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A68281 Certayne reasons and arguments proving that it is not lawfull to heare or have any spirituall communion with the present ministerie of the Church of England. Johnson, Francis, 1562-1618. 1608 (1608) STC 14660; ESTC S103950 70,851 120

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that they have these offices in their Church yet they neyther have agreed nor can agree among themselves who they be that have them whether the prelates or the other priests c. but are at a great jarre and in deed at a playne contradiction among themselves hereabout Many of the Prelates and Formalists say * Bridges Bilson c. that their Archbishops and Bishops are Pastors Teachers Some of them say ‖ Whitgift against T.C. p. 137. Andr. in the 2. Confer with M. Barrow that a Bishop is superior both in office and gifts to a Pastor Many of the Reformists say that ‡ Mr. Sperin M. Egerton in the Confer M. Hilders M. Iacob in their writings the learned and painful Parsons of Parishes and Lecturing preachers among them are Pastors and Teachers Others of them say † Mr. Chaderton in the Sermon on Rom. 12. p. 33. c. Admon to the Parliam 1. 2. they want Pastors and Teachers and all the offices appointed by Christ to his Church that the Prelates robbe the Church of of lawful Pastors Elders and Deacons that their Parsons Vicars Parish Priests Stipendaries and the rest came from the Pope as out of the Troiane horses belly to the destruction of Gods kingdome that they are the Prelates new creatures and that the Church of God never knew them And all the seekers of Reformation have shewed to the Parliament heretofore that the names and offices of Archbishops Archdeacons Lordbishops and the rest are together with their government drawen out of the Popes shop and contrary to the Scriptures that the Parsons Vicars Parish priests and Stipendaries be birds of the same fether and that ●hey have an Antichristian hierarchie and popish ordering of Ministers strange from the word of God and the vse of all well reformed Churches in the world Thus are themselves confounded and thus are their tounges divided Yet cease they not still to plead for Baal and to bring balme for the sore of Babel which cannot be healed Ier. with Rev. 18. chap. And now to proceed we wil shew by the Scriptures that none of the Ministers of that Church have the office of Pastors or Teachers spoken of by the Apostle Ephe. 4.11 which we prove thus 1. The Pastors and Teachers spoken of Ephe. 4.11 have their offices callings administration and maintenance ordeyned by Christ in his Testament But the Prelates Priests Deacons of the Church of England have not their offices callings ministration maintenance ordeyned by Christ in his Testament Therfore the Prelates Priests Deacons of the church of England are not Pastors Teachers spoken of Ephe. 4.11 The truth of the Proposition appeareth by that place of Ephe. Rom. 12.7.8 Act. 14.23 and 20. ●7 28 Heb. .5.4 Col. 4.17 1 Thes 1 Pet. 5. ● 2.3 Rev. 2. and 3. chap. and 22.18.19 1 Cor. 4.1.2 and ● 4.5 and 9.14 and and 12.28 Gal. 6. ● and throughout the Epistles to Timothee and Titus with other ●ike Scriptures The truth of the Assumption appeareth by their constitution and practise inasmuch as their offices of Prelacy Priesthood Deaconry their calling entrance according to their Pontificall and Book of consecrating Bishops and Archbishops and ordering Priests and Deacons as also that which some of them pretend to have by the ‡ Mr. Hilders letter sect 10. Mr. Iacobs comparison of Mariage and Pastorall calling His Reasons for necessity of reformation pag. 50. Offer of Conference pag. 39. choise acceptance and consent of their people who stand themselves vnder Antichrist and vnseparated from the world and are no true visible Churches of Christ their ministration by their owne and other popish Canons Articles Injunctions and Book of cōmon prayer their Maintenance by Tithes Lordships c. were never ordeyned by Christ for his Ministerie of the Gospell but derived from Antichrist and his apostasie as hath been proved * The Discovery The Refutation of Mr. Giff. Answ to Mr. Hilders And to Mr. Iacob The Apologie c. by vs in divers Treatises published heretofore And if they still be otherwise mynded it lyeth vpon them to shew that Christ in his Testament hath appointed these their offices things aforesaid for his Ministerie Which none of them have yet done nor ever wil be able to do 2. Againe The Ministerie of Pastors Teachers spoken of Ephe. 4.11 is the ordinarie and perpetual ministerie given by Christ to his Church such as the Princes of the earth neyther may nor ever shal be able to abolish seing Christ hath appointed it to continue to the end of the world Ephes Rom. and 13.3 Heb. 12.28 1 Tim. 3. chap. and 5.17 and 6.13.14 with Mat. 28.20 But the Prelacy Priesthood Deaconry of the church of England is not the ordinarie and perpetual Ministerie given by Christ to his Church but such as the Princes of the earth may and ought to abolish out of their Dominions Rev. 17.16 1 Tim. 2.2 Rom. 13.4 with 1 King 23. ● c. Deut. Psal 72.1 c. Therfore the Prelacy Priesthood and Deaconry of the Church of England is not the Ministerie of Pastors and Teachers spoken of Ephe. 4.11 3. Also The offices of Pastors Teachers ordeyned by Christ in his Testament are such as did and could ●tand with and vnder the offices of Apostles Prophets Evangelists Ephe. 4.11 Act. 20.17.28 Heb. ●3 7.17.23 Epist to Tim. Tit. 1 Pet. 5.1 Rev. 2. and 3. chap. But the offices of the Prelates Priests and Deacons of ●he Church of England are not such as did or could stand ●ith or vnder the offices of Apostles Prophets Evange●●sts Which if any deny let them shew the contrary ●y the scriptures Light hath no fellowship with darknes nor Christ with Antichrist And suppose the Apostles were alive in their persons as they are in their writings and were in England it were worth the knowing whether they and the ordinances given by them should give place to the Prelates and their Canons and constitutions and whether they should be suffred to preach the Gospel and minister the Sacraments without acknowledging the Prelates authority subscribing to their Articles wearing of the Surplice signing with the Crosse in Baptisme c. for if we look to their * Canons of the yeare 1603. Can. 6.7.14 c. Canons Lawes practise and Church-constitutiō these tel all men playnely they must yeeld vnto thē that vnder payne of excōmunicatiō ipso facto c. Not to speak of their imprisoning persecuting of such as witnes the truth against them evē vnto death Therfore they are not the Pastors and Teachers ordeyned by Christ in his Testament 4. Moreover The offices of true Pastors and Teachers are by the ordinance of Christ set in the Church and employed in the Ministery of the word and Sacraments and Church goverment so as they may not with their
by the constitution Canons and observation of that Church And to the end that this poynt may the better be considered because it giveth great light and proof to the whole controversie concerning the Antichristianity of their estate I wil here note a few special things which among many other apperteyning to their office calling may to this purpose be observed First for their Deacons they are at their entrance into that office presented to the Prelate by an Archdeacon or his deputy saying Reverend father in God I present vnto you these persons present to be admitted Deacons 2. Then the Bishop commending them to the prayers of the Congregation with the Clerks people present is to say or sing the Letanie and Suffrages with the communion of the day and a number of stinted prayers Collects borrowed from the Papists 3. They promise that they wil reverently obey their Ordinary other chief Ministers of the Church that is the Lord Bishop of the Dioces the Archbishop Archdeacon Chancelor Commissarie the rest of that sort whose offices are Antichristian 4. After this promise made they are then ordeyned Deacons by the Lord Bishop or his Suffragane laying his hands vpon their head and saying Take thou authority to execute the office of a Deacon in the Church of God committed vnto thee in the name of the Father the sonne and the holy Ghost Amen 5. And then the Bishop delivereth to every one of them the new Testament saying Take thou authority to read the Gospel in the Church of God and to preach the same if thou be therevnto ordinarily commaunded 6. Then one of them appoynted by the Bishop reads the Gospel of that day And they al are injoyned to receive the communion with the Bishop 7. Also among the works and duties of their office they are appoynted to read Homilies and divine service to instruct the youth in the Catechisme to Baptise and to preach if they be admitted thereto by the Bishop Whereas it cannot be shewed that the Apostles ever layd these dutyes vpon the Deacons but such as are * Act. Rom. 12.8 plainely opposed to the ministerie of the word and prayer namely the charge of the poor and Church treasure for the gathering and distribution of the Churches benevolence Wherevpon some of themselves seeking reformation have published heretofore that ‡ Defence of Eccles Discip pag. 102. their Deaconship is a mere humane institution a degree to the Priesthood and nothing like the ordinance of God that † Admon to Parliam first treatise though the name of Deacons be remayning among them yet the office is fowly perverted turned vpside downe and that * Defence of godly Minist pag. 108. it is manifestly contrarie to the word of God The example of Philip who was one of the seven Deacons preached baptized which by some is alledged for approbation of their practise wil not help them For he was in a true and lawfull office not in an Antichristian he had a lawful calling by the Church not an vnlawful entrance by Prelates as these have whē where he was Deacō the Apostles ministred the word and baptized neither was he then ordeyned to the administration thereof but attended to the tables of the poor and afterwards when he preached and baptized he did the work and office of an Evangelist by which name the Scripture expresly calleth him Act. 6 2-6 21.8 with 8.5 6 7.12 26 29. c. Next for the Priests first they must be Deacons that is set by the Prelates in the office and after the maner aforesayd 2. Then having continued in that office the space of a yeare except it seem otherwise good to the Ordinary they are agayne presented to the Bishop or his Suffragane by an Archdeacon or his deputy saying Reverend father in God I present these persons present to be admitted to the Order of Priesthood 3. Afterward there followeth the Letany and some Collects and stinted prayers taken out of the Popes pontificall with an exhortation an Epistle and Gospell wherein they abuse and pervert the Scripture 4. Then the Prelate asketh them Do you think in your hart that you be truly called according to the wil of our Lord Iesus Christ and the order of this Church of England to the Ministery of Priesthood And the partyes that are to be ordeyned answer every one for himself I think it 5. At which tyme also they promise agayne reverently to obey their Ordinary other chief Ministers of the Church that is the Prelates and other Officers aforesaid 6. So after a few questions made and prayers read they kneel downe vpon their knees at the Prelates feet he with the Priests present lay hands severally vpon the head of every one of them that receiveth orders saying vnto them Receive the holy Ghost whose sinnes thou doest forgive they are forgiven and whose sinnes thou doest reteyne they are reteyned be thou a faithfull dispensour of the word of God and of his holy Sacraments In the name of the Father of the sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen 7. And then the Prelate delivereth to each of them the Bible in his hand saying Take thou authority to preach the word of God and to minister the holy Sacraments in the congregation where thou * Note how they may be made Priests though yet they have no charge or flock to attend vnto shalt be so appointed Thus are they made Priests when at any tyme they enter into a benefice they must besides have the Presentation of the Patrone who may be a Papist or Familist c. the institution of the Prelate who is an Antichrist to whome now also they sweare to yeeld Canonicall obedience by whom otherwise they stand alway subject to be silenced suspended degraded and deprived And for the works of their calling some are such as Christ hath not prescribed to his Ministers in his Testament such as be their solemnization of mariage buriall of the dead churching of women reading of homilies stinted prayers c. some being such as Christ hath prescribed yet at they not so administred as he in his word hath ordeyned but according as is appointed in their book of Common prayer in their Canons Injunctions Advertisements c. according to which they are bound to pray and to administer the word Sacraments and censures among them Other particulars many and straunge vsed in the entrance and performance of their Office of Priesthood I omit Onely I will annex this one thing more how by their Canons they have now provided further and made it a constitution of their Church * Canons of Anno 1603. Can. 36. † That no person shall be received into the Ministery nor admitted to any Ecclesiasticall living nor suffred to preach except he be licenced by the Archbishop or Bishop of the Dioces c. and except he shall first subscribe That
