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A73502 The Epistles and Gospelles with a brief postil vpon the same from after Easter tyll Aduent, which is the somer parte set forth for the singuler cōmoditie of all good Christen men and namely of prestes and curates. 1542 (1542) STC 2968.3; ESTC S124410 239,766 422

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the fourth sondaye after Trinitie the vi chapter of Luke fol. xcv The Epistle on the fyfth sonday after Trinitie the .i. epistle of S. Peter the .iii. cha fol. xcviii The Gospell on the fyfth sondaye after Trinitie the v. chapter of Luke fol. xcix The Epistle on the syxte sonday after Trinitie the .v. chapter to the Romaines fol. ci The Gospel on the syxte sonday after Trinitie the .v. chapter of Marke fol. cvi The Epistle on the seuenth sonday after Trinitie the vi chapter to the Romaines fol. cix The Gospel on the seuenth sonday after Trinitie the viii chapter of Marke fol. cx The Epistle on the eight sōday after Trinitie the .viii. chapter to the Romaines fol. cxii The Gospell on the eight sondaye after Trinitie the vii chapter of Marke fol. cxiiii The Epistle on the .ix. sonday after Trinitie the fyrst epistle to the Corin. the .x. chap. fol. cxvi The Gospell on the .ix. sonday after Trinitie the .xvi. chapter of Luke fol. cxviii The Epistle on the .x. sondaye after Trinitie the fyrst epistle to the Corin. the .xii. chap. fol. cxxviii The Gospell on the .x. sonday after Trinitie the .xix. chapter of Luke fol. cxxx The epistle on the .xi. sonday after Trinitie the fyrste epistle to the Corin. xvi chap. fol. cxxxii The Gospel on the .xi. sonday after Trinitie the .viii. chapter of Luke fol. cxxxiiii The epistle on the .xii. sōday after trinitie the seconde epistle to the corin the .iii. chap. fol. cxxxv The Gospell on .xii. sonday after trinitie the seuenth chapter of Marke fol. cxxxix The Epistle on the .xiii. sondaye after trinitie the .iii. chapter to the Galathians fol. cxlii The Gospill on the .xiii. sondaye after trinitie the .x. chapter of Luke fol. cxliii The epistle on the .xiiii. sondaye after trinitie the .v. chapter to the Galathians fol. cxlviii The Gospel on the .xiiii. sōday after trinitie the .xvii. chapter of Luke fol. cl The Epistle on the .xv. sonday after trinitie the .v. vi chapter to the Galathians fol. cli The Gospel on the .xv. sonday after trinitie the syxte chapter of Matheu fol. cliii The Epistle on the .xvi. sonday after trinitie the .iii. chapter to the Ephesians fol. clvi The Gospell on the .xvi. sonday after trinitie the .vii. chapter of Luke fol. clviii The Epistle on the .xvii. sonday after trinitie the .iiii chapter to the Ephesians fol. clix The Gospel on the .xvi. sonday after trinitie the .xiiii chapter of Luke fol. clx The epistle on the .xviii. sondaye after Trinitie the .i. epistle to the Corin. the .i. chapter fol. clxii The Gospell on the .xviii. sondaye after Trinitie the xxii chapter of Matheu fol. clxiii The epistle on the .xix. sondaye after Trinitie the .iiii. chapter to the Ephesians fol. clxv The Gospell on the .xix. sonday after Trinitie the .ix. chapter of Matheu fol. clxvi The epistle on the .xx. sonday after Trinitie the fyfth chapter to the Ephesians fol. clxviii The Gospel on the .xx. sonday after Trinitie the .xxii. chapter of Matheu fol. clxix The epistle on the .xxi. sondaye after Trinitie the .vi. chapter to the Ephesians fol. clxxii The Gospel on the .xxi. sonday after Trinitie the .iiii. chapter of Iohn fol. clxxcii The epistle on the .xxii. sōday after Trinitie the fyrste chapter to the Philippians fol. clxxiiii The Gospell on the .xxii. sondaye after Trinitie the xviii chapter of Matheu fol. clxxvi The epistle on the .xxiii. sonday after trinitie the .iii. chapter to the Philippians fol. clxxvii The gospell on the .xxiii. sōday after trinitie the .xxii chapiter of Mathewe fol. clxxviii The epistle on the .xxiiii sonday after trinite the .i. chapiter to the Colossians fol. clxxx The gospel on the .xxiiii. sondaye after trinitie the .ix chapiter of Mathewe fol. clxxxi The epistle