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A88691 A letter farther and more fully evidencing the Kings stedfastnesse in the Protestant religion, written by Mounsier de l'Angle minister of the Protestant church at Roven in France to a friend of his in London, L'Angle, Samuel de. 1660 (1660) Wing L403; Thomason E1027_2; ESTC R202710 14,957 30

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the fire of the Almighties wrath All the world knows King Charles protested before that were present when he renderd his soul to God that he dyed of the Religion authoriz'd by the laws of England nor is there any one dares deny a truth so universally attested But such ridiculous miscreants there are who have impudence to say this protestation was but a fiction and suggested by the emissaries of the Pope That 't was done for policy and that the Popes Indulgencies allow so far But these impertinents tell not what was the politick end the Partizans of the Pope aym'd at nor what advantage could redound to their religion that the King of England even dying should openly and firmly protest he was a protestant But admit such an odde dissimulation was maintaind for some reasons to us unknown who is it these people can perswade that this Prince who during his life had ever given testimony of his singular piety should take pleasure to damne himself by counterfeiting before God man to favour the Interests of the Roman Religion I do not know that the Pope ever gave indulgence for sinnes to be committed Every one neverthelesse knowes the History of the great Bullisle Texel the first that publish'd such sophisticated stuff in Germany But I perswade my self there is no one can authorize future Hypocrisie and false Oathes when we stand so near the Throne of God before whom we go to appear And though Rome should grant things of this nature which I believe it do's not is it credible he would confide and rely more upon the Pope who calls Bad Good and justifies so prophane an hypocrisie than on God who assignes the portion of them who take his name in vain and of Lyars and Hypocrites to be in the lake of fire and Brimstone Sir 'T is then most evident the King of England lived and dyed a Protestant and by consequence the allegation is most impudent to say he imbu'd the King his sonne in the Roman Faith The second objection they make to the Religion of this Prince is that while he was at Paris he frequented not the Sermons If they could say while he was there he made no profession of his Religion the accusation were of force and considerable but that no man dares pretend for 't is well known the King of England had the exercises of his Religion which is ours in his Palace and there had the Word of God preached and the Sacraments administred after the manner of Charenton I should certainly have been glad he had been there and 't is to be wished those who were then about him had brought him thither So great an example had brought joy and consolation to our Churches and confusion to our enemies who thereby had been depriv'd of their most specious pretext to abuse the Religion of this Prince But there is no honest man excuses not this failing permit me so to call it for so in effect I judge it and I believe the edification might have been given to the Church of God ought to have carried him beyond all reasons could be alledged for doing as they did if they consider the many untoward conjunctures that hindered those who attended the Prince from giving him the advice I speak of which certainly was and the most sure and safe It proceeded Sir from this They who were next his person after his disasters were of different humours There were many who though they favoured the Hierarchy setled in England under the raigns of Edward Elizabeth and the two Kings who succeeded thought neverthelesse that this distinction of degrees in Ecclesiasticall functions was a government so necessary to the Church of England that it might not be omitted or chang'd into that they call the Presbyterian judging that this distinction of degrees in Ecclesiasticall functions is grounded onely upon a positive Law These are peaceable people that heartily joyne with forraign Churches who though they live not after the same discipline as they yet agree in all other doctrine and I know divers Bishops whom their books and repute testifie to be of this temper and they who were the more rationall and more knowing could have been content the King should have been at Charenton But there were others near him more passionate and rigid for the Hierarchicall Order who though they justify'd our Religion as to the Doctrine could not allow of the Order This sort of people are Antipodes to the Presbyterians both of England and Scotland Who hold they must absolutely break with the Churches that consent to Hierarchical Order and who are governed by Bishops and discover in this government something of pomp which they hold incompatible with the simplicity of the Christian Church The others on the contrary hold the Hierarchicall Order so necessary to the Church especially to that of England they can endure no government but that and have difficulty to communicate in our Churches though in matter of Doctrine they acknowledge them Orthodox Now of these was the greater number about the