to the testament of Christ they are for this cause evil intreated reviled and persecuted vnto death even by these who professe themselves to be Christians 2. Secondly in that their Prelacy Priesthood and Deaconry is the very meanes of thrusting away keeping out of the Church the Ministery and order which Christ hath appointed in his word Which some of themselves have heretofore acknowledged and written affirming that Lord Bishops Archdeacons Commissaries Officials and the rest Admon to the Parliam thrust away most sacrilegiously the order which Christ hath left in his Church and which the Primitive Church hath vsed Sermon on Rom. 12. That they rob the Church of lawfull Pastors watchfull Elders and carefull Deacons And that by the length of their vnlawful swords they keep out the lawfull members of the body of Christ which is the Church Neyther need we seek any further proof hereof then that which is daily felt and seen in their bloody opposition and proud exaltation above the holy things ordinances and servants of Iesus Christ Who being Lord over all will bring their wayes vpon their owne heads and when they have filled vp the measure of their iniquity will judge them according to their works The fourth Argument THe Ministerie which is such as in the nature and condition thereof IIII. of it perteyneth not to any body and estate eyther civill or ecclesiasticall but onely to the body and kingdome of Antichrist that is the Ministerie of Antichrists apostasie But the present Mininisterie of the Church-assemblies of Engl. is such as in the nature and condition thereof it perteyneth not to any body or estate eyther civill or ecclesiasticall but onely to the body and kingdome of Antichrist Therefore the present Ministerie of the Church-assmblies of Engl. is the Ministerie of Antichrists apostasie The Proposition none can deny And for it see 2 Thes 2. chap. with Rev. 13 11-18 and 14. and 16. and 17. and 18. and 19. and 21. chap. The Assumption is cleare to all that will open their eyes to see the truth of it in as much as their Prelacy Priesthood Deaconry the present Ministery of that Church is such in the nature and condition thereof as the civill estate of the Common-wealth may be perfect without them for they are ecclesiasticall functions the Church of Christ may be compleet without them and yet have all the offices appointed by Christ therevnto and the Turks and Pagans neyther have them nor require them Onely the body and kingdome of the Romish Antichrist cannot be full and furnished in all the offices thereof without them Which all men know to be true From which also an argument to the same purpose may be framed in this sort The fift Argument V. THe Ministerie which is such as the body of Antichrist the man of sinne cannot without it be compleet in all the members and Canonicall functions thereof that is the Ministerie of Antichrists apostasie But the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of Engl. is such as the body of Antichrist the man of sinne cannot without it be compleet in all the members and Canonicall functions thereof Therefore the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of Engl. is the Ministerie of Antichrists apostasie The Proposition is cleare and certaine The Assumption is proved by the Canons Pontificall and estate of the Romish Antichrist the man of sinne and by the constitution of that body in the members and functions thereof As all must needs confesse that have any knowledge of the conditiō of that Church and Officers perteyning therevnto The sixt Argument THe Ministerie of Deacons Priests and Prelates VI. which accounts it self to be Christs and yet in deed is such as the Kings and Rulers of the earth may and ought to suppresse and root out of their dominions that is the Ministerie of Antichrists apostasie But the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of Engl. is the Ministerie of Deacons Priests and Prelates which accounts it self to be Christs and yet in deed is such as the King may and ought to suppresse and roote out of his Dominions Therefore it is the Ministerie of Antichrists apostasie The Proposition is proved 1. Because there is no other such Ministery but Antichrists which accounts it self to be Christs when in deed it is such as the Magistrates ought to abandon and root out of their dominions 2. Because that which is in truth the Ministery of Christ no Princes may refuse or set against But in so doing they sinne highly against the Lord and provoke his judgements against themselves their kingdomes Rev. with Psal 2.10.11 12. and Esa The Assumption hath two poynts to be considered The one that the Ministery of the Church of Engl. is Ministery of Deacons Priests Prelates which accounts it self to be Christs which themselves cannot nor will not deny The other that in deed it is such as the King may and ought to suppresse and root out of his dominions Which we have shewed already both in † Treatise of Minist of Engl. p. 25.105.134 Answ to Mr. Iacob p. 163.197.199 The Apologie pag. c. other Treatises and in the first Reason here before And the forward preachers among them have yeelded it in their suits to the Parliament to have it removed and taken away And if the Prelates and their conforming Priests affirme the contrary they are impugners of the Kings supremacy and excommunicated ipso facto by their owne Canons the words whereof be these in the second of their ‖ Canons of Anno 1603. Can. 2. last Canons Where first the Title is thus Impugners of the Kings supremacy censured And then the Canō it self followeth thus Whosoever shall affirme that the Kings Maiestie hath not the same authority in causes ecclesiasticall that the godly Kings had amongst the Iewes and Christian Emperors in the Primitive Church c. let him be excōmunicated ipso facto and not restored but onely by the Archbishop after his repentance and publick revocation of those his wicked errours From which Canon I reason thus The godly Kings amongst the Iewes had such authority in causes Ecclesiasticall as they might suppresse within their dominions any Ministeries not ordeyned by the Lord and therefore any false Ministeries whatsoever as Iosiah did the Chemarims the Priests of Baall them that burnt incense to the host of heaven c. Therefore also seing the present Ministery of the Church of England * As hath ben proved before Pag. 2. c. is not that which Christ ordeyned and gave to his Church and consequently must needs be a false Ministery the King of England having the same authority in causes ecclesiasticall as those Kings of Iudah had may and ought to suppresse and root out of his dominions this their Ministery and Prelacy of Archbishops Lordbishops Suffraganes Priests Deacons Subdeacons Archdeacons c. Like as King Henry the eight did the Abbats Monks Nunnes c.
Prelates c. Their administration of the word prayer Sacraments and censures according to their Constitutions book of Common prayer Injunctions Canons c. For this is the way this only to warrant their estate stablish the cōscience of such as are troubled about it Yet this they doe not but partly by cavils and exceptions against the truth and witnesses of it partly by vaine pretences of antiquity and humane authority partly by abuse and false gloses of Scripture partly by reproches and persecutions of all sorts set themselves to obscure the light of the truth now manifested and to turne away the people from the knowledge and obedience thereof Which is the more lamentable considering what divers of them have judged and written of these things themselves One thus * T. C. first reply p. 83. The Ministerie of the Gospell and the functions there of ought to be from heaven of God not invented by the brayne of men From heaven I say and heavenly because although it be executed by earthly men and the Ministers also are chosen by men like vnto themselves yet because it is done by the word and institution of God that hath † Note this not onely ordeyned that the word should be preached but hath ordeyned also in what order and by whom it should be preached it may well be accounted to come from heaven and from God Seing therefore that these functions of the Archbishop and Archdeacon are not in the word of God it followeth that they are of the earth and so can do no good but much harme in the Church Another thus ‖ Demonstr of Discipl in the Preface to the Reader Albeit many nations that have renounced that whore of Rome are heynously sinful against the glorious Maiesty of Iesus Christ yet is there none in the whole world so far out of square as England in reteyning that popish hierarchie first coyned in the midst of the mysterie of iniquity and that filthy sink of the Canon Law which was invented patched together for the confirming and increasing of the kingdome of Antichrist Wherein as great indignity is offered vnto Iesus Christ in committing his Church vnto the government of the same as can be by meane vnderlings vnto a King in committing his beloved spouse vnto the direction of the mistresse of the Stewes and inforcing her to live after the orders of a brothelhouse A third thus * Removall of Imputations laid vpon the Minist of Devon and Cornwall pag. 22. It is a matter which by all the straynings of men therein employed could never yet be cleared that Provinciall and Diocesan Bishops are by Divine Right rather then by Humane Pollicie We for our parts hold these things firme First that that Church-calling for which the scripture giveth no expresse warrant is meerly vsurped and vtterly vnlawfull The office of Iohn though it were extraordinary yet we see the care of the holy Ghost to prove it by the Scripture ‡ Mat. 3 3● This is he of whom it is spoken by the Prophet Esaias Let any divine tell me what doctrine he would collect if he were to preach vpon that place Secondly that the Holy writt makes no mention of any such B. as is now amongst vs. Shew me who can the title Episcopus or Bishop given there to any mortall men in respect of other Pastors and not wholy and onely in respect of the flock And divers others of them thus † Admon 1. and 2. Not onely the office of Elders but their name also is out of this English Church vtterly removed and in stead of them in every Church the Pope hath brought in and they in England yet mainteyne the Lordship of one man over many Churches Which Lordbishops being not able as the Elders to execute their offices in their owne persons without substitutes have therefore their vnder officers as Suffraganes Chancelours Archdeacons Officials Commissaries and such like Also They with their Canons and Courts are drawen out of the Popes shop take vpon them which is most horrible the rule of Gods Church thrusting away most sacrilegiously that order which Christ hath left in his Church and which the Primitive Church hath vsed yea robbing the Church of lawful Pastors Elders and Deacons And In a few words to speak what we meane Eyther must we have a right ministery of God a right government of his Church according to the Scriptures set vp both which we lack or els there can be no right Religion nor yet for contempt thereof can Gods plagues be from vs any while deferred Thus much more have sundry of themselves written in former tymes how ever it be that now they would seem to plead otherwise But to let them alone by this may appeare how needfull it is for all both Ministers and people to take heed to their wayes and to lay them to heart Towching the Ministers it should herein be with them as it was with Iohn Baptist who proved his calling by the word to be from heaven Ioh. 1.22.23 with Mat. 21.25 And they that are in deed true Ministers will have speciall care and alway be able to shew their offices and callings to be of the Lord from heaven approved by his word So were the Priests and Prophets in the tyme of the Law So were also the Apostles and Ministers of the Primitive Churches vnder the Gospell Yea Christ himself likewise And if we may certainely affirme that the Christ who cannot approve his calling by the Scripture is not the true Christ but a false Christ and therefore to be avoyded notwithstanding any truth he professeth and publisheth then may we as surely conclude that the Ministers which cannot prove their callings by the word of God are false Ministers and therefore not to be joyned withall whatsoever truth they teach or bring with them otherwise And if the Prophets Apostles Iohn Baptist Christ himself would not take this honour vnto them to be priviledged from having and shewing warrant of their callings out of the word of God who and what are the Ministers of the Church of England that they should be exempt from this so equall so needfull so generall a condition And if they be not exempt why are they not ready and carefull to shew it for the satisfying of others and defence of themselves And for the people howsoever the Ministers do it should be with them as it was with the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and half tribe of Manasses who sayd God forbid that we should rebell against the Lord turne away this day from the Lord to build an altar for burnt offring for meat offring or for sacrifice save the altar of the Lord our God that is before his tabernacle Iosh 22.29 So should all Christians be likewise mynded and say Far be it from vs that we should rebell against the Lord Iesus Christ turne this day from him in appointing
for our selves or submitting our selves vnto any office or calling for the administration of the word prayer or Sacraments save onely that Ministery which Christ our Saviour hath appointed in his word Of which sort because these Ministers of the Church of England are not far be it that we should rebell against the Lord our God and turne away frō him in receiving of them in mainteyning or submitting our selves vnto them by hearing of them or communicating with them in their Ministery any other wayes If it be sayd that all that these Ministers do is to the Lord and that the things which they do are such as he hath commaunded as reading the Scriptures teaching the truth praying baptizing c. yet this doth not help them nor covereth their sinne For besides that which hath ben spoken before concerning this poynt we may see here by this example how the Reubenites and the rest confessed that although they had built their Altar for the true God and to serve him by no other sacrifices then he required yet their attempt therein should notwithstanding be rebellion against the Lord and apostasie from their God The same likewise is to be mynded for all false Ministeries devises of men in the worship of God vnder the Gospel For whatsoever things ar written aforetyme they are afore-written for our learning and instruction Rom. 15.4 And hitherto of these Reasons Now the God of all grace give vs to agree and be like mynded in the truth and syncerity of the Gospell of Iesus Christ that wee may set our hearts to receive keep whatsoever the Lord hath commanded and in one accord with one mouth may praise God even the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ To whom be glory and dominion for ever ever Amen OTHER ARGVMENTS and Reasons taken out of divers Books old and new written by the forward Preachers concerning the Ceremonies Ministery and government of the Church of England Tending to the same end and proving the same thing with the Reasons here before alledged vidz vide licet That it is notlawfull to heare or communicate with the present Ministery of the Church-assemblies of England The first Argument taken out of Mr W. Br. Twelve Arguments made by him against their Ceremonies and thus applyed vnto their Ministery ALl Wil. worship is sinne To heare or communicate with the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England in Church Service in maner and forme prescribed is a Wil-worship Ergo To heare or communicate with that Ministerie is sinne The Proposition cannot be denied for the Apostle Paul plainely condemneth Wil worship The Assumption may thus be proved All pars of Divine Service and Worship imposed onely by the