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A19858 A treatise of the Church VVritten against them of the separation, commonly called Brownists. Wherein the true doctrine of a visible Church is taught, and the Church of England, proued to be a true Church. The Brownists false doctrine of the visible Church is conuinced; their shamefull peruerting of the holy Scriptures discouered, their arguments to proue the Church of England a false Church answered. Darrel, John, b. ca. 1562. 1617 (1617) STC 6286; ESTC S117495 230,202 407

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our selues were Proselites of the Iewes Religion so of the visible Church and yet vndoubtedly they came not to be such by the call of the word or by the power and operation therof but by beholding the great and wonderfull workes which the Lord wrought by the hand of Moses and Aaron and the freedom of the Iewes from those plagues which fell vpon the Egyptians When Haman was hanged and Mordecai exalted and comfortable letters sent to the Iewes that they should be readie on such a day and auenge themselues on their enemies so as vnto the Iewes was come light and ioy and gladnesse and honor it is recorded in that story Ester 8.17 that many of the people of that Land became Iewes that is turned to and professed the Iewes Religion and so were ioyned to the Church and then immediatly is shewed how that came to passe not by the call power and operation of the Word but because the feare of the Iewes fell vpon them This is manifest likewise in the Gospell where many are said to beleeue in Christ that is to professe faith in Christ and so were of the visible Church of whom it is plaine they were not drawne thereunto by the word but some by the report they heard of Christ as Ioh. 4.39 some for their belly sake to be fed by him as Ioh. 6.26 and some by his miracles as Ioh. 2.27 Seeing then this is not necessarie and generally true of all the members of the Church that they are called by the word of God very vnfitly was it placed in the description of a visible Church which if it were good would be true and each part of it of euery member thereof If it bee true that a visible Church is a company of men then thus is it also true whosoeuer is not a man is not nor can be of the visible Church and therefore no Angels no spirits or soules of men can be of this Church euen so it is in this case If this be true that a visible Church is a company called by the word of God then this is true also that whosoeuer is not called by the word and hath not felt the force and power of this mighty word is no member of the visible Church Moreouer suppose that one of the visible Church haue children and seruants that be Papists and that he after other perswasions commands and threats shall say vnto them except yee forsake your idolatry and worship God according to his word and not after the traditions and deuises of men yee shall be no children nor seruants vnto mee And that thereupon they frequent the Church assemblies and in processe of time doe in policie outwardly seeme to be religious renouncing Popery and p ofessing the true Religion when in the meane season they continue Popish still And not those to be accounted of the visible Church Yes verily for what though they haue a heart and a heart that is nothing to man we must leaue that to God Yet these children and seruants came not to bee of the Church by the call of the Word And herein this Father and Master did nothing but what in duety to God Gen. 18.19 and loue to men he ought to doe For I know him saith the Lord that he will command his sonnes and his houshold after him that they keepe the way of the Lord to doe righteousnesse and iudgement that the Lord may bring vpon Abraham that he hath spoken vnto him May and ought the Master and Father of a family doe this and may not or ought not the Father of the Country according to that authority which God hath giuen him likewise do the like by his family If he may why doe you condemne as it should seeme the proclamation and commandement giuen in this behalfe by Queene Elizabeth not long after shee came to the Crowne whereby the gathering of our Churches was hastened You ought rather to haue commended her for it When Iudah was fallen to Idolatry whereby it became a false Church the Lord raised vp certaine Kings of Iudah to restore and purge the Religion and worship of God then greatly corrupted whereby it became againe a true Church And this that they might the better effect they a 2. King 23.21 2. Chron. 14.4 and 33.16 commanded the people to serue the Lord in that manner that he had appointed them and not after the fashion and appointment of men as they had done Of Iosiah it is said That b 2. Chron. 34 33. hee compelled all that were found in Israel to serue the Lord their God Yea some of them to this end c 2. Chro. made proclamation throughout all Israel from Beersheba euen to Dan and accordingly sent forth the postes with the said proclamations or letters and that which is more d 2. Chro. 15.12.13 calling a Parliament made this statute or law That whosoeuer would not seeke the Lord God of Israel that is serue him according to his word as it is expounded 2. Chron. 14.4 should be slaine Concerning this also they caused the people to take an oath Then it followeth in the text And the Lord gaue them rest round about Whereby is intimated that God approued of this compulsion to serue him and therewith was well pleased Yee now that so greatly condemne the gathering of our Churches and teach that all who are of the visible Church are called by the word of God and thereby onely made members of that society That God heere must perswade the heart of man Counterpoyson 72. 170. That Christs Church to wit visible is a people begotten of God with the word of truth that Gods people meaning the visible Church are a voluntary people And thereupon condemne all force and compulsion vsed herein by the Magistrate Tell me I pray you whether all the Idolaters in the daies of Asa Hezekiah Manasseh and Iosiah that reformed themselues touching their outward profession were by the force and power of the word of God then preached brought to professe the true Religion and to ioyne with others in the true worship of God and so to be of the visible Church If you answere affirmatiuely he is a foole that beleeues you and such a one sure that if you say the crow is white will likewise beleeue you If negatiuely we need no more to conuince you For it some haue come to be of the visible Church who before were not and not by the call of the word which in giuing this negatiue answere you affirme then is not the visible Church a company of people c●lled by the word of God as you define it Secondly I demand of you why commandements proclamations threates force and compulsion being vsed by the Kings or Queenes of England in the restoring or purging of the Religion and worsh●p of God should not as well now b●e lawfull and pleasing to the Lord as the like proceedings vsed by the Kings of Iudah were in
the like case You answere thus M. Ainsworth Counterpoyson 229. The examples they alledge of reformation by the Kings of Iudah fit not their turnes for Iudah was a true Church though some corruptions had crept in as will easily doe into the best Ab●j●h the Predecessor of Asa maintained Gods true Religion and worship against idolatrous Israel both by word and sword So Asa found not his Kingdome a false Church as King Edward and Queene Elizabeth found England Afterwards when abominations had ouerspread the Land Hezekiah laboured a godly reformation and opening the doores of the Lords house he brought in the Priests and Leuites not the Chemarims or Baals Priests as the Popish Clergie were brought in or rather retained still in this Church 2. Chron. 30.6 Hezekiah sent ouer all the Land to conuert the people from idolatrie who laughed the messengers to skorne and mocked them howbeit diuers submitted themselues and came to Ierusalem Finally Iosiah purged the Land of idols and false worship and reduced his people vnto the true seruice of God Obserue this mans euasion and what shift he makes to help himselfe in a strait They will seeme to answere when they do nothing lesse For the iustifying of this That Christian Princes may and ought to command their subiects being Idolaters to forsake their Idolatry and worship the Lord and consequently to ioyne themselues to the true Church Wee alleage the examples and practise of certaine Kings of Iudah and namely of Asa Hezekiah Manasseh and Iosiah who did the like For answere to the first of these examples you tell vs that howsoeuer the Religion and worship of God was corrupted in Abijah his time the predecessor of Asa yet was it true Religion and worship that was then maintained and a true Church which Asa found when he came to the Kingdome but such was not our estate and condition when King Edward and Queene Elizabeth entred vpon their Kingdomes The case therefore is not alike But we desire you to proue That in the dayes of Abijah Iudah was a true Church and that Abijah maintained Gods true Religion and worship I confesse that in Iudah God had a Church people in Abijah his raigne who were of the true Religion and worshipped him truely yea I adde that at this time in Israel vnder Ieroboam the Lord had his Church and people that were of the true Religion and worship as is plaine by 2. Chron. 11.13 14 16. But I deny that Iudah was then a true Church and that Abijah maintained Gods true Religion and worship and affirme that Iudah was now Idolatrous as well as Israel whom your selfe calls and that truely idolatrous Israel though both these Kingdoms were not idolatrous in like degree That this is so it is plaine by the holy Story of these Kings and times For marke what Asa Abijah his sonne and successor is said to doe vpon his entrance into the Kingdome He tooke away the altars of the strange gods 2. Chron. 14.3 4 5. and the high places and brake downe the Images and cut downe the groues Heere is mention of the altars of strange gods of Images to wit of false gods of the high places where they offered to these gods and of the groues which were dedicated vnto them which Asa succeeding Abijah forthwith destroyed Doe not these things euidently declare that in the raigne of Abijah Idolatry was set vp and maintained in Iudah and therefore ABIIAH maintained not Gods true Religion and worship If you obiect that these Altars Images and High places were not erected and set vp by Abijah but by Rehoboam his father only through want of zeale he let them alone and did not abolish them and that this only was his sinne and the sinne of Iudah I answere the contrary is manifest 1. King 15.12 where thus we reade And Asa tooke away the Sodomites out of the Land and put away all the Idols that his Fathers had made By Fathers here must needs be vnderstood Rehoboam and Abijah If further you obiect that howsoeuer Abijah was an Idolater yet the Kingdome was not fallen to idolatry but the people generally worshipped God truly I answere this cannot possibly be true for euermore it went thus with the Iewes like Prince like People If the King were religious then the People and State embraced and professed true Religion and worship and if the King was an Idolater and false worshipper then generally the people were such Besides this obiection is answered and conuinced 2. Chron. 12.1 And heere I reason thus with you That King and people which set vp and maintaine the worship of a false god or gods is a false Church But Abijah and his people set vp and maintained the worship of false gods Therefore Abijah and his people were a false Church The Proposition none will gain-say and the Assumption is proued by the aforesaid testimonie of Scripture Againe that ABIIAH did not maintaine Gods true Religion and worship and consequently Iudah in his dayes was not a true Church it is confirmed by the fourth verse of the former Scripture 2. Chron. 14 3 4. And Asa tooke away the altars of the strange gods c as is aforesaid and commanded Iudah to seeke the Lord God of their Fathers and to doe according to the Law and the Commandement In that Iudah is heere commanded by Asa to worship the Lord according to the Law and Commandement of God giuen in that behalfe for this is the meaning of the words thereby is insinuated that before and in Abijah his time they did not worship God after his Law and Commandement but otherwise euen after their owne inuentions which is idolatrie and false worship Lastly I reason against you thus Iudah was an idolatrous and false Church in Rehoboams time Therefore in Abijah his daies The Antecedent I proue by 1. King 14.22 23 24. compared with 2. Chron. 14.3 4. and 1. King 15.3 also by 2. Chron. 12.1 And when Rehoboam had established the Kingdome and made it strong he forsooke the Law of the Lord that is to worship the Lord according to his Law which is true worship and all Israel meaning all Iudah with him The consequence is corfirmed 1. King 15.3 And Abijah walked in all the sinnes of his Father which hee had done before him but his Father set vp and maintained a false Religion and false worship Therefore the sonne You tell vs that ABIIAH maintained Gods true Religion and worship against idolatrous Israel both by word and sword How can this possibly be true seeing Abijah maintained in Iudah a false Religion and worship as well as Ieroboam in Israel and was an Idolater as Ieroboam was Suppose there were now warre betweene the King of Spaine and the Pope about some Ciuill matter some Territories or other commoditie that each of them make claime to If because of this I should affirme that the King of Spaine maintaineth Gods true Religion and worship against idolatrous Rome
zealous of the Traditions of my Fathers In both these places the Apostle deliuereth one and the same thing but in different words which helpeth greatly to the vnderstanding of both In eyther of these places and in the words next following these Paul relateth his conuersion to the Christian Religion and calling to the office of an Apostle and in these words heere set downe he declareth his zeale before the time of his conuersion and calling to the Apostleshippe to the Iewish Religion and hatred to the Christian and the professours thereof This hatred hee setteth forth by an effect thereof to wit his persecuting I persecuted saith hee this way that is this Religion to wit the Christian Religion which now I embrace and professe As if he had said when I was of the Iewish Religion I persecuted this Religion whereof now I am and could not away with it Religion he termeth way and so doth hee vse it in Acts 24.14 After the way which they call Heresie so worshippe I the God of my Fathers It is likewise so taken in the 22. verse of the same Chapter and in diuers places besides And it is rightly called a way Because it only sheweth the way to saluation Also because that as he that is in a way goeth on therein and standeth not still so hee which is religious indeed standeth not at a stay Prou but is euery day more religious then other Being like vnto the light which shineth more and more vnto the perfect day I persecuted ●a●th hee this way why but hee could not persecute the Religion it selfe By these words then he vnderstande●● those 〈◊〉 were of this way or Religion meaning the 〈…〉 R●●●gion When then in this place of the Ga●●●● 〈…〉 former it is said that Saul persecuted the Ch●● 〈…〉 meaning is that hee persecuted th● 〈…〉 of men which professed the Christian Religion which heere is called the Church And so it is called twice in the 8. of the Acts. And at that time there was great persecution against the Church which was at Ierusalem that is the Christians there And a little after But Saul made hauocke of the Church That is of the professors of Christian Religion whereby we learne and that from the holy Ghost to define the true visible Church thus It is a company of people professing the Christian or true Religion or thus It is a company * To wit from the rest of the world Rom. 16.5.23 called out of the profession of Christian Religion And thus wee are to vnderstand many other places Greete the Church saith Paul that is in their house meaning by Church the professors of Christianity or Christian Religion And againe in the same place GAIVS mine hoste and of the whole Church that is of all the Christians saluteth you This word Church thus vnderstood is taken eyther largely or strictly largely for all men that throughout the whole world professe the Christian or true Religion as in 1. Cor. 10.32 Giue none offence neyther to the Iewes nor to the Grecians nor the Church of God that is nor to any of the Christians or people of God In the same sence it is vsed Act. 8.3 1. Cor. 15.9 Gal. 1.13 In which places it is said of Paul that he did persecute the Church of God that is them that professed the Christian Religion wheresoeuer he came And euen so it is vsed Act. 2.47 And the Lord added to the Church that is to them that embraced and professed the Christian Religion from day to day such as should be saued In this respect or sence we may say the visible Church is Catholike or vniuersall not tyed as sometimes it was to the Land of Iudah nor visible in one people alone as vnder the Law it was in the people of Israel But comprehendeth vnder it all Nations or people professing true religion being now visible in one country and now in another sometimes in a few sometimes in many Lord of Plessis of the Church c. 20. This vniuersall Church comprehendeth vnder her all the particular Churches gathered together in diuers Countries and sundry parts of the world the which likewise we cal Churches So learned men speake of the East Church and the West Church the Greek Church and the Latine Church In like manner say we at this day the Church of England the Church of Scotland the Church of France none of these or the like are Catholike or Vniuersall This is said after the very same sort as when we speake of some parts of the Ocean sea we call them the Sea as the South sea the North sea the Brittish sea c. And wee giue them all the name of Ocean although wee know that there is but one Ocean and not many of the which by these names we make many distinctions because it is but one vniforme body from which the vnity may bee distinguished but not diuided And so also must the vnity of the Church be acknowledged When therefore wee speake of all the Christians and professors of true religion in a Nation as in England Scotland France c. we may rightly say the Church of England the Church of Scotland the Church of France yea thus meaning we cannot properly and fitly say The Churches of England c. in the plurall number Thus you see what we call the Catholike or Vniuersall Visible Church euen the Congregation of all those that doe professe true Religion throughout the whole world distinguished as hath beene said into many particular Churches All which together make but one body And in this sence the word Church is diuers times vsed in the sacred Scriptures as partly appeareth before we call it Catholike because as one saith it is vbique diffusa spread euery where scattered farre and wide ouer all the world And visible it is said to be quia rationabilis because it is conceaueable by reason It is not so much seene with the eye though it be called visible quam intellectu mente ratione as with the vnderstanding the minde and the reason as is well said by one When this word Church is taken strictly and not in so large and generall sence as before it is vsed eyther more or lesse strictly when it is taken in the strictest signification and for the least company thereby is meant eyther the Gouernours of the Church and so it is vsed twice in one verse Matth. 18.17 If hee refuse to heare them tell it vnto the Church and if he refuse to heare the Church also let him be vnto thee as an Heathen man and a Publican Or all the Christians in a family or one house And so it is vsed in these places following Collos 4.15 1. Cor. 16.19 Philip. 2. and such like Salute Mimphas and the Church which is in his house Aquilla and Priscilla with the Church that is in their house salute you greatly in the Lord. To Archippus and to the Church that is in thine house Lesse strictly and
are to be found in diuine worship Such was the Religion and worship of the Iewes when Christ was vpon the earth at which time contrary to Gods appointment they had two high Priests Annas and Caiphas And where the high Priests office was to continue during his life they now held it but for a yeere To say nothing of their exceeding great corruption in doctrine and manners yet was the Religion and worshippe of the Iewes at that time the onely true Religion and worshippe but not a pure Religion and worshippe The same is true of the Church of Corinthus of the Churches of Galatia and of the seuen Churches in Asia And such is the Religion we professe in England and the worshippe we giue to God a true but not a pure Religion and worship And of this kind also wee may assure our selues is the Religion of the Churches in Scotland in France in the Low-countries yea euen of all the reformed Churches in Christendome though not all corrupted in the same degree True Religion is corrupted lesse or more And that is according as in diuine worship is omitted more or lesse of those things which God hath appointed or added and mixed therewith more or lesse which God hath not commanded or both As when any thing in Diuine worship is wanting which God hath ordained it is not pure Religion and worship but corrupted though it may be a true Religion and worship so when with Diuine worship are mixed Quaere de circumstantiis loci temporis habitus gestus c. or thereunto added some ceremonies more or lesse and ordinances of mans deuising which we call humane inuentions Religion then and worship are thereby corrupted and cannot be said to be pure and vndefiled The reason whereof is because God hath not left it to the liberty and will of man to serue and worship him as hee pleaseth and thinketh good but as he alone will be worshipped so in that manner as he not man hath appointed and no otherwise Nothing is left heere to the wit and will of man he may neyther adde nor omit any thing a Deut. 12.32 and 4.2 Prou. 30.6 Whatsoeuer I command you take heed you doe it thou shalt not adde vnto it nor diminish from it Hence it came to passe that b Leuit. 10.1 a fire came out from the Lord and deuoured Nadab and Abihu euen for offering strange fire before the Lord which he had not commanded them And that the Lord did slay c 2. Sam. 6.16 Vzzah holding vp the Arke of God when it was shaken and in danger to fall Hereby the Lord did shew how highly he is offended with this corrupting and defiling of his worship To teach the sonnes of men to beware thereof Thus you see the difference betweene pure Religion and the pure worship of God and true religion and worship corrupted Also that a people may be of a true Religion and haue the true worship of God and so be a true Church and yet not of that Religion which is pure and vndefiled nor haue the sincere worship As one beleeuing in Christ is a true Christian though he hath many infirmities So a company professing true Religion is a true Church though it hath in it many corruptions and bee a pure Church As a man beleeuing in Christ though he ought to be free from all impurity of soule and body and abound in all grace as much as is possible is a true Christian notwithstanding he attaine not to this perfection but haue many infirmities so a Church or company of men professing true Religion though in the worship of God it should be free from all humane inuentions and haue all the ordinances of God as much as is possible notwithstanding it attaine not to this height of purity or perfection but haue therein many corruptions is neuerthelesse a true Church CHAP. VI. That the profession of true Religion maketh one a member of the visible Church HAuing now prepared and made a way to the Readers better vnderstanding I returne to my former description willing thee againe to remember that I doe not say that a visible Church is a company of people professing the pure Religion of God but a company professing true Religion Adde thereunto if you will and enioying a true worship of God though not a pure worship And heere fitly I may frame another description of the visible Church That it is a company of men enioying and submitting themselues to the true worship of God Let there be an assembly ioyned together in prayer in hearing the Word and in receiuing the Sacraments a Touching the substance therof though not in euery circumstance and in that purity which ought to be according to Christs institution and it is a true visible Church If thou wilt soundly vnderstand Christian Reader what a true visible Church is and be preserued from that errour and Schisme into which many of late haue fallen thou must carefully obserue and remember these two things First The difference betweene pure Religion and true Religion corrupted betwixt pure worship and true worship corrupted whereof we haue spoken Secondly That to the making or being of a member of the visible Church a profession of true Religion and an outward submission to true worship sufficeth From whence these conclusions doe follow First That an Assembly may be a true visible Church though it professe not the Religion that is pure and vndefiled nor liue vnder a pure and sincere worship of God but such as is partly impure and corrupted Secondly That a man may be of the true visible Church though he be not religious and godly but indeed and in truth irreligious and prophane so that he professe the true Religion And that such may be and are of the visible Church who only outwardly submit themselues to the true worship of God though they be not true worshippers and doe not worship God in Spirit and truth This profession of the true Religion and submission I speake of is all in all in this case It is that which giueth life and being to euery member vnited to his body so as whosoeuer maketh this profession and vseth this submission being knit to this body and not cut off by excommunication is in and of the visible Church The matter of this Church is a company of men not one but a company lesse or more And yet not a company of Angels or Spirits but of men The forme is the profession of true Religion or submission to the true worship of God As therfore it is in all other cases that where the matter and forme of a thing is there is the thing it selfe euen so it is in this particular Ainsw to Master Stone pag. 18. Mark 1.24 Act. 16.16 In a Pamphlet set forth by Master Ainsworth as it is reported against Master Stone we haue to the premises this answere That this profession is not wanting in the Sinagogue of Satan For saith
euident in and by the prosecution of the following Argument where I proue that our Religion is true Religion If that forthwith following which is said of true Religion thou wilt Reader apply vnto and vnderstand of true worship then thou shalt plainely see that the same argument whereby we proue our Religion to be true Religion maketh as strongly to proue our worship to be true worship For if the Religion we professe be true then needs must the worship we giue to God be true seeing Religion is nothing else but the manner after which men worship God and that true Religion and true worship as false Religion and false worship cannot be seuered But the Religion which we in England professe is true as shall be proued Therefore the worship we giue to God is true worship I now proceed to a third Argument Whatsoeuer people all the Churches of God in the world doe acknowledge to be a true Church the same to bee a true Church and so to be accounted The people of England all the Churches of God in the world doe acknowledge to be a true Church Therefore the people of England are a true Church and so to be accounted The Proposition I thus make manifest we speake of a visible Church and so I meane by Church in this Argument Now if it cannot be discerned and knowne by others it is not visible If it can be discerned then by the visible Churches that are to the members whereof wee cannot but grant this gift and ability to discerne and know a true Church It is absurd to yeeld this gift to them that are without and therefore to bee granted to them that are within the Church vnlesse we will deny it to all men which is most absurd of all The Assumption I proue by this induction The Churches of Scotland France Heluetia Bohemia Saxonie and so of the rest doe acknowledge our Church for their Sister and giue vnto vs the right-hand of fellowshippe Therfore all the Churches in the world If any true Church doe iudge otherwise of vs doe you instance the same and proue it accordingly Vntill then we will hold the Assumption to be as true as the Proposition and the conclusion to bee no lesse true then they Thus much generally concerning the Church of England now I will proue our particular Congregations or Parish assemblies to be true visible Churches and first thus If the Mother all the people in England professing true Religion be a true Church then are her Daughters the particular Congregations consisting of such people likewise true Churches for as is the Mother so are her Daughters But the Church of England the Mother is a true Churche as hath beene proued Therefore the particular Congregations her Daughters Secondly thus If our particular Congregations haue the matter and forme of true visible Churches then are they true visible Churches But the first is true Therefore the second The Proposition is for this reason true because where the matter and forme of any thing is there is that thing The assumption I thus strengthen The matter of a true visible Church is a company of men and the forme of it is the profession of the true Religion But our particular Congregations are companies of men professi●g true Religion Therefore our particular Congregations haue the matter and forme of true visible Churches That the matter of a Church whether true or false is a company of men none I thinke of iudgement will deny or once doubt of sure I am he may as well and truely deny that water is moist Touching the latter part of the Proposition the forme Who can with any face or colour of truth deny That a Congregation ioyning together in the profession of true Religion is a true visible Church In the 14. of the Acts we reade thus And when they had ordained them Elders Vers 23. by election in euery Church and prayed and fasted they commended them to the Lord in whom they beleeued Certainly these Churches were diuers particular Congregations each of which did ioyne together in the profession of Christian Religion Now I would know what made these seuerall societies Churches euen by the testimony of the holy Ghost but their profession of Christian Religion whereby they were distinguished from all other societies as vsually things are by their formes At this time there was little or no Ecclesiasticall Gouernment in these Churches which some make the forme of the Church because there were no Elders by which the same should haue bin gouerned Not this then but their holy profession gaue the forme and being to these Churches Concerning the Assumption that our particular Congregations be companies of men professing true Religion the proofe thereof followeth forthwith Thirdly out of my former description of the visible Church which is demonstrated by the word of God to be a company of people professing true Religion I argue thus All particular Congregations which doe professe the true Religion are true visible Churches Our particular congregations doe professe the true Religion Therefore our particular Congregations are true visible Churches Likewise thus Whatsoeuer Assemblies professe the true way to saluation the same be true visible Churches The Assemblies in England doe professe the true way to saluation Therefore the Assemblies in England are true visible Churches The Proposition or first part of both these reasons is manifest by the former Doctrine and description of a visible Church the truth whereof hath beene made euident by sundry testimonies of holy Scripture The Assumption of the three last Arguments being the same in effect I thus confirme If men professing the same Religion and way to saluation that we doe haue liuing and dying in that profession beene saued then is the Religion and way to saluation that we professe the true Religion and the true way to saluation But men professing the same Religion and way to saluation with vs haue therein beene saued Therefore the Religion and way to saluation we professe is the true Religion and true way to saluation and consequently we are a true visible Church and our Congregations the Churches of Christ and not the Sinagogues of Satan as these men blasphemously say The Proposition is very manifest and needs no confirmation In the printed letters between M. Iacob and M. Iohnson passim the Assumption is true by your owne confession For you confesse that those who died for Religion in Queene Maries time were Martyrs and vsually you so call them and therefore are they saued and now in heauen and they professed the very same Religion and way to saluation with vs and therein liued and died yea died for that Religion wee at this day professe Men therefore professing the same Religion and way to saluation with vs haue therein beene saued by your owne acknowledgment All that you heere say for your selues or can say is this That the Martyrs saw no further I reply You herein acknowledge that so many among vs
