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A32959 Articles to be enquired of within the diocese of Lincolne, in the general and triennial visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, William, by divine permission Lord Bishop of that diocese, anno Dom. 1671 et translationis suæ anno quarto. Church of England. Diocese of Lincoln. Bishop (1667-1675 : Fuller); Fuller, William, 1608-1675. 1671 (1671) Wing C4060; ESTC R41981 12,436 17

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ARTICLES TO BE ENQUIRED OF WITHIN THE DIOCESE OF LINCOLNE In the General and Triennial Visitation OF THE Right Reverend Father in God WILLIAM By Divine Permission Lord Bishop of that DIOCESE Anno Dom. 1671. Et Translationis suae Anno Quarto In the SAVOY Printed by Tho. Newcomb 1671. THe Church-wardens are not to put off the making of their Presentments to the very day of the Bishops Visitation but at some convenient time before the Minister Church-wardens and Side-men are to read over these Articles of Enquiry diligently The Minister at the reading of each Article is to ask the Church-wardens and Side-men what they can present concerning that Article and accordingly to write and set it down And to avoid all Errors in drawing up the Bill of Presentment it is to be made according to this following Form or as near unto it as conveniently may be and to be given up in a Sheet of Paper viz. A Direction for the Church-wardens to draw up their Presentations At the Lord Bishop of Lincolns Visitation held at the day of 1671. WE the Church-wardens and Side-men of _____ have diligently perused all the particulars contained in the First Title of the Book of Articles and we present _____ And otherwise we have nothing to present concerning that Title Also we have perused the Second Title and we present _____ And so the Third until the Book be gone through And under all let every Church-wurden and Side-man write or subscribe his own hand or mark to the Presentment and so deliver it for it will be required of them to give an Answer thus particularly unto every Title of these Articles if not to every particular Article in the Book THe Minister of every Parish both may and ought to joyn with the Church-wardens or other sworn Men for the Presenting of Offences and if they be so irreligious as not to do it the Minister of himself may and ought to present either the Offences or the Churchwardens and Questmen for not presenting the same and is required in his Canonical Obedience so to do And if their Oath and all this punctual Direction and Advertisement notwithstanding any Churchwardens or other sworn Men shall follow the Customary manner and be careless in inquiring and presenting as they ought then shall they not be able hereafter to say that they had not fair warning to the contrary given them in the spirit of Meekness or to complain they are hardly dealt with if upon information and proof otherwise had they be called to answer their wilful Perjury in some other Court or Course of Justice for neglecting to enquire and present to all the particulars herein proposed Lastly with their Bill of Presentment they are to certifie the Names of all Persons which have been married in their Parish since the 28th day of May last by any Licence or Dispensation and what Ecclesiastical Judge granted the same And also the Name and Sirnames of all Persons which since the same day have died possessed of any Goods in their Parish and who do now possess the same and by what Right And this will be particularly required of all Churchwardens The Oath ministred to the Church-wardens and Side-men YOu shall swear diligently and duly to enquire and true Presentment make so far as by Law you stand bound of all Offences or Defaults mentioned in the Articles given you in charge or otherwise against the Ecclesiastical Laws together with the Names of the several Offenders therein And that you will not present any person out of malice or ill-will nor spare any for fear or favour So help you God ARTICLES to be enquired of in the Diocese of LINCOLNE TIT. I. Concerning the Kings Supremacy and Authority 1. IS there any who doth affirm or teach Canon 1 2. That the Kings Majesty hath not the same Authority in Causes Ecclesiastical that the Godly Kings had among the Jews and Christian Emperours in the Primitive Church Or that the Kings Majesty within his Realms of England Scotland and Ireland and all other his Dominions and Countreys is not the highest Power under God Or that doth impeach any part of his Royal Supremacy Who is it declare your knowledge herein c 2. Is there any that doth affirm or teach Canon 12. That it is lawful for any sort of Ministers and Lay Persons or either of them to joyn together and to make Rules Orders and Constitutions in Causes Ecclesiastical without the Kings Authority Or any that submit themselves to be ruled and governed by the same TIT. II. Concerning Churches and Chappels with