acts 20 30 1 〈◊〉 2. 18 19. a See 1 Sam. 1 11. to 19. 1 Kings 19. 14 18. * As all Anabaptists Q●ak●rs S●ctaries now do b Harmony of Confessions sect. 10. to 16. c Cans Voice from the Temple Audlands Spe●ds and other Q●akers late Pamphlets d Abba●i Theon● de ● elle vonum Collatio c 21. B●●● Patrum Tom. 5 ●ars 2. p. 229. e Epist. 14. Bi●l Patrum Tom. 1. p. 93. b. f Bibl Patrum ●om 6. ●ars 2. p. 275 E. g Anastatius Si●nita qu●●st 7 Bibl Patrum Tom. 6. pars 1. p 725. Tertu●lian Apologeti●us Beati Rhenani Annotat. in Tertull. De Corona M●l●●●s p. 734. C●nt M●g●l● 2. to 8. cap. 6. De Ri●●bus circa ●●n●m h Reply to Harding p. 30. 35. Eusebius Ecclis Hist. l. 6. c. 36. Nicep l. 6. c. 6. Cent. Mag. 3. col 133. i Eus●bius Eccles. Hist. l. 6. c. 63. Nicephorus Eccl. Hist. l. 6. c. 6. Bishop Jewels Reply to Harding p. 35. k Nicephorus l. 6. c. 37. Cent Mag. 3. c. 7. col 151. l Niceph. l. 5. c. 25. Cent. 3. col 144. 151. m Theodores Hist. l. 5. c. 18. n Sozomen l. 6. c. 25. o Theodoret Hist. l. 1. c. 2. 4. Centur. Magd. 4. col 414. p Epist. 28. 38. 40. 54. 62. Edit. Pamelii De Oratione lib. q Homil. 7. 22. in Josuam Hom. 13. in Ezech. Hom. 3. et 12. in Hieremiam Tract. 15. in Matth. r Epistola 〈…〉 Patrum Tom. 3. p. 47. [ſ Cen● Mag●eb 3 4 5. c 4. De Clavibus t A● Monac●os Scrmo Bibl. Patrum Tom. 3. p. 500. b. * See My New Discovery p. 41 42. u 1 Car. 11. 22. to 30. x Mat. 11. 28 29. c. 22. 2. to 1. Rev. 22. 17. Isay 55. 1 2. compared w●●h Mat. 14. 23 24. Mat. 26. 26 27 Heb. 9. 19 20 1 Cor. 10. 1 2 3 4. 16 17. c. 11. 20. to the 〈◊〉 * See My Vind●cation of 4. Serious Questions p. 17. to ●9 y John 6. 70 71. c. 12. 6. Mat. 26. 14 21. 2● 47 c. Acts 16 17 18. z Mat. 26. 33 34 35 69. to the end Mar. 14. 66 c. Lu. 22. 25 c. John 18 15 c. a Mat. 28. 56. b Mar. 16. 11 12 13 14. Lu. 24. 21. to 49. Johan 20. 2. to 30. c A Vindication of 4. Serious Questions Suspension susp●nd●d d John 13. 16 c. 15. 20. Mat. 10. 24. e Phil. 2. 10 11. Rom 14. 11. f Psal. 50 22. g Mat. 26. 29 R●v. 19. 9. Lu. 22. 16 30. h Ad Cacil l. 2. Epist 3. i Reply to Harding ●ag 107. k Section 14. p. 332.