will and pleasure of Man vpon the communicants in Divine Service and that of necessity to be done is Wil-worship But to heare or communicate with the present Ministery of the Church-assemblies of England in Church Service in maner forme prescribed is 1. a part of Divine Service and Worship 2. imposed onely by the pleasure will of Men vpon the Cōmunicants in Divine Service 3. of necessity to be done therin Ergo To heare or communicate with the present Ministerie of the Church assemblies of England in maner and forme prescribed is a Wil-worship The Proposition is as cleare as the Sunne at noone day The Assumption hath three parts 1. The first is That to heare or communicate with the present Ministerie of the Church of England c. is a part of Divine worship and Service Which cannot be denyed 2. The second part of the Assumption is That it is imposed onely vpon the pleasure and will of man Which is evident seing Man imposeth it vpon man God hath not in his word appointed their Offices callings and administration neyther required any to cōmunicate with them in Church service in maner and forme prescribed Towching which besides that we have spoken in the former Reasons see in their owne books what themselves have published a proof whereof in sundry particulars we have given both heretofore and in this present Treatise 3. The third part of the Assumption is That it is of necessity to be done in Divine Service Which is also out of all doubt For the people stand bound to heare cōmunicate with them vpon payne of suspension excōmunication paying twenty pound a moneth c. and God must have no solemne Worship in England except it be in communion with the same Vpon all this it followes That to heare and communicate with the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England in maner forme prescribed is to do that which is a part of Divine worship imposed onely by the will of Man c. The second Argument taken out of the same Treatise IT is a sinne against God for Christians to partake with the Ministerie of such as accounting themselves to be servants of Iesus Christ yet do in the execution of their Ministery give speciall Honour to Antichrist and his Officers But the Ministerie of the Church of England is such as the Ministers account themselves to be servants of Iesus Christ and yet in the execution of their Ministerie give speciall Honour to Antichrist and his Officers Ergo It is a sinne against God for Christians to partake with the Ministerie of the Church of England The Proposition is manifest and cleare to any that have an eye of Reason and any light of Divinity shining in it For which see 2 Cor. 6 14-17 Rev. 18.4 The Assumption hath two parts First that the Ministers of the Church of England account themselves to be servants of Iesus Christ Which themselves will freely graunt For here they say that by way of Excellency they are so The second is that they do in the execution of their Ministerie give speciall honour to Antichrist his Officers Which is proved If our adversaries will graunt that the Pope is Antichrist and the Prelates Antichristian officers by this reason Such a conformity to Antichrist and his Officers in the Ministerie as is not onely besides the word of God but in a special maner derogatorie to all reformed Churches that have departed from the Synagogue of Rome is a speciall honour to Antichrist and his Officers But the execution of the Ministery of the Church of England is such a conformity to Antichrist and his Officers Ergo The execuion of that Ministerie in the manner aforesaid is to give speciall honour to Antichrist and his Officers The Proposition is without exception The Assumption is thus proved To execute a Ministerie vnder Antichrists Hierarchie and that also by vertue of a calling received according to the popish ordering of Ministers which is not onely straunge from the word of God and the vse of all well reformed churches in the world but is also drawen out of the Popes pontificall wherein he sheweth himself to be Antichrist most lively that is to have conformity with Antichrist and his Officers as is aforesaid But such
ioyning together in the true worship of God And that all such Churches and Congregations communicating after that maner together in divine worship are in all ecclesiasticall matters equall and of the same power and authority and that by the word and will of God they ought to have the same spiritual priviledges prerogatives officers administrations orders and Formes of divine worship 5. That every established Church or Congregation ought to have those spirituall officers and Ministers which are enioyned by Christ in the new Testament and no other 6. That the ground of Church-government is the Kingly function of Christ who is the Head of the Church and whom it properly concernes to make lawes by which to governe the Church 7. That the Scripture hath delivered an exact platforme of Pollicie for the House of God which is the Church And The word of God describeth perfitly vnto vs that form of governing the Church which is lawful the officers that are to execute the same from the which no Christian Church ought to swarve 8. That the forme of Church-governement in England is an Humane ordināce yea the very same by which Antichrist rose vnto his intollerable Tyranny in Gods Church 9. That it robbeth the Church of lawfull Pastors Elders and Deacons 10. That Diocesan Bishops have not any place nor part at all in any true and proper visible Church of Christ. 11. That it is the naturall and immutable office of a Pastor both to Teach and to Governe with the assistance of other Elders his owne flock 12. That the right true Discipline Ecclesiasticall in each proper Visible Church is one mayne part of the ordinarie meanes of salvation appointed by God for every soule and that this in the Church of England is vtterly wanting 13. That Diocesan Bishops c. do by necessarie consequence deny Christ the Saviour to be our intire and perfect Prophet and spirituall King by taking away from him some proper parts of his Propheticall and Kingly Offices impugne the Foundation of saving faith and are contrarie to Gods word 14. That Christ is the onely teacher of his Church and appointer of all meanes whereby we should be taught and admonished of any holy dutie whatsoever he hath thought good to teach his Church and the meanes whereby he hath perfitly set downe in the holy Scriptures so that to acknowledge any other meanes of teaching and admonishing vs of our duty then such as he hath appointed is to receive another teacher into the the Church besides him and to confesse some imperfection in those meanes he hath ordeyned to teach vs by If these Assertions I say be true then is it vnlawfull to have communion with the present Ministery of the Church-assemblies of England But the foresaid Assertions are true Therefore it is vnlawfull to have communion with the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England The Proposition agreeth with that of the former Argument and addeth weight vnto it For besides that which there is sayd it cannot stand with the Homage due vnto Christ the King and Head of the Church with the sound acknowledgement of the sufficiency of the Scripture word of God with the carefull vsing of the means of salvation appointed by God for every soule with the faithfull renouncing of all humane ordinances in Gods worship and vtter detestation of Antichrist c. to have cōmunion with the Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England seing they are not lawfull Pastors or Ministers having the naturall and immutable Offices appointed by Christ nor performing the worship of God according to the Canon of his word but stand in subiection to Provinciall and Diocesan Bishops receiving their Ministery from them and executing it vnder them who are contrary to Gods word and against the Prophecy Kingdome of Iesus Christ c. So as to heare and communicate with their Ministery were to worship God after an vnlawfull maner and to acknowledge other offices and meanes of teaching and governing the Church then such as Christ hath appointed and consequently to receive an other Teacher King into the Church besides him and to confesse some imperfection in those offices and meanes which he hath ordeyned to teach governe vs by c. The Assumption is their owne acknowledged confirmed by themselves in divers of their books Namely The Removall of certaine Imputations layd vpon the Ministers of Devon and Cornwall pag. 22. 39. T. C. reply 1. Pag. 83. English Puritanisme p. 1. 5. 6. 12. 13. 24. The Demonstrat of Discipl pag 1. Admonit to the Parliam treatise 1. and 2. Sermon on Rom. 12. pag. 36. 37. Mr Iacobs Reasons proving necessity of reforming the Churches in England pag. 33. 35. 51. 52. 53. The Abridgement of the Book delivered to his Maiesty by the Lincolnshire Minist pag. 31. 32. 77. 78. c. And let it here be observed that although the case be thus cleare by their owne writings against their Church and Ministery yet * Mr. Bradsh Argum. 12. London Ministers Protest Mr Iacobs Mr Hilders Mr Stones others writings c. they cease not to impute schisme vnto vs for separating from them in such estate they pretend that the mayne cause of our separation is because of their Ceremonies they hold and plead that the Churches of England as they be established by publik Authority are true visible Churches of Christ and that their Ministers are faithfull Pastors and true Ministers of Christ c. Accusations pretences opinions and pleas that sort very ill with their Propositions and Assertions and are so much the more straunge in them as they have besides all the former Positions many other the like affirmed expressely that they lack both a right Ministerie of God a right governmēt of his Church according to the Scriptures that they have an Antichristian hierarchie a Leiturgy culled picked out of the Popish dunghil the Massebook full of all abominations and that the controversie betwixt the Prelates them is not for a cap a tippet or a surplus but for greater matters concerning a true Ministerie and Regiment of the Church according to the word Which being once established the other melt away of themselves Admon to the Parliam treatise 1. 2. Thus have they written and iudged themselves heretofore Now if their Church and Ministery were altered it would be knowen But seing it is not how is it that they keep not more to the greater matters in controversie but insist so much vpon the lesser which would melt away of themselves if the other were once established And why blame they vs for separating from their false Ministerie vnlawfull worship and Babylonish constitution of their Church Or why consider they not that the extent of their Propositions and Assertions reacheth not onely to their Ceremonies but also to their Ministery Leiturgie and Church it self Now therefore if they can make to accord together their judgement with their practise their writings
with their walking it is more then tyme needfull that they did it that they did it soundly from the word of God For as yet what do they els but with one mouth both blesse and curse and with the one hand build vp that which with the other they destroy and so make themselves trespassers Gal. 2.18 The seventh Argument taken out of Mr Bradsh book aforesaid vidz vide licet out of the tenth Argument of that Treatise IT is a sinne against Christ the sole Head of the Church to have spirituall communion with those Ministers which in the administration of Divine things do eyther by word or deed solemnely professe yeeld a spirituall Homage to an vsurped spirituall authority in the Church But the Ministers of the Church-assemblies of England do even in the administration of Divine things by solemne deed professe and yeeld a spirituall Homage to the spirituall authority of Lord Archbishops and Bishops which is vsurped Ergo It is a sinne against Christ the sole head of the Church to have spirituall communion with the Ministers of the Church assemblies of England The Proposition may not be gainesaid For all spirituall power vsurped over the Churches of God is an Antichristian authority and to communicate with those Ministers which professe spirituall homage therevnto is to communicate with such as professe spiritual homage vnto Antichrist which must needs be a sin against Christ the sole head of the Church The Assumption hath two parts 1. That the Ministers of the Church of England do even in the administration of Divine things by solemne deed professe and yeeld a spirituall Homage to the spirituall authoritie of Archbishops and Lord Bishops Which is most evident because they preach the word and administer the Sacraments by vertue of their calling received from the Archbishops and Bishops who give them authority herevnto at their ordination saying to every one of them * Book of ordering Priests fol. 14. Take thou authority to preach the word of God and to Minister the holy Sacraments in the Congregation where thou shalt be so appointed Which things themselves cannot deny to be meer Ecclesiasticall Religious and spirituall Actions injoyned among them to be done by offices callings received from the Prelates Ecclesiasticall and spirituall authority So as the doing of them by vertue thereof must needs be a solemne declaration of spirituall homage yeelded to the same authority 2. The second part of the Assumption is That the authority of their Lord Archbishops and Bishops is an vsurped authority The confirmation whereof Mr Bradsh setteth downe in these words following This is sufficiently proved of late by Mr Iacob in his 1. Assertion by many reasons Onely because the weight of the Argument leaneth vpon it I will vse one Reason Those Officers Rulers in the Church that make claime to be of Divine institution chalenge to themselves Apostolicall authority and iurisdiction as the onely Successours of the Apostles to sit onely in Moses chaire To have sole power of the Keyes To cut from the visible Church and receive againe To have power of creating displacing all other ecclesiasticall officers To be the Vniversall Pastors of whole Dukedomes and Kingdomes vnder whom all other Pastors are as Curates c. And yet for all this are such as stand and are supported onely by humane Traditions Ceremonies such as a civill Magistrate may without sinne put out of the Church and such as the true Churches of God may renounce and yet continue the true Church as Antichristian Vsurpers spirituall Tyrants I say all such Officers and Rulers exercise an vsurped authoritie in the Church But our Archbishops Bishops are such Rulers and Officers as are aforesaid Ergo They execute an Vsurped power over the Church The Proposition may easily be iustified For if inferiour officers vidz vide licet Pastors of particular