on the .xxv. sonday after trinitie the xxxiii chapiter of Ieremias fol. clxxxiii The gospell on the .xxv. sonday after trinitie the .vi. chapiter of Iohn fol. clxxxv POSTILLES OR HOMILIES VPON THE EPISTLES AND GOSPELS FROM ESTER vntyll TRINITIE sondaye wyth certayne other frutefull and godly SERMONS drawen forth by dyuerse lerned men for the syngular edificacion and commoditie of al good CHRISTEN parsons and in especiall of prestes and CVRATES Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ANNO. M.D.XL THE COPY OF THE KYNGES graciouse priuilege HENRY the eight by the grace of god kynge of Englande and of Fraūce defensour of the fayth Lorde of Ireland and in earth supreme head immediatly vnder Christe of the church of Englād To all prynters of bokes wythin thys oure Realme and to all other our officers ministers and subiectes these our letters hearyng or seynge Gretynge We let you wit that of our grace especial we haue gyuen priuilege vnto our welbeloued subiecte Richarde Bankes that no maner person wythin thys our Realme shal prynte any maner of bokes what so euer our sayd subiecte shall prynte fyrste wythin the space of seuen yeares next ensuyng the printynge of euery suche boke so by hym prynted vpon payne of forfetynge the same Wherefore we woll and cōmaunde you that ye nor none of you do presume to prynte any of the sayde bokes durynge the tyme aforesayd as ye tender oure pleasure and woll auoyde the contrarye ❧ A SERMON OF THE RESVRRECTION CHRISTVS traditꝰ fuit ꝓpter peccata nostra resurrexit propter iustificationem nostri Roma iiij ☞ Christ was delyuered for our synnes and rose agayne for the iustification of vs. Rom. iiij YF euer the greatnes or excellency of any matter hath styred vp youre myndes to gyue diligent eare at any tyme good christen people welbeloued in our Lorde and Sauiour Christe I doubt not but that I shall haue you now moost diligent and redy hearers of that matter whyche I haue at thys tyme to open vnto you For I am come to declare that great and moost comfortable article of our fayth the resurrection of our Lorde Iesus So great is thys article and of so great weyght and importaunce that it was thought worthy to kepe our said Sauiour styl on earth after he was rysen from death to lyfe to the confirmation therof in the hartes of hys disciples So that as Luke testifyeth in the fyrste chapter of the actes he was conuersant wyth hys disciples by the space of fourty dayes continually together to enstructe them the truth therof before he wold ascende vp to hys father in heauen to receyue the glorye of hys conquest and victory So comfortable is thys article to our cōsciences that it is the locke and keye of all our fayth Yf it were not true sayeth S. Paule that Christe arose agayne oure preachynge were in vayne i. cor xv your fayth were but voyde ye were yet in the daunger of your synnes Yf Christe be not rysen agayne sayeth the Apostle than are they vtterly peryshed that be entred theey slepe in Christ than are we moost myserable of al mē yf we haue our hope fixed in Christ yf he were vnder the power
AMEN ¶ Imprinted at London by Richarde Bankes and are to be solde in Fletestrete at the sygne of the whyte Harte Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ❧ THE EPIstles and Gospelles with a brief Postyll vpon the same from Trinitie sonday tyll Aduent drawen forth by dyuerse learned men for the singuler cōmoditie of al good christians and namely of prestes and Curates Christus Mat. iiij Poenitentiam agite appropinquauit enim regnum coelorum Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ANNO. M.D.XL THE COPY OF THE KINGES GRACIOVS PRIVILEGE HEnry the eyght by the grace of God kynge of England and of Fraūce defensour of the faith lord of Irelande and in earth supreme hed immediatly vnder Christ of the church of Englande To al Printers of bokes wythin thys our Realme and to all other our officers ministers and subiectes these oure letters hearyng or seynge greatyng We let you wete that we of our grace especiall haue gyuen priuilege vnto oure welbiloued subiecte Richarde Bankes