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A61601 The proceedings and tryal in the case of the most Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and the Right Reverend Fathers in God, William, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, Francis, Lord Bishop of Ely, John, Lord Bishop of Chichester, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Peterborough, and Jonathan, Lord Bishop of Bristol, in the Court of Kings-Bench at Westminster in Trinity-term in the fourth year of the reign of King James the Second, Annoque Dom. 1688. Sancroft, William, 1617-1693.; Lloyd, William, 1627-1717.; Turner, Francis, 1638?-1700.; Lake, John, 1624-1689.; Ken, Thomas, 1637-1711.; White, Thomas, 1628-1698.; Trelawny, Jonathan, Sir, 1650-1721.; England and Wales. Court of King's Bench. 1689 (1689) Wing S564; ESTC R7827 217,926 148

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it to be Law. Now we say This Declaration under the Great Seal is not agreeable to the Laws of the Land and that for this Reason Because it does at one Blow set aside all the Law we have in England My Lord If this be denied we must a little debate this matter for they are almost all Penal Laws not only those before the Reformation but since upon which the whole Government both in Church and State does in a great measure depend Especially my Lord in Matters of Religion they are all Penal Laws For by the Act of Uniformity which my Lords the Bishops are sworn to observe and adjured by an express Clause in the Act No Man is to preach unless he be Episcopally ordained no Man is to preach without a Licence If all this be set aside I confess then it will go very far into the whole Ecclesiastical Government If this be denied we are ready to argue that too L. C. I. They are to do so still Mr. Pollixfen My Lord I am sure the Consequence is otherwise if this Declaration signifie any thing And if it be the Will of the King my Lord the Will of the King is what the Law is If so be the King 's Will be not consonant to the Law it is not obliging My Lord The Cases that we have had of Dispensations are all so many strong Authorities against a general or particular Abrogation My Lord that is a Matter of Law which if it fall out to be any way doubtful it will be fit to have it debated and setled If they will say that the Penal Laws in Matters Ecclesiastical can be abrogated or nulled or made void pro tempore or for Life without the meeting of the King and People in Parliament I must confess they say a great thing as it is a Point of great Concern but I think that will not be said And all that has been ever said in any Case touching Dispensations proves quite the contrary and asserts what I affirm For Why should any Man go about to argue that the King may dispense with this or that particular Law if at once he can dispense with all the Law by an undoubted Prerogative This is a Point of Law which we insist upon and are ready to argue with them but we will go on with the rest of those things that we have offer'd And first we will read the Act of Uniformity made 1 Eliz. that Clause of it where they are so strictly charged to see to the Execution of that Law. This Act my Lord by the Act of Uniformity made in the Beginning of the late King's Reign is revived with all the Clauses in it relating to this Matter If then this be a Duty incumbent upon them and their Oaths require it of them and if they find that the Pleasure of the King in his Declaration is that which is not consonant to this Law what can they do Can any thing be more humble or done with a more Christian Mind than by way of Petition to inform the King in the Matter For I never thought it nor hath it ever sure been thought by any body else to be a Crime to petition the King For the King may be mistaken in the Law so our Books say and we every Day in Westminster-Hall argue against the King's Grants and say He is deceived in his Grants It is the great Benefit and Liberty which the King gives to his Subjects to argue the Legality or Illegality of his Grants My Lord When all this is done to make this to be a Libel by putting in the Words Malicious Seditious Scandalous and with an Intent to raise Sedition would be pretty hard My Lord We pray that Clause of the Statute may be read Mr. Soll. Gen. What for Mr. Pollixfen It is a general Law and therefore the Court will take notice of it and we pray the Jury may hear it read Mr. Soll. Gen. I agree it to be as Mr. Pollixfen has opened and I agree it to be as Sir Robert Sawyer has opened it Mr. S. Pemberton My Lord We shall put it upon a short Point My Lords the Bishops are here accused of a Crime of a very heinous nature as can be they are here branded and stigmatized by this Information as if they were seditious Libellers when my Lord it will in truth fall out that they have done no more than their Duty their Duty to God their Duty to the King and their Duty to the Church For in this Case that which we humbly offer to your Lordship and insist upon it as very plain is this That the Kings of England have no power to suspend or dispense with the Laws and Statutes of the Kingdom that establish our Religion That is it which we stand upon for our Defence And we say That such a Dispensing Power with Laws and Statutes is a thing that strikes at the very Foundation of all the Rights Liberties and Properties of the King's Subjects whatsoever If the King may suspend the Laws of the Land which concern our Religion I am sure there is no other Law but he may suspend And if the King may suspend all the Laws of the Kingdom what a Condition are all the Subjects in for their Lives Liberties and Properties All at Mercy My Lord The King 's Legal Prerogatives are as much for the Advantage of his Subjects as of himself and no Man goes about to speak against them But under pretence of Legal Prerogatives to extend the Power of the King to support a Prerogative that tends to the Destruction of all his Subjects their Religion and Liberties in that I think they do the King no Service who go about to do it But now we say with your Lordship's Favour that these Laws are the great Bulwark of the Reformed Religion they are in truth that which fenceth the Religion and Church of England and we have no other Humane Fence besides They were made upon a Fore-sight of the Mischief that had and might come by false Religions in this Kingdom and they were intended to defend the Nation against them and to keep them out particularly to keep out the Romish Religion which is the very worst of all Religions from prevailing among us and that is the very Design of the Act for the Tests which is intituled An Act to prevent Dangers that may happen from Popish Recusants My Lord If this Declaration should take effect what would be the End of it All Religions are let in let them be what they will Ranters Quakers and the like nay even the Roman Catholick Religion as they call it which was intended by these Acts of Parliament and by the Act of Uniformity and several other Acts to be kept out of this Nation as a Religion no way tolerable nor to be endured here If this Declaration take effect that Religion will stand upon the same Terms with the Protestant Religion Suspend those Laws and that Romish