Congregations have had may have firme continuance in the Church without these humane devises and inventions If the Magistrate cannot without sinn put them out of the Church And if those can be no true Churches that renounce to have particular Pastours and Ministers over them it must much more hold in such Church-officers and Rulers as these are if their authority be lawfull good For whilest the Apostles lived they needed not any humane Traditions and devises to support their authority The Magistrates that sought to put them downe sinned with a high hand And that was no Church that renounced and disclaimed their Office Authoritie and Iurisdiction The Assumption is as easily justified For 1. they make claime Title to all those Prerogatives before rehearsed in the first part of the Proposition and vnto more then that as shal be proved if it be denied 2. It is an Embleme of their owne NO CEREMONIE NO BISHOP Ergo No humane Tradition and Invention no Bishop Ergo The office of a Bishop is supported by them eyther onely or specially 3. Their Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction is derived from the King els it is a flat deniall of his Supremacie Also themselves graunt in their last Tables of Discipline That the King hath power to increase or diminish the Circuit of a Bishoprick That he may make two or more Bishopricks of one one Bishoprick to be two or more Yea what should hinder but that he may divide the Bishoprick of London into 800. For where God hath not defined the number of Parishes that a Bishop is to reign over it must needs be a thing indifferent In which by their owne Doctrines the King hath authority without sinne to dispose If therefore the King may as well notwithstanding any thing in the Law of God give the Keyes of the Church to everie particular Pastour of a Congregation over his owne Congregation as to a Bishop over a Diocesse which taketh away the very Essence of an English Bishop He may without sinne take away the very Office of the Bishop which consists in having jurisdiction over many Congregations c. 4. There is no true sober Christians but will say that the Churches of Scotland Fraunce the low Countries and other places that renounce such Archbishops and Bishops as ours are as Antichristian vsurping Prelates are true Churches of God Which they could not be if the authoritie and prerogatives they claime to themselves were of Christ and not vsurped For if it were the ordinance of Christ Iesus that in every Kingdome that receiveth the Gospel there should be one Archbishop over the whole Kingdome One Bishop over many hundred Pastors in a Kingdome and all they invested with that authority and jurisdiction Apostolicall which they claime iure Divino to be due vnto them and to reside in them by the ordinance of Christ certainely that Church that should renounce and disclaime such an authority ordeyned in the Church cannot be a true Church but a Synagogue of Sathan For they that should renounce and deny such must needs therein renounce and deny
Christ himself Thus the Assumption is cleared And thus the cause is yeelded by themselves who in their owne writings speak and reason in such sort as hath ben shewed Which I thought good thus to apply to their present estate further manifestation of the truth And thus much cōcerning these Argumēts Reasons Which now I leave to the consideration of all that are of judgement and conscience exhorting them as they love the truth and their owne good 1 Thes 5.21 Psal 119.59 to try all things by the word of God to consider their wayes and to turn their feet into his testimonies And I pray the Lord God of all glorie and goodnes to discover and consume the apostasie of Antichrist daily more and more to make the light and power of the Gospell of Christ shine forth and prevaile against all enemies and hinderances to give his people of all estates and nations to walk in the light and comfort thereof to the praise of his Name and eternall life by Iesus Christ who is God overall blessed for ever Amen Ier. 50.29 Call together * the mighty many against Babel all that bend the bow besiege her round about let there be no escaping for her recompense her according to her work according to all that she hath done do vnto her for she hath ben proude against the Lord against the holy one of Israel A Table of some principall things conteyned in this Treatise THat it is not lawfull to heare or have any spirituall communion with other Ministerie then that which Christ hath given vnto his Church pag. 1. 17. 51. 63. 70. 78. 87. 93. c. That the Ministery given by Christ is of Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastors and Teachers spoken of Ephes 4. p. 2. 4. 5. 7. 22. c. That the Ministers of the Church of England are none of these p. 3. c. Of the obiection made about hearing the Scribes and Pharisees p. 14. That the Ministery of the Church of Engl. is the Ministery of Antichrists Apostasie p. 18. c. Of the Prelates being spirituall Lords Diocesan and Provinciall Bishops Antichristian vsurpers c. p. 19. c. and p. 70. 71. 101. 102. 110. Of the examples of Timothee and Titus alledged for them p. 22. c. Two Questions about the ordinance of Christ and the apostasie of Antichrist touching the Ministery and governement of the Church p. 26. How the Ministers of the Church of England are made Deacons Priests Bishops and Archbishops And wherevnto they subscribe p. 30. c. That the Ministery of that Church obeyeth not Christ in his ordinance as their Prophet Priest and King p. 39. 105. That it is set against and exalted above the holy things and constitutions of Christ p. 41. That it apperteyneth not properly to any estate civill or ecclesiasticall but onely to the body and religion of Antichrist p. 42. 43. That the King may and ought to suppresse it throughout his Dominions p. 44. That the Lord will abolish it by the light and power of his Gospell with the spirit of his mouth and brightnes of his coming p. 46. That the Ministers with the people in that estate worship the Beasts image and receive his mark in the forehead or hand p. 51. c. That they derive not their power and functions of Ministerie from Christ the head of the Church p. 63. c. That though they be of good gifts and teach many true doctrines yet it is no warrant to communicate with their Ministerie p. 66. 75. 92. That they work vpon the consciences of men by vertue of a false spirituall calling p. 70. 109. 110. Of the Apostles not ceasing to preach in the Name of Iesus at the commandement of the Rulers of Israel p. 73. 74. That the Ministerie of the Church of Engl. is a straunge Ministery p. 78. c. Of the conspiracy of Corah Dathan Abiram c. p. 79. That it is vnlawfull to present our bodies at false worship p. 81. c. Of Naamans example alledged for that purpose p. 82. That the Ministerie of the Church of England is not from heaven but of men p. 87. That it giveth honour to Antichrist and is derogatory to the reformed Churches p. 95. Divers testimonies of their owne and of the Martyrs others against their Ministerie and Church estate p. 6. 13. 15. 21. 30. 33. 36. 41. 44. 59. 65. 73. 76. 79. 88. 93. c. Also the grounds of Mr Bradsh Arguments and of the London Lincolnshire Devonshire and other silenced Ministers their Exceptions Abridgement Answers and Offers applyed against them p. 93. c. Faultes escaped Pag. 63. lin 6. 7. read thus of Engl. is such as deriveth not Pag. 78. lin 22. Num. 15.39 Pag. 85. lin 8. will from the hote Pag. 94. line 29. annex this in such of the books where it is wanting and God must have no solemne Worship in England except it be in communion with the same Pag. 95. lin 19. put in the margent Mr Bradsh Argum. 2. Pag. 110. lin 10. annex this And their owne reasons alledged against the vse of the Ceremonies do also prove it
CERTAYNE REASONS and Arguments Proving that it is not lawfull to heare or have any spirituall communion with the present Ministerie of the Church of England Ier. 50.14.15 Put your selves in aray against Babel round about all that bend the bow shoot at her spare not arrowes for she hath sinned against the Lord. Cry against her round about she hath given her hand her foundations be fallen her walles be destroyed because it is the vengeance of the Lord take vengeance vpon her as she hath done do vnto her Rev. 18.6 Reward her even as she hath rewarded you and double vnto her doubles according to her workes in the cup wherein she hath mixed mixe her the double Printed In the yeare of our Lord 1608. To the Christian Reader grace and peace in our Lord Iesus Christ THe Reasons following I have published gentle Reader for thy good and for the truthes sake which we witnes to the world The causes of our separation from the Church of England are divers as in other Books already printed may be seen This treatise handleth purposely but one of them which is concerning their present Ministerie and was for the substance of it written long synce in nine Reasons which now I have revised and reduced to seven In the propounding and handling whereof I have both inserted divers things which I met with in some writings of Mr Iohn Penry that faithfull Martyr of Iesus Christ and annexed sundry testimonies and Arguments out of the Books of the forward Preachers now abroad in mens hands The third Reason which is taken out of Rev. hath his weight according to the right vnderstanding of that place Concerning which as Mr Ridley that blessed Martyr of Christ † See hereafter p. 59. did in his time I will commit the judgement thereof and of all the rest to the spirituall man to be tryed and judged by the word of God which is the onely rule of truth and so to be received and approved as they shal be found to beare weight being layd in the skoales of Gods sanctuary not any otherwise or further at all The Reasons are set downe in the forme of Syllogismes And the two first which conteyne in them the grounds of the rest have more specially the confirmation of them also handled after the same manner A course that some have desired for the further tryall of our cause Which now I wish it may help them forward to yeeld vnto the truth And if thy self Christian Reader reapest any fruit by our labours give God praise and pray for vs the vnworthiest of his servants who are every where contemned blasphemed and oppugned for the Name of Christ Ier. 30.17 Mat. 5.12 and 10.25 Heb. 12.2 1 Pet. 4.12 c. As hath ben the lot of the Churches and servants of God in all ages yea and of Christ our Lord himself But it is ynough for the disciple to be as his Maister and the servant as his Lord. Therefore will we beare it with pacience and rejoyce in it wayting till the Lord our God bring forth his truth as the light our judgement as the noone day Great we know is the truth and strong is the Lord that will destroy Babylon and will mainteyne the cause and avenge the blood of his servants Rev. 17. and 18. and 19. chap. with Ier. 50. and 51. ch Now therefore let me exhort all both Preachers and people high and low to compare together the Scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles concerning the work of God and fall of Babylon past and to come and to take heed vnto themselves that they harden not their hearts but whiles it is called To day to hearken vnto the voice of the Lord who sayth vnto vs concerning the spirituall Babylon all her assemblies and worship Go out of her my people that yee partake not with her sinnes and that ye receive not of her plagues as of old he sayd to the Iewes concerning Babylon in Chaldea Go out of the middes of her my people deliver ye every man his soule frō the fierce wrath of the Lord. Rev. 18.4 with Ier. 51.45 And let there be heard * Ier. 50.28 with Rev. 19 ● ● the voyce of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babel to declare in Zion the vengeance of the Lord our God the vengeance of his Temple For it is written Thus saith the Lord of hosts The thick walles of Babel shal be broken downe and her high gates shal be burnt with fire and the people shall labour in vayne and the folk in the fire and shal be weary Ier. 51.58 Which how true it is wil be found in the Antichristian Babylon as it hath ben in the Chaldean let all that are wise observe make good vse thereof vnto themselves And in speciall as now I have occasion let me intreat the Preachers seeking reformation seriously to mynd the Books which many of them selves have written against their present estate with indifferency to judge whether their owne Arguments howsoever intended or alledged otherwise by themselves rely not vpon such grounds as are in very deed against their Ministery aswell as against their Ceremonies against the executing of the one aswel as against the vsing of the other withall against the keeping of communion with them in such estate albeit they have not hitherto so applyed or acknowledged it thēselves Which God in his tyme give them to do for their owne comfort benefit of others And the Lord guyde vs in these and all other things by his word and spirit in the way of his truth keeping vs from errour and every evill way and preserving vs to his heavenly kingdome by Iesus Christ who is the way the truth and the life Amen Thyne in the Lord Francis Iohnson REASONS and proofes from the Scriptures and other testimonies Shewing that it is not lawful to heare or have any spiritual communion with the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England The first Reason ALl are bound in the worship of God to hear and communicate onely with that Ministerie which Christ hath given and set in his Church for that work But the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England is not that which Christ hath given and set in his Church for the work of his Ministery Therfore it is not lawful for any in the worship of God to hear or communicate with the present Ministery of the Church-assemblyes of England The proof and declaration of this Reason in the several parts thereof THe Proposition or first part of the Reason is evident and certayn 1. Because Christ hath given his Ministerie to his Church as a fruit and confirmation of his ascension into heaven whose gift therfore cannot therin be refused without denying or derogating from the truth and benefit of that his ascension Ephe. 4.8 12. with Ps 68.18 1 Cor. 12.4 Rev. 2. Because he hath set his Ministerie in his Church