as in these things see no further are in the same estate with the Martyrs saued I meane as well as they if they walke according to their profession and that light is reuealed vnto them as they did Which being so the Assumption remaineth firme and sound That many of the Martyrs did in these things see as farre as many thousands of priuate men doe at this day nay a great deale further we cannot deny or doubt of if we compare the knowledge of priuate Christians for the greatest part in these things with the said Martyrs knowledge shining in sundry speeches of theirs recorded partly in the Acts of Monuments and partly in some of their owne bookes And yet did they not seperate from the publike assemblies being as corrupt as ours vntill Popery came in whereby the substance of diuine worship was corrupted and abominable idolatry erected And therefore men seeing and knowing many corruptions in our worship and Ministery and yet not seperating from that worship because of them may notwithstanding bee saued walking according to the rules of our Religion and in that way to saluation we professe Otherwise I am sure these men were not saued which I hope you will not affirme nay in effect you all teach the contrary in that you acknowledge them to be Martyrs and especially Master Francis Iohnson who almost euery where in the printed letters betweene Master Iacob and him calleth them Martyrs and pag. 75. and 77 holy Martyrs who could neither be Martyrs nor Saints if they were not saued and now in heauen Much more then may they among vs bee saued who walking in this way are ignorant of these corruptions though they doe not seperate and therefore men professing the same Religion and way to saluation with vs may be saued And whereas they acknowledging them that died in Queene Maries time to be Martyrs deny vs to be Christians so many as stand members of our Parish assemblies which generally we doe all and granting to them saluation deny it in a certaine respect to vs that these cannot stand together it shall appeare Master Iohnson in the defence of his second Exception against Master Iacob page 16. hath these words Defence of the Churches and Ministery of England 16. These men and assemblies thus holding professing and practising cannot in this estate be deemed true Christians and Churches Against this I argue thus If the late English Martyrs professed and practised the very same Religion wee now professe and yet were in that estate true Christians and so saued then men at this day professing and practising our Religion are true Christians and in the estate of saluation But the late English Martyrs professed and practised the very same Religion we now professe and in that estate were true Christians and so saued Therefore they who at this day professe and practise our Religion are true Christians and in state of saluation The Proposition must needs be true except wee will make God mutable or an accepter of persons The Assumption consisting of two parts is likewise true for all the Christian world knoweth that they professed the very same Religion that we now doe and that they liued and died in our Religion and for it and therefore to deny this is extreame impudencie The latter part of the Assumption themselues confesse to be true in calling and acknowledging them for Martyrs as is aforesaid If heere they roule ouer againe the same stone and hauing nothing else to say obiect the second time the ignorance of those times that the Martyrs knew not the corruptions that then were and still remaine in the worship Ministery and Church gouernment as all we either doe or may know I returne for answere that howsoeuer this is true of some of the Martyrs yet it is not true of them all And what say they to them were they Martyrs and saued or no Master Hooper Latimer Bradford with sundry others had more knowledge and a deeper insight into the present corruptions then many priuate Christians haue at this day nay it is not to be hoped that many among vs illiterate simple ones of slender capacity bad memories as olde men and women c. haue that knowledge of Church corruptions as these and some other Martyrs had who were learned men Ministers and such as spent their whole time and daies at their studies Shall we now deny Christianity and saluation to all these simple ones and grant the same to the former notwithstanding the ignorance of these persons in the corruptions and that not wilfull ignorance is greater then of the others Were the former saued not seperating from the corruptions in the worship of God and Ministery though they knew them very well to be corruptions and must all these notwithstanding their faith in Christ needs bee damned hauing lesse knowledge in the same corruptions because they doe not seperate Verily thus to iudge of this latter sort liuing and dying in this estate argueth not only want of charity but besides great impiety But tell me I pray you are none of these capable of true faith in Christ because of their ignorance in the corruptions Or if they be thereof capable is it by their ignorance herein extinguished Nay I would know of you why they that haue knowledge and good vnderstanding in the corruptions and condemning them doe not seperate may not as well be saued as Master Latimer Hooper and Bradford answere me this one Argument and so I end If Master Hooper M. Bradford with others knowing the corruptions then in worship and Ministery being thesame also with ours now were notwithstanding this knowledge and not seperating saued then men at this day notwithstanding their knowledge of the corruptions and not seperating because of them may likewise be saued But the first is true Therefore the second The Proposition must needs be true considering that God is immutable also no accepter of persons And the Assumption is true as may be shewed by the parts thereof He that shall reade the Acts of Monuments may easily see that sundry of the Martyrs in Queene Maries dayes had good knowledge and insight into the corruptions wee speake of That the corruptions then in worship Ministery and discipline were the same with ours now as many and great their publike worship also the very same wee performe to God now and that notwithstanding those corruptions and their knowledge of them they did not seperat and withdraw themselues from the publike assemblies vntill such time the Masse that abominable Idoll and grosse Idolatry crept into Gods worship so as the body and substance of worship was defiled That these things I say are true no man can deny but with shame enough That they also were saued you in effect acknowledge in calling them Martyrs and holy Martyrs as before we haue heard and your bookes euery where declare Now that we haue been informed in the doctrine of the Church and applied the same seeing there are diuers gone out
God in vaine Matth. 15.9 not one of them worshipped God aright in spirit and truth neyther did they liue after the lawes of God and Christ but after the lawes and customes and fashion of this world whereof they were When men spake to them of peace they were bent to warre and in stead of loue vnfained they did beare a perfect hatred to the Saints These men then were not such as be heere described yea none of them had any one of these properties which you necessarily require in euery member of the visible Church much lesse all of them And therefore by this description none of them were of the visible Church and yet by the Scripture it is plaine that they were all of the visible Church Thus we see your description accordeth not with the holy Scriptures neither hath warrant from thence but by them is easily conuinced notwithstanding you alledge for confirmation thereof sixe and thirty testimonies of holy Scripture But a thousand more so peruerted will not make good your description nor any other of your errors And because I know you will hardly leaue this hold and for that if this be battered downe and made euen with the ground you must needs betake your selues some other way I will therefore againe assault you by the force of another Argument If the visible Church be a company of faithfull and holy people that worship Christ aright are peaceably and quietly gouerned by his officers and lawes keepe the vnitie of faith in the bond of peace and loue vnfained Then none haue been at any time of the visible Church but such as haue beene faithfull and holy did worship Christ aright c as followeth in your description But some haue beene of the visible Church who were not such as be heere described as Cain Ismael Esau Saul Doeg Ioab Absalom the Scribes and Pharisies with infinite others Therefore the visible Church is not a company of faithfull people worshipping Christ aright c. The Consequence of the Proposition I doe illustrate and confirme by the like If the visible Church be a company of people professing the true Religion then none haue beene of the visible Church but such as haue professed the true Religion If the inuisible Church be the company of the elect then none haue beene or are of the inuisible Church but such as were and are elect and their names written in the booke of life The assumption your selues will grant Againe I reason with you on this manner If this be a true description then no reprobates euer haue bin are or shall be of the visible Church but only the elect for none haue beene are or can bee such as are heere described but the elect But many reprobates haue beene are and shall be of the visible Church Therefore this description of the visible Church is false The Proposition must needs be true except Christ Iesus be the King Priest and Prophet of Reprobates and that Reprobates worship Christ aright in Spirit and truth be gouerned by his lawes as their only King keepe the vnitie of faith in the bond of peace and doe vnfainedly loue the brethren Matth. 22.14 The Assumption will not be denied and it is manifest by that short speech of Iesus Many are called but few chosen This description being heretofore found fault with by some and Master Ainsworth iustifying the same it shall not be amisse to heare what hee saith in answere to them and in defence thereof C●unterpoys 208. They cauill at our description of a Church when we say that it is a company of faithfull people that truely worship Christ and readily obey him this say these Ministers is vtterly vntrue if it be vnderstood of the visible Church This is strange What would they haue vs describe the Church to be A company of Infidels or a company of faithfull and of infidels together when Paul teacheth that there is no communion betweene such 2. Cor. 6.14 15. or should wee say a people that falsely worshippe Christ Indeed if so we held we might well returne to their Church of England for there is false worship more then enough The Apostle writing to the visible Church of Ephesas calleth them Saints and the faithfull in Christ Iesus Will they say that this also was vtterly vntrue Their owne articles of Religion in England * A●no 1562. A●t 19. say thus The visible Church of Christ is a Congregation of faithfull people c. And is this also vntrue I answere you hauing respect to your owne words A visible Church is a cōpany professing true faith or a company professing the true worship of God some whereof haue faith in Christ I meane true and iustifying faith and worsh●p God indeed euen in spirit and truth the rest being the greatest part are hypocriticall worshippers void of true faith hauing only eyther the temporall or historicall faith or no faith at all but very Atheists Yet professe they the true worship of God and faith in Christ Iesus and in this respect may be called faithfull in Christ Iesus and Saints because whatsoeuer they be their profession is holy and he holy in whom they would seeme to belieue and whom they seeme to worship truly And in this sence our Church saith A visible Church is a Congregation of faithfull people that is of such as professe faith in Christ Iesus Of this sort of Infidels and counterfeit Professors were Cain and for a time Ismael Esau also Saul Absalom Iudas Simon Magus with infinite more Vnderstanding Infidels thus as they may well be called Infidels or vnbeleeuers who haue not true faith Then I say the Church is a company of saithfull and of Infidels 2. Cor. 6.14 But if by Infidels you meane the same the Scripture vsually vnderstandeth by this word such as worship a false god and doe not so much as professe the worship of the only true God or faith in him then it is true that a visible Church is not a company of faithfull and Infidels together And the hauing communion with such Infidels as these in their false worship is that which the Apostle condemneth He doth not forbid to partake in diuine worship with such Infidels as formerly I haue spokē of wicked vngodly men void of true faith as euery where very fondly you tel vs nor yet to communicate with these Infidels he speaketh of in true diuine worship but this he condemneth and argueth against That the children of God may not haue communion with Infidels and Heathens in their false and Idolatrous worship as some of the Saints at Corinth as it might seeme did repairing to the Idols Temples and ioyning therewith their neighbours that were Idolaters in their idolatrous worship This they thought they might lawfully doe so long as in their hearts and inward affections they condemned it and kept them pure as may be gathered from 2. Cor. 7.1 And this is it that Paul reproueth and nothing lesse then
would not you and all men laugh at me for my folly and falsitie No lesse ridiculous and false is that you affirme of Abijah True it is that Abijah had warre with Ieroboam King of Israel but Religion was not the cause thereof but this Abijah being valiant would haue brought backe againe the Kingdome of Israel which Ieroboam had taken as Abijah said to the whole armie of Israel by rebellion from his father REHOBOAM a childe and tender hearted and one that could not resist him as Abijah saith of him Abijah his loue then and desire after the Kingdome of Israel was the cause of this warre as is plaine by 2. Chron. 13.5 6 7. and not his zeale for the true Religion and hatred of the false as your words pretend A man that readeth these words of yours would likewise imagine that Abijah was religious and worshipped God truly whereas in truth he was a notorious hypocrite and grosse idolater In the shutting vp of your answere touching Asa you say that ASA found not his Kingdome a false Church as King Edward and Queene Elizabeth found England This also is very vntrue Nay ASA found Iudah worse then they did England For Iudah in Abijah his raigne worshipped false gods whereas England in the daies of King Henry and Queene Mary worshipped the true God though after a false manner But suppose that Iudah in Abijah his time was not a false Church and that Asa found it a true that lets not but that in Iudah there might be idolaters at the same time worshipping either a false God or the true God after a false manner as the Papists at this day in England doe Nay wee cannot but acknowledge that such there were indeed considering this is said of Asa in the very entrance into his Kingdome 2. Chro. 14.3 That hee tooke away the altars of the strange gods and the high places and brake downe the Images and cut downe the groues Vers 4. And commanded Iudah to seeke the Lord God of their Fathers and to doe according to the Law and the Commandement Now these idolaters that in their high places offered to strange gods did ASA command to forsake their idolatrie and to worship the Lord God of their Fathers after the manner hee had commanded as is plaine First By the coherence and dependance of the two verses aforesaid Secondly ASA needed not to giue this commandement to them who did already worship God truely but to the idolaters that were in Iudah that eyther worshipped strange gods or the Lord after their owne inuentions and not as he had commanded Is it not then plaine in the example of Asa That Christian Princes may and ought to command their subiects being idolaters to forsake their idolatrie and to worship the Lord and consequently to ioyne themselues to the true Church say it were true that the Church of Iudah was then not a false but a true Church Yes verily euen al one as if the Church in Abijah his time had been a false Church as indeed it was Specially if hereunto we adde that which is set downe in the second verse That herein Asa did that which was good and right in the eyes of the Lord. But grant we that the dissimilitude you speake of would helpe you against the example and practise of Asa yet is it no answere to the other two examples of Hezekiah and Iosiah seeing they found the Church of Iudah euery whit as false a Church as King Edward and Queene Elizabeth did the Church of England Yea false in a higher degree worshipping false Gods whereas England in King Henry the eight Nay England enioyed the true worship of God part of King Henry his raigne especially during the time of Queene Anne and before the sixe bloudie articles were vrged Act. and Mon. 999. and 1000. 2. Chron. 28.2 3 4. and 23. and 33.2 3 4 5 9. and Queene Maries dayes worshipped yet the true God though after a false manner By the Scripture it is manifest that in the daies of Ahaz and Amon Predecessors to the aforesaid godly Kings Iudah walked in the wayes of Israel made molten Images and set vp altars for Baalim sacrificed vnto the gods of Damascus and of Aram and worshipped all the Host of heauen and serued them nay it is said Iudah and the inhabitants of Ierusalem did worse then the Heathen whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel This you knew well enough and saw but would not see for then you had answered your selfe which you had no desire to doe And this appeareth by your owne words for you acknowledge that IOSIAH purged his Land of false worship 2. That he reduced his people vnto the true seruice of God therefore before Iosiah his raigne in Amon his daies they had the false seruice and worship of God established among them Marke also how Master Ainsworth vsing many words concerning HEZEKIAH his reformation passeth smoothly both by this that Iudah in his entrance to the Kingdome was a false Church and that hee in his said reformation vsed his regall commandement and authority sent forth his proclamation throughout all Israel and Iudah and that by postes for the more speedie dispatch thereof We haue not a word of these things that make as directly against you as can bee and for the iustifying of Queene Elizabeths proclamation in the beginning of her raigne which you spurne against so much But in stead thereof you say That he opened the dores of the Lords house brought in the Priests and Leuites and sent ouer all the Land to conuert the people from idolatry who laughed at the messengers mocked them It may seeme by these messengers you vnderstand or at least would haue your Reader vnderstand certaine Prophets Priests or Leuites That such were sent by the King throughout all Israel and Iudah to preach for the gathering calling and conuerting of this people to God But the Reader must know that these said Messengers were the Postes that carried the Kings proclamations or as it is said 2. Chro. 30.6 went with letters by the commission of the King and his Princes throughout all Israel and Iudah and with the commandement of the King the summe of which proclamations or letters is there set downe Who would euer imagine that they whom the King sent to conuert the people from idolatrie for these be your words were only certaine Postes that carried the proclamations of the King Thus by cunning you deceiue the simple In like manner you deale as touching Iosiah You tell vs that he purged the Land of Idols and false worship and reduced his people vnto the true seruice of God But in the meane season you omit how that to the end he might bring this to passe 2. Chro. 33.16 hee commanded Iudah to serue the Lord God of Israel This which maketh to the very point in hand you passe by and in stead thereof mention that which is nothing to the purpose
Let vs now here your third and last testimonie taken out of Act. 4.12 Neither is there saluation in any other for among men there is giuen no other name vnder heauen whereby we must be saued Here is no mention of the vis church nor yet of Christs Mediation nor intercession but onely of saluation by his meanes How can this Scripture then make for the confirmation of your Proposition But happely you will haue it That Christ is likewise the Sauiour of the visible church For I am very sure that whose Mediator and Aduocate Christ Iesus is their Sauiour he is and giueth saluation to them all But say you he is the Mediator and Aduocate of the vis church Therefore he is the Sauiour of the vis church and giueth saluation to all of that fellowship As your Proposition so your Assumption to wit That the Church of England hath not Christ for the Mediator and Aduocate of the same is likewise false For the whole company in England that by faith are vnited vnto Christ and by loue one vnto another and they onely are the church of England and all such haue Christ for their Mediator Aduocate As for the wicked they are as S. Iohn speaketh 1. Ioh. 2.19 among vs but not of vs in the church but not of it as the tares that grow in the field and among the wheate are notwithstanding your commingling vvheate Counterp 132 nor so to be called But by Church here as before in your proposition very ignorantly you vnderstand the visible church and with many words goe about to proue That the vis church of England if I may so speake hath not Christ for the Mediator and Aduocate of the same Here you tell vs againe of them among vs who be prophane scoffe at repentance and scorne at all admonition despise wisedomes counsell and such as reproue they turne againe and rent them And as in the prosecution of the former Argument you proue That such vile men are not the body of Christ neither haue him for their head so here that Iesus is not the Mediator and Aduocate of such but of a more holy societie In like manner you deale in your three other Arguments following Argument 6.7.8 Euery true Church of God say you hath Christ for the King Priest and Prophet of the same The Church of England hath not Christ for the King Priest Prophet of the same Therfore the church of England is not the true Church of God This which I haue contracted into one you make three Arguments of and the Assumption of those three you proue in that maner you do the two former Assumptions wherin you might haue saued a great deale of labour se●ing we all confidently hold That the vile and abominable among vs Mat. 13.25 are not of the church of England but tares sowed among the wheat by the enemie while men slept And therfore we account them not the body of Christ nor to haue him for a Mediator and Aduocate and for their King Priest and Prophet What meane you then at large to pursue the proofe of that we deny not But I will be more wise then spend any more time in answer to your reasons Onely I will shew That Christ Iesus is not the King Priest and Prophet of the vis Church Generally I proue it thus Whose Mediator Christ Iesus is their King Priest and Prophet he is But Christ Iesus is the Mediator onely of the elect or inuisible Church Therefore onely of the elect or inuisible church is Christ Iesus King Priest and Prophet And consequently not of the vis church Or thus The Proposition of these two Arguments is hereby plaine in that these are the parts of Christ his mediation The Assump tion needs no proofe That this you here teach is false may further be proued by your owne doctrine and thus Whose King Priest and Prophet Christ is for them in that he is their Priest he died and maketh intercession To them in that he is their King hee doth apply and make effectuall his priesthood Them likewise he gouerneth by his word and spirit them hee defendeth specially from all spirituall enemies and them he will exalt to the communion of his eternall kingdome But Christ died for and maketh intercession hee also applyeth his priesthood onely to the elect gouerneth by his Word and Spirit defendeth and thus highly exalteth the elect alone ●s might be made euident out of the sacred Scriptures if it neede Therefore he is King Priest and Prophet onely of the elect and inuisible Church Counterp 147 This may bee proued also by M. Ainsworths owne words Thirdly saith hee the Church of England hath not Christ for the King thereof because the people of that Church were and are euen by the confession of our aduersaries of all sorts of people as well wicked as godly and sinnes of all sorts do abound and raigne among them that if the good lawes of the common wealth did not represse them there would be no liuing in peace among them Such prophane worldly people are not the subiects of Christ his kingdome is not of this world neither is it for the open wicked but for the repentant and beleeuing for the poore in spirit the meeke the mercifull the persecuted for righteousnesse sake not for persecuters haters and contemners of the truth In which words you frame vs this reason against your selues Christ is not King of a prophane worldly people neither are such his subiects but onely of an holy and heauenly people of the repentant beleeuing of the poore in spirit the meeke the mercifull the persecuted for righteousnes sake But the elect and inuisible Church onely are this holy and heauenly people c. The Elect therefore and the inuisible Church onely are the subiects of Christ and haue him for their King Pag. 148. Againe say you a little after If they had Christ for their King his truth his word would make them free hee would make them also Kings and Priests vnto God his Father that howsoeuer the suppressing abolishing of this vnruly Hierarchie with their many abominations is to be left vnto the Magistrate who onely hath power from God to execute this vengeance yet euery man should deliuer his owne soule abstaining from errour false worship superstition popish thraldome all other euill whatsoeuer though with affliction bonds banishment c. and stand fast in the libertio wherewith Christ hath made him free without yoke of thraldome For he will reigne in the midst of his enemies Satan and sinne hee hath subdued as for himself so for all his people and subiects whom he hath redeemed out of all Satanean Babylonian bondage that sinne should reigne no more ouer them Thus I from hence argue against you They who haue Christ for their King his truth doth make them free he makes them also Kings and Priests vnto God his Father But Christ performeth this to the elect
and inuisible church onely as is plaine by those two testimonies your selfe quote in the margent Ioh. 8.32 Reu. 1.6 The elect therefore and inuisible Church onely haue Christ for their King Secondly Their King Christ Iesus is who abstaine from errour false-worship and all other euill whatsoeuer deliuering thus their owne soules But the elect and inuisible Church onely abstaine from euery euill way and deliuer their owne soules Therefore the elect onely haue Christ Iesus for their King Thirdly They onely are the people and subiects of Christ and haue him for their King for whom hee hath subdued Sathan and sinne and whom he hath redeemed out of all Satanean bondage that sinne should reigne no more ouer them But Christ hath subdued Sathan and sinne onely for the elect and invisible Church and them alone hath he redeemed out of all Satanean bondage that sinne should reigne no more ouer them Therefore the elect and inuisible Church onely are the people and subiects of Christ and haue him for their King Thus what you build with the one hand you put downe apase with the other Ephes 4.8.11 Heb. 3.6 Yet do not I deny that Christ hath appointed the offices and officers and giuen lawes to the vis church by and according to which only it ought to be gouerned that in th●s respect he is the onely King thereof Also Mat. 28.18 Reu. 17.14 in that all power is giuen vnto him in heauen and in earth and is King of the whole earth being King of Kings thus likewise hee is King of the visible church And as King hee defendeth it from the enemies thereof for his own glory and name that is called vpon them for his elect sake that are among them And lastly in this respect he is also King of the visible church that these rebels and enemies of his that will not suffer him to reigne ouer them neither regard his lawes and statutes he will take vengeance of them and destroy them Thus I acknowledge our Lord is King of the visible church but not so a he is King to them to whom he is Priest and Prophet as you doe affirme Come we now to the second part of the aforesaid proposit on Counterp 141. and to M. Ainsworth his 4. argument Euery true visible Church hath Christ for the Priest of the same The vis Church of England hath not Christ for the Priest of the s●me Therefore the Church of England is not a true visible Church I de●y your proposition which to be false I doe thus make manifest If Christ Iesus be the Priest of the visible Church then Christ died for the v●sible church and maketh intercession for all of that societie for doubtlesse hee performed all the parts of his Priesthood for them to whom he is a Priest If Christ now died for the visible church then all of the visible church shal be saued and none of them damned for Christs death shall be effectual to saue all those from perdition for whom he died Who shall condemne saith the Apostle It is Christ which is dead Rom. 8.34 Intimating that none of those can possibly be damned for whom Christ died Now the aforesaide inference is false seeing there be many reprobates of the visible church for which Christ neither dyed nor maketh intercession and therefore is that false from whence it is inferred deduced Nay I will disproue this by your owne words In the 32. p. of your confession of faith thus you write Touching his Priesthood Christ hath appeared once to put away sinne by the offering of himselfe and to this ende hath fully performed and suffred all those things by which God might be reconciled to his Elect. From hence I reason thus If Christ in that he was a Priest hath by the oblation of himselfe taken away the sinne of the Elect onely and reconciled vnto God onely the Elect then is hee the Priest onely of the Elect or inuisible church But Christ in that hee was a Priest hath by the oblation of himselfe taken away the sinne of the Elect onely and reconciled to God onely the Elect Therfore Christ Iesus is the Priest only of the Elect or church inuissible and by consequent not of the vissible church as you affirme The Proposition is so cleere in it selfe that it needes no proofe The Assumption is prooued by your owne confession Though you doe not vse this word onely yet must it nec●ssarilie bee vnderstood This your selfe also M. Ainsworth doe further confirme Counterp 141. The Church of England say you hath not Christ for the Priest or Sacrificer of the same Because the gifts and sacrifices which it offereth vnto God are not presented and offered vnto him by Christ neither is this Church reconciled vnto God by him from hence also I argue thus Whose spirituall sacrifices Christ doth present and offer vnto his father their priest he is But the spir●tual sacrifices of the elect and inuisible church onely doth Christ present and offer vnto his Father Therefore Christ is the Priest of the elect and inuisible church onely Agai●e To proue that Christ is the prophet of the inuisible church this in a word may suffice To what societ e soeuer he is king a●d priest to the same hee is a prophet But to the inuisible church onely he is a king and priest Therefore a prophet the Proposition needes no proofe The Assumption hath alreadie beene prooued This likewise may be co●firmed by your own lines and therefore I may well be sparing of mine Counterp 139. Moreouer the church of England wanteth part and communion with Christ in that propheticall office which he hath imparted to his people namely power and freedome to witnesse professe practise and holde forth the word of life and all that Christ hath commaunded And therefore concludeth he The church of England hath not Christ for the prophet thereof from hence I reason thus To that church or company of men whatsoeuer which hath power and freedome to witnesse professe practise and hould forth the word of life and all that Christ hath commanded to them onely is Christ a prophet But this power and freedome hath the inuisible church onely Therefore of the inuis church onely is Christ a Prophet The proposition is your own The assumption is very cleare for though all of the visible church and many reprobates haue power to professe yet onely the Elect haue the abilitie to practise the word of God and to obserue all that Christ hath commanded that is earnestly endeauor to obs●rue and keepe the cōmandements of God Christ in all things which is that we call euangelicall obedience This obedience wherof our Lord speaketh Mat. 28.20 Teaching thē to obserue all things whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you is proper I say to the elect and cannot fall into any reprobate But these words of Iesus you vnderstand of the politie of the church and being generall you restraine to all things