Prince who prevailed upon his spirit and hinder'd his coming to the preachings at Charenton to which I have been told he had a great inclination But you may observe if you please two occasions whereof these Hierarchicall Gentlemen made use to divert the intention of the King the one was that after this horrid revolution of the affairs in England both in Church and State and that Cromwell had invested himself in the Soveraign Authority whereof he had despoyl'd his Master the Agents of this Usurper possessed at Charenton the Seat of the Embassadours of the Kings of England And you will judge that since the King our Soveraign admitted them in the function of their Commission near his person 't was not for the Consistory or any Protestant to dispute with these people concerning the Seat they possessed at Charenton Now the party I speak of fayl'd not to take hold on this occasion and told the Prince 't were imprudence to go where he should have the grief to see his enemies in the place due to his Embassadours This reason touch'd the young King and he was easily perswaded I believe many others were guided by the same resentment But howsoever it appears the reason he came not to Charenton was not any aversion to the Doctrine preach'd there but because he could not resolve himself against an object so provoking and horrid and which he judged so injurious to his Majesty The other occasion these Hierarchical Gent made use of to divert the Kings inclination from his designe of giving testimony to our Churches of his spiritual communion with us was that the Pastours of the Church at Paris who assembled at Charenton went not to visit him whereupon they sayl'd not to intimate to this Prince that this was an evident proof of the aversion of those Churches both to him and his interests since those of Paris who make the most considerable part gave no testimony of any share in
his affliction 'T is true Sir the Parisians did so and possibly carryed themselves in this affair quite after another manner than the other Churches of the Kingdom would have done I am nevertheless far from condemning them they are persons that fear God and which honour the King and all those that bear the same character with the King of England but they are both wise and prudent and know there are eyes upon them and must therefore live with circumspect on● they had doubtless good reasons that made them think it best ●o forbear this duty Other Churches would have thought to have as strong grounds to have done in this business quite otherwise than they did at Paris Nevertheless I am well assur'd that amongst their reasons there was neither neglect nor indifferency nor any hardness of heart to partake in his distaster much less any inclination for his enemies whose way with our other Churches they ever detested as outragious and tyrannical But to come back to our Subject you may well perceive if the King of England were not at the Church of Charenton 't was not that he disclaimed our communion nor any dislike of the Doctrine taught there but because there were those had incens'd him against the Governours of that Church The third reason scarce deserves to be spoken of they object who was seen with the Jesuits at Antwerp and at Vespers at Paris and it may be at other places also and therefore a Roman-Catholick Once his enemies said he was seen at Mass but that they had not the impudence to speak again If that were true there were more colour for the consequence but yet no necessity neither he might for curiosity be there to see the diverse mysterious Ceremonies of the Masse and hear the Musick us'd at certain solemnities whereof there is so much talke I have known many strangers that have been present without bending knee and far enough from approving of it and would have taken it for a very great injury to have been concluded Papists because they were at Masse but they find more favour than the King of Engl. for against him they have nothing but that he was at the Jesuits house at Antwerp to have heard the Musick at Vespers yet neverthelesse they infer he is a Papist As much as to say that which passes for indifferent with other men is a qualifyed crime in the Prince For all this I do not approve the frequenting places of such devotions For to omit the visit of the Jesuites house at Antwerp one of the most sump uous structures of Europe which in effect was but an innocent curiosity and without the least appearance of evill I much blame those that assist at Vespers for they are defil'd with Superstition and there they sing hymns in honour of the Virgin Mary which I hold is to rest upon the Border of the Couch of the strange woman and to lead himselfe into temptation I do not certainly know if the King of England were there but if 't were so I cannot justifie the action The Prince had done more like a Christian if he had not been there at all and he ought not at all to apply his eyes and eares to such Gauderies of Ornaments and Musick as they honour their Images with least he should apply his heart which I well know he Religiously reserves for God But again far be it from me to conclude cruelly with his Enemies that he is a Papist because he was at Vespers and I suppose you will judge it as unreasonable as I. Lastly they object that the whole world