as Lord and King therof whose appointment therefore may not be altered or disobeyed 1 Cor. 12.5.28 with Heb. 3.5 6. 9.10.11 Mal. 1.6 Luk. 6.46 and 19.27 Col. 4.17 1 Thess 5.12 Rev. 22.18.19 3. Because he buildeth and worketh by and in his owne Ministerie as God who is gracious and powerful working all in all to whom therfore in his worship all submission and obedience is to be yeelded in his own Ministerie onely and in no other whatsoever 1. Cor. 12.6.28 with Heb. 3.3.4 1 Thess 4.8 1 Tim. 3.1 15. Rev. and 2.1 3.1.14 4. Because to his owne Ministerie onely he calleth his people and promiseth his presence and blessing so as in rejecting it admitting another men do as much as in them lyeth reject and refuse his blessed presence and deny the obedience which they ow vnto him Mat. 28.20 Luk. 10.16 Ioh. 13.20 1 Tim. 3.1.15 Rev. 2.1 and 3.1 with Lev. Deut. 33.10.11 Isa Ier. 3.15 Zach. 14.20.21 2 Thes Rev. THe Assumption or latter part of the Reason is proved thus The Ministerie which Christ hath given and set in his Church is of Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastors and Teachers spoken of Ephes 4.11.12 But the present Ministerie of the Church of England is none of those spoken of Ephe. 4.11.12 Therfore it is not the Ministerie which Christ hath given and set in his Church The Proposition is playn and vndenyable The Assumption is shewed thus The present Ministery of the Church of Engl. is of Prelates Priests and Deacons But neyther the Prelates Priests nor Deacons of that Church be Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastors or Teachers spoken of Ephe. 4.11.12 Therfore the present Ministery of that Church is none of those spoken of Ephe. 4.11.12 The Proposition is manifest by their Law constitution The Law of that Church establisheth not nor admitteth any other Ministery but that of their Prelacy Priesthood and Deaconry received among themselves or from the Papists Their constitution is such as al the Ministers of that Church must be Priests or Deacons And these also eyther in a superiour degree as the Prelates the Lordbishops Archbs Suffraganes c. or in an inferiour as the Parsons Vicars Stipendaries Chapleynes c. The Assumption is thus proved And first concerning the three first spoken of Ephe. 4.11 The offices of the Apostles Prophets and Evangelists were extraordinary the chiefest appointed by christ for special imploymēt in laying the foundatiō of the christiā church religiō through the world preaching the Gospel every where erecting the kingdom of God in al nations opening foretelling the things revealed vnto them by the holy Ghost planting the Primitive Churches and setling them in the faith and ordinance of Iesus Christ which should continue to the end of the world c. But such are not the offices of the Prelates Priests or Deacons of the Church of England Therfore they are not the Apostles Prophets or Evangelists spoken of Ephe. 4.11 More particularly The Apostles spoken of Ephe. 4.11 were such as every one of them had were to have these properties That with their eyes they had seen the L. Iesus 1 Ioh. 1.1 1 Cor. 9.1 and Act. That by him immediately they were appointed to that office Mat. 28.18.19 Act. 1.2.24 25.26 with Prov. 16.33 Gal. 1.1 That of him and not of man they received the doctrine and commandements which they delivered to the Churches Mat. 28.20 Act. 1.2 4.13 Gal. 1.12 2.6 c. That they were sent into the whole world to preach the Gospel to everie creature to the Iewes and Gentiles of all nations Mat. 28.19.20 Mar. 16.15 Rom. 15.19 Act. 9.15 and 13. and 14 chap. c. That as Maister-builders they layd the foundation which should alway continue to the end Math. 28.19.20 with 1 Cor. 3.10.11 Ephe. 2.20 Rev. 21.14 That they should all be of equall authority Mat. 2 Cor 12.11 Gal. 2.9 Rev. 21.14 That they were filled with the gifts of the holy Ghost with variety of tongues ability to prophecy power to work miracles and to shew vndoubted argumēts of their Apostleship c. Act. 2. 3. 4. 5. ch c. with Ioh. 16.13 20.21.22 1 Cor. 14.18 2 Cor. 12.11.12 But such are not the Prelates Priests or Deacons in the Church of England Therfore they are not the Apostles spoken of Ephe. 4.11 And Paul sayth that God set forth him and Barnabas the last Apostles appointed to death c. 1 Cor. 4.9 If they were the last how shal we now look for any mo after them Or if any wil yet so think of themselves or others we may be sure the tryall of them by the word of God wil evince them to be such as the Church of Ephesus foūd to be lyars which said they were Apostles but were not to in deed Rev. 2.2 The Prophets spoken of Ephe. 4.11 were such as with the Apostles had the Gospel revealed vnto them by the Spirit and delivered it for the foundation of the Christian Churches and religion and by speciall revelation opened applyed the Scriptures of the former Prophets and in waighty cases foretold things to come as by the holy Ghost was shewed vnto them Ephes 3.5 and 2.20 with 4.11 12. 1 Cor. 12.28 Act. 11.28 and 21.10.11 But such are not the Prelates Priests or Deacons of the Church of England Therfore they are not the Prophets spokē of Ephe. 4.11 The Evangelists spoken of Ephe. 4.11 were such as having appointment direction by the Spirit or the Apostles preached the Gospel abroad and brought the Churches to a setled estate according to the order prescribed them by the Apostles whose companions and assistants they were going whither they sent them and returning whither they would have them Act. 21.8 with chap. 2 Tim. with Rom. 16.21 1 Cor. 4.17 and 16.10 2 Cor. 1.1.19 Phil. 2.19.22 1 Thes 3.2.6 1 Tim. 1.2.3 c. and with Act. 16.1.3 and 17.14.15 and 18.5 and 19.22 and 20.4 Col. 4.10.11 with Act. 15.39.40 Tit. 1.4.5 and 3.12 with 2 Cor. 8.23 But such are not the Prelates Priests or Deacons of the Church of England Therfore they are not the Evangelists spoken of Ephe 4.11 The Propositions of these particular reasons are evident by the scriptures annexed vnto them The Assumptions are so playne as they need no proof at all And if any would deny them they ar bound themselves to shew the contrary by the Scriptures Which none can ever do Now as the Prelates Priests Deacons of the church of England are not Apostles Prophets or Evangelists spoken of Ephe. 4.11 so neyther are they Pastors or Teachers there spoken of by the Apostle Which now we wil also prove But first for further clearing of the truth and better discerning of their estate it is to be observed here that albeit themselves take it for granted
ecclesiastical functiōs receiv civil offices callings nor take vnto them princely titles dignityes Ephe. 1 Pet. Rom. 12.7.8 1 Cor. ●2 5.8.28 1 Tim. 2 Tim. 2.4 Luk. 12.14 and 22.25.26 But the offices of the Prelates Priests and Deacons of the Church of England are not so but by their own constitution are set in that Church and employed in the Ministerie of the word Sacraments Church government so as they may also together with their ecclesiastical functions receive civill offices and callings as to be Iustices of peace County palatines Lords of the Counsel c. take vnto them Princely titles and dignityes as of Grace Lordship c. Which al men see and know to be thus Therfore they are not true Pastors and Teachers 5. Againe The Ministery of Christian Pastors Teachers standeth by the word and ordinance of Christ so as al Churches vnder heaven are bound to receive submit therevnto and to no other whatsoever Ephes Rom. 1 Cor. 12.5.28 1 Tim. 3. chap. and 5.17 and 6.13.14 But the Prelacy Priesthood Deaconry of the Church of England standeth onely by the authority and Law of man so as other Churches els where neyther ar nor need to be subject therevnto Which even themselves of all sorts have acknowledged For which see Whitgifts Defence in the Preface The Answer to the Abstract pag. 58. The Admon to the Parliam The Defence of godly Minist The Demonstration c. Therfore their Prelacy Priesthood Deaconry is not the Ministery of Christian Pastors and Teachers 6. Furthermore The offices of Pastors and Teachers which Christ hath appointed are such as they which have them must be members of a true visible Church and bound to one particular Congregation for the Ministery governmēt therof Rom. 1 Cor. Act. 14.23 20.28 Col. 4.17 Heb. 13.17 1 Pet. 5.1 2 3 4. But the offices of the Prelates Priests and Deacons of the Church of England are such as they which have them need not be neyther in their estate can be members of a true visible Church but of a false nor are bound to one particular Congregation for the Ministerie governement thereof but the Prelates are over whole provinces and Dioceses c. and the other inferiour Priests may have in that estate plurality of benefices ecclesiasticall cures c. Which none can deny Therefore they are not the Pastors Teachers which Christ hath appointed 7. Finally The offices condition and government of Pastors and Teachers spoken of Ephe. 4.11 are such as no way empaire the authority Supremacy or dignity of Kings or any other civil Magistrates eyther in civil or ecclesiastical causes Ephes 4.11 12. and Rom. 12.7 8. with 13.1 Tit. 1.5 9. with 3.1 1 Pet. 5.1 2 3. with 2.13.14 But the offices condition government of the Prelates Priests and Deacons of the Church of England are such as do many wayes empaire the authoritie supremacy and dignity of Kings and all other Magistrates both in civill ecclesiasticall causes And for an instance take these particulars That the Prelates will have their presence voyce authority to be at Parliaments for enacting of Lawes statutes for the cōmon wealth c. That they are rulers of whole Provinces Dioceses in the ecclesiasticall causes therof That in civill estate and government some of them are above all and all of them above some of the Nobles Iustices and other Magistrates of the land That themselves their Courts and officers handle determine sundry civill causes and affaires pertayning to the civill Magistracy That they inflict civil mulcts and punishments That in their forbidden times they give licences to matry c. That the beneficed Priests sweare Canonical obedience to the Prelates That all the Priests and Deacons are exempt from the Magistrates iurisdiction in divers things apperteyning vnto them and answerable onely or chiefly to the Prelates and their Officers c. Therefore they are not the Pastors and Teachers spoken of Ephe. 4.11 And to this end might divers other reasons be alledged from particular consideration of these severall offices As for example if any for the Prelates would perswade that their Archbishops have the Pastors office then would it follow that they have but two Pastors in the land because they have but two Archbishops Or if they say the Lordbishops be Pastors then have they but sixe and twenty or thereabout and what office then have the Archbishops above them If others say the Priests whether Parsons Vicars or Stipendaries be Pastors then let them tell vs what office their Archbishops Lordbishops have amōg them seing Christ hath appointed in his Church no ordinarie ecclesiasticall office for any one person greater then the Pastors nor set the Pastors one of them above another in any respect of Ministery power or government but made them all equall therein Rev. and with Ephes 4.11 12 13. Act. 20.17.28 1 Tim. 5.17 1 Pet. 5.1 2 3 4. and Luk. 22.24.25 26 27. And thus much is acknowledged and published also by some of themselves both heretofore in divers of their books and now of late in an Offer of conference about certayne Propositions which they offer to mainteyne against the Prelates Among which are these namely * Offer of Conference p. ● That the Pastor of a particular Congregation is the highest ordinarie ecclesiasticall Officer in any true constituted visible Church of Christ That it is the office of every true Pastor to teach and to governe spiritually onely one Church or Congregation immediately vnder Christ That it is simply vnlawful for any Pastor vnder the new Testament to be also a civil Magistrate That the Office and calling of Provinciall and Diocesan Prelates is contrary to the word of God c. Furthermore if any would say their Deacons have the Pastors office the same absurdity followeth as in the former and this moreover that the works of the Deacons office are by the Apostles opposed to the work of the Ministery wherein the Pastors office is employed Act. with Ephe. 4.11.12 Rom. 12.8 Likewise if they would say they have the Teachers office it would be knowen whether it be the Archbishops Lordbishops Priests or Deacons Parsons Vicars or Stipendaries that have it among them to whom they are adjoyned for the work of Ministerie as ‖ Ephe. 4.11.12 Rom. 12.7.8 the Teachers are to Pastors seing they have none in the office of Pastors spoken of Ephe. 4.11 as is proved here before and what office of Ministery the rest of their Prelates Priests Deacons have whom themselves account not to have the Teachers office and whether the Teachers spoken of Ephes 4.11 must first be Deacons and then Priests and promise obedience to the Prelates that also as to their Ordinaries and be silenced and deposed at their pleasure c. But of these things we have spoken in other