A TREATISE OF THE CHVRCH VVRITTEN AGAINST them of the Separation commonly called BROWNISTS Wherein the true Doctrine of a visible Church is taught and the Church of England proued to be a true Church The BROWNISTS false doctrine of the visible Church is conuinced their shamefull peruerting of the holy Scriptures discouered their Arguments to proue the Church of ENGLAND a false Church answered PROV 13.10 Onely by pride doth man make contention but with the well aduised is wisedome PROV 14.15 The foolish will beleeue euery thing but the prudent will consider his steps LONDON Printed by William Iones dwelling in Red-crosse streete 1617. TO THE CHVRCH OF ENGLAND GRACE AND peace from God our Father and from our Lord Iesus Christ IT is not vnknowne to them that are acquainted with the writings of the Brownists how euery where they charge our Church to be a false Church an Antichristian Church and consequently the Synagogue of Sathan and our particular or parish assemblies false visible churches They applie vnto vs and that often 2. Cor. 6.14.15 Reuel 18.2.4 and so equall vs with as grosse Idolaters as euer were heathen and Antichristian We are darkenesse it selfe wherewith the light hath no communion We worship Belial not Christ We are if not a roote of miscreants Counterp in the Epistle defence of the Church and Minist of Engl. 6. Counterp 266. and in the Epistle Paralleles 26. Apologie 209. yet a misceline multitude of beleeuers infidels We are the habitation of diuels the holds of all foule spirits and the cage of euery vncleane and hatefull bird Wee are Vr of the Caldees Babylon Egypt and Sodome out of which they must goe that will be saued They tell vs further that Rome is our mother and our Church one of her daughters And as is the mother so is the daughter both harlots Shall we heare our Church which is the mother of vs all nay the Churches of Christ thus blasphemed and euill spoken of and that not in a corner but vpon the house toppe as Absalom abused his fathers Concubines so as all men may heare the present world and the ages succeeding and hold our peace God forbid So doing we shall shewe our selues rather bastards then naturall children Can a sonne endure to heare his mother standered and reuiled and his bowels not be moued within him and his tongue also to speake in her defence Verily he that is such honoureth not his mother as the law of God and nature doth binde him And this is it my deare mother reuerend and holy that hath thrust me forward to write this Treatise in thy defence I thought indeede with my selfe a long time that this would better beseeme some of my elder brethren I considered the strength skill and forwardnesse of the aduersary to fight without wearisomnesse and mine owne great weakenesse M. Iohnson Ainsworth Smith Ro●inson for against all these I deale in this treatise that they with whom I was to haue this conflict were b diuers my selfe but one and that a little one but such through the grace of God was my loue to this part of his holy trueth and hatred to error that I was able to stride ouer them all And beginning first with a litle Treatise against them of the Separation in the defence of our Ministery Liturgie and Discipline mooued thereunto by the continuall griefe and vexation my soule was in to see so many round about me to seperate I considered that they keepe much adoe about a true visible Church and a false accusing vs euer and anone to be a false Church Heereupon I thought it very requisit rather to examine their doctrine of the Church which I found to be the very foundation of all that they haue written in this question and to make triall whether that were true or false I knowe that many will be apt to imagine that I haue saide litle or nothing against the Brownists and their Seperation because I doe not in this booke answere their obiections touching our Ministery Liturgy and Discipline But these men forget that the maine point of controuersie betwixt the Separists and vs is Whether our Church be a true or a false Church If the Church of England be a true Church as wee confidently affirme Then is the Brownists separation by their owne confession sinfull the Scriptures alleadged by them to that ende peruerted their speeches against our Church blaspheamous and all their arguments concerning our Ministery Liturgy and Discipline so many sophistications Then also is their ealling vpon men to separate from vs and to goe out of Babilon no more to be regarded then the barking of dogges in the streete But if our Church be a false Church which they contend for then we acknowledge their seperation to be lawfull and their reasons concerning our Ministerie Liturgie and Discipline to be found and substantiall Herevpon then all doth rest as a house vppon the foundation which being ouerturned the whole house we know fales to the ground To this end I haue in this Treatise endeuored two things principally First by diuers argumentes I proue that the church of England is a true Church and our parish assemblies as they are constituted by law true visible Churches Secondly I haue answered their Argumentes whereby they would proue it to be a false church and namely those which lately and at large are by M. Ainsworth enforced against vs in his Count●rpoyson Let none of my elder brethren be offended at this I haue done What though this cause be not by me so well mannaged as it deserues Accept of it neuerthelesse I haue done my best and God requireth but according to that a man hath and not according to that he hath not Let not man desire more If any demaund of me why I the most vnfit and vnable of a thousand in the middest of so many great Diuines famous for learning haue vndertaken the defence of our Church which had well beseemed the chiefest of them I answere that seeing them silent I could not hold my peace And that I being by the prouidence of God cast into the middest of these Separistes that towards the Northen parts did lately spring vp had thereby many more occasions to mooue prick mee forward to this businesse then other of my brethren haue had Thus God who in his secrete counsell had purposed and appointed me to this seruice made a way therevnto And it will aboundantly content mee if that whatsoeuer it is I haue performed bee approoued of God and acceptable to thee my reuerend and gracious Mother whos 's next to my Father wholly I am deuoted to thy seruice IOHN DAYRELL TO ALL SVCH AS PROFESSING THE FAITH AND OBEDIENCE of Christ haue separated themselues from the Churches of ENGLAND HAVING iust occasion of late to looke into your bookes I found that there are foure causes alleadged for your Separation and that the principall of them all concerneth the confusion and mixture of
in your schisme and errours and hearken to the counsell of Salomon Pro. 19.27 My sonne heare no more the instruction that causeth to erre from the words of knowledge Goe not I beseech you in the name of Iesus one step more forward in the way you are in For I call heauen and earth to record that it leades to destruction And why will ye die O ye children of men It is a fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God for our God is a consuming fire I know you perswade your selues of better things and such as accōpany saluation You think that the way you now are in is the only way to life But what if you mistake it Christ telleth vs that many shall seeke to enter in at the straight gate Luk. 13.24 and shall not bee able Which cannot be vnderstood of men minding earthly things whether it be their profits or pleasures For they neither desire nor seeke after any such thing But of heretickes Schismatickes and sectaries You will say I know that you are no schismatickes because you separate from a false Church onely and ioyne to a true in deede if that which you teach of the visible Church were true then were all our congregations false Churches But heare and marke well what I say Such a visible Church as you require and pretend to be there is not in the world neither euer was You teach in this point that which is repugnant to the Scriptures and a thing vnpossible in it selfe to be Such a societie as you say a true visible Church is is not visible cannot possibly be seene or discerned But some of you will say are not our Ministers learned Yes That lets not but that both they may and indeede doe grossely erre in those things wherein they dissent from vs and from all the learned in the world Who knoweth not that among the Papists there be many of great learning and gifts which haue very great knowledge and skill in the arts in the languages are of excellent vtterance expert and ready in holy Scriptures can speake and write truely agreeing with the Scriptures of sundry of the secrets of the Kingdome of heauen as of God his nature persons attributes Of Christ Iesus his incarnation his birth life preachings sufferings comming to iudgement of the Resurrection of the life to come with many more of this kinde and yet notwithstanding in those points wherein they differ from the Church of England and all other true Churches they are blinde as beetles But you will obiect further that what you of the Separation hold is proued plentifully out of the word of God I acknowledge indeede that you abound and superabound in your allegations of Scripture Neuer any men contending for lyes did therein goe beyond you nor equall you neither If hereunto we adde their externall holinesse wee may safely say that in no faction or schisme that euer yet was in the world Satan did more transforme himselfe into an Angell of light then in this But what Their Scriptures being peruerted as the truth is and so tending to the destruction of the Reader all this is but sheepes clothing Mat 7.15 whereof Christ biddeth vs to beware Horrible and fearefull is your abusing and wresting of holy Scripture and to some incredible It had been well for you if you had been more sparing in your quotations then had yee lesse taken Gods Name in vaine who will not hold you guiltlesse for the same except ye repent And now dearely beloued behold Christ Iesus stands at the doore and knockes aloud tarrying and abiding there as one very desirous to come in and loth to be kept out He that hath the keyes of the house of Dauid who shutteth and no man openeth and openeth and no man shutteth open the doore of your soule that you may let Christ enter in And to that end open I humbly beseech you the eyes of your minde that you may bee able to discerne betweene things that differ and know truth from falsehood and reiecting and abhorring the one which is from the Diuell may imbrace the other which is from God And here my deare countrimen who lately are gone out from vs and become Anabaptists I beseech you consider of this one thing with me When you first separated from the Church of England did not you highly esteeme and reuerence the Church of Amsterdam euen as the deare spouse and body of Christ I meane the Brownists Church there Would not you then gladly haue had communion with them if possibly you could when you refused the same with vs Did not then all of you assure your owne soules that that way which then and still we call Brownisme was the onely way to life wherevpon in that way you would needs walke come on it what would imprisonment or banishment life or death Did not then some of the chiefe of you in my hearing magnifie M. Fr. Iohnson and their bookes specially the Apologie aboue all bookes next to the holy Bible And in all this you reioyced exceedingly How commeth it now to ●asse that so quickly not onely our Churches but the aforesaid Church at Amsterdam is likewise become an Harlot and Babylon That you abhorre now as much to haue religious communion with them as with vs How commeth this I say to passe but because that which the Apostle saith generally of all deceiuers is and must needs be in the particular true of you your selues being deceiuers That you wax worse and worse deceiuing and being more and more deceiued Thus haue I in few words by way of commination exhortation dehortation and supplication indeuoured to perswade you my brethren of the Separation speecially my countreymen who are lately entred into this way to renounce your errours and to breake off by repentance your grieuous sinne of separating and all the sinnes accompanying it If this I haue published preuaile not thus farre though not with all yet with some of you as to bring you to the sight and acknowledgement of your erronious doctrine concerning the visible Church and your peruerting of holy Scripture for confirmation thereof as my hope is it will I for my part doe confesse that I vtterly despayre of doing any good of you and say to you as I haue learned from the Apostle to speake in this case If any man be ignorant let him be ignorant I shall also hold it vaine to contend any further with you 1. Cor. 14.38 11.16 If any lust to be contentious saith Paul wee haue no such custome nor the Churches of God And so I end leauing the successe hereof both with you and others to the Lord whom in Iesus Christ I beseech to accept of this my poore and weake seruice and to grant that it may prosper to that end wherevnto by me his most vnworthy seruant it is intended euen to the glory of his great Name and edification of his Church Amen IOHN DAYRELL A
SVMMARIE OF THE CHAPTERS THE FIRST BOOKE OF the Church triumphant and militant And sundry Titles in holy Scriptures given to the same specially to the Militant Church Chap. 1. pag 1. The Vse of the former doctrine Chap. 2. pag. 14. Of the Visible Church and the diverse acceptations of the Word Church Chap. 3. pag 20. The visible Church is a mixt companie compounded of Christians true and false the greatest part being the worst Chap. 4 pag 23. Of Religion what it is and how distinguished Chap 5. pag. 32. That the Profession of Religion maketh one a member of the visible Church Chap. 6. pag 3. That the Church of England is a true Church and our parish assemblies true visible Churches Chap. 7. pa. 41. THE SECOND BOOKE A Confutation of H. Barrow his description of a true visible Church Chap. 1. pag. 51. A confutation of another description of the true visible Church giuen by the Brownists Where much is said concerning the first gathering of a Church and commixture of good and bad in the Church Chap. 2. pag. 60. Of the matter and forme of the visible Church Chap. 3. pag. 161. Whether thc Couenant of life and saluation which God made with Abraham and his seede where made with the visible or inuisible Church Chap. 4. pag. 186. The titles which the Separists ascribe to the visible Church are to be vnderstood of the inuisible Church onely Chap. 5. pag. 197. The Churches of the Brownists by their owne doctrine are false churches and therefore men ought to separate and come out from among them Chap. 6. pag. 215. The controuersie betweene vs and the Brownists concerning religious communion is here debated Where is shewed First that wee may lawfully ioyne in diuine worship with them which are not members of the Church Secondly with the open wicked And that thereby neither the faithfull nor the holy things of God are polluted Chap. 7. pag. 217. The Arguments of the Brownists whereby they would proue our church to be a false church and the answere vnto them Chap 8. pag. 229. How the Separists to iustifie their separation from the Church of England doe shamefully peruert the holy Scriptures Chap. 9. pag. 257. THE FIRST BOOKE CHAP. I. Of the Church Triumphant and Militant and of the sundry titles in holy Scripture giuen to the same THe word in the original 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 translated Church signifieth an assembly or company called out from other and in the new Testament thereby sometimes is meant The company of the Elect 1. Cor. 1.10 euen that whole company that God hath chosen and called and wil call out of mankind vnto the fellowship of Iesus Christ in him to haue life eternal And this is manifest by the fift to the Ephesians Husbands loue your wiues euen as Christ loued the Church and gaue himselfe for it 26. That he might sanctifie it and clense it by the washing of water through the Word 27. That hee might make it vnto himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spot or wrinckle or any such thing but that it should bee holy and without blame And a little after No man euer hated his owne flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it Vers 29.32 euen as the Lord doth the Church And againe This is a great secret but I speake concerning Christ and concerning the Church All this must needs be vnderstood of all the Elect which society is foure times heere called the Church For first those which be heere called the Church Christ is said to Loue But on the Elect only Christs loue is set as on his spouse them alone hee nourisheth and cherisheth as a man doth his owne flesh The company of the Elect are meant therefore by the Church Againe it is said He gaue himselfe for the Church thereby also it is cleare by Church is meant onely and all the Elect sith for them alone and for all them he died and not for the reprobate And whereas Christ is said heere Iohn 17 9.20.25 compared with Iohn 10.27.28 Mat. 25.33.34 to sanctifie the Church and cleanse it c. And the Elect only be thus sanctified and clensed this sanctification being begunne onely in them in this life and perfected in them alone in the world to come at which time they shal be without spot or wrinkle their vile bodies being made like to Christ his glorious body and their sinfull soules like to his most holy and glorious soule and so a most glorious Church or company it followeth necessarily thereupon that by Church heere the holy Ghost meaneth the congregation of the Elect which is that we call the inuisible Church and not the visible Church which consisteth as well of Reprobate Matth. 16.8 as Elect as the Separists will haue it Of the inuisible Church also our Sauiour Christ speaketh vnto Peter saying Thou art Peter and vpon this Rocke I will build my Church By him vnderstood Christ Iesus and the gates of hell shall not ouercome it Meaning that in him and vpon him the Elect whom heere hee calleth his Church should bee so rooted and grounded that no enemies no not Angels Principalities nor Powers with all their power and subtiltie should be able to preuaile against them or any of them But the visible Church is and hath beene from time to time shaked and battered in her parts yea sometimes made euen with the ground Of it therefore this Scripture cannot bee vnderstood as some affirme but of the inuisible which is nothing else but the communion of Saints that are and shall be Of the Church we haue againe a description together with a distribution in the 12. to the Hebrewes where Vers 22. for the better vnderstanding of the Doctrine we haue in hand wee may obserue the seuerall titles that bee giuen vnto it First it is called the Citie of the liuing God Rom. 12.2 because they of this society when they be called liue not after the lawes customes and manners of this world whereof they bee not though they be in it but are therein as foriners and strangers but after the lawes statutes and ordinances of God set downe in his word Iohn 15.19 17.14 1 Pet. 2.11 Psal 119.1.2 so that in life and conuersation they differ from other men yea from that themselues did sometime leade Secondly it is called the celestiall Ierusalem as whereof that earthly Ierusalem was a figure Also because the Citizens of this Citie seeke those things which are aboue Col. 3.1.2 setting their affections chiefely on heauenly things not minding in the first places earthly things as they doe whose portion is this world Phil. 3.19.20 Psal 119.57 and not God And thus as they of this fellowship are cleane changed and differ from all other in outward carriage and from that themselues were before so in inward affection and disposition Thirdly it is called the Church of the first borne because they are that company which was figured by
the first borne of the Iewes that were by Gods appointment to be sanctified to the Lord Exod. 13.2 and are they which out of mankind are of God sanct●fied and put apart to an holy vse that is the seruice or worship of God the rest of mankind attending pro●ane and worldly affaires Also Exod. 4.23 Psal 4.6 Matth. 22.5 Esa 49.15 because they of this Church or company are as dearely nay more dearely beloued of God then the first borne children are of their parents Fourthly this Church is said to be written in heauen because all of them are chosen and appointed to life eternall and their names written in the booke of life enioying or hereafter to enioy it in heauen Lastly he maketh mention of the spirits of iust and perfect men meaning the soules of the faithfull which are now in heauen Whereby wee learne that part of the Church is now in heauen and the other in earth and hereafter to be on earth both these making the Church This Church or company then containeth all Gods Elect that euer haue beene are and shall be in this world from the beginning thereof to the end Whereof part we see is in heauen triumphing as hauing got the victory ouer their enemies and praysing God and is therefore called the Church triumphant and part on earth hereafter on earth to be warring or fighting with their spirituall enemies the flesh the world and prince thereof the Diuel called therefore the Church militant This Paul teacheth likewise in the 3. to the Eph. saying I bow my knees vnto the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ Vers 14.15 of whom is named the whole family in heauen and in earth By whole family he meaneth the whole Church one part whereof saith hee is in heauen with God the Lord Master of this Family magnifying him and namely for his goodnes towards thē the victory that by him they haue obtained Exod. 4.23 the glory honor and immortality he hath bestowed vpon them the other on earth for a time attōding the busines he hath appointed them which is to worship him This the Apostle likewise teacheth Ephes 1.10 and in the first to the Coloss vers 20. In both which places he affirmeth that God hath reconciled to himselfe in Christ all things which are in heauen and which are in earth By the word Things hee meaneth Men as Reuel 21.27 where Iohn speaking of the new Ierusalem saith There shall enter into it no vncleane thing meaning no vncleane man or person By all things then both which words be vsed in eyther of these places the holy Ghost meaneth all the Elect for of these the Apostle speaketh in both places of which society part he telleth vs now three times is in heauen and the other in earth none in purgatory and that each part and euery member thereof is in and through Christ reconciled God and such only be the Elect. This whole company of the Elect is the Church which Ephes 1.22.23 proueth Christ is appointed the head to the Church which is his body the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all things As the parts of a man soule and body make but a man not men and the seuerall parts of the body one body not diuers so the societies whereof I haue spoken in heauen and on earth make but one Church We doe not then beleeue two Churches not two Spouses of Christ but we beleeue only one yet considered diuers wayes One as shee is in the blade growing and to grow together with the tares in the field or in the flore mixed with chaffe another as shee is in the garner one in the mine and another purifi●d one yet wrapped in the confusion of this world and wicked men another before her Spouse without spot or wrinckle But leauing the triumphant Church which is in this pure and perfect estate we will now intreat of the Militant The militant Church is vniuersall or particular Ephes 4.13.16 Vniuersall are all those throughout the world who beleeuing in Christ are by the spirit vnited to him and by loue one vnto another In a word the whole company of the faithfull Hereof Paul speaketh 1. Cor. 12.28 God hath ordained some in the Church first Apostles secondly Prophets c. And Ephes 4.11.12 where the very same in part is layd downe but in other words He therefore gaue some to bee Apostles and some Prophets c. for the gathering together of the Saints for the worke of the ministery and for the edification of the body of Christ In stead of the word Church he first vseth Saints because the Church is nothing else but the Congregation of Saints Secondly The body of Christ meaning that part of his body which is on earth the whole being set for a part by a Synecdoche And of this is that to be vnderstood in the Creed I beleeue the holy Catholike Church A particular Church is the whole company of beleeuers that be in a Country Citie Towne or Village Such was the Church at Ierusalem Rome Corinth the Churches of Galatia c. as after in the ninth chapter of this Booke is proued Paul an Apostle 1. Cor. 1 2. Gal. 1.2 vnto the Church of God which is at Corinthus Paul vnto the Churches of Galatia And thus rightly we doe and may call all the faithfull in England in Scotland in France the Church of England the Church of Scotland the Church of God in France and all the true beleeuers be they more or lesse in Islington the Church of Islington Thus haue we many Churches and yet but one Church many particular Churches and yet but one Catholike or vniuersall Church 1. Pet. 2.9 To the Militant Church Peter speaketh saying But yee are a chosen generation a royall Priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that yee should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darknesse into his maruailous light Where he speaking to the Elect and beleeuing Iewes telleth them that they need not to feare nor be dismaid at this that God hath ordained some to destruction whereof he had spoken in the two next verses before for as much as they were not of those or of that Generation whom God to glorifie his Iustice and to shew his anger against sinne hath appointed to condemnation but were of that Generation and stock which out of mankind God hath chosen and ordained to life euerlasting that so hee might declare the riches of his glory and mercy in sauing them Of this societie the beleeuing Iewes whom Peter speaketh were part And therefore it is that the Apostle vseth this particle but saying But yee are a chosen generation Those that Peter calleth heere the chosen Generation are the same which the Scripture often cals the Church and Diuines vsually the inuisible Church And it is that company of men which God out of all mankind hath chosen in Christ to giue or bestow vpon them eternall
then it is taken for all that company which in a Citie Towne or Villages cohabiting professe the Christian or true Religion and doe ordinarily meet and ioyne together in the exercises of Religion This particular Church we call a Parish and being met together to ioyn in prayer in hearing of the Word and receiuing the Sacraments A Parish assembly which is a company of Christians dwelling in such a circuite as we call a Parish assembled in one place for religious exercise And in this sence is this word Church often taken in the new Testament and namely in these places following Rom. 16.1 1. Cor. 1.17 14.23 I commend vnto you Phebae our sister which is a seruant of the Church of Cenchrea As I teach euery where in euery Church As if a Minister of the Gospell should now say thus This is my opinion and so I teach euery where in euery Parish wheresoeuer I come If therefore when the whole Church is come together in one and all speake strange tongues there come in they that are vnlearned t is as if one should speak now when the whole Parish is come together Act. 14.23 and 27. And when they had ordained them Elders by election in euery Church that is as we say in euery Parish and prayed and fasted they commended them to the Lord. Behold then many Churches and one Church many particulars but one vniuersall Thus we see that the word Church in holy Writte is often taken for a company of men professing Christian Religion whether that company be great or small that is all one Sometimes in the Scripture the whole company of men that professed Christian Religion throughout the world that is the vniuersall Congregation of Christians is called a Church Of that company of Christians that ordinarily ioyned together in the exercises of Religion and sometimes the Christians that were of the same family And from hence by very good reason wee may well call all that professe Christian or true Religion in a Nation or all the Christians in a Nation the Church of that Nation whatsoeuer it be Let no man therefore hold that it is vnlawfull to say The Church of England the Church of Scotland c. as some of late haue done And thus much concerning the Church what it signifieth and what it is It remaineth that we be further instructed touching the visible Church that so we may the better know it and be able to discerne betweene a true visible Church and a false betwixt the Church of God and the Sinagogue of Satan That so to our further comfort or discomfort we may know to which of these we doe belong CHAP. IV. The visible Church is a mixt company compounded of Christians true and false the greatest part being the worst TO this purpose wee haue a very good place in the 11. of the Acts vers 26. And it came to passe that at Antiochia Barnabas and Saul were a whole yeer conuersant with the Church and taught much people in so much that the Disciples were first called Christians in Antiochia Where we may obserue that this word Church is explained by three diuers words People Disciples Christians By all which foure words the holy Ghost meaneth one and the same society For where it is said they taught much people it is all one as if it had beene said they taught the Church And in so much that the disciples in so much that the Church or they of the Church were first called Christians In that the Church is called a people we learne that one Disciple or Christian is not neyther can be called a Church But to that end there must be a company more or lesse as I haue noted in the beginning out of the signification of the word Secondly in that by the word Disciples is meant the Church and that by these two different words is meant one and the same company we learne that the Church visible is a people much or small hearing and learning those things which are taught them from God or seeming so to doe In a word that it is a company of Disciples whereof some few only are * Which bee they who yeelds obedience to the word of God Ma●th 20.16 Proficients and doe learne aright the heauenly instructions the other being now Proficients or trewants yet comming to this Schoole of Christ doe only occupie a roome there according to that saying of Christ Many are called but few are chosen Last y in that the Church or they of the Church are called Christians and that by these two seuerall words the holy Ghost meaneth one and the same society we are taught that the visible Church is nothing else but a company of Christians which hath beene further confirmed by the former testimonies of holy Scripture and might be by more if need did so require Christians now are all they to be accounted who professe the Christian or true Religion A company of which make a Church as wee heare and these bee of two sorts Christians indeed and Christians in name onely Christians indeed be such who professing true Religion be withall religious indeed leading a religious holy life Or Christians indeed Iames 1.27 be they which partake with Christ in that holy anointing wherof the Apostle entreating of Christ speaketh in the first of the Hebrewes Verse 9. God euen thy God hath annointed thee with the oyle of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes 2. Cor. 1.21 And to the Corinthians It is God which hath anointed vs who hath also sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts Such were those 5. Iohn speaketh of in his first Epistle Chap. 2.20.27 But yee haue an oyntment from that holy one And a little after But that anointing which ye receiued of him dwelleth in you and yee need not that any man teach you but as the same annoynting teacheth you of all things and it is true and not lying As if hee had said what it teacheth is true and no falshood or error in it which must needs be because it is the Spirit of truth and therefore breatheth and inspireth nothing into any but truth The Spirit of God and of Christ that leadeth all them which haue it into all truth needfull to be knowne to saluation dwelleth in all these Christians so as hee that wanteth this spirit is no true Christian Rom. 8.9 According to that of PAVL If any man haue not the Spirit of Christ the same is not his From whence also it followes on the other side that he who hath Christ his Spirit and he only is Christs that is a member of Christ or true Christian As he only was a Iew which was one within Rom. 2.29 circumcised in the heart and in the spirit not only in the letter or circumcision done by the hand so hee onely is a Christian which is one within baptised with the holy Ghost and not alone with water 2.
