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A10113 A sermon briefly comparing the estate of King Salomon and his subiectes togither with the condition of Queene Elizabeth and her people preached in Sainct Maries in Oxford the 17. of Nouember, and now printed with some small alteration, by Iohn Prime, 1585 Prime, John, 1550-1596. 1585 (1585) STC 20371; ESTC S115247 10,727 32

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memory Mendoza his trauels and treacherous embassay his and his casting lots for our garments Throgmortons beadroll of recusants and kalender of Inglish helpe for the inuading of England Ardens villanous desire Somerfieldes dagge and Ap-harries dagger as Stories axe in former times haue missed their wicked purposes all and haue not preuailed Forren enimies home libellers and rebels mighty or weake many or fewe subtile or rash secret or open they haue vndone themselues against vs our Queene and contrary they haue not preuailed Herein it is not to be denied her sacred Maiesty her most honorable councell haue Argus eies or rather to speake in this place more religiously lesse profanely In great measure wise hearts haue they as Salomō had her friends are many sure her nobles trusty her seruants true her subiects loyall her people willing her realme no begger Siluer is not as plenty as stones in the streetes yet most men haue more plate now than their great grandfathers had peuter in elder age for general munitions the like store of weapons armour shot pouder people were neuer comparable in her ancestors dates her nauy incomparably strong the sea about vs a maine defence But but deere countrimen christians as I tolde you the other day except God had watched warded kept our citie except he had held his holy hand ouer vs except he had risen vp like a Giant plesaded his her our cause against our her his mortall foes except he had bard our gates bared his arme and stretched it foorth for our defence Sanders warring Alen libelling the Iesuits finely lying sophistically iugling doubtfully answering the Pope cursing the Guise practising the Spaniard vndermining Ireland the North rebelling pioners still working what had bin come of this litle realm Notwithstanding brethren bee of good cheere lift vp your heades your hands and hearts lift vp your heades and bee of comfort your handes to heauen your hearts to God the God and horne of our saluation the Lord of hosts The horse of Egypt is flesh not spirit their men but men not God The blast of a horne Iosua 6. Iudges 7. the blaze flash of a broken lamp litle things in the eies of the world and lesse in their own conceit haue ouerturned cities conquered countries and vanquished giants when God so would And one woman by the helpe of him in whom she trusteth euen ELIZABETH by the grace of God our gracious Queene is and shal be and shal be reputed for euer the terror of her foes the comfort of her friends the glorie of England the Iewel of the world and diamond of christendom Euen so O Lord because of perfit loue thou hast loued her so In the meane time vnnaturally minded men traitors to Ierusalem enimies to Siō hauing euill will to both commonwealth church of ours thinking it best fishing whē the water is trobled most ban curse raue take on like mad men or losing mates lost companions not seeing so much as Balaam that sawe lesse than his Asse and yet saw thus much and sayd accordingly that for a house ful of gold he could not curse where God did blesse Numb 23. But is there no remedy can no musicke assuage these passions Will Ephraim bee wilfull Wil Israell trust to a reed can Papists imagine that strangers will doe them good and deeme they that God wil prosper a cursing generatiō And what if their treacheries which god auert might take effect * he Ose 8.7 that soweth a wind shall he not reape a whirle-wind do they remember or haue they forgotten or haue they not reade coūty Melunes most memorable counsel to our English nobles Mat. Paris Radolph Niger cap. 47. who after that the barons of this realme missed by fancy of their own and faction of the Clergy and prouocation of the Pope at first had brought in Lodouik the French kings sonne to be king of England in king Iohns steede moued with conscience falling deadly sicke at London calleth certain of the barons vnto him said I lament your sorowful case pitie with my hart the destruction that is cōming towards you and your country the dangerous snares which are prepared for your vtter confusiō are hidden vnto you you see them not yet but take heede of them in time Prince Lodouike hath sworn no smaloth and sixeteen of his Earles and Nobles with him that if he get once the crowne he will banish depriue them all of lands and goods at least if not of life euen as many as hee proueth to haue gone against their liege king and his noble person And saith the worthy Melune because ye shall not take this tale for a tale I assure you on my soule lying now at the mercy of God when it is no fitte time to lie that I was one of them which was priuy sworne to the same I haue remorse thereof and therefore I giue you this caueat I pitty poore England which hath bin so worthy a nation that now it is come to so miserable extremity And when with teares hee had blubbred a space he beginneth a litle while a fresh againe my masters