Treatises to which we refer the Reader Refut of Mr. Giff. pag. 104.105.106 c. Answ to Mr Hilders pag. 79 80-87-94 c. Answ to Mr. Iacob pag. 188. c. Now whereas some alledge for warrant of hearing these Ministers that the people were to hearken to the Scribes and Pharisees sitting in Moses seat c. Math. 23.2.3 it is to be noted that they were Levites Priests expounders of the Law and Iudges of the pleas and controversies of Israel And therfore had the true offices ordinances which the Lord by Moses did appoint for teaching and governing of that Church as appeareth both by the phrase it self of sitting on Moses chaire and by conference of these and the like Scriptures Deut. 10.8 17.8 12. and 33.1 8.10 2 Chron. 17.8.9 and 19. 8 11. Nehem. 8.4 8. and 9.3.4 5. with Mat. and 23. chap. Mar. Ioh. 1.19.24 and 3.1.10 Act. 5.34 This then is nothing at all for any false Ministerie never ordeyned by the Lord such as the present Ministerie of the Church of England is proved to be Besides to be a Pharisee was not to have a new kind of Ministerie but to be of a speciall sect among the Iewes that pretended more strict observation of the Law then others did Act. 15.5 and 26.5 And they were of any of their tribes or of the proselyte Gentiles as may be seen in Paul who was a Pharisee of the tribe of Benjamin Phil. 3.5 Act. 23. 6. and in them that were sent to Iohn Baptist who were Pharisees of the tribe of Levi being Priests and Levites Ioh. 1.19.24 and in the Proselyte Gentiles brought so to be by the Scribes and Pharisees spoken of Mat. 23.15 And further although they were verie corrupt and vngodly notwithstanding all the pretence they made so as Christ taught his disciples * Mat. 16.6.12 and 23. chap. Luk 12.1 to take heed of the leven of their doctrine and of their hypocrisy and wickednes in conversation yet did they still hold that every true Ministery must be from heaven and not of men and vrged Iohn the Baptist to warrant his calling and Ministerie by the Scriptures Luk. 20 1-7 with Ioh. 1.19 27. So far were they themselves from admitting any false ministery not appointed by God and approved in his word And this also have the forward preachers acknowledged and proved heretofore against the Prelates as appeareth by their owne words saying ‖ T. C. first reply pag. 83. The ministerie is by the word of God and heavenly and not left to the will of men to devise at their pleasure as appeareth by that which is noted of Iohn where the Pharisees coming to Iohn Baptist after that he had denyed to be eyther Christ or Elias or another Prophet * Ioh. 1.23 conclude If thou be neyther Christ nor Elias nor of the Prophets why baptizest thou Which had bene no good argument if S. Iohn might have ben of some other function then of those which were ordinarie in the Church and instituted of God And therefore he to establish his singular extraordinarie functiō alledgeth the word of God whereby appeareth that as it was not lawfull to bring in any strange dostrine so was it ‖ Note not lawfull to teach the true doctrine vnder the name of any other function then was instituted by God Let the whole practise of the Church vnder the Law be looked vpon and it shall not be found that any other ecclesiasticall ministery was appointed then those orders of hy priests and Levites c. which wer appointed by the law of God And if there were any raised vp extraordinarily the same had their calling confirmed from heaven eyther by signes or miracles or by playn and cleare testimonies of the mouth of God or by extraordinarie exciting movings of the Spirit of God So that it appeareth that the ministerie of the Gospell and the functions thereof ought to be from heaven and of God and not invented by the brayne of men Thus have themselves written heretofore and thus doth their owne testimonie agree with the word of God against their present estate and their woonted allegations for their continuing therein But of these things also we have spoken other where and wil not here further prosecute them Treatise of the Minist of Engl. p. 54.55 c. Answ to Mr. Iacob p. 195. The conclusion of all is this that seing the Lord himself ascending vp on high hath given offices of Ministerie to his Church calling requiring all his people to heare have spirituall communion with them not with any other and seing the present ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England cannot be warranted by the word of God to be that which Christ hath given and set in his Church for the work of his Ministerie we may not therefore in the worship of God heare or communicate therewith vnder any colour whatsoever The second Reason NOne may heare or have any spirituall communion with the Ministery of Antichrists apostasie But the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England is the Ministery of Antichrists apostasie Therefore none may heare or have any spirtual communion with the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of Engl. THe Propositiō or first part of this Reason is manifest 1. Because all false Ministeries are forbidden by the Lord and stand vnder the denunciation of his curse Exod. 20.4.5 with Deut. 18 9-15 2 Kings 10 19-25 2 Chron. Zach. 13 2-6 2 Thess 2 3-12 Rev. 9. and 17. chap. 2 Iohn ver 7.10 Deut. 7.26 and 27.26 Gal. 1.8.9 Rev. 22.18.19 2. Because we are commanded to go out of Babylon and not to partake with any of her sinns therfore not with the Ministerie of Antichrists apostasie Rev. with Ier. 2 Cor. 6 14-17 1 Iohn 4 1-6 3. Because by hearing and communicating with such a Ministerie all that do so become the servants of Antichrist as it is written His seruants ye are to whom ye obey thus become subject to the wrath of God Rom. 6.16 2 Pet. 2.19 with Rev. 4. Because to heare or joyne with that Ministerie is to honour and conspire with Antichrist against Christ and what in vs vs lyeth to vphold that which the Lord will consume 2 Thes Rev. 13. and 14 9-12 5. Because this is not to obey the Gospel and receive the love of the truth that we may be saved but to provoke the Lord to send vs strong delusions to beleev lyes and please our selves in vnrighteousnes being carryed away in the deceitfulnes thereof among them that perish vnto condemnation For thus the scripture speaketh of such as in religion yeeld submission to Antichrist the man of sinne in his apostasie 2 Thes Rev. 14 6-12 and 22.18.19 THe Assumption or second part of the Reason is proved by divers Arguments as followeth The first Argument I. THe Ministerie of Deacons and Priests ordeyned by the
occasion and to look that they be performed by all such as they are specially layd vpon for the better service of the Lord and his church therein 2. Whether on the contrary the apostasie of Antichrist be not such touching the Ministery and government of the Church as therein they which be in the lesser offices have power and authority among them to exceed the dutyes of the office which Christ hath appointed to performe the dutyes apperteyning to the higher offices by meanes whereof both Antichrist hath risen vp to so great a height and so many orders and degrees of superior and inferior Ministers have bene received and still are reteyned in that degenerate estate and apostasie of the man of sinne as is come to passe And touching the first because the offices set by Christ in his Church be of two sorts some extraordinary and for a tyme and speciall vse some ordinary and prrpetual whether it be true in both or in the first and in them alone As for example That the Apostles who were in the greatest office ordeyned by Christ vnder the Gospel † Mat. Ephe. 4.11.12 1 Cor. 12.28 had besides the peculiar office of Apostleship the power also and authority of the other Offices of ‖ Act. 20.29.30 Rō 11.25.26 2 Thes 2 3-8 1 Tim. ● Pet. 2. 3. chap. 1 Ioh. 2.18 Iude ver 17.18 Prophets * Act. 8.14.25 14.7 15.35.36 41. 16.40 Rom. Evangelists ‡ Ioh. 21.16 Act. 1.40.42 20.2 1 Cor. 9.7 Pastors † Act. 5 42. 1 Tim. 2.7 2 Tim. 1.11 Teachers ‖ 1 Pet. 5.1 Act. 6.2.6 15.6.22 1 Tim. 4.14 with 2 Tim 1.6 Elders * Act. 4.34.35 6.2.3 4. 11.29.30 1 Cor. 16.3.4 Gal. 2.10 Deacons both to performe them vpon just occasion themselves to see thē performed by others as is aforesayd For which consider the Scriptures here quoted in the Margent And likewise that the Prophets besides their owne special office had in them the power authority of the other inferiour offices of Evangelists Pastors Teachers c. Act. and 17.15 and 18.5.2 Cor. 1.19 Ephe. 3.5.6 4.11.12 And in like sort that the Evangelists besides their owne peculiar function had in them the power and authority of the other smaller offices of Pastors Teachers Elders c. Act. 8.35.38 with 21.8 1 Cor. 16.10 2 Cor. 1.19 1 Thes 3.2 with the Epist. to Tim. Tit. And it being so in the ordinary offices likewise that the Pastors therefore besides their own peculiar function have in them the power and authority of the other ordinary offices of the Teachers Elders and Deacons for performance and oversight as is aforesaid Act. 20.28 Ephe 4.11.12 1 Tim. 3 1-15 and 5.17.22 with 6.13.14 Heb. 13.7.17 1 Pet. 5.1 2.3.4 Luk. 12.42 Rev. 1.20 with Likewise that the Teachers have in them besides their owne speciall office the power and authority of the ruling Elders and Deacons Act. 20.28 1 Cor. Ephe 4.11.12 1 Tim. 3.1 15. and 5.17 with 2 Tim. 2.2 Tit. 1 5-9 Heb. 13.7.17 And in like maner that the Elders besides their owne speciall functiō have in thē the power authority of the Deacons office for the doing and overseing thereof as before is spoken Act. 11.29.30 and 20.17 28. 1 Thes 1 Tim. 3 1-15 and 5 17-22 with 6.13.14 Heb. 13.17 1 Pet. Finally that the Deacons as also the rest aforesayd have besides their owne peculiar office right and power to enjoy whatsoever interest the other members have in the Church for any dutyes or actions to be performed therein according to their place and condition And further that when they shall have ministred well in the Deacons office they may be called afore other of the brethren into the higher offices of the Elders being endued with giftes therevnto Act. 6.3 Rom. 12 4-8 1 Cor. 12 12-28 1 Tim. 3 8-13 But now on the contrary when such as were in the inferiour offices conteyned not themselves within compasse of their callings but took vpon themselves or had layd vpon them by others power and authority of the superiour functions then sprung vp the apostasie of Antichrist in the churches ministery and government As namely when the Pastors and Bishops of particular congregations came to have authority oversight over many Churches and over the Ministers and people therein in a kind of resemblance of the extraordinary offices already ceased Contrarie to Rev. with 18. and Act. 20.28 Ephe. Phil. 1.1 1 Pet. And that the ruling Elders or Presbyters now called Priests did the Ministeriall dutyes of the Pastors and Teachers in the particular Congregations Contrary to Rom. 12.7.8 1 Cor. 12.28 1 Tim. 5.17 And that the Deacons also baptized and were Ministers of the word which the Apostles did purposely oppose to the dutyes of that office at the institution thereof Act. So as of these things it may be sayd as Christ did in another case From the beginning it was not so Mat. 19.8 And herevpon in tyme many sorts and degrees of inferior servile Ministers and superior Lordly Prelates grew vp encreased in that defection of the Man of sinne till Antichrist at the length was exalted in his throne From which now agayne the Lord hath begunne to bring him downe discovering and consuming that mystery of iniquity by the light and power of his Gospell and will not cease till the same be fully abolished cast into the bottomles pit from whence it first arose 2 Thes 10.11.12 and 1 Ioh. 2.18.19 with Rev. and 8. and 9. and 13. and 14. and 16. and 17. and 18. and 19. chap. And hitherto of the Proposition of the last Syllogisme The Assumption thereof namely that the Prelates of the Church of Engl. have the offices and government of such Bishops as are over Diocesan and Provinciall Churches and exercise ecclesiasticall iurisdiction over all the Ministers and people therein is evident by their Church-constitution Lawes and practise And themselves neyther will nor can deny it 3. The other Assumption aforesaid viz that the Prelates of the Church of Engl. have such offices and government as be speciall parts of Antichrists apostasie is proved thirdly by this that the offices and government of the Prelates of the Church of Engl. do not in their nature and proper vse perteyne to any society body and estate eyther civill or ecclesiasticall but onely to the body and kingdome of Antichrist Of which as also of other reasons proving the point in hand more shal be spoken hereafter in the severall Arguments following concerning this matter And thus much concerning the Proposition of this Argument The Assumption of the Argument namely that the present Ministery of the Church-assemblies of England is the Ministerie of Deacons and Priests ordeyned by the Prelates therevnto is vndeniably confirmed
the book of Common prayer and of ordering Bishops Priests and Deacons conteyneth in it nothing contrarie to the word of God and that it may lawfully so be vsed that he himself will vse the forme in the sayd Book prescribed in publick prayer and administration of the Sacraments none other Also That he alloweth the book of Articles of Religion agreed vpon by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Provinces and the whole Clergie in the convocation holden at London in the ye are 1562. and that he acknowledgeth all every the Articles therein conteyned to be agreeable to the word of God In which Articles although there be many truths yet there are also errors not afew to which they must subscribe that they are agreeable to the word of God and that they do thus subscribe willingly and ex animo Lastly for their Bishops Archbishops 1. there is with other things aforesaid at their consecration also to be read an Epistle Gospell and Credo 2. After which ended the elected Bishop must be presented by two Bishops vnto the Archbishop of that Province or to some other Bishop appointed by his Cōmission the Bishops that present him saying Most reverend Father in God we present vnto you this godly and wel learned man to be consecrated Bishop 3. Then the Archbishop demaunds the Kings mandate for the consecration And after a lawfull oth concerning the Kings supremacy they must take an vnlawfull oath of obedience to the Archbishop which is thus In the name of God Amen I N. chosen Bishop of the Church and Sie of N. do professe and promise all due reverence and obedience to the Archbishop and to the Metropoliticall Church of N. and to their successours so help me God through Iesus Christ. Which oath at the consecration of an Archbishop is omitted 4. Afterward vpon the Archbishops demaund he answereth a number of questions 1 Of his perswasion that he is truly called to this ministration according to the will of our Lord Iesus Christ and the order of the Realme 2 Of the sufficiency of the Scriptures and his determination with them to instruct the people cōmitted to his charge 3 Of his study faithfully to exercise himself in the sayd Scriptures 4 Of his readynes with all faithfull diligence to banish and drive a way all erroneous and strange doctrine contrary to Gods word 5 Of his care to deny all vngodlynes and worldly lusts and to live soberly righteously and godly in this world 6. Of his purpose to maynteyne set forward quietnes peace and love among all men and to correct and punish such as be vnquiet disobedient and criminous within his dioces according to such authority as he hath by Gods word and the ordinance of the Realme 7 Of his carefulnes to shew himself gentle and mercifull for Christs sake to poore people and strangers To all which they answer affirmatively and walk for the most part negatively as their estate practise sheweth vnto all men that will open their eyes to see it 5. Then must be sung or sayd Come holy Ghost c. whose direction given in the Scriptures for the offices ordinances appointed by Christ they reject and follow the Papists and their owne devises so making the commandement of God of no effect through their traditions 6. For the consecration it self the Archbishop and Bishops present must lay their hands vpon the head of the elected Bishop the Archbishop saying Take the holy Ghost and remember that thou stirr vp the grace of God which is in thee by imposition of hands for God hath not given vs the spirit of feare but of power and love and sobernes Where note agayne their vayn presumption impiety in taking vpon them to give the holy Ghost having no power frō the Lord therevnto Yet I suppose this consecrated Bishop takes asmuch as the Archbishop gives the Archbishop gives asmuch as the Bishop takes which of what quantity and quality it is let their