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A52042 Meroz curse for not helping the Lord against the mightie being the substance of a sermon, preached on a day of humiliation, at St. Sepulchers, London, Decemb. 2. 1641 / by that powerfull and Godly divine, Mr. Stephen Marshall ; published in one sheet of paper, (not by the author) but by a lover of the truth, for their good especially, that are not able to buy bigger bookes ; being a very seasonable subject, wherein all that either out of policie or sloth, rfuse to helpe the Lord, may see their danger, and they that are willing are called, and directions given to them both what manner of persons they ought to be, and what they ought to doe to help the Lord ; wherein also every true Christian may see, that though they be never so weake or poore, yet they may, and ought to helpe the Lord, and by what meanes. Marshall, Stephen, 1594?-1655. 1641 (1641) Wing M761A; ESTC R12794 6,603 9

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MEROZ CURSE FOR NOT HELPING THE LORD Against the Mightie BEING The Substance of a SERMON Preached on a day of Humiliation at St. Sepulchers LONDON Decemb. 2. 1641. By that Powerfull and Godly Divine Mr. STEPHEN MARSHALL Published in one sheet of Paper not by the Author but by a Lover of the Truth for their good especially that are not able to buy bigger Bookes Being a very seasonable Subject wherein all that either out of policie or sloth refuse to helpe the LORD may see their danger and they that are willing are called and directions given to them both what manner of persons they ought to be and what they ought to doe to help the Lord Wherein also every true Christian may see that though they be never so weake or poore yet they may and ought to helpe the Lord and by what meanes Ezekiel 13. 5. Yee have not risen up in the gaps neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battell in the day of the Lord LONDON Printed in the yeere 1641. MEROZ Curse Judg. 5. 23. Curse yee Meroz said the Angel of the Lord Curse the inhabitants thereof because they came not to helpe the Lord to helpe the Lord against the mighty THis Verse containes a Curse against a whole City and all in it wherin we may consider these particulars 1. A dutie that should have beene performed and that was a comming out to the helpe of the Lord against the mighty the omission whereof was the cause of the Curse 2. The persons cursed and they were the inhabitants of Meroz 3. The commander of the Curse The Angel of the Lord to wit Christ Jesus himselfe who is the Angell of the Covenant and Captaine of the Lords Hoast In the duty that should have beene performed we may consider first the parties they should have helped the Lord secondly against whom they should have helped the Lord and that is against the mighty In the persons cursed wee may consider first what the curse was and that I do confesse I cannot tell whether it was fire or pestilence but this is most certaine Gods curse is the ruine of those people on whom it lights secondly wee may consider what this city Meroz was and for that I shall tell you I cannot find in the whole Booke of God this city mentioned once againe and therefore cannot certainly tell you where it was situated onely this we may certainly conclude that it was neer unto the place where the Lords people were in danger of their enemies I have begun this Text in another Congregation I will therefore give you the briefe heads of what I have elsewhere more largely delivered and so come to that which remaines First from the consideration of the parties against whom they should have holpen the Lord it is said they were mighty whence wee have observed this point That the mighty ones of the earth do many times oppose the Lord Secondly from thence we have also observed That Gods people should not be afraid to oppose the mighty when the cause is the Lords Secondly from the consideration of the parties whom they should have holpen they were the people of God and yet the Lord calls it his owne people whence I observe That to helpe Gods people is to helpe the Lord Thirdly from the consideration of this neerenesse to the people of God in regard of habitation I observed That the neerer a people are to Gods people in distresse the more is their helpe required and the greater is their sinne if they doe not helpe them this I applyed to our selves in regard of that case of Ireland Fourthly from the Consideration that the curse extends to all the inhabitants of the city I observed That there is neither man nor woman but they may afford some help to Gods people in distresse if they have grace in their hearts thus farre have I gone already and now the maine point that I intend to insist upon at this time is this That they are all cursed that helpe not the Lord that is that helpe not the Lords people in the time of their distresse for the proofe of this point observe but that reprehension of Moses Numb. 32. 6. to the children of Gad and the children of Ruben Shall your brethren saith he goe to warre and yee tarry here no by no meanes And so our Saviour in Mat. 25. 41. will say Goe yee cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Divell and his angels for I was hungry and yee gave me no meat I was thirsty and yee gave me no drinke But I will stand no longer on the proofe of the point but come unto the use of it which I doe principally intend to stand upon And first of all is it so that they are all cursed that help not the Lord against the mighty then surely they are cursed with a heavie curse that help the mighty against the Lord but I hope there be few or none such in this Congregation and I desire not to speake much to them that be absent yet if any of you that heare me have any friends that are guilty of it I pray you tell them what a fearefull condition they are in that set themselves against the Lord But there are others who are not so bad as to help the mighty against the Lord and yet not so good as to help the Lord ag●inst the mighty but stand as neuters at such times when it is hard to say whether the Lord or the mighty will prevaile and of these there are two sorts The first sort doe it out of policy as now at this time the Church of God in England by reason of the mighty hath beene long under tyrannicall government and the Lord we hope is now at warres with them why there are some politicians that stand looking on to see which side will prevail And if the Lord should now reforme this government and so prevaile why then they would be on the Lords side but if the mighty should prevaile which the Lord forbid then they would be on the mighties side But as Gideon said to the men of Succoth when they refused to give morsels of bread to his people that followed after Zebab and Zalmunna Kings of Midian when the Lord hath delivered them into mine hand I will teare your flesh with thornes of the wildernesse and with bryers so say I to such if the Lord prevaile against the enemies of his Church the Lord will make them smart be sure of it for that you will now afford him no help against them The second sort are such as refuse to help the Lord not so much out of policie as out of sloth and negligence like unto the men of Iabesh Gilead that went not to warre with their brethren against the Benjamites but let such consider what the Israelites did unto them by reason of this their sloth and