given upon the doing of it For there Sir Robert Sawyer has laid the Foundation of his distinction and if that shall draw any person under a Commitment then say I in my Judgment wherever there is a seditious Libel there is that which is an actual breach of the Peace for I am sure there is that which is sufficient to require Sureties of the Peace I controvert not the right of the Peers one way or other but only declare my opinion That this is a fact that comes within the Rule laid down by them That what will require Sureties of the Peace is a breach of the Peace Mr. Iust. Holloway God forbid that in a Case of this Nature any one should take upon him here to say that every Misdemeanour were a breach of the Peace I say not so but certainly there are some such Misdemeanours as are breaches of the Peace and if here be such a Misdemeanour before us then it is acknowledged that even in Parliament time a priviledged person might be Committed for it For in Treason Felony and breach of the Peace priviledge does not hold I will not take upon me as my Brother said to determine concerning the priviledge of the Peers it is not of our Cognizance nor have we any thing to do either to enlarge or confine priviledge nor do we determine whether this be such a Libel as is charged in the Information that will come in question another time but certainly as this Case is the Information ought to be read and my Lords ought to appear and plead to it Ld. Ch. Iust. Certainly we are all of us here as tender of the priviledges of Peers as any in the World can be and as tender as we would be and ought to be in trying any man's right it becomes us to do it with great respect and regard to my Lords the Bishops and therefore I would be as careful if that were the question before me to consider very well before I give my opinion as ever I was in my life But when I see there can come no mischief at all to the priviledges of the Peers by what is agreed on all hands I think I may very justly give my opinion for here is the question Whether the fact charged in the Warrant be such a Misdemeanour as is a breach of the Peace and the words of the Warrant which is now upon the Record being such as have been recited I cannot but think it is such a Misdemeanour as would have required Sureties of the Peace and if Sureties were not given a Commitment might follow and therefore I think the Information must be read Mr. Attor Gen. We pray the Clerk may read it Clerk reads Middlesex ss Memorand That Sir Thomas Powys Knight Attorney General of our Lord the KING who for our said Lord the KING in this behalf Sues comes in his own person here into the Court of our said Lord the KING before the KING Himself at Westminster on Friday next after the morrow of the Holy Trinity in this Term and for our said Lord the KING gives the Court here to understand and be informed that our said Sovereign Lord the KING out of His Signal Clemency Mr. Soll. Gen. Read it as it is in Latin. Bish. of Peterborough My Lord We desire it may be read in English for we don't understand Law-Latin Mr. Soll. Gen. No my Lords the Bishops are very learned Men we all know pray read it in Latin. Clerk reads Memorundum Quod Thomas Powys Miles Attornatus Domini Regis nunc Generalis qui pro eodem Domino Rege in hac parte sequitur in propr●…a Persona sua venit hic in Curia dict' Domini Regis coram ipso Rege apud Westmonasterium Die Veneris proxime post crastinum Sanctae Trinitatis isto eodem ●…ermino pro eodem Domino Rege Dat Curiae hic intelligi informari quod dictus Dominus Rex nunc ex insigni Clementia benigna Intentione suis erga Subd●…os su●…s Regni ●…ui Angliae per Regiam suam Praerogativam quarto Die Aprilis Anno Regni Dict' Domini Regis nunc Tertio apud Westmonasterium in Comitatu Middlesexiae Declarationem suam Intitulatam His Majesties Gracious Declaration to all his Loving Subjects for Liberty of Conscience gerentem Datum eisdem Die Anno Magno Sigillo suo Ang●…ae Sigi●…dtim publicavit in qua quidem Declaratione continetur IAMES R. IT having pleased Almighty GOD not only to bring Us to the Imperial Crowns of these Kingdoms through the greatest difficulties but to preserve Us by a more than ordinary Providence upon the Throne of Our Royal Ancestors There is nothing now that We so earnestly desire as to Establish Our Government on such a Foundation as may make Our Subjects happy and Unite them to Us by Inclination as well as Duty which We think can be done by no means so effectually as by Granting to them the Free Exercise of their Reilgion for the time to come and add that to the perfect enjoyment of their property which has never been in any case invaded by Us since Our coming to the Crown which being the two things men value most shall ever be preserved in these Kingdoms during Our Reign over them as the truest methods of their Peace and Our Glory We cannot but heartily wish as it will easily be believed that all the People of Our Dominions were Members of the Catholick Church yet We humbly thank Almighty GOD it is and hath of long time been Our constant Sense and Opinion which upon diverse occasions We have declared that Conscience ought not to be constrained nor People forced in matters of meer Religion It has ever been directly contrary to Our Inclination as We think it is to the Interest of Government which it destroys by spoiling Trade depopulating Countries and discouraging Strangers and finally that it never obtained the end for which it was imployed And in this We are the more Co●…medi by the Reflections We have made upon the conduct of the four last Reigns For after all the frequent and pressing endeavours that were used in each of them to reduce this Kingdom to an exact Conformity in Religion it is visible the success has not answered the design And that the difficulty is invincible We therefore out of Our Princely Care and Affection unto all Our Loving Subjects that they may live at ease and quiet and for the increase of Trade and encouragement of Strangers have thought fit by Virtue of Our Royal Prerogative to issue forth this Our Declaration of Indulgence making no doubt of the Concurrence of Our two Houses of Parliament when we shall think it convenient for them to meet In the first place we do Declare that We will Protect and Maintain Our Arch-bishops Bishops and Clergy and all other Our Subjects of the Church of England in the Free Exercise of their Religion as by Law Established and in the quiet
long time been Our constant Sense and Opinion which upon divers occasions we have declared That Conscience ought not to be constrained nor People forced in matters of meer Religion It hath ever been directly contrary to Our Inclinations as We think it is to the Interest of Government which it destroys by spoiling Trade depopulating Countries and discouraging Strangers and finally that it never obtained the End for which it was employed And in this we are the more confirmed by the Reflections we have made upon the Conduct of the four last Reigns For after all the frequent and pressing Endeavours that were used in each of them to reduce this Kingdom to an exact Conformity in Religion it is visible the Success has not answered the Design and that the difficulty is invincible We therefore out of Our Princely Care and Affection unto all Our loving Subjects that they may live at ease and quiet and for the Increase of Trade and Encouragment of Strangers have thought fit by Vertue of Our Royal Prerogative to issue forth this Our Declaration of Indulgence making no doubt of the concurrence of Our two Houses of Parliament when We shall think it convenient for them to meet In the first place We do declare That We will protect and maintain Our Archbishops Bishops and Clergy and all other Our Subjects of the Church of England in the free Exercise of their Religion as by Law established and in the quiet and full Enjoyment of all their Possessions without any molestation or disturbance whatsoever We do likewise declare That it is Our Royal Will and Pleasure that from henceforth the Execution of all and all manner of Penal Laws in Matters Ecclesiastical for not coming to Church or not receiving the Sacrament or for any other Nonconformity to the Religion established or for or by reason of the Exercise of Religion in any manner whatsoever be immediately suspended and the further Execution of the said Penal Laws and every of them is hereby suspended And to the end that by the Liberty hereby granted the Peace and Security of Our Government in the Practice thereof may not be endangered We have thought fit and do hereby straitly charge and command all Our loving Subjects that as we do freely give them leave to meet and serve God after their own way and manner be it in private Houses or Places purposely hired or built for that use so that they take especial Care that nothing be preached or taught amongst them which may any ways tend to alienate the hearts of Our People from Us or Our Government And that their Meetings and Assemblies be Peaceably Openly and Publickly held and all Persons freely admitted to them and that they do signifie and make known to some One or more of the next Justice of the Peace what Place or Places they set apart for those Uses And that all our Subjects may enjoy such their Religious Assemblies with greater Assurance and Protection We have thought it requisite and do hereby Command that no disturbance of any kind be made or given unto them under Pain