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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A31692 The character of a Jacobite by what name or title soever dignifyed or distinguish'd / written by a Person of quality. Person of quality. 1690 (1690) Wing C1976; ESTC R9049 14,237 32

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Piety were seemingly well intended neither will the Goodness of a Mans Intentions excuse the Scandal and Contagion of his Example Others there are who are more Plyable and Complaisam who being unwilling to come within the Lash of Acts of Parliament think it their safest way to take the Oaths both to King William and Queen Mary But these Men have a Trick to save themselves they are Sharpers at Equivocation never known among Protestants before and are able to teach the Jesuites themselves to sing a Note above Ela Thus the Chancellor of a certain Diocess in this Kingdom being ask'd how he could take the Oaths to King William and Queen Mary and act for King James Oh! cry'd He though I took the Oaths I never swallow'd ' em And thus you see how near to a Reconciliation the Jacobites and Romanists are they are link'd together against King William like the wicked against David But the Jacobites are so short-sighted as not to see that were the t'others ends accomplish'd 't is a Friendship so ill order'd it would never hold together their Darling's good Fortune would soon unloose the Knot and then they must come over the Stick for the Pope or else not a bit of the Crust The greatest part of these Jacobite Dons were of King James's Promotion or by his Interest when Duke of York and fearing therefore to be laid aside they would make the World believe that the Church of England will fall should they be discarded when others more Dignify'd more Conscientious more Religious more Fore-seeing apprehend no such Danger They would make the World believe the Reformation of the Clergy to be the Downfall of the Church Hence such a Bustle such a Clutter such a Hurry hence so much Canvassing at Elections such bauling out St. George for the Church as if all lay at stake when nothing is in danger Some of these great Jacobites conform on purpose to do Mischief and they are the most dangerous for they are able to give bad Counsel unsuspected and their Friendship betrays like Fire that embraces to consume Some of these there are who are easily perswaded to send about their Diocesan Letters to their Inferiour Clergy upon their Filial Obedience to give their Voices for such a One as being pitch'd upon by the Grand Cabal of the County for his Affection and Fidelity to the Church And many times the same Pretence deludes others that mean better with the same Hazard of their Reputation As if it could be any Honour to the Church of England to imitate the paltry Shifts and wicked Politicks of Brent and Graham But a true Levitica● Jacobite cares not whom he amuses nor whose Example he follows so he may but have the Honour to stand fair with Antichrist and King James A true Levitical Jacobite cares no more for the Church than for the Alchoran but he Worships the Church Lands and so he may but lye well and at ease he matters not whether it be in the Abby of Glastenbury or the Parsonage of Simsbury However these Levitical Champions for K. James draw after 'em some Numbers of the Gentry and Commonalty of the Nation Among whom of the Male Sex there are three Degrees of Comparison Some Sober some more Loose some most Extravagant The Sober part are wheedl'd in by the specious pretence of the Churches Danger Men otherwise of Honest Morals but Credulous Bigotts that pin their Faith without Examination upon their Instructors Sleeve and believe that all they say is Gospel thô they should tell 'em that High-gate Hill was made of March-pane If they are men not so easily gull'd they feel the Ladies Pulse and if she be of their Party Heavens how the poor Gentlemans Ears are teaz'd between the Wife and the Doctor and so they make themselves Masters of his Reason as Poachers catch Partridges astonish'd with the dinn of the Lowbell Others Ambitious of a Seat in Parliament or a Magistracy in the County though they see through 'em and have perhaps as little Religion as themselves however they close with 'em and applaud their Zeal for the Church to save the Expences of Canvassing or Feasting the Corporation But having studied well neither the Laws of God nor their Countrey they render themselves so obnoxious to a more happy Revolution that nothing can save 'em but an Act of Oblivion None of these are any more than the Crutches of a Crazy Government which being once restored to a healthy Constitution lays 'em aside as needless Supporters Their Devotion is like Meat neither hot nor cold which frighted the Devil from being a Serving-man and their Loyalty is like a Woman's Affection generally too much or too little And for their particular Loyalty to King