I aduise you earnestly to prouide for future extremities in season I forewarn you of good will and for my conscience sake and so after a fewe words to like sense hauing discharged vnburdened his heauy soule for the matter he gaue vp the Ghost Let English harts apply this story I wil not amplifie In the booke of Iosua the Gabionites for all their crouchings Iosu 9. old bottles finoed bread and proffered friendship were made no better then wood-cleauers water bearers drudges and slaues to the vilest function A foolishe a desperate sheaf it is that when it hath brought in fier sette the barne all in a flame can possibly suppose it selfe can escape Experience doth tell the contrary reason religion and scripture doe teach vs better To wit to forethinke our selues to thinke reuerently of the Lordes annointed to thanke God for all his blessings They who were weary of Salomon were wearied out with Roboam who succeded Salomon But what speak I to deaf ears which is but to powder the flint to plow the rocke and sow the sand and so to loose both salt seed and labour My brethren in christ my natural and naturally affected Countrimen I speake to you we haue gods blessings we finde and feele those bodily and ghostly commodities which our poore neighbors want God help them Neither are our desertes better than theirs for ought I see Do we thinke we are priuileged without couenant of duty or prouiso of forfeiting our estate more than are others Security maketh fooles and folly bringeth confusion and perfite wanton or waiward vnthankfullnes maketh a perfite separation and diuorse betwixt vs and our God The noble men of Israel 2. Sam. 1. where they braued it most and nothing remembred God lest thought of danger in the hils of Gelboe lost their liues God forbid that the mildnes of our Queene the fatte of our Country the plentie of the realm the wisedome of our rulers and the blessings of god should be our bane Nay rather God blesse vs with the gift of his grace in thankfulnes to blesse him euer that he may blesse vs alwaies more more as Bennaiah wished so wish we al euen god say so for euermore The happy resolutiō of this time the course of this great assembly the cōueniency of my text al holy writ besides iointly with this good example of the Queene of Saba the Sacrament and Eucharist which now wee shal partake being the pledge of his good wil paune of his fauor and seal of his mercies to vs-ward and likewise also on our partes to him being the prouocation and promise of our thankfullnes and Sacrifice of praise should moue al to laude and praise his holy name for euer more world without end Amen 1. Cor. 10.15 I speake as vnto them which haue vnderstanding Iudge ye what I say A PRAIER IN CONsideration of the former respects AL humble and hartie thanks be rendred vnto thee O Lord God almightie Father of mercies and compassion that in this later age euil dayes hast placed directed and preserued by thy singuler goodnes and speciall prouidence thine handmaid ELIZABETH our dread Soueraigne in the Seat of her father alwaies maintaining her cause against all her enimies who in great rage haue risen against her but thou O Lord was on her right hand that she should not be moued Continue the course of this thy goodnes towards vs we beseech thee for thy holy names sake Neither be prouoked in thy displeasure for our vnthankefulnes toward her and thee Aswage the malice conuert the harts or confound the deuises of al them that haue euil will to thine annointed repine at her good proceedings stirre vp her hart more more to loue thee that hast so perfectly loued her and to blesse thee that so hast blessed her to serue thee her only Sauiour euermore by publishing peace trueth peace iustice and equitie in this church and Common wealth that we our posterity after vs may many yeares meet in this place and the like as at this time vpon this occasion and to this purpose that thy blessings O Lord may be acknowledged our ioy increased her old age comforted this Realme established in the true worship seruice of thy holy name through Iesus Christ Amen
wisedom of God Kings raigne that is they beare their scepters and weare their swordes and sit in their thrones BY ME they raigne And great reason wee thus iudge of Soueraigne authoritie All thinges in the world the least the vilest the least of account the leafe of a flower the fall of a sparowe the feather of a bird the foode of rauens the fodder of oxen the brissell of a hogge as Augustine speaketh the teares of our eies and colour of our haire come all within the span and compasse of God almighties power-full doing and particular direction Nowe he that careth for litle thinges is he carelesse of the greatest He that careth for the haire he can not but care for the body and hee that careth for the bodie careth for the head and he that respecteth the bodie the head the haire the whole the parts great and lesse principall and excrementall of priuate men without all question regardeth much more the bodie politike and the heade of the common-wealth Rom. 13.1 1. Pet. 2.13 All autoritie is of God and therefore kinglie most of all euen as all the waters ishue from the Ocean but more immediatlie the great riuers This speach were vtterly needlesse were wee not fallen into the waining of the world Iude 8. wherein S. Iudes