can or doth rightly professe Law or Gospell faith or repentance And what though many among vs yea the most bee dead in trespasses and sinnes Doth that hinder vs from being a true Church Bee ashamed of your grosse ignorance Know yee not that the greatest part of the visible Church are Reprobates as is manifest by this speech of our Lord Many are called Matth. 22.14 but few chosen and consequently dead in trespasses and sinnes Are not all naturall men dead in trespasses and sinnes The Apostle saith they be but all Reprobates are naturall not spirituall therefore all Reprobates are dead in trespasses and sinnes Is there any Reprobate who being dead to sinne is aliue to God In the twelfth Psalme Dauid because of the iniquity of that time complaineth and cryeth out to God after this manner Vers 1. Helpe Lord for there is not a godly man left And Isaiah thus Ah sinfull Nation a people laden with iniquity c. And a little after Isa 1. v. 2.3.4 and vers 10. Heare the word of the Lord yee Princes of Sodome hearken yee people of Gomorrha Tell mee now Master Ainsworth whether the people of the Iewes in the dayes of these Prophets were dead in trespasses and sins and many hainous abominations and whether they did rightly professe the things you speake of I hope it may be as truely said of them as of vs that they professed not aright neyther Law nor Gospell neither repentance from dead workes nor faith in God and yet were they at the same time a true visible Church We therefore may be and are a true visible Church notwithstanding our people generally faile in the practise of that holy Religion we doe professe And thus much of the visible Church yea generally concerning the Church visible and inuisible wherein godly Reader if thou wilt take the paines to informe thy selfe throughly thou shalt not need to feare those rocks wheron others haue fallen and made shipwracke CHAP. VII That the Church of England is a true Church and our Parish assemblies true visible Churches WEE will now come to apply the aforesaid Doctrine of the visible Church to the people of En●land in particular and thereby we will proue the Church of England to be a true Church against all gain-sayers Papists Brownists c. but especially against Brownists who only haue caused this Treatise of the Church against whom chiefely it is intended And this is the first vse wee will make of the said Doctrine The Brownists euery where in their bookes with open mouth affirme that our Church is a false Church and our particular Congregations or Parish assemblies false visible Churches To take away this vile report and euill name which they haue brought vpon vs the people of God I will reason against them and proue the contrary first generally and then particularly Generally thus Whatsoeuer People or Nation is within the daily voice and call of God calling vpon them to repent and beleeue that so they may be saued the same is a true visible Church But the people generally of England are within the voice and call of God daily calling vpon them to repent and beleeue that they may be saued Therefo●e the people of England are a true visible Church The Proposition and first part of this Argument is proued by the speech of Christ Matth. 22.14 Many are called but few chosen by the first part whereof Many are called is meant the visible Church and by the latter contained in these words but few are chosen those of the inuisible Church that are in the visible All that liue vnder the voice and call of God that is who submit themselues vnto the Ministery of the Word and doe heare it whereby God calleth vpon them by his seruants the Ministers that they would repent and beleeue and so be saued all these I say are the visible Church among which saith Chr●st few are of the Elect and Church inuisible This is the meaning of our Lord in these words As that people which hath not this externall calling by the Word is not a visible Church or so much as within the visible Church but without as Paul speaketh 1. Cor. 5.12 What haue I to doe to iudge them that are without So that people which hath the externall calling whom God vouchsafeth to call vpon to be saued and outwardly submit themselues therunto albeit few of them be effectually called and haue the internall calling is a visible Church Against the Assumption or second part of this Argument there lieth no exception it being true that our Pastors and Teachers are true Ministers euen the Ministers of Christ and disposers of the secrets of God which as some of the learned among vs of late haue proued to the stopping of your mouthes though neuer so wide so God himselfe by the calling and conuersion of many among vs 1. Cor. doth confirme and thereto from heauen set a scale and therefore it mattereth not though a thousand fool●sh men on earth doe deny the same From the latter description of a visible Church That it is a company of people enioying and submitting themselues to the true worshippe of God I argue yet further for our Church Whatsoeuer people doe enioy and outwardly submit themselues to the true worshippe of God they are a true visible Church But the people of England doe enioy and outwardly submit themselues to the true worship of God Therefore the people of England are a true visible Church The Proposition hath sufficient confirmation from the aforesaid description of the visible Church and needeth not to be strengthened any further besides you will not I know deny it and therefore in vaine it were to vse many words about it The Assumption you will and must needes deny that our diuine worship is true worship For if our worshippe be true worship then is our Church a true Church This you know full well Hereupon you as confidently affirme that our worship is false as that our Church is a false Church Counterpoys 209. Should we say quoth Master Ainsworth that a visible Church is a people that falsely worship Christ Indeed if so we held we might well returne to their Church of England for there is false worship more then enough If we can proue now that our worship is true worship then and thereby it will be manifest that our Church is a true Church and so the foundation of your building will not only be shaken but vtterly ouerthrowne and fall to the ground consequently the whole building That the worship we enioy and giue vnto God is true worship I thus proue If such as both in their life time and at their death serued God with the very same worship as wee doe haue in that worship beene saued then is the worship wee now haue true diuine worship But the first is true Therefore the second Both the Proposition and Assumption of this Argument will be made
from among vs whom wee call Brownists contrarie minded who both reiect the aforesaid doctrine as erronious and condemne our Parish assemblies for false Churches it remaineth we heare what they likewise teach concerning the Church and their Arguments whereby they would proue our Church to be a false Church that so wee may more clearely see on which side the truth is whereby the louers of the Truth shall be preserued from error and Wisdome iustified of her children THE SECOND BOOKE CHAP. I. A confutation of H. BARROW his description of a true visible Church WEE haue spoken in the former Chapter of the first vse wee make of the aforesaid Doctrine of the visible Church And there we haue seene how fitly it seemeth to iustifie the Church of England and to proue her to be a true Church now by it wee will also conuince the Brownists false doctrine of the visible Church And that shall be the second and l●st vse of the Doctrine aforesaid For the better vnderstanding of the Brownists doctrine concerning the true visible Church let vs heare how it is described by them It is saith BARROW a company and fellowship of faithfull and holy people gathered in the name of Christ Iesus A true description of the visible Church pag. 1. their only King Priest Prophet worshipping him aright being peaceably quietly gouerned by his officers lawes keeping the vnity of faith in the bond of peace and loue vnfained General●y cōcerning this description I affirme that a Apology 44. Counterp 115. Princ. Infer 8. 10. as al the rest of the descriptions or definitions of the visible Church which they do giue so this likewise is rather a description of the inuisible Church militant then of the visible That which is h●ere set downe is true onely of the Elect and cannot properly and truely bee spoken of any Reprobate whereof a true visible Church may in part consist as well of the Elect for as the Elect only are faithfull and holy indeed and effectually called so Christ Iesus is their onely b Though Christ Iesus be in diuers respects King of the visible Church yet he is not King Priest Prophet of the visible but only of the inuisible Church hee cannot be said to be Priest of the visible Church but with relation had to them that be of the inuisible Church King Priest and Prophet they alone doe worshippe him aright are gouerned by his lawes keepe the vnity of faith in the bond of peace and loue vnfained But let vs brifely consider of the seuerall parts of this description That your meaning is the visible Church consisteth only of faithfull holy persons it is hereafter made manifest and appeareth also by the last page of H. Barrow his book intituled A true description of the visible Church where hee saith that into the visible Church there entereth no vncleane thing or person but all such are without how true this Doctrine is wee shall anon heare as also of the gathering heere spoken of And that the visible Church and consequently all the members thereof haue not Christ Iesus to be their King Priest and Prophet in the end of this booke it is made manifest Omitting therefore these things wee will come to that which in the description followeth In it you adde that the visible Church consisteth of a Company that worship Christ aright and to proue this you send vs to three places of Scripture the two first viz. Exod. 20.7.8 Leuit. 10.5 speake neuer a word for you The last and onely testimony you haue is Ioh. 4.23 where Iesus saith That the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and truth and that the Father requireth such to worship him And hereof our Lord rendereth a reason in the words next following saying God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and truth which in effect is this that God being of a spirituall nature requireth a spirituall seruice agreeable to his nature Of a company of such kind of worshippers say you doth the visible Church consist But how can this possibly be true seeing Christ Iesus speaking to some of the visible Church Matth. 15.7 saith thus O Hypocrites Esaias prophecied well of you saying this people draweth neere vnto me with their mouth and honoureth me with their lips but their heart is farre from mee but in vaine doe they worship me These were no true worshippers worshipping God in Spirit and truth but only outwardly and Hypocritically whereupon Iesus calleth them Hypocrites and yet were these worshippers members of the visible Church And whereas of the visible Church the greatest part are Hypocrites or hypocriticall worsh●ppers by this description and doctrine of yours there can be no Hipocrites in it for you teach that the visible Church is a company that worship God in Spirit and truth but no Hypocrites worshippe God in Spirit and truth therefore by your doctrine no Hypocrites are of or in the visible Church That no hypocrites doe worship God in spirit and truth which resteth only to be proued it is hereby manifest First because they doe not worship God with a true and sincere affection of the heart Secondly Because this worshipping of God in spirit and truth is that worship which God requireth to be performed to him by men accepteth of and is well pleased with but the worship of hypocrites God forbiddeth reiecteth and abhorreth Hypocrites therefore doe not worship God in spirit and truth Thirdly As many as thus worship God in this world Heb. 11.6 Psal 19.11 he will honor in the world to come and for their poore seruice done to him on earth he will aboundantly reward them in heauen now woe be to Hypocrites saith Christ And againe giue him his portion with Hypocrites This is the hypocrites reward Where you say that the visible Church is a company peaceably and quietly gouerned by Christ's officers and lawes considering the greatest part of the visible Church are reprobates and so rebels against Christ taking part with Satan against him how can this be truely said of the visible Church and consequently of all the members thereof Cain Ismael Esau Saul Absolom the Scribes and Pharisies were all of the visible Church These and thousands more such in the Church haue beene so farre from being quietly gouerned by Christs lawes that with them in the second Psalme they haue said Verse 3. Let vs breake their bonds and cast their cords from vs. The visible Church therefore is not a company of such loyall and obedient subiects to Christ as these men affirme How peaceably and quietly was Saul gouerned by the lawes of God and Church officers then when he caused the Priests of the Lord to be slaine and eagerly persecuted Dauid thirsting after his bloud and that all his life time The same may be said of Cain killing Abel of Ismael mocking or as the Apostle saith persecuting Isaak of Absalom
the Church generations of Vipers Math. 3.7 12.34 23.33 who notwithstanding their shew and profession of holines are as full of malice and hatred towards the godly as a Viper of poison Moreouer where you say Thus the world and the Church betweene whom there hath beene perpetuall warre might soone be reconciled in this or such like speach by the world wee are to vnderstand the men of this world that is worldly minded men such as whose hearts and affections are set vpon this world and the things thereof whether they be in the Church or out of it and by Church the company of the faithfull members of the inuisible Church for these alone together with their head are meant by the Woman and her seed Betwixt these the World and Church thus taken is the warre or enmity you speake of foretold by God himselfe saying I will put enmity betweene thee and the woman Gen. 3.15 and betweene thy seed and her seed In stead hereof by World you vnderstand them that are without the Church and by Church the visible Church Whereby it appeares y●u speake you know not what such is your ignorance and rashnes Lastly say you if this be a lawfull and orderly course Counterpois 224. it is strange that Christ sent forth poore fisher-men to conuert soules by preaching and set not Princes to make Disciples by compulsion and penaltie We answere hee hath done both and this latter he hath done by giuing Kings to be nursing fathers and Queenes nursing mothers to his Church These by their authority compell men otherwise vnwil●ing to submit themselues to the outward worship of God whereby they come to be members of the Church or Disciples and so some of them by Preaching to be conuerted to God Thus the Magistrate in causing men to heare the Word helpeth forward and so herein is a nursing father the conuersion of soules by preaching You seeme to confound the conuerting of soules and the making of Disciples which are things different It is one thing to be turned and conuerted to God by true and vnfained repentance which is proper to the elect and inuisible Church and another to be a Disciple that is a Christian or professor of Christian Religion or member of the visible Church which is common to the reprobate with the elect There haue beene many Disciples whose soules were neuer conuerted by preaching Obiection But happely some of you will say we haue no example of this compulsion to the seruice of God in the new Testament not one in all the Actes of the Apostles where mention is made of the first planting or gathering of many Churches partly among the Iewes but chiefely the Gentiles All which were gathered onely by the Preaching of the word as your selfe haue formerly shewed and the gathering of none of them any way helped or furthered by the Commaundement and authoritie of the Magistrate Answere I answere Must all points of Religion and all Christian doctrine needes be confirmed and exemplified out of the new Testament Then the Scripture of the old Testament serueth not for probation but for some inferiour vses as to illustrate amplifie c. And who knoweth not that there be a thousand particulars whereof one cannot giue an example or instance in the new Testament why then doe you necessarily require it in this particular Secondly it is no maruell though we reade nothing thereof in the new Testament considering the Magistrates then were enemies and not friends to the Christian Religion Being not Christians but Heathens and Infidels without God in this world and strangers from the cōmon wealth of Israel It is not therefore to bee imagined that they would make edicts and decrees send foorth their royall commands and threates for the erecting and setting vp or for the peaceable and well gouerning of this common-wealth But is rather to be thought that being iealous of their owne crownes and dignities and vpon some causeles feare that their owne cōmon wealth could not stand with this they would set themselues with might and maine against the Church as indeede they did Obiection If you say the vntaught people in the beginning of Q. Elizabeths raigne suddenly receiuing the Gospell by commandement not by hearing could not beleeue at the first though they prof●ssed and therefore at the first were no true Christians nor Churches and that such we continue I answere that not faith Answere but the profession thereof is necessarie to the making of a member of the visible Church and that they might be true Churches though all the members thereof were not true but many of them false and counterfeite Christians For a true visible Church consisteth as well of false and counterfeite as of true Christians of Christians in name onely as of Christians in deede as before hath beene shewed And therefore the Parish assemblies in England in the beginning of Q. Elizabeths raigne were true visible Churches seeing they all made outward profession of Faith and Christianitie and had among them some true beleeuers and Christians in their assemblies that generally they did make an outward good profession is manifest and notoriously knowne to all Christian nations and that there were then some true beleeuers and Christians in their assemblies we cannot doubt as touching very many assemblies in this land and in charitie which beleeueth all things and hopeth all things we may conceiue so of all Considering the Religion and worship of God was not then heare first established but restored againe and purged which had beene discontinued and corrupted in the dayes of Q. Mary which were not many For this cause we cannot deny true Faith and Christianitie to all these assemblies Shall we thinke that the fire had deuoured and eaten vp all the faithfull of the land No verily Exod. 3.2 No more then the bush in Horeb being on fire was consumed by the fire Whereby was signified that the Church is not consumed by the fire of afflictions Nay we are rather to thinke that as it was with the Hebrewes that the more they were oppressed the more they multiplied so it was with the Israel of God at this time in England the more they were persecuted for Christs sake the more they increased in true Christianitie So as out of the ashes of the Martyres there did spring a multitude of beleeuers besides the faithfull that were in the land before Whereof some hauing fled beyond the Seas did now returne home with ioy others hauing hid themselues as it were in caues and holes came forth These were scattered throughout the land and it is to be thought there were many thousands of them which neuer bowed the knee to Baal And these mixed with others who came vnto them and ioyned with them in one and the same profession made true visible Churches Whereby we see that albeit many receiued the Gospell for the Commandements sake yet not all Some there were that hungered and thirsted for the Gospell before it
came and groned vnder the present superstitious and idolatrous worship sighing and crying vnto God day and night because of it they not a few And tell me I pray you had they not in King Edwards the word of God read in their mother tongue in euery Congregation throughout the land and preached also heere and there according to the number of Preachers then Besides they had the holy Bible in the English tongue in their houses wherein no doubt many did meditate day and night Also many godly Bookes specially against papistrie were in their hands whereof they were daily scattering and reading all the dayes of Queene Mary In her time also many in the land had their secrete meetings sometimes by day sometimes by night wherin they ioyned together in the word and prayer and administration of the Sacraments Tidings and letters went daily on euery side concerning the patience and alacritie of the Martyrs in their sufferings their constantie their graue and learned answeres and Apologies and of the rude and vnlearned replies the sauage and cruell dealing of the Prelates with them on the other side The blood of the Martyrs likewise shed before the eyes of all men preached aloud vnto them that saw and heard therof Adde hereunto the manifold conferences consultations disputaions vsed about Religion and the right way to saluation whether this or that were the way specially in the entrance of Q. Elizabeth to her throne that there was a From the 17. of Nouember vntill Midsommer more then halfe a yeare for the people to heare learne and consider before the Commaundement came and we cannot be so void of vnderstanding as to think that meere force cōpulsion brought all to the holy profession vniuersally made nor of charitie as to conceiue that they all generally wanted all knowledge and all faith and were assemblies consisting only of ignorant persons and vnbeleeuers But suppose that onely the proclamation and royall commandement had brought in all And that none had had knowledge and faith in God but Q. Elizabeth who caused that proclamation and gaue that commandement and whose memoriall for that act is and shall be blessed in all ages succeeding Be it granted I say that all parish assemblies then in this land were Congregations of ignorant persons and vnbeleeuing no true Churches indeed at least in Gods account yet it doeth not followe thereupon that our assemblies be such now but this notwithstanding may be and indeede are the Churches of Christ seeing that euer since aboue 50. yeeres wee haue beene pertakers of the true word of God and Sacraments and submitted our selues thereunto and many of vs effectually called thereby as witnesseth our liues vnblameable euen our enemies being Iudges There are many men in a house but gotten into it not through the doore whereby is the ordinary passage into it but by some backe doore or through the window or happely at some breach violently made into the saide house Were it not extreame folly or rather madnesse because of this manner of entrance to deny the inbeing of the aforesaide men in the house Thus vnwise are the Brownists in denying our inbeing in the Church which is the house of God because the manner of our entrance or passage into it at the first was not such as it ought to haue beene as they affirme Apology 24 If you should finde saith Doctor Hall a company of true Christians in vtmost India would you stand vpon tearmes and enquire how they became so Whiles they haue that is necessary for that Heauenly profession what neede your curiositie trouble it selfe with the meanes Against the true●h of our Church therefore to obiect as they do that it wa● not at the first rightly gathered by the sound of the word but rather of the trumpet is nothing if it were true much more is it nothing and of no validitie that being false And heere bef●re I ende this point let vs yet further marke how the first gathering of our Church as touching the time when it was they ascribe to the beginning of Queene Elizabeths raigne and as concerning the meanes whereby it was gathered to the proclaimation then made but both vntruly For the first conuersion of our land to the faith of Christ was long before and that by the preaching of the Gospell as is plaine by ecclesiastical stories and by the persecution and martyrdome of the Saints Act. and Mon●m passim from time to time recorded therein At least who can deny that the Church of England was a true Church in King Edward his dayes during whose raigne many were by preaching so effectually called as the trueth which they then embraced and professed they after sealed with their blood And by the same meanes an infinite company more were then conuerted and brought to the faith that by God were deliuered and preserued from the rage and mallice of the aduersary Very vntrue and slaunderous therefore is this saying of Maister Ainsword Cou●terp 64. The gathering and planting of your Church hath beene by the Magistrates authoritie not by the word of Christ Heere also as in a glasse wee may behold the falshood and vanitie of that speach of H. Barrow D s●ouery of the falsechurch 10. Iustific●tion 275. All the people were in one day by the blast of Queene Elizabeths Trumpet of ignorant Papists and grosse Idolaters made faithfull Christians and true professors With these men agreeth M. Robison If the body of the land in the beginning of the Queenes raigne were good and holy at all the Magistrates compulsion wrought it in men and made them of persecuting Idolaters true Christians for other meanes in tearming or comming betwixt their profession of the Masse and of the Gospell had they none sauing the Magistrates authoritie How truely is saide that all the people and inhabitants of this land were ignorant and without the know-of God Secondly Papists and grosse Idolaters Thirdly That no other meanes did intermine and come betwixt their profession of the Masse and the Gospell but the Magistrates authoritie doe thou reader iudge by the promises Obserue here thier slandering of the people of God which is a sinne a thousand fould more hainous then the slandering of one man also their vncharitablenes but chiefely their grosse ignorance who secretly heere emplies that a true visible Church is a company of faithfull and true Christians and true Professors agreeing with their description of the visible Church wherof before we haue heard This ●s taught in the parable of the sower Math. 13.2 c. matt 22.14 Whereas the holy Scriptures teach vs that the most in the visible Church are such as haue onely the name and outward profession of Christianitie being nothing lesse then that they professe and seeme to be Christians in name onely called Christians but no Christians indeede These men tels vs that all in the visible Church are faithfull and true Christians and true Professors and
pretend then thus farre you had rightly described the Church For no man can be ordinarily religious indeede except as you speake here hee first be called by the Word of God Here the counsell perswasion commandement and threat of man will not auaile No humaine force and compulsion will serue the turne it must be diuine and from God whereof we reade Luke 14.23 Salomons song 13. Iohn 6.4 Act. 16.14 Compell them to come in God himselfe by the Ministerie and preaching of the Word his Spirit accompanying the same must perswade and draw else we hang backward and continue still irreligeous and prophane as we see in the example of Lydia whose heart the Lord opened that she attended vnto the things which Paul spake Neither can we without this calling by the Word be assured that wee are of the inuisible Church This is that we call the internall and effectuall Calling and is proper to the inuisible Church All that haue this calling may assure themselues of their election and saluation This the Apostle confirmeth Rom. 8.30 11.29 and of this calling speaketh where he saith Whom he predestinated them also he called and whom hee called them also be iustified and whom he iustified them he also glorified And againe the gifts and calling of God are without repentance And thus are all of the inuisible Church called in their appointed time But concerning the visible Church this calling by the Word is not necessarie so that without it we cannot come to be of this fellowship Which we cannot chuse but see if we call to minde that which we haue beene taught That a visible Church is a company professing true religion To ioyne in which outward profession whereby we become members of the visible Church one may be drawne by the commandement threat counsell and perswasion of man the Word of God neuer comming neare his heart And so I leaue the first part of your description and proceede to examine that which therein followeth A visible Church say you is a company of people seperated from the world This doe we also hold and teach rightly vnderstood that is touching their professiō of the true religion and so are we seperated from Heathens Infidels Turkes Papists Anabaptists c. But thus you vnderstand not these words you meane hereby that a visible Church is a company of faithfull and righteous men onely or Saints not mixed with but seperated from the open wicked of the world That this is your meaning it is plaine by your owne Treatises as forthwith we shall heare and namely where you say Defence of the Churches and Ministers of England 71. that a visible Church is a seperated company of Righteous men from the open wicked of the world and cannot consist of all sorts of people good and bad And for the proofe of this point and part of your description you send vs to Iohn 17.14 I haue giuen them thy word Apologie 44. Marke here their peruerting of Scripture to the end of this Section and the three next following and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world as I am not of the world Whosoeuer shall aduisedly reade this Chapter may easily see that these words are meant of the eleuen Apostles being parcell of that part of Christs prayer hee made for them in particular That Iesus speaketh here of his elect Apostles it is manifest both by the words going before this 14. verse and specially by verse 12. as also by the verses following after and namely by verse 18. and 20. what is this at all then to purpose Surely no more for the proofe of the point then if you had produced the first words of Genes In the beginning God created the heauen and the earth Frame your Argument and the vanitie of your proofe will appeare If that the Apostles members of visible Churches were separated from the world then all the members of a visible Church must bee separated from the world But the first is true Therefore the second To this effect you must marke your Argument or none at all Giue mee leaue now to argue after the same manner If the Apostles members of visible Churches were preachers of the word and had the gift of miracles then euery member of the visible Church must be a preacher of the word and haue the gift of miracles But the first is true therefore the second Thus could I proue that the members of visible Churches must haue no certaine abiding place but goe from place to place ●rom one countrey to another throughout the world for the Apostles did so Therefore in vaine is this testimonie alled●ed by you and you therein take Gods name in vaine I doe not deny but that many things spoken of or to the Apostles or required to be in them are likewise required and happily found in euery member of the visible Church The Apostle prayed and heard the word so it may bee doe all the members of the visible Church Some of the Apostles Iesus commanded that they should fast and pray lest they did enter into temptation the same he requireth of all in the Church But this is it I say and meane That it followeth not necessarily that because this or that qualitie or gift was or ought to be in the Apostles therefore it is and ought to bee in euery member of the visible Church But happily you will not vnderstand this scripture of the eleuen Apostles but extend it further Seeing by the Text it is euident that Christ spake and meant it onely of them without falsifying the Text you cannot stretch it an haire breadth further But suppose the words might be vnderstood more largely the vtmost extent must be to the Elect. First because Iesus speaketh of them for whom he prayed and these be onely the Elect. Secondly hee speaketh of those which are hated of the world and of such as being in the world are not of the world and such alone bee the Elect. Now this maketh not at all for you no more then the former For what though the Elect which are in the visible Church be separated from the world which is true as Christ here meaneth doth it therevpon follow that all in the visible Church are separated from the world Iudge your selues So one may proue that all of the visible Church shall be saued because the Elect which be in the visible Church are heyres of Saluation Another fault which in alleadging this Scripture you commit is this that you mis-vnderstand these words of our Sauiour are not of the world whereby he meaneth not separated from the world in your sence that is from the open wicked in the world but that his Apostles were not worldly indeede louing the things of the world or that they were such as would not conforme and fashion themselues to the manners and customes of this world would not follow this world as worldly minded men doe in that which is euill