the Ornaments Furniture and Possession belonging to them 1. IS your Parish Church or Chappel well and sufficiently repaired Canon 85. Are the Windows well glazed the Floor kept paved plain and even and all things therein in such an orderly and decent sort without dust or any thing that may be either noisom or unseemly 2. Is there in the Church or Chappel a Font of Stone standing in the usual ancient place with a Cover to it Canon 81. for the Administration of Baptism Can. 82. Is there also a convenient Communion Table with a fair Carpet of Silk or other decent Stuff in the time of Divine Service and with a fair Linnen Cloth at the time of Administring the Sacrament Can. 20. What Cup Chalice Patin or Flagons have you belonging to that service 3. Have you a fur Surplice for the Minister to wear at the time of his publick Administration Can. 58. provided and duly washed at the Charge of the Parish 4. Have you in the Church or Chappel a convenient Seat or Pew for the Minister to read Divine Service in Can. 83. and a Pulpit with a decent Cloth or Cushion for the same Can. 99. A Bible of the last Translation in a large Volume and two Books of Common Prayer well bound one for the Minister and another for the Clerk Can. 58. the Book of Homilies the Book of Canons and the Table of Degrees allowed and prohibited in Mariages 5. Have you a Register Book in Parchment of all the Names and Sirnames of all such as are Christned Can. 70 with the Names and Sirnames of their Parents as also of such as are Buried and Married And is the same kept in all Points according to the ancient use And are the Names of all such Parties set down by your Minister every Lords Day in the presence of the Church-wardens Can. 52. Have you a Book of Paper to record the Names Sirnames and Licences of such Strangers as are admitted to preach in the Church or Chappel And do such Strangers subscribe their Names As also a third Book for the Church-wardens Accounts Can. 89. And also a Chest with Locks and Keys wherein to keep the said Books and the afore-mentioned Furniture And is the Transcript of all these Books yearly within one Moneth next after the 25th of March brought into the Bishops Registry
6. Is your Church-yard well and sufficiently fenced maintained Can. 85. and kept with Walls Railes or Pales as hath been heretofore accustomed and it not by whose negligence or default is it that the Fences of the same are grown to decay And are the Trees therein preserved 7. Have any Persons encroached upon the ground of the Church-yard or other consecrated ground if so set out what quantity of ground is so encroached upon and what new door hath been made out into the Church-yard Except in the Act of Indempn 8. Do you know or have you heard of any person who hath imbezzled concealed or converted to his own use or sold to others any Ornaments Utensils or Materials belonging to any Church Chappel Parsonage or Vicaridge House during or since the late War 9. Is the House of the Parson Lind. lib. 1. 〈◊〉 Offic. Archid. Vicar or Curate with all the Out-houses thereunto belonging kept in good and sufficient repair Or have any of the said Houses or Out-houses been defaced or pulled down without Licence from the Ordinary and by whom Hath any person encroached upon any Garden Yard or Close belonging to the Parsonage or Vicaridge House Or cut up any Trees growing thereon Ibid. de Ecclesiast Aedif. Or changed or removed the Antient Marks and Bounds of the same 10 Have any of the ancient Glebe Lands belonging to the Parsonage or Vicarage been taken away or exchanged for other Lind. lib. 3. de Rebus Ecclesiast without the free consent of the Incumbent and Licence from the Ordinary Have any Inclosures been made in the Parish to the detriment of the Church by the decay of Tillage and converting Arable Land into Pasture By whom hath the same been made and how many years since and how much is your Parsonage or Vicarage damnified thereby in the yearly value thereof as you know believe or have heard TIT. III. Concerning Ministers 1. IS the Minister Curate or Lecturer Episcopally ordained Can. 36. Is he licenced to preach by the Bishop or either of the Universities 2. Is the Minister suspected to have obtained his Benefice by any Simonaical Contract Hath he been legally inducted into the same Q. Eliz. Injunct 26. And did he within two Moneths after his Induction Can. 40. publickly in your Church upon some Sunday or Holyday in the time of Divine Service read the 39 Articles of the Church of England established by Authority and there publickly declare his assent thereunto 3. Is the Minister constantly resident among you Can. 47 and 48. Hath he an able and conformable Curate to assist him in his absence or presence Doth he carry himself in all things as an able and discreet Minister and conformable to the Church of England Doth he serve any more Cures beside that of the Parish and at what distance What is the name of your