that no maner parson wythin thys oure Realme shal prynte any maner of bokes what so euer our sayde subiecte shall prynte first wythin the space of seuen yeares nexte ensuyng the prynting of euery suche boke so by hym printed vpon payne of forfeture the same Wherfore we wol and commaunde you that ye nor none of you do presume to prynte any of the sayde bokes duryng the tyme afore sayde as ye tendre oure pleasure and woll auoyde the contrary The Epistle on Corpus Christi day The fyrste epistle to the Corinthyans the .xi. chapter Th argument ☞ The institution of the most blessed sacrament of the Aulter is here by S. Paule described vnto vs. BRethren that which I deliuered vnto you I receyued of the lorde For the Lorde Iesus the same nyght in whych he was betrayed toke breade and when he had gyuen thākes he brake it and said Take ye and eate this is my body whych is broken for you Thys do ye in the remembraunce of me After the same maner also he toke the cup whē supper was done sayenge Thys cup is the newe Testament in my bloude This do as oft as ye drynke it in remembraunce of me For as oft as ye shal eate this bread and drinke this cup ye shal shewe the lordes death tyl he come Wherfore whosoeuer shall eate of thys breade and drynke of this cup vnworthyly shal be gylty of the body and bloude of the lorde But let a man examyne him selfe and so let him eate of the breade and dryncke of the cup. For he that eateth and drynketh vnworthely eateth and drynketh hys owne damnation because he maketh no difference of the lordes body ☞ The exhortacion vpon this epistle ye shall fynd immediatly before the Epistle on Easter daye The Gospell on Corpus Christi daye The .vi chapiter of Iohn̄ Th argument ☞ Christ is the true breade of lyfe IEsus sayde vnto his disciples and vnto the company of the Iues. My fleshe is meate in dede and my bloud is drinke in dede He that eateth my flesh and drynketh my blod dwelleth in me I in hym As the lyuing father hath sent me and I lyue for the father Euen so he that eateth me shall lyue by the meanes of me Thys is that breade whiche came downe from heauen not as your fathers dyd eate Manna and are deade He that eateth of this bread shall lyue euer IN this present Gospel good people our sauiour Christ which is the true shepherd and feder of our soules goeth about to shake of frō oure myndes the fylthy cares of thys corporall life willyng vs rather to apply our selfes and to labour wyth the gredy desire of the heuenly and gostly ryches to obteyne euerlasting life He biddeth vs caste out of our myndes the worldy breade wherwith our bodyes be fedde and couet that heuenly brede which giueth and conferreth vnto vs euerlastinge and immortall lyfe of the soule Thys breade is taken by faythe and fayth is to be obteyned and gotten of almyghty god For it is vndoubtedly hys gyfte Whosoeuer therfore beleueth in Christe he alredy hathe euerlastyng lyfe inasmuche as he hath the foūtayne of immortalitie I am sayeth Christe the breade of lyfe As who shulde say I am that same fode whiche gyueth lyfe not only corporall but rather the lyfe of the soule and eternall The Iues amonges whom Christ was conuersaūt and vnto whom he had this cōmunicacion bosted muche in the Manna that was sente downe from heauen vnto theyr auncestours But what sayeth Christe vnto them Your fathers dyd eate Manna in the wyldernes and dyed Austin Your fathers sayeth S. Austine bicause you be lyke them murmuryng fathers of murmuryng chyldren For assuredly this people in nothyng offended god more then in grutchyng and murmuryng agaynste God Now they therfore dyed bicause they beleued sayeth S. Austin the thynge that they sawe ☜ but the thyng they sawe not they beleued not nor yet vnderstode O sacramentum pietatis o signum vnitatis The wordes of saynte Austine o vinculum charitatis Qui vult viuere habet vnde viuat accedat credat incorporetur vt viuificet O wonderfull sacrament of godlynes o wonderfull token of vnitie o wonderfull bond of charitie He that wyl lyue he hath wherof he may lyue let him drawe nigh let him beleue let him be