therefore the world should hate them With this speech of Christ agreeth that of Peter It seemeth to them strange 1. Pet. 4.4 that ye runne not with them to the same excesse of ryot therefore speake they euill of you Suppose then that Iesus did not speake here onely of the Apostles nor yet solely of the Elect but that his speech was more generall and reached euent to the visible Church yet would not this testimonie proue that for which it is by you produced to wit that a visible Church is a company not mixed with but separated from the open wicked of the world Much lesse then vnderstanding this Scripture aright and as is before expounded Thus is to set the holy Scriptures not on the tenters which is euill but on the racke which is farre worse No lesse faultie are you in alledging to this purpose the 20. verse of this said 17. Chapter I pray not for these alone but also for them which shall beleeue in me through their word Where Iesus speaketh of and prayeth for the Elect onely and inuisisible Church militant and not for the visible Church But grant it were spoken and meant of the Church visible yet would it not serue to proue that for which it is by you alledged In like manner you here peruert Act. 19.9 Rom. 1.6.7 10.14 15 17. Ezek. 36.38 which for breuitie I passe by contenting my selfe to haue giuen you and the Reader a taste onely of your abuse of Scripture And here marke I beseech thee Christian Reader and forget not that this d●ctrine of these men is as contrarie to the Scriptures as darknesse is to light They teach you see that a true Church is a company of people separated from the world that is a separated company of righteous or godly men from all open vngodly or wicked and cannot consist of these two sorts or kindes of men of godly and vngodly good and bad holy and prophane such a mixt and confused company cannot be say they a true visible Church This mixture they condemne and vs for teaching it and euery where in their bookes cry out against it with open mouth Saying it is a a Confession of Faith 6.10.11 confused order and such societie a confused and mixed people that b A●swere to M. Stone 6. lye scattered in the dust mixed with the prophane without seperation and it is an Antichristian confusion And tell vs that a true visible Church is an other manner of society That it is c A true des●ription of the visible Church pag. 1. a company of faithfull and holy people worshipping Christ aright gouerned by his lawes keeping the vnitie of Faith in the bond of Peace and loue vnfained Againe that it is a company of Conuerts of such as are d Apologie 37. already conuerted to God Moreouer that it is e Principles and inferences concerning vis Churches 7. a visible communion of Saints that is f Pri●c and Ius 10. Iustification 105. of men seperated from all knowne sinne practising the whole will of God knowne growing in grace and knowledge and continuing to the end Because of this say they the visible Church is g Apologie 44. A true Description of the visible Church 1. confes●ion Faith 6. called a Church of Saints a Kingdome of Priests a Royall Priesthood a chosen Generation and an holy Nation And to make vp the full measure of their errour in this particular they assure vs if wee will bee so mad as beleeue them that a true visible Church hath in it onely such as if none other affirming that h A true Description of the visible Church pag. vlt. Communion of Saints into it entreth no vncleane thing neither whosoeuer worketh abominations and lyes but they which are written in the Lambes Booke of Life But without this Church are Dogges and Enchanters and Whorem●ngers and Idolaters and whatsoeuer loueth and maketh lyes as if none such were within the church And to put this doctrine of theirs out of all doubt and controuersie i Illud ostendere tentauerunt Donatistae ●rolatis multis testimoniis diu●narum Scripturarum quod Ecclesia Dei non cum m●lo●um hominum commiss one futura praed cta sit August Tom. 7. collat cum Donatistis Defence of the Churches and Ministers of England 7. Counterpois 14. and 23. they alleadge for proofe thereof all most infinite places of Scripture Thus we see summarily what these men do held and teach concerning the subiect or matter of the visible Church and this part of their description thereof euen the same with the Donatists And applying this doctrine vnto vs they affirme that the Church of England is a false Church and our parish assemblies false visible Churches because they are not separated from the prophane of the land but remaine still in confused assemblies Let vs now heare what God teacheth vs in his word Certainely that which is directly contrary vnto this In the holy Scriptures wee learne that as in the barne-floore there is Chaffe mingled with Corne Mat 3.12 13.25.47 and in the field Tares growing together with Wheate and in the draw-net cast into the Sea things gathered of all kindes and as in a great house there are not onely vessels of golde and siluer but also of wood and earth some for honour and some for dishonour 2. Tim. 2.20 So in the visible Church there are men of all kindes Hypocrites and sincere good and bad holy and prophane faithfull and vnbeleeuers Nay by the Scriptures it is manifest By vnbeleeuers I meane men void of true Fai●h that the greater part of the visible Church are Reprobates Hypocrites vngodly men prophane walking after their owne lusts as by that which followeth doth appeare In the 32. of Numbers of the Church and people of God Moses saith that they were a company of sinfull men Verse 14 and behold yee are risen vp in your fathers stead as an increase of sinfull men still to augment the fierce wrath of the Lord toward Israel and in the 5. of Deut. Ye haue beene rebellioas vnto the Lord since the day that I knew you In the first of the Prouerbs wee haue wisedome Verse 24. that is Christ Iesus the wisedome of the Father speaking after this manner I haue called meaning by his seruants in the Ministerie and yee refused I haue stretched out mine hand and none would regard But yee haue despised all my counsell and would none of my correction And a little after they hated knowledge and did not chuse the feare of the Lord. They would none of my counsell but despised all my correction These contemners were prophane and vngodly persons and yet were they of the visible Church because they were within the sound of wisedomes voyce and call Yea marke further how some times almost all of the visible Church are despisers of the Ministerie and word of God and therefore prophane and godlesse For it is not said
gouernment speake euill of them that are in authoritie and speak euill of those things which they knew not and whatsoeuer things they did know naturally as beasts which are without reason in those things they did corrupt themselues Whom for th●ir hatred to the brethren he compareth to Cain and in other respects to Balaam and Core Also to clouds without water carried about of windes corrupt trees without fruit twise dead and plucked vp by the rootes to wandring starres and to the raging waues of the Sea foming out their owne shame These were open wicked men and yet were they of the visible Church as appeareth hereby First in that they are compared to clouds without water whereby is is noted their hypocrisie that they made a shew of godlinesse but were indeede without godlinesse like the clouds that make semblance of raine or water but send downe none Secondly this is confirmed by verse 4. where Iude speaking of these vngodly men saith they were crept in meaning into the Church And lastly by verse 12. These are spots in your feasts of charitie when they feast with you without all feare feeding themselues By these words it is euident that these notorious wicked men were of the Church because they frequented the loue feasts Where these feasts were kept the Christians onely met at which time th●y receiued the Lords Supper and had a f●ast to witnesse and increase their mutuall loue which they called Agapae loue feasts or feasts of Charitie As open scandalous wicked men haue eu●r beene in the visible Church so there are such now and hereafter will be from whom vsually the persecutions in the Church doe come The first of these is already made manifest Verse 2.3.4 The later is euident by 2. Tim. 3. where Paul foretelling of the gr●euous sinners that shall be in these last dayes mentioneth some that must needes be open sinners as boasters cursed speakers disobedient to parents vnholy or profane truce breakers false accusers intemperate c. And least that wee should vnderstand this of them that are without in the end he sheweth that hee meaneth this of the hypocrites in the Church of them which haue a shew of godlinesse but haue denied the power thereof If now Verse 5. as in the first Church there was a Cain as well as an Habel and after an Ismael as well as an Isaack an Esau as well as a Iacob and a Saul as well as a Dauid Scribes and Pharises as well as Ioseph and Mary there haue likewise beene in all ages of the Church after vntill this day and will bee in the ages succeeding open wicked as well as godly yea not onely so but many such so as sometimes scarce any righteous or knowne godly were to be found in the Church by reason of the aboundance of open wicked If I say these things be cleare and euident in the Scriptures as appeareth by the premises how far are you of the Seperation from the truth who teach That a visible Church is a company of righteous and holy men onely sepertaed from the knowne wicked and that into it there entreth not nor therein abideth any vncleane thing neither whatsoeuer worketh abominations Defence of the Churches and Minist of Engl. 7. And whereas the Seperatists contending for this That a visible Church is a company of Saints do thereby require though not true sanctimony in euery member yet an externall holinesse and such a carriage of the outward man in the duties of pietie towards God and iustice towards man as in Charitie one can deeme a member of the true visible Church no other then a Saint I demand of them what outward holinesse the aforesaid Despisers Scorners Blasphemers and Murderers which were notwithstanding of the visible Church had aboue the worst in our Church Also whether the most profane and vile in our Church be not as holy and as good Saints as murdering Cain mocking Ishmael profane Esau persecuting Saul bloudy Doeg traiterous Absalon and the blasphemous Scribes and Pharisies who were all members of a true visible Church Know ye not that all these were most horrible sinners Some of them sitting in the seate of the scorner some persecuting and shedding the bloud of the Saints others blasphemers nay committing blasphemie against the holy Ghost and therefore sinners in the highest degree And the best and holiest of them no better then Dogs and Swine treading vnder their feete the holy and precious Word of God and all to renting them that did teach it Neither can wee be ignorant of this that the sinnes of these men were open and notoriously knowne to the Saints who liued in their times And yet notwithstanding were all these of the true visible Church Men therefore wanting this externall holinesse yea most vile and abominable and notoriously knowne to be such haue yet neuerthelesse been in the true Church principall members in the same And such vndoubtedly are in the Church at this day and will be to the end of the world according to the prophecie of Paul 2. Tim. 3. And here wee may remember how notwithstanding there were such notorious wicked men in the Church of the Iewes Vers 1.2 c. Deut. 7.6 Ps 79.2 111.1 and 149.1 whereof we haue had but a tast and oft times store of them yet neuerthelesse they are cal●ed the people of God his heritage an holy Nation Saints and there publike Congregations the Congregation of the Righteous and the assemblies of the Saints The whole body being thus called in respect of the Elect hauing this Denomination of the better part though the lesse or else because of their holy profession or holy religion which they professed whereby they differed from and excelled all other Nations and them that were without Herevpon I demand why in these respects we likewise may not be called the people of God his heritage an holy Nation Saints and our Church assemblies the assemblies of Saints notwithstanding there bee many open wicked among vs Here we may see how vntruely M. Fr. Iohnson herein chargeth the forward Preachers in England with false Doctrine Defence of the Churches and Minist of Engl. 71. who reckning vp 14. points of false doctrine forsooth that they teach nameth this for one That the true visible Church of Christ is not a seperated company of righteous men from the open wicked of the world but may consist of people good and bad And to the increase of his sinne for confirmation of his grosse and palpaple errour he coteth aboue twenty places of Scripture But tell me doe not all the Preachers in England nay in all Christendome teach that there is a mixture of good and bad in the visible Church as well as these forward preachers you speake of You cannot with any truth deny it Why then doe you spurne with the heele at these rather then others And this is our third point of false doctrine the fourth followeth in these words 4. That
obstinate or seperating such from the Church there is no danger of plucking vp the wheate with the tares Therefore of the excommunication of sinners apparantly obstinate or seperating such from the Church Christ speaketh not nor forbiddeth Your third argument followeth Iesus sp●aketh of the vtter ruinating and destruction of the tares But excommunication rightly administred is not for the ruinating and destruction of any Therefore of excommunication Iesus doeth not speake We now see clearely that these two lat●er arguments doe conclude and proue the same thing But what not that which your first argument doeth as you pretend and beare the silly reader in hand but in stead thereof this that in the parable of the tares Christ speakes not of excommunication or censures of the Church which we not onely confesse but teach and vrge against you But suppose they did soundly prooue that proposition for which the are produced to wit that in the parable of the tares Iesus doeth not speake of the tolleration of prophane persons in the Church yet did they not at all make against vs for by prophane persons you meane 1. Scandalous offenders or open wicked 2. Such onely deny eyther of these if you will And so by your owne proposition which forsooth you will prooue by three arguments you imply that we teach that by tares are meant scandalous offenders or knowne wicked onely The contrary whereunto is manifest by the premises You commit then here two foule faults besides the former One is you persue your owne shadowe in stead of an aduersary 2. You abuse the reader in making him beleeue wee hold that we doe not But to proceede say you It may be some will answere Iustif 117. that Christ doeth not heere forbid his Disciples the vse of the censures against the wicked but rather acquaints them before hand what will be the state of the Church and how the wicked will be suffered to continue in it vncensured This is indeede our answere and I will maintaine it against all gainesayers You adde and if this were so it made nothing against me nor for Maister Bernard No Maister Robinson If there will bee and continue wicked in the Church vncensured if this will be the estate of the visible Church by the testimonie of Christ Iesus then for as much as all that be and continue in the visible church are of it euen members of it it must needes be that the visible Church is a mixt company consisting of good and bad godly and wicked Now this makes as much for vs and against you as can be You write before thus Heere is no such mingle mangle as Maister Bernard would make of good and bad but all good Iustif 115. 112. 113. and so auowed by the holy Ghost And againe that if all the Diuines in the world should with Maister Bernard say that the visible Church is a mixt company yet the deuine Scriptures speake otherwise which you will clearely manifest And yet once more It is prophane diuinitie to make vngodly persons true matter of the visible Church These speaches of yours with this heere doe agree together as light and darkenes Againe if to the worlds ende there will be and continue wicked in the Church vncensured If I say this will be the estate of the visible church as the truth is to foretel comfort the godly against it is the very scope and drift of our Sauiour in this parable why do you then condemne vs for a false Church because of the wicked that are among vs Answere to a censo Epist pag. 35. and for this cause chiefely seperate from vs In these two respects principally say you your babylonish confusion of all sorts of people in the body of your Church without seperation and your Babilonish bondage vnder your spirituall Lords the Prelates we account you Babilon and flee from you Shewe vs how this speech here and your accounting our Church to be Babilon for the reason aforefaide and flying from it can possibly accord Iustif 117. You adde It were the Churches sinne so to suffer them that is the wicked to continue in the Church vnsensured And I deny not say you but Churches vsually are too negligent and remisse through want of zeale and faithfulnesse to the Lord in this dutie This is it we teach it were well for you yee had learned the same If you haue as you heere pretend why doe you account our parishionall assemblies because of the wicked that be in them false Churches and Synagogues of Sathan you acknowledge heere ecclesiasticall assemblies may bee true Churches notwithstanding there be and continue wicked in them vncensured And yet the truth is you all hold that where there are and continue wicked vncensured the same are false Churches Iustif 120. Finally say you The Lords field is sowen onely with good seed though by the malice of Satan and negligence of such as should keepe this field and vineyard and house of God adulterate seede and abominable persons may be foisted in yea and suffered also which the Scriptures affirme and we deny not Such is the excellencie and power of truth that it maketh sometimes the aduersaries thereof to yeeld and stoupe vnto it For twice together you doe against your selfe beare witnesse to the truth You here acknowledge that abominable persons may be in the Church of God yea and suffered also that is abide or continue there and that this the Scriptures affirme Now touching the particular point wee haue in hand this is the some and effect of that we say and contend for and you impugne and gaine say But answere mee Are there any worse in our Church then this adulterate seede you speake of and abominable persons 2. Can you adde thereto any more or worse then this that they are suffered also that is let to continue in our Church vncensured If notwithstanding this great sinne a societie may bee a true Church by the testimonie of the holy Scriptures why doe you for this very sinne Iudge and proclaime vs to the world to be a false Church and therevpon depart from vs True it is that for this cause onely you doe not deeme vs a false Church and leaue vs yet that you doe it for this cause yea chiefely for this very cause you cannot without blushing deny and this not onely your selfe but besides M. Ainsworth and M. Smith haue published and made knowne vnto the world as I haue manifested in my Epistle written to you of the Seperation That which you affirme here you contradict at least I thinke an hundred times Omitting them all see how you thwart your selfe in the two last lines of this present Section Iustiss 121. And so except the Church of England had been sowen with good seed without tares since that generall Apostacie it cannot be the Lords field In the beginning of the Section in thesi you affirme that howsoeuer the Lords field is sowen onely with good
seede yet there may be in it adulterate seede or Tares and in the knitting vp of the same Section in Hypothesi you say That the Church of England because it is not sowen with good seede onely without Tares but hath tares or adulterate seede in it it therefore cannot be the Lords field And where you happily imagine that we thinke that the Lords field is not sowen onely with good seede Know yee that wee are otherwise minded We are not ignorant that this is expressely taught in this parable verse 24.27.36 and that the tares are from the enuious man the Diuell neither doe we forget that which else where is written to this purpose Act. 2.47 And the Lord added to the Church from day to day such as should be saued You produce this as an argument against vs to proue that the Church of England is not the Lords field that is the Church of God but by your owne words before it is plaine that it neither makes for you not against vs. Thus we heare what M. Iohnson saith against the mixture of good and bad godly and wicked in the Church also what M. Robinson saith in Iustification thereof and our defence and answere thereunto Let vs now see what M. Ainsworth saith for the maintenance of the same and conuiction of vs who be contrary minded In the end of his booke called the communion of Saints he teacheth that there are no open wicked in the Church Hee granteth there are wicked in the Church but saith he they are inwardly wicked restrained by the terrour of the Law from all open wickednesse but outwardly religious increasing outwardly in externall righteousnesse When the Scriptures saith 2. Tim. 3.15 That the wicked wax worse and worse deceiuing and being deceiued Againe open wicked saith he licentious and profane liuers be neither of the Church nor in the same And againe in the same place There are three sorts of men open wicked hypocrites Saints The first of these are without the Church the other two within and this all of them doe teach But herein they swarue altogether from the truth He should rather haue distinguished men into two sorts whereof one is without the Church who doe not so much as professe the true Religion and they all are wicked the other within the church professing the Religion of God of which some are religious and holy indeede and such as they professe and seeme to be and they be but a few others wicked onely religious and holy in name and in regard of their outward profession and of these there be many Mat. 20 1● and 22.14 The first of these are Saints indeed and so called The latter hypocrites yet called Saints because the religion they professe is holy but are indeede wicked and prophane And of these hypocrites some be open wicked and easily knowne to bee wicked and some so close and secretly wicked as they are hardly discerned to be wicked That this which we affirme is true and that you teach false it is manifest by the 3. of Ezekiel Ezek. 3.7 21. Son of man I haue made thee a watchman vnto the house of Israel therefore here the word of my mouth and giue thou warning from me 18. When I shall say vnto the wicked thou shalt surely die and thou giuest not him warning nor speakest to admonish the wicked of his wicked way that he may liue the same wicked man shall die in his iniquitie but his bloud will I require at thy hand 19. Yet if thou warne the wicked and he turne not from his wickednesse nor from his wicked way he shal die in his iniquitie but thou hast deliuered thy soule 20. Likewise if a righteous man turne from his righteousnes and commit iniquitie I will lay a stumbling blocke before him and he shall die because thou hast not giuen him warning he shall die in his sinne and his righteous deeds which he hath done shall not be remembred but his bloud will I require at thy hand 21. Neuerthelesse if thou admonish that righteous man that the righteous sinne not and that he doth not sinne He shall liue because he is admonished also thou hast deliuered thy soule Heare wee learne first that in the Church there are wicked and godly and so a mixt company of good and bad Saints and sinners The godly are mentioned The wicked in the verses precedent which is contrary to the Doctrine of these Schismatickes Secondly that of the wicked some are open vvicked hauing not so much as an externall righteousnesse Such are the contemners of the word and Ministers thereof the persecutors of the Saints the scorners blasphemers whoremongers murtherers theeues drunkards oppressors extortioners railers slanderers and such like wh●reof there haue euer been are and will be store in the Church of God These are called wicked not onely because they are such but because they appeare and are knowne to bee such by them I meane that can discerne betweene things and persons that differ and that as easily as darknes is knowne from light Such were Ismael Esau Saul Absalom the Scribes and Pharisees and the like Of these the Prophet speaketh verse 18.19 Others be inwardly and secretly wicked but outwardly holy and righteous hauing an externall righteousnesse and shew of godlinesse and because they appeare and Iseeme to men to be righteous or godly they are therefore caled righteous Such vvere Iudas and Demas with others of these the Prophet speaketh ver 20. And lest we should shift of this by saying these three kindes or sorts of men were not all of them in the Church but the open wicked without as M. Ainsworth and the rest of them tell vs wee must remember that this admonition or warning conteined in the 18.19.20 and 21. verses was sent from the Lord by the Prophet to the Iewes who then onely were the visible Church as is manifest by verse 17. Sonne of man I haue made thee a watchman vnto the house of Israel therefore heare the word at my mouth and giue them warning from me Obserue here the repugnance and contrarietie betweene the Prophet and the doctrine of these Schismaticke The Prophet telleth vs of three sorts of men in the Church of open wicked of righteous or godly in shew onely or appearance and of such as are indeede godly euen the same they seeme and professe to be M. Ainsworth and his fellowes say no The two last sorts of men onely are in the Church the first be neither of the Church nor in the same Chuse now Reader to whether of these thou wilt giue eare But they vvill say wee acknowledge that there euer haue been are and will be hypocrites in the Church mixed with the godly and such were the wicked mentioned before that vvere in the Church of the Iewes Cain offered sacrifice as well as Habel The same is said of Saul Also that he worshipped the Lord so likewise did Doeg Ismael and Esau vvere circumcised and
this their error there was iust cause of the pursuing hereof to the full according as I was able Defence of the Churches and Ministers of England 7. Counterp 3. Your people saith M. Fr. Iohnson are not seperated from the world but stand in confusion with it and therefore cannot bee deemed a true church of God and the people of Christ But leauing this man let vs heare what M. Ainsworth saith thereunto in a booke lately published called the Counterpoyson We forsake saith he your church for this maine corruption that all sorts of prophane and wicked men haue ben and are both they and their seede receiued into and nourished within the bosome of your church contrary to the first couenant of our redemption wherein God with his own mouth pro●laimed a perpetuall enmitie and warre against the serpent and his seede which the woman and her seede should wage though with the bruysing of the heele thereof Gen. 3. Contrary also to the example of all Gods churches since the world began who alwayes were seperated from the vngodly as the Scriptures shewe Now that this is a corruption among you your selues haue taught saying and complayning that in the church are swarmes of Atheists Idolaters Papists sectaries witches charmers sorcerers murtherers theeu●s adulterers lyars c. This testimony being true I hope your selues now will be ashamed to pleade that such a people are Christians and to be communicated with or deny that we may seperate from them in things concerning God And a little after saying there are 4. causes of their seperation he telleth vs that the first of them concerning the people meaning because of the mixture of bad with good which is among vs. Seeing the falsehood and vanit●e of these and the rest of the lines here following doe manifestly appeare by the premises I wil not bee so vnwise as at large conuince you the second time onely by the way as it were I will say a word or two as I shall see cause That wicked men that is open wicked men for that is your meaning are not to be suffered to remaine in the church we acknowledge especially if they be very vile and abhominable dogges and swine and that where such a thing is endured it is a corruption and the sinne of that Church We likewise confesse that in our church are many open wicked So that in proouing that which we freely confesse to bee true where about M. Ainsworth hath spent a great part of his Counterpoyson you deale very childishly But if passing by this you hereafter prooue that we deny you shall quit your se●ues like men Gen. 3.15 In the meane season wee haue two proofes or arguments from you such as they are It is say you contrary to the first couenant of our redemption I will put enmitie betweene thee and the woman and betweene thy seede and her seede hee shall breake thine head and thou shalt bruise his heele The next t●me you write conclude from this Scripture that the being of open wicked in the Church doeth nullifie a Church and giue iust cause to the godly of seperation If this you cannot wherof I am very sure you abuse both this Scr●pture and the reader You imply here and teach expressely else where That the couenant of redemption and saluation God made with the visible church That this is false I haue made plaine hereafter and wil not therefore speake of it heere Note their peruerting of Scripture Where learne you by the woman and her seede to vnderstand Christ and the visible Church you haue not beene taught this of God Besides you contradict your selfe For in your confession of Faith you vnderstand this Scripture of the inuisible Church Art 5. Where for proofe of this that the Elect all and onely are redeemed you alleadge Gen. 3.15 I will put enmitie c. You intimate also that the perpetuall enmitie that is in the world for Religion is betweene them onely that are in the Church and them that are without and that there is no enmitie but all amitie and friendship among those that are in the visible Church They all beare vnfai●ed loue one to another as in your description of the visible Church you teach You might be of the Fami●y of loue Familists and not Brownists by this doctrine of yours The holy Scriptures shew vs the direct contrary That euen in the Church and betweene the members thereof there hath beene perpetuall enmitie and deadly hatred whence it hath alwayes beene that that some of the Church haue slandered raised vpon and saide all manner of euill against the godly and often times spoyled them not onely in their good name but also in their goods banished imprisoned and put them to death Caine belike had no enmitie to Habel nor Esau to Iacob nor Saul to Dauid nor the Scribes and Pharisees to the faithfull then liuing Your s●cond reason is That since the world beganne there was neuer in the Churches of God a mixture of wicked and prophane with the godly but the godly were alwayes seperated from the vngod●y And therefore ought to be so at this day Prooue the Antecedent and we will graunt you the conclusion Haue I not shewed that this mixture was in the families of Abraham and Isaack wherin the Church was shut vp for a time Also in the Church in Moses time in Dauids time and the ages succeeding him and lastly in the dayes of Christ Nay I haue made it plaine that in Dauid Isaiah Ieremiah Micah their times there were not only wicked men and open wicked but so many wicked and vngodly in the Church that there were scarce any godly to bee found Psal 12.1 according to that complaint of Dauid vnto God Helpe Lord for there is not a godly man left In like manner did the church swarme with wicked yea open wicked whē our lord Iesus was on earth as hereafter shal be made euident Counterp 23. How far are you then from the truth who teach That there neuer haue beene prophane and wicked men in the Church and that this is contrary to the example of all Gods Churches since the world began Obserue their abuse of holy Scripture who alwayes were seperated from the godly as you say and againe in these words They cannot shewe any true church since the beginning of the world but was of a seperated people Gen. 6.1.2 12. Leuit. 20.23.24 Ezr. 6.21 Act. 2.40.41 19.9 c. If for confirmation of this grosse and palpable error you should cote as many places of Scripture as there be heares of your head it would doe you no good but onely shewe that you feare not to peruert holy Scripture to take the name of God in vaine no more then a fish to drinke water And here marke I beseech thee Christian Reader wherein we and these Seperatists differ as touching seperation Wee acknowledge a seperation of the people of God and professors of true