believes him to be a Roman Catholick and that the Jesuites promise themselves to be in London in the same credit and freedom as they are now in Flanders the Apogie of their domination I am acquainted with one Father Talbot a Jesuit that not long since made bonfires in his heart for the great prosperities he presag'd for he is an Astrologer the re-establishment of the King of England should bring to the Roman Catholick Church But is there any thing more frivolous then to square ones opinion and belief by the discourse of people that please themselves with these Idea's and make their desires passe for Prophesies and receive whatsoever the Jesuites affirm and professe to believe for sincere verities Every one knows the tongue is not of the same use with them as with other men that they keep it not to declare what they think but to manage cloak their designes who often ayme at the marke they seem to turn their back to And in effect Sir I infer this in my judgment as a demonstration because the Jesuits say the King of England is a Roman Catholick therefore he is none For did they believe him such they would without doubt passionately wish the rains of the state might be put into his hands that they might reap what they suppose they have sowen in this agreeable government and would be cautious of doing or saying any thing might obstruct his re-establishment Now the world knows there is nothing can so much deprave the affections of the better part of the English nor nothing so capable to ruine their design of re inthrowning him as the opinion they give them that he is a Papist which neverthelesse the Jesuites do If the Kings re-establishment were to be wrought by a forraine strength of neighbour-Princes to make an invasion on his dominions and become Master by force the Jesuites discourse might passe for a reall rejoycing for the advantage they might hope should come to their Religion and their Society in particular But since they know 't is the People who of themselves must call him back if they had so great a desire the businesse should succeed they would be cautious how they broach'd any thing might pervert the affection of the people into an aversion against their Prince Let us conclude Sir this Prince is no such person as the Jesuites report him That his reestablishment is not a thing they hope but fear as a thunderbolt because they know if he be once restored he will rectify those disorders they have fomented which push on their designes and help them to fish in troubled waters as they have done hitherto and that 't will arrive what the wise man observes that a King that sitteth in the throne of judgment seattereth away all evil with his eyes and by consequence their ways and all they shall endeavour to introduce in his Kingdome And to set a period to this long discourse as we conclude the King of England is no Roman Catholick because the Jesuits feare his re-establishment being to their design what ever countenance they put on conclude likewise with me that 't is an irrefutable argument his is a reall Protestant since all the Ministers of the Protestant Religion in all parts of Europe who are persons ignorant in the practice of equivocations and speak as they think pray for his re-establishment with so much instance because they look upon it as an act of soveraign Justice and a bud of infinite future benedictions like the olive branch brought by the Dove as a token the deluge was passed and God no longer angry with his people I professe Sir I am one of these not for any consideration of temporall prosperity may redound to the Church of God for God courts us not with any such hope our great reward being with him in heaven and were it to be hoped for on earth I am now become like Bazillag the Gileadite I am to old to taste it I beseech God to continue in me still the delight to taste How good the Lord is to me and the consolation of the portion he hath bestowed upon me Amen Continue to love him that is YOURS c. FINIS
present at the divertisements of these two great Princes and in familiar conversations one may best discover a man and know his waies I know again with what indignation he receiv'd the Earle of Bristol not long after his revolt This Lord is a person of a great wit and high courage but I leave it to himself to decide if his conscience hath walk'd in as gracefull a posture as the other two faculties whether he finde it very tender in matters of Religion I will think the best I may and will not despair but God may recal him and grant him mercy but I should make a very sinister Judgement if he were such as he is character'd for I have been told he is a man can change Religion as his clothes not alwaies for the better but the more necessary and convenient Howsoever it is I understood when he went hence he address'd himself to the King after his usual manner but was much amaz'd when the King sharply reprehended him for the scandal he had given and gave him to understand he was not pleas'd to see him in his traine or family since he was not a domestick of the Faith I had almost forgotten one passage that may assure you the King is sensible of this Article of Religion and that he is not satisfied to believe to righteousnesse in his heart but he will have the world to know him for what he is and that he