James 't is like an Ill Habit which when a Man has once got he can never leave it However it serves 'em to make a noise with at a Tavern for want of other Discourse or else like a cold Neats-Tongue or a Dish of Anchovies to relish a Glass of Wine They have a pretended Kindness indeed for the Service-Book and the Liturgy of the Church of England but they are more for set forms of Oaths than set forms of Prayer and preferr a brisk God damm 'em before a sneaking Lord have mercy upon us They know so little the true value of the Laws and Constitutions of the Land that they were ready at any time to part with those Jewels for the Barley-Corns of Court-Favour Tyranny therefore huggs 'em and makes the same use of 'em as Tamerlane did of his Captive Bajazet to get up and ride the People The looser sort are Persons wholly addicted to their Pleasure that measure their Felicity by their Passions These are Men that live most at ease under the Oppressions of Arbitrary Power like those sort of Animals call'd Hog-lice that breed and multiply under the weight of great Timber-loggs Under the strictness of Government they are like Fish out of the Water in the looseness of absolute Tyranny they are as merry as Summer Swallows in a Chimney Having therefore experienc'd the Remissness of King Jame's Reign like Ivy to a Steeple they cling to his Misgovernment as being that which allow'd 'em the full swinge of their Licentiousness and rather choose with Swine to wallow in the Mire of Voluptuous and Libertine Bondage than breath the Air of Freedom within the limited Impalements of the Law They live like Brutes by Sence and Appetite not Reason and having no more Understanding than Dorr-flies buzz about the Dazle of a forfeited Crown to their own Destruction They talk of Religion as they that never travel'd talk of Forreign Countries However if you ask em of what Religion they are they will tell you they are Protestants of the Church of England if you misdoubt the Truth of it they presently confirm it with a God Damm 'em but they are Ask 'em why then they side with King James who is a Papist Because quo ' they the
Common-Prayer will kiss each other upon his coming back in two Chappels under the same Roof They believe that his Italian Wife will Forgive 'em his Priests will Pardon 'em and that He himself will acquit exonerate and discharge 'em for assisting to lift him out of his Kingdom They believe that young Perkin was truly begot and truly born at St. James's and that he is lawful Heir to the Crown They believe the French King like a Most Christian Prince will foregoe all his private Contracts and never sue neither him nor them with Fire and Sword for all the vast Summs he has lent upon the Mortgage of of the Brittish Dominions All this and more than this too long to be enumerated the Noble Jacobites believe to that degree that if their Faith were otherways employ'd there would not be an unruly Mountain in England But after all this is their unhappy Misfortune that all this extraordinary Belief of theirs serves only to betray their Weakness if it may not rather be called a kind of Frenzy as if their living formerly so near the Rays of a Crown had tann'd and Blackamoor'd their very Understandings for it is not rational to think these Exalted Jacobites believe these Absurdities as being in a Station to know better things by woful Experience but it shews them however given over to a fond or wilful Credulity which is a Vice of Judgment a feebleness like that of Maidens to be twice deluded so far from the Prudence of True Nobility that we seldom find an Irrational Mouse that having once scap'd the Bait will come near the Trap a second time But there is this Distinction between true English Nobility and Jacobite Frenchify'd Nobility that the one studies the Welfare the other the Ruine of the People one loves his Countrey the other hates it the one walks by the Rules of Honour and Justice the other values himself upon the Quirks of Policy the one would be deem'd Wise the other Crafty the one would be esteem'd a good Common-wealths Man the other a Cunning Politician the one asserts the Nations ancient Freedom the other would be a eringing French Bashaw rather than a Peer of England the one would redeem the other sell the Kingdom This sort of Jacobite Grandees are the Hedge-Sparrows that hatch King Lewis's Cockatrice Eggs in hopes that when England is become tributary to France they shall be rewarded with whole Hesperian Gardens full of Golden Pippins Not considering that Princes most affecting Arbitrary Power detest however a low-spirited Propensity to Slavery and that all the Reward which the Senate received for their servile Submission to Tiberius was only to be derided by that scornful Tyrant with the frequently repeated Sarcasm of O homines ad servitutem Paratos In short such Noble-men as these are like Barren Mountains that bear neither Plants nor Grass for Publick Use