of the Prophets and the Church of the Iewes in the dayes of Christ were false Churches for they had this essentiall note of a false church The reformed Churches say you consist of a separated and voluntary people whereas yours are confused and compelled Counterp 16. Fye M. Ainsworth Are there no vvicked men in the reformed Churches Hee hath not reformed and taught his tongue to speake the truth that will say so The harmonie of Confessions Harmonie 312. Beza in Mat. cap. 13. ver 24. Amandus Pola Partit Theolog. 311. Pisc in Mat. cap. 3. ver 12. Beza Polanus Piscator with other learned Writers of the said Churches in the thesi affirme the contrary which sufficiently disproueth this There was neuer a I meane nationall churches Church in the world so thoroughly purged and reformed as you speake nor shal be to the end of the world It is no maruell then though the Church of England be a confused people Nay the truth is It is not possible it should be free from this confusion For the Scripture must be fulfilled which for this cause compareth the visible Church to a draw-net and to a field wherein bee mixed and grow together wheate and tares M. Crashawe asking of the Brownists what fundamentall heresie our doctrine doth maintaine You answere thus Counterp 245 The vnlawfull commixture of the children of God and children of the Diuell in one Church and communion is a fundamentall heresie being stiffely maintained All the Scriptures condemne it all well reformed Churches auoid it nature it selfe teacheth to abhor it yet in such profane communion your Church abideth and you will not endure to heare of a separation To this effect also you speak in another place That this is a sinfull commixture Counterp 123. and an high transgression and that it is the ouerthrow of the maine ground of the Gospell which euer since it began to be sounded in the world hath proclaimed a separation of the children of God from the children of Belial What thunderbolts are these Vnlawfull sinfull an high transgression ouerthrowing the foundation of the Church and Gospell If you had consid●red that the greatest part of the visible Church are Reprobates as Christ teacheth vs in the Parable of the Sower and of the King marrying his sonne Mat. 13.3 22.1.14 Communion of Saints 1.2 and in that short speech of his Many are called but few chosen and that all Reprobates are the Diuels children you would neuer sure neither here nor else where haue taught as in eff●ct you doe That in the visible Church there are no children of the Diuell and that we may haue no communion with them but must separate from them If there be not a mixture of the children of God and the Diuels children in the visible church then the visible Church is a company of Gods children onely hauing none of the children of Belial in it Tell me then I pray you vvhose children Cain Ismael Esau Saul and Absalom were and generally the people that liued in Isaiah his time Isaiah 1.10 to whom the Prophet speaking saith O Princes of Sodome O people of Gomorrah and generally the Scribes and Pharisees that liued in the dayes of Christ By your doctrine they were the children of God For all of the visible Church say you are Gods children there is no mixture in this societie of the Diuels children with Gods But Cain Ismael Esau Saul and the rest aboue mentioned vvere of the visible Church Therefore the children of God What your euasion will bee here I declare hereafter and shew that it vvill not helpe you That we may haue religious communion vvith the children of the Diuell is likewise there proued and your obiections answered In the meane season I must tell you That the open vvicked in our Church may be accounted and in the iudgement of charitie deemed the children of God as vvell as the aforesaid members of the visible Church That there is a commixture of Gods and the Diuels children in the visible Church wee doe stiffely maintaine This say you is a fundamentall heresie If there be no other and worse fundamentall heresie maintained in our Church then this as it should seeme to your knowledge there is not then assure your selues that the foundation of our Church standeth stedfast and vnmoueable not onely against you vvho are but flesh and bloud but euen the D●uell himselfe The commixture of the children of God and Belial in the Church and Church assemblies neither euer was nor can possibly be auoided and therfore you tell vs that which is vnpossible to be true that all well reformed Churches auoid it If the mixture of Gods children and the Diuels in the same Church assembly bee a prophane communion I feare there was neuer ye● holy communion in the world Counterp 223. These Ministers say you hauing missed at first of the question the further now they goe the further they stray and run themselues out of breath in vain For neither the examples of Melchisedec Iob Cornelius c. nor their reasons following of two other meanes of gathering the church thē by the preaching of the Gospel Thirdly of the preaching of M. Wickliff c. 4. 5. of course that Q. Elizabeth tooke for bringing the Gospel in againe c. none of these you say will proue either that open prophane wicked persons may be receiued and kept in the bosome of the Church or that there be not multitudes of open prophane and wicked members of the Church of England There present lamentable estate proclaimeth this latter to all men that haue conscience their own writings also heretofore doe strongly confirme it and all the Scriptures cry out against the former and teach a seperation as before in this Treatise in sundry other bookes is manifested Thus these Ministers haue passed by the maine controuersie These are your owne vvords without adding or detracting from them Wee must vnderstand certaine Ministers among vs hauing vvritten something against them of the Separation in the defence and maintenance of our Church worship and Ministerie for their owne priuate vse and benefit of some few others that M. Bernard hath published part of that Treatise part only I say as appeareth by the 164. pag. of his booke called The Separatists schisme and that therunto M. Ainsworth hath returned an answere In this answere generally he tels vs They haue vnitie like a company of fooles Counterp 225 Pro. 2.6.9 applying to them that prouerbe of Salomon A thorne gets vp in a drunkards hand and a Parable in the mouth of fooles And particularly hee confirmes it h●re For they haue missed the question as he saith and passed by the maine controuersie Now who knoweth not that there is great folly in this and that wise men doe seldome or neuer so farre forget themselues That wee may the better iudge betweene these opponents betwixt this wise man on the one side and these fooles
as he pleaseth to call them on the other and whether he or they mistake the question and point in controuersie wherein there is indeed great folly and want of vvisedome let vs heare vvhat it is which these Ministers haue written wherevpon this imputation is grounded The Separatists schisme 181.182.183 c. The first thing say they which they of the Separation obiect against the whole body of our Church and of our parish assemblies is this That it was not gathered by such meanes as God in his word hath ordained and sanctified for the gathering of his church And that thus you obiect they proue by two testimonies of your owne and then immediately returne therevnto the seuerall answeres here following First say they wee may esteeme them a true Church and so our owne of whose present profession and faith we are well assured though wee cannot see by what meanes they were first gathered Else may we still doubt whether Melchisedech and the families of Iob and Cornelius were true Churches or members of the Church because wee cannot finde how they were first gathered and conuerted Secondly wee might be rightly gathered to the society and fellowship of the vis Church by other meanes then by the preaching of the Gospell Thirdly our Church was gathered by the preaching of the Word which is the meanes God hath appointed for the gathering of a Church as your selues doe teach And here they bring in the preaching of M. Wickl●ffe Fourthly This say they being proued that there was a true Church in this land before her Maiesties raigne the question must not be whether the meanes shee vsed were the right meanes for the first calling and conuerting of a people to the faith but whether shee tooke not a lawfull course for the recalling and revniting of her subiects vnto those true professors whose fellowship they had forsaken Fiftly and lastly though the solemne couenant to renounce idolatrie and to cleaue to the truth be not absolutely necessarie yet was that also required and performed in the beginning of Queene Elizabeths Raigne Tell mee now M. Ainsworth doe you not hold and maintaine that our Church was not rightly gathered to vvit by the preaching of the vvord and therevpon doe co●demne vs for a fals● Church Yes haue not these Ministers therevnto returned a most direct answere The indifferent Reader cannot but by the aforesaid heads and summe of their answere see and acknowledge it With sinne and shame inough then doe you affirme That these Ministers haue in their fiue seuerall answeres as your selfe points them out missed the question and passed by the maine controuersie No lesse vnconscionably and vnhonestly deale you in bearing your simple Reader in hand that these said Ministers indeuour to proue by the examples of Melchisedech Iob c. and the rest summed vp before both these points following or at least one of them either that open prophane and wicked persons may be receiued and kept in the bosome of the Church or that there be not multitudes of open prophane and wicked members of the Church of England whereas they intend no such thing neither haue they a word tending this way nay abhor with their brethren to affirme either Y●u doe therefore slander vs when and as oft as you charge vs to say That the open prophane may lawfully be receiued and kept in the Church and to deny that there be any such in ours And in disprouing both these the one by the t●stimonies of our owne men the other by the sacred Scriptures what doe you else but pull down that building which your selues with your own hands not we haue erected and built vp Thus doing you haue bestowed a great deale of labour to as small purpose as he that casteth stones into the ayre pursuing your owne shadow instead of our bodies All that we maintaine here and by the grace of God will against men and Angels is That the being of open wicked men in it doth not destroy a church Against this you should haue argued or held your peace but we heare not a word to any such pu●p●s● I●stead thereof you proue the aforesaid positions which we in comm●n hold with you Whether you now or the Ministers haue missed the question and passed by the maine controuersie as in other cases so here a blinde man may see It had be●n vvell you had fi●st plucked out the beame that is in your owne eye then should you haue seene more cleerely to pull out the mote out of your brothers eye if any be there More against this commixture of good and bad in our Church who list and hath the Counterpoyson may reade pag. 9. and 27. 28. and 60. and 70. 76. 101. 212. 213. And here by way M. Ainsworth I must needs tell you this booke of yours is falsely called Counterpoyson for it is not a preseruatiue against the poyson of false doctrine as the title pretendeth but indeede full of such poison the receiuing and beleeuing vvhereof is as dāgerous to the soule of man as poison receiued is to the body Now that wee haue heard M. Iohnson and M. Ainsworth we will likewise heare what M. Robinson saith concerning this separating from the world and the causes of their separation Separation quoth he from the world and so from the men of the world Answere to a Censorious Epistle pag. 4. and so from the Prince of the world that raigneth in them and so from whatsoeuer is contrary to God is the first step to our communion with God and Angels and goodmen as the first step to a ladder is to leaue the earth Before we haue beene taught if we be so foolish as to learne of them that a visible Church is a company of people called and seperated from the world this man now instructeth vs in the meaning of this last clause That by seperated from the world they meane from the men of the world that is earthly minded men whose hearts and affections are set of this world and the things thereof So that a true visible church is not a mixt company whereof some doeth chiefely desire earth and earthly things others heauen some this world and others the world to come but all of this societie are rapt and rauished with a desire longing after the world to come and the ioyes there despising this world with the glory and pompe thereof who though they be in this world yet are not of it Thus you shut out of the visible Church all hypocrites and all wicked men as well those which be separately as openly wicked for as much as all hypocrites and men of this world to whom you deny a being in the Church because a visible Church is a company seperated from such And whereas in the visible Church there be some children of the diuell if not in appearance yet in deed and trueth and are not all the children of God adopted in Iesus Christ you tell vs that in the visible Church
there are none of the diuels children for the diuell raigneth in all his children But you say in the visible Church there bee none in whom the Prince of this world the deuill raigneth for it is a company seperated from all such Therefore in the visible Church there are no children of the diuel and so by consequent are all the children of God by faith in Iesus Christ But these things you knowe and acknowledge to be false that therefore from whence they are inferred which all of you stiffely hold and maintaine to wit that the visible Church is a company of people seperated from the world is likewise false This generaall doctrine of theirs he thus applieth to vs. Answere to a censorious Epistle pag. 5. Which seperation the church of England neither hath made nor doeth make but stands actually one with all that part of the world within the kingdome without seperation for which cause amongst others we haue chosen by the grace of God rather to seperate our selues to the Lord from it then with it from him in the visible constitution of it Answere It is true we neither haue made nor goe about to make a seperation from the men of this world and betwixt them whom Christ by his spirit ruleth and them in whom the Prince of this world raigneth This passeth our skill and power and is such as is vnpossible to be performed by vs. Our Lord Iesus onely can and will doe this by the Angels in the day of his glorious comming to iudgement And where you say that wee stand actually one with all that part of the world within the kingdome it is false and slanderous For we onely stand actually one with all those in the kingdome that professe the same religion with vs which the Pap among vs who be not a few with whatsoeuer other hereticks or schismatiks do not except it be in hypocrisie which we cannot hinder but must leane to God therfore I say we stand not actually one with all in the kingdome except there be in our land no Papists no Heretickes or Schismaticks If you obiect heere our Church Papists and say that we receiue Papists into our Church and communion with vs. It is answered already and I adde They professe to be of the same Christian Religion with vs and to forsake poperie in comming to our publike assembles and pertaking with vs there in the holy things of God If they doe this hypocritically what is that to vs But especially marke that this is one cause of their seperation yea a principall cause thereof as he saith in another place In these two respects principally Answere to a censorious Epistle pag. ● your Babilonish confusion of all sorts of people in the body of your Church without seperation and your Babilonish bondage vnder your lords the prelates we account you Babylon and flee from you And speaking of this want of seperation Ibid. 43. and confusion else where he hath these words It is not by our sequestration but by your confusion that Rome and hell gaines Your odious commixture of all sorts of people in the body of your Church in whose lap the vilest miscreants are dandled sucking her breasts as her naturall children is that aduantageth hell Wee see how this man condemneth the mixture of good and bad godly and vngodly in the Church calling it an odious commixture confusion and Babilonish confusion that principally for this and one other cause they account vs Babylon and flye from vs. And yet hath this commixture of all sorts of people beene euer in the Church as hath beene manifested out of the sacred Scripture What age then could these men haue liued in wherein they might not for this cause as iustly haue seperated from the Church and haue accounted it likewise Babylon It cannot be denied but that in Sauls raigne there were most vile men dandled as you tearme it in the lap of the Church considering he himselfe the head of that people was so vile Nay by the booke of the Psalmes it is euident that in Dauids time there were store of leawde and vile men in the Church Psal 12. 69. And so were there in the dayes of Isaiah Ieremiah and other of the Prophets Yea what say you M. Robinson to the age wherein Christ Iesus liued and his Apostles The Scribes and Pharisees then were most vile miscreants and they being princip●l members in the Church as the eyes re in the body it must bee confessed that they did sit in the lappe of the Church and sucked her breasts as if they had beene her naturall children No lesse vile were those that had crept into the church of whom Iude speaketh Yet notwithstanding this commixture and Babilonish confusion as you call it did neither the Prophets nor Iesus nor his Apostles seperate from the Church but had religious communion with this confused society consisting of all sorts of people The commixture then in our Church you speake of is no iust cause of seperation and why you should account vs Babylon But r●turn● we to M. Robison Ibid. 4. The seperation wee haue made in respect of our knowledge and obedience is indeede late and newe yet is it in the nature and causes thereof as auncient as the Gospel which was first founded in the enmitie which God himselfe put betwixt the seede of the woman and the seed of the serpent G●n 3.15 Which enmitie hath not onely ben successiuely continued but also visibly manifested by the actuall seperation of all true churches from the world in their collection and constitution before the Lawe vnder the Lawe and vnder the Gospell Gen. 6.1 2. 7.1.7 with 1. Pet. 3 20.21 12. Leu 20.24.26 Neh. 9.2 Ioh. 17.14.16 Act. 2.40 19.9 1. Cor. 6.17 A●swere If we speake of practise among vs your seperation is as auncient as Browne who first caused or at least greatly furthered that seperation and schisme from our Church where vpon you are called Brownists But if you speake of the doctrine August Tom. 7 contra Cresco Gram. lib. 2. cap. 34. then is it as auncient as Donatus after whom some were called Donatists or rather as some schismaticks in Cyprians time of whom Austen writing against the Donatists maketh mention That the visible Church is not a mixt company consisting of good and bad but is a company seperated from the world that is from the men of the world or a seperated company of righteous men which all of you doe hold this I say is neither founded of the Lawe nor Gospell nor any part of Gods word but in the bottomles pit by the diuell the father of lyes I meane of all lying and false doctrines and was long since publ shed August Tom. 7 Coll●ti●n●bus cum Donatists and contended for by the former heretickes specially the Donatists who for this cause seperated from the Church of God in their times and is now after many hundred
runne away Least otherwise you one day stand among the Goates and haue that fearefull sentence pronounced of you Depart from me ye cursed I know saith Iesus the blasphemie of them which say they are Iewes and are not Mat. 25.41 Reue. 2.5 but are the Synagogue of Satan As this is blaspemie so assuredly to account them Antichrists Samaritans Edomites Moabites Parall 6.26 Ammonites and Ishmailites who are Iewes and those Babilon Egypt Sodome false Churches Antichristian Churches the Synagogues of of Satan the holds of all foule spirits Defence of the Churches and Ministers of England 6. and cages of euery vncleane and hurtfull bird which are the congregations of Saints and Churches of God is likewise blasphemie Thus haue I answered all that M. Robinson obiecteth in a little Pamphelet of his intituled An answere to a Censorious Epistle Let vs heare now what he saith concerning the same point in a more large volume lately published called a Iustification of Seperation from the Church of England And though you M. Bernard say it neuer so oft and all the Diuines in the world with you that the visible Church is a mixt company yet doe the diuine Scriptures speake otherwise And with the Scriptures I doe affirme against you that the Church of Christ is no such mingled m●slnie Pag. 112. or monstrous compound but a body simple vniforme and one proportionable in euery member vnto the head informed by one spirit and called in one hope And twelue lines after Wee doubt not but the purest Church vpon earth may consist of good and bad in Gods eye of such as are truely faithfull and sanctified and of such as haue onely for a time put on the outside and vizard of sanctitie And againe after that hee hath produced and peruerted many testimonies of holy Scripture to proue that all in the visible Church are holy and good and none other therein he addeth these words Iustif 115. Here is no such mingle mangle as M. Bernard would make of good and bad but all good and so auowed by the holy Ghost though without doubt many of these were masked and hallow hearted hypocrites I will onely fight against you here with your owne weapons for I neede to vse none other The purest Churches say you may consist of good and bad faithfull and vnfaithfull of holy and prophane for are not they prophane who haue onely the outside of holinesse being within full of all filthinesse Also that in the same there haue been many wicked and hollow hearted hypocrites all which were wicked But a company consisting of such as all these is a mixt company and a monstrous or miserable compound being compounded of two sorts of men who bee as contrarie one to another as light to darknes Christ and Belial of Gods children and the Diuels children of the children of light and the children of darknesse Therefore the purest Churches consist of a mixt company and consequently is not simple vniforme c. as you teach If the purest Church that is be a mixt company much more they that be lesse pure And who in their wits but would affirme that such a body politick were vnmixt simple and one specially that it were proportionable in euery member vnto the head and informed by one spirit What euery member M. Robinson What proportion and likenesse is there betweene Christ and Hypocrites many of which in the generall you acknowledge to be in the Church Betwixt the sonnes of God and the children of the Diuell some of which we must needs confesse to be in the Church else all in the visible Church are indeed the children of God then which nothing is more false If euery member be informed by the spirit of God then euery one in the visible Church hath the spirit animating him Indeede this M. Smith teacheth expressely and all of you implicitely But how truely I haue shewed in the next Chapter If euery one in this visible Church be informed by one and the same spirit then if any in the visible Church haue the Spirit of God all haue And contrariwise If any in the visib Church be informed by the vncleane spirit all are Moreouer if euery member of the visible Church bee called in one hope then if any one in that visible Church haue that hope Rom. 8.24 the end whereof is the saluation of mans soule all haue it and so on the contrarie as before Behold what conclusions doe follow from your premises whereby wee may know how orthodoxall they be God forbid that all the Diuines in the world should teach such positions as these Hee hath itching cares vvho vvill rather giue care to you and two or three such more as your selfe then all the Diuines in the world Speake no more thus presumptuously You may remember vvhat sometimes I said vnto you mouth to mouth The spirit of the Prophets is subiect to the Prophets that is the doctrine which all men conceit is from the spirit of the prophets is subiect to the iudgement of the Prophets The ground of this your erring is not that you thinke that there are no wicked in the visible Church for you confesse that there are wicked in the visible Church yea men desperately wicked but because in your conceit the wicked that be in the visible Church are not true members of the visible Church That this is so it appeareth by your words next following the former And for wicked and vngodly persons so far are they from being the true naturall members whereof the body consisteth as the whole of the parts Instif 112. 110. as they serue indeede for no other purpose then to infect and corrupt the rest and if redresse bee not had in time to eate out the very heart of the whole Againe And for the church of the Iewes and of Corinth in which you instance as they were holy so they were desperately wicked amongst them no true members of the body but as putrified and rotten parts to be cut off and cast out from the rest I answere as putrified and rotten parts of the body are members of the body vntill they be cut of so wicked men putrifying and stinking with spirituall vncleanenesse their sin●es rotten and vnsound at the heart are members of the visible Church and that body politicke vntill by excommunication they be cut of And as a rotten tooth that is no way profitable but hurtfull seruing onely to infect and corrupt the rest is notwithstanding a part or member of the body vntill it be plucked out so the vvicked and vngodly that be in the visible Church that serue indeede for no other purpose then to vexe infect and corrupt the rest are neuerthelesse members of the visible Church vntill by excommunication they be cut of The falsitie of this your conceit I haue further discouered in the Chapter following vvhereto I referre the Reader onely in the meane season remember this and forget it not That all vvhich bee