of our Displeasure and to be further proceeded against with the uttermost Severity And forasmuch as We are desirous to have the benefit of the Service of all our Loving Subjects which by the Law of Nature is inseparably annexed to and inherent in Our Royal Person and that none of our Subjects may for the future be under any discouragement or disability who are otherwise well inclined and fit to serve Us by reason of some Oaths o●… Tests that have been usually administred on such Occasions We do hereby further Declare That it is Our Royal Will and Pleasure That the Oaths commonly called the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance and also the several Tests and Declarations mentioned in the Acts of Parliament made in the 25th and 30th Years of the Reign of Our late Royal Brother King Charles the Second shall not at any time hereafter be required to be taken declared or subscribed by any Person or Persons whatsoever who is or shall be imployed in any Office or Place of Trust either Civil of Military under Us or in Our Government And We do further declare it to be Our Pleasure and Intention from time to time hereafter to grant Our Royal Dispensations under Our Great Seal to all Our Loving Subjects so to be employed who shall not take the said Oaths or subscribe or declare the said Tests or Declarations in the above mentioned Acts and every of them And to the end that all Our Loving Subjects may receive and enjoy the full benefit and advantage of Our Gracious Indulgence hereby intended and may be acquitted and discharged from all Pains Penalties Forfeitures and Disabilities by them or any of them incurred or forfeited or which they shall or may at any time hereafter be liable to for or by reason of their Nonconformity or the Exercise of their Religion and from all Suits Troubles or Disturbances for the same We do hereby give Our Free and Ample Pardon unto all Nonconformists Recusants and other Our Loving Subjects for all Crimes and things by them Committed or done contrary to the Penal Laws formerly made relating to Religion and the Profession or Exercise thereof hereby Declaring That this Our Royal Pardon and Indempnity shall be as good and effectual to all Intents and Purposes as if every individual Person had been therein particularly Named or had Particular Pardons under Our Great Seal Which We do likewise Declare shall from time to time be Granted unto any Person or Persons desiring the same Willing and requiring Our Judges Justices and other Officers to take notice of and obey Our Royal Will and Pleasure herein before Declared And although the Freedom and Assurance We have hereby given in Relation to Religion and Property might be sufficient to remove from the Minds of Our Loving Subjects all Fears and Jealousies in relation to either yet We have thought fit further to Declare That We will Maintain them in all their Properties and Possessions as well of Church and Abby Lands as in any other their Lands and Properties whatsoever Given at Our Court at Whitehall the 4th day of April 1687. in the Third Year of Our Reign Ever since We Granted this Indulgence We have made it Our Principal Care to see it preserved without distinction as We are encouraged to do dayly by Multitudes of Addresses and many other Assurances We receive from Our Subjects of all Perswasions as Testimonies of their Satisfaction and Duty the Effects of which We doubt not but the next Parliament will plainly shew and that it will not be in vain that We have resolved to use Our uttermost Endeavours to Establish Liberty of Conscience on such just and equal Foundations as will render it unalterable and secure to all People the free Exercise of their Religion for ever by which future Ages may reap the benefit of what is so undoubtedly for the general good of the
are Sir Sam. Astrey There is the Clerk of the Records of the Tower Mr. Halstead will read it very well in French or English. Then Mr. Halstead was sworn to interpret the Records into English according to the best of his Skill and Knowledge but not reading very readily a true Copy of the Record in English follows out of the Rolls of Parliament in the 15th Year of King Richard the Second Numero Primo FRiday the Morrow of All Souls which was the first Day of this Parliament holden at Westminster in the fifteenth Year of the Reign of our Lord King Richard the Second after the Conquest the Reverend Father in God the Archbishop of York Primate and Chancellor of England by the King's Commandment being present in Parliament pronounced and declared very nobly and wisely the Cause of the Summons of this Parliament And said First That the King would that holy Church principally and afterwards the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and also the Cities and Burroughs should have and enjoy their Liberties and Franchises as well as they had them and enjoyed them in the Time of his Noble Progenitors Kings of England and also in his own Time. And afterwards said The Summons of this Parliament was principally for three Occasions The first Occasion was To ordain how the Peace and Quiet of the Land which have heretofore been greatly blemished and disturbed as well by Detraction and Maintenance as otherwise might be better holden and kept and the Laws better executed and the King's Commands better obeyed The second Occasion was To ordain●… and see how the Price of Wools which is beyond measure lessened and impaired might be better amended and inhaunced And also That in case the War should begin again at the End of the present Truce to wit at the Assumption of our Lady next coming to ordain and see how and whereby the said War may be maintained at the least Charge of the People And the third Occasion was touching the Statutes of Provisors To ordain and see how our Holy Father might have that which to him belongs and the King that which belongs to him and to his Crown according unto that Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar ' s and unto God the things which are God's Then the other Record of Richard the Second was read as follows out of the Rolls of Parliament the fifteenth Year of King Richard the Second No 8 Be it remembred touching the Statute of Provisors That the Commons for the great Confidence which they have in the Person of our Lord the King and in his most excellent Knowledge and in the great Tenderness which he hath for his Crown and the Rights thereof and also in the noble and high Discretions of the Lords have assented in full Parliament that our said Lord the King by Advice and Assent of the said Lords may make such Sufferance touching the said Statute as shall seem to him reasonable and profitable until the next Parliament so as the said Statute be not repealed in no Article thereof And that all those who have any Benefices by force of the said Statute before this present Parliament and also That all those to whom any Aid Tranquility or Advantage is accrued by virtue of the said Statute of the Benefices of Holy Church of which they were heretofore in Possession as well by Presentation or Collation of our Lord the King as of the Ordinaries or Religious Persons whatsoever or by any other manner or way whatsoever may freely have and enjoy them and peaceably continue their Possession thereof without being ousted thereof or any ways challenged hindred molested disquieted or grieved hereafter by any Provisors or others against the Form and Effect of the Statute aforesaid by reason of the said Sufferance in any time to come And moreover That the said Commons may disagree at the next Parliament to this Sufferance and fully resort to the said Statute if it shall seem good to them to do it With Protestation That this Assent which is a Novelty and has not been done before this time be not drawn into Example or Consequence for Time to come And they prayed our Lord the King that the Protestation might be entred of Record in the Roll of the Parliament And the King granted and commanded to do it Mr. S. Levinz Now my Lord we will go on This was in Richard the Second's Time And a Power is given by the Commons to the King with the Assent of the Lords to dispense but only to the next Parliament with a Power reserved to the Commons and to disagree to it and retract that Consent of theirs the next Parliament Sir Geo. Treby The Statute of Provisors was