incorporated that he may be quickened Let him not departe for the frame of the membres let him not be a rotten mēbre worthy to be cut of nor yet croked whereof he may be ashamed Let him be a fayre mēbre open sounde cleauing to the body Let him lyue to god Let him nowe labour in earthe that he maye afterwarde lyue in heauen The sacramēt of this thing saith this holy doctour that is to saye of the vnitie of the body and bloude of Christe is taken at gods bourde of some men to their saluatiō and of some to their damnation ☜ The thynge it selfe is ordeined to the saluation of al men and to the destruction of none For my fleshe sayeth Christe is very meate and my blode very dryncke Thys breade cam downe from heuen and hath an heuenly power of workynge gyuen it of god that who so euer worthely do eate it shall lyue eternally and neuer dye Wherfore good christen people we haue no nede to demaunde from heuen any Manna sythe we haue the very heuenly breade in dede that is to say the body of our sauiour Christe ready vnto vs to gyue vs euerlasting lyfe if so be we wol take it worthely with fayth For vndoubtedly Christ is that heuenly breade whiche gyueth immortalitie to our soules whych for oure sakes was betrayed and crucifyed He is the worde of god in whom who so euer stedfastly woll beleue shall haue euerlasting lyfe Who so euer shall conuey thys heuenly breade into the bowels of his soule shal be nourished and growe vp to euerlastinge lyfe For assuredly thys is the lyuely
thre therfore the fathers haue founde out the worde person for the auoydynge of many errours Why the feaste of Trinitie was institute And hereof for discernynge the sayd persons is the name of Trinitie come into the church wherby we sygnifye not .iij. vnegall persons but thre persons coequal of one in diuisible substaunce and essencie And as touchinge the vse of thys feast oure predecessours thought it good to haue some certayne tyme appoynted in the church wherin they myght intreate of the offices of those thre persons egall in godheade And bycause the fourth chapter of the Apocalyps semeth to sette forth wonderfully well the maiestie of God and not obscurely to touche the mysterye of the Trinitie the church of Englande condescended to haue the same red in the church thys daye whych brefely God wyllynge we shal declare vnto you Thus it beginneth After thys I loked and beholde a dore open in heauen and the fyrst voyce I herde was as of a trōpe speakynge wyth me sayenge Come vp hither and I shall shewe the what shal be done herafter Thys dore whych saynt Ihon sawe open no doubte is the intraunce and commynge to the new and heauenly lyfe whych Christe oure Sauioure hath made vs as the Epistle to the Hebrues the .x. phil iij. chapter wytnesseth For our cōuersacion ought now to be in heauē And saynt Ihon doth here describe the Iudicial power of Christe gyuen hym of the heauenlye father wherewyth he defendeth hys churche from the power of the aduersaries And he sayeth There was a seate set and vpon it a sytter wherby he sygnifyeth the stabilitie of Christes raygne For hys seate or trone is as Dauid sayeth worlde wythout ende And he that satte vpon thys glorious and princelye trone or seate was to loke vpon lyke a Iaspar stone and a Sardyne stone Psalm lxxxiiij By thys is vnderstanded nothynge els but a certayne heauenly royall bewty shewynge aswell the maiestye as the power most excellent of the iudge Christ For the cloth of estate royall seates of kynges be wont to be moost rychely decked and furnyshed for the settynge out of theyr Maiestye and authoritie Nowe the Iaspar stone they saye beareth the semblaunce of water and the Sardyn stone of fyer wherby is vnderstanded that the Lorde is wont to make hys iudgementes in water and in fyer as appeareth Gen. vij and .xix. Exo. xiiij and in the seconde Epistle of Peter the last chapiter and in many other places of scripture The raynebow And a raynebowe was about the seat in syght lyke to an Emerald The raynebowe is a token that god the father is made at one wyth vs by Christ and reconciled to mankynde emerald