because of this impunitie become no church or a false church Answere vs I pray you for this question commeth to the quick If you answere affirmatiuely that such a societie notwithstanding the vvicked that be in it is a true Church you doe at one push put downe a great deale of that rotten building you haue been a long time setting vp If negatiuely then I will not feare to affirme that neither the Church of Corinth nor sundry of the Churches of Galatia were true Churches when the Apostle writ vnto them which vvere blasphemie to affirme M. Bernard obiecteth further that this makes Dauid Iehoshaphat and the Church of God in their dayes to be no true matter of a visible Church for there was marrying many wiues the continuance of the high places the brazen serpent worshipped Ioabs murder permitted the bill of diuorcement allowed by Moses Herevnto this answere is giuen Iustif 106. I doe answere to this exception first that you cannot proue the holy men you name to haue sinned in all the particulars wherewith you charge them much lesse that they were conuinced of sinne in suffering these things and yet suffered them I reply Be it they sinned not in all the aforesaid particulars yet did they in some of them and what say you to them Dauid both sinned in suffering Ioabs murder and was in his conscience also conuinced thereof from whence it came that in his last will as I may say he chargeth Salomon his sonne concerning Ioab that as he had shed bloud so he should cause his to be shed 1. Kin. 2.5.6 and not suffer his hoare head to goe downe to the graue in peace But suppose that in this deferring of Ioabs punishment Dauid did not sinne which no man of good vnderstanding will affirme yet without controuersie he did and most grieuously in the matter of Vriah and lay a great while therein during which time his conscience did now and then checke him for the same for in this time Dauid was not a man dead in trespasses and sinnes or like them whose consciences are seared with an hote iron Now M. Robinson answere me Was Dauid in and during this time in the Church or without You cannot but acknowledge that hee remained at this time in the Church and was a member thereof But Dauid now was not seperated from all knowne sinne did not practise all the knowne will of God increase in grace and therein continue foras much as at this time he liued in knowne sinnes and decreased in grace Dauid therefore was matter of the visible Church and yet not such a Saint as you describe and consequently your doctrine is false that such Saints as you here describe are the on●ly matter of the visible Church M. Robinson inlargeth his answere thus But what countenance doe the infirmities of these holy men giue to the prophane and gracelesse multitude against whom we deale and whom alone we cast out of the account of Saints with what conscience or coulour can any man bring in the infirmities of Moses Dauid and Iehoshaphat to plead the Saint-ship of all the godlesse crue in the English assemblies Reply These examples were not instanced to countenance the profane among vs but to disproue your description of Saints and that such Saints are not the onely matter of the visible Church and therevnto they serue very well which is all that was by M Barnard intended For thus in effect he reasoneth Dauid and Iehoshaphat vvere matter of the visible Church for they were true members of a true vis Church But they vvere not such Saints as you define Saints to bee Therefore such Saints as you define are not the onely matter of the visible Church But to draw little neerer vnto you euen in Dauids time Psal 12.1 much more in worser times there was no lesse profane and gracelesse a multitude in the Church of Iudah then is in the Church of England at this day Wherevpon Dauid complaineth thus Helpe Lord for there is not a godly man left the faithfull are failed from among the children of men they speake deceitfully euery one with his neighbour flattering with their lips and speake with a double heart Which though it doe not countenance the vngodly among vs yet it manifestly disproueth your definition of Saints and supposed matter of the visible Church and proueth demonstratiuely that a people may bee a true Church notwithstanding there be in it wicked men nay a multitude of profane and gracelesse men as Iudah vvas in the dayes of Dauid Vzziah Iotham Hezekiah and other Kings of Iudah Isai 1.10 For marke vvhat Isaiah saith concerning the people of the Iewes in the raigne of the Kings lest mentioned Heare O Princes of Sodome hearken O people of Gomorrah A prophane therefore and gracelesse multitude and if you will a godlesse crue for the most part were the Iewes in those dayes and yet a true Church What letteth it then why wee may not likewise be a true Church notwithstanding there are many wicked and very vngodly among vs. Our last exception is That the Scriptures which for the conforming of this your false doctrine you bring are places speaking of the inuisible Church properly or of the vis figuratiuely Iustification 107. To this you answere thus It cannot bee manifested that wee bring one Scripture meant of the inuisible Church to proue the holinesse of the visible Church The vanitie of this obiection hath beene discouered in the exposition of that your picked instance 1. Pet. 2.9 Reply To proue the holinesse of the visible Church you quote a Description of the visible Church 2. the 17. Chapter of Iohn and oftentimes sundry verses therein b Apology 44. verse 14.20 and your selfe a little after this vaunt of yours c Iustif 115. verse 16. Now what in all Scriptures is to be vnderstood of the inuisible Church militant that is the Elect on earth and hereafter to be on earth If not this 17. of Iohn which you frequently apply to the visible Church This Chapter containeth in it onely a prayer which Iesus made for himselfe and men a little before his passion from whence it followeth that he speaketh of them for whom he prayed but he prayed onely besides for himselfe for the Elect as hee himselfe saith expressely ver 9. of this Chapter I pray not for the world meaning thereby the Reprobates of the world therefore hee speaketh here onely of the Elect. Here is one Scripture nay diuers seuerall testimonies of Scripture which being meant of the inuisible Church you apply to the visible Nay your selues teaching that the inuisible Church containeth in it all the Elect of God that haue been are or shall be doe for proofe therof produce d Description of the visible Church 1. Iohn 17.19.20 To proue the holinesse of the visible Church you e Ibid. alledge Ioh. 6.36 All that the Father giueth me shall come vnto me and him that commeth to me
to smell with c. Euen so a visible Church as it were or like a body hath many officers euery office hauing his distinct office Will you hereupon collect that the visible Church is the body of Christ the misticall body I say of Christ By the same reason we may conclude that whatsoeuer in Scripture is compared to a body the same is the body of Christ Such collection is very absurde And thus much concerning the titles which these men ascribe to the vis church and that which is farre worse with respect had to the whole church as appeareth by their writings whereas by the holy Ghost they are meant and giuen to the inuisible church or if to the visible it is in respect of the Elect which are therein who onely are the body of Christ his Sister his Loue his Spouse c. CHAP. VI. The Churches of the Brownists are by their owne doctrine false Churches and therefore men ought to seperate and come out from among them YOu measuring our Parish assemblies by this crooked line of yours I meane your false doctrine of the visible church it is no maruel though they be not right and straight in your eyes Nay marke what we say vnto you Prooue your description of the visible church by the word of God prooue that to be the matter and forme and those to be the a With respect had to the whole chur●h titles of the visible church which you say confidently are and wee will acknowledge all our Parishionall assemblies to bee false churches and as you say holdes of soule spirits and cages of euery vncleane and hatefull bird Defence of the churches and Ministers of England 6. and whatsoeuer else you charge vpon vs and accuse vs to be But if this you cannot doe as is euident by the premises you are greatly in fault for obtruding that doctrine of the people of God as true which is false to the great disturbance of the peace of the church and disquieting of many a poore soule Certainly if the description that you giue of a true visible church were true and that you of the seperation were such a church hee was a foole and worse then a foole euen a madman and out of his wits who would not seperate from vs and be of your societie Whether your doctrine of the visible church be true or false it is easie to discerne by the premises Let vs now consider whethet your congregations be by your owne doctrine true visible churches yea or no that so we may the better see whether we be in our wits or out of them in not ioyning with you To this end let vs apply your doctrine of the visi church vnto you and measure your church by the same line you meate ours Euery true visible church is a company of faithfull and holy people called and seperated from the world by the word of God worshipping Christ aright gouerned by his lawes knit together by the bond of peace and loue vnfained But your churches are not such companies Therefore they are not true but false churches The proposition standeth vnmoueable being grounded vpon the foundation your selues haue laide and as you thinke vpon a rocke If you deny the assumption and auouch that each Church of yours is such a company as is by you described I reply then there are no Hypocrites nor reprobates in your Church but all Elect for the Elect onely worship Christ aright that is in spirit and trueth as your selues doe interprete it are gouerned by his Lawes knit together by the bond of peace and loue vnfained and therefore your congregations are not true visi Churches Because in the true visible Church there be tares and chafle as well as wheate that is reprobates as well as Elect. Thus we see it is an easie thing to beate you with that rod which you haue prepared for our shoulders wherewith you haue a great while lashed vs according to your strength And thus much touching the description of the visible Church the matter and forme and titles thereof according to the doctrine of the Brownists and the confutation thereof CHAP. VII The controuersie betweene vs and the Brownists concerning religious communion is here debated where is shewed First that we may lawfully ioyne in diuine worship with them which are not members of the Church Secondly with the open wicked and that thereby neither the faithfull nor the holy things of God are polluted AMong sundry other errours of the Separists concerning the vis Church which for breuitie Iomit this is one Princip Infer 9. That no religious communion is to be had but with members of a visible Church This is man●festly conuinced by the practise of the Apostles in the first gathering or planting of churches Paul and Barnabas and generally the Apostles preached the Word vnto the Gentiles who then were Infidels here were religious communions When sundry men ioyne together in any religious exercise or part of Gods worship as the Apostles and these their hearers did that is a religious communion Againe these were not ciuill communions these societies were not met together to bee occupied about any worldly affaires or matters appertaining to this life therefore they were religious communions In these religious communions and in the worship of God the holy Apostles did ioyne with those that were not members of a visible Church not within but without the Church and yet did not sinne therein Therefore a religious communion may lawfully be had with those which are no members of the church By this practise and example of the Apostles who did nothing herein but that which Iesus commanded them and therefore did not sin we learne a Principle or Inference cleane contrarie to yours namely that lawfully and without sinne we may ioyne in the worship of God with those that are without and not in or of the church How else except we would doe euill that good might come thereof shou●d these that are without be added to the Church and such be conuerted t● God seeing the preaching and hearing of the word are the meanes which God hath appointed for the co●uersion of men and that these are parts of Gods worship Hereby we see their must bee a religious communion or ioyning together in the worship of God before those which are no members become members of the church Now this communion say you cannot be without sinne Now therefore say I can be added to the Church without the sinne of him by whose ministerie they are added besides the sinne of others in the church ioyning with him therein 1. Cor. 14.25 If all prophecie quoth the Apostle and there come in one that beleeueth not or one vnlearned he is rebuked of all men and iudged of all men And so are the secrets of his heart made manifest and so hee will fall downe on his face and worship God and say plainely that God is in you indeede Here vvas a religious communion here
by the testimonies themselues Now herein you might haue saued your labour and rather haue bestowed more paines in prouing that we deny then that we grant But any thing you thinke will serue to delude the simple Yea but the three last testimonies 2. Cor. 6.17 Act. 2.42 Heb. 10.24.25 speake to the issue for they directly prooue That the children of God of the light and day and the heires of blessing are commaunded to seperate from meaning in diuine worship the children of men of this world of the diuell and of curse and to entertaine and continue an holy communion among themselues onely Thus saith M. Ainsworth in plaine and expresse wordes It is true that in the first of these places to the sonnes and daughters of God this commandement is giuen Come out from among them and seperate your selues But vvho are those of whom the Apostle speaketh and from whom he commandeth the children of God for to seperate and not ioyne with in diuine worship It is euident they were the Corinthian Idolaters that worshipped a false God The highest degree of Idolatry and most grosse Idolaters that can be What doth Paul now require of the Corinthian Saints to whom he writ this That they ioyne not with these idolaters their neighbours in their idolatrous and false worship nor in any other of their pollutions This hindreth or prohibiteth not but that they might communicate with these Idolaters in true diuine vvorship publike or priuate But suppose that this place of Paul prohibiteth all communion with all idolaters in their false and idolatrous worship whether they worship a false and fained god or the true God falsely which is all that is forbidden in the word that letteth not but that wee may haue religious communion with idolaters in true Diuine worship If then we may lawfully ioyne together with idolaters in the worship of God in hearing the word and Prayer then certainely with the children of men of this world of the Diuell and with them that are without and no members of the church For such as these are all Idolaters Thus wee see this Scripture makes nothing for you and is therefore peruerted by you Let vs now proceede to the next testimonie Act. 2.42 And they continued meaning the members of the vis Church in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and breaking of bread and prayers This declareth how greatly they of the Church were affected towards the word and worship of God vvherein they did dayly exercise themselues both in publike and priuate but neither denyeth nor forbiddeth all communion in diuine worship with them that are without no more then this Scripture there following And they sold their possessions and goods and parted them to all men of the Church as euery one had neede forbiddeth all communicating of our goods with them which are without And as well may one from hence conclude that such as are of the visible Church may not minister vnto the necessities of them that are without as this from ver 42. that they of the visible Church may haue no religious communion with them that are without F●ame your argument when you please for the proofe of this latter and I will comp●se as good a one for the former Your third and last testimony is Heb. 10.24.25 Let vs consider one another to prouoke vnto loue and to good workes not forsaking the f●llowship that we haue among our selues as the manner of some is but let vs exhort one another We answere first it is not cleere that the Apostle speakes here of the publike assemblies but happily of the priuate meet●ngs the faithfull had And this latter is probable for these two R●asons F●rst b●ca●se the priuate and brotherly fellowship serueth sp●cially to the increase of mutuall loue wherevnto the fai hfull be here exhorted Secondly in the words immediat●ly precedent and subsequent hee exhorteth to priua●e duties wee may vvell therefore thinke he doth the like also If this now be so this Scripture maketh nothing at all for you no more then that of Peter 1. Pet. 2.17 Loue brotherly fellowship But be it granted that this is meant of the pub●ike assemblies against which I vvill not contend notwithstanding it makes not any thing against vs. For who doubteth but that the faithful that is the professors of faith in Christ or members of the vis Church doe vsually they alone and none but they assemble and ioyne together in hearing of the Word and prayer And that vsually it falleth out in the Church that some playing the Apostates forsake these assemblies of the Saints eyther ioyning themselues to some other assemblies as being Heretickes or Schismatickes or else vvith Demas imbracing this present world This is it we here learne and from this latter onely wee are here dehorted Doth it now herevpon follow that the faithfull may not admit vnbeleeuers and them that are without the Church to communicate with them in diuine worship and haue religious communion together with them Nothing lesse Here is no such thing forbidden no more then in and by this speech Gal. 6.10 doe good to the houshould of Faith that is to all that professe the same faith with vs to wit the members of the vis Church we are forbid to doe good vnto all or to them that are without But besides these expresse and plaine testimonies of Scripture as you thinke you haue a forcible reason drawne from the word for the fortifying of this your opinion Wee may not say you ioyne with them that are without or with the open wicked in the worship of God Communion of Saints 469. or haue any holy communion with them For by their wickednesse both the faithfull Defence of the churches and M●nistery of England 70. and the holy things of God are polluted This doctrine of your owne you apply vnto vs. Into your assemblies say you doe come many open and notorious sinners knowne drunkards whoremongers prophaners of the Sabbath swearers c. Whereby the holy things of God and the faithfu●l are defiled Reasons for Seperation for this cause wee dare not haue religious communion with you but seperate Wee answere It maketh nothing for you nor against vs that there are knowne wicked in our assemblies which vvee deny not seeing by their presents neither the faithfu l nor the holy things of God are polluted vnto the faithfull which thus we make manifest If any sinners pollute the holy things of God to the faithfull as the word sacraments prayer then certainely doe notorious wicked Ministers which in such speciall manner are occupied about them They are the mouth of God to the people and the peoples to God they touch with their hands the holy elements But notorious wicked Ministers defile not the holy things of God to the Saints Therefore none be they neuer so notorious wicked That Ministers notoriously wicked pollute not the worship of God nor the faithfull ioyning with them therein it is manifest by
Christs permitting his Disciples the people to heare the Scribes and Pharises The Scribes and Pharises saith he sit in Moses seate Mat. 23.2 All therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue and doe Verily if it were vnlawfull for the faithfull to ioyne with open vvicked men in the worship of God and that they did pollute it vnto the faythfull as these men doe tell vs then had it been vnlawfull to haue heard and prayed with the Scribes and Pharisies who were men notori●usly vvicked Which made Iohn the Baptist to greete them thus Mat. 3.7 23.33 O generations of vipers who hath forewarned you to flye from the anger to come And our Sauiour after many a fearefull vvoe denounced against them to cry out to the same effect with Iohn O serpents the generation of vipers how shall yee escape the damnation of hell This their wickednesse also was open and well knowne to the faithfull neither could they possibly be ignorant thereof Considering their open persecuting of Christ euen to death their open blaspheming of him Matth. 9.34 12.24 Iohn 9 22.34 and 12.42 and traducing of his works and their persecuting of the Saints insomuch that many durst not confesse Christ Iesus for feare of the Pharisees But your a●oresaid reason concerning the pollution of the faithfull and holy things of God by the wicked you will prooue by the Scriptures M. Francis Iohnson charging the forward Preachers of England with 17. points of false doctrine setteth downe this for one and the first in the rancke That though the open notorious obstinate offenders be partakers of the Sacraments yet neither the Sacraments nor the people that ioyne with them are defiled thereby Defence of the Churches and Ministers of England 70. Communion of S●i●ts 469. Par. l. 71. 72. 73 This doctrine quoth he is contrarie to these Scriptures 1. Cor. 10.17 Hag. 2.14 15. 1. Cor. 5 6. 10.28 2. Cor. 6.15.18 Gal. 5 9. with eleuen more there quoted So that there is no want of witn●sses But let vs heare also what M. Ainsworth saieth If in our assemblies quoth he the wicked partake with vs neither we nor the holy things can sanctifie them but contrariwise they defile vs and euery thing they touch For confirmation hereof both these men and likewise M. Smith alleadge Hag. 2 13 14. with diuers other places of the olde Testament concerning ceremoniall pollution whereby they will haue it that this spirituall pollution is signified and shadowed foorth If saith Haggai one beare holy flesh in the skirt of his garment and with his skirt doe touch the bread or the pottage or the wine or the oyle or any meate shall it be holy And the Priests answered and saide No 14. Then saide Haggai If a polluted person touch any of these shall it be vncleane and the Priests answered and said it shall be vncleane I answere proue and make it plaine to vs 1. That by touching is signified our mutuall partaking in these holy things or in true diuine worship 2. That this polluted person doeth signifie an open wicked man in the Church Prooue I say these to haue this resemblance as your interpretation and application of them implyeth and I will confesse that you doe not misinterpret misapply these Scriptures as you doe the rest here But if herein you faile neither this Scripture nor any of this kinde will auaile you at all Concerning the first of these you say And this touching figured our fellowship together in the Church as the Apostle sheweth 2. Cor. 6.14 15 16 17. Communion of Saints 469. I deny this and affirme that this place of Paul prooueth no such thing The Apo perswading the Saints at Corinth not to ioyne with their neighbours who were heathens and Idolaters in their false and Idolatrous worship nor in any of their pollutions no not so much as with their bodies though they kept their spirit pure vnto the Lord vseth this phrase in the Lawe touch no vncleane thing not meaning thereby to teach what this touching figured but the Corinthian saints that they might no way pertake nor haue any thing to doe more nor lesse soule nor body with the Idolatrous worship or any other pollution of theirs Now what maner of proofe and argument is this We may not at all pertake with Idolaters in their false worship not somuch as touch it with a finger Ergo not with the open wicked in true diuine worship If wee communicate with Idolaters in false worship by touching that impure worship we our selues shall be made impure touch it not therefore come not at it Ergo if wee communicate with the open wicked in true diuine worship wee and that worshtp shall be made vncleane These two conclusions are your positions and the two Antecedents are Paules Let the Reader iudge of the consequence But let vs come to rhe other thing heere to be considered that is whom the man that was ceremonially vncleane did signifie You will not say I knowe the open wicked man but the sinner without any such limitation or restraint Wherupon by your expositiō this followeth That the sinner or man spiritually vncleane defileth the holy things of God Word Sacraments and Prayer and they that communicate with him therein are likewise defiled as the man ceremonially vncleane polluted whatsoeuer things he touched and they that touched him were vncleane But this inference is false because without any such pollution we may communicate wi●h hypocrites who be sinners and therefore this your exposition from whence it is inferred is false In this straite you haue no other refuge but this That by the vncleane man vnder the lawe was signified the open wicked man or knowne sinner Which I desire you would hereafter prooue vnto vs for we will take nothing of your word In the meane season this I say vnto you that had you or should you yet consider that howsoeuer the wicked whether openly or secretly wicked for all is one polluted indeede the holy things of God it is vnto themselues onely and not to others according to this Scripture vnto them that are defiled Tit. 1.15 and vnbeleeuing is nothing pure you wou'd neuer trouble the Church of God with this impure doct●ine This testimony of Titus you produce for your selues and it maketh against you Communion of Saints 133. Communion of Saints 464. 1 Cor. 5.6 Gal. 5.9 Answerable hereunto bee your other testimonies of holy writ and namely this so frequent with you a little leauen leaueneth a whole lump For the Apostles meaning is not that a few or one knowne wicked man by his open sinne doeth pollute the Word Sacraments and the whole assembly they be comming guilt●e of sinne and so defiled 1. Because they haue religious communion with him Paral. 71 72. 73 2. Because by this communicating with a knowne sinner in d●uine worsh●p they doe approoue of his sinne and thus consenting thereto become accessary vnto it This
communion vvith all the members of the Church vvhereof some euer vvere open vvicked Why then may not the godly at this day haue communion in diuine vvorship vvith the open vngodly in saying that the godly and the holy things of God are defiled by communicating vvith open vvicked doe you not thereby condemne all the assemblies of the Saints in all ages and bring pollution vpon them and the vvorship they offered to God seeing in the saide assembles they did communicate with open vvicked Prou. 17.15 If to condemne one man for doing that vvhich is lawfull holy or iust though ignorantly is abhominatin before the Lord much more is it an abhomination before God to condemne the generation of the iust for doing that vvhich is lawfull holy and good though it be done ignorantly Thus vve see that these are two palpable errors 1. That the faithfull may not ioyne with the open wicked in the worship of God or haue any holy communion with them 2. That the faithfull communicating with such both they and the holy things of God are thereby polluted But answere me Are none such as these no knowen or open sinner to bee found in other reformed Churches you will not say it if you doe you speake that vvhich is notoriously false Doe the open vvicked leauen and sower the Churches in England as a litle leauen doeth the whole lumpe of dough and at length because they are not cast out nullifie the same and haue not their presence and in being in the Church of Scotland France and the Low-countries the like effect yes verily So that then all the r●formed Churches are false Churches as wel as ours And concerning this I challenge you all if you gainesay it I will prooue it to your reproach Thus you condemne the liuing and the dead and all men beside your selues Your Church and Church assemblies are holy pure and vndefiled so in them there is not a knowne wicked man But al other for as much as in them there are some knowne wicked they are polluted vnholy and prophane and all religious exercises performed in and by them CHAP. VIII The arguments of the Brownists whereby they would proue our Church to bee a false Church and the answere vnto them WE haue heard of sundry false doctrines and errors concerning the visible Church that they whom we call Brownists doe hold and the confutation of them And therein we haue heard of two of their principall reasons which they vse against our Church to prooue that it is a false Church and therfore not be communicated vvith Both the saide arguments are contained in and grounded vpon their description of a visible Church which foundation of theirs being already ouerthrowne I meane the falsehood of their said description being made manifest their arguments as the building erected thereupon must needes fall to the ground Your first reason concerneth the gathering of our Churches which say you for Argument 1 as much as they were not rightly gathered to wit by the preaching of the word therefore they are false Churches For the further enlargement of this argument on your part and our answere thereunto I refer the reader to that which is saide before in the beginning of the 9. Chapter The second reason is this Argument 2 Euery true vis Church is a seperated cōpany of righteous men and not a confused and mixt company of people consisting of good and bad The parish assemblies in England are not separated but confused mixt companies consisting of men good and bad Therefore the parish assemblies in England are not true vis Churches Againe thus you reason Whatsoeuer assemblies haue in them as members thereof many open and knowne wicked the same are false visible Churches The parish assemblies in England haue in them as members many open wicked Therefore the Parish assemblies in England are false visible Churches That these are your very arguments it is manifest by that I haue formerly aledged produced out of your owne books To each of which and the seuerall parts of them I haue alreadie returned answere at large the summe whereof here followeth Answere The Proposition or first part of these two Arguments being the same in effect vve deny and affirme that they are palpably false so as he vvho is blinde may grope and feele it if he vvill but reach out his hand And I cannot but admire that any of vnderstanding should once doubt thereof considering they be so manifestly repugnant to the holy Scriptures and so easie to be conuinced by the estate of the Church in all ages And this I haue made manifest before wherevnto I refer the Reader for his full satisfaction therein What your confirmations be of these Propositions we haue likewise heard and an idle Tautalogie it were to repeat the same in whole or in part As for the Assumption of them both being likewise in effect the same vvherevpon you so much insist you had done vvell to haue saued your vvhole labour and neuer haue troubled the world vvith so many idle lines seruing to no purpose Who euer denied either of your Assumptions Why then doe you proue and at large that which we deny not If these arguments of yours be ought then are all the reformed Churches false Churches For they are not separated companies of righteous or godly men vvherein are not open vvicked but haue in their Churches many knowne vngodly and this they themselues do and will freely acknowledge and confesse Nay hereby you condemne all the Churches that euer vvere in the vvorld For there vvas neuer vis Church vvherein all the members thereof vvere so qualified as you require and no open vvicked to be found in it Your third reason followeth Argument 3 Whatsoeuer Church hath not a right constitution the same is a false Church The Church of England hath not a right Constitution Therefore the Church of England is a false Church Proue this your Proposition and wee vvill grant you the conclusion And that therein you may not erre nor vvander out of the vvay you must first know that that is a right Constitution vvhich in al things agreeth vvith the word And that a Church rightly constituted which is framed and ordered in all things to that streight rule Nothing concerning the Constitution must be wanting which God in his word requires nothing superfluous or redundant but in euery thing according to the patterne When ye haue performed this then I wil proue that the Church of the Iewes in the dayes of Christ and his Apostles vvas a false Church and so by consequent Christ Iesus himselfe and his Apostles did communicate with a false Church and in a false worship Beware therefore I aduise you before-hand what you doe To the aforesaid arguments M. Ainsworth hath added diuers in his Counterpoison which here I will set downe and returne answere vnto them The first is this Argument 4 Euery true Church is the bodie of Christ and hath him for the