and is a Penal Law and concerning Ecclesiastical Matters too viz. The Collating and Presenting to Archbishopricks Bishopricks Benefices and Dignities of the Church And in this Record now read the Parliament give the King a limited Power and for a short Time to dispense with that Statute But to obviate all Pretence of such a Power 's being inherent in the Crown as a Prerogative they declare 1. That it was a Novelty that is as much as to say That the King had no such Power before 2. That it should not be drawn into Example that is to say That he should have no such Power for the future Mr. S. Levinz Now we will go on to the Records mentioned in the Petition those in the last King's Time in 1662 and 1672 and that in this King's Time in 1685. Where is the Journal of the House of Lords Mr. Walker sworn L. C. I. Is that the Book of the House of Lords Mr. Walker It is the Journal of the House of Lords L. C. I. Is it kept by you Mr. Walker Yes my Lord. L. C. I. Where is it kept Mr. Walker In the usual place here in Westminster Mr. Soll. Gen. What is that Mr. S. Levinz It is the Journal of the House of Lords But my Lord there is one thing that is mentioned in the last Record that is read which is worth your Lordship's and the Jury's Observation That it is declared a Novelty and a Protestation that it should not be drawn into Precedent for the future L. C. I. That has been observed Brother Let us hear your Record read Clerk read Die Mercurii 18 o die Februarii 1662. His Majesty was present this Day sitting in the Regal Crown and Robes the Peers being likewise in their Robes The King gave Order to the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod to signifie to the House of Commons his Pleasure that they presently come up and attend His Majesty with their Speaker who being present His Majesty made this Speech following My Lords and Gentlemen I Am very glad to meet you here again having thought the Time long since we parted and often wished you had been together to help me in some Occasions which have fallen out I need not repeat them unto you you have all had
whole Kingdom It is such a Security We desire without the burden and constraint of Oaths and Tests which have been unhappily made by some Governments but could never support any nor should Men be advanced by such means to Offices and Employments which ought to be the Reward of Services Fidelity and Merit We must conclude that not only good Christians will joyn in this but whoever is concerned for the increase of the Wealth and Power of the Nation It would perhaps prejudice some of our Neighbours who might lose part of those vast Advantages they now enjoy if Liberty of Conscience were settled in these Kingdoms which are above all others most capable of Improvements and of Commanding the Trade of the World. In Pursuance of this great Work we have been forced to make many changes both of Civil and Military Officers throughout Our Dominions not thinking any ought to be employed in Our Service who will not contribute towards the establishing the Peace and Greatness of their Country which We most earnestly desire as unbiassed Men may see by the whole Conduct of Our Government and by the Condition of Our Fleet and of Our Armies which with good management shall be constantly the same and greater if the Safety or Honour of the Nation require it We recommend these Considerations to all Our Subjects and that they will reflect on their present Ease and Happiness how for above three Years that it hath pleased God to permit Us to Reign over these Kingdoms We have not appeared to be that Prince Our Enemies would have made the World afraid of Our chief Aim having been not to be the Oppressor but the Father of Our People of which We can give no better Evidence than by conjuring them to lay aside all private Animosities as well as groundless Jealousies and to choose such Members of Parliament as may do their part to finish what We have begun for the Advantage of the Monarchy over which Almighty God hath placed Us being resolved to call a Parliament that shall meet in November next at farthest Quam quidem Regalem Declarationem dicti Domini Regis nunc ultimo mentionatam idem Dominus Rex nunc postea scilicet tricesimo die Aprilis Anno Regni sui quarto supra dicto apud Westmonasterium praedictum in Comitatu Middlesexiae praedicto imprimi per totam Angliam publicari causavit pro magis solemni demonstratione notificatione manifestatione gratiae suae Regiae benignitatis benevolentiae suae ad omnes ligeos suos in eadem Declaratione ultimo mentionata specificatos postea scilicet quarto die Maii Anno Regni sui quarto apud Westmonasterium praedictum in Comitatu Middlesexiae praedicto idem Dominus Rex debito modo ordinavit prout sequitur At the Court at Whitehall the 4th of May 1688. It is this Day Ordered by His Majesty in Council That His Majesty's late Gracious Declaration bearing Date the 27th of April last be read at the usual time of Divine Service upon the 20th and 27th of this Month in all Churches and Chappels within the Cities of London and Westminster and Ten Miles thereabout and upon the 3d. and 10th of Iune next in all other Churches and Chappels throughout this Kingdom And it is hereby further Ordered That the Right Reverend the Bishops cause the said Declaration to be sent and distributed throughout their several and respective Diocesses to be read accordingly Et ulterius idem Attornatus dicti Domini Regis nunc Generalis pro eodem Domino Rege dat Curiae hic intelligi informari quod post Confectionem praedicti ordinis scilicet decimo octavo die Maii Anno Regni dicti Domini Regis nunc quarto supradicto apud Westmonasterium praedictum in Comitatu Middlesexiae praedicto Willielmus Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis de Lambeth in Comitatu Surriae Willielmus Episcopus Asaphensis de St. Asaph in Comitatu Flintiae Franciscus Episcopus Eliensis de Parochia Sancti Andreae Holborn in Comitatu Middlesexiae Iohannes Episcopus Cicestrensis de Cicestria in Comitatu Sussexiae Thomas Episcopus Bathenensis Wellensis de Civitate Wells in Comitatu Somersetiae Thomas Episcopus Petriburgensis de parochia sancti Andreae Holborne in Comitatu Middlesexiae Ionathan Episcopus Bristolensis de Civitate Bristol inter se consuluerunt conspiraverunt ad diminuendam Regiam Authoritatem Regalem Praerogativam Potestatem Regimen ejusdem Domini Regis nunc ' in praemissis ●…ac ad eundem Ordinem infringendum eludendum ac in prosecutione executione conspirationis praedictae ipsi iidem Willielmus Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis Willielmus Episcopus Asaphensis Franciscus Episcopus Eliensis Iohannes Episcopus Cicestrensis Thomas Episcopus Bathonensis Wellensis Thomas Episcopus Petriburgensis Ionathan Episcopus Bristollensis dicto decimo octavo die Maii Anno regni dicti Domini Regis nunc quarto supradicto vi armis c. apud Westmonasterium praedictum in Comitatu Middlesexiae praedicto illicitè malitiosè seditiosè scandalosè quoddam falsum fictum pernitiosum seditiosum libellum in scriptis de eodem Domino Rege Regali Declaratione Ordine praedictis praetensu Petitionis fabricaverunt composuerunt scripserunt fabricari componi scribi causaverunt eundem falsum fictum malitiosum pernitiosum seditiosum libellum per ipsos praedictum Willielmum Archiepiscopum Cantuariensem Willielmum Episcopum Asaphensem Franciscum Episcopum Eliensem Iohannem Episcopum Cicestrensem Thomam Episcopum Bathonensem Wellensem Thomam Episcopum Petriburgensem Ionathamum Episcopum Bristollensem manibus suis propriis respective subscriptum die anno loco ultimo menconatis in praesentiâ dicti Domini Regis nunc vi armis co publicaverunt publicari causaverunt in quo quidem falso ficto malitioso pernitioso seditioso libello continetur The Humble Petition of William Archbishop of Canterbury and of divers of the Suffragan Bishops of that Province now present with him in behalf of themselves and others of their absent Brethren and of the Clergy of their respective Diocesses Humbly sheweth THAT the great Averseness they find in themselves to the distributing and publishing in all their Churches Your Majesties late Declaration for Liberty of Conscience proceedeth neither from any want of Duty and Obedience to Your Majesty our Holy Mother the Church of England being both in her Principles and in her constant Practice unquestionably Loyal and having to her great Honour been more than once publickly acknowledged to be so by Your Gracious Majesty nor yet from any want of due Tenderness to Dissenters in relation to whom they are willing to come to such a Temper as shall be thought fit when that matter shall be considered and setled in Parliament and Convocation But among many other Considerations from this especially because that Declaration is founded upon such a dispensing Power as hath been often declared illegal