negligence as you may reade Iudg. 21. 8. c. to wit how they fell upon them and destroyed them because they came not up to Mizpeth to the Lord The next use shall be for exhortation to you all is it so that they are cursed that help not the Lord against the mighty why then brethren as you desire to be freed from this curse and to obtaine a blessing at the Lords hands be exhorted to put forth your hands now to the help of the Lord I pray you looke on me as on one that commeth amongst you this day to beat a drum in your eares to see who will come out to follow the Lambe Now then beloved so many of you as are willing come and I will give you direction what to doe that you may all of you afford some help to the Lord at this time And first let me tell you that the Lord doth not require your help so much for any need he hath of it as for to honour you thereby for beloved you are to know that it is an honour to help the Lord the Lord as I may say scornes to have help from every one no you must be fitly qualified before you be meet to helpe the Lord and that with these three things First you must be godly or else you are unfit to be helpers of the Lord the Lambes followers must be such as are chosen and called and faithfull they must be holy men and holy women therefore you that are ungodly persons believe it you are not called to this help of the Lord Secondly you must be selfe-denying persons you must deny your owne profit your owne ease your owne friends yea and all that you call your owne the Apostle Paul writing to the Philippians saith hee hath no man like minded to Timotheus and in the next verse hee gives the reason saying for all seeke their owne and not the things of Iesus Christ Therfore I say you can never be fit to helpe the Lord untill you put off all that is your owne and say to Christ as Ruth said unto Naomi Whither thou goest I will goe and where thou dwellest I will dwell thy people shall be my people and thy God my God Thirdly you must be such persons as have a love to the Church for beloved you shall meet with so many rubs in the way so many discouragements to flesh and blood that if you have not a great love to the cause of Christ you will be subject to turne backe from the Lords cause when there is most need of your helpe therefore alluding to that of the Apostle 1 Cor. 13. I say unto you the most excellent way is love it is that which constitutes a man to be a meet follower of Christ you know it is said of Iacob Gen. 29. 20. that the seven yeeres he served for Rachel seemed unto him but a few dayes because hee loved her even so brethren if you get a love to Christ and his Church you will willingly help the Lord though you meet with some difficulties therefore never rest untill thou hast so much love as to say as I remember a godly Minister said I praise God I am not troubled at any crosse but at the afflictions of Gods Church nor I care for no welfare so much as for the welfare of Christ Church But it may be some will say O Sir but how should I doe to get such 〈…〉 the Church of Christ 〈…〉 ●●nsider how dearely Christ hath loved it that he hath given 〈…〉 it 〈◊〉 consider that he hath left his Church here amongst us and 〈…〉 distresse to try our love to it 〈…〉 ●●nsider that if thou be a member of it then all the rest 〈…〉 thee even thy brethren and sisters But 〈…〉 be willing to helpe the Church to my power what direction 〈…〉 〈◊〉 give me that I may put forth that power wich I have First 〈…〉 godly Nehemiah Daniel and old Eli did that is enquire diligently what the state of the Church is and let me tell you brethren I am perswaded that it is a great fault of many of us here in England that wee doe not performe this dutie as we ought wherefore be exhorted to labour at this time to find out the state of Gods Church both in England and in 〈◊〉 Secondly when thou hast sound out the state of the Church and so consequently what it wanteth then in the next place consider what thou hast in thine hands to supply the want thereof thou must observe this rule that whatsoever good God hath put into thine hands thou art but a Steward of it and thou art to imploy it for the good of Gods Church all Gods people have an interest in that talent that God hath committed to thy imployment Now there is one talent which I am sure every childe of God that is effectually called hath though they be never so poore and that is the talent of prayer for indeed it is the surest evidence to witnesse unto them that the spirit of Christ is in them when they can cry Abba Father according to the lawes of our Kingdome a child cannot be proved to be borne alive except there be witnesse that it was heard to cry even so we say in Divinity that every one that hath the new birth can cry to God his Father in prayer so that I say every child of God hath this talent of prayer And this talent the Lord requires they should use and imploy for the good of his Church and people according to that Scripture Pray for the peace of Ierusalem and that in Isay 62. Yee that are the Lords remembrancers give him no rest till he set up Ierusalem the praise of the world and beloved let me tell you the exercise of this talent of prayer is charged upon all ranks and conditions of men for that the exercise of no other talent can doe any good without this neither the governing of the Magistrate nor preaching of the Minister nor fighting of the souldier nor the contribution of the rich man will doe any good without prayer it is prayer that brings a blessing downe upon all yea the exercise of this talent of prayer many times doth more good than all the rest A praying Christian let me speake it with holy reverence can doe all that God can doe and therefore in 1 King 8. Salomon reckoneth up all the hard conditions that the Church of God can fall into and alwayes concludes then heare thou in heaven c. and then God answers I have heard thy prayers and supplications that thou hast made before me with this talent of prayer the servants of God have overcome God and held his hands in so much that the Lord if I may so speake hath been glad to intreat them and command them to hold their tongues and let him alone Beloved as God onely can remove the Churches troubles so prayer onely can