estate and works be witnesses 7. Then the Archbishop delivereth him the Bible saying Give heed vnto reading exhortation and doctrine Think vpon the things conteyned in this book Be diligent in teaching and doing them c. Be to the flock of Christ a Shepheard not a wolf feed them devour them not c. Wherein their practise is as contrary as their office is degenerate from the ordinance of Christ And thus is their fourme of consecrating Bishops and Archbishops Wherein I omit to note in particular their great abuse and profanation of the Name and word of God in the Scriptures and prayers then vsed from the beginning to the end of that their consecration Neyther will I stand to speak of their administration and government nor of their other degrees functions of Deanes Prebendaries Chauncellors Archdeacons Commissaries Officials and the rest of that sort among them seing there are so many vnanswerable treatises already published of this Argument concerning the Antichristianity and vnlawfulnes of their Offices callings works and maintenance Yet before I end this poynt I wil here set downe two of their owne late Canons and some of the sayings and testimonyes both of the Martyrs of old and of the seekers of Reformation in this latter age that so their opposition against the truth and amongst themselves may by this meanes yet further appeare Their Canons are these 1. * Canons of Anno. 1603 Gen. 7. Whosoever shall affirme that the government of the Church of England vnder his Maiesty by Archbishops Bishops Deanes Archdeacons and the rest that bear office in the same is Antichristian or repugnant to the word of God let him be excommunicated ipso facto and so continue vntill he repent and publikly revoke such his wicked errors 2. And ‡ Ibid. Can. 8. Whosoever shall affirme or teach That the fourme and maner of making and consecrating Bishops Priests or Deacons conteyneth any thing in it that is repugnant to the word of God or that they who are made Bishops Priests or Deacons in that forme are not lawfully made nor ought to be accounted eyther by themselves or by others to be truly eyther Bishops Priests or Deacons vntill they have some other calling to those divine Offices let him be excommunicated ipso facto not to be restored vntil he repent and publikly revoke such his wicked errors These are their Canons among many other the like by which all may see how earnestly they set themselves to hold vp the falling apostasie of the man of sinne as other before tyme have laboured to heale the deadly wound of the beast 2 Thes 2 3-12 with Reve. 13.11.12 c. The testimonies of the Martyrs to the contrary which here I will mention are these being of such also as were of our owne countrey Iohn Claydon burnt in Smithfeild at London in the yeare 1415. held † Act. Monum Edit● 5. pag. 588. that Archbishops and Bishops speaking indifferently are the seats of the beast
that he shal be any such brute Beast but for that he is and shal be called the child of perdition which for his cruelty and beastly maners is called the beast The carnall Iewes knew there was a promise made that Elias should come before Christ the Messias the annoynted of God to prepare his wayes they knew also there was a promise of Messias that he should come and be a King and reigne in the house of David for evermore But they vnderstood all so grossely and carnally that they neyther knew Elias nor Messias when they came for they looked for Elias to come downe from heaven in his own person and for Messias to come and reigne in worldly pompe power riches glory whenas the prophecies of both were spiritually to have bene vnderstood Of Elias that he should come not in person but in spirit that is one that should he indued with the spirit and gifts of grace of Elias which was in deed Iohn Baptist as Christ himself did declare to his Apostles And of Messias reigne all the Prophets were to be vnderstood of the reigne of his spirituall kingdome over the house of Iacob and the true Israelites for evermore And so by their grosse and carnall vnderstanding they mistook both Elias and the true Messias and when they came knew neyther of them both So likewise I feare me nay it is certayne the world that wanteth the light of the spirit of God for the world is not able to receive him saith Iohn neyther doth nor shall know the beast nor his marks though he rage cruelly and live never so beastly and though his marked men be in number like the sand of the sea The Lord therefore vouchsafe to open the eyes of the blynd with the light of grace that they may see perceive and vnderstand the words of God after the mynd of his Spirit Amen Thus farre Mr Ridley And Mr Bale an exile of Christ vnderstanding by the Beast the great Antichrist and by his image those governours which take vpon them his blasphemous titles names authority or defence applyed it also thus * Image of both Churches vpon Rev. 14.9 To receive the Beasts mark in their foreheads and hands is both to agree to such decrees traditions lawes constitutions acts and proclamations as they vnder those titles have made onely for their owne covetousnes and pompe and neyther for the glory of God nor yet for the right maintenance of the Christian common wealth And also to be sworne to the same to subscribe to it to give counsel or ayde to it to mainteyne it by learning to minister in it to execute vnder it to accuse punish put to death for it or to think it lawfull and godly with such like Thus have I somewhat largely noted down the sayings of these Martyrs of former times as being of good weight to the matter in hand For although Antichrist was not then so fuly discovered nor so deeply wounded as synce he hath ben and wil be yet daily more in this latter age of the world in which respect we are not now to be pressed with every thing which they then cōming newly out of the darknes of Popery did receive and allow Yet by these testimonies alledged and other the like in their stories it may appeare how vprightly they judged and how faithfully they walked even vnto death according to the measure of light reveiled vnto them in which respect they will rise vp in judgement to condemne this age wherein notwithstanding that Antichrist be plainlyer manifested and more consumed as yet stil he wil be more more til he be abolished † 2 Thes 2.8 Rev. by the brightnes of Christs appearing in the light and power of his Gospell yet as if no such thing were or should be or as if men ‖ Esa 6.9.10 Mat. 13.14.15 Act. 28.26.27 had eyes and saw not eares heard not harts and vnderstood not who is there that do not still take pleasure in that vnrighteousnes of Antichrist disobeying the truth of the Gospell of Christ worshipping the image of the Beast and receiving his mark in their forehead or hand For which howsoever men do plead yet let all remember and consider how the Spirit of God hath foretold the end and fruict therof to be this to stand vnder the wrath and judgement of God to be tormented before the holy Angels and before the Lambe for evermore Rev. with 2 Thes 1.8.9 2 Thes 2 3-12 The fourth Reason None may heare or ioyne in any spirituall communion with that Ministerie which deriveth not their power and functions of Ministery from Christ which is the head for the edification of the Church which is his body But the present Ministery of the Church-assemblies of Engl. deriveth not their power functions of Ministery from Christ which is the head for the edification of the Church which is his body Therefore none may heare or ioyne in any spirituall communion with the present Ministery of the Church-assemblies of Engl. The Proposition or first part of the Reason can not be denyed 1. Because none may be subject to any power or head in religion save onely to Iesus Christ who is the alone head of the Church in whome all fulnes of power dwelleth and from whom alone the Church receiveth her life and strength Ephe. 1.22.23 and Col. 1.18.19 and 2.18.19 1 Cor. 2. Because the Ministers which derive not their power from this head to the execution of an office in his body are vsurpers of that which perteyneth not vnto them enemies of Christs soveraigne authority and the people which heare them or otherwise submit to their power and Ministery become guilty with them of treason against the King of Kings the Lord Iesus Christ Mat. 1 Cor 12.5 Luk. with Exod. 20.4.5 2 Thes Rev. 13. 14. 17. and 18. and 19. chap. 3. Because God disposeth the members every one of them in the body at his pleasure and hath fully furnished his Church with all offices needfull so as it is not in the power of any creature to give or take away any members to or from Christs body or to approve by any practise such giving or taking away vnder any colour whatsoever Rom. 12 3-8 1 Cor. Ephe. 4 4-16 1 Tim. 3. 5. 6.13.14 Rev. 22.18.19 The Assumption or latter part of the Reason is proved not onely by this That the Ministers of the Church-assemblies of England have not those offices and callings which Christ hath given to his Church for the work of his Ministery as hath bene shewed before in the first Reason to which this may be referred but may also be made manifest further and shewed by the contrary after this maner 1. First the present Ministery of the Church-assemblies of England is of Deacons and Priests made by the Prelates some of them being Curates some Vicars some Parsons
some Archdeacons some Lordbishops some Archbishops c. 2. Now these be such offices as were left in England by the Pope and are still reteyned in the kingdome of Antichrist neyther were knowen in the Churches of Christ planted by the Apostles but rose vp with the body of Antichrist perteyne therevnto as hath bene handled before 3. And the Scripture teacheth plainly that Sathan out of the bottomeles pit is the author and head of those offices and functions which were formed and erected in the kingdome of Antichrist the man of sinne and consequently of the offices aforesaid yet remayning in the Church of England 2 Thes 2.9 Rev. and 13.11 and 18.2 20.10 4. And if Sathan be the erecter and head of these offices and functions then it is certayne that Iesus Christ is not For what concord hath Christ with Sathan 2 Cor. 6.15 1 Ioh. 3.8 Wherevpon ensueth that whosoever administer by vertue of the offices aforesaid as the Ministers of the Church-assemblies of Engl. do they derive not their power and authority from Iesus Christ the head of the Church which is his body even the fulnes of him that filleth all in all things but from the dragon that old serpent Sathan the head of the body kingdome of Antichrist the Prince of darknes even the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience And this have the seekers of reformation a long time synce vnderstood and published to the world who speaking of the ecclesiasticall government of the Church of England say it is * Admon to the Parliam sect 14-20 T C first reply pag. 88. 204. Mr. Fenners Answer to the Confut. of Nichols recant pag 61. c. Antichristian and divelish and contrarie to the Scriptures That whatsoever commeth from the Pope who is Antichrist cōmeth first from the Divell and out of the bottomles pit That the Names and Offices of Archbishops Lordbishops Archdeacons Commissaries Deanes Prebendaries Parsons Vicars Stipendaries and Parish priests c. came from the Pope and are an Antichristian hierarchie That Sathan is the authour of the false Ministerie in the apostasie of the Man of sinne and in the kingdome of Antichrist the beast That their offices and callings be such as were first devised and still are reteyned in the kingdome of Antichrist whereof they cannot deny but Sathan is the head Now therefore let all men judge whether any can with a good conscience heare the word receive the Sacraments or have any spirituall communion with their Ministery in this estate yea though the men that be in it be of never so great gifts and teach never so much truth Is it divelish and may the people of God joyne vnto it Came it out of the bottomles pit shall we serve the God of heaven by it Do they which preach by vertue thereof derive their power from another head then Iesus Christ even from Sathan the head of the false Church and shall the members of Christ his Church by hearing or otherwise submit their soules and consciences to be wrought vpon by it God forbid Know we not that as the true Ministery was ordeyned by our Saviour Christ for the edification of the Church salvation of the hearers so the false Ministery hath ben erected by Sathan and is reteyned by Antichrist for the subversion of the Church the deceiving and destruction of the hearers We deny not but many of these Ministers be men of good gifts and preach much truth and comfortable doctrine but this we say and it is found too true that the more gifts and truths they bring with them the more they vphold this mystery of iniquity Ministery of Sathan the more deeply they inthrall the hearers vnder the bondage of Antichrist and the longer they deteyne them from the way and ordinances of Iesus Christ For who seeth not that the dumbe Ministers though they have the same kind of Ministery among them as the rest even the same Deaconry and Priesthood received of the Prelates there being no other allowed in that Church yet being of no gifts to call and intise them that passe by the way to come vnto them are therefore much despised and rejected of the best and most forward of the people And would not the preachers also who by their gifts allure the passers by to come and heare them be as much despised and rejected Prov. ● if they should teach falsehood onely and no truth impiety and no godlynes But how could they then so colourably entise and entertayne their guests as now they do how could then their stollen waters and hid bread be so sweet pleasant as now it is how could they so greatly vphold this work of Sathan and so long deteyne their hearers in subjection to Antichrists Ministery and in defection from the way of Christ as now they have done So as all may see that by reason of the gifts they have and of the truth they teach the abomination of their Ministery and Church-government is so coloured as few consider it is * 2 Thes 2.7 a mystery of iniquity few conceive it is ‡ Ibid. ver 9. the work of Sathan few know that † Prov. 9.18 the dead are in their assemblies and that their guests are in the depth of hell And Sathan himself that subtill serpent and deceiver perceiving how by falsehood onely he cannot continew those offices and ordinances which for deceiving of the world he hath framed set vp in the kingdome of Antichrist is content for the vpholding of his work to receive many truths to have the word preached and sacraments administred so as it be by his owne offices according to his owne ordinances because by this meanes his wayes and constitutions are reteyned rather then by abandoning the truth vtterly to have all his Ministery and works of iniquity discovered and quite abolished Neyther can we think otherwise but he wil rather choose to maynteyne the strength of his kingdome in reteyning his officers and ordinances though it be with losse of some false doctrine and admission of some truths for a tyme then otherwise by an vtter refusall hereof to suffer losse of all his merchandize at once not onely of his false doctrines but of his false offices also and constitutions by which he ruleth and administreth his Antichristian kingdome and hopeth by them in tyme vpon fit opportunity agayne to bring in his former heresies to remove those doctrines of truth which for a season he hath in a sort ben forced to admit He that can * 2 Cor. 11.14 transform himself into an Angel of light can be content to yeeld something for a tyme vnto the truth that afterwards he may have the more advantage against it and them that professe it Therefore also it is no great thing though ‡ Ibidem ver 15. his Ministers transforme themselves as though they were the Ministers of righteousnes whose end shal be