is not Evidence upon this Information Mr. Soll. Gen. We have proved it written and published in Middlesex Mr. Serj. Pemb. The contrivance and writing of a Libell is in itself penal and they may be punished for it if they be found guilty Now if they could give an undeniable Evidence concerning the publishing of it that is nothing to this point but if they should not give such Evidence or any Evidence at all of the publication yet if it be proved that it was written and contrived by them they would be guilty for so much if it be a Libell and this we say is local as well as all the rest and therefore we insist upon it that the writing and contriving must as well be proved to be in Middlesex as the publication for all is local L. C. Iust. There is no publishing yet proved Mr. Serj. Levinz It is true my Lord here is nothing of a Publication yet with your Lordship's favour for their Answer to His Majesty in Council was that they did not publish it all that is said yet is that they owned the Paper to be their hands My Lord does the owning of that own that it was written in the County of Middlesex or that it was contrived or made there No surely upon this Evidence the place is clearly at large My Lord this might have been done in the County of Surrey or Somerset or any other County Their Information is that they did consult and contrive to diminish the King's Prerogative at Westminster in the County of Middlesex and there they did write and cause to be written this Libell and there they did publish it suppose it should be granted that it is proved that this is the Archbishop's Hand-writing and these are their Names to it is there any one Evidence that any thing of this was done in Middlesex and my Lord that is the thing they are to prove Mr. Sommers If your Lordship please all matters of Crime are so local that if it be not proved to be done in the County where it is laid the party accused is as innocent as if he never had done the thing and with submission it is the very point of the Information that it be proved they are guilty of the Fact in the place where it is laid to be done L. C. Iust. This is the same thing over and over again but I am content to hear you Mr. Sommers at any time I have told you my opinion about reading of the Paper already if you 'll have it again you may Mr. Pollixfen Pray good my Lord spare us before it be read Mr. Iust. Holloway Mr. Pollixfen you have not yet had the Directions of the Court for the reading of it Mr. Att. Gen. My Lord when this Paper is read which we pray it may be we will answer their Objections but at present we say they are out of time Mr. Pollixfen Good Lord what a ●…ange thing is this We object against the reading of it and you 'll answer us after it is read Mr. Soll. Gen. Certainly my Lord we have done enough to prove that this is a paper owned by them in the County of Middlesex and we pray it may be read L. Ch. Iust. Truly I am of the same mind I was before that it is too soon to make the Objection and that the Paper ought to be read Mr. Soll. Gen. We submit to your Rule Mr. Pollixfen If it be the Will of the Court I have nothing to say Mr. Iust. Powell My Lord The Contrivance and Publication are both matters of Fact and upon Issue joined the Jurors are Judges of the Fact as it is laid in the Information but how can they be Judges of a matter of Fact done in another County and it must be presumed in favour of Innocence not to be done in this County but in another except they prove it Mr. Att. Gen. We are not yet ripe for arguing that point Mr. Soll. Gen. We are speaking only to the Court now for the reading of this Paper and the Jury are not Judges of that whether the Paper ought to be read or no that is merely a matter of Law and under the direction of the Court and therefore I pray since it is now in your Lordship's Judgment whether that Paper should be read that you would please to order it to be read L. C. Iust. I can only give you my own opinion let my Brothers give theirs Mr. Iust. Holloway There is no body against the reading of it my Lord I suppose my Brother Powell is not against its being read Mr. Iust. Powell But they say the King's Counsel must make it out first that the writing of it and the conspiring about it was in the County of Midds or there can be no judgment so much as to read it Mr. Pollixfen My Lord If the Objection be saved to us we shall not so much oppose the reading it only we would not be surprized in point of time Mr. Iust. Powell Nay if they consent to the reading we have no reason to hinder it L. C. Iust. Brother I believe they know well enough what they have to say for their Clients let the Paper be read Clerk reads The Humble Petition of William Archbishop of Canterbury Sir. R. Sawyer Read the whole Petition Pray my Lord that the whole may read Read the Top first Sir to whom it was directed L. C. Iust. Read the whole Clerk reads To the King 's Most Excellent Majesty The Humble Petition of William Archbishop of Canterbury and of divers of the Suffragan Bishops of that Province now present with him in behalf of themselves and others of their absent Brethren and of the Clergy of their respective Dioceses Humbly sheweth THat the great aversness they find in themselves to the distributing and publishing in all their Churches your Majesties late Declaration for Liberty of Conscience proceedeth neither from any want of Duty and Obedience to your Majesty our holy Mother the Church of England being both in her Principles and in her constant practice unquestionably loyal and having to her great Honour been more than once publickly acknowledged to be so by your Gratious Majesty nor yet from any want of due tenderness to Dissenters in relation to whom they are willing to come to such a Temper as shall be thought fit when that matter shall be considered and settled in Parliament and Convocation but amongst many other considerations from this especially because that Declaration is founded upon such a Dispencing Power as hath been often declared illegal in Parliament and particularly in the Years 1662 and 1672 and in the beginning of your Majesties Reign and is a matter of so great moment and consequence to the whole Nation both in Church and State that your Petitioners cannot in Prudence Honour or Conscience so far make themselves parties to it as the Distribution of it all over the Nation and the solemn Publication of it once and again even in
Records in Parliament mentioned in their Petition and produce several Ancient Records of former Parliaments that prove this Point and particularly in the Time of Richard the Second concerning the Statute of Provisors where there were particular Dispensations for that Statute the King was enabled to do it by Act of Parliament●… and could not do it without L. C. Iust. Pray Sir Robert Sawyer go to your Proofs and reserve your Arguments till afterwards Sir Rob. Sawyer My Lord I do but shortly mention these things so that my Lord as to the Matter of this Petition we shall shew you that it is true and agreeable to the Laws of the Land. Then my Lord as to the manner of delivering it I need say no more but that it is plain from their Evidence that it was in the most private and humble manner And as my Lord President said Leave was asked of the King for them to be admitted to present it Leave was given and accordingly they did it We come then my Lord to the third thing the Persons these noble Lords and we shall shew they are not Busie-Bodies but in this Matter have done their Duty and medled with their own Affairs That my Lord will appear First By the general Care that is reposed in them by the Law of the Land They are frequently in our Books called the King's Spiritual Judges they are intrusted with the Care of Souls and the Superintendency over all the Clergy is their principal Care. But