Curate and what yearly Stipend doth your Minister allow him 4. Have you in the Parish besides the Parson Vicar or Curate Can. 55 and 56. Can. 54. any Lecturer or Lecturers not having Cure of Souls therein Doth your Lecturer conform himself to the Laws Ordinances and Rites Ecclesiastical established in the Church of England Act of Parliament before the Common Prayer Doth he at the place appointed for his Lecture upon the first Lecture day of every Moneth before his Lecture openly publickly and solemnly read the Common Prayer and Service appointed to be read for that time of the day And doth he as oft in every year administer the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lords Supper in such manner and form and with the observation of such Rites and Ceremonies as are prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer 5. Doth your Parson Vicar or Curate audibly and distinctly with reverence and devotion Can. 14 read all Morning and Evening Service and in reading of the same Administration of the Sacraments Celebration of Marriage Churching of Women after Child-birth Visitation of the Sick Burial of the Dead and Pronouncing Gods Commination against Impenitent Simers use the form and words prescribed in the Common-Prayer without any addition omission or alteration of the same And doth he use all such Rites and Ceremonies in all parts of Divine Service as are appointed in the said Book so far as you have observed 6. Doth your Parson Vicar or Curate read the Canons of the Church publickly once every year Can. 15. and doth he publickly read the Letany every Sunday Wednesday and Friday in every Week Doth he declare on the Sunday what Holy-days and Fasting days are in the Week following Can. 64. And doth he and the Parishioners observe the same Doth he give notice of the Communion Banns of Matrimony Can. 65. and Perambulation in Rogation Weeks and read the Briefs and Excommunications delivered to him 7. Doth your Parson Vicar Curate or Lecturer preaching or catechising in your Church or Chappel declare or assert any Opinion or Doctrine Schismatical Can. 51. Heretical or Seditious contrary to the Articles of the Church of England by Law established thereby to seduce the People into Parties and Factions to the disturbance of the Publick Peace and Unity of the Church of State 8. Hath your Minister taken upon him to appoint any Publick or Private Fasts Can. 72 and 73. Prophecyings or Exercises not appointed by Authority Or doth he or any other either Minister or Lay Person hold any Conventicles or Meetings in Private Houses within your Parish for People of several Families to resort unto under the pretence of Preaching Praying Thanksgiving or Humiliation co●tr●ry to the Laws and Canons in that Case provided 9. Doth your Minister Can. 45 and 46. being licenced to preach himself preach in your Church or Chappel one Sermon every Sunday in the year Being no licenced Preacher doth he procure Sermons to be preached in his Cure once every Moneth at the least by Preachers which are l●wfully licenced Or one of the Homilies set forth by Authority to be there read every Sunday by a Priest or Deacon 10. Doth your Minister at the reading or celebrating any Divine Officeth your Church or Chappel wear the Surplice Can. 58. together with such other Scholastical Habit as is suitable to his degree and in preaching doth he wear a Gown 11. Doth your Minister refuse or delay to Christen any Child that it brought to him to the Church on Sundays or Holydays Can 68. Doth he proceed therein in all things according to the Form of Publick Baptisme in the Common-Prayer Book Or doth he permit any person to be God-father or God-mother before he or she hath received the Holy Communion Can. 29. 12. Doth your Minister being duly informed of the weakness and danger of Death of any Infant unbaptized in his Parish Can. 69. and being thereupon desired to go unto the place and baptize the same either willfully refuse to do or negligently delay the time so that the
Child departeth without Baptisme through his default Or if the Child so baptized do recover afterwards is it brought into the Church by the God-fathers and God-mothers to the intent that the Congregation may be satisfied of the Baptizing thereof 13. Doth your Minister diligently instruct the youth of your Parish in the Church Catechism 〈…〉 Can. 59 and 61. and doth he prepare and present them being so instructed to be confirmed by the Bishop And doth he endeavour to reclaim all Popish Recusants and other Sectaries if any such be inhabiting within your Parish to the true Religion established in the Church of England and to their bounden duty in obeying the Law and submitting to the Government thereof Rubrick for Confirmat 14. Doth your Minister as often as the Bishop giveth notice for Children to be brought to him for their Confirmation either bring or send in Writing to the Bishop of the Diocess the Names of all those Children whom