as appeareth Gen. ix Nowe the Emeralde they say is of such grenenes vertue that it maketh all thynges aboute it to floryshe and growe Lactantius Euen so by Christ the world is renewed and it reflorysheth as Lactantius doth very elegauntly and well declare in a certayne Hymne And aboute the seate were .xxiiij. seates And vpon the seates .xxiiij. elders syttynge clothed in whyte raiment and had on their heades crownes of gold Saint Ihon doth here allude to the maner of a realme well ordered where kynges and princes whyche are to gyue sentence in maters of weyghte woll not do it wythout the assistence of certayne auncient personages that haue good experience of thynges and knowlege of the best lawes lest they myght seme to condempne any man of theyr owne priuate lust and pleasure Wherfore by this allusiō he declareth that God is a moost iust iudge whose sentence all iuste persons shal approue and prayse as moost ryghtful and true By the .xxiiij. elders ye shall vnderstande aswell the patriarches and prophetes of the olde synagoge as the Apostles Euangelistes doctours of the new Testament Exod. xxiiii Nu. xi Act. xx and also the godly kynges iuges of both peoples For they in scripture be called Elders Now by the syttynge of these Elders is vnderstande the felowship of the iudiciall power with Christ accordynge to Christes owne sayenge Mat. xix Ye shall also syt vpon the .xij. seates iudgynge the xij trybes i. cor vi Also saynt Paule wytnesseth that saintes shall iudge of thys worlde By theyr whyte garmentes or robes wherewyth they were clothed is sygnifyed purenes of mynde innocencye and indifferent iudgement wythout affection Exod. xviiij By theyr crownes of golde vpon theyr heades I vnderstande the mooste pure sense of faith wherby they shal iuge of al accordynge to the arbitrement of God so that what so euer they shall iuge vpon earth shal be ratifyed also in heauen accordynge to that sayng of Christ Mathew xviii What soeuer ye bynde on earth shal be bounde in heuen and what soeuer ye louse on erth the same shal be loused in heauen Furthermore they sygnifye the felowshyp of the victories and raygne of Christ Cap. xi accordynge to that in the Epistle to the Hebrues The sayntes haue vaynquyshed realmes by fayth It foloweth in the texte And out of the seate proceded lyghtenynges and thonderynges and voyces And there were seuen lampes of fyre burnynge before the seate whyche are the seuen spirites of God The preachynge of the Apostles and of men apostolical is compared to lyghtenynge and thondrynge bycause by it is proclamed the fearfulnes of gods iudgementes the whych hange ouer the heades of infideles and such as beleue not By the .vii. lampes of fyre brennyng before the trone I vnderstande the septiforme spirite of God that is to wyt the fulnes and perfection of the heauenly graces wherwyth the kyngdome of Christ is furnyshed Esa xi i. cor xij It foloweth And before the seate there was a see of glasse lyke vnto Crystall and in the myddes of the seate and rounde about the seate were foure beastes full of eyes before and behynde c. My frendes the calamities of thys worlde wherwyth the stynch of the fleshe is repourged and the naughtye affectes of the same vtterly mortifyed muste nedes be passed ouer of vs euen as it behoued the people of God to passe the red see before they coulde entre into the lande of promission Wherfore those heauenly and spiritual waters be here sygnifyed wherwythal the pourgynge of the soules and the spiritual regeneratiō is made Ioh. iij. i. Pe. iiij For onles a man be borne agayne of water and spirite he can not se God And he calleth it a see after the Hebrues fashion whych be wont to call al gatherynges of waters sees as in the thyrd boke of kynges it is called the brasen see wherin the prestes in theyr ministracion washed and in certaine other places Now glasse is a bryght thyng wherby is meant that the water of baptisme purifyeth and maketh bryght not so much the bodye as the hartes yea euē in the outwarde conuersation of maners according to that of Christe Let your lyght so shyne before