besides this my Lord there is another special Care put upon them by the express Words of an Act of Parliament for over and above the general Care of the Church by virtue of their Offices as Bishops the Act of 1 Eliz. cap. 2. makes them special Guardians of the Law of Uniformity and of that other Law in His Late Majesty's Reign where all the Clauses of that Statute of 1 Eliz. are revived and made applicable to the present State of the Church of England Now in that Statute of 1 Eliz. there is this Clause And for the due Execution hereof the Queen 's Most Excellent Majesty the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and all the Commons in this present Parliament assembled do in God's Name earnestly require and charge all the Archbishops and Bishops and other Ordinaries that they do endeavour themselves to the utmost of their Knowledges that the due and true Execution hereof may be had throughout their Diocesses and Charges as they will answer before God for such Evils and Plagues wherewith Almighty God may justly punish his People for neglecting this good and wholsome Law. This is the Charge that lies upon the Bishops to take care of the Execution of that Law and I shall pray by and by that it may be read to the Jury Mr. Soll. Gen. That is very well indeed To what purpose Sir Rob. Sawyer So that my Lord by this Law it is plain that my Lords the Bishops upon pain of bringing upon themselves the Imprecation of this Act of Parliament are obliged to see it executed and then my Lord when any thing comes under their Knowledge especially if they are to be Actors in it that has such a tendency to destroy the very Foundations of the Church as the Suspension of all the Laws that relate to the Church must do it concerns them that have no other Remedy to address the King by Petition about it For that Mr. Attorney my Lord has agreed That if a proper Remedy be pursued in a proper Court for a Grievance complained of though there may be many hard Words that else would be scandalous yet being in a regular Course they are no Scandal And so it is said in Lake's Case in my Lord Hobbart My Lord we must appeal to the King or we can appeal to no body to be relieved against an Order of Council with which we are aggrieved and it is our Duty so to do according to the Care that the Law hath placed in us Besides my Lord the Bishops were commanded by this Order to do an Ac●… relating to their Ecclesiastical Function to distribute it to be read by their Clergy And how could they in Conscience do it when they thought part of the Declaration was not according to Law Pray my Lord What has been the reason of His Majesty's consulting of his Judges And if His Majesty or any the great Officers by his Command are about to do any thing that is contrary to Law was it ever yet an Offence to tell the King so I always look'd upon it as the Duty of an Officer or Magistrate to tell the King what is Law and what is not Law. In Cavendish's Case in the Queen's time there was an Office granted of the Retorn of the Writs of Supersedeas in the Court of Common Pleas and he comes to the Court and desires to be put into the possession of the Office The Court told him They could do nothing in it but he must bring his Assize He applies to the Queen and she sends under the Privy Seal a Command to sequester the Profits and to take Security to answer th●… Profits as the Judgment of the Law should go But the Judges there return an Answer That it was against Law and they could not do it Then there comes a second Letter reciting the former and commanding their Obedience The Judges returned for Answer They were upon their Oaths and were sworn to keep the Laws and would not do it My Lord The like was done in the time of my Lord Hobbart We have it reported in Anderson in a Case where a Prohibition had gone There came a Message from Court that a Consultation should be granted and that was a Matter wherein there were various Opinions whether it was Ex Necessitate or Discretionary but there they return'd That it was against Law for any such Message to he sent Now here my Lord is a Case full as strong My Lords the Bishops were commanded to do an Act which they conceived to be against Law and they decline it and tell the King the reason and they have done it in the most humble manner that could be by way of Petition If they had done as the Civil Law terms it Rescribere generally that had been lawful but here they have done it in a more respectful manner by an humble Petition If they had said the Law was otherwise that sure had been no Fault but they do not so much as that but they only say it was so declared in Parliament and they declare it with all Humility and Dutifulness So that my Lord if we consider the Persons of the Defendants they have not acted as Busie-Bodies and therefore as this Case is when we have given our Evidence here will be an Answer to all the Implications of Law that are contained in this Information For they would have this Petition work by Implication of Law to make a Libel of it but by what I have said it will appear
then and in that first Attempt it was so far from being acknowledged that it was taken notice of in Parliament and declared against So it was in the Years 1662. and 1672. In the Year 62. where there was but the least Umbrage given of such a Dispensing Power although the King had declared in his Speech to the Parliament that he wished he had such a Power which his Declaration before seemed to assume the Parliament was so jealous of this that they immediately made their Application to His Majesty by an Address against the Declaration and they give Reasons against it in their Address One in particular was That the King could not dispense with those Laws without an Act of Parliament There was another Attempt in 1672. and then after His Majesty had in his Speech mentioned his Declaration to them the Parliament there again particularly the House of Commons did humbly address to His Majesty setting forth that this could not be done by Law without an Act of Parliament And your Lordship by and by upon reading the Record will be satisfied what was the Event of all this His Majesty himself was so far pleased to concurr with them in that Opinion that he cancell'd his Declaration tore off the Seal and caused it to be made known to the House of Lords by the Lord Chancellor who by His Majesty's Command satisfied the House of it that His Majesty had broken the Seal and cancell'd the Declaration with this further Declaration which is enter'd in the Records of the House That it should never be drawn into Example or Consequence My Lord The Matter standing thus in respect to the King's Prerogative and the Declarations that had been made in Parliament consider next I beseech you how far my Lords the Bishops were concerned in this Question humbly to make their Application to the King. My Lords the Bishops lying under a Command to publish this Declaration it was their Duty as Peers of the Realm and Bishops of the Church of England humbly to apply themselves to His Majesty to make known their Reasons why they could not obey that Command and they do it with all Submission and all Humility representing to His Majesty what had been declared in Parliament and it having been so declared they could not comply with his Order as apprehending that this Declaration was founded upon that which the Parliament declared to be illegal and so His Majesty's Command to publish this Declaration would not warrant them so to do This they did as Peers and this they had a Right to do as Bishops humbly to advise the King. For suppose my Lord which is not to be supposed in every Case nor do I suppose it in this but suppose that there might be a King of England that should be mis-led I do not suppose that to be the Case now I say but I know it hath been the Case formerly that the King should be environed with Counsellors that had given him evil Advice it has been objected as a Crime against such evil Counsellors that they would not permit and suffer the Great Men of the Kingdom to offer the King their Advice How often do we say in Westminster-Hall That the King is deceived in his Grant There is scarce a Day in the Term but it is said in one Court or other but it was never yet thought an Offence to say so And what more is there in this Case My Lord If the King was