head thereof for it is written Counterp 127. God hath appointed him ouer all things the head of the Church which is his body Ephes 1 22.2● and againe to the Church of Corinth it is said Ye are the bodie of Christ 1. Cor. 12.27 But the Church of England is not the body of Christ neither hath him for the head thereof Therefore the Church of England is not a true Church This Argument M. Smith likewise vseth against our Churches and Particular Congregations Your Parish assemblies haue not Christ for their head Ergo they be false churches Paralleles 87. Ephe. 1.22.23 1. Cor. 12.27 Gal. 3.16 Ephes 5.23 Wee answere that these and all other places of holy writ wherein Christ is said to bee the head of the Church or the Church is said to be his body that by Church wee are to vnderstand that societiee we call the inuisible Church or company of beleeuers which be a part therof or if in any of them we may vnderstand the vis Church it must needs be spoken in respect of them therein that are of the inuisible Church which commeth all to one And thus Christ Iesus is the head of the church of England and it is his body and so your Assumption is false Surely it is admirable that all of you are so farre blinded as to teach that a Confession of faith 10. 52. 58. 68. Apologie 44. Communion of Saints 6. 455. 475. Description of the vis church pag. 1. The visible Church is the body of Christ and that without any limitation exception resp●ct or restraine For shew mee one line in all your bookes tending this way And heere behold the absurditie of your Proposition Euery true Church is the body of Christ meaning euery true particular visible Church or congregation wherevpon followeth that how many particular Churches there be so many bodies of Christ and so you make a monster of Christ But how monstrous soeuer this is you wil proue it and that by Scripture For it is written say you God hath appointed Christ ouer all things the head of the Church which is his body Ephes 1.22.23 I answere You speake of euery particular visible Church and the Apostle here of the inuisible Church which is Catholicke or vniuersall part whereof is now in heauen and part on earth as verse 10. For confirmation whereof also serue these words verse 22. God hath appointed him ouer all things How maketh this Scripture then any thing for you The inuisible Church and company of the Elect is the body of Christ Your proposition is Euery true particular visible Church is the body of Christ These are different propositions and euery babe may see the former of these is no proofe of the latter and that the former being true this latter may notwithstanding be false That this Scripture is to bee vnderstood of the inuisible Church it is manifest by that hath been said Also by the words next following in verse 23. which is his body euen the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all things Whereby we learne that without the Church here spoken of Christ Iesus doth not account himselfe full perfect and entire but as it were maimed euen as a head without a body Such is his loue to this church and high account of it But this fulnesse to Christ doth the inuisible Church bring Of the inuisible church therefore doth the Apostle here speake And marke how neither of the first words of your Proposition are vsed here by Paul He saith not euery Church as you doe which might seeme to haue implyed that he had spoken of the vis Church or Churches nor true Church which had made it cleare on your side For true cannot fitly be said of the inuisible Church forasmuch as there is no false inuisible Church Onely the word Church he vseth without any such addition which word in holy writ is indifferently vsed for the inuisible and visible Church as before I haue shewed and here for the inuisible as the reasons aforesaide doe manifest This Scripture therefore is preuerted by you and maketh nothing for you But bee it graunted that Paul speakes here of the visible Church and that there is no abuse of Scripture at least that if not here yet 1. Cor. 12.27 he speaketh of the Church visible yet neither will that helpe you seeing the visible Church cannot bee saide to bee the Body of Christ but in respect of the Elect that are in the visible church now this will not profit you at all for to vnderstand these Scriptures of the visible Church as you will haue it marke how your argument must be framed Euery true visible Church is the body of Christ and hath him for the head thereof in respect of the Elect therein The Church of England is not the Body of Christ neither hath him for the head thereof in respect of the Elect therein Therefore the Church of England is not a true visible Church Thus your argument should haue beene composed and what is wanting is to bee vnde●stood and then wee answere you by denying your assumption and doe affirme that the Church of England is the body of Christ and hath him for the head thereof in respect of Gods elect that be in it And in this sence also as well as in the former the same may be said of vs that Paule saide of the Corinthians Yee are the body of Christ and members for your part And here I cannot chuse but wonder at the extre●me folly of this ma● Who prouing that the Church of England is not the body of Christ neither hath him for the head thereof whereas he should direct his speech against the go●ly among vs and prooue tha● they are not the Body of Christ nor haue him for their head in stea● thereof he doth direct it to vse his owne words to our prophane people Counterp 128 mockers and contemners of Religion that blaspheame God and his holy name euen in the stretes as they walke such as call themselues the damned crewe Familists Atheists and all other sorts of miscreants and wicked liuers These children of wrath saith he this sinfull generation cannot possibly be members of the Body of Christ nor haue him for their head seeing they are not partakers of his life and spirit nor called to his faith neither admitteth he any such vnto him vntill they repent he hath no concord with Belial therefore not with the children of Belial the members of his glorious body must not be the dead stinking and abhominable members of Sathan Light and darkenesse heauen and hell will as soone bee vnited together And in this path doe t●ey all tread Thus can I prooue that the church of the Iewes as in other ages so namely in Dauids time and in Isaiah his time was a false Church for as much as the Iewes then were a prophane people Isa 2 3● mockers and contemners of Religion c. Of the
Church in the one of these times this complaint was taken vp Ah sinfull nation a people lad●n with iniquitie c. And of the other this Helpe Lord for there is not a godly man left c. These children of wrath might I now argue with you this sinfull generation could not possibly b●e members of the body of Christ nor haue him for their head and therefore was not a true but a false Church And marke heere gentle Reader I pray thee how this man affirme●h first That all of the visible Church are members of the Body of Christ Secondly but more truely that all the members of the body of Christ are partakers of his life and spirit so as whosoeuer doeth not participate with this life and spirit is no member But with this l●fe and spirit the inuisible Church onely and company of the Elect I meane so many of them as are effectually called doe partake as before I haue prooued Therefore not the visible but the called of the inuisib●e Church are members of the body of Christ and make that body whereof Iesus is the h●ad And hereby he excludeth and shutteth out of the visible Church all reprobates all hypocrites and wicked men as well secret as open wicked and maketh it to consist onely of godly or righteous men indeede or if you will of the El●ct alone For saith he all the members of the true visible Church are members of the Body of Christ not dead but liuing members partaking with the spirit and life of Christ But no r●probate hypocrite or wicked man is a liuing member of the Body of Christ partaking with the spirit and life of Christ Ther●fore none such are of the true visible Church Againe onely the Elect and sincere or truely godly are such liuing members Therfore onely such by your wise doctrine are of the true visible Church Moreouer obserue heere that by this mans doctrine in the true visible Church there are no children of the diuell For saith he Christ hath no concord with Belial therefore not with his children Againe All the members of the true visible Church are members of Christ his glorious Body But the dead stinking and abhominable members of Sathan are not members of Christs glorious Body therefore not of the true visible church Wherevpon fo●loweth that all of the true visible Church are the children of God and so heires of saluation for if children heires And particularly that Cain Ismael Esau Saul Absalom Iudas and the Scribes and Pharisees were the children of God and are sau●d for all these were members of the true visible Church And tell me M. Ainsworth y●u that will haue no children of Beliall no dead stinking and abhominable members of Sathan members of the true visible Church but require that all the members of the visible Church bee members of the glorious Body of Christ hauing him for th●ir head f●r which cause you condemne the Church of England for a false Chur●h because in it there be many dead and rotten members tell me I say in your next Treatise first whether this reason of yours proues not as is in part aforesaide as well the Church of the Iewes in Christs time as also before and after in the d●yes of his Apostles to be a false Church as we●l as ours Secondly whether Cain Esau Iudas and the rest aboue named were liuing members part●king of Christ his life and Spi●it or dead stinking and the abhominable members of Sathan And this latter being true which you cannot deny whether dead stinking and abhominable members of Sathan haue not beene members of the true visible Church seeing these were no better members and yet were all of the vis church Marke also how in the former words hee requireth faith and repentance in euery member of the visible Church And so he doeth a little before The people of Englād in the beginning of Q. Elizabeths raigne Counterp 127. did not enter into the church by repentance faith in Christ but by the commandement of the Magistrate were compelled vnto the Church Sacraments and ministery Now the Magistrates lawe cannot worke faith in any Ephes 2.8 Rom. 10.17 seeing faith is the gift of God and by his word onely is wrought in mans heart I haue told you before and now tell you againe that not faith and repentance but the prof●ssion of these is necessary to the making of a memb●r of the visible church and that thereunto the Magistrates law and authoritie will drawe and perswade men Had you and the rest of your societie learned this you would neuer then haue required these graces nor such holinesse at least externall in all the members of the visible church as you doe But it is no maruell though you requ●re faith and repentance not in the iudgement of charitie but in deede and veritie in euery member of the visible Church Communion of Saints 321. and tell vs else where that this is the doore whereby a man must enter into the Church considering you teach that the visible Church is the Body of Christ and that all the members of the visible Church are members of his misticall body and partakers of his spirit and life For no vnbeleeuer and impen●tent person is member of the misticall bodie of Christ You now that require true faith and repentance in euery member of the visible Church say whether any of the visible Church can be damned For the Scripture saith He that beleeueth is saued alreadie hath passed from death to life And that If the wicked returne from all his sinnes which he hath committed and keepe all Gods statutes Ezech. 18.21 that is If he repent he shall surely liue and shall not die After many friuelous lines tending hereunto that there is peace and agreement betweene Christ and all of the visible Church That in the Church among the members thereof there is no hatred or enmitie both which are palpably false you drawing to an end of the proofe of your Assumption vse these words following By this it may appeare that Christ is no head of such Antichristians Pag. 130. nor of any other prophane wicked worldlings seeing his spirit giues them not life and motion but they are carried by the spirit of Satan that possessed them neither can they bee knit vnto him by ioynts or bands as all his body and members thereof are Therefore saith hee the Church of England is not the true Church of God Thus the second time you tell vs and truely That Christ his body and all the members thereof haue his spirit giuing them life and motion wherby as by ioynts or bands they are knit vnto him the head But againe say I the called of the inuisible Church only haue this spirit by this spirit are knit vnto the head Christ They therefore onely are the body of Christ and to him vnited as the head Againe many of the true visible Church that I say not the greatest part therof haue
not this spirit causing in them this life and motion thereby also as by ioynts or bands knitting them vnto Christ the head but in stead thereof are carried by the spirit of Satan that possesseth them as hath often been shewed Many therefore of the true visible church are not members of Christs body And therefore also the church of England may bee a true church notwithstanding there be many in and of it who be not the members of Christs body led by his spirit but prophane wicked worldlings carried by the spirit of Satan that poss●sseth them You who teach that in the true visible Church there be no prophane wicked worldlings none that are carried by the spirit of Satan possessing them and for this cause will haue it to be a false church answere me I pray you First whether the Scribes and Pharises were pro phane wicked and worldlings Ioh. 6.70 and 13.25 and whether they were carried by the spirit of Satan yea or no and namely Iudas whom Iesus calleth a Diuell and of whom it is said that Satan entred into him Secondly whether all the Diuels children bee not carried by his spirit And let this suffice for answere to your first argument The second followeth Argument 5 Euery true Church of God hath Christ for the Mediator and Aduocate of the same For it is written There is one God Counterp 132. and one Mediator betweene God and Man which is the man Christ Iesus 1. Tim. 2.5 1. Ioh. 2.1 And if any man sinne we haue an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the iust Neither is there saluation in any other for among men there is giuen no other name vnder heauen wherby we must be saued Act. 4.22 But the Church of England hath not Christ for the Mediator and aduocate of the same Therefore the Church of England is not the true Church of God Paralleles 86. In like manner M. Smith reasoneth against vs The true Church hath Christ for their Mediator But your assemblies haue him not for their Mediator Therefore they be false Churches Answ I answere True it is that Christ is the Mediator and Aduocate of euery true Church that is of euery seuerall congregation or company of true beleeuers but that hee is such to euery true visible Church as you meane I vtterly deny And grant that it might be said That Iesus is the Mediator and Aduocate of euery true visible Church it must needs bee in respect and with relation had to them vvho be of the inuisible Church which makes nothing for you nor against vs. Your Proposition therefore is false neither doe the testimonies alleadged by you confirme it They onely proue that Christ Iesus is a Mediator betweene God and man and an Aduocate to the Father for him Who in their wits but you and your Disciples by man in Timothy will vnderstand the visible Church or euery true visible Church and not rather the inuisible Church and all of mankinde who be of Gods elect whose alone Mediator and Aduocate Iesus is The Papists may more probably by man vnderstand all mankinde and make Iesus the Mediator of all men as they affirme that he died for all men then you the visible Church seeing the letter of the Scripture here maketh for that exposition And surely the one is as true as the other As little doth the place of Iohn auaile you For neither doth he say That Christ is the Aduocate of the visible Church or of euery true visible Church which is that you are to proue and make your vnaduised Reader beleeue you doe proue when you doe nothing lesse Nay your Proposition may be conuinced by this Scripture so farre is it from confirming and strengthning of it For whose aduocate Christ is said here to be for their sins in the next verse he is said to be a propitiation But he is a propitiation onely for the sinnes of the Elect or inuisible Church which your selues will not deny Therfore the Aduocate onely of the inuisible Church and consequently not of the visible When Iohn had said that Iesus Christ is our Aduocate he addeth And he is the propitiation for our sinnes 1. Ioh. 2.2 and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world If by the whole world you vnderstand the whole visible Church as by your alleadging of this Scripture for proofe of your Proposition you seeme to doe you must needs doe or else cry peccaui for alleadging it then wil the whole Christian world reiect this your exp●sition And know ye that that which is h●re said by Iohn is as true of the whole world as of the whole vis Church and that Christ is and shall as soone be a propitiation and aduocate for the sinnes of the whole world as an Aduocate for the whole visible Church The truth then is that by world here is meant all whosoeuer in the world beleeue in Christ Iewes or Gentiles or all Gods elect throughout the whole world For their sinnes Christ Iesus is said to bee a propitiation and for them onely is he an aduocate And this is confirmed by Paul Rom. 8.33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that iustifieth Who shall condemne Meaning any of this chosen generation Implying that it is not possibl● that any of them should be damned And why Because for all of this societie as onely for them Christ died and rose againe and maketh request also for them If now one aske the question for whom Christ d●ed for whom he rose againe and for whom he maketh intercession the answere is readie for Gods chosen which be th●y we call the inuisible Church But you giue vs an other answere and say he is the Aduocate and maketh intercession for the visib●e church You may as well and truely say that Christ died for the visible church For by this Scripture it is cleere that hee is an Aduocate and maketh request to God his Father for them for whom hee died But he died Co●fession of faith 26. say you else-where for the elect onely therefore as Adu●cate hee maketh request on●ly for the elect And by consequent Iesus is not the Aduocate of the vis church as you teach except the vis church be the societie of the elect and the visible and inuisible church be all one Verse 20. In the 17 of Iohn our Sauiour saith I pray not for these alone meaning the eleuen Disciples but for them also which shall beleue in me through their word But the elect and inuisible church onely beleeue in Christ T it 1.1 Act. 13.48 wherevpon faith is called the faith of Gods elect and in the Acts it is said As many as were ordained to eternall life beleeued Therefore the elect and inuisible church onely haue Christ Iesus for their Aduocate Thus we see your first proofe of the Proposition maketh nothing for you the second greatly against you helping to conuince you
concerning ecclesiasticall gouernment Whereupon it is that in the words immediatly following the former you tell vs of admonition reprehension and excommunication and not a title of any other commaundement of Christ But how doe you prooue this to bee the meaning of Iesus Till you be able to make this manifest which I thinke will neuer be I for my part will reiect this your glosse and vnderstand this Scripture more largely And here in the ende of my Booke may that iustly be retorted vpon M. Ainsworth which he vniustly in the beginning of his Counterpoyson doth auouch against vs. Counterp epist I haue also produced their own testimonies against them that the Saints on earth may say Their rocke is not as our rocke euen our enemies being Iudges Deut. 32.31 And if they will yet resist the world may see they are condemned by themselues For these reasons you condemne our churches and holde them to be false visible Churches whereupon you doe separate It had bene fit you had better informed your selues in the doctrine of the Church and learned first what a true vis church is and what a false and to haue bene able to discerne and put a difference betweene the invisible and vis Church and the Scriptures concerning them before you had thus presumptuously taken vpon you to condemne our congregations to be false Churches My brethren you take to much vpon you You condemne and speake evill of those things ye know not See to it Remember also that this definitiue sentence you haue giuen of our churches is not in a corner where some fewe onely might heare and spread the same but in the streets yea in the high streete among the presse and entering of the gates or rather vpon the house toppe as Absalom abused his fathers concubines so as whosoeuer hath an eare except hee stoppe it cannot chuse but heare it both in this age present and in the ages succeeding O that you were wise to consider of these things To the aforesaide arguments M. Ainsworth addeth two other which he inferreth vpon the former ●nd as a bui●ding erected vpon this foundation That our church is a false church The drift of the one is to prooue That men ought to separate from our Church and haue no cōmunion with it seeing it is a false Church of the other That our Ministers are no true Ministers of Christ and therefore not to be heard I doe not meane to answere the saide Arguments for that is needlesse considering what a sandie foundation they stand vpon as appeareth by the aforesaide tractate but will onely retort them vpon themselues That Church sa●th hee which is not the true Church of Christ and of God Counterp 150 ought not by any true Christian to bee continued or communicated with but must be forsaken and separated from and a true Church of God sought and ioyned vnto where Christ and saluation by him may vndoutedly be had Because wee are willed to abstaine and separate from the false Church 2. Cor. 6.14.17 Reu. 18.4 Hos 4.15 Isa 48.20 Ier. 51.45 Zach. 2.6.7 1. Cor. 10 20.21 c. Wee are willed also to seeke and ioyne vnto a true Church Deut. 12.5 Song 1.6 Ier. 50.4.5 Isa 65.9 Psalm 26.5.6 Act. 2.47 But the Church of England is before proued not to be the true Church of Christ and of God Therefore it ought to bee separated from and a * To wit theirs for none othe● I dare be bold to say doe they hold for a true Church if they which freely professe what herein they thi●ke true Church sought for and ioyned to of such as would be saued This I returne vpon them thus That church which is a true church ought to be continued or communicated with and must not be forsaken and separated from because wee are commaunded to abstaine and separate from a false Church onely 2. We are commanded to seeke and ioyne vnto a true Church But the Church of England is before prooued to bee a true Church Therfore the Church of England ought to be cōtinued and communicated with and must not bee forsaken and separated from His other Argument concerning our Ministers is this These Ministers which haue and execute the ministery of a false Church are not the true Ministers of Christ and consequently not to bee heard or obeyed as Shepheards of our selues Because the ministerie of a false Church must needes be false also seeing the Church hauing no interest in Christ can haue no interest in a Christian Ministery Besides Christ hath giuen his ministerie to his owne Church onely Ephes 1. Cor. 12.27.28 See also Ioh. Act. 20.28 Ioh. 21.15.16 But all the Ministers of the Church of England haue and execute the ministerie of a false Church for so by the former arguments that Church is prooued Therefore they are not the true Ministers of Christ and consequently not to be heard or obeyed as Shepheards of our soules Hereupon I reason thus These Ministers which haue and execute the Ministery of a true Church are the true Ministers of Christ and consequently to be heard and obeyed as Shepheards of our soules Because the ministery of a true Church must needes be true also seeing the Church hauing interest in Christ hath interest in all the gifts hee bestoweth vpon his church and hath therefore interest in a Christian ministery Besides Christ hath giuen his ministery to his owne church so that Christs church is not destitute of his ministery Ephes 4.11 1. Cor. 12.28 c. But the Ministers of the church of England haue and execute the ministery of a true church for so by the former arguments contained in the 8. Chap. of this Booke that church is prooued Therefore they are the true Ministers of Christ and consequently to be heard or obeyed as shepheards of our soules To this argument and demonstration as M. Ainsworth thinketh he addeth this Epiphonema For the further descryi●g of the false ministery of this church I referre thee good Reader to a Treatise lately published intituled Reasons and Arguments proouing that it is not lawfull to heare the ministery of England And to another heretofore published called a Treatise of the Ministery of the Church of England And thus endeth hee his Treatise I answere that to these Reasons and Arguments M. Wutton hath re●urned an answer and sent it ouer to M. Iohnson the Authour of them about three yeeres since expecting a●l this while his reply But hetherto we heare of none and it is very likely neuer shall If not iustifying your Arguments you proceede still to auouch that our ministerie is a false ministerie notwithstanding the vanitie of your Arguments to this saide purpose bee discouered your consciences conuinced and mouthes stopped all the world may plainely see you neither loue nor contend for the trueth but loue more the praise of man then of God and therefore doe contend Thus much of the Church and of the different points
betweene vs and you eoncerning the same That little which is heere saide of our Ministery is as you may se● vpon occasion and by the way Truely I much desired to haue added something heere in d●fence of our Ministery and answere to your sophismes but for diuers reasons whereof some be mentioned in the epistles dedicatorie I thought good to forbeare and at this present to say no more CHAP. IX How the Separists to iustifie their separation from the Church of England doe shamefully peruert the holy Scriptures AS for the proofe of the particular points wherein wee and you of the separation doe differ you shamefully abuse and peruert the sacred Scriptures euen all of you without exception as manifestly appeareth by the premises so in the maine difference concerning the separating of your selues from our church you doe the like whereof I will giue the Reader likewise a tast For the iustifying of their separation they alleadge diuers places of holy Scripture and specially three which they take to be very pregnant for them One of them is taken out of the 19. Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles The wordes bee these Vers 8. Moreouer he that is Paul went into the Synagogue and spake boldly for the space of three moneths disputing and exhorting to the things that appertaine to the Kingdome of God 9. But when certaine were hardned and disobeyed speaking euill of the way of God before the multitude he departed from them and separated the Disciples and disputed daily in the Schoole of one Tyrannus We answere These men from whom Paul and other Christians separate were open contemners nay blasphemers of the way of God Because of this open contempt of theirs for it is saide they spake euill of that way before the multitude the Apostle durst not Preach the word of God vnto them neither could haue done without sinning against God for our Sauiour hath fordidden to giue that which is holy vnto Dogges Matth. 7.6 and to cast pearles before Swine And least wee should thinke this were onely true of priuate admonition or reproofe wee may remember that to the 70 Disciples hee giueth the same commaundement concerning publike teaching saying to them when he sent them foorth to Preach by two and two Luke 10.10 But into whatsoeuer Citie yee shall enter if they will not receiue you goe your wayes out into the streetes of the same and say Euen the very dust which cleaueth on vs of your Citie wee wipe of against you Except therefore we be such despisers as these this Scripture maketh not for their Separation but is misapplied and wrested by them And notwithstanding S. Paul with the other Christians did well in separating from them aforesaide they doe sinfully in departing from vs. Another testimonie of Scripture and of all the most vsuall and principall they take out of the 6. Chapter of the second Epistle of S. Paul to the Corinthians Vers 14.15 Bee not vnequally yoaked with Infidels for what fellowship hath righteousnesse with vnrighteousnesse And what communion hath light with darkenesse And what concord hath Christ with Belial or what part hath the beleeuer with the infidell 16. And what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idoles for yee are the Temple of the liuing God as God hath saide I will dwell among them and walke there and I will be their God and they shall be my people 17. Wherefore come out from among them and separate your selues saith the Lord and touch none vncleane thing and I will receiue you 18. And I will bee a father vnto you and yee shall bee my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord Almightie Thus endeth the 6. Chapter and thus farre doe the Separists coate and vrge this Scripture but no farther But heereunto let vs adde the first verse of the 7. Chapter for that maketh greatly for the right vnderstanding of this Scripture Seeing then we haue these promises dearely beloued let vs cleanse our selues from all filthinesse of the flesh and Spirit and finish our sanctification in the feare of God By these words of the Apostle it should seeme that sundry Christians in Corinthus according to their accustomed manner before the time of their conuersion went sometimes to their idols Temples where were nothing but grosse and heathenish Idolatrie and their with their neighbours vvho were heathens and infidels did ioyne together in their idolatrous worship or at least in their holy feasts as is said 1. Cor. 8.10 which they did celebrate to the honour of their Idols and so were d●fi●ed with the worship of idols thinking with themselues that they might lawfully ioyne with them in externall idolatrie and thus farre yeeld with their bodies so long as they kept their soules pure to the Lord. The Apostle hearing of this great corruption among many others telleth them that they must withdraw themselues from this idolatrous worship and defilement and separate themselues For they cannot worship God and the Diuell they are so contrarie one to another euen as light and darkn●sse But if they thus worship idols they worship the Diue●l and there●ore so doing they cannot worship God That they who worship idols doe worship the Diuell hee hath shewed them in his former Epistle in these words What say I then That the idol is any thing 1. Cor. 10.19 Or that that which is sacrificed to idols is any thing Nay but that these things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to Deuils and not vnto God and I would not that you should haue fellowship with the Deuils Ye cannot be partakers of the Lords Table and of the table of Deuils And whereas they excused this fact of theirs thus as sundry doe their going to Masse at this day that now they went not with this minde as sometimes they did to giue honour to the idols for they knew well that an idol is nothing that is that there is not any God-head in an idol and therefore did keepe their soules pure from all pollution hee answereth that they whom God vouchsafeth this honour to be his children must keepe themselues pure not only in soule but also in body 1 Cor. 6.20 called h●re fl●sh glorifying God in their bodies and in their spirits for they are Gods that so they may be wholly pure Thus we see the occasion the scope and drift of the Apostle and the true sence and meaning of these words Whereby wee learne That the worshippers of the true God may not communicate with heathens and infidels in their idolatrous or idol worship which is no b●tter then the worship of the Diuell And to apply this That a Christian at this day being in Turkey may not pertake with them in their worshipping of Mahomet or beeing among heath●ns ioyne with them in their heathenish and idolatrous seruice Which maketh nothing for their separating from vs in the worship of the true God because of some corruptions therein Except it be all one when externall worsh●p in