he thinks to be fit for Confirmation 15. Doth your Minister or any other in your Parish celebrate Matrimony between any Persons Can. 62. without Banes of Matrimony first publisht on three several Sundays or Holydays except by special Licence granted duly and by lawful Authority or at any other place than in the Church and in the Church at any other time than between the hours of Eight and Twelve in the Forenoon Can. 99. and at any time betwixt such Persons as are prohibited in the Table of Marriage or are under the age of One and twenty years without the consent of the Parents signified unto him Can. 100. or of their Guardians and Governours if the Parents be deceased Or hath he married those of whom neither party dwelleth in the Parish 16. Doth your Minister refuse or delay to bury any Corps that is brought into the Church or Church-yard Can. 68. convenient warning being given him before except the party deceased were denounced Excommunicate Majori Excommunicatione for some grievous Crime and no man able to testifie of his repentance and doth he do it decently and gravely not swerving from the Form prescribed by the Church in the Common-Prayer Book 17. Is your Parson Vicar Curate or Lecturer a Man of sober Can. 75. unblameable and exemplary life Doth he familiarly converse with ungodly vicious and excommunicate persons Can. 62. Is he a frequenter of Taverns or Ale house 〈◊〉 Common Gamester a Swearer Railer or Quarreller's D●ll ho●se● Neighbor 〈…〉 one with another or encourage them to Suits and Contentions Is he noted to be an intemperate Drinker or vehemently suspected of Incontinenty with any Person either within the Parish or without Doth he wear his Hair and Band of an immoderate and uncomely length Is his App●rel gra●e and decent Can. 74. as the Canons of the Church require or is his Carriage and Conversation in any kind whatsoever disorderly or scandalous and unbeseeming a Minister of Jesus Christ TIT. IV. Concerning the Parishioners 1. IS there in your Parish any person a known or reputed Heretick or Schismatick Can. 110. any Papist Familist Anabaptist Quaker or other Sectaries that refuse to come unto the Publick Assemblies Prayers or Services of the Church that makes Profession of any other Religion than what is established in the Church of England and if there be any such what are their Names 2. Is there any person in your Parish that liveth under a common same Can. 109. or vehement suspicion of Adultery Fornication or Incest Are there any Common Drunkards within your Parish or Common Swearers or Blasphemers of Gods Name or any that are hoted to be Railers unclean or filthy Talkers or Sowers of Sedition Faction and Discord amongst their Neighbours 3. Do any of your Parish upon Sundays or Holydays 5 6 Ed. 6. Chap. 3. Can. 13. follow their bodily and ordinary labour or permit their Servants so to do unless it be at the time of Harvest or any other time when necessity requires Are any Shops kept open or Wares sold Or do any Vintners Innkeepers or other Victuallers and Sellers of Beer or Ale suffer any persons to tipple or game in their Houses upon those days 4. Doth every person inhabiting and so journing within your Parish 1. Q. Eliz. 2. duly resort unto your Church or Chappel upon every Sunday and Holyd●y appointed for Divine Service Do they then and there abide quietly with reverence Can. 18. order and decency during all the whole time of Common-Prayer Preaching or other Service of God there used And are there any among you that come only to the Preaching and not to the Common-Prayers of the Church 5. Doth every person reverently uncover his head Can. 18. and so continue all the time of Divine Service in the Church Do they all reverently kneel at the Prayers and stand up when the Creed and Gospel are read making due reverence when the Name of our Lord Jesus is mentioned Rubrick of Baptism 6. Are there any in your Parish that refuse to send their Infant-Children to be baptized publickly in the Church unless in case of urgent danger in which case the Child may be baptized at home by a lawful Minister after the Form and Rites appointed in the Liturgy If baptized at home by whom Give his Name and Place of abode Or do they send them from their own Minister to be baptized in any other Parishes or after other Form than is appointed Or do they keep them unbaptized any longer time than the Church alloweth and are there any Infants or more aged persons in your Parish as yet unbaptized 7. Doth every Housholder in your Parish cause their Children and Servants to come to Church to learn their Catechism Can. 59. and to give an account thereof unto your Minister as he shall require it of them openly in the Church upon Sundays and Holydays as in the Book of Common-Prayer is appointed that when they are well instructed in the same they may be confirmed by the Bishop 8. Is there any person in your Parish Can. 112. who being sixteen years of age and well-instructed