mis-informed or under a Mis-apprehension of the Law my Lords as they are Peers and as they are Bishops are concerned in it and if they humbly apply themselves to the King and offer him their Advice where is the Crime My Lord These noble Lords the Defendants had more than an ordinary Call to this for besides the Duty of their Office and the Care of the Church that was incumbent on them as Bishops they were here to become Actors for they were by that Order of Council commanded themselves to publish it and to distribute it to the several Ministers in their several Diocesses with their Commands to read it Therefore they had more than ordinary Reason to concern themselves in the Matter Next We are to consider my Lord in what manner this was done They make their Application to the King by an humble Petition with all the Decency and Respect that could be shewn asking leave first to approach his Person and having leave they offer'd my Lord President the Matter of their Petition that nothing might seem hard or disrespectful or as if they intended any thing that was unfit to be avowed When they had taken all this Care in their Approach and begging leave for it they come secretly to the King in private when he was all alone and there they humbly present this Petition to His Majesty Now how this can be called the Publication of a malicious and seditious Libel when it was but the Presenting of a Petition to the King alone And how it can be said to be with an Intent to stir up Sedition in the People against His Majesty and to alienate the Hearts of his People from him when it was in this private manner delivered to him himself only truly I cannot apprehend My Lord I hope nothing of this can be thought an Offence If the Jury should think that there has been Evidence sufficient given to prove that my Lords the Bishops did deliver this Paper to the King yet that is not enough to make them guilty of this Information unless this Paper be likewise found to be in Diminution of the King 's Royal Prerogative and Regal Authority in dispensing with and suspending of all Laws without Act of Parliament Unless it be found to be a Libel against the King to tell him That in Parliament it was so and so declared And unless the presenting this by way of Petition which is the Right of all People that apprehend themselves aggrieved to approach His Majesty by Petition be a Libelling of the King And unless this humble Petition in this manner presented to the King in private may be said to be a malicious and seditious Libel with an Intent to stir up the People to Sedition Unless all this can be found there is no Man living can ever find my Lords the Bishops guilty upon this Information Therefore my Lord we will go on and make out this Matter that we have opened to your Lordship if Mr. Attorney and Mr. Sollicitor think fit to argue the Points that we have opened Mr. Pollixfen Pray my Lord spare me a Word on the same Side For the first Point It is a Point of Law whether the Matter contained in this Petition be a Libel The King's Council pretend it is so because it says the Declaration is founded upon a Power the Parliament has declared to be illegal But we say that whatsoever the King is pleased to say in any Declaration of his it is not the King 's saying of it that makes
the Noise of them in your several Countries and God be thanked they were but Noise without any worse Effects To cure the Distempers and compose the differing Minds that are yet amongst us I set forth my Declaration of the 26th of December In which you may see I am willing to set Bounds to the Hopes of some and to the Fears of others of which when you shall have examined well the Grounds I doubt not but I shall have your Concurrence therein The truth is I am in my Nature an Enemy to all Severity for Religion and Conscience how mistaken soever it be when it extends to Capital and Sanguinary Punishments which I am told were began in Popish Times Therefore when I say this I hope I ●…hall not need to warn any here not to inferr from thence that I mean to favour Popery I must confess to you there are many of that Profession who having served my Father and my self very well may fairly hope for some part in that Indulgence I would willingly afford to others who dissent from us But let me explain my self lest some mistake me herein as I heard they did in my Declaration I am far from meaning by this a Toleration or Qualifying them thereby to hold any Offices or Places of Trust in the Government Nay further I desire some Laws may be made to hinder the Growth and Progress of their Doctrine I hope you have all so good an Opinion of my Zeal for the Protestant Religion as I need not tell you I will not yield to any therein not to the Bishops themselves nor in my liking the Uniformity of it as it is now established which being the Standard of our Religion must be kept pure and uncorrupted free from all other Mixtures And yet if the Dissenters will demcan themselves peaceably and modestly under the Government I could heartily wish I had such a Power of Indulgence to use upon Occasion Sir Geo. Treby Pray Sir read that out distinctly Clerk reads I could heartily wish I had such a Power of indulgence to use upon Occasion as might not needlesly force them out of the Kingdom or staying here give them Cause to conspire against the peace of it My Lords and Gentlemen It would look like Flattering in me to tell you in what degree I am confident of your Wisdom and Affection in all things that relate to the Greatness and Prosperity of the Kingdom If you consider well what is best for us all I dare say we shall not disagree I have no more to say to you at present but once again to bid you heartily welcome Mr. Finch The next thing we shall shew you is that after the King had made this Speech and wished he had such a Power of Indulgence to use upon Occasion there was a Bill in the House of Lords brought in to enable the King to dispense with several Laws We shall shew you the Journal where it was Read and Committed but further than that it went not L. C. I. What Use do you make of this Mr. Finch Sir Rob. Sawyer You may easily apprehend the Use we shall make of it The King in his Speech says He wish'd he had such a Power the House of Lords thought he had not and therefore they order'd a Bill to be brought in to enable him Read the Journal of the Lords of the 13th of March 1662. Clerk reads Die Veneris XIII o die Martii 1662. After some Debate whether the House should be put into a Grand Committee for the further Debate of the Bill concerning His Majesty's Power in Ecclesiastical Affairs it was put to the Question viz. As many of your Lordships as would have this House adjourned and put into a Committee to consider of the said Bill say Content others Not Content Passed in the Affirmative And then the Lord Chamberlain of the Houshold was directed to take the Chair as formerly which he did accordingly And after Debate the House was resumed after the Grand Committee had appointed a Sub-Committee touching the said Bill Sir Rob. Sawyer This is all in the Journal of the House of Lords about this Matter We will now shew you the Bill it self Clerk reads An Act concerning His Majesty's Power in Ecclesiastical Affairs WHereas divers of His Majesty's Subjects through Error of Judgment and mis-guided Consciences whereunto the Licentiousness of these late unhappy Times have much contributed do not conform themselves to the Order of Divine Worship and Service established by Law and although His Majesty and both Houses of Parliament are fully satisfied that those Scruples of Conscience from whence this Nonconformity ariseth are ill grounded and that the Government of the Church with the Service thereof as now established is the best that is any where extant and most effectual to the Preservation of the Protestant Religion Yet hoping that Clemency and Indulgence may in time wear out those Prejudices and reduce the Dissenters to the Unity of the Church and considering that this Indulgence how necessary soevever cannot be dispensed by any certain Rule but must vary according to the Circumstances of Time and the Temper and Principles of those to whom it is to be granted and His Majesty being the best Judge when and to whom this Indulgence is to be dispensed or as may be most consistent with the publick Peace and without