reprehension may iustly take place when men are not onely despisers of gouernours as Shimei was of Dauid 2. Sam. 16.5 but euill speakers and misconsterers of authoitrie it selfe and soueraigne gouernment in the highest degree Treason against the Prince is no sinne against God saith Euerard Hance as you may reade in the wise and True report of the Arrainment and execution of the Popish Traitor Euerard Hance alias Ducket Our present storie of the enthronizing of Salomon informeth vs better teacheth vs a contrary lesson and sheweth plainly whence princely gouernment is deriues and doth depend I know Berzabe Salomons mother Dauid his Father Nathan the Prophet Zadock the Priest were all for Salomon But Adoniah was the elder brother and Salomon the yonger Abiathar the high priest annointed Adoniah and not Salomon Salomons mother was a blemished woman and Adoniah was in a kinde of real possession of the kingdom and what humane meanes can we imagine then could hinder him and them and helpe Salomon to remedie all Ioab a great man and a mightie for valour cunning and courage would venter limme life and had set his rest vppon the cause Wherfore Bennaiah when he saw how the world went 1. Reg. 1.36 yet on the contrary side perceiuing how Dauid was resolued that Salomon for al this shold succeed wished from his heart it might be so So bee it said he not contented therewith addeth after in few but effectual words praying The Lord God of the Lord my king ratifie it As if he should haue saide Berzabe Zadocke Nathan and I yea Dauid himselfe would haue it so but God say so to For if God say no it can not be but if he say so notwithstanding all vnlikelihoods if God ratified it it shall stande and must be so A worthy and a wise and a true saying and to conclude this matter most agreeable to the Psalme Promotion commeth neither from the East nor the West No Psal 75.6 my brethren nor from the north nor south The Lord of Lordes and king of kinges and gouernour of all thinges ruleth ouerruleth al in al specially al these cases of regiment euen by his plenary power and at his owne and absolute pleasure as hath beene vouched in generall and in particular is declared that his meere loue to Prince and people it was that placed Salomon disappointed Adoniah But in sooth is it such a blessing so great a benefit proceeding all of loue to bee a king Howe saith one that the Princely cloke is lined all within with pinnes and pricking needles An other that a crown is not worth the stouping for A thirde that if profer were made necessarily to accept either present death or the Princely Diademe he would make willing choice rather to go straitway to his graue than any way to the chaire of estate And because domestical examples touch neerest affect most our soueraine careful queene the Lordes annointed ouer vs in an exhortation to her councell and iudges for a due consideration ouer her people amōg other words euer to be remēbred of their honors hath these of her selfe I care not for my selfe my life is not deere vnto me My care is for my people In. B. Iewels view of the Bull. I pray god who euer succeedeth me he as care full as I am They who might know what cares I beare would not thinke it so great a ioy to weare the crowne In the booke of Iudges the ninth chapter there is a parable and a storie to this purpose read you the story Iudges 9. I will touch onely the parable In deede the sweete figge tree the pleasant vine the fatte oliue refused preferment when it was offered But beloued figtrees vines and Oliues are geisen and rare grow not in euery ground The scratching brāble that is rife common in euery hedge redily accepteth the offer willed al the trees to come vnder his shadow without straining cursie at the matter Generally Adams children some more some lesse almost al haue some desire to ride the horse they cānot manage 2. Sam. 15. Absalō in this affectiō embezelleth the harts of the subiects from his own most louing father Hester 6.6 Aman blown vp with this winde would needes ride the kingly horse and weare the Princely robe and ring with sound of trumpet proclamation made in open sight Thus shall the man be honoured whom the king will honor Cyprian de Ten. Ierunio Yea ambition saith Cyprian sleepeth and lodgeth in the bosom of Priestes No no Cyprian lodge it may but where it lodgeth it can not sleepne maketh men wake when other mē sleepe Neither will I wander abroade for proafe hereof It caused Yorke to striue with Canterburie Cardinal Woolsey and Canterburie often to struggle with the king and Yorke againe of later yeares it made to bee against and for the Pope and lastly to the end to be Pope himselfe he would venter all England as the Pope doth alwaies al Christendome to maintaine his triple crowne Philarchie lust for honour and loue of imperie troubled not onely some single men Nazian ad Procop. but as in Nazianzens time whole councels were so sea-sick with this passiō that Nazianzenes quiet nature was fully resolued neuer to resort to such distem pered assemblies But if it be thus in the priest hood much worse it can not choose but be in their minds whose life is a worldly glory whose only desire is to be aloft to be the monarks if it bee but of a mole-hill and yet some whole dominions are to litle for some sometimes meaner men of lower lot