will make Confession with the mouth to Salvation You are not unacquainted with la Milletiere and the vanities of that person some yeares since he had the boldnesse to addresse one of his works to the King of England wherein he discours'd with this Prince as if there had been some great intelligence betwixt them and as if he had been upon the point to revolt But the King in indignation shew'd him the boldnesse of his enterprize the vanity of his hopes and the impertinency of his reasons by a learned Treatise he caused the Bishop of London-Derry to compose since translated into French by one of ours But Sir after the History of the Duke of Gloucester I suppose there can remain no suspicion of this Prince his Religion it may be you know the particulars as well as I but truely I had the relation from the mouth of Monsieur Durel who had it from the Governour of that little Prince Here then I shall deliver what I know The Jesuits had a designe to gain this Prince for which purpose they sound a way to have his Governour discharged In pursuance whereof they made many assaults upon his Religion they shew'd him a thousand glorious hopes they promised him the most important dignities of the Church should court him assured him the Abbey of S. Dennis the Archbishoprick of Rheims and a Cardinal's cap. Briefly these Gentlemen assured him he should be so rich he should be able to restore the King his brother to his throne but God assisted this Prince in an extraordinary manner and for the reproach of Christ whom he took for his portion he generously despis'd the treasures of Egypt Wherefore the Jesuits carried him from place to place as the Devil heretofore did our Lord to tempt him First to Pontoise to a seminary of Jesuites where God gave him grace to withstand strong assaults and by the strength of his spirit wherewith he ever assisted this excellent Prince who was not then above ten or twelve years of age he remained victorious over his potent enemies who now resolv'd to bring him back to Paris like Balaam that view'd the people of God on all sides to finde a prize for his charmes But all this succeeded not God every where protected this illustrious Infant and God gave him that wisdom from above which the World cannot resist and God that permits not his to be tempted beyond their strength delivered him from temptation for the King of England understanding by the banished Governour his brothers condition sent Marquiss Ormond speedily to his relief who took him out of this dangerous way by the Queens orders who had the goodness to give way to the pleasure of the King of England her son and caused the Duke of Glocester to be remitted into the hands of the Marquiss who brought him back to the King since which time he hath taken care for his education and confirm'd him in the knowledge of the truth Can there Sir be any thing more strong and evident to assure you the King is not only a Protestant by profession but that he professes it with zeale and that he beleeveth it the only way to salvation since he was so tenderly touch'd when he was inform'd they would pervert his brother And if the Religion of the King of England had been no more then formality and countenance the advantage he might have hop'd for in his brothers change might have brought him to consent since he might have pretended he had no hand in it and have say'd that being so many leagues distant though Kings have long armes he could not if he would stretch his so far to hinder his brothers fall But we are to make answer to what his enemies alleadg to prove the King of England of the Roman Religion 1. He was say they brought up with Charles the late King his father who gave him the first seasoning 2. While he was at Paris he never came to a Sermon at Charenton 3. He was seen in the Jesuits house at Antwerp At Paris and in other places he was seen at Vespers 4. Then they make a great noise of this that they of the Roman Church conceive great hopes in the reestablishment of this Prince and that the Jesuites and Monkes boast alowd they shall see the Popes authority flourish again and Masse in more credit in England then ever But Sir I suppose you beleive that none but the weak and malicious will give credit to such feeble reasons whereof some are altogether false and blasphemous others conclude nothing they undertake and the rest conclude contrary to the intention of the alleadgers The first of these wicked Arguments which is the education of this Prince in the Roman Religion by the late King his father is the most notorious calumny that ever was which to falshood couples Blasphemy against the Powers St. Jude and to falshood and blasphemy barbarousnesse and cruelty beyond example For was there ever greater cruelty then not to be satisfy'd to have made King Charles the most unfortunate Prince the earth ever bore having taken from him by wayes unheard of and such as good people cannot think on without trembling and horrour his Crown and life but more to traduce him as the most deprav'd and artificiall hypocrite that ever liv'd For they make him wear a vizard all his life to the houre of this death inclusively which is notwithstanding an hour when conscience makes the man speak truth in spight of himself nor is there paint which melts not when conscience approaches