just Cause of Offence to others and to the end His Majesty may be enabled to exercise it with universal Satisfaction Be it Enacted by the King 's Most Excellent Majesty by Advice and with the Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority thereof That the King's Majesty may by Letters Patents under the Great Seal or by such other Ways as to His Majesty shall seem meet dispense with one Act or Law made the last Session of this present Parliament Intituled An Act for the Uniformity of Publick Prayers and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies and for Establishing the Form of Making and Ordaining and Consecrating Bishops Priests and Deueotis in the Church of England and with any other Laws or Statutes concerning the same or requiring Oaths or Subscriptions or which do enjoin Conformity to the Order Discipline and Worship established in this Church and the Penalties in the said Laws imposed or any of them And may grant ●…fences to such of His Majesty's Subjects of the Protestant-Religion of whose inoffensive and peaceable Disposition His Majesty shall be perswaded to enjoy and use the Exercise of their Religion and Worship though differing from the publick Rule the said Laws and Statutes or any Disabilities Incapacities or Penalties in them or any of them contained or any Matter or Thing to the contrary thereof notwithstanding Provided always and be it Enacted That no such Indulgence Licence or Dispensation hereby to be granted shall extend or be construed to extend to the Tolerating or Permitting the Use or
intrusted in him to the Peace and Establishment of the Church of England and the ease of all his Subjects in general Neither does he pretend to the Right of Suspending any Laws wherein the Properties Rights or Liberties of any of his Subjects are concerned nor to alter any thing in the established Doctrine or Discipline of the Church of England But his only design in this was to take off the Penalties the Statutes inflicted upon Dissenters which he believes when well considered of you your selves would not wish executed according to the Rigour and Letter of the Law neither hath he done this with any thought of avoiding or precluding the Advice of his Parliament and if any Bill shall be offered which shall appear more proper to attain the aforesaid Ends and secure the Peace of the Church and Kingdom when tendred in due manner to him he will shew how readily he will Concur in all ways that shall appear good for the Kingdom Sir Rob. Sawyer Turn to the 26th of February 1672. Clerk read Die Mercurii xxij February 1672. Mr. Powle Reports from the Committee appointed to consider of an Answer to return to his Majesties last Message upon the debate of the House an Answer agreed by the Committee and drawn up and put into Writing which he read in his place and then delivered the same in at the Clerks Table where it was twice read and is as followeth viz. Most Gracious Sovereign WE your Majesties most Humble and Loyal Subjects the Knights Citizens and Burgesses in this present Parliament Assembled do render to your most Sacred Majesty our most dutiful Thanks for that to our unspeakable Comfort your Majesty has been pleased so often to reiterate unto us those gracious Promises and Assurances of maintaining the Religion now Established and the Liberties and Properties of your People and we do not in the least Measure doubt but that your Majesty had the same gracious Intention in giving Satisfaction to your Subjects by your Answer to our last Petition and Address Yet upon a serious Consideration thereof We find that the said Answer is not sufficient to clear the Apprehensions that may justly remain in the minds of your People by your Majesties having claimed a Power to suspend Penal Statutes in Matters Ecclesiastical and which your Majesty does still seem to assert in the said Answer to be intrusted in the Crown and never questioned in the Reigns of any of your Ancestors Wherein we humbly conceive your Majesty has been very much Misinformed Since no such Power ever was claimed or exercised by any of your Majesties Pred●…ssors and if it should be admitted might tend to the interrupting the free Course of the Laws and altering the Legislative Power which hath always been acknowledged to reside in your Majesty and your two Houses of Parliament We therefore with an unanimous Consent become again most humble Suiters unto your Sacred Majesty That you would be pleased to give us a full and satisfactory Answer to our said Petition and Address and that your Majesty would take such effectual order that the Proceedings in this Matter may not for the future be drawn into Consequence or Example The Answer to his Majesties Message was again read by Paragraphs and the several Paragraphs to the last were upon the question severally agreed The last Paragraph being read and the Question being put that the Word unanimous should stand in the Paragraph The House divided The Noes go out Tellers Lord St. Iohn Mr. Vaughan for the Yeas 180. Sir Richard Temple Sir Philip Howard for the Noes 77. And so it was resolved in the Affirmative The Question being put to agree to the Paragraph it was resolved in the Affirmative Resolved c. That the whole Address be agreed to as it was brought in by the Committee Sir Rob. Sawyer Now turn to the Lords Journal and there your Lordship will see that the King does Communicate this Address to the Lords and desires their Advice Read the 1st of March 1672. Clerk reads Die Sabbati primo die Marcii 1672. His Majesty this Day made a short Speech as follows My Lords You know that at the Opening of this Session I spoke here to your Satisfaction it has notwithstanding begotten a greater disquiet in the House of Commons than I could have imagined I received an Address from them which I looked not for and I made them an Answer that ought to have contented them but on the contrary they have made me a Reply of such a nature that I cannot think fit to proceed any further in this Matter without your Advice I have commanded the Chancellor to acquaint you with all the Transactions wherein you will find both me and your selves highly concerned I am sensible for what relates to me and I assure you my Lords I am not less so for the Priviledg and the Honour of this House Afterwards the Lord Chancellor read the several Papers of Addresses of the House of Commons and his Majesties Answer thereunto and opened his Majesties proceedings upon them The Address of the House of Commons was read Sir Rob. Sawyer Pass over that you have read it already Clerk reads The next his Majesties Answer to the Address of the House of Commons was read as follows Sir Rob. Sawyer That hath been read too Clerk reads Then was read the Reply of the House of Commons to his Majesties Answer as followeth Mr. Finch You have read that likewise Clerk reads Upon this it is ordered that the Lord Treasurer Duke of Buckingham Earl of Bridgwater Earl of Northampton Earl of Bristol Earl of Berks Earl of Bullingbrook and the Earl of Anglesy do forthwith withdraw and consider what humble Thanks is fit to be given to his Majesty for his great Favour in communicating this Business to this House and report the same And accordingly the said Lords Committees did withdraw themselves for that purpose The Lords being returned the Duke of Buckingham reported what the Committee had prepared to present to his Majesty by way of Thanks which was read as followeth We the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled do unanimously present to your Sacred Majesty Our most humble Thanks for having been pleased to Communicate to us what has passed between your Majesty and the House of Commons whereby you have graciously offered us the means of shewing our Duty to your Majesty and of asserting the Ancient Just Rights and Priviledges of the House of Peers The Question being put whether to agree with the Committee It was resolved in the Affirmative Ordered that his Majesty be desired that his Speech and the Papers read this day may be entred into the Journal Book of this House The Lord Treasurer the Duke of Buckingham and the Lord Chamberlain are appointed to attend his Majesty presently to know his pleasure what time and place this whole House shall wait upon him to present the humble Thanks of this House for his great Favour shewed this day