they touch the Skie but are unprofitable to the Earth and when they come to add the Unjustice of their Actions to the Worthlesness of their Persons their Exaltation becomes the Curse of the People To come now to the Jacobite Clergy for may all those of the true Sacred Order of the Church of England long enjoy the Honour and Veneration due to their Function I say then to come to the Jacobite Clergy they are such a Generation of Vipers so envenom'd with the poysonous Pamphlets of the Observator that you would swear they made it their business to swallow those weekly Pasquills and that the sayings of that same Charming Author being digested in their Stomachs has turn'd to real Nourishment They are a numerous Gang and haunt S 's Coffee-House in shoals where they sit Croaking like Froggs in March against the Government If they are of the Tribe of Levi the only Reason to be given for it is this that they are so butcherly inveterate against the Sichemite Whiggs upon pretence that they have ravished their Sister Dina the Church They cannot Study for hearkening after News and in Parliament time the Court of Requests is so crouded with 'em as if the Popes Consistory sate in the Painted Chamber If they can but get to be a Lords Chaplain they presently whip on a long Scarf and then Lucifer was not prouder when he exalted himself upon the Mount of the Congregation in Isaiah And yet these Scarfs are easily come by for a Man that showed the Puppet-Play of the Creation of the World but t'other day may lay Title to one if he can but slubber over a few Prayers in a Ladies Family They are a sort of meer Divinity Meteors that run whisking up and down to misguide the wandring People and vent their undigested Conceits as the winde of their airy Fancies agitates ' em You cannot perceive 'em to be Cripples and yet there is not one of 'em but halts most conspicuously between God and Baal They pretend to be Protestants but with an extraordinary Inclination to Popery that they may have two Strings to their Bow and be ready upon the Return of their Idol to fall down and worship his Will and Pleasure If the Church of Rome would but release the severity of her Pennances her work were done for thô they are passionately for whipping of others they do not much care to whip themselves They are the Pompeys and Caesars of Divinity that can endure neither Equals nor Superiours and rather than a Dissenter should get a Living among them if it were in their Power they would sacrifice him to Molock for they look upon the Dissenters as Forraigners that would eat the Bread out of their Mouths They say that Nebuchadnezzar did very well to throw the three Dissenting Children into the fiery Furnace because they would not conform to the Church of Babilon by Law establish'd Had they liv'd in the time of the Ten Persecutions what clean work would they have made with those Nonconforming Christians Or if any thing had sav'd a Remnant it would have been their Doctrine of Passive Obedience They idolize King James as the Heathen did their false Gods first make the Idol and then worship it Tyranny's the Moloch to which they would offer their own Posterity and their own Native Countrey the Place which they would make their Valley Gehinnon They pretend to be true Sons of the Church but use her no better than a Step Mother to offer the Price of her Preservation for the Redemption of her profess'd Enemy And so doing while they pretend to avoid their being Traytors to a pretended Prince they betray not only the People which they mislead but themselves as if the Church would ever be able to give them suck when they have assisted her Capital Foe to cut off her Nipples Whence it is apparent that they were never well read either in Scripture or Matchiavel thô it shews as truly that their Inclinations are more for the worst of Politicks than the best of Divinity All this while how they should be so charitable to the
Papists are better than the Presbyterians Ask em how so Because cry they the Presbyterians are worse than the Papists Knock with your middle finger knuckle against the middle of their Foreheads and you may hear the Concavity sound like an empty Cask If it were search'd into there would be nothing found in it but the Lees of Forty One Clamour half dryed up to nothing In short what they think is Vanity what they speak is False whatever they approve is Bad and whatever they disapprove is Good The most Extravagant sort are like the Wild Beasts of the Forrest and almost of as many various sorts Bullies Beaus Hectors Bravoes St. Nicholas Clerks Alsatians Mint-men Rake-Hell and Skimm the Devil and all the rest of the blessed Canaille of broken Tradesmen Pimps and Suburb-Roysters Ambubajarum Collegiae Pharmacopolae Mendici Mimae Balatrones hoc ●enus Omne All these are of the Society of Jacobites that long for King James as Women with Child long for Coals and foul Tobacco-Pipes These were the