in Religion doth not receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper at least three times in the year of which Easter is alwayes to be one Can. 114. Doth any in your Parish refuse to receive the same kneeling or from the hands of your own Minister repairing for it to other Parishes and Ministers abroad Or are there any Strangers not of your Parish that forsake their own Churches and usually repair to yours for it 9. Have you any among you that be denounced and declared Excommunicate Can. 65. for any Crime committed How long have they been so excommunicated and do any of your Parish keep society with them before they be reconciled to the Church and absolved 10. Are there any in your Parish Can. 99.8.1 who are known or suspected to be unlawfully married contrary to the Laws
of God and his Church Or any living as Man and Wife who are within the Degrees prohibited Or any who being lawfully married and never divorced do yet live asunder Or any who being lawfully divorced Can. 107. do live together again Or being separated for Adultery have afterwards entermarried with any other during the life of their first Consort 11. Are there any Married-Women in your Parish who Rubrick Com. Pray after their Delivery from the Peril of Child-Birth refuse to make their Publick Thanksgiving to God in the Church And when they come so to do do they come decently apparelled and make their Offerings according to Custom 12. Are there any belonging to your Parish 27 Hen. 8.20 Rubrick Com. Pray who refuse to pay their duty for Easter-Offerings to your Minister Or any that refuse to contribute and pay the Rate assessed upon them for the repair of your Church or Chappel and for the providing of such Books Furniture and Ornaments Can. 85. as be requisite for the performance of all Divine Offices there Present the Names of such as do refuse 13. Do any refuse to bury their Dead according to the Rites of the Church of England Rubr. Do any bury their Dead in unconsecrated places Can. 92. Name them Are there any Wills or Testaments of Persons dead in your Parish that be yet unproved or any Goods administred without a due Grant from the Ordinary Lind. lib. 3. de Test Did any dying in your Parish or elsewhere leave any Legacy to your Church or Chappel to the use of the Poor or any other Charitable Purposes What were those Legacies and how have they been bestowed 14. Is there any strife and contention among any of your Parish for their Pews or Seats in the Church Have any new Pews been erected in the Chancel or in the Body of the Church or Chappel without leave from the Ordinary 15. Do you know Act Parl. 1671. or have heard of any Person or Persons who detain in their hands any Money collected for the Poor afflicted by the late Plague or Burning of the City of London what is the sum and by whom is it detained TIT. V. Concerning Ecclesiastical Officers 1. DO you know that any Ecclesiastical Judge Vide Oath Can. 127. or any of the Registrars or Apparators or other Officer belonging to the Ecclesiastical Courts hath taken Rewards or Gifts for perverting Justice or denied Justice to any man who lawfully required the same 2. Do you know or have heard that any of the said Judges or Registrars or any belonging to the said Courts do favour any Popish or other Recusants or do forbear to enquire cite denounce and censure them 3. Have the said Ecclesiastical Judges appointed and constituted certain and determined Surrogates and Substitutes Can. 128. such as are Persons of Gravity Favourers of true Religion and men of modest and honest Conversation Or otherwise have they appointed persons scandalous for being addicted to Intemperance Incontinence or any kind of vice or Persons that are Favorers Promoters or Assisters of Clandestine Marriages or such as care not to preserve the necessary Discipline and honour of the Church 4. Whether hath the Chancellor Commissaries or any using Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction upon the Presentment or Information given unto him of any foul Offences or Scandals in your Parish not punished the Persons detected so that the Congregation hath not been satisfied both of Justice done and of the amendment of the Party and who were the Parties committing the said Offences as Incest Adultery Fornication Drunkenness Blasphemy Heresie Clandestine Marriage Profaning of the Church or such like 5. Whether hath any Ordinary in the Diocess commuted the Pennance of any Delinquent convicted Vide Can. An. 1571. Tit. Cancellarii Can. 1597 C. nequa c. Can. 115. What persons have so commuted and how hath the Money been disposed of to Charitable Uses as far as you know or have heard 6. Whether do the Ecclesiastical Judges suffer any persons detected for Crimes to sue and molest Churchwardens who detected them for the same 7. Whether do you know or have heard that any of the said Judges when the deceased died without a Will Plowden An. 7 Eliz. fol. 278. hath