is the execution of the Ministerie of the Church of England Ergo It is to have conformity with Antichrist and his Officers as is aforesaid The Proposition they will not gainesay The Assumption they have graunted and published vidz vide licet That they have an Antichristian Hierarchie and popish ordering of Ministers straunge from the word of God and the vse of all well reformed Churches in the world And that their Ponticfiall whereby they consecrate Bishops and make Ministers and Deacons is nothing els but a thing word for word drawen out of the Popes pontificall wherein he sheweth himself to be Antichrist most lively Admon to Parliam treatise 2. section 14. and 20. The third Argument taken out of the same book of Mr Bradsh Twelve Arguments and out of the London Ministers Exceptions and Lincolnshire Ministers Abridgement c. IF such be the estate of the Ministery of the Church-assemblies of England as they are bound in their Ministration vnto such things as the vsing of them in Church Service in manner and forme prescribed is a Wil-worship a giving of speciall Honour to Antichrist and his members a performing of Honour more then civill even a Religious onely to an humane Power and Authority a warranting of the like vse of Iewish Turkish Paganish or Popish observations a doing of schismaticall Actions an having of spirituall Cōmuniō with the Idolatrous Papists in the mysteries of their Idolatrie and Superstition a mingling of Profane things with Divine an vsing of vnlawfull things in Divine worship an administring of Sacraments that are not of divine institution a solemne acknowledging of spirituall Homage to the spirituall vsurped authority of Lord Archbishops Bishops an vsing of humane Traditions and Rites enioyned to be performed in Gods worship as necessarie to salvation an apparant meanes of the Damnation of the sowles of infinite numbers of men confirming them in Superstition and Idolatry a disgracing of the holy Scripture a profaning of the Sacraments an approving of Popish errours and manifest vntruths an observing of a Leiturgie which in the whole matter and forme thereof is too like vnto the Masse-book and hath in it sundry things contrary to the word of God c. If such I say be the estate of the Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England then is it not lawfull to communicate with them therein But such is the estate of the Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England Ergo It is not lawfull to communicate with them therein The consequence of the Proposition is proved by sundry reasons alledged * Abridgement of the book delivered to his Maiesty by the Lincolneshire Ministers p. 17. c. by the Lincolneshire Ministers though vrged by them but against the vse of their Ceremonies which we will now apply vnto the communicating with their Ministerie and ministration aforesaid 1. By the second commandement which forbids all provocations vnto spiritual fornicatiō as the seventh doth vnto that which is carnall 2. By the commandement and direction God hath given vs in his word † to separate our selves from Idolaters and Antichristians and to be as vnlike vnto them as may be specially in their religious observations ‖ to abolish not onely all Idols but all the instruments of Idolatrie and that so as we may best shew our ‡ vtmost detestation to them and * root out the verie memory of them c. † Levit. 18.3.4 and 19.19.27 28. Exod. 23.24 Deut. 14.1 and 12.4 30 32 2 Cor. 6 14-18 Apoca. 18.4 ‖ Gen. 35.2 4. Num. 33.52 Deut. 12.2.3 2 King 23.4 5. Esa 27.9 and 30.22.23 Zeph. 1.4 Apoca. 2 14.20 ‡ Deut. 7.25.26 and 9.21 1 Chron. 14.12 2 King 18.4 and 23.6.8 Esa 30.22 Iude 23. * Exod. 23.13 Deut. 12.3 Iosh 23.7 Zach. 13.2 3. By the equity reasons of these commandements which we find set down in holy Scripture vidz vide licet 1. The detestation which the Lord our God being a jelous God beareth vnto Idolatry and all the instruments and tokens thereof as vnto spirituall whoredome Exod. 20.5.6 Deut. 7.25.26 2. That we cannot be said sincerely to have repented of the Antichristianisme Idolatrie or superstition whereby we or our forefathers have provoked the Lord vnles we be ashamed of and cast away with detestation all the instruments and monuments of it 2 Chron. 33.15 Esa 1.28.29 and 2. and 2 Cor. 7.11 3. That we shal be in danger to be corrupted in Religion and doctrine and to be brought to ruine and destruction if we conforme our selves to Idolaters Antichristians in their Ministerie ministration ceremonies reteyne or partake with the monuments of their superstition yea if we shew not al detestation vnto them Exod. 34.12.15 Deut. Iudg. 2.13 Gal. 2. 5. Rev. 18.4 4. That our keeping of communion with the Ministers in such Ministration will be a speciall meane to harden them in that vngodlynes Ezech. 16.54 1 Cor. 8.10 5. That seing the Prelates are reveiled to be great Antichrists and their Ministerie and constitutions to be great troublers of the Church at this day it cannot but be very sinfull and hurtfull to reteyne or communicate with them 2 Thes 2. 12. Apoc. 17. and 18. chap. Lev. 18.3 4. By the judgment of the godly learned of all Churches ages who have constantly taught and given testimony to this truth that Christians are bound to forsake and cast of the Ministration ceremonies religious customes of Pagans Iewes Antichristians Idolaters Hereticks and carefully to shun all conformity with them therein And hitherto of such reasons as are alledged by the Lincolneshire Ministers as is aforesaid Now for further confirmation of the Proposition I will also annex these following being of like nature with the former 1. The consideration of the many sinnes and those also great and grievous which ensue vpon such practise as may appeare by the particulars noted here in the Proposition prosecuted in their Books 2. Because the second commandement forbiddeth not onely the making but also the bowing downe to any inventions constitutions of men in the worship of God And this prohibition of bowing downe includeth not onely those that vse them but such also as communicate with them therein Exod. 20.5 3. Because the Lord requireth of vs to shew all vttermost detestation and forsaking of them both by word deed even casting them away as menstruous cloths and saying vnto them Get you hence Esa 30.22 4. Because the imposition observation of the things aforesayd is not onely vpon the Ministers but vpon the people also that both in their own persons and in their children And why should not the people aswel as the Ministers stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free and not be intangled agayne with the yoke of bondage Gal. 5.1 5. Because the Lord hath not required this at our hands that we should serve him by such a Ministerie and Ministration Esa 1.12 6. And finally
because the Lord hath straitly enjoyned vs to forsake all humane devises in his worship and not at all to partake with any of the sinnes of Babylon Deut. 4. chap. Rev. 18.4 and 22.18.19 Of which sort both they and we have proved that these are as may be seen in their books and ours written hereabout And thus much of the Proposition The Assumption is proved by Mr Bradsh in his Twelve Arguments by the London Ministers in their Exceptions and by the Lincolneshire Ministers in their Abridgement of the Book delivered to his Maiesty pag. 2-70 c. compared with the Canons of Anno 1603. c. The Arguments other Treatises of the Ministers shew the nature and vse of the things enioyned to be of such consequence The Canons of the Convocation and other Lawes and constitutions of their Church shew that the Ministers are bound to such a Ministration And that vpon payne of suspension deprivation degradation excommunication c. Wherevpon some of them have written that * Removal of Imput of Devon Cornwall Minist p. 36. not Paul himself if he were living should be permitted to continue his function if he would not conforme And ‡ Mr Bradsh Argum. 11. the whole Solemne Worship and Ministerie of Iesus must stoupe and yeeld to these And these must not stoupe or yeeld to them Which howsoever they apply most vnto their Ceremonies yet the grounds of their Arguments imply it also vpon their Ministery and vpon the partakers therewith as may appeare by that which hath ben sayd before which hereafter followeth The fourth Argument taken out of the Admonitions to the Parliament written by the Preachers seeking reformation IF the Offices of the Archbishops Archdeacons Lordbishops Suffraganes Parsons Vicars Parish priests Stipendaries and the rest of that sort in the Church of England be Antichristian contrarie to the Scriptures then the people of God may not heare or otherwise partake with their Ministerie in the worship of God But the Offices of the Archbishops Archdeacons Lordbishops Suffraganes Parsons Vicars Parish priests Stipendaries and the rest of that sort in the Church of England are Antichristian and contrarie to the Scriptures Therefore the people of God may not heare or otherwise partake with their Ministery in the worship of God The Proposition needs no proof For what communion hath light with darknes And what concord hath Christ with Belial 2 Cor. 6 14-17 Rev. 14 9-12 and 18.4 and 22.18.19 The Assumption is their owne saying and their plea for reformation many yeares since Admonition to the Parliam treatise 1. and 2. section 14.18.20 c. The fift Argument taken out of the Offer of Conference or disputation tendered by some of the silenced deprived Ministers to the Archbishops and Bishops c. IF these Propositions be true 1. That all matters meerly Ecclesiasticall which are lawfully imposed vpon any Church are such as may be concluded necessarily from the written word of God 2. That all humane Ordinances vsed onely or specially in Gods worship wherevnto they are not necessarie of themselves are simply vnlawfull 3. That every true visible Church of Christ is such a spirituall Body politick as is specially instituted by Christ or his Apostles in the New Testament 4. That every true visible Church of Christ or ordinary Assembly of the faithfull hath by Christs ordinance power in it self immediately vnder Christ to elect and ordeyne deprive and depose their Ministers to execute all other Ecclesiasticall Censures 5. That the Pastor of a particular Congregation is the highest ordinary ecclesiasticall Officer in any true constituted visible Church of Christ 6. That it is the Office of every true Pastor to teach and to governe spiritually onely one Church or Congregation immediately vnder Christ 7. That the Office Calling of Provinciall and Diocesan Prelates is contrary to the word of God If I say these Propositions be true then it is not lawfull to hear or have any spirituall communion with the present Ministery of the Church-assemblies of England But the Propositions aforesaid are true Therefore it is not lawful to heare or have any spirituall communion with the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England The Major is of necessary consequence and not to be denyed 1. Because their Ecclesiasticall matters Constitutions Offices Ministration called into question cannot be concluded from the written word of God but are Humane Ordinances never instituted by Christ or his Apostles And therefore are vnlawfull to be received or bowed vnto in Gods worship Exod. 20.4.5 and 23.13.24 Deut. 12 28-32 2 Cor. 6 14-17 1 Tim. 5.22 and 6.13.14 Iude ver 3. 23. Rev. 22.18.19 2. Because by the consequence of these Propositions they have not in their estate eyther true Churches or true Ministers And with false Churches and false Ministers we may not have any spirituall communion Hos 4.15 Amos. 4.4.5 Ioh. 10.5 Reve. 14 9-12 and 18. 4.5 3. Neyther can it be but that such practise must needs imply in them which do it that eyther they hold the Propositions aforesayd to be false which they averr to be true or at least that they walk corruptly halt between two opinions 1 King 18.21 The Minor is professed and published by themselves and offered to be mainteyned against the Archbishops and Bishops and all their adherents by the late silenced and deprived Ministers in England Offer of Conference pag. 1.2 Where also note how themselves hold it lawfull vpon the Prelates proceedings that * Offer of Conference pag. 39. both the Ministers and people of the Church-assemblies of England may leave their ordinarie standing in those Churches Which if it prove not a lawfull separation like ours it wil be found to be a very schisme among themselves The sixt Argument taken out of divers Treatises written in behalf of the Ministers of Devonshire Cornwall Lincolnshire c. also out of the Admonitions to the Parliamēt out of Mr Cartwrights Mr Vdals Mr Iacobs other of their books written of like argument IF these Assertions be true 1. That that Church-calling for which the Scripture giveth no expresse warrant is meerly vsurped vtterly vnlawfull 2. That as it is not lawful to bring in any straunge doctrine so is it not lawfull to teach the true doctrine vnder the name of any other function then is instituted by God And that God hath not onely ordeyned that the word should be preached but hath ordeyned also in what order and by whom it should be preached 3. That the Word of God conteyned in the Writings of the Prophets and Apostles is of absolute perfection given by Christ the head of the Church to be vnto the same the sole Canon and rule of all matters of Religion and the worship and service of God whatsoever And that whatsoever done in the same service and worship cannot be iustifyed by the said word is vnlawfull 4. That a true visible Church is a company of men ordinarily