Inhabitants and Free-holders of all the Towns and Counties in England that had as many Christian and Sirnames as the King of Spain has Titles to clap to a Loyal Address and then the quaint Piece of Eloquence was carry'd to White-Hall with a Label of Subscriptions that look'd like a Cluster of Bees before the Mouth of a Hive And thus the Cheaters cheated themselves They were Rampant then they are now Couchant and therefore they Pray for the lost Protector of their Vices as Women Mourn at Funerals for the Dead 'till they make themselves Drunk for Sorrow When all the World besides rejects 'em they think King James will receive 'em to his Mercy as if he needed more Curses than he has already to blast his Prosperity Popery indeed is a Common-sewer for any Vicious Excrements but these scoundrel Jacobites are so very wicked that the Priests are afraid to let 'em dy 〈◊〉 their Communion lest the flames of ●urgatory should not be hot enough to purifie ' em In short they are the Dreggs and Caput Mortuum of Humane Society fit for nothing but to be thrown upon the Dung hill Or if they may be said to serve for any thing 't is only to provoke the Anger of Heaven and to be the Combustiole Stuff to kindle the general Conflagration As for the Females not to say any thing of the Modest and the Vertuous who considering the weakness of their Sex may be easily led away by their Jacobite Confessors the Torrents of whose thundring Eloquence they are not able to withstand the wonder is how these Jacobite Infusions come to operate so generally upon the Common Harlots and Misses of the Town since it cannot be presum'd that they have any such familiar Converse with the Jacobite Order But so it is that all the Suburb Rahabs and Daughters of Joy within the Walls have universally espous'd the Jacobite Interest 'T is true there was a Lady said That she had rather be Mistris to a King than Wife to the best Noble Man in England And perhaps the same Ambition possesses our English Lais's that since they cannot all imagine to embrace the Royal Person they will hugg his Interest They know that King James's Cause is the Whore of Babel's Cause and then the Whore of Babel's Cause must needs be the Cause of all the Whores in England They know Idolatry to be a kind of Spiritual Fornication and therefore 't is no wonder that Carnal Harlots should adhere to Spiritual Whore-mongers Besides they are for a General Toleration and for that Reason favour those by whose means at length they hope to have the Penal Laws and Statutes taken off Others there are who think it a great piece of Ingratitude to forsake a Religion which has been so kind as to Canonize so many of their Sex and gives 'em so easie an Absolution from their pleasing Transgressions For a Female Jacobite cares not that her Conscience should be heavier than her Fan and therefore chooses that Profession that layes the least weight upon it Yet some there are who think these Gypsies to be mistaken in their Politicks for that thô the Roman Curtisans had some Reason for what they did in stickling and caballing as they did to keep the Sodomite Cardinals from sitting in St. Peters Chair yet our Strumpets are the greatest Fools in Nature for striving to bring in the Italian Abby-Lubbers into England to spoil their Vocation They little dream what terrible Rates will be set upon Night-Walkers and what an Excessive Excise will be put upon Chamber-practice Nevertheless There are some who pretend to have a deep insight into succeeding Times comfort themselves in the Hopes they have in their little Heliogabalus who was what d'ye call'd it into the World at St. James's that when he comes to reign over 'em he will advance 'em into a Corporation of themselves make Harangues and Speeches to 'em and dignifie 'em with the Title of his Commilitones and Fellow Subjects and be no less kind to them than that famous Emperour was endearing to the Curtesans of Rome Expectations of consequence and grounds sufficient for the English Trulls and Misses to plead so hard for an Illegitimate But such Female Advocates as these for the Jacobite Cause do it more harm than good such Syrens as they being lookt upon to be no less clapt in their Understandings than their Bodies There is no fear of such Amazon's as these notwithstanding their Attire for the Head so like the Helmets of Tomyris and Penthesilea and therefore we leave 'em to their several Cures and their Dyet Drinks of Sarsaperill and Guaiacum However By such a separation as this of the Goats from the Sheep it may be easie to give a true Judgment of the Jacobite Cause by the Favourers of it and to see what sort of Persons they are that seek for shelter under the Wings of Tyranny and Popery And the quite contrary it may with no less clearness be discern'd who are the Assertors of the Kingdoms Welfare and the Safety of the True Protestant Religion under the happy Auspices of KING WILLIAM and QUEEN MARY THE END