assigned any part of the Goods to Charitable Uses and how have you known them to have been employed 8. Whether in such Cases of dying without a Will doth the Ecclesiastical Judge send out Intimation to summon the Creditors Wife Stat. 21 H. 8. Children and Kindred to come and take Administration and commit the same as far as the Law permits not to needy persons but to able men and such as enter sufficient Bond to preserve the Estate and to answer all that is due and save the Lord Bishop harmless 9. Whether doth the said Judge Ecclesiastical when a Benefice is vacant commit Sequestration to able men that do answer and account truly for the mean profits And whether are the Parishes during the vacancy well served with able Ministers 10. Whether do you know or have credibly heard that the said Judges Ecclesiastical Registers or Apparators do take any extraordinary or more Fees for Probate of Wills Administrations Accounts Can. 135. Assignations of Portions or Citations or for any other Act or thing done or sped by them then are allowed by the Statutes of the Land or any Fees greater then heretofore have been accustomed in other Businesses belonging to their Courts 11. Whether do you know or have heard Can. 134. that any Registrar of the said Courts hath sped any Act or dismissed any Person detected without the knowledg and actual consent of the Judge 12. Doth the Chancellor Commissary or Official Can. 103. Constit 1597. Tit de moderandis Indulgentiis or any of their Surrogates carelesly or for hope of gain disperse or grant Licenses for the Celebration of Matrimony until it do appear to the person himself who is Judge in these Cases by the Oaths of two sufficient Witnesses one of them known to the Judge or to some person whom the Judge dares trust in this particular That the express consent of the Parents or Parent if one be dead or Guardians or Guardian of the Parties is thereunto had and obtained and until one of the Parties to be married have personally sworn that he believeth there is no let or impediment of Precontract Kindred or Alliance nor any other lawful Cause nor any Suit commenced in any Ecclesiastical Court to bar or hinder the proceeding of the said Matrimony 13. Whether is there in every place where Ecclesiastical Courts are Can. 136. kept and also in the Registry of every such Office or Court a Table of Fees set up that every one may read the same containing all the Fees that every Officer of the Court ought to take according to the Canon made at the Convocation under Archbishop Whitguift An. Dom. 1597. 14. Whether are
there more Apparators belonging to the Courts than the Law alloweth Can. 138. or heretofore were accustomed Whether do any of the Apparators buy or take to farm their Offices or the execution of the same Or do intrench upon the Office of the Judge 15. Whether doth any person to your knowledge or as you have heard take upon him to execute both the places of Judg and Register directly or indirectly TIT. VI. Concerning Parish-Clerks and Sextons 1. HAve you belonging to your Church or Chappelry a Parish-Clerk Can. 91. aged 21 years at least Is he of honest life and conversation and sufficient or able to perform his duty reading writing and singing Is he chosen by your Minister and doth he duly attend him in all Divine Services at the Church Are his Wages duly paid unto him and who with holdeth the same from him 2. Doth he or the Sexton if there be any such appointed in your Parish diligently look to the Doors of the Church that they be locked and opened at due time and doth he keep the Church or Chappel clean from dust cobwebs and other annoyances Doth he toll or ring the Bells at the due accustomed hours before the beginning of Divine Service Morning and Evening that the people may be warned to come unto the Church And when any person is passing out of this life Canon 67. doth he upon notice given him thereof toll a Bell as hath been accustomed that the Neighbours may thereby be warned to recommend the dying person to the grace and favour of God TIT. VII Concerning Hospitals Schools School-Masters School-Mistresses Physicians Chyrurgeons and Midwives 1. IS there in your Parish any Hospital 2 Men. 5.1 Q. Eliz. A. 3 4. Alms-house or Free-School not of the Kings Foundation or Patronage Who was the Founder or is now the Patron thereof Or what is the yearly Revenue or Stipend belonging to the Governours or Masters of the same Is the same ordered and governed in every respect as it ought to be And are the Revennes thereof rightly employed according to the intention of the Founder and of such Grants or Ordinances as have been made concerning the same 2. Doth any man keep a publick or private School in your Parish who is not allowed thereunto by the Bishop Can. 77. Doth your School-Master or Usher teach his Scholars the Catechisme of the Church Can. 79. Doth he teach any other Catechism or any other Grammar than what are set forth by Authority Doth he cause them upon Sundays and Holy-days orderly to repair to your Church or Chappel and see that they behave themselves there quietly and reverently during the time of Divine Service and Sermon 3. Doth any Woman keep a School in your Parish who is not allowed thereunto by the Bishop Is she modest of good report and conformable to the Church of England Doth she teach them the Catechism of the Church and doth she with them repair to the Church upon Sundays and Holydays and there demean themselves reverently the whole time of Divine Service and Sermon And doth she bring her Scholars to the Minister of the Parish to be prepared for Confirmation by the Bishop 4. Doth any man in your Parish practise Physick or Chyrurgery 3 H. 8.11 or any Woman take upon her to exercise the Office of a Midwife without Approbation and Licence from the Ordinary TIT. VIII Queries to be put to the Minister concerning the Church-Wardens and Side-men 1. ARe the Church-wardens of your Parish yearly and duly chosen by the joynt consent of the Minister and Parishioners Can. 89. or one of them by the Minister and the other by the Parishioners And are there Side-men appointed to assist them for the due ordering of the Church 2. Have the former and last Churchwardens given up their due Accounts to the Parish Can. 89. and delivered up to the suceeding Church-wardens the moneys remaining in their hands together with all other things belonging to your Church or Chappel 3. Do the Church-wardens and Side-men take diligent care Can. 90. and see who of the Parishioners be absent from the Divine Service and Sermon in your Church or Chappel upon Sundays or Holy-days And if they find any of them to have absented themselves without a sufficient cause Do they by Warrant from some of the Justices of Peace levy of them by way of Distress upon their Goods 1 Q. Eliz. 2. the sum of 12 d. for every such day of their absence according to the Act of Parliament in that case provided And do they the several sums so levied distribute among the Poor of the Parish according to the Law 4. Do they present them that come late to Church Can. 18. after Divine Service is begun or depart before it be ended Do they suffer none to stand idle or talk together in the Church-Porch Can. 19. or to walk in the Church or Church-yard during the time of Prayers Preaching or other Sacred Offices Do they about the midst of Divine Service asually wall forth and make search for such as are then abroad in the Streets or in Taverns or Ale-houses suspected to habour ill company 5. Do they suffer no misbehaviour or disorder to be done by Men Can. 18. or Women Servants or Children in your Church or Chappel Are they careful that none of them sit lean or lay their Hats upon the Communion Table Can. 88. Do they permit no Minstrels no Morrice-Dancers no Dogs Hawks or Hounds to be brought into your Church to the disturbance of the Congregation 6. Do they against every Communion appointed in your Church or Chappel Can. 20. provide a sufficient quantity of fine White Bread and of good Wine according to the number of Communicants 7. Do they cause all Strangers Can. 52. that preach in your Church or Chappel to subscribe their Names the same day in a Book provided for that purpose together with the Name of the Bishop that licenced them to preach in this Diocess And do they permit no other to preach 8. Were there any Presentments made upon any of the Articles before rehearsed at my Primary Visitation Anno Dom. 1668. by the Church-wardens of your Parish were the Presentments prosecuted and Delinquents punished if not by whose fault or neglect was the same omitted declare your knowledge and what you have heard herein 9. Have they the Church warden and Side-men now sworn to give in a true Answer unto all these Articles of Inquity in all their several Titles Can. 119. taken sufficient time to draw up their Presentments and therein consulted with you their Minister for your faithful Assistance FOr know you assuredly that as the true discharging of your Office is the chist means whereby publick Disorders Sins and Offences in your Parish may be reformed and punished the Bishop however willing not being able to punish till due Presentments are made so if you willfully refuse to present such Grimes and Faults as either you know to have been committed or otherwise to have heard of by publick same that in such Cases the Bishop and his Officers are to proceed against you in their Ecclesiastical Courts as in Cases of Wilful Omission and Perjury THe Ministers of every Parish are desired to prepare and give in the Names of such of the younger sort of their several Parishes as they judge fit to receive Confirmation from the Bishop and to present them to be confirmed especially such as having competently learned their Catechisme have not yet received the Holy Communion and to present them